Two Stars & A Night Sky

Lauren's POV:

I had just finished reading New Moon when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I looked up curiously at the door then shut the book and slid it up under my pillow. I heard the knocking again so I headed over to the door and opened it slowly. I looked out into the hall and seen a butler standing there. "Yes?" I asked with an raised eyebrow.

"There is a woman here.... she is looking for Paris but he never returned," The butler told me. I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance. I raised an eyebrow at him to practically say 'so?' "So I am asking what you want me to say to her," He said softly.

"Did you ask for her name?" I asked and bit my bottom lip. I had better things to be doing besides this... like moving on to the next book in the Twilight saga.

"She said it was an surprise." I sighed and looked over my outfit then brushed past him.

"Where is she?" I asked as I headed down the hall.

"I left her in the day room" I headed there instantly and hesitated outside of the day room. What if this was his mother? Or worse? His mate... or worse.... A stalker? An assassin? I took in a deep breath before heading into the room and paused as a white haired girl stared me down. Her face filled with life as she looked me over. It promised me she was excited to meet me.

"HI! You must be.... a friend of Paris!" She shouted and stood up from the couch. I took over her appearance once more and smiled softly. She reminded me of Paris.... was she related to him? She must be... she sort of looks like what I would imagine Paris would look like as a girl.

"My name is Lauren." I told her and we shook hands then and she pulled me towards her and sniffed my hair.

"Do you drink tea?"

"N-no?" I asked and pulled back from her.

"My name is Rose. I'm Paris' baby sister." She gave me a bright smile and I blushed.

"So you are related to him? Can you read minds too?"

"No! Oh heavens no. I have different powers then he does. Where is he?" I shook my head. She jumps to questions fast.

"Sorry... he went out last night and didn't come home." I informed her.

"Come again?"

"He... Went... out..."

"I heard that part, but where did he go?" She was hovering over me now with her long body and I noticed then how much taller she was then me.

"You... know I have to get ready for college." I told her nervously. How was I supposed to know where he went? I don't keep tabs on him!

"Lauren. This is a matter of life or death! Where is my brother?" Rose asked and exposed her fangs. I widened my eyes as I watched her getting angry.

"I.. don't know! I don't keep tabs on him." I snapped at her. I suddenly felt a presence beside me and saw Raven beside me. It was clear that she didn't see Rose yet as she giggled and grabbed my arm.

"Lauren! Guess what! I found the sweetest human yesterday! He tasted so good!" She let go of me and bounced on her feet with an excited look. "And he didn't freak out about me biting him! He was cool with it!" I widened my eyes and looked at her.

"Oh~ Raven. That guy sounds amazing... Uh... now isn't the best time. Paris' sister is giving me the talk about how her brother must be found and what not. Oh Rose... meet Raven.... Raven meet Rose." I introduced them. She then noticed Rose and widened her eyes as she turned to her.

"Whoa...she even looks like him. I know where he went if you are looking for him. Well- at least where he went first. I don't know if he left there or not," she said sweetly and smiled at Rose, giving a friendly wave.

"Where did my brother go?" Rose asked and smiled sweetly. She looked to be in a somewhat better mood since she could now find her brother.

"Well, after he got into a car crash because of his brother.... I found him and let him use my phone to call Perry who came and picked him up.... He's probably there... He was injured pretty badly, so he probably got some blood from Perry's place," Raven said, recounting what she had seen. "That's all I know."

"Thanks Raven for the help." Rose teleported away with that being said and I scratched the back of my head. I turned to Raven and gave a half smile.

"So that human sounds lucky to be alive." I began as I headed back to my room. I had college today to worry over.

"I didn't say I left him alive..." Raven began to follow me and had a bounce to her steps as she giggled. "What makes you think I let him live?"

"I was assuming you did." I told her. "So did you?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Y-yeah," she said with a blush and then looked off. "For now at least.... I'm not sure what to do... He's nice and seems like he would be fine with anything.... even me being a vampire. He doesn't believe in them yet, even though I bit him. He thinks it's just because I'm into the idea of vampires and got my teeth sharpened."

"I like a human that is so innocent minded he doesn't realized vampires are infact real. It makes everything... Better." I said as I glanced her way and reached my bedroom. I opened the door and walked in. "You could totally keep him Raven. There's no laws saying you can't. Hugue use to keep three at a time." She nodded at that and looked at the ground thoughtfully as she stayed in the doorway.

"I could....keep him..... He wants to see me again today," she said softly.

"Go see him then," I encouraged and sat down on my bed as I watched her. She bit her bottom lip and looked at me cautiously.

"You think I should? What if something happens to him, or what if I accidentally kill him?"

"Look on the bright side... you will try. It's the best idea. I think that keeping a human around is fun. It keeps you human." I gave her a smile then. She blushed and rubbed her arm.

"Ok.... I think I will go see him today.... After all, I told him I would, and it's not everyday you come across someone like him." She giggled then and walked in, coming over to me. "So what are you doing today?"

"I have college to go to and then I thought about heading out to a club to pick up a meal." I told Raven then headed into my closet to pick out an outfit to wear for the day. "Would you like to tag along after I get out of college? That's if you are available?" I asked her as I glanced over my shoulder to get a good look at her. She widened her eyes and then nodded with a smile.

"Sure! I didn't know you went to college..." She laughed a bit and then went over to the window to look out of it. "I can take you to this really good place I went yesterday. They have really good strawberry daiquiris there!" I gave a small smile before heading in the closet and snatched out something random to wear. It ended up being my galaxy jacket, a tank top, some random pair of pants, and some slides. I put it in my bathroom then went back to Raven.

"I usually go to a nice bar right on the edge of town on the other side from us. It has some odd customers. Though last time I went I ran into some hunters... so I suppose we can go to the bar you went to. I'll stop by here to pick you up.... around four?" I asked. It was nice to have someone to go with out hunting.

"Ok!" She nodded excitedly and giggled, running out of the room. "SEE YA AT FOUR!" She better not turn me into the hunted... I smiled softly as I watched her leave. I headed back into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I took a long shower this morning and kept the water on scolding hot to comfort me. When I finished my shower I changed into the outfit I picked out earlier. A hoodie, tight jeans, a tank top, and some slides with socks.

I accessorized of course and put on a watch after brushing my teeth. I walked out into my bedroom and grabbed my bags and phone then walked over to my window and opened it to take a shortcut. I jumped out the window then reached into my purse and pulled out my car keys. I headed to my car then and climbed in, turning on the heat. I sighed as I looked at the date on my phone. It was late November and the air was getting a chill to it. I drove off to my college's campus in a bit of a daze. The college campus wasn't right near Franklin(the county I live in) it was in a known county named Hancock, you'd expect it to be in Oxford. I have a few human friends at college of course who probably wanted to know why I skipped yesterday. I had to come up with a good reason why... I parked on a campus parking lot at my college then grabbed my bag and locked up my car, after getting out. I headed inside the building I spent most my time in. College wasn't that exciting. It was more like the extra step you really don't need on a staircase. Most people choose to avoid it and then there are that few who are afraid to pass it. I trailed over to where my group of friends usually hung out at before classes. It was a nice little sitting area in front of a window that overlooked the campus. I sighed as I walked up to them and gave a soft smile.

"I know you guys are going to yell, but please." I said as I sneaked up on them. They all faced me then and started to share their thoughts on my disappearance for a day.

"I cannot believe you didn't text me!" I heard Franny yelling at me. Franny was one of the oddest humans I ever met. I think that's why I ended up her friend as soon as we met. On my first day to college we accidentally bumped into each other and she's been crazy about me every since. She was a good friend but not someone I would trust with my secret... about being a vampire. She wasn't much into the supernatural... unless they were a superhero. Franny was short like me and shaved off all her hair into a very short blonde pixie style. Her eyes stuck out the most in a forest green color which attracted most of the football players that came across her. She dressed in bright coordinating colors consisting of purples, whites, blues, and pinks. Her favorite clothing was dresses. Her full name is Francis Amon Cornelius, transfer from France. Her mother was American, and her father French. I call her Franny because she prefers to be called it.

"Oh my gosh Lauren! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" I heard another begging to know. I looked over and recognized another one of the girls from my group asking. It was Scarlet Mae Kingsley. She was like Franny but also not like her in many ways. She had the same height and curves, coordinated in similar colors as Franny but enjoyed anything that involved the supernatural. I had to watch myself around her... Her hair was a choppy mess of layers and lengths. It ranged all the way to her mid-back. Her hair was blonde on top but rainbow underneath. It was an expensive style. What really pulled me into Scarlet was her smile. She could make anyone happy with it. Her scent always smelled of strawberries... it made me guess that was her body washes scent.... then I noticed she ate them constantly! I met her through English when we was paired up to write on a project and soon enough she was pulled into my group of friends. I didn't mind much. She was from York, not too far away from Hancock.

"She's alive!" I heard a guys voice yell out and wave at me. I noticed it was Jayce Fern York. His father was a descendant from the founder of York. He gave a small laugh towards me. Jayce kept his hair dyed black and kept it straightened. It was long for a guys. It ranged shoulder lengthened and was chopped off on one side. He was a bit of a punk rocker type as he always was jamming out to heavy metal. He kept his hair in a sloppy bun most the time and dressed without care. He would usually show up in sweatpants and band t-shirts. He had dark circles under his eyes from late nights... or maybe it was because he never got enough sleep. His dad kept him busy all the time when he was at home. He lost his mom when he was five from a car crash and it saddened me to hear. He has an older brother in the Navy.

"AYE LAUREN! Want a bite?" I snapped my head behind me as another girl waved a milkshake up in front of my face. I knew this girl immediately as soon as my eyes landed on the milkshake. It was Kaylie Leeanne Jasper. Her family was descendants of a founder of Jasper town. Not far from Hancock. She loved anything sweet and was literally a bottomless pit! She ate nonstop. She was also as sweet as what she ate. Her eyes shinned of promise and it warmed me inside. I loved looking at eyes... they tell so much about someone. Kaylie Jasper dressed like a model and she new everything about fashion. She was heading for a degree in fashion currently. We shared math class together. She was much taller then the rest of us.... In fact she loved to tower over us in heels. It was unfair. Her hair was curly today and a honey-nut brown. It reached her mid-back.

"Rennnie!" A guy called before I could answer Kaylie. "I have to tell you about the game yesterday!" It was Alexander Hector Cartor. Most called him Alex or Andy. I preferred Alex. He wasn't into sports but his girlfriend was and he loved to tell me about his times at the games with her. He was dating a cheerleader... and believe me... I had no clue how they were dating. He was like Jayce. His hair was cut off into a stylish emo cut where it hit one of his eyes and it was bleached white. He had red contacts in today which was very... interesting. He gave a small smile. That's when I knew something was up. Alex lived on campus with Franny as a room mate in one of the houses. He was from out of state and had talked with Franny over line for years. They weren't interested in each other though.... they just wanted to be friends. He had followed her to this college of course.

That made up my group of friends that I knew well. The others always stood around and never really talked much to me. There was about fifteen of us in all. I felt bad for not knowing the others well... but they are just humans after all. There was another vampire in the group as well today... a guy... I never met before. I knew it was a vampire for the faint scent of death only detected by supernatural. He was eyeing me down and I tried to comprehend if I met him before. "That's Benjamin Pike. He owns like.... half of Jasper." I heard Franny whisper to me. "He's staring you down too." I snickered at Franny. I knew he was looking at me! Jasper was a town right outside of Hancock. It was known for it's waterfalls, forest structure, mountain, and park. Benjamin was starting to head towards me now and I felt slightly nervous.

"He's a family friend..." I heard Kaylie whisper in my ear. "Couldn't you just eat him up?" Now that she asked I was dazzled by his appearance. He was like prince charming to me. His hair was a red chestnut color- it curled around his face in delicate curls that made me want to twirl them around in my fingers... and he was towering. Probably 6'11. He was in black skinny jeans, black vans, and a band t-shirt. He reminded me of Jayce. I gave a small smile to him in hopes he would be friendly. He was now a few steps from me. My chest swelled up in anticipation and I couldn't help but to stop breathing.

"Hello... I couldn't help but catch sight of you from over there. I love your outfit," he said and glanced me over. I blushed and glanced down at my galaxy hoodie and black cut up jeans... He loves my outfit? Of course he must! He was into dark colors... Colors I am wearing. His voice was almost becoming addictive to me as it was smooth and masculine at the same time. I wanted to hear it every second of my remaining existence.

"T-thanks. My names Lauren." I told him and glanced back up at him. How is it he managed to be the one vampire to become friends with my human friends?! I can't just admit so quickly to the fact that I like him. After all he is a vampire!

"So I'm holding a small party tomorrow, and I've invited your friends yesterday....They told me all about you, and I was hoping you would be here today so I could invite you. Want to come?" He asked and smiled at me friendly, looking into my eyes with a confident look. I should probably go... in case he tries anything with my friends... I'd kill him! If only I could expose my fangs to show I meant business. I should play hard anyways to get.

"Hmmm.... a party?" I smirked and tilted my head. "I don't know.... I don't really know you...." I trailed then as I lost myself in his eyes then. Those eyes.... are gorgeous.

"Well... If you don't want to, I understand. I was really looking forward to hanging out with you more.... They really made you out to be this really.... take all dares girl. You know, the kind that is fun to have around. If you don't want to go... it's your choice, but you'll be missing out." He smirked at me and then turned to walk away and glanced at me over his shoulder. "See you there. It's at nine pm tomorrow... I'll get your number and text you the address." He gave a wink and then went over to one of the drink machines to purchase a soda across the room. I puffed out my cheeks as I watched him head over to the drink machines. Who is he to assume I am going?! I crossed my arms as I watched him.

"That went well!" Alex said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a window and away from the others. "So let me tell you about yesterday!" I mentally groaned and drifted my eyes back to Benjamin. He was more interesting... "She dumped me for a football player!" He cried out and so I brought my attention back to him. "Can you believe it?!"

"Alex, she is a cheerleader after all." I told him as he was panicked looking. "I told you it would happen."

"I thought she liked me though!" He complained. He was already rubbing tears from his eyes. "She did it right in front of the whole cheer leading squad. It was embarrassing."

"I tell you what.. I have a class with her- so I will get her back for you." I promised and started to head to my class. He followed beside me.

"How? I don't want it to be too much though Laur."

"I'll shove a drink down her shirt." I said as I looked towards Kaylie with her sugary drink. "KAYLIE can I borrow that for the rest of the day and pay you back later?" I asked.

"WHOA! Lauren! You mean your actually going to drink something?" Kaylie asked. I shook my head.

"Just going to get a cheerleader good." I explained as I looked at Alex real quick.

"SURE! GIVE IT TO HER GOOD GIRLFRIEND!" Kaylie gave me her milkshake and I smirked evilly. Oh this was going to be so worth it.

My morning classes went by in a blur and by History I was ready to give the girl what she deserves. I noticed Benjamin was in the classroom when I walked in so I made note to sit far from him but by where that prep sat at so I could accidentally spill it all over her when I got up to throw it away. I sat down before the bell rang and watched as she fled into the room with her click. I scrunched up my nose slightly. Some days... like this... it was good to know you was far more superior then them just by being a vampire. I felt my fangs expose so I made note not to open my mouth during the... incident. Right before class started, I saw Benjamin coming from my peripheral and he stood beside me then leaned in to whisper something.

"I never got your phone number from you," he said softly with a smile. "Oh...and you have a little something...." he wiped at my lip and smirked, "here." He touched one of my fangs gently. My fang had caught into his finger and I jerked my head back causing a scene. A drop of blood splashed onto the desk and I glared him down.

"Benjamin!" I hissed out. The smell of his blood started to drive me bonkers and I tasted a bit on my fang. It tasted something like tea- but I couldn't wonder over that right now if it did or didn't. I'm going to kill him! "Go sit down before I stab you with a pen." I grumbled and whipped the blood off the desk with my sleeve. "Besides you said you would get it from a friend earlier."

"I decided I wanted it from you," he said with a pout as he stuck his wound in his mouth with a wince. "Besides, now you owe me... You hurt me! If you don't come to the party, I won't forget this."

"So?" I asked as I watched him. "I don't want to go. I have other things to do." I said as I clenched my hand around the drink. He just stared at me blankly for a few moments.

"Well...cancel them," he muttered to me lowly.

"Why should I? I have... a hunting trip in mind and everything.'' I held my head high then.

"Do it today. The party is tomorrow after all." He smirked at me and set an invitation on my desk to the party that had a crudely drawn smiley face in the top corner even though it wasn't needed. The invitation was really fancy looking...but the smiley face he drew on it kinda detracted from the looks of it, giving it a more childish feel.

"Eh... Today I have to read and catch up on my studies.... and go out to a bar with a friend. My day is pretty busy. You'll have to convince me harder." I told him as I rose in my desk to act now on the prep. She was just a few chair lengths away.

"How about....a date? If you go to the party, I'll take you on a date to a place of your choosing." He leaned against my desk as he watched me closely with a smug smirk. I stiffened a laugh.

"Who said I want to go on a date... with the likes of you?" I asked and smirked back at him. "I know who you are bucko." I started down the aisle then and faked a trip as I spilt it on her and watched her flip out and scream. I laughed and thew the cup at her.

"Don't mess with guys like Alex." I whispered low enough for her to hear only and stood up then. I heard laughter from behind me and slow clapping from Benjamin.

"I like your handiwork.... Oh, I'll reveal you to your so called friends if you don't go by the way. I know who you are too," I heard him say as he started to walk off. I puffed out my cheeks in a defeat and went to my desk. I placed the invitation into my purse as I watched him carefully. Exposing me would also expose him in the end... He wouldn't. I'll still go to his cruddy party though. I took out my phone and texted the number on the invitation so he would have my number and told him I would be there. I'll have Paris escort me there just to get some scoop on Benjamin. He glanced at his phone then laughed a little as he glanced up at me and nodded approvingly. I swear... He better not abuse having my phone number. I swear I will drop it in a pond if he does! I decided to try for the date to mess with him.

Me: So I heard that there is a ballet playing this weekend. Want me to get two tickets? It's Swan Lake.

Benjamin: You're into ballet? Well...If you want, I can get us front row tickets along with VIP backstage passes.

I dropped my phone as I thought it over. What is he... trying to impress me or something! I looked over at him then to make sure he didn't see me drop my phone. He didn't because he was calmly scribbling something into a planner and looking at something on his phone with interest. I shook my head and decided to ignore his text as the professor stepped into the room and shut the door. I took out a spiral note book and a black pen then began to take notes. Halfway through class, my phone buzzed again, telling me that he had sent me another text. I opened up the text to see what he sent me. I swear if he bought the tickets before I agreed to him doing it!

Benjamin: There is one on Saturday. I bought us tickets and passes backstage. Oh, and I also went ahead and made reservations at a restaurant nearby the theater for that day as well.

Me: What kind of restaurant? You know I don't eat right?

Benjamin: Don't worry. It's a special restaurant that we'll like. I made reservations on the food as well.

Me: We'll like? What kind of restaurant are we talking about? Your so creepy! Stop making plans on that stuff!

Benjamin: It's just a classy little blood place that my master showed me. You have to make reservations on the meal or else they won't serve you due to others coming in. They've only the best there... No trash like you'll find elsewhere.

Me: I'm not going. I change my mind. I have things to do Saturday!

I giggled as I sent that and put my phone down to take some notes that looked halfway important. I already knew what he was teaching but I had to look like I was doing something. He didn't text me back after that and went back to work with a small smile on his face. I got him out of the ballet... He must be happy. I'll just go alone Saturday and use the ticket I already bought. I hummed softly to myself and bounced one of my legs. I might even take Paris along. He might actually enjoy that. He seems like he needs a stress reliever anyways. Before I knew it the bell rang so I put up the spiral notebook and pen then got my stuff together to leave the classroom. However, to my dismay, Benjamin approached me and stopped me from leaving. "Come on... I already made plans. You don't want me to have to go through the trouble of making you go, do you? I have connections you know." He laughed and looked me in the eyes in a joking manner. "You really know how to play hard to get, don't you?"

"I already bought a ticket." I told him plainly. "So I don't plan to waist it. Maybe I will give it to a friend of mine.... He can tag along with us!" I giggled and started to brush past him. "I'll give it to him and he can tag along with us to watch the ballet. You don't mind right? After all! He's a fun guy."

"No, I don't mind. After all, if he's really as fun as you say, I won't mind him," Benjamin called after me. "SEE YOU TOMORROW AND SATURDAY~!" I let out a frustrated groan and glanced over my shoulder at him before leaving the class. As soon as I walked out the door something was smashed into my face and I tasted sweet~ whatever... I'm not even sure what this is.... PIE?! I whipped it off my face and out of my moth and watched as that prep laughed at me. She managed to get me back! Within a class period! I felt my stomach do a back flip from the sweet flavor on my tongue. I grabbed her then by her milkshake-ruined uniform and started to drag her to the nearest janitors closet to get her. I shoved her inside as I reached it then followed her in. I don't know what washed over me but I felt my stomach curling and my fangs exposing themselves from a swarm of hunger for her. I pinned her ruffly up against the shelves in the closet and started for her neck in a heartbeat and bit down. She let out a scream from the pain and I covered her mouth to silence her. I heard the door open and in stepped the ever present Benjamin.

"Hey- Oh....Um.... I'll just... wait outside. Enjoy~!" He waved at me nervously as he saw what I was doing and quickly walked out, ignoring the preps screams. From his presence it brought me back to and I pulled away from her neck then knocked her out and healed her so no one would suspect. I whipped my lips then looked at the time on my phone. I had an hour of lunch before I had to be back on campus. I walked out then and headed for the girls bathroom to go get washed up. I almost forgot about Benjamin. He went in after I got out and picked up the unconscious prep and started to walk off with her, probably to place her in a better setting for her to wake up. I walked into the empty restroom then shut the door and started to clean off the sweet substance on me. I had managed not to ruin my clothes with her blood so that was a good thing. After I got the pie off I walked out the restroom and headed for my car. I could read for an hour there or something.... When I got out to my car, that boy was waiting there for me with a smile as he sat on the hood of my car, watching me near him. I slowed down as I walked up to my car door.

"Benjamin? How'd you know this is my car?" I asked slowly. I rained an eyebrow at him and dangled my keys in my hand. "You know... I can't go anywhere with you on the hood." He shrugged and smirked at me.

"You don't have to go anywhere....Anyways, I followed your scent." He chuckled a little at me.

"Creep. What do you want?" I asked and glanced around the empty parking lot. It was just us and cars. We could be ourselves and not expose us to anyone.

"I want to know for sure if you are coming," he said and hopped off the hood of the car and walked over to me with a smile.

"I'll be there." I told him and shrugged. As he walked towards me I slowed down time and walked over to him in mid-step then reached into his pockets to snoop around as he was just standing there. I pulled out his wallet and looked around at his cash and credit cards then dropped them on the ground carelessly and went for his phone to hack into. I looked at his lock screen and stared at it for a second then started to decode it for a few minutes then gave up and threw it across the parking lot. I giggled and searched his pockets then pulled out a pack of gum and grabbed two pieces before walking back to my spot and stood like the way I was and time caught up to me again. I put a piece in my mouth and held him out one as the phone and wallet hit the ground. He quickly looked down at his things with wide eyes then looked up at me in confusion.

"Why- Did you- OH THAT'S SO COOL!" He laughed and bent down, picking up his stuff. I stopped chewing the gum as it tasted like tea and my face paled.

"Tea tasting gum..." I said softly.

"Yeah? I like tea...." He glanced up at me as he finished putting his stuff in his pockets and straightened back up, taking the gum I held out to him. He put it in his mouth and smiled softly at the flavor. "One of the one things I kept when I was turned....My love for tea." I swallowed a lump in my throat then and grabbed a bottle of scented spray in my purse and sprayed myself down to mask my scent before he caught onto anything. Oh hell no. I refuse to let him know too that I smell like tea! Did he get close enough to smell? Does my trail scent smell like tea? I began to panic. I'm going to run. Join the military and run. Head for Europe and get a desk job at a hotel and act like I never was an american. I will develop an accent then cut off all my hair. I put the spray in my bag smoothly and nervously chewed on the gum. "Oh, relax! I already know you smell like it. It's not like I'm going to eat you because you smell like tea! I just find it refreshing instead of the others who smell like sweat... or whatever they smell like." He rolled his eyes and stretched. "I'd let you eat me first before I would eat you without you saying I could." I licked my fangs as I remembered getting a taste of his blood earlier and tried to remember what it was like... it was hard to remember. I accidentally swallowed the gum and blushed.

"I don't smell like tea." I said plainly and then started for my car door.

"Ok, if you want to deny it, I won't bring it back up." He started to follow me with a sweet smile. I glanced over my shoulder at him then unlocked my car and climbed into the drivers seat then went to close the door. He stopped me and smiled, giving a small bow as he started to close it for me. "Milady," he said to me with a smirk. I watched him close it then cranked my car and turned the heat on. I pulled out Macbeth to read while he was there until he was gone... then I could pull out Twilight. He walked away after a few moments of looking at something on his phone and then got a look of duty as he walked off. I curiously watched him start to go and switched books out. So his master still hasn't released him? He's a newborn... I pulled the sleeve with his dry blood on it up to my nose then and sniffed it. Tea. I could smell tea! I widened my eyes and the book slipped out of my lap as I opened the car door and stepped out to catch some fresh air. I looked around for him for a second and remembered he left. He smells like me... How did I not catch this before!?

Louis' POV:

I looked down at the sleeping body of my brother's mate- Richard. He hadn't woken up since the day I put his mate in the grave. It's been ten years now, and he must be starving....though he refuses to even twitch. It's like he's dead, but I know he's not. I sighed and touched his face softly. "It's ok Richard... It's me Paris. I've come for you. I was freed.... Richard, come back to me," I whispered softly as I believed Paris might do. I'd been trying to wake him up for awhile now.... It's been about an hour since I started up again today. After no change, I pulled out my phone and started to text that Benjamin boy I made recently.

Me: Ben. Time to come home. School can wait. This is more important.

Benjamin: Yes sir!

I smiled at that. Loyal Benjamin...never giving me any problem like my backstabbing brother and sister! I laughed and sat down on the stone table next to Richard and looked down at him. "I'll get you to wake up... Don't worry about that. It's a promise. For now, duty calls. I have a war to wage." I looked down at my phone and started to message my 'partners' that I had acquired over the last decade and smirked as they all messaged back quickly. We'd have a little get together and discuss what to do for our move against Paris. We had been turning a few humans here and there for war efforts. Benjamin was the one I chose to make my protege when I found him outside a hospital one night. He had just finished his volunteer hours, and I thought it was positively...cute that he had been trying to make that hospital better when it wouldn't matter in the end. I was going to take over and rule these humans. I would work with the vampire hunters to do so. They saw my side. I'd rule both humans and vampires, controlling feeding and turning and keeping both sides healthy. I'd get rid of my brother Paris who just wanted to do things his way. I'd rule the world. I laughed at that and set my phone down next to Richard's head. "Hear that? It's the sound of Paris's death coming ever nearer....and you can't do a thing about it." I smirked and grabbed a lock of his hair gently. "Then... I will keep you as a trophy. You'll wake up eventually."

"Louis." I heard a hiss from behind me. I recognized the voice immediately. It was our family's demon. He was our ancestor and he ran through my twin and I's blood. He served us both. Usually Paris. He appeared in front of me and leaned over Richard's sleeping body and looked me in the eyes. Our family's white hair came from him. It was a sign of our demon blood lurking within us. No one but our family knew of course. "I need to talk with you." I looked up at him, bored. Great....

"About?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm a little busy planning."

"You can't kill Paris if he is already dead." He hissed out then. He looked beyond pissed. "There was an raid on Perry's club last night- the vampire hunters association trashed the place and took Paris." He crossed his arms. I jumped up excitedly and pumped a fist in the air.

"YES! FINALLY! THEY DID SOMETHING RIGHT! It's a good thing I have my connections with them," I said and smirked, turning to him as I tilted my head. "So what are you so upset about?"

"Their pumping him with some nasty looking liquid. Black and all. I can't save him of course unless one of you two ordered it. So.... How many strikes on the butt until you save your brother?" He was pulling out a whip. I felt my jaw drop a little and I snatched up my phone, taking off.


"SOMEONE HAS TO SAVE HIM!" He yelled at me. "He can't save himself unconscious so that leaves you. Go save your brother! I'm not going to be stuck slaving over you for all eternity. You get boring." I turned to him and narrowed my eyes.

"I'm not boring! Besides, I'm just going to kill him anyways! I should have smartened up and devoured him in the womb to save myself all this trouble! So....they are putting black stuff in him?" I asked curiously, walking back to him. "What is it?" I leaned on the table and played with Richard's hair as I watched the demon.

"Some tar looking liquid... I think it's unicorn blood." He made a disgusted face. "Go save him Lou or you will never hear the end out of it from me." I considered him for a few moments. Eternity is a long time to hear it from him... Plus he can get annoying as he can pretty much go where ever he wants. No place would be safe from him... Not even the afterlife. I'd go to Hell, and he'd follow me just to torture me.

"Fiiine! But I have conditions! You cannot interfere with anything I do with him!" I shouted at him as I let go of Richard's hair. "No helping him after I get him away from the hunters!"

"I wouldn't dream of interfering with your fights. I just don't think it would be appropriate to let each other die from something injustice or not by your own hands. Well you understand." He rubbed Richard's head. "How's little Rick? He looks just as sleepy as always. He is always sleeping. If he isn't binging on blood, taking over with an army then he is sleeping. You know if it wasn't for Richard.... You and Paris wouldn't be fighting. You two could be ruling together." He teased me. "You should get rid of him and fix things with your brother." He winked. "After that tar incident he might... be a little more willing." I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, Richard is a trophy... I'm keeping him to torture Paris. I can't let him have Richard back or kill Richard. Anyways, wait here. I've got a phone call to make to get Paris here, so YOU WILL LEAVE!" I turned from him and started dialing up a number for the Vampire Hunter's Association. After a few rings, I heard someone pick up. "Hey. Louis here. I need Paris."

"Who's Paris?" I heard a girl ask innocently. "Sorry sir but we don't have anyone listed under that name." I tsked. I got a lower classified hunter....just awesome.

"Listen, patch me in to your boss, will ya? It's important." I glanced at my nails as I said that. I need a manicure soon.

"Their not here today. Something about... visiting the Himalayan." I felt my eyebrow raise.

"How about their number then?"

"They don't want any phone calls, sir. I can patch you to Cross. He's a wonderful hunter who is in charge today." She said and I swore I heard someone giggle. I clenched my jaw.

"Sure...give the phone to Cross." I glanced over at the demon and narrowed my eyes at him angrily. He better be pleased. There was elevator music and then a shuffle of a phone before I heard someone.

"Yah, Yah... What!?" I heard a man ask. "Hurry up, I have to dissect today."

"How about you take it back a notch and answer some questions? After all, you don't want to anger me right now. Where's Paris?" I asked irritably as I sat on the table next to Richard.

"Depends on who is wanting to know." I heard him say calmly and a chair shuffling.

"The Prince of Wales wants to know," I practically spat out to him. "If you don't produce some information on Paris right now, I will personally have to come over there, and you do NOT want me over there when I'm angry."

"Who's the Prince of Els?" I heard him ask calmly with a sigh. "I can't give out information about patients here."

"Prince of Wales," I corrected and rubbed the side of my head. "Louis. If you aren't competent enough to understand something as simple as, tell me about Paris, then I suggest you find someone who is."

"Oh your his brother." I could hear him typing in stuff now on something. "Look I'm not telling you anything about what or where or who or anything about Paris. Just know he is in good care.." He laughed then.

"Ok, I hope you have a good day Cross. Oh, and I'll be having a talk with your boss when he gets back." I hung up on him and looked over at the demon and nodded. "Go retrieve Paris and bring him here to me. It seems that the vampire hunters are forgetting who they are dealing with, but I don't have the time to take care of that until later."

"Finally." He disappeared then and after a few minutes he came back with Paris in his arms. Paris' skin was a slight purplish and he looked sick. "Here we go." He said and smirked. I got up off the table and walked over to him, reaching out and touching Paris's face.

"You look so terrible brother," I whispered softly and then brushed some of his hair out of his face. "I should take a picture and make it last longer."

"Too bad you two never get along." I heard the demon grumble. Rolling my eyes, I turned and gestured for him to follow, going over towards the door.

"Come on, let's get him to a better resting place. I'll have one of my own pets sent in to feed him." I walked out into the hall and held the door open. Paris better thank me for this one time....I'm never doing this again for him. Only because I don't want the old man yelling at me more. Where the heck did he get that whip anyways?!

"I suggest you run this tar out of his system." I heard him say as he followed me with Paris.

"Blood and a bath can help him.... Jeez, he reeks," I wrinkled up my nose as I caught a whiff of Paris and looked away from them. "Lots of water too.... After that, he's gone....out of here.... kicked off to the next bus stop."

"Awe you don't want to take your little baby brother home yourself?" I heard him taunting me now. "Just look at him... He looks just like you." I turned to him and pinned him up against the wall, causing him to drop Paris on the floor at our feet.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" I sneered and exposed my teeth to him, threatening to hurt him. He laughed and watched me. When I heard Paris hit the ground he groaned and grabbed my leg then and snuggled up to me.

"Louuuuieeeeee.....Make it go awawawawayy..." He said softly, then I felt him kiss me. I tensed up and looked down at my younger brother and felt uncomfortable. What in the-

"DEMON I SWEAR!" I looked back up at the demon and narrowed my eyes. " should bite you." I stared him down.

"Just call me grampy!" The demon said and smirked. "I'm going to go now." He disappeared and left Paris to me. I groaned and looked down at Paris, starting to try to kick him off my leg.

"Get. Off." I muttered through gritted teeth. He let me go and curled up to himself and started to shiver.

"Lovee you...." He whispered as his skin was turning a darker purple. That tar must be turning his skin that color.

"ISABELLE! RACHEL! PENNY! TAWNYA! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I screamed, kneeling down next to him. At this rate... I'm going to lose my favorite pets.... Damn hunters. They should have just turned him over to me in the first place. They appeared next to me in a few seconds and bowed their heads. I had turned each of them because I liked the flavor of their blood and had let them have mine, gifting each of them with teleportation to make getting blood for me easier. No waiting.... Though I hadn't released them even though the oldest- Isabelle- has been around for a century now. I snapped my fingers and pointed to Paris. "Feed him....Try not to die in the process, but feed him before his color worsens." Isabelle nodded and kneeled down next to me, using her nails to prick her neck and hovered over Paris to let her blood drop on his lips.

"Is that your twin?" Tawnya asked me softly as she sat down next to Isabelle and waited for her turn if needed. The others followed suit. Paris opened his eyes a bit as the blood dripped down into his mouth and he shifted entirely away from it and held his stomach as he looked like he was going to puke. After a few minutes he fell over, unable to stay awake. I sighed and grabbed him, pulling him into my lap and then bit down into his neck, making sure to get his artery hard. I then pulled back quickly to avoid getting any tar in my mouth as I decided to let him bleed it out instead, since how feeding isn't going to work just yet.

"Yes, this is Paris.... He will be dead soon if we don't do something. Penny, prepare a blood iv so that he won't die from bleeding out. Rachel, get him some water. Isabelle, when he wakes up, feed him. Tawnya, assist others as you can. All of you will be needed to feed him, but Isabelle, you know how to handle starving monsters like him more, so I want you first. Don't you dare let him kill any of you. Don't kill him either." I picked him up as I stood up and started to walk off, Isabelle following silently as the others went to do what I said. Paris was gripping onto me tightly as his infected blood was oozing out. He glanced up at me weakly and I am sure there was no way he had a clue about what was going on around him. He was probably in a whole new dimension.

"Louis..." He said softly and started to spit up some of his blood. I looked down at him with a softened look and smiled softly. It takes me back to when we were little and we got along.... I shifted him to where I was supporting him with one hand and grabbed his other hand, bringing it up to my lips as I bit down into his radial artery, making sure to not get any of his contaminated blood in my mouth. I let his hand drop and went for his other one, doing the same and then going back to holding him with both hands. His hands shook as he curled them up to his chest and groaned. "I want to go home." He said softly as he let out a scream then and his body shook.

"Paris?" I looked at him in concern. "What's wrong?" I took him into the nearest room and set him down on the bed inside, gesturing for Isabelle to come closer. "Do you think you can eat yet?" He arched his back as soon as he touched the bed and hissed out in pain and touched his throat. The infected blood started to come out thicker and bubbles were forming in it and popping.

"Louis...." He groaned out. "Make the pain stop." He gasped out and started to rip apart his shirt. I bit my bottom lip and moved to where I had my face in the crook of his neck on the other side.

"Normally, I'd get a kick out of this, but this is too much," I whispered and then bit the other side of his neck and pulled back. Penny appeared with everything needed for an IV and began her work, hooking him up to an IV stand and a blood bag as Rachel showed up with the water. Tawnya then appeared with more bags of blood and set them down on the nightstand.

"Sir, is that all for now until he needs to be fed?" Rachel asked. I glanced at her and nodded.

"Go eat healthily...all of you except Isabelle." I gestured for them to leave and they did. Paris curled up and started to shiver a bit and started to scratch at his arms then moved up them to his shoulders. His nails were beginning to draw blood. I noticed his body was not healing at all. I narrowed my eyes and grabbed his hands away from him and looked at Isabelle. "Finger nail" She nodded quickly with wide eyes and left then came back in a moment and held them out to me. I took them from her and started cutting his nails down as far as I could. "You... are not going to scratch at yourself," I informed him and let go of his hands when I finished. I then leaned over to his shoulder and bit him as hard as I could. He screamed out in pain and started to push up on my chest.

"Stop!" He begged and squirmed under me. "I can't handle it..." He started to sniffle. "It hurts so much..." H grumbled. "Louis... Please make this stop!" I pulled back a little and glanced at his eyes.

"Pain is a sign you are alive.... Be happy you can feel it and you aren't dead yet." I bit down a few inches away from the last bite, getting the idea that getting it out of his system faster would be a better idea instead of watching it slowly ooze out.

"What's in me.." He was still trying to scratch himself. "It itches bad!" He yelled as I had bit again.

"Tar," I told him and gave him another hard bite, digging my fangs in deep. He reached down towards my pants pockets and searched them.


"WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?! I'm risking tearing it out of you to keep you alive you idiot!" I screamed at him and smacked his hands away from my pockets then bit down on another spot on his neck this time. He grabbed at my arms as I had bit down then pulled back and started to scratch at his chest, right above his cold heart.

"LOUIS! KNIFE!" He begged.

"Hell no, you'll take the easy way out. Tar is nasty stuff," I said simply and pulled back, grabbing his hands and holding them at his sides so he couldn't scratch himself. I watched as the blood was oozing out of all his wounds I gave him and took a deep breath. This might be a close call.... He struggled for a few minutes before he got weak and closed his eyes. The tar was slowing down a bit and looked to be stretching out now in thick globs. I let go of his hands and stood up, going over to the IV stand and changing out the old, now drained blood bag for a newer one. "Isabelle, try feeding him now," I ordered, turning back to Paris. "He might be able to take blood now." Paris was unconscious at this point as the tar was draining out slow now. She nodded and walked over to him then sat on the bed and redid the prick on her neck, leaning down to his lips to let it drip.

"Master Paris...It's time to wake up," she whispered softly to him, touching the side of his face encouragingly. He didn't move though and stayed still and asleep. He looked at peace. I walked over and sat down on the bed then sighed.

"Paris you idiot," I muttered and then brought my wrist up to my mouth and bit down on it. "Isabelle, I'll handle him for now until he is conscious enough to eat by himself without you forcing it into his mouth. Go eat with the others until I call for you." She disappeared instantly, leaving me with my brother. I held out my bleeding wrist and held it to his lips, watching it drizzle into his mouth as I held his head up. "You better be kissing my feet after this....No one... and I mean no one.... gets to drink my blood." He took a few minutes to move slightly. It was his chest that gave the signal as it lifted a bit for a breath. Then his body began to heal himself. Finally... after what felt like forever.... His eyes fluttered open and he reached up to rub my cheek with the back of his hand. He looked like he had just woken up from another century of sleep as he looked at me. I stared down at him and clenched my jaw, wondering if it was safe to move my wrist away from him and call for Isabelle. I could handle a starving Paris, but I don't want my pets too hurt from him either even though that's what they are here for- feeding. He suddenly adjusted himself then and bit down into my wrist as he captured it with his other hand and started to feed. He shut his eyes and looked away from me so I couldn't see my wrist and his face. I widened my eyes at him and tugged gently on my wrist as he started to get more aggressive. DAMN IT! THIS WAS ISABELLE'S JOB! I gritted my teeth as I thought about how I hadn't let anyone feed on me since I was really young. I don't let people drink my blood.... He pulled away suddenly and moved off the bed then went for the iv stand as he stumbled a bit.

"What happened..." He grumbled as he held his chest. "My lungs feel like I have been smoking all my years of being alive."

"Paris, sit back down," I ordered him and snapped my fingers for him to sit down beside me. "Touch that IV stand, and I'll make sure that you get the worst blood I have here. You're lucky I'm letting you drink mine for right now. After me, you'll get Isabelle if you sit." I narrowed my eyes at him and watched him closely.

"I-" He grumbled and sat back down on the bed and kept his back to me as he leaned over and held his body. "I don't need Isabelle." He told me as he shook his head. "I don't need you either... I just need... Wait a minute. How'd I get here!?" He sat up then and panicked. "I was at Perry's!"

"Boy that did a number on you," I muttered to myself. "Perry's was raided by vampire hunters...They found you and took you with them- which may be some of my fault since how I am working with them just a tad bit for the war and all- and they did something that they shouldn't have. They didn't tell me they had you, and they began to pump you full of tar. Our demon came to me and told me to have you rescued or else, and so I ordered him to go get you after Cross refused to tell me anything. I'm going to remind them of who they are dealing with later, but for now, I'm helping you recover from that tar mess.... Now get over here before I change my mind," I said and grabbed him, pulling him over to me and holding my bloody wrist in front of him. "This is a one in a lifetime offer for you." I watched him closely, wondering if he'd take it. He gave a slight nod to me as he looked me over then pressed my back against the bed as he sat up on me then leaned down towards my neck.

"I think you just wanted this yourself," He whispered before he bit down into my neck and grabbed my shoulders and gave them a squeeze. He started to drink my blood and I could feel the tense muscles hovering above me. He wasn't exactly strong enough to pin me though so I could over power him at any time. I held in a yelp as I felt him bite me and squirmed a little. I SAID WRIST, NOT NECK YOU LITTLE- I glanced at him and sighed, deciding not to argue because I wanted him at full strength for later anyways.... If it took me feeding him personally, then I guess that was a price I was willing to pay for my war. After a good couple of minutes he pulled back and laid down by me. I could hear him licking the blood off his fangs. "Chocolate... Tea.... Oranges... and Honey..." He purred and I could hear the happiness in his voice. "No one else tastes as good as you. Besides myself." He chuckled. I sat up a bit and touched the bite mark on my neck with a small sigh.

"You had to go for my neck, didn't you? I'll get Isabelle to take over from here then," I stood up and walked over to the door and poked my head out into the hall. "ISABELLE! DARLING SWEET ISABELLE!" I called for her and smiled as I thought about getting Tawnya for myself to replace what he took.

"I'm good Louis. I'll leave after I take a nap." I heard Paris say from the bed and heard him yawn. "I just need to rest up for an hour or eight."

"You'll eat some more," I said sternly and turned to him. "You've been boxed up for ten years, kidnapped by vampire hunters, tarred, and then you've been bleed to get it out. You need to recover." Isabelle appeared and walked over to the bed and sat down, moving her hair out of the way with a small smile.

"It's nice to see that you're awake this time. Master Louis seemed a little worr-"

"I WAS NOT WORRIED!" I shouted and then turned away quickly, inspecting the wall. "I want to paint this...purple next." I heard Paris shift in the bed.

"He is my twin. I'd be a little worried for him to, I'd do the same... except I would have done it cleaner and to where he would come out with new organs and everything." I heard him cough. "I don't need anymore blood though Isabelle. Thanks. Leave us alone." Paris ordered.

"Master Louis?" Isabelle looked over at me as I glanced over my shoulder.

"Paris, you need to get back your strength... You used to be like a god, yet you felt like a pitiful girl when you were holding me down earlier," I said, aiming for his ego as I turned to look at them fully.

"I'm saving up some energy. I have a plan to be more godly soon. I just won't go wasting this girls blood right now." I tsked at him.

"It's not wasting if it's for a good cause such as getting you better for war you idiot. Now, do you just want me to kill you here and now while you can barely stand like a sick child from the old days, or do you want a chance to win the war, make my life more interesting?"

"You think I have no choice in beating you right here... right now?" He asked and I heard him moving off the bed. I pushed a button then. Metaphorically speaking of course, though I would love a button... a real one. I crossed my arms.

"No, you have no chance of beating me right here and right now, even if I've been weakened from you drinking from me. You best go ahead and drink your juice like a good little boy, and maybe I'll get you dessert." I smirked and waved for him to sit back down and eat more.

"What am I, five to you?" He asked and crossed his arms across his chest. "I'm not a kid! Just cause your like two or so minutes older does not give you any rights to talk to me like that! Your just jealous of my accomplishments and amazed that I am still standing even after wha-" He stopped talking and took in a deep breath. "what I have been through." I raised an eyebrow and walked over to him, grabbing him by the back of his neck.

"How would you like to see one of MY accomplishments? I think you will find it very...impressive and I think that maybe you will come to respect your elder brother more Paris." I started to pull him out of the room and yanked him down the hall, going to Richard's chambers that he has been in for the last ten years. I made sure to keep Richard out of my thoughts as I counted up from one. I knew about Paris's little tricks. Paris struggled to get free as I dragged him along and then teleported out of my grasps, a few feet away. That took a toll on him though as he fell to his knees instantly. I walked over and grabbed him by his arm, dragging him the rest of the way and kicked the door open, throwing him down on the floor by the stone table. "I've had this little trophy for the past ten years while you've been stuck in a box." I told him, going over to Richard and sitting down on the stone table as I started playing with Richard's hair then glanced down at Paris. "He's been here... All this time. I bet you miss him, don't you? You miss having what you called your mate. Now he's mine, and I'm not giving him back to you. How's that for an accomplishment?" I asked with a smug smile as I watched his reaction to seeing Richard. His eyes filled with admiration for his lover then he turned to me and it turned to pure hatred.

"What have you done!?" He asked and pulled himself up to his feet slowly then stumbled to me. "I'll kill you!" He hissed out in hatred. "How could you do this to him!? He's done nothing!"

"Done what? It's not like he's tried to leave. He's been asleep for ten years. Ever since the day you were put into the coffin, he hasn't even twitched. He's here for safekeeping," I said and crossed my legs, watching him. "If you think I put him to sleep, I had nothing to do with it. I just reaped the benefits, and now I'm keeping him." I smirked.

"You can't have him! Your sick." He hissed out then sat down by me and leaned over his lover and kissed his cheek. "You'll be back home soon my love. I promise! I love you." He purred in his ear then glanced over at me. "Your going to get one hell of a war Louis." I laughed softly at that and looked him in the eyes.

"Bring it. I'm ready as soon as you are," I told him and went to move him away from Richard and back to his room I had him in earlier. He smacked my hands away and leaned back to Richard and kissed his lips then softly before getting up himself and smirked.

"If you ever touch him~ I swear Louis. I won't only shove you into a box." He threatened. I gave him a challenging look and hovered one of my fingers over Richard's chest and slowly lowered it.

"Toooouch," I said, putting a single finger on him. He leaped at me then and knocked me over onto the table and tried to pin me down as he bit my neck but didn't drink my blood. It was just to warn me. I shoved him off quickly and kicked one of his knees, making him fall down. "Pfft....Just like a love sick puppy," I told him teasingly and then paused as I heard something shift behind me.

"Hmmm....I'm hungry," I heard someone mumble. Richard? I turned to look at him and saw him turn over onto his side, moving for the first time in ten years. He snuggled up to himself and yawned. "I want someone sweet...." He curled up into a ball and gave a small smile as he seemed to be daydreaming about food. His fangs exposed themselves after a few more seconds and he kept muttering to himself about eating. Paris was by him instantly and bit into his wrist to feed his lover without thinking straight and shoved his wrist into his lover's mouth.

"Morning my love!" Paris whispered to him softly. "I'm so glad you are waking up!" He smiled sweetly at him. Richard grabbed onto his wrist and looked up at him with love in his eyes as he bit down on his wrist and sat up, keeping a tight grip as I could clearly see the hunger on his face. That boy hasn't eaten in ten years....I can't imagine what that feels like. I shuddered at the thought of not eating for ten years. Paris cringed and flinched at bit from his lover's bite. "I love you." He whispered to him. "Wake up and be my general. We have a war to plan carefully." I dropped my jaw at that.

"I AM NOT LETTING YOU TAKE HIM. Therefore, he can't be your general." I crossed my arms at that and caught a glare from Richard who let go of Paris.

"You put my love into a box.... What year is this?" He glanced around and then looked at Paris. "What day is this? WHERE THE HELL AM I?! LOUIS I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" He jumped to his feet on the table and started to walk over to me. "TELL ME WHAT THE DATE IS!"

"It's been ten years," I informed him calmly.

"TEN YEARS! THAT'S A DECADE! YOU PUT MY LOVE INTO A BOX FOR A DECADE!" I stared at him cooly and watched as Richard jumped down and walked up to me, hissing. "I should rip your throat out for this....." He grabbed me and bit down into my shoulder as hard as he could, making me yelp.

"P-PARIS! GET HIM OFF!" I screamed, trying to shove the hungry vampire away as he practically pinned me against the nearest wall and started drinking my blood.

"Richard.... Please don't drink from my brother... Your suppose to keep your fangs to me." Paris said and walked over to his lover and pulled him off me then. "Let's go. We can kill him later." Paris promised then looked towards me. I caught something in his eye then that told me he was worried for me. He didn't make it that obvious to Richard though. Richard looked at him and licked his lips with a pout.

"It's not my fault...He made me mad," he whined and hugged Paris. "Besides, I don't want to hurt you....How about I go eat some worthless humans off the street?"

"How about I take you home to the manor and we binge on blood?" Paris asked and kissed Richard's cheek. "Or... we can head straight to the bedroom." He teased softly. I shuddered at the thought of the two of them.

"Hmmm....anything for you Paris," he said and touched the side of his face as he leaned in and kissed him. "Even ten years asleep is the least I could do for you," he whispered the last part to him and gently bit his earlobe, tugging on it a bit.

"Least I didn't come back to you with someone this time," Paris teased him and kissed his cheek then started to pull him out the room. "Let's go home." I narrowed my eyes and almost went to go after them but stopped myself. If Richard goes home, he'll eat. Then I can get him back when he's not starving.... I won't have to worry about becoming the meal. I held my bite wound he gave me and winced. That Richard guy sure can bite deep when he's hungry and mad....

Paris's POV:

I managed up the last bit of strength I had to teleport Richard and I back home to the manor before Louis tried anything. As soon as we appeared the first whiff of scent I caught was Rose. NO! SHE'S HOME! DOOMSDAY IS UPON ME! I landed on my knees and let Richard go as the teleportation had took up most of my remaining strength. "Blood! NOW." I yelled and heard a servant take off running into the hall. We had appeared in the day room... which was not exactly where I was going for but it was close enough. Two maids ran in then and I looked them both over. I didn't recognize them so I exposed my fangs and stood up then. "Come here." I ordered them. One walked over first and exposed her neck to me in hesitation. I bit down without second thought and began to drain her. Now that I have my lover I can start building up all my strength for the war.... including my armies. I had a few extra calls to make.... now that I think about it. I drained her dry of blood then let her go and she fell lifeless to the ground and I glared down the next maid. She trembled as my eyes landed on her. I smirked and walked up to her then moved her hair away from her neck. Her heart was pounding in her chest now. I could hear it's rhythm. I bit down into her throat and ripped out a piece of her flesh then spit it out and started to drink her blood as it rushed into my mouth. I could hear three more running into the room and awaiting orders from me. I drained the maid quicker then the first and looked at the three others. two maids and one butler. "Paris....That was unnecessarily cruel....I like it," I heard Richard say as he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled softly and looked at him.

"You'd do it too if I let you drink their blood. I'm not going to allow it though. You'll drink from me okay?" I kissed his cheek then looked at the butler and smirked. "Your next."

"Awww, that's no fair..... I haven't eaten in ten years," he whispered as he pouted at me.

"Fine... You can have the two maids." I smiled at him and then walked over to the butler and grabbed him by the hair and leaned his head backwards and bit down into his jugular and started to feast on his blood as it poured in. After a few minutes he fell limp in my hands and I let him go. He crashed to the floor with a heavy thud. I smirked and whipped my mouth then headed for the bathroom to take a shower and think over my plans to attack. I heard a small scream from one of the maids just as I was leaving the room and heard Richard laugh softly. I smirked as I felt amazed. My love was back. I was going to take over and have the best town ever. I had everything by the balls now. I smirked and took off my clothes then turned on the water. I stepped into the tub.

I have to make a phone call to a pack alpha nearby. He owes me service. Then I have to make a phone call to the prince of England. He was a good friend of mine and had a powerful army of his own. I need to go to my friends in the hunters association to get weapons from them and recruit them into my army.... That was going to be interesting. After all that association almost killed me! I groaned as I thought it over. I need to go to my cousins and get them recruited in before Louis gets to them. Does Louis even know we have Cousins? I doubt he even knows... I didn't find out about them until a little time after our fight. It shouldn't be hard then to recruit them.... I leaned up against the wall and closed my eyes as the water ran over my body. Why did Louis want war? Can't he just be normal and stay in Wales? Why does he have to come to my town and mess up the peace I created? So what we built this manor together? He left it... therefor it is mine. I slid down to my knees as I felt my lungs giving out a bit. I'm going to need new lungs before I lead an army into a war.

"PAAAARIS~!" I heard the door open and in walked Richard. "I'VE FINISHED OFF THE MAIDS~! YOUR TURN!" He shut the door behind him. I snapped my eyes open then and took in a sharp breath.

"My turn?" I asked softly and blushed. "Uhmmm! I'm taking a shower." I informed him.

"Oh....ok. I'm going to go find another maid then.... OR MAYBE A BUTLER!" I heard him laugh softly and the door opened.

"GET IN HERE." I ordered and stood up quickly and pushed the shower curtain open to look at him. I beckoned him over to me with one finger. He was almost halfway out the door, but he paused to look at me.

"Oh?" I smirked and put a hand on my hip as I was fully exposed to him.

"Oh indeed." I told him. He blushed and glanced out into the hall then came back in and shut the door in front of him.

"I thought you were taking a shower," he said and turned to me with a smile, exposing his fangs playfully to me.

"Remember our first time? It was on the beach. This is almost as close to the beach... get in." I winked at him and exposed my fangs. He laughed a little and moved closer to me, standing at the edge of the shower as he started to strip tease me, pulling up slowly on his shirt.

"You want me to get in the shower with you?" He asked and leaned up kissing me. I kissed him back slowly and then pulled him in with me.

"Yes." I purred. He gasped as the water hit him and he shivered as his clothes got at wet. He narrowed his eyes at me and then started to pull them off as he didn't like his clothes wet at all.

"You could have waited a few more minutes," he told me.

"No I couldn't... You was strip teasing me." I pouted and kissed his lips then gave him a bar of soap. "Don't drop the soap." I smirked.

"That's what they say in prison...but if this is prison, I'll plead guilty to anything they throw at me," he whispered to me and finished taking off all his clothes, throwing them out of the shower.

"Oh yeah?" I husked and started to pour shampoo into my hand to rub into my hair good. "Well if this is prison... You are never going to be able to stand when I get done." I teased. "Ten years is too long."

"Too long indeed," he agreed and started to shampoo his hair as he set the bar soap down on the shelf. "If I was starving that much, guess how much I must have missed you." He smirked at me and rinsed his hair.

"You went to sleep just to avoid waiting consciously.... Didn't you?" I asked softly.

"Maaaybe....Maybe I went to sleep because I was already missing you terribly and didn't want to do something rash...Or maybe I did it to keep people like Louis away....Maybe it was a combination of all three," he said, reaching for the conditioner. I tsked and grabbed one of the bottles of conditioner and done my hair and rinsed then went for the soap and a rag. I soaped up the rag and accidentally dropped it.

"Whoops..." I mumbled. He smirked at me and tilted my face up to him and kissed me quickly.

"You can't blame me for sleeping for ten years."

"No.... I can't." I admitted and bent over to grab the soap which had went towards the drain. I groaned as it was hard to get to. "I love you for it too in a way." I told him.

"I love you too...." He kissed the top of my head and then grabbed a rag and picked up the soap I had given him earlier and started to soap up. "Don't think I've forgotten either that it's your turn next either," I heard him say.

"Next?" I asked as I got the soap and put it on the rack then started to wash my body. "I have no clue what your talking about... do you mean... I drink your blood?" He looked at me and frowned.

"Are you hungry still too?" He asked.

"No... but I have to start binging on blood so I can get back to my godliness." He smiled at that and had a wistful look on his face.

"Yes....but I think that you are perfect no matter what state your in," he told me and laughed softly. "Though I wouldn't mind you being more godly like you were ten years ago..." He leaned over to me and put his face in the crook of my neck, letting his fangs brush my skin.

"Yeah... back then they said I literally walked with the gods." I said and laughed. I ran my fingers through his hair then pulled on it a bit and smirked. "Take this to our bed?" I asked and started to push him out of the tub. He made a small noise and looked up at me with a small pout.

"Let me finish showering first," he told me. "I want to be all clean.... It's the first bath I've had in ten years."

"Should've seen their faces when I strolled up in here covered in dirt and mud." I whispered and chuckled. "They all looked at me like I was a zombie."

"Just because you were all dirty and fine with it doesn't mean I am." He kissed my cheek and started to finish what he was doing and rinsed off after a few seconds then got out. He grabbed a towel and started to dry off. I washed my body and rinsed off then cut the water off. I stepped out and dried off with a warm fluffy towel. He glanced over at me and smirked, showing me his fangs as he walked over to where I was standing and leaned in to my neck. I slipped just out of his grasp and disappeared into the bedroom. I smirked at my smoothness then laid down on the bed and relaxed. Now I can get a good nap in! After a few minutes, Richard came in dressed in the shirt I was wearing earlier and he ignored me, going over to the closet where his old clothes were.

"Your wearing my shirt? Tease." I sat up then and watched him. "Oh we should get you a new wardrobe. I'll let you get on this cool thing called internet and you can order whatever you want off of it for your new wardrobe." I told him. The internet is way different then what I remember it once as... I sighed and decided to get dressed before one of the girls ran in unannounced... like my sister. "We still have tons of gold stashed away to my understanding." I told him as I walked into my closet and picked out one of my clean cut outfits. I usually dressed fancy. I put on a dress shirt and pants then headed for the bed again to take a nap. He was already laying there in one of my old shirts from that he stole years ago and a pair of pants, snuggling up to a pillow in happiness. I laid down by him then pulled him into my embrace and bit down into his neck to renew my mark on him. I felt my venom rush into his system and send him waves of ecstasy. He gripped my shirt and let out a small moan as he moved his head back, allowing me better access to his neck. He shivered a little at the venom. I pulled back as that was all I wanted to do with the bite and licked the wound softly to heal it up. "There we go... good as new." I purred.

"That's no fair... You get to remark me, but I don't get to have a little?" He pouted at me and didn't loosen his grip on me.

"I never said you couldn't have any." I whispered in his ear and laid down by him. "You just assumed."

"But you teleported away from me," he whined and then buried his face into my neck, his fangs touching my skin again as he went to bite down. He bit down hard this time and didn't soften up as he drank my blood. I gasped and tensed up form the bite.

"I'm a tease sometimes... what can I say?" I asked and rubbed his head as he began to feast on my blood. He laughed a little and moved on top of me, pinning me down as he got a better angle and went in for another bite. I gasped and scrunched up my neck so he couldn't bite and chuckled. "Heh!" I smirked at my accomplishment.

"Pariiiis!" He looked down at me and then smirked and leaned down, kissing my passionately then bit my lower lip as payback. I gasped and exposed my neck for him so he could have it.

"Yes Richard?" I asked softly. He laughed a little as he pulled back from where he had started to suck on my lip and then went back to my neck, leaving me with the taste of my own blood in my mouth. It reminded me of Louis as I tasted it and smiled softly. He cared enough to save me... He was worried too. I felt Richard bite down on my neck again and he wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning his weight into me.

"I love you," he whispered against me as he licked at the bite wound he made. I blushed and looked towards him.

"I love you too Richard!" I leaned in and kissed him softly. He kissed me back and then pulled away with a small smirk, going back to my neck where he bit down as hard as he could. I felt him do what I had done to him a few moments ago, his venom entering my system and sending a shiver through me. I shuddered and arched my back off of the bed as he fulfilled our mate bond. After a few minutes, he released me and laid down beside me on the bed and snuggled up to me.

"Ten years was worth it for you," he whispered in my ear and rested his head on my chest. "It's so good to be home...."

"It's not home yet until I can ensure our safety. We have a war coming up." I whispered softly to him.

"My home is always with you...even if it isn't safe," he told me and smiled sweetly up at me.

"Awe.... It will always be here too for you Richard." I whispered and closed my eyes. "I need to get some rest. Then we will have to get busy. I want you to call up the prince of England tomorrow." I told him.

"Why me?" He mumbled. "I thought I would kill at least one more maid tomorrow..."

"You can do both... then train my recruits." I told him and rubbed his head.

"Ok... I will wipe the floor with them tomorrow," he mumbled and fell asleep on me. I looked at him then closely. I'm lucky to have him as my mate and general. He's a great leader too. I smiled as I remembered how we met. It was back when I were but a little boy. He was too. Just a few years older. It's back before Rose existed and Louis was nothing but a scary story. My parents told me they lost him during childbirth and I was lucky to live. Anyways.... I met Richard during a party his parents were hosting. He wasn't much for words back then. His brother was all over me though wanting to play games. Richard had other things in mind. I had sneaked away from his brother by playing hide n seek and I found Richard alone in a music room. He was playing the piano. He is the only reason why I learned to play- to impress him. That night we first met... we broke vampire laws and drank each other's blood. We found out why it was against the law to drink it... vampire blood... is absolutely... beautiful. It is delightful to taste and it makes you want nothing else... just it. We found out then too that we had feeling for each other. We became inseparable.... Nothing can keep us apart for long. We are two stars destined to be locked right beside each other in the night sky for all of eternity. To hell with anything that tries to pull us apart. That's one of the reasons why I murdered my parents. They tried to separate us. I glanced down at him and then at the ceiling before closing my eyes to sleep.