A New Power

Lauren's POV:

"Oh Laur! We're here sweetie. Wake up! Rise and shine." I felt my eyes lift open as I slid out of my unconscious stage of being chased by a monster to sitting in the car with a sore neck. Did I fall asleep on my own or did she make me go to sleep? Either way I was shaken to the core by the dream. I raised my head up off the window and looked around. We was parked outside an expensive apartment building. I couldn't quite figure out where the heck I was to be honest. I didn't recognize anything around us.

"Where are we, Val?" I asked. She was already stepping out and giving me a funny look. 

"Come on, we need to put you in something eye catching." She ordered. I got out of the car and followed her into the lobby of the building and followed her to the elevator. I sniffed the air to taste the waters and widened my eyes. This was home to a bunch of bloodsuckers! I frowned and got into the elevator with her. I watched as she hit the top floor button. Was we in New York? She owns a pent house in New York?! I took in another deep breath. I needed to calm down before she noticed I was upset and ordered me to do something ridiculous. The doors to the elevator opened quicker then I expected and when they did music flooded into the elevator. It was unusual high pitched rock and roll music mixed with rap. Was we in a club? A club in a pent house?! Val stepped through the doors of the elevator like nothing was wrong so I followed her and looked around the room I was in. It was dark despite it being daylight outside. I still had no clue what time it was... I don't even remember what happened to my phone... The room was a great room filled with furniture, disco lights, and people. The people were doing drugs, dancing, drinking alcohol, and even feeding off of each other. I raised an eyebrow. WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!? I tensed up as I noticed I lost Val. 

"VAL!" I cried out, though my voice was merely heard over the road of the music and crowd. I felt a tug in my chest like she had called me to her so I followed it and found her near the mini bar. She was already flirting with the bar tender. 

"So glad your back Vally, it's been centuries. I missed you." He was flirting back with her. They were now leaning over the bar with a hunger in their eyes. 

"I want you to meet Laur, she's come home." Val told him and then grabbed his tie and twirled it around her fingers and then her hand. Suddenly she pulled him over the bar and was close to his ear. "Treat her like a goddess." Val ordered him. 

"Y-yes Vally! Anything you want my goddess! Do you two want something to drink?" He offered. Val let him slip away and nodded. 

"Give us your hardest drink in this place. We will be close by." Val turned to me and motioned with her eyes to follow her. Suddenly a guy- make that a very drunk vampire- split from the crowd of the druggies and came over to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Vaaaaaal~! It's been foreeeeever." He laughed and kissed her cheek. "Where've ya been?" 

"Finding Laur." Val informed. "Joining a war as well." She pushed him back a bit to keep him from making a scene. "Remember me telling you about Laur?" She motioned her eyes to me. "She's gifted." 

"Oh...Lauuuuur! I'm Alex! Alexander formerly that is!" He laughed and stumbled over to me, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek. "You smell like tea...." 

"I hear that often." I informed him and then stepped away from him in disgust. I rubbed off the kiss as I thought about Benjamin. He'd be furious... 

"This is actually Alexander the great." Val informed me, she looked extremely impressed about having him here. My head stung a bit as a memory flashed. He was there.... When Val made me. I rubbed my neck as I watched them. 

"Those humans got it aallll wrong. I didn't die of a fever! Val got me while I was walking through my garden.... I just happened to be slightly sick.....AND SHE WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN ME EITHER IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT....Taking advantage of a sick man....terrible.... I thought she wanted a kiss, but noooooo, she bit me!" He shouted turning to her as he narrowed his eyes slightly, taking a swig of a drink in his hands. 

"You've had....way too much," a girl said as she came up to him, taking the bottle and walking away with it as she took a swig of his drink. 

"HEY, THAT'S MINE!" He shouted and went to go after her but stopped, sighing. "I can get another one..... BARTENDER, I WANT ANOPHER!" He shouted, going over to the bar and putting a twenty down. Our bar keeper from earlier was by our side in a second with our drinks. 

"Sorry for the wait!" He shouted over the music. Val just snatched the drink up and chugged. I took mine and took a sip of it cautiously. He was gone before I could thank him. Val threw the empty glass over her shoulder then grabbed my arm and pulled me into the crowd. It made me spill some of the alcohol on my shirt and I grumbled. I wanted a bath and fresh clothes! Why was we here? She laughed and started to dance her way to the center of the crowd. I was of course forced to go with her. 

"Val! I need to freshen up!" I complained but she ignored it and grabbed my drink. She chugged it down then tossed it to the ground and forced me closer to her as she started to make me dance with her. I lost myself to the music quicker then I thought I would and soon enough she was pulling me back to the bar for more drinks. It was funny how time passed... TIME! That's my key out of here.... I looked around to plan my way out of here first. I decided to try to pause time to see what would happen... As soon as everyone froze, one guy stood out as he fell over from where he had been hugging up on someone. He groaned. 

"Lizzie! You let me fall!" He complained and looked up then sat up quickly. "OHMYGAWD. They're frozen.....Hahahahahaha, you're frozeeeen!" He shouted and stood up, laughing in his drunken stupor and looked over at me. I then noticed it was Alex from earlier. "Laaaaauren! You really are talented! You froze a whole roomful of people! The most I've ever done was a battlefield and the least....well let's just say that the lady had no clue that she wouldn't ever see me again." He laughed darkly then and walked over to me. "So how long? You must be dying to get away from Val.... I know I was when she took me back from my friends...my family. She just has this habit of not being able to let people go forever.....She's a very interesting maker, isn't she? By the way, you need to watch out. She'll get you hooked on all kinds of things like cocaine and even some of the harder stuff. She'll make you stay with your addictions if she can't make you stay willingly." He smirked and leaned in, stealing a kiss as he took a drink off of the bar and sipped it. "Oh....this is really good," he murmured, glancing at the drink. "I remember when all I had was just straight up drinks, nothing fancy about it...." 

"D-drugs? She's going to do that to me!" I cried out. This is not what I imagined for a maker... not at all... If anything my maker could be like Paris... a strong.... very sweet and caring... slightly annoying... maker. "I can't stay here!" I cried out. I remembered she anchored me down though with that spell of hers... I had to stay here... at least for a week. I sighed. "You have to help me Alex... I have a life back in Maine! If you help me I will help you." I looked him in the eyes for help. He considered me for a minute and sat down on a stool. He smirked then and looked me over. 

"You want to leave? With your...talents and mine.... I could attempt to get you out of here....of course not without a price." He looked me in the eyes then, a cold gleam in his eyes- that of one that had seen many deaths and had plotted many terrible things. 

"What's the price?" I asked weakly. I don't think I could do something that would affect my loved ones and the way he was looking... was almost scary enough to send a shiver down my spine. I have to get back to Benjamin, Paris, Richard, Raven, and them though. They need me. 

"It's not much....I just want a sip....and if we get caught... I'll throw you under the bus." He smirked and sipped on his drink again, looking up at me. 

"A sip of what exactly?" I asked innocently. 

"What else would Alexander the Great be interested in?" He raised an eyebrow at me and then stood up. "You have only ten minutes to decide.....Ten....Nine.....Eight...." I gave him a nod, not taking too long to decide. What's so wrong in a little bite to drink from me anyways? Nothing at all. That's all he wanted was a sip of my blood. 

"You can have some." I told him softly. If Benjamin finds out about the bite I will just blame it on Val. He walked over then and gently grabbed me, pulling me into his arms and then biting down on my neck. I gasped slightly from the bite. He certainly didn't take long to do that! When he's determined for blood, he gets it.. I should keep that in mind. I stood still as I tilted my head a little bit over more so he could get better access to my neck. I felt him bit down deeper as he pushed me back against the bar, his hair hiding his face from my sight. I groaned as my back was up against the bar in discomfort. I held back a yelp and closed my eyes tightly. When should I make him stop? Is he going to pull back easily? After a few more minutes, he pulled back and wiped his mouth off, licking his hand. 

"Got yourself a dealio Laurio," he said and laughed, grabbing my hand. He glanced around at them and looked at me before starting to walk me to a door off of the room. "How long can you keep this up?" 

"A what?" I asked. "I can keep this up for a while... as long as I am strong." I promised him. I watched the door we was going towards. 

"Good, because if you want to get away without Val catching you, you better be able to. He opened the door and revealed an emergency fire escape and pushed me through the door. "Alright, I'll cover things here....you just take this," he pulled out about a thousand dollars in cash and shoved it into my hands, "and catch the next flight or bus, whichever. I would give you my card, but I don't want her to be able to track you.... I'll find a way to get her to either think she doesn't need you or get her to release you.... Shouldn't be too hard. After all, I'm the king of this club and I always...get what I want," he said and gave a wink, shutting the door in my face. 

"Thank you Alex..." I mumbled and then took off down the stairs in hopes that the spell was broken since I stopped time. I ran down the flight of stairs and fled for the entrance of the building. I ran out of it without looking back and went straight into a person. I fell down on the poor person and felt it coming to life.... I forgot whoever I touch gets to experience this... "SORRY!" I screamed and got back to my feet then took off down the road. I looked behind me to make sure I didn't unfreeze time.... If I did on that impact I was screwed. My chest swelled up as I seen time catching back up to me. "NO!" I yelped and felt my chest aching to go back to my maker. I took out my phone as I charged ahead into the street. I turned on my phone to get in contact with Paris immediately. Just as soon as a random bird took flight, it paused in the air again and I spotted Alex standing in the middle of the street, looking around.

"GET GOING!" I was grateful for him- I will get him out of here. I nodded towards him and took off running as I shoved my phone into my pocket and rushed. I rushed towards the signs on the street directing me to a subway. That seemed like the place to go. I could follow the tunnels out of New York then head towards Maine on a bus. That's my plan. I disappeared into the tunnel and stumbled down the stairs. I felt like a new born as I ran without balance. I wanted to get the heck out of new york as quick as possible. I wasn't sure how long Alex could freeze time. I reached the bus area and slipped through the lines of people and went down into the tunnel- the empty tunnel. I fell down as I had jumped and laid there for a second, seeing if time was catching up. I saw one person twitch who was waiting for the subway, but she refroze in time again. He must not be used to freezing time this long and might be having some issues. That means I need to pick up the paste. I got back to my feat and took off down the tunnel, not sure if I was headed in the direction closest to Maine... I doubted it mattered. I fled into the dark tunnels, finding light here and there. Down here it was impossible to tell time... to see anything... I just had to listen.... Even if something comes... I might not get out of the way in time. I stayed close to the edge of the walls. Suddenly a girl teleported in front of me and smirked, reaching out and grabbing my arm. 

"I've been called in on a favor....You, my lovely little chica, are coming with me. I'm Tasha....one of Alex's friends...Where are you trying to get?" She must be like us then...able to have some control over time....Val must have made her then. I pulled my arm from her. 

"Tell Alex I will be fine." I informed her. "He's done all he can for me. You don't have to help me." 

"Oh come on, you think that we want to be stuck with her? Alex....he's a true gem. He really doesn't know how much her newborns appreciate him. He keeps them happy...sometimes making deals with them behind her back. I'm one of his deals. He freed me from Val about...well...ten years ago? Yeah....Anyways, if you don't have a particular place, I'll just put take you all the way to the Florida Keys." She laughed and grabbed my arm again, pulling me to her. 

"F-fine! Take me to Maine." I ordered her. "That's the closest you can get me to my destination safely." I looked into her eyes and wondered how she even found me... Most of the teleporters I knew couldn't teleport somewhere they never seen by either a photo or memory. She smirked then and suddenly we were there at a bus stop. 

"Alright.... Take this," she put a bracelet in my hand. "It weakens a vampire's ability to respond to their maker. It makes their brains closed off from any kind of outside control. You will basically be free until you take it off. If you do, you will immediately feel the need to go to Val..... So until Alex contacts you, don't take it off." She disappeared then from my sight and time was back in place after a few more seconds. I put it on quickly and wondered what that meant... Was he going to do something to Val?! I widened my eyes.... Sure she was a horrid maker... but I don't want something to happen to her. I clenched my jaw. I was positive she would be okay. I finished turning on my phone then and looked around me for directions for Paris. What was Alex even up to? He was doing stuff behind Val... Should I even warn her? I felt a shiver go down my spine. I watched as a few cars drove by then felt my phone cut on finally and seen the texts start to roll in. I called Paris right away, not giving a second thought to it. I waited for it to dial but suddenly I found a little white haired boy in front of me. He snatched my phone and broke it in half. 

"Lauren!" The boy cheered in a friendly manner. "YOU- have to leave." He crossed his arms then. 

"What? WHY!" I narrowed my eyes. He exposed his fangs then and I stepped back. CHILD VAMPIRE! I screeched. 

"Don't you dare say it..." He growled. Oh? Touchy.... 

"You broke my phone." 

"Go back. You can't leave her or you will ruin everything." He warned me. 

"I'm sorry... What's your name?" 



"Laurence." He looked at me seriously. I widened my eyes. Lauren and Laurence.... I giggled. "STOP THAT! IT'S NOT FUNNY!" He complained and blushed. "Go back to her." He waved me off. "Want a little help?" He asked me. I felt something pulling on my leg and I begun to sink into blackness. 

"NO! PARIS! HELP ME!" The shadows moved over my mouth and muffled my cries for Paris. He promised he would come to my call! 

"Good bye." Laurence waved. I sunk into what felt like oblivion before I found myself on the ground in an alleyway. I coughed up a black liquid that I didn't know I had in me. I curled up to the nearest wall then and looked towards my wrist for the bracelet but found it gone. HE TOOK IT! I panicked as I felt the need to find Val. No.... No.... NO! I felt my legs involuntarily moving as I got to my feet. I started to stumble my way to the entrance of the alley. I fought against my legs and need to find Val... Just a bit longer! I frantically grabbed for a phone but remembered he broke it. I stumbled out of the alley and into a street then. I felt my feet pausing under me as they were deciding the best rout. Val must be flittering around... I looked around me and the screamed as a car smashed into me... Suddenly I was knocked out cold. 

I woke up on what felt like a cloud. I grumbled and rubbed my head as it stung. I heard a commotion in the next room and noticed I was just in a bedroom. Was I back with Paris? I raised up then but felt a grip tighten around my waist. "Easy! Lay back down..." I heard someone tell me... I looked to my side quickly and panicked as I seen the one and the only... Val. 

"V-val?" I asked. 

"You was hit by a car." She informed me. She sat up then seeing that I wouldn't lay back. "I found you close to death in the street. I gave you my blood. What happened to you exactly Laur?  I thought you would stay? You are my newborn... you are supposed to stay with me." She reached towards my neck then and her eyes narrowed slightly. I pulled back from her hand as I knew what she was reaching out for. 

"Ooooh Laaaaauren!" I heard a familiar voice call as the door was kicked. Alex and Tasha walked in then, arms linked and looking like they both walked out of Hell to prey on the innocent. Alex smirked devilishly and looked over at Tasha who laughed evilly towards me. 

"Hey girlie....get hit by a car in your escape? Pitiful." I narrowed my eyes slightly towards them then grabbed Val's wrist. 

"Val come away with me," I said suddenly. I wanted to play the game she was playing now. I think I can keep up with her volume. She widened her eyes slightly at me and her eyes sparkled. 

"With you?" She whispered and her eyes watered a tiny bit. 

"I realized that after getting hit by the car- the world is speaking out to me. I need to be with you." I told her and nodded her way. She blushed slightly and leaned in towards me then, kissing my cheek. 

"Where would you like to go?" Val asked. "We can take Alex with-"

"NO NO no... He won't be needed. Just us Val." I insisted then and looked towards Alex, giving him a wink. I was definitely playing a game. The wink was to tell him I was paying him back. He'd be free. "Alex can stay here." I insisted. Val giggled in delight. She wrapped her arms around  my waist and rested her head on my chest. 

"Anything for you Laur! We can go to your home town if you want! You have living relatives there after all." I do? I pushed her hair out of her face then. I kissed her forehead and looked back to Alex. He looked at me calmly, blinking slowly as he tried to keep a smile off his face. He turned to Tasha then and grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer. 

"You know what that means....I get some extra time to eat you up," he murmured playfully as he bit down into her wrist and started to pull her out of the room. She giggled and went obediently. I watched as they left and then turned to Val quickly. She pressed her finger to my lips. 

"Now you know why I brought you here." She motioned her eyes to the door. So I was on her game plan after all! She has a corrupted kingdom in New York... She fears she will be overthrown. That's why I am here. She leaned in then and sniffed my neck. "He did get to you," She whispered in my ear. "It's almost time Laur."

"Time for what?" I asked curiously. 

"Laurence and I are old friends. Where do you think you got your name from?" She winked at me. I raised an eyebrow. "It's why you never could remember me." She sighed. "Laurence is a mysterious male. I named you after him-"

"He's a boy!" I shouted. 

"Back in the day~" She mumbled and giggled. "He was the life of the party. I made you forget your actual name and named you after him," Her eyes were full of longing for a split minute then she rolled her eyes and looked towards the window. "So, get some more rest. You are going to get something special soon." She handed me a drink from the nightstand. I looked it over- it seemed to look like blood and it smelled like a alcohol. I took a sip of it before chugging it down. It was blood alcohol- most importantly blood. 


"Of course this means you have multiple creators. I am just the main one." She patted my cheek. "So stay loyal to me."

"I'm still confused..." I whispered. 

"I will spell it out for you then, Laurence and I are your vampire parents. We are your makers." 

"-How?" I looked dazed. 

"Let's see... it begins and ends with death." She nodded and giggled. I rolled my eyes, not liking what little information I was getting from her... 

"Look Laurence said to keep you here. You have a destiny with me right now. You can go home in a week." She insisted. I narrowed my eyes.

"Benjamin...." I insisted. She rolled her eyes. 

"You don't need him, you have me." She smirked and grabbed my wrist then pulled me to the door and we walked out. "If you won't rest we might as well have fun!" There seemed to be an after party going on in the pent house- we was still in. She walked over to a nearby bowl of pills that seemed to be scattered in it and she picked two up then tossed one to me. "Eat it." She commanded me. I felt my mouth open and in went the pill.

"What is it?" I asked after I swallowed. She swallowed hers and shrugged.

"I don't know, I just make sure there are some because they are good." She pulled me towards the elevator and I stumbled after her. I felt the world spin around me and suddenly it felt like I was floating as I entered the elevator. I leaned against the door and groaned as I felt the whole world around me shifting down rapidly fast. Val stood by me laughing and leaning over. It must have kicked in for her too. The door opened then as we came to a stop and I fell to the ground from the impact. Val giggled over me then pulled me to my feet and rushed me out of the building. We rushed into the streets and my eyes wondered over the night sky. I felt voices around me humming, some louder then others. 

"I know! Did you see what she had on today-" I heard someone say. I glanced around for the person. 

"No! I was too busy looking at Cortney." I heard a guy say by Val and I. I raised an eyebrow. 

"PICK UP THE PHONE!" I heard someone shouting. I jumped and glanced around but I couldn't see anyone shouting it. Val was standing by, looking up at the sky and twirling around. I caught a scent then in the air and felt my stomach curl. It was sweet smelling. Too sweet. Mate? I looked for Benjamin then. 

"Ben!" I begged. I seen him a few feet away from me, walking into an alley. I followed after him quickly. 

"Where ya going?" I heard Val call. I left her though for the alley- I would be back so my body wasn't aching to get back to her. He turned to look at me and smiled sweetly. 

"Lauren...." he said and looked me over. 

"Benjamin!" I called and then rushed towards him. How come he went to this alley? I refused to think it over as I jumped to tackle him into a hug. He screamed and fell over under me. 

"Ugh....you're a heavy one, aren't you?" He muttered and suddenly I realized I wasn't on Benjamin. I was on a different man- one who had faint blood stains on his clothes. He pulled out a gun and pressed it against my chest, making me sit up as he sat up as well. "Get off of me bloodsucker." I widened my eyes. Where was Benny? I slowly got off of the vampire hunter and rubbed my head. I have to get back to Val now. I looked down at the gun. He narrowed his eyes at me then widened them. "Hey, your that one that went missing from that town...uh- what was it called?" He frowned then shrugged. "Doesn't matter." He smirked evilly and shot my foot, making me shriek and fall over. I could easily escape from him but I wanted to let this play out a bit longer... 

"How do you know about that?" I asked him curiously. 

"Eh, it was just something that they noticed. They were missing someone who they thought was a vampire, apparently they were right." He shot my chest then and stood up, running his fingers through his hair. "It's being kept really quiet though... Only about ten people even know about it." I held my hand protectively over my heart instead of the wound. 

"How do you want to die?" I asked him then. "Better yet- join the army." I exposed my fangs then and stopped time. I gathered up my strength then walked towards him. I never made someone before but I wasn't going to let him leave empty handed without a dept to pay. I just hoped Alex wouldn't be dumb and unfreeze time. I walked towards the man then and shoved him into the building, forgetting my touch and he broke the time stop. He was now able to move. I knocked his gun out of his hand then walked towards him and pinned him against the wall. I leaned in towards his neck then. He shrieked in fear and shoved me away, running towards the entrance to the alley as his survival instincts took over- forgetting his training. I laughed evily and felt time catch up to us. I tilted my head to the side. "Tick Tock- Tick Tock!" I yelled and chased after him, stumbling with the chase. I was still on my high. 

"TIMMY! HELP!" He screamed and took a sharp left once he got out of the alley. I realized then that he probably wasn't alone. Double team huh? I laughed and caught up to him instantly. 

"Laurie's gonna kill you!" I yelled. I was enjoying this too much. I could hear his heart racing against his chest. "I will gobble you up!" I laughed with insanity on the edge of it. He tripped on someone's foot and fell over face first, ending up scraping his face. His blood smelled absolutely heavenly, and he groaned then stood up unsteadily, trying to run away again. I grabbed the back of his shirt and closed the distance between us. I stopped time then and leaned in taking a big bite out of his neck. He screamed as he was able to move and feel again from me touching him, gripping my hair as he tried to get away. I hissed as he tried to get away and sat down on him on the ground then went back to feasting on his blood. He smacked at me desperately and kicked, thrashing. His heart was beating so hard and loud in his chest that it made me think it was just going to break his ribcage and fly right out of him. I felt the bullets sliding out of my body and laughed as his blood splashed everywhere. I grabbed a handful of it and let him taste his own blood as I rubbed it against his lips. He spat it out and started to cough, his struggle relaxing as he focused on getting the taste out of his mouth. 

"Ewwww," he groaned and spat again at the ground, putting a hand over his wound then looked up at me, his eyes widening as if he remembered that he was supposed to be struggling for his life. I pulled back from his neck and then smirked. 

"Not going to go easy on you... hope this pays off." I bit down into his jugular then and ripped out a huge chunk of meat to make him bleed out faster. I spit out the chunk then leaned in and tasted his amazing blood. I felt my stomach start to turn over then and my high started to fade as I felt something serious was happening to me. I fell down by him as a sense of pain kicked in and I screamed out. He laughed deliriously as he saw me fall over.

"It- It works! HAHA! I'm gonna be saved!" He looked over at me and smirked. "You're gonna die." I curled up into a ball as I felt a wave of pain rush up my spine. I screamed and turned over onto my stomach. 

"ALEX!" I begged in hopes he would hear. I didn't think I had enough strength to start time up again. He and Tasha appeared in front of me and he looked around then down at me. 

"He- LAUREN?!" Time started again and he bent down beside me, picking me up. "Tasha, take the weird one back to the room. Val will be wanting him later. VAL! LAUREN IS HURT!" He started running with me towards where we could both smell her. I screamed again as I felt the pain reach my heart. 

"Alex- his blood... hunter...." I mumbled through the pain and felt like I was being paralyzed by the pain. He stopped and looked down at me then and then put me on the ground. 

"His blood?" He frowned then and looked me over then opened my mouth, peering inside and then stuck his finger into the back of my throat. I immediately started to gag and threw up some of the blood onto the sidewalk beside me. "Just hold on a minute," he whispered and bit down onto his wrist, holding it out to me. "Drink it....Maybe you just need to eat something else. Let my blood serve as strength for you....Not too much," he warned. His blood smelled sweet, but not near as great as Benjamin. I took his wrist then and bit down on it as quick as possible. I started to drink his blood and waited for his to clear my system but it wasn't working. I started to suck harder, getting desperate. He groaned and gripped his arm tightly, trying to keep from pulling back. "VAL!" I let go then seeing his blood was useless. 

"It still hurts- everything Alex.... Get me to Val..." I groaned. He nodded and bent down, picking up with greater effort from the loss of his blood then took off running. In a matter of seconds, we were standing in front of Val. 

"Val...Lauren is... The blood....Hurt," he managed to get out before collapsing with me in his arms. I felt my mouth start watering. Val took me out of his arms then. 

"Oh Laurie!" She looked me over. "You look pathetic." She kissed my forehead then looked at Alex. "Oh Alex! Go get me a knife and get yourself something." He groaned and blinked tiredly before rolling to his feet and stumbling away. 

"O-ok...." Val looked after him with a hurt expression and I got a hint that she might like him... Maybe that is why she kept him around... She REALLY liked him even thought he isn't her mate. I admired it for the split second I had before the pain took me over once more. 

"VAL!" I screamed. She nodded towards me and looked me over with worry. She started to carry me back to the pent house. 

"See why you don't bite humans?" She asked me playfully. 

"Vaaaaal," Alex moaned as he fell forward. "Ow... I forgot that I have a knife in my back pocket," he said as he hit the sidewalk again in front of us. Val put me down on the ground and then searched him for it then took it out and went back to me and then sighed. 

"Hold still. Alex stop time so no human witnesses this." Val ordered. "If this works you two are going to get to feed from me." He glanced over at that and rolled onto his back, closing his eyes in concentration then pushed Val to allow her to move. He kept his eyes shut and plugged his ears as he tried for focus. Val watched him struggle then looked towards me. "I need to give him some strength... Hold out longer Laur." Val told me then bit into her wrist and leaned over Alex, giving him her wrist to feed off of. He opened his eyes and looked up at her and then managed to sit up, drinking her blood. After a few seconds, he laid back down and worked on keeping time paused. 

"Fix her first," he mumbled under his breath. Val healed up her wrist and rushed to my side. She pulled me close to her, putting my head in her lap then she pulled the knife out and cut my throat. 

"We need to get out the bad blood," She told me. I didn't even feet the cut I was in so much pain from the hunter's blood in my system. He affected me some how... I need to tell Paris and Ben about this! Hunters are dangerous. How was this my destiny? To get affected by a hunter?! This is not something I wanted. Laurence must be against me. I felt my eyes getting heavy. She smacked my face, trying to keep me conscious. 

"Can we hurry up please?" I heard Alex whine from beside me. "This is really hard when you are only working with a little bit! Oh, you better be pleased.....Just had to go eat a hunter." 

"I didn't know..." I mumbled and then coughed up some blood. I widened my eyes. Val leaned in towards my neck and smelled it. I could smell her throat just a few inches away. I exposed my fangs and went to bite her but she shot back before I could get her.

"Not yet," Val told us. "Wait another minute." Alex sighed and glanced at our surroundings, checking his work. 

"Vaaal....when was the last time I told you that you looked gorgeous? I feel like I haven't in a long time....since how I haven't seen you for a few weeks now," he mumbled absently as he tried for conversation to make his job less boring. I seen Val's cheeks light up a soft pink and she tried to ignore him and pay attention to me. I giggled and felt the blood come up my throat. I spit it out and felt my throat stink from the blood. Val patted my forehead. 

"You don't think that, you want to leave me like everyone." Val snorted out. "Don't think I don't notice." 

"Not necessarily... I just am interested in other things out there...." He murmured softly. "I wouldn't mind staying with you if you didn't drag others into your drug abuse problems and if you actually treated me great." He looked over at her then and smiled softly. "Your the best maker I could ever ask for.... Just maybe if you quit the drugs or stopped making everyone else take them. It's not fair that they have to do it too...." 

"What was that? I should make Alex do more drugs?" Val giggled. "I'm just kidding.... The voices didn't say that." Val joked and played with her colorful hair. I watched her face and smiled. 

"Hey....Val," he said and sat up then, pulling her into a hug as he kissed her cheek. "I'm not going to run off...." 

"You better not try to do anything Alex. Remember... I see everything. I have connections far beyond your reach. That's why I am a goddess. I'll take you with me when I go out of town next time if you really want to see the world." She promised him. 

"Yes my goddess," he murmured in her ear and rested his head against her shoulder, closing his eyes tiredly. "Best...maker...ever...." She giggled then looked towards me as my vision was fading. 

"Ops... It's time." She bit into her wrist then and held it over my mouth, her blood drained onto my lips so I leaned up and bit into her wrist. "You too kitten," She told Alex. I heard him shift and then saw him look at her neck hungrily. He smiled and leaned over, licking it and then wrapping his arms around her as he situated himself and bit down into her neck. I bit down harder into her wrist and kept feasting on her blood in hopes to get better. She let out a soft groan and I strangely started to feel comfortable staying here. I could do a week of this randomness.... If Benjamin was here... I could do it for longer. After a few minutes, he pushed her down and got on top of her, biting down on the other side of her neck hard enough to make her yelp. I pulled back and got on the side he was previously on and bit down where he had. She yelped when I did as well. Her blood seemed to be endless, like I could drink and it would never end. He groaned in pure ecstasy as he pushed her down harder, pulling away and licking his lips before going for more. Val pushed us both away then. "That's enough." She told us. "You two are good." 

"But you taste really good," he complained as he started to clean her blood off his face, looking down at her as he didn't budge off of her stomach. I moved away from Val and rubbed my eyes. I took in a deep breath and looked back towards them. 

"No more." She insisted. "I can't spoil you." She giggled and tried to push him off. He let her sit up but didn't move from her lap as he rested his head against her shoulder. 


"We should go back to the pint house." Val suggested. 

"Oh, Tasha has that vampire hunter," he informed her as he looked at her. 

"I'll rip him apart." Val growled. She stood up then and I followed after her. 

"V-val... I want dibs!" I ran after her as she was headed for him. 

"Hey, wait up." He followed after us quickly then. "Val, we shouldn't kill him. Let's use him for intel!"

"Let's turn him." I suggested. I licked my lips and then grabbed her hand and walked with her, leaning my head against her shoulder. "Please Val?"

"I'll consider it." Val informed the both of us. 

"Intel, intel, intel," he started chanting, getting closer to her and sidling up beside her as he grabbed her hand. He stopped her and got down on one knee, giving her hand a kiss. Val raised an eyebrow then pulled her hand back. 

"That won't make me side with your idea." She hissed. "I am capable of making my own decisions." Val hissed. I stepped back from her in shock. 

"But Val, my darling Val," he murmured and looked up at her sweetly. "Don't you want a headstart against those guys? If they have another weapon, we need to know about it. You should use him for intel, and then turn him."

"I told you both I would consider it now let me think about it." Val grumbled to him and then leaned in, kissing his cheek. He blushed a bit and then stood up, pulling her to him and then dipping her down. He hesitated for a moment before kissing her on the lips. Val squealed and tried to stop him from the kiss as she giggled. "Alexander!" She slapped his chest playfully. He laughed after he kissed her then let her up, keeping his hand on her lower back and starting to lead her back to the pent house. I followed the two of them, keeping my distance. I was totally confused about the two of them. They are either at each other's throats with words with deep meaning or they were kissing and making up. Val seemed to be in deep thought. I smiled as I watched the two of them. They were cute. 

"You know, I'm in the mood for a five star meal tonight. Want me to treat you girls?" He said, smirking at us. 

"That would be delicious!" Val giggled. "I haven't went out to eat in a while. 

"I don't eat." I commented quietly. 

"Awww....Well, I'll order two five star meals and you can eat Tasha," he told me and winked. "She's really good."

"If you say so." I put my hands behind my back casually. 

"We are going to have a fun night. I will cancel the party and have the pint house to ourselves. So it will be quiet and I will TRY not to touch the drugs." She promised us. 

"I'll take care of it," he said softly as we reached the door to the building. "I'll put them down the drain....." 

"YOU WILL NOT." Val hissed to him. "I will leave for California and leave you here." She threatened. 

"Aww, but if you left me, I'd have to take over this hellhole and drink from random strangers.... You and I have history," he told her and gave a flirtatious wink, making her blush involuntarily. Val shook her head innocently. 

"You better not get rid of my drugs then." Val said sharply. We reached the elevator and crowded into it. Val turned to me then with a grin. "Laur dear... You should get a nice hot shower tonight before bed." She told me sweetly. 

"Get that nasty vampire hunter smell off," he muttered under his breath in agreeance with Val. He smirked at me then and looked off towards the door as we neared Val's penthouse. I narrowed my eyes at him. Nasty? I smell nasty huh? Why I aught to... I hissed towards him and Val choose to ignore us. As the door opened I watched as she danced lightly into her penthouse, her his swayed like she was dancing gracefully. I stepped off the elevator then and followed her in but when I did something... no... someone caught my attention. I froze in mid step as I smelled him. It was him, I would recognize his scent anywhere... but he is supposed to be dead... I froze up as a figure walked towards me and held his arms out wide open for my embrace. 

"See why you never needed a mate," Val whispered to me, I noticed she was standing by me. I glanced from her then back to the figure walking towards me. I hardly recognized him. He had grown up a couple of more years and seemed to be even more eye catching then from when I last seen him, in the store. I dropped my jaw. His hair was blonde and curly... his eyes was that ocean blue... The eyes that I missed so much. He was my husband. My human husband... But he isn't human anymore. I took a step back in shock. 

"Maranda," He called me by my human name and I felt my heart squeeze in my chest. No one ever called me that before- not since I was human. My memories were fuzzy but when he said that I knew he meant me. I choked then on my breath. "Surprised to see me?" He asked  and I felt his arms wrapping around my body. 

"Y-your alive?" I asked him quickly. 

"Technically I am undead." He corrected and then kissed my cheek. He swept me off my feet then and rested his lips against my neck. "When I heard Val finally found you... I had to come see for myself." He whispered into my ear. I felt a shiver run up my spine. This isn't the man I once loved... No... This isn't a man I would ever love again. I felt a longing for Benjamin then.

"She goes by Lauren by the way." Val informed him... or rather corrected him. "Much prettier then Martha." She snorted and walked off towards the kitchen to probably go on a food hunt. 

"Put me down." I insisted then. He drew his face back then and looked shocked. Then hurt stretched across his face before anger. 

"Why. Not." He growled. "You are my wife and it is time you wake up and start acting as her again." He insisted. "No more lolly galaping around other men. You are mine. I heard what you had been up to! You think a mate is going to stand between our many years of love and marriage? Forget him! I have been waiting long enough for you and I will be damned before I let you go back to that horse radish." He snapped. He looked deep into my eyes then laughed evilly. "I will make you mine." He leaned in towards my neck again and I felt my heart start to pound in my chest. 

"No! You aren't! VAL! ALEX! HELP ME!" I yelled as he grazed his fangs across my neck. If there was anything I knew about vampires it was that a bite was powerful. I started to struggle in his arms then. "Get him away~" I cried. Benjamin I am so sorry... I started to cry as he bit down into my neck with a fierce bite. I was pulled away roughly before he could actually truly mark me. 

"Hands off," Alex growled, pulling me into his arms as he placed a hand over my wound. "This is mine. I bit her way before you." He narrowed his eyes at my husband. "Besides, she doesn't want to be marked." 

"She's mine." My husband growled in anger. He looked like he would explode any second like a ticking time bomb. I shivered and fell deep into Alex's chest. "I MARRIED HER." I could hear him rumble. 

"That's a human vow! TILL DEATH DO YOU PART, BUT DEATH HAS PARTED YOU!" He yelled at him, cradling me close as he started to walk me towards the couch. 

"WE ARE NOT DEAD YET!" He said and stomped after us. He said in an arm chair though. "I'll get my hands on you Lauren dearest as soon as he's not looking. Don't you worry sweet heart. You won't ever have to worry about your feelings for that mate of yours ever again." I took a seat on the couch and curled up into my body as I watched him watching me. It was like he was eyeing me down and wondering which place he should stab first with his kitchen knife. 

"Excuse me, but I believe that we are dead. Val killed us, remember?" He said and smiled cheerfully. "Personally, she bled me out and gave this scar riiight here." He pulled up his shirt and showed us this silver scar stretching across his left side. It looked like it had been done with a knife or maybe a sword. "It was great.... It was so painful." Val skipped back into the room with a bottle of blood and looked us over. 

"You three behave now." Val ordered. "Alex, especially you. I invited him here to see Lauren in hopes they would be happy. So don't ruin it." Val winked and took a seat in the lazy boy. "I want to see how this plays out." 

"Aww, but you know I can't behave. I make my own rules," he said and swung his hips playfully as he gave her a smirk. "Besides, he was being rude." 

"I was only trying to mark Lauren." My husband growled viciously. 

"Oh?" Val raised an eyebrow and looked towards me. "Very well then." She took a sip of her blood and gasped right afterwards. 

"What?" Alex was by her side instantly, taking the blood from her and sniffing it as he tried to see if maybe something was wrong with it. I could smell the blood from where I was though and it was clean. Val gave a innocent smile. 

"I didn't stutter." She said quickly and waved Alex off. "If he wants her then let him have her, Benjamin can't do anything about it and I find it hilarious." 

"If you want to make it a game," Alex started and smirked, looking over at me as he trailed off. "I know how to make this really....really interesting. We should kidnap this Benjamin fellow and see his reaction to his mate's husband being back in her life.....After all, I find it incredibly coincidental that she found her mate and her husband shows up right after....Just what were you doing with your time? I certainly didn't know that you made any attempts to go to her," he said, turning to look at my husband. 

"Her husband was turned during the war if that is what you are asking me!" Val snapped. "I simply met him after turning her and he has been in touch with me for a while. I decided to find Lauren and play my game. Now~ Don't ruin it just yet with talk about bringing Benjamin here. Where is the fun in that? Let him come on his own." She picked at her nails then. I glowered over the thought of Val making this a game. "Cards anyone!?" She asked and pulled some out of her pocket. 

"Sure!" He took the cards from her and sat down in front of a table, starting to shuffle them. "Let's play.....Poker." He smirked and looked over at me. "Fair warning, I'm like a gamble god when it comes to Poker..... I always win." He gave a confident wink and started to deal for all of us. It looks like I had no choice. I glanced towards my husband to find him adjusting in his seat. He seemed to be calm now. What was he planning? Next time I will have to remember about my power. I'll get away from him and I will keep doing it as long as I can. I won't be easy next time. 

"Poker sounds fun." I said sweetly. 

"We should make the losers have to do something for the winner." Val suggested. "Anything." 

"Alright, stakes: I win....Val, you have to be my blood slave for the rest of the week," he said and smirked then looked at me, "Lauren, you have to sharpen all my knives and swords for me.....Idiot-over-there-who-thinks-he's-smooth, you have to eat what I tell you for two days." He grinned. "Sounds good, doesn't it?" He looked at Val in particular then. My husband exposed his fangs then. 

"I don't count on you winning." He said. 

"Oh? Well I plan to win. If I win, Laur will have to do whatever her husband wants for a day. Alex, you are going to have to run errands for me for five days. For last, my dearest war vampire.... You have to go spying on the Vagus god. I need some good Intel. I will let you do that next week." Val seemed to be keeping this simple. I see she was wanting something good to come out of this for my husband... She was punishing me... For her game. Her eyes fell on my husband then motioning for him to go.

"If I win, which I will." He smirked towards me. "My beautiful wife will have to start acting like my wife again." He left it at that and went to move one. He didn't specify for how long. That was my open window. "Alex, you will have to start kissing the ground I walk on for a day." He teased. "For Val, you will give me all the information you have on that Benjamin character." He smirked viciously. I widened my eyes and shook my head. "Your turn Lauren." That monster...

"If I WIN? Val you will let me go immediately. My dearest husband will divorce me on day one- then on day two he will forget I ever existed. Then on day three... Alex your going to mark Val as yours." I smirked happily. It all was beneficial. Val glared me down but it was my dear who said something. 

"HELL NO." He stoop up from his seat and Val widened her eyes. "WE W-"

"Rules are rules," Alex said quickly and smirked, looking over at me then at Val. "With the stakes up, let's go."

~After a few minutes~

Val and my 'dearest' had already lost and it was just down to Alex and I. He smirked at me over his cards and raised his bet, giving me a challenging glare. "You gonna continue? Or am I going to win, because I have the perfect thing for him to eat," he said, giving a nod in my husband's direction. Val and him had seemed to be glaring us down and sweating. They both knew whoever won something bad was in store for them. I just hoped I didn't end up polishing knives... I looked over my hand carefully, not too impressed by my cards since I knew that even though I could win... It was very high that he might have a winning hand too. I hesitated as I thought my plan through. Would I throw my cards down now.... or strive for higher cards in hoes I get luckier... I didn't want Alex to win... Because in the end I was screwed. Val and my dear would destroy me with challenging orders. I would end up mated to that horrible monster... who is not who I once knew. War must have changed him... Or was it becoming a vampire? I threw my cards down then with a full upper house. The highest I wanted to strive for. He chuckled nervously and set his cards down, having jack nothing. "Looks like I lost for once....Normally people are fooled by me....." He shook his head and looked up at me then at Val. "Guess who's getting maaaarked," he sung out. Val took off for the kitchen then, screaming. I sat there in a daze. I actually won... I stiffened a laugh. I'm home free! I heard my now soon to be ex husband breaking down in tears and hissing out in anger. Alex glanced at him and got up, going after Val. "VAAAAAL~!" He called out, grinning evilly like he was plotting something. I heard the drawers in the kitchen opening and shutting. Looks like Val is looking for the kitchen knives. I turned to the crying vampire behind me, as he had been there for a while now. 

"This is for your own good, go find someone you belong with," I whispered weakly. "It's not me, no matter what happened in our past." I stood up then. "I will mail you the divorce papers." I joked and went for the kitchen to watch the love feud. Alex had her pinned up against the counter, reaching for the knife she had found in her hands as she held it above their heads out of his way. He finally snatched it and stabbed through the edge of her shirt (not getting her skin) and pinned her to the countertop with it. He smirked and leaned in, kissing her passionately then pulled back an inch.

"My dear.... gorgeous Valarian....." He whispered to her and then kissed her neck. 

"Alex~ Please don't do this!" Val cried. "I don't want this- no..." She was panicking. I leaned against the door frame in interest. Was she scared of commitment or what? He smirked against her neck then pulled back an inch, exposing his fangs to her. He laughed and picked up another knife from a nearby open drawer then closed it. Inspecting it, he turned it over in his hand, letting it catch the light. 

"Thousands of years ago.... You took a knife and cut me open, making me bleed out and then feasted on my blood from my neck. You turned me into a vampire, and now everyone thinks that I died of a little fever...." He looked up at her then and laughed mischieviously as he grabbed one of her hands and made a small, light slit on her lower arm. He leaned down to it and licked at the blood that started to come from it. 

"Alex you little demon, I will do more to you then a fever will ever do to a mere pathetic wimp you was." Val hissed out. "I done it to give you something more. Now back away from me." She pulled the knife out of her shirt and threw it across the room. I giggled slightly. Feisty. He only laughed and moved up to her neck, biting down without warning. She stomped on his foot then and I crossed my arms. She could at least be somewhat fair about this. I know it isn't what I told her to do but still. He bit down harder in response, pushing her against the counter forcefully as I saw her get weak in the knees. He must be marking her now then.... Val whimpered from the bite and I nodded in confirmation. She was giving in, looks like the ecstasy kicked in. She fell into his arms weakly and looked dazed. Ha. That's what she deserves. He pulled back after a minute and looked down at her, holding her close. He licked his lips clean. 

"That's right, and don't ever forget it. I'm a demon that you'll never be rid of," he whispered lowly in her ear. She glared him down slightly but couldn't show him much hate. I laughed and bit my bottom lip as her eyes locked mine. "Now, be true to your word, or I'll have to punish you," he teased, going back to his somewhat playful and flirtatious ways. 

"I'll kill you." She hissed out to us both. "Slowly." I watched her start plotting. I shook my head as I watched her try to get away from Alex.

"How's that terrible Justin Beiber song go? I know you love me. I know you care," he started to sing that awful song that used to be so popular. He busted out laughing, unable to go on.She stomped down on his foot and got out of his arms then rushed my way. I let her slip past me into the living room. I decided to follow after her. So this is why Laurence told me to stay longer? "VAAAAL!" He shouted after her and ran past me for her. She screamed and ran for the elevator then and pressed the button for it to open. He caught up and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her off to another room without a word or glance. I raised an eyebrow as I wondered about what fate had in store for her. I left the apartment then to go back home, as the elevator lowered with me in it. I started to feel dizzy from the ride down and my knees buckled under me. I started to hear voices in my head as they all clashed together in waves. I felt like pulses were pounding into my temples in heartbeats. 911. Sirens blazed off down the street then. Text me when you get off work! Love you. I screamed as I heard it. It was like a robot talking to me. Did you hear about that psycho on the street today? Got caught stealing cigarettes!  I hit my face into the wall then and fell into the floor. I was scared to death about what was going on. Mom, mom? Mom! Are you listening? I want to know what you think about Sammy. I felt pain strike my temple as I tuned into something else- something new that I was hearing. You sick monster- go to hell. I will never trust you again! I heard screaming and yelling then. Are you there? Mom? I barely noticed the elevator door dinging to a new floor, I couldn't notice the worried person hovering over me. We will be right on your way, stay by the phone, don't look out your window. I felt my heart pounding straight out of my chest- at least that is what it felt like. 911 What's your Emergency?

"Oh! Yes- there is this girl in an elevator right next to me, I think she is having a heart attack or something. I need an ambulance fast." I heard the person. We will be right there, tracking your phone now and sending the nearest ambulance. I was confused. Was I dreaming? I grabbed at my head. "Thank you!" Stay on. "I will." The person leaned over me. Why is she holding a phone up to her ear? I giggled through the pain. That's silly... I balled up into myself as the pules started to get louder. I think I'm having a heart attaaaaack- ou oh here we go go, uh here we go go- I screamed as the lyrics played in my head. I set fiiiiire to the rain, watched it burn- Air force onces, stomping in my new air force ones- Mommmy? Why aren't you answering my calls? Don't you love me?- Jesus take the wheel! Give me one more chance!- Today's weather forecast is slightly cloudy- Air force ones- Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautifuuuul- This used to be a fun house, but now it's full of evil clowns, and I'm gonna burn it down, down dooown, I'm gonna burn it down. Pain, can't get enough, pain- Lord, make me a rainbow, shine down on my mother, she'll know it's me when she's standing under my colors- I can belieeeeve, that there's one good thing inside of me, just one good thing inside me- Just because we check the guns at the door doesn't mean that our brains will change, we're hand grenades- I'm an angel with a shot gun- Mom? Mom! Mother?- and I am going to shove food into my microwave because I never use anything in my house!- life hacks~ this is how you eat oreo's- This use to be a fun house- 

"Hey, is this el- OH MY GOODNESS! LAUREN!" I heard a familiar worried voice as someone came into the elevator. His scent was so familiar that I would have recognized it from a mile away- Benjamin. He'd come to find me.

"Ben-" I was cut off from the pain of the roaring background noise. We're going down down down, down down down!- I'd catch a grenade for you! Throw my head on a blade for you- Slim shady is no more slim shady- Got moves like Jagger, he's got the mooooves like Jagger- Now it's full of evil clowns- I'd catch a grenade for y- JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!- Mommy?- TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STA- Jesus loves the little children, all God's children of the wooorld- Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little- This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween.... I am the one hiding under your bed- CAUSE BABY YOUR A FIIIIIREWORK, COME ON AND LET YOUR COOOOLORS BURST, MAKE GO OH, OH, OH, AS YOU SHOT ACROSS THE SK- Let it gooooo, let it gooo, can't hold me back anymore- They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers, in hotel rooms, collecting page six lovers, get me out of my mind, and get you out of those clooothes, I'm a line a way, from getting you into the moooood- That's when I wake up alarm clock screaming- Haylie is outside swinging, the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes- Wake up in the morning feeling like PDD, I grab my glasses- I'm out the door- and brush my teeth with a bottle of jack, cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back-  I screamed then in agony as nothing made sense. I'm in hell. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed and started to pull on my hair. "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALAAAA," I began. La la la la la la sing a happy song! I felt myself being picked up and carried outside and heard Benjamin's voice as he was calling for someone.

"Benja- So this is where you snuck off to.....Naughty Benjamin.... Whatever shall I do? Maybe another round with Isabelle?" I heard a laugh and suddenly, we were at Benjamin's house in his living room. "Hey, she doesn't look too good.... Is she ok?"

"No, she's really hurt. I found her like this," I heard my mate whisper. It seemed the voices had stopped the second I was in his arms. I curled up in my safe heaven and took in a deep breath. I needed him now more then ever. 

"Benjamin?" I asked weakly. I took in a deep breath and then sighed in relief. I was fine now, right? Right. 

"Lauren?" I felt us sit down on the sofa, and he brushed the hair out of my face. "What's the matter? What's going on? Do I need to get you some extra help?" He asked frantically, sounding really worried for me. 

"I hear things...." I mumbled. "Voices- cops- music- random talk... Music...." I looked away from his eyes and shook my head. "It stopped." 

"T-that's good..... I'm glad you are fine? Are you fine?" I heard the other vampire walking off. 

"ELLIE! UNCLE LOUIS IS HERE!" He shouted as I heard him going up the stairs. 

"No, I am not fine." I hissed through my teeth. "I almost had to clean knives!" 

"Well....if it makes you feel better, I had to replace Ellie's window." His laugh surrounded us as he shook his head. "Total freak accident."

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER WINDOW!?" I shouted then and got off of him. As soon as I did the noise started up and I fell over as the waves hit me. Today's forecast consists of rain, so put on some rain boots and have an umbrella on you!-Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- ahahahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaa, HIT IT PUDDIN! I felt Benjamin pull me back to him and hug me.

"Don't worry about it right now.... You've been gone awhile, and I really missed you.... Besides you don't look too well yet." I took in a deep breath as I started to hyperventilate. I ran my fingers through the roots of my hair and yanked on it. I felt like I was insane. I rocked back and forth in his arms. Was this something that Paris experiences everyday? I shivered at the thought. 

"Hey Benjamin, I want to take Ell- Hey.... Let me see her," I heard that Louis guy say as he came back, walking over. He touched my head gently and turned it over, examining me closely and then pulled back. "Hm. Benjamin, keep an eye on her. I'm getting some help. She looks ready to throw up at a minute's notice and she has that really bad look in her eyes like a tortured animal. Lemme just call up someone." He walked over to a window and pulled out his phone and called someone. "Heeeey Paris.... How are you today? I need you to do me one insey wincey favor. It involves someone of interest to you." 

"Of interest to me?" Paris asked. I could hear his voice as clear as day thanks to my heightened senses. "I will be over." Paris hung up then. Louis looked a bit upset. 

"He doesn't even have to ask where I am thanks to Laurence....Jeez, showing up in my front yard and bothering me on date night....." He muttered to himself just before Paris was here. He smiled immediately when he appeared and turned to him. "Benjamin found Lauren, but she's in some sort of pain or something. You know more about it than I would since how you actually hear things. I just send things out." Paris was at my side in a heartbeat and touched my cheek with his hand. He snatched me out of Benjamin's arms then and I felt the waves wash over me. He acted fast in putting me back in Benjamin's arms and smirked. 

"Interesting." Paris said and turned to Laurence who was standing nearby. I narrowed my eyes at him then and he disappeared from my view. Paris looked at me and ran his fingers through my hair. "You my dear have a new power." 

"New...power?" Benjamin said, confused. "What's that got to do with her looking like she's going to keel over?" He narrowed his eyes up at Paris. "Who are you?" 

"Her father." Paris said and crossed his arms. "Not exactly, but she is mine. I am Paris. As you can see, I resemble my brother- my twin brother." He stepped aside so Louis was in view. "Lauren has a new power- a mental condition she will have to learn to control over time." I felt him stiffen under me as he tightened his hug on me. 


"Yes, mental. She's got an ability that is a lot like how some vampires can read minds. That's why I called Paris because while I may have my own mental abilities, I don't cover the area of receiving any kind of transmission or other's thoughts into my own head. I can just show other people things I've seen before," Louis told him softly. "She's probably going to be stuck like that for a bit. Get used to it quick."

"Wait a minute! What are you two talking about? How can you possibly know what's wro-"

"Benjamin, stop and think for five seconds. If I can send things out, then wouldn't it make since for my twin- the opposite of me- to receive things? He can read minds and thoughts. He knows what is happening inside our heads every single second that he stands here." Benjamin gulped and looked over at Paris. 

"Really?" He whispered softly, letting it click for him. 

"Paris reads minds," I confirmed. Paris gave a nod. 

"I know everything she is going through right this minute." Paris informed. I began thinking back on what has happened to me in the past couple of days so he would know. 

"Jeez, I hope it's not that bad...but it looks like its put you into a whirlpool or a blender or something!" He sighed as he held me close, kissing my cheek. "When you feel better, you should see Ellie. She's really missed you...." I couldn't see Ellie right now. Not like this... I leaned my head into Benjamin's shoulder and whimpered. 

"Don't worry Lauren, I can go ask Laurence for an easy way to get you off of your anchor so you can sail freely." Paris assured me. 

"Hey, I'm not just an anchor!" Benjamin yelled at him. He made a tea cup materialize and sipped on hot tea as he went to calm down, not looking at Paris. 

"Sure sure... You are her mate! I forgot that part. Wait until you hear about her husband." Paris chuckled. 

"HUSBAND?!" He spat out the tea in his mouth and I saw all the windows in the room shatter immediately. Louis looked at it wide eyed. 

"Whoa....GOOD JOB BENNY! Just um....get that under control better....so that you don't hurt someone....or something in anger...." He said, looking over at us and smiling nervously. I looked the windows over then and then looked at Benjamin... He has a new power? I raised an eyebrow. 

"That's what happened to Ellie's window?" I said harshly. "YOU LITTLE!" I got off of him and started to strangle him. Paris grabbed me and took me away from Benjamin and I felt the waves coming back. I felt like fainting from the nausea of them. I fell to my knees and held my head, gripping my hair and started to pull. Paris grabbed my hands then and yanked them away from my head. 

"BENJAMIN YOU SIT BACK DOWN!" Louis called after him. I just realized that he had taken off running in fear the moment I let go of him. 

"NO! SHE'LL EAT ME ALIVE!" I heard him shout from the top of the stairs. "I'm not coming down!"

"Ben," Louis warned, sounding like a revenging death god of sorts- like he'd kill someone in a second. 

"NO!" And the snakes start to sing, wolves come out of the woodstock, creatures come from out of the dark- do I wanna know- A high speed chase between- Buy one coupon get another one free! Pappa johns!- Autozone yeah!- RATS come out of the wholes they live in- I panicked as the songs and commercials overclouded my head. 

"T-take me away." I ordered Paris. "Far into the jungle where there is no civilization." 

"Ben, I will make you train extra hard if you don't come down here and act like the newborn I raised!" Louis shouted up the stairs. 

"F-fine!" I heard him starting to come back. "I didn't mean to break the windows.... I swear I didn't," he muttered under his breath as he got closer. I glared him down and exposed my fangs. 

"OH YEAH?" I shouted over the noise in my head. "I SWEAR IF YOU HURT MY BABY GIRL!" I threatened. 

"I would never!" He shouted back at me, exposing his own fangs as he stood over me. "If you think that I would hurt Ellie, then you better think again. She's probably one of the only ones I'd never hurt for anything." He materialized another cup of tea and started to sip on it as he sat down in front of me, his leg barely touching my arm. I softened my expression as I believed him. Ellie was okay... for now. I reached out for him and grabbed his hand, feeling the rush of relief wash over my body as the pain eased up. "I'd let you see her, but I think that you might do something that might upset her.... Oh, by the way, I told her about the existence of vampires," he whispered the last part quietly. "A lot happened while you were gone...." 

"A lot happened on my end too," I whispered softly. Val is going to come searching for my head soon too. 

"Well, this is all fine and sweet and stuff, but Paris, I think we should work together on this....just for once. After all, this is my newborn involved in this, so it affects me, and it affects you as well. If we want to move Lauren off of having to hang on him, I think it might take both of us," Louis spoke up. "We seem to be having a lot of truces," he murmured in afterthought. 

"You are the one wanting to take my empire over." Paris spat. "For the sakes of Lauren though... I will work with you on this." Paris looked from me to Louis. 

"Deal," Louis said, sounding a bit like he was kind of thinking and reflecting on something very important. He shook his head after a few moments and started singing under his breath as if he was covering up any of his thoughts he was having from Paris by trying to get a song stuck in his head. Paris growled over something. 

"Stop that. It's hurting my head! What are you trying to cover up over there?!" Paris was by his brother in an instant and tackled him to the ground. "Plotting my death over here!?" Louis yelped as he hit the floor and stopped singing, looking up at Paris.