Unexpected Phone Call

The group sat at the table with their last bites of food left. After completely stuffing themselves, Scarlett got up to collect the dishes and such. Soon stopped by Lunarina. The taller female didn't want her lover to be overwhelmed tonight with stress from the small extra things she did around the house,

"Darling, i'll handle this. Go rest."

Scarlett simply paused to look towards Lunarina, then sighed and nodded. She knew she was going to end up over working herself after. So it was best. She stood and waved goodnight to everyone, then walked out the kitchen to the halls. She went to the bedroom and got dressed in some shorts and a long sweater. Of course she liked to be comfortable when sleeping. Laying back into her bed, she turned on the TV and started watching the first channel on there.

Back into the kitchen, Lunarina pushed in her own chair and Scarlett's, picking up the plates and silverware around. She made extra sure not to touch anywhere on the silverware but the handle. It would sicken her to touch an area that someone else ate off of. She went over to the sink and placed them in some warm soapy water to soak. She heard something go off at the table.

Over towards Shinigami, her phone started to ring again. The poor girl didn't even get a chance to get up from the table. When she did, her phone was answered and she put it up to her ear,


It took a minute. Some pausing.... even more pausing... And a hang up. The only thing she could hear was some muffled noises but she wasn't sure what to make of it. The fact it came from one of her contacts made her think for a hot minute. Her head leaned up and she looked up,

"I'm not sure what to do with this."

"Well what happened?"

Kenzie stood from the table. She walked over and stood nearby her friend, crossing her arms with a more confused look. She took the phone gently as Shinigami shown her what was going on,

"Oh shit. Do you think she's in trouble...?"

"I-I don't know. Because knowing her, this is a normal night call to make sure she's still alive."

"If this is Crysti we are talking about, I am dangerously worried about her. She is throwing herself out as if her body and mind mean nothing."

Lunarina stood there as she started to scrub some dishes at the sink. She had put on some rubber gloves that were yellow, working on the filth on each and every dish.

Kenzie shrugged her shoulders. Her heart rate was starting to speed up as she thought about it more,

"Okay- How about.. we call back?"

"Yeah, Yeah, Good plan."

Shinigami had called back the contact number and she placed the call onto speaker. She stood there, listening in as a voice answered. It was some male on the phone,


"Hi, we got a call from this number. We assumed it was our friend, is she there?"

'Oh no sorry, you have the wrong number.'

After saying those words the male had some muffled talking. In the background there seemed to be noise. But it was hard to make out what it was. Maybe some sort of crying? The female's listening in didn't know.

"I'm sorry then sir."

Shinigami hung up the phone. She felt something was off, and knew it too. She was sure Crysti was there. How else would her phone got there? Especially with that background noise? She had some talking to do with the girl when she got home. Turning her head, the only thing saw by the table was Mamiko asleep. She sighed,

"Mami isn't aware of this. And she needs to be."

"We know- but Crysti tells us otherwise. So we don't know what to do. I want to tell Mami, but i'm not very sure how to make her believe me without proof."

"So then we gotta get proof, Kenzie."

The two nodded as they went to Lunarina. Kenzie had got to go home back to her grandparents and Shinigami was gonna have to battle her father again over staying so long,

"Lunar, we have to go. It's pretty late. Will you come tomorrow to the main circle?"

"I suppose I could if I have no plans."

"Sweet. Lets go."

Kenzie took Shini's arm, waving goodbye as the two left the apartment. Mamiko was probably going to end up staying at the apartment with Scarlett and Lunarina.