Nightmare For Twins

Paris's POV:

Richard glanced up at me as I came back into the study after getting Raven away from the newborns. "So how'd it go?"

"How did what go?" I asked innocently and walked up to him and reached out for his hand. I was dying for some shut eye. He glanced at my hand and smirked, taking it as he closed the book and set it on my desk. He stood up and glanced into my eyes before bringing my hand up to his lips and giving it a kiss before turning it over and biting me again. I gasped and pulled my hand away. "Do I have to get a muzzle for you or something!?" I asked and stepped back from him and brought my hand to my chest. He laughed softly and started to walk past me.

"No," he told me as he walked close to me and then went to the door. I followed him to the door then.

"Good." I mumbled and felt my hand heal up. "I'll be covered in scars if you keep this up."

"They'll fade," he said, glancing at me over his shoulder with a sweet smile. "Besides, I thought you liked the attention rather than me playing games and ignoring you like in the car." I dropped my jaw slightly as I followed.

"You have a bad obsession with biting me." I grumbled and walked past him to the bedroom. "I do like it... but don't go biting me like that!"

"I can't help that I never manage to get enough." He followed after me slowly, looking around as he did. "You always find a reason why I can't be biting you at the moment. It's not fair because I don't do that to you when you bite me."

"Your my mate," I teased him... even though he was taller... older... he was still mine. "I get the advantage in that too." I smirked towards him.

"No you don't," he told me and looked back at me. "You just think you do, but the truth is is that I'm nicer to you than you are to me," he said bluntly.

"I like control. You know this." I turned to face him then. "I know you want to have some but I like it all." I pulled him to me as he walked up and I kissed his cheek. He tsked and looked down at me before moving away and going to the bedroom door, opening it to go in. I groaned and followed him into the bedroom. "Fine. You can have whatever you want from me tonight." I told him as I turned to face him. He blinked slowly and looked away.

"I don't want to drink your blood right now anymore," he said stubbornly and walked over to the bed, crawling into it. I could tell he was a little irritated. I decided to do a strip tease as I kicked off my shoes first and smirked towards him.

"You... Don't?" I asked and raised an eyebrow as I started on my shirt and lifted it over my head slowly. I caught him watching with interest from where he laid and saw his eyes following my movements. I tossed it towards him once it was off and smirked. "Alright then. Suit yourself." I said as I started on the belt to my pants. "I'll put a pillow between us tonight." I teased. He sat up then and pouted.

"Don't do that....that's just cruel," he whined and looked at me as he picked my shirt off of the bed and held it.

"What's cruel?" I asked as I got the belt off and coldly dropped it on the ground with a thud to grab his attention.

"Putting a pillow between us....and you. You're cruel," he added on after taking a moment to think as his eyes followed the belt to the floor then looked at me. I started on the button then but faked having trouble.

"Richie... I can't get it off." I pouted and looked up at him. "Will you help?" He glanced at the button and then up into my eyes, giving a little smirk. He gestured for me to come closer as he tossed my shirt to the foot of the bed. I walked towards him then with my hips swinging a bit to seduce him. I reached him longer then it could have been and leaned in for a kiss from him. He kissed me quickly as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the bed and into his lap, keeping a grip on me so that I couldn't get away. I gasped softly against his lips and used my free hand to push up against his chest in hopes that I could put his back down on the bed. He let me and looked up at me with a look in his eyes that told me that I had his full attention now and that he wasn't going to leave me alone after messing with him like I had. I smirked down at him and grabbed a hair bow from my wrist then put my hair up to give him better access to my neck and I leaned down towards him. I showed him my neck and waited for him to bite me. It didn't come though. Instead, I found him kissing my lips passionately. I gasped softly and kissed him back. Why didn't he take the opportunity to bite me? He let go of my wrist and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss. His hands traveled up my back and to my hair where he pulled the tie out of it and made my hair fall down around us like a curtain, smirking against my lips as he pressed up against me. He pulled back after a second and glanced at my hair, twirling a bit of it around his finger then looked up at me as he let it drop.

"You need a haircut soon," he murmured and then leaned up, kissing me again. I pulled away as I looked at his own and frowned... Louis must've kept his hair short while he slept since his was messily chopped off.

"I think I like my hair like this," I teased since how I had never had it this long much in my existence. I gave a small smirk of defiance.

"I'm going to cut it...while you sleep," Richard said and smiled up at me with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"I'll have it styled in the morning," I groaned out and pulled out my phone to call up a butler and get him to get me a hair stylist. I don't need him ruining my hair... He frowned and started to play with it again.

"It's not like I would destroy it.... It's far too pretty to do that to," he murmured and leaned up, kissing me as someone answered the phone. I pulled back slightly.

"Yes- I need a hairstylist early in the morning... around seven." I ordered.

"Yes sir, I'll have someone over first thing," the butler said. "Is that all?"

"I also want a new wardrobe for my lover. It should be switched out by tomorrow evening, that will be all." Richard stole the phone from me and rolled out from underneath me.

"Oh, and can you procure me someone to drink from? High quality," he said and smiled cheerfully. "By tomorrow."

"Seriously?" I asked him and moved off then to push off my pants on my own. When I finished I crawled into bed and laid down on my stomach, looking away from him. He hung up then and looked over at me, crawling over and moving me onto my back as he laid on top of me and smirked.

"Is someone a little upset?" He teased and leaned in, kissing my neck. I puffed out my cheeks and closed my eyes.

"No." I lied to him and pushed him off. "Go to sleep so you can have a bite of that human tomorrow instead of me." I snapped. He came back on top of me quickly and bit down into my neck before I could react, grabbing my wrists as he pinned me down. I gasped and opened my eyes. "Richard!" I groaned from the thrill of the bite.

"Yes my love," he whispered to me with a seductive tone in it.

"You tease!" I hissed out and looked him over. He moved his head back and smirked.

"At this rate, I won't need the human tomorrow," he told me and kissed my lips, accidentally getting some of my blood on my face. I licked off my blood and it reminded me of Louis. I let out a growl and turned us then- as I over powered Richard. I pinned his hands down with my wrists as he still had a hold of them. He looked up at me and smiled innocently, giving me another kiss and trailing them back to the bite mark where he licked at the blood. I kissed his cheek as he licked up the blood and smiled.

"You'll want one anyways." I told him. "For strength."

"You're right....I have ten years to come back from, and as much as I'd like to be only drinking from you, I can't because it'd take too much and too long," he mumbled and bit down into my neck in a new spot. I hissed out a bit as I let his arms go and gripped the pillows above his head.

"I'll drink him up too with you." I whispered. "Or her... whoever it is."

"I call neck," he teased and glanced up at me as he let go of my wrists and moved his hands to my back, running them up and down my spine as he kept drinking.

"I'll get the other side then." I teased and shifted my body between his legs then I grinded against him to arouse him. He gasped and I felt his fangs leave my neck as he pulled his head back, putting it on the pillow to look up at me. I could see my blood smeared on his lips and dribbling onto his chin as he let a groan slip, his fingernails digging into my skin just a bit. I gasped and moved off of him and rubbed where his fingers had dug into. "Richard..." He sat up and pouted, moving to kiss me without another word. I kissed him back softly and rubbed his neck, forgiving him instantly. He pushed me down and slipped his tongue into my mouth as he got on top of me. I kissed him back but as I did my senses disappeared as I felt lost in another dimension.

I found myself placed on a clear field in one of the parks of Franklin. There was a war going on around me. The war I was expecting to come. I found two people I recognized by heart fighting... Louis and I. I couldn't exactly tell us apart... which one of us was I? I tried to imagine my war outfit to depict myself clearly. It was fuzzy though because I could see myself wearing both outfits. I heard howls around us going off and I looked around frantically to see a werewolf heading directly towards Louis and I. Why are the wolves rebelling? Are they? Or is he just interfering? I watched then as it jumped towards one of us and bit down deep into it's neck. I felt a sharp pain in my neck then and I grabbed it as pain rushed towards me.... The wolf bit me! Not Louis! It was I! I heard wolves howling around me and Louis smirked towards me. "Good boy." Louis hissed out towards the wolf. I heard Richard's voice shrieking out in pain far off. He could feel my pain- like all mates could. I turned to look for him. That's not why he screamed though. Two wolves were ripping him apart. I screamed and fell to my knees as I turned back towards my twin and me. The wolf above me was changing back into a boy and he stepped towards Louis and started to make out with him- Louis was enjoying it too! I felt something swelling up in my throat at the thought.... He's kissing a werewolf! I leaned over and heaved from the disgusting thought. Then I noticed my shoes... girl shoes... This isn't me... I'm hearing someone's thoughts! Or... was this thoughts? Dreams perhaps? I looked back towards my twin and I and seen him treading towards me with the wolf hanging around his waist. Since I was down the battle around us was coming to a close.... Louis was winning as my army was faltering back. Louis knelt down by me and started to reach into my chest... I wasn't even fighting back. I looked horrible as the bite was eating me away. He pulled out my pureblood stone.... and for a second there I thought he was going to crush it.... and kill me for good. Until he swallowed it. My corpse decomposed immediately and my stomach done a backflip form the picture. Louis laughed then and I watched as his skin crawled like beetles under them. Then he held his arms out like Jesus and threw his head back. He laughed- like an insane man and the wolf by him backed away. We was one.

Richard shook me by the shoulders gently, bringing me back as I started to hear his voice calling my name and cutting through the vision. "Paris, Paris!" He shouted, his voice gradually getting louder. I felt his lips against mine and tasted his blood on his lips, like he bit them to try to bring me back with his taste. I shoved him away then and crawled out of bed in a panic.

"I gonna die! Die! I NEED PLANE TICKETS AND AN ARMY! GET ME TO ENGLAND!" I screamed out as I ran towards the door and hit it before I could slow down to open it. I hit my head hard and fell backwards with a stumble.. "He's going to kill me.... I'll loose." I whispered. Richard was by me in seconds and steadied me, looking at me with worried eyes.

"What are you talking about?" He asked and started to steer me to an armchair, sitting me down in it. "Paris, what's the matter? I can get you the plane tickets, but take a moment to breath." He brushed my hair out of my face and went over to the bed, grabbing my phone from where he put it. He started to look at something on it and tsked. "These have really gone up, but for you, I guess it'll be fine." He showed me the phone that had a receipt for two plane tickets to England on it...leaving tomorrow. " tell me." I was trembling in the chair and I pulled my knees to my chest as I rocked back and forth. I looked at my cut nails and wished the were grown out right about now. I whimpered and rested my head on my knees.

"Your going to die too." I whispered.

"No I'm not," he said stubbornly. "Do you know how insane that is to say I'm going to die? I'm a vampire, and not any vampire- but a prince. I'm the prince of Transylvania, and I killed my own father. Like hell I'm going to die," he told me and walked over, his footsteps echoing on the floor as he then kneeled in front of me, grabbing my hand. "And you are not going to die either."

"I know what he wants." I said quickly and pulled my hand back from his and grabbed his shirt as I pulled him closer and looked up into his eyes. I shoved him backwards then. He let out a groan as he hit the floor then stood up, looking slightly upset.

"You didn't have to shove me," he muttered and walked over to the nightstand, looking around then going over to the door and poking his head out.

"Were going to die," I wailed out in trauma. He glanced at me and shook his head, walking out like he had a purpose- somewhere to be. I watched him walk off then teleported myself to my sister's room and found her up reading a book. She glanced up at me as I appeared and smiled. Her smile faded though as she saw the look in my eyes.

"I want you to do something for me." I started up.

"What do you want?"

"Find out about the packs near this area... Tell me if there is more then ours. Any rogues too... I want to know about it. I also want you to find out about where Louis' hide out is. You can do that for me." I told her and sniffled.

"What's wrong?" She asked and slid off the bed then and walked towards me.

"I'm preparing for our future is all," I whispered and then teleported back to the bedroom. I found Richard in there, pouring a glass of alcohol as he had his back to me. He didn't know I was back yet, and he took a shot of it, setting it down. I walked towards the phone on the bed and scooped it up and headed for my closet to start packing. I ran my fingers through the phone numbers in it and came across Perry's number. I dialed up his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Ello!?" I heard Perry ask. He sounded worn out like I had woken him up.

"Come to the manor tomorrow?" I asked.


"I'm going away for a few days and I need someone old enough to look after the place." I told him. "And I swear Perry if you had set me up back there-"

"I didn't know that would happen Paris! Honest! I'll come look after the place. Where are you going?"

"I have to go see an old friend." I told him then hung up before he could ask anything more. My twin might have their phones tapped after all! You never know about him... I grabbed a bag and started to load it up with a few of my clothes. I didn't expect to stay long there... but just in case.

"Paris?" I heard Richard call, coming closer to me as he had heard me. "Paris, are you ok?"

"No!" I yelled back to him. "I am not okay! I just seen my twin kill me and devour my stone! I AM NOT OKAY." I told him as I finished with the clothes and headed towards the bathroom with the bag for the bathroom products.

"Your twi- Louis?!" Richard came into the bathroom behind me and glanced at what I was doing then started to help by grabbing a few bottles out of the shower.

"We don't need plane tickets Richard. We have a private jet. If you would like you can sell them." I told him. "Well technically the private jet is my sisters but she won't be needing it for a bit so we are taking it."

"You're so complicated," he moaned and looked at me then smirked. "So...What if we killed him first? We could get ahold of something explosive...destroy where ever he's hiding at."

"I have Rose figuring out his hiding spot and about the wolf problem." I told Richard.

"Wolf?" His eyes widened and I saw him shudder. "I hate wolves....evil species...."

"You'll be torn alive by them.. I have to run them off before they join with my twin." I told Richard. "Get them before they get us." I spoke up evily and then dialed up Hunter. When he answered I cleared my throat.

"How's the baby?" I asked immediately.

"Good good.... I have a baby girl! She is as healthy as ever! How are you? The wife is good too by the way. The whole pack is celebrating."

"I need you to move in before the week is up." I told him. "All hands on deck. I've had a vision. I want this place high on security! Hunter- Let me ask you something personal."

"Oh uh-"

"Have you lost any werewolves these past ten years?"


"Answer me."

"N-no... why would you ask that? This is a good home here Paris. I'll see about getting us moved there in time."

"You haven't seen my twin before have you?"

"You have a twin?"

"Good. How old is your eldest?"

"He's in high school Paris why are you asking me this?"

"Curious... I'm curious..." I mumbled and hung up on him then. He might be a little upset over it but he can get over it... I am in no mood to say goodbyes. I looked towards Richard then called up Rose.

"What?!" I heard her ask me.

"Get a scoop out on Alpha Hunter and his eldest son for me." I said and hung up. I headed towards the bedroom with the bag and sat it on the foot of the bed then headed out the bedroom and towards the kitchen. Richard followed behind me, not daring to say a word as I felt his eyes staring a hole into the back of my head. I heard shuffled feet down the hall headed straight for me and I stopped as my heart pounded on my chest. Was that him? Coming for me early! I screamed and stepped backwards a bit and stopped myself as I noticed it was Parker headed my way with Alice. They stopped in front of me. I brushed myself off and composed myself as I looked them over.

"Paris I think you should know something," Parker began. I raised an eyebrow and looked towards him. He was thinking about Alice. I looked towards Alice. Their thoughts were scrambled though.

"AHAH!" I heard Lucy exclaim from behind me. "THAT'S SO COOL!" I turned towards her.

"What is?" I asked. She giggled excitedly as her eyes were lit up in happiness.

"This!" She disappeared from in front of me, and then I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. Teleporter? I smirked. Let's dance then new born! I teleported behind her and tapped her shoulder then teleported to Alice and tapped her shoulder.

"You." I whispered. She screamed and spun to face me.

"Aw, don't bully my newborn," Richard said and laughed as I saw Lucy disappear from in front of us, and then I was tackled onto the floor. She giggled as she sat on top of me and then teleported a few feet away from me.

"This is so awesome! I love it!" She squealed and looked down at me. "Got you." I grumbled as I watched her. She's going to get majorly tired soon if she keeps that up. I stood up and then turned my attention back to Alice.

"Yes Alice?" I asked her. She rubbed the end of her shirt as she looked at her feet.

"I had a crazy dream after dozing off in the study." She told me. I raised my eyebrows as I realized that I had tapped into her dreams and she was coming to tell me. I put my hands on her shoulders then.

"I know." I whispered to her. I realized then that maybe that was her power? To see things coming before they even happened. A future of hers.... she was going to witness my death. "You shouldn't ever have to see something like that." I told her. She burst out into tears and rushed into me and hugged my chest. "I'm preparing already," I whispered. She nodded and bit her bottom lip. "Go get some rest." I told her and walked off towards the kitchen. I'll need some coffee for this... Coffee... Tea.... Chinese food.... Sushi... A movie... Orange juice... I'll end up needing to pee... Chocolate... and any other things I can find in the kitchen to keep my occupied all night. There was no way in hell I would fall asleep tonight!

"Honey, sweetie, darling, my shining pearl, my rare diamond, baby," Richard was calling after me as he followed, "if you're hungry, I don't mind if you have a little. I know it calms you when you're upset."

"I don't want any!" I yelled over my shoulder and walked into the kitchen and started getting a tray to stack all the stuff up on.

"Why not?" He came into the kitchen and watched me, getting quiet when he saw the tray. I started on the drinks first.

"Because... I am going to stay up all night and if I drink your blood I will drift asleep." I told him.

"I'll get a movie," he said softly, sighing as he turned to walk out of the kitchen.


"ESPECIALLY WITH ME PESTERING YOU!" He teased as he shut the door behind him. I speed up then as he left and was just waiting on the coffee after a few seconds. I took the cup of orange juice to start on first.

Louis's POV:

I smirked as I moved away from the one I'd drained, laughing a bit as he fell to the ground. I bit my wrist and fed my blood to it, watching as the life came back to him and he gripped my wrist and pulled me to him. "No, no, no- you've had quite enough," I said quickly and ripped my arm back. He looked up at me and tilted his head in confusion.

"But-you- I thought- Am I dead?" He asked, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Welcome to the afterlife," I said and smirked. "Congratulations on being drafted." He stood up then and narrowed his eyes.


"Yes, for my war," I said simply and started to walk away. "Keep up." He ran up to me and followed at my heels.


"Yes, war. You are going to fight my brother's army."

"ARMY?!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Yes, you're a smart one aren't you?"


"I told you," I said and stopped, turning to him. "You...are a vampire, and I am your maker. You listen to what I say and obey without question. You are going to fight in my war, and you are not going to desert me. If you do, I will serve you up on a silver plate and feed you to the masses," I hissed out. "Forget your old life. To your loved ones, you're dead and you will never see them again." His eyes widened and he paused, looking at me with fear in his eyes. I smirked and leaned in close to his ear. "That's right. It's bet that you fear me. I don't want you to think that you can disobey me for a second. You're lucky you've been chosen." I glanced up as I felt Isabelle's presence and smiled, seeing her at the entrance to the alley with the others. "Isabelle," I said and held out my arms to her in a friendly gesture.

"I've done as you asked," she said sweetly and looked over her shoulder, moving a bit so that I could see five newborns behind her- each looked half starved.

"Great....They'll make excellent recruits. When was the last time I told you how proud I was to be your maker?" I asked and watched as she smiled.

"A while ago Louis," she said and started to walk towards me. I nodded and grinned.

"Well...Take tomorrow off, but get those newborns some blood, new clothes, rooms, whatnot. Tawnya, I want you to work on educating them and training them with the others." The girls nodded and turned to the newborns, disappearing with them as they grabbed them. I turned to the one I made and smirked. "You're next." I grabbed him and teleported back to my base, dropping him on the floor of my room. He screamed and got up, running for the door. "Don't bother. It's locked to keep newborns like you out." I sat on the bed and stretched, taking off my shoes. "Sit," I said and gestured to the chair against the wall. "You are going to be personally educated by me." He gulped as he turned to me and then walked over to the chair obediently and sat down.

"What do you mean...educate?" I smirked and watched him closely.

"Vampires have a rich history. I'm going to give you exactly what you need to know so that you know why we are fighting a war." He nodded and fidgeted nervously. "Don't worry. It won't take too long." I got up and walked over, putting my hands on the side of his face as I closed my eyes. "It will hurt though." I showed him the vampire history through my eyes and my memories, showing him my brother and my history with him as well. I left out some of the parts that were a bit....only for me. I pulled away as I got to present day, the day of war. He gasped and grabbed his head, falling over as the facts all came to him at once. Stepping back, I took a deep breath and then called for Isabelle to take him. "Now you know. Question me again, and you'll regret it," I told him as Isabelle appeared and took him away to join the others. Exhausted, I walked over to the bed and collapsed on it, going to sleep.

"Louis are you listening?" I heard Paris asking me. I was by him in our parent's old study. "I have to tell you about why I murdered them- listen up." Paris was snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Come on- focus." I widened my eyes and looked over at him.

"Paris?" I asked, narrowing my eyes as I saw him. "What are you- we- doing here?" I looked around and then back at him. This is so strange....My parent's old study? He wants to tell me why he murdered them? Why haven't I killed him yet?! I tilted my head at him and studied him. He was staring at me the way he use to... before he ever fought. I noticed we were dressed in old fashion...

"I took you here silly," He purred towards me and pulled me closer to him. "Are you focused now?" He asked.

"Y-you took me here? What do you mean by that?" I looked at him in confusion and glanced at him holding me. What's going on?! He linked arms with me then and dragged me to one of the couches. He sat down and dragged me down beside him.

"Silly! I told you I had to tell you something so we went here... where it is private... where Richard or Rose won't ever interrupt us." He kissed my cheek in a brotherly manor and curled up into my body then as he twirled his fingers around his hair. "Your eyes are so.... like mine."

"You're....loopy," I said and started to feel uncomfortable.

"Something itches...." He started to scratch his shoulders then. I narrowed my eyes and grabbed his hands.

"That's bad for you...Don't scratch yourself....You won't stop and you'll bleed," I told him and looked at him worriedly. He nodded as he looked into my eyes longingly.

"Okay Lou." He leaned up towards my neck then and kissed it softly. As he did I watched his spine break and start coming out of his skin almost as it looked like he was transforming into something... some monster. He let out a scream and pulled away from me. I shrieked and stood up in horror.

"Paris?!" I called out, reaching behind me for my father's sword that I knew so well. I had looked at it often as a child and knew exactly where it was in his study. I grabbed it's familiar handle and pulled it off it's display and held it up in fear of what Paris might become. He started breaking up little by little and his clothes fell apart in shreds as he transformed into one of the most feared beasts to a vampire... a werewolf. He was pure white and his eyes shinned into my soul. Suddenly he leapt towards me and snarled like the beast he was. I screamed out and held the sword up as he jumped at me, stabbing him as he fell on top of me. I kicked at his body and tried to get his heavy form off as I moved the sword into him further till the hilt. He howled out in pain and his hair turned pitch black and started to melt off... He started transforming back but when he did... he wasn't my twin anymore... he was someone I never seen before. I kicked him off and then stood up, ripping the sword out of him and sniffed at the blood on it as I watched the new person. He curled up in pain as his wound healed up. He looked confused about how he got there. His hair was black like the fur and his skin was almost pale like a vampire. He looked like a teenager... and his scent... It intrigued me.... It was nothing like the average smelly dog. It smelled.... like.... it was pulling me in. Earth was no longer where I was tied to... It was him. He's my mate? I dropped the sword and fell to my knees as I pulled him to me, moving my face into his neck to get a better smell of him out of curiosity. As I managed to get one last sniff he faded in my arms and the room started to darken around me... I could smell his blood everywhere. What in the-? I stood up and glanced around, trying to see what was going on. What kind of world is this? People suddenly change into wolves and then into other people- strangers even. I felt a liquid run into my shoes then- thicker then water as it filled up and poured out then after a second the liquid was up to my knees. I looked down in alarm and bent down to run my fingers across the top of the liquid as my heart sped up. What is this? I lifted my fingers up to my nose and smelled it to identify it. The liquid was his blood. Suddenly a light flickered and fire spread out afar upon the liquid and it was headed straight for me. I screamed and started to run from the fire the best I could. I could feel it burning the hair off my head as it had caught up to me. Taking advantage of the situation, I decided to duck under the blood to try to get away from it. It's not like I would drown....and I don't know this person....It's not...WHERE THE HELL AM I?! I could see a red blaze above the blood as the fire ate away at the blood like gasoline. Suddenly it disappeared and I was left in pure darkness. I was still in the blood though. I moved up to the top and took a breath as I resurfaced and glanced around. This world...makes no sense. Am I dreaming? The blood was up to my neck now and was still rising. I frowned and looked around.

"Hello?! Is anyone there?!" I called, trying to see if maybe someone would answer. If they did....I'd make them get me out of here. My clothes are going to be completely ruined! I heard laughing off in the distance but I couldn't think of who it was. The blood started to reach my lips now. I winced and moved my head the best I could above it. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY! GET ME OUT OF THIS RIGHT NOW! I DEMAND TO BE LET OUT OF THIS AND CLEANED!" There was no answer though... nothing came as the blood climbed and I could hear my breath echo onto the roof just above my head. I was going to be smothered to death by the blood. I put my hands on the roof and started to push up on it, hoping that maybe I could make a hole or find a way out. I felt myself starting to panic as I began to beat on the roof. Before I knew it the walls seemed to be closing in on me and the blood reached the roof. I screamed as the blood reached over my head and started to feel it rushing into my lungs, burning them. I didn't think it possible.