Blood Is Said To Be Thicker Than Water

Paris's POV:

I made my phone call out to my sister before leaving my study. I told her I was alive and that I was planning a war. I needed her army. My sister~ had taken over my throne in France when I came to America and started the new life here. I told her to bring our friend in England and his army to accompany. There was a war coming, I knew it. I could feel it in my bones. I had caught Hugue making a phone call only moments before I killed him- that is when I found out who he was working for. My enemy. Louis had put me in my coffin early. Now I had sent Hugue to his own. Soon Louis will follow.

I smirked at the thought of war. I need to make quite a few trips around town to gather my old friends. With war coming from my enemy it's also a good time to start up a war with the hunters. I raised out of my desk after hanging up on my baby sister and left for my bedroom. I could finally have a good bath! I probably looked like a zombie. I heard Lauren's thoughts echoing over the others as she picked up reading Twilight. NO! Not that again! I groaned and shook my head. Every since she had my blood she had been feeling my head with annoying chatter about Twilight. I think it was to block out any other thoughts she might have about me. It made me laugh slightly. She said I was like Edward. In fact.... I paused as I heard her slip up on my name instead of Edwards as she read. That girl...I shook my head and stopped concentrating on her thoughts so I could give her some privacy and I headed for my bedroom once again. I reached the door.

My bedroom was on an empty hall in the north wing. I entered it and coughed as dust flew everywhere! My room had been left untouched for ten years. I hate coming back to a dusty room! I hissed out and shut the door behind me then opened up my curtains. The light flown into my master bedroom and I remembered as I built my bedroom those many centuries ago. It was a cold winter back then. I hadn't ate for twenty days or so straight as I had been taunted to finish the manor by my lover. I shut my eyes and closed out the memories before opening them. 

I headed into my bathroom and turned on the shower to get things cooking alive in my old suit. I took a hot shower and scrubbed my body three times before getting out and drying off. My clothes in my closet were out of date... but they would make due for now. I headed into my closet and grabbed my familiar white long sleeved dress shirt and some black pants to go with them. I skipped shoes and other unnecessary items as I headed towards my bedroom. I stepped out into the hall and looked both ways- to my surprise a maid was walking my way. "You there! Have someone run to the nearest store and buy me a new wardrobe full of clothes. Then when you get someone to doing that pick four others and come remodel my room." I walked off in the opposite direction from her. 

"Y-Yes sir!" I heard her call from behind and take off running down the hall to do as she was told. I headed towards Lauren's room then deciding to tell her I was headed off and she was to be in charge until I arrived back. I knocked on her door and opened it without hesitation. 

"I'm leaving. You're in charge until I get back. Have something done about the gate, will you?" I asked and then closed the door before she could comment. I headed towards the front door then and passed a butler on my way. "You there- bring a car around front for me." I ordered. He ran off after telling me he would. Perfect! No one was questioning my authority. This manor will be back on its feet in no time thanks to me. I laughed and waited on the porch for the car. Before the car came around, I heard the door open behind me and a familiar humming. Raven walked past me, twirling that set of keys from before around her finger with a sweet smile. She seemed to be leaving herself. "Headed off somewhere?" I asked curiously. I didn't mind if she left... I was just interested. She glanced back at me, her golden eyes studying me for a few moments. 

"Yes, I'm going back to my apartment to get a few things, and then I'm thinking about going on a hunt," she informed me and smiled at the thought of hunting in town. 

"Very well. If you run into any hunters tell them Paris is back in town will you?" I asked and smirked. 

"If I see any hunters, I'm not letting them go," she said simply with a small smirk. "I'm not in the habit of letting anyone interrupt my hunt without making them pay. If I happen to see one and they manage to get away to the point of not interesting me anymore, sure." 

"There are a few hunters~ Nevermind. Carry on." I said as the car had pulled up for me. I walked down to it and started to climb in. "Have a good hunt Raven." 

"Thanks," she said cutely and waved bye to me, giving me a closed eye smile. "See ya~!" I almost thought about giving her a ride... then again I had my own things to do by myself and she would be in the way. I drove off after giving her a wave of goodbye. I decided upon heading to my old friend Perry's to see about getting the manor stalked up in blood. Then I would head off to the second biggest manor in town apart from mine. I bit my bottom lip as I remembered about my mate. Maybe Perry knows what happened to my mate. I need to know if he is okay. If he is still alive. Suddenly, I saw someone jump out in front of the car, making me squeal to a halt as the suicidal maniac went up and over the hood of my car with a shriek. I screamed as I ended up flipping my car into a ditch. 

"SON OF A COCKSUCKING MANIAC!" I screamed as the car came to a stop and I ended up on the roof since I didn't put a seatbelt on. I felt some of my bones kick in and start healing. I had managed to break my leg and a few ribs from it. My spine seemed off as well. "I'm going to kill that sucker if it is still alive!" 

"There you are! When I heard that the great Paris was alive, I had to see it for myself!" I heard the car door ripped off from the side and hands reached in, pulling me out. "Man, you drive way too fast! I had to get ran over to make you stop!" I looked over the idiot... It was like I was looking into a mirror. I widened my eyes as I recognized the wales prince. My twin... Louis stared down at me. 

"Louis...." I said softly. 

"So you aren't dead!" He laughed and gave a little smirk as he yanked me up to my feet. I hissed out in pain as I had to put pressure on my healing leg. 

"LOUIS STOP THAT!" I hissed as I reached down to my leg. "What the hell is wrong with you! You jumped out in front of me while I was doing 80! What are you suicidal?" I asked. He only laughed and clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"We both know a car hitting me won't kill me. Besides...why haven't you recovered yet? You haven't been eating well since you've gotten back, have you? To feed yourself what you've missed these past ten're going to have to eat a lot and rest. You sure you should be driving? You look like you've let others feed off of you too." He tsked as he saw my wrist with faint bite marks on it. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't you even talk. I have my reasons! What do you want?" I asked as I let my leg go to stop looking so weak. I watched him carefully in case he read my mind. After all we are twins. He shared the same powers as me. 

"Well, the thrown would be a start," he said, looking me in the eyes with a smirk. "However... I'm not going to take it from you just yet.... I want a real fight."

"The throne? You mean France? I gave it to Rose, our sister. Remember? I came here and handed it over to her. What's the matter? Jealous that I have so much power even without one?" I smirked at him. "Face it. You were meant to die that day we were born. Just like mother always said. Especially the day she got rid of you." I began to toy with him. He just stared at me calmly and then leaned in to my ear when I was done. 

"Watch your One day, you might find a blade there that you weren't ready for. You can kiss the manor goodbye. Oh, and your lover? I had him dug up and brought here.... He's still sleeping, but I'm not just going to give him to you even if he does wake up anytime soon." 

"My mate will come to me. He is loyal... more loyal then you ever dreamed about someone being towards you." I let out a soft chuckle. "Just how our family favors me." I looked him over. They even trashed him... their first born. It made me curious as to why him... and not me. My parents never got the chance to tell me before I killed them during the revolution. 

"You forget we're twins," he said softly. "I could steal him away from you....and never...ever...let him go like you did. He'd never know the difference." 

"Length my dear brother. He would know." I smirked and stepped towards him. "He likes them large. Too bad you don't size up." He tsked and smacked me. 

"Is this the thanks I get from pulling you out of the wrecked car?!" Just as he asked the car exploded behind me. I exposed my fangs to him then. 

"You locked me away in a coffin! FOR TEN YEARS! What's your game? You should have killed me by now if you truly wanted power. You're weak." I rubbed my cheek as it began to sting. 

"I want you to hate me with all your being....I want a real challenge, not this pathetic excuse for a brother." He sighed and put a hand to his head. "Welcome back," he said and then started to walk off, waving over his shoulder to me. "I'd start planning your moves if I were you." I watched him walk away and it reminded me the last time I ever seen him. It was right after we built the manor. He left over a fight we had because I didn't approve of his power hungry ideas. I clenched my jaw as I watched him leave. 

"You're not getting the manor! If it is war you want... it is war you will get. GIVE ME MY MATE BACK TOO LOUIS!" I shouted at him. 

"Ta taaa~!" He called back to me, starting to leave my sight. Suddenly, I saw Raven calmly walking up the street, singing softly as she played on her phone and was completely oblivious to what had happened. When Louis was gone I fell to my knees and groaned. 

"Son of a crow...." I grumbled. "I need to build up my strength. He's right." I hated to admit it. My wounds weren't healing fast enough. I'm not going to be able to ruin his rein if I'm weaker then him.

"Hey, what happened to the car?" I heard Raven ask as she appeared in front of me, kneeling down to my level with concern in her eyes. 

"The prince of wales is what happened," I told her calmly. She looked at me blankly, obviously not knowing who that was. "The guy I am going to war with." She nodded slowly as it clicked.

"Oooh....You were attacked then? Here, I'll call someone to come get us," she said with a smile and stood up, starting to dial a number. 

"Are you calling Perry?" I asked curiously. She glanced down at me and shook her head.

"I don't have his number. All I have is a friend that owes me for the last time I helped her out. You can't eat her," she said sternly as she finished dialing the number and put the phone up to her ear. "Hi Ginny!" I grabbed her arm then. 

"Don't! I'm not well enough to promise her safety. Call Perry. I know his number." I told her calmly as I looked into her eyes. She looked slightly alarmed at me touching her and pulled away, walking a few steps from me. 

"Yeah, I promised you I'd take you to get ice cream tomorrow, so of course I'm not calling to cancel on you~! I just wanted to check in and make sure you still wanted to go....You do? Ok, good! I got to go. Work is calling," she said with a smile and then hung up and looked at me, holding out the phone. " may call Perry." I took the phone then and dialed up the familiar number. After a few rings he answered.

"This is Perry! How ma-" I cut him off there. 

"Perry! He's in town and I'm alive. Come get me he wrecked my car and I'm stranded.... Just follow the fire." I looked as the car was catching the woods on fire. Perry hung up immediately and I was positive he was coming. Raven looked at the woods and winced.

"That's unfortunate," she murmured then looked at me and got on her knees to look me in the eyes. "Phone please," she said, holding out her hand for it. I handed it over then decided to lay down and wait. I fell back and looked up at the sky. It was mid day now. 

"Unfortunate indeed..." I muttered. I still wondered why.... he didn't just kill me. He's got weak feelings and that's going to get him killed.

"Can't you just teleport anyways?" She asked curiously and watched me. "I know you can....You can teleport like me...." 

"That requires most of my energy and I would need to be at full health so I can regenerate easy. I can't assure my safety if I was to teleport into danger.. I might not make it back out in enough time. I need blood in other words." Her eyebrow raised at that and she smiled sweetly at me. 

"Want me to go back to the manor and get you some help? I can do that." 

"I told Perry to come get me. I was going to his place anyways so I can get the manor stalked up in blood and then I can get myself back to full health while there." I told her. She studied me for a few minutes, staying silent. 

"Does it hurt?" 

"Does what hurt?" I questioned. Knowing that my brother just dragged me out of a car instead of letting it take me out? I could hear her thought wandering to my wounds as she glanced at my leg then back at me nervously. "No. My leg is fine." I told her. Although there was a broke bone and it looked bruised badly... I couldn't feel as much as I should. She nodded and then poked it in curiosity, causing a small flare up of pain. I clenched my jaw and glared at her. "Stop that!" 

"So, no, it's not alright," she said smartly and sat back, sitting criss cross apple sauce. "It's going to take a lot to fix it in your state." 

"Just leave it alone. It will heal after I get blood in my system. This isn't a big deal." I told her. She nodded and then started playing with her hair, watching me. 

"So waiting for Perry to come and move you then take you to his place and give you blood will be just fine then instead of trying to get you blood now," she said softly, thinking things through as she then pulled out her phone and started playing a game that sounded like it had piano music in the background. After a few minutes Perry's recognizable vehicle pulled up and he stepped out. He glanced us over and smirked as he took off his sunglasses then put them in his car. 

"You look dead Paris." I heard him say as he walked towards the trunk. 

"I've seen you looking better, what is it... that daughter of yours? Is she giving you trouble?" I teased. 

"She's a nightmare like he predicted," Perry said. He opened the trunk then pulled out a bottle of blood and tossed it towards me. I managed to catch it then opened it up. Respectfully Perry turned around and faced away from me. "How about you? Was it your twin? Or was it one of your other enemies?" Perry asked. I sat up and started to drink the blood in the bottle, it will due for now.

"Unfortunately it was that lunatic. He stepped out in front of my car while I was going 80." I informed Perry. I watched as my leg began to heal and I could feel a few bones snapping together. Raven looked away as I started to heal and then watched Perry with interest. 

"So... I should get going. Perry can take care of you," she said and stood up, starting to walk off again as she pulled out headphones and plugged them into her phone and put the headphones around her neck. Why is she even walking? I stood up after my leg healed and I walked over to Perry. "Take care Raven!" I called after her then looked at the ground. "He's got my mate." I whispered softly to Perry. Perry had tensed then. "It's not what I had in mind at all. How is it he managed to get him anyways?" I asked. The last I remembered of Perry, I had put him in charge of watching my mate just in case something bad happened to me. 

"Don't know. He took off after you and I never seen him after that." Perry informed me. He shut his trunk and we both climbed into the car. "So Louis is back? He didn't even kill you? What's up with that? Thought he would do it when he got the chance." He chuckled and I laughed softly. 

"He's weak." I said plainly and looked out the window as I sipped on the blood in the bottle. 

"No... he's power hungry and I don't understand his motives."

"You think I do?" I laughed and shook my head. "If I was him, I would have took my chance." 

"I remember you saying that once." I looked towards Perry and smirked as he brought up the human girl I loved once when my mate had left me once. I had a half-breed daughter out there too because of it. 

"Yeah but she was different. I ended up loving her after she gave me that all so innocent look. She had seen me killing someone and didn't even flinch." Perry laughed then. I glanced him over then shook my head. "You and Sasha aren't that different from her and I." I teased him. I noticed we had arrived at his building and he climbed out. 

"Oh no, Sasha is nothing like that human." Perry teased. Sasha ran out from the apartment door and fled down to us. 

"PARIS! HOLY CROW! Your alive!" Sasha greeted me and gave a wave. "I have three young girls picked out just for you." She informed me and smirked. "First door on the left." I climbed out of the vehicle and gave her a hug. 

"Thanks Sasha. I owe you one." I whispered and then Perry took me down to the vampire bar. I walked to the back and down the hall to the private rooms where I headed into the first door on the left and locked the door behind me. I paused as I looked over the girls in front of me. They were sitting on a couch drained of blood and had horrid expressions upon their faces. I stepped backwards and held back a scream. I reached for the door handle behind me and unlocked it then pulled it open and backed out of the room. Perry was standing by the door and raised an eyebrow at me.

"That's a new world record Paris... maybe you should slow down." He teased. I clenched my jaw and looked his way. 

"They were dead before I could bite them." I hissed out. "What kind of show are you running here?" I asked. He widened his eyes and peeked into the room then closed the door and locked it with a key. 

"I'll get that cleaned up. How about you take another room and I will send someone down." Perry walked off before I had the chance to object and get bottled blood instead. I wrinkled up my nose as the hall reeked of death. I bit my bottom lip and entered the room across and found it empty inside. I took a seat on the couch and waited. I slouched down on the couch and started to doze off. I was beginning to feel extremely tired. I heard the door creak open before I went under a deep sleep. 

Raven's POV: 

I sat down at the bar and gestured for the bartender to come over, so I could place an order. "I want a strawberry daiquiri if you have it," I said, giving a sweet smile to win him over. He looked a little taken aback but nodded slowly and went to make my order. I had gone to my apartment before this and changed into a black miniskirt and red tank top with a cut off sleeve jean jacket, so I was ready to get a human to eat before heading back with my things. I glanced around the room and my eyes landed on a dark haired boy subtly glancing at me with a curious look. Maybe I already have one? I locked eyes with him and smiled, brushing my hair over my ear in a flirty way and then looked over at the bartender in acts of being shy. It wasn't long before the chair shifted beside me a someone sat down right by me. It was him from before. 

"H-hi." I heard him say to me. He placed his beer on the bar as he shifted in his chair to face me. "My names Austin." He told me. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and blushed, biting my lower lip as I held back a smile. 

"Hi... I'm Raven. Nice to meet you Austin," I said and turned to look at him as the bartender sat down the strawberry daiquiri in front of me and I passed him the money for it. "Do you come here often?" 

"After work. I never seen you before... Or I just haven't noticed you before. Do you come here often?" He asked and smirked slightly as he took a sip of his beer. I shook my head at him and took a sip of my own drink.

"No, not really.... I decided to try out new places....explore town a bit more," I whispered the last part to him as I leaned closer then pulled back and fiddled with my glass. "So what do you do Austin?" I smiled at him sweetly, watching him closely. If I can get him to go with me....he'll be my meal for the night. 

"I got to college. I have a part time job at a factory as well. I make a good bit of money actually. You should let me take you out some time." He flirted with me. I smirked at that and looked down at my drink with a small blush. 

"Well.... I'm free later," I whispered suggestively and then took a sip of my drink as I looked up at him again. He smirked then scooted closer to me and leaned in towards my ear. 

"Not anymore, I'm going to take you out somewhere." He moved away as he said the last part and started to down his drink. "How about the movies... or the park?" The park....last time I went there....My meal was killed before I could enjoy it. I blinked slowly as I considered the movies but realized there would be too many people to take his blood there. It'd have to be the park unless I could get him alone somehow before this....Maybe on the way? I looked over at him and sipped on my drink.

"The movies sounds great....What time do you want to go?" Vampire hunters shouldn't show up there.... Not many vampires will go there to kill someone. The park is more obvious. 

"As soon as you finish your drink," He smiled at me and sat his empty glass down. "If that is fine with you." I raised my eyebrow and downed my drink then stood up. 

"Well, how about we ditch this place and go do something more enjoyable with ourselves?" I asked, leaning in towards him and smiled sweetly. "I heard that they are showing great movies right about now too." He stood up then in a hurry and patted his pockets down before giving me a nod. 

"Let's go then." He said as he started to lead me out of the bar. "What type of movie do you want to go see? A romance? Action? Horror?" He gave a soft chuckle as we were out of the bar now. 

"How about action? That sounds good," I said and then stretched a little on the sidewalk. "It would be a good start...not too emotional, but not too scary." 

"Would you like to walk? The theaters aren't too far from here." He suggested and gave a soft blush. "Or we could take my car." He gave a soft shrug. I smiled at him and looked him in the eyes. He's so sweet....

"Let's walk. We can talk more that way and get to know one another." I started to walk in the direction of the movie theaters, expecting him to follow me. 

"I think so too. So what do you do for fun? I go out on Fridays with a group of friends and we do fun things like rock climbing, sky diving, or even just playing laser tag. You should totally come the next time we do something, I can let you know what we are doing that away you can tag along. It would be nice to not be the only guy in my group without a girl." He chuckled nervously. 

"I would love that," I said softly. Too bad he probably won't see his friends again.... It sounds like he has a nice life.... He just picked up the wrong girl. "I usually just read fairy tales and sing."

"Fairy tales? Like little red riding hood and all those? Aren't they for little kids... to read to them before bed and scare them to sleep?" He laughed. "I never heard of someone still reading them after high school. Usually we all get too busy. If your the book worm type then what are you doing in a bar. If you don't mind me asking." He gave a sweet smile to me. I held back a smirk at that as I looked at him.

"I don't just read fairy tales- besides, I meant ones with actual fairies in them- I also like to go camping to get away from the city every once in awhile. I also practice fighting techniques on every other Tuesday." I giggled and looked ahead. "I know I don't look it though." 

"So your into camping, fighting, and what else?" He asked and bit his bottom lip. "I like your spunk. Your different then the normal girls I see around." He admitted. I smiled at that and blushed as I decided to draw him in a little more.

"Well.... if you don't mind me saying, I'm into you as well," I flirted and looked up at him as I brushed my hair over my ear. "It's not everyday that I meet someone like you." 

"Your a talker..." He chuckled. "Not sure I can handle it. Most girls won't say a word." He was teasing me now. I blushed a darker shade at that and then subtly glanced off to the side to see an alleyway. It'll do for my purposes I guess.... I reached out and grabbed his hand. 

"I know a short cut," I said with a smile and pulled him into it, giggling a little. "So Austin, what do you think about the supernatural? Do you like it, or are you neutral to it?" 

"I never thought much on the supernatural in all honesty. Hey do you go to college?" He asked me curiously. "How about a job? I want to show up and annoy you at it." I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"I have a night shift job at a hotel as a desk receptionist.... I haven't really thought about college, but now that you bring it up, it doesn't sound like a bad idea to pursue soon," I said thoughtfully and glanced off. This Austin guy is so interesting....He's not exactly like the others I've met who are just shy. Maybe I might let him live? I could keep him as a pet if I manage to scare him into keeping his mouth shut about me to the vampire hunters.....It wouldn't be too hard to keep an eye on him.... I've never had a pet before. I smiled at that and then glanced at him. No...too much. He's just an ordinary human boy looking for a girl in his life to complete it. With that thought out of the way, I suddenly stopped and glanced both ways to make sure that no one was here with us. I even glanced up at the tops of the buildings then tightened my grip on his hand. "Austin?" He paused by me and looked at me in wonder.

"What's the matter?" He asked and started to look around like I done. "There isn't someone following us is there?" I shook my head and leaned in towards his ear. 

"So what made you come to me out of all the girls in that bar?" I whispered softly and hovered there, glancing at his exposed neck. 

"Don't laugh when I tell you this... but I felt like I had to go to you. It was like you was calling my name without even doing so." He told me smoothly. "Silly isn't it?" 

"It's not silly," I told him and smiled sweetly. I glanced up into his eyes and then blinked, looking back at his neck as I then pressed him up against the wall and brushed my lips against his skin, keeping a grip on his hand. "What would you say to the fact that I'm glad you came?"

"I'm glad your glad." He whispered as his breath was catching from my sudden actions. "We're going to miss the movie if you keep this up." He laughed softly. I sighed as I smelled his sweet scent. He's going to taste good.... I exposed my fangs and bit into his neck then without another word, wanting to be sure about his blood. "Owe!" He shouted and started to squirm a bit. "You could have warned me you were into biting." He laughed nervously and settled from squirming. It didn't fall upon him yet what I was. His blood was pure, virgin blood. He had the sweetest blood I ever tasted- besides Paris, and it interested me more with every sip. "What..." He trailed a bit as he was starting to wonder about me. I pulled back to look at him and licked my lips hungrily as I let out a giggle.

"Sorry Austin....but I couldn't help myself," I told him and showed him my fangs. He laughed then and looked at my fangs with squinted eyes.

"You didn't tell me you had your teeth sharpened.. those are so cool! Can I touch them?" He asked me as he started to go in to touch them. I blushed as I was taken aback by him. He wasn't frightened? I let him out of confusion and watched him closely. He examined my fangs and pulled back as he touched his neck. "You really got me there for a second." He told me and leaned in suddenly and kissed my cheek. "Next time warn me you goof." I widened my eyes at that. He's so innocent that he hasn't even considered the fact that I might be a vampire....I've never met someone like him before. 

"A-Austin?" I tilted my head at him and looked back at the bite mark hungrily...wanting to finish but interested in watching this play out more as well. I leaned in and went back to feeding on him a bit more, deciding that I could keep myself from killing him long enough to get a better taste. He tensed up as I had went back for more but he let me and even let out a slight moan. 

"Y-your going to make us late," He said teasingly. He was so oblivious.. After another second, I pulled back quickly and looked at him as I licked my lips. With him not even getting close to figuring me out after that...there's no way he would consider going to the vampire hunters and reporting me.... I blushed a little and smiled at him sweetly. 

"Ok," I said after a second. 

"One second," He whispered and then whipped something from the corner of my mouth and smirked. "There." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders then and started to lead me down the alley. "So your what.... into supernaturals and like the whole... role play stuff and you even got your teeth sharpened to look like fangs? Werewolf or what?" He asked. He sniffed my hair as he walked with me. "You know I don't mind it but I could of used a... warning." He chuckled. I held back a giggle and looked up at him.

" could say I'm into supernaturals," I said and then leaned into him as I let him lead us. 

"Your kind of cute. Definitely not like the rest of the girls. Can I see you tomorrow as well?" He asked and rubbed my arm. I blushed and glanced off towards the side in true shyness. I'd never let someone live after the first bite.... This is new to me. 

"S-sure....Your not like the other boys too, you know? They usually run when they discover my...habits." 

"I can handle your habits just well. Everyone has flaws. So I am going to suggest to my friends to go camping this weekend. You want to come if they agree? Since you like camping and all." He rubbed my cheek then. I let out a little noise of surprise and looked up at him in awe. He's not in the least bit worried or scared....

"Yes, I'd love to," I said before it became a thought. I widened my eyes after I said it, realizing what I said and bit my bottom lip. 

"You can invite a few to come along if you would like to not feel awkward or whatever," He suggested and we was almost out of the alley. I nodded, thinking about maybe getting Lauren to come with. She was the only one I knew well enough to know that she probably wouldn't hurt anyone....maybe Paris, but he did warn me about Ginny and saying he couldn't promise he wouldn't eat her. I smiled at him and gently reached up, touching the spot I had bitten him. We'd need to hide it before the movies in case we run into any...hunters. I shivered at the thought of what they did to Uriah and immediately felt protective over Austen, not wanting him to be killed. I would probably be able to manage myself, but sometimes they are known to kill our prey. I reached down into my pocket, searching for anything to cover it up with and smiled when my hand closed around a roll of gauze I kept in case I ran into hunters. I pulled it up and set to covering it. He watched me as I done so and gave a small blush. "Don't you think the gauze will make it look even more noticeable?" He asked. He's right... I started to put some on his hands and a little on his head.

"Now you look as if you were involved in an accident of sorts," I said and giggled. 

"Your so silly." He laughed as he let me bandage him up. "Now they definitely will ask." 

"You just accidentally fell while riding a bike," I suggested sweetly and glanced over my work. It would keep vampire hunters from being suspicious. 

"So a biking accident? Sounds like something I would do." He shook his head and stiffened another laugh. 

"Well, unless you want to go somewhere else and get that better taken care of, I think the gauze should stay." I gave him a serious look and then smiled softly.

"If it involves you.... I will go anywhere." He flirted with me. I raised an eyebrow and giggled, pausing. 

"Well...we can always watch a movie elsewhere....I would like to get that better taken care of.... I may have hit an artery." I winced as I saw a little bit of blood on the gauze already. 

"Lets go to my apartment then. You can pick out a movie on Netflix and then you can bandage me up properly. I have popcorn and cokes." I nodded as I started to think on whether or not to let him live. I liked him, yes, but I was taught not to let my food go. I blushed and let him start to lead me elsewhere. I'll think about it later. He lead me out of the alley and down the street for a few yards before we came across an apartment complex and he lead me inside and to the top floor where there was a whole flat to himself. He smiled as he opened the door and lead me inside. "This is it." He said nervously and I watched as he glanced around... probably looking for anything embarrassing that could be laying around. He motioned for me to take a seat on the couch in the living room as he took off to a room quickly. I went in and sat down, looking around the flat curiously. He seems to be living well....I sighed and glanced at my phone to check the time, seeing it was 7:39 pm. It was later than I thought. I frowned at that. He came back with a first aid kit then handed it to me. He turned on the TV and handed me a controller as Netflix popped up. "Choose to your liking," He said sweetly. "I'll start up the popcorn and will get us two cokes." He headed off into the kitchen. I nodded and started to flick through the movies, finally choosing City of Bones. I put it on and opened the kit to look at what he had for me to work with. You could just...kill him. Drink him dry..... I shook my head at that and closed my eyes. No... I won't... If I do drink from him again.... it'll only be to the point of where he will lose consciousness. I saw some band aids, Neosporn, and some other things that would come in handy. I smiled at that and set it on the coffee table and stood up, going to the kitchen to find him. He was standing over the microwave and had two drinks ready on the counter when I entered. The microwave had a few seconds left to go. I walked over to him and stood beside him.

"I picked City of Bones... I hope you don't mind," I said softly and looked up to him. "Oh, and I'm ready to patch that up for you...."

"I don't mind about the movie. It's a good one, so I heard. Oh and just a few more seconds to go." He informed me. I nodded and watched as they ticked by. 

"I'm surprised you didn't freak out earlier," I said quietly as I glanced down at my feet. 

"Hmm?" He turned to me from looking at the seconds that ticked by. "Why would you think that I would freak. Told you... I had a feeling to go to you." I nodded and bit my lip as I felt like telling the truth. If I did, I'd have to kill him or keep him in my control....He wouldn't be free like he could be. 

"It's just that the others I've been with before freaked and...well...they never came back," I murmured. "I scare them." 

"You met the wrong guys then. It's a good thing we found each other!" He laughed and the popcorn was ready as the microwave went off. He pulled it out then grabbed a bowl and poured the bag of popcorn into it. He took one of the glasses and lead me back to the living room. I grabbed the other and followed, starting to wonder again on whether or not I should finish what I started. I sat down next to him and hit play as I took a sip of my soda and smiled at him. 

"So I'm going to fix that up now if you don't mind." I picked up the kit and took out the supplies, unwrapping what I put on him and went to fix it up then paused as I saw his blood still. I felt a surge of hunger, and I had to turn away before I accidentally exposed my fangs to him again. He waited as I fixed it for him and smiled softly. I almost heard him humming to himself. 

"You got me hard didn't you?" He teased me. I blushed as I went and finished it, ignoring the instinct to eat him. 

"Just a bit....Others have been bit harder before though...." I giggled and then put the first aid kit down and started to watch the movie with him. He leaned over after a few minutes and held up a piece of popcorn in front of my mouth and kissed my cheek as he did. I ate it and felt my heart speed up just a tad as I looked at him with a shy smile. He put his drink on the coffee table and wrapped his arm around my shoulder then started to eat a piece of popcorn himself. He put the bowl between us so we could share. 

~After le movie~

I glanced over at him and smiled, leaning over teasingly and then stood up to go take the empty bowl to the kitchen. "So I should be heading back home soon myself.... It's getting late." I told him as I put it on the counter next to the sink and went back out to him. I leaned against the top of the couch and looked down at him with a small smile. "See you tomorrow?"

"Let me get your number real quick so we can make plans over it in the morning." He suggested and took out his phone from his pocket. He stood up then and smiled. "You don't mind if I walk you out of the building do you?" He asked as he was pulling something up on his phone. 

"No, I don't mind," I said sweetly and took out my own phone to exchange numbers with him. I told him mine and got his before walking over to the door. He followed me to the door and out of it. He even walked me out of the building before letting me go on my way. 

"Be safe," He called to me as he stood at the entrance of the building. I nodded and waved to him with a smile as I walked out of view then teleported back to the manor where I walked in from the front porch. I giggled as it dawned on me what I did. I actually let someone go...and I'm going to see them later. This is new. I smiled broadly as I started to walk up the stairs to go to my room to go to bed after taking a shower.