My reason to Live and Die.

I joined an assassin group when I was 16 and ever since then I had been watching Amanda's every moves. Funny enough, I didn't hate her so in other to start hating her, I got so much distractions up to to extent that I became the best assassin. Every one shivers when they hear the name Sword as that is my code name. I don't use gun or any other item to kill. I kill with my bare hands and my words .People die at the mention of my name and as I got blood thirsty at all times, I decided to get back to my original mission making Amanda's daughter suffer. I don't care if I die after completing my mission of killing her in a brutal way.


I don't know why but I have been expecting his message for minutes. Each time I see my screen light up. I rush to check my phone and when I see it's not a message from him, I sigh. Clara noticed my actions and started laughing

" Why on heart are you laughing?

" Someone is in love with someone she met overnight"

" Stop it! I don't fall in love that easily "

" I never knew love at first sight exists until now " Clara said

" Stop it" I said and blushed

" I am sure if you were fair skinned, your cheeks would have been red by now.

" I don't know why I am blushing. My blushing gene just decided to showcase itself now . Okay I would tell you the truth. I am tripping for the guy I met yesterday. I actually met him at the mall yesterday not like I actually met him but I saw him from a distance and he winked at me. I have been mesmerized by him since yesterday. My brain isn't letting go of his presence and my heart keeps longing for him. I wanted you to have a word with him yesterday at the club but you were so drunk. That reminds me, what is the wrong with you and Jeff?

I noticed her expression changed and she started shedding tears

" Sweetheart, what's the matter? Tell me what's wrong. I might not be the best person in your life right now but I would definitely come to your aid when you are sad and fight off predators for your sake. Tell me what's wrong Darling.

" You would.. n't be ..eve Jeff told me he doesn't love me any longer just because he was able to have sex with me. He said he doesn't trust the fact that he deflowered me and I implanted a fake hymen. He said so much hurtful words to me and didn't stop even when I kept apologising and confessing how much I love him but he eventually broke up"

" Jeff did all these to you and you didn't tell me. I would make sure he goes six feet under the ground. He is such an idiot and he would answer to me. Gosh... you were going through this and I was busy telling you about how I was feeling and you didn't show that you were feeling bad .You are to best our of a billion darling and I love you so much . I promise someone better would come into your life. Someone we would introduce to my dad and the whole world. Someone who would treat you like the queen you deserve to be treated like. Someone who would kill for you".

" Amanda, you didn't tell me you were a poet " Clara said while laughing

" I would become anything for your sake okay. I have made you laugh which is enough to make me happy." I said and pulled her into a hug"

" Let's take about your new guy. You have made me happy "

"I am actually expecting a message from him. I could have sent it first but I don't want him to see through my feelings"

" I don't want him to see through my feelings"she mimicked". If you don't know, everyone would be able to see that you are in love with someone right at this moment. I am sure even your dad would be able to."

"Is it that obvious? "

" Am I not hiding it well?

Right at that instant, I heard a notification from my phone and I went to check it sluggishly

" Hello Angel"

I knew the only person who calls me angel is Judah and no other person. I started jumping round and dancing and Clara started laughing and rolling on the ground.

" Clara don't hurt yourself " I screamed

"It's a credit alert" I lied

" We both know, I can read through your lies. Just reply him.

" Hello Judah "

" How did you ever find out that it's me "

" You are the only one who calls me Angel. My dad calls me Princess"

" That's because you a drop dead gorgeous angel"

" Enough with the flattery, how was your night?"

" I barely had a night. I kept thinking about you and restricting my hand from texting you"

" I can't believe it, I was waiting for your text all night".

" Did you just sent that " Clara asked

" Were you reading my chats?" I asked her

" I had to, one minute and you have made it so obvious that you love him "

"OMG" I exclaimed and deleted the text and almost simultaneously I received a text from him which reads

" You shouldn't have deleted that Angel. I was chatting with only you so I saw it before you deleted it. Too late sweetheart.

" Now, I feel so foolish" I replied back eyeing Clara

"You don't have to. You have to pay me back"

" And how am I supposed to do that" I said

" Let's go on a date, bills on me"

" You are asking me out on a date right now "

" Of course, I am. I take every opportunity by the forelock so why would I loose a moment with you "

I read the message and blushed

" Okay, what time would we meet and aren't you scared you might meet my dad?

" Tomorrow by 6pm. I would be waiting by your door and regarding your dad. I would cross hurdles in other to meet you. Fear isn't my problem "

"No problem then. See you tomorrow "

" I would be counting the stars while waiting"

" You wouldn't do that okay. Goodnight "

" Sweet dreams Angel "

" You too".

I don't know why but the time started moving slowly just like the seconds were having a kinda restriction maybe it's because of my anxiety though. I actually told my dad I was going on a date and he decided to wait to see the lucky guy like Clara had overemphasized. I can't believe he took time out of his busy schedule, he can be unbelievable a times. When it was 5: 30, I heard a knock on my door and surprisingly it was Judah.

" I couldn't wait for the eighteenth hour." He said and pecked me. We turned around when we heard my dad clearing his throat. I noticed a glint of recognition on my dad's face but he covered it up almost immediately and asked

" Young man, what's your name "

" I am Judah" he said then smirked. The smirk I actually love

" Please take care of my daughter okay"

" I would, she's my angel"

I noticed my dad was nervous but I can't fathom any reason. You can't be scared of someone who is younger than you and you just met right .So, I let go of the thought.

We went for dinner at a very nice restaurant and I was amazed by his choice. We talked and I revealed so much secrets than I ever thought I would disclose in a night. I must confess that he is a very good listener. When we approached my house, he kissed me. Judah stole my first kiss. I was shocked so I didn't reciprocate not that I know how to but I didn't.

" When you are kissed you are meant to reciprocate or is this your first kiss?"

" Ehm... I ..didn't " I found myself stuttering. Amanda get yourself together and give him a reply

" From our discussion this night, I know you aren't a stammerer so can you speak in words we both understand "

"Okay, I am sorry. This is actually my first kiss. I have never been together with a guy with that kinda proximity so I didn't know what to do. Oops, another secret leaked"

" I am happy to be the first so this time around when I kiss you, you kiss back. Just do whatever I do" he said and I nodded.

He kissed my lips and coiled his tongue with mine then started kissing my neck down to my collar bone. I started getting wet and I let out a moan the moment he groped my boobs. He stopped and smirked but I was feeling extremely shy so I just bent my head.

" This would have to continue another day someone seems to be waiting for you " I said and looked outside the window to see my dad waiting anxiously. I know he didn't see what just ensued in the car cos the glass is tinted so I let out a sigh of relief.

He got down, opened the door for me and whispered

" I love you " into my ears.

I felt everything stop right at that instant but I'd isn't reply. He pecked me got into his car and zoomed off.

" I don't even know why I told her that" Judah soliloquized

" I need to think and re strategize cos Amanda is gonna be the death of me"