It's back in town

Continuing to walk down the sidewalk, Kenzie and Shinigami occasionally had spoke to each other. Otherwise they were just being quiet and looking around. Shinigami had noticed something,

"Hey Ken..."


"School's coming back- and we need to still go shopping for it."

Kenzie's eyes widened slightly to her friend. She almost choked on her cheesecake,

"E-Excuse me? I thought that the school completely shut down and wasn't reopening!"

"Well apparently it is coming back. They remodeled and built it again- this time with a extra floor. It looks awesome."

Shinigami turned to Kenzie with her phone in hand. She loved scrolling through instagram and twitter for the latest tea and drama. She looked down at it, letting Kenzie take the phone and also scan it,

"Oh my god- it does look amazing. But can we trust it..?"

"Ken- It's a fucking school. What's the most can we not trust about it?"

Kenzie gave a concerned glare to Shinigami and sighed. She looked away, giving the girl her phone back. Of course she was thinking in her own head maybe it was just from past experiences with the school. She wasn't sure what to trust anymore.

The two of them continued walking down their path. They had seen a close friend in a small distance. Shinigami put her phone to Kenzie's chest and almost dropped it, leaving Kenzie to catch it. She ran over to the new female and hugged her tight,


Was the only thing Shinigami could say before pouncing onto the friend. She smiled,

"Hello Miss Akoku."

The female on the ground gently pulled off Shinigami. She stood to her feet, dusting herself off. Kenzie always got a little intimidated from the height of Lunarina, who was about 6'4. Lunarina looked down to Kenzie and gave a emotionless facial expression,

"Hello Miss Jewel."

"Hi Lunar-"

Shinigami looked up to Lunarina and jumped a few times, being suddenly so extremely happy. She always got happy around Lunar- but wasn't sure why. She smiled,

"So where have you been?! You disappeared halfway through the school year!"

The question made Lunarina think for a moment. She blinked a few times, trying to explain what happened to her. She sighed,

"I don't wish to talk about such nonsense."

She looked to Shinigami and Kenzie with a small glare, not wanting to really have them worry about her. She crossed her arms,

"Anyways, I was at home. I had a suggestion from Miss Alto to come out to the town. She said her and her twin were out. I took the suggestion."

The two girls nodded. Kenzie sighed and looked to the time on Shinigami's phone since she still had it in hand,

"It's almost 3:30. I will have to be getting home in a few hours."

Shini looked to her and smiled, nodding in a reply type of way,

"Well. All we can do it try to group everyone for the new announcement about the school reopening. Mayyyybbeeee get everyone to my house~?"

Kenzie nodded. Lunarina watched them and she kept her arms crossed. Hearing about the school made her a little uncomfortable, but she wasn't going to express it,

"For now, let us just continue to have the fun we can out here."

The two nodded as they started to walk again.