Level 2 : An Old House

hey ladies finding a place to crash ?

Mizuki didn't bother to see who talking to her. and said "Who are you some motel agent ?" after that she start moving on her way.

Hey Hey Hey Wait Mizuki it's me.dont just ignore me.

she stop and straight came near me and said "How did you know my nam...., wait is that you ?"

you got it I'm your classmate.

- "It's really you Yumiko Chan"

it's Yuuta. Y-U-U-T-A Yuuta.

- "Ok i get it it's Yuuta. but why other student calling you Yumiko in school ?"

Who when I didn't recall that.

-"oh sorry they calling you behind your back. I thought you knew that"

All this time they making fun of me behind my back. and I didn't know. it's feel like I dropping my HP.

-"Hey don't cry"

I'm not crying Btw let's cane to topic. You finding a place to crash. if yes, than follow me.

-"really you working as an agent for some motel."

Yeah kinda, you can say that.

-"ok ok show us the way. Mr. Agent. even tho i like my usual place to stay, but seeing you desperate to finding client. so I make exception this time"

So follow me laddies, this way.

btw Mizuki you seems so open social here unlike in real world.

o saw her face she look uncomfortable. it's look like I pulled the wrong trigger.

hey hey never mind forget that. and yeah you miss I'm Yuuta what's your name.

she looked other side than say "

Seiko it's Seiko"

oh nice car name.

I noticed she's sad and depressed so I didn't bother to continue our little conversation.

than Mizuki ask me "I know it's not my business but I'm curious why everyone calling you Yumiko."

I don't know

- "your face telling you lying. don't lie"


- "please"

No no no

"please it's a request"

I decline that

-"ok than don't tell, but I heard Yumiko is your real name, is that true?"

no that's just a rumour.

"I forget to tell you, i managed class roll book a lit, when our homeroom teacher was busy"

so what's the point ?

-"yeah point is I never saw your name in it. but name Yumiko always there."

Yeah that's my real name so what ?

she start laughing and saying "no there's no problem im it it's nice name." even my name bring smile on Seiko face too. it's look like she trying to hold her laughter.

I feeling Ike stupid right now,

than Mizuki ask me "can you tell me what's he story behind your name ?" while laughing

My mother gave me this name which become curse now. a curse which cannot be removed by any exorcist.

she Always wanted a daughter but she give birth a boy. so now you already understand the reason.

-"yeah I understand her frustration ended up with name Yumiko, well suck to be you I guess"

It's feeling like I loosing my HP.

butafter seeing Seiko smile I realize why Mizuki asking these weird question even tho she already knew the answer, cuz she just trying to make Seiko feel comfortable.i guess after she rescued Seiko, she's was thinking about this how to make her comfortable but when I came she found her answer.

Mizuki Ask "can you tell me wheres your armour ? why you walking half naked I'm just some cheap pants, are you really level 85 player ?"

oh well this, you can say small price or small trade,

-"What's that mean can't you little more specific"

Well in first week after we trapped here. I run out of coins so I gone in forest to hunt some monsters to pay my bills. but when I'm done hunting 5 level 90 player came and challenge me for a fight, and I make a deal to them fearlessly I gave my armour, gems and other supplies I had. in exchange for my life.

-" Why didn't you use teleportation stone. or return spell ?"

Well I already sold my Stone at that point and not a magic user so I can't use that spell, I need magic scroll for that.

-"everyone have that scroll from the starting"

Ha ha ha well I sold that one too before the stone.

-"How in the world did you manage to sold that much items in just one week

It's a complicated story to tell so just forget.

We finally here laddies it's the mansion I'm taking about

-"really it's more look like ruined old house, I bet there's nothing older than this house. but the thing is it's first time I saw this in game."

hey didn't you already noticed game changed slot since we trapped here

Than I opened the door and that's sound Eeeeeee like it's directly coming from some horror movie.

no need to be get scared laddies there's nothing scary here except the owner.

than I saw an axe coming towards me I doged that. than I saw house owner Granny who throw that axe she shout on me "who's the scary owner you talking about ?"

well of course I didn't meant is you, you ain't scary you still young look like you still in your twenties.

-"very good now tell me you came again freeloader, and I see you brought company with you nice, first time you able to bring some client here."

than she said to girls to sit and she gone upstair to prepare room for them.

Mizuki asked me "You carrying a fancy chainsaw in you back. is that one of the rare item ?"

Yeah it is from last year Halloween Special Event

-"Awesome, I glad to see you didn't lose you chainsaw yet"


than granny came and said "come with me o will show your room.

Mizuki ask "there's only one room where's your ?"

oh I have my special room right behind in the barnyard. I can't sleep without straws.

than they both leave with granny and I crash on bundle of straws in barnyard.

sleeping in straws isn't that bad. it it's absolutely free.

morning comes I awake I walk to the counter and saw both of them there.

Hey good morning

Mizuki see me and ask "who are you ?"

wait what it's me Yuuta don't forget my name all of sudden.

- "what the hell happend with your face"

oh that's is mosquito bites. in this world mosquito only bite when your sleeping in outside without and kind of sleeping bag or bed.

but don't worry it's just gone in 5 minutes after awaking.

wait it's about to time

than my Freddy Krueger gave again turn into normal

see no big deal

-"can you sit here I need to talk"


now tell me what's is about ?

-"I need your help"

for what ?

-"to built a guild"

okay but what for ?

-"to save weak players from getting abuse and killed"

wait let me think

*a guild it I starting it with her that means I'm also become an higher rank member but being higher rank in guild bring tons of responsibilities. and that's pain in the ass, but its first time a girl asking me for help. otherwise before that every girl I met only ask me to "don't talk again' fuck that's painful memories.*

.- "why I thinking you recalling your bad experience from the past"

No no no no girls never regreted me in school.

-" okay I get it it's all about bad experience"


-"so wanna help ?"

no I pass

"of you join the guild you get a nice place, money, armour, nice food, wine etc etc"

I'm in

-"that's fast, btw did you know anyone who also can help us in this.

well yeah I guess let me think wait I know someone, it's from our class Satou. he and I play a lot of quest together. when it's just a game.

- "please don't tell about me just say you need help in something can you do that ?"

I don't know what's problem in this why you hiding but that's okay I can do that.

let me call him, he is in my friend list.

here's we go

*connecting please wait*.

than after few seconds he only co up and say "hey You you still alive, that's good to hear"

wow nice way to greet a friend I see Motherfucker.

listen I need your help

-"help for what ?"

I can't tell you on call can you come to The Village Of Valhalla, I'm there or is that not possible right now ?

-"well I can do that, but I'm coming there after I complete my quest, I'm with my party right now."

so how much time did you need to complete that quest ?

-"let me guess I say an hour or two mostly."

that's good than come hurry.

-"yeah sure

Peace out"

Peace out

hey he's coming,

but how he make his one party. I guess he level up a lot since I last saw him in game.

after waiting more than 3 hour, when I'm about to die cuz of boredom. than I suddenly head Knock Knock on the door. and granny said "it's opened come in"

than Satou came inside with two other players. and ask granny "is a creepy looking guy with chainsaw is here ?"

and granny answered him "that creepy face sitting right there"

I wave my hand and sat hey bitch your daddy is here.

Than Satou saw me and say "hey there I didn't notice you there. wassup"