In a week

It was July 31st. The sun was beaming down onto the green grass and the people all around were out shopping with their children, lovers, pets, you name it. The city was awake and alive, vehicles passing by as people walked on sidewalks. Booths were set outside shops and such to sell either clothing, food, or even maybe some homemade objects.

"Girl no- I'm bout to smack the shit out of you."

A voice came from the sidewalk. There was a pair of females walking through to shop around. One of them had dark brown curly hair with some gray eyes that shined metallic in that beautiful sunlight. She wore a cyan colored sweater with some dark black shorts that was clinging onto her legs. Her boots of a dark brown, making small clip claps onto the sidewalk. She laughed as she listened to her friends,

"I'll let you smack my ass if that's what your wanting~"

"W-What no! Jesus Kenzie!"

There was a female next to her had a massive blush across her face. She covered her face. Her hair was a jet black and covered both her eyes, being in two buns on top of her head with glass hairpins inside them. Her pale skin made her stand out- along with the whole hair situation. The outfit she wore was a short black dress that had a diamond on her chest, as if it was connected to her. The amount of strange looks were just as many as she could blink. It was more of she looked different and liked it,

"Hey Shinigami, do you think your dad is working tonight...?"

"Yeah, definitely. Why?"

"Because I wanna come over. I need someone to just hang with tonight..."

"Sure. I'll get the ladder and open the window tonight for you."

The two of them walked the sidewalks. Kenzie looked over to a booth and seen some cheesecake that someone was selling home made,



"I want cheesecake."

Kenzie pointed to the cheesecake sitting in a container at the booth. She wrapped her arms around Shini in a hug and gave her the innocent eyes to her. Pouting was one of Shinigami's biggest weaknesses and she knew it.

Shinigami sighed, nodding and giving a smile to Kenzie. The two of them walked to the booth and waved to the male standing there. Shini had ended up buying Kenzie a cheesecake and herself a cake pop that was pretty much made out of the same things,

"Are you happy?"

Kenzie replied by nodding. She was pretty much stuffing her face at the moment. It was normal since she never got to go out a lot because of her grandparents. She continued to eat, walking with Shini on the sidewalk,

"Calm down Ken, you'll get a stomach ache..."