Lunarina's Apartment

On the lovely walk the three were having, Lunarina had looked around at her surroundings a few times, as if she didn't trust anything there. She blinked more than the usual person, and held herself a lot,

"You good Lu?"

The question rather had caught her off guard. She looked down to who she had been messaging earlier. Mamiko,

"Oh- yes indeed. I'm quite alright."

Mamiko smiled at her and clapped her hands, jumping a little as she turned to Kenzie and Shinigami,

"So guess what-!"

Kenzie decided to answer since she knew Shinigami wouldn't,


"Caleb and me are going on a date soon! He said his parents are finally starting to get used to me!"

"That's great, Mami! I'm happy for you!"

Kenzie looked over to Shinigami and hit her with her elbow, giving a evil glare towards her. Shinigami nodded with a smile to Mamiko while rubbing her arm. It wasn't anything specific. She just tended not to like the athletic female in front of her,

"So where is Crysti?"

"Oh she said she had to go to work-"

"You mean have sexual intercourse with men and women all day and night?"

Lunarina commented. She gave a very small confused look, frowning upon the thought of letting someone who was one of her loved ones to go out and do such a 'job',

"You're joking. She would never do that."

"Hm. You're right. I was just playing around with you."

In a very mono toned voice, Lunarina replied aloud. She clearly wasn't joking but she seemed to hide it pretty well.

Shinigami held her arms,

"How about we just go get something to eat? Or do something-"

"I want to take a fat nap."

"Of course you do Kenzie, Of course you do."

Kenzie had never really gotten sleep at night due to the nightmares and just not being able to sleep unless she took some kind of medicine. She yawned,

"Can we just go to your house nowwww...?"

Shinigami gave her the look of 'bitch- you think?' and nodded no,

"I can't. Father is still home at the moment."

"I can invite you over to my apartment. Scarlett wouldn't mind of course."

Kenzie nodded to Lunarina, smiling up to her. She just wanted some rest. She took her phone out and walked a few steps away, calling her grandmother. She had to slightly convince her, but it was worth it. The small being walked back over to the trio and gave a nod, letting them have their little 'We're gonna party' moment.

Lunarina had decided to call up to Scarlett, explaining the situation. She knew Scarlett would understand. It was only because Scar knew them, and it wasn't someone Lunarina would cheat with. She hung the phone up,

"To my place it is."


Shinigami, Kenzie, and Mamiko started following Lunarina to the apartment. It was time to take a short walk back then.