English Royal Pureblood

Paris's POV:

I looked out the lemo's window as we arrived at an old fashioned castle in England. It's the Prince of England's castle. It was one of the oldest and most well known castles throughout England. I stepped out of it first and looked behind me for Richard to follow. Did he even remember the Prince of England? He got out of the car and stretched, glancing around and then smirked as he saw a nearby gardener taking care of some hedges. He looked like he was thinking about eating him, but he looked at me and smiled at me innocently. I snickered and him.

"You know you can't eat one of his workers without his consent." I teased. He tsked at me and smirked.

"I know, but he can't stop me from thinking about it." He leaned in confidently and stole a kiss before walking past me. I followed him towards the doors. As soon as we started for it the double doors flew open and a few butlers started for the lemo. They grabbed our bags and one came out towards us.... a ghostly figure.

"My name is Baleen.... He is in his throne room...." Baleen said and bowed to us. OH MY GOSH.... THIS... IS... BALEEN... Last time I seen him he was human! That was... forever ago... Now he is a ghost.


"We've met?" He tilted his head in confusion. Richard frowned at that and glanced at me.

"Seems like his memories didn't carry on with him into the afterlife....Baleen, don't you remember my bachelor party? We went out into town with the Prince of England and got drunk and took ourselves to a-" He stopped himself as he blushed and looked at me.

"Where?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. I looked towards Baleen. Baleen is The Prince of England's personal butler. He dresses, feeds, bathes, and assists his master in any and every way. He was every butler's role model.

"Don't worry about it my sweet," Richard said, putting an arm around my waist as he pulled me to him as he attempted to distract me from it by kissing my neck. I decided not to worry too much on it. Baleen faded away before us and I pulled Richard with me into the castle.

"I can't believe The Prince of England didn't turn him!"

"Well, you can't turn everyone, and sometimes it is more merciful not to. Maybe now Baleen gets some peace from him. At least he's here as a ghost...." He laughed in my ear and then nipped it playfully. "Now let's go see Laurence." I smirked softly as I lead him to the throne room. Laurence was propped up on his throne in a slouchy way. He watched as we came into the room. Laurence's appearance always got the best of me when I seen him. Unlike most purebloods... He never aged in appearance over thirteen. He was trapped in a boyish look for all eternity. Rumor had it that it was because he was cursed. He was actually older then Richard and I. That's what was hilarious. I smirked slightly towards him. He had white curly hair that was shoulder length and he let it curl like it was still in fashion. He was in a nice suit and tie outfit which I guessed Baleen put together. I never seen him dress himself... if he did I didn't expect it to be so clean like.

"Paris? Richard." He said up and adjusted himself as he moved to stand up. He looked us over with a thirst for us. "Your here earlier then expected. By a minute." Richard laughed.

"We can go back outside for a minute if you'd like," he joked and let go of my waist, walking up to greet Laurence.

"Last time I checked you two were sleeping." He teased, ignoring Richard's joke. He pulled Richard into a hug then walked towards me and hugged me. He was short too... Didn't even make five feet in height. I held in a laugh. He glared at me. "STOP LAUGHING AT ME." He hissed out. Richard bust out laughing behind him and held his sides as he managed to stay upright, not even bothering to cover it up. As Laurence turned to look at him, he turned it into coughs quickly, moving to cover it.

"Got a bad cold...from sleeping in a cold room for ten years....still getting over it," he lied.

"You two do this every time we meet." Laurence grumbled. He shot us both a glare. "It's not a laughing manner!" He crossed his arms. "I can't find a decent girl I will have you know." He walked back to his throne. "So you've come for my army, have you?" He asked.

"Yes." I said as I tried to calm myself down for his sake. Richard walked over to me and leaned in.

"Didn't he look so cute with his arms crossed, like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum," he whispered in my ear low enough that Laurence wouldn't hear him. He heard though... Laurence turned to face us and suddenly we were lifted into the air and turned upside down by shadows around our feet.

"SAY IT AGAIN." Laurence dared. Richard tried to move up towards the shadows but fell back into a hanging position.

"Ooooh....I'm out of shape.... Love you?" He smiled nervously at Laurence. Laurence flicked his eyes at the ground and we were let go. We fell with a thud and Laurence was by us in an instant.

"Love you two too." Laurence said sweetly and stretched then. "You two hungry?" He asked curiously.

"Depends," Richard said as he sat up, rubbing his arm which he landed on. I rubbed my cheek then sat up and relocated my neck as I had dislocated it from the fall. He's lucky I'm a vampire... Now I know what happened to Baleen.... Temper tantrum. "What's on the menu?" He asked, giving a smile at Laurence.

"I have some bottled blood from China... Have you tried that stuff their producing now? It's outrageous! Their getting good at it. You have to try it, it's not even from a human. It's all manufacture made. I don't even know what's in it but it keeps me healthy. I drink it like.... once a week." Richard frowned at that.

"You eat it but you don't know what's in it? What if the Chinese have been slowly poisoning you? I'd rather take my chances and bite Paris again."

"You two don't know how to live do you? Very well... Live off each other like you always do. Your no fun. I suppose you came here because you want me to get my butt there quicker then what I have been doing am I right?" He asked and tilted his head. "By the way... Did you know that the old Italian Princess has joined up with Louis?"

"That sneaky little rascal! I was just starting to think about asking her to join our side.... I met her once," Richard said and started tracing images on the stone floor as he pouted.

"She knows then about the vision..." I mumbled. She would only team up with the most likely one to win.. Which that vision means him.. She knows he's got a chance. H groaned.

"Phah. Don't worry Paris! That vision means nothing. I have seen more then that one in the past few nights. I only sent out that one to the other visionaries so they think you have no chance. Don't threat! You have a huge chance at living through it." He smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him... That little bug! He widened his eyes and ran for his throne as I chased after him.


"RELAX! YOU STILL HAVE ME!" He disappeared into the shadows before I could get him and I crashed into his throne.

"You mean....You scared Paris for no reason," Richard mumbled to himself as he stood up. "That's messed up. I lost my meal because of you.... He ended up seeing another vampire's vision about it and freaked out."

"I had to give everyone something." Laurence said innocently as I heard him by Richard. I turned to look at them. "I can't let them see it all anyways. Where is the fun in that?" Richard sighed and then looked down at Laurence.

"You're lucky that you're cute," he told him and ruffled his hair. Laurence pulled back quickly.

"Stop that! I'm a lot older then you two... It's weird." He fixed his hair as he backed up.

"When was the last time you ate anyways? Like really ate? Someone has to watch out for you," Richard said and smiled at him.

"I really can't remember." Laurence said and chuckled. "I feel good though." He shrugged. "Baleen is worried though."

"You should live a little too and actually eat someone, not that Chinese blood in a bottle all the time," he warned and looked down at him.

"Your probably right... but it's hard to hunt like this." He chuckled. "You two should remember. I suppose we could all go though."

"Hey, little guy like you could pull in other teenagers and get cute points with the chicks. Just act adorable and be like the little kid that goes 'can you help me find my mommy'." He laughed and knelt down in front of him to be on his level.

"I swear... If you weren't my eldest friend in the whole world!" Laurence chuckled and motioned for him to stand up. I walked over to them and wrapped an arm around Richard's neck. He stood up and looked at me with a smirk, leaning in and kissing my neck teasingly- ignoring the fact that he was doing it in front of Laurence. I kissed his cheek then let him go and looked down at Laurence.

"Oh! That reminds me! You have to meet a friend of mine. Her name is Lauren and you should meet her friend Raven. I think you will like them." I told him. He blushed.

"I don't think I have seen a girl.. since... Two... no.... Three... no.... Four decades ago? I don't remember... Oh wait... I seen Val yesterday never mind." He smirked widely at us. Richard raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, want to come back with us, or do you want to come over in your own time?" Richard asked, moving away from me to mess with Laurence some more as he smiled at him. He put a hand on top of his head and laughed. Laurence swatted at his hand and looked angry.

"I'll come with you and have my friend ready my army for me and send them over on their own." Laurence suggested. "I need to get out of England... their all nuts!" He laughed and waved for us to follow. "BALEEN READY MY BAGS!" He yelled as he walked towards the door in the room. Richard looked at me and smirked then began to follow Laurence.

"Oh Laurence~! Did I tell you that I found you this really cute gift while Paris was getting us a car? Look! It's a cute little stuffed thing they call a Eevee!" He pulled out that ridiculous thing he bought at a nearby store while I had been stuck getting the car. Laurence turned and glared down Richard immediately.

"I SWEAR RICHARD! Last time we met it was a dress!" He hissed out and I held back a laugh. Baleen made him try it on too.

"But it's cute..." Richard said, his face falling as he looked down at the Eevee. He held it up and tried a smile. Laurence grabbed the stuffed Eevee and threw it like a football across the room.

"GRAH!" Laurence yelled.

"So mean and spiteful," Richard muttered as he looked upset. He looked down at Laurence and frowned. "You didn't have to throw it.... I thought it was cute and that you would like it. Next time I'll get the Dracula doll."

"I told you to go with the stuffed bear." I muttered to Richard. Laurence's eye twitched towards me.

"No, it was too childish," Richard said towards me and then looked down at Laurence. "How about next time I get you the Dracula doll and a stuffed kitty?" He laughed and smiled innocently.

"You want to be lost in a mirror forever?" Laurence asked and smirked. Richard raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? So next time I should get you the Dracula doll, the stuffed kitty, and a nice little t-shirt for you?"

"You should have went with the bear." He grumbled and crossed his arms. "Dracula just reminds me of your father..." He shivered. Richard shuddered as well.

"They didn't even get the looks right....and it was supposed to speak when you pressed it's hand! Guess what it said?"

"Blah Blah Blah?" Laurence asked curiously.

"No, it was. I vant to suck your blooooood," he said and laughed, making the famous Dracula pose that had been created by humans. His father of course would never have been caught dead doing that. Well...he was dead.

"It's amazing what humans have made up about him." Laurence mumbled. "They use to never dare speak of his name... and now...." He shook his head. Richard sighed.

"At least they haven't really messed with the other vampires....Just him. I think he would turn over in his cold grave if he could....Too bad I burned the body," he said and smirked.

"Heh... His stone crumbled away into the northern sea." I joked.

"Oh! We were supposed to be getting you ready, now weren't we?" Richard said and smiled, going over to the Eevee and picking it up. He walked back over and handed it to Laurence. Laurence knocked it out of his hands.

"I AM NOT.... REPEAT.... NOT.... EVER.... EVER.... AM NOT GOING TO KEEP THAT THING." He took in a deep breath.

"Richard I think you should quit before he gets an asthma attack and then we will be in serious trouble when Baleen gives us a death glare." I laughed.

"Aw Laurence," he said and tsked as he bent down and picked him up, starting to carry him down the hall. "You should just keep it out of love for me."

"I'll burn it out of love for you." Laurence said and I followed the two a couple of feet behind.

"As long as it is out of love for me," he joked and laughed a bit. "Next time I'll get you a teddy bear."

"I'll put it with the other ones." Laurence said casually. "You have no idea how many I have from the people that have visited me over the years." He shook his head.

"How about a snow globe instead? I want the next gift to be meaningful and not something that you are only going to look once at," Richard said, giving a sweet smile to him.

"Just get me a picture then." Laurence suggested. "That would be nice. A picture of you both." He nodded at the thought.

"As long as you are in it too," he said and smirked as he set him down outside Laurence's bedroom.

"Wait... How come we are outside my room? Do I look bad or something?" Laurence looked himself over.

"If it was a couple of centuries back...." I mumbled. "You'd be okay."

"Besides, I thought it would be in your best interest to change into something comfortable. It'll be a few hours on a plane." Richard gave an encouraging smile as he opened the bedroom door and nudged him in. Laurence groaned.

"Thought we was going tomorrow or something... Like later tonight after our hunt! What time even is it?"

"Daytime here.... Night there." I informed and walked in with him to help him pick something out.

"We'll hunt when we land safely in Maine." Richard walked in after me and went over to Laurence's bed, taking a seat on it. "There are some really good humans over there in our part of town." Laurence nodded and I followed him into his closet.

"You should definitely do something about your hair." I suggested.

"I'll put it up." Laurence suggested. I shook my head as I seen most of his clothes were formal or sleepwear. I am defiantly going to buy him some clothes... He needs to get up to date. I turned towards him. I can work with this.

"Take off the vest and jacket." I informed then walked over to the shelves with shorts and grabbed a pair then tossed it to him. "Put these on. Off the tie." I ordered. He started doing as I asked and I walked over to his accessories and I tossed him a hair bow for his hair. I grabbed a hat then waited for him to finish. When he did I finish I turned to him. He looked as casual as I could get him. I followed him back to the bedroom and seen Baleen putting a suitcase down by the door.

"I have it ready Milord." Baleen informed Laurence.

"Thank you Baleen." Laurence said sweetly.

"Milord is a tiny little prince, isn't he?" Richard mumbled from the bed and then looked over at Laurence and widened his eyes. "Whoa...big improvement." Laurence blushed and started to say something but held his tongue.

"Thank you Richard." Laurence hissed out. Someone wasn't going to show off in front of Baleen. Richard smirked as he realized why he wasn't throwing another fit.

"We should take Baleen with us. Can he leave this place or is his ghostly form tied to the castle?" Richard glanced from Baleen to Laurence.

"He is actually tied to me." Laurence grumbled. "Trust me I have tried to leave him here or dismiss him... but nooooo." He shook his head. I swear he is cursed.

"Hah! Someone has a nanny!" Richard busted out laughing and stood up. "I don't know what he ever did to deserve you," he said to Baleen.

"I swear!" Laurence hissed but then glanced nervously to Baleen as Baleen raised an eyebrow. "That.... if we don't leave this instant!" He started laughing and Baleen smiled and left the room with the bag. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Laurence yelled and headed for Richard to fight him. Richard screamed and jumped back onto the bed, crawling over it to put it between them. The door opened back up and Laurence turned towards it and stopped.

"Milord! I heard that." Baleen hissed out. Laurence's eyes widened and he disappeared.

"Someone has been tamed by the nanny," Richard murmured, collapsing on the bed in relief.

"If you have to live with a brat then you have to get him tamed eventually." Baleen said and left the room. Laurence appeared and looked around.

"Is he gone?" Laurence asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Richard said and looked at him calmly, not really thinking. He smiled innocently as he sat to look at Laurence. "So are we ready or what?" He laughed a bit as he stood up and walked over to him. Laurence stretched once more.

"I'm ready." Laurence informed us. I smirked as I noticed a tag sticking up on him so I snuck up behind him and put it down his shirt.

"So childish." I mumbled. He groaned and turned to me.

"Would you two stop!" He hissed out.

"No," Richard teased and smirked, ruffling his hair again. He rolled his eyes and I rubbed his hair like Richard did.

"You know I really hate it when you treat me this way.... One day I am going to grow and be taller then you two.... just you wait." He started for the door then and I busted out laughing.

"Maybe if you stop drinking all that caffeinated tea," Richard called after him and laughed. I motioned for Richard to follow when I got myself straight. I followed Laurence towards the front doors of the castle.

"I don't even drink tea anymore... I got too many cavities so Baleen cut me off." Laurence told us.

"Awww, no wonder why you've been so grumpy," Richard joked as he followed us.

"I'm not grumpy! You two keep picking on me." Laurence whined.

"We can't help it.... I think you shrunk." I told him as I cocked my head to the side a bit. Richard glanced him over and smirked a bit then walked out the front doors of his castle.

"You should get measured every month," he said over his shoulder. "Paris, I realize that we forgot to inform the newborns that we would be coming back with the Prince of England. I certainly hope they haven't destroyed the manor."

"I left Rose in charge.... I think we will be okay." I told him as I followed after Laurence. We reached the doors and he had the butlers open them as he walked through.

"Rose? Is she there?" Laurence asked and turned to us quickly.

"Aww does the little tyke have a crush on Rose?" Richard teased as he smirked devilishly at him. Laurence narrowed his eyes.

"I do not." Laurence snapped.

"Ah but you use to!" I pointed out.

"I'm going to cut out both of your tongues." He muttered.

"But if you do that, you can't hear all the love and admiration I have to express for you Laurence," Richard said and laughed as he walked to the limo. Laurence turned and continued to the lemo where Baleen was waiting with the door open.

"I had the bags put in the trunk." Baleen informed us.

"Very well." Laurence said. I followed behind the two.

"Oh I also took this down from the shelves for the plane ride." Baleen announced and pulled out a teddy bear and handed it to Laurence. Laurence blushed and looked towards us. Richard kept his mouth shut this time, knowing not to push him over the edge, but he couldn't help laughing a bit as he tried to cover it up.

"Thanks Baleen." Laurence muttered and snatched the teddy bear from his butler. "I'll make sure to look after it very carefully." He climbed in first with the bear and sat down with it on his lap. Richard got in next to him and put an arm around him as he looked up at me with a sweet smile. I climbed in and got on one of the side seats near a bucket of iced vodka. I grabbed a glass as the door shut and poured myself a drink. The lemo started up as I done so.

"So Laurence, ready for the best party of your life?" Richard raised an eyebrow at him as he reached over and stole the vodka from me, taking two glasses. I took a sip of what I got from the vodka bottle and watched them.

"Eh.... Party?" Laurence asked in confusion. "When?"

"Now of course." I told him as I cut on a surround sound stereo and Peirce the Veil came on. I took a sip of the vodka then and slouched down in my seat. Richard smirked and poured them both a glass, handing it to him.

"First, we drink up alllll the vodka, then we'll get ourselves something great before we get on the plane....And on the plane...We are going to have the time of our lives," Richard told him as he started to drink his glass. Laurence took a sip of the vodka.

"Time of our lives?" Laurence asked and raised an eyebrow. "I can't wait to see."

"Mhm," Richard hummed and looked over at me with a wink. He finished his glass before us and got a refill. I drunk down the rest of the vodka and sat the glass down as I examined my nails. Oh good... their growing back! Thank heavens... I thought I was going to have to get a new body. I looked up at Laurence as he was watching me like he knew everything I was doing and thinking.

"So Richard! Have you ever tried to look for your son?" Laurence asked. Richard looked over at me and then at Laurence.

"No...." He quickly finished his glass again and set it down as he looked out the window then and smirked as he saw we were getting close to the airport.

"He's in Canada." Laurence said as he took a swig of the vodka.

"Where is my daughter? Still with her mother?" I asked suddenly. The only daughter I ever had was when I was in a woman's body and Richard had gotten us pregnant. She's half human because of the human body I had inhabited. I ended up leaving it of course and left her with a daughter. Her husband has no clue about any of it.... Nor does my daughter and her mother. I shook my head. It was very confusing.

"There we go!" Richard laughed as the car came to a stop. He got out quickly, and I saw him go inside the airport like he had a plan. Laurence and I climbed out together.

"Oh you know... she's a vampire hunter now with her brother." Laurence informed me and waved it off. My jaw dropped.

"WHAT!?" I held my head. "That girl..." I shook my head as we followed after Richard to the private plane.

"Eh." Laurence turned behind him as he seen Baleen getting the bags. "Can't be helped." Laurence handed me the stuffed bear. "Hold that." I laughed and held it as he walked by me. "I don't want people to see." When we caught up to Richard, I saw him flirting with a flight attendant right outside the plane. She giggled and curled her blond hair around her finger as her green eyes sparkled in amusement. He smirked and leaned in to her ear and whispered something to her that made her gasp and look at him with a huge smile. I narrowed my eyes slightly. Does he really have to flirt with his victims? I shook my head and walked up to him.

"Hey baby, come on let's get on the plane." I teased and kissed his cheek before heading into the plane with Laurence trailing behind me. Richard followed me, shooting the flight attendant- Amy- a wink. She raised an eyebrow at him and smirked as she went back to her duties of preparing the flight. I took a seat on one of the couches and sat the bear on the coffee table in front of me. Laurence walked off to the back, towards the bedroom. When Richard got on, he smiled at me innocently and sat beside me, leaning in and stealing a kiss.

"I got us a treat," he whispered in my ear as he went and kissed my neck. I pulled back as I noticed iced vodka right by us on the side table and I grabbed it then popped it open. I took a swig then looked at him.

"Do you seriously have to flirt with the meal?" I asked. He frowned a bit and looked at the door to the airplane consideringly.

"No... I guess not. It makes it easier to get my way though...If you don't want me to do that anymore, I can try my best to skip the flirting with them and save it all for you," he said and laughed a bit as he looked at me, leaning in and stealing a kiss. I kissed him back then pulled back and took another swig of the vodka.

"Uh huh." I grumbled. Amy got on then and went over to one of the couches, fluffing the pillows on it and then smiled when she turned to see us.

"Can I get you anything sirs?" She asked and glanced at Richard with a small smile. He looked her over and gestured her to come to him. Obeying, she came over and stood in front of him.

"Can you lean down for a moment? I need you to inspect this stain on the couch and tell me your opinion on it," he said and gestured to the couch. She raised an eyebrow and leaned down, looking for a stain. He smirked and grabbed her quickly, pinning her down on the couch. "Paris, you want first bite?" He asked, looking up at me as she squirmed under him. I shrugged and sat the bottle down then grabbed her throat and tilted it to the side. I leaned in and took a bit, starting to drink her blood. "LAURENCE!" Richard called, wanting him to get a taste of what he's been missing. Amy screamed as she felt me bite her and started trying to throw us off as Richard went to the other side of her neck, biting down into it. Laurence walked into the room and over to her then grabbed one of her arms and took a bite. I bit down harder on her neck to get the blood flowing in quicker to my mouth. I groaned out in pleasure. Richard laughed a bit as he took a chunk of her flesh and spit it across the room then went back to drinking her blood as she shrieked. Her free hand gripped my hair as she tried to push me away first out of the three on her. Laurence grabbed her other hand to hold down and I heard him laugh. I pulled back and looked her over before going back in for another bite. She screamed and started trying to kick as she began to thrash.

"HELP!" She screamed out, trying to get someone to come in and get us off of her. "SOMEONE PLEASE!" I heard Richard laugh as he moved his hands down and grabbed one of her legs, moving to bite her on her outer thigh. She shrieked again and tried to get her hands back from Laurence.

"Relax my dear.... It will be over soon." I whispered in her ear and laughed. I leaned in towards her lips and bit down on her bottom one. I heard Richard growl at me as I saw him look up at me, and he moved to the lower inner thigh and bit down a few inches above her knee, aiming to get at me. I looked towards him and raised an eyebrow then went towards her throat and bit down on it hard and started feasting on the blood that poured out. Laurence pulled back and whipped off his mouth. Richard glanced at him and then moved back to the other side of her neck and bit down, making her yelp as she started to get weak and couldn't put up a fight anymore. Laurence stood up and grabbed the bottle of vodka and started to drink it as he moved towards the mini-kitchen. I tore out a chunk of her throat then and spit it down onto her and licked my lips as blood started to squirt out towards me.

"Paris, love, I'm so glad that you aren't that way with me...." Richard murmured, glancing up at me with a smirk as he licked up the blood on his side of the neck. She groaned and looked up at me, hate in her eyes. I felt the plate lifting to take off then as the captain seemed to be speaking French but I ignored half of what he said as I stood up and took off my bloody shirt. Richard sat up as he saw me doing so and glanced me over as his smirk widened. Amy weakly covered her bite wounds on her neck and whimpered as I could see that she was beginning to die, but she didn't have Richard's attention anymore, meaning that he wasn't going to finish her off quickly to save her the pain. He looked up at me hungrily and stood up as he licked his lips, cleaning her blood off of his face as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. I gasped and laughed softly as he was now wanting my attention. I pulled him towards the back bedroom so we could have our privacy. He didn't let go of me and hung from my waist as he continued to kiss my neck, trailing kisses as we entered the room. He used his foot to shut the door behind us and then pinned me down on the bed. I smirked up towards him and arched my back slightly. I turned my head so he could have better access to it and I closed my eyes tightly.

He laughed a bit and kept going till he sent a shiver though me. He stopped and then gripped my sides as he licked the sensitive spot on my neck and then started to give me a love bite before I could react. I widened my eyes and looked towards him. "Thought you wanted my blood," I whispered to him. He chuckled lowly and then moved to the other side of my neck, biting down into my skin and causing me to yelp as his fangs punctured my neck. I lowered my back onto the bed as he bit me. I let out a soft moan and wrapped my legs around his. He moved his hands to my back, and I felt his venom enter my system as he stated his dominance. I groaned and closed my eyes once more. "Richard... I love you." I mumbled and laughed at him trying to dominate me. He trailed his fangs down my neck, tickling me as he then kissed my collarbone and begun another trail of kisses down the middle of my chest slowly. I watched him trail the kisses and blushes as he headed downwards. Whoa... "R-Richard?"

"Hm?" He hummed to me, stopping long enough to look up at me for an answer. "Something wrong love?"

"No... nothing is wrong." I shook my head innocently and watched him in admiration. "Just saying your name." He smirked at me and then went back to trailing down my chest, giving me love bites instead. He nipped me playfully halfway down. I growled slightly at him and gave a half smirk as I watched him. He's asking for it... He laughed a bit and gave me another trail of love bites down my happy trail as his hands gripped the bedsheets underneath me. I tensed up then as I loved my happy trail and rarely allowed anyone- including Richard access to it. "Richard!" I watched him and widened my eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me and left it, moving back to me slowly and then smirked down at me as he leaned in for a kiss, biting my lower lip and sucking on it gently. I leaned up and kissed him back, pushing my tongue into his mouth. How dare he... I flipped us then while he least expected it and smirked against his lips. He paused and then kissed me harder, winning my tongue from me and sucked on it to pleasure me. I ran my fingers down to the bottom of his shirt and I lifted it up. I took it off of him and smirked as we was now equal. I leaned in towards his neck and bit down without a moment to spare and started to drink his blood. He groaned and arched his back as I did so, moving his head so that I could get his neck better. I smirked and gripped his sides as I feasted upon his blood. He tasted of the usual demonic sweet blood that kept me coming back for more. I loved him... His blood reminded me of our childhood memories together... sneaking around to be alone in secrecy while his bother searched for us nonstop. That kid was annoying... He's always been annoying.

"Paris," Richard said as he bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes. I pulled back slightly and looked at him.

"Yes?" I asked curiously.

"I love you," he whispered to me and looked up at me sweetly, stealing a kiss from me. I kissed him back.

"Love you too Richard." I whispered back and then kicked off my shoes and his. "You want me?" I teased.

"I always want you," he teased back and smirked, getting another kiss and then kissing my neck. I smirked and started on his pants then.

"This is going to be a long flight.... Good thing huh? We go for hours." I whispered against his lips and then kissed him. He kissed me back passionately and slipped his tongue into my mouth as he reached down to undo my pants for me...