The Vampire With Fire

Louis' POV:

I sat down in the library and pulled my journal into my lap, making another entry as I updated what was happening in my life right now. I kept journals to help me remember moments in time.... I never wanted to forget something, so I had a whole shelf dedicated to my memories. I smirked as I finished and put it on the nearby shelf and glanced around, spotting a Twilight book. I froze. What's that doing here.... I reached up and grabbed it in disgust. Sparkling vampires.... I shook my head and turned to the fireplace, throwing it in and watching it catch on fire and burning up into gorgeous embers. Good riddance. I glanced over the shelves and then walked out of the library, going to my study where I found a few letters on my desk. I sighed and sat down, opening the first one- one from a vampire named Dante. I glanced over it and saw that he was offering his services to me and his army. Oh? I think I remember Dante.....He was that prince I met once....My brother doesn't know him, so this is good. I smirked and set the letter aside. He's in town and says he will be stopping by soon. Great... Another one on my side. I picked up another letter and saw that it was from the Prince of Australia addressing me to tell me he was in on the war. I laughed softly. I think the last time I saw him...he was boxing with a kangaroo.... That guy.. is slightly bonkers. I set it aside and smirked. My brother doesn't know what's coming for him. I turned on my computer and started to play bubble shooter on it as I thought about what I was going to do. I needed someone to fashion me a battle outfit soon... I can get Isabelle to get someone on that. Then I need to pick a place to actually have the showdown with my brother. Little attacks here and there isn't going to cut it. Oh, and I need to put those hunters back in their places. I still haven't done that yet. I laughed a bit. I can't wait to see their faces. I'll find that one named Cross too....He's going to get the worst of it. I could go do that now actually.... Naw, I'll let it sit for a bit....riiiight after this level.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Isabelle walked in and smiled at me sweetly then saw what I was doing. "Louis...I thought you were working. This is playing, not working," she scolded. I raised an eyebrow at her and sat back in my desk chair with a smirk.

"So? I can do what I want. I finished looking at the letters already. We now have two new armies at our disposal. Oh, I need you to find me someone to design the battle outfit for me, will you? I want it in my wardrobe in the next two weeks. I also want you to send someone out to pick up some weapons I procured for our army that we are making, and I want you, my sweet Isabelle, to go out and get August a new car. Use the account that I have for my own personal uses....Make sure it's a good car too, not used or anything. Oh, and get one of the rooms werewolf proofed. I want to make sure that we can place him somewhere if he gets unmanageable. After all, if he's going to be here more often and he's supposed to grow, he'll need his own room for when he changes. I want you to also stock the refrigerator with fresh meat as well- choice cuts." She nodded and started to scribble it all down into a notebook that was inside her jacket.

"Anything else?"

"If August comes here tonight, bring him to me. Oh, and I want someone to be updated at all times on whether or not there is any new vampires coming to town that haven't informed me of their arrival. We've got to keep an eye on my twin. He's pretty crafty when he wants to be." I smirked and went back to playing bubble shooter as she finished writing it down then walked out. It was after nine when the doors opened and August walked in. He looked like a mess as his hair was messy and his clothes were a bit ripped up. There was mud on the side of his face.

"I had a hell of a day," He started as he walked in. I took the final shot to win the level of bubble shooter and smirked.

"Oh?" I asked and glanced over at him as I progressed to the next one. "You look like you got in a fight or had a killer party that you attended," I commented as I looked back at the screen. I wonder what happened to him....

"Something like that." He walked over to me and then sat down in my lap. "Apparently I have trouble controlling myself around jocks and I got into a fun fight... then got kicked out of school for the week." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. Got kicked out of school? I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes, slightly concerned.

"Kicked out huh? I can get someone to tutor you while you are suspended," I said and started working on winning again.

"Don't worry about it." He kissed my cheek again and then got off me. "I thought I would come hang out with you... but if you are going to ignore me then I will just head home and get yelled at by my parents." He headed for the door. I took a deep breath. Hormonal teenagers.... I teleported in front of him and smirked.

"Ignore you? If you wanted more should have said so. I would have stopped with the bubble shooter," I said and walked towards him. He raised an eyebrow and growled playfully at me.

"Come closer and you'll get it." He warned and stuck out his tongue. I smirked, taking him up on the challenge. I teleported behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my face into the crook of his neck and let my breath tickle him as I sharpened my fangs. I teased him by touching my needle like fangs to the mark on his neck and smirked. He tensed up at my touch and let a moan slip out before he bit his bottom lip to smoother it. "Louis!" He gasped out. His body's temperature was rising up.

"Yes August? Something wrong? I distinctly remember being threatened by you," I whispered and teased him some more as I kissed the mark on his neck.

"I- I... I just..." He couldn't find the words as he shuttered under me from my teasing. Definitely a hormonal teenage werewolf.... I laughed darkly and moved to the other side of his neck and kissed him there as I tightened my hold on him. His knees buckled under him and he started to fall down. "Louis please!" I caught him and held him up as I smirked.

"Please what?"

"I don't understand what's happening to me." He mumbled. I raised an eyebrow and turned him around so that he was facing me. I looked down at him as I kept my fangs sharpened and gave him a look over.

"What do you mean?" I asked and watched him closely. Is he referring to suddenly liking a guy...or is he talking about being a werewolf? Maybe he's talking about his reactions to being kissed on his neck? Maybe it has something to do with having a vampire as his mate? There's a lot of things going on with him right now.... He blushed a bright red and looked away from me. He wasn't going to come out and tell me. "Are you embarrassed?" I whispered to him and tilted my head before leaning in and stealing a kiss. Cutie.

"N-No..." He pulled from the kiss and tried to push me off. "I'm not embarrassed." He looked down then.

"Is it something to do with being a werewolf? Or is it that your confused about being a teenager? Or maybe it's the fact that you suddenly find yourself in a predicament where there's a vampire that has marked you as his?" I smirked and kept him close, not letting him push me away just yet.

"It's just I don't know how I feel about this... It feels funny...." He told me and looked up at me. "Your turning me on and I don't know if that is natural or not." Hormonal teenage werewolf boy...just my luck. I laughed a bit and leaned down, kissing his forehead.

"Well... I can answer that question for you. If you weren't being turned on by me kissing your neck, something would have to be wrong," I whispered in his ear. He shifted in my arms and tried to put space between us.

"Is that bad?" He asked suddenly.

"That you are getting turned on by me? No," I said softly and moved my head back from his ear to look at him. "You're my mate after all."

"Well...." He blushed and leaned in to kiss me. At least he wasn't trying to kill me. I kissed him back and let him lead in the kiss so that I wouldn't go too far like after I marked him. He kissed me lightly at first but started to deepen the kiss and pushed his tongue into my mouth to explore. Wait...what. I looked at him in slight shock and then closed my eyes as I caught his tongue and started to gently suck on it, giving him a thrill. He moaned loudly as I started to suck on it and he pressed his body against mine where I could feel him aroused. I felt my cheeks heat up in just the slightest bit and then I started to pull us back to my desk and sat down in my desk chair, putting him in my lap as I wrapped my arms around him. I pulled back from the kiss to let him breath for a moment as I trailed kisses from his lips down to his neck. He wrapped his arms around my neck and started to curl my hair around his fingers. He leaned his head back slightly and moaned from the kisses. Smirking, I decided to surprise him with a love bite and started lightly sucking on his skin right above his shirt collar. He jumped a bit on me from the love bite when I started and gasped. He let my hair go and brought his hands down to my shoulders and I felt him dig sharp nails into my skin. I bit my bottom lip as I pulled back from the hickie and tried to keep in a groan as he dug his nails in. I looked up at him and then kissed under his jaw, slowly working my way back to his lips as I slipped my hand up under his shirt. He jumped once again at my cold skin running up under his shirt. He kissed me back and parted his lips slightly to allow me access in. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and ran my fingers up his spine as I explored his mouth and pressed him to me. His teeth were sharpened at the front- unhuman like and he pulled his head back slightly as I felt his K-9 like teeth. I glanced into his eyes and smirked as I pulled back from the kiss and showed him my fangs in a kind of it's fine...we both have sharp teeth. He glanced at them in awe and then glanced away as he looked embarrassed.

"You can tell me when to stop if you get uncomfortable, you know? I'm not going to go further than you don't want me to," I whispered to him as I went and kissed his cheek. He nodded slowly and went to slide off my lap. I let go of him and took my hand out from in his shirt, sitting back in my seat and watching him. Guess I did go to far then. He sat down on my desk and watched me.

"Who's Dante?" I raised an eyebrow and went back to my computer, switching it to this fish tank game I had gotten for it.

"Dante is a prince that is offering his army to us for a war that I'm waging," I said. "I received his letter from him today. It's on the desk if you'd like to look at it. Why? Did you meet Dante?"

"I met him at a gas station today... I also met a vampire girl there that wasn't with them but she smelled familiar... Like you." August told me. "I can't remember if I caught her name or not though..."

"What'd she look like?" I asked and turned my attention from the fish game to him again.

"Oh she was about... Five feet... Little over five feet... Five four maybe... Uhmmm... She had really long brown hair! It was cool because it reached her knees. She was in a red car." August told me.

"Sounds like you met Benjamin's mate as well today. I met her outside the gas station after she had gone into the ditch. She pretty much called me using one of my newborn's phones, mentioned you." I smirked and leaned over, kissing his cheek.

"She seemed nice." August mumbled. "Why do we have to go to war?" I paused then.

"Would you like me to share with you some of my memories again? It might make it clearer.... You see, I don't want my brother to hold all the power. I want to be one with him in the end. This war is going to decide what happens in the the world is going to be controlled. Paris and I are fighting for the world and control over it," I said and leaned back in my chair as I looked him over.

"Is he bad?" August asked softly. "Does he have a bad view on what the future holds for this world?" I raised an eyebrow. How am I supposed to answer that.

"I think that I should be in charge, not him. My view is better, and you could say that there are some bad things about him." I glanced over at the fish game and smiled as I saw that there was someone there to buy fish from my aquarium I was running.

"Why can't you two talk this over in peace?" He started to kick his legs back and forth.

"August....I'm tired of being thrown aside. My parents pretty much abandoned me and gave my throne to my brother," I told him and tsked as I propped my head up on my hand. "Maybe I should show you some of my memories..."

"Why would you take it out on your twin though? You two are supposed to be close." He frowned at me. "Just because your parents threw you out doesn't mean you should be mad at him."

"He's the cause of my problems," I said bluntly. "Why clean the house if what is making the house smell is a dead rat?"

"Did you ever wonder why they dissed you." He grumbled and then got off the table.

"Well that's not nice," I muttered and watched him. "You're going to meet Paris anyways. You can judge him for yourself when you see him again. After all, I'm sure you don't remember him too well from yesterday night."

"No... I don't remember him.." He shook his head. He walked over to the couch and took a seat on it as he watched me. "Oh! That reminds me... last night you said that you would ask Paris about A hunter.... Alpha Hunter." I nodded.

"I asked this morning. You will be meeting him as soon as possible. He will attempt to guide you in the wolfy ways," I joked and laughed a little.

"Oh okay." He nodded and laid down on the couch and curled up. "Can you ask Isabelle to cook me something?" I nodded and stood up.

"Isabelle!" She appeared in front of the desk and smiled at me sweetly. "Can you get August something to eat? Oh, and I would like it very much if you would help August out with whatever he needs, like if he's hungry or thirsty and things like that. If it's something questionable like if you can get him alcohol, ask me first." She nodded and looked over at August.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Uhmmm.... I want some steak, potatoes, and I guess some carrots." He gave a nod at the order. "That sounds good actually! Carrots... Steak. Oh and could you get me some tea to drink?" He sat up then. Isabelle raised an eyebrow at him and nodded.

"Alright," she said and walked out of the room.

"OH AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU GET SOMETHING TO EAT!" I shouted after her. "Go hunting!" I turned to August and smirked. "So from now on, Isabelle should respond to you if you call for her while you are here."

"You didn't have to do that!" He teased. He looked around my office then for something to do, finally he took out his phone and headphones and put them together then popped both buds into his ears. I sighed and went back to my fish game. After an hour, Isabelle came back with a tray full of the food he asked for and the tea. She set it down on the couch next to him and smiled sweetly at him.

"There you go August," she said and touched his nose lightly. "You're so cute. Louis is lucky..." She looked up at me and pulled out car keys from inside her pocket and dangled them. "I got the car you wanted." I smirked and stood up, walking over to her.

"Thank you very much Isabelle. You deserve a good hunt," I said and kissed her forehead. She nodded and disappeared. Turning to my mate, I tossed the keys into his lap. "Guess who just got a new car?" He looked at the keys then sat them down beside him as he grabbed the plate and brought it into his lap. He took out his headphones then looked up at me.

"You didn't." He grumbled and took a bite of his steak.

"Oh yes I did," I said and smirked as I crossed my arms.

"I'll never use it." He said stubbornly. I nodded. As soon as I turn my back, he's going to take it out for a spin.

"Ok, if you say so," I said simply and then sat next to him on the couch. He looked at me and backed away with the plate. I raised an eyebrow. Was that dog instinct to protect food? "August I'm not going to take your food. My tastes are"

"You don't have to keep calling me August you know? My friends call me Gus." He put a bite in his mouth. I smiled then and nodded.

"Alright," I said softly. I'm so coming up with a cute nickname for him later when he least expects it. My phone started to go off on my desk then and his head snapped towards it quickly.

"Who's that?" He wondered. I got up and walked over to the phone, sitting down on top of my desk as I picked it up to answer.

"Hello? Louis speaking. This better be important," I said and listened for the person who called.

"This is Alpha Hunter, Paris wanted me to talk to you about your mate." I heard an older sounding male on the other line. I shot my eyes over towards August and then looked down at the floor.

"Yes...Nice to hear from you."

"How does tomorrow sound? I say.... At the theater in Hancock?" He asked suddenly to get down to business.

"Sounds perfect. I'll bring him." I'll just have to make sure he stays long enough. "What time works for you?"

"It's going to have to be early. I'm taking you boys out into the woods so I can give him better pointers. Don't worry... I am under strict orders not to bite either of you." He laughed. I heard August laugh as well. I glanced over at him. Can he actually hear my conversation over here? I suddenly felt uncomfortable, so I turned to where he couldn't see my face. "It's under a truce until Paris gives me orders that the truce is off. Let's make it nine. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow so get some sleep."

"See you at nine then," I said simply. I hung up and put the phone down, turning to look at August. "Can you actually hear that?" I asked quickly.

"My senses have been heightened." He told me as he took another bite of steak. The feeling of uncomfortableness settled down around me worse, and I fidgeted. He laughed about biting me....

"Why'd you laugh about biting then? That's messed up," I said. He better not be planning on biting me for real one day. I'm going to have to start having my phone conversations in another room if I ever want privacy again...

"Oh because he was ensuring that he wouldn't bite you... So that implies that he was worried you would be worried over it and I thought it was funny because you.... freaked out...." He trailed as he was holding his head a bit. "Bath water...." I blushed.

"Do you remember something from last night?" I asked. Please don't be that embarrassing moment with the soap bottle...

"I don't know... I thought I remembered something but I lost it." He rubbed it off and took another bite. "Where was we?"

"I was just about to re-explain to you just how terrible werewolves can be," I told him and stood up, walking over to him. "I need to tell you again so that you will remember. Werewolf bites are highly dangerous to vampires, and it can kill them with just one bite. That's why he promised not to bite me. I would have brought Isabelle and a few others if I was going without him promising, along with a gun." I sat down next to him and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry if I done something bad last night." He mumbled and started to eat the potato. I smirked at that and leaned in, kissing his cheek.

"If you are referring to jumping out of the bathtub last night while I was trying to bathe you, then you are forgiven. Though there was that moment where you playfully messed with me and bit me without breaking the skin." He motioned for me to come closer to him and smirked as he leaned towards me. Curious, I leaned back towards him to see what he wanted. He snapped towards my nose then but didn't bite it. He laughed as he pulled back.

"I think my wolf side likes you Louis.... You should watch out." He pointed the fork at me. I blushed and went back to my side of the couch.

"You were pretty clingy...." I trailed off. He blushed and shoved a bite of carrots into his mouth so he didn't have to respond to me. "Oh, Paris says you need to practice with turning into your wolf form. He said something about how werewolves have to learn to connect with their inner wolf and that transformations get faster with practice. I want you to transform at least twice a week with that in consideration," I told him and glanced over at him with a small smirk. He shook his head quickly then.

"I am not going to do that again free willingly! You have no idea how hard that was for me! I don't even remember it because it was so bad!" He whined out and took another bite. "You try doing it!"

"Twice a week," I repeated, turning to look at him fully now. Does he not understand how important it is for him to do at least that? He's going to probably get forced transformations every once in awhile and I don't ever want to see him in that much pain again. Besides, Alpha Hunter is going to make him transform tomorrow more than likely. He had shifted away from me and looked away to eat in peace.

"No." He said stubbornly.

"TAWNYA!" I shouted. She appeared in front of me and blinked as she saw me sitting next to August.


"I need you to find out about all the packs in the area. Can you do that for me? I need to find a suitable pack for August to join up with." If he won't do it for me, then he will just have to do it in a pack. I can't have him joining my brother's pack though.... She frowned and glanced at him.

"But...isn't he your mate?" She asked softly. I nodded.

"Exactly why I need you to find out about the packs in the area." She looked at me and crossed her arms.

"If he's your mate, shouldn't you be trying to keep him? A pack would take him from you. I know wolves are social creatures, but are you sure that you want me to look into packs around here?" I nodded.

"Yes, absolutely sure. He probably needs it, and if he needs it, then I will drop him off at a pack house," I told her. She tsked and walked out, looking unhappy about it.

"You'll regret it if you do that," she told me as she shut the door behind her. August turned towards me.

"What if I don't want to join a pack?" He wondered. "That sounds like a lot of responsibilities! I'm only seventeen after all!" He shook his head. "Look I'll try transforming more often but don't make me go join a pack!" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"There are werewolves as old as two years old in packs," I informed him. "They're born into it, and I don't hear them complaining."

"Maybe there is a reason why I ended up in the normal family home where nothing supernatural stirs! I'm not meant for one obviously." He crossed his arms.

"Well, all I really wanted you to say is that you would practice your transformations," I said and laughed a little. It occurred to me then that he might have been given to a human family because he looks like a runt....I'm not going to tell him that just yet. He grumbled and started to stuff his face. "Awww is a little werewolf upset?" I teased and scooted closer to him as I sharpened my fangs playfully.

"No!" He barked out at me and got up immediately and walked over to my desk. He sat down on it and watched me. I frowned a bit as I saw him sit on my desk, so I decided to have my fun. I teleported right in front of him, leaving only an inch of space between me and him as I leaned in and kissed his neck. He gasped and sat the plate down by himself and started to shove me away, this time he managed to. Shocked, I stumbled backwards and I stared at him in awe. THE LITTLE TEENAGER WAS ABLE TO SHOVE ME! Is he getting stronger now that he's had his transformation? I frowned a bit. Am I dealing with a growing boy...or a growing wolf? He grabbed his plate and started to eat then as he watched my shocked expression. He gave a innocent smile as he ate.

"Hm....You're getting stronger," I mumbled and walked over to my desk and grabbed a few papers off of it as I looked through them. He moved off the desk and went back to the couch.

"No... I just caught you off guard and got lucky." He told me as he sat. Yeah....I glanced over at him. I'm pretty sure I was prepared for him to shove me.... I will just let him think that then. I will be more careful next time.

"If you say so," I told him and set the papers down. He finished the food up then started on the tea. He drained it within a minute and sat it down then curled up on the couch. He put the headphones back in and closed his eyes. Glancing at the clock, I realized that it was probably past his bedtime. I walked over to him and picked him up cautiously, starting to carry him to the room next to mine as I got us out of the study. He looked up at me suddenly as he noticed he was being carried. He took out one of the headphones.

"Could I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to be alone." He rubbed his hand against my cheek. I considered him for a few moments and then leaned my head into his hand.

"If you promise to behave tomorrow," I told him.

"Define behave?" He smirked.

"Good boy," I smirked back at him. I'm so proud of him. I teleported us to my room and set him down on the bed. "Here you go." He curled up to one of the pillows almost immediately and put the headphone into his ear once again. He started to pass out before getting his headphone in all the way. I shook my head and smiled. He must be really tired then...He probably wouldn't have noticed if I put him in the room right next to mine...except that it wouldn't smell like me as much. He would notice that. I climbed into bed and situated him under the blanket as I got under it and brought him over to me as I closed my eyes. Tomorrow is going to be interesting.... Hopefully I won't get bitten. I'm going to get bit...aren't I?

I woke up as August snapped up quickly by me. The clock said it was around midnight. August crawled out of bed and fell over in the ground. "Louis! Louis it's coming again." He told me as he started heaving. "I don't feel too good." I heard him start puking. Eww... I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly then crawled to the edge of the bed. I looked over it and down at him. I don't have any wolfsbane....Oops.

"I'll...get....Tawnya to get you a puke bucket..." I got up and teleported out of the room, going to Tawyna's room. She screamed as I appeared and threw a pillow at me. "Tawnya... It's just me. I need you to help me. Isabelle is on break for right now, and you know that you are the second person I go to..." She took a deep breath as she flipped the light on and sat up in bed.

"What is it?"

"I need you to go get a puke bucket for August. He's having a transforming fit I think, and he puked all over my floor. I also need you to try to get your hands on some wolfsbane and bring me a cup of water." She nodded and got out of bed, putting on a pair of bunny slippers. I raised my eyebrow at that and teleported back into my room. August was curled up in the floor and holding his stomach from puking.

"Did you get me some pain killers?" He asked softly. He sounded weak and tired. Well....that could work. I teleported out of the room then to the bathroom and started digging around in the medicine cabinet to find some good painkillers and brought them back into my room, appearing by his side. I watched as Tawnya appeared with the bucket and a glass of water. Excellent. She set them down beside me and disappeared to go see about wolfsbane. I gave him some painkillers and helped sit him up as I handed him the glass of water. He took the pain killers and glass then swallowed the pain killers and backed it up with the water. "Thanks...." He mumbled then let out a scream as a bone snapped. "It's coming quicker then last time..." He grumbled and pulled the covers down to him. I gave him an encouraging smile and watched.

"Paris said it would," I told him. "Maybe one day it will just be a second long."

"I would hope so!" He told me and then sat up against the bed. He pulled his knees to his chest. "I feel sick...." He mumbled. I quickly handed him the puke bucket and winced. Please not on the floor again... He took the bucket and puked up in it twice before falling over. He was rolling in and out of consciousness. After about an hour, Tawnya appeared again and held out a basket of wolfsbane to me. I smiled and took it from her.

"Thank you very much Tawnya...Your break is coming soon too, don't worry. I will try not to bother you again tonight. Please get some rest." She smiled at that.

"Thank you," she mumbled and disappeared. I took some out and started grinding it up into the water and then sat him up, bringing it to his lips. He willingly drunk the wolfsbane to the last drop and groaned as he held his stomach. He looked like he was going to puke it up.

"Don't you dare," I told him. He heaved for a few minutes and then stopped looking so sick. He sat up and then crawled into the bed and curled up.

"I feel better...." He mumbled. I nodded and looked down at the basket of left overs. Keeping this for later... I picked it up and placed it on the nightstand then crawled into bed with him.

"Did the whole thing stop?" I asked softly as I got underneath the blanket. He shook his head.

"I think it's on delay." He mumbled. "Wolfsbane works wonders!"

"Ok....going to sleep," I mumbled and brought him close to me. "Wake me up when it hurts." He gave a soft nod as he curled up into my arms. I could feel his breathing slow. I took note of it in case I needed to know that for later and then fell asleep on him again.

I woke up as I felt a rough tongue against my cheek. Someone was trying to wake me up. I groaned and opened my eyes to look around and then my eyes landed on him. I sat up quickly and bit the inside of my lip as I took in the sight of him. He was a tiny bit bigger then the last time I seen him and his fur had lightened up to a dark brown. He was wagging his tail as he watched me. I seen the clock over his head and it read seven on the dot. Two more hours and it's Alpha time. I smiled at him. "Hey Gus," I whispered and rubbed behind his ears. "You've grown a bit. Told you that you were getting stronger." He dropped his head to his feet and hid his face at that. I smirked. "I wonder if you'll remember this time." He lifted his head and raised his ears up as he looked towards the door. He stood up then and focused on it. "No one is out there," I told him. "My room is locked at all times so that only I and my pets can get in." I got up out of the bed and went over to my wardrobe, picking out an outfit for meeting Alpha Hunter in and took it over to the bed and laid it out. He had laid down by the time I came back. He shook his tail as he looked over the clothes. He crawled over quickly and snatched one of the socks.

I widened my eyes and reached for it. "H-hey, I need that!" He growled playfully towards me and moved backwards with it. " are moving better...but let's see you walk." I smirked and crawled onto the bed, snatching the sock back and getting out of the bed. "If you want the sock, you have to get up." He went for the other sock then and got it. He shook his head as he held it in his mouth. His tail wagged in accomplishment. I tsked and tossed my sock, going back for the one he took. He dropped it as he lost interest and went to pawing at the pillow. He's going to destroy my room.... I shook my head and took my shirt off, grabbing the one I laid out to change into. He turned to me then and went over to the edge of the bed and jumped for the shirt on the ground. I laughed softly as I slipped the new shirt over my head and then picked up the one I took off, dropping it on his head. He took ahold of it and shook his head rapidly and growled as he rolled over and pawed at it on his head. "Cutie," I mumbled and grabbed the pants, changing into it and then getting on the socks and a pair of shoes. "By the way, you're going to meet someone." He managed to finally get the shirt off and he looked towards me. He wagged his tail and looked like he was waiting for me to throw something else at him. I laughed and got on the bed, grabbing one of the pillows and started to mess with him. He pawed at it and growled then started to bite at it playfully. His tail was wagging happily. He stopped after a few minutes and curled up. He let out a small yawn and started to scratch his ear. I glanced at the clock and saw we had an hour and thirty minutes to be there.

"Come on August," I said and picked him up, teleporting out to my car. I opened the passenger seat door and set him inside then got in the driver's seat. "Time to meet someone who is going to help you hopefully." He crawled into my lap and looked over the steering wheel enthusiastically. "You really like the driver's seat..." He snorted as if he was laughing at me. "You're asking for it," I teased and started up the car, driving us to the movie theater. We got there with ten minutes on the clock. I glanced around as I parked in the parking lot then opened the door. "Come on, out we go." I held it open for him to jump out first. He hopped out and crawled out of my way so I could get out then waited for me.

"I didn't expect to find him in this form so soon!" I heard a guy say as he walked towards us. He was a tall man... Really tall and I could see why he was named Alpha. He gave a small smile towards me then knelt down immediately and patted the ground in front of him. "Come here August, let me see how strong you are... Your pretty small for your age, you are a teen right?" He asked and looked towards me. August just sat there and tilted his head at the man. I got out of the car and shut the door then knelt beside the alpha.

"Gus, come here," I called, giving him a sweet smile as I held my hand out. He started to shake his tail as he watched me.

"What's wrong?" Alpha Hunter asked.

"Well....he's pretty shy about walking. He tripped his first night as a wolf and pretty much refuses to walk too far. He's taken to crawling and having me carry him," I informed.

"Hmmm..." He whistled then and another wolf ran up towards Alpha Hunter. He was huge! About as big as a motorcycle. "This is my oldest son, I brought him along for.... well he's going to be Alpha next year so he's getting in the most training he can get." I tensed up as I saw him. Shoot....I stood up and watched him closely, prepared to go at a moment's notice. He didn't say anything about bringing another werewolf.... I would've brought another vampire. "He won't bite." Hunter informed me. "He's under truce like I." He flickered his eyes from his son to August. His son took off towards August and laid down by him and looked to be exchanging words with him. I relaxed a bit and knelt back down beside the Alpha.

"Thanks for coming," I whispered. I can't believe I'm actually thanking a werewolf...

"It's my pleasure.-Huh?" He turned towards his son then back towards me. "Your mate smells like a potential Alpha." He told me then. I widened my eyes at that.

"Really?" I thought he was a runt!

"Mhmmm... He's small but he's going to grow. He's a late bloomer." He tsked. I heard some paws shifting and his son got up and stretched his legs out in front of August. August wagged his tail and was observing his son. Suddenly August stood up and the Alpha's son stood beside August and put a front paw out first and shifted forward. August watched then started to copy him. I am so proud already....then again....he might learn some new tricks and manage to stop me when I go to leave the room next time... I winced at the thought. If he's a potential Alpha....he's going to get really big too.... I imagined him as big as a car and pinning me down. That's going to be fun.... Soon enough August had managed his first step with all four paws as the alpha's son was walking- literally walking him through it. I smiled at August, putting the scary thought aside for now. He fell over suddenly and the alpha's son wagged his tail in amusement then nudged him back up.

"So..." I started and looked over at the Alpha. "His transformations...are they always going to be painful?"

"No... Werewolves build up a resistance from the pain and that's how it becomes easier for us to shift and eventually we get to shift instantly." Alpha Hunter told me. I nodded.

"Paris told me that wolfsbane helps, so I've been using that."

"Wolfsbane is like... to us what beer is to a human... what catnip is to a cat. It takes off the pain." He told me calmly. I gave another nod. "Though if you want him to build up a good resistance then he can't have it every time he shifts. Eventually it won't work on him too. He could eat a gallon and still feel everything. Spread it out in small dosages.... Or don't give him any. He's an alpha so he will be fine without it." I nodded quickly.

"I'll work on weaning him off of it. This is actually his second transformation," I said softly and looked back at him. "He started puking this morning and fell in the floor." August was back up on his paws. He was taking it slow towards me. Paw by paw. The alpha's son was following beside him.

"Puking? What all did he have throughout the day- also you need to watch out with what you say or do to him. Anything will trigger him and he will go into shifting." Oh. I looked over at him and nodded.

"He asked for steak, potatoes, and carrots along with tea when he got to my place last night."

"Sugar rush." He said and chuckled. "Don't make the tea sweet at all if he asks for it." August started to rush then in his steps and he was to me in a few seconds and was wagging his tail as he finally got it. I laughed and reached up, rubbing behind his ears.

"Good job!" I smiled at him and started to scratch under his chin. He rubbed his head up against my hand and then looked back at the alpha's son.

"Time to go! Load up." Hunter ordered his son. His son walked up to August and pushed him towards a truck nearby. "Come on." Hunter was walking towards it. I got up and followed behind him, glancing down at August. Guess me carrying him is over... Hunter laid the tailgate down and his son jumped up into the bed of the truck and laid down. August looked at the height from the ground up to the tailgate and backed up a bit. I glanced up at Hunter and then down at August.

"If it's alright, I think I'd rather help him up," I said softly. August stepped back once more then took off running towards the tailgate and jumped up towards it. He got his upper body on it then struggled to get the rest on. The alpha's son grabbed the back of his neck and helped him on the rest of the way.

"Have a little faith." Hunter said and chuckled. He waited until August was safely in then closed the tailgate. I took a deep breath. That kid is growing up on me....way too fast. I walked over to the passenger's door.

"He's going to be a challenge when he's older," I mumbled to myself so that the other's couldn't hear. Hunter got into the drivers seat then got in and waited for me to get in.

"You know you resemble Paris bad." Hunter pointed out. He chuckled and shook his head. I blushed and bit and got into the truck, shutting the door and then buckling up.

"Well... I am his twin," I muttered.

"You mean he is your twin." Hunter said and drove off as I was buckling. "You were born first right?"

"Yes, I was." I glanced over at him. He's right. Paris is MY twin.

"You should be proud of his accomplishments. You know he done most of it for you right?" Hunter asked. I raised an eyebrow at him then looked out the window.

"Oh?" I said softly. I should be proud?

"I live in a pack, and my pack has been with him for ages. My family has secrets about him that he shared with us. It's passed down. He really thought a lot about you." I got quiet then and continued to look out the window. "When he was little and first heard about he had a twin, that died at birth he declared he would live for you. He was determined to be strong for you. He planned for you. He thought a lot. Then when he met you in his teen years.... He was happy to know he wasn't alone. He had you." He rubbed my head then. "He wanted to impress you every second after meeting you. I think he still wanted to after you two fought. I think he still does."

"Hmmm," I mumbled to myself and glanced over at him. Paris...trying to impress me?

"Why do you think he became so powerful? He only done it for you. Otherwise he would still be fighting everyday struggles in that castle in France."

"He could have stayed in France," I muttered and went back to looking out the window.

"He came here with no money. He wanted to start over to prove to himself that it wasn't just his title in France that made him powerful. It was his whole being to impress you." Is that why he came over here? To prove himself? I thought he just came over here because he felt like it. "He came over here to find land and claim it with his twin. He wanted to build an empire with you. You two together. He wanted to share it with you." I closed my eyes at that. "You left though." He left me to think on that. I kept silent for the rest of the ride and looked out the window. Wanted to share it with me huh? I smiled softly to myself. He stopped thirty minutes out of town on a dirt road... who knows where... It was so far out. I could hear a creek running nearby though and a small waterfall rushing over. Hunter got out and went to the tailgate and lowered it for the two. I got out after a few seconds and stretched, going to the back to see August.

"Did you enjoy the ride?" I asked and smiled at him. August was half asleep and looked up towards me sleepily. The alpha's son got up immediately and nudged him to his feet then got down out of the truck. August trailed after him and walked up to me and rubbed his head against my hand. I smirked and rubbed his head then put my hands in my pocket teasingly. He growled softly then walked towards where the alpha's son was headed. Alpha Hunter whistled though.

"August! Your staying here." Hunter informed him. August sat down with a thud then.

"So what are we doing out here?" I asked curiously, walking over to where August sat then started to pet him.

"We are going to teach him the basics on everything he needs to know. Including hunting!" Hunter smirked. I nodded and kept petting him.

"Here that August, you get to learn some hunting skills," I whispered and smiled at him. He yawned and laid down as he watched Hunter. Hunter smirked.

"First! We should get you to communicating with each other while August is in that form." I frowned and looked up at him.

"Communicating? I thought I was doing pretty well," I mumbled to myself. Why's he smirking like that?

"Well it's only a one way telephone.. isn't that boring?" Hunter asked.

"He steals my socks if that means anything," I muttered. Hunter chuckled.

"August! I want you to go up to his face and puff out a deep breath into his face." Hunter ordered. August wagged his tail and looked towards me.

"Why?" I asked, getting slightly nervous as I looked between the two.

"I could have him mark you instead. Then you two could speak telepathically." He teased. I widened my eyes and looked up at him.

"Mark? You guys actually do that?"

"Painfully yes... Our marks are different from yours." Why does that sound really...really scary? "So you want to speak wolf or do you want telepathic communication?"

"Ummmmm...." I gulped and looked at August. August was licking his teeth and looked like he was wanting to bite me and mark me. "Just out of curiosity, would the mark kill me?" I asked. If he learns how...he might get me anyways.

"No... you'll be fine. Your his mate. That means that you must have a tolerance for him." There's a lot of tolerance and resistance with these wolves.....

"Is he going to learn how anyways if I say that I don't want to be painfully marked?"

"When his inner wolf starts to talk to him... you'll have no chance."

"So...It's going to be a sure thing that he's going to get me eventually?" I took a deep breath as I looked at him.

"Of course. Just like with your kind." He smirked.

"Hey...Ours usually makes the other feel good," I retorted and looked up at Hunter. "It only hurts for a minute."

"You have no clue what is in store for you." He chuckled. I glanced at August again to see what he was thinking. August was busy pawing at a leaf by his paws.

"I think I'll go with the wolf speak for now....If he's going to find out how to mark me later from his wolf, I think that's something he should get from it and do on his own time," I said softly. He's going to get me one day....and one day he will be as big as a car and be like an alpha wolf....I'm so screwed.

"Okay. Sounds like the plan." Hunter waved for us to do it. August turned to him then at me and leaned in towards me. I stayed perfectly still as I kept myself from shying away. He puffed into my face and then I felt my ears changing in a pitch. He moved away and shook his tail- hurting my ears a bit. I flinched at it and touched my ears as I looked at him.

'You look silly.' I could hear August telling me.

"Do not," I said quickly back at him. He laughed and started to walk around me.

'Do too!' He barked out. His voice was definitely different from his normal.

"Why don't you tell me why I look silly then?" I asked and blinked at him as I watched him walk around me.

'Well to begin... Your super tall. I feel like a kid compared to you. Next.... You... SQUIRREL!' His attention was pulled to the trees. I laughed at him.

"Who's silly now?" I teased and then looked up at Hunter. Hunter was watching us carefully.

"Can you hear him?" Hunter checked in to make sure.

"Yeah...but he sounds different from how he normally sounds and he's more attracted to squirrels." I laughed a bit and then glanced over at August. August was staring at me again.

'Am not.' He barked.

"Normal," Hunter told me. "Anything will grab his attention for the first few shifts." I nodded. So if he suddenly learns how to mark me and goes to do it, I can throw a stick and be fine. Thank you very much Alpha sir. "Now how fast are you?" He asked me curiously.

"I can teleport. Why?" I stood up and felt like he was about to do something really, really scary.

"I'm going to teach him to hunt, you'll have to keep up or stay behind." He started to pull off his shirt as he went around the truck for privacy.

"I'll Stay here." I don't want to become the prey....Besides, I think that August would like some time to learn by himself for a bit. I pulled out my phone and set the tailgate down and sat on it. "Have fun!" I smiled at August. August was wagging his tail at me.

'I'll bring you back a moose!' He teased and waited for Alpha Hunter. I heard Hunter shifting behind me and he walked back towards August. Alpha Hunter was huge- as big as the truck.... His fur was a combination of different brown colors. I widened my eyes at that and then looked down at August.

"I regret to inform you of the fact that if you get that are going to be sleeping in a different room each time you shift," I told him. August groaned.

'You can try to make me!' He said and wagged his tail as he followed after Hunter towards the woods.

"Oh don't worry. I'll have help!" I shouted after him and laughed as I started to play games on my phone. After a few hours they returned- all three of them. Alpha Hunter was dragging a big elk under him and his son was dragging a fox and was looking proud of his catch. August... August was carrying a rabbit... a juicy rabbit in his jaws and was raising his head high. Hunter dropped his kill then went behind the truck. I heard him transforming back and gasp once he was back.

"He did good!" Hunter told me and I heard him getting dressed.

'I did excellent! I caught a rabbit! It was pretty fast too I must say.' August told me. I seen the alpha's son drop his kill and turn towards August. 'Stop laughing at me!' August said towards him.

"Aw, don't bully the poor thing," I added on and laughed myself. "You did a really good job Auggie... I thought you were going to come back with a pigeon." He dropped his jaw then and tuned to me. The rabbit fell to the ground.

'Pigeon! I am not a cat!' He wagged his tail and walked towards me. Hunter came out from behind the truck.

"Who's up for helping me load the truck?" He asked. His son fell over and pretended to be dead.

"I'll help," I said and got up, going over to the rabbit and picking it up and putting it in the bed of the truck. I turned to his son's catch and walked over to it, starting to work at getting it to the truck. Hunter picked up his catch without a groan and put it in, rocking the truck a bit. He smirked towards me. August walked over to me and I heard him laugh.

'I'll be that strong one day.' August told me. I seen the alpha's son sneak around the truck and heard him change back. When he stood up I seen the resemblance in his father and him. They were definitely related. He started to put on clothes then.

"Oh I forgot to give you his name, this is Cage. Cage.... you met Louis." Hunter introduced us. He turned to August. "If you want to change back now, I have some extra clothes that could fit you in the truck." He suggested. August tilted his head a bit.

'I'm good.... I still have no clue how to change back yet anyways besides falling asleep.' August said.

"Umm....Could you teach him how to change back? The last time brought him back because he fell asleep," I informed Hunter. "He doesn't know how to transform on his own or transform back into a human form."

'Now that's embarrassing.' August muttered.

"Oh! You probably need to know." Hunter laughed and knelt down to August. "Think hard about rewinding your transformation. You need to close your eyes and relax... Be one with yourself. Soon you will be human again. Just... Think human." He smirked and backed up then. August took a step behind me.

'Human.... Human....Human....Human........' He was mumbling and I could hear him concentrating real hard. I heard him changing back behind me. Cage tossed clothes my way from the truck. "OWEEE." He complained. Luckily the transformation back was actually fast. I laughed a bit and kept my gaze straight forward to avoid looking at him as I waited for him to get dressed. He stepped out from behind me then grabbed onto the truck as he stumbled a bit. He was dressed now and the clothes were almost a perfect fit.

"Here." I heard Cage speak up and tossed something towards August. August caught it with fast reflexes and I noticed it was a bottle of water. He opened it then started to gulp it down. Raising an eyebrow, I walked over towards him and the truck, leaning in to give August a small kiss on the cheek before giving him a smirk.

"So...Did you learn a lot today?" I watched his face as he finished his water.

"I did," He said as he finished the last of his water off. "Did you have fun on your phone?" He asked curiously.

"Mhmm, I did." I laughed a bit. I'm so lucky he's not as strong as Alpha Hunter or Cage yet.... Alpha Hunter opened up the backseat truck's door on our side.

"Not to rush or anything but we have to start going, I still have to skin the elk." Hunter told us as he walked around to the driver's door and started to get in. Cage got in without a word as he shoved headphones into his ears. Taking a final look at August, I walked around him and the truck to get to the front passenger's seat and got in. August got in the back by Cage and ruffled his hair as he took one of the headphones out.

"Whatcha listening too?" August asked as he put one in his ear and Cage glanced at him.

"Eminem." Cage told him as he looked out the window. Hunter started to drive us back to town.

"I like it." August said as he started to nod his head. "We should hang out.... Don't you go to my school?" Cage held back a laugh.

"We have literature together idiot." Cage looked towards him and August blushed.

"Oh.... We do don't we?" I laughed a bit at the two and looked out the window. If it wasn't for this war, I bet that the two would end up becoming BFFs and hanging out in a basement to play video games together. They might anyways....but this war is going to make it hard. I frowned a bit as I shifted in my seat. My little war for my own satisfaction is going to affect everyone around us....Friends are going to be pitted against each other. I shook my head a bit and took out my phone, pulling up a game where I had a village to build and take care of. As soon as I pulled it out though it went off and an unknown number was calling me. Frowning, I answered.


"I heard about the war coming up... very interesting." I heard a girl purring on the other end, I didn't recognize her number though.

"Yes, who are you? How'd you get this number?" I asked and looked out the window as I furrowed my eyebrows. Not just anybody has this number....usually.

"I have my connections. I'd like to meet you and show you what I can do... that away I can join you." I heard her shifting around on the other end.

"Hmmm...." I smirked a bit. "Well...If you tell me your name, maybe we'll play a bit, and then we'll talk about you joining my side."

"Meet me at the coffee shop across from the theater Hunter is going to drop you off at, don't forget your mate."

"Now I'm interested. Only four people knew about me going with Hunter, and none of them were my intimates, meaning that I didn't tell anybody. Just how do you know that I'm going to be there?"

"I told you I have my connections." She laughed on the other end. "Hmmm? Oh decaf please." She told someone on the other end.

"Tell me your name," I said suddenly and propped my chin up on my hand as I looked out the window, scanning the trees as if I would see a spy.

"I'll give you a hint... I'm a Princess." I heard her giggle. "I have a good army waiting to join behind me with you."

"Have I met you before?" I asked, deciding to play her game.

"No but I met Paris once." I raised an eyebrow.

"You met Paris...yet you want to join my side of the war."

"Of course... I like your ideas. So you coming here or what? I have to go to New York in an hour."

"Expect me soon," I said and hung up on her, glancing back at August. "August, you and I are going to meet a princess," I told him and smirked. "Don't forget your table manners."

"What?! I have to use table manners... Oh boy... She's not going to like me too well." August joked and smirked towards me.

"Someone's joining your side?" Hunter asked and looked me over. "Princess too." I glanced at him.

"Don't worry about it for now.... If I find her in anyway other than what I'd like, then she's going to be put on the back of the list of recruits. After all, I've never met her before," I said and then turned back to the front of the car and looked out the window.

"Wonder what she is Princess of!" August said excitedly. "Hmmm.... I bet it much be a big country!" I laughed a bit and shook my head.

"Well, you know that I am the Prince of Wales right? Guess who your future sister in law is if you stay with me?"

"I don't know.... Tell me? You have a sister?" August tilted his head then started to play with his window, rolling it up and down then sticking his head out sometimes.

"Rose, the Princess of France, is my sister. Paris is the Prince of France," I told him and watched him in the mirror. He looked a bit confused.

"How come your not a Prince of France?" I blushed and looked away from the mirror.

"Let's just say parents pretty much told the other two I was dead from childbirth," I said quietly.

"Couldn't be helped. It's a good thing those two are long gone." Hunter said by me.

"Why didn't you get the title when Paris took over and found out you were alive?" I heard August ask.

"Well...It was already Paris's title, wasn't it? He gave France to our sister after he left the throne to come here, but he's still considered the Prince of France," I told him as I started to go back to the village game out of embarrassment.

"Then he became a god over here up until about ten years ago." Hunter informed August then looked towards me.

"I stuffed him in a coffin for all eternity. He was lucky he got dug up by teenagers from what I've heard," I said with a smirk as I looked at Hunter out of the corner of my eyes. Hunter laughed softly and looked towards me.

"I would've dug him up." Cage said softly. "But digging up a vampire in the ground is like... a death wish so I stuck the teenagers to do it for me."

"It was your fault?" I looked back at him alarmed. So that's why teens were that far out and digging in the woods....IT WASN'T COINCIDENCE!

"All for a wonderful prank to get them into MY group. Ha." Cage laughed.

"You know that those kids died because of you, right?" I asked and raised my eyebrow at him as I looked back down at my phone. Paris is sooo lucky.

"Their only humans. Plus they were annoying." Cage informed and Hunter looked like he was a bit aggravated. Hunter stopped the car outside of the movie theater and turned to his son.

"Keep it up and I will make sure you never become Alpha! That's no way to look at human lives. I'm going to laugh my ass off if you end up with a human for a mate." Hunter snapped to Cage.

"I'll just turn her." Cage shrugged.

"What if it is a guy?" August asked.

"I'll kill him with pleasure." Cage winked at August. August took out the earphone and opened up the door.

"Thanks for the training!" August said as he climbed out. I raised my eyebrow and looked at the alpha as I opened the door.

"So....Thanks for taking time out of babysitting my brother to come help out August. If it wasn't for the war, I think that maybe we could get along," I said and gave him a friendly smile. I got out of the truck and shut the door then waved before turning to August. I held out my hand to him and smirked. "Ready to meet the Princess?" He gave a nod and grabbed my hand.

"Need anymore help just give me a call you two," Hunter called as he started to drive off. He probably was thinking about that elk in the back. August waved as they drove off and then turned to me.

"Let's go see who wants to join us." I brought him close and glanced over towards the coffee shop.

"Stay close to me at all times while we are meeting her. If she tries something funny, I'm going to need to get you out of there," I whispered and kissed his cheek as I began to lead him across the street. August followed by my side.

"I learned a few fighting techniques today so don't worry too much about me." August leaned his head against my shoulder then pulled it away as we reached the door of the coffee shop. I opened it and held it open for him, coming in after he did. As soon as we entered, I glanced around, taking note of everyone in it. I pulled out my wallet and slipped August some money.

"Go get us some coffee will you? I want mine...extra sweet," I whispered in his ear then glanced around at everyone, looking for suspicious characters. There was a couple of groups of teenagers in the place as well as loners sitting around on their laptops. There was one that stood out most to me as she was watching my every move. Her hair was dyed pink and was curled around her face, it reached her midback. She gave me a huge smile and waved me to her as she leaned back in her chair. She was in a cute purple dress that had skulls and other designs on it, there was also a lime green color in it that made it look even more.... out there. Her eyes sparked with fascination as she looked me over and her eyes flickered towards August. August was off to the counter without another word and was ordering us coffee. I raised my eyebrow at her as I started to walk over. "May I sit here?" I asked and gestured to the seat in front of her.

"Of course you may!" She grabbed her decaf coffee and brought it up to her lips then took a sip. "How are you Louis?"

"Just peachy," I muttered and sat in front of her. "So....Are you going to tell me your name?" I asked as I sat back in my seat, studying her.

"I'm the Princess of Italy. My name is Valerian Robin. You can call me Val." She reached out to shake my hand then and gave me a kind smile. "I was a Princess at least. People call me a goddess here though. I hold the title in New York and California." Impressed just a tad, I smirked at her as I took her hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Val. Mind telling me how you had your connections? If there is a leak, I need to know about it. Can't have myself get ambushed by Paris, can I?" I laughed a bit as I relaxed a tad.

"Don't worry Paris has no connections with me anymore... No... I heard from the Prince of England and my friend seen the war coming and messaged me about it. He's sitting over there... He's my body guard." Her eyes flickered towards a man on a laptop but he was watching us with interest... He looked like a body guard... he had the build and everything.... while Val reminded me of a model. is not the time to relax then. I may be ancient...but I have August here. Speaking of August... I glanced over at him to see what he was doing if he was even close to coming back to me yet. August was looking at a group of teenagers with interest as they were talking about something I couldn't catch. He was still waiting on the coffee. "He's able to see the future." Val spoke up again.

"Mhm," I hummed to her as I kept my eyes on August then managed to take another glance around the coffee shop, looking to see if she hid any others from me. It was just him though and a faint scent of death, fire, and werewolf. I turned my attention back to her. "You really want in on this war?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at her. "If you do join my side, I have rules."

"What's your rules? You want to go at it and see what I'm packed with?" Val asked daringly.

"Sure, but let's discuss the rules first. You're going to swear an oath of allegiance to me and then you will obey every command I give you, got it? I can't have deserters or spies in my army," I told her. I blinked at her as I gave her a serious look. "You seem like a nice girl, but you know how it is."

"You think I will run out on you?" She pouted. "Have more faith in me." She giggled and sipped on her drink. "Besides... I know about werewolves."

"I'm more worried about you disobeying a direct order," I said in all honesty. "Considering that you came all this way and through all this trouble, I don't think that desertion is going to be a problem with you. You know about werewolves huh?" I laughed a bit. That's good. Maybe I can stop pestering Paris so much and start working on war efforts.

"You want a pack of your own?" Val asked an raised an eyebrow. "Their very loyal and their great company. I also have connections to a fantastic weapon company on the outskirts of California right on the boarder." She leaned across the table and put the coffee down then grabbed my hand once more and I felt a surge of heat run through my body. I felt like I was going to catch on fire. I jerked my hand back from her quickly and narrowed my eyes at her. Fire huh..... I'll have to watch this one. She smirked and grabbed a straw then pulled it out of it's wrapper and started to chew on it as she sat against the back of her chair again. "You need me."

"Need you?" I raised an eyebrow at her. She nodded.

"You heard me. I could go to Paris stead although his plan does suck." She nodded to herself. "I'd have to still put up with the dumb humans."

"Tell you what, you prove to me in the next....thirty minutes that you are useful and worth my trust, I'll let you in my little group," I said and smirked at her as I glanced out of the corner of my eye at August again. A girl was talking to August and had him pinned towards the counter.

"Looks like the muts are acting up." I heard Val whisper. I growled a bit as I thought about getting up and going over there. No...I'll watch this play out. I kept myself down as I turned to watch to see what would happen. If I need to.... I will restate myself as his mate in his mind. August was nervously trying to avoid her as he was going for the coffee then that was on the counter- our coffee. The girl on the other hand was trying hard for his attention as she moved to get between him and the coffee. I heard an inhuman growl from her then. Val right by me started to slurp on her coffee. I stared the girl down for a second then teleported right behind August.

"Hey sweetie, did you get the coffee yet?" I asked as I put an arm around his shoulder, using body language to tell the girl to back down.

"Trying too." August muttered.

"Oh you're gay!" The girl gasped and laughed at us. "You should've came right out buddy and told me." She shook her head and grabbed a straw then walked back to her group of friends.

"I'm not gay." August muttered.

"No, you just happen to have a very multitalented vampire prince keeping you all to himself," I whispered in his ear teasingly and kissed his cheek before turning back to Val and walking back to her table, leaving August to think on that. I heard him grab the coffee and follow me after a few seconds.

"That went well." Val said then stood up as we got closer. She held a hand out towards August. "I'm Val! You must be the incredible August! I heard your an Alpha! Is that true? You know a pack near by is missing a son..." She winked towards August. I smirked at that and glanced over my shoulder at him.

"If you don't behave, I'll ship you off to camp with your long lost pack," I teased and watched for his reaction. I know he hates me talking about putting him in a pack. I just like to mess with him.

"Suck my big toe Louis." August growled out then gave me my coffee and shook her hand. "A pack missing a son?"

"Oh yes. River Pack to be exact!" Val sat back down then. "The Alpha is ill."

"R-river?" August asked and sat down quickly. I sat down beside him, looking at my coffee in mock interest as I took the lid off of the cup and started to drink it. I ignored the fact that it was scalding hot.

"Use to be King pack but that was just too... Out there for their taste. I think it was that they wanted something a bit more. See the original Alpha died little after the son went missing so the Beta took over and changed the name." Val took a sip of her coffee. August was leaving his coffee untouched. Well... I think that is understandable. He just got hit with so much. I looked over at the body guard as I started to practically chug my coffee, letting it burn my mouth. The body guard was busy looking towards the laptop as he bit his bottom lip with interest.

"Tell me more?" August asked.

"Thought I peeked your interest!" Val winked. "The pack is in New Hampshire. Your of course the missing Alpha's son... The old Alpha that is. Your Uncle is the Alpha now. Your mother died last year. Your an orphan but your rightful pack is there. That's if you want to go take it back." Val looked at her nails. "I wouldn't Alpha Zane is a major pain in the buttox." She rolled her eyes. "I'd just make my own pack first if I were you. Then I would get my rightful land back over there." I set down the cup as I finished it and then pulled out my phone, deciding to text Isabelle.

Me: Isabelle, I need you to make a copy of that key I gave you years back. I'm going to need it.

I set the phone down next to the empty cup as I glanced up at Val. "Val," I started then stopped as I got a text back. I picked up my phone again and looked to see that she said that she would. Smirking, I glanced up at August. "I got you a welcome home gift by the way August." August smiled at me sweetly and then looked back towards Val for more.

"Yes?" Val asked as she took another sip of her steaming hot coffee.

"I'll call you tomorrow with details about the war effort and let you know who else is on our side," I said softly, glancing from her to August. Would he really leave me for that land in Hampshire?

"Sure, sure! I'll make sure to text you for our next meet! I'm loaded with information and connections." She winked. "There is after all limited time until the war date. I know when and who will win it and where." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"If you don't mind, I'd like you to keep the information from your body guard about who will win the war a secret. I don't want to know. I'd rather live in the moment than shrug it off," I said and smirked at her.

"Keep your mate close Louis." She winked towards us both then stood up. "I've got a plane to catch." She looked towards her body guard as he was getting up to go. "Call you later boys." She sat the cup down and then walked towards the door. I watched her every movement until she was safely out the door and then turned to look at August.

"So....What do you think?" I asked softly as I put my phone in my back pocket and stood up, getting ready to throw the cup away.

"I like her hair." August said as he then took a sip of his coffee and quietly let out a moan of pure pleasure from the taste. I smirked at him and leaned in, getting a kiss before walking off to throw the cup away. When I came back to him, I leaned in towards his neck in a teasing way. He leaned away from me and watched me with a slight glare. He stood up then headed out the door with his coffee to go.

"Fine," I muttered and followed after him as I crossed my arms. Geez, hook him up with an Alpha to help him out and he gets all high and mighty at me. Besides, it's not everyday you meet a vampire princess, and I just practically let him come with me when I could have sent him home. He was waiting for me outside the door and sipped on his coffee. I didn't even look at him as I got outside and then started to walk down the sidewalk. He followed beside me and took another sip.

"So Alpha Hunter told me how to mark my mate today." He said nervously. I felt an adrenaline spike and looked at him. He did not....after all the trouble I went through to avoid being marked painfully today.

"He did huh?"

"He did.... It's nothing like yours." He informed me. I nodded. Nothing like mine huh....Maybe it won't involve pain and Hunter was just teasing....

"What do you do then?" I asked and smiled at him as I put an arm around his shoulders, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"It'll give you a nice scar... let's just say that." He looked away from me and took a sip of the coffee. I widened my eyes. Sounds painful....Hunter wasn't messing with me then....

"So...are you wanting to mark me?" I whispered softly, biting the inside of my lip out of nerves.

"It's either I do it now or when I can't control myself and I will make it more... harmful then it could be." He looked back towards me.

"Is it a wolf form thing?" I asked as I tried to keep myself from shuddering at the thought of him chasing me to do whatever this mark thing is.

"It could be. That's for the unlucky." Oh.... Maybe I should just let him. I glanced away from him and stared at a tree as we passed it. "What do you want?" He wondered. "What do you think would be the best thing to do? There are cautions we could take... You could go to a different country every full moon." That eventually gets expensive....and I'd be leaving my precious pets here too....

"If you want to mark me....I guess I'd let you do it when you want," I whispered softly as I glanced back at him.

"Louis... I want it to be your choice." He leaned in towards my neck and kissed me there. I widened my eyes as he kissed me and found myself at a loss of words for a few minutes. I cleared my throat and moved my hand under his chin, tilting his face up to mine.

"Well, it's my choice to let you do it when you want. I don't want you to do it if you feel like you want to wait. A mark is very important to vampires, and I'd imagine that it's the same for werewolves like you. If you wish to mark me, I'll try my best not to run away from you," I said and smiled at him.

"When we get home then." He said softly and then moved away from me to give us some space. I tsked a bit at him moving away and then put my hands in my pockets.

"Alright, I'll try to make it easy for you, but I'm not giving any promises. It's only instinct," I warned him and smirked. That's when I stopped. I left my car in the theater parking lot. I turned back and gestured for him to follow me as I started to walk back towards the theater. He followed me and started back on drinking his coffee.

"I can't promise your safety! Your butt's safety either." He teased and walked past me. He's only 17 and he's already talking like that! I blushed and watched him. What happened to that shy little boy who just wanted to go home....the one that strangled me.... When we got to the theater parking lot, I unlocked the car and got in the driver's side, starting it up. I waited for him to get in. He got into the passengers seat and glanced around then towards my lap. "Feels different... I like it." I felt my jaw drop, but I didn't say anything as I started to drive off. After a minute, I finally couldn't resist the urge to say something to him.

"You like it huh? Well you can find yourself sleeping in the room next to mine then if you like it so much," I muttered under my breath, making him listen as I knew his ears would catch it. He turned towards me immediately after looking out the window.

"What!? No... I'll just go home then!" He started to open the door. I widened my eyes.

"I am driving," I hissed out. "Do you want to get yourself killed?! Jeez, if you like sleeping in my room so much, then don't make comments about how much you like being by yourself. Your wolf seems to love sitting in my lap," I told him as I looked back at the road. He stopped trying to open it.

"Well I guess you don't want me to be independent at all do you?" He asked and looked towards me. Crap, he put me in a corner.

"N-no....You can be independent. I let you go to school instead of tutoring you, don't I? I got you to some werewolves so that you could learn some things that way you could take care of yourself as well," I told him.

"You just wish I wasn't who I am." He grumbled and rolled the window down. "Sorry I am a teenage hormonal werewolf male." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"That's not true at all. I like you just fine. In fact, you've been getting special treatment from me. I'm sorry if I come across as a jerk to you," I said softly as I looked back at the road. "Do you think that my favorites get as much attention as you've gotten in the past day?"

"I don't know... Your not a jerk... Your just..." He shook his head. "I don't know. What's you with you sending me to the room next door anyways!?" I laughed a bit and sped up, starting to speed.

"I had the room prepared for when your wolf form gets too big for sleeping on my bed with me in it. That's all. I'm not actually going to make you sleep in there if I don't have to," I said and smiled, glancing over at him. "Just like with how I say I'm going to drop you off at a pack house. I'm just messing with you."

"I don't like it. Don't mess with a werewolf, he might get angry and eat you whole. Ever heard of the big bad wolf?"

"Oh I'm so scared," I teased and took my eyes away from him as I looked to the road again. "Alright, so I'm done making jokes about dropping you off at a pack or forcing you to sleep in the next room. If you want, I'll let you know what I'm getting you. It's a key to my room so that you always have access to it and not just when one of us teleports you in." I smiled sweetly as I glanced over to see his face. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"A key? You think a locked door with still stop me now?" He chuckled. "I'm getting stronger you know."

"I'm saving my door in the process," I told him and laughed. Oh him getting stronger is starting to scare me....

"Okay... good choice." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I think I'll mark you some other time." You mean now I'm just going to have to sit around...wondering when he's going to just...attack me? I took a shaky breath and bit my bottom lip.

"If you want...."

"I'll do it when you least expect it." I raised my eyebrow.

"You know I'll just teleport away from you if I think you are attacking me. When I said it's instinct, I meant that vampires instinctively are wary of werewolves. I know what they can do, and I won't take my chances," I warned him.

"I'll repeat myself.... when you least expect it." He laughed.

"I'm going to be watching you," I told him and shuddered. The hunter has become the hunted...the cruel irony. "If you think that I'm not going to run, you're wrong...even if you do manage to pin me, I'll manage to get away."

"I'll be stronger then you." He smirked and laughed. "Just watch... I'll be an Alpha."

"I have powers, you don't," I reminded him and pulled up in front of my place, turning off the car. I got out with that said and smirked as I teleported to the front door to show off. He got out of the car and walked up to me, taking his time. "Now who can outrun who?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I opened the door behind me, not taking my eyes off him for a second.

"Who's running again?" He asked and walked into the house. I walked in after him and shut the door behind me.

"I'll be making you run in a few seconds if you aren't careful," I said and smirked, walking up to him as I exposed my fangs teasingly. He exposed his k-9's and smirked at me.

"I'd like to see you try."

"Then you are about to be pleased," I told him and teleported behind August, wrapping my arms around him as I moved my face into the crook of his neck. I started to trail kisses down his neck and paused when I got to the spot that made him shiver, biting down on it. He squirmed in my arms then and tried to get out of them.

"LOUIS!" He hissed out and shivered. "Please.... You win!"

"Then I'll take my prize," I whispered as I went and nipped on his ear playfully. Teleporting us into my room, I pinned him down on the bed under me and licked my lips, cleaning the blood off of it. I gave him a smirk and then leaned down to kiss him. He blushed and looked around us.

"So unfair." He mumbled and looked away so I couldn't kiss him. I tsked and then kissed his neck as I grabbed his hands, taking them in mine as I pinned them down by his sides.

"Unfair?" I murmured as I started to give him a hickie. He gasped and arched his back, he let out a soft growl.

"Unfair." He mumbled.

"How so?" I smirked and then moved my lips a few inches down and then gave him another. He pushed me off suddenly and switched us so he was on top then let out another growl.

"Fair now."

"Double standard..." I looked up at him and squirmed a bit. He leaned in towards my neck then and started to suck on my neck, giving me some love bite to my lips. I gasped and let go of his hands, moving one to grip his hair as I rested the other on his back. He's so double standard! He let me go after a minute as he rolled off and curled up by me. "So very....very lucky," I mumbled to him as I moved onto my side and pulled him to me, wrapping my arms around him. He laid his head against my chest and sighed softly.

"Mhhhh.... How am I?" He asked. "Or was you talking to yourself?"

"I'm talking to you sweetie. You're lucky that I like you so that I won't be too upset about you being double standard." I leaned in and gave him a kiss on his lips, gently biting his lower lip. He gasped and pulled back then rolled over so I had to see his back. "Aww, is someone upset?" I teased and then moved to his neck, biting into it as nicely as I could and began to drink his blood just a bit, loving how it tasted. He groaned a bit.

"No... I'm trying to keep myself from marking you." He grumbled. I smirked. Well, I could help him with that by pulling the greatest tease of the century. I bit down harder into his neck, earning a yelp from him. He whimpered under me and went a bit limp in submission. "Louis..." He mumbled. I laughed and took my fangs back, kissing where I bit him and licked at the blood. He turned to me then and pushed me onto my back then climbed on top of me.

"Yes?" I asked as I started to get nervous now that he was on top of me again. After all, he just said that he was trying to keep from marking me....I still don't know what werewolves do. He leaned into my neck then and softly kissed it, a growl ripped through his throat and I could feel it in his chest.

"I'm going to eat you," He teased.

"You can try, but I'm not that easily caught," I told him and leaned up, kissing his lips. He pinned my hands down and bit my bottom lip, making me yelp slightly. His eyes were turning a blackish color. I started to get a bad feeling about messing with him, but I only looked up at him as I went for another kiss. If it got to a point where he would actually try to eat me, I'd get out of here with my little tricks. He pulled his head back slightly and examined me. He gave a smirk then went in for my neck once again. I froze up and I felt myself stop breathing as he did so, tensing up in fear. He bit down on my neck dominantly and I felt a surge of pleasure rush through my body. After a few seconds he started to tear some of my flesh from me. I whimpered and gripped a lock of his hair. He bit me! Oh no....I widened my eyes. He bit me....I'm going to die.... He pulled back and smirked as he took some flesh with him then got off me and started to eat it. I sat up quickly, holding my neck as I fell out of the bed. "ISABELLE! HELP!" I screamed, taking the blanket with me. I held it against my neck, putting pressure on it. She'd need to take my stone....That's the only way to survive a werewolf bite....if you're a pureblood that is. Thank my lucky stars. He watched me with amusement.

"You think your going to die?" His voice was deeper then usual as he asked me. "Relax mate." I shook my head the best I could and slowly backed away from the bed.

"A vampire can't be bitten by a werewolf," I told him, my voice barely coming out as a harsh quiet whisper. I bit my bottom lip as I felt a surge of pain from the lost flesh.

"Your my mate, that means you have something in you that is or will be immune to my bite." He sat up then on his elbow as he watched with interest. "Come back." Well...if what he says is true...then I'm going to bleed to death if this doesn't heal. I whimpered as I felt another pulse of pain. "Don't do this to yourself.. come here."

"Do what?" I asked as I started to crawl back towards the bed cautiously. Why does he want me to come back to the bed.... Is he going to bite me again? He sat up fully as he watched.

"The longer you take... the faster you die.... Or... is that the longer you die? Either way your going to die if you don't get over here." I managed to force myself to get back on the bed, and I looked at him. Where the hell is Isabelle?! He leaned back into my neck and licked it then pulled back. I could feel a sting in my neck before it started to heal. I widened my eyes at him as I glanced down at the blood on my shirt and saw that the bite wound was gone completely. I looked back up at him and frowned.

"Was that the mark?" I asked.

"You wish it was," He mused. "I told you I was going to eat you... I just decided not to eat you whole." His eyes faded back to their bright sunshine like eyes.

"You mean to tell me....that you just BIT me for no reason?!" I glared at him as I rubbed my neck.

"I what?" He looked confused a bit and rubbed his eyes.

"You bit me!" I hissed out.

"Did not." He started to lick his lips. "Okay.... maybe...." He licked his teeth then. "I might have.... Sorry. Was I just a wolf or something?" He looked around and felt for his clothes just in case. I narrowed my eyes at him and then laid down on the bed, pulling the blanket over my head as I decided to sulk.

"No....your eyes went all black and you tore a piece of flesh out of my neck," I informed him. He groaned and got up out of bed.

"I should leave before I hurt you..." He mumbled and headed for the door.

"It's locked," I called after him and then moved the blanket off of my head as I sat up to look at him. So he didn't mean to.... I smiled sweetly. "Besides, since how it appears that it was an accident, I'll forgive you." He turned back to me and then started back for the bed.

"I seriously bit you?" He asked as he laid back down.

"Mhm, you bit me and looked like you had gone all alpha on me, telling me that I better come back to you when I had fallen off the bed screaming," I said and pulled him to me, getting him under the blanket with me. I smiled sweetly and kissed his lips gently. "It's not your fault...." It's that wolf's fault, and when he turns, his wolf isn't getting any treats from me for the whole time he's turned next time. August laid his head against my chest and closed his eyes as he looked tired.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I'll get control." I nodded as I started to play with his hair.

"It's alright....You healed me, and I'm all the time biting you.... I guess it was fair that you got revenge. I was getting too cocky," I said softly in his ear.

"Guess so but I still feel bad about it." He mumbled. "You'll have to stop be next time I get like that... Obviously he is nothing like me in my sweet wolf form."

"No....Next time I'll teleport away from you when your eyes turn black like they did," I said and kissed him again.

"No down doggie?" He asked and laughed softly. I laughed with him and shook my head.

"I think your alpha side would get a kick out of that and then try to put me in the place he thinks I belong in," I told him and then gave him another kiss. He kissed me back then groaned as he turned his head away. He shifted to the pillow and curled up to it instead of me. "Love you too?" I raised an eyebrow then pulled out my phone, going back to the villager game.

"Mhmmm." He mumbled as he fell asleep by me as quickly as he normally done. I glanced at him and smirked. He's so cute....when he's asleep. I got curious as I realized the werewolves were holding out on me and not telling me what I'm one day supposed to have done to me eventually. I looked up the process of a werewolf marking it's mate, using a credible source that I knew to usually be right on all supernatural affairs. If I remembered correctly, the editor of the page was actually a supernatural himself and had his connections with all sorts of people. I tsked as I saw that he actually had put a page up that basically said that he was working on the information, but he could not at this time get someone to do an interview with him. Stupid werewolves....