Level 1 : The Village of Valhalla

"In this messed up world. I only rely on my instinct of survival"

It's been 1 month we trapped in this game called Arcadia Knights. Still nobody knows the real cause of it how we're trapped here. I remember when it's all started first thing we saw was exit menu is missing. soon after that our avatar changed to our original body or maybe our avatar just like real. Animals, Trees, food, water and NPCs became real especially NPC they developed. Intelligence and personalities like they are real. and worst thing is if you die you die for real there's no revival.

Right now I'm on my way to Village of Valhalla. a place of Vikings. while carry my chainsaw on my back but this forest I'm in is worse even mosquito bites feels real.

but suddenly I heard foot steps and movement of bushes.

oh I know what's that mean. it's player killers who Jill other players to stole there items. hey you son of bitch come out I know you here trying to assassinate me. I heard you noob.

than two low level Assassin came out. one with sword and another with short blade in his hand.

Do you guys think you can kill me with such low level weapons of yours ?

they still stand in combat pose. I guess they are utterly fool or utterly fearless but in any case I don't take chances so I bring out my chainsaw.

now you wanna fight here's a fight.

both of them stare my chainsaw and gave me a weird look. than they both teleport Themselves with teleportation stone.

or I say they just run after saw my chainsaw

My chainsaw is one the the rarest weapon of this game. and only level 80 and beyond can equip this. that's why I always carry that on my back this prevent me from unnecessary fights. after seeing this nobody try to punk me.

I finally here in Village of Valhalla I'm living in this town since I trapped here cuz Vikings have great taste in wine. and I don't have any reason to wander place to place. and I'm not a bit interested in finding the cause why we trapped here and how we can go back in real world. cuz this world is better than real at least for me.

As I walkinh on the street I saw other players and they all look satisfying happy. maybe I'm not only one who think this place is the best. other think that way too.

I finally came to my destiny The Vikings Bar. I entered inside and sit on corner table alone.

soon after i sat waitress came for order. all waitresses here wearing maid costume and Viking helmet on their head.

I ordered icey cool wine the cheapest one please.

she nodded her head and leave.

while sittng there i move my head left right to look around what's other doing. mostly are sitting in pack. but one person got my attention a girl in armour by just look at that amour of hers. I can tell she's level 90. but the hood which attached to her Cape hides her face.

than waitress came with my order and put that on my table and leave she didn't even said here's your order maybe cuz I ordered the cheapest wine from the menu.

I grab my mag and start drinking but as I start drinking I heard a noice but I ignored that and start drinking but when I saw everyone looking at the entrance. so i look at the entrance too.

to wanna know what's going on.

But when I saw the cause it's give me chills.

A fat guy in expensive amour and three guys stand behind him that's look like they three are his bodyguard or something but thing which gave me chills is a girl in some weird metallic undergarments. standing on her knees and her hands touches the ground it's look like she's walking on four legs like a dog. here's a dog collar in her neck with a chain attached. that chain other end is in the hands of fat guy.

From the looks of it I can tell she's a slave. she's low level player and that fat guy captured her and turn into his slave.

Soon after we trapped here some of high rank player threat low rank of there life and make them there slave. some of them fight and died some attempt suicide but some who's weak and scared from death. become slave for there life time. male slaves do labor jobs and female slaves is treated like sex toy.

Slaves do nothing but waiting for hero to come and rescue them one day. but there's no hero in this world.

I really feel bad for her but I no hero who save someone I'm a bystander. playing hero is dumbest thing you save one and make hundreds of new enemy.

so I ignored that and start drinking again.

but than something unexpected happened. the girl in armour stand up and bring out her sword in her hand. than she said "leave this girl alone you or prepare yourself to die" to the fat guy.

The guy stare her in anger. than he and his other three guys start laughing on her. than fatty said "is this bitch just said sometime ? or I just imagined"

than the girl said to him "I hate gutter rats like you. so I come to the point I challenge you for duel. if I win you have to release this girl but if I lose you can take my level 90 sword 'The Infinite'.

He replied "No if you lose you have to be my slave like her for rest of you life. do you agree ?"

Wait I get it this guy doesn't wanna fight her cuz he knows he have pretty good chance to lost to her. that's why he increasing the stake for her to give up.

so in my words he's utterly fool.

She accepted his demand than the guy said "and let me decide the rule for this duel.".

she reply "sure go ahead"


as I said he's utterly fool and coward and I know he will set easy rules for him.

He said " whoever's HP drop to 60% first will lose"

She pointed her sword to his neck and replied "bring it on"

In this game words is absolute. if you stake something you can't turn back if you lose and try to run your head blow up and you die. it's punishment to break laws. this world has only few laws and we call this 'Divibe Rules' this feature preventing punk and cheat in trades.

after that they both go outside for duel. they take there fighting stance than an invisible wall appear to prevent any kind of interference.

a board appear on sky which show both contestant names and HP.

I finished my drink in one big sip and go outside to see the match.

now I clearly see there names on board that fat guy name is The X machine and her name Zenobia.

She down her hood and revile her face. everyone pause for a second after seeing her face. but I'm still pause cuz I known her in real world her name is Mizuki Takanashi she's in my class. she's weird nerd. she bullied by other girls a lot. she's easy to pick. I heard from my classmates she's into MMO RPGs. but I never imagined that I meet her in this game.

Duel started The X Machine charge first with his magical Axe. he swing that while chanting spells.

so that's why he decided that rules for his benefit. he plan to use his special magic attack in starting. a simple strategy but one of ten times it's effective. what a plan as I said he's utterly fool. this guy increases his level by buying expensive items with real money. he's true Hikikomori.

but she blocked his attack like it's nothing with her sword than she kicked him and swing her sword while he was unguard and wide open she performe some kind of three slash combi attack

Combo of hers reduce his HP to 50% more than match requirement and she won.

And only word come out from my mouth after seeing this one sided match is "What the fuck"

Everyone starts screaming cheering and clapping. everybody here pussy before this they all sit silent like they see nothing. but now they all mocking the fat guy.

the three guys of fatty leave the place with there boss.

And I go back too the alley. not cuz there something important in alley but in heat of duel I came out from the bar without paying.

Mizuki ask to the girl "give me your hand. are you feeling okay ?

she replied nothing just crying.

Mizuki transfer one of her outfit to hers inventory. and tell her to put on.

and one of the most tragic thing in this world is you can't see someone changing their clothes. when you select an outfit it's changed without showing a thing like every game. so you can change outfit in middle of crowded Street without any problem.

they both start walking and came near the alley where j standing.

I ask them finding a place to crash? you two come with me i know one.