With the guests here? *NSFW warning*

** Hi there! This one has some NSFW so if you aren't not into that- I suggest skipping this part-**

In the bedroom, Scarlett and Lunarina sat on the bed. They were in their little cuddly moods and wanted attention. Scarlett laid down onto the bed, feeling the fluffy blanket under. She looked up to her lover and smiled,

"Mm~ You know- You've been really stressed out lately love."

Lunarina listened to Scarlett and held her cutie pie's hand, giving a gentle kiss,

"Yes, I do know. But I must do my job."

"How about we do something to relieve some of that stress?~"

When Scarlett suggested the activity, Lunarina's cheeks turned light pink and she slightly changed her expression to a more 'I'm into it but worried'. She wasn't sure what to say. What to do,

"Are you sure Miss Mansfesto? We have guests.."

The next thing Lunarina seen was Scarlett pull her down and kiss her. She closed her eyes and started to kiss her lover back.

Scarlett placed her arms around Lunarina, kissing down her neck and giving small nibbles. She was the more dominant in this relationship.

Lunarina placed her arms around Scarlett's waist, going down to her ass and giving a gentle slap to it.

"Don't make me hit you~"

"Do It, i'll enjoy it and you know that."

Lunarina smirked a little. She then felt her crotch be hit by Scarlett. Her blush got heavy and darkened into a red,

"M-Miss watch it!"

"Oops~ Sorry~"

Scarlett had felt a hand go onto her breasts. She started to blush herself. A small quiet moan came out as she felt Lunarina grope her. The two were gonna have fun for a while-

**NSFW over**

Back with Mamiko and Shinigami, the two were just vibing on the couch. Shinigami looked to Mamiko and she smiled,

"So Mami- How are you feeling? I heard from Crysti you were sick..."

"Oh yeah. I had a huge fever and cold. Probably the flu?"

"Damn. Sounds shitty. No matter- Shini is here to help!"

"Yeah but how long will you be here...?"

Shinigami's eyes widened a little. She just kinda looked away from Mamiko. The room was silent as she got up and coughed a bit,

"I-I need to use the restroom. Be right back!"

From there, Shinigami went to the bathroom down the hall. She locked herself in it and slid down the door, holding her mouth. She thought about what Mamiko had said earlier and teared up even. Her hands started to shake. Of course she knew what the girl was talking about, but why would you say something like that?!


A voice came from behind the door. Shinigami looked up and her eyes widened, kinda just looking towards the wall in front of her.