Perriantos, The Vampire Bar

I walked through the back door of a club as I made my way out after a human boy. My mouth was watering from the idea of sinking my fangs into his neck and sucking the life out of him. I had been watching him all night! He looked idealy tastly. I licked my fangs that had been exposed for the past five minutes. As I walked out, the door shut behind me with a slam. I glanced over my shoulder at it then headed down the stairs and towards the sidewalk just below. The drunk male seemed to not notice the slam as he kept walking so I followed him onwards. This was going to be an easy catch. I pouted. Where's the fun in it? He's too drunk to notice his life is in danger! I rolled my eyes and had second thoughts about the dude. He's totally not worth it. I bet he doesn't even taste good. I should have went with the chick that was dancing near the DJ booth. She looked like a virgin... I bet her blood would be just as pure. I paused as I heard a gun go off and my thoughts were brought to reality. Somethings wrong! I looked at my shadow cast on the sidewalk, a hole of light was shinning down on my shadow indicating.. I had been shot. I gasped and looked up then to see if it was the boy. He was laying on the ground bleeding out. Idiot got shot with the bullet as well! I growled and turned my head to the tops of the building behind me. Vampire hunters. Idiots in fact. They used the wrong type of bullet and missed my head! WHO DOES THAT?

"YOU MISSED! WHO THE HELL MISSES!?" I heard someone shouting on the roof to another. I could hear them running off. Their not getting away that easy! THEY COST ME MY MEAL! I can't drink dead blood. I started for them quickly and climbed up the building with the last of my strength. I made it to the top and seen them trying to get a door open. One boy and another a girl. They looked like twins. I didn't take too much time in looking them over as I took out a knife from in my pocket and I threw it at the girl first. It landed in her shoulder and she screamed, dropping to her knees. 

"IT HIT ME!" She screamed and her brother looked at her then turned to me and pointed the gun towards me with a shaky hold. 

"Your dead!" He shouted and pulled the trigger. I widened my eyes and time seemed to slow as the bullet came at me. I dodged it then went for him and grabbed his head. I slammed it up against the wall and knocked him out the tossed him to the ground. Time sped up again as the girl took off running from me. I snickered and chased after her. I took her by her jacket then dangled her over the edge of the building. I could feel the cheap cotton tearing and soon... she fell. 

"Cheap cotton." I muttered as I heard her screams silence as she hit the ground. I turned back to the unconscious boy then walked over to him and pulled out another knife and cut open this throat. The smell of his blood entered the air and I could smell garlic in it. "YUCK!" I wrinkled up my nose. I hate garlic. There goes my meal for the night. I hissed and kicked him one good time before putting up my knife and walked over to the edge of the building and jumped off. This night was completely useless! I didn't even get a meal out of it. Mr. Hugue won't be pleased. He told me to feed tonight and stop procrastinating about it.  Too bad. I shook my head and then headed to my car right outside the alley. I climbed into the drivers seat then drove off back to his manner. Hugue was my vampire friend who took care of vampires. He had tons of cash because he is an old vampire king from Europe. He housed vampires in need and over the years after he took me in we bonded. We were pretty close. These past few years with him though have seemed strict. There was something bothering him and I could tell... I just didn't know what it was. I pondered on the ideas of what it could be. I pulled up to Hugue's manor and punched in the passcode for his gate then drove up to the manor's garage. I parked it in my car's place and climbed out. He's going to be mad I came back with a wound and no blood. I tsked and walked towards the side door of the manor. Here it comes.... He's going to be in there waiting for me. I'm going to get the talk. I entered the door and walked towards the kitchen to get a blood bottle out of the fridge and when I entered the kitchen he was waiting for me. 

"How was your night Lauren?" Hugue asked. Hugue was around 7'2... he was one of the tallest vampires I  ever met. He had long black hair that ran down to his waist and he kept it in a bun all the time. He dressed lazily in sweat pants and tanktops. He always wears slides to go with it. He liked to be comfy when he ran his manor. I gave him a shrug. Unlike Hugue I was stuck with a height around 5'3 so I was pretty short compared to him. It was almost sad. 

"I got shot. No luck with a human either." I informed him. He immediately rushed to me when he heard the news and examined my body. My wound was already healed. "Don't worry it was two dumb kids that had no clue what they were into. I took care of them." I informed him. "They even used-"

"I want you to go see Perry." Hugue had cut me off. 

"WHAT!? NO! His place is so... inappropriate!" I cried out. Perry owned an illegal vampire bar that had volunteered humans working for him that served vampires in anyway needed. If Hugue wanted me to go see Perry that meant he wanted me to go get blood from his bar. I shivered at the thought. Vampires fed right in front of one another there! The place reeked of blood too. Not the good sweet smelling kind... no... more like the iron tasting kind. 

"You'll do it," Hugue told me. "Tomorrow, after school." He left me there with that being said. Hugue had me going to college because he wanted me to experience... everything I could out of life. I was currently studying to be a film director. It was a nice idea of what to do after all. He didn't approve of it though. I walked off then to my master bedroom in the manor to get ready for my big day tomorrow. Perry's aught to be interesting.... I entered my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I better let him know I am going to be over after school tomorrow... I pulled out my phone from within my pocket and texted him to let him know it was an order from Hugue. I headed to my attached bathroom then and entered before my night could get anymore dreadful. I locked the door behind me as a bad habit then stripped in front of my wall mirror. I couldn't help but glance over my bony body in the mirror. I looked like a corpse! The dark circles was ridiculous. I blushed. I didn't realized I needed blood so badly. Maybe I should go to Perry's tonight? I stood sideways in the mirror and sized my thinness up. I definitely was about two pants side under my usual. I'll stop by Perry's before school tomorrow and get a pint of blood to last me. I turned on the shower then and stepped under to get the died blood off my skin. I'll stop by his apartment and borrow some from his fridge. He trusts me enough to know I will pay him back. I better make sure to let him know I changed my plans. I washed my body then hair and climbed out. I couldn't help but to glanced back at myself in the fogged mirror. I looked downwards as my hair lingered around my slight curves. It was a dark black when wet but when dry it was a pretty smoky brown and it reached my knees without braids. It took forever to dry! That was the only thing I regret about keeping it long. I picked up a towel and started drying my body and hair.  My hair ended up damp when I gave up on drying it and I walked into my closet to pick out something comfortable for the night. 

I ended up with a black tank top and boxer shorts, the kinds you would see on guys. I find them comfortable. I walked out to my bathroom again and grabbed my phone I left in my clothes. I texted Perry my new plans then headed for my bedroom where I found my kitten, Shy, on my bed fast asleep. I smiled softly at her then plopped down on the bed by her and picked up the Twilight book on my nightstand and began reading. Unlike some vampires I was one of the few that couldn't sleep. So to replace sleep, I read. I read whatever I got a hold of... even Twilight. I shrunk in my bed slightly ashamed of myself for sinking this low into literacy! I was reading the cruddy cliche fake vampire book, Twilight. I could only imagine what I would do if I got caught reading it! I'd die! I flipped open to where I left off at, right where Bella was seriously thinking about pressing the gas pedal and hitting Edward's car since he was blocking her truck from leaving the school parking lot. I couldn't help but to imagine myself in the situation! The only difference between Bella and me is that I would actually do it! 

Unknown's POV:

I hummed to myself as I leaned over on the ladder, reaching for a book on the top shelf. it. I giggled as I almost fell to the ground which was at least ten feet below me. "Hey! You're gonna fall!" I heard a boy shout to me from below. I glanced down in curiosity to see a blond blue eyed boy looking up at me worriedly. Plain. I smiled at him and waved it off.

"Don't worry. I do these kind of things frequently!" I watched as he stared at me. 

"You could just move the ladder closer, you know," he pointed out to me. I shrugged and reached for the book some more. 

"It's more fun this way. You should give it a try sometime," I said and placed the tip of my finger on the book and managed to knock it off the shelf onto the poor boy below. I winced as I heard him yelp. "SORRY!" I yelled down to him and came down. "I didn't mean for it to hit you." I inspected his head and saw that it had started to develop a little lump. Oops.... I bent down and picked up the book of fairy tales I was retrieving and looked at him. "I'm Raven Sylvia! What's your name?" I asked, holding out a hand. He blushed and took it, shaking my hand.

"Uriah....You know that we are in a library...right?" I widened my eyes and took my hand back, putting a finger over my lips in the universal shush sign. 

"Whoops," I said and smiled sweetly. "I get hyper sometimes....I try to be quiet, but I can't help it when I meet someone for the first time." He nodded and glanced at my book.

"Fairy tales?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded in reply. 

"Mhm, I'm really serious about them....I read one twice a week. I know! How about I treat you as an apology for hitting you with the book?" I gave a smile as I got an amazing idea. It's been awhile since I hung out with someone. 

"S-sure...What do you have in mind?" He rubbed the back of his neck shyly. How cute! I tilted my head and gave him a sweet look. 

"Don't worry...You'll like it. I know I do." With that said, I started to walk off towards the check out desk and checked out the book and took him out onto the street. "There's a special little place nearby that I like to go to," I told him and started to lead him away from other people. He glanced around nervously as I led him towards a pretty park a few streets away. As we walked, I tried to make him more comfortable by talking to him about pets and hobbies which yielded great results. He got more talkative and eventually fell into ease with me and smiled as we neared the park. "Just a little further in," I pointed to a trail that led into the less populated part and ran over to it with him and giggled. As soon as we had walked a little ways in and I didn't see anyone, I turned to him and smiled. "What do you think?" I asked, gesturing to the trees around us. He looked around and shrugged.

"It looks pretty normal to me....." I nodded and got a little closer to him. 

"You never told me what you checked out," I said, making an excuse for being close to him as I looked at the titles. They were scientific books...the kinds that college students use. I raised an eyebrow. Seems like he has dreams for his life..... Well, not to be a disappointment, buuuut.... I smiled and took the books from him, dropping them on the ground as I grabbed his shirt and yanked him to me. He widened his eyes at the sudden movements, and I moved his hair out of the way and bit down into his neck. He let out a scream and started trying to fight back, but I kept him from pushing me away and drank his blood. It was perfect.....sweet even. I hit a goldmine with him! I pulled back and smirked as he trembled, staring at me with wide eyes. 

"Y-you bit me!" He took a step back as he saw my bloody chin. I licked my lips and made a small noise as I saw the fear in his eyes. 

"Of course I did.... What did you think was going to happen?" I asked and let out a giggle as I rubbed the blood off of my face. "I'm sorry..... I can't let you live either. I'd get in trouble you see." I started to move towards him again, but he took off and ran. Great! A chase! I like it when they run! It's so cute to think that they can get away! I giggled and chased after him, dropping my own book. 

"HELP!" He screamed out and tried to get back to the main part of the park, but I grabbed his arm and yanked him back to me, biting into his wrist. 

"Did you know that your blood is really sweet? It's almost like candy!" I told him and gave a smile as I licked at the blood then shoved him to the ground and climbed on top of him to pin him down and finish him off. 

"Oh Look another vampire! I can add this one to my bag list tonight!" I heard a few feet away. It was a guys speaking and he sounded thrilled. Before I could react a gun went off and a bullet shot by my head... missing by an inch. "Ops! I missed from being so excited!" Wait..what?

"Quit fooling around and lets bag the leech, George!" I heard another guy speak up. Another gun went off and it hit the guy by me. "YOU HIT THE INNOCENT HUMAN! Dumbnut! GIVE ME THAT GUN!"

"NOWAY! You have your own gun, Mike!" I heard the other complain. I widened my eyes as it dawned on me. I got caught by vampire hunters! I looked down at the dead boy I had planned to devour and then looked over at the two men and gave an uh-oh face. I smiled sheepishly at them and wiped the evidence off my face then took off running. 

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID! Now we will have one less in the bag!" I heard the gun go off once more in my direction. 

"Oh well! Next time then! Hey let's go get some cake!" I glanced back at them over my shoulder after I had gotten a good distance away from them and came to a stop, going behind a tree to watch them. Those jerks took my food! They're gonna get it! I narrowed my eyes. I'll make them scream in pain and torture them to death! Then...when they beg to die.... I will throw one into a river with a pile of bricks and throw the other one into a fire! They're gonna pay for taking away Uriah! He tasted so sweet.... I felt rage build up inside me as I watched them walk off and started to follow them from a distance with a little smirk on my face. Mike had turned and looked over his shoulder in suspicions.

"George I think that chick is following us." Mike warned. 

"A BABY CHICK IS FOLLOWING US!? Where!" George turned around. "Here chicky chick chick chick!" He called. Mike rolled his eyes and started to take out his gun as he looked annoyed by his partner. When he got his gun out he aimed it at George then shook his head and pointed it at himself then at a tree and shot it. George didn't even notice his partner doing it. He walked off and left him. When Mike noticed George was gone he froze. 

"GEORGE!? GET BACK HERE AND STAY WITH ME!" Mike called and ran off in the opposite direction George went. I looked at the two different directions. Which one do I get first? Mike the smarter one, or George the idiot? George is going into the river..... I giggled and went after Mike, deciding that to get the brains would be a better idea to accomplish first. After a bit, I caught up to him and followed only a few feet behind him, staying as silent as I could. I'm going to beat you up so baaaad..... I let a giggle slip and then widened my eyes. Oh....Darn. I quickly went to hide behind a tree in case he heard me. He had turned around and looked for what made that sound. "Georgie?"He called. "BRO! THIS IS NOT FUNNY!" He glanced around for his partner. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes then opened them as I felt my fingers twitch. 

"You know....that was really rude of you back there," I said as I stepped out from behind the tree with a smirk and touched my exposed fangs with my tongue, watching him. He raised an eyebrow the took out a second gun. 

"Where's George you sick monster?" He asked and pointed both the guns at me. I shrugged at that and let out a little giggle.

"The poor boy will follow you as well, so don't worry. I'll reunite you in death," I said sweetly and then moved quickly behind him, grabbing one of his sides and digging my sharp fingernails into his flesh, causing him to scream and fire his guns. He spun around on me then and used his knee to shove me away a few inches then used his foot to finish the job. He aimed a gun at my head and pulled the trigger but it was out of bullets. He gasped and went to do the same with the other gun- it was out as well. He took a couple of steps away from me and dropped them then grabbed a knife from in his coat and held it out towards me, challenging me to come forwards. I smiled and sniffed his blood that was on my hand. When I detected no trace of any harmful things and it smelled beautifully pure, I licked it curiously and giggled as I tasted it. "You're blood is almost as good as that boy's blood I had earlier....Can I have more?" I asked, looking up at him with a cute look as I finished licking it all off my hand. 

"No!" He yelled at me and took a few steps away from me. "GEORGE!" He called for his partner. As soon as he called for him I heard a gun go off and a bullet went by my head by an inch. 

"HIYA MIKIE! Looks like your in trouble!" I heard George call as he appeared from a few feet away. Mike ran off for him. 


"What? No way! I need them more then you do." George shoved Mike behind him and stared me down. I pouted. George had to come and ruin my new meal.... Oh well. I tsked and started to walk up to them, not afraid of their weapons. George can't shoot very well and Mike is out of bullets with a lone knife. There's no way I'm going to lose my meal and my torture victim! George tossed Mike the gun then pulled out a new one from in his jacket. "Suppose you can borrow my gun though!" He said as he stepped aside and Mike aimed me down then shot me in the shoulder. I let out a small scream and fell to my knees as I held my shoulder in pain. Wincing, I lowered my head, my hair covering my face as I gritted my teeth. Those....jerks. They are so dead.... I'm going to make them watch each other die..... I felt a mad giggle rise up from in me as I slowly looked up at them. You should torture them first.... Make them beg. That's mean.... I smiled as I focused on Mike and titled my head, an insane look twisting up my face. 

"You're so dead," I told him. 

"No! Your going to die soon... again!" George yelled and laughed as he tilted his head sideways at me. I shook my head, laughing. I stood up and looked at my bloody hand as I took it away from my wound and licked the blood away. As soon as I finished, I teleported behind Mike and grabbed him by the throat, digging my nails into him as I bit down on his shoulder as hard as I could. He screamed out in pain and tried to pull away from me. Mike had pulled away from me as I sunk my fangs in and his blood started pouring everywhere. 

"George! Stop playing around and shoot her!" Mike yelled.

"She's above our paygrade! She's a teleporter!" I heard George yell. 

"SHOOT HER!" Mike hissed out. I smirked and jumped at him, tackling him to the ground as I bit down on his neck, licking at his sweet tasting blood. It's so rare to find two sweet blooded people in the same day! Too bad I can't let you go.... You're blood is mine, and mine alone! I giggled evilly as I pinned his hands down, throwing his gun away. "GEORGE!" George had hesitated but finally gutted up to shoot me and shot my leg. 

"GET OFF MIKE!" George ordered. I didn't scream this time, but I turned and glared at him.

"I'll get to you in a second." I turned back to Mike and bit him again, hoping to make it to where he couldn't run so that way I could take care of George....After all, he seems so jealous of Mike. George widened his eyes as Mike was getting weak under me. 

"RUN!" Mike yelled to his friend George. "Run fast George and don't look back!" Mike ordered him. With that said George took off running from the scene. I smirked down at Mike and leaned in to his ear. 

"I'll be back," I whispered to him then got up, getting ready to do the same to George. George had managed to get a few good yards from me in the time I had took to leave Mike's side. George refused to look behind him as he was running for his life. "Georgie~!" I giggled as I teleported in front of him and beckoned him to me with a finger. "Your turn!" He screamed and pointed the gun at me. His aim was shaky now. 

"You stay away from me!" He ordered. I smiled sweetly.

"You wouldn't harm little old me," I said and started walking towards him. "Besides, you left your partner back there....Don't you want to join him?" 

"No.... I'm fine here! I don't need to go join him or anything!" He fired the gun at me with that said. I watched as it almost hit me then tsked, narrowing my eyes.

"Definitely the river with you," I muttered to myself. He's not worth the playing around. JUST KILL HIM! I smirked at that. That sounds just fine to me. I took the last few steps and ripped his gun away from him, shooting him in the foot with it. "How does it feel to be shot?" I said coldly, glaring at him. He screamed and fell to his knees as he reached for his bleeding foot. 


"Of course I did, I can't have you running away when I tie you up to throw you in the river," I said with a smirk as I put the gun against his head. "Stand up. See? You vampire hunters need to learn a lesson not to steal my food away.... It makes me eat you." 

"I'm just doing my job!" George said innocently. "Besides... I let you go!" 

"Yes, then you had the nerve to shoot me," I said, feeling no sympathy. "You killed that boy who has the best blood I've ever tasted. Do you know what he did for me? He was concerned for my safety when I was about to fall....You don't just let a guy like that go." I let out a giggle as I saw his face and went to cover my mouth with my free hand. "Do you know why the vampire became an actor?" I asked suddenly, blurting it out. 

"N-No... why?" He asked quietly. 

"Because he wanted a part he could sink his teeth into!" I let out a mad laugh and grabbed him by his hair, jerking him up enough so I could bite into his neck. He let out a terrified scream as I had sunk in my fangs. His blood tasted of sweet onions. It was odd. I pulled back and tilted my head, looking into his eyes. "You taste like onions....Why is that?" 

"I eat... onions?" He stumbled away from me then. I wrinkled up my nose. 

"I don't like it. I would tell you to change your diet, are going to die today anyways." I walked after him and shot his other foot. He screamed and fell over again. 

"MIKE! HELP ME!" He screamed out in fear as he looked up at me. I shook my head. Just shut his mouth forever.... Why even go as far as to drown him? Because I want to watch him cry. I looked down at him coldly and reached down, picking him up. 

"River time for you Georgie," I whispered to him and started to go back for Mike. As I walked back to Mike I noticed a figure standing over him and holding him down with a foot. He was having a soft conversation with Mike. I couldn't see his face... or rather anything about the figure... I could tell he was muscular enough to confirm him as a male. "Oi! You! Get off my replacement!" I shouted, dropping George on the ground as I walked up to the figure, wiping at my face to hide all the blood in case it was just a human. "I need to get these two to help." I put a hand on my hip as I made sure that my fangs went back to looking like normal teeth. The figure looked up at me and then took his foot off Mike and met me halfway. He stepped into some light and I caught his looks instantly. He was in his early 20's. His hair was a bright golden honey blonde and it curled around his face to make him look suspiciously younger. His eyes threw him off the most as they were a clear blue. It reminded me of the sea. He tilted his chin up as if examining me. He wore casual cargo shorts and a plain t shirt... he didn't even have on shoes. 

"The names Perry." He spoke up then as he watched me with his sea like eyes. I gave him a smile as I calmed down slightly from my insanity rampage on the two Vampire hunters. 

"Hi Perry! My name is Raven!" I gave a small wave and then picked up George again and walked over to Mike to get him. 

"I'm afraid I won't be allowing you to discard of that one." He spoke calmly. "I could use blood like that. It would increase my business. How about we make a deal, vampire Raven." I froze and glanced back at him over my shoulder, examining him closer. Is he for real? He must be another vampire then.... Of course he can't have Mike! He's got to pay for killing my meal! 

"I don't know what you are talking about," I said, giving him an innocent look. "I'm taking these two to the hospital." 

"You can take onion blood there," He suggested to George. "Sweet blood over there though... is... more my style. I could use a blood bag like him. You give me him and I will give you two carts full of bottled blood for free. Now if I made you pay for it... that would be awfully expensive! But... This is me doing you a favor for a favor." He smirked. Jigs up then. I dropped George on top of Mike and smirked when I heard George yelp and Mike groan in pain. 

"How long is the shelf life on bottled blood? I've never actually considered it before....I usually hunt for my meals." I smiled sweetly at him, taking it into consideration. After all, sometimes I go a few months without feeding, and I could always find another sweet blooded person out there to drink dry.... 

"Half a month. I'll supply you until your two carts are up. Then we can talk prices." I glanced down at the two and then up at him. 

"Deal, but I want Mike to see something before I just give him to you....I've promised myself that Mike would watch me drown George at the bottom of the river," I said pleasantly, waving down at the two men as they looked up at me. 

"Sounds good to me. Raven let me ask something personal. Do you have a good home?" Perry asked. I frowned at that. That's really personal to ask someone when you first meet them....I don't even ask my food that. 

"I have an apartment that I have to work night shifts for...Why?" I asked, looking back at the blond haired, blue eyed wonder. 

"Have you ever looked into joining the vampire society? I know a lovely friend of mine that supplies rooms to vampires like... you." 

"No....not really.... I haven't been with other vampires for about...." I started counting on my fingers as I tried to remember the last time I even talked to one, "twent- no....a centu- A little over a century." 

"You don't say... Come hang out with me for the night." He smiled and exposed his fangs... but not in a threatening way. I had a good feeling out of it. I smiled at him and then looked down at George and Mike. 

"Guess what boys~! I hope you are ready for punishment!" I reached down and started to pick up George. "I know a nice little space at the bottom of the river that has you written all over it!" 

"NO!" George tried to pull away from me. I noticed Perry picked up Mike. Mike didn't even struggle as he was too tired to move a muscle. I frowned at that and pouted.

"That's no fun....If you plan to keep him alive, you better feed him right. I kinda took a lot from him for what they did....." He better not fall asleep! 

"He'll be fine. Until I get him to my bar." Perry laughed a bit. "Then it is up to my bartenders on what to do with him." 

"He's a screamer. Better watch out," I said with a smirk and gave a wink. I yanked George to me and made him stand on his injured feet as I started to drag him with me. "Your new partners are going to be the fishies!" 

"NO!" George looked terrified as he clung to me. "I'll do anything! Don't feed me to the fishes!" He begged. Perry followed behind me with Mike. 

"Anything?" I asked teasingly as I reached into my pocket for the cuffs I kept for these specific purposes. I put them on his hands and laughed. 

"You know your very strange. It's not everyday I come across someone who drowns her victims." Perry said from behind me. 

"YES ANYTHING!" George screamed. I smirked. Anything huh? I stopped in my tracks and released his hands then grabbed on of his arms and pulled him close as I leaned in towards his neck. He whimpered as I done so and tried to move away. 

"What if....I drank you to the point where one more drop would kill you?" I whispered to him. 

"Ewe... You'd smell like onions for days. I'd have to give you a tomato bath." I heard Perry say behind me. I dismissed what he said about smelling like onions- even though it sounded terrible. 

"Today is your lucky day Georgie! You get to have the pleasure and thrilling sensation of having your blood stolen away," I told him as I giggled, the insanity creeping back into my voice. 

"Oh that's gross." I heard Perry shift away from me. 

"Please don't kill me." George mumbled to me. I pulled back and smiled sweetly at him. 

"Pick, fishies or being eaten alive? It's a simple choice.... I'd pick fishies if I were you." 

"Don't drown me! I hate the water." I smirked at that and started to drag him again.

"Whoops! I remembered that I am too full to eat someone like you onion blood! Water it is!" I giggled and pulled him out of the wooded area towards the river running through the park. No one was around which made it easier as I shoved him towards the bank of the raging waters. I could hear Perry following just behind me as George came closer to the water. He was shaking in fear and begging me not to. I held my hands out at my sides, palms facing towards him in a creepy manner as I gave a grin and started to make him back up into the water out of fear. When he realized the water was at his ankles, I shoved him further in, making him lose his balance as he was pulled out into the current. With his hands cuffed, he would never survive.... Mike was screaming the whole time as he watched what happened. He begged me to save his friend and take him instead. 

"Your going to a better place Mike, dear." Perry laughed coldly. "Forget about loved ones." I giggled as I turned around and had a playful bounce to my step as I walked over to Perry and Mike then touched my hands to the sides of Mike's face and leaned in so that all he could see was me. 

"Looks like I'm not going to eat you after all Mike! You are going to have so much fun! A stranger is going to eat you instead!" Mike stared at me wide eyed and started to scream for help. Perry showed signs of annoyance then grabbed a pressure point on his neck and Mike was under in seconds. 

"Glad that's over." Perry hissed out. I looked up at him dully, slightly irritated. I like it when they scream.... He smiled at me innocently. "Don't look at me like that. It was better for our ears." He started walking away then. "Follow me." Obeying him, I stayed at his heels and started humming a little tune to myself that I had learned a loooong time ago- Mary Had A Little Lamb. He walked us through the park and to the other side then towards a car parked. He opened the trunk and shoved Mike inside then shut him. He smiled at me and then opened the passenger door for me before going around to the drivers side and got in. You know... Mommy told me not to trust strangers and get in cars with weirdos...but I think I'll let it pass this time. I got in the car and shut the door then buckled up. He didn't bother to buckle as he drove off. We didn't go too far when he pulled up to an underground club named Perriantos. He smirked as he parked behind it in an alley and climbed out. "There is a bar right under my human club where I house my illegal vampire bar. If you say a word to anyone your dead." Perry told me. A woman came running out towards him then and hugged him from behind. 

"PERRY! I missed you! Did you get new grub sugar?" She asked and kissed his neck then suddenly she exposed her fangs and ran them across a hidden bitemark on his neck, I just noticed. He chuckled and pushed her off. 

"Baby chill out. I got what you asked. I want you to meet a friend of mine..." He motioned to me. "This is Raven an outcast. I've found her and thought I would help her into the society. Raven! This is my mate Miss Perry.  You can call her Sasha though." He purred the last part in her ear before popping the trunk. "Be a dear and take him downstairs to the cleaners." Perry ordered her. She smirked and gave me a small wave before she pranced over to the trunk and pulled out Mike by the legs. She dragged Mike into the building without another word spoken. Perry turned to me then. "Sasha is a great gal. I hope you two will get along if we start doing business together." I puffed my cheeks out. He totally dissed me by calling me an outcast, didn't he? I started to bend down to my converse where I untied my shoes and slipped my apartment key off of them and then stuck it in my pocket for later. I'd need to get a new change of clothes.... I soiled these. I tied my shoes again and examined my floral blouse. IT WAS MY FAVORITE! I got it from Janet before I killed her two months ago..... "So I'm going to give you two days supplies worth and let you go on your way. Would you prefer to come in?" He asked. 

"If it's alright with you!" I smiled at him sweetly and tilted my head, closing my eyes. He led me into a normal looking dinner and towards the back where we came to a door. He opened it and led me down some stairs and to a new door where we entered into an ongoing club. The music was roaring loud. He walked me over to an VIP elevator and we stepped inside it. Again we went down and when the door opened we entered a new setting. The smell of blood and alcohol hit my senses immediately as he lead me into a vampire bar. There was humans everywhere in slutty outfits, half what naked. They were either walking or leaned over a vampire who was feeding- or going to feed on them. The smell made my stomach twist. 

"We have private rooms too in the back," Perry whispered. He lead me to a side door and when we entered it we was in a dark hospital like hall. He lead me down to the last door on the right where we entered a cold storage room where there was bottled blood from ceiling to floor. This whole place seemed sketchy to me.... I remember when vampires used to just simply hunt. I watched him curiously. 

"Does this place always smell like this?" I asked, wrinkling my nose up in disgust. I caught a hint of death then. 

"Only when we have a few blood thirsty mongrels get out of control." Perry informed me. "I'm sure it is being taken care of though." 

"Eweee...." I shook my head at the thought and felt like I wanted to be sick. 

"Mike is going to fit in here just fine." Perry said sarcastically and laughed. "The blood is clean and fresh though." He picked up four bottles and handed them over to me. "That's the best batch I have." He winked. I glanced at the bottles and held them up to the light, looking at the redness of the liquid inside. After a few minutes, I was satisfied with the richness of it's color and smiled at him. 

"Thanks Perry!" I stopped as I realized that I left my books back in the forest... Oops. 

"No problem kid. Thanks for the Mike. Hey if you need more... let me know. Oh and stop by tomorrow sometime." He gave a smile. "I want to introduce you to someone." I gave a nod and waved at him.

"I'll think about it," I said with a sweet smile and started to walk off with my payment to leave to go home.