Italian Dinner

Raven's POV:

I yawned and rolled over on the couch, groaning as I felt a bit sore from sleeping on it. Why am I on a cou- Where am I? I sat up for a moment and looked around then remembered last night and that I had come back to Austin and put him to bed. I got up then and glanced at the clock seeing we had an hour till we had to leave. I didn't sleep long at all then. I sighed and walked towards his bedroom, going in and walking to his bed. I kissed his forehead and then his lips. "Austin," I sung out and started to hum to myself as I watched him for a reaction. He groaned and looked up at me. 

"Morning Raven," He groaned. He looked towards his alarm clock then sat up. His phone was currently going off as his friends were blowing up his phone with text messages. He didn't bother to check them though as he moved out of bed slowly. He couldn't open his eyes all the way yet. He stood up and headed for the bathroom. "I need a human moment..." He grumbled sleepily. He disappeared into the bathroom and left me in his bedroom. I raised an eyebrow and then sat down on the edge of his bed and laid down, looking up at the ceiling as I listened to his phone beeping. He really should talk to them.... before they destroy it. He came back in twenty minutes with damp hair. He was shirtless now- trying to put on a shirt and he has pants on luckily. He stumbled towards his bed as he tugged on the shirt then fell down on the bed by me and grabbed his phone to check it. I looked over at him and rolled over onto my stomach, looking at him sweetly. 

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I said playfully and gave him a kiss on his cheek. 

"Good morning." He mumbled as he scanned the texts. He hit a few things then put his phone up to his ear as he started to call someone. "Good morning, hope this wasn't too early. I figured I would call now instead of later when I have no service- let me finish. I am heading out this weekend on a camping trip so I can't come see you and mom.... Yes... I know.... I will be safe.... You too... I have to get ready now... Love you. Bye." He hung up and shook his head and threw his phone towards a pillow then got up. "Heh. Parents." I bit my bottom lip as I watched him. Yeah.... "Vincent said that they will be ready soon, the others basically said the same so we should gather our things and get going as quick as possible. We don't want to slow up the crowd." He laughed. I nodded and stood up then, leaning up and giving him a kiss before bouncing off out of his room. 

"Ok, well you take care of your stuff," I called over my shoulder as I giggled. "I'm going to go back to the mansion to grab my bag!" I teleported away quickly and stretched as I saw I was in my own room. I glanced around for the bag I had packed already. Grabbing it off of my sofa I had in here, I put the strap on my shoulder and glanced around to make sure that I had everything. I spotted my favorite knife that I had received from my parents (very powerful and was made from a substance that would kill vampires easily). I might need it. I paused, looking around the room before snatching it and putting it in my bag. Ok, that should be everything. Smiling, I went back to his apartment and dropped my things on his couch. "Back!" 

"That was quick," He called from his bedroom. He must still be packing or something. 

"Well.... I kinda already packed," I said as I walked towards his bedroom, going in and sitting down on his bed. Smiling, I looked at his progress. He was finishing up his packing by putting his  hygiene products in the bag. At least he want to smell good when we was camping! He zipped up his bag and carried it to his couch in the living room.

"Now I need to pack the cooler and we can go." He noted. I nodded and got up, following him out into the living room.

"Ok! Want me to go ahead and take these out to the car?" I asked, looking from him down to the bags. I could do it quickly. He tossed me the keys then. 

"Be my guest." He called as he was now head first in the fridge, gabbing things to make sandwiches. I nodded and picked up the bags, walking towards the door as I decided to conserve my energy and took them to the car the old fashioned way. Setting them down beside the trunk, I unlocked it and then placed them down inside of it. I shut the trunk and then headed up to the apartment, going in. 

"So are you excited?" I asked as I sat down on the couch. 

"Not really, I am mild." He shrugged and was already shoving ice into a cooler. "What about you?"

"Yeah." I giggled and leaned my head back to look at him. "It's been awhile since I've done anything like this!" 

"I love going camping." He admitted. "Vincent has our tent, so don't be worried. Although I think Hellen is going to separate us. She's probably going to have you sleep with her in the same tent and I will be forced to sleep with Vincent.... He snores." He laughed. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Poor you," I said and laughed at the thought of him tossing and turning as he tries to sleep through snoring. Well...he is pretty much a deep sleeper. He might not have a problem. "Can't wait to see how you fair."

"I might have to come sneak into your tent." He nodded at the thought. "Even if I have to sleep on the floor." He finished packing the cooler with drinks, sandwiches, and chips. He grabbed his phone off the counter then carried the cooler to the door. "Ready to go!" He cheered. I sighed and got up, following him. Goodbye civilization. 

"Hellen and I won't let you," I teased, giving a smirk. He stuck out his tongue. 

"You can't keep me out, there is a zipper on both sides of the tent." 

"I can stay up way longer than you can to keep you from getting in," I retorted back to him. Laughing, I went up and wrapped an arm around his waist. 

"Your just being cruel now." He mumbled and then pulled away, opening the door. He walked out first and waited for me to follow before closing the door behind me and locked up his apartment. 

"No I'm not. If you really want to be away from Vincent, you'll just have to come sleep with me," I whispered, leaning up to his ear to let my breath tickle him. 

'"Hopefully Hellen doesn't try to steal you from me." He mumbled into my ear. 

"Mhmm...." I kissed his cheek then and then pulled away, running off down the hall. "C'mon!" He followed after me with the cooler and laughed. 

"Excited much?!" He called after me. 

"Yeah! Just hanging out camping! Who can resist?!" I giggled and teleported down to the car, leaving him to walk by himself. He'd just have to hurry. He showed up a few minutes after I arrived and put the cooler in the back then climbed into the driver's seat and waited for me to get in. I got into the passenger's seat and pulled out my phone, sending a text to Paris that I was leaving for the camping trip now and might be hard to reach. Paris immediately answered me back. 

Paris: Fantastic. 

Paris relied again. 

Paris: Take care, watch out for rogues! They are getting bad in these parts. 

Me: Rogues? They're getting bad here? Out of all places?

I sighed and was thankful I had grabbed my knife. I should've gotten a gun to go with it....just a small one. 

Paris: My pack got a few last night, seems they are growing in number nowadays. Rogues aren't like pack wolves. Stay cautious! 

Me: Will do. Oh btw, there's gonna be a witch camping with us lol. 

Paris: Yes, the witch Akane. I done some research on her with Dylan last night. She's older then she looks, and is quite cautious around our kind. You do know the stories of witches, right? 

Me: Not really. I know they are pretty dangerous and that this one doesn't really like all. 

Paris: I will give you a tutor lesson on them when you get back, you will like it. Just make sure you show some respect to her. Witches are like the earth beneath our feet. Without it.... We would fall. 

Me: Got it, don't pick a fight. See you when I get back.

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket after deleting the messages in case anyone managed to unlock my phone. I glanced over at Austin and leaned over, giving him a kiss as he was driving. Austin blushed and glanced towards me. "Talking to Paris?" He guessed. 

"Yeah, just telling him I was going away for a bit and would be back soon. Didn't want him to wonder if I had gone yet or not. There is a vampire missing already, you know?" I sighed and relaxed in my seat as I looked out the window. 

"That's good that you are telling him where you are going." He smirked. "Let's me know that I am not just taken as some wimp!" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Considering you're not dead....I'd say you aren't a wimp," I told him and watched him closely. So ranking being on my list of people to inform Paris about makes him feel like he's not a wimp...ok then. I smirked just a tad, hiding it from him. 

"Good to know." He put on the radio and a morning talk show came on. "You can turn the radio if you like." He suggested. I shook my head.

"This is fine if you like it." I smiled sweetly and looked out towards the street, watching cars that passed by. He nodded and focused on driving us. We pulled up at a gas station and he got out, filling up the car briefly before getting back in and we were off again. We drove to Vincent's, where everyone seemed to be meeting up at because a bunch of cars was parked near the double car garage. The two twins were standing by two old people on the front porch while the others were rushing through the house, busy. He parked near the garage and got out. Vincent ran up to Austin as soon as he noticed us. 

"HEY AUSTIN AND RAVEN! Right on time!" Vincent hugged Austin. "Come help me with the tents, I can't find them."

"Think we put them in the basement." Austin commented. 

"OHHHHH, HEY HELLEN! RAVEN IS HERE!" Vincent shouted. I widened my eyes as I had gotten out, looking around to make sure that she wasn't going to attack me wherever she was. Hellen was near the porch, catching her breath and talking to the old people. She gave us a wave. 

"HELLO RAVEN, AUSTIN!" Austin waved back to her. I smiled and waved as I started to walk towards her. 

"HELLEN! NICE TO SEE YOU!" I giggled as I got close enough to hug her. 

"Oh Raven these are my parents, they are taking the kids for the weekend. Meet Marge and Thomas. Mom, dad, this is a friend of mine, Raven." She introduced us. The two white haired couple smiled kindly towards me. 

"Very nice to meet you Raven," Marge said and Thomas gave a short nod in my direction before focusing his attention back to the twins. The twins seemed busy telling him about monkeys. I smiled at her then.

"Nice to meet you too."

Benjamin's pov

My phone went off in as I rolled over in my sleep, yanking me from my dreams. Great...who is it now? I yawned and reached for it as I opened my bleary eyes and picked it up, answering it. "Benjamin here....Who is it?" I rolled over onto my back and looked up at the ceiling then. 

"It's Louis. I put one of my best people on the job, and as I expected, it yielded results. We now have a lead on your missing mate. We believe a Princess by the name Val took her. It appears that she may have been Lauren's maker and has come back to claim her for some reason. I'm sure we can make an arrangement to get her back, but if worse comes to worse, we are going to have to plan a rescue mission. After all, until recently she has been working for me, but now I believe that she may have been using me as a front to get closer to finding her. I don't know, but we are going to get her back Benjamin. Don't you worry, and don't break any more windows either," he joked.

"Louis? It's ear- YOU FOUND LAUREN?!" I shot up in bed and stared wide eyed at the phone. "A princess took her?!"

"Yes," he said, sounding irritated about it. I sighed.

"Have you made any contact with her to get her back yet?" I asked to make sure. I got up and walked out of the room quickly, stumbling out of the room and down the hall till I got to my study. I started up my laptop and then started to research this Val person in case she was pretty important in today's society. She appeared in connection with California in particular and a bit in Italy. I narrowed my eyes as I saw her number and wrote it down in case. 

"Benjamin, are you listening to me?" Huh? I paused. 

"N-no....Did you say something?"

"Benjamin, I swear...." He appeared in front of me and hung up. "You didn't even change out of your PJs! It's ten in the morning! I expected more from you," he muttered, glancing me over. I bit my bottom lip. 

"So what'd you say?" I asked as I put my phone down. He sighed and came over, putting his hands on my desk and leaning over it to me.

"I'm telling you that you aren't allowed to do anything until I say you can," he muttered lowly in my ear. "If you make a single move, you could blow everything. This is a Princess, and she's not going to care about some love story from two school children." I puffed out my cheeks then.

"I'm not a ch-"

"Yes you are," he said and moved away from me, going towards the window. "Oh, and where's Ellie? You still haven't brought her over to see me!" He complained, glancing over his shoulder at me. It's so weird. He seems so fierce and strict on the outside, but when you get to know him, he's actually really nice..... I smiled and nodded. 

"I'll go see if she's up." I started to walk to the door then and went towards Ellie's room. When I got to it, I poked my head in. "Ellie?" I called softly, glancing towards her bed. Ellie was asleep with a book in her hand, she was holding it softly to her chest. I could just make out the title, beauty and the beast... Of course. I smiled and walked in slowly, going towards her. I took the book from her and set it on her nightstand, tucking the blanket up around her. "Cutie," I whispered and kissed the top of her head. Then I started to walk back to the door. When I got back to the study, I went up to Louis and stood next to him. "She's still asleep."

"Hm....Then we can move onto business then and skip the pleasantries. I need you to pick out your battle outfit and equipment. You also need to start training.....You need to harness your powers that you've gotten recently. So I want you to come back with me for at least....five hours or so? Find a babysitter or bring her. It doesn't matter to me either way. Just know that a werewolf might stop by."

"W-werewolf?" I looked at him in alarm. "Not dangerous right?"

"No, it's just August. He's not a problem and will behave." I nodded then and glanced towards the door. "If you want a babysitter, I understand. I'll have Tawnya take care of her. We need Isabelle for your training. After all, I'm going to make her second in command. That makes you third." I widened my eyes. 

"Third? I'm only a newborn...."

"A strong newborn that I trust," he said reassuringly and put a hand on my shoulder. "I trust you more than I trust the other Princes. They could easily betray me, but you can't and I know you wouldn't." I nodded then and smiled. 

"Yes sir."

~An hour later~

I glanced around as we entered a gym like room with a fighting arena in the middle. Louis smirked and glanced over at Isabelle. "Show him the ropes will you? I've got my own things I want to do." She smirked devilishly and looked over at me. 

"In the arena rookie." I stared at her then.

"Um....I don't think that's a-" she grabbed me then by my sleeve and yanked me over to it.

"If you want to survive the war, you are going to have to work hard. The fact that you can't even stop me from throwing you into the ring means that you have some serious work ahead of you." I tsked and growled a little as she pushed me into the ring area. Laughing, she walked in and cracked her knuckles, glancing me over. "The PJs are cute." Blushing, I looked down and saw I was still in a rumbled tank top and a pair of sweat pants. It's not that bad.... You could even say that it's not PJs..... 


"Alright then. Come at me with the best you got," she said and smirked, getting into a defensive position. "I need to see what I'm working with. How about we keep powers out of it for now hmmm?" 

"She's gonna tear you apart if you're not careful!" Louis warned from where he was messing around with some weights. I glanced over at him- big mistake. She docked me on the head and sent me stumbling to my left. 


"Big baby, get used to it!" I heard the door open and the stench of werewolf entered the room. 

"LOUIS!" I heard someone call. "COME ONE! I'M TAKING YOU OUT FOR DINNER. NOW." 

Louis's POV:

Wait what? I looked over from where I was holding about over half my weight easily. I smiled as I saw August was home and set it down. "Hey August, how was school?" I heard a yelp from Benjamin as Isabelle basically drop kicked him and sent him flying across the room.

"Fine day. Cage suggested this restaurant that we should try out. It's Italian. Come on let's go try it out. I'm hungry." August walked over to me and pulled my face close to his, he hesitated then kissed my cheek and pulled back. "Who's in the ring with Issy?" He asked and turned to Benjamin and Isabelle. I glanced over as I saw Benjamin being pulled by his hair back into the ring.

"Benjamin, get off your ass and fight her for real!" I shouted towards him. I heard Isabelle laugh darkly as she threw him into the floor. He trembled and stood up, looking at her.

"She's older than me! This isn't a fair fight!"

"THEN FIGHT DIRTY!" I shouted and grabbed August's arm, starting to walk to the door. "You don't leave the room until Isabelle says so."

"LOUIS!" He screamed as I heard his body thud against a set of weights. I glanced over my shoulder to see Isabelle looking at him with a predatory look on her face. Shrugging, I opened the door then. 

"You're lucky you aren't fighting me," I told him and pulled August out of the room and out into the hall, shutting the door behind me. "So what'd you want?" 

"I want to take you out to eat," He hissed out. "Why did you just totally ignore my request back there!" He pouted and took his hand from mine. 

"Did not," I said. "You wanted Italian and you mentioned Cage," I mumbled and pulled out my keys then, handing it to him. "Wanna drive?" 

"Yes, of course I do!" He cheered up and snatched them from me then kissed my cheek and took off for the car. "YES I GET TO DRIVE!"

"DON'T SCRATCH HER!" I shouted as I teleported to the car. I smirked as I leaned up against it and unbuttoned the top two on my shirt, attempting to mess with him. He came out of the front door quickly and groaned as he spotted me. 

"NO FAIR!" He cried out and walked towards the door, not even noticing the top of my shirt was unbuttoned. He got into the drivers seat and waited on me. I got in and sighed, buttoning them back up. He just isn't interested yet....Ok, means I'm safe for another....say.....two years? He turned on the radio before driving off, not even bothering to buckle. He started to speed off down the road. "What's up with your shirt? Why was it unbuttoned at the top? That's not like you..." 

"Hot in the gym," I replied easily, covering it up as I glanced over at him and smirked. He nodded and looked to be thinking it over for a minute then let it slip his thoughts. I noticed his eye was healed up from the black eye then as he glanced my way. "Seems that your eye healed up nicely....Isn't that a little fast for- Oh." I stopped as I realized it must have been a wolf thing that helped heal him up that fast. 

"Yeah, apparently it is a wolf thing." He said sweetly. I blushed a bit as I looked out the window. Guess I'm going to have to get used to that too....

"Well that's good," I whispered. "How's Cage?" 

"Cage's getting bigger." He said quickly. "His father said he's growing impressively. Makes me jealous..." He trailed off. 

"Aww, but you've already improved so much.... I kind of miss you relying on me," I said to him and reached over, twirling his hair around my finger. "Bet if you turned on me, you'd be even bigger than last time." 

"I haven't turned in a while..." He admitted and winced at the thought. 

"Oh yeah, you need to work on that," I murmured and then leaned over, giving him a kiss. "You don't want to have another forced turn again in the middle of the night." 

"That would suck, especially if it was in school!" He paled at the thought. 

"Tonight you should try it," I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek then. 

"You think so? I will then. I need to stretch my legs." He laughed. "You going to come with me if I go for a run?" 

"Sure," I said sweetly and went back to looking out the window. "I need to start going for walks anyways. I have a war coming up." 

"You do.... don't you?" He mumbled. We were in a town now and he pulled up at a fancy restaurant. He parked and looked at me. "Ready?!" He asked excitedly. I smiled and got out, going around and got his door for him. He got out and grabbed my keys and put them in his pocket then shut the door and pulled me into the restaurant. When we got in, a hostess looked up at us and smiled.

"Table for two?" She grabbed two menus and started to walk off. "Would you like a booth, regular seating, a window seat, or outdoor seating?" She glanced back at me. 

"August?" I looked over at him to see what he wanted. I was good with anything, and of course I was going to get everything. I can't not treat my little alpha pup. 

"Booth please, it's more private that way." August told her. He motioned for her to carry on. She nodded and smiled, taking us to a corner in the restaurant- a slightly dim one. I raised an eyebrow as I saw small vases with roses in the middle. Interesting.... I should come here more often. He took a seat and waited for me to sitting across from him, expecting me to as he watched across from him so he could meet my eyes. I smirked as I did and looked over at him, resting my head on my hand. The hostess put our menus down in front of us and walked away then. I glanced down at it then and flipped through it, deciding quickly as I had pretty much eaten most of these foods before. Being thousands of years old has it's perks. He opened up the menu and looked through the menu with interest. His mouth seemed to water a bit as he almost drooled over it. 

"Whatever you want darling," I whispered and nudged his foot underneath the table. He looked up at me and smirked. 

"Okay sweetie." He whispered. "Whatever I want." 

"No raw steaks," I joked as I glanced around the restaurant. We pretty much had this side of it to ourselves. There were a few, but they were too wrapped up in each other. 

"I think I want some pasta." He told me and nodded. I looked back at him and smirked.

"Alright, if that's what you want." He looked into my eyes then and bit his bottom lip. 

"Mhmmm... Something like that." I studied him for a few minutes then nodded.

"Pick out a dessert while you're at it." He looked towards the menu then to get focused on finding a dessert. I smiled sweetly then and looked over as I saw a waitress coming our way. She smiled at me as she approached and looked at us. 

"Have you two decided on something to drink, maybe the whole meal?" She glanced August's way when she noticed he was looking at the menu still. 

"I would like sweet tea to drink," He said as he looked up and handed her the menu. "As for my meal, I am thinking about a pasta, perhaps spaghetti... Yeah that sounds good. Spaghetti it is." She nodded and took it then looked towards me.

"Hmmm.... A red wine....and I'd like the special." She nodded and started to walk off. I glanced over at Austin then. Still can't believe all that drooling was over spaghetti, but if that's what he likes, that's what he likes. He smirked at me and relaxed against the back of the booth. 

"A wine? Is it even okay for you to drink it... maybe I shouldn't let you." 

"Why wouldn't it be ok?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's wine! You look young." He crossed his arms. "I mean... Yeah." He nodded. I shrugged then. 

"If they need, I can always show them my ID. It's not like I can't prove I'm 21. I'm actually listed as 22." I smirked at him. 

"That's not fair!" He groaned. "Why are you so old...." He sighed. "I'm going to be an old grandpa in a few years and you will still look like that." He wined. I laughed a bit.

"I think werewolves age slower when they start having the ability to turn," I said and glanced over at the waitress as I saw her coming back with garlic bread and our drinks. She set them down in front of us and smiled sweetly before asking if we needed anything else. She then left, leaving me alone with August. Smirking, I picked up my glass and took a sip of my wine. He watched me with narrowed eyes then grabbed one of the pieces of bread and bit down into it. 

"I'm still going to die before you and get old. I bet you won't like me when I am old." 

"I'll still love you. I'll feed you everyday and take you for walks even when you need to be wheeled around. How about we enjoy the moment though and make every second count?" I asked and leaned over the table then, tilting his face up to mine as I leaned in and stole a kiss. He turned a bright red and growled deeply at me. 

"Quit kissing me in pubic... I'm flustered!" He shouted in a whisper. He cooled down a bit and looked around to make sure no one noticed. "I should remind you that I am not gay." He pointed out. "I'll let you know though when I am... Until then..." He took a sip of his tea. I sighed then and leaned back in my seat. 

"Fine," I mumbled. Double standard- refuses to acknowledge me in public but pretty much tears my throat out at home. He smirked at me as he watched me. 

"Maybe someday." He mumbled. He took another sip of his tea. 

"Uh huh." Who also wanted me to come home with them yesterday so that they wouldn't have to miss me? Who got upset and worried for me when I took on a ton of rogues? I picked up my drink and started to sip on it again, getting quiet.

"Your my mate, I have to worry." He shrugged. "That doesn't mean I am gay." He said stubbornly. Can he read my mind or something? I stared at him suspiciously as I took another sip on my drink. He watched me and then frowned. "What? I see that look you are giving me..." He trailed off. 

"Nothing," I said softly and looked down at my drink curiously, wishing it was blood. I forgot to eat this morning.... He ate the rest of the bread in his hand and started to shake his leg as he impatient now for his food. "Somebody really wants that spaghetti," I whispered and then watched him.

"Very much!" He agreed. "I'm hungry. I forgot to eat lunch today... Apparently I shouldn't do that... Especially since I am a hormonal werewolf teenager." I smirked then and shook my head just a little as I took another sip. 

"You should eat when you get the chance.... I'd hate for you to starve yourself." 

"I couldn't help it... I forgot." He told me. 

"How could you forget lunch? Don't they have a whole set time dedicated to that at your school?" I raised an eyebrow at him and spotted the waitress making her way back to us. She set his spaghetti down in front of him and then my food. I smiled and nodded to her. She glanced over at August and smiled sweetly before leaving us again. He began eating his spaghetti and ignored my question entirely. He groaned at the taste and smirked as he focused on eating it. I laughed a little and then took a bite of mine, smiling a bit at the taste. It had been awhile since I had tasted something quite like this- in human food. He looked at me and then leaned in stealing a kiss from my cheek and laughed. 

"How do you like it?" He asked me.  

"It's good," I said and looked at him. Not gay but willing to kiss my cheek. I raised an eyebrow but decided not to comment. 

"No one was looking," He explained casually and started to eat his spaghetti again.

"Embarrassed much?" I whispered under my breath and took a sip of my wine as I went for a bite of my food. If I didn't know better, I'd make him forget he was ever straight. 

"Uh... depends." He whispered and blushed. "I just don't want to get laughed at..." He said under his breath, as if it was not meant to be heard. Lucky for me, I was a vampire and had extraordinary hearing. I looked down at my food then, remembering the ones from yesterday. 

"Ok," I whispered and took another bite of my food. I can respect that...somewhat. He took a sip of his drink before finishing up his meal. For a teenage hormonal werewolf... he sure can put away some food. I laughed a bit and finished up mine, drinking all the wine I had left. The waitress, seeing that we had finished, came back and smiled at us both. 

"Did you enjoy your meal? Would you two like dessert perhaps?" She glanced towards August, knowing that if anyone said yes to that, it'd be him because he is younger. I smirked at that and looked towards him. 

"We did enjoy our meal...very much," I told her. 

"I'd like to try the hot double fudge brownie." He told her and gave a friendly smile. She raised an eyebrow and wrote it down.

"Adventurous are we? What about you?" She glanced over me. Shaking my head, I waved her off, and she left with our plates. August looked at me with longing eyes like the distance between us was farther then he approved of. He set his elbows on the table and put his head in his hands, staring me down. 

"Yes August?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Interesting....I wonder how long he'll keep that up. 

"Hmmm?" He asked me in a mumble. He didn't give. 

"Do you want something?" I held back a smirk as I lowered my own head onto one of my hands, holding it up while resting it. 

"Mhmmmm." He watched me with interest in his eyes now. 

"Well....what do you want?" I felt the corner of my lips curl up into a small smirk as I looked into his eyes then, admiring their color. 

"You," He whispered and gave a small smirk. I raised an eyebrow at him then.


"Very much." He mumbled and sighed. 

"I'd come over there, but you wouldn't want me the moment I did," I whispered and winked at him. He whined then like a dog and dropped his eyes off of me. Sighing and giving in, I reached over and grabbed one of his hands. He gave my hand a squeeze then pulled it to his lips and kissed my hand, lingering it by his lips. It made me pause as I felt my cheeks heat up, and I looked from my hand to his eyes. Did he just.... Oh.... I should probably disregard that two year thing from earlier..... I smiled at him sweetly then. He let my hand go and leaned back up against  his booth. He stared me down with a hunger like look. Yeah....I'm disregarding it. I leaned back into my seat then and studied him for a few minutes. "So are you going back to your home tonight like yesterday?" I asked. I need to make sure I don't have to worry about that look he's giving me.....though it's not like I don't mind it. 

"I'm staying over tonight if you don't mind." He informed me. "My parents won't miss me." What's that supposed to mean?

"As long as your parents don't mind...." I trailed off, looking him over. 

"I'll tell them that I am with a friend... don't worry." He chuckled and grabbed his drink, downing it. The waitress came back and set the brownie in front of him and the bill in front of me. Glancing it over, I signed it and gave her the money. 

"Alright, seems everything is in order," I murmured to him as she started to walk off then. I looked over at him slowly and smiled as I watched to see him take a bite. He took a big bite and groaned with pure joy at the taste. 

"You have to try this!" He told me and scooped up a bite then shoved it my way. I took it and tried it, smiling just a bit. They did an excellent job...Good, I got my money's worth. He finished up the brownie and fell back against the booth when he finished. "SO GOOD." 

"Maybe we should come back here again?" I stood up then and held out a hand to him. If he likes it so much, I should take him back on special a treat or something. He watched me with a raised eyebrow then stood up and walked past me. 

"We should," He agreed. He didn't take my hand.... I frowned for a minute and then started to follow him. Double standard. I followed him out to the car then, glancing around at our surroundings as I kept my distance. He walked up to the car and dangled the keys for a minute before getting in on the drivers side. I got in then and buckled up, looking out the window to avoid looking at him for the moment. He looked around us then leaned over and pulled me into a kiss, starting to move into my lap. Hmm? I looked at him in slight alarm mixed with interest as I let him, not putting up a fight. Really double standard isn't he? He moved in and bit my bottom lip as he done so. He let out a small growl. I pulled back slowly and looked him in the eyes before leaning in and kissing him passionately. He laid the seat back and pushed me down against it as it lowered. He deepened the kiss, I could tell his hormones was getting the best of him. I laughed under my breath as I leaned up, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him back. I pulled his tongue into my mouth and started to suck on it gently, wanting to pleasure him further since how that's what he seemed to be looking for. He gasped against my mouth and started to pull back, realizing how far he had taken it. Frowning, I leaned up and kissed his cheek as he pulled away then laid back down, watching him.

"If you're not ready," I murmured, looking up into his eyes, "then don't feel pressured." He nodded as he kissed my cheek then and slid back into the drivers seat. 

"Shush." He mumbled, I noticed he was scarlet red with embarrassment. I smirked as I fixed my seat and looked over at him, leaning over and giving him another kiss on the cheek.

"Of course know that you are free to kiss me when you like," I murmured in his ear before pulling back. "Its really ok if you want to kiss me, even if you think that emotions like that should be pushed down.'s entirely up to you." 

"Mhmmm." He nodded and started to drive us back home. "I'll remember that." He whispered faintly. I should be slightly afraid of that....he is a werewolf. I sighed and looked out the window.

"Ok August." He drove us back home, not saying another word. He parked near the front door when we arrived and got out before I could. Is he alright? I got out and watched him as I shut the door, locking up the car before following him. He watched me for a second before heading for the woods. 

"Let's see about that change..." He called over his shoulder. At least he was interested in turning now. I nodded and went after him.

"Great!" I encouraged as I caught up. I looked at him with a sweet smile. This is good....He can start getting faster and have it less painful. He stuck his hands into his front pockets when I caught up to him. 

"Try not to enjoy this too much little mate," He teased me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"One...I'm not little....Two, I'm going to enjoy this waaay too much," I said back. Since when did I become little mate? I'm the one who basically does EVERYTHING. 

"You better not," He growled and chuckled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. "Or I might just have to claim you tonight." I shrugged and pulled away gently, starting to walk towards the woods as I ignored his threat completely. Like he would.... He followed after and before too long he ran ahead of me in a jog. I started to walk faster, wanting to keep him in my sights so that he wouldn't go too far. He slowed down as the house disappeared behind us and he came to a complete stop. He turned to me then pulled off his shirt first. I stopped a few feet away from him and looked away to give him some privacy. When I looked away I felt a breeze pick up near me and I was tackled suddenly by a hard force. I heard a chuckle as I was held down and when my vision cleared I found Paris on me. I heard August growl from a few feet away.

"You and I need to talk," Paris told me suddenly. I looked up at him wide eyed and struggled underneath him, moving to kick him off. He kept me pinned down and laughed. He was stronger then I remembered. "Louis, remember Laurence?" He asked and looked over his should, sure enough Laurence was standing near August. August was wide eyed. I hissed and teleported over to August, grabbing his arm and pulling him to me as I quickly teleported him away and into my room. Letting him go, I quickly walked over to my bookshelf and grabbed a knife that was inside a glass box. 

"Stay," I told him and glanced around to see if I had anymore weapons nearby. "ISABELLE! I NEED YOU TO WATCH AUGUST!" I teleported out of the room then and outside of my house, narrowing my eyes as I stuck the knife down into my boot. If he really wants to talk to me, then he'll have to come over here.... I'm not moving another inch until I see him. In half a minute they were in my sight, running towards me. They stopped a few feet away and Paris smiled big at me. 

"Tell him," Paris motioned to Laurence. Laurence gave me a wave. 

"HI LOUIS! Long time no see." 

"Laurence," I greeted, giving him a nod. I glared at Paris then as I started to walk towards them slow enough so that we would be able to tell what each one of us was doing. "What do you two want?" 

"He's got a knife in his boot." Laurence told Paris, giving it away. Paris frowned. 

"Don't trust me?" Paris asked and then chuckled. 

"You could be here for many reasons," I explained and stopped a few feet away from them, looking the two of them over. 

"If we was here to kill you then we would have done it. We had the element of surprise. I should have bit you to be playful!" Paris exposed his fangs then.

"We are here to make sure you put a stop to your search. It's none of your business. She will be back in time. Oh and your little mate is going to be kidnapped soon. He's going to become powerful." He chuckled and crossed his arms. Search? KIDNAPPED?! I looked at him in alarm and stood there stunned.


"By rogues." Laurence warned. "Its for the best though." He laughed. "To make him strong." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"How the hell is that the best thing for him?!" 

"He's an alpha, have you asked Alpha Hunter what happens to Alpha's without a pack? It's not pretty. When he gets kidnapped he will grow strong and will become a pack leader one day." He nodded. 

"So I'm just supposed to roll over and let that happen?" I hissed out, crossing my arms. Like hell if they think I'm going to just let that happen to him. Having his own pack sounds nice, but to get kidnapped?! 

"Good luck trying to avoid it... The path has been set. He's going to have something bad happen that will tick him off. He's like a bomb... Tick Tock." Paris told me. I looked at him then and blinked.

"He's not a bomb- well," I paused then and glanced back to the house, remembering every single one of his impulses he's had- the time he tried to choke me, the time he bit me and ripped some of my throat out, the time he yelled at me in the parking lot for attacking rogues, and the time he practically made out with me in the car just about an hour ago. I blushed at the thought then, falling silent as I looked back towards the two of them. "So what do you suggest?" 

"When he disappears, don't bother searching. He will come back to you strong and with an army. Makes this game of ours even." Paris told me and walked up to me. "We will both have dogs for pawns." He chuckled. I clenched my jaw then. August is not a pawn. 

"Ok, but that still doesn't explain why I should quit my search for Lauren. Besides, why does that interest you?"

"She's being taken care of," Laurence ensured. "By me. I'll get her back personally." 

"No, I'm going to get her back. I was personally requested to do so," I told him stubbornly, looking down at him. 

"So was I. Plus I know more then you. Soooooo give it a week and she will be back. Don't ruin the fun." 

"I know a vampire who would be very upset with you," I muttered, glancing back towards the house. He should still be training too..... If he isn't, he's going to be in trouble. 

"Lauren is being taken good care of, it will do her some good to be with her maker." Laurence puffed out. "She's going to collect some knowledge that will be useful for us while she is with Val." He smirked. I narrowed my eyes at them. Just why are they so interested in my newborn's mate? 

"Let's just say... We are doing you a favor." Paris suggested. 

"Like hell you are," I muttered, staring him down. 

"Would you rather loose?" Laurence asked me. "Remember... I know everything." 

"No, I don't want to lose, and I'm not going to," I started, getting upset with him. "Just because you know everything doesn't mean that it's going to happen, and you know what, you could be setting me up to help him win. Don't act like I don't know that you aren't on his side. Besides, Lauren isn't any of your businesses. She's technically my business." 

"She's my daughter actually." Paris informed me. "Well... close enough to one." He smiled sweetly. "So.... how about you let this one slip." 

"Hell no! I have a very worried newborn looking for his mate and taking care of their daughter! Not to mention the little daughter is the cutest thing I've ever seen," I added on. I stared him down then. "Since when did you claim her as your new daughter anyways?! When you don't tell me these things, I don't know them, and I certainly as hell am not just going to let this one slip. You wanna talk to him?! I can't go in there and unpromise something I already swore I'd do to." Paris nodded and then walked up to me. He grabbed my hand and we teleported into a hair salon. 

"I NEED A HAIR CUT!" Paris shouted. I glared over at him and went to yank my arm back as it clicked what he was up to. He's not allowed to steal my haircuts! Paris pouted to me and then sighed. "Maybe later then." He teleported away without another word said. I felt bad for a split second before disappearing back to my front yard to make sure that Laurence had left. Laurence was away as well. They had left, and they know where my base is now. I could be ambushed at anytime. Great, I'll need to up the reinforcements and the defenses around here or move somewhere else.... Moving is really hard. I sighed and teleported into my room where I saw Isabelle sitting on the bed, sipping tea. 


"Is being trained by Tawnya. I decided to cut him a break since how you wanted me to puppysit," she said and giggled as she looked towards August. August attacked me then with a hug. 

"YOUR OKAY!" He wined. "What was that all about? PUTTING ME IN HERE! I worried to death about you." He cried. 

"Hey," I laughed and hugged him back, "nice to see you too. I couldn't just let you be out there where you could be harmed by my twin...or his companion. They both are princes and purebloods after all." 

"That's no fair.... I should be feared... I can bite them and make them into my chew toys." He grumbled. 

"They can both do things you can't do," I whispered in his ear and then kissed his cheek. "So...want to go try again without any interruptions this time?" He was already pulling me out of the bedroom. 

"Come on!" He rushed me. He pulled me all the way to the woods before letting me go and continuing where he left off at. I smiled and turned to give him his privacy again. After a few minutes I heard him groan as his bones started snapping and after fifteen minutes he had turned, I heard him plop to the ground. Turning around, I looked down at him and smiled, kneeling down. 

"That was much faster," I said encouragingly and looked him over. His fur was getting lighter by every change. He was even bigger then last time, catching up to Cage in my opinion. "See? You're getting bigger," I pointed out to him. He wagged his tail.

"Your correct." I heard him tell me. "I can feel it this time... I've definitely grown. My bones ache."  I smiled and held out a hand to him, reaching over and petting his head. 

"Bet you are pretty happy though," I whispered as I eased my way over to him and started rubbing behind his ears. He panted as I done so and rubbed his head into my hand. 

"Very pleased..." He told me and then stood up, looking off deeper into the woods and he raised his ears, he heard something I couldn't hear. I stopped petting him and waited for him to do something.

"What is it?" I whispered softly, glancing the way he was looking. A low growl erupted from inside him and he ducked his head to his feet as he stared. "August?" He took off then into the woods without hesitation. I stood up and ran after him quickly, keeping him in sight. He was strangely faster then I was this time, he definitely was either showing off and would end up crashing soon or was focused on something and didn't know how strong he was becoming. He caught up to a herd of deer and I understood then... He was going after deer! He took out the buck with a fierce tackle and it wasn't long before it's lights were out. I grimaced for a second and watched him as I came to a stop. If he's already really strong and he's supposed to get stronger....just how much stronger? That could be bad for me.... August waggged his tail as he laid down by his kill.

"HAHA! Did you see me! Alpha Hunter would be impressed." August said and raised his head. I gave him a smile and walked over.

"That was great....Excellent job. I couldn't have killed a human better than that," I said, going with the one thing I could compare that to. He sniffed the deer and then walked over to me and rubbed up against my leg like a cat. "Yes August?" I asked, bending down and petting him. He jumped up and pushed me to the ground then started to sniff up my body and to the crook of my neck. 

"You smell better then the deer." I widened my eyes and kept in a yelp as he had pushed me down, looking up at him. 

"I won't taste as good," I said quickly on instinct. 

"You are my mate, you never know." He told me. I shivered and looked up at him.

" I won't. I only taste good to other vampires," I said weakly. He sniffed up to my face then started to lick it, getting the blood of the deer on me. 

"Want to bet?" He asked huskily. I bit my bottom lip as he licked me and went to push him back away from my face, getting more afraid with that tone he was using. It was like he was seasoning me as he kept licking. He laid down on me then, not caring that he weighed a ton. He watched me and wagged his tail. "Little mate." 

"I'm not little!" I shouted and looked at him through narrowed slits. "I could get away if I wanted to." 

"You want to bet?" He asked then showed me his huge teeth like he was grinning. I stared at him.

"Sure, I bet that you won't be able to get me." I smirked then and teleported into a nearby tree, sitting down on a thick branch and leaning up against the base of the tree. I looked down into the clearing below to where he was. He went back to the deer and started to eat it. 

"You will come down eventually." He told me. 

"I can just teleport home!" I called out to him as I looked to see a bewildered squirrel a few feet away. It stared at me with wide eyes, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he held a nut in his hands. "Why hello," I said with a smile. It chittered at me and flicked its tail in fear then threw it's nut at me, hitting me in the face. The shock of it made me jump and I lost my balance, falling out of the tree and hitting the ground with a thud. The air was knocked out of me as I looked up into the sky, seeing two trees instead of one. "Whoa...." I heard a couple of paws racing my way and before I knew it he was licking my face.

"Poor mate.... Poor poor mate... Learned your lesson yet with the squirrel? Want me to defend you? I will hunt it down and kill it. Squirrel soup tonight." He growled towards the tree I fell out of. 

"No, I scared it. Leave it alone. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself," I told him and reached up, petting him as I managed to focus on his face. 

"Oh I won the bet.... What do I get in return?" He asked me and started to transform back on top of me. 

"I won't make you skin the deer?" I raised an eyebrow as I adverted my gaze up to the sky. He finished transforming and laid down beside me, pulling me closer to him and his breathing was slowing. I smiled at him as I looked at his face, making sure not to look at the rest of him as I sat up and unbuttoned my shirt, exposing my tank top underneath it. I pulled off my button shirt and handed it to him as I laid back down beside him. He wrapped himself up into it and looked up at me with tired eyes. 

"The transformation back seems to take a toll on me..." He mumbled. 

"Well, it sounds exhausting...." I nuzzled up next to him as I kissed his cheek and then started a trail of kisses down his neck. He moaned slightly and pulled me over on top of him. Smirking as I now had permission, I paused when I had made him shudder and started giving him a love bite before moving to the other side, and in the exact same spot, I bit down hard. He groaned and arched his back, pressing his chest up against me. 

"Whoa!" He shouted and tried to flip us. I licked his neck clean as he managed to overpower me and looked up at him innocently as I licked my own lips clean. He grabbed at his neck then watched me for a minute before falling down on my chest in exhaustion. I laughed a bit and tilted his face up to mine as he fell down on top of me and kissed him passionately, ignoring his exhaustion. He kissed me back and wrapped my hair around his fingers. Smirking against his lips, I pressed up into him and slipped my tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss as I then brought his tongue into me and lightly sucked on it, making him moan. He gasped and pulled on my hair slightly while a moan slipped out. I could feel his face heating up. I sucked on it a little harder and started to allow my hands to travel up and down his sides softly. He pulled back from the kiss and put his head in the crook of my neck, I could feel his breath against me.

"Love you," I murmured in his ear as I rested one of my hands on his lower back and the other on his upper back. I smirked and kissed the top of his head. 

"Mhmmm." He mumbled, I could hear him drifting a bit from in and out of consciousness. I sighed and teleported us back into my room on the bed and started petting his head as I slowly shifted him off of me and to the space beside me. He groaned at the movement and refused to let me go as his grip tightened on me. I stopped and looked at him.

"August?" I whispered, moving his hair out of his face. 

"Huh?" He asked under his breath. 

"Little clingy aren't you?" I teased and couldn't help laughing. He groaned and tried to silence me with his fingers. He put one over my lips and looked up at my face for a second before closing his eyes. 

"Am not." Smirking, I grabbed his hand in mine gently and bit into the finger he had put on my lips. He yelped and tried to yank his hand away as he loosened his grip on me entirely. I didn't let go and took his tired state into my advantage as I flipped us and let go of his hand then. I showed him my exposed fangs and went back to where I had bitten him earlier, biting down again as I tangled a hand in his hair when I begun to play with it. He groaned and his skin heated up where I was touching him. "Louis?" He asked and tried to push me off. "What are you doing?" I didn't let up and then licked the blood off of him and kissed his bite wounds and then looked up into his eyes, licking his blood off of my lips. I leaned in and kissed him hard, managing to free my hand from the tangles and advanced it to the back of his head, running it through his hair. "What about the deer?" He asked tiredly. 

"Later," I murmured against his lips and kissed him again, closing my eyes. He kissed back slightly and nodded in agreement. I ran my other hand down his side and to his back as I tilted my head, deepening the kiss. He kissed back and started to advance our kiss as if he was waking up more. I let him do as he wished as I dragged out the kiss against his lips. He groaned and pulled back slightly.

"Louis?" He asked sweetly. 

"Yes my little werewolf?" I asked, not moving an inch away as I looked into his eyes then. 

"How'd we get in your room?" He asked and looked around then in wonder. 

"I brought us here because you appeared somewhat tired," I whispered and then kissed him again. 

"Your keeping me awake..." He complained. 

"You really want to go to sleep?" I whispered. "You don't have school tomorrow.... It's the weekend." 

"I don't?" He asked. He obviously had forgotten. "Well... No... I don't want to go to sleep." He admitted. 

"Then it doesn't matter," I whispered in his ear and then kissed right underneath it, starting on a lovebite. 

"N-no it doesn't." He agreed and bit his bottom lip to hold in a moan. I smirked and made another one right under it in response to him trying to hold in a moan. I'd make him eventually. He gasped for air but lost it in a moan and I could see him blushing up a storm again. I laughed at him and then kissed it and made another right under it. He struggled to overpower me then. "Are you asking for something?" He asked curiously. I didn't let up and moved to the other side of his neck, giving him one right underneath his jaw.  He exposed his sharp k9's then and growled towards me. "Your going to get bit." He teased me. 

"Really now?" I whispered in his ear and then looked him in the eyes, not the least bit afraid this time again. I kissed him roughly after a few seconds. He kissed me back and nodded to my question. He bit my bottom lip just to prove himself. I didn't flinch and pulled back after a second to expose my fangs and prove a point. He growled and leaned in towards my neck, trying to get first dibs. I laughed and moved my neck out of the way then went around towards his, letting my fangs brush up against it before giving him another love bite. He moaned and flipped us suddenly then leaned in towards my neck and kissed it to get even with me. I looked up at him and then leaned up, kissing him as I wrapped my arms around him. I bit down on his bottom lip gently then started to suck on it, knowing it would mess with him. He melted into my arms as I sucked on his lip, he let out a moan and gave up trying to overpower me. His mind became mush. I laughed softly and took the opportunity to explore his mouth as I played with his hair. Seems I'm winning..... He grabbed at my sides and tried to sit up on me then, pulling away from the kiss. I almost didn't let him, but being the nice mate I am, I did and looked up at him as I rested my head on the pillow. He looked down at me as he caught his breath and then blushed as he realized he was only in my shirt on me. He grabbed the blanket then and covered himself up better.  

"If you want, I can let you borrow some PJs of mine," I whispered as I leaned up and stole a kiss. He nodded and got off of me so I could go get him something. I rolled out of bed and went over to my wardrobe, getting out a plain t-shirt and sweatpants. I tossed it to him and stayed facing my wardrobe so he could get dressed. I heard him get dressed and then roll himself up into a ball under the covers. 

"Your good." He mumbled. I turned around and came back to him, kissing him as I crawled back into the bed, getting under the covers. He crawled back on top of me then bit my bottom lip and started to suck on it. I gasped from the suddency and moaned, arching my back as pleasure took over me. He pulled back and laughed slightly. "Got you little mate." He whispered in my ear. I shivered and looked at him out of the corner of my eye. Leaning over, I kissed his cheek quickly and started a trail to his lips. He leaned away before I could reach his lips and smirked evilly at me. Disappointed, I frowned and looked at him, trying to get a kiss. He sighed and kissed me softly on the lips and then rolled away from me onto the other side of the bed. 

"Fine then," I murmured and stretched out on the bed. Guess he's had enough.... He stretched out then curled up to a pillow. 

"Haha... Your cute." He told me as he watched me through narrowed eyes. I glanced over at him and smirked.

"I try to be," I joked and rolled over onto my side to look at him. 

"Oh you do, do you? Back there you wasn't being cute... you was being hormonal. Here I thought I was." He sat up then. "Must be a vampire thing.... Or just that you are excited to have me since you waited so long for me." He blushed. "What if I playfully reject you? What will you do Mr. Cute?" He asked as he crawled back to me and got on me. I frowned at him as I started to feel slightly nervous. 

"I don't know.....maybe I will roll over and ignore you, or maybe I'll eat you," I whispered, trying for a teasing smirk. 

"I'd be the one to eat you actually." He corrected. 

"No....I'd eat you," I murmured softly, exposing my fangs as I leaned up to mess with him. He leaned down towards me then. 

"Watch it.. I still haven't marked you," He whispered to me. 

"I'm not afraid of you," I whispered back as I looked from his eyes to his lips then stole a kiss. 

"You should be, I could loose control one day and kill you." He kissed my cheek. 

"You wouldn't kill me. You'd just....end up with werewolf urges I guess." I stole another kiss and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Werewolf urges? Like mating with you?" He asked. "That's not only my wolf urges... I am a hormonal teenager after all." I laughed a bit and gave him a passionate kiss. He kissed me back before pulling away. "That's not funny!" He grumbled. 

"Ok," I whispered and leaned up, kissing him again. He kissed me back and laid his head down in the crook of my neck afterwards. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "You know....If you are ever wanting to mark can just tell me," I whispered, somehow not feeling as scared of it as before. After all.... It's a romantic werewolf thing just like it is for vampires- even if its supposed to be highly painful. If it is, it hopefully wouldn't last too long, and he might just break down and do it on instinct when I'm in the middle of something like work. 

"You don't need it." He told me. "The process is killer." He whispered and shook his head. "Sorry, but I don't think I could do it to you freely." 

"Well, what is it? It's that bad?" I glanced down at him then, a spike of fear shooting through me. 

"It's bad..." He mumbled and curled up on me, gripping the sheets beside us. 

"You still aren't telling me what you have to do," I pointed out. Do I even want to know anymore? 

"Mhmmm..." He kissed my neck. "Do you want to know?" He asked then. 

"Sure....I can't help being a little curious.....You've all made it out to be really bad," I whispered as I buried my face into the top of his head, hiding in his hair as I drunk in his scent. He sat up on me then so he could look me in the eyes. 

"It starts off with a romantic kiss on the neck," He explained sweetly. He leaned down then and kissed right over my jugular. I bit my bottom lip to stay silent as I watched him cautiously. "Then... A bite so deep it will leave you scared for life if you are human," He went to bite down then and pinned my heads about my head. I widened my eyes and squirmed a bit as I started to get scared of him. He wouldn't actually.... He started to scrape his fangs against my neck, about to bite but was real hesitant. A shiver tore through my body as I began trembling in fear. I was speechless as I couldn't make a sound, my lips seemingly paralyzed. Then he went in for the bite, his teeth starting to pierce my skin. I found myself gripping tightly to the back of the shirt he was wearing and went to speak, to tell him to hold on a second, but no words came out, terror stealing my voice. He bit down then, clenching his jaws together tightly. A spring of pain went up my spine suddenly. I shrieked in pain and started to struggle to push him off, wanting it to stop. He pulled back then and licked his lips as he watched me. "That's not even the beginning," He whispered. I whimpered in pain as I swallowed and looked away from him, squeezing my eyes shut as I focused on counting to try to stop feeling it so strongly. He licked my neck, trying to comfort me and it did help with the pain. I opened my eyes and looked at him, giving him a kiss on the top of his head as I tried not to upset the wound. No wonder why they warned me and his wolf warned me to be careful.... How in the world do these wolves take this?! He rested his head in the crook of my neck then. 

"I-I'm sorry," I mumbled. I can't believe that it hurt that much...and he's not even done with it..... If he doesn't finish it, does that mean he has to do this again to me? That his wolf will eventually take over and do it for him? I'll have to be forcefully held down next time if there even is a next time? I tensed up at the thought of him suddenly losing control and doing it to me without me being ready for it. His body relaxed against mine. 

"It's okay... I heard that after it all... it is worth it." He rubbed against my neck then with his cheek. I nodded and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you....You know that right? I'd rather you not lose control and do that to me- especially if that was only the beginning....but I don't want you to do something you don't want to do either.... Its all very confusing...." I shook my head slightly and closed my eyes. I don't know what to do. It hurt so bad that I'd hate to not be ready for it and to be forced into it if he lost control, but I don't want him to do something he doesn't feel up to....and I'd rather not be bitten....but I know that its their wolf way and he's my mate. 

"I- Love you as well Louis. I will only do it when you are ready, is that understandable?" He asked and looked into my eyes. I nodded and kissed him.

"Ok.....When you feel that you can, let me know and we'll talk about it," I whispered in his ear and then leaned back on the pillow, touching the bite wound subconsciously. He kissed it and then ran his fingers through my hair. 

"It will heal up, don't worry." He whispered. I nodded and moved my hand away from it.

"I know...." 

"Imagine if I done that the other night. You wouldn't have any clue what was happening...." He mumbled. I shuddered and thought about it. I would think he was finally murdering me for real.... 

"I'd rather get it over in a heartbeat than have a scenario like that." The fear would be indescribable for me.... Especially with how werewolves can kill vampires with just a bite. 

"Would you like it to happen soon then? So nothing out of control like that will happen?" He asked me. I glanced at him then and bit my bottom lip.

"Which would hurt more?" I whispered softly.

"If I done it out of control... I can't promise anything." He admitted. I took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"I'll let you do what you want," I murmured quietly to him. 

"I want you to choose though..." He mumbled. Sighing, I kissed his cheek. I'd rather him do it out of his own free will and not because his wolf took over and was forcing him....I'd also rather him have some control over it and not kill me in the process.....Why couldn't I be mated to a vampire? Our marks don't hurt....I bet they feel really good, especially since how everyone seems so positive about it. He even liked it! 

"I'd rather you do it when you have control over it....that way you don't accidentally kill me." I bit my bottom lip and looked at him, attempting to relax. 

"I don't think I can kill you." He admitted. "Even if I was to loose control... I could take you over passionately." He ran his fingers up under my shirt and rubbed my stomach. I laughed a bit as it somewhat tickled and kissed him quickly. He kissed me back then looked around us before pulling my shirt up a bit. He ran his sharp nails against my stomach playfully. Gasping, I went to grab at his hands. He smacked my hand away and laughed. "Ticklish?" He wondered. I blushed and looked up into his eyes, feeling my face heat up to a beet red. He smirked and then started to tickle my stomach again. I started to laugh uncontrollably as I went to grab his hands again, trying to get him to stop.

"AUGUUUST!" I shouted and started to push him away. "Shtap!" I laughed some more as I failed to get him away. He laughed then and let me go, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I kissed him back, pushing up against him as I managed to sit up and put him on his back, getting on top of him. I tilted my head, deepening the kiss. He pulled my sides closer, down onto him as he got carried away into the kiss as well. Slipping my tongue into his mouth, I started to explore it and pressed down against him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. I could hear his heart skip a beat and he froze up under me. 

"Louis?" He asked. Back to this again... I pulled back slightly and looked down at him, tilting my head as I looked him over.

"Yes my mate?" I whispered seductively in his ear. He bit his bottom lip and looked me over. 

"Not too fast now..." He warned. I frowned and leaned down, kissing him passionately again. He kissed me back and ran his hand up and down my spine. I pulled back and went to his neck, giving him a love bite in the middle of it. He gasped and arched his back. "LOUIS!" He hissed. 

"Hmmmm," I hummed and looked up into his eyes as I pulled down the collar of his shirt, giving him another love bite between his collarbones. He squirmed under me as his skin heated up. 

"Louis... I told you..." 

"Mhmm." I laughed darkly and kissed him again there, giving him another love bite right under it. I smirked as I gently bit down on it, not hard enough to draw blood. He flipped us then and growled, a rumble erupting in his chest. 

"Bad mate." He husked. 

"I'm not bad...I'm playful and lovable," I teased and leaned up, kissing him passionately. He pulled from the kiss and playfully nipped towards my nose. 

"Heh, I beg to differ." He ran his fingers through my hair then. I smiled sweetly and stole another kiss.

"You wouldn't be saying that if I wasn't holding back," I whispered to him.

"Don't hold back then," He challenged. "I think I can handle an overgrown hormonal ancient vampire that's finally got it's mate for life that happens to  be an hormonal male teenager werewolf." He stuck out his tongue then. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" I sat up a bit, stealing his tongue from him before he could react and brought him back down with me as I wrapped my arms around him. He tried to take his tongue back from me and growled a bit playfully. I didn't let him get away as I started to suck on it, running my hand up and down his back lightly. He tensed at my touch and wrapped his arms around me, crushing my body into his as he locked us together in a bond of love. He pulled from the kiss and went to my neck, trailing kisses. I arched my back at it and let out a soft moan, gripping his hair. He played with the bottom of my shirt for a few minutes as he gave me small love bites in the crook of my neck. He started lifting the shirt with short notice and pulled it off me before I could react to it. I blushed as I felt the cool air of my room hit my skin and looked up at him before reaching up and kissing him, starting a trail of sweet kisses to his neck where I paused and sharpened my fangs. I bit down and closed my eyes as I made the bite wound deeper. He let out a small yelp and brought a hand up to my hair to mess with it while I bit down on his neck.

"Louis! Don't get carried away too much okay?" He warned once again. Silently laughing to myself, I decided to let my venom course through him again, knowing that it would bring him great pleasure and loosen him up. He let a moan slip and his face turned pink again as he blushed from the feeling. He did loosen up then and he felt limp on me. I smirked as I pulled back after another moment and kissed him lovingly as I played with his hair around my fingers. He kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my neck to keep us locked in the kiss. "Mhhhhhmmmm," He mumbled out. I laughed against his lips and went to deepen it, letting him between my legs as I relaxed under him. He pulled back and went back to resting against the crook of my neck, beginning to hum a new tune to me. 

"What're you humming?" I whispered, kissing his head as I rubbed his back soothingly. 

"Nothing important, I love you." He said softly and slid off of me, laying down by me. He seemed to like that position the most, I noticed. I committed that to memory as I knew I might need to use that later in if he ever gets upset. I smirked and brought him close, closing my eyes as I rested my head next to his.

"Love you too August." He wrapped an arm around my stomach and rested his head against my shoulder, looking up at my face with longing in his eyes some how. He wrapped an leg around mine. I looked him up and down before looking him in the eyes. "Yes?" I asked, a teasing tone to my voice as I raised an eyebrow. 

"What? I can't lay like this?" He asked me and pouted. 

" can lay like that if you want. I don't mind at all. You know I'm good with whatever," I whispered in his ear.  

"I know that. You just asked me yes as if I was asking for something," He chuckled. 

"You certainly looked it...." I eyed him and then kissed his forehead. I sighed tiredly and buried my face in the crook of his neck, drifting off to sleep next to him.

Unknown's POV:

I sat staring at my desk as I tapped my pen against it. There was a war coming up between the two Grimm brothers....and it appears that my girl is caught up in it. I growled softly as I shook my head. She had run away from me hundreds of years ago, disappearing into the night. I don't know what drove her to leave me.... With me, she had everything she could ever want: maids attending to her every need, the rarest blood in the world ready for her whenever she was hungry, love and appreciation, being my princess, and any pet she wanted. She just had to name it, and it was hers every single time. I spoiled her, gave her everything.... I offered her the world, but she left and ran away to this place. I should've known that she would have come to America. Where we were.... I would be able to find her easily in any of the surrounding countries due to my influential abilities. Hell.... I could force anyone to do anything I wanted, even commit suicide.

I laughed darkly and shook my head. Now she's hanging around with a human even though we both believe that humans exist as food and food alone. I can't believe she was loving up on him like that.....That look in her eyes. I've never seen her look that way. She had looked at me and didn't even recognize me! That human has somehow deluded her.... I'm the only one that can take care of her. I even was able to handle her insanity and murderous tendencies! I fostered both sides of her personality and made her happy- truly balanced. I narrowed my eyes as I looked up. I would get her back....She's mine, and mine alone.