In the Bathroom

Sitting there, the bathroom door opened. It hit Shinigami gently in the back. This made her jump and scoot away from the door. Her body turned around to whoever was standing at the doorway. Looking up, Kenzie stood there. But she looked different. Off maybe. Her eyes were completely rolled to the back of her head, along with a very disturbing smile. When she spoke, her voice had a deeper tone, and was very, very distorted,

"S-HinI- yOu aLriGHt?"

Shinigami knew this wasn't her. She knew her mind was fucking with her already. She put up her sleeves to her face, covering it and starting to cry into her sleeves,

"Leave me alone! You aren't real!"

On the side of the bathroom, Lunarina and Scarlett could hear the noise. Lunarina got up and put on her clothes. She put her hair up as well back into that high ponytail she always had, walking out. She went to the bathroom and looked to Kenzie,

"What is the matter with Miss Akoku?"

"I have no idea. I walked up because I heard her crying. Or making some noise. And wanted to check up on her.."

This made Lunarina very concerned. She stood there with her hands behind her back. She turned her gaze to Shinigami and called out to her,

"Miss Akoku- Uncover your face please."

Shinigami heard Lunarina, her sleeves moving away from her face as she looked up to the taller female. She looked to Kenzie, seeing her normal self. The both of them looked pretty worried,

"Shini- what happened?.."

"I don't want to speak about it."

"Miss Akoku. We can't help you if you don't tell us what is the matter."

The trio had a small pause of silence before hearing some footsteps nearby. A voice came after.

"I did it."

Mamiko stood there with her eyes looking down towards the ground in shame. She felt bad for making Shinigami do all this,

"We were talking. And I said something I shouldn't have."

"What did you ask of her?"

"I asked how long she would be here for."

Kenzie was a little confused. She looked to Shinigami and then back to Mamiko, replying to the listened audio between her and Lunarina,

"I'm sorry but how is that-"

"She means it in a context of death."

Lunarina turned to Kenzie,

"I'll help Miss Akoku out of here. You both can go into another area of the house, or possibly set terms."

The two females walked off.

Lunarina walked over to Shinigami, holding her close. She was so calm in this situation. It was almost.. creepy in a way. She picked Shini up and held her over the shoulder, letting Shini wrap her arms around her neck. She walked to the bathroom door and closed it behind her, walking down the hall to the guest bedroom so Shini could have some time to herself,

"Rest here. I will call for you when food is ready."

Lunarina left.

Shinigami looked to the bed and she jumped, backing off the bed as she seen fresh crimson blood all over the sheets and pillows. She covered her mouth to prevent any screaming. Holding her face again for a few minutes, she lifted the sleeves again. A clean white bed that was fixed up. She walked back to it and sat down, having her knees up to her chest and to start crying again. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Well- She did. But. No one else knew, did they?

((Authors Note (AN): Hi! Thank you for the 500+ views. I'm sorry I don't upload every day! While your reading this, remember to smile and give yourself a pat on the back for being amazing!))