A Night Worth Remembering

Raven's POV:

As the sun started to go back down, we took the boat back to the dock and got back on shore. I smiled as I glanced at the sunset. Today has been alot of fun.... I wonder what Austin wanted to tell me earlier. He hasn't said a word yet! That...punk. I looked over at him and then glanced at the little kids who started to run off towards the house, wrapped up in towels from their swim. Vincent gave me a smile as he wrapped his arms around Helen and they headed towards the house together. Austin kept me on the dock though until they were out of sight. "Follow me?" Austin asked softly. Yeah, he totally forgot yesterday night. I smiled at him sweetly and walked towards him.

"Ok," I said and looked up at him. He lead me off the dock and held my hand as we walked across the yawn and towards a zeeboo near the edge of the lawn that had a swing in it and tons of cushioned seats to sit on. When we reachd it he sat me down on the swing and smiled softly at me.

"Before I begin with what I have been wanting to say all day... let me tell you that you were fantastic with the kids out there today." He kissed my cheek and laughed. "Most would have ran from the sight of them." I giggled and watched him.

"I didn't really do anything with the kids though," I said as I blushed a bit. He took a seat by me and smiled.

"Last night... I told you I would give you an answer." He whispered towards me. "Well I don't want you to erase my memories. I love you for who you are and what you are... and I can accept anything as long as you are in it.... I love you... It's weird... but I really do. I want you to be my girl friend... What do you say?" I widened my eyes. Oh...he does remember then.

"A-are you sure?" I asked softly and blushed a deeper shade as I watched him. "I mean...last night you were pretty upset, and I don't want you to have to be that way again."

"I was drunk and questioning everything I grew up around. I don't think that counts too well. I am sure I want you in my life forever just like this." I smiled slowly and leaned over, giving him a small kiss on the lips.

"I would love to," I told him sweetly and looked into his eyes. He smiled and then pulled me into his lap and kissed my cheek.

"You will have to tell me everything then about the vampire world." He whispered into my ear. "I want to know everything that I never knew before." I bit my bottom lip and nodded, wrapping my arms around him.

"Well...where do you want me to start?" I asked. There's so much that he doesn't know....I have no clue whether to start with myself or vampires in general.

"Vampires in general... what's a myth and what is true?" He asked curiously.

"Crosses are a myth....Coffins and having to stay out of the daylight isn't true at all....Garlic, silver, and holy water don't do anything to us. We do live off of blood, but not many people know that we can live off of each other's blood as well. We can eat human food as well," I told him and smiled. "We can sleep just fine unlike the vampires in Twilight. We don't sparkle either," I giggled as I said it. "I've never tried animal blood before, but I think that you could live off of it though it will leave you weaker because it's not as rich."

"Whoa..." He was amazed by the information. "How old are you? Do you live fore eternity and what not?" He wondered. I nodded.

"Yeah....We can live for eternity if we aren't killed by vampire hunters. I'm...." I frowned as I looked down at my hands and started counting. "at least.... Well let's just say that I was alive before electricity and lived when humans were afraid and aware of us, even sacrificing others to us to keep us from eating villages."

"You lived before electricity... You must be pretty old... I like it." He kissed my cheek once more. "So you can live a long time... Uh... what about powers? Hightened senses... speed... healing abilities... other possible powers." I giggled and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Oh yeah, we have powers. Not all of them are the same and a few are special. We all have heightened senses, but sometimes a vampire will have better hearing than another which doesn't happen very often, but sometimes. For powers, well, you've seen one of mine." I smiled at him and watched to see if he'd remember.

"Teleportation right?" He smirked. Looks like he done some research. I nodded and leaned in, kissing his cheek.

"Yes, that one is one of mine. Some of us can read minds, some can use compulsion on other vampires that are below them, some of us can make things appear and materialize, and some of us can control elements- just to name a few."

"Varies huh? That's interesting." He smirked and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Oh, and I can make people forget things, from their whole life to various moments. I can filter memories. Not all of us can do that," I told him and smiled sweetly.

"Oh I have a question... what about the whole invitation into someones home?" He asked suddenly.

"Noooo...not really," I told him and touched his nose playfully. "That's part of why I was worried about you last night with Benjamin eyeing you."

"Benjamin is a vampire? What about that girl you was with." I nodded and blushed, glancing off.

"I actually was hunting with her when I caught Benjamin after you."

"Hunting?" He tilted his head in curiousity. I looked back at him and bit my bottom lip.

"Like I said, we live off of human blood. We have to hunt to get it, or we have to have a pet to feed us everyonce in awhile. It depends on what you want. I prefer hunting....You were originally my prey at first," I confessed and watched his reaction. "I chose not to kill you after you didn't freak out about me biting you because it surprised me. Most humans would scream and try to get away, but you didn't.... You're the first I've ever let live, and I'm glad I did."

"I... I honestly didn't think about what was going on clearly... I bet if you was more vicious I probably would have yelled." He laughed and watched me. "I was too caught up in your beauty." He teased. I blushed a bit and kissed his cheek.

"It's a good thing you didn't scream," I told him. "Anyways, I had just finished hunting when I caught Benjamin ignoring my threats and taking you somewhere to eat you."

"Are you sure... he was pretty friendly... He was throwing a party tonight that he wanted me to go to..." He trailed. I shook my head and smiled softly.

"It's part of the hunt. You've got to get the human to go with you," I said softly and looked at him. "You are very trusting...you know that right?"

"I like people... what can I say?" He laughed and looked into my eyes. I giggled and leaned in, kissing him.

"Well, that's one of the best things about you, but try to be more careful....Carry a gun...something. Oh, if you ever have to kill a vampire with a gun," I said, pulling back to look at him seriously, "shoot them in the head. It's the quickest, cleanest kill."

"They won't regerate?" He raised an eyebrow in surprise. I shook my head.

"No...Shoot somewhere else, and we will. Just a few days ago- the day before I met you- I had a run in with some vampire hunters who killed my prey because they were bad shots. They managed to get me in the leg, but as you can clearly see, I'm absolutely fine," I told him, glancing down at the leg I had gotten shot in. He looked towards my leg.

"That... sounds crazy. What about the whole... childbirth ledgends? Can vampires.. have babies?"

"Well, I've been a vampire all my life. I was born into being a vampire, so yes....Vampires can have children." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. He gave a slight nod.

"Is there anything I missed?" He asked and bit his bottom lip.

"There's a hierachy of vampires. We have princes and princesses of regions. Purebloods aren't as common as vampires that were originally human. I'm actually acquanted with a prince," I told him and smirked. "He was talking about meeting you....Though it would probably be best if you didn't." I glanced off and then looked back at him.

"So... there is royalty huh? I bet they must be pretty rich and old..." He laughed and shook his head. "What about kings and Queens?"

"There used to be," I said with a smirk. "Then the revolution happened."

"Revolution? Why don't the princes and princesses become kings and queens?" He wondered.

"Because of how much they hated their parents. We rose up and killed them," I told him and looked him in the eyes. "My father was killed by hunters though, and my mother...well...I'm not sure what happened with her." I frowned at that as I tried to remember, but all I could recall is that I woke up one morning and she was dead.

"So they don't want to become kings and queens because of their parents?" He raised an eyebrow in question. I nodded.

"Yeah...Did you know that is used to be against vampire law to drink blood from another vampire? They abolished that when they won against their parents."

"How would I know.. I am but a human. What's so wrong with a vampire drinking from the other?" I took a deep breath and adjusted myself in his lap.

"Well...Vampires are...taste better than human blood, especially purebloods like me." I looked at him. "Humans can taste really good, but some are aweful."

"So vampires taste different and so do humans? Do I taste good? Like... how good?"

"You are by far one of the best humans I've ever tasted," I said softly and looked at him. "You're blood is really sweet which is one of the things I like about blood. I like it sweet."

"Sweet blood?" He laughed. "When can I go to your... manor? I am kind of wondering about the monster inside."

"You mean Paris?" I giggled. "Paris is hardly a monster from what I've seen. He owns the place. I just can't picture him as a monster. I mean, what kind of monster loves kittens and brushes his teeth like he's supposed to? He did that in front of me this morning."

"Paris? Is he... a friend of yous?" He was curious now.

"He's the vampire prince I mentioned to you a few minutes ago. He wants to meet you, but I don't think it's...safe. He was telling me that he'd turn you into a vampire for me if I wanted, asking me why I hadn't done it already." I blushed and looked him in the eyes as I bit my bottom lip.

"I want to meet him." He smirked. "Just to tell him that I am yours and he cannot turn me." He kissed me softly on the lips. I kissed him back as he said that, and I felt my face heat up. Mine huh? He pulled back and shifted me off of him then and stood up. "Can I take you home tonight?" I blinked and looked up at him curiously.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I am a gentleman. I want to make sure you get home safely and the hunters don't get you." He teased. I giggled and teleported behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"For your information, I drowned the one that shot me in the leg and gave the other away to a vampire who wanted to use him for his blood and sell it."

"Sell blood?" Austin asked. "A vampire sells blood?" He chuckled.

"For those who aren't lucky with their hunting," I said softly and kissed his neck.

"Sounds like a good vampire." He mumbled and turned towards me then and wrapped his arms around me.

"Alright, I'll let you take me home tonight, and you may even come in and meet the scary monster if he's home," I said, giving in as I looked up at him.

"I'll meet him another day," Austin smiled and pulled away. "Let's go say goodbye to our hosts."

"Ok," I said softly and started to walk off ahead of him. "You know that if you really wanted to meet him, he wouldn't mind. At this time, he wouldn't be asleep yet anyways."

"You think I should meet him tonight?" Austin asked as he followed behind me. "What would I say? How should I act? I will be meeting a vampire prince.." He caught up to walking beside me.

"Treat him like a normal person... Just don't irritate him because he's a vampire," I told him and glanced over my shoulder. "Oh, and if he mentions anything about turning you himself, tell him what you told me about you being mine. He'll back off."

"I'll remember that." He said and then opened the door for me to head inside. "So he's just an adverage guy?" He asked me.

"If it makes you feel better, you can attempt to imagine him in PJs," I suggested. "I treat him like a normal person." I smiled back at him encouragingly.

"I will try my hardest." He said and walked with me to the livingroom where Vincent and Helen were waiting for us. "I am afraid we have to go now." Austin informed them.

"You should tell the twins then~ they adore you after all." Helen suggested as she walked up and hugged me. "We should see eachother more! Today was fun."

"Come back the next time Austin comes to visit." Vincent encouraged. I noticed Austin had already left the room to tell the twins goodbye. I smiled at them sweetly.

"If Austin doesn't mind, I will. Thank you for having me," I told them politely.

"We don't mind at all having you around! You light up Austin's eyes and that means something good." Helen told me. "I am sure he will be bringing you back." I nodded and smiled.

"I hope he does," I said softly. "I really loved meeting you." As on cue Austin came back in and smiled at us then gave the two a hug and Vincent snuck one to me in all the comotion.

"We'll see you two this weekend." Austin promised them. I walked over to Austin and giggled, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"Guess I will be seeing you again," I whispered to Helen.

"Oh yes." Helen nodded as Austin pulled me out the door and told them once again goodbye before walking me out to the motorcycle. I moved away from him then and walked over to the motorcycle with a bounce in my step as I smiled sweetly and picked up my helmet.

"Ready to meet a scary monster?" I teased and glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes. He walked up and got on then put on his helmet.

"As ready as you are." He smirked and stole a kiss from me in one swift motion. "So... You giving directions or is my GPS doing it?"

"I'll do it," I told him and blushed as I touched my lips gently. I climbed onto the motorcycle and wrapped my arms around his waist.

~Time Skip~

We pulled up to the manor and drove in to the garage as I directed him. "Ok, now I don't think he knows that you are here yet. I'm not sure if he can tell or not." As soon as I said that Paris appeared in front of me with orange juice in his hand.

"Raven! Now is not the best time to be bringing guest over... we have four new borns just inside. Oh hello!" Paris held a hand out to Austin. "Paris."

"Austin." Austin said and gave a friendly smile as he shook Paris' hand.

"Four newborns?" I widened my eyes as I glanced towards the door that led from the garage into the manor. "Why are there four newborns?"

"I told you there is a war coming and I have to build up my army somehow." Paris mumbled to me and took a sip of his drink. "I had to send the staff out to the shed for the night." He informed me. I grabbed Austin's hand tightly in mine and took a deep breath. You had to do that tonight....

"Yes tonight. I had to build up to match my old self. You know I was a goddly figure back in the day." He informed us. "I'm just kidding! The newborns won't hurt him. He'll be safe. Come in you two." He busted out laughing. "Do you know how small that shed is? There is no way I could fit all the staff in there." He snorted.

"Well from what the cook has told me, you've been eating most of the staff," I told him and smirked. I glanced over at Austin and leaned in. "Oh, by the way, I don't think I told you this, but Paris can read minds and teleport."

"I can do more then that." Paris said and raised his chin. "Would you like to see?" He asked. Austin shook his head no as he got closer to me. Paris smirked and spun on his heels. "Very well... come meet Richard before he gets the games out of the trash to play." Oh....Oops. I didn't realize showing him games would be that much of a problem that they had to be thrown away. I bit my bottom lip. Paris lead us inside to his study, where Richard was sitting with a strategy book in his lap, eating an apple. Paris said down by him and kissed his cheek. "Hun... Raven brought a friend." He informed him. Richard looked up at me and smiled as he saw me.

"Raven! Nice to see you again! Who's the friend?" He asked, glancing at Austin. I smiled at him and looked at Austin.

"This is Austin...." I said sweetly and leaned up, kissing his cheek then looked to see Richard studying us with interest.

"Hmm...Seems like a nice boy. Don't go around hurting Raven, ok?" He gave a smile to Austin and leaned against Paris, stealing his orange juice.

"I won't." Austin promised. Paris dropped his jaw as Richard had taken the orange juice.

"That's mine." Paris hissed out. "Give it back!" He reached out for it. Richard laughed a little and took a sip then gave it back. With a smirk, he leaned in and rested his head in the crook of Paris's neck and kissed it.

"You're mine," he whispered to him softly. I glanced up at Austin and smiled nervously, a little embarrassed that he was seeing this. Austin was looking amazed at the other two.

"No.... Your mine just like that is mine." Paris informed Richard and then took a sip of his orage juice.

"Are they always like this?" Austin asked me softly. I shook my head.

"I don't know... I think they are," I said and looked back at the two as I caught the scent of Paris's blood and saw Richard biting his neck. Paris gasped and tried to push Richard off.

"Stop it~ don't try to show dominace while we are in front of others... it makes me look weak!" Paris complained. Austin smothered a laugh with his hand.

"Hmmm...I don't think it makes you look weak. In fact, it takes a lot to sit still while someone is biting you, don't you think?" Richard purred and licked at Paris's blood. Paris grumbled something and scooted away from Richard. I heard the study doors open and Lauren walked in with an exhasted look on her face.

"PARIS I NEED ADVISE!" Lauren yelled.

"LAUREN!" I smiled and walked over to her. "What's the matter? Did something happen?" I asked, leading her over to Paris's desk. "Austin, this is Lauren, the vampire I was with yesterday that you asked me about." I looked back at him with a smile. Austin smiled at Lauren and she shot him a smile before sitting inbetween Richard and Paris.

"What do you do when you find your mate?" She asked Paris. Richard looked over with interest and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Well...When you find that special someone, never let them go....express your feelings at least a little...and bite them," he said simply. "Make them yours."

"Mine?" Lauren asked innocnetly.

"Yes, like this," Richard said and smirked, going across Lauren to get to Paris and grabbed his arm and pulled him to him. He bit down into his wrist before Paris could react and let out a small moan of happiness from the taste of Paris's rich blood. "I love you Paris," he murmured and looked up at him. "Ten years is nothing compared to how long I would wait for you." Paris pulled away form Richard and glared slightly.

"I love you as well but.... DON'T TELL HER THAT! Don't listen to my mate... he is still in a daze from the ten year long rest." Paris hissed out.

"Awww.... Don't be so cold.... It's like a frigid winterland over here. See, there's an example of what you don't do. Don't make your mate upset so that he has to practically beg to get an ounce of love," Richard said, turning in his seat so he wouldn't have to look at Paris, much like an upset child would do. I giggled a little and grabbed Austin's hand.

"What do they mean by mate?" Austin asked me softly. I widened my eyes and looked up at him. Oh...that's right. I didn't tell him what vampires call their destined others...their soul mates...whatever you want to call them.

"It's who you will be with forever. You are destined to be with them." Paris informed Austin. "Like Richard and I." He smirked and looked at Richard. "Even when he is mad at me because he can't drink my blood right now." He took a sip of orage juice. "As for Lauren~ I think you should do what you think is best." He patted her head. "I would have already taken him if he was mine."

"One bite and he thinks I'm his," Richard scoffed and picked up the book. "It's the other way around," he murmured to himself.

"Wait until we are alone." Paris teased and Lauren got up quickly.

"I'm headed to my bedroom." She mumbled and gave a smile towards Austin and I before she left the room. I smiled up at Austin and leaned up, stealing a kiss to get him back for the one he stole awhile back.

"Mhmm," Richard hummed to himself in response to Paris. Paris looked over at Richard then scooted over to him and wrapped him into his arms and kissed his cheek.

"Aweee does someone want to be bitten?" Paris teased.

"Maybe I got a little jealous of Lucy?" He teased back and glanced at Paris over his shoulder. "Besides, I'd bite you before you'd bite me." Paris smirked and leaned in- crashing his teeth into the other's neck and bit down without hesitation and I could hear the bite.

"Can... we go?" Austin asked me. Eyes wide from witnessing that, I looked up at him.

"Yeah...let's go somewhere else...That's something for just them....Love biting like that is more of a private thing." I started to lead him out of the room. There is no way I will ever unsee that.... Austin followed me out the room and looked around him.

"How huge is this place? I mean... I heard it is the biggest one around." Austin sounded interested in the place. I glanced over at him and smiled.

"It's pretty big. It houses a lot of vampires here, and there are human servants....However Paris has been eating a few of them lately," I sighed and looked ahead. "The poor cook said he was lucky he was in the kitchen when they were eating some of the maids."

"Ate the servants?" Austin asked and tilted his head. "Did they survive? That must be tough.." I shook my head and looked down.

"No...They killed them," I said to him. Turning to him, I gave a reassuring smile and grabbed his hand. "I'm sure it was for a good reason. He was probably starving and had no other option. It's not pretty when a vampire gets too hungry. They'll look starved and pretty much attack people." I closed the space between us and gave him a kiss. He kissed me back and laughed against my lips.

"Well I hope you never get to hungry around me." He teased and gave my hand a squeeze. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"But I've already eaten you a little....At least I haven't been like Richard is to Paris with you. I would ask your permission first before biting you again." I let my eyes travel to his neck to tease him and then looked up into his eyes. He blushed at me and gave a small nod.

"I'm glad I ended up with you instead of someone else... like Benjamin." He whispered to me. I growled a little and narrowed my eyes.

"He would have killed you, and if he comes near you again with that predatory look in his eyes, I'm going to make him wish he was never turned. You can practically tell he's a newborn," I hissed out and then pulled back to lead him down the hall.

"Is it bad that you can tell he is one?" Austin asked and followed me.

"Well....not always. Wanna meet some newborns? Paris said that there were some around, and I could find them. You could see what really new newborns look like," I said and smiled to him.

"Will they look undead or something? Like the walking dead?" Austin asked cautiously. I shook my head.

"They'll be just learning about being a vampire, and they'll probably be hungry. If I show you to them, you'll have to keep your distance. Maybe one day you'll know what it feels like to be a newborn vampire," I teased and gave a smirk to him as I showed him my fangs playfully. He bit his bottom lip as he watched me.

"Are you going to turn me into a vampire?" Austin asked curiously. I looked at him thoughtfully for few minutes. I wasn't sure yet if I was absolutely going to. He has a great life as a human, and I don't know if turning him would ruin it for him. On top of that, he had a hard time with it yesterday with just realizing what I was. Though...I don't want to lose him....

"I'll leave that up to you," I said softly and touched one of my fangs. "I don't want to turn you if you don't want me to."

"I don't want to imagine a life without you..." I heard him mumble to himself. "Let's meet the newborns." He gave a small smile. I nodded and unsharpened my fangs as I started to follow the scent of new death down the hall.

"Well, if you want, I can tell you how humans are turned. Then you can see what newborns are like afterwards," I suggested. "It sounds worse than it is honestly."

"Um... I don't want to know yet how you turn humans into vampires... I want to keep that as a surprise." He kissed my cheek.

"Hey Raven!" I heard Lauren call from down the hall. "Want something to eat?" I widened my eyes as I saw her and got a bit excited.

"What kind of eating are we talking about?" I called down to her, momentarily forgetting Austin beside me.

"The chief of the house cooked me this delicious looking meal~ I didn't want to break his heart about the whole- I don't eat thing so do you want it? It's Chinese I believe." She walked up to me with a plate and rubbed it front of my face to tease me. "I could take it off to Paris otherwise."

"Nope," I said quickly and took it from her. "I'll take it." I smiled and passed it to Austin. Lauren gave a huge smile at us.

"Thanks you two. It means soo much to me.... Don't let him know you two ate it." She warned.

"Why don't you eat?" Austin asked innocently towards her. I glanced at him and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Remember when I said that vampires can eat human food? Well some- like Lauren- don't like to eat anything but blood," I informed him then looked at her. "You did eat today, right?"

"Eh. I was busy." Lauren told me. "I have a daughter now to look after. You have to meet her! She's adorable."

"YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER?!" I was shocked as I let go of Austin and grabbed her hands, jumping up and down excitedly. "THAT'S AWESOME! Wait...Adopted right?"

"Found her on the streets... She's around five." Lauren told me calmly. "Benjamin is keeping her at his house."

"Benjamin...the newborn," I said and raised an eyebrow. "She's human, isn't she?"

"I don't smell anything supernatural about her. It's strange though that she was alone out there.." Lauren shook her head. "Benjamin is turning out to be... somewhat nice."

"Awww, do you think he's your mate? You mentioned it before to Paris," I pointed out and linked arms with her, starting to lead her and Austin to the newborns.

"I know he is." Lauren whispered under her breath. "That's what is crazy."

"Are you going to take Richard's advice or Paris's?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not sure... He has this ex living with him- at least I think she is- and she's drove my cravings and instincts bonkers." She told me. I smirked then and leaned in to her ear.

"Use Richard's advice...Bite him and make sure he knows that he's yours, not hers."

"You think I should? As soon as possible? Should I go right now?" Lauren asked me with wide eyes.

"Depends....Do you want to? I would go over there, bite him, and leave him wanting more so that he doesn't even think twice about that ex." I giggled and looked over at Austin. "What do you think? As the only guy here, what would you do if you had an ex and I bit you one night?"

"I wouldn't be even thinking about my ex... there are reasons why she is an ex, you know? I think though that you should go to him and claim him~ Don't make him wait." Austin told her and then smiled towards me.

"Austin is right. Go bite him tonight and make sure he knows what's what." I gestured for her to go. "I'd take you there myself if you wanted, but I need to make sure Austin doesn't get eaten or turned into a vampire. You never know with newborns and Paris."

"O-Okay... so I will see you tomorrow? I might not come back tonight." She blushed and the started off down the hall. "Thanks you two!"

"Your welcome!" Austin yelled. I glanced over at him and smirked as she left. Don't make him wait huh? Sounds like he might be talking about himself too at the same time. Maybe I should bite him again.... I didn't eat at all today....and I had to teleport him yesterday. It's not like I'm full, but I'm not to the point of where I am starving to get a drop yet. He turned to look at me and handed over the plate of food. "Milady." He smirked devilishly at me. I widened my eyes and set the plate of food down on a nearby table as I watched him.


"Yes?" He tilted his head as he asked.

"Do you want me to bite you? It sounded a bit that way when you were telling her what she should do and agreeing with me," I said sweetly and moved towards him a tiny bit.

"I wasn't... referring to our situation..." He backed up a bit. "In all honesty I was just trying to help her out."

"Mmhmm," I hummed out and turned, picking up the plate from the table behind me then swirled some of the noodles on the fork to take a bite. "Want some?"

"No... I'm not that hungry. So some vampires eat human food and then there are those who don't?" He asked me as he stopped walking away from me. "Are we still going to meet the newborns?"

"Yeah, you wanted to meet them," I said and started walking, stopping at a door a few feet away and frowned. "Well, that was closer than I thought," I whispered and opened the door peeking in to see four vampires sitting at a table in a library. Looks like Paris had them reading up on the vampire society's history.

"Are they in there?" He whispered from behind me. I nodded and opened the door wide, coming in while I took another bite of food.

"I knew I smelled newborns in here," I said to get their attention as I smiled sweetly. "Welcome to the manor! Are you enjoying being vampires yet? I've heard that sometimes it's a rough change." Austin followed me inside. As soon as we stepped in a red haired girl snapped her eyes from the book to me.

"It's another...." The red head whispered. The only boy looked up from his book and then went back to reading.

"Awwww, isn't that sweet?" I smirked and walked over, setting the plate down in the middle of the table. "So, what's your names?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the table and looked at each of them. A brunette glanced up at me and smiled nervously.

"Anna," she said softly. "That's Alice over there," she gestured to the red head. "Parker," she pointed to the boy and then pointed to the last one, a blonde, "Lucy." I smiled at her sweetly. At least one of them isn't too shy. I didn't get a great welcome from Alice, but she seems ok with me. Alice glanced towards her friend and bit her bottom lip.

"Why are you giving her our names? What if she is a spy for the Prince of Wales?" Alice asked. I raised an eyebrow then teleported behind her and wrapped my arms around her neck as I leaned into Alice's ear.

"And why would you think I'm a spy?"

"Why would I think you wasn't?" Alice whispered. She closed her book and turned to look towards me. "So are you?"

"Of course not," I told her and let go, giving her space again. "I was here before you newborn." I smiled at her sweetly. "Don't you think that your new master is smart enough to know who's a spy and who isn't?"

"Heh." Alice turned around and opened the book back up. "I'll be the judge of that." I tsked and teleported in front of her into a laying position on the table and closed her book.

"You're only a few hours old and you already have a bit of a nasty ego. If you knew what I have seen in my life time- which let me tell you is at least... over a millennium old- you would be a tad bit more respectful of who you are talking to." I stared her down with a smirk.

"So you want my respect? Are you a princess?" Alice asked.

"Alice," Parker snapped out. "Get back to reading that away we can have free time before Paris comes back to give us more things to do." He insisted.

"Hmmm, Paris is making you read then?" I asked and picked up her book, looking at the cover. It was over the vampire revolution.

"He want's us to be educated on what's happened in the past.. so he is making us read and catch up." Parker told me. I smirked and glanced at him.

"Are you all reading about the revolution?" I sat up to look at them all. "If you are, I know a shortcut to reading it."

"Would Paris approve?" Parker asked. I put my hand to my chin thoughtfully and looked at the door.

"Well, considering that Paris hasn't come in and told me to stop bothering you....I don't think he'll mind," I said and smirked. "So how about it?" As soon as I asked, Paris appeared.

"Why aren't you four reading?" Paris asked then smiled as he noticed Austin and I. "Oh!"

"I was just about to personally educate them on the revolution," I said and smiled at him, teleporting off the table to be right in front of him. "You don't have a problem with me summarizing it for them, do you?"

"I do have a bit of a problem with it... You see by reading- that is what keeps them out of trouble. So let them find out the hard way what the vampire revolution was mostly about." He smirked. "Back to reading! All four of you." I turned to them and smiled sweetly.

"I'll give you a hint. There's a reason why Paris is so intimidating when he wants to be," I said and gave a wink to Alice. "And a reason why you should respect the older vampires."

"Especially purebloods." Paris said as he grabbed my shoulder and then Austin's. "Say goodbye."

"Awww, but I was having a bit of fun with them. Isn't that right?" I asked, glancing over my shoulder at Alice. Yup, I've picked her to mess with for the rest of the time I'll see her. Alice was staring me down with slight interest.

"Bye random vampire." Alice called. She ducked her head into the book like the rest of them to read.

"Oh, that's right! My name is Raven," I called over my shoulder as Paris lead us out. Paris closed the doors behind us and looked us over.

"Austin I think it is time for you to be heading home." Paris told him and then started heading down the hall. "Raven don't bother the newborns until tomorrow. Their having a study session."

"But that sucks the fun out of everything...." I muttered and looked up at Austin. "Want me to take you back to the garage, or do you want me to just teleport you home and bring the bike to you tomorrow?"

"I can drive home Raven," Austin told me sweetly. "I'm not a kid."

"What'd you think of the newborns?" I asked suddenly as I grabbed his hand and started to lead him towards the garage.

"I think that they are interesting.... so when you turn vampire... Does your powers automatically come in?" He wondered.

"Depends....It's different for some. Some get theirs almost immediately, other's develop them over time. You could be a thousand years old and suddenly have a new ability." I smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

"That's amazing. They didn't seem to notice me much.... do you think they recently fed or something?" Austin wondered aloud.

"Probably, I don't think Paris would bring in hungry newborns off the street into the house....In order to become a vampire, you do end up drinking a little bit of blood, but it doesn't take much." I glanced at him. "That's how you have a master or a maker. The newborn has to drink from another vampire before they come back as a newborn." He gave a nod.

"Oh... So do the newborns ever get released from their master?"

"Usually, unless the maker is cruel or doesn't think they are ready to handle themselves. Those newborns in there were created for war, so they probably won't be released until after the war if they survive. If I were to turn you, I wouldn't release you until I was sure you could take care of yourself and not threaten the lives of those around you."

"What war?" He asked suddenly.

"Oh...Paris got himself into a war with his brother, the Prince of Wales. It's going to affect even the human world I think.... I joined with Paris after a little convincing. Believe it or not, I actually left vampire society a long time ago, but I came back because of Paris and Lauren. I didn't want the world to be affected in a bad way, and I knew that Paris's way would be better than his brothers." I smiled at him and tilted my head. "Don't be afraid though....Just be more aware of vampires and try to keep your friends away from suspicious people. Don't go into alleys without someone you trust...or one of my friends or me."

"I think I can handle myself and my friends Raven. So.... will you let me know more about the war as things come up? I should probably know when to lock myself up in my apartment for a day." He chuckled and looked away.

"I will....I will come get you when I think that it's not safe for you anymore and take you somewhere to protect you from the fight. I can't let my-" I stopped myself and blushed. Is he my mate?

"I understand." He whispered and rubbed the back of his neck.

"You understand that I will come for you?" I asked to be sure. There are so many things he has to understand....

"I do... I understand it all Raven." He gave a laugh as his eyes met mine then. "It's getting late."

"Just a tad," I whispered and leaned in, giving him a kiss as I grabbed his hand and teleported us to the garage to help get him home before it would get too late and vampires would be more tempted to snatch him. He leaned over once we teleported and groaned as he held his head.

"That makes me dizzy." He laughed and looked up at me. "Warn me next time!"

"Aww, is someone a little sick and can't handle a little vampire?" I asked playfully and bent down to his level from where he was leaning over.

"I love how you called yourself little." He looked me in the eyes as he stood up straight and walked towards his motorcycle then grabbed his helmet and put it on. "You should be careful with your choice in words."

"Well, I didn't mean to call myself little...." I blushed and crossed my arms. "I can be pretty menacing if I wanted to be, so I don't think there's anything little about being me." He walked to me and kissed my cheek.

"Sleep well tonight little missy." He teased. I narrowed my eyes and grabbed his tie, pulling him down to me.

"Little missy?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"You don't like my older character like self?" He asked and laughed. "I have to go... I love you." He kissed my cheek and went to pull away. I shook my head as I tightened my grip on his tie and moved my head into the crook of his neck, secretly teasing him. He tensed up against me then. "Raven? I can't drive if I am a bit down on an ounce of blood." I smirked a little and sharpened my fangs, lightly touching them to his sensitive skin on his neck. He shuttered a bit and went to step backwards. "Raven."

"What?" I murmured in his ear and didn't let him move more than an inch.

"Are you hungry or are you teasing me?" He asked. Well.... I am a bit hungry. I didn't realize just how much I was till now that he said something about it. I thought about it before- being hungry- but I didn't think that I was this hungry. I pulled back at looked at him, not bothering to hide my fangs as I kept him close.

"Would you be upset if I bit you?" I asked softly, looking him in the eyes.

"Don't drain me dry." He smiled softly and exposed his neck to me.

"If I ever did, I wouldn't let you die," I whispered and leaned in, kissing his neck before I backed him up against the garage wall next to his motorcycle. He gasped slightly and grabbed my sides as he closed his eyes.

"I trust you." He said softly. I smiled and bit into his neck, starting to drink his blood. He gasped as he felt the pinch of my needle like fangs penetrating into an artery on his neck. He gasped and let out a slight moan. I smirked and wrapped my arms around his waist as I dug my fangs in a little deeper, pressing myself up against him as I tasted the sweet flavor of his blood that I loved so much. He laid his head back and looked towards the ceiling as my fangs deepened into him. I pulled back a little and licked the blood off of his neck.

"You don't seem to hate it too much," I commented quietly and bit him again as I felt another surge of hunger.

"It's not that bad for me honestly." He admitted and ran his fingers up my sides. "Have you ever married before? Had boyfriends? How many..." He asked me even though he knew I was busy feeding. I paused and pulled my face back from his neck momentarily to look at him. I smiled sweetly at him and leaned in, giving him a kiss. He pulled back as his blood got on his lips.

"I've never married in my life yet, and I had one other boyfriend....a long time ago," I admitted and then moved my face back to his neck and bit him again hungrily. He gasped after I bit him and gave a soft grumble.

"What was he like? What was his name?" He wondered.

"Just another vampire....Don't worry about him. I think he died," I whispered. "I hate his guts now anyways. Looking back on it, he was never my true mate." I tightened my grip on him as I licked up the blood that I'd missed.

"Was that enough or do you still need more?" Austin asked and ran his fingers into my hair and twirled my hair around his fingers. I froze as I realized what I was doing and pulled back from his neck, looking up at him.

"Did I take to much? Do you feel weak?" I asked quickly, getting worried as I saw that I had bitten him three times and one was really deep. "I don't think you should drive home like that."

"Your probably right... I feel disoriented... teleport us to my apartment and help me onto my couch... will you?" He asked as his eyes were in a daze. I nodded and licked my lips before kissing him passionately and teleporting us while he was distracted. He looked around as the wall disappeared behind him and saw we was at his apartment. He handed me the keys to his motorcycle then and looked at his couch longingly. He took off his helmet and dropped it on the ground as he went for the couch. I smiled and helped him over to it, laying him down on it as I sat on the edge like I did yesterday.

"I'm sorry I took so much from you.... I got caught up in the moment," I told him as I reached down and twirled a little bit of his hair around my finger. "Out of curiosity....if I ever offered to turn you into a vampire for real, what would you say?" I asked, glancing into his eyes. "Like, I wasn't messing around at all...."

"I would want time to consider both options." He told me as he looked into my eyes. "You would respect that right? If I wanted time?"

"Of course I would... I would even tell you what would happen if you said yes if you wanted to know," I said sweetly and leaned down, kissing his cheek. "It sounds scary, but it would be worth it....a moment for many thrilling moments."

"Would it hurt?" He asked as he closed his eyes then. He must be about to pass out on me.

"The only part that would be painful would be me drinking your blood but not stopping," I whispered to him. "That's what it takes....I'd have to drain you then give you my blood." He smiled softly towards me.

"Mhmm?" He asked as I could hear him drifting already.

"I'll let you think about it for the day I will ask in seriousness," I said softly and laughed as I saw how close he was to falling asleep. "Even if you don't remember me telling you the process."

"Good night Rave." He whispered to me and after a minute he was out cold. I sighed and leaned down, kissing his cheek as I stood up to go find the first aid kit and a piece of paper to write him a note for in the morning. After retrieving them, I came back and got to work with fixing up the three bite wounds and started on the letter for him, telling him to text me when he woke up and that I was sorry for taking so much and leaving him. I set it down on the table and looked at him with a soft gaze. Maybe I really should ask him one day....for real and not just as a what if. He was able to handle what I am....He might be ok with me asking him, and the worst he can do is tell me that he doesn't want to be a vampire. I don't think he'd leave me for asking unless I forced being a vampire on him. He's my mate after all. I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. I'm going to have a heck of a time tomorrow if he remembers me telling him what it takes to become a vampire and he gets more curious about it. If he asks about it... I guess I'll offer it to him seriously tomorrow. If he doesn't... I'll ignore the question that I will have to eventually ask him. I smiled and walked over, kissing his cheek. I then added on the note for him to take vitamins and eat some iron rich foods and drink water in the morning. He'd need to replenish what I took. I teleported back home and went to my room then, laying in bed and falling asleep with a smile on my face.

Lauren's POV:

I had went directly to my room and grabbed a duffle bag and filled it with things I would need to spend the night with Benjamin... I couldn't believe I was doing it. I was now just arriving at his home and I could see the duffle bag clearly in the back seat of my car. The party was still happening when I arrived.. If he asked where I went.. I would tell him to go home to get the bag for the night... it would be believable. I parked near the garage and grabbed the bag as I got out and locked up my car. Here goes nothing! I walked towards the door with it and took a deep breath as I headed inside to go find him. He was laughing with some other people and shook his head at something they said. "Alright now, you enjoy the party. I need to go get another drink," he told them and started to make his way back to his man cave where very few people were in. Most were either in the pool room or the living room, listening and dancing to loud music. I followed him then into the man cave and snuck up on him then tripped him up to mess with his feet. I laughed as he fell over onto the floor.

"Could I talk with you somewhere private?" I asked softly towards him. He looked up in alarm then saw it was me and laughed.

"Ok Lauren," he said and sat up, picking up the empty glass he dropped. "Lucky it didn't break," he mumbled to himself and got up off the floor and sat it on the bar. He smiled at me and glanced around before taking my hand and leading me out of the man cave and to the stairs through the partiers. When we got to the top, he started to lead me onto the wing that Ellie had been put on and to a master bedroom where he opened the door and held it for me. "This is the most privacy we are going to get with our friends over. I hope it's ok with you," he told me softly. I walked through the door without hesitation and dropped the bag as I got inside and walked over to the bed. I laid down on it and sat up a bit to look towards him.

"Come here?" I asked. He came in with a curious look on his face, shutting the door behind.

"May I ask what we are going to talk about?" He asked, starting to sound a little nervous. I smirked.

"Who said we were going to talk right away?" I asked and smirked towards him. He walked over hesitantly and sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at me. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to me and then laid him back. I moved over onto him. "I've been thinking." I started off. His eyes widened as I did this and he bit his bottom lip.

"What have you been thinking about?" He asked with a cautious tone to his voice, the look in his eyes telling me that he knew not to push me off of him. I leaned down towards his neck and kissed it softly.

"That's IF you are my mate.... it is only proper that I claim you before you claim me." I said and exposed my fangs. I ran them across his skin. "Before you have an idea how to." I whispered into his ear. He started to tremble and gripped the front of my shirt as I did so, letting out a tiny gasp.

"J-just because I'm only a month old..." he started.

"What? You think I am going to wait longer?" I questioned. I giggled and my fangs cut into his skin then to scare him more. He shuddered and tightened his grip on my shirt as I heard his heart beat faster and louder.

"My maker once told me...." I began. "That in order to mark your mate as yours..." I licked up the blood that oozed out from where my fangs had cut in. "You have to bite them the correct way~"

"W-what does that mean? The correct way?" He asked, his voice barely audible as he tried to stop trembling under me.

"You have to penetrate their skin with a forceful bite and fill them with your venom. The bite will do the rest and lock us as one for all eternity." I told him and then went in to bite him then. He yelped as I bite him and squeezed his eyes shut. I bit down hard then and felt my venom enter his system with ecstasy. I grabbed his wrists to attempt to keep him under me... incase he tried to flip and take over like a male would. His trembling stopped after a few seconds of having my venom in him and he moved his head instinctively, allowing me better access to his neck. He let out a moan of pleasure and tried to lift his hands up from where I had them. I felt my grip on him loosen as I was lost in the taste of his blood. I let him go to run one of my fingers through his hair. I could feel myself being drawn in towards him little by little. He wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to him as he let me drink his blood. I could see out of the corner of his eyes that he had exposed his fangs in pleasure and was looking at me like he was thinking about biting me back. I widened my eyes as I had to force myself away before he could do it. I wasn't going to let him get away with the bite like I done! I pulled my head back from the bite and watched as it healed up and I caught a scent that told me he was definitely all mine now. I sat up on him then and whipped my mouth. He looked up at me with a hint of lust behind the love in his eyes and grabbed my hands, pulling me back down to him and putting me under him as he pinned me on the bed. I felt his fangs against my neck as he licked it and then bit down hard, making me wince. I whimpered under him as I felt a surge of ecstasy rush through my body from the bite. No! He didn't! I let out a soft moan and blushed. He let go of my hands and grabbed my sides as he got rougher with the bite, and I felt his venom entering my system. I groaned and grabbed his shoulders and dug my nails into his skin from the shock. He let out a grunt as I made him bleed and he pulled his face back to look down into my eyes. He licked his lips and smirked as he caught my smell then kissed me. I gasped as I didn't expect the kiss. I froze up under him and looked his dazzling face above me. Instinctively I then closed my eyes and leaned in towards the kiss, wanting more. He responded to me and brought his hands around me, resting them on my lower back as he kissed me passionately and then used his fangs to bite my lower lip gently. I pulled back as I denied myself more and looked away from him.

"Y-you bit me." I husked out. He looked down at me and smiled innocently as he kissed my cheek.

"So?" He whispered in my ear. "You bit my neck and dug your nails into me."

"I'm the woman of this relationship though," I told him firmly. I then realized what I had said and blushed a bright red.

"I love you," he murmured to me and sat up, looking down at me as he got off of me. He gently touched his neck from where I had bitten him and I saw his cheeks tint a little as he blushed.

"Your my mate... you should." I mumbled and sat up too and touched my neck in wonder.

"Just for the record, I asked you first. Your MY mate." He chuckled and leaned over on the bed to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"For the record... I bit you first." I purred out and then got off the bed. "I'm going to go take a shower... I have college tomorrow~" I smirked over my shoulder at him.

"Don't use up all the hot water," he called after me and laid down on the bed, curling up to the bedsheets. "I still have to take one." I gave a slight nod and grabbed the duffle bag before heading into the bathroom and I shut the door behind me. I left it unlocked- trusting him to not come in and I sat the bag down to unload the goods I brought. I sat out my products in the tub then turned on the water and started to strip as the shower head turned on. I hummed to myself as I slipped off the last of my clothing.

"No time to say hello, goodbye... I'm late... I'm late... I'm late." I mumbled to myself and got into the tub and under the water. I took a short shower to be generous towards him and dried off within no time. I put on some sweatpants and a tank top before stuffing everything into the duffle bag and I headed back into the master room with the bag. I sat it down at the foot of the bed and I crawled into bed by him. He glanced over at me and smiled softly before getting up and going over to a dresser, pulling out some PJs.

"Are you going to spend the night here?" He asked quietly, glancing at me over his shoulder as he was walking over to the door.

"I'll stay to watch you sleep, yes." I told him and nodded.

"You know, that's not creepy at all." He laughed a little and walked out, leaving me in his room. I sat up then and decided to go get a quick peek at Ellie while I waited on Benjamin to get out. I walked out of the bedroom and headed off down the hall to her room and snuck in quietly. I watched her curled up to a pillow and she was sucking on her thumb. I smiled and walked over to her then crawled into bed with her gently and laid down next to her. I ran my fingers through her locks of curls and pushed them away from her sleeping face. I smiled softly as she moved towards me and curled up against my body.

"Mom?" Ellie asked quietly but I could tell she was just sleep talking. I shifted my eyes around her room and continued playing with her hair. I could do this every night. I could hold her forever. I sighed and closed my eyes as I pictured my little girl I had those many years ago... I smiled softly at the thought of her. I lost myself in time and forgot about my mate who was busy taking a shower... I was only focused on Ellie... and how much she reminded me of my little girl from those years ago.. I opened my eyes and looked down at her once more. She's perfect.

"You two look adorable together," I heard Benjamin say from the side of the bed, bringing me back. He smiled down at us and leaned over, giving us both a kiss on the cheek. "How about you spend the night with her? I will make sure to wake you up in the morning for classes, so you won't have to worry about that." I smirked slightly and shook my head.

"I want to sleep by you tonight." I told him... I then paused... I don't even sleep. How does that just slip out. I'm crazy. I shifted out of the bed without waking Ellie up and stood by him. "Your not getting rid of me that quickly."

"Now why would I want to get rid of you," he teased and started to walk off before I could respond, heading back to his room. I followed after him and grabbed his hand after we got into the hall.

"Because I am a weird vampire mate." I teased.

"You're not that weird, even with your Twilight," he joked and pulled me to him, giving me a kiss as he started to lead me back to his room.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I tsked. "Twilight? What on earth is that?" I asked innocently. He laughed a little and when we got to his room, he made a rose materialize and handed it to me.

"I think you'll find that you can trust me more than you originally thought with your friends," he told me and smiled as he walked over to his bed and laid down, holding up the blanket for me to join him. I walked over to my duffle bag first and grabbed Breaking Dawn from it then walked back to him and got into the bed. I put the rose into the book and sat it on the bedside table and then curled up into Benjamin's embrace.

"I better be able to trust you newborn." I whispered and kissed his cheek. He nodded and closed his eyes, starting to drift to sleep beside me.

"You can..." he mumbled. "Goodnight Lauren."

"Goodnight." I whispered to him and watched him drifting away by me. I turned over to the bedside table and grabbed the book and opened it up to where I left off... right in Jacob's POV. I groaned at the thought. Not Jacob. ANYTHING BUT HIM. I read through the night and finished it- still having a few hours before I had to wake him... I turned back to him as I put the book down and watched him carefully.