A Werewolf Mate

Louis's POV:

I felt my throat raw as I kicked and thrashed in my bed, feeling something constricting me and heard something screaming. I opened my eyes quickly and looked around as I saw that my blanket was blocking my view and realized it was me screaming. I stopped and moved the blanket off my head and saw that I had gotten tangled in the bedsheets. Isabelle appeared by my side in seconds and grabbed my arm. "Are you alright? Louis?" I glanced at her and then pulled her to me and onto the bed, hiding my face in the crook of her neck.

"Isabelle....I've had the worst dream I've had in a long time....I know that I normally tell you everything...that you are the only one that I can trust around here....my loyal pet....but somethings off this time.... I need to go out," I said quickly and pushed her away gently, getting up out of bed as I felt a sense of urgency to get fresh air.

"Louis! What's the matter? What happened? Sit back dow-"

"No, I will be back soon.... Don't wait up for me." I glanced back at her and then went over to my wardrobe, reaching in and grabbing a coat. I teleported out of my base and into town as I took a deep breath and glanced around. Air should do me good....What was wrong with that nightmare?! I shuddered at the thought of being trapped in blood...at my brother turning into that monster. Taking a step, I began to walk to necessarily nowhere and glanced around, starting to feel hungry. I know I had devoured that boy I turned earlier...but that nightmare....It scared me too bad.... I need stress food. The town seemed a bit lonely... it was quiet out.... too quiet. Quiet enough to where I could walk into the street and not have to worry about anything... quiet enough to where I could expose myself- get naked even and never get caught by a single soul. It was spooky. I stopped on the sidewalk and then looked around before going into the street and laying down in it. I'd wait until a car came and then get the driver....He'd think he ran me over....Perfect hunting...No one around to witness....Besides, I'm bored. About fifteen minutes later a car started coming towards me. I couldn't tell much about the vehicle as it was going way too fast. Suddenly it was right up on me and I could hear the driver hitting the breaks to try to stop before hitting me. I sat up a bit and smirked. Bingo. It wasn't going to slow down enough though and was definitely going to hit me. Time to move! I got out of the way as quick as I could and leapt into the other lane, taking deep breaths as I felt my nails digging into the pavement just a little as I felt an adrenaline rush. WHO THE HECK DRIVES THAT FAST?! The vehicle stopped a few feet from me and the door flung open and I heard someone panicking and trying to dial a number.

"Oh god I hit someone!" I heard a guy telling himself. Hello~ I started to fake being injured as I laid there and moaned out in what I hoped sounded like pain, not plotting. It only took a few seconds until I heard him getting out and rushing towards me.

"I'm so sorry sir! Please don't sue me!" He cried out. "I don't even have insurance!" He dropped to his knees by me and froze up as he got a good look at me. "I- I... Your not that-" I sat up quickly and grabbed his wrist, pulling him to me as I went to bite down into his neck before he could react. He screamed and threw his phone aside to try to push me off. "WHAT THE HELL!?" He yelled out as he kicked me away before I could bite him. He took off back to his car before I had time. I widened my eyes as I was thrown and got up, teleporting in front of his car door to block him.

"Just where do you think you're going?" I asked and smirked, exposing my fangs to him. He stopped running towards the car then as he seen me. He shook his head and backed away in fear... That's when I got a bad feeling that I recognized him. I paused to give him a glance over and tilted my head. "Hey, give a little turn for me, will you? You look familiar." I gestured for him to turn slowly so I could see him from all angles. He backed away and then stepped on his phone and slipped. He hit the ground hard and hissed out in pain from the fall. I could sort of make him out... as the guy from the nightmare. "Hey, you're him! You're Mr. Nightmare! Do you smell like him?" I asked and teleported next to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him to me so I could smell him better. The two scents were exact. He screamed out in fear at my touch and tried to squirm away.

"GET AWAY!" He hissed out. He smelt like alcohol... someone has been underage drinking. I smirked and teleported with him back to my room and dropped him on the ground, sitting in the chair.

"So why were you in my dream?" I mused and laughed softly, looking down at his form on the ground. He got to his feet and looked around then back at me.

"What dream? Where are we and how did we get here? Oh no... I'm on drugs!" He cried out and grabbed his head. "I'm going to die!"

"No, I'm a vampire that can't get sleep." I crossed my legs and looked at him. "So what have you been up to? Consorting with witches?" I joked and smiled at him. "You may sit on the bed if you'd like. Are you hungry? I can get you something...."

"I don't understand what you just said to me... Witches? Vampires?" He stumbled backwards and sat down on the bed. "Take me back... I don't know anything, I swear."

"No.... I think you're going to be my pet for a bit," I said and rested my head on my hand as I propped myself up to stare at him.

"My parents will be expecting me." He started and shook his head. "I'm already past curfew... Please sir.."

"Nooo....Come here," I said and waved him over.

"No." He shook his head. "How do I know that I can trust you? You was going to hurt me back there! I hit you! How are you okay?"

"I got out of the way stupid," I said and scoffed. "Do you think you could actually hit me? Louis?"

"Uh.... Mhmmm." He nodded. "I have school early tomorrow... Can you take me back to my car now?"

"No." I blinked and looked up at him.

"Your so stubborn.' He muttered and then started to pinch himself- probably to try to wake himself up in case this was him dreaming.

"I know. I get my way...always," I said and smirked as I knew it wouldn't work to wake him up. He stared me down then and his face changed to 'Oh hell... I'm in trouble.' I got up then and walked over to him, moving onto the bed and pinning him down as I got on top of him. I laughed softly at his face and then leaned down to his neck and sharpened my fangs, biting down into it. He screamed out in pain then and tried to overpower me to get away.

"WHAT THE HELL! GET OFF!" He screamed out. His blood drained into my mouth and I could taste it~ It was fresher then the blood in the dream and it was richer. He whimpered under me and settled as the ecstasy kicked in. I smirked and pulled my head back, looking down at him.

"So...you have a name?" I asked and touched the side of his face as I licked my lips clean. "After all... If we are going to get to know one another, I think I should know your name at least."

"Why'd you just bite me?" He asked in confusion and touched his neck. "I don't feel too good."

"I told you didn't I? I'm a vampire," I said and smirked. "Oh, and I don't think you'll be wanting to go home anytime soon."

"What's a vampire?" He asked softly.

"Hmm....Well..." I laughed and leaned down, kissing his cheek. "A vampire is a blood sucking being that lives off of humans or other vampires and usually has a mate out there waiting. Just to let you know, we have powers too, like how I teleported you here."

"Please take me home... Look Mr... Louis... I don't like males.... I'm straight!" He was trembling under me from the shock of realization over what was happening. "You have the wrong guy." I tsked and got up off of him.

"If you say so....You sure liked that bite though. Got a girlfriend?" I asked and glanced down at him as I went over to the wardrobe to put my coat back. He blushed and sat up as he rubbed is neck.

"N-not currently... She wanted a break." He explained. "That was a month ago." He sheepishly admitted then stood up.

"Sounds to me like she's not coming back," I muttered and put the coat up. "ISABELLE!" I called, turning around to see where she would appear. She appeared on the bed and smiled at me sweetly.

"Yes?" She asked as she tilted her head.

"I'm hungry," I said simply and walked over, getting back onto the bed and moving to her. She nodded and moved her hair.

"Of course you are," she whispered to me and giggled as I leaned in and bit her neck. I heard him shuffle to the chair and sat down on it.

"Could you take me back?" He asked once again.

"No," I said through a mouthful of blood and went back to eating.

"WHY!?" He yelled out in aggravation. "Look I am sorry I hit you but you was in the road!" He yelled out and it sounded like he was getting pissed. I moved my head back from Isabelle and looked over at him, staring him down.

"Don't raise your voice with me," I hissed out.

"I'll do it again." He snapped. I raised an eyebrow.

"Feisty....aren't you?" I shrugged and went back to Isabelle, giving her a smile. "You'll eventually be tame...Just like Isabelle," I told him and touched her jawline gently, trailing my finger to her chin where I tilted her face and moved back to bite her again. I heard him get up then and pull out something from his pocket.

"Get me out of here now." He ordered. Did he just pull what I think he pulled on me? I glanced over my shoulder as I stopped eating again to look at him. He was holding up a gun towards me. When did he get a gun? Mate or not mate...He's dead. I teleported behind him and grabbed him from behind, sinking my fangs into his neck as hard as I could to make sure he knew what he was messing with. He screamed out in pain and the gun went off and he shot at the wall twice. "Get off of me!" He cried out and tried to pull away from me. I kept him still as I tightened my grip on his waist and managed to get my fangs in deeper as Isabelle got up calmly and took his gun. He cried out in pain but eventually relaxed in my arms as the ecstasy kicked in. "Please..." He whispered. "I'll never go to another party again..."

"Isabelle....Thank you," I murmured as I glanced up at her. She looked a little disappointed, but she left us without another word. I moved him over to the bed and pinned him down on it as I pulled my face back from his neck and smiled down at him. "So you're brave enough to threaten me?"

"I just want to go home..." He whispered as he looked up at me in a daze of confusion.

"We'll discuss going home tomorrow," I told him and gently touched the bite mark I made on him.

"Why not tonight?" He asked softly. He flinched at my touch.

"Because I said so," I said simply and sat up on him. "I'm too....Well, let's just say I'm too tired to take you back tonight."

"Your the worst." He grumbled as his eyes started to get heavy and it was funny to watch him try to keep them open.

"You'll learn to like it," I mumbled and watched him. I can't believe that my mate....the one that I thought was never going to come...is him. He scrunched up his nose a bit as he looked at me and tried to shove me off. I stayed on top of him and tilted my head as I smirked. "What?"

"Get off... your making my tummy hurt." He complained.

"Well....Get used to it." I laughed and then moved off of him. "You're lucky that I'm not cruel."

"Your lucky I don't know much about fighting." He spat back.

"Definitely feisty." I nodded to myself and laid down beside him, pulling him to me. "I could teach you to fight if you want."

"All I want is for you to stop touching me." He tried to move out of my arms. "I don't like guys." I rolled my eyes and released him, getting up.

"Fine, take the bed for tonight. Tell anyone I let you have the bed, and I won't be forgiving. Got an image to uphold." I shuffled over to the couch and laid down on it.

"You better take me home in the morning or I will ruin your hair in your sleep.... then I might smother you to death with a pillow."

"You can't smother me with a pillow and kill me," I told him and looked over at him. "I'm already dead." He curled up and pulled the covers over his head.

"I don't understand why I have to sleep here." He muttered.

"If you sleep in another room, the scary monsters will get you," I said and chuckled a little as I thought about the starving newborns.

"You should take me home." He warned.

"I'll think about it....You DID almost hit me with a car."

"You WAS in the road." He hissed back.

"I was in the road because I had a little nightmare with you in it, so it's your fault," I said and sat up, looking at him.

"Kiss my butt." He grumbled.

"Why the hell are you my mate?" I muttered. "You're so disagreeable."

"What?" He asked softly. "I am not." He had heard me...

"Am not what? Disagreeable? You are. I swear....I would have ended you in the street if you weren't my mate."

"I'm not your toy." He flipped then to face away from me completely. "I don't even find myself attracted to you- so hah."

"You're not my toy," I admitted. "If you want to hate me, then fine...hate me. I've lived for a very long time and I can tell you this- I definitely don't need some human backsassing me."

"Screw you!" He screamed and threw a pillow at me. I let it hit me and took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Gladly," I muttered.

"Ugh!" He put one of the pillows on top of his head.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, laying back down. This is turning out like Beauty and the Beast....Maybe I should be nicer like the teapot suggested to the Beast.

"If you don't shut up..."

"No, seriously, what do you want for breakfast?"

"STOP TELLING ME NO!!" He sat up straight. "I want starbucks! That's what I WANT! I ALSO WANT TO GO HOME!" He puffed out. Anger issues. Getting somewhere with him though. I smiled at him and propped myself up.

"Starbucks....anything else?"

"Take me to my car."

"Your car is probably being towed," I said and smirked as I stretched my legs out on the couch. "So starbucks."

"Your buying me a new phone if I never get mine back... AND you will be paying for the towing fee! No buts about that." He laid back down.

"I'll just get you a new car," I said and yawned a bit. "You'll like it."

"I want my car." He grumbled and curled up into a ball. "I want to be in MY bed too."

"That is your-" I stopped myself. He's not accepting me yet, so let's not tell him that he has some possession over my bed as being my mate. "I can get you a room tomorrow."

"I'm going to murder you!" He sat up then and was headed off the bed for me. "I'll choke you to death!"

"Oh yippee," I said sarcastically and watched him. He stumbled off the bed and was by me quick. He sat down on me and started to choke me. I laid there calmly as I watched him. He gave up after a few minutes and glared me down.

"What's it going to take to make you take me back? Do you like want some sexual fantasy or something?" I shrugged and sat up, moving him into my lap.

"Maybe, maybe not. If you try hard enough, I might just end up leaving you on a curb." He puffed out his cheeks and moved to get off of me.

"Why are you keeping me here!?"

"Because your my mate even if you don't like me yet," I told him calmly and laid back down as I watched him stand up.

"Am not." He hissed out. "I am not into you at all."

"Well what are you into? Besides girls?" I asked and started to examine my nails, making sure I hadn't messed them up on the pavement.

"Uh.... I don't know.... I like to party...." He backed away from me.

"So you like to party? What kinds of parties? Ones where you get drunk and land up in a ditch, puking out your insides?" I raised my eyebrow as I examined him.

"Anything is better then here." He muttered.

"Fine, you irritate me." I groaned out and then flipped over onto my side to ignore him. He started to pace the room then. "Stop pacing....It's irritating." He kept it up and was grumbling to himself. "WHAT?" I glanced over my shoulder at him. He ignored me as he kept it up. "Do I need to put the baby to bed?" I asked, teasing just a bit to get his attention. He looked towards me and glared daggers into my eyes.

"Touch me one more time! I dare you!"

"Ooooh...Touchy." I smirked and sat up, looking at him fully now. He was fuming with irritation. Poor hormonal teenage werewolf. "So....Chocolate or vanilla?"

"Chocolate..." He mumbled as he glanced my way.

"Guns or books?"

"Guns." He crossed his arms and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Wolves or bats?" I raised an eyebrow. Interesting choices he's making so far.

"Wolves." He started to bounce his left knee.

"Jacob or Edward?" I laughed a bit.

"Who?" He tilted his head.

"Exactly," I said. Not such a bad mate after all.... I'm never going to let him be poisoned by Twilight. "Romance or danger?"

"Does it matter?" He asked me and looked at his feet.

"Swimming or hunting?"


"Hunting or partying?" I smirked as I knew this one would be harder.

"Partying." Maybe not....

"Cats or hamsters?"

"Cats." He looked towards me. Seems we have a lot more in common than I thought.

"Action or comedy?"


"Action or horror?" I sat on the edge of the couch as I got more interested in him.

"Horror." Same...

"Video games or real life?"

"Real life."

"You are stuck in a hotel that the power has gone out of, and you have to evacuate. You have a choice between a green door, a purple door, and a brown door."

"What kind of question is that? I wouldn't take the door... I'd go through a window." He started laughing then. I laughed too and shook my head.

"Ok, you're on the top floor of a sixty storied building. Pick a door."


"Nope, you don't have one. There aren't any windows."

"I guess I choose... The.... door." Ok....

"Ok, you go through a door and you are confronted with a staircase, a rainbow door, and a doorway covered with a curtain. Pick." I hope he doesn't get bored of me questioning him....

"What's behind the curtained doorway?"

"A hallway."

"Does it lead to windows?"


"I'll take the staircase." I smirked.

"You take the staircase and you find at the bottom a scary clown picture, a glass door, and a metal door. Pick."

"What's past the glass door?"

"A courtyard," I said simply.

"Courtyard it is." I nodded.

"You go out into the courtyard and you find that you have to go through it and pick between a wooden door, a mirror door, and a disco door."

"The wooden door." But the disco door sounded fun....

"You go through the wooden door and you find a set of stairs leading up, a candy door, and an archway."


"You find a hallway with six doors. There is a plastic door, an iron door, a pink door, a blue door, a red door, and a beige door."

"Pink." He grumbled and laid down on the bed. Good.

"You go through the pink door, and as you walk in, the door shuts behind you and locks. You're trapped inside. There is a man waiting for you in the dark, and he smirks as he knows that you are now his victim." I stood up and walked over to the bed slowly. "He gives you a choice....you may either bleed to death after being stabbed, be hanged, or be electrocuted. He means business, and he knows that you can't escape. He threatens you with the fact that if you don't pick, he'll torture you." He looked towards me and sat up then, scooting up against the headboard.

"Electrify me." He smirked towards me. I raised an eyebrow. Either he's a good guesser, he's reading too much into the context, or he's smart. I got on the bed and smirked at him.

"Guess what?"

"Your going to take me home now?" He asked.

"The man straps you down to the electric chair..." I trailed off and exposed my fangs to him. He raised an eyebrow and scooted away from me some more.


"He gives an evil laugh and he walks over to the kill switch," I said and started to crawl towards him slowly. He moved off the bed then with one of the pillows. I teleported behind him and leaned in to his ear. "When he flips the switch...." He screamed and got back in bed to get away from me. "He finds himself dumbfounded as it doesn't work. You get away scotfree and manage to get out of the building after a whole night."

"Your...." He tsked at me and threw the pillow my way. I dodged it and watched as it hit one of my favorite lamps, sending it crashing to the floor. I widened my eyes and hissed out of anger. "fault." He said and then I heard him getting out of bed on the other side.

"You....are going straight home tomorrow morning. You're ill mannered, and it would take way to long to get you to behave," I muttered to myself and walked back over to the couch with the pillow and laid down on it.

"Can't help it that I am trapped and angry at you for trapping me," He said innocently.

"Shut up," I told him.

"Make me." He hissed out and crawled back into the bed.

"I would love to," I mumbled and glanced over at him. "However....I don't want to get blood everywhere when I MURDER you."

"I'd like to see you try!" He pulled the covers back over his body. "You don't have the guts."

"Honey, I'm waging a war against my own brother. I think I have the guts to kill you. I just don't want to have to clean it up," I threatened.

"Don't call me honey!" He growled.

"Oh? What will you do?" I asked and turned to look at him on the couch. "Will you just try to choke me again?" He turned to look at me then pointed the middle finger my way. "Thank you very much. You know.... I know others who are soooo much badder than you. I know why that girl left you. It's because your all bark and no bite. You're just a little boy who's too scared to do anything. You think your bad, but your not," I told him, deciding to take a shot at his ego.

"UGH! Shut up!" He rolled his eyes. "How did I even end up running you over!?" He shifted to face away from me. "You must be a very lonely person if you had to just have me!"

"Insulting yourself are we?" I raised an eyebrow. "Just have you? Makes it sound like you aren't all that....Guess I hit it right on the money with that all bark and no bite comment." He pulled out headphones from his pants and a Ipod and started to ignore me as he listened to his music. I took a deep breath. Not worth it...Not worth the effort of getting up....Not worth worrying over. Hell, I'm getting up. I got up and walked over, taking his headphones from him. "What's your name again?" I asked, setting the headphones down beside him as I looked him over. He avoided looking towards me as he looked at the bedside table and stayed quiet. "What do I have to do to make you at least talk to me nicer?" I groaned out and sat on the edge of the bed. "A vampire waits all his life to meet his mate....and when I finally meet mine, I find that he's a guy....he doesn't even want to give attempting to like me a try....and he's a complete full-of-himself little-" I cut myself off and put my head in my hands. I feel a headache coming on.... I heard him pull the covers over his head. "Can't you at least tell me your name? I'll take you home right this instant if you tell me."

"Your lying." He grumbled. "Your... too... tired." He mocked me.

"Well, nothing like a little argument to wake me up. Besides.... I ate," I told him and turned to look at him. "I could just leave you here and come back in the morning. It's not like I have other rooms I could sleep in. This one is locked, so no one can get in or out unless they can teleport."

"Why do you want to know my name?"

"Because, maybe one day you will find me again and you might like me better then. It's not right that you know my name and I don't know yours," I said softly.

"You'll laugh..." He mumbled under his breath.

"I'll try not to," I promised.

"Your a jerk~ You just made me feel bad about myself and now you want to know my name? You'll definitely hurt my feelings once you laugh about it!" I took a deep breath. This is going nowhere.... I reached under the blanket and grabbed his hand, picking up his headphones and teleported us back to the street where his car was. I let go immediately and handed him his headphones.

"What you wanted right? You wanted to go home?" I asked and smiled at him. "See, this is me...Trying not to be a jerk." I started to walk off, deciding I'd have my fun in town to blow off some steam.

"Your still one!" He yelled at me and I heard him walk over to his phone and pick it up.

"Well, does it look like it bothers me?" I shouted over my shoulder and shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Of course not, your heartless." He started walking back to his vehicle. "If we meet again I might tell you my name!" He yelled to me.

"Looking forward to it. Oh, and I'm not heartless. I didn't kill you, now did I?" I turned to look at him and smiled. "I think that was a very... non-heartless decision on my part." He looked towards me and then got into the car- that was still running and shut the door behind him. The car didn't move though. I frowned a little and watched. Is he just going to sit there...or is he going to drive off....or is he thinking about running me over for real? That would be interesting...to be ran over. I seen the car start to shake a bit and I could feel something was off. I raised an eyebrow and watched on. Why is the car shaking? Is it going to explode? I heard him scream suddenly and something inside me told me my mate was in trouble. I ran over quickly and opened the car door to get him out and examine him in case something happened to him and not the car. I pulled him out quickly and laid him down on the pavement, looking him over with worried eyes. What if he's dying?! What if....the bite was too much?! What if he's having a weird episode?! He reminded me then of my dream where Paris was transforming in front of me. My mate was transforming.... He screamed against and gripped at his jacket as he looked towards me.

"What's happening to me? Am I dying?" He asked me as he looked scared to death. It's about to be one of those 'you're a wizard, Harry' moments, isn't it? Yes...yes it is.

"You're a werewolf," I told him. "You're transforming, and I swear, if you try to bite my head off when you finish, I'm going to be pissed."

"A- wh-" He screamed before he could ask me and arched his back against the ground. This procedure was taking longer than Paris' transformation. For the looks of it... This was going to be like a human having a baby... It's going to take hours. "HELP ME!" He begged. I sighed and looked him over. I know absolutely nothing about werewolf transformations....

"Do you want me to distract you with a story or something? I don't know what to do about this...." I winced as I saw how bad his pain was. He didn't even hear my question as he cried out in pain once more and a shudder went through him. His eyes rolled back quickly before coming back to look at me. I remembered something from my childhood from where I had gotten pretty hurt and Paris had offered his hand to me to let me squeeze which made me feel a little better. I smiled softly and took his hand in mine, holding it gently. "If you need to, you can squeeze my hand..." He squeezed my hand and broke it as he pulled me towards him. I shrieked out in pain from him breaking my hand and bit my bottom lip. Ow....ow....ow... Don't hurt him....Don't you dare lash out in pain....It's not his fault.....YOU BROKE MY HAND!

"LOUIS!" He cried out and tears started to smear down his face. "Knock me out please." He begged. Would that help? I frowned at him.

"I'm not sure if that will help...."

"DO IT!" He ordered me and squeezed my hand harder. "I don't want this!"

"Ok, ok!" I shouted and touched the side of his face, putting him in a trance like state where he would be dreaming about whatever I wanted him to. I decided to let him see a piece of my history where I was friends with Paris. He looked like he was still in pain, sweat started to appear on his face as he looked sick. I bit my lip and got up, taking my hand back as I went over to his car to see if I could find a license and a cloth or water or something I could use on him. I picked up his wallet and managed to find water and a cloth he kept in here for apparently oil changes. Lucky for him, it was clean. I took all the things back to him and sat him up in my lap, opening the water and bringing it to his lips to see if he would drink it. He took a sip of it before spitting it back out and groaning. He was still dazed by the trance though. I smiled and soaked the cloth in the water then put it on his head to maybe try to cool him down as I moved his head back to the pavement and went to prop his feet up as I started to look through his wallet. He groaned and curled up after I let him go. Inside his wallet was money, credit cards... and bingo! His license. I smirked. Who's not going to tell me his name? You are! But who's gonna tell me your name? Your license! His license picture was kind of cute as he looked like he totally wasn't ready for the picture- he was in mid sneeze. What really got me was also wearing glasses and his hair was a bit longer then it was now. It made me laugh. He must be wearing contacts now and be trying to look more grown up....Cute. I looked at him closer to see if there was change. He was still in a daze which was good because it gave me time to look over his license. His age was seventeen... he's not even an adult yet! Now to his name.... August River King.... Strange name... I kept my promise and didn't laugh at it- though it was tempting....River King.... I smirked and set his wallet aside and looked at him.

"August huh?" I whispered to him. "I like it." He shivered a bit and looked to be coming a bit out of the trance. He whimpered softly. I quickly reached over and touched his forehead again to send him into another one of my memories- the part of the dream where he showed up but not all of it, not the scary part. He tensed up at that and as I touched him I felt his temperature was sky high... way over normal. He was burning up. I tsked and removed the cloth, wetting it again and setting it on his forehead. He swallowed hard and gasped softly from the touch. His whole body was tense though. "Hey....It'll be alright....Just calm down and let yourself transform. If you keep fighting it, it's going to hurt more," I said softly and changed the memory to the Vampire revolution. He didn't loosen up though and I heard one of his bones snap in his chest. He shot straight up then and came out of the trance and screamed. A thought entered my head and I bit my bottom lip. Paris has a werewolf pack...He might know something...but I don't want him knowing too much about August...not after what I did with Richard. I sighed and pulled out my phone, scrolling through the numbers till I found his and hit call. August better thank me.... I better not get my head bitten off when he transforms either! It picked up almost immediately.

"Did you get what I asked for Rose?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. I tsked. Great...she's here.

"I'm hardly Rose. Before you hang up, I need your help," I said quickly and had to practically force the words out. WE ARE AT WAR...AND I'M ASKING HIM FOR HELP....August better be worth it.

"Help?" Paris sounded confused. "Louis? What's wrong? I hear scrambled thoughts of pain by you-" He gasped. "Did you get a girl pregnant?!"

"NO!" I shouted and covered my mouth. I only did that once! It was an accident! Besides....they both died in childbirth.... I winced at the thought of what had happened. "No," I said softer. "I....I found my mate." It was barely a whisper and I wasn't even sure if he heard it.

"No." He stated. "No you did not. Male with black hair? Teen years?" He asked curiously. I widened my eyes. How the heck did he know....

"Paris...." I said questioningly.

"I have... connections. What's wrong with him? Is he like... dying from having you as a mate or something?" He chuckled.

"Well, he tried to choke me to death," I said and laughed. "Bet that makes you happy. No....He's going through something far worse than death.... How much do you know about him?" I asked, getting slightly curious about what he knew. He was going to have to find out eventually if he didn't know.

"Not much honestly... I only got a few seconds of a good look on him.. So he tried to choke you? Look's like he will be kissing you soon! I seen a bit of our future and he was all over you. Ops... I shouldn't had told you that."

"It's not going to be that obnoxious all over me right? I don't think I can handle teenage male werewolf hormones," I muttered. Great....maybe we will get along then.

"You looked like you were enjoying it." He grumbled. "So is he transforming right now?" He wondered. "That is him beside you right?"

"Yeah, his name is August....I don't know what to do! I don't know anything about werewolves except for what they do to vampires! Paris, I know you have a pack, and I was kind of hoping we could set the war thing aside for a few minutes and figure out what the heck I can do to make this easier for him. This is apparently his first transformation," I told him and glanced over at him, reaching over and changing the memory to the time I went on vacation and saw Niagara Falls.

"First?! Why didn't you just tell me that! How bad is he looking? Minutes or hours?" He asked, getting down to business.

"If you promise not to attack me or him, we'll call a truce and I'll tell you where I am. It's only a..." I glanced at my phone to see the time "It's only been about twenty minutes."

"I'm not going to stand around and let a werewolf suffer through his first transformation alone. I have assisted on some before thanks to having a pack around the manor. Where are you at? I'll come help... If he bite me though~ I'll make sure Richard knows good and well to blow his brains out first and then yours."

"I can't help what he does. I'll warn you....He's not all that sweet. I mean, he already tried to kill me," I said and then glanced around for the street name and told him. "We're in the middle of it." As soon as I told him he appeared a few feet away and then teleported by me and hung up the phone.

"We need to get him away from the town." He stated. "Once he turns he might be strong enough for a hunt." He looked down at my suffering mate and tsked. "Can't believe you ended up with him." He muttered and then looked towards the car. "Is that his?" I nodded.

"He about ran me over with it because I was laying in the street," I said and stood up from the ground, going over to it and frowning. "I'm so getting him a new car if he's going to stay with me."

"Hey~ I am not picking him up if that is what you are trying for." He said and walked towards the car by me. "Go get him." He teleported into the drivers seat then popped the trunk and giggled. I narrowed my eyes and went back to go get him.

"I wasn't going to make you pick him up." I leaned down and picked him up, grabbing his wallet and going back to the car. "I have him in a trance, reliving my own memories to try to keep him from screaming in pain. I don't know if I should take him out of it or not," I trailed off and glanced up at my twin.

"He needs to be aware of everything that is happening to his body... I hate to tell you that." He winced a bit. "But we can feed him some wolfsbane and that will soften the pain for him and make him a bit loopy. I nodded and set him in the back seat, refusing to put him in the trunk and then went around to the passengers side and got in, shutting the door.

"Alright, but should we wait until you are done driving?" I asked and glanced back at August.

"The longer you have him under the longer we have to put up with his transformation." He informed me and drove off, almost as fast as August was driving. "So you can decide on that one."

"Well...I don't want you to crash and kill him...even if he is irritating," I muttered and reached back to him, taking the cloth and flipping it on his forehead to a cooler side. He flinched a bit as I touched him and wrinkled up his nose. Paris reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out something in a bag and tossed it to me. It was a type of grass in it. I looked at him like he was insane.

"Wolfsbane." He told me. "I know... it looks disgusting but it works miracles for them."

"What do you want me to do with it?" I asked and held it with the tips of my fingers in disgust.

"Chew it up and feed it to him," He laughed as he said it.

"EWWW...You've got to be joking!" I dropped it in my lap and wrinkled up my nose in horror.

"I am! If we try to eat it- it will end badly for us. So you should grind it up with something and then mix it with the water and make him drink it when we get him out of that fantasy world back there." I nodded. Thank goodness...I didn't want that anywhere near my mouth.... I reached over to the keys and started to work at getting one of the keys off and brought it over as I opened the bag. I took the key and began grinding it up for him and tried not to gag. Paris had us out of town in no time and parked near a trail that ran through the woods. He stepped out and waited for me as he watched. I looked up and then got out, grabbing the water bottle as I dumped the mashed up Wolfsbane into the water and shook it up. Tossing it to Paris, I went to the back and reached in to get him, picking him up and holding him as I brought him out to place him on the ground. As I did, I closed my eyes and released him from the trance as nicely as I could. August looked around in wonder and then his face grew in horror as the pain came back and he let out a scream. Paris sat down by him and smiled.

"Hey, I need you to drink this down no mater how horrible it tastes. This is going to take the pain off. I promise." He told him. August looked at us both and then widened his eyes.

"There's two of you!" He cried out in fear.

"Oh come on, I'm not that- Well....I am scary," I said and sat down beside him. "This is Paris. He's my twin that's going to help you because he knows more about werewolves than I do."

"Drink this up kid." Paris shook the bottle in front of August.

"What's that stuff in it?" August asked and pointed at the bottle then screamed out in pain from moving. Paris smirked and then opened up the bottle and looked towards me.

"Force it down," Paris ordered and handed the bottle to me.

"I don't want him to bite off my head if it tastes terrible," I told him and handed the bottle back like it was a bomb just waiting to go off.

"Fine." Paris grabbed August before he could react and pinned him down then started to force the drink down his throat. I could hear him gurgling a bit from trying to spit it back up but Paris managed to get it down. He moved away quick after it was all down and stepped back three feet incase August tried something. August sat up and leaned over like he was going to puke.

"No you don't. Lay back down," I ordered and moved him back into a laying position. "If you try something, I will not be pleased with you." I stared him down and watched him. August closed his eyes tightly as he looked grossed out. His muscles started to loosen up though and I heard another bone in his chest crack and he whimpered. He didn't scream so that was good. Paris took a seat on a log as he watched. "Paris, if he turns into a really big wolf, we are in agreement to teleport out of here, right? He already doesn't like me...."

"Agreed." Paris laughed as he watched August. August ran his hand up under his shirt and was rubbing his stomach a bit and groaned.

"My tummy hurts..." He mumbled.

"Well....I'm not supposed to put you in another trance," I said and crossed my arms, looking at him. "I'm so lucky this didn't happen inside my room....I'd be screwed." I heard another one of his bones snap and he let out a gasp and sat up straight. He pulled his shirt off then and grabbed at his chest. I glanced over at Paris to see if this was normal and to just let this happen or not. Paris gave me a slight nod that it was okay. August started to stand then and Paris stood up quickly.

"You don't want to do that August." Paris warned. August didn't listen though as he headed for a tree to lean up against.

"August, down boy," I called and stood up. August made it to the tree then slid down it and I could see his spin start to out shape itself and he fell face over into the dirt. "Is it happening now?" I asked, walking over to Paris to be closer to him in case we needed to get out of here.

"Not yet. He's got a long ways to go." Paris told me and shook his head. "He's in for a long night." He laughed and watched as August tried to sit up again. I shook my head.

"Does it ever get faster? I don't think that it always takes a werewolf this long....It doesn't right? The full moon thing is a myth too. Please be a myth...." I winced. If it's not....he's getting a room where I will lock him up in every time he shifts.

"The only thing you need to worry about with him on a full moon is when he gets the sexual urges to mate." He smirked towards me and winked. "Your going to have fun." August gasped as I heard another bone snap. I shuddered at the thought.

"He's getting a room to himself then....Every full moon if he still hates me after all this," I mumbled to myself.

"Oh and the more he shifts the better it gets. He'll eventually be able to shift in seconds." Paris informed me. "So when ever you get the chance encourage him to shift. I think they have to connect with their inner wolf to do it or something. I'll have Hunter come over one day and talk with August about it all if you want." I nodded.

"So don't just stick him outside if he starts to shift on me," I said softly and then looked over at him. "Why him....Why did it have to be a werewolf....."

"Maybe because fate just hates you," Paris joked. He punched my shoulder playfully and then turned back to August. August was curled up- practically falling asleep now. I sighed and sat down on the log, deciding to watch.

~Time Skip provided by Leaf Men~

I glanced up as August shot up onto his feet as it had been an hour or two since it started.... Maybe longer... Four possibly... It was getting dawn. He started to strip in front of us as his final transformation was coming. In seconds he was out of his clothes and heaving as the last wave came over his body and he fell down into a pure black wolf. It dropped to its stomach immediately and curled up. As I got a good look at him I could see he was quite small and was matted with a sticky substance. Paris stood up then and walked towards August. "I think he's weak. WE'RE GOOD!" YES! No giant wolf to bite our heads off! Much more manageable. I got up and approached slowly, not wanting to get his attention.

"So...he's not going to grow any bigger than that....is he?"

"Actually I think he will grow. Most wolves I have seen are the size of cars by their mid thirties... I think it is just because he is a teen." Paris teased me.

"No....Seriously?" I looked over at him. "The size of cars?"

"Oh yeah. Cars." He laughed. "That's at least how big Alpha's max up to and most of the others range that close in size. You might get lucky and be mated to a runt."

"You better be a runt," I said and looked down at him through narrowed eyes. "You'll be sleeping outside if you get to be the size of a car and you transform." He wagged his tail at me as he heard my voice and looked towards me. Paris smirked towards me.

"I'm going to go now, have fun you two." Paris disappeared with that said.

"PARIS DON'T LEAVE ME WITH HIM!" I screamed and looked around. All I heard was the wagging of August's tail. He started to try to stand then but fell over. I looked at him and gulped. Oh no.... I took a few steps back and bit my bottom lip. If it gets to the point of where he tries to eat me, I'll just teleport....or use his car. I can get in and shut the doors and lock them.... He tried to stand again as he stumbled my way with his tail wagging. He stuck out his tongue as he began to pant. "August?" I called softly and backed up a bit more out of nervousness. He dropped his tail and head then as he looked at me and tried to stand again. This time he managed to stand and went to walk towards me but tripped over his feet and fell face first into the ground. I smiled a little and laughed softly as I kneeled down. Figuring it was alright because he could barely stand and had been wagging his tail at me, I patted the ground in front of me. "You can do it," I encouraged. He rolled over onto his back then and went back to his belly. He had picked up leaves and grass in his fur when he done it and looked like a mess. He stood up once more and stood with shaky paws as he focused on where I had patted the ground. I smiled at him and bit my bottom lip. Maybe the whole wolf thing isn't too bad..... "Come here and I'll see about maybe getting your fur cleaned up." His head swung around to look at his fur and he tumbled over from the commotion. He pawed at a leaf that went up in the air by his paws. "Silly, what are you doing?" I asked and stood up, walking over cautiously then kneeled beside him. He looked up at me and raised his ears as he rolled over onto his back. "What?" I asked, glancing at him. He whinned and sat up then and rubbed his head against my knee. "You didn't like me.....about five hours ago. What changed?" I asked and put my hand on his head as I started to rub behind his ears, ignoring the filth. The sticky substance got on my fingers as I rubbed his head and he wagged his tail as I pet him. He started to pant then laid down by me.

"Want to go home yet? I can drive you, and you can stick your head out the window and everything," I said and smiled. "Of course....you probably should come home with me, not to your own family. If you don't transform back by the time we reach town, I'll be taking you with me." He laid his head down on his paws and looked like he was about to fall asleep. I sighed and moved to pick him up and started to carry him over to the truck. "Want me to get your clothes, or are we going to ditch them?" I asked as I set him in the passenger seat. He pointed with his head to the window. I took a deep breath and went back for his clothes, bringing them to him and setting them in the floor then got in the driver's seat. I rolled down his window a bit but not enough for him to jump out and started to drive back to the town. He looked at the window curiously and then back towards me. He crawled over towards me and laid his head down in my lap. "You're not going to turn out to try to go all alpha on me right? Do I need to get you into a pack? I can drop you off with one after getting Isabelle to find one." He looked up at me then and whimpered. He licked my hand on the wheel before laying it back down. "So no to the pack thing then?" I asked to make sure. "You don't want to be in one yet?" He shook his head and turned his head in my lap. I nodded and rubbed his head some more as I took a hand off the wheel. "Alright....just don't grow bigger than a car or else I'm going to make you sleep outside on the nights you come to see me and you turn." I laughed a little and glanced down at him. He was shaking his tail at that. He turned over onto his back to look up at me and then went back on his stomach almost immediately. "You're not changing my mind on that," I said and looked at him. "Besides, you tried to strangle me." He crawled into my lap then sat up and look over the wheel. "How am I supposed to drive with you like that?" I asked and tsked. He ducked a bit and looked towards me. "You think your cute, don't you?" I asked teasingly and smirked. He looked back over the wheel then. "Of course you do." I got us home alright and pulled up outside my place and opened the car door as I shut it off and climbed out. "When you transform back, you may go home, but until then....you're staying here." I gestured for him to follow me and locked the car as I got him out. He sat on the ground and watched me curiously and wagged his tail. I smiled and started to walk to the door, opening it and going in as I held it open for him. "Come on," I said and patted my leg. He stood up and took a step forwards but fell down once more from tripping. He curled up and looked away from me in embarrassment.

"ISABELLE! I NEED YOU TO GET THE MEAT OUT OF THE FREEZER AND HEAT IT UP! DON'T COOK IT THOUGH! TAWNYA, RUN A BATH!" I shouted and walked over, kneeling down and holding my arms out. "I can carry you in, but you will have to learn to walk at some point." He looked over at me and then turned to me and got into my arms quickly. I smirked and picked him up, carrying him inside and taking him to the bathroom where Tawnya was just finishing up what I asked her to do. Her eyes widened as they landed on August.

"L-Louis? Is that a-a...a werewolf?" She asked and gulped nervously. I nodded.

"Yes....I'm going to give him a bath, so you may go do whatever you were doing before." She quickly disappeared on me, ditching me with August. I sighed and walked over to the tub, setting him inside the warm water and grabbed a thing of shampoo, dumping a glob on his fur. He looked down at the water then went to jump out as quickly as he was put in. I shook my head and kept him in. "You better not be one of those ones," I muttered and looked him in the eyes. I started to rub the shampoo in and made sure to make it obvious he was going nowhere. He whined then and looked up at me with bit pouting eyes. "What? I can't let you run around all dirty and filthy like that in my house now can I? Besides, Isabelle is going to feed you afterwards." I rinsed his fur and put more shampoo on him. He bit me playfully then and growled. I shrieked and jumped back out of fear, grabbing a bottle. I glanced at where he had playfully bit me and saw he didn't break through the skin and sighed in relief as I sunk against the door. Oh thank goodness....I'm alive.... He jumped out of the tub and tumbled over on the slick floor. I looked at him as I steadied my breathing. "I guess I need to tell you, but your bite can kill me if you wanted," I said softly. "You scared me for a moment...." I got up off the floor and went over, picking him up and then placing him back in the water as I started on finishing. He laid down and let me bathe him then being obedient. I rinsed him and got up, grabbing a towel off of the counter and reached in after draining it and picked him up, setting him in my lap as I sat down to dry him off. He wagged his tail the whole time I dried him and tried to playfully bite me a couple more times. I kept from screaming this time when he tried to bite me again and decided on a little trust with him. I finished drying him off and then began to rub behind his ears.

"I've finished defrosting the mea-" Isabelle walked in and froze when she saw him.

"This is August. Don't worry about him....He's that boy from earlier that I brought home. He will be staying with us for a bit, but it shouldn't be a problem," I told her and saw her nod.

"Is he...?" I nodded.

"I believe he is," I told her as I confirmed that he was my mate without actually voicing it. I glanced at him. "I don't know if he knows that yet...." He licked my hand as I trailed and looked up at me with a shimmer in his eyes. "Maybe he does...." I bit my bottom lip. "It's his first transformation, and I imagine that it is similar with newborns....Can you go get the meat and bring it in here? I think he might be hungry." She nodded and smiled.

"Of course," she whispered and disappeared then reappeared with a bowl of raw meat, setting it on the ground by me. August looked at the meat and started to sniff towards it before jumping out of my lap and he laid down by it and looked it over good before taking it and then started to chew on the meat.

"Have him brought to my room when he's done," I said and stood up, stepping over him to leave. He growled when I started to leave and I heard him stand up. I glanced behind him and shrugged. "Don't worry...He can't walk too well just yet. If he learns how, just teleport and come get me." I kept walking towards the door and opened it. He started to whine as I was leaving him. I glanced back at him again and studied him. "Eat first then you may come to my room," I said softly and smiled, walking out and going to my room.

~A few minutes later brought to you by Blu~

Isabelle appeared in my room and set him on my bed next to me and rubbed behind his ears. "He's kind of cute," she told me and then giggled, disappearing.

"Making friends I see," I said as I opened my eyes to look over at him. He crawled over to me and laid down on my stomach and watched me. "Bet your gonna hate me when you wake up," I mumbled and smirked, rubbing his head as I closed my eyes. I felt his breaths slowing as he was falling asleep on me before I could. That little..... I opened my eyes and glanced at him. Falling asleep before I do....I shook my head and closed my eyes as I went to sleep, not bothering to move him.

I woke up as I felt something heavy on me shift over and fall down by me. I heard a tired yawn then- a human yawn. I could feel him shifting towards the edge of the bed to get up... then... He screamed and fell in the floor. "WHY AM I NAKED!" He cried out and grabbed the blanket and drug it towards him. I opened my eyes wide at that and had to keep myself from glancing over at him.

"Because you turned into a wolf," I told him. "Don't you remember that?" He was crying now and after a few sniffles he was breathing in the air and started to crawl back onto the bed and suddenly he was smelling my chest.

"You smell...." He mumbled. He looked up into my eyes and widened his own.

"I smell?" I wrinkled up my nose. "Gross....That's what I get for not taking a bath after last night."

"No I mean... You smell really good." He told me and then curled up to me as he started to smell the crook of my neck. I tried not to move but couldn't help twitching a little as it tickled. I laughed a little and glanced over at him.

"You're tickling me." He laughed softly and then looked around us.

"Something is different..." He told me and then looked back at me. "I don't want to tear you to pieces."

"Well that's an improvement," I muttered and looked up at the ceiling as I put my hands behind my head and stretched out. "I think I still have bruises, don't I?" I asked and tried to see my own neck. He shook his head and then kissed my neck softly.

"Uh-uh." He purred and started to play with a few strands of my hair. "What happened last night?"

"You met my twin, transformed, came home, got a bath, and a meal," I summarized. "Then you came in and slept on my stomach." I bit my bottom lip as I looked over at him out of the corner of my eyes. He's actually being nice.... He gave a slight nod.

"How'd it go? The transformation? Last thing I remember was climbing into my car pissed at you."

"Well....looked painful, but you survived," I said and laughed. "It lasted hours and I had to call my twin to help me. You even got a peek at my memories because I wanted you to stop screaming, so I put you in a trance. My brother had you switched to a wolfsbane mixture to help your pain."

"Memories? I don't remember any of this..." He laughed softly. "But there is this little feeling in me that is telling me I transformed last night...." He shook his head.

"You're a black wolf by the way...really small. Paris says you might get as big as a car one day." I glanced at him and smirked. "So...Are you done hating me?" I asked as I sat up a bit.

"Mhmmm." He nodded and moved away a bit and sat up. "Oh man.... I'm going to be late... and my body is all achy feeling." He stretched out.

"Well, you could stay here if you wanted....Just till you feel better," I told him and frowned at the fact that he moved away. I was just starting to think about marking him too.... He curled up as he watched me.

"I'll stay for the day.. might as well... I think I need some rest... I feel all achy." He laughed and closed his eyes. I smirked and leaned over, keeping myself propped up as I moved to the crook of his neck.

"All achy huh?" I whispered. "You won't mind if I mark you since how you are my mate, right?"

"Mark?" He asked softly. "That sounds painful." He shuttered.

"It's not. It's just a small bite," I told him, lying just a bit. He gave a small nod then.

"I guess I don't mind.. I went through hell after all last night and I have no recollection of it."

"Well, this will be a little slice of heaven then," I laughed and tilted his head a bit to allow me better access to his neck. Sharpening my fangs, I bit into him hard and gripped him as I moved to be on top of him. He whimpered and went limp under me as I had bit down.

"Wh..... What is this..." He grumbled as he felt the mark taking him over and he arched his back a bit in surprise. "It..." He grabbed a lock full of my hair. He moaned slightly and tensed up. I smirked. We didn't even get to the good part yet. I released my venom and held onto him to keep him from going anywhere as I was putting the finishing touches on the mark. He let out a yelp and relaxed under me from the wave of venom surging through him. I deepened the bite on him and then wrapped my arms around him as I rubbed his back gently. He outstretched his hands and gasped once again.

"Mhhhhmmmmm..... I can do this every day." He mumbled. I smirked and pulled my face back, licking at the mark I made on him.

"Now you're mine," I whispered in his ear. He blushed and leaned in towards my lips and closed his eyes in hopes to kiss me. I rewarded him with the kiss he wanted and pressed his head down into the pillow as I kissed him passionately. He gasped against my lips and pushed up on my chest with his hands quickly. I let him and looked down at him with a sweet smile. "Hm?"

"Too quick." He explained and blushed. "Told you I.... I never thought of having a guy... as you know... a partner." I nodded in understanding.

"Ok, it's just that when you've had thousands of years of wondering, you kind of don't care whether your mate turns out to be a guy or a girl." I kissed his forehead and then moved off of him. He watched me move and then pulled the covers over him and blushed.

"Have anything I can get into?" He asked softly.


"Clothes preferably... Maybe something comfortable." I widened my eyes as I realized that I did that with just a blanket between us. I got up quickly and walked over to my wardrobe, reaching in and grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I turned to him and tossed it, putting a hand over my eyes as I turned around to give him some privacy. He changed into the clothes and gave me a whistle when he finished. "Done... thanks for that." He told me and I found him curled up on the bed in my clothes. I smiled and gave him a smile.

"Alright, I have a phone call to make. I think that maybe you need a little guidance and I can hook you up to talk with an Alpha. My twin said he wouldn't mind." I pulled out my phone from my pocket and scrolled to my brother's number and hit dial on it. He answered not too long after a few rings.

"How's he doing?" Paris asked immediately but I could hear he was tired.

"He's fine. He's awake, and he's back to not being a wolf on my bed. I was wondering if you could get that alpha to talk to him?" I asked and turned away from him.

"Alpha Hunter is supposed to be here sometime soon.... I'll let you know when he makes it to the manor and I will arrange for you three to meet." Paris told me. "He just had a baby with his wife..."

"Oh how nice!" I smiled. "He's got to be happy....Oh wait a minute, do you happen to know anything that can make August less sore from being a wolf last night? He complained about that, and he's going to miss school."

"Wolfsbane is a real help... try some Tylenol though.... that might work." Paris suggested.

"Alright, thanks," I said and turned back to August. "Anything else I might need to know about for the care of August?"

"Oh a nice warm bath will help! I've seen them go into baths the next day and not come out for like a hour." Paris laughed. "Oh and you should make sure he gets a good breakfast.... He's worn out from the turn... anything from last night he might have had is long gone in his system... trust me."

"What about general care?" I asked and studied August.

"He's just going to be sore.... tired... I wouldn't be too worried though because now he has some supernatural abilities." He informed me.

"Ok..." I said and went to hang up on him. I smirked as I done so and put the phone back in my pocket. "Alright, bath time," I said and clapped my hands. "Let's go." He looked at me with an raised eyebrow.

"I just got dressed!" He shook his head.

"Oh? Well you can get undressed in the bathroom and take a nice warm bath to sooth those aching bones of yours," I said and walked over, grabbing him and teleporting him to the bathroom. I let go and smirked. "Meanwhile, I'll have Tawnya make you breakfast, and I'll eat a bit from Isabelle."

"You're.... impossible." He mumbled and started to take off the shirt. "I can't believe I have to strip..." He grumbled and then sat on the edge of the tub. I smirked and snapped my teeth playfully before walking towards the door to go see if I could get Isabelle to let me feed off of her.