Setting the room

"So would you like to explain yourself?"

Kenzie sat there on the couch with Mamiko. Her legs crossed as she turned her body towards the other female. She had on a blanket, trying to get comfortable with the seating. When she finally did, her eyes glanced to Mamiko.

"Well. Uhm. She asked how I was feeling."


"I told her about the fever and cold I had, telling her it was the flu probably."

"Okay- So how the hell-"

Mamiko teared up a little. She felt so guilty. Her voice could be heard being more shook up, almost in a way of fear,

"She told me that she would be here to help me! And then I asked her how long she would be here for!"

Kenzie leaned up. She scooted to Mamiko and smacked her hard,

"You damn well know that shit triggers her. I don't know what you were thinking. Fucking dumbass."

As soon as Kenzie was finished, Mamiko slapped her back with the back of her hand, making it hard for Kenzie. She continued to have clear tears fall as they landed in her lap and under her chin,

"I didn't mean to!"

"Yes you did! I know you do! You do shit and act like your the victim!"

There was complete silence between the two. Until someone came over and broke it.

Scarlett could feel the tension. She smiled to them and patted both their heads,

"Come on now. How about watching a movie while we make dinner?"

"That sounds good."

Mamiko smiled to her. She wouldn't take her anger out on a sweetheart like Scarlett. Kenzie on the other hand- she almost slapped Scarlett in anger. She crossed her arms, looking away.

Scarlett grabbed Kenzie's cheeks and chin. She pulled Kenzie close to her face and gave a smile,

"Dear, I suggest not trying to hit me please. I have done nothing to you."

"Or what? You gonna kick me out?"

"Well that would be up to my darling Lunar."

Scarlett let go of Kenzie's face and she smiled, leaning up and walking off. She went to Lunarina and hugged her from behind,

"Hello my adorable cutie."

"You must be talking to yourself then love."

Scarlett blushed as she nodded no. She then let go and looked to a recipe book on the counter,

"How about we look through and find something we like?"

"Sounds wonderful."

The two had flipped through the recipe book. They ended up picking out the 'Sirloin Steak with Garlic Butter'. They decided it would be good for tonight at least. Lunarina went to the sink and washed her hands, drying them off and putting some gloves on to handle the steaks with. Scarlett was going to set up the table tonight. She walked past Lunarina, going to a cabinet and taking out some plates, silverware, and napkins. She slowly got to the table and started to set it up.

While all of this was happening, Shini had laid down in the bed. She closed her eyes, slowly starting to fall asleep as she held the pillow tight. She didn't have the blanket over her due to her being hot. Her small snores filled the room. While she was asleep she had missed a phone call from someone. And another. And another. Until it completely stopped. It was silent from there on other than her own noise.