HE IS...

The night turned out eventful and it was actually the best night of my entire life. I don't regret sneaking out and for the first time, I don't care about the aftermath. He was so gracious and he helped me out while searching for drunk Clara. I don't know what happened to her cos for a fact I know she never drinks and she would never take a sip of alcohol not to get tipsy. I wonder whether or not she has a problem with her boyfriend.

"Amanda! There you are. I love you soooo much. I was searching for you everywhere. Why did you leave me." Clara kept repeating the same words and uttering rubbish. When she saw Judah, she called him Jeff and hugged him tightly and after a while , she vomited on him.

" I am so sorry Judah. She's never like this and she doesn't drink. I feel she's going through things that she's unable to disclose with me and the thought alone makes me sad..."Clara threw up on his clothes again and in an attempt to clean it off his body, she spread it all over his body.

" Judah, I would get you a new cloth if you want. I am

so sorry" I say pulling Clara from his body.

" Don't bother Angel. I would take care of myself moreover, I always have extra clothes in my car. I would clean up and change now. " He said.

" Thank you so much. I am just sad she looks so vulnerable. "

" Would you want me to drop you off?" He said

" There is no need for that "

" I insist, I would take you in your car then come back to get mine. I can't leave two beautiful ladies at midnight"

Okay then, no problem if you insist"

" Can you do me a favour sweetheart?"

" Oh now, it's sweetheart. So, what is it?"

" Please don't say no. Can you give me your contact details?" I was even thinking he wanted to request for something else because of the way he took it so serious. I couldn't help but laugh excessively

" Is it my contact details you wanted to ask for that you were requesting for with so much relevance like it's Gold" I said amidst my laughter.

" You should know by now that you are a Queen so why would I take anything related to you with levity?"

" Okay, okay. Your use of flattery words is enough" I said and exchanged contacts with him. Clara on the other hand was just sputtering out gibberish. I couldn't fathom any word she was saying and I wanted to know what her problem is.

On our way home, I sat at the back of the car with Clara by my side. She was mumbling some words so I bent to hear her

" Jeff, trust me. I would never cheat on you. Why don't you trust me" she mumbled and slept off.

So Jeff is the main reason for her change in attitude. I might like him a whole lot but I wouldn't allow him go unscathed. My own wonder woman is now looking so vulnerable crying in her sleep. I had always known he was a player but I didn't expect him to ever hurt her. Was that why they were talking for so long during the day? All I cared about is my stupid self. Not realising my friend was in pain, I was being selfish. "

" Hmmmm" I sighed aloud

"What's the problem Angel? Thinking about your friend? She looks so strong even in her sleep. I promise she would be fine"

" Are you sure?" I asked worriedly. I know he doesn't have an answer for it cos she acted so tough I didn't notice anything but I just wanted consolation from him.

" I always keep my promises " he said and smirked. Even smirking makes him drop dead gorgeous. I was drooling over him not realising we were already at my place. I only discovered that when he screeched to a halt.

" Done checking me out" he said

" I wa...snt doi...ng that " I stuttered

" I know for a fact that people only stammer when they are nervous or when they are lying and from what I can see, you are both. Don't lie to me. I would always find out" he breathed close to my ears and I started feeling hot weirdly.

He helped me with Clara to the door and told me he was gonna check on me later. Surprisingly, my guards were nowhere to be found. There should be a reason for this. I entered into the living room dropped Clara on the chair and started heading to my room when my dad stormed in.

" Where the hell were you Clara?"

" I told you never to leave your house without guards. Do you wanna lose your life and kill me as well. You are all I have and you keep acting like you own yourself."

" Dad, I am 22 for crying out loud. I don't have a life and I definitely haven't enjoyed myself as much as I should. You are always monitoring me. You should pull a trigger to my head and stop making me lead a

wretched life. This definitely isn't the life I want. I would have preferred to be born poor and if I was given the opportunity to choose a father,I would never have chosen you. You make my life a living hell dad."

This is actually the first time I would speak to my dad this way but I am actually fed up. I am not a toddler whose movement should be restricted. It's time for me to enjoy myself with people( Judah ) my inner mind said .I noticed my dad expression changed, I have never seen this side of him and to be honest, I was scared though I knew he couldn't hurt me no matter what.

" I am sure this is because if your friend you are saying all this to me and I would make sure you cut off ties with her." He said and left the same manner he came in. He didn't even allow me relay my response.


I am a mafia lord, the son of a contractor who was murdered when I was 10 I knew my dad did bad things cos I overhead some of his conversations when I was young and how he plotted to kill someone's wife .So, when he was killed. I didn't feel bad cos I felt he was punished for all his wrong doings. We were in the process of mourning my dad when a man came in and started shooting everyone who was around. I later found out it was the man whose wife was killed. When he got to where we are, he shot my junior brother who was 3 years old and gave orders for my mom to be raped while I watched. My mom was raped to death and even when I kept pleading for mercy, he didn't stop. I was surprised he didn't kill me and I made a promise to myself that I would make him suffer. My dad's friend linked me up with a mafia lord and I worked as an assassin for years but in order to rise to the top, I killed him and whosoever kills a mafia lord becomes the new lord( jungle rule is what it is called). I am here now having attained enough power to kill his only daughter and make her suffer the same fate as my mother. I was expecting her to be a narcist but she's so humble , naive and extremely beautiful. I wouldn't let her physical appearance stop me from executing my mission. Ricardo must see his daughter in the same state as my mom... I AM JUDAH.