Ainsworth Manor

Raven's POV:

Austin came out of the bedroom, I could hear him running the towel through his hair to dry it. He walked over to me and sat down in the floor. I heard him cut on the TV. A laugh erupted from inside him and I could hear him turn to me. "You're early." He stated. I peeked open one eye to look at him.

"There is a lot of stuff going on back home. Paris told me to come check on you," I informed him and then rolled over onto my side to prop myself up and look at him. "You smell good," I whispered as I caught his scent.

"What's going on? Is there trouble? Do they need you more then I need you?" He wondered and kissed my lips softly. He was curious.... I smiled a bit.

"No....It's just that Paris brought home another prince and Lauren has disappeared with a princess that he doesn't seem to be on good terms with. It'll be fine....He sent the prince after her....and he seems like he can take care of it pretty well. He seems a bit like me," I giggled a bit and leaned over, giving him another kiss. "If something goes horribly wrong, Paris will text me or Richard will. If it's really bad, like there is an attack, I'm taking you back to the mansion."

"Is the mansion even safe enough for me to be at if there is an attack?" He asked me. "Have you tried to contact Lauren? How about that... what was his name.... Uh.... Wasn't Alex or something? You know that vampire she was with... He seems suspicious. Oh and this prince character? I'll have to meet him if he is like you... Might be fun. So a princess took Lauren?" He laughed. I nodded.

"Yes, a princess took Lauren from the mansion....lured her out and snatched her up," I said softly, looking into his eyes. "The mansion would be safer than out here...especially if a vampire on the other side knew that you had ties with us."

"Your probably right... What's Lauren's powers? Does she have anything that might help her get away from that princess? If she does then why even worry? She's a grown vampire right?" He asked me.

"Well....A princess would be a pureblood- like me- and Lauren...isn't one. A pureblood is superior to any vampire that once was human. The level of power from the strongest goes purebloods, vampires that came from a pureblood and a human-born vampire, etc all the way down to vampires that came from humans. If I was to turn you, without the added power of being your maker, I'd still be stronger than you. Some purebloods even have the ability to control other vampires. I've met two such ones in my entire lifetime. Paris is one of them. He tried it on me, but it's really hard to control me due to the fact that I have two personalities." I giggled a bit at that. He'd have a hard time controlling the unpredictability. There was only one other vampire who had ever come close to being able to control me with his powers and tame me. As you can see, even that didn't work out for him.

"She'd still slip away... I mean come on! There is no way that pureblood is going to keep her eyes on Lauren forever. I bet she will be back by tomorrow."

"'s hard to keep things from other vampires," I murmured. "She'd get caught easily." I glanced up into his eyes. "Think about it like this....If I trapped you, you wouldn't be able to get away without a huge fight. Even if you had the ability to.... I don't know, control water, you would have a hard time. That's what it's like to try to run away from a pureblood that has interest in you. Another pureblood would stand a better chance though," I admitted.

"Remind me not to fool around with other vampires then," He laughed and finished drying his hair. "So.... ready to go? Or should we stay in tonight... We can go right?" He titled his head.

"Yeah, of course we can go. There isn't anything to stop us from going. It's not like a big fight has erupted in town...." I glanced over at the clock on his wall. It was a bit earlier, but that wouldn't matter in the scheme of things. "Do you want to drive or do you want to get there fast?" I asked, sitting up to look down at him.

"How early would we be either way?" He asked me and stood up, sitting the towel down on the coffee table. I frowned a bit as I thought about it.

"About an hour by teleportation....twenty minutes early if you drove," I told him and leaned over, kissing his forehead then kissing both his cheeks teasingly.

"We should teleport, that away we can get in quicker." He nodded to himself. I gave a small smile and leaned in, stealing a kiss before standing up quickly and walking off.

"Where are you going?" He wondered.

"Going home for a minute," I said over my shoulder as I paused- realizing that I wanted something out of my room. I glanced over at him and smiled. "I'll be right back." I was in my room suddenly and I smiled as I walked over towards my wardrobe, digging down into the bottom where there was a small box that I had gotten for Austin. I had gotten him a gift after he asked me to be his girlfriend.... I smirked as I pulled it out and opened the box, looking down inside to see a really nice brand that I had specially ordered for him. I pulled out the bottle of cologne and teleported back to his apartment, ending up right in front of him. "Here we go. I got you this!" I giggled and put it in his hand. "Not that you don't already smell amazing, but I thought you might like it." He looked in over and blushed as he looked at me.

"Raven you didn't have to get me this!" He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you! I'll start wearing it for you after we go camping." Of course I did. I nodded and leaned up, kissing him. He kissed me back and then walked off to put it in his bedroom then came back to me. "Is that all? Or is there more surprises?" He wondered. I smirked.

"Well I could bite you if you want another surprise," I told him and giggled a bit. I licked my lips playfully to make him think twice.

"Maybe you should hold off on that surprise for a few days." He suggested.

"Mhmm, that's what I thought. Oh, what time are we leaving tomorrow?" I asked suddenly as it occurred to me that I'd have to hunt before we go. I don't want to starve up there, and I don't want to eat one of his friends.....or him.

"You should be here around seven in the morning." He informed me. That's going to be....a time crunch... Let's see... the concert will let out at around 12....that leaves me an hour to two to hunt after I get Austin home (which, let's say, takes an hour due to spending time with him). That would put me at four to five hours of rest before coming back to Austin. I put on a smile, covering up the fact that I was starting to worry just a bit.

"Ok, that's great!" I said and reached out, grabbing his hand. "You ready?"

"I've been ready! Just waiting on you!" He kissed my cheek. I nodded with a small blush and teleported us outside the performance hall where bands frequently rented it out. I had gotten us pretty close to the front and backstage passes to see the band. I smiled at him sweetly as I saw the line wasn't that long. We'd have plenty of time inside before everyone would be in.

"Here we are," I whispered, giving him a kiss on his shoulder. You should just skip all this sweetness..... He's your mate, and you should just claim him. I shook my head. It had been awhile since I heard that voice in the back of my head. No...I'm not going to turn him until I have his permission. No fun....

"What band is playing tonight?" He tried to get it out of me again. I smirked at him then and put a finger over my lips.

"Spoilers," I teased, giving a wink.

"Your not fun at all..." He complained. "I could just ask." He turned to the people nearest to us. I shook my head.

"Good luck," I murmured to him. "Besides, I'm about to give you your ticket you don't have to ask them." I pulled out his and handed it over again. He looked down at the ticket in wonder and started to read it over. He looked towards me and raised an eyebrow.

"Raven? Do you read minds or something? Did you get this information from Paris or what? Did Vincent tell you?" He wondered. I shook my head and laughed.

"Nope, I don't read minds. No, Paris or Vincent didn't say anything, and neither did Hellen."

"You can be creepy sometimes Raven." He kissed my cheek. "I love you for it though. This is my favorite band you know." I smiled broadly then.

"Good, that means I guessed right! I love you too," I said and linked arms with him, pulling him into the line. He followed after me and wrapped his arms around me as we took our place in line. "So you still haven't told me your answer," I said suddenly, remembering that he practically teased me with that little bit of info. I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes.

"What answer?" He asked innocently and gave a smirk.

"Tease," I muttered.

"Hahahaa." He shook his head. "You don't need an answer Raven."

"Yes... I kind of do," I told him and looked up into his eyes. "It's a pretty serious matter." I gave him the best serious straight look I could manage then and then couldn't help but laughing as I imagined what it probably looked like. "You...need to tell me."

"I will tell you when you ask me it one day, until then..." He shrugged. I raised an eyebrow.

"I could ask you tonight... or ask you when we get back from camping...or I could ask you the day after that...the day after that one...and so on and so forth. How about you give me an idea about what your answer might be?" I bit the inside of my lip as I studied him. I have no clue whether or not I'll ever ask him...but I think I will eventually...even if it's just a blurt.

"Why are you asking me this now?" He chuckled. "I think you know what I will say anyways." He ran his fingers through my hair. "It's kind of obvious. I love you. I will do anything for you, accept anything.... Even the part about you being a you know what." I blushed then and glanced around and then looked up at him again.

"Well....It seems I will have to do some thinking then," I whispered to him. "I don't want to do something I don't think will be good for you..... Besides.... I'd rather ask you in a more mind blowing way if I was to ask you at all." I'd make a date out of it and end it with the question after making him really happy.

"You know... If I was the vampire I would have locked you away and kept you to myself for all eternity." He teased me and kissed my cheek. "You'd never see the sunlight again." I giggled.

"And that's the reason why I was born a vampire and not you," I teased, touching his nose lightly. "I wouldn't lock you up unless I had a good reason."

"Hahahaaa... Your right about that." He shook his head. I smiled sweetly and leaned up, stealing a kiss and biting down on his lower lip for a split second, drawing a bit of blood. I pulled back from the kiss and smirked as I licked my lips to get the blood off and inwardly sighed in happiness at the taste of how sweet his blood was- even in small amounts. He looked me over and pulled me into a tight hug. "You hungry?" He whispered in my ear.

"Hmmmh, I'm leaving you for an hour or two tonight so that I can get enough to not do anything while we are camping," I whispered back to him and nipped playfully at his ear.

"I'm fine with that. Just as long as my friends are safe." He whispered.

"Good," I murmured lowly and then stole another kiss, getting a bit more blood from the remainder on his own lips. He kissed me back softly then pulled back and held one of my hands. I smiled and glanced behind us, seeing that the rest of the fans were finally showing up. There was already a snaking line behind us and one very annoyed looking guy behind me, staring daggers at me. I frowned a bit as I looked him over, taking in his black hair and brown eyes that were almost black, the smug look on his face. He narrowed his eyes at me and stared me down for a few more moments before looking off to our surroundings. What's his problem? I tsked a bit. Some people can be so rude. He looks a bit familiar.... I widened my eyes a bit and studied him closer. Is that....No.... It can't be. I shook off the feeling and shushed the voice as I turned back to Austin and gave him a smile. "We've got another twenty minutes before they open the doors," I informed him.

"What should we do in the mean time? Make out and get glares from the surrounding people?" He asked and chuckled. I frowned at him a bit.

"Not unless you actually want to. I'm fine just holding your hand," I told him and squeezed his hand that I was holding.

"I was just joking," He told me and shook his head. "So are you excited?"

"OF COURSE I AM!" I giggled and started to bounce on my toes. "It's going to be great! I've been wanting them to come here for awhile now!"

"Oh you have?" He asked me and raised an eyebrow. "You could just follow them on tour." He chuckled. "I bet you have done that at least once... let me guess.... The beetles?" I shook my head.

"No, I pretty much have stayed to myself for a few centuries now," I told him and glanced around again and then when the line started to move forward, I excitedly pulled him along with. "It's gonna start soon!" Giggling, I waited for our turn and gave the booth guy our tickets and pulled him inside quickly, pretty much dragging him to the stage room of the building and to our spots. "Here we are!" He chuckled and hugged me tightly once more.

"Soon we will be jamming out to them live," He whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"This is going to be epic," I said quickly.

~Time skip provided by ceramic unicorns~

After the absolutely amazing rock concert, I teleported us back and stretched as I was humming still to the last song they played. We had pretty much rocked two hours away dancing and even got to go see the works behind the scene before we came back. It was perfect! One of the best times I've had in a long time! Austin even made it better by simply being there! I smiled at him and stole a kiss then sat him down on the couch and sat down beside him, looking him in the eyes as I decided I'd ask today. If he wanted, I could turn him tonight or after the camping trip sometime, but I decided I didn't want to even take the chance of losing him to something that a human would die from. He's too important to me.... "Austin, would you like me to make you something to eat?" I asked suddenly, altering from my original direct path I was going to take. I shied out of it for this moment.

"I'm fine, I don't want anything to eat. I think I am just exhausted. You want to watch a movie with me? I might fall asleep though..." He laughed softly as he sat beside me on the couch and put an arm around me.

"," I blushed as I decided to go ahead and ask him even though he said he was exhausted. "Austin, I was kind of thinking that.....I'd like to turn you sometime soon if it's ok with you....maybe tonight even," I whispered softly, looking at him. "If I did, you wouldn't have to worry about being hungry during the camping trip because I'd make sure that you'd have enough before we leave in the morning, and I'd be able to keep you in check. You wouldn't have to worry about hurting anyone....."

"I don't know... I don't want to take the chance in hurting my friends.... Raven. They are very important to me." He looked into my eyes and looked serious about it.

"You wouldn't....I'd keep an eye on you the entire time," I told him reassuringly. "You wouldn't be too hungry....and if you did get hungry, I'd be able to sneak you away to let you hunt elsewhere for a bit- maybe at night when they are asleep in their own tents. Plus, I'd have the ability to stop you from hurting them. I'd be your maker...your creator....that means something and its not just a title."

"This is a huge question your asking me..." He sat up straight and turned his body to face mine. "How about we hold it off until after the camping trip?" He asked me. I gave a small nod and leaned over, getting a kiss before standing up.

"If that's what you want," I whispered. "Anyways, I need to go hunting before I don't have the time to do it," I told him. "I'll be back." He nodded and watched me longingly.

"Don't be long," He whispered. I smirked.

"If I didn't respect your decision, I'd hunt you," I teased and then started to walk to the door. "I'll just get one of the first people I see. I'll try not to do it too close to here."

"Be safe! Don't get kidnapped by a pureblood." He called after me.

"You can come if you want," I called over my shoulder, knowing he'd say no. I opened the door and glanced back at him with a subtle smirk.

"No thanks!" I heard him reply back to me. Predictable. I giggled a bit and disappeared outside.

~After the hunt~

I came back into the apartment with a sour taste in my mouth. Tonight hadn't been a good night... at all. That drunk tasted horrible! I'd rather forcefully take Austin's blood any day. I glanced over towards Austin who was watching a movie on the couch. You know..... I could get the sour taste out of my mouth... I stared at him for a few minutes then set the idea aside for now. "I'm back~!" I called and walked over, sitting down next to him on the couch. "I got a drunkard a few blocks away...." Why should you hold off from what is yours? Because Austin may be mine, but he has his own free will too. I don't want him to feel like he needs to escape. So? He pretty much offers himself to you. If he didn't want you to remotely drink from him, he wouldn't be sitting so close to you. He would have gotten up and left. He wouldn't let you in anymore. That's because he likes me. I sighed and leaned over, kissing his cheek. He's my little loyal human....who might end up a vampire if he doesn't watch it. I giggled a bit. "He didn't taste near as great as you," I whispered to him. Buzz kill. I shook my head and looked him in the eyes. I could just turn him without his permission.... It wouldn't be too hard, and he wouldn't hurt his friends because I'd be there to stop him. He might get mad though..... Not every human is cut out to be a vampire, and one such as him- who has a future and a good life ahead of him with friends- shouldn't have the gift of being a vampire forced on him. He's your mate. His future is meant to be yours and belong to you. He was destined to be turned into a vampire, and it's only a matter of time before I turn him. I blushed a bit. We can't do that.....Not now anyways. Sure we can! I giggled a bit at that and smiled. We could....but he'd get mad. Who cares if he gets mad? He'll get over it. He gave me an awkward smile as he watched me, it was like he could read what I was thinking on my face.

"He didn't taste good at all, huh?" He asked me. "You should've went further out then, perhaps the park." He kissed my cheek. "So will you stay here all night with me or are you going to ditch me until morning?"

"Which would you prefer?" I teased, touching his nose playfully.

"Either or." He whispered and pulled me into his lap then laid us down on the couch, I was on top. "Comfy?" I raised an eyebrow then giggled and kissed him.

"Yes," I whispered to him and kissed his jawline. "I think I will stay then if you are ok with it....saves me" I looked up into his eyes and gave him another kiss.

"What I thought." He moved his attention to the movie as there was a sudden loud noise. I glanced over at it and then down at him. I glanced towards his neck and held back from actually biting him as I felt an urge to.

"So... I know you don't eat breakfast, but because we are going camping tomorrow, I want you to, ok?" I said, trying to take my mind off of it.

"I don't think that would be a good idea or a bad one... I will pack something to snack on though for the ride if that makes you happy." He told me as he glanced my way then back to the TV. I nodded and glanced at his eyes before leaning down and resting my face in the crook of his neck.

"Mkay....that'll be good enough for me," I murmured. I felt him tense slightly under me but relaxed quickly.

"Glad that will make you happy."

"Uh huh," I hummed gently. I wrapped my arms around him then. "Whatcha watching?"

"We are watching the Conjuring. I hope you don't mind." He motioned to the TV screen. I nodded.

"I don't mind...." I smirked a bit. You know you want to bite him. You should just do it. He'll yelp, but he won't disobey you.....He can't. You're stronger than him. Come on buzz kill. I felt myself blush as my fangs instinctively exposed themselves. A roll of hunger washed over me, and I had to restrain myself as I moved my face an inch away from his neck for good measure. "The Conjuring is a good movie," I said quickly.

"It is a good one." He agreed. "I like the youngest girl, she sees that ghost boy." He chuckled. I nodded.

"Yes, she is a strange one...." I managed to tear my eyes away from his neck to look at him again and gave him a small smile. He looked towards me then and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you still hungry? I could fix you something to eat." He suggested. I bit my bottom lip.

"Sorry....It's just that you smell really good," I said. And the voice keeps telling me to eat you.

"Sorry I smell so good," He blushed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"If we weren't going camping tomorrow, I wouldn't have half the restraint I'm showing to you now." I smirked at him and kissed his cheek, letting my fang gently graze it. He chuckled.

"What's restraining you?" He asked innocently. "It's not like I would tell you no." I blushed a bit.

"W-well....You have a point," I whispered. Akane might kill me though....

"It is an excellent point indeed." He agreed with me. I raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a kiss.

"You sure? I might have a hard time stopping," I warned as I then gave the first kiss in many that would lead a trail to his neck. My phone started to go off then in my pocket. I groaned and sat up on top of him, digging out my phone and looking at the messages to see who could be bothering me now. It was Paris, he wanted to speak to me.

Me: What is it?

This better be good. Austin gave me an funny look as he watched, curiously.

Paris: I need you here, NOW! Tell Austin goodnight.

Me: What's wrong?

Paris: Before you leave out for the weekend tomorrow- WE are going to do something, fun. TONIGHT! Say goodnight to Austin.

I tsked and put my phone in my pocket, looking down at Austin. Sighing, I leaned down and stole a kiss from him before getting up. "You're lucky, so very lucky," I whispered as I started to walk to the door.

"Uh? Goodbye Raven?" Austin asked me.

"Sorry, I'll see you later. I have a vampire prince to murder," I joked and turned to look at him, flashing him a smile before going out the door and teleporting back to the last place I saw him- his study. "PARIS!" He was at his desk, playing a game on his phone.

"Took you long enough!" He threw the phone behind him and stood up. "Let's go." He pointed towards the floor by him. "Come on, hurry up." I noticed then that we wasn't alone in the room. Laurence was sitting on the couch, looking at a laptop. I raised an eyebrow at Paris then.

"Where are we going?" If we are even going anywhere....he might just be messing with me....seems like something he'd do.

"We are going to see some important people tonight and you should come with me." He informed. "Richard is off building our army... Otherwise I would bring him. You are the best spot to fill in for him... Besides Laurence. He's doing something though-"

"Research." Laurence informed. "I'll come with next time." He promised. I nodded and walked over obediently.

"So who are we meeting?" I asked curiously, letting my irritation go.

"We are going to meet the best known vampire hunters in town- they are so well known, highly respected, and they get their job done wonderfully. They are the Ainsworths. They invited me over for tonight. I figured you should come meet them. Oh you will adore them."

"You know I'm known for hunting vampire hunters for fun sometimes right? I drowned one the night before I came here and traded the other one away to Perry," I warned, looking up at him. "Are you aiming to team up with them or something?" I need to know this...or else I might end up doing something I shouldn't do.

"I already am teamed up with them. They are like family to me." He smiled brightly. "You are going to enjoy them so very much! I can't wait." He motioned me to come closer. "Now no killing them okay?"

"Okay... I'll try not to," I mumbled and got right next to him where he had originally pointed. He grabbed a hold of my wrist and we teleported together in front of a huge double red door. Paris rang a doorbell and looked impatiently around us. The door was flung open almost immediately and a tall dark haired- red eyed male stood in front of us. He gave a huge smile towards Paris and showed his fangs.

"PARIS." He held out a hand to Paris. "I knew it was time for you to be showing up around here." He looked towards me and I seen his pupils dilate. "Who's this girl? One of your newborns?" He asked. I could smell that he wasn't a pureblood. In fact... I think he was Paris' newborn but I wasn't certain.

"No! I'm not his newborn...." I narrowed my eyes at him. I am way older than you.... and you think I'm a newborn. I glanced over at Paris then and crossed my arms.

"Forgive me." The male said immediately. I noticed he looked around twenty one. He gave a slight bow, grabbing my hand and kissed it. He laughed and pulled me through the door, as soon as I did blue sparks erupted from the air and started to come after me but he gave me a metal looking rod and the sparks faded away. He tossed Paris a rod and Paris walked in casually and shut the door. He stuffed the rod into his pocket. "Don't let this go, or you will feel like your whole body is on fire." He warned me. I widened my eyes and tightened my grip on it. Talk about paranoia....these people must believe that vampires are out to- well they probably are....

"Every vampire in town knows not to set foot on this property." Paris told me.

"If they do, I will personally shoot them down." The male said calmly and smirked. "Nothing will ever harm my family again. I am very prepared." He looked towards the stairs then with a worried glance. "They are just so delicate.... Yet so strong."

"Aren't most?" I asked as I took a step closer to Paris. This place kinda actually terrifies me.... I've already come close to getting hurt.... Paris casually snaked an arm around my shoulders and rubbed my hair.

"Don't worry about the Ainsworths. Long time ago they were attacked. They lost their parents and Dylan here was close to death... but then he was saved by the kiss of death itself. Now he's a vampire hunter... So is his brothers. They are going to be like him on their birthday. By the way... Dylan this is Raven and Raven this is Dylan Ainsworth." He motioned between us. "Where was I... Oh yes... They are the most feared vampire hunters. Dylan here is even under the hunter's association protection list just because he is apart of them. They make and sell weapons as well."

"It's just a hobby." Dylan told me. I nodded quietly. So there are some vampire hunters out there that I should probably never fight....just the those two who shot my meal a while back. I smiled a bit as I remembered them screaming. I heard a gun shot go off and suddenly Paris let me go and was dropped to the floor. I heard giggling from the stairs.

"THAT'S 206 FOR US PARIS!" I heard a male scream down to us. Paris was already recovering from the blow to the head. Dylan's face was three shades pale of embarrassment.

"That would be Charlie and Rylie" He whispered. Paris groaned and started to get to his knees. I heard the bullet drop to the ground.

"If that was real, you would be dead Paris." I heard a new voice shout. "Your slow! Not as quick as you was. Where is our goddly Paris!?" Paris chuckled.

"Right here boys!" Paris stood up then. Another gun went off and this time Paris caught the bullet and dropped it to the ground.


"He just needs more lessons! He'll get his aim right one day."

"WHY I AUGHT TO-" I heard grunts and two bodies started to fall down the stairs. Dylan turned around then and Paris walked past him, towards the grand stairs.

"This is why the last ten years ago I got away from the both of you. You can't work together." Paris told them. "You could have bagged a god but noooo... you two are just at each other about your weaknesses all the time."

"They try." Dylan sighed out and looked towards me. I still couldn't see Charlie and Rylie yet. "Please let me introduce you to my twin brothers." Dylan reached out for my hand to take. I reluctantly took it and bit the inside of my lip. I left Austin who practically was going to let me drink from him for this? A bunch of preschool-acting vampire hunters? least they are funny. I giggled a bit. Who knew vampire hunters could be I smiled sweetly. He walked me over to the grand stairs and I found Paris separating two twins. They looked like younger versions of Dylan and looked identical. Their eyes were the only thing that depicted them apart. One had green eyes and the other had blue eyes. Their hair was shoulder lengthened and was chopped up in a skater boy like style. One dressed in skin tight cloths while the other was more into the loose clothing- like sweatpants. They looked towards me and then hid behind Paris.

"You brought a vampire here- a girl one in fact?" The green eyed boy asked and raised an eyebrow. He started backing his twin up the stairs.

"Relax! She is our friend." Paris told them. I could smell their sweet human aroma... and it made my mouth water. It was something I never smelled before... it was better then Austin's smell... It was powerful. I stopped breathing for the moment and offered them a friendly smile, waving a bit.

"Hi~!" I called sweetly, attempting not to scare them. After all....they shot Paris in the head with a fake bullet. Imagine what they can do with a real one. The blue eyed twin gave me a huge smile from behind his twin- that now appeared to be a inch or two taller. They both seemed to be around seventeen.

"Hello!" He called after me. He made his twin stop pushing him up the stairs. "Chill... Paris wouldn't bring just anyone here to see us." He whispered to his twin. That seemed to relax his twin. I smiled and looked over at Dylan then at Paris. You know...these guys aren't so bad....not at all like some of the idiots that patrol the street every once in awhile. So what did Paris want in coming here anyways?

"Good question. I was invited remember." Paris spoke up. "We also have business plans." Dylan straightened up then and motioned us to follow him.

"Right! To my study. I forgot for a minute about that." Dylan glanced towards his twin brothers and they watched Dylan's movement. "Don't you two have to go hunt tonight? You did get a new folder." Dylan seemed to be rushing them off.

"We do, idiots won't stop killing random vampires... It's making a mess. So now we have to clean it up." The green eyed twin told his brother. "We don't have to hunt tonight though- we love spending time with uncle Paris." The blue eyed twin nodded in excitement at Paris then.

"Another time." Dylan directed.

"Another time." The green eyed twin agreed. He pulled his disappointed twin up the stairs and they disappeared.

"That went well." Paris whispered.

"They really seem to like you," I murmured, glancing up the staircase and then allowing myself to breath as they were gone. I looked back at Paris and smiled at him sweetly. "You got shot," I sung out in a teasing way.

"He always gets shot." Dylan said and chuckled.

"Not always!" Paris defended himself. "They are getting better... I will admit." He shook his head. "Still not good enough to kill me though. If they want to be great vampire hunters then they shouldn't let their emotions get the best of them."

"You weren't much help!" Dylan snapped. "You just had to be you, they could of had a god on their list." Paris started to walk with Dylan. "So Raven, did you notice something strange about my twin brothers?" He asked suddenly. "I noticed you stopped breathing." I blushed a bit and shrugged.

"Was there something strange about them? I didn't notice," I said nervously. I totally didn't like their smell at all....

"Not at all?" Paris asked me. "You didn't notice anything?" He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, fine.... I did notice they are different than others," I mumbled as I glanced over at Paris. You happy?

"Very much," He whispered.

"They are indeed not like others." Dylan agreed.

"Mhmm," I said, narrowing my eyes at Paris.

"Would you like to know the reason?" Paris asked me.

"Sure?" I must admit... I am a bit curious. Normal people don't smell like that. Even Austin is a rarity....and they surpassed him easily.

"It's my latest weapon. I have inserted it into their blood stream. Let's just say that if you were to take a bite- your fangs would rot off first. The last to go would be your life source.. Like a heart. It's poison. It tricks your sense in smell and leads you right to them. False advertising." He laughed. "Like a poison apple. That's if you get close enough to bite them before they drop you like cow tipping. It's going out into the market next month. Be careful who you bite." He winked towards me. I frowned. That is really...really messed up. I looked at Dylan who had told me this.

"So just vampire hunters or....all the ones who believe in vampires and stuff?" I asked cautiously. Does this mean I can't go hunting anymore? Damn vampire hunters.

"It's just going out to the hunters that can afford it." Dylan assured me. "I'm marking the price sky high."

"Uh the normal idiots shouldn't be dangerous?" I asked cautiously again. New rule: anyone that smells that good is off the menu.

"Those idiots... I don't care about. They have no respect for the hunter ways. We have rules... if you don't follow them then don't expect a pay check." He shook his head.

"Ooh...." I nodded then. So those idiots out there are just the disgraces of the vamp- Wait a minute.... If those are the idiots and the vampire hunters don't like them when they are their own... then does that mean that there are more people like the Ainsworths out there who are waaay more dangerous then? I better make sure not to get put on any kind of lists or anything. I shook my head. That'd be bad.... They dropped Paris easily- made him look like he was born yesterday. Paris was tensing up in front of me and hissed slightly.

"There aren't many. They are starting to disappear." Paris informed me.

"Oh? Is this why whatever is in those two is going to be sold? To protect the others who are important?" I raised an eyebrow. Haha Paris didn't like that. That's what he gets for reading my thoughts. Paris turned slightly towards me.

"Something like that, it is also a huge flip side. It will be more obvious about who they are." Paris explained and he exposed his fangs. "Hunters are better gone, then hidden." Dylan nodded.

"Your right about that. Down with the HAHQ." Interesting. I smirked then. Seems that not everyone is happy with their methods.....

"Dylan is on my side because he wants what is best for his brothers. Our family together is powerful. Soon there won't be any hunters to worry about." Paris whispered.

"So what are you supposed to be doing here? You said business," I whispered back. Just as I asked, Dylan brought us into a huge study, where weapons were laid out in the floor with labels to name them.

"To get more weapons of course." Paris explained. "I'm picking some out that I want. Specific models. Then after we are done he will have them shipped to my house later this week." Paris walked into the room. I hesitantly followed and stood at the edge of the room, looking at the weapons nervously. I had seen some of these before, but some of them were completely new to me.

"Come join me. I want to know what you are comfortable with. Since you teleport, I will want you on the field during the war. Keep it light." I frowned a bit then walked over to Paris. I glanced over the weapons. The closest to us were small duel handguns, shotguns, daggers, throwing knives, ninja stars, swords, samurai swords, grenades, pistols, machine guns- that were light designed. There was a cool looking spiked rope and then there was communication systems like blue toothed headsets, glasses, and at last I spotted a blow torch. I raised an eyebrow at it. Cool...very cool....

"May I?" I asked, looking over at Dylan to get his permission to pick some of them up first.

"Try them out," Dylan motioned to a few standby dummies and targets. I smirked then and walked over to the throwing knifes, touching a few of them gently and delicately then picked it up and examined it. Without even looking at the target, I threw it and heard it hit the head on the dummy in the very center of the forehead. I glanced over and saw I had gotten it stuck into the head by at least three inches. I giggled and looked at Paris and Dylan. I might need some time alone..... Paris laughed and picked up one of the ninja stars and tossed it up in the air one time before catching it and throwing it dead on towards one of the dummies. After a mere second the dummies head decapitated and Paris cleared his throat just as the star hit the wall behind the dummy.

"I hope that you don't mind about the wall Dylan." Dylan grumbled. I giggled a bit and went over to one of the combat knives, picking it up and flipping it in the air. It was perfectly balanced and gorgeous.

"Paris, if you get any of the knives, get the throwing knives and this one," I told him quickly, almost falling in love with the one I had chosen. I turned it over in my hand and then set it down, making my way over to the guns.

"I'm coming out with a new designed cross bow, that's why I have none displayed out today." Dylan told us. "I think you might like it when I am through." Dylan stayed by Paris.

"Oh yeah?" Paris asked with interest. I ignored them momentarily as I spotted a handgun and picked it up, examining it. I giggled with delight as it seemed to have excellent design- way better than normal guns that vampire hunters carry around, and this gun wasn't even being sold in normal gun stores. I smirked and turned to one of the targets, shooting it. I like this one.... Dylan is great at making weapons. I'm going to lay claim to this design and those throwing knives and that combat knife.

"Got an sniper riffle coming out next week in the market." I heard Dylan pick back up. "It's still in the basement for last examinations by Blade. I don't know if you would find it useful though for the war." Paris shook his head.

"Not this one." Paris told him. "I'll have a look at it next week though." I then got a brilliant idea. I was going to start setting aside the ones I liked into a nice, neat little organized pile. I set the gun down in a different spot and went for the knives, moving them over to the gun and then went and got the correct holster and mags for the gun, setting them beside it. I walked over to the light machine guns and studied them for a few minutes before picking one up and examining it. I shot it for a few seconds and tested out the other ones and then decided on one and brought it back to the pile before making my way over to the swords and choosing a katana and brought it over to the pile. Giving the room a last look around, I looked over at Paris as I lost interest in the other weapons and liked what was in my pile. Paris had his own set aside as well.

"I want these to be manufactured for an army, I will come back with the numbers. I want those of hers to be designed for her use only. I am going to bring back a few more for weapon choosing as well." Paris was telling Dylan. "Let's say.... next Friday you should be expecting me."

"Sounds like a date." Dylan laughed softly. I smirked. I got to pick my own weapons and I am never...ever gonna give them up. This is just like Christmas! I giggled and walked over to Paris. Paris looked at me and smiled.

"Find everything you liked and wanted?" Paris asked me.

"Mhmm, I'm going to drop a ton," I said sweetly. Oh this is going to be great...

"Your free to go back to Austin now then, unless you want to come back with me to the manor." I raised an eyebrow.

"So.... I can just teleport out of here?" I asked to be sure. You never know...and then there was that attack mechanism that protects the house. I don't want to get a nasty surprise.

"You will need to go outside onto the porch first, and make sure to leave the rod here." I nodded.

"Ok, hey Paris? I need to talk to you soon.... I've kinda found myself stuck in a situation," I said and then started to walk out of the room, going to the entrance. "I'll tell you about it when I get back from the camping trip, but its nothing too bad."

"I will keep it in mind then that you want to talk with me about it." Paris called towards me. Yup...if I don't end up doing something about it first. I walked out of the house, making sure to pause when I reached the staircase to avoid having a run in with the twins and shut the door behind me, placing the rod on the welcome mat. I stepped down off of the porch and teleported back to Austin's living room, looking around for him. Austin was asleep on the couch with the conjuring credits rolling on the TV. Smiling, I walked over and sat down on the edge of the couch right in front of him, and I leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"You're so innocent looking," I whispered as I stood back up, grabbing his hand gently and teleporting us to his room. Lucky for him, I had gotten it just right to where he was on the bed and I was beside it. I smiled and started to walk for the door, deciding I was going to sleep on the couch instead of scaring him when he woke up. I laid down on the couch and turned off the TV, going to sleep.