Vampire Queen

Lauren's POV:

I parked outside of Paris' manor after school. I looked in my rearview mirror incase my mate followed me... which I hoped he didn't then climbed out of my car. I wonder where Raven is... I glanced around and noticed it was weird feeling... I looked at the cars in the garage and noticed Paris' car was gone... Oh yeah... He's gone at the moment... I bet he left Rose in charge... I grabbed my duffle bag from the back seat and headed for the kitchen door at the side of the manor. I entered it and seen the chief cooking. "What's up?" I asked and walked towards the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of blood from it then walked off for my room without expecting a reply from him.

"LAUREN!" I heard Rose call from on of the grand living rooms. I headed for the nearest one and seen her watching an anime. "Join me? I need some girl time." She pouted towards me. That's when I noticed another vampire sitting by her with pink hair. "Oh this is Val! Val meet Laur." Rose introduced us.

"Charmed." Val said and smiled at me. She waved then grabbed a handful of popcorn from beside her and started to eat it.

"Pleasure... I suppose I will go put this up and come join.." I walked off then towards my bedroom. When I reached it I sat the bag down by the door inside then went back to them and sat down on the other side of Rose. "What are we watching?" I asked curiously.

"Tokyo Ghoul." Val informed me.

"I seen a few episodes before." I nodded and Val raised the popcorn bowl to me but I shook my head. "No thanks." I waved up my hands. Val nodded and went back to watching the anime.

"Oh I just love Hide!" Rose squealed in excitement.

"I'm more of a Tsukiyama fan." Val said as she leaned in a bit when a scene turned to him in a bathroom breathing into a handkerchief. I shook my head and leaned against the couch as I watch him making a fool out of himself.

"He sounds familiar..." I admitted and grabbed the case to Tokyo Ghoul and looked for his voice actor's name. "OH MY GOD HE PLAYS AS SEBASTIAN IN BLACK BUTLER!" I yelled. Val threw a pillow towards me as they shushed me. I giggled and dropped the box to the side of me.

"Hmm? What's this?" I heard a familiar voice from behind us and then saw Raven leaning against the couch above me, looking at the TV. "What in the world is he doing?" She giggled and looked down at the case to Tokyo Ghoul. "I didn't take you guys for anime watchers."

"Rose is introducing it to me." Val explained.

"I watch anime all the time, Rose invited me to join this... want to come join us?"

"Oh Raven! Sit down! This is my best friend Val... Val this is Raven." Rose said and giggled as she motioned for Raven to sit. I shifted so she could sit beside me. She did and looked at Val with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Val!" She giggled and curled up on the couch, watching the anime.

"Nice meeting you as well Raven!" Val said and motioned the popcorn bowl towards Raven to see if she wanted any. She took some happily and started to eat it as she hugged her knees and watched. She reminded me of L from Death Note with the way she was sitting. I laughed softly and sat Indian style and put a pillow over my lap. I watched the first season with them and even the second before it was all over with. I shook my head as it went off and got up in outrage from what happened. I took off towards the kitchen.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" I yelled out. Val and Rose was on my heels to gossip about it with me. Raven stayed behind and took over the TV, looking at the shelves of movies as I left the room. I grabbed a bottle of blood from the fridge and headed back as Val and Rose stayed to make more popcorn. I took a seat on the couch again and opened the bottle up. Raven giggled as she picked up Kamisama Kiss and brought it over to the player, changing out the series and getting it started.

"Ready for more Michael Tatum?" She giggled as she turned to us and came over, sitting beside me as the other two sat down.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I said and then adjusted myself once more to get comfortable. The best part about not needing sleep is that you can stay up for hours on end watching anime or reading books. She snuggled up to a blanket that she must have gotten while I was gone and curled up, watching as it started. Halfway through the anime Rose and Val fell asleep by us and I giggled. I was waiting on Raven now to pass out. She managed to stay up till the series was over and yawned, putting her head on Rose's sleeping form as she glanced over at the shelves, her eyes searching for another one to watch.

"What about.....We could watch....Hm...Ouran High School Host Club?" I shook my head as I looked at the time. It was almost four in the morning.

"You should get some sleep Raven." I told her.

"It's not like I do anything," she murmured as she yawned again, looking up at me from where she rested her head against Rose.

"Yeah but you look like your going to crash any minute now," I told her and smirked. "Want me to carry you to bed?"

"I'd dare you....but I think that you might actually do it to prove a point," she said and smiled at me sweetly. I smiled back and got up. I took out the anime's disk and put it up then walked over to her.

"Come on." I picked her up easily. She whined a bit and took the blanket with her, keeping it close as it started to drag on the floor.

"I can just teleport myself you know," she told me as she glanced up to me tiredly.

"But this way is cuter." I teased her and then reached her bedroom. I opened her door and walked in. I gave it a glance around before putting her down on her bed. "Good night Raven, sleep well."

"Nighty night," she murmured and closed her eyes, going out like a light as her head hit the pillow. I shook my head and left her there. I walked back to the other two on the couch and took them both to Rose's room. I laid them down under the covers in her bed then left for my own bedroom. Val was an interesting girl.... I reflected. I felt like I knew her from somewhere... Somehow... I knew her. I don't remember how I knew her but I did. It was weird. It was like trying to remember my parents... I shook my head and dug up Breaking Dawn from my book bag and sat it on my shelf. I pulled out The Great Gatsby to read and headed for my bed.. I put my phone on charge- remembering it was dead and I sat Louis' phone by it. I should probably give him that back next time I see him. I focused on reading the book and by the time I finished it was getting daylight outside. I had today off for college... Which was great... I wouldn't have to go in until tonight for film class. My professor wanted us to meet at night instead of the day and my core classes weren't going to be on my plans until Monday. I smirked and walked over to my bathroom. I took a quick- cold shower then picked out a random outfit. An areopostal jacket, pants, shirt, and cute slip on flats. I brushed my long hair out- feeling like Rapunzel as I done so, and put on light makeup... I should get a haircut today! I walked back to my bedroom and grabbed my phone. I checked it for any text messages. I saw that Benjamin had texted me recently, leaving me four messages.

Benjamin: Got the locks changed. Ellie wants to see you.

Benjamin: Since how we have today off, let's go out.

Benjamin: Laaaauren, are you going to ignore me on our day off?

Benjamin: Going to meet you at the bookstore near the theater. See you at 4!

I checked for the time then. It was around lunchtime. I decided to text him back before he sends out a search party for me.

Me: Benjamin calm down... At four? I thought about having a me day... I was going to go get my hair cut. I am starting to feel like Rapunzel. I guess four is good.

Benjamin: Cool, got you a cute necklace while I was out with Ellie earlier. I think you will like it! Oh, and we are going out to eat dinner together at this place I know.

Me: Is Ellie coming?

Benjamin: Yes, we are going to have a family outing.

Me: Try not to enjoy it too much. I might be later, I am still going for a haircut.

Benjamin: Ok! Going to take her out for ice cream first then. Have fun~! : )

I put my phone in my pocket then headed towards my bedroom door. As I opened it I found Val about to knock.

"I was going to knock." Val said. I raised an eyebrow and looked past her into the hall.

"What's up?" I asked softly.

"Going out for a cut? Can I come? I have to stretch my legs and I want to get my hair redone." She pointed to her pink hair. I have a shrug.

"Sure." I walked out past her then and closed my bedroom door. "After the saloon you have to leave me alone, I have to-"

"Go meet Benjamin?" She asked and giggled. I raised an eyebrow.


"Oh don't worry about that." She motioned for me to follow her. "We will take my car and I will drop you off after the saloon." She told me. I followed after her, a bit freaked out.

"Hey...where are you two going?" Raven asked appearing in front of me. She had a hairbrush in her hands as she was finishing getting the night's tangles out. "I heard you two out here, and I'm curious."

"Our to get our hair done," Val told her and we stopped to chat with her. "By the way... love your hair." She blushed a bit and giggled.

"Thanks....It's been like this for as long as I can remember," she told her and glanced at one of her purple locks as she finished brushing out her hair. "I'll leave you to it then." She smiled sweetly at us and started to walk back to her room.

"Okay sweetie!" Val yelled then turned to me. "Let's get going." She winked towards me and grabbed my hand. She pulled me out to the garage where a man was standing by an unfamiliar car. He seemed like the bouncer type of guy who stood by the door at a club. He opened the doors for us and we got into the car. "So WE have a bunch to talk about my dear." She winked towards me. I raised an eyebrow in confusion... What about? She took off driving then and was already over the speed limit before we was out of the gate. She drives like most the vampires I know. I like it. I leaned in and gave her a sniff. Pureblood... Typical. I shook my head and leaned the seat back a bit.

"What about Val?" I asked curiously.

"Oh everything sweetie! Everything!" She winked towards me.

"Where to start then?" I asked curiously. She was reminding me of a motherly figure with her talk.

"Oh! Where should we begin... Hmmm... Your coming home with me." She began. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh.... bad way to start?" She asked.

"Why would I come with you?" I asked curiously.

"Your loyalties lies on Louis' side of course my doll." I widened my eyes and sat up the chair then.

"What? Excuse me? WHAT."

"Look at it this way... Your mate is there.. I will be there." She smirked.

"What?" I tilted my head. "Wait a minute... Your a traitor!"

"No I am not. I am a goddess and princess. I have rights to do whatever I want."

"Oh yeah! What are you princess and goddess of?" I asked.

"Princess of Italy and goddess of California and New York." She bumped my nose with her finger and smirked.

"You can't just kidnap me."

"I'm not! Your coming willingly. You haven't even tried to climb out yet."

"That's because you are driving at a ridiculous speed." I pointed out.

"I don't know any other way then to just come out and tell you right away.." She locked the doors then.

"Come out and tell me what?" I wondered...

"I'm your maker Laur," Val told me. I widened my eyes and thanked the heavens that I was not driving because I would have stomped the breaks hard. I could tell she wasn't lying to me though.

"Wh-What? I thought you were dead!" I gasped at the thought. My maker was back... How did I not see this before!?

"Laur darling you are reaching the age where you will recive your next power."

"I am getting a new power?"

"If you do. I am here to see what it is and I am bringing you back home with me! Isn't this lovely?"

"I have college."

"Nonsense! You don't need to go to college anymore. Hugue is dead, be your own person again. Come live with me for a few days and see the world. Tell you what... If you still want to go to college and stay with Paris and stay on his side by... two weeks from now... I will release you back into the world." I raised an eyebrow and suddenly we stopped. "You know what's great about being a maker? You can take back releasing a newborn." She purred.. I widened my eyes as she grabbed my wrist before I could react and bit down. I screamed out in pain and felt my neck sting as Benjamin's mark faded off and I felt bond to Val once more. She pulled back and licked her lips. "Props of being a pureblood maker. Now... You HAVE to stay with me." She ordered me.

"Y-yes Val." I said softly.

"Good girl," She turned back to the wheel and started driving again, right out of Maine.

"Wh- Where are we going?" I asked quickly.

"To my pint house in New York, darling." She laughed then and I watched as my blood dripped off her chin onto her dress.

"I seriously have to stay with you?" I asked.

"Of course you do. I want to see what your next power is... If you get one of course. I have a good feeling about you." She pointed her finger towards me. I frowned. After a few more minutes, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and took it out to see who it was.

Benjamin: Lauren, I feel like something is wrong. Did something happen? Do I need to come get you? I can let you stay with me if there is something going on. I'll keep you safe, I swear.

I looked towards Val. "May I text Benjamin back?" I asked her.

"Tell him you are just going out of town and everything is going to be okay. You will be back in two weeks." Val ordered me. I nodded.

Me: Last minute change of plans Benjamin... I am going out of town for two weeks... Everything is okay.

Benjamin: T~T what am I supposed to tell Ellie?

Me: That I love her but something important came up?

Benjamin: What's going on? You promised to go to that ballet with me.... and family night.

Me: My maker has ordered me to come with her for two weeks... I can't break her order.

Benjamin: But you were released for years. You're not a newborn. I'm so confused....

Me: She came back and bit me! Now I am one of her pawns... once again.

Benjamin: If she shows her face here, I'll kill her, but don't tell her that.

Val snatched my phone out of my hands and cut it off. "No distractions." She ordered me and laughed. "Like music?" She wondered and turned the radio on. I crossed my arms and sunk in the seat.

"This is going to be a very long-"

"Chill out! I am an awesome maker! We are going to party and drink alcohol and have boys strip off all their clothes right in front of us as we sling money their way."

"WHAT!" I widened my eyes. "You know.... I have a mate right?"

"What? Benjamin? I got rid of the mark. Trust me, being alone is powerful. You want power... Not a mate to follow behind." She told me and waved it off. "You''ll see before it is over with."

"You are impossible." I grumbled.

"Take a nap." Val eased.

"I can't sleep... You of all people should know this." She laughed and nodded towards me.

"Oh I remember. Fine... Here... Play candy crush." She tossed the phone back to me and I caught it. I turned my phone back on and done as I was told through the road trip to New York.

Benjamin's POV:

I growled as I set my phone down on the table. What am I supposed to tell Ellie?! Stupid makers.... When this is all over, I should seriously do something about those purebloods...the bad ones. I took a deep breath and plastered a smile on my face as I turned to Ellie who was behind me. "Sweetie? Mommy can't make it. Something came up, and she had to go away for a bit. She says she will be back though, so we have to trust mommy. She loves you, and I'm sure she'll be back. about we go see Swan Lake this weekend? Just me and you?"

"Swan Lake? What is that.... Is that a movie?" Ellie asked curiously and smiled. I laughed a bit and ruffled her hair.

"No...It's a ballet where a bunch of pretty dancers tell a story through dancing about a white swan and her twin, the black swan. It gets pretty intense," I told her and smiled at her sweetly. "So do you want to go see it sweetie? We'd get some father daughter time all to ourselves." I winked at her and made a daisy crown materialize and then placed it on her head. "There you go my little princess," I whispered as I then produced a snickers bar and placed it in her hand.

"Would mommy approve?" Ellie asked me as she took the candy bar and unwrapped it. She began to eat it as she stared up at me with her big blue eyes. I laughed and nodded to her.

"She would. Mommy loves Swan Lake," I said softly and watched her.

"Then I will go see it with you, so I can tell her all about it." She said in determination. I smiled and straightened up.

"Great, we will have the best time of our lives, and you can tell mommy just how great I am," I told her and took her hand, leading her out of the cafe we had been sitting in, waiting on Lauren. "Hmm....I'm going to have to enroll you in school sometime this week...." I said to myself. "Mommy wouldn't be too happy if you didn't get an education."

"School? I don't think so... Last time I went to something like that.. It ended badly. A girl threw a plate of food into my face and embarassed me. I never went back after that." She held her head down low as she admitted the incident to me. "Can't I be home schooled? I don't play well with childern my age." She sounded so mature telling me this. I couldn't help but be a little shocked that a girl such as Ellie would have such a hard time fitting in. She was sweet and- well, I guess from the other girls...she could be a bit strange. She doesn't seem like the type that would be chasing boys on the playground. I smiled softly and looked down at her as I took her hand in mind.

"Tell you what....If you promise to try to learn, I will personally homeschool you. I will get you filed down as a homeschooled kid with the authorities and get the stuff that you need to be like the other kids when you grow up so that you can be like your mommy and me and go to college. How does that sound? Would you like me to personally teach you? I can do it...shouldn't be to hard." I laughed a bit and watched her reaction.

"You personally teach me? Your a teacher?" She widened her eyes as she looked me over. "That wasn't what I expected.... Does mother know this?" She titled her head to the side. I laughed softly and shook my head.

"Well, I'm not exactly a teacher, but I am very smart and can teach you what you need to know," I told her and touched her nose playfully. "Besides, I'll even teach you some real world things that school won't tell you- stuff they don't know."

"Stuff school doesn't know? You must be really.... really smart!" She giggled. "Okay... I promise to try to learn." I laughed a bit and reached down, picking her up and putting her on my back to give her a piggy back ride as I started to go to the car.

"Weeell, if I tell you the stuff school doesn't know, you have to be careful with the information. You can't go around telling just anybody. In fact, you have to stay quiet about it, ok?"

"Why do I have to stay quiet about it?" She wondered. "Is it going to be super top secret stuff!?" I nodded and glanced back at her.

"It is very dangerous information- stuff that others do not know because the society has chosen to forget it. The ones who haven't...well, they...some use it to their advantage," I told her, thinking about the vampire hunters.

"When do I get to learn about it?" She asked and started to mess with my hair. Laughing, I set her down right by the car and looked at it.

"When you want to," I said. "If you want to know really soon, I'll tell you when we get in the car."

"Does mommy know?" She asked me. "If I get to know then I want her to know too."

"She knows.... In fact, you could say mommy lives this stuff I'm going to tell you." I opened the door and put her inside, buckling her up and then getting in the driver's seat, driving off to go home.

"Tell me now then! I want to know." She urged.

"Mkay, let's see what you know about it so far. What do you know about creatures of the night, werewolves and whatnot?" I glanced at her in the rear view mirror.

"Mommy... My first mom use to tell me bedtime stories about a big bad wolf.... is that close enough?" She asked innocently.

"Hmmm...not quite, but I will go ahead and start from the beginning. The world is deeper than you think. It's not just normal everyday humans out there," I said, gesturing out the window towards some people on the sidewalk I was driving past. I paused as I saw one of them and got a feeling about him that he wasn't normal. "Except that guy... Anyways, human looking beings are out there and live among us. Werewolves, one of the many beings out there, can turn into giant wolves that can get to be the size of a car. They live in packs- which is like a big family- and hunt together. Vampires are also known as creatures of the night, but... they aren't really that. They can be outside in the daytime, much to the nerds' believes. They hunt humans and drink blood from them, either leaving them alive or dead. They can give their gift to others if they desire. Now, there are vampire hunters as well who hunt these creatures out there, believing that they are horrible and deserve to die for just existing. Do you have any questions yet sweetie?" I asked, glancing at her through the mirror.

"Are you pulling my leg or are you actually serious? How come people forgot they exist over time... If they really are out there? How come you know... Are you one of them?" She watched me in admiration. I smiled a bit.

"I guess it was wishful thinking about forgetting. Only select people know.... I don't know exactly why they forgot. Guess they just stopped believing and the supernatural started getting more secretive and hiding from the hunters." I laughed darkly under my breath. I haven't come face to face with a hunter yet....but I've heard terrible tales about them...and they call us bad. "Would you be afraid?" I glanced at her again.

"I don't see why I should? I don't think they would hurt someone like me... I'm too adorable." Her eyes got big as she done a pout before giggling. "So.... we are in a world of hidden monsters?"

"Mhm, we have to hide from them just a bit or else the ones who wouldn't understand would get upset. The vampire hunters might get more support.... Then again.... The nerds are pretty powerful. Lately they've been making movies about the supernatural- making them out to be sparkly vampires and heartbroken werewolves." I started to focus on the road again.

"Heart broken werewolves? Are you talking about Jacob... and Edward? Seriously..." She shook her head.

"Your mom reads that in secrecy by the way.... Its wrong...terribly wrong. Vampires don't sparkle," I told her and looked back up at her in the mirror.

"Wow.... She reads Twilight..." She giggled.

"Yes...Its very sad for a vampire to be reading that," I said under my breath. "So do you have any questions yet?"

"Uh-mmm.... I don't know.... What else is there to learn?"

"Well, you should know that most of the fairy tale creatures are somewhat real... Not all of them, but some of them. Your mommy and I....we aren't like the others you see on the streets." I took a deep breath and gave a shaky smile. What if she totally flips? She's taking most of this really well, but she is a little girl....

"What fairy tale creatures are you two then?" She giggled and leaned in to hear better.

"Vampires," I said and smirked, pulling up to a red stop light and turning to look down at her.

"Prove it." She crossed her arms.

"I see that you drive a hard bargain smart one," I told her and laughed a bit. "If you insist...." I exposed my fangs to show her and watched her reaction.

"What if they are fake? I need better proof daddy. You know you can go get your teeth sharpened now days right?" I raised an eyebrow at her and then unsharpened my fangs back to normal looking human teeth then materialized a cup of steaming coffee with a bag of MnM's, handing the candy to her as I sipped on my tea.

"Alright," I said, watching her. "I can get you better proof than fangs if you'd like. I'm going to try not to go too far in proving it.... I don't want you to be afraid." She started eating the MnM's and watched me.

"Better proof. Or I think I might tell mommy." I widened my eyes.

"Don't you dare tell mommy.... She'll kill me the second you look away," I mumbled and then started driving to the house. "Tell you what, I'll show you that I'm a vampire when we get back to the house if you don't believe me yet...."

"Why can't mommy know that I know?" She asked curiously.

"Because mommy is way older than me and might not like the fact that I'm telling you this. She might have wanted to do it with me, not me just telling you myself." I smiled, knowing she'd find out anyway. I am so screwed.... She's smart enough to be able to tell when something is up. "So, what kind of proof do you want?"

"Uh.... Do you have any cool superpowers?" She asked me. In response, I made a rose materialize in my hands and then held it out to her behind me. She grabbed it and sniffed it.

"Like super speed and what not....?"

"Hmm.... I'm not sure... I became a vampire a month far I can make things appear like that rose and bag of MnM's."

"What about mommy?" She wondered. "You said she is older."

"She is....She was alive a lot longer than me. She can make time stop and do things while the world is on pause," I informed her and laughed a bit. "She took things out of my pocket once."

"That is so cool sounding! So you two are a couple right?" She giggled.

"She's your mommy, isn't she?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "Of course we are a couple."

"I was just making sure I wasn't forcing you two together." She smirked and smelled the rose again. "Where is mommy again?"

"Mommy? She said she had business that came up....She'll be home in a week," I said softly. I glanced at her smirk and frowned a bit. Why does that bother me....

"You mean I won't see her for a week!" She frowned. "That's not right. I just got here." I sighed and watched the road.

"I don't know what to tell you sweetie....She left me too.... She'll be back, I promise. Daddy will make sure that she won't leave for too long."

"Why'd she go? Is it that important to leave us?" She curled up and looked out the window. "It's not fair."

"No....It's not fair. She didn't tell me what the business was....but I'm sure that everything is fine. Just look at it this way, you and I get some time together!" I smiled, trying to brighten her up. "When she gets back, she'll spend all kinds of time with you to make up for it."

"You should go get her!" She cried out and cheered up at the thought.

"Go....get her?" I frowned a bit, glancing up at her. Why the hell didn't I think of that....

"Yes! Bring her home. Think about it daddy... What if mommy is in trouble. This unexpected.. ditch.... Sounds mysterious. Go rescue her!" She actually has a point...

"You are a very smart kid for your age.... Tell you what, daddy will use his influence to figure out where she went and what happened. I have some friends in high places that can find her if something bad happened to her. Wanna meet someone cool?" I asked and smirked.

"Sure! How cool is this person?" She wondered. I laughed a bit.

"Just one of the more powerful vampires in the area. He's the one who turned me," I informed her. "His name is Louis, and if he can't find anything out, then the only way would be to try to track her phone...but if someone took her, then they probably prepared for that." I narrowed my eyes. It would explain why she didn't tell me where she was going. Louis should help me out.... I glanced her over and tsked a bit. If I'm going to have her meet Louis.... I want her to look as cute as she can. After all, she's my little girl now... I shook my head as I laughed a bit and sped up.

"I get to meet your maker!? Whoa... This is going to be like... A Christian meeting god!" She giggled. "Is he friendly and would mommy approve of me meeting him?" I raised an eyebrow. Probably not....

"Let's not worry about that," I told her and then pulled up to my house and parked in the garage, getting her out and taking her inside. When we got up to her room, I went over to the closet and opened it, pulling out a few dresses and set them on her bed. Good thing that Lauren went shopping with her yesterday.... I'd be at a loss. I smirked as I laid my eyes on a cute little lacey dress that I had pulled out and held it up, looking down at her.

"I have to change just to meet him?" She frowned. "Why? Am.... I not good enough like this?" She looked down at her casual outfit. Oops.

"No, that's not it at all sweetie. You are incredible and perfect.... I just want you to be really cute because Louis...well...he doesn't know about you yet." I gave her a smile and bent down to her level. "Besides, it's just like playing dress up my little princess."

"I don't want to wear that though to meet him. I want to go in what I have on now. Less work." Raising an eyebrow, I set the dress back down and went over to her dresser and picked up a cute pink bow off the top and walked over, pulling her hair up into a ponytail and putting it into an adorable bow.

"Perfect," I whispered under my breath as I inspected it and then nodded in approval. I pulled out my phone and started to text Louis.

Me: Louis, I'm coming over today with a guest.

Louis: Guest....Is it that cute girl of yours from earlier? You know we need to have that talk about having a mate.

Me: No, she's actually not coming. It's someone else that wants to meet you. I need your help btw.

Louis: Oh? Come over immediately then and bring your guest.

I smirked and put my phone up, looking down at her. "Do you still want more proof?"

"Yes, I still want more proof. What's going to come up next?" She asked and her face lit up.

"Well, you can either choose to see me feed- which can get a bit messy and scary- or you can choose something of your own." I smiled at her and ruffled her hair. There's no way she'll ask to see me eat. She'll just come up with her own thing and it'll be easy.

"I don't know much about vampires though... that's unfair." She crossed her arms. I handed her my phone then after unlocking it.

"The internet is at your disposal. Fair warning, you might see some stuff that isn't true." She nodded and grabbed my phone then started to google search.

"Why is it I have to do this the tough way?" She mumbled.

"Tough way?" I raised an eyebrow and exposed my fangs, touching them gently. What does she mean by that?

"Why can't you just show me instead of me searching for fake stuff on the web and then asking you if it is true or not.... Your complicated.... I'm just going to learn this from mommy." She started to play candy crush on my phone then. I dropped my jaw when she said that.

"W-well....fine...then.... I can prove it easily....I just don't want you to be afraid of me if I do something bad." I looked down at her as I managed to close my mouth. I can't believe she said I was complicated!

"I rather just ask mommy.." She waved me off. I narrowed my eyes at her and then heard the window break on the other side of the room. Startled, I looked up and saw the glass on the floor as the curtains started to move a bit. What just happened?! She looked up and towards the window then towards me. "Daddy? Did you do that or are we about to die from radio activity?" I widened my eyes and walked over to the window, trying not to step on the broken glass as I looked outside to see if someone was out there. I just saw the blank wilderness staring back at me. I came back from the window slowly and looked down at the glass around my feet. Did I do this? I frowned as I glanced back over at her. "Daddy...." She stepped towards me. "You okay?" I bit my bottom lip hard and then winced as I felt my fangs cut my lip. Ow!

"Y-yeah.... I'm fine I think... I am not sure what that was," I whispered and bent down, picking up a glass shard.

"Did you do that?" She asked as she handed the phone to me. "Maybe you should call your maker." I swear...this girl hides her smartness. I nodded and straightened up, dialing his number.

"Hello? Louis's house of horrors, how may I help you?" I heard him say, sounding like he was messing with me.

"Louis, do you think you can get over here? Like...soon? Something happened, and I'm not sure what it is," I said quickly, starting to get worried. What if I did do this?!

"Calm down Benjamin. I will be over riiiiight about," I saw him appear behind Ellie and smirk at me, "now." I hung up quickly and looked at him.


"What happened to that window?" He said, frowning as he was taking in the sight of the room. "It's so...girlie in here...." Ellie turned to face him then.

"HIIII! You must be his maker. My name is Ellie... I'm his daughter." She pointed at herself then reached out and grabbed his hand, starting to shake it. "Have you seen my mommy? Her name is Lauren and she is missing." He widened his eyes as he saw her and then teleported away from her, behind me.

" have a lot of explaining to do," he hissed in my ear. Widening my eyes, I looked at him over my shoulder.

"Y-yes sir," I whispered.

"So when did you get a daughter? Why didn't you tell me?" I bit my bottom lip and winced as I felt the wound I made earlier.

"Well...We adopted her," I said simply. "She's my daughter now..... Lauren went off on some business, but I think something is up with her," I whispered to him. He frowned and looked back over at Ellie, teleporting in front of her and kneeling down to look her in the eyes.

"Hmmmm," he hummed, looking her over. "So... Ellie....did he tell you anything? Anything strange?"

"Define strange." She gave a smile towards him. "Strange like... walking off a building... or strange like vampires and werewolves exist?" He raised an eyebrow and looked back at me.

"Did she believe you?" He laughed a bit. "I like her. She's smart."

"I believe proof." She said and crossed her arms.

"Oooh.... I really like her now," he said and smirked. "You are going to be a lot of fun when you get bigger." He stood up and walked over towards me, kicking some of the glass shards. "Now what happened to the window?" He glanced at me and then picked up a piece, turning it over in his hands.

"It shattered suddenly," I told him, looking at how cleanly the glass had come off of the window frame. There wasn't any sharp edges still on it.

"Strange...Benjamin, come here," he said and gestured for me to get closer. I raised an eyebrow and walked over to him. When I got close, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, exposing his fangs and biting into my wrist. Yelping, I went to rip myself away from him, but he tightened his grip.

"L-Louis...please," I whimpered and tugged on my arm, trying to get it back.

"What are you going to do about it?" He smirked at me and then went towards my neck, pulling me as close as possible. I fought back but he overpowered me and held me against the wall.

"Stop," I told him and went to stop down on his foot. He hissed out in pain and then bit down into my neck as hard as he could. I screamed a bit and then groaned in pain. "Louis," I warned.

"What?" He whispered in my ear. "I'm your maker, and I can do what I want to you." I narrowed my eyes at him and went to shove him away. What the hell is wrong with him?! He's never like this to me! I've only seen him treat Isabelle this way!

"Get. Off. Me," I hissed out and shoved him away. I heard another one of her windows shatter and froze as I glanced over. He raised an eyebrow and looked at it.

"Bingo....." He trailed off, walking over to inspect it. He glanced over at me and then at the window. "Well, it's quite simple. You broke her window.... Must be a new power for you.... Your going to have to learn to control it before someone gets hurt. It seems to be tied to your emotions...." I instantly felt bad for her windows and looked at Ellie as I got a bit nervous. "It's ok. It's quite common for a newborn to suddenly get new powers and then have a bit of trouble with controlling it. You will be fine.... I'd say about a week and then you might be able to control it better. Work with focusing on shattering certain things and so on and so forth. If you do that, you might be able to get it away from your emotions a tad bit and will be able to do it on command." I nodded as I looked at him finally. He smirked and walked over. "You might want to get those patched up," he whispered to me, touching my neck where he bit me.

"COOL! DADDY GOT A NEW POWER! Now if only it was a tracking power it might be useful. SO Louis... Can you find my mommy now?" Ellie asked and walked over to us. "Nice fangs by the way." Louis brightened up and instantly looked like he turned angelic, looking down at her.

"Of course I can find your mommy! I'd be glad to!" He bent down and picked her up. "Benjamin is so lucky to have a cute little girl like you," he told her, walking over towards me again with her in his arms. "Benjamin, you are going to have to work with me and tell me about her....what you know and whatnot. Oh, and I want your phone for a bit...just to get her number and look at some things on it- text conversations and what not." I nodded and passed it over, giving it to him. He smirked and set her down beside me. "Alright you two...Behave," he said and winked, teleporting off. HE JUST STOLE MY PHONE! When does he plan to give it back?! I narrowed my eyes. I only had one....

"He just took your phone... How are you supposed to rescue mommy if he is doing all the work?" She questioned me. I tsked.

"How am I supposed to know?" I walked over to the door. "How about some ice cream sweetie? I'll get your windows replaced...and no telling mommy I destroyed them on accident.... She'll have a fit and tell me that you can't stay here if I have a hard time with a new power."

"Ice cream? Okay... I will take some... but no promises about keeping secrets from mommy." She smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You know....Daddy can be pretty scary and make you swear not to tell mommy if he wanted," I warned. Of course I wouldn't actually scare her on purpose.... I just hope that it will get her to not tell her about the windows.

"I'll just tell mommy you are trying to scare me into not telling her something." She smirked. "Then where will you be?"

"Touche..." I nodded. Too smart for your own good.... "But do you want mommy to take you away from me?"

"I like mommy." She told me and shrugged. "Though I am sure I would still get to see you." Louis appeared in front of me and looked me over.

"Benjamin, I think that someone may have taken her... That conversation seemed pretty strange if you ask me. Probably another vampire. Do you know if maybe she was in connections with anyone powerful? Is she a pureblood like me?" He started to question me and pulled me down the hall towards the study, leaving Ellie to follow us. I shook my head at him as I kept up the best I could.

"No...She's not a pureblood. She's just older than me... I don't know about connections...." He nodded as he heard me and glanced off.

"Well....maybe...." He narrowed his eyes. "Got a few phone calls to make." He handed me my phone and disappeared again. Is he just going to be popping up here and there for the rest of the week? I frowned. What if he catches me at a bad time....

"Now you have your phone back." Ellie grabbed my phone and walked off for the kitchen. "COME ON! ICE CREAM TIME!" I shook off my master's sudden appearance and followed her.

"Alright, alright," I said, laughing a bit as I followed her.

Raven's POV:

I smiled as teleported in front of Austin's door to pick him up. He planned the last few dates, and today... I would take him out for one that I planned. I had gotten tickets to a concert tonight and passes into the greatest rollercoaster park in the nearby areas. We'd go out to the coaster park and have the time of our lives and then go see a that rock concert with backstage passes I got us. He's going to love it! After all, if a guy can love mountain climbing, he is sure to like this...right? I giggled as I raised my hand to knock on the door and knocked softly. After a few minutes he opened up the door, he looked worn out.

"Yeah- Oh hi Raven." He yawned and stood aside to let me come in. "Come in sweetie... I've been resting." I bit my bottom lip as I glanced him over. Maybe my idea isn't so great... I did drink his blood recently. I looked him over again and reached behind me, tucking the passes and tickets deeper into my pocket. Giving an innocent smile, I walked into his apartment.

"Sorry for bothering you," I said sheepishly and looked back at him as I came in. "If I had known that you were resting... I wouldn't have come and disturbed you."

"I was actually just getting off the phone with Vincent about the camping trip." He told me and slipped a yawn. "We are heading out tomorrow." Yeaaaah.... let's not...go out and do what I wanted. I will just find Lauren! I smiled and nodded, walking over and giving him a hug.

"Sounds good.... You should get some sleep. You look tired, and I'd imagine that you are still recovering." I looked up at him and leaned up on my tiptoes, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Want to watch a movie with me? We could watch Suicide Squad. I heard it is really good and it is on Netflix. Vincent said the kids are crazy about it. Something about the gator guy and a girl running around in just her panties through out the movie... He said it has been inspiriting the twins." He laughed. I raised an eyebrow and let go, won over. I walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Ok, give me a moment though," I said and pulled out my phone to text Lauren.

Me: Lauren, wanna hang out tomorrow? I got passes to this really cool rollercoaster park, and I can easily slip away from Austin while he is packing for the camping trip I'm going on. They'll go to waste if I don't find someone to use them with.

"Who you texting cutie?" Austin asked as he sat down by me and turned on the tv. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder then grabbed a controller to work his xbox1s and put on the movie for us. I smiled as I set my phone down beside me and leaned into him.

"Just Lauren," I whispered. "I had to tell her something."

"Oh! You should tell her I said hi if she responds back to you." He told me and kissed my head. "By the way... are you hungry?" I tensed up and looked up into his eyes from his shoulder.


"Would you like some popcorn or a drink? Chocolate perhaps?" Oh... I laughed a bit and kissed his cheek.

"Sure," I told him. He left my side then and went to the kitchen to get something. He came back with a bowl of popcorn, two cokes, and a box of chocolate... not even missing the movie since it was still opening up to the movie. I smiled as I saw him come back and patted where he had been sitting earlier. "Thanks Austin." I giggled a bit and waited for him to sit down beside me again. He sat down by me and handed over a coke then put the food between us. He opened up his can of coke and took a sip.

"No problem cutie." He told me after taking the sip. I smiled sweetly and opened my drink, taking a bit of the popcorn.

"So whatcha been up to lately?" I asked softly, eating my handful of popcorn. He's so sweet....making popcorn.

"I went to school... was a bit disappointed when I didn't see you much after it." He teased and kissed my cheek. "Did you make me breakfast?" I blushed a bit. That's right.... He wouldn't eat my breakfast and then he's hanging out with those two witches and those werewolves. Should I tell him? I bit my bottom lip. No....not yet....not unless they do something. They are his friends after all.

" didn't eat it," I said, deciding to respond with that as I smirked, feeding him a piece of the chocolate.

"So that means it was true that you was here... You have some explaining to do about disappearing on me missy." He purred and leaned in kissing my cheek. "My friends really wanted to see you at lunch." I blushed a deeper shade and turned to look at him.

"U-um...." I shifted nervously. Am I actually in trouble for not coming back to see him?

"Nevermind..." He turned to the movie as it began. I bit my bottom lip and then looked at the TV screen.

"Sorry...." I whispered. "I I got the feeling that I wasn't welcome there...not yet," I said as softly as I could, feeling bad about saying it. It's not like I could lie to him....

"Oh you mean... Akane... She's just protective. She'll come around." He kissed my cheek. "I promise! She always comes around, trust me. You two are going to be best friends." I laughed a bit, shaking my head.

"If you say so," I whispered. She's so going to be mad if I end up turning him. I might actually end up fighting a witch....

"What's wrong?" He asked and fed me a piece of popcorn. I smiled and ate it, looking over at him.

"I just don't think that she likes me too much. That's all," I told him and leaned over, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I don't want to start trouble with your friends. Don't worry about it."

"I think I will talk to Akane myself then." He turned towards the movie without another word said.

"No....Don't do that," I whispered, getting nervous. I don't need the witch to hate me more! "Look, it's alright." I gave him a smile and moved the popcorn and chocolate onto the table, scooting over and wrapping my arms around him. "I think that you are right about us eventually going to get along. It's probably just because I'm the new girl around," I told him, trying to get him to leave her alone so that she wouldn't kill me.

"No no... I am going to talk to her and she what her problem is and then everything will be okay." He pinched my cheek and grabbed a handful of popcorn then started to eat on it.

"You don't want to do that," I whispered, biting my lip. "Don't do it." He pulled out his phone then and started to text someone.

"I'll do it now." I widened my eyes and snatched his phone from him, teleporting across the room with both mine and his phone.

" won't." I studied him as I leaned up against the wall and watched him closely, putting both our phones into my pocket.

"Your being a big baby about this Raven. Give me my phone." He reached out for it. I shook my head.

"Nuh uh..... I don't want her to be more upset than she already is." I crossed my arms. "I'm a girl. I should know what it's like when someone takes what's mine. Even as a vampire, I know what that's like. I hate it when someone takes my prey from me, and I'm sure she hates it when someone takes her friends from her."

"It's not taking... It is just her being cautious of you. Calm down. She was a new girl before too.... so I believe you two will end up getting along. Especially when we are camping."

"She's going with us?!" I widened my eyes and felt like I was about to die. Oh no.... I'm totally faking being sick...

"Yeah... she's one of my extreme friends... What's wrong? You're a vampire! Why are you like this?" He laughed and patted the couch by me. "Look... I am your boyfriend and I am telling you... everything will be just fine. Akane is a sweet girl! If she wasn't then I wouldn't be her friend. Do I have to drag you along?" I blushed and walked back over to him.

"N-no..." I'm so dead....She's going to kill me....

"You! My beautiful girlfriend are overreacting! If I had to meet and get along with your vampire pack then you have to meet and get along with my human pack too." He smirked. I shook my head. We aren't a pack.... I laughed a bit and sat beside him.

"Fine.... I get along with Akane. Even if she totally hates my guts, I will just kill her with kindness," I said and smiled, handing him back his phone. It's been awhile since I've gotten to irritate someone....

"Thank you for my phone." He put it inside his pocket. "Now... I am glad you are back to being civil." I tsked and leaned over, giving him a kiss.

"Well....if you knew what I knew... you might not be so quick to calling me uncivil," I muttered under my breath as I leaned up against him, getting my drink and taking a sip of it as I began to relax. I wonder....maybe one day he'll know who his friend is.... Should I offer to turn him for real? I glanced up at him as I began to ponder on that again. Eventually I will have to confront it, either when he tells me he wants to be like me or when I think its necessary to do so....if everything goes accordingly. I smiled a bit as I turned to look back at the TV watching as they were releasing the criminals to form the squad. You mean I missed that much?! I felt my jaw drop as I realized just how much time I wasted. I quickly recovered and pretended like I had a clue about what was going on. Maybe I can extend the ticket times for that park.....I think I have it for the rest of the week- one time only of course. Those concert tickets though.... Maybe he'll feel well enough to go tonight? I glanced up towards him again in curiosity, studying him. "After this, want to go somewhere with me?" I asked softly, giving him a sweet smile to win him over. "You'll like it...." Giggling, I leaned up and gave him a kiss on his cheek near his jawline. I looked him in the eyes and leaned in towards his lips slowly in a teasing way, glancing from his lips to his eyes. I'm so going to win....

"We are always going somewhere," He teased me but gave a nod. "We could go somewhere... I don't mind." He gave me a kiss softly on the lips. 

"Mkay!" I smiled and pulled out the concert tickets from my back pocket, waving them in his face. "We...are going to go see the most incredible performance ever." 

"Where are we going?" He asked and tried to snatch the concert tickets from my hand to take a closer look. I held it up out of his reach and smirked at him, exposing my fangs playfully.

"All in good time...." 

"What if I don't like them? Ever thought about that?" He questioned me and stopped trying for them. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Then you can try to take a nap, Mr. Tired-looking." I laughed a bit and handed him one of the tickets to look at, putting my fangs away. He grumbled and looked back to the TV. He lost interest in finding out about the concert we were going to. Well fine then. Its not like I wanted to take you somewhere great anyways. I sighed and turned back to the movie, getting quiet as I took a sip of my drink. 

"When does it start?" He asked suddenly. 

"In about...." I glanced at the tickets. I had planned accordingly to take him to the park today and then go see the show, so I know its not for awhile. "It starts at 10 pm." 

"That's late..." He sounded like he was complaining. "We need to be ready early tomorrow. I hope you are okay with little to no sleep," He pulled me closer to him and kissed my cheek. Blushing, I glanced up at him.

"I've had less," I murmured softly. Now that he's mentioned something.....I wonder how he'll fair with that amount of sleep. He already looks like he needs to go to bed. "I'd be more worried about yourself." 

"You don't need to worry over me.... I will be absolute." He smirked and watched the TV. Why.... I smiled and laughed a bit, going back to watching the movie. After the movie, I sat up a bit and pulled away to glance around. We have at least a few hours before we'll have to get ready to even leave. I looked back at him and smiled innocently, standing up. 

"So.....want me to come back later and pick you up?" 

"If you would like," He stood up as well and pulled me into his arms. He hugged me tightly, giving my lips a soft kiss. "Don't be late for our date, princess." I blushed big time and gave him a kiss back, wrapping my arms around him.

"I won't be," I whispered. He let me go then and nodded. 

"I'll be ready." He started to take the bowl off of the couch first, starting to clean up. Nodding, I gave him a glance then got an idea, deciding to play with him a bit before I go.

"So....Did you make your decision yet? I don't think I've formally asked, but I've pretty much hinted to the fact that I would," I said, teleporting onto the arm of the couch where I sat on the edge of it and watched him closely. I hid a small smirk as I studied him. 

"I did think about it," He told me. He nodded and grabbed the empty drinks- putting one in the bowl. "You can wait for the answer though." He looked up at me and smirked cleverly. He headed for the kitchen then. I teleported to the kitchen and onto one of the counters near the sink, watching as he came in.

"What if I'm impatient and I don't want to wait for the answer?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He sat the things on the counter then looked at me. 

"You'll wait." He sounded so confident. Oh? I smirked at him, laughing a bit as I put my hands on either side of me and slid down off of the counter. 

"You sure?" 

"Positive." He watched me and backed up to lean against the counter. He watched me carefully and hid a smile against his lips. "So- three hours?" I gave a small nod and walked over to him, reaching out and grabbing his hand to pull him to me. I made him lean down to where he was inches from my face and exposed my fangs, smirking more openly.

"Yes, I'll come back to get you in three hours....." 

"I can't wait," He husked and wrapped me back up in his arms. "How about I just keep you here?" 

"You could try," I teased and stood on my tip toes, leaning up to rest my face in the crook of his neck. 

"We could cuddle in my bed all day and night," He whispered. He started to guide my body backwards- and soon I felt the other counter pinned against my back. "How's that sound vampire?" I widened my eyes and looked up at him.

"Hmm?" I hummed and watched him closely, looking into his eyes. "Little vampire?" 

"I never said little," He told me. "You are though." He picked me up and sat me on top of the counter. I blushed a bit.

"I'm not that little. I'm older than you," I muttered and leaned in, stealing a kiss. 

"Age has nothing to do with your height." He poked my nose with a finger. "Now- little vampire, be back in three." He took a step back. I frowned a bit. Tease. I hopped down from the counter, ending up just an inch away from him.

"Mkay, if that's what you want," I told him and started to walk off out of the kitchen. "See ya!" 

"Bye Raven!" I heard him yelling from behind me. 

"Uh huh," I said and went into the living room. "You better be ready. If you're not, you're gonna be in trouble," I shouted over my shoulder and opened the door to the staircase outside his apartment. "I MEAN IT!" I added on for good measure. Shutting the door, I teleported back to the manor into the living room and paused, not smelling Lauren strongly- meaning she hadn't been back in awhile. She left with Val, and I can't smell her either. It's been a few hours....Getting your hair done doesn't require that long. I frowned, pulling out my phone. I then texted Lauren, hoping to get a reply. She wouldn't just have left....would she? My message wouldn't go through to her phone... strange. Frowning, I sat down on the couch and tried again but didn't get anything. Is her phone turned off? That can't be promising. She wouldn't turn it off for getting her hair done....would she? No....that's not something people do. I was about to try calling her when I heard Richard's voice.

"That plane ride was longer than I thought it would be," he said as I heard the front door to the manor open. RICHARD! He'll know what to do. I shot up and ran out into the hall, going towards him. 

"RICHARD! Do you know anything about where Lauren is?" I asked quickly, pinning him against the wall as I narrowed my eyes. He frowned a bit and stayed still as he watched me.

"Welcome back? No? I don't know anything about where Lauren is. As you can see, I haven't been all. Paris might know though," he said, giving a smile towards me. He glanced over my shoulder towards the door as I heard two other people coming in. 

"What's all this yelling? Oh Hi Raven! Lauren? She's probably with her boyfriend! Don't be too worried." I heard Pairs say from behind me. I heard a scurry beside him and then I couldn't hear the second set of footsteps. I let go of Richard and turned to Paris.

"But her phone is disconnected....She went off with that Val character earlier," I informed him, putting my hands on my hips. "They said they were going out to get their hair done, but normally, people don't disconnect their phones for that." 

"Hmmmm? Val and Lauren?" I heard Rose say as she appeared by me. She looked innocently towards Paris. "Oh! I had a friend over by the way..." She trailed.

"VAL?!" Paris raised an eyebrow. "NOT VAL!" He looked freaked out. "Do you have any idea-"

"Do I smell Laurence?" Rose was sniffing the air now and the widened her eyes. "LAURENCE! COME HERE!" She teleported then. 

"So they went away together and didn't come back?" Paris asked. "Looks like I will have to make some phone calls." Paris teleported away as well.... probably to his study. I frowned. So Val isn't on Paris's good side? I narrowed my eyes. She probably took her then. I grabbed Richard's wrist before he could protest and teleported us to Paris's study.

"You better find her," I hissed out, looking over towards his desk. He already had a phone in his hand and up to his ear. 

"Working at it." Paris told me. He perked up instantly. "Oh hello! I'm fine... I need a small favor. I need you to give me all you have on Val Robin. This would- Huh? California... Newyork.... A god- GODDESS? Vagus soon? Do you have her current location?.... Thank you for your help! Your the best. Oh yes I will... I will stop by soon. Tomorrow? If I am in town... Oh yes.... Have a good day." He hung up then and turned to us and narrowed his eyes. "LAURENCE! I HAVE A TASK FOR YOU!" He called. Who the heck did he call?! Who's Laurence? I frowned a bit and looked around then saw Richard was smiling in anticipation. He laughed a bit as there was a child-looking person in the room after a few seconds. 

"Hello cutie! Running from Rose? You know she just wants a cuddle," he teased. Is this normal? I know that Richard is a prince, but does that mean that he can pretty much tease that person? I bit the inside of my lip to keep a snicker in. He is kinda cute.... The child like person looked like he was blowing up with anger.

"YOU BUD OUT OF IT!" He shouted towards Richard then blushed as his eyes met mine for a split second and then he turned to talk with Paris. Before he had a chance, Rose teleported into the room.

"THERE YOU ARE!" She grabbed him and picked him up into her arms instantly. "You never come see me anymore!" Rose complained. He started to struggle bad. 

"Rose!! Stop treating me like a child! I'm wayyyyy older then you- I remember when you were born! Stop this! It's too much! CAN'T BREATH!"

"Oh silly.... You don't need to breath!"

"BALEEN!" He cried out as he struggled in her arms. I frowned. This is great and all...but HOW IS THIS HELPING US FIND LAUREN!? I looked towards Paris then.

"Paris, who's this? Where's Lauren?" I crossed my arms as I walked over to the desk. "That's a child...." 

"I'M NOT A CHILD!" I heard from behind me. 

"Rose get out of my study." Paris ordered. 

"Well.... fine." I heard her release the child like person and then she was gone. 

"This is Laurence, he is the Prince of England. He's like my personal bloodhound.... Besides my actual werewolves. Right Laurence? You are going to go find Lauren. She's at Val's." Paris walked past me to Laurence and started to fix his messed up hair. I turned to look at Laurence then. Prince of England? Isn't he a little....young looking? 

"So he's going to find her?" I asked, walking over as I glanced him over curiously. Guess his size doesn't matter. I bet he can be pretty me. I giggled a bit at that thought. It's the cute ones you got to look out for. 

"Oh I will do more then just find her," Laurence told me confidently as he swatted Paris away from his hair. "I'll bring her back... With useful information." I like him. I smiled sweetly.

"Thank you," I said softly and bit my bottom lip. He's actually pretty mature too.... Guess he's not a child...just looks like one. Plus he's a vampire so there just might be something strange with his aging. He did say he was older than Rose, and she's pretty old. I giggled a bit. 

"It's my pleasure. I wouldn't do this though if it wasn't for the fact that Lauren and you are his girls." He gave a nod. "We have to keep track of our girls you know.... We don't want them straying to the other side." He smirked devilishly. Wait...what? 

"G-girls? You think I'm...." I laughed a bit at that. Pssh.... I'm nobody's girl. 

"You are mine." Paris stated. "Both of you." He sat down on the top of his desk. "Now don't worry about Lauren.... Laurence will get her back in no time. In the mean time... How about you take your mind off of it by being with your boyfriend or something." He motioned for Richard's hand. Richard obediently walked over and sat down next to him on the desk, giving him his hand as he leaned over and kissed his cheek sweetly. 

"O-ok," I said, my mind whirling just a make that a lot. Suddenly there is this Prince I've never met before and he's going to find Lauren who was kidnapped by this other Princess named Val...who seemed pretty cool but probably has her own agenda now that I think about it....and on top of that, I suddenly got labeled....and I have to deal with keeping my mate from getting into trouble. He's hanging out with that witch who doesn't like me..... I narrowed my eyes as I thought about her. I'm going to have to go camping with her..... This is going to be great. Sighing, I waved bye to Laurence and started to walk off, teleporting back to Austin's apartment when I got to the door. I let myself in and closed the door behind me, going over to the couch and laying down on it. This war is really messing with everything. Austin was in his bedroom currently and I could hear him just getting into the bathroom for a shower.... I was going to be here for a little bit. I smirked a bit, dropping all my previous thoughts for now as I decided to mess with him again. I put my hands over my chess in the universal death pose and closed my eyes, waiting.