Dinner time cuties!

+ Around 6:30-7:00 pm and this is shorter

Lunarina looked over to Scarlett, walking over and placing a hand onto her shoulder. She gave a small glance over her face and hands, noticing some things. Scarlett was starting to sweat a lot. The sweat was honestly dripping down her face as she was still in the kitchen. The heat was getting to her, since her body temperature was always warm,

"Love, you are burning up. Please go take a rest. You will overwork yourself."

"Oh well- I guess I should go awaken Shinigami then. Be right back!"

Scarlett got up and she took off the apron, watching the two on the couch. She smiled warmly as she walked by. Her footsteps were heard from the bedroom..




"Shini dearest!"

Shinigami woke up slightly from the voice in the room. She tried to look over to who it was, her vision was pretty blurry when first waking up a lot. She sat up and felt some hands on her shoulders,

"Dinner is ready if you want to come to eat~!"

Scarlett had taken her hands off and then walked out. She smiled a bit wider, skipping back to the kitchen as if she was some sort of child. When passing by the two on the couch, she tapped both their heads and smiled at them,

"Dinner time kiddos!"

Walking away, Kenzie and Mamiko stood and walked to the kitchen. Lunarina had already put the food onto the plates. They all sat down with Lunarina and Scarlett together. Kenzie in the middle, Scarlett next to Kenzie. Mamiko next to Kenzie. Then the empty chair. The four of them waited for Shinigami.

Mamiko started eating almost immediately. She was a big foodie type, and so was Kenzie. The two kinda just started eating their food.

Soon Shinigami walked out and she rubbed her eyes, going to the table and sitting next to Lunarina and Mamiko. She looked to her food and sighed, just kinda playing with it for now. The 5 of them did their own thing for the moment.

It wouldn't take long for them to finish dinner tonight.