Some Humans Have Soul Mates

Raven's POV:

For the last six hours, Austin and I had gone to see a movie, went to a restaurant, hung out at the book store (I got a new book too! It's a collection of Edgar Allen Poe!), and basically went wherever we felt like it. I, however, kept us away from the park out of fear that there might be another Mike and George around. I didn't want him to get shot like Uriah did, even though Austin is not food. I glanced over at him as we were walking down a street lined with shops and smiled softly. "Hey Austin, I was wondering if you wanted to do this again sometime? I really had a lot of fun- more fun than I've gotten in awhile."

"I've had fun too. We definitely will do this again. I talked to my friends by the way. They are up for this weekend... So are you still wanting to come?" Austin asked and gave a small smile as he looked me over. Excitedly, I gave a nod. OH MY GOSH, I'M GOING CAMPING.

"I'd love to go this weekend!"

"Awesome!" He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll text you then about all the plans."

"Ok," I said and then stopped when I saw a little white kitten huddling up under a windowsill by a potted plant. It looked like it hadn't eaten in days.... I bit my bottom lip and walked over slowly. I can't just leave it here.... What if it doesn't have a mommy? Or someone to take care of it? It looked up at me, it's gold eyes practically begging for me to pick him up. Aww... I bent down and held out my hand gently to it and watched as it sniffed my hand and then let out a purr, rubbing it's head against me. "There is no way a cutie like you is being left out here.... I'm taking you home with me," I whispered as I scooped it up and cradled the poor thing to my chest. It mewed at me and then closed it's eyes, exhausted as it fell asleep almost immediately in my warmth. I stood up and turned to Austin, walking back to him. "Look at this cutie..." I smiled and showed him the kitten I had picked up. "I think someone abandoned it." Austin smiled and rubbed the kittens head then as soon as I was by him.

"It's a cutie isn't it? You should take it home so it will be in good hands." He encouraged me. "What will you even name it?" I frowned and looked at the kitten.

"I'm not sure yet.... I'll think about that later." I rubbed under his chin and watched as he let out a small purr. "I really should get him home soon....He looks like he hasn't eaten anything in a few days, and he's a growing baby." I smiled and looked up at Austin. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow then." He gave me a smile and slight nod. "You two be careful." He kissed my cheek and then the cat's head. "Text me when you get back so I know you made it." I nodded and started to walk off.

"Nothing is gonna mess with me... I'm too tough, but I will text you and be careful," I said, looking back over my shoulder.

~Time skip provided by creepy movies~

I walked into the manor and into the kitchen to find a cook making dinner for the household. "Hey... I need some help. Do you mind?" I asked sweetly, watching as he turned to look at me.

"Help with wha- Is that a kitten?" He walked over and laughed as he saw the white kitten and started to pet it. "It's so small.... How about I get it a nice platter of milk, hmm?" He looked up at me and then smiled.

"That would be nice, thank you very much." I smiled back at him and watched as he started to fix the kitten some food. "Is Paris home yet?" He froze and glanced over his shoulder at me.

"Is Paris home yet?" He repeated the question and shook his head. "He and that vampire he brought back with him ate almost a fourth of the servants around here... I was lucky I wasn't in the area."

"Ate the servants?" I widened my eyes. "Other vampire?" He nodded and set the plate of milk down in front of me on the counter.

"Yes, he brought back this guy...I think the others said his name was Richard? Well, they pretty much devoured the servants and then went on to bed.... If you are looking for Paris, I'd be cautious. I'm not sure if they are still hungry or not, but they haven't called for any others yet." I nodded. They ate the servants? Yuck....Why didn't they just go hunting? I'm sure that the servants don't taste all that good.... There's all kind of stress in their blood from working all the time. I wrinkled up my nose and set the kitten down to let it eat. It stumbled over cutely to the dish and started to eat quickly, acting half starved.

"Do you think that he will mind if I wake him up? I was thinking that I should probably let him know about this little guy and my plans for this weekend." I looked up at the cook and saw him take a deep breath.

"Well...It's not my job to advise you, now is it? I'm just a cook." Helpful...very helpful. I tsked and crossed my arms.

"Then I guess I will just wake him up then. It's pretty important considering there's a war coming." The kitten finished and looked up at me expectantly, walking over to me and meowing like I was its mom. I laughed at that and picked him up. "Come on cutie." Walking out of the kitchen, I went up to where Paris's room was and knocked on the door. "Paris?" After a few minutes the door cracked open and he was there looking me over. His hair was a bit ruffled up in the back.

"Yes Raven?" Paris asked in soft voice.

"Sorry for waking you up, but I wanted to make sure that you knew that I'm not going to be here this weekend. Oh, and I got a kitten." I held up the small white cat and smiled. "I haven't named him yet. Lauren and I are going to go hunting soon, and I need you to watch him." Holding out the kitten, I gave him a sweet smile. "He shouldn't be too much trouble."

"Noo not at all..." Paris took the kitten then and rubbed its head as he held it to his chest. "I don't mind about everything you said. I'll take care of this little fellow until you get back. Be careful... the hunters raided Perry's earlier." He rubbed the kitten's head once again. "Oh and if you are going away this weekend take something to protect yourself with. Like a gun or whatever."

"I'm just going camping with this guy I met," I said and shrugged. "It shouldn't be too dangerous. After all, his friends are going to be there as well."

"Be careful. You don't know much about them. If you need me just call for me." He smiled and went to close the door.

"Good night~!" I smiled and waved, watching him shut it and then walked off to go see if Lauren was back. After teleporting, I found her in her room, reading a book. Taking a quick glance at the cover, I saw it was Twilight. She likes those books? I frowned at that and looked up at her.'s her life. If she wants to read about sparkly vampires, she can go ahead. She had one of her wrists against her lips as she was reading and slowly flipped the page. When she flipped it she noticed me then threw the book across the room and stood up nervously for getting caught.


"Hey Lauren! Are you ready?" I smiled at her sweetly and clasped my hands behind my back.

"Yeah." She headed to the door then and brushed past me. "Let's go! I'm hungry. Preps do this to me." She laughed.

"Preps?" I giggled and followed her. "You sound like you had an eventful day already," I said softly.

"I got pie faced from one after I shoved a slushie down her cheerleader outfit." She explained to me.

"Good job with the slushie," I complimented and gave her a sweet smile. "I bet it was nothing compared to the pie."

"She deserved it. She broke up with my friend Alex! For a football player too. I seen it coming but still." Lauren was shaking her head. "I met a guy too." She whispered softly to me. I gasped and looked at her closely.

"You met a guy?! We should go on a double date then! You could meet Austin, and I could meet this guy of yours. It'd be fun! We're going camping this weekend if you want in on it," I told her and brushed her shoulder.

"I don't think we will do more then the ballet this weekend... Which no thanks for the camping... I don't really like to camp. The whole... outside in the dark creeps me out. I don't sleep too so that doesn't help. I have the ballet anyways. Then I have to think of how to get rid of him because he is a vampire and he is hanging out with my friends which... I can't trust him. Their safety is the only reason why I am going to his stupid party tomorrow." She grumbled. I nodded.

" not the good type of met a boy. I get it," I said and watched her. "It would be a good idea to get rid of him then if he might do something to your friends." I bit my bottom lip and reached over grabbing her hand. "I know a shortcut to this really good bar I know," I said and gave a smile with a wink. Pulling her to me, I simply teleported us into an alley beside the bar I met Austin in and let go of her when it was safe. I felt a little weak after such a big teleport and having to take her with me, so I leaned against a wall for a moment to get my strength back. It's a good thing we are hunting. I giggled softly as I looked over at Lauren for her reaction to the sudden change in surroundings. Lauren looked around herself in awe.

"It's not everyday I get the chance to teleport." She said softly towards me and then stuck her hands into her hoodie. "Looks like I'm not the only one who needs to hunt," She teased. I laughed and got off of the wall, walking towards the entryway of the alley.

"It just takes a bit out of me to teleport far like this while I have someone with me." I smiled as I looked back at her. "Ready?" She was already following me out of the ally.

"I've been ready." She told me and walked past me then to charge ahead. I laughed softly. Well someone is starving.... I followed her closely and opened the door for her to go inside the bar and went in after her. Walking over to the bar, I ordered two strawberry daiquiris and paid for them, sliding one over to Lauren as I took a sip of mine. Subtly, I glanced around the bar to check out the possible options for tonight's menu. A few punk looking guys in the corner...a pair of giggly girls....a slutty dressed brunette...and- I stopped as I saw Austin drinking across the room. Oh gosh.... I can't let him see me while I'm hunting. I adjusted myself to stay out of his view, using Lauren as a shield without letting her know what I was doing.

"So what do you think?" I asked, looking at her with a smile. She was stirring the drink with a straw.

"I think the two emo kids in the back looks potential." She said under her breath so only I could hear. I giggled and nodded.

"Want to go check it out?" I asked, gesturing to the boys in the back. "I'm sure that they won't mind a little bit of company."

"They look like their dying for some company," She joked and laughed softly. "Last one over is a deadman." She got off the stool then and took the drink with her as she headed over to them. I started to follow her, but I stopped when I glanced over at Austin and saw a chestnut red boy looking at him like he was going to pounce on Austin given any sign of a chance. What in the.... I narrowed my eyes as I caught his scent and knew he was a vampire by his presence. Oh no he doesn't. I turned then to go towards the vampire, making sure that Austin wouldn't see me and got behind the redhead.

"If you even think about it, you're dead," I hissed out at him. "You best set your sights on those girls over there." I watched as the guy turned around with wide eyes and saw me.

"Huh? What are you- OH LOOK! IT'S LAUREN!" He smiled broadly and started to walk after my friend. Wait. He knows Lauren? I watched him walk after her and saw him step in front of her with a smile.

"Wh-What are you doing here?!" Lauren hissed out at him and I watched as she was tensing up. Not a friend then. I walked after them quickly, getting worried. I got up beside her and looked at the redhead as he only smiled.

"I came here for a drink and then I saw you. I'm sorry I had to leave earlier.... Oh, were you busy?" He asked, his eyes widening in realization as he glanced behind him at the emos a few feet away.

"Just dating and all," Lauren lied to him. "So move out of my way before they get suspicious." He frowned.

"Alright then Lauren...I wouldn't want to interrupt your hunting..." He stepped out of the way and smiled innocently at her. "I've seen what you can do. I'd hate to be your next victim with the way you treated that prep."

"I said dating... not hunting... but if I was to hunt, I would be coming after you." She moved to step around him. "Now bug off."

"Eek... Someone's fiesty." He laughed and then started to walk away back in the general direction of Austin again. He better not.... I narrowed my eyes and followed Lauren, making sure to keep an eye on that boy. I'd only intervene if he went anywhere within three feet of him. I can't have another vampire messing with what's mine. I approached the emos and smiled sweetly at them.

"Hey boys... Do you mind if we sit here? We've had enough of the others. They're" I held in a giggle as I took a sip of my drink. One of them glanced up at us from his beer and gave a shrug.

"I don't mind if you two take a seat." He said and looked at his friend.. "Do you mind? Their kind of cute."

"No... Why would I care?" The other asked and looked up at us then at his friend. "You're right...They are." He smiled softly and went back to his journal he was writing in.

"Great!" I said, ignoring the cute comments for now. I sat down across from the writer and smiled, crossing my legs as I took another sip of my drink. "Whatcha writing?"

"I'm writing about the mysteries of life.... It's going to be my next book." He glanced up at me and then went back to what he was doing. Looking up at Lauren, I smiled and patted the seat next to me. Lauren sat down by me and curiously looked at the journal.

"That's interesting. I'm going to be a film director soon." Lauren said as she was looking him over curiously. "You any good?" She laughed softly.

"Writing? I'd like to think so... I make my living off of my writing.... It's pretty decent pay, not steady, but it gets the bills out of the way." He bit his bottom lip and finished his sentence in the book and shut it, looking up at Lauren with interest. "So you are going to be a film director? That's got to be exciting."

"Oh it is. You should let me read some of your works some time and I might make a movie out of one." She giggled and stirred her drink. He blushed a little and glanced over at his friend, whispering something to him. I frowned and glanced behind them back at the vampire to make sure he wasn't near Austin yet. He was over at the bar, getting another drink, but he still seemed to be watching Austin with interest. Great.... I tsked and looked back at Lauren.

"Your friend might get hurt if he's not careful," I whispered to her softly so that the other's couldn't hear. Lauren glanced over at the vampire then looked at me.

"I'll have a word with him," Lauren whispered and went to stand up. The writer frowned and watched her closely, not liking her getting up, but he didn't say anything as he opened his book and went back to writing.

"Lauren, you don't have to.... I can take care of it later." I gave her a small smile and gestured to the writer. "It seems like someone doesn't want you to leave anyways." Giving her a wink, I turned back to the emos. "So my name is Raven, what's your names?" The writer glanced up at me curiously.

"Raven huh? You know that a raven is a symbol of death, right?" I blushed at that and bit my bottom lip.

"Death part aside, I think they are really pretty... There's nothing wrong with being named after them." I looked away and stirred my drink, a little nervous. Lauren had made the motion of getting up to look like she was just adjusting herself.

"I find it cute- Her name of course. It reminds me of The Raven that is by Edgar Allen Poe I do believe." Lauren said and stirred her drink some more.

"Ravens are magnificent creatures and you should be honored to be named after them." The other guy said as he was sucking down his beer now. I noticed the writer looked up at Lauren in an approving way like he appreciated the fact that she knew a little bit about Edgar.

"Thanks," I said to the beer drinking one and gave a sweet smile.

"My name is...Amon," the writer spoke up softly, watching Lauren. Lauren's face lit up with interest.

"You don't say? I like it! I am very familiar with it. I have a friend from France who's middle name is it." She bit her bottom lip.

"I'm Evan." The beer drinker said. "Very casual name." I smiled at him and took a sip of my drink.

"That's a nice name," I told him and then set my drink down. "So what do you like to do?" I asked him, deciding I'd let Lauren have Amon since how he was so interested in her. I gave Evan a sweet smile and looked him over, judging how he'd taste. He probably wouldn't be the best I had...but it should be good enough.

"I'm a journalist. It's not much of a job. It's how I met Amon here. He was doing it for a bit but when he got published... he left." He was pointing a finger now at his friend. "He's making a good deal of money too."

"That's interesting....What's it like to write articles?" I asked, leaning over the table a little to make it look like I was really into his answer while flirting with him just a bit. I gave a small smirk and glanced over at Amon to see him take a sip of some drink that looked pretty good. Amon was watched Lauren silently, not really noticing what I was doing.

"It's fun. I get to do a bunch of field work. That's where I go out and get the latest scoop instead of it just getting handed over to me. I get to interview a bunch of crazy people." He took a swig of his beer. "I'm thinking about writing myself."

"I think that's fun. Field working... huh. I bet you meet a bunch of drunk billionaire playboys that do nothing but sit around and smoke cigars while their corporation builds itself." Lauren laughed and took a glance over at Amon. "So if he goes into writing... looks like you might have some competition." She teased. He smiled softly and shook his head.

"Just a bit..." Amon finished his drink and set it down then glanced over at Evan. "So... we were thinking about going to get a bite to eat after this....Do you girls want to come along?" Amon asked, looking over at Lauren in hopes that she would say yes. Lauren looked to be thinking it over then gave a nod.

"I could go for a bite to eat... How about you Raven?" Lauren asked me and turned to me as she was holding out her glass a bit to grab my attention. I widened my eyes and then glanced at the two boys. We could get them outside....

"Sure, I'd love to get a bite," I said, holding in a laugh at how that would sound to vampires. Lauren giggled and watched as Evan gulped down the last of his beer and sat it on the table.

"Let's get goin'!" He said and started to stand. I stood up too and moved to get closer to Evan as we began to walk for the doors. I sent a final glance over at Austin to make sure he hadn't seen me and was fine, meaning that vampire wasn't near him. Redhead the Vampire had seen Lauren get up and seemed upset that she was leaving with the boys and started to follow slow enough to not attract attention from her. Lauren was paying no attention to him as she was already wrapping a hand around Amon and leading him out the door. Satisfied that Austin wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and that the vampire was finally leaving him alone, I reached out and grabbed Evan's hand, giving it a small squeeze as I looked at him. We went outside and had started to move down the street, going near that alley from earlier that I had teleported us into. As soon as we got close to it, I glanced back at Lauren and nodded, gently leading Evan into it as I tugged on his hand. He willingly followed me as he was probably too drunk to care. Lauren had started to pull on Amon as well and lead him into the dark ally. Hopefully he would willingly follow. He seemed a little hesitant at first, not quite drunk, but he saw Evan going, so he followed us as well. I smirked at that and glanced around, making sure there was no one else nearby and then snuggled up to Evan, resting my head on his shoulder as we walked a few more feet. After another minute, I quickly pressed him up against the wall and bit down into his neck before he could react and started to drink his blood. He let out a yelp and grabbed my sides. "Whoa! What are you doing?" He asked and hissed out in pain. "This is a bit kinky." Lauren had managed to get Amon against the wall before he could react to his friend's yelp.

"Be quiet and I will let you live." I heard Lauren purring to Amon. I pulled my face back from his neck and giggled a bit, not bothering to attempt to hide my fangs from him.

"You taste better than I thought you would," I told him and leaned in for another bite, this time tearing into his flesh to make his blood flow faster.

"L-Lauren?" I heard Amon stutter out in fear. Evan screamed out in pain as I had torn into his flesh.

"AMON!" Evan yelled to his friend.

"Shhhhhh...." Lauren whispered and I could hear her fangs penetrating his flesh. Amon yelped and I could hear him struggling against her just a bit, but she managed to keep him still enough.

"SOMEONE HELP!" Amon shouted. "PLEASE!" I giggled from where I was drinking Evan's blood and licked at his neck.

"No one is going to hear you," I whispered softly.

"Hey Lauren! I don't like the looks of you flirting with- Oh....You WERE busy then. If you were hungry, you could have said something. I wouldn't have made fun of you for being hungry," I heard that idiot vampire from before. I heard Lauren backing up from Amon.

"I swear! You will be next if you don't get out of here Benjamin!" Lauren snapped at him and I could hear her letting Amon go to move towards Benjamin... She was serious.

"RUN AMON!" I heard Evan shout towards Amon. Oh no he doesn't. I narrowed my eyes and bit Evan again, draining him to the point of exhaustion as quickly as I could then let him go and turned to Amon who was starting to run. I teleported in front of him and smirked.

"Where do you think you are going?" I asked and grabbed his arm, yanking him to me. "We aren't done with you yet." Lauren turned towards us then and gave a smile.

"I'll be right there Amon just give me time to take out the trash." Lauren licked her lips and turned back to Benjamin the vampire. "Stay away from me." She told him as she was heading for him to giving him a warning bite. He only laughed and walked towards her as well.

"I don't think I'm trash sweetie," he said and gave a wink. "Besides, I've been told I taste very good, so before you call me trash, I'd assess your situation a bit more. After all.... I can easily tell your friends about you," he said, starting to black mail her. Lauren stopped in front of him and whipped blood off of her mouth.

"What do you want? I already said I would go on a date with you. Stop annoying me while I am trying to feed." She was a few feet from him by then.

"Alright... I know how important it is to get a good meal." He smiled and closed the space, leaning in and giving her a small kiss on the forehead. "I'll leave for now." He slipped a piece of gum into her hand and started to walk away with a grin. "See you tomorrow!" Lauren stepped towards him a bit and started to reach for him but stopped herself and tucked the gum into her pocket as she watched him leave.

"Who said I would show up tomorrow?" Lauren teased and turned then to go back to Amon. Benjamin ignored the comment and walked back into the bar as I released Amon and shoved him over to Lauren, going back to Evan who was on the ground. I reached down and picked him up, smiling.

"Did you miss me?" I asked sweetly and pinned him back up against the wall again to keep him from falling. Evan was holding his deepest wound closed with what little strength he had.

"Please! Don't bite me again! I'll pay you anything you want!" Evan was begging me now. Lauren had taken Amon and bit back into his neck to finish what she had started. She brought his back to the wall to give some support to it.

"H-HELP! SOMEONE! HELP! THERE'S A CRAZY MAD WOMAN! SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" Amon started to scream again as she bit down into him and was fighting back the best he could. I only laughed when I saw that and then looked back at Evan, starting to move his hand back slowly.

"It'll be over soon," I whispered to him with a smirk and pulled his hand back, leaning in and biting the wound again, making it deeper. Evan let out another scream of pain and struggled under me.

"OH GOD! PLEASE! HELP ME!" Evan was begging. Lauren had smothered Amon's pleas for help out with a kiss of death as she bit down into his bottom lip. I pulled back and moved to the other side of his neck, biting into that side as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Shhh," I whispered to him against his skin.

"Please..." Evan's cries were getting faint as his strength was fading. He was giving up now and accepting it. "I don't want to die..." I considered him for a moment and glanced into his eyes as I pulled back.

"Why not? I think this is rather fun...don't you?" I teased and leaned in, licking at the blood on his neck. "Besides, there are worse ways to die. You could be dropped off a building....or get into a car crash. You could bleed to death at a hospital or get the plague." I bit into his neck again, this time gently.

"I don't want to die though... Not now...." Evan was whispering now. Lauren had adjusted herself to going back to biting Amon's neck. "Please god... save me..." I heard Evan mumbling. I shook my head and then went for the kill, deciding that I'd had enough as I ripped out his throat with my teeth and pulled back, letting his corpse fall to the ground as I licked my lips.

"Good night Evan," I whispered and then turned to look at Lauren to watch her. Lauren was taking her time on killing Amon off. She slowly gulped down every last bite of Amon as Evan dropped to my feet and went limp. "So how was-"

"Austin my good man, I think you should come hang out with me tomorrow at my party I'm throwing. What'd do you think?" I heard Benjamin coming near the alley, another set of footsteps with him. He did not. Lauren finished off Amon then and he fell. I narrowed my eyes and quickly hid my fangs, wiping the blood off of my mouth as I picked up the two bodies and dumped them in a nearby dumpster before they could get near and see them with us. I glanced at my clothes and got a little worried when I saw a drop of blood on my shoulder from feeding and bit my bottom lip. I have to stop Benjamin.... I glanced at Lauren and started for the front of the alley to meet them there. Lauren was whipping her mouth off when she heard the voices too.

"I'm going to murder him." Lauren whispered as she followed after me. "Why can't he be normal and go home?" She was asking as she caught up to me to run into the two.

"I don't know, but I call dibs on killing him," I whispered to her. "Austin is the guy I met, you know? There's no way I'm going to let that idiot kill him." I stepped out from the alley and turned to see Benjamin widen his eyes as he saw me. "Step. Away." I ordered him, staring him down menacingly without letting an inch of softness creep into my voice. "Or else."

"Oh! Hello Raven. I didn't expect to meet you here... with a friend? Do you know Benjamin here? He's throwing a party a party tomorrow and I thought I would invite you to come with me to it." Austin said innocently. He had no clue what was going on.

"Benjamin... Honey." Lauren said sweetly but there was a since of cold under it as she walked up to him and snatched him away from Austin by linking their arms. "I told you not to pester people you hardly know." She glanced then innocently from Austin to me. "You two know each other?" She raised an eyebrow at me then to tell me to play along. "How about I take you home before you invite more people to our party." She smirked at Benjamin.

"Huh? But Lauren," he started to whine, but he let her. I glanced at Austin and moved closer to him, leaning in to his ear.

"Austin, how about we go back to your place? It's pretty dangerous out here tonight," I whispered to him. Lauren was pulling Benjamin off now and out of our sight.

"What's with you telling me to get away from Benjamin? What is he... your ex or something?" Austin asked and was teasing me. He grabbed my hand then and kissed my cheek. "I can handle myself from here out. I'll go straight home if you do. It is late... I don't want to keep you out too late." He whispered. I shook my head quickly and looked at him in worry.

"No, I'm walking you home," I insisted. "It's too dangerous to let you walk home by yourself."

"Says the girl talking to the guy. Fine, let me walk you home and then I will get a taxi and go straight home." He promised and gave my hand a squeeze. I bit my bottom lip and glanced around, making sure that they weren't still here and then looked up at him.

"I live too far away.... Just let me walk you home, ok? It's safer for you."

"Safer for me? What are you my mom? I can walk myself home cutie." He let my hand go then. "Don't worry about me okay?" He asked. "I'll call you when I get home."

"You aren't stopping me from walking you home," I told him and put my hands on my hips. "Something could happen.... If I have to tell you what I saw.... I will." I stared him down. "I swear I'll tell you, and if you don't believe me, I'll prove it. I'll prove that it's too dangerous for you to walk home by yourself."

"It's even more dangerous for you... Your a girl. What's wrong with you?" He asked and poked my forehead. "Go home and get some sleep."

"There's no way I can sleep after seeing the way that vampire was looking at you," I blurted out and then widened my eyes and covered my mouth. Shoot! Now he's going to think I'm stupid or something. He already doesn't believe in vampires, and if he does start to suspect, I'll be suspected as well. I've already bitten him! I looked at him worriedly and took my hand away from my mouth, shaking my head. There's no way I can gloss that over. He's going to leave.... He was staring me down and then busted out laughing.

"Vampire? Okay now you've gone too far. I'm going home. Good night Raven." Austin was walking away then from me. "Your cute but you need to get your head out of the clouds... this is life. They don't exist Raven. Call me when you get home."

"Austin! Don't go!" I shouted, going after him and grabbing his shirt. "You're not safe! Please, you've got to believe me! I'm not lying here! Benjamin really was going to kill you! I've been keeping an eye on him ever since I saw him in the bar about forty minutes ago! Please," I begged, trying to keep my hand from shaking as I held him by the back of his shirt. He turned around then and looked down at me.

"This is ridiculous Raven... Vampires? Do you honestly think Benjamin was a vampire?" Austin asked as he was looking me over. "They don't exist..." He mumbled but I could tell he was starting to come to his senses.

"Austin, I didn't want to tell you. I would have kept it the way it was before where you didn't believe, but you just won't let me walk you home when I know that you are in danger! He's a vampire, Austin! I know he is because I could smell him! I don't want you to be afraid of vampires, but you got to be careful! They could kill you! It would just take a second to kill a trusting guy like you if a vampire really wanted to! You can't go home alone....Not with Benjamin after you. Vampires don't like it when someone messes with their hunting....They don't like their prey or their humans or whatever it is being messed with! You can't walk home by yourself! What if he's still interested in you? He was eyeing you in that bar!" I held on to his arm to make sure he wouldn't walk off and stared up into his eyes. "You've got to believe me.... Please.... I'm not lying... I know he is a vampire....They exist." Austin was staring blankly at me and backed up a few steps.

"Raven... I don't want to believe you... I really don't. I'm sure I will be just fine. I'm not a little kid okay? I'm not afraid to walk home drunk off my butt. The only thing I should be afraid of is getting arrested for public- whatever it is called. So I am going to go home now. You should go home too before the vampires get you." He gave a soft chuckle and spun around then to leave. "Just go home Raven- Your probably drunk... I'm drunk... Let's go home and call it a day." I narrowed my eyes at him and started to follow him, deciding that if he was just going to go home anyways, I'd make sure he got there whether he liked it or not.

"Fine, don't believe in vampires. What the hell do I know? I just lived most of my life around them and pretty much was raised by them," I muttered to myself. "If you want to get eaten so badly, then why should I stop you? It's your life decision." He looked over his shoulder and watched me following him.

"Raven go home." He said and stopped then. "I'm serious Raven. I don't want to find your picture on the back of next month's milk carton. Go home before a serial killer gets you." I shrugged and teleported in front of him, continuing to walk.

"If you get eaten, don't expect me to not say I told you so," I said over my shoulder to him. He spun around then in astonishment.

"How the heck did you get there so fast Raven!?" He asked as he ran then to catch up to me. "Why am I seeing things? Your not supposed to do things like that... Raven."

"What?" I snapped, looking over at him.

"What the heck is up with you? Raven vampires don't exist.... so How!?" He grabbed my arm then. "They don't!" I shook my head sadly at him.

"Just go home.... Get sober," I told him and took my arm back. "You aren't ready." He puffed out his cheeks and walked away from me then as he mumbled to himself.

"FINE!" He yelled over his shoulder.

"What? You want to know?! I could tell you, but you wouldn't BELIEVE ME!" I shouted after him. "Because by golly.... Things that go bump in the night and are in old folk tales can't be true!"

"THEY AREN'T TRUE! Their bedtime stories to scare little children to sleep! I'M NOT A CHILD." He yelled back at me. "Grow up!"

"FINE! MAYBE I'LL TRY!" I shouted after him and teleported in front of him. "Grownups don't play with their food.... They don't let their food live. I could have taken you, but I didn't," I said and crossed my arms. "I can't help it that vampires exist and that one was after you. I can't help it that I was born like this. I can't help any of it. The only thing I can help is you. I can help you. I can keep you safe from vampires like Benjamin. I can keep you out of harm's way," I said and looked up at him. "Can't you just let me walk you home so that I know that you are safe? Please?" I asked, pleading with my eyes. He stared me down as he was frozen still.

"Raven... It's ridiculous to have to let a girl walk me home. I'm a grown man and I know how to protect myself." Austin said sternly. "So please... Just leave this alone." He said and walked up to me then kissed my cheek. "You do things that I am not ready to believe... I don't know how it is true... I don't think I can ever... accept it as something real... so..." He looked over his shoulder then at me. "Let me prove to myself that I can walk home... Let me prove to you that I am capable of surviving without you having to stalk me all the way home. Go home and don't worry about me."

"Austin," I said in a warning tone. "I don't want to do something I'll regret doing."

"Raven. Go home." He pointed down the road in the opposite direction he was headed. "Or I swear I will call a taxi right now and make you go with it." I shook my head slowly and started to walk towards him, grabbing his hand and teleporting with him to the front of his apartment building.

"There....Now let's get you inside," I said softly and started to pull him to the stairs to get him to his room. "You should have just let me walk you home.... Now all that I managed to eat pretty much won't last till the next time I get another one," I whispered to myself and sighed. I felt a little weak from taking him home by teleportation. After all, I just ate too...and his house isn't all that close to the bar. It's close, but not that close. At least it's not like I was after teleporting Lauren. I'm not weak enough to show it. He was stumbling after me in confusion and I felt him stop walking and lean over. He puked up the alcohol then and started to fall into it. I stopped him from falling and pinned him against the wall, looking up into his eyes as I steadied him. "Come on....You'll be alright," I whispered and took a step back, helping him to the stairs. He stumbled up them with my help.

"R-Raven how did we get here?" He asked softly in confusion.

"How about I tell you in a story?" I asked, deciding another approach might get him to be less upset. After all, coming out straight and telling him that vampires exist is obviously not going to work. "Would you like that?" I gave a sweet smile and got him to his door.

"Never mind... Don't tell me anything." He said as he searched his pockets for his keys then opened the door and pushed it open. "Call me tomorrow..." He said as he fell into the apartment. I sighed and stepped in, helping him to his feet as I put his weight on me and started to walk him over to his couch. I laid him down on it and smiled.

"Alright....If you want me to call you tomorrow, I guess I could." I touched the side of his face and frowned, a thought entering my head. I could erase his memories....His memories of everything that happened tonight...or all of the ones he has of me. He'd go back to living his normal life.... with his friends.... "Austin, do you wish I never told you about vampires?" I sat down on the edge of the couch and looked at him.

"No... I just... Don't know how to believe it." He mumbled and grabbed my hand. "It's hard to imagine it Raven... It's not normal for me.... I never grew up around people that was into supernaturals and... it is new. Don't take it the wrong way.... I like you still... It's just hard." I bit my bottom lip and looked him in the eyes, feeling a little bad about what I was thinking about doing.

"Would you like to forget it?" I whispered quietly, almost to the point where he wouldn't hear it.

"Never..." He whispered and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me on top of him. "It's what makes you special and apart from the others.... I like it about you."

"You sure?" I asked and couldn't help but blushing at him. "I could make you forget what happened tonight....You'd go back to how you originally thought.... thinking everything is normal and human. You wouldn't remember me trying to tell you vampires are real and that you are in danger."

"Wouldn't that put me in more danger of not knowing?" He asked softly and kissed my cheek. "Let me sleep on it." I nodded and kissed his cheek, pulling away.

"Alright....If you decide that you want me to wipe your memory of it, you let me know....even if you want me to wipe all of it of me," I whispered the last part and stood up. "If you rather not see me at all... then don't call tomorrow, and I'll know."

"You should expect a call tomorrow and questions, I will have tons." He mumbled as he was already falling asleep. I'm sure you will.... I took a deep breath and started to walk away from the couch without another word. This is going to be bad. I then teleported back to the house in front of Paris's door and knocked on it.

"PARIS I WANT THE KITTEN!" I shouted and waited for a response. There was shuffling inside and a small meow before the door cracked open.

"Awe? Already? It was sleeping so soundly right between Richard and I." Paris had the kitten in his hands and was rubbing up under it's chin. "How about I give it back tomorrow?" I frowned and looked down at the kitten which looked happy.

"F-fine....Do you reaaaaally like the kitten?" I asked, looking back up into his eyes.

"It's so sweet and looked like me! Look at the resemblance!" He held the kitten up to his long- shoulder lengthened hair. I giggled as I saw the cat pretty much was the same color of Paris's white hair.

"Aw alright.... How about this? I'll let you keep him if you want. After all, he needs good love. I found him on the streets," I told him and reached out, rubbing the cat behind the ears. It started to purr louder and looked at me then looked up at Paris.

"REALLY!? NO ONE EVER GAVE ME A CAT BEFORE!" He yelled and looked over his shoulder then back at me. "Thank you Raven! I will name him Perrywinkle! He shall be mine!" He backed into the room and shut the door. I laughed softly.

"GOOD NIGHT PARIS AND PERRYWINKLE!" I shouted through the door and started to walk back to my room. Austin sure was upset with me when I kept saying vampires exist.... I frowned a little and started to play with my hair. Maybe it is best that I erase tonight from his memories.... He would chalk it up to being drunk. He could go on living his life....and I could keep my distance a little more. He doesn't need to believe in vampires. He's lived a normal life with his friends, and he's never had to question stuff like this before....but then again....he said that's what he liked about me....Maybe I should just leave it alone for now....let him decide. I sighed and walked into my room, shutting the door behind me and falling down on the bed, exhausted. Austin might be the death of me....

~Le time skip provided by Hotel Transylvania~

The sun shone in through the curtains, waking me up as I stirred in my bed and groaned. No....I don't want to get up just yet. Last night rushed into my head, and I shot up, jumping to my feet as I checked my phone. Did he call? Does he want to forget? Does he want to know more? Did he even call? Or text? Something? Anxiety started to eat me alive from the inside as adrenaline ran through my veins, waking me up even further as I started to question everything. My phone was blank still as it was too early for him to have gotten up and gotten ready to text me. I needed to give him more time. I put my phone down on the nightstand and sighed. A few hours from now...and I'll check. I went over to my wardrobe and reached in, pulling out a simple black dress and went to the attached bathroom, turning on the water. After taking a shower, I got dressed, started to dry my hair and style it to pass the time then did my makeup in a way I had seen once on youtube. Interesting There's so much on it. I laughed and set down the last piece of makeup I had used then walked over to the door. I picked out a pair of heels and put them on, glancing at the time to see it had been at least two hours. I shook my head and picked up my phone, leaving my room as I went to go see if maybe I could get something sweet from the kitchen. When I got there, the cook from yesterday was already up, making breakfast. "Hey! Can I have something sweet, please?" I asked sweetly, walking up to him. He glanced at me and smiled.

"You again huh? Sure, hold on a minute." He walked over to a cabinet and got down a bowl then went over to the freezer and pulled out a tub of chocolate ice cream. "How's this?" He asked, holding it up to me. I nodded eagerly. THAT SOUNDS SO GOOD RIGHT NOW! I giggled and watched as he started to scoop some up into a bowl then slid it to me. I picked it up and took the spoon he held up to me and took a bite. Oh my's been awhile since I've had ice cream. I let out a small moan and started to walk off.

"Thanks!" I shouted over my shoulder. "This is just what I needed!" I left the room and went to the living room, sitting down to enjoy it. Just as I sat down my phone went off from a text coming through. I paused as I had just gotten a spoonful and was about to eat it, the spoon a few inches away from my mouth. Is that Austin or someone else? I ate the spoonful and then sat the bowl down, picking up the phone to check. It was Austin texting me a sweet good morning text. Another text came through then.

Austin: I want to see you today Raveeeeeieeeee. Meet me later at the movie theater. Around... lunchtime? I want to tell you something.

I frowned and set the phone down, choosing to ignore it till after I finished my ice cream. I picked it up and took a bite, melting into the couch as the rich flavor filled my mouth. My phone went off again.

Austin: I can't wait to see you beautiful!

Another came through.

Austin: Raven?

Another came through.

Austin: Your so gorgeous. I can't stop thinking about you. I hope you come today! Are you ignoring me? Oh well.... I'm going to get a shower now! BrB.

I glanced at the phone a final time and bit my bottom lip. What did he get into this morning? I hurried through the ice cream then, getting a little worried. Maybe someone caught him? Benjamin? I set the empty bowl down and then winced as I got brain freeze. That's why you never rush this beautiful creation known as ice cream.... I picked up the phone and curled up on the couch, deciding to text him back.

Me: Sorry.... I was eating. What are you wanting to tell me?

Austin: You'll see.... Oh wear something fancy because we are going out to a real nice place today so I can tell you it. I can't wait to see you!

"PARIIIS?! I THINK SOMEONE KIDNAPPED THIS GUY I MET!" I shouted and set the phone down. "I'M GOING TO BE AWHILE!" Paris appeared by me and was brushing his teeth.

"Huh?! You met someone!? Since when!? Wait... is this the person your going out camping with? Ohhhh wait a minute.. You got a boyfriend that's human? So when are you going to turn him?" Paris asked as he adjusted his tooth brush. "You know I could do it for you. I don't mind." I blushed and picked up the spoon, throwing it at him.

"No one touches the human!"

"You mean Austin right?" He asked and dodged the spoon. "I tell you what. I will have someone go check out his apartment if you want... Or you know what! I will! Get ready and we will go."

"N-no... It's fine... I've got it." Oh gosh... I can't have him there....He'd scare Austin, or worse....Paris might do something. I stood up and picked up the phone. He's too interested in Austin....WHY WOULD I TURN HIM IF HE ALREADY CAN'T ACCEPT THE EXISTENCE OF VAMPIRES?!

"So he can't accept it? Bring him here later today and we will.... all have a fun time. I will show him my latest recruits." Paris smiled at me and then went back to brushing his teeth in front of me. I widened my eyes.

"I don't want him to be afraid! He's the only one I've met so far that wasn't afraid when I bit him...." I trailed off and blushed, glancing down at my phone and then up at him. "I'm just worried about him because we got into a fight last night when I tried to tell him vampires were real when there was this guy named Benjamin who looked like he was going to eat him. I offered to erase his memories of the whole thing, but he told me that he'd call me today and let me know whether or not he wanted to forget.....He texted me and told me to meet him in town..." I sighed and shook my head. "He seems really excited and said he wanted to tell me something... I can't help but feel like something is wrong. After all, he was really upset last night. Why would he be so happy this morning? Maybe he was too drunk to remember anyways, so me erasing his memories would have been worthless," I trailed off and looked Paris in the eyes. "He was probably too drunk....."

"I think you have nothing to worry over and everything will be just fine. Bring him by sometime though okay kid? I want to meet him." Paris walked up to me and patted my head before disappearing.... probably to spit in the sink. Paris wants to meet him? What does that mean?! I started to walk off, going to my room to get a different dress to change into. I took a shortcut and teleported into my room, grabbing a white dress and a few other things then changed into it.

After I finished, I texted him back and smiled softly.

Me: The movie theater right?

Austin: Yeah! Don't forget! Wear something nice!

Me: Don't worry about that.... Heading there now. See you soon.

Austin: Can't wait! Bye bye!

I shook my head. Austin is going to be the death of me. I giggled and walked out of the room after finishing putting my hair up. After walking down the stairs, I spotted a vampire with black hair investigating something closely like he'd never seen it before. Glancing at what it was, I smiled and laughed a bit. "That's a playstation....You can play video games on it," I told him and walked over. "Have you played on one before?" He looked at me in surprise and shook his head. "Here, let me show you." I picked up one of it's controllers and turned it on, picking call of duty to show him with. "This one is pretty fun. You can play with others online and play teams or free for all. I'll show you teams," I said and set it up for online teams, picking up a pair of headphones and putting it on him then pushed the mike down. His eyes widened as the game started and he heard people talking on it. "Pretty cool right?" He nodded and glanced at me. I showed him the controls and explained them then handed it over to him. " try." I gave him a sweet smile and watched as he started to run onscreen and then shot someone. He laughed and glanced at me.

"This isn't too bad.... I like it."

"Yeah, it's pretty fun, isn't it? My name is Raven....What's yours?" I titled my head and smiled at him cutely, watching as he smiled back.

"Richard." Didn't Paris mention someone named Richard....and I think the cook did too.... I gave a nod.

"I'll leave you to it then. See ya later!" I waved and started to walk off, leaving him to play it.

~Time Skip~

I stopped in front of the theater and looked around, wondering if Austin was here yet and spotted him. Austin was leaned up against a motorcycle and held up a helmet towards me as he had one on himself. "Ready princess?" He asked as he climbed on and waited for me. I blushed and walked over, taking the helmet.

"Where are we going?" I asked softly before putting it on.

"That's a secret." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "You look stunning. Now climb on before I change my mind."

"Ok, ok," I said quickly and laughed, getting on behind him and wrapping my arms around him to keep from falling off. "Why's it a secret?"

"Because It is a surprise." He informed me and then drove off. He kept it five over the speed limit as he drove through cars easily. He had dressed up as well in a suit. He drove out of town and after a few minutes we reached a good sized house that could almost be counted as a manor. "This is one of my friend's house. He wanted to meet you and so we are having dinner with him and his wife." Austin explained to me. He parked outside the door and there was two others already coming out. The first to come out was a tall guy who reminded me of Hugue from his height. He was fair toned and had dark brown hair. He looked like a normal average type of guy. Following him was a woman who was almost as tall as him and looked pregnant. She gave me a friendly smile. They both looked around Austin's age.

"AUSTIN! So glad you made it!" The guy shouted. I noticed the two were also dressed for a fine occasion. "This must be she! Tell me Raven.... How is it you managed to meet Austin again? You look like a movie star... while he.... average guy." I picked up on his accent then... he sounded a bit European.

"Raven this is my friend Vincent and his wife Helen." Austin introduced them to me. "Their good friends of mine. We went to school together believe it or not." He kissed my cheek then. I blushed and grabbed his hand, taking it in mine.

"Wow...That's a long time to be friends," I said sweetly and looked from Austin to Vincent and Hellen. "Nice to meet you two~!" I waved at them and gave them a cute smile.

"Hi Raven! So you must be going camping with us this weekend am I right?" Helen asked and suddenly pulled me to her and into a hug. "Your a lucky girl to be with Austin believe it or not but he is a really good guy. How about you come help me in the kitchen? The boys have to set the table." She giggled and pulled me to the door then. I widened my eyes and let her, looking back at Austin over my shoulder. She's really...friendly. I giggled and followed her in.

"Sure, I'd love to help you," I said and walked into the kitchen with Helen.

"MOMMY! Katie took my toy! She won't give it back!" I heard a boy screaming and running our way straight for Helen. Helen blushed and picked up the boy then and rubbed his head to shush him.

"KATIE! What did I tell you about taking your brother's toy!" Helen yelled. A little girl ran up then and was holding a truck in her hand.

"I was going to give it back after he promised not to hit me with it again mommy!" The girl yelled back and then looked at me with wide eyes. The boy and girl looked like twins. "MOMMY THERE'S A GIRL IN THE HOUSE! STRANGER DANGER!" She yelled and pointed at me with the truck.

"This is Austin's girlfriend." Helen informed.


"AUSTIN!?" The boy in her hands struggled to get down and once he was let down he took off out the door.

"That's my two twins Katie and Kaleb." Helen informed me. "I had them in high school..." She admitted and blushed. "Their a mess."

"They're kinda cute," I said and held in a laugh as I watched them go. "I've never really been around kids before..." I couldn't help but giggle and look back at her. "So what can I help you with?"

"I have a casserole in the over that needs to be checked in on." Helen told me as we walked into the grand kitchen and she handed me a mit. "I also have to make dessert before we can take all of this out to the table." There was already food out on the counters. "Then men are bringing in steaks later." I nodded and walked over to the oven with the mit and opened it cautiously, peeking in at it. The casserole was about five minutes away from done and looked like it was a green bean one. It looked delicious. "So how did you and Austin meet?" I shut the oven door and looked back at her.

"Oh...It's not a really interesting story... We met in the little bar he likes to go to.... It was my first time in there honestly, but we ended up hanging out afterwards." I smiled sweetly and set the mitt down on the counter.

"He looks at you like... well... a woman wants to be looked at." She said and then giggled. "It's idolizing." I heard feet racing towards the kitchen.

"GRRRRRR I'M GOING TO GET YOU!" I heard Austin shouting and giggles coming from the twins as they ran in and straight for their mother. Austin came in then and Vincent was right behind him.

"AHHHHH MOMMY!" Katie said and giggled as Kaleb was already running out the other door in the kitchen. I giggled as I watched them running away from Austin. How adorable! Katie took off after her brother as Austin neared. Austin laughed when she disappeared and he stood up from leaning over and caught his breath.

"Lemonade anyone?" Helen asked as she was opening the fridge already. Vincent was reaching into a cabinet and pulled out four cups.

"Thank you." Austin said and smiled towards me then. I smiled at Helen and Vincent.

"Thanks," I said sweetly and then looked over at Austin and giggled, looking him over. I didn't think that he was like an uncle to these kids....They really love him. I heard giggled from the door as the two ran back in bravely and Austin smirked towards them and leaned back over about to go after them. They took off back out the door and yelped. He straightened back up as Vincent handed him a cup of iced lemonade and Helen gave me one. I smiled at her and thanked her again then took a sip. It was great! I looked at it then at her and over at Austin. That sly little....He should have told me I was meeting some of his friends. I raised an eyebrow at him and watched him curiously. He was talking to Vincent about the last football game at the moment.

"So how is the casserole coming along?" Helen asked as she stood by me and watched the boys. I widened my eyes and set the cup down quickly, picking up the oven mitt. I momentarily forgot about it! I'd hate for it to burn! I peeked in at it and saw that it was done. Taking it out cautiously, I set it down on top of the stove and set the mitt down.

"It looks great," I complimented and smiled at her. "You must be a really great cook!"

"I'm raising kids... what do you expect?" She giggled and had already made then men go off and set the table. "I could give you some recipes one day if you would like... I was given a book from my mom a few years back and I still haven't tried them all." She was picking up some of the dishes then and carrying them off to the table. I smiled at her and picked up what was left to carry in and followed her.

"I would love that," I said sweetly and set them down on the table.

"I made a green bean casserole, mac n cheese(for the kids but you can have some), mash potatoes, peas, biscuits, and there is a cheesecake for dessert." She informed me. "Then of course there is steak. I know... I have a weird choice in putting food together but I got nervous when Vincent said Austin was coming over with a girl. I hope your hungry. After this we are going out on the lake in the boat." She motioned to the window and I noticed there was a huge lake right out back just a half mile of a backyard away. "The kids are probably going to swim some and we can ride around on the boat and get some sun... and we will have wine coolers for us ladies... music... and beer for the boys." She was sitting the dishes down now while the other two men were setting up the table. I smiled at her. Austin sure has some interesting friends...

"That sounds great," I said softly and glanced over at Austin with a sweet smile. He totally dropped this on me....

"Then afterwards when we get back Austin has plans to take you somewhere quiet for a little-"

"Don't spoil it." Austin interrupted Helen and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well then..." I trailed off and giggled. What in the world is that boy planning? Maybe I ought to let the whole 'I'll erase your memories' drop....for now. This all so sweet... I smiled and watched him closely. He doesn't seem near as upset as he was last night. He glanced my way and I caught something in his eyes that I never seen before. He gave a soft smile until the two twins ran up to him.

"COME PLAY WITH US AUSTIN!" Katie shouted at him and hugged his leg. Kaleb seemed to just be following Katie around aimlessly.

"Please?" Kaleb asked.

"No no... I have to help set up the table." Austin told them.

"I WANNA HELP!" Katie shouted and ran over to her mother. "LET ME HELP MOMMY!"

"Let you help?" Helen asked and laughed. "Last time I let you help you broke a glass. Go play with Kaleb until I call you in." Helen waved them off. I smiled softly as I watched them go then looked over at Helen.

"They broke a glass last time? That must have been a little bit of a mess," I commented and started to help them set up the table.

"Where ever they go~ it's like a hurricane came through." Vincent said as he was over by Helen and kissed her cheek.

"That's right." Austin said as he was examining a plate.

"Aww, but they seem so cute," I said and looked over at Austin. "They can't be that bad...Hurricanes are scary, not adorable."

"You should see their rooms before bedtime!" Helen said and shook her head. "I can't get them to clean to save their lives."

"Boot camp." Vincent said and chuckled. "Summertime boot camp." Helen smacked his chest then and shook her head.

"No way am I sending them there." She spat at him and left for the kitchen to get the kids drinks probably. Boot camp would eat them alive... I shook my head as I laughed softly, going over to Austin and wrapping my arms around his waist in a hug.

"You should have told me we were visiting your friends today," I whispered to where only he would be able to hear me.

"I told you this was a surprise." Austin whispered in my ear. "If I had told you then it would have ruined the whole thing."

"Well, it's a good surprise," I whispered back and looked up into his eyes with a sweet smile.

"You like them?" Austin asked low enough for my ears only. I nodded.

"They seem really nice, almost too nice for you," I teased quietly.

"Their childhood sweethearts... Vincent is also one of my oldest friends so we are pretty close." He whispered and kissed my cheek. I gave another nod and leaned up, kissing him back on his forehead.

"No wonder why you were so excited this morning," I whispered and then went to pull away.

"Vincent and I talked before we did and discussed this whole thing. He was excited to meet the girl that is stealing my heart away." He kissed my cheek once more as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. I blushed as I couldn't move away and looked up at him.

"Stealing your heart away?" I asked softly, turning a deeper shade of red.

"You heard me." He gave a smirk and let me go then as Vincent called him from a doorway.

"Come on and lets get the steak!" Vincent yelled as Austin left me to help out. I stood there dumbfounded as I watched him go. What just happened? He's acting slightly different from yesterday...from yesterday night for sure....Maybe he really doesn't remember? I think I'll play it that way and not bring it up at all in case he doesn't. It's better that way. I went back to the kitchen to search for Helen. Helen was fixing the twins something to drink as suspected. She was making them cool-aid. I smiled and walked over to her.

"The boys went out to get the steaks," I informed and watched the process of making cool-aid.

"I thought so." Helen said as she was focused on putting the drink in the cups. "The kids seem to be dazzled by you. They really liked you earlier." I can't imagine what they are like with people they don't like then....They've been practically ignoring me. I smiled and nodded.

"They're really cute," I told her.

"Their a hand full." She commented and finished the drinks then carried them into the dinning room. I followed after her and watched as she set them down next to the kids' plates.

"I bet they can be sometimes...but isn't everyone?" I laughed a little and played with the hem of my dress absently.

"You haven't raised kids yet." She pointed out as the men came in with the steaks and the twins were trailing behind in excitement. I watched as they set the steaks down and smiled at Austin sweetly as I looked at him. She's got a point....I don't normally see kids. Vampire children aren't all that common due to couples usually having only a few every once in awhile. Besides, I've been living by myself for awhile now, and I've only recently come back to being with my kind again.

"So Raven, have any siblings or cousins that you see a bunch? How about friends?" Vincent asked as he was sitting the plate of steak down and was sitting at the end of the table already. Helen sat on the other end putting Austin, the twins, and I in the middle. I smiled at Vincent as I took a seat.

"No, I'm an only child...I don't really see my family much, but I do live with some of my friends outside of town," I said sweetly.

"Where at if you don't mind me asking." Vincent was a curious fellow as he was preparing Kaleb's plate while Helen worked on Katie's plate. I told him and gave him a smile as I started to fix my plate after seeing Austin start.

"Hugue's manor? It's one of the most known and oldest manors in the area." Helen told me. Austin was peeked with interest as he fixed a plate for himself.

"Well...Hugue died recently, leaving it to someone else named Paris...He seems like a good guy," I said softly and finished putting food on my plate.

"Would you like to hear a story about it?" Vincent asked and Helen shot him a glance. "It's a old scary story really."

"Oh I love stories," I said, looking over at him curiously.

"Back then we didn't call it Hugue manor. It was named something else. It was a well respected manor name too. No one crossed its gates and came back to tell about it. The manor is said to be home of a monster." He held up his knife that he was using to cut up stake. "The monster that built it right when the town was first coming together. He was feared by all." I raised an eyebrow and smirked a little.

"Well...that sounds very interesting." Paris was seen as a monster and was feared? I couldn't help but giggle as I remembered how he was brushing his teeth without a care in the world in front of me. Very monster like....

"So what do you think? Is there a monster living there?" Vincent asked and raised an eyebrow. There was a very 'scary' one foaming at the mouth with toothpaste this morning. I giggled and shook my head.

"Not from what I've seen. If there was, he must have died a long time ago."

"It was only a few years back when they had the name changed." Vincent said thoughtfully as he cut up the child's steak.

"It was all in the paper." Helen said as she took a sip of her lemonade. I nodded and took a bite of my food.

"I'm not one to read much of the newspaper..." I said softly. "I bet it was an interesting read though."

"Written by a boy named... Oh what was his name... Something beginning with... It sounded French." Vincent was looking off in the distance. "Mond... mon... something like that."

"Amon?" I asked, glancing up at him. The two boys had said that they were both journalists but Amon went off into writing stories instead. "He writes books, but I heard that he used to write articles."

"That's him!" He gave a nod. "Real nice boy. He is quite gifted in writing too." He finished Kaleb's plate and started on his own. "Made my skin crawl with that article."

"What did he write about it?" I asked, taking a bite of my steak and pausing as I tasted how good it was. "This is really good," I said suddenly. I looked over at Vincent and smiled. "Did you do this yourself?"

"I did, thank you. He just wrote about his suspicions of the manor." Vincent explained.

"Let's change the subject." Helen suggested as she was working on her plate now.

"So.... What do you guys do for a living?" I asked, looking over at Vincent and then at Helen.

"Helen is a stay at home mother and I own a corporation in new York, handed over to me from my father." I nodded and looked at him.

"That seems pretty nice," I said. It explains this place they have. I smiled and reached over, putting my hand over Austin's as I took another bite of my food. Austin was eating quickly and looked a bit nervous over something.

"Yeah, it is." Vincent said as he ate some stake. I frowned and looked over at Austin worriedly.

"What's the matter?" I asked softly, making sure to be quiet enough so that the others wouldn't hear.

"Nothing..." He whispered back and shoved a bite into his mouth. After talking and getting to know the others more, we finally finished eating and went out onto the boat on the lake like Helen said we would. As I got on, I looked around in awe at the lake and smiled softly, glancing back for Austin. I started to wonder what he wanted to tell me....He still hasn't even hinted at it! He told me that he wanted to tell me something in the morning! It's the afternoon now! I really think he has forgotten last night.... I watched as he got on the boat and smiled at him, tilting my head. What if he really did? Should I just...never bring up vampires again to him? I should probably keep him away from Paris....He was talking about turning him and stuff....and making him believe in vampires. Plus, his friends reaction to telling me that a monster used to live there.... I probably shouldn't bring it up again....He'd get upset like last night if I started talking about vampires again. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand in mine, pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks for bringing me here...." I whispered to him and leaned up, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Your welcome," He whispered back and kissed my cheek. "Don't worry okay? Today is going to be wonderful."