Don’t Get Hit!

Lauren's POV:

Classes went by slow in college today. I couldn't keep my mind off of Benjamin. Last night I had walked him to the train station and left him there to go on about his way. His scent remained in my head every since then. My mouth watered at the idea of him. I wanted him... It was hard to admit that I could want someone so much... My every being screamed for me to take him as my mate... it felt funny. I knew he was mine but I didn't want to give in just yet. I'm not ready to be tied down... am I? I had picked out this little figure for the day to not only be stylish but also comfortable. I had his party to go to after all. I planned to keep my distance from him this time no mater what. I wasn't going to let him get to me just yet. I won't be a weak push over mate. I am going to make him work for it. I even snatched Alex's holister jacket to make him a bit jealous that I was in another guys jacket and not his. I had planned this day out carefully. I sniffed the jacket quiet a few times throughout the day... Alex was very... Sweet scented. It reminded me of candy.

I walked out of my last class of the day and towards my car to get some time in to read before the party. I was hurrying at this point as I was a bit nervous for the party.... Would I meet his family? I felt my stomach curling up... probably from Alex's scent messing with my senses. I glanced around me to check for Benjamin since yesterday he was waiting by my car. I was half hoping he was today just so I could see him. He would probably hand me a piece of gum and walk off with a smug grin upon his lips.. I curled my lip at the thought. And there he was. He was laying on the hood of my car, looking up at the sky as he played with something on his phone and hummed to himself. I noticed he had a pair of earbuds in, hidden slightly by the hoodie he was snuggled up in. I smirked as I thought of a new approach for him. I planned to get him good. I stopped a few feet away and dropped my bag then ducked down and crept up on him then grabbed his foot. Before he knew it I had dragged him off and onto the ground by me. I smirked and yanked out the earbuds as I watched him.

"On my hood aye?" I asked and stood up straight then to watch his reaction for my cleaver skills. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack what with his wide eyes and his mouth slighly agape. He held his chest as he took steadying breaths, looking up at me.

"I was listening to a good song, you know? You...could have just asked me to take them out....You didn't have to attack me!" He sat up a little and put his hood down so that I could see all of his face and hair. I smirked as I watched him.

"I had to teach you a little lesson since you made my hood your seat." I told him and then walked over to my bag and picked it up. I headed to my car door and opened it- putting the bag inside. "So do you want a ride or what?" I asked as I looked at him.

"To my party that isn't for another..." he looked at his phone and then up at me with a smirk. "How about we go check out that new ice cream bar that was put in town? I've heard it's very good, and we have plenty of time before it starts." He stood up and walked over to me, leaning in just a bit.

"I don't eat." I told him plainly and leaned against my door. "So there wouldn't be any fun in that. How about I take you to a coffee shop and watch you drink tea?" I asked and smirked at him. He paused and looked at me for a few minutes like he was tempted.

"That actually doesn't sound that bad....It's been awhile since I've gone to a coffee shop for tea...Not since I was changed," he whispered the last part as he looked towards the ground then up at me and smirked.

"Well get in or I will leave you here." I got into my car then and unlocked the passengers side and waited for him to get in. He got in quickly and buckled up, looking around my car.

"Nice car by the way....It's better in here than on your hood..." He laughed and then looked over at me. "You ditched me last night at the train station...."

"Your not a kid... I don't have to follow you all the way home." I told him as I cranked the car and turned on the radio. "By the way... do you live with someone? Or do you have a place to yourself?" I asked... If he didn't tell me I am sure I could find out from one of our friends. He shrugged.

"I have my own place, but sometimes my...maker, master, whatever I'm supposed to call him, makes me stay at his place. The party is at mine. He shouldn't even know that I'm having one." He looked down at his phone and started playing music for us on it- Welcome to the Black Parade. "So it will be fun. Everyone in your little friend group will be there along with my own friends I have." He smiled at me and watched me closely, like he was happy to be going somewhere with me.

"Look... I want you to stay away from my fiends after tonight. I don't want them to get hurt." I said sternly. "By the way.. who is your maker? I might know him." I asked curiously as I turned the radio down to hear the music. I looked down at my lap as my phone went off in Alex's jacket pocket. I grabbed it out and looked to see it was from Alex- who was wanting to see me later. I looked back up at the road then texted him that we would meet at Benjamin's party and then put up my phone to concentrate on driving.

"Hmm? My maker? He's Louis.... He seems pretty laid back, but sometimes he has me do things for him like staying at his place when he thinks something is going to happen or going to drop off files for him at other places. I really don't know. He isn't that bad honestly."

"I think I heard about a Louis before... I will ask Paris about him when I get home... he might know something." I told him and glanced at him then back at the road. "So how long have you been... undead?"

"About a month now I think," he told me and looked out the window. "I've gotten used to it."

"Wow... you really are a new born!" I laughed at him and shook my head. "An annoying one that has no clue what kind of vampire girl he is dealing with."

"Hey! I know what kind of vampire girl I'm messing with. Besides, I'd like to think I'm not that annoying. Everyone else seems to like me, especially your friends." He smirked at me and set his phone down in his lap. "You don't scare me."

"I'm old enough to be your very great great great great great grandmother Mr. Pike. So don't act all cool." I told him as my phone started to go off in my pocket. ALEX!

"Who's that?" Benjamin asked and I suddenly felt my pocket empty. He looked down at something in his hands and frowned. "Alex huh?"

"Oh yeah. Alex. He's my boyfriend." I teased and laughed as I looked towards him. "Had to break up with his mistress for him yesterday with a good slushie to the cheerleading blouse."

"But you don't smell like him," Benjamin murmured to himself, setting my phone down next to his in his lap. "You smell like gorgeous expensive kind."

"Yes but I am wearing his jacket." I pointed out. I heard my phone go off with three texts.

"Doesn't mean anything when you don't smell like him," he said and laughed. "That usually means something when you smell like another guy, but you don't."

"Alright so he's not my boyfriend... just a good friend that I would do anything for." I admitted. The phone went off again.

"He really seems like he wants to talk to you. Would you like me to read it aloud?" He teased and picked up my phone again, glancing at me out of the corner of his eyes.

"It's probably drama you don't want to know about," I told him as I looked back towards him. "So you don't have to read it." He nodded and set the phone down, looking out the window with a thoughtful look. After a few minutes, he suddenly looked over at me with a sense of urgency in his eyes.

"Be mine?" I widened my eyes and slammed on the breaks. As I did I heard five horns go off around us and someone screaming. I turned behind to see a man slamming on his breaks just in time to not hit me. I looked back at Benjamin and puffed out my cheeks.

"Excuse me?" I asked and then put the car in park and got out quickly. He widened his eyes and got out to go after me.

"Wait! I'm sorry. Ignore me," he said and looked at me worriedly. "Come on, let's go get tea...."

"WHAT'S THE HOLD UP!!?" I heard the man asking and he honked the horn. "I have a plane to catch!"

"SHUT UP AND GO AROUND!" I shouted and then looked back at Benjamin. "I am not about to just say yes to something like this! Do you even know what you are asking for? Has your maker told you!?" I asked in a hushed tone towards him.

"No...He just told me that when a daddy and a mommy vampire love each other veeeery much," he said in a joking manner. "No, for real, he didn't tell me anything about it yet. I just know that I feel something when I'm around you....Something different from anything that I've ever felt before, and it's like your scent was made for me...." He blushed as he heard himself and looked off. "Look, I just want to go get the tea and go to the party. Let's forget what I said." I took in a deep breath and gave a slight nod.

"Fine. Let's go get that tea." I said and motioned for him to get back into the car. I looked around us then to make sure no one over heard us and watched as a little girl- about four or five was chasing after a dog into the street as a car was coming dead on towards her. I widened my eyes and shut the door quickly and took off for her. What the hell is wrong with this child!? I scooped her up and got her out of the way as the car zoomed by- going way over the speed limit. I let out a sigh of relief and put her down on the ground and rubbed her head. I noticed she had dirt on her face, knees, and arms. "Dirty girl." I mumbled and patted her head. I looked around for a worried parent then and noticed there wasn't anyone around. "Where's your parents?" I asked softly. Benjamin came running up to us and knelt down beside me, looking at the kid concerned as he started to inspect her to make sure she wasn't hurt. She started to suck her dirty thumb then as she looked us over.

"Num I mnnfef." She said through her thumb. I took it out then. "I don't have any." She said calmly. "I'm an orphan. Did you see which way that doggie went?" She spun on her heels then but I grabbed her before she could run off.

"How about I take you out to get something to eat?"

"For free?" She asked as she looked at Benjamin and smiled.

"Of course." I told her sweetly. I loved children... they have so much life in them... I reached out to pick her back up. "Have a name kid?"

"Uhmmm.... not that I remember... people call me bunch of names... Runt... Squirt, Buggie, Get out you little-"

"How about Ellie? I think it's a cute name, just like you," Benjamin said sweetly and reached out to her, curling her hair around his finger. "Do you like that name?"

"Ellie?" She asked and shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me... Sounds better then squirt." Her little attitude made me laugh as I handed her to him.

"I'm going to look into the nearest orphanages and see if there is a little girl missing," I whispered to Benjamin. He nodded and held her close.

"Do you like tea little cutie?" He asked and touched her nose lightly, giving her a broad smile as he started to carry her back to the car. I followed them across the street and then opened the car door for them and waited for him to sit her down and then buckled her up safely. She was so small and boney... I looked towards Benjamin as I shut the door and got into the driver's seat. She can't be from an orphanage if she looks like that... can she? "I think....that maybe while you find out where she came from, I'll keep her at my place and feed her, love her, take care of her..." He smiled as he came into the passenger seat, whispering that to me.

"If she is staying with you then I am too...I am not going to risk leaving her alone with a newborn." I whispered back to him and then cranked the car and drove off to the coffee shop. "I have a better idea... I will take her to Alex's place." I suggested.

"Awww, I can handle myself. I didn't eat that guy from yesterday- Austin was it? Besides, I'm not exactly a newborn." He shrugged and suddenly there was a granola bar in his hand. He smiled and looked back at Ellie, passing it to her. "Hungry cutie?"

"You know... Anyone under a year old is considered a new born in vampire society right? Especially if their maker hasn't released them yet." I pointed out to him. Ellie had snatched the bar out of his hand and opened it up to begin eating.

"THANKS MR!" She called and I could see her take a big bite. I laughed softly. He smiled and looked out the front of the window, looking pleased with himself.

"See that... Totally should be considered fully fledged. I just made a little girl happy."

"Well your not exactly the best choice. I'll take her somewhere safe." I nodded to myself as I knew Alex's family well enough to know they would love to have a little girl around the house. "Alex's parents are great people unlike ourselves."

"I'm a great person!" Benjamin looked over at me with his eyes narrowed. "It's not like I asked to be made....Besides, I've always wanted to help people. That's why I'm becoming a doctor. Just let me take care of her. If I have to, I'll let you watch me feed so that you know that I'm too full to even be tempted."

"Ewe... I don't want to watch that. Besides... You are a party maniac. No way am I leaving her with you." I snapped at him quietly.

"Why not?" He purred, leaning over to me.

"Because! Your a month old. I might as well have let her get hit by that car." I clenched my jaw and my phone went off again. I heard her shuffling around in the back seats.

"What's this book- Breaking Dawn about?" I heard her ask and my eyes widened.

"Breaking Dawn?" Benjamin quickly looked behind him to see her holding the book. "I didn't know you read that....Interesting," he murmured to himself. He made a lollipop appear and held it out to her. "How about we trade?" I dropped my jaw as she quickly traded with him and I watched as my bookmark was hanging out slightly. Oh man.... busted. He smirked and put the bookmark back into place then set it into his lap, turning to the first page. I watched him and dropped my jaw lowered. "I'd had more than my fair share of near-death experiences; it wasn't something you ever really got used to. It seemed oddly inevitable-" I grabbed the book and tucked it up under the seat quickly and blushed a bright red.

"Don't know what it is doing back there." I said quickly.

"You know what else seems oddly inevitable?" He quirked an eyebrow and smirked at me.

"No." I said and looked towards him as my phone buzzed once again. He glanced at it then back up at me.

"Me...You...and Ellie." He laughed softly and leaned over to me, getting close to my shoulder. I jerked away from him and made the wheel go with us so I had to jerk it back before something bad happened.

"Stay in your own area!" I hissed. "Remember the uh-oh feeling!? I'M GETTING ONE NOW!"

"But Laureeeen...." He whined and went back to his own seat, curling up into himself as he brought his feet up into the seat. "It's not my fault."

"Can I live with you two? You guys give me candy! I like you." I heard Ellie say from the back. He brightened up almost immediately and lost interest in me as he looked back at Ellie.

"Of course you can live with me! Lauren can visit whenever she wants, but you'll stay with me, alright?" He smiled at her sweetly. "We'll drink tea and have fun all day."

"But I thought you two lived together... I want you both as my parents. You two are cute together." I blushed a bright red and focused on the road for once.

"You think so? She doesn't....But then again, after I learn more from this guy I know, I'm sure that she won't mind me. She's just a bit touchy right now because I make promises that she thinks I know nothing about," he said to her and made another piece of candy materialize then handed it to her.

"Ben! Stop feeding her sweets! She will get a cavity."

"That's okay miss! I have two already."

"You worry too much," Benjamin told me and then looked out the window as he sat in his seat correctly. "Even my own mom wasn't near as strict as you have been in the last twenty minutes."

"Back when I was human I was married and was on my way to having my second child- but then... I died. THAT was back during the American revolution! So of course I am a very- very strict person. I was born in the wrong time period." I told him.

"Oh....You really are older than me by a lot, aren't you?" He asked softly and then looked out the window. "No wonder why I seem like a baby to you." He made a cup appear and then a tea pot, pouring himself some tea and then made the pot disappear. He picked up the cup and started to sip on the hot, steaming tea. "Ooh...It's my favorite!"

"Oh my gosh... I am dealing with a child." I muttered and rolled down the window by me to let in the cold air to hopefully ruin his tea. He ignored it and sipped on it happily as he made a scone appear and started to snack on it. I snickered at him and pulled up at the coffee shop. "Stop eating that you dope!" I smacked the scone out of his hand.

"Ooooooo can I have some Mc Donalds? I want chicken nuggets!" I heard Ellie shout and point to the fast food restaurant across the street.

"You want McDonalds?" He looked back at her and smiled. "McDonalds you shall have. Come along Ellie, I'm buying." He got out of the car and went around the front to go get her from behind me as the tea and scone disappeared. I got out of the car and opened the door for her. She climbed out and bounced up and down in excitement as she looked across the street in anticipation. I grabbed my bag with my money in it then the Breaking Dawn book and I stuffed it inside. I grabbed my phone off the dash then locked up the car as she ran circles around Benjamin and I.

"McDonalds! McDonalds! I'm getting McDonalds!" She cried out then grabbed my hand and his. He smiled down at her sweetly.

"Alright, when you cross a street, what do you do?" He asked her, looking around to make sure there weren't any cars coming our way. She shrugged and had no clue how to answer him as she looked across the street in joy. I felt my phone go off in my hand once more so I answered it.

"What ALEX!?" I hissed out.

"FINALLY! How long does it take to get a vampire to answer?!" I heard Paris asking me. I frowned. "Don't frown at me. Who are you with and why didn't you come home from college? I've been worried!"

"I'm out with a guy right now! Stop acting like my father." I hissed into the phone.

"Hey, bring home some PC games will you? He threw out my Sims I was playing earlier," I heard an unfamiliar voice as the phone shuffled, obviously being taken. "He's so mean." The phone shuffled some more and I imagined Paris got the phone back.

"Who was that?" I asked curiously.

"My mate. Are you at McDonalds? Can you bring me home something sweet? Oh and tell that guy your with I said hi! Wait let me talk to him real quick-" I hung up on him and rolled my eyes as I shoved it into my pocket. I swear...

"Can I get a toy! I want a happy meal." I heard Ellie as she pulled on my jacket.

Paris's POV:

Richard pouted as he heard the phone go off and looked over at the trash from where I had thrown away all the game systems. He had been playing four at once! Call of Duty on the playstation, Sims on a laptop, chess on a tablet, and candy crush on a phone! He quickly got up and ran over to the trash, reaching in for the phone and computer. I grabbed him by his wrist and shook my head. "No. Come on... the girls didn't come home so you might as well follow me around all day. I still have things to do." I told him as I pulled him out to the garage.

"You didn't have to throw them away...." He trailed off as he let me lead him. "You could have just asked me to stop playing three of them. I worked hard at creating the perfect family in Sims. I even managed to get all the expansions! Do you know how much time I put into creating a Sim that looks just like you?" He tsked and looked at me.

"I had to though! Otherwise you would become brain dead." I told him as I shoved him into the passengers seat and then got into the drivers seat of my blue Koenigsegg CCR. It ran up to 242mph. It was one of the fastest cars I owned. I like to go fast. "Look if we win the war, I will let you play whatever you want for two whole months." I promised him.

"But it wouldn't hurt to play a game in my free time. It's not like I have work to do right now," he said and sighed, reaching into my pocket as he took my phone and unlocked it, getting in to go to the internet. "So what's this youtube thing?" He smiled and started to play a song on it that I hadn't heard before.

"It's just something for entertainment... Look up ShaneDawson. I think you might like him." I told him as I drove us off- out of town and towards Jasper. "You don't have free time baby... Your my mate. You are on a full time job." I rubbed his knee then and gave it a squeeze. He blushed and set the phone down, looking over at me as he scooted to the edge of his seat to be closer to me and grabbed my wrist. He pulled it up to his lips and kissed it, exposing his fangs playfully.

"Well, I know of other amusements that are better than games," he teased.

"Be careful~" I purred. "I'm driving."

"It's not like we'll die if you crash," he whispered and bit into my wrist, drinking my blood as he closed his eyes. I let a slight moan slip and stepped harder onto the gas pedal causing us to go up to 150mph. He glanced up as he felt the car accelerate and smirked, biting into my wrist again in a different spot, closer up my arm. I laid my head back on the headrest as I stepped harder on the gas and we was up to 200mph. "Do you like me biting you that much?" He moved to my neck as he murmured in my ear seductively. I pressed down the gas pedal to the floor and seen us reach the max speed on the car.

"Y-you know how to turn me on." I whispered weakly.

"Hmm...I think ten years has left me a little rusty. By now I would have you losing all focus on the road," he whispered to me and then leaned his face into my neck, licking it. I let my hand off the steering wheel as I gripped my leg and pinched my inner thigh.

"Richard~" I groaned out. He laughed lowly in my ear and then touched his fangs to my skin lightly in a teasing manner. I heard a horn honking at us and so I pushed him away to pull my attention to the road and noticed we had swerved to the other lane. I moved us back into the right lane and then looked at him. "Hold your hormones baby." I said as I winked at him and slowed us down to 200mph.

"How about we slow down a bit so that you don't get pulled over by a cop?" He smirked and then looked out the window. "Where are we going?"

"To Jasper town." I told him and slowed us to 98mph. "It's where a pack lives. I'm going to recruit them." I told Richard. "They owe me anyways."

"You mean those nasty mongrels?" He wrinkled up his nose. "They howl...constantly. It's always, the pack this, the pack that. You don't want werewolves," he told me, looking over at me. "After you're done playing with them, make sure to take a bath. I don't want you coming home with fleas."

"Their coming home to the manor to protect it. Their the pack I owned back in the day... remember? When I was a god. I'm getting them back." I explained to Richard. "Their our best protection until we start pulling in some newborns. We will go hunting tonight and start recruiting."

"Ooooh....You mean I get some pets?" Richard brightened up and looked over at me.

"Yes- you get some dangerous pets." I smirked. "One bite is fatal to a newborn. Kills them almost instantly."

"I was talking about creating vampires...not those werewolves, but ok." He shrugged and I heard candy crush music coming from my phone.

"Richard." I snapped. "Put my phone down and conserve the battery." I ordered and pointed to the dash. He groaned and shut the game down, putting it on the dash to avoid making me upset.

"Fiiine...." He started digging in his pockets and then pulled out a smaller phone, starting another game. "Oh, what's this Pokémon thing?" He started humming to himself and gasped. "OH MY GOSH IT'S SO CUTE!" He laughed as he started to play with it. I raised an eyebrow at him as I had never seen him act like that. I looked back at the road and watched it carefully. We reached Jaspertown in no time and I smirked as we passed the welcome sign in. Jasper was filled with a park, mountains, waterfalls, and other wonders... Especially a bunch of woods... No wonder why they moved out here after I released them after my last war. Jasper was filled with a bunch of dirt roads and as soon as I crossed the welcome sign I had to slow down to 60mph because of the road changing to one. He glanced up and set the phone down, looking out the window. "I see why they moved out here.... There's so much wildlife," he murmured to himself and stretched, touching his fangs gently. "When was the last time I told you how good you taste?" He asked, looking over at me with a smirk.

"Ten years ago." I purred. I drove us around a sharp turn and then came to a four way. I took the road north. It lead up a mountain and the road would get steep further up it- I remembered from the last time I visited. I would have to watch the road from here on out. They don't like trespassers.

"Hmmm...Well, to refresh your memory and make you more full of yourself....You taste like...heaven got wrapped up in a blanket and served up on a golden platter to be cuddled and cherished. I swear, that chocolate part always gets me...." He let out a small moan as he thought about it. "I would bite you again, but I know how close we are getting." As soon as he said that I heard a howl nearby the car and three wolves jump out onto the road and cross it not far ahead. I tensed up. They know were here.

"Your not so bad yourself," I teased him.

"Well...I'll bite you first before you'll bite me when we get home," he said and gave me a wink, ignoring the wolves as he had seen them. I gave him a nod as I adjusted myself and turned on the radio to a talk show and turned down to background music. I looked behind the car and then forwards as I was nervous. "We could....just go home. We don't need them. I could easily make us an army darling," he told me and glanced out the window in search for more wolves.

"No no no... We need them." I insisted. I heard another howl nearby and suddenly something hit the top of the roof and I tensed up completely and looked up. Before I could react to it the side door behind my seat opened and someone slid in and shut the door and then someone behind Richard slid in.

"Alpha said you would be coming." The one behind me spoke up in a rough- low muscling voice. "I'm the beta and this is my cousin. Welcome Paris- and Paris' mate." Richard looked behind us at them and sighed.

"Honey, I think I could deal with a good handful of newborns," he whispered to me so that they couldn't hear.

"Richard don't be scared. Their my wolves and their loyal to me." I whispered back.

"Alpha would have come but he was busy with our Luna. Their having their third child tonight." The beta informed us.

"Thank you for informing me."

"Pack house is up the road some more. Get's off road half a mile up. Turn left. Then stop and follow trail." They got out of the moving car then and left us.

"Can I stay in the car?" Richard whined, looking over at me. "Just leave me behind with the phone."

"Your coming with me." I told him and grabbed his hand to ensure him that we would be fine. I was still tense though. They could bite the hand that fed them all those years ago and I would be dead within hours from the venom. Then my twin would surely rule.

"But if they don't like your offer, they might kill us. Let's just go home. Werewolves are overrated. Besides, newborns have to obey," he reasoned, looking over at me as he squeezed my hand softly.

"Yes but Louis will have newborns too- strong ones. Werewolves can take those our within seconds- all it takes is a bite. That's why I am recruiting them in." I explained once again to my lover. "It gives us a huge advantage. Plus I have always known this pack to be loyal to me. They get to share my territory as their hunting grounds and all for just loyalty to me."

"Ok...If you believe it'll be fine....Oh, have you picked out a new recruit yet, or are we just going to randomly pick humans off the street?" He gave me a sweet smile as he exposed his fangs to me and turned my hand over in his, looking down at the two bite marks he made.

"You know our ways. Random selection is the quickest way to build an army." I told him. We came to a road that cut off to the left which was exactly what I was looking for. I turned onto the road and after a few feet it came to a stop so I parked by the trail and got out. "Come on love." I motioned for him to get out. "If it gets bad we will teleport home." I promised him. He nodded and got out, hiding his fangs and walked over to me, grabbing my hand.

"If they attack, I'll come back and get them in their sleep," he warned me and gave a smile, kissing my cheek. I laughed and kissed his cheek back then tightened the grip on his hand as I locked up the car. I lead him towards the trail and we followed it two miles into the woods- up a steep heel. When we reached the top of it there was a huge field with a house calmly sitting in the middle. It wasn't just a house though. It was three stories worth of a mansion. The Alpha probably bought this with the money I gave him- the old Alpha that is. I watched as there was wolves all through out the field running around in their wolf form or human form. The mansion doors practically stayed open from it being so busy. They've increased in number since the last time I seen them. pulled Richard with me to the pack house. He didn't fight as he looked around calmly at the wolves and then back at me. "I really hope this works out.... It probably will in all honesty because of the baby being born. He'll want to get us out of here quicker." I gave a slight nod in agreement and pulled him through the doors. We came straight into a grand living room. I glanced around at the furniture and fireplace that was the center of attention in the room. I reverted back to my memory of the mansion those years ago and lead Richard through a side door where a room stood alone with a swirling staircase leading up to the next floor. I lead Richard up the stairs and into a hall where I walked him down it to the end and we came to a double door. I knocked on it once before walking into an empty study. Great... We have to wait! Right as I thought about the wait the doors behind us swung open before we could sit and I got a whiff of strong- egotistical Alpha-male werewolf stench that screamed dominance. I turned around to face the Alpha and watched as the corner of his lip curled up and he opened his arms wide to us.

"PARIS! RICHARD! So good to finally meet you! You know my father told me tons of stories about you. Sit sit." He motioned for us to sit as he went to his desk.

"How's the baby?" I asked in a friendly manor.

"Wife is still in labor. I think it is going to be a boy." He informed. "My name is Alpha Hunter. I am very pleased to meet you both. Paris you said you had business to discuss with me?" He asked as he wanted to get down to business.

"Oh yes. I'm building an army- a war is coming. I am going to need assistance from the pack." I stated calmly as I sat down in front of the desk.

"Assistance? Is it a bad war?"

"Yes, it is going to be a war that will depict the future generations salvation." I told him. "Are you with me or against me?" I asked as I leaned forward. "I will need you to come home to the manor as soon as possible." I raised an eyebrow at him to mean business.

"Oh.." He sat back in his chair as he thought it over. "That's a... shocker. Paris the pack has always been loyal to you throughout the years. You gave us land. We will fight along by you through the end of time. Set the date and I will bring the best of my pack with me to the manor." I smiled and stood up.

"By the end of next week." I told him calmly. "Thank you Alpha Hunter... I appreciate this."

"No no.. thank you Paris. Stay for dinner?" Richard tensed up at that and shifted in his seat, looking over at one of the windows as he didn't want to interfere, but he looked like he wasn't wanting to stay longer than he had to.

"We have to be getting along. I have more people to talk to about recruiting." I told him easily. He gave a nod and stood up. We shook hands and he gave a smile.

"Understandable. I have to get back to my wife. Have a safe trip home boys.." I gave him a nod. "I will walk you out." He suggested and headed to the doors so I followed after him. Richard got up quickly and followed at my heels, reaching up behind me and entwining his fingers with mine as he grabbed my hand. We followed Hunter out of the mansion and we said our last goodbyes before he disappeared into the mansion. I lead Richard to the trail soon after and eyes followed us from around the field. He bit his bottom lip as he glanced at one of the wolves and then as soon as we were out of sight, he tightened his grip on my hand and got in front of me, walking faster.

"Well, now that it's out of the way, how about we go back to the manor?" He glanced back at me and smiled nervously, obviously not liking how close he had gotten to the werewolves.

"We have to go see my cousins after this and then we have to visit a hunter family, then we can go straight home." I promised him.

"A HUNTER FAMILY?! Are you insane?!" He hissed, spinning around to face me. "Oh, don't think I didn't notice the slight aftertaste of a pinprick of tar in your blood back at Louis's place when I woke up. I remember your blood perfectly, and NEVER had I tasted that in your blood before. I know that you got caught!"

"Calm down Richard. Their providing us weapons." I explained. "I hooked up with them ten years back and got quite acquainted with them. One of them is a vampire too. We will be fine. I can trust them." He narrowed his eyes at me and looked like he had more to say but didn't as he stared me down.

"You met them too." I whispered. "Their the most known and respected vampire hunters of this town. Their the Ainsworths." I told him. "Their the ones that tried to kill me but I managed to get out of the death sentence and we became friends soon after." He sighed and gave a slight nod.

"Alright....but just so you know, you should be careful with your friends prince of France," he said and smirked at me, leaning in as he kissed my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I will prince of Transylvania." I teased him and leaned in to kiss his lips but ended up biting his bottom lip. He gasped as he tensed up and then he went to pull back a little, his fangs now exposed. I let him go and started back down the trail. "I still can't believe after all these years that I ended up mated to Dracula's eldest son." I teased him some more. He hated his father like most of the vampire's of my age. We all rebelled back then and murdered our parents. We all took over and revolutionized the vampire society and it all started with Richard's and my love. He grabbed me from behind and then bit into my neck, growling slightly. I gasped and was aroused immediately. I let out a grown under my breath and reached behind me to his hair. I grabbed a lock full of his hair and pulled. He licked my neck and then moved his head, biting into my hand that had a lock of his hair. I gasped and pulled my hand back then turned towards him. "RICHARDO!" I hissed out. He raised an eyebrow at me and smiled innocently.

"Yes my mate?" He purred out, licking his lips.

"Save your bites for in the bedroom." I whispered as my hand healed up. I giggled and took off down the trail before he could say anything. He chased after me and grabbed my hand before I could get too far and smiled.

"If you save your teasing," he whispered back to me and leaned against my shoulder. I gave a soft nod. That was fair enough. We reached my car and I let him go so I could climb in. I noticed I needed to get gas soon... Whoops. He got in and looked over, tsking when he saw that we needed gas. "Well, that's your job. It's your car," he told me and looked up at me.

"I have enough to get us back to the nearest town." I told him. At least to the nearest gas station. After he shut the door I cranked the car and she roared to life under my hands. I smirked and drove off to get us out of here.

Lauren's POV:

I watched as Ellie played in the little playground inside Mcdonalds. She had just finished eating only a few minutes ago. I looked at Benjamin who was sitting by me and then took out my laptop from my bag and hooked up to the free internet. After a few minutes, I saw Benjamin's hand in front of me with a cup of steaming tea in it. "Want some? It's pretty good," he told me and laughed. "You'll like it." I pushed the tea away from me and shook my head.

"No thanks. I don't drink that stuff." I told him as I was busy googling for nearby orphanage websites. He sighed and set it down on the table, making it disappear as he scooted closer to me. He glanced at the webpage I had pulled up and then leaned against my shoulder.

"What are you doing? I thought we agreed that I was keeping her," he whispered to me, looking up into my eyes.

"I have to see if someone is looking for her. If she belongs to an orphanage then I will return her and adopt her for us." I told him softly as I looked the pages over.

"Us?" He murmured and looked at me closer, studying me. "So you do like me."

"I like Ellie." I stated as I was loosing hope in finding her wanted on one of the pages. Maybe she never was in an orphanage. I decided to try the local police site to look at the missing children's page. There was no hope on it either. He then tilted my face to see him and looked into my eyes.

"But you like me too, don't you?" He whispered and then leaned in, kissing me. He pulled back suddenly, shocked at himself and stood up as he started to walk away with wide eyes. I touched my lips as I watched him walk away. What's wrong with him!? I clenched my jaw as I watched him leave my side. I squeezed my left knee as I mentally screamed. Men. I shut the laptop and put it away then turned to watch Ellie play. Benjamin had gone to her and was watching her with a soft look in his eyes as looked to be thinking about something and then he called her to him and produced another sweet for her, handing it to her with a smile. "There you go cutie!" He gave her a cookie and patted her head. "A sweet for the cutie!" She snatched it from him and was eating it as quick as possible and ran off into the playset. I put my bag over my shoulder and pulled out my phone to check my messages real quick.



Alex: SO! I was wondering when I would be getting my jacket back? LUV U!

Alex: Jayce said hi!

Alex: Jayce wants 2 know if you are into Benjamin.

Alex: Want to come out to eat with us in half an hour.

Alex: YOYOYO! Are you ignoring me?

Alex: CU at the partay!

Paris: Text me! Let me know when your are on your way home! Bring something to eat.


Franny: Which dress do you think I should wear for tonight?

Franny: Blue or Pink?

Franny: You are coming right?

I groaned and put up my phone deciding to ignore the rest of the texts and I stood up- ready to go. I walked up to Benjamin and stood by him as I watched Ellie playing in the fake car. He laughed and then froze when his eyes landed on me and adverted his eyes. "S-sorry...about kissing you," he mumbled.

"Do it again." I muttered and made it sound like a threat but I sort of liked the kiss. It left me wanting more.. It was scary. "I dare you." I grumbled.

"But I like dares," he said and looked over at me. "That's like saying, 'here's tea, but you can't have any'." He turned to me and glanced at my lips again. I stepped back from him and gave him a warning with my eyes. Ellie came running up to us then and wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank you for this!" She yelled and buried her face into my stomach.

"Your welcome." I said and rubbed her head. "Let's go get you some new clothes. If you are going to be living with us... we can't have you looking like a hobo." I told her and then picked her up. She started to suck on her thumb then.

"Where's my hug?! I paid for the food!" Ben pouted and looked at Ellie. "Besides, she wanted to leave you with strangers!" Ellie leaned up then and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Daddy." I dropped my jaw as she said it. He widened his eyes and looked at her. He took her from my arms before I could react and held her close.

"Your welcome sweetheart. Come on, let's go home. Today has been a big day, and it's not over yet. You're gonna be the star of a party tonight! Sweets will be everywhere!" He laughed and started to carry her away, forgetting about me. I followed after them and crossed my arms.

"We have to get her clothes first- daddy." I muttered and brushed past him as I headed to my car.

"Aw, we'll just send mommy shopping," he told Ellie and sat her down in the back and buckled her in. "Mommy won't mind."

"Or we can send daddy home and you can hang out with mommy." I suggested and got into the drivers seat. "After all- you don't want to be around him when he is in business mode. He has a party to plan. If you stay with me I will take you to the park."

"Don't listen to mommy. Daddy is way cooler! I'm never in business mode! Trust me, you'll love helping daddy out! I'll let you throw streamers everywhere!"

"I want to go to the park." Ellie said as I had won her over. "Can I get a puppy?" She asked sweetly. "I want a German shepherd."

"Okay. I will take you to the pound and we will adopt one." I suggested. "Daddy won't mind if we add on to the family." I teased and looked at Benjamin's face.

"You know, I've always wanted a dog!" He smiled. "Still, why don't you stay with daddy? Mommy can do the bad shopping and then she can come pick you up and take you to the park and get you a puppy. Fun right?" He ruffled her hair and then shut the door, coming around and getting in the passenger seat.

"She's going to stick with me because I will need to fit her in the clothes." I grumbled to Benjamin. "Stop making this hell for me." I flicked him on the nose then drove us off towards a mall. "In fact... how about Daddy stick with us?" He widened his eyes and looked to be in terror.

"No...anywhere but the mall," he murmured. "Lizzy used to take me here and force me to watch her try on dresses....I hate the mall." He started to mumble to himself as he looked out the window, trying to calm down what looked to be resurfacing painful memories.

"Then I can drop you off then right? I'll drop you off at the train station." I teased. "You don't mind huh?"

"No! I'd rather go to the mall," he said, looking over at me sharply. "Not like last night again."

"Don't slow us girls down." I said as we pulled up to the mall and I parked near the front. I stepped out first and heard a group of guys whistle. I turned to them and seen them eyeing my car down. I shook my head and then opened the door for Ellie and helped her out and took out my bag. Benjamin got out and stretched then put his hood over his head, sticking earbuds into his ears as he walked over to me and smiled, quickly leaning in and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smacked his chest and locked up my car in one movement and smirked. I picked up Ellie and handed her to him them grabbed one of his hands and pulled him to the mall. He smiled and gave Ellie one of his earbuds and started to follow me in. She started to nod her head softly to the music and I shook my head. I lead them to the second floor and into a name brand store for little children her age. I started to pick out some clothes and estimated her size before taking her into a dressing room to fit her into them. I found her in a size six for children... although I believed she could go smaller.. but the six looked most comforting. I bought her cute little dresses, shirts, pants, overalls, and some converse to start her out in. I handed the bags to Benjamin as we checked out and Ellie was dancing around in excitement about her new wardrobe. It made me laugh. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling, starting to look a bit tired as I finished up shopping and he started to walk the bags out to the car and looked back at me over his shoulder.

"How about you go down to the Dairy Queen stand downstairs and get her something?" He suggested. "I'll take care of this." I tossed him my keys as I trusted him with them and then gave a nod.

"I'm going to get her a Nintendo and some games for it after DQ.... So expect us to be in GameStop when you come back." I waved him off and lead her down to the stand and let her pick out something and bought her it. She ended up with a chocolate milkshake and French fries and we walked off to GameStop as she ate her food. When she finished we threw it away and went into GameStop to check out the games. I bought her a white 3ds and some Mario games to keep her occupied and then we started heading out to the car. He was sitting on the hood of my car again, leaned up against the windshield and listening to his music as he appeared to be napping. I walked up to him and grabbed his feet then pulled him off in a rushed motion to startle him. "Stop sleeping on the hood of my car!" He screamed out in fear and opened his eyes quickly, grabbing my hand as he pinned me down. He looked down at me in wide eyes and took a few breaths then shook his head.

"Will you stop...with the feet pulling?" He asked and watched me.

"How do you sleep?" I asked and pushed him off me and then reached into his pocket and retrieved my keys. I unlocked the car and helped Ellie in the car and buckled her in. I handed him the GameStop bag. "Here. Put this together for Ellie." I told him as I got into the car and put the keys into the ignition. I typed his address into my GPS and waited for him to get in. He got in and pulled out the games I got her and the 3ds and started to set everything up.

"For the record, I sleep pretty well," he told me and then finished. "It's going to need charging before she can play on it." I pulled out a car charger and handed it over to him that was suitably to charge the Nintendo. I drove off in the direction the GPS wanted me to go then. "By the way, please don't be all surprised when you see where I live." He sighed and started to charge it, putting it in his lap as he produced a children's book and looked back at Ellie with a sweet smile. "Ellie, do you know how to read yet?"

"What's read?" Ellie asked innocently. He laughed a bit.

"It seems I'll have to read it to you then." He opened the book to page one and started reading Red Riding Hood to her for the rest of the ride. I noticed the GPS was taking the car into JasperTown.... I expected it to be way out here after all I heard earlier from a friend that he owned half of Jasper thanks to his family. I bit my bottom lip as I was a few minutes from his house. He glanced up and smirked when he saw how close we were and finished up the story. "And that's the story of Red Riding Hood," he told her and closed the book, making it disappear. I shook my head at him as I drove up to his house. His house was built into the side of a mountain and looked openly spacious as the front side was nothing but windows. I awed at the size of it and widened my eyes. How does he afford this? OH RIGHT. THE SUCKER IS RICH. I stopped at his garage that was also built in and parked there. I glanced over at Benjamin and took in a deep breath.

"WOW! I HIT THE JACKPOT! I KNEW GOOD THINGS WERE GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME TODAY! I LOVE YOU DADDY! MOMMY!" I heard Ellie hyping up in the backseat. I giggled and looked at her.

"I love you too." I said sweetly to her. I turned back to Benjamin then. "So... this is your house?" I asked to clarify it up more.

"Yeah, this is my place. My maker has never even seen it," he told me and got out. "Niomi!" He called and a girl poked her head out the door that lead to the house from the garage. She smiled when she saw him and came out, giving a little curtsy.

"Welcome home master Benjamin," she said sweetly and looked at him. He smiled and gestured to me.

"This is Lauren. She's going to be around more often, and this little one," he gestured to Ellie, "is Ellie. She's going to be living with us from now on. Can you see that she gets a bath and some warm dinner? She's probably a bit tired to, so if you could put her to bed as well?" She nodded and brightened up when she saw Ellie as Benjamin helped her out of the car.

"She's so little!" She giggled and watched as Ben set her down. Ellie ran over to me as I had just shut the car door and hugged me.

"Can I stay with you?" Ellie whispered softly.

"I have to do somethings Ellie... This lady won't hurt you." I promised and rubbed her head. "Go get a nice bath and I will see you before you go to bed."

"Ellie, she's really sweet. Don't worry. She's been with my family since I was ten years old." Ben smiled at her and bent down, giving her a hug. "Niomi will be like a second mom. You'll like her."

"I don't want a second mommy.... I want Lauren as my mommy only." Ellie whined. I kissed the top of her head then.

"You do? I already am Ellie... Now go with the sweet lady and behave if you want that German shepherd." I bribed her and she nodded softly then went over to Niomi and shyed a bit. I took out the bags of clothes and handed them to Niomi then turned to Benjamin. As Niomi started to lead Ellie away, Benjamin turned to me and smiled.

"Tour?" He asked, gesturing to the house. I thought it over then shrugged.

"I suppose that would be a good way to pass time." I said and walked up to him then brushed past him as I walked towards the front door.

"Awww, you don't have to be that way," he told me and started to follow me. "So I was wondering, would you like me to get you a room here because of Ellie? Or do you just want to casually visit every once in awhile?"

"There is no way I would ever consider staying the night here with you." I said and smirked towards him. "I'll just visit."

"Ok," he said and shrugged. "Just a thought." He walked into the house and sighed. "Besides, what did I ever do to you that made you not like me enough to be the way you were when I asked you that question in the car?"

"Well.... Now that you mentioned it... YOU threaten the lives of my friends and I don't like it." I said as I stuck my hands into the jacket pockets. "So there. You know now.." I looked around as I had walked into the door and seen a huge living room with a grand staircase off to one side and a fish tank right under it- that the stairs swirled around. It was a salt water tank. I raised an eyebrow and looked over the living room again. There was a sitting area in front of a TV above a fireplace on the other side of the room and arches in the walls here and there that lead off somewhere else. The light from the windows was enough to light up the place and it felt cozy.

"Your friends are not in any danger from me," he told me and smiled. "I'd never hurt your friends." I clenched my jaw.

"Yet you will expose who I am to them." I grumbled. He glanced around and then walked over to me.

"Well....Maybe I just wanted a date from one of the prettiest girls around," he teased and leaned closer to my face. I leaned backwards as he leaned in and then dodged him as I walked towards the first arch to go through. "Oh...Um... Explore around. I have to make a phone call." I heard him start to walk off with a fast pace towards the staircase. "Try not to get lost." I watched him leave and then headed on my way through the arch and into a man cave like area. There was a mini bar, pool table, lots of wine stacked up against a wall, a few tables, a sitting area, and a small half bathroom attacked to the room. I headed into the room right off of it which was the garage- I lost interest as soon as I stepped in so I turned around and headed off towards the other arch and into a pool room- an indoor grand pool room. I froze at the sight. There was a running waterfall right on one side that you could climb up on and jump off of. I dropped my jaw as I looked at it. Whoa.... I headed out of the room and into a little dinning room- it wasn't actually that small.... but compared to the other rooms... I was jealous. The kitchen was right next door to it and lead back into the grand living room. There was one area left I hadn't seen yet which was two double doors right off the living room. I walked towards them and threw them open to find his study-like room. I hit the treasure box. I walked in and over to his desk in curiosity.

"Now what are you doing in here?" I heard Benjamin ask from behind me. HE SNUCK UP ON ME! I spun around to look at him.

"Exploring." I said innocently. He nodded and walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"Yeah, I said you could do that, didn't I? So the others should be here soon, and Ellie is being put to bed right now." He walked over to his desk and sat behind it, looking down at the papers on it. "If you want, I can get someone to take you up to her room." I puffed out my cheeks.

"I'll go by myself." I said and headed out of the study then. I could just follow their scent up there. I headed for the stairs without hesitation and walked up them. I came to two directions. Left... or right. I sniffed the air and headed towards the right hall. I walked down it and found that there was nothing but bedrooms on it. Typical. After the third door down I found it was her bedroom as her scent was inside. I walked in and smiled as I found her curling up in the bed. I walked over to her and rubbed her head. "Goodnight Ellie." I whispered to her. She looked up at me with a tired expression on her face and gave a nod.

"Night Mommy." She mumbled and reached out, grabbing my hand. I held her hand and watched as she fell asleep moments after. I let her go then left the room and headed towards the living room downstairs. When I got downstairs, I saw a girl sitting on the couch sipping on a cocktail as music played. Her blond hair was pinned up in a flirtatious way, and she crossed her legs as she smiled to herself. As I came down the stairs, her blue eyes looked up at me, and she laughed a little under her breath.

"Ben's brought home another one, huh?" She said softly and took another sip of her drink.

"Another what?" I asked her as I looked innocent. I was on to her now. I stepped off the last step and walked towards her and tensed as I neared her.

"Another girl of course. The last one was a total...well," she smirked and took another sip. "At least you seem respectable. Maybe you'll finally be the one that keeps him to yourself. He ditched the last girl....After I told him to."

"What are you to Benjamin exactly?" I asked as I sat down across from her and smirked. She has no idea who she is talking to.

"His first love interest. We managed to stay friends after our little fall out. Now I keep him away from trouble makers and to myself." She raised an eyebrow as she examined me and set her glass down. "What's your name?"

"What's your name." I repeated her.

"Elizabeth Francis Remington," she told me and watched me closely. "It's only fair that if I tell you my name, you tell me yours."

"I won't tell you my name." I stated as I stood up then and headed for Benjamin's study to go pester him.

"He's not in there anymore. I sent him to go get some fun things to do," she called after me and I heard her pick up her drink again. I gave a slight nod and turned to her. He left me with her? What a bad host. I curled the corner of my lips up. Well... if he didn't want her dead then he should have taken me with him.

"Lizzy, all I could find was Trouble," he said as he walked into the room, carrying a board game. "I'm sure that you don't want to play it."

"No, it's too childish," she told him and looked off. I walked up to Benjamin and then pulled him into a hug.

"Why is she here?" I whispered into his ear as I hugged him tightly. He looked down at me shocked and then over at Elizabeth.

"What did you do now Lizzy?"

"I'm keeping the parasites away," she said simply.

"You can't just scare off every girl I bring home. I'm not your boyfriend anymore." He sighed and set the game down, wrapping an arm around me. "Besides, this is the last girl I'm bringing here."

"Oh? You sound so sure about that," she said with a smirk and took a sip of her drink, finishing it. "Get me another one?" She held it out to him with a sweet look. He let go of me and started to walk over to her.

"I don't remember inviting you."

"I don't need an invitation."

"I have my teeth ready." I muttered low enough for only Benjamin to hear. He glanced at me and shook his head slightly, taking the glass and walking off to the man cave.

"Don't kill each other while I'm busy," he shouted over his shoulder. I smirked as I watched him go.

"So if I move in here- which I probably will... I'm going to make sure the locks get changed." I told her as I walked back to the seat I was at earlier and sat down. "So don't be surprised if you can't get in."

"Well, he probably won't keep you around for too long. Even though he says your the last girl, he doesn't really mean it. I've seen him say that twice now. Though...he does look at you a bit differently," she told me and started rotating her foot slowly. "Benjamin is...special. He needs someone to watch him to keep him from making mistakes about girls. That's where I come in."

"You won't be needed anymore." I chimed out and relaxed into the couch as I watched her. "You should move on and get someone."

"I don't think you understand. Benny is mine. Ever since the moment I even glanced at him. He may think that our fall out was the end, but it's not. He's tamed to me," she said softly and watched as he came back with her drink and handed it to her. She smirked over at me and took a sip of it as he went and sat across from me and her.

"Benjamin... your just in time... She thinks you two are destined to be together." I giggled as I told him. He groaned and laid his head back.

"Lizzy, I've told you at least ten times now. That part of our lives is behind us, and you're lucky that I'm letting you stay in my life. If you want, I could always show you the door since how you seem so fond of doing that with all the past girls. Stop scaring Lauren."

"She's not scaring me. I find this hilarious." Hilarious that I could take her life in a heartbeat and be done with her quicker then someone blinking an eye.

"It's not a laughing matter. I'm simply stating that if you want to be with Benny over here, you have to get through me," Elizabeth said.

"Don't worry about it Lizzy. She already turned down my offers," Benjamin said. "Now, both of you leave each other alone and leave me alone." I adjusted myself and then stood up.

"Leave you alone?" I asked and smirked. "Does that mean I can leave and I don't have to stay for your party?" He sat up quicker than lightning and looked at me in alarm.

"No, you have to stay for the party. That's not what I meant at all. I meant for Lizzy to leave me alone. You can bother me all you want," he said and smirked, giving me a wink. I smirked and then walked over to him and sat down right in his lap to get under Elizabeth's nails.

"Okay." I husked and ran my fingers through his hair. Lizzy stood up and started to walk off, an attitude in her steps as she disappeared into the man cave. He glanced at where she disappeared to and then looked at me in slight confusion.

"Did you do that just to mess with her?" He asked softly, looking up into my eyes and glancing at my lips.

"Maybe." I busted out laughing and moved off his lap. "You'll thank me for it later."

"Well, now I have an angry Lizzy about to drink the rest of that bottle in there and a party starting soon. I don't think I'm going to be thanking you. Lizzy hasn't ever left, and I don't think she plans to anytime soon. I've even set her up with Timothy, my cousin, but she still wasn't interested. She's the one that made me hate malls," he told me and leaned back in his seat. "I don't think I'll ever be rid of her...but she did help me sometimes. Tasha was playing me, and she convinced me to break up with her."

"Just don't let her convince you to not like me." I mumbled under my breath and went back to the other couch to sit down.

"Never.... You're the first girl I've ever felt this way about, so no... I don't think she can convince me otherwise." I looked away from him and blushed. I'm going to end up with him quicker then I expected if I meet another ex of his. "Oh, the first guests are arriving." He stood up as he heard cars driving up to the house. "Lauren, I hope you have fun tonight," he said and looked at me, giving me a sweet smile.

Paris's POV:

I pulled up at my Uncle Benjamine's manor where most of my mother's family lived at. I have some gifted family actually on her side. They had moved here not long after I built the manor to be closer to me I think. Choquette Manor was right on the outskirts of York and took some time to get to as I had to drive through Hancock just to get there. I left Richard in the car this time since Benjamine was one of the last surviving vampires of the old society and never approved of Richard and I's relationship. I met Benjamine inside his study and discussed the plans of my war with him and he agreed to serve under me with his wife, Logan, and Damian. I got him to sign off a contract just in case and headed back out to the car where I got back inside and stuffed the contract under my seat. When I looked over at Richard, he was playing four games, two on each phone and was switching between them as ads would come up, going from Candy Crush to Magic Piano to chess to Temple Run. He didn't even glance up as I got in. I shook my head and drove off towards the last stop of the day for us which was back in Franklin. It was close to home which made me feel better about doing it today. Ainsworth manor was almost the same size as my manor- just a tiny but smaller in square footage. Our two manors were on two different sides of Franklin and both were on the outskirts. Just like my manor- theirs was respected as well and very well-known. When we arrived at Ainsworth's manor I stopped at the gate and hit a red button on the gate's passcode. After a few minutes I watched as the camera turned and adjusted to look at me good before the gates slid open and allowed me entrance into the estate. I drove up to the garage and got out- after parking in front of it. I smirked as the garage door opened and a man stood there in a black trench coat to hide all of his body and his face. I could easily tell who this was... definitely not an Ainsworth.

"Where's the eldest Ainsworth?" I asked as he picked up a duffle bag. I popped open my trunk as he walked towards me.

"Out. He asked me to do this for him." The trench coated fellow asked. Now that I heard his voice I definitely knew who he was.

"Want me to help?" I asked him. He shook his head as he loaded the bag into the trunk and went back to the garage for the next. "Listen... tell him to give me a call soon. I want to arrange for a face-to-face chat."

"You better get out of here before the boys get in." He told me as he brought two more duffle bags to me and then put them in the trunk.

"They don't scare me." I said as he went back for the last two and put them in. He closed up my trunk and looked me in the eyes.

"They should. Their not what they use to be. See you later Paris." He went back into the garage and the garage door closed up. I got back into the car and drove down to the gate. It opened up and I drove through and straight to the manor.

"That went well," Richard said as he set the phones down, turning the games off.

"Now we can go home," I purred towards him. He smirked and looked over at me, adjusting himself in his seat to face me better.

"I like the sound of that," he whispered to me and leaned over, resting his head on my shoulder as he kissed me there.

"Sounds like I am getting a good head start on preparing for war. Do you want to hunt before we go home and recruit an innocent soul?" I asked. He pulled back and looked out the window excitedly.

"Been awhile since I've had a pet to do my bidding," he said and tapped his fingers on the seat as he watched the world pass by. I stopped then in the parking lot of a gas station and looked at him.

"Ready?" I asked and licked my lips. Right behind the gas station was a good alley to hunt in. He got out of the car and started walking away, already preparing for a small fight of resistance of his victim. I turned the ignition off and climbed out. I locked up the car then lead him into the alley. He looked around and spotted a group of people talking excitedly as they drank slushies together and smirked.

"Bingo," he whispered and set his sights on a dark haired girl with brown eyes. "Her," he told me and calmly started to walk towards them in the appearance of just passing by them. When he got close, he walked past then backtracked and looked at them. "Hey...Haven't I seen you before?" He asked, giving a smile as he looked at the girl he had picked. She giggled and shook her head.

"No, I don't think you have," she said and glanced at her friends who seemed slightly interested in Richard.

"Well, that's a shame that I haven't seen you before," he said and walked closer, giving her a look that made me a bit jealous. I bit my bottom lip as I looked at the three others in the group. We could take these humans on easily and never be noticed. I snickered a bit and felt my fangs sharpen. Now... which one first? I looked over at the boy standing just a slight bit off from the other three and decided on him. I walked up to him and wrapped my arm around his neck.

"Got a smoke?" I asked and sniffed into his neck.

"N-no," he stuttered out and went to remove me from him. He seemed like a book nerd and the smart kind that got a major scholarship to college. He moved away from me back towards the girls and leaned in to one to whisper to her. The brunette that Richard had chosen had started up a conversation with him and seemed to be flirting with him just a bit. I decided then that I liked it when they scream. I exposed my fangs towards the book nerd as I decided to get it over with.

"Too bad." I purred and started for him. I also like it when they run and get their heart racing. It makes the hunt entertaining. He screamed when he saw my fangs and grabbed the blonde he was talking to and took off with her down the alley, knocking over boxes behind him. The brunette yelped when she saw me and grabbed her friend and went to go, but Richard blocked her path and smirked.

"Why leave so soon? We were just getting to know each other," he said and leaned in, grabbing a lock of her hair gently while she trembled and put her friend behind her. I chased off after the two escape artists and teleported in front of them to cut them off before they made it out alive. I quickly grabbed the poor nerd and broke his left leg then dropped him to come back for him last and went after the girl within a heart beat. I pinned her down, but she quickly grabbed the chain necklace around her neck and held up a silver cross and started praying every prayer she knew as fast as she could, refusing to look at me.

"I hate the religious." I grumbled and rolled my eyes. I grabbed her cross necklace and broke it off her neck then tossed it and went for her neck. Die already and become by slave for eternity... unless you die in the war. She screamed and started to fight back before I could touch her neck and kicked me away, taking off running as she dug in her bag in panic. I chuckled and reached into my pants pocket and grabbed two throwing knives. "Run little rabbit... run." I chuckled and threw one at her and hit her midway in the back. "Pathetic humans." I chased after her. She yelped and kept herself from falling as she whimpered and managed to get what she wanted out of her bag and looked at me over her shoulder in fear. "I swear if it is pepper spray." I hissed out and caught up to her. She screamed and turned around spraying me in the face with a mixture that I'd never been hit with before- silver powder, holy water, and pepper spray all in one. Someone must have believed in vampires to have a mixture like that. I tsked as it dripped off my face. "Are you serious? What are you- prepared for everything? You should have prepared for me love!" I said and then grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into me. She didn't make a sound, and suddenly, I felt a knife tear into my stomach, stabbing me. She pushed me away and pulled out her phone as she started to run again. I put a hand over the stab wound and pulled out the knife then threw it at her and hit her in the leg to slow her down. "Let me tell you a story." I said as I walked towards her and gripped my other knife. She fell down from the shock of getting hit in the leg with the knife and I saw her shakily grabbing the knife out of her leg. "There once was a stupid little girl that thought she had prepared to one day meet a vampire... when suddenly..." I stood over her now and leaned down to her height and used the knife to slit her throat. "It got the best of her." I whispered as I leaned in and licked the wound on her throat as blood gushed out. Her eyes widened, and she put her hand on my face, trying to shove me away as she used her other hand to cover the wound in an feeble attempt to try to stop the bleeding with her scarf. I grabbed her hands then and pinned them behind her with my supernatural strength and started to feed off of her blood and drain her to start the process of turning her. She tried to scream, but she couldn't get a noise out and I noticed on her phone on the ground beside her that she had pulled up the Vampire Society's number, but she hadn't enough time to hit the call button before I got her. I drained her in seconds and pulled back to let her sit there for a minute. I picked up her phone then called the society myself and smirked. I waited for an answer.

"Yello?" I heard someone ask as the phone was picked up. "Distress hotline, how may I help you? If there is a scary vampire after you, shriek once."

"What's the number for I'm murdered?" I asked as I sat down on the girl. "You really need to be more.... careful with who you let know about vampires. I have to say... she's going to be a wonderful one herself."

"Well...We can't save everyone," he said in a huffy tone. "I've got your location on the screen in front of me, and I can easily send someone over to kill you." I listened in to the background noises.

"Building three yes?" I asked and then teleported into the building. "What's your name?" I saw a guy turn around in a desk chair a few feet away as a few workers stopped doing their errands around the open office.

"How the hell did you get in here," I heard the guy on the phone say as the guy who turned around must have been him because the words matched what was coming from his lips. I smirked and broke the phone in half then walked towards him as I dropped it on the floor.

"Tell the society I am back." I said allowed to the phone room as I was headed to my target and stopped right in front of him. "Kill your computer." I ordered as I gripped the knife in my hand- yes it was still there. He gulped and reached behind him, not taking his eyes off of me as he turned off the computer then quickly hit a red button- a panic button. He grabbed a hand gun from under his desk and pointed it at me before I could react. I smirked and held my hands up and dropped the knife on the desk. "Tell everyone Paris said he's coming for you." I said and then teleported out of the building and back over the dead girl. I bit into my wrist and held it out over her mouth to complete the transformation- well turning anyways. I waited and watched as she came to life from the blood. She coughed and spat up what she hadn't swallowed already and bent over the pavement as she was getting to her knees. She looked up at me in hatred and spat at my feet. "Ungrateful." I muttered and shook my head. I stood up and motioned for her to follow as my eyes flashed red and controlled her every movement. "If you manage to stick around then I might unleash you from my spell." I told her. She got to her feet and glared at me.

"My father is going to kill you if he finds out," she told me.

"I'll kill him first and turn him." I said and laughed. I lead her back to her injured friend on the ground and smirked at him. "Now. Feed off of him and drain the life out of him." I ordered. Her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"No, I won't kill my friend!" She looked down at him as he looked up at her with wide eyes.

"He'll be like you soon." I promised. "Now do it or else." She whimpered and looked from me to him.

"I'm sorry," she told him and got on her knees in front of him. "If you can manage to kill me, do it and get out of here." He screamed out and went to crawl away from her and grabbed a box, throwing it at me. I dodged the box and then laughed.

"I like it when they struggle, don't you girl? Now finish it off. I have things to do." I glanced in the direction of Richard. He was playing with his two and had the brunette pinned against the wall while her friend was slowly bleeding out on the ground from her wrists, her leg broken as she was being forced to watch. I chuckled and turned back to my two. "It's going to be fun being dead. You'll see." I told him. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed another box, throwing it at me with better aim this time. The girl was sitting there, watching him with tears in her eyes. "Girl... if you don't drink his blood right now and drain him... I will make you. You don't want to see me make you." I warned. I had dodged the other box. She bit her bottom lip and shook her head.

"You heartless beast," she murmured angrily.

"I'm not that heartless. I actually am a great maker. You'll see." I smiled sweetly at her. "Look I need you two for my war. If you survive through it I will take you to a friend of mine and get you turned back human." I smirked at them. "Now drink his blood to gain your strength. I can't have you attacking someone in my manor... Only I can... and Richard. Drink up." She glanced over at her friend and her friend shook his head in fear.

"Lucy....Please," he whispered and looked her in the eyes. "Please don't. I don't want to die. I'm sorry that he got you, but please." Her eyes softened at him and she held out her hand to him.

"Parker... I'm not going to hurt you," she told him. He glanced at me and then edged over to her and took her hand. She put him behind her and glared up at me. "Pick someone else." I sighed and then stared her down and my eyes flashed red.

"Drink. Him. Dry." I hissed out in a command to where she would be compelled to do it. Her eyes widened and she looked behind her at him and tightened her grip on his hand.

"Lucy," he said worriedly and touched the side of her face. "You don't have to-" She pinned him under her and bit down into his neck, making him yelp. I saw a few tears running down her face as she forced him to keep still.

"Your so depressed... loosen up or I will make you stay under my control forever. Forever is a long time for a vampire." I told her. "Besides... he's going to be like you soon. You two will have a good time being dead." He tried to push her off, but she grabbed his hands and sat up, looking down at him as I saw the hunger take over in her eyes. She brought one of his wrists up to her mouth and bit down into him hard, making him scream. She licked his blood from his wrist and then moved back to his neck and bit down on him again. I watched them and took a seat on one of the boxes. "Bet you never tasted that before." I muttered. She glanced over at me and then back down at Parker and drained him finally then sat up on top of him and licked her lips and fangs clean as she looked down at his lifeless eyes without emotion. I got up and walked over then bent down by them. "Want to know the best part about being a vampire?" I asked.

"What?" She asked curiously, watching me with interest. She seems to have warmed up to the idea of being undead. I raised my hand up towards her and showed her my wrist.

"Watch carefully. This little trick I am about to show you will help you in the future." I told her and then bit into my wrist and raised Parker's head up and pushed my wrist up against his lips, feeding him my blood. She frowned a little and watched as he gasped a little then he grabbed my arm and bit into me. "The best part about being a vampire-" I began as I looked at Parker then at Lucy. "Is knowing that you don't have to kill your prey all the time. You can give them something better. Immortality." Lucy nodded and looked up at me with a smile and crawled off of Parker's stomach.

"That's right girls. I hope you heard him," Richard said from in front of me with the two girls he had turned behind him. I looked up at Richard and then tugged my arm away from Parker.

"You can't do it any other way." I told them. "Cutting your skin is not the same as biting." I reminded them and stood up. Richard smiled and stepped over Parker and hugged me.

"I hope you saved a bit for later," he whispered for my ears only and kissed my cheek. I noticed the brunette he had been flirting with earlier looked a little upset. I kissed Richard softly on the lips then and pulled back to look at the new recruits.

"This is Richard. He is going to be training you for the war. You do what he says and what I say. You never obey anyone else without authorization." I told them. Lucy nodded and Parker looked up at me confused.

"War? What war?" He asked and stood up, glancing over at Lucy. Richard's two girls walked up to the other two to join them.

"The prince of Wales is going to come for us and we have to be ready for a war." I told them. "It's a war over the future generation's salvation. If he wins... kiss humanity goodbye." I told them. Lucy eyes widened and I could tell that if I hadn't won her over with having her taste blood, I just got her loyalty in an instant. Parker nodded hesitantly.

"Prince of Wales?" The brunette asked, looking at me strangely.

"I am the Prince of France. My name is Paris." I lowered my head to them and then raised it. "The Prince of Wales is named Louis."

"And I am the Prince of Transylvania, Richard," Richard said, looking at them over his shoulder from where he was holding me close. Their eyes all widened and they glanced at each other and then at us.

"So..." Parker started.

"You're saying..." Lucy joined in.

"That you two are princes...." Richard's girl with red hair said.

"And that we are going to have to fight another prince," the brunette finished.

"Don't worry. We will win. I have faith." I told them. "He's got no idea who he is dealing with. I wasn't just called a god back in the day for no reason." I boasted about myself.

"I think I read about you," Lucy spoke up from beside Parker. "My father brought home some books on vampires as a project for his work, and I snuck one, thinking it was going to be about France because it was titled 'The Paris of Legend'. I ended up reading all of it." I smiled at her.

"So you heard something about me? Good. You should know then that The prince of Wales is my twin." I told her and looked over their expressions. The other three looked surprised, but Lucy only smiled at me.

"Yeah.... I met him," she told me.

"What." I looked Lucy over then. "You have?"

"For a brief moment at my father's work. He had brought me to work that day because I was interested, but when I went that day, he visited my father with some business. I had almost tried to kill him on learning who he was, but dad told me that it was alright....I think that they made a deal about something, but I don't know for sure because he sent me out of the office for the rest of his meeting with him. He's one of the top vampire hunters," she informed me and shifted her weight on her feet nervously.

"Don't worry. I have my own spy in the hunters association." I said calmly and then motioned for them to follow me. "Let's go home and get you four rooms." I told them and lead them towards the car. "I'll find out what is going on." They got into the car and started chatting about some anime they all watched as Richard got in the passenger seat and looked at me as I got in.

"Hmmm...Seems we got a useful one, didn't we?" He said, referring to Lucy. "Lucky... I would have loved to have her as mine."

"You have her too. You know I share." I teased him and drove us back to the manor.