Theater Rogues

Paris's POV:

I said my last goodbyes to Dylan and teleported myself back to my study, where I found Laurence asleep on the couch with the laptop in the floor. I smirked and watched him sleep for a few minutes before deciding to help out Baleen for once. I picked up Laurence and carried him to his bedroom and laid him down in the bed. I went to my own room and cautiously walked in- hoping an angry Richard wouldn't be in yet. I knew he would be upset that I went without him to see Dylan and the twins. He was sitting down on the bed, playing a game of Chess with himself as he strategized to the best of his ability. He kept getting himself stuck on both sides as he found it hard. He was actually trying to make the game as difficult as he could, wanting both sides to win. Most people would just make it as easy as possible....but not Richard. "Welcome home," he murmured as he moved the black queen into check of the white king. He studied the board for a few moments before he moved the king to a better place and glanced up at me with a smile. He paused as he caught the smell of where I had been and narrowed his eyes. "You know I like them... and you didn't take me."

"You was busy getting recruits." I explained as simple as that. I walked up to him with longing eyes. It felt like forever since earlier when I was curled up in his arms. I climbed over onto the bed and looked at him with a sort of pleading look for forgiveness. His gaze softened almost immediately when he saw the look and leaned over, giving me a kiss on the forehead. He moved the black queen and took a rook quickly as if it wasn't even a thought. He moved the board off of the bed and onto the nightstand then looked at me and held out his arms for a hug.

"Fine.... I'll forgive you this once," he whispered to me and smiled.

"You'll always forgive me, won't you?" I asked and moved in towards him to give him a hug. I decided at last minute for something else and pinned him up against the headboard of our bed. I leaned in towards his lips and gave him a soft kiss. He made a small noise of surprise, but he kissed me back and relaxed. I laid down beside him then and placed my head in his lap, closing my eyes. "My sweet love...." I mumbled. I laughed at the similarity of the chess game to our life. It represented my twin and I so much. Who would win? I or him?

"You know I can't stay mad at you," he murmured as he started to play with my hair and pulled the blanket up around me in a loving way. "So how was it?"

"The boys are strong." I informed Richard. "The weapons are improving as well. They are definitely different then a decade ago. "Dylan is giving the boys a dosage of vampire poison in their system to protect them. It's his latest invention. I doubt it is a good idea. The smell drives vampires bonkers." I laughed.

"Hmmm....I take it that this plan of his will backfire then. Vampires will know their importance and think they are rare morsels. They'll be stolen by stronger ones and traded around more than likely as pets to keep for fun...that is if they learn not to drink from them. There will more than likely be a vampire out there who will manage to find something to counteract the poison and make it useless," he mumbled and leaned down, giving me a kiss on the top of his head. "Smell drives vampires...."

"I am sure he is working out the bug of it." I mumbled. "Besides... Those two could have killed me today. They shot me dead in the head without my awareness. Their good. I doubt anything will come after those two and get them. They are the Ainsworths after all. The twins are out hunting tonight... I hope this new.... poison in them doesn't backfire so soon." I nodded at the thought. "This new toxic will be our advantage in the end. Dylan is going to put it out on the market... That will help us murder them off quicker. I am sure he will have the twins take the toxic that doesn't have a scent, and distribute the sweet one out to our enemy." I laughed at the thought. Dylan was so reliable... like his parents were to me. Richard nodded and kissed my head again.

"That would make sense.... This is going to be fun," he whispered. "So you seemed a little needy a few minutes ago," he said, jumping tracks in his head.

"Oh I seemed needy did I?" I wondered. "Did you like it?" I wondered.

"Hmmm....It's been awhile since the great god Paris has been needy for me openly," he murmured in my ear as he leaned down to my head.

"You like me needy for you... don't you?" I asked and sat up then to get a good look at him. He smiled innocently, but his thoughts betrayed him that he had thought that it was adorable. I blushed and leaned in to kiss him. I loved knowing I could read him. It gave me an advantage. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me back.

"You and your abilities," he murmured against my lips then flipped us, pinning me under him. He smirked down at me and leaned in, nipping my ear teasingly.

"I wish I didn't have them sometimes... I like to be surprised." I whispered and arched my back slightly. He laughed lowly and then moved to my neck, kissing me lightly and then biting down. I gasped and wrapped my legs around him and closed my eyes tightly. I could feel my skin tingling. His needlelike fangs buried themselves deep into my skin as he got rougher. He groaned slightly in ecstasy as he got a better taste. I bit down on my bottom lip hard to silence myself.

"I love you," he whispered as he pulled back and licked up what was on my skin. He looked down into my eyes as he licked his lips clean and leaned down, kissing me passionately. I kissed him back roughly and tried to overpower him to get on top. I smirked against his lips, thinking I had the element of surprise. Indeed I did, because the next thing he knew it, he was back under me and looking up at me with wide eyes. I laughed and exposed my fangs to him.

"I love you more." I purred and licked my fangs slowly, knowing it would get his heart pounding. I heard it faintly and he was speechless as he looked up at me. He leaned up quickly in instinct and kissed me again- his thoughts not giving a hint to it. I conquered his mouth instantly before he got the chance for mine and pulled his tongue into me. I began to suck on it as I ran my fingers into his hair and tangled it around my mouth. He moaned and leaned up into me. I pushed him back down against the bed, showing dominance. There was no way I would let him just run over me while I was on top. He knew me better then that. When I am on top... I'm on top. I smirked against his mouth. He then bit my bottom lip as punishment for pushing him down, drawing blood. I growled playfully and pulled back from the kiss. So he likes to bite? So do I. I leaned down into his neck and bit down, digging my fangs in deep. He stiffened for a moment then relaxed as he wrapped his arms around me and let me in between his legs as he tilted his head to allow me better access to his neck. I began to drink his blood, letting his tinted taste of mate into my mouth and swallowed in gulps. I moaned at the taste and bit down harder into his skin. He yelped slightly and tightened his grip on my sides.

"Having fun?" He asked after a minute. I pulled away, licking my lips.

"Too much fun." I teased and winked at him. He smirked up at me and leaned up, kissing me hard as he cupped the side of my face with his hand. I kissed him back then pulled away. I laid down beside him and laid my head against his chest. He sighed and pulled me close, holding me against him.

"Had enough?" He laughed and kissed the top of my head. I felt him lean over and move a chess piece, hearing the familiar distinct click of him setting down a chess piece in determination.

"Enough for now." I mumbled and moved my head to look at the chess board then closed my eyes so I could get some sleep, early tonight.

Louis's POV:

I switched from the fish game I liked to the schematics and statistics for the war I was working on. I had been working hard lately while August had been going to school like the good boy he is. He was supposed to be back soon....Hopefully he wouldn't wolf out on me. He still scares me a bit and since he basically ripped a chunk of my neck out, I've been more cautious with him, drinking from Isabelle and having her hunt and make newborns for the war. I preferred her out of all my pets, her being my favorite and oldest. Isabelle came in after a moment and smiled at me. "Louis, its time for your meal. August will be home shortly, and you don't want to bite him again, remember?" She laughed a bit. Yeah...she had found out in the morning when she came to check on me because I had screamed for her in the night. I didn't tell anyone else, but she knew, and it was killing me. I sighed and gestured her over.

"You're so sweet... making sure I get a healthy and consistent diet. I don't know what I would do without you." She smiled and came over, sitting down on top of my desk and moving her hair away from her neck. I stood up then and leaned in, biting her quickly. She didn't even flinch. I could hear August's car pulling up in the driveway just as I bit down. He was here! He took a few minutes to shut the engine off and get out. He even took time in shutting the door. Was something up? I pulled back from Isabelle quickly, not able to enjoy the moment and taste of her blood. "Thank you Isabelle, but I'll eat later." I waved her off and started to clean the evidence off of my face and then sat down in my chair. Isabelle nodded in understanding and disappeared quickly from my sight. If he's up to something..... August came in after a few moments and smiled innocently at me, but immediately I could see a bruise on his eye even though he was hiding it with his hair. I stood up quickly and walked over, moving the hair from in front of his eye and studied it, gently taking his face in my hands. "August? What happened?" I asked quickly and worriedly. Did he get into a fight at school?

"Some guy at school," He whispered softly and leaned in to kiss me, trying to distract me. I let him kiss me for a second and then pulled back.

"Who threw the first punch?" I asked then. "ISABELLE GET THE FIRST AID KIT! GET MY DOCTOR HERE!" August through up his hands quickly.

"It's okay! Chill out... I'm sure it will heal up soon." He grumbled and blushed. "Stop freaking out. I'm a werewolf." I nodded.

"Yeah, my neck remembers that," I muttered and felt the phantom pain and panic from the night I was referring to. I sighed and brought him over to my desk, making him sit down in my lap. He curled up and pressed his face into the crook of my neck.

"I think my parents are starting to worry about me," He chuckled. "They visited me earlier in school, before this happened." He motioned to his face. I sighed. His parents huh....

"Well, they'll probably start questioning you if they haven't already," I whispered in his ear and then titled his face up to look up at me and leaned in, kissing him passionately. I slipped my tongue into his mouth without warning and pulled his into mine, sucking on it gently as I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up against me and I could feel his cheeks heating up. He pulled back from the kiss and looked me deep in the eyes.

"I should go home tonight early, so they don't call the cops and get them looking for me." He chuckled. Good, I won't have to worry about getting marked. Alpha Hunter made it sound really bad, and his wolf told me I wished that what he did was the mark. I swear, if it's painful like they said.... I kind of want to be safe. I smiled at him sweetly.

"Alright..." I said and looked him in the eyes. "That would probably be best then."

"You want to come sneak into my house and sleep with me tonight?" He asked softly. "Or are you afraid of my human family?"

"I'm more afraid of the wolf that sleeps in my bed nightly," I teased and kissed his forehead. "How about I make you miss me?"

"Miss you?" He whimpered at the thought.

"Uh huh, and I'll get some decent sleep knowing there isn't a wolf ready to tear my throat out at the first sign of any kind of affection," I told him and reached behind him for the mouse to my computer. I fed my virtual fish and smirked.

"I don't want to have to miss you more then I do when I'm in school..." He trailed off. "I don't think I can handle it."

"Aww, sometimes you act like a spoiled puppy....and then other times," I stopped then and looked him over meaningfully. He pouted and then got up out of my lap.

"I'll just go now then." He grumbled. "Give you more time to not fear me." He walked towards the door. Spoiled pup.

"Come here," I called, standing up. I narrowed my eyes and started walking after him. "August," I warned. He kept walking to the door, now having his handle on it. He started to open the door and kept ignoring my order. I teleported right behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "You forget who the dominant one is. You can leave when I say you can," I whispered in his ear darkly. He turned towards me then and stared me down.

"Your not the dominate one. I am pretty sure I am. Remember that bite?" He asked and teased me at the memory. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh I remember it well little alpha," I teased and kissed him softly. "I'm still the dominate one. You can't do a thing to change that. Even when you get as big as trucks, you're still going to be mine."

"I'm an alpha... It's in my blood to be dominate... So I have to be the dominate one..." He was trailing... trying to come up with good reasons to beat me.

"Then you shouldn't have had me for a mate," I whispered lowly and kissed him, pressing him up against the door. He grabbed the edge of my shirt and tugged on it as we kissed. He had to pull back first to catch his breath. Smirking, I kissed right where his jaw met his neck and started to give him a love bite, moving his hair out of the way. He looked towards me as I done so and narrowed his eyes.

"Stop teasing me! It's not fair."

"What's not fair?" I murmured seductively in his ear. "I don't see anything unfair about it."

"Of course not... You are on the higher end of things." He bit his bottom lip. "Could we go do something fun tonight?" He asked. "We are always here.."

"Like a date?" I looked him in the eyes then.

"Would you like it to be a date?" He asked weakly. He was still iffy on being mated to a male. Fate can be so strange.... I smirked.

"Hmmm....We'll keep it PG-13." I reached behind him and opened the door, making him stumble back into the hall. I followed after him and grabbed his hand, leading him down the hall towards the living room and the front door.

"Can I drive then?" He asked. "Where should we go? Want to... go see a movie?"

"We shall watch the best G movie they have...maybe we'll be brave and see a PG movie," I teased and opened the front door, pulling him over to the garage where my car was. I took him in and made him get in the passenger seat before he could protest and got in the driver's seat, starting up the car. He clenched his jaw at the fact that he didn't get to drive. He cut on the radio before he buckled up. I smirked as I backed the car out of the driveway and out onto the street, driving the speed limit. I glanced over at him. "So, what kind of movies do you watch anyways?"

"Definitely nothing scary... How about action packed? I don't think we should go see a romance movie together." He rolled his window down then to let the wind run through his hair.

"Alright....R it is," I said and laughed. Yes! I don't have to sit through a sappy romance! He watched me with slightly narrowed eyes at the idea of R but then dismissed it and looked out the window. Is someone mad? I glanced over at him but stayed silent as I decided I would use the time to think....about a lot of things. First, I needed to take care of the biggest thing in my life right now- the war. Then I needed to think about precautions I needed to take to make August the happiest I could make him. After all, it's not like he asked to be a werewolf or asked to be my mate, though he does seem a bit more accepting of it. Then I needed to think about what I was going to do with all the new newborns that were being made for the war. It would be bad if I had Isabelle release a ton of newborns into the world.....And then there's Benjamin who has a mate already and got a new power to break things in anger- particularly glass.....interesting. On top of that, he has a little girl now named Ellie.... He has gotten so far for only being a month old.... I laughed at that. Then I have to find Lauren- his mate....He asked me to start looking for her because she disappeared. I sighed a bit. I'm going to have to put a lot on hold for a bit to take this one problem at a time. The biggest thing is the war, but I need to get that mate of Benjamin's back soon. I should probably start working on that in my free time before I work on the war efforts, and then I need to worry about August. I pulled out my phone then and dialed up Dante- the prince of Germany. It only rang three times before he picked up.

"Yes? Is something up?" He asked immediately.

"Yes, I have a task for you. I need you to put some resources into finding a girl- a specific girl. She's very important. Her name is Lauren, and she belongs to one of the newborns I have. He's requested that I find her because she's missing, and I, being the great creator I am, have obliged. Go sniff her out or something. Find her before the week is up." I heard him sigh.

"Louis, I'm not your underling. Get someone else to do it. I am a WAR god, not a FINDING things god." I growled into the phone.

"If you want to be apart of this war and not incur my rage, you'll find this girl."

"I have my own stuff to find," he said stubbornly.

"Dante....must I bring up the last war I ha-"

"Yeah, the way I remember it, I kicked your ass all the way to Russia," he said and laughed. "I'll have someone else find her, but don't give me these worthless missions again. You have people like the Australian prince for that. Don't think I don't know that he joined up with us."

"Yeah, because we need a good wallaby on our side of the war, don't we?" He laughed again and sighed.

"Alright Louis, I'll see what I can do for now, but don't expect it to be perfect. You know how I work."

"Yes, I know. I expect to be hearing about some destructiveness in the news or something. Don't be obvious about what you are doing. I don't need to hear anything from Paris about it. Plus, he doesn't know that you are here yet.... You're my ace for this game I'm playing," I told him.

"Absolutely," he muttered and hung up on me. I smirked and texted Benjamin that I had the Prince of Germany searching for his lost mate. That should cheer him up. One more thing off my list!

"Lauren went missing?" August asked. "So your sending Dante? Seriously.... Last time those two see each other Lauren looked tensed as ever." August told me. "You could have sent me. I could be a good tracker. I got a good snout. Alpha Hunter told me that." August had been watching me through the phone call. I smiled over at him sweetly.

"But I need you more than Lauren does," I said, aiming to get him to feel great about himself.

"You do?" He asked me and held back a smile. "I wonder why someone would had taken her- or if she is taken. She could just be hiding from Benjamin. I understand the feelings if she is. Too much all at once."

"Hey, I give you space," I complained in my defense. I tsked and looked at the road. "I stopped biting you, didn't I?"

"Mhhhh." He looked out the window then to ignore me.

"Great," I muttered. Why do I feel like he's going to smother me in my sleep? We pulled up to the movie theatre, and I got out, going over to the other side of the car and letting him out. August got out and took in a deep breath then turned around rapidly as his eyes scanned around us. Suddenly August shifted me behind him and I understood why just as he did. Cage crashed into August instantly giving him a bare hug.

"AUGUST!" Cage shouted. "What are you doing here?" Cage wondered. Alpha Hunter was walking towards us from a few feet away. "I thought you'd be toast after that fight today. How's the eye?" Cage was scanning over August's face.

"F-fine." August husked out from the hug. Cage let him go finally as his father was by us now.

"We're here to see a movie! How about you two? Is it your first date?" Cage asked us.

"Uh~" August was blushing and shook his head. I nodded behind him.

"Nice to see you two," I said, burying my nerves about being around so many werewolves.

"What movie?" Cage was wanting to know everything now. What has been going on in school that August has failed to mention to me? All he says about his day is it was good! He's in so much trouble now..... I kept a straight face and locked the car as I put my keys in my pocket. Guess he's going to sleep in the dog house now.

"An R rated one." August told Cage. "What about you?"

"We are going to go see the newest scary movie that is coming out. Mom is already inside, she's being a woman with the new baby. My other siblings are helping the pack with the moving arrangements. This is our time off." He shrugged.

"Cage, come on. If they wanted a double date with a loud mouth they would have asked," Alpha Hunter growled. Cage pouted.

"Catch you in school then August." He obediently followed his father into the theater. I raised an eyebrow.

"If we weren't on a date, I'd be asking you loads of uncomfortable questions for you, but guess it's your lucky day," I whispered and started to walk towards the theater, scanning the posters for a good movie.

"Cage is just being friendly." August mumbled. "Nothing new." He followed me, looking at the posters.

"See one you want to watch?" I asked, giving him a smile. He shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, you know what I am looking for." He stuck his hands inside his front pockets and looked around us. I sighed. Helpful....

~After the Movie~

We had gone to see a really bloody war movie that I actually liked. It made me a bit hungry to watch, but at least the sweat on some people made the hunger bearable. It was like a mixture of seeing something good to eat but smelling something rotten. I wrapped my arm around August as we came out of the movie theater and smiled as I saw that it was night now. I leaned over and kissed his cheek quickly, knowing it would embarrass him so I made it quick just for him. I started to steer him over to the car and looked around. There was a group of men standing around an old Volkswagen. They were laughing and some started to look our way then the rest of their eyes followed. They seemed to get still and quiet then carried back to laughing, louder. August tensed near me as he heard the laughing. I sighed. Letting go of August, I handed him the car keys. "Give me five minutes," I muttered lowly in his ear. Smirking, I casually started walking towards the group of men.

"No Louis! Don't go..." I heard August whispering after me. "Let's just go home." He was urging now. I glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow and kept walking, right until I was an inch away from one of them.

"Hey boys, I couldn't help noticing this little party from over there, and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I could give you something to laugh about. Trust me, you'll be laughing forever. It's a really great joke." I smirked at them and flipped my hair out of my face, staring them down one by one. One of the boys chocked on a drink as he heard me and half of them was dead silent. That's when I caught a faint smell of rogue.

"Maybe you should go back to your little dog," One of them growled and the rest started back to laughing.

"One, he aint little," I said, putting a thick accent on. "Two, I think you mangy mutts need a lesson," I practically just threatened a ton of rogues.....go me....I'm gonna get hurt probably. I smirked, staring down the one who had spoken to me. I then exposed my fangs threateningly and narrowed my eyes. "Now, who's first?" There was about nine of them in all. I might have a chance... Although they were all buff.

"Your right... He's not little... He's a RUNT!" One of them shouted and busted out laughing, then his drink went up his nose and he started choking on the feeling.

"A lesson?" One asked. They began to circle me and I felt one push me. I heard a growl erupt from across the parking lot. August wasn't pleased. I laughed darkly and looked at the one who pushed me.

"Mhmmmm, I like you. Do you know what I do to ones I like?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at him. I suddenly teleported behind him and grabbed him by his hair, yanking him off of his feet and pulling a knife I had in my back pocket out, putting it against his throat and slitting it before he could even say 'wolf'. The other eight broke out in a growl and I heard a few bones snapping. Dog's out of the bag!

"Louis! Get over here. GET IN THE CAR." August ordered me.

"Better do what he says leech." One of the unchanging said. "We eat your kind for breakfast."

"Mangy mutts...not even worthy for a fur rug," I muttered, wiping the knife on my pants leg calmly as I looked down at my shoes. "GREAT, YOU MESSED UP MY SHOE!" I shouted and looked down at the one I had killed, glaring. "Imbecile."

"When I have to come over there to save your ass! I WON'T BE HAPPY." August shouted in outrage. "You don't understand what they want to do to you right now Louis." One of the changed wolves leapt at me then as I had been distracted by August. I widened my eyes and teleported to put myself onto one of the wolves' backs and stabbed down between the shoulder blades, making him yelp. Another one of the turned went to take me down off of the wolf and growled to give his position up. "LOUIS!" August cried out.

"I'M FINE! GET IN THE CAR!" I shouted and teleported on top of the Volkswagen, licking my knife. "You don't even taste good," I told them. They were all turned now. They seemed to be communicating with each other as they began to circle me. I heard August obey me. I heard a growl from near the woods as Alpha Hunter's wolf form appeared, charging after the rogues. They scattered then and ran off in all directions. Alpha Hunter chased after the closet one and had him tackled in no time. He ended the rogue's life as soon as he got a hold of its neck. He didn't waist time in heading after the next. A few more wolves fled out of the woods and after the other rogues. About fifteen others. August had opened the door to get a better look and widened his eyes. I got a bit upset and sat down on the roof of the car. Dammit....that was my fun he stole. It's not everyday you get to kill some wolves..... I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms as I waited for the yelps and whimpering to die down. After a few minutes a few wolves ran out of the woods, smaller then the others I seen and began taking the corpses of the rogues into the woods. Suddenly Alpha Hunter was by my side and was staring me down out of the corner of his eye. He had a dead rogue in his mouth. He paused for a minute as his eyes looked towards August and then he ran off into the woods. August stepped out of the car as the rest followed Alpha Hunter. I frowned for a minute as I watched them go. What was that abou- DID HE JUST TALK TO AUGUST?! Great....I'm screwed. I sighed and slid off of the roof of the car. I could've handled myself easily... I was just playing around.

"GET. IN. THE. CAR. LOUIS." August snapped at me suddenly when the cost was clear. I looked at him and started to lick my knife clean as I walked towards the car. When I neared August he grabbed my arm and shoved me into the car quicker then I intended then he got into the drivers seat and drove off before I could put on the seat belt. I glanced over at him as I finished licking my knife clean and then put it back up.

"August?" I called tentivelly, testing the waters. The only wolf I'll ever be truly respectful to and actually fear enough to where I will sort of obey- not really- is him. Even Alpha Hunter isn't as scary as August....mostly because August knows where I sleep and he's my mate.

"Mmm." He was grumbling towards me. He kept his eyes focused on the road.

"Remember when we first met? You were drunk and I was laying in the street?" I asked, trying to get him to talk to me.

"It's fuzzy." He mumbled.

"Don't strangle me like you did later that night," I mumbled back. "You aren't mad at me...right? It was just a bit of fun, and I knew what I was doing.....I had it under control."

"Told you to get in the car." He grunted. "You didn't know who you was dealing with."

"I knew after I smelled them," I muttered in defense. "Besides, I'm in the car now.... You can't stay mad at me...."

"I am disappointed. Not mad." He told me. He looked towards me with a serious face.

"What's that supposed to mean? What did Hunter say to you anyways?" I said, looking over at him as I decided I was done sucking up to him for now.

"Nothing." He said quickly. "That you need to know about."

"Let me guess....Was it something like 'keep your mate in line'? Bet it was. He's probably going to go home and tell Paris, and then I'm going to have to hear it from him the next time I see him," I said and leaned my head back. "I know I can handle some rogues."

"He didn't say that, but he did think about telling Paris about the rogues. He told us to be careful. There are more out there that have been moving into the area lately. He said they are looking for trouble. He doesn't like that I am packless and he wants me to join him for safety." He said calmly.

"Oh," I got silent then. But I can protect him. And that's the enemy's pack. I frowned and looked out the window then and sighed. Why is he driving my car?

"Cage warned me yesterday about the rogues." He whispered. "I didn't realize how real it was. Hunter said before he left that two of the rogues got away just then."

"Uh huh....Pull over then," I smirked then and reached for my knife. Funs not over.

"We are not going on a hunt for those things Louis. Rogues are foul beings. When you take one down there are more bond to just show up and challege you. They are reckless. Packless. Idiots." He started to sound disgusted.

"Well, let me take out the trash," I said and laughed darkly, scanning the streets as if I'd see them any second now.

"That's Hunter's domain. His worries. We aren't in a pack so it is none of our concern. You will stay out of it." August told me.

"I'm Louis, Prince of Wales. I don't care if it's none of my business." I stared him down.

"You should care because it is what I want." He growled. I paused for a moment and looked him over.

"What you want?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For you to stay out of it." He told me. "Got it?"

"No," I said stubbornly. "I don't." He puffed out his cheeks and pulled up at my house in no time since he had been speeding. My poor baby.... I held back a whimper as I realized how fast he had pushed her. I got out of the car after unbuckling. I glanced over at him and gestured for him to come over to me. "August, love, darling pup of my life," I called, smiling at him sweetly to win him over. "If you don't want me to go hunt down the ones that laughed at you, then I won't. I'll let Hunter take care of it, and I'll spend the extra time with the love of my life, my sweet alpha," I said, holding out my arms for a hug as I went towards him. August dodged my hug and glared me down as he went to his car.

"Heh." He grumbled as he looked back towards me. "Goodnight." Tough love? Two can play that game. I shrugged and stuffed my hands into my pockets going towards the front door.

"Sure," I said and opened the front door.

"You better keep your word. Isabelle has a voice you know." August growled then got into his car and drove off before I could reply. I tsked and went into the house, teleporting to my room where I laid down without another word. Damn mutts... ruined my night. You know... he wasn't being as sweet as he normally is to me... for the whole time he saw me. Something must be off.... I sighed and rolled over in my bed, putting my face into the pillow to where I couldn't breath and fell asleep.