War Advantages

Louis's POV:

I stared up at my brother in fear as I kept repeating Taylor Swift songs in my head (specifically Blank Space). Cause I got a blank space baaaaby, and I'll write your name! I bit my bottom lip as I felt my thoughts edging back to my uncertainty on the war and started singing in my head louder, going back to muttering lyrics out loud. Paris growled in my face, obviously hating that he knew I was hiding something from him. "LOUIS!" Paris snapped and pinned my wrists down by my sides. "TELL ME OR SO HELP ME! I WILL CROSS YOUR NAME OUT FOR GOOD!" I winced. Please don't kill me.... Please don't kill me. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my face away from him as I started to recall old songs from France that I had memorized when I was younger. Paris approached a new way of seeking out the information. He leaned down into my ear and started to hum his lullaby in my ear that he use to play for me. He was teasing me now. I got distracted from my distracting myself and looked up at him. I loved that song.... I really did. The fact that he would play it for me when I wanted him to.... I smiled slightly as I listened to it and looked up into his eyes, letting my thoughts wander slightly. I eventually got back to what Alpha Hunter had told me about him trying to impress me and felt bad immediately, knowing that I was planning to wage a war against him. I wasn't even sure if I wanted the war anymore! I sighed and glanced off then widened my eyes. I CAN'T DROWN MY DEMONS, THEY KNOW HOW TO SWIM!

"I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone- I long for that feeling to not feel at all! The higher I get, the lower I sink.... I can't drown my demons they know how to swim." Paris mumbled into my ear and then pulled back. "Odd, you are as stiff as always." He faked a sigh and got off me. "Darn twins." He mumbled sweetly and skipped off to the other side of the room and looked at the fireplace in admiration. He knows something. I shrugged it off and relaxed on the floor, sighing in relief. Good, I won't have to explain myself since how he left.... I sat up and looked around, seeing Benjamin watching me with worried eyes as he sipped on his tea and held Lauren in his arms. Lauren was going in and out of consciousness. Paris walked back up to me and reached out for my hand. "We have to go." He informed me.

"Go where?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I looked up at him and slowly, uncertainly, took his hand.

"Off to my library of course. We need to search the books." Paris rolled his eyes like that wasn't obvious enough. "If you want to help that is." I nodded and smiled, relaxing as I stood up.

"Yeah, of course," I mumbled and glanced over at Benjamin. "Benjamin, I'm going to send over Tawnya to help clean up the mess. You keep one arm wrapped around her at all times until we get back." He nodded and kissed her cheek sweetly.

"Bye bye!" Paris said and waved at them before grabbing my hand and teleporting us away. I looked around as we were in his library- which I knew very well. I let go of his hand and started walking off with a sense of duty towards the books I thought would help. Suddenly, I felt someone staring me down, and when I looked over, I spotted Richard glaring at me from an armchair- reading a book on strategy.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He hissed out and stood up, closing the book.

"I invited him here." Paris admitted. "Richard can you give us privacy, sweetheart?" He asked curiously. Richard took one look at Paris and immediately softened his gaze.

"Okay," he said and walked over to Paris, getting a kiss before heading for the exit and leaving us to have the library to ourselves. I glanced over at Paris and raised an eyebrow before continuing my search. Paris just walked off to the other side of the study and then looked at something on the bookcase. He pulled a statue head forward and the bookcase flipped around revealing a new one. He ran his fingers across something on the shelves and then pulled off an old book. He blew off the dust then took a seat on the couch. I decided to ignore it and went back to searching for one of my old favorites that I had ended up leaving here. I pulled it down when I found it and went to sit down to page through it, hopefully to find something helpful. Paris shifted in his seat, moving his head to his feet and his feet to his head so he was sitting upside down and he started to hum my lullaby. It reminded me of him playing it on the piano. I glanced up at him then and bit my bottom lip before looking down at my book, but I couldn't concentrate as I was getting lost in it. It had been forever since I've heard it after all.... I mean.... we weren't on good terms for a bit before I had him buried for ten years. I bet he is bitter about that.... I bet he also knew I was going to wage a war when he crawled out of the box. I shouldn't have done that.... I should have dug him up instead of leaving him to rot. I shook my head, dismissing it for now as I turned the page, glancing it over. He finished the tune and begun it all over again, not minding it one bit. He seemed to still like it. He bounced his foot to the beat and flipped his page casually. I seen him glance my way while he turned it. I narrowed my eyes and then looked down into my book. After a few more seconds, I decided to find out if Paris was actually eavesdropping on my thoughts or not by going over a few of his favorite jokes in my head- the funniest of them all. Paris bit his bottom lip and quit humming for a minute before restarting the lullaby. I nodded. So you may be listening then.... I sighed and flipped the page as I stood up and started to walk over to one of the window seats, sitting down in it as I got comfortable. I pulled out my phone and a pair of headphones, putting them on as I scrolled through my music list and put on some Breaking Benjamin to drown him out. Sure enough I couldn't hear the sweet lullaby anymore. Paris got into the floor on his stomach and kept reading with his legs crossed in the air.

After a bit, I stretched and took off my headphones, getting tired of the music and looked out the window towards the garden below. I smiled and glanced over it. It seemed to be doing well.... That reminds me... I looked back towards Paris then. "Why can't we just request Laurence's assistance? Isn't that why you have him on your side besides the fact that you are friends?"

"He's looking as well. He went off to ask our cousins if they knew anything that would help," Paris trailed off as he flipped the page with interest. "I doubt he will find anything out of them. He can't see her future clearly and it is bugging her. He said it is like waves coming at him when he thinks of her. So he is asking around instead of risking pain to seek knowing about her." Paris tried to explain it to me as best he could he shut the book then and I found that I recognized it as one of his diaries. I narrowed my eyes. This is hardly the time for thinking back on the past Paris.... Unless there is something helpful in there....DO SOME RESEARCH! I rolled my eyes and looked back into my book, turning the page. Paris stood up and switched out the diaries. "They are helpful, I might of learned something like this before and forgot about it due to being killed once, tortured, trapped in a box- what else has happened to me? See... I forgot..." I shook my head.

"You forgot the Vampire Hunters," I muttered. They made his veins flow with tar.... I still remember that very well. I need to have a talk with them....a very long talk. I smirked as I thought about them screaming. The only one that gets to do anything remotely terrible like that to Paris is me.... Besides, they don't get to speak like that to me, especially when I have a deal with their leaders. "I'm going to kill them," I hissed under my breath.

"Only after I do." Paris hissed lowly. We had something in common. I smirked then. Maybe we could take them out togeth- I stopped myself before I was able to complete the thought, not wanting Paris to know the state of my indecision about the war. I wasn't sure if he knew yet or not, but I didn't want him to find out. He'd take advantage of it, and if the war happens, I have to win. I started to hum Nevermore softly to distract my thoughts again and went back to reading.

"No.... I'm going to kill them first," I murmured back after a few seconds of looking at a picture in my book.

"Louis?" Paris asked me and then got to his feet. He walked over to me and closed the diary in his hands. He took a seat by me and looked my posture over. "Would you stop thinking about falling out over our war? We are having one. This little deal of ours does not change anything about how I am almost raged by your presence near me. You may be family- you may even be my twin but we cannot change our past. You threw me in a box and didn't take me out of it. Now you are going to pay the price with this war." Paris kept his voice calm, he didn't seem raged to me. He clenched his jaw to show a tense expression then opened up his diary again to read it. "Now, let's get on with this so we can go back to making preparations for our war."

"Mkay," I smirked then and looked down at my book, reading it. Then I won't hold back an inch....not a single one.


I sat up and put the book down on a nearby table to the window, getting up. "Well," I said, glancing out the window and seeing it was almost dusk. "I've got things to do. Catch you later," I told him, giving him a grin and then teleporting back to my place. After all, I need to make sure that August is ok and I need to mobilize some of my units. By now, I expect that they don't have anything to do- especially Dante since how we found Lauren. I glanced around my study as I sat down and turned on my computer, pulling out my phone. I texted a few of my allies with new orders about recruitment and then when I got to Dante- one of my ace cards in this game- I smirked subtly and pulled up his number, texting him special orders.

Me: Dante, move your people into place to infiltrate the Vampire Hunter Association. I want to hit them hard- really hard. Don't attack until you have my orders, and leave only one survivor in the HQ building. Don't worry about any of the big families that aren't normally seen there. I just want the normal ones either dead or turned.

Dante: The Hunter Association? Is there anyone else on this or are you only asking me?

Me: You are the only one that I am asking to do this. I will join you myself when the time comes to strike- sometime this week. Just have your men ready.

Dante: I don't see how this helps the war but fine.

Me: You'll see afterwards. It's an aim at anyone who chooses to betray me- a show of our strength. Its going to give my twin something to think about.

I smirked then and set the phone down on my desk, checking my email and then going to look at the current numbers for the war. We need more newborns if we are going to pull this off....Maybe I should consider conquering another city as well before taking on Paris. Other vampires do it all the time. Just look at California- owned by Val who believes she can do whatever she wants. I'm going to have to have a talk with her too.... I narrowed my eyes then and then looked up at the door. "ISABELLE!" I shouted, waited as I tapped my fingers against the desk. She appeared in front of me and smiled. "Update please." I waved for her to give a report on her end of the war effort.

"I managed to turn quite a few druggies- might I add that they were not tasty at all. I expect that you are planning to inspect every single newborn that is made for the war. You are a very thorough leader." She smirked at that and came over.

"Yes.....Isabelle, come here," I whispered and made a gesture for her to come closer.

"When was the last time you got to eat? Last time you fed from me, you had to stop because August came home." She looked me over in concern then sat on my desk in front of me, staring into my eyes. I shook my head and sighed.

"Last time I drank from August...." She nodded slowly.

"You should eat. With the war going on, there has been plenty of blood for us to feed on, but I know that you don't like drinking from others unless its us or your mate." I took a deep breath and glanced at her neck.

"I know." I pulled her down into my lap and brushed her hair over her shoulder. A shiver went through her as my fingers lightly touched her neck. I leaned in and bit down gently, closing my eyes as I tasted her delicious blood.

"I-I need to tell you something Louis," she got out as she tensed up. I bit down harder in response, opening my eyes. She made a small noise. "Its about August....We haven't seen him since he left this morning to go hang out with one of his friends. He hasn't been back, and he hasn't called for you. We think something may have happened to him because he would have been back by now- especially with how he tends to come back before night. He told us he'd be gone for a few hours, but that was this morning after you got that phone call..... He's disappeared. I sent Tawnya to find him, but we haven't been able to find a trace of him. The supernatural activity has gone down in town as well. It's like it's the quiet before the storm.... I think that they are getting an idea of what is coming and are lying low, or they know something. Not to mention, one of our newborns was killed after drinking from a vampire hunter. He was able to tell us that the vampire hunter smelled so sweet before he died. They've developed a weapon that is aimed at us. We shouldn't drink from any vampire hunters anytime soon." I took in all this information as I pulled back and looked up at her. August has mysteriously disappeared, the vampire hunters have become somewhat undrinkable, and the other creatures are getting quiet. I shook my head. So much has happened lately.

"Issue out an order to the army that they are not to eat anyone that smells sweet or any vampire hunters. We can't afford to lose any of the newborns- or even worse, any high ranking vampires. I'll tell the other Princes to tell their soldiers, so don't worry about it. Keep an eye on the level of activity for me. I want to know if it spikes up or if they start disappearing...." I glanced towards my computer then, feeling a strong urge to go find August myself. I remembered what Laurence told me though...and I immediately knew what had happened to him. Rogues had gotten him.

"What about August?" She whispered softly, looking me in the eyes then. I shook my head.

"Stop looking for him," I whispered, struggling to say it. "He'll come home eventually. We just have to trust him." And Laurence.... We don't know anything besides the fact that he has been kidnapped by rogues. We don't know how many or where they are at, and I certainly am not going to request any more help from Paris or Laurence. This project for Benjamin is going to be (hopefully) the last time I collaborate with that....that.. I sighed.

"You sure?" I nodded and stood up, setting her back on the desk and kissing her cheek.

"I'm sure. The war is more important because we aren't helpful to him if we are dead. I've got a plan that is going to undermine Paris and send him a message. I want you to get some rest however and let me take care of it. It's been awhile since I've been able to do something quite on this level." I smirked and started to walk off. "I'll be seeing you soon....but don't expect me back for at least another two days. It might be a week since I'm back, but I won't be out of touch. Emergencies only, you're in charge." I waved to her and then walked out of the room, closing the door. Tawnya, Penny, and Rachel were standing outside of the room, looking up at me with worried eyes. "Were you three eavesdropping?" I narrowed my eyes at them.

"No," Penny replied quickly.

"Louis, you aren't leaving us are you?" Rachel gave me a look over and bit her bottom lip nervously.

"You three can take care of yourselves. You're my pets after all.... Be good and help Isabelle. After all, she is the one in charge for now."

"No, about August," Tawnya started, but I cut her off by raising my hand.

"He'll be fine. Don't go searching for him and exhaust yourselves. I want you three to train and create at least ten newborns by the time I come back. That's your task. Tawnya, stay close to Isabelle and make sure that someone doesn't take advantage of the fact that I'm not here. Penny, I need you to work on setting up defense around here. Paris knows where we are, and I don't want him coming. You need to install some sort of thing that will let us know when someone has infiltrated. Make sure that it's something quiet so that they don't realize that we know they are here. Establish a watch as well. Get the newborns to work around here. If any kind of werewolves show up, message me immediately. Rachel, I need you to keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior from any nearby groups of vampires, werewolves, witches, warlocks, demons, whatever. I'll see you all soon." I smiled and leaned in, giving all three of them a kiss on the forehead and then disappeared to France. I smirked as I breathed in the familiar air. A few girls passed by, not taking notice to me as they giggled and were eyeing some waiter guy at an outdoor cafe. French girls can be so obvious and flirtatious. I shook my head and then glanced around before going towards my old apartment I kept here. I went inside and took a look around. Everything was dusty. I hadn't been back in years.... and I never made anyone come and keep it clean. Well, I'm not here to stay. I'm here for my stash. I smirked and went up the stairs, going towards my bedroom. When I entered it, I moved my bed, revealing a small trapdoor under it. I bent down and opened it, laughing as I saw that my weapons and old gear was still here. I picked it up and pulled out all the cases and boxes hidden here, opening up some of them and pulling out some of my battle clothes that I had designed a while back. I wasn't using it for the war because it was somewhat out of date, but it would do for the present. I was going to take a shot at Paris and Rose then Laurence. They wouldn't know about it till the morning. I changed into the black clothes and grabbed some of my special knifes, sticking them in their respective holders on me and then grabbed some guns, putting one over my shoulder and a handgun in it's holster on my outer leg. I picked up rows of bullets ready for use and strapped them on, smirking. I was going to unleash hell.


I blinked slowly as I was standing outside one of Paris's strongholds in Paris, the capital of France. I knew that there were probably tons of vampires in there, waiting for him to come back. Next I'd get Rose's place hit up and then take out all the influential vampires in the area. Next, England.

August's POV:

A shot of pain erupted up my spine as a man stomped on it. I heard a snap from a bone and I couldn't comprehend if it was mine or theirs. There was about five guys surrounding me in a dark room. I didn't understand how I got here... I remembered driving... I was driving to meet my friends. Then suddenly I had lost control of my car for some reason. My head ached- no throbbed with pain. "We are going to break you down and build you up again," A man purred into my ear. I couldn't comprehend my situation. What was happening to me? I was driving a moment ago, I thought. I heard shifting bones and then suddenly nails ripped up my skin on my back. I shivered and shrieked out in pain. I could feel my clothes falling off my body as the nails dragged down my body. My skin was torn up. I could smell blood- feel blood oozing on my body. Louis? Where is my lover? I cried out in pain- trying to quiet myself to stay strong. "Do you hear me?" The man questioned. I heard more bodies shifting and felt my skin breaking as teeth ripped it up into shreds.

"FIGHT BACK! WEAKLING!" Voices ordered me at once. I heard them laughing at me then. "This is too easy." I started to black out then- feeling like I was dying. "He's running out of blood." I felt something like fangs poke the top of my hands. My eyes rolled back once and I felt a rush of adrenaline. I panicked and tried to crawl away from them. If I was going to die today- it won't be this easy. My vision blurred and I felt something smack the back of my head hard. I face planted the ground then.

"Louis..." I whispered.

"Who?" I heard a voice ask me. I couldn't feel anything. I was rolled over and my vision cleared up. I seen the men standing over me. They were doing something to my body but I couldn't tell. I watched blood splash up onto one of their shoes. I could see one of them slinging a baseball bat at me. I could see their lips moving back and forth but I couldn't make out what they were saying anymore.

'August, kill them.' I heard something rumble deep within me. 'Kill the rogues. It's time to wake up. Time to hunt. Time to heal. Time for pack. Kill. Kill... KILL.' I felt my bones cracking then. Pain shot throughout my body as it all rushed in at once. 'Let me take over and show you.' I slipped from control over my body and let my inner wolf take over. I watched as the rogues started to back up. A growl erupted though out the room. It was from me! They all was scared now. I finished my shift into the wolf. They all seemed small to me now. I took out their leader without much effort. The rest took off running out of the dark room and I chased after them. 'CHOW TIME!' I whimpered, I didn't want this! I don't hurt people... 'Shut it August.' I didn't notice I was over one of the men until now. I could taste his blood in my mouth as I ripped him apart with small efforts. 'We are alpha's. We take care of rogues.' My inner wolf informed me. 'We live for the pack. The pack is our life. We will create the pack.' I tasted the rogue in my mouth as my inner wolf ate the rogue. I could feel my sore wounds healing up. I took off running then towards the rest of my enemies. They were hiding from me now. I laid my head down low as I sniffed the air for them. I found one in a weapon room- wherever I was... It seemed to be important. Was this a home for rogues? 'Rogues move in packs too. When they are kicked out of their packs they form like this.' I understood it slightly. I took down the pathetic rogue in an instant before he grabbed a fun. I sat down over it and held up my head high then let out a howl.

"GET THE GUNS- GET- HE'S IN THE WEAPONS ROOM! RUN!" I heard a man yelling outside the weapon room. 'Kill.' I rushed towards the door then but he slammed the door shut on me. I growled and went to the other side of the room then went back to the door and bust it down with all my weight.

Louis's POV:

I laughed evilly as I kicked in the door to the room that the younger vampires ran into. Brandishing my handgun, I pointed it in and smirked as I saw that the room was dark. They had planned to run here for protection in the dark.... Good, I like a bit of a game. I walked in cautiously, glancing off to either side of me. "Come out, come out where ever you are~!" I called and then pointed the gun off into the shadows when I heard someone trip. I shot and was satisfied when I heard the girl scream. "Got ya." I walked over slowly as I heard her whimpering. I must have gotten her leg or something. When I saw her, I pulled her up by her hair and bit down into her neck. Shrieking, she kicked and thrashed, trying to get away from me as her survival instincts kicked in. I ripped out a piece of flesh and spat it a few feet away then threw her down as she lost her fight. This had been pretty much what I had been doing for the past thirty minutes. Within the first ten, I had wiped out the ones that had been trained to protect this place- they were now a pile of blood and flesh in the foyer. I had lost my knife at some point in the chaos. I hadn't done anything quite like this in awhile, and I must say....this is really fun. I smirked and shot again as I heard her friend. All I had to do for Paris's vampires here was clean up the cowards. There weren't that many. I was almost done. I nodded as I heard a thud and then pulled out my headphones, putting them on and clicking on some music- Heathens. I walked to the beat, singing in my head with it as I glanced around for the last one in this room. I could smell him....he was.... I laughed as I saw him charging at me, no longer valuing his life. He was being reckless.... I liked it. I tossed the gun as it clicked- out of bullets. He knocked me to the ground and went to bite down into my shoulder, but I kicked him off and teleported behind him as he stumbled.

I bit down hard, tearing out his throat to the point to where he couldn't even scream anymore. He stared up at me in fear, his body trembling. Giving a little smirk, I went and feasted on his blood as his heart started to give out. I dropped him as he fell limp and glanced around, licking my lips clean. Next up, Rose's place.

August's POV:

I found myself running through the undergrowth in a forest. I had no clue where I was going... 'To the party nearby.' My inner wolf informed me. I listened to my surroundings and off in the distance I heard a party. I could smell smoke. 'Bond fire.' How is it you know? I wondered to my wolf. He chuckled then and my chest rumbled with a howl. 'I know a lot more then you think I do.' I rolled my eyes and let him lead me. I could feel a breeze pick up by me and he let me take over my own body again. I could feel the chill of the air. I felt something brush against my side like something was running next to me and I looked to my side. In a flash my inner wolf- that looked like how I imagined myself to look like- ran past me and lead me through the woods. Am I mad? Alpha Hunter never said an inner wolf could do something like that. My inner wolf was ghostly. Was I the only one that could see him? 'Of course!' I chased after him, tasting the blood of the rogues in my mouth. 'Attack them, rip them apart, feed off of them, leave them barely alive. They will rise up tomorrow as your pack.' I heard my inner wolf order. My inner wolf came to a stop at a clearing. 'Go now. The first one turns to be your beta, choose wisely.' I walked up to my inner wolf and ducked down low. Which one first? I looked around at the people dancing around a bond fire, singing something I didn't recognize. I waited for one to stand out the most to me. There was a girl laughing as she clapped her hands, twirling around in her white lacy dress barefoot. She had a somewhat natural look to her as her blond hair was wavy and not all prim and proper- more of a messy do where the front came back in a small braid on either side and was held back with a pin. A male was taking a swig of a drink and threw it into the fire, making it blaze as he gave a loud whoop. One of his friends came up and clapped his hand on his shoulder.

"YEAH! Partay for life!" He shouted as his friend pumped his hand in the hair in a kind of celebratory way for having thrown a bottle into the fire. Another girl was sitting on a stump nearby them, calmly reading a book as a guy was trying to get her attention by throwing bread crumbs at her, sometimes hitting her in the face with them. She did her best to ignore him and blinked when the bread would hit her, not really flinching. Guess she was used to it. 'You have five choices.' My inner wolf whispered to me then disappeared. Are you still here? 'Right here.' I scanned the five choices and then stood up, deciding. I raced out of the clearing then, letting a growl rumble through my chest. I felt my muscles tense up as I tackled the closest to me, the one that had thrown a drink into the fire of course. I heard a chorus of shrieks around me and the boy looked up at me in fear.

"RUN! GET OUT OF HERE! LEAVE ME! SAVE YOURSEEEELVES!" He yelled to them and started to push up on me, grabbing my snout with his hands to try to hold it shut. He took on hand back and reached for a rock from the fire pit, gripping it tightly as he went to bring it back to him with a scared look in his eyes. I shook my tail, liking him very much. He was going to be a fun beta. I pulled my snout out of his hands then went in for what my inner wolf told me to do. I started to scratch at his clothing and ripped off his shirt then growled in his face aggressively. He screamed and hit me upside the head with the rock as hard as he could, knocking me back. He's pretty strong too. I saw the blond girl standing nearby with wide eyes as she was trembling in fear, but the other boy who had shouted the party thing had picked up a stick and was rushing at me with it. The bookworm looked up and shrugged, going back to her book. Breadcrumb boy was pulling a knife out of his boot and narrowed his eyes.

"Run Alice! Run!" He screamed, looking at the bookworm, Alice apparently.

"Ok," she said and stood up, walking off towards a tree and climbed it, sitting in it as she opened her book. Blondie took off running quickly as fast as her legs could take her, shrieking as she stumbled trying to find her phone in her purse. I shook my head to ease the pain of the rock then looked at the rock guy and then laid my ears back. He's getting the worst of my wrath! I will save him for- 'Not if you want him as beta, you can't.' I groaned and then swiftly scratched his jugular out without warning. I leaned down the bit into the throat, using my paws to tear into his chest and rip him up. I pulled out a chunk in his throat and ate it then went to his chest and started to eat a bit of his flesh then took off for the nearest one by me. I let out a howl then, feeling like I was getting stronger. 'The pack makes you stronger.'

"Rick! NOOOOO!" The one with the stick shouted and fell to his knees, crawling over to him with tears in his eyes. "We had great times together....R-remember that time.... when your sister caught us putting toads in the sugar?"

"G-get out of here...you idiot... Matt...." Rick pushed on Matt's chest weakly then, but Matt grabbed his hand and then shook his head.

"Not without you man."

"I'M GONNA DIE! YOU SAVE YOURSELF IDIOT!" Rick shouted at him angrily. "T-take care of Cassy...." I gave the two their moment as I took off for the blonde chick before she got too far away. She was the easiest to get. I tackled her to the ground from behind and ripped at her clothes, rolling her over. I clawed at her shirt and ripped it off then ripped out chunks of her flesh and leaned down in towards her wounds. I bit in and pulled out a chunk, eating it quickly. I left her like that, not expecting her to get up from that. I ran back to the bonfire and went after the bread crumb guy. He narrowed his eyes as he saw me and held up his knife.

"You ate Cassy and Rick! I'm gonna get you for this!" He screamed and ran at me. I watched him run towards me then ducked down and swiftly took him out by his legs. I turned back to him once I done so and pawed the knife out of his hand and a few feet away from us. I growled towards him viciously and waited for him to try to outsmart me. He kicked at my stomach desperately and managed to knock the wind out of me. He got up and started to run into the woods, hoping that the kick would be enough to keep me down for a bit. I got up swiftly, coming back from that kick and ran after him. I got up to a few inches from him then bit one of his legs and pulled it out from under him. I dangled him in the air and started to shake my head back and forth rapidly. I heard his leg break so I dropped him and slashed at his face. 'That will leave a scar.' I heard my inner wolf joke. I felt his cheek rip under my claws and then I went into digging mode on his chest. I ripped him up quickly and leaned in, gobbling up a few chunks then took off back to the bonfire once again. Now... Who is next? All that was left was Matt and Alice who was still up the tree. She spotted me and glanced down at Matt then went further up the tree as she started to judge my jumping skills. She ended up really high up before she settled back down and opened her book again, leaning up against the trunk of the Oak tree. Matt started trembling when he saw me, obviously starting to fear for his own life as Rick was gone. I thought you said that would change them into my pack members? It killed them! I shouted and howled a mourning. 'You have to give them time. Finish up so we can rest with them.' I stopped mid howl then looked towards Matt. Your turn. I stalked towards him then. He stood up quickly and began to back away, holding up his shaking hands.

"Nice wolf," he murmured. I could practically smell his fear as he backed up into a tree. His eyes widened and he looked behind him then at me. He turned and took off running but tripped over a stick, falling face first into the ground. Drunks. I wonder how old they are... I took after him then and let his turn be the swiftest. I bit down into his shoulder and torn out a chunk, beginning to eat on it. I started to dig at his chest, ripping him up into pieces. I brought him back to the bonfire and dropped him by his friend. I went out and got the rest, doing the same. I put them in a pile. When I finished I looked up at Alice. It's time. I stared her down. She looked down at me calmly, not at all fazed that I had seemingly killed her friends. I looked towards the base of the tree, remembering what I could do to a door. I wagged my tail. I backed up a few feet then took off for the tree. As soon as I was a foot away from it, I was hit hard by a hardback book she had thrown at me. I tumbled over in confusion and laid like that for a moment. I looked up at the tree and growled. Why is it girls are so complicated? She looked down at me and blinked slowly, looking like she wasn't the least bit afraid of me. She grabbed a handful of acorns and started pelting me with them. I tensed up and got to my feet fast, running out of her aim. How am I supposed to get her when she is like this! I paced around the tree with a distance then got on the side she wasn't on and backed up a few more feet before I took off running with all my strength and slammed my body against the tree hard. The impact sent a rumble up the tree and caused her to almost slip out. She shrieked for the first time then clung to the tree, looking down at me.

"YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A MAJOR HEADACHE TOMORROW!" She called down to me. She narrowed her eyes and stood up on the tree, holding onto the trunk as she took off her shoes and threw them at me, hitting me in the face. She then did the bravest thing I've ever seen a girl do. She started walking down the tree branch, keeping her balance and then jumped to a nearby tree, barely able to cling onto a branch as she pulled herself up on it. She made a small noise as she almost slipped when she was finally situated on top the branch. I looked her new tree over and growled. What do I do now, oh powerful genius? She is in a tree! "Hey werewolf! You better not have actually killed them," she shouted down to me, looking me over. I shook my tail and watched her. She's smarter then we expected. 'She can't stay up there forever.' She glanced me over and sighed, looking down at the ground then at me. "Nod once if you understand me." I shook my head playfully. She rolled her eyes and then picked a leaf, looking it over. "Bet you're a guy," she muttered under her breath. I laid down and watched her carefully. What if she knows more then we think? "Mom was right... I shouldn't have come out here.... Then again, werewolf," she said, starting to talk to herself. "If I come down, will you let me go?" She called, looking back at me again. I gave a nod. Come down so I can eat you. "That means no.... Make you a deal since how you are going to get me anyways." I stretched out and watched her. She sighed. "If I come down, will you promise to not be too rough about it? I don't want to be hurt too badly like you did my friends." I waited for her to make up her mind. It's not like I can tell her. She watched me and then bit her bottom lip, studying me. Sighing in defeat, she came down by one more branch slowly, making sure not to fall. "I'll taste terrible," she warned me, trying to get out of it. I pretended to lose interest in her then.

After about ten more minutes of her thinking to herself, she finally started to come down and jumped the last bit, landing on her feet with ease. She dusted off her hands and looked over at me then got down on her knees. She watched me for a few moments, studying me to see if I was going to attack her or not. I tensed up as I looked towards her slowly. I stood up then and wagged my tail. I will give it to you quick. I launched myself towards her then as quick as I could and knocked her down under me. I growled in her face. She looked up at me in slight fear but didn't fight back as she closed her eyes and turned her face away from me, knowing that if I really wanted to, I'd be able to chase her. She must be one of those that learns from other's mistakes and decided that it would just be a waste of time and energy to run from me. I stopped growling to give her comfort. I leaned down towards her neck and gave it a lick. I ripped off her shirt then to get to her chest and started to dig into her flesh. I ripped out a chunk and then leaned down. I took a bite out of her and began eating it. When I finished I dragged her to her friends and laid her down then took the spot by her side. I curled up to her, keeping her warm in her last dying moments. She whimpered in pain and gripped my fur as she curled up into a ball, bringing her knees up to her chest. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, before sighing. I drifted then into sleep.

Louis's POV:

I glanced up at Rose's place and studied it for a few moments before putting my headphones back on and turned the music up as I put on Shadow Moses by Bring Me the Horizon. I smirked and pulled out my knives, reloaded my guns, and then started to walk calmly to the gate. A sentry caught sight of me after a few minutes and started to shout to his friends. Nope, not today. I shot him before he could scream a syllable and walked past him as his body fell. His friends looked over and widened their eyes. "P-Paris? Is that you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Paris huh? Good, this makes it interesting." I smirked and raised up my knife, teleporting behind them and slit their throats then glanced around for more vampires, but there weren't anymore outside. I shrugged and teleported inside to the main room, earning thousands of screams as they saw me. When they quieted down, seeing who I was, a little girl ran out from the crowd and up to me.

"PARIS! I missed you! It's been for- You....Paris?" She glanced me over with wide eyes and her stuffed bunny fell out of her hands. "You're not my Paris...."

"Haley, get away from him," a woman said quickly, reaching out and snatching her up. The lady put Haley behind her and hissed at me. "You stay away from my-" Before she could get another word out, I was in front of her and bit down hard, tearing out a chunk of her flesh. I heard the other vampires hiss in anger and felt some of them roughly grabbing me, but I only teleported behind them and stabbed one, pulling my gun back out and shooting the others in the head. One by one, I managed to stop them from getting to me, teleporting out of their way and across the room to target certain vampires. I stayed away from Haley, however, deciding that out of everyone here, I would let her survive. She'd be the sole survivor of the massacre. If she's that close to Paris, then she'll either be afraid of him after this, or she'll go to him and I'll see her again. It'll be fun! I laughed as I killed the last one, a gorgeous girl with chestnut brown hair. Rose certainly kept a lot of girls. The majority of the ones here were with a handful of guys. I stood up and licked my lips, cleaning off my knife on one of the cloth portraits hanging on the wall then looked at the blood covered girl who stood in the middle of the room, wide eyed.

"Don't ever forget this," I told her and walked over, giving a little smirk as I leaned down and brushed her hair over her ear. I wiped a little of the blood off her face and tilted my head. "You're going to grow up into a strong vampire.... If you see Paris or Rose, tell them Louis said hi." With that, I teleported to Laurence's place.

Paris's POV:

I arrived at Perry's with Richard in the car. We had decided to pay the guy a visit. Laurence was of course with us in the back seat. I parked out pack and got out of the car. When I did Laurence let out a scream as if he had seen something. "NO!" He screamed and looked pale. He climbed out of the car and grabbed onto the bottom of my shirt. "PARIS!" He went to grab my neck but couldn't because he wasn't tall enough. "I'LL KILL YOU! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY KINGDOM!" He screamed in anger. Richard got out of the car then and pulled him away from me.

"Shhhh, what's the matter? No one is going to touch your kingdom. They know not to mess with you, and Paris would never because we both love you to death," Richard murmured in his ear soothingly. "Calm down for a minute...." I widened my eyes as I knew then what he had seen. His thought was recovering from the vision.

"Louis." I whispered softly. Laurence growled and tried to get out of Richard's arms.

"I'LL KILL HIM MYSELF!" He shouted. I narrowed my eyes and grabbed his wrists.

"No... I won't allow it."

"Well well well... Look at what the cat coughed up." I heard Perry say as he walked towards us. "I got my place raided the last time you was here." Perry spat. "I had to relocate my house, for safety." I looked towards him, he looked beyond pissed at me. It wasn't my fault. Was it?

"Hey Perry! It's been awhile!" Richard said and grinned, letting go of Laurence as he straightened up. Perry waved to Richard.

"Oh you are back, good." Perry let out a sigh of relief and calmed. "Maybe I won't get raided tonight."

"I wouldn't count on that." I teased.

"I'll raid you," Richard joked and moved close to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. My phone went off then and I picked it up.

"Turn on the news." Rose growled. "I'm going to murder Louis!" I widened my eyes as I hung up on her and searched for the news on my phone. I crushed my phone when I seen the headlines. I turned to Laurence then.

"He didn't just take your kingdom for a round of fun. He took France, specifically Paris." I hissed out. I dropped the remains of my phone and then walked towards the nearest wall and threw a punch at it. I felt the brick crumble against my fist. Suddenly I heard a girl crying nearby and I was suddenly being hugged around the knees.

"P-Paris!" I heard a familiar voice cry out to me- Haley. She must have teleported to me after seeing it. She survived. I took in a deep breath and calmed my nerves so she wouldn't see me like this. I looked down at her.

"Haley?" I asked and picked her up into my arms. "What happened?" I begged to hear it from her.

"A- a man that looked like you appeared in the main room of Rose's castle and k-killed mommy and-and everyone else....He let me live....a-and told me to never forget it and to tell you and Rose he said hi.....P-Paris? Who is he?" She was bawling and rubbing her eyes, her hands covered in blood along with her frilly white dress. Her now blood covered bunny lay abandoned next to Laurence from where she had appeared. Laurence picked up the bunny and tossed it to Perry so he could hold it. He walked towards us and grabbed Haley by the hand.

"Haley?" Laurence asked sweetly.

"I have a twin named Louis." I whispered to Haley. "Don't worry..I will get your mommy back." I promised.

"T-twin?" She looked up at me with wide eyes. "You'll get mommy back?" She whispered and then hugged me around the neck, trying to stifle her crying as she buried her face into my neck. I gave a nod and turned to Richard.

"Baby, take Haley." I handed her to Richard. "Where is your father?" I asked her softly. "Did he pull through the attack?" I started to plan through my game plan. I still had my back up plans. I always was prepared for something like this. I can't have her running around unwatched though as young as she is. Richard took her and held her close as she shook her head.

"N-no....Mommy was the first to be killed in the room...because she was protecting me...Daddy died afterwards," she said and whimpered. I growled. She's orphaned now! I balled up my fist. He's getting his ass kicked! I looked to Perry.

"We will have to get together another time Perry." I sighed out. I motioned for Laurence to come closer to me. He walked over and I grabbed his hand. "Richard take her to our manor and then wait for me in the study." I ordered. I teleported us to France then. When we arrived I looked around in the hall of death, where all the vampires was killed at. I wrinkled up my nose at the look of things. Death, everywhere. Laurence let me go and I could see him shaking with anger. Baleen appeared in front of us and looked annoyed.

"Why'd you teleport so far? That hurt." He popped his neck. I summoned my demon then. He appeared in front of me and looked around us.

"You see what he does?" I hissed out to the demon. "You see what courses through his veins? He is a murderer. You should of went through father's plans and killed him. Now I am going to have to do it." I snapped. He tsked and then smiled when he seen Laurence.

"Laurence! Glad to see you aren't in hell." He joked. Laurence summoned his shadows and they went to capture my demon but he teleported out of the shadows grasps.

"YOU LITTLE~" Laurence growled.

"No, you are little." My demon joked.

"Demon, go fetch my twin." I ordered.