Complicated Relations

Raven's POV:

I woke up with a start and immediately felt guilty for leaving Austin like that on his couch after he let me drink his blood. I looked around and winced. He didn't even get to go to his bed... I should have at least taken him there. Slowly, I got up and placed my feet on the floor. He might not be awake yet.... I could go over there and make up for it. I blushed and stood up, going over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans, and a Fall Out Boy tee, changing into it as I slipped on my converse. I smiled and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and put my hair up into a pony tail. When I finished, I glanced over my work and smiled. Perfectly casual....

After teleporting to Austin's home, I looked around and smiled when I saw him on the couch, so I walked over to him and grabbed the note I left, crumbling it up. "Be right back," I whispered and leaned in, kissing his cheek. He's going to be hungry when he wakes up, and I can make sure he eats well by making him something. It's not like cooking is lost on me. After all, I lived by myself for a very long time without any help from anybody. I smirked as I glanced around his well furnished kitchen. I can do something great with this for him. The pans were easy to find, and he had everything in a nice order, so I found it easy to navigate his kitchen. I ended up making him scrambled eggs using a cast iron skillet, a side of bacon and got him a glass of orange juice. Smiling softly, I took it out to him and set it on the coffee table. "Austin?" I called, gently trying to wake him up. He looked so peaceful that I didn't want to disturb him, but I wanted him to eat. I needed to make sure he would be fine with my own eyes, to take care of him till he was better. I giggled and leaned in, kissing his cheek. "Time to wake up sweetie." He grumbled and turned over a bit.

"What are you doing here?" He mumbled to me but didn't look over towards me. "What time is it? I have to get going soon...." He informed.

"Go where?" I asked. It wouldn't be good for him to go somewhere probably....Not until I see what kind of state he's in. "I made you breakfast."

"I don't eat breakfast..." He sighed. "It hurts my stomach." He rolled over and looked at me finally.

"Well, after last night, I think that you need to at least try to eat. You have to replenish in order to stay healthy....and I took a lot from you, so yes, you need to try." I gave him the best serious look I could.

"I love you... but I don't eat until around lunchtime..." He sat up then and ran his fingers through his hair. Rolling my eyes, I got up and picked up the food.

"Fine, I'll eat it." I grabbed the fork and took a bite of the food, watching him. He smiled innocently towards me and stood up. He stretched then headed towards a bedroom door.

"Tell me how it tastes okay?" He asked.

"It tastes amazing! You should have eaten it!" I shouted after him in slight irritation. He laughed under his breath and shut the door behind him. I took a deep breath and started to finish the food then took the plate to the kitchen, washing the mess I made and put his kitchen back in order. Why didn't he tell me sooner that he doesn't eat breakfast.....I would have done something else....Like waited till lunch and brought him a bagel or something. He came back out of the room half an hour later. He was fresh- just out of the shower and gave a small smile. He had dressed up for something... He walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks anyways for the effort... I have to go now."

"Where are you going?" I asked and crossed my arms for effect.

"Out of course." He teased me. "To college then after that I have to go to work." He kissed my lips softly and pulled back as he grabbed a bag on the counter. Frowning, I watched him. Should I let him go? He seems to be doing alright...

"Do you have any vitamins?" I asked and smiled at him. He nodded and smirked.

"Took one already. Do you want to come to college with me?" He tilted his head. "I'm sure no one will mind." I widened my eyes. T-to college? Isn't that the place humans go to after high school and so on and so forth.... I was thinking about checking it out, but....I guess going with him won't hurt anything. I nodded and blushed a bit as I reached out and hugged him.

"Sure, someone has to make sure that you eat lunch."

"I have friends... don't worry." He wrapped his arm around my neck. "So your up for hell?"

"Hell huh? I've been to hell and back," I told him and laughed. "I'm sure that college is not hell...."

"With the preps breathing down your back and the jocks looking for a prank on the innocent.... Hmmm... I think it is." He walked me towards the door. I widened my eyes and paused. I didn't bring his motorcycle yet....I hope he's not thinking that's how he's getting there. He walked me out of the building and towards a garage across the street and he walked in with me. He walked towards a red mustang and pulled out keys. "Come on." Oh...we're fine then. I smiled innocently at him and got in the passengers seat.

"I'll bring the bike back this afternoon," I told him.

"That's fine." He got into the drivers seat and we was off before I got my seatbelt on.

" they mess with you?" I asked as I finished putting my seatbelt on and looked up at him.

"Use to." He smirked at me. He put on his seat belt then. "Then I got the captain good. You see if you take out the leader then they all fall." Ooh.....Makes sense. I nodded and giggled.

"What'd you do to the captain?"

"I took a few classes and then when I got the first shot I took it. He came out with five stitches and a broken nose." He shook his head and loosened his grip on the wheel a bit to flex his fingers.

"Maybe they should watch out some.... I think that maybe you might have been able to take that newborn out just a bit before he'd be able to get you," I said and smirked. So Austin fights....interesting.

"I don't really raise my fist much anymore..." He whispered.

"Still," I said and glanced out the window. "I don't know if that really leaves you...unless you get out of shape." My first and final boyfriend before Austin used to fight a lot....He'd take on werewolves for fun. Suicidal maniac.

"I don't know... I haven't been going to the gym much." He teased. "But I do insane things all the time with my friends that involve being in shape... so I suppose I still got it." He looked at me then at the road. I smirked and looked over at him.

"Hmmm....You should watch out then...There might be a big scary vampire one day that will just...get you," I joked and let him see my fangs for a moment before looking out the window.

"I'm not that scared... I've made it this far." He told me and stopped at a red light.

"You've probably got....How old are you?" I asked and smiled at him.

"Early twenties." He shrugged and rolled the windows down to let in the cold winter air of Maine. There was ice on the street today and snow was piled up on the sides of the road.

"I estimate....fifty...sixty years?" I hope that the snow doesn't melt before the afternoon... I kind of want to make a snowman. I giggled and looked at the white fluffy cold snow in interest.

"It's about time it's snowed." He scoffed. "It's November for hecks sake." He shook his head as he mumbled about the snow then. Was he changing the subject? I believe he was. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes and smiled softly.

"Wanna make a snowman later?" I asked quietly.

"I guess.... I never made one before." He blushed then. I'm gonna get him good. I giggled as I thought about it. I'm so gonna bombard him with snowballs. He's going to be running for his life when I'm done. I smirked and watched him. I'll get him at the end of his school day. I'll get him good right outside the doors. He parked on the college campus parking lot and got out then shut the door behind him. He grabbed his bag out of the back and a coat since he didn't have one on earlier. He was prepared. He glanced around the lot at the people hanging out before class. Most were having snowball fights. Aw....that takes the edge of surprise off for later. I pouted and got out of the car. Well...maybe I can still get him... I glanced at him over my shoulder then bent down and picked up a handful of the snow, starting a snowball. I giggled and turned to him.

"So...ever been in a snow fight?" I asked as I raised my hand with the snowball and prepared to throw it at him. He was about to answer when suddenly he was bombarded with snowballs from a group of students a few feet away and they laughed at him. He had screamed and ducked into the car from it and crawled over to my side and got out then started to load up on snowballs.

"WE GOT YOU SURROUNDED!" One of the girls in the group yelled as they were loading up theirselfs.

"Meet my college friends." Austin informed me then started to toss the snowballs towards them as they were sneaking around the car to attack him. I giggled and tossed my snowball at Austin, hitting him on his back. Hah, if they are his friends, I will join them! He gasped and then turned to me. "Traitor!" He teased and pinned me against the car then. His friends got to him then and attacked him with a few more before they let him free of their aim of fire and headed off to another car that had pulled up. I giggled as I watched them go. They seem like fun! I looked up at Austin and smirked, stealing a kiss. He kissed me back then dropped a snowball on the top of my head and stepped back. He laughed softly and locked up his car while I was gasping out of shock. I glared at him and bent down, getting more snow and stood up to throw more snow at him. I hit him in the face and then widened my eyes. Oops. I bit my bottom lip as I giggled and started to back away in case he got mad. He whipped off his face and glared at me. "Seriously?" He asked and then stuffed his keys in his pockets. He turned to watch his friends and leaned up against his car. I walked over and leaned against him as I wrapped an arm around him.

"I never said I could aim, now did I?" I laughed a little and looked up at him. "Sorry about the face."

"I'll get you back for it later." He whispered to me and wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his warmth.

"You can try," I teased and looked up at him with a smirk.

"No... I will when we are camping this weekend." He checked the time on his phone just as his friends were coming back to us without snowballs in their hands and they pilled around us.

"Who's this?" One of the girls asked. She was Chinese looking and had long straight- black hair. Her eyes promised life but her scent was strange to me... It reeked up supernatural. She held out a hand to me. "I'm Akane!" She informed.

"This is Raven my girlfriend... She's going to follow me around today. Raven these are my friends-" I noticed Vincent was in the group and gave a smirk to me.

"Hey Raven!" Vincent pulled me into a hug before Akane could shake my hand. I giggled and hugged him back.

"Nice to see you Vincent!" I looked up at him and pulled away to shake Akane's hand, making sure to give her a sweet smile. "I like your name. It's interesting," I told her and tilted my head a bit. I wonder why she smells like she does... She wasn't the only one that smelled funny. Before I could focus on the scent though I felt a surge of a death like threat shake my body but it was only a warning feeling and it wouldn't affect me physically. She pulled back then and smirked.

"I like your girlfriend." She told Austin and then moved back to take out her phone as it started to ring. "Got to take this!" She walked away and answered it. The scent entered my body that I had gotten earlier and it was wolf.

"My name is Linda!" I heard a girl shout and pull me into a hug. She was loaded with the stench of wolf. "I hope we can be friends. He doesn't date often!" She told me and pulled back. She was a pretty blonde and had amazing brown eyes that also had a sunset look in them. "We can right?"

"I'm Trent and this is Tyler." A boy spoke up behind her and pushed her aside. He shook my hand and I noticed the two were twins. They both hair curly brown hair and a southern accent as well as dress to them. Tyler gave me a shy wave. They were both werewolves.

"I'm Axel." A red haired boy said as he came out from behind the car and was tucking keys into his pockets. He looked Chinese and smelled like Akane. "Got a light?" He asked and leaned up against the car as he looked me over. "Akane is my sister. Were from China... where are you from?" I widened my eyes. Uhh....How do I answer that? I pretty much lived everywhere in Europe and here.....The only places I haven't really been too have been India and places in Africa. Where did I come from? I won't seem like it if I tell him.... Just tell him I came from here. I glanced at Austin and smiled, turning back to Axel.

"Here," I said simply.

"She lives over in Franklin." Austin told him.

"Nice town.." Axel gave a nod then turned his attention towards Akane as she walked up and gave a smile towards him.

"We have to go over to York tonight." Akane told him.


"Because I said so." She tucked her phone into her back pockets and linked arms with Linda. "Let's head in... I'm cold." She glanced around at everyone. They all started for the doors of a building near by and Austin moved off his car to follow. I bit my bottom lip. I feel like Akane doesn't like me too well already....

"Hey, Austin? I remembered.... I have something to do," I said softly and looked at him. "I'll be back later, I promise."

"Sure. I'll see you later then." He kissed the top of my head. "Have fun with whatever you are up to." He winked at me and started to the building. I watched him go and then glanced around to make sure no one could see me before teleporting back to the manor. I walked in and went to my room, grabbing a coat and putting it on as I grabbed Austin's motorcycle keys. Taking them, I went out to the garage to return it to him before I would get too busy.

Lauren's POV:

Benjamin sighed as he saw Elizabeth sitting on the couch in the living room. We had already gotten ready for college and said our goodbyes to Ellie. "Lizzy, I thought you went home last night. You can't be here while I'm gone." She raised an eyebrow and sipped on a glass of orange juice.

"Why not? You can trust me," she started, but Benjamin waved her off.

"No, you can't be here. I don't want you in here snooping around while I'm at college. Besides, there is a little girl here now, and I don't want you scaring her. You have your own home." She frowned and looked out the window.

"You're cruel.... I just wanted to see you this morning," she whined and took another sip.

"Why didn't you go home last night? This isn't a motel." I snapped at her and adjusted my bag on my shoulders. I was in no mood for her this morning.

"Says Miss Sleazy over here," she muttered. "Tell me, since when have you been letting trash off the streets sleep in your bed Benjamin?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"She's not trash off the streets. You shouldn't judge others before you get to know them Lizzy," he told her sternly. She looked at him and stood up, walking over to him after setting her glass down.

"Benny," she said with a come hither look in her eyes. "You know that I'd do anything for you." I dropped the bag and then started to walk towards her.

"Let me try to put this down for you sweetly." I started as I got closer to her. "If you don't get out of this house... I'll break your legs first." I looked at her legs and then started glancing up her body. "Then I'll start shaving off your hair. You don't want to know what comes after that." I told her. "I have friends that like to play with electric chairs." She raised an eyebrow at me and then looked at Benjamin.

"Benny....You can't possibly be serious about this one... She's just a terrible, ill-bred thing off the street. You don't need that in your life....You belong with me, not this...this garbage that you've found in your bed. Besides, I bet that she's slept with countless people. It's not like you are the first to fall for her nasty little tricks. Benny...come back to me. We'll be the king and queen of this town like we used to be. Remember how much fun we had?" She smiled at him sweetly then and had a tone to her voice that struck a chord in me. She was openly flirting with my mate and trash talking me. I looked towards Benjamin and raised an eyebrow.

"Can I drain her?" I asked in annoyance. He took a deep breath and looked her over.

"Lizzy, we are over. I've told you this. We didn't connect, and I don't appreciate you talking about my girlfriend like that. If you don't leave.... I'm not going to be responsible for what Lauren does." She scoffed and put a hand on her hip.

"Ben, you've got to be joking. There's no way you'd treat me like this," she said angrily.

"Oh he's treating you like this." I told her. "We have something together you will never have with him. Now get out of the house." I pointed to the door. I was tempted to expose my fangs at her to give an extra boost.

"You don't tell me what to do," she hissed out at me and then started to walk towards Benjamin. "Benny, please don't do this," she said softly. "You don't want me to go....You need me." He shook his head as she got close and as she reached up to touch the side of his face, he grabbed her hand and lowered hers.

"No, I actually want to. You've been treating all my past girlfriends terribly, and even my maid is scared of you. You bring disaster with you everytime you come over, and you just used me when we were dating. If you think that there is anyway that I would come back to you now, you're wrong. You either need to go, or you're going to get what's coming to you. You've got an angry girl behind you who is ready to tear you to pieces, and the only thing that is holding her back is the fact that she doesn't want to anger me." Her eyes widened and she looked at him in devastation.

"Benny...I can't leave you," she whispered.

"Well then your going to get an awful awakening in a minute." I snapped and sat on the edge of the couch as I watched her carefully. He shook his head at her and tightened his grip on her hand, starting to lead her to the door.

"I'm going to have the locks changed tonight. This coming over uninvited is going to stop Lizzy. This is the last time you disrespect the ones in my household." She tried to get her hand back, but he didn't let go and opened the door, setting her outside and shutting it in her face. I smirked and walked over to my dufflebag and picked it up then carried it to the door.

"I'll see you at school." I told him and started to leave him. He bit his bottom lip as he watched me.

"I better not find blood on my front porch," he warned.

"Then control your ex," I snapped and walked out then and headed for my car without a glance around for the maniac. I walked up to it then reached into my pocket and dug around for my keys. I found them then unlocked my car and put the bag in the back and crawled into the drivers seat. I turned on the heat then shut the door. I looked over the house in front of me once before driving off for the gas station not too far away to get some gas. When I reached it I parked by a gas pump and climbed out to pump my car up with a full tank. I paid with a credit card and had her filling up within seconds. I looked around me in wonder at the people that could be near by. I spotted a guy looking at me from the next pump over. He smirked when we made eye contact and he waved.

"Hey, got a smoke?" He asked and put the pump back up and shut his gas tank.

"Sorry... I don't smoke." I told him as I flittered my eyes across the parking lot once and noticed a couple of teenagers hanging out near a car. He glanced over at them and then looked at me, curiosity in his eyes.

"Vampire huh?" He asked and tilted his head a bit. His dark eyes glanced me up and down and he smirked.

"Excuse me?" I asked and then heard my pump click to the max. I took it out and shut my gas tank as I put up the pump. "Nice meeting you." I told him and pulled my car door open to get in.

"I'll be seeing you," he said and made an 'I'm watching you' sign with his eyes. I hesitated as I climbed into my car. What the hell... Is he a hunter? Should I follow and kill him before he kills me? I studied his face and lowered down into the seat. I should tell Paris. I shut my car door and buckled up. I pulled out my phone and locked my car doors. I dialed up his number as I watched the man.

"Paris' hot line how may I escort you to safety?" I heard him ask.

"Paris! There is a dude standing a pump down from me at a gas station and he just asked if I was a vampire and then he told me he would be seeing me. What should I do?" I asked.

"I don't know.. I have to go... I'm getting on a plane. I'll send someone from the pack to watch you though if you want."

"I don't need babysitting!" I hung up on him. I glanced back at the man and saw him pull out a cigarette from in his jacket and lit it, starting to smoke as he leaned up against his car. He pulled out his phone and started to text someone as he pulled out a thing of skittles and started eating them. I decided to act like a normal human. I pulled the car over to a parking spot and got out. I locked up my car and headed into the gas station to act like I was going in to get something... I kept my eyes on him though as I walked around the station and waited for him to leave. I tried to make it out like I was deciding on what to get. After a few minutes, I saw someone appear beside him and take his skittles, starting to eat them. He seemed slightly irritated, but he didn't do anything as he turned to the girl and started to talk to her. I grabbed a monster drink from in the cooler and then turned to get some hot fries... it was something I seen my friends get all the time to eat. I paid for them then headed for my car. A few teenagers from the group ran up to me then.

"Excuse me miss? Can I get a picture with your car?" A young looking boy asked me as he dragged another guy with him. I caught a familiar scent and froze up as I noticed one was a werewolf.. A black haired werewolf that smelled very familiar.. I noticed a bite on his neck and raised an eyebrow as I recognized it as Paris.. Or was it Paris? Paris wouldn't mark a werewolf... He has Richard... The black haired boy tensed up as he smelled me and gasped lightly.

"You." He muttered. I backed up quickly.

"Hey, hey, hey, let's not bombard the poor lady," I heard from beside me. I recognized the voice as the creepy man's. He had brought the girl over and was staring down the werewolf boy. " must be August," he muttered to himself.

"Who the hell are you and how do you know my name?' The black haired boy asked as he was seriously tensed now. I looked towards the creep by me and narrowed my eyes slightly then looked back at the hormonal boy. His friends were human but he wasn't.... I can't leave him here alone if this guy by me is a hunter. They liked to experiment with wolves just as much as they liked to hunt vampires.

"Friend of Louis's, don't worry about it," the guy said and grinned as he looked him over. "I heard that he got a new friend, but I didn't think it would be someone so young like you. Pleasure meeting you. I'm Dante," he greeted and extended his hand towards the boy. August wrinkled up his nose and backed away from the guy.

"Let's go James... we can get pictures later." August promised his friend.

"But GUS!" James cried out. "I just want one picture."

"One won't hurt. I don't mind." I told them as I glanced at Dante and caught a sniff of him... he's a vampire. I relaxed then as I didn't feel that threatened by him anymore.

"AWESOME! THANKS MISS!" James handed his phone to me and ran over to my car to pose by it. August nervously walked over to stand near him and I walked into a good angle and took a picture of James by my car.

"There you go." I handed him his phone. Dante watched them and looked over at the girl who had stolen his skittles.

"Hey, come on. We have more looking around to do," he told her and started to lead her away. I handed August my monster and then James the hot fries.

"Here you go, enjoy." I gave them a wave as I headed for my car. "See you around August!" I yelled to him and laughed as I got into my car.

"IT'S GUS!" August called to me. "Friends call me Gus!" He informed and held up the monster drink in thanks. I drove off then after giving a wave. I felt better about my safety. Things were- I slammed on my breaks as it hit me then. Louis. Louis was Benjamin's master! I rolled down the windows as my car was sliding on the ice into a ditch but I didn't care as I was panicking.

"What!? Friends of Louis- is this town loaded with friends of Louis?! Is Louis some big shot vampire? Do I need to seriously look into it or am I just over reacting? After all that boy Gus is a werewolf! He's friends with a guy named Louis. Louis... Paris..." I bit my bottom lip. "Their names are too similar...Friends? Was that meaning... more? Was he covering the meaning because there was a human near by? If he was that means that Paris is not his mate definitely... That means Louis is and that means... THEIR RELATED?!" I hit my head against the wheel as I finally crashed into the ditch. "I've got to tell Paris! I have to tell him what I seen!" I grabbed my phone and dialed up his number but it went straight to voicemail. "PARIS!" I screamed. It should work.... come on.... appear.... I crossed my fingers but only found silence. My phone buzzed then as a text came through. I looked at it quickly only to frown. ALEX. I got out of the car then and fell over into the snow. I groaned and rolled over onto my back. "Benjamin will have to explain to me then!" I yelled out to the cold hard wind against my skin. I heard a car coming, and coincidentally, it was Benjamin's. He was on his way to school now and he hit his breaks when he saw me in the street. He got out quickly and ran up to me, screaming my name.

"LAUREN! WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE YOU OK?!" He kneeled down next to me and was looking me over, thinking I got seriously hurt in an accident.

"Oh I'm fine." I told him and pushed him back. "WHO'S LOUIS?!" I asked and then sat up as I glared him down. "Is he Paris' twin?" I asked quickly. "Older brother maybe?" He frowned as the name of Paris was lost on him.

"L-Louis is my maker.... I don't know anything about a Paris besides the one in France that's a city.....What happened? You weren't curious about him before...." He glanced around as if he'd see the explanation for why he was being questioned.

"Does he have a mate?" I asked and started to relax slightly.

"Not that I know of," he said and laughed a bit. "Unless he got one last night, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have one." I nodded slightly and then grabbed him quickly and reached into his pockets and snatched out his phone. I unlocked it easily and started for his contacts. "H-hey, what are you doing?" He asked and started to reach for his phone. I got to Louis' name and called him up then and ran from Benjamin.

"Benjamin, what is it? It's early, and I'm trying to enjoy a peaceful morning," I heard someone say on the other side.

"Louis? Who is-" I heard a girl start, but she was cut off.

"Shhh, go check on the newborns," Louis told her.

"Listen carefully and answer me fully with truthful answers." I stated as I looked behind me to check on Benjamin. He just stood there in the snow, looking a bit hurt as he watched me.

"Who is this?" Louis sounded upset and a bit angry.

"Lauren." I stated. "Do you have a mate?" I asked quickly.

"Where's Benjamin? Is this a hunter? I'll have you know that I'll have your head on a plate if you have touched either Benjamin or my mate," he said. He was clearly pissed now.

"You have a mate." I loosened the grip on his phone a bit as I stopped running. "And your twin... Is he Paris?" I heard a footstep behind me and suddenly sensed a larger presence, that of a pureblood.

"Just who...are you?" I heard from both on the phone and from behind me. I turned to face him then and gasped as I looked him over... Paris? No... This isn't Paris.... I took a step back. He's my enemy.... He glanced behind him and smiled when he saw Benjamin. "There you are... You let a girl get your phone? I thought I taught you better than that." He laughed and dropped his phone in the snow and started to walk to Benjamin then stopped when he caught his smell. "Ben....and-" He turned and looked at me with wide eyes. "You and...this girl." I hung up the phone and tossed it to Benjamin. I can't let Louis know exactly who's side I truly am on... I can't let either of them know. I walked towards Benjamin and smiled sweetly as I wrapped my arms around him then innocently.

"Oh yeah! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" I told him and tried to fix up what I just done moments before. He raised an eyebrow and wiped at his lips. That's when I noticed that he had recently been eating. There was blood all over his chin. "I just met your mate." I pointed towards the gas station. "Just had to make some connections is all." I kissed Benjamin on the cheek.

"August?" He looked over at the gas station then at me, narrowing his eyes. "You're a strange one.... Benjamin, don't let another person take your phone from you, or I'll have to punish you," he said and smirked at him. Benjamin shuddered beside me.

"It won't happen again sir-"

"What'd I tell you about the sir business? Just call me Louis. After all, you are my favorite newborn that I made this year," he said and laughed a bit as he licked the blood off his hand from where he had wiped off his mouth.

"Baby I'm going to get my car out of the ditch now and get going." I told Benjamin and nodded towards Louis. "Pleasure meeting you." I brushed past them and went to the back of my car so I could drag it out.

"Benjamin, I need you to come by later today. We need to have a talk....After all, I didn't expect you to find your mate after being a month old....Guess I need to have the talk with you," he said and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, and you've been skipping out on your training, and you've neglected to tell me the last time you ate. I can't have you running around and attacking the humans around here....That's for later." He laughed and glanced down at his feet, realizing they were bare. "Oh...." I paled. Have..... the.... talk? Not the mate talk! No! I looked at Benjamin and shivered. He doesn't need to know! I pulled out the car then. I felt my phone go off in my pocket as a call was coming in so I checked it and seen Paris calling me. I widened my eyes and put it into my pocket. I looked back up at them before going to the car door and opening it back up. Man Paris is going to be mad if I don't answer him soon.... Louis leaned in and whispered something to Benjamin then disappeared, leaving Ben alone to go back to his car and get in. I watched as he started to drive off, going around me to make sure he got to school on time. I looked over at Louis' phone on the ground then walked over to it and picked it up. I put it in my pocket and pulled out mine to answer Paris.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked.

"How are you?" He asked. "You just called so I got worried."

"I'm fine. I got some good news for you. The hunter turned out to be a vampire who is a friend of Louis' and guess who's my mates maker?"


"Your twin."

"WHAT OH HELL NO!" I heard some glass break.

"Hey, Richard speaking for the house of insanity. How may we help you today? Want fries with that burger?" He laughed softly and I could tell he wasn't concerned yet. "So what'd you do to Paris? He's freaking out and there is glass at my feet now. I've even got a few cuts on me from him breaking that glass."

"My mate's maker is his twin." I informed Richard and then walked over to my car. I sat on the hood as I took out Louis' phone and examined it.

"Oh....Well life's not perfect, is it? No wonder why he freaked out.....After all...He was going on and on about how Louis was going to kill him and I was going to be torn apart by wolves last night. This probably shocked him back into it again...." He sounded slightly exhausted.

"What should I do? I mean.. He's my mate! He can't easily run from Louis... and I don't want to leave Paris and you for the bad side..." I mumbled the last part as I looked at my feet.

"How about we have a little chat- just from one to another? I think it's about time that I get to know Paris's trusted girls that have been running around the manor since I've been back." I heard him laugh a little. "Look, it's not going to be easy. Every relationship has it's complications. I've had mine. Paris and I ended up killing our parents- though they were terrible and we hated their guts.....Stick by your mate. Support him. Trust that it's going to be alright and don't worry too much about it. Enjoy your time with him because each moment is precious. We lose sight of that as immortals, but it's what makes humans so interesting. I'm sure that in the end, it'll be alright. You don't have to leave us because of who your mate is. Paris will be more understanding in a few moments when he's done freaking out. Your mate will probably be released after the war, and I will make sure that when we win, he won't be harmed. He can be a POW for a bit if we get him during the battle. I will make sure no one hurts him, just maybe subdue him. When Louis loses, he'll either be killed and your mate will be released automatically, or Louis will become Paris's prisoner and I'll force him to release your mate." I gave a small nod.

"Okay...Should I keep it a secret from him that I am on your side?" I asked as I hopped off my hood and got into the car. I started to drive to the college campus then.

"Well, that's up to you Lauren. What risks do you want to take for your mate? Do you want to be honest with him and earn his trust? Or do you want to try to protect yourself and him from the knowledge that you two are on opposite sides? He will find out eventually though, so take that into mind. I'm sure that if you tell him, he won't be upset with you. He will probably try to worry over it and wonder what he's supposed to do to protect you."

"I should just tell him..." I mumbled as I laid my head back. "Do you have any idea how hard it will be?" I closed my eyes for a second. "I don't want to have Louis accidentally find out though... It might end badly."

"It probably would if he found out....Like I said, trust your mate. You've got to trust that he'll do right by you and will not tell Louis about who's side your on. The only thing is is that Louis might get curious and force him to tell him.....Then again, he might plant a seed of doubt in him and get him questioning you if you don't tell him," Richard said and I heard him sigh.

"I'm going to hang up now and think about it.. tell Paris I said it will be fine." I pulled my phone away from my ear and hung up then sat it down in the passenger seat. I sighed and looked towards the road then. I'm going to have to make a huge decision... Do I trust my mate enough to tell him? I flexed my fingers as I pulled up in the parking lot of the campus and climbed out. I grabbed my book bag then shut the car door behind me and locked up.