

I started to lower Paris's box into the ground with a confident smirk. I've finally trapped the bastard and cornered him. "You'll never get out," I purred to him, knowing he'd hear me as I dropped his box into the very deep hole I had his servants dig. Yeah, I made his servants dig the hole.

"Louis! LET ME OUT OF THIS DAMN BOX!" I heard his screaming from inside. I smirked and leaned against a shovel I had dragged out here, looking down at the box.

"No," I told him simply. "I'm not going to let you out. I'm going to let you rot underground for the rest of your existence. It's the worst punishment ever, to starve in a dark hole with nothing but the voices in your head. Oh, and the box was blessed by a witch, so don't even try summoning the demon. He won't be able to rescue you."


"No good reason? I have a very good reason! Who took you in when your mate left you brokenhearted on a deserted island?! Huh?! It was me! I helped you find a purpose to life without him, and as soon as he comes back- AND KILLS MY PET- you just go crawling back to him when all he does is give you a look and tell you that he loves you and he's sorry?! He's not sorry! He did that shit to you on purpose Paris! He didn't deserve you, and you went to him knowing how I felt about all this! You ditched me for him! I lost so many pets because of him, and you take me for granted! You deserve to be in that box! You let all this happen, and you cry because you got ditched on an island for a few months?! Try losing your friend that's been with you all your life! Try losing the ones who stay by you and surround you with happiness because your twin had a careless mate! You always go crawling back to him! I'm sick of it!"

"Damn it Louis! This isn't funny!" Paris hissed. "Why're you trapping me in a box! YOU'RE GOING TO BE SORRY FOR THIS LOUIS!" I glared the box down and hissed back at him before I poured some dirt on his coffin.

"RIP," I muttered. He took over my life and changed it so much... took everything I knew and dumped it upside down and then ditched me for his mate. I tried to be understanding... but I can't take it. Not anymore. Richard killed one of my pets, and they both got my werewolf pet killed because they had that baby... that damned baby. On top of that, they think they can just rule the manor we built together. I came over here to start a new life with my twin, but it's his fault all this is happening!

"Louis!" He yelled. "UNBURY ME!" He hissed.

"Why should I?" I muttered coldly and paused.

"Because I'll kick your ass if you don't." He threatened.

"No one is going to find you out here idiot," I hissed. "You're not getting out unless I change my mind, so you think about that while your stuck in here."

"Oh I'll be thinking all right," He hissed. "I've got all the time in the world to think, Louis. This coffin will rot eventually." I looked it over and raised an eyebrow.

"Paris, I had it blessed by a witch," I told him and then dumped some more dirt on it. "It's not going to rot."

"LOUIS YOU SON OF A BITCH," He hissed. "YOU'RE NO TWIN OF MINE." I flinched at the words as they stung, making me look away. Damn it.... I shouldn't be upset.... I shouldn't be upset that he said that.... Bastard.... Just shut up and bury him Louis. Get it over with. He hurt you, and now he needs to pay for it. "You throw one more piece of dirt on this box and you might as well change your bloody last name because I'll never forgive you." I looked back towards the box and hesitated. I felt the shovel falling out of my hands as my stone told me to unbury him and let him out. I gave a soft whimper and then knelt down beside the hole, reaching out towards the box as I kept back tears. What am I doing? That's my twin in there! "Louis," He hissed. I froze up just as my hand touched the box and then squeezed my eyes shut.

"What?" I asked him softly.

"GET ME OUT OF THIS DAMN BOX! I CAN'T BREATHE IN HERE, THAT'S WHAT'S WHAT!" He hit the box then. "LOUIS!" I yelped and yanked my hand back quickly, throwing myself off balance on accident and landed on top of his box. I curled up and then looked towards the locks on the box, combination locks and one lock that took a key.

"Paris," I mumbled and then leaned over towards the first combination lock to put in our birthday. "Shhh... I'm opening it...."

"Yeah you better open this damn coffin, you fucking idiot." He hissed. "You're a bad brother locking me in here." I stopped and frowned. He'll still treat me like shit even if I do let him out. This close call won't change him.... I pulled my hand back slowly, fighting all the instincts in me to unlock it.

"No.... You'll stay in the box," I whispered, breaking my heart as the words came out of my mouth. "I'm sorry Paris... but I'd rather put you in the box than continue to let you treat me the way you do...."


"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shot back at him. "I was going to let you out! You didn't have to say shit! You stupid bastard! It was great before Richard came back, but damn it, you changed," I hissed at him and then crawled out of the hole. "You're not my twin. My twin would've never have left me and would've comforted me when I lost my pets and went into depression. My twin would've kicked Richard's ass for leaving him instead of welcoming him back with open arms. He would've picked me! He wouldn't have let this happen to himself either, and he would've paid more attention to how I felt about all this and would've convinced me not to go down this path sooner so he never ended up in a box in the first place! It's your own damn fault Paris!" I screamed at him and then yanked the shovel up off the ground, turning back to the hole in fury.

"MY FAULT!? THIS IS NOT MY FAULT!" He growled. "I'M HAPPY SO WHY CAN'T YOU BE!? I'M TRYING TO MAKE EVERYTHING WORK AND NOW YOU'RE SHOVING ME IN A HOLE! You're not being a good twin." I narrowed my eyes and then threw some dirt onto the box with a shovel, keeping silent. I wasn't going to reward him by talking to him, and I sure as hell wasn't going to reward him by breaking down and crying while asking for his sweet forgiveness. "Louis, you're going to wish you never put dirt on my coffin!" He threatened. "I'm going to eventually get out of this box." I smirked and looked the box over. No he won't.

"I'll give you a bedtime story," I purred to him, deciding to be at least a little kinder about this punishment. I started to use my powers to bring back the exact memory of when we met, my thoughts, my feelings, my everything. I was going to put him to sleep for eternity with such a sweet memory... one I cherished even right now as I was burying him. I relived through it as I continued to bury him, getting gentler with each shovel throw.

"LOUIS!" He hissed. "DON'T GO BURYING ME WITH A THOUGHT LIKE THAT!" He raged. I ignored him as I got lost in the memory, and by the time it ended, I found myself laying on top of the ground I had put over his box. I felt my face wet with tears as the shovel lay a few feet away from me.

"Paris," I mumbled and closed my eyes, missing him already even though I should hate him for what he did.... I was going to be strong though.... I had to be firm with this punishment.... I'd let him out in two centuries.... I can't stand the idea of being away from him for eternity. He's still my twin, no matter how mad I am at him... or what he has made me go through....