The Cleansing Game

Louis's POV:

I licked my knife clean as I killed the last one of Laurence's vampires staying at his palace. I glanced around and then took my headphones off, letting them hang around my neck. " to move on to the next step of my plan now that I've gotten my message across to those three that I'm serious." I smirked and stepped over a body, starting to calmly walk for the entrance to his castle. I paused when my phone went off, and I pulled it out, looking down. Isabelle.... I answered it quickly.

"Isabelle? Did something ha-"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" She screamed at me. "When you left, I didn't think that you were going to go kill all those vampires by yourself! What if you got hurt?! You should be looking for your mate! You should-"

"Isabelle, calm down. I'm alright. I did it for the war. Paris won't be able to pull vampires from his castle and neither will Rose or Laurence. I can't lose the war. If I do, I'll have failed myself, you, Benjamin, August, and all the rest. I'll be home soon, but I'm done in Europe, I promise." I heard her sigh in relief.

"Thank goodness....You're alright then. Don't you ever do that again!"

"I won't," I promised her again and leaned against a wall. "I'll let you know next time I decide to go on a killing spree. By the way.... I'm going to hit the Vampire Hunters soon. Don't freak out when they're gone."

"Louis," she warned. I hung up then and glanced around before teleporting outside to the Vampire Hunter HQ back home a few blocks down. I called up Dante then.

"Dante, meet me outside the mission area. I'm going in soon with or without you."

"Be there soon." He hung up then. I glanced around and smirked starting to head towards the building. Suddenly the demon appeared in front of me and wrapped me up in his embrace. We teleported in front of a VERY angry Paris and Laurence.

"Your lucky Rose isn't here." Paris snapped. I wasn't let go. "You sick bastard." Paris growled and then walked towards me. The grip on me tightened. I widened my eyes and bit down on the demon quickly, aiming to make him let me go, but when it didn't happen, I just teleported a few blocks away from the bloodbath and tried to get away from him.

"LET. ME. GO." I hissed out and glared at the demon of my family. Laurence and Paris appeared quickly near us and I was consumed by shadows. I suddenly was thrown down on the pavement at their feet and the shadows kept me pinned. I knew it was nearly impossible to escape from the shadows.

"GIVE. ME. ONE. ONE GOOD REASON TO NOT KILL YOU!" Paris shouted at me. I took a few deep breaths before looking up at him and into his eyes. I can't. He should want to kill me. After all, he probably knew them all very well, even though I was just doing it for the war- to weaken him. I blinked and didn't say a word. He balled his hands up into fists. "Speak damn it." He cursed.. He took a step my way. I glanced over at the demon of my family and sent him a glare before looking back at Paris and Laurence. Well, if I die.... I guess Isabelle will just have to keep everything alright.

"Is there anyone in specific I might have killed that you are upset about?" I whispered, starting to go through my head about anyway to make a deal.

"You murdered her parents." Paris whispered. "She's just a little girl. I know that I killed ours but still... She didn't grow up in our time period. Her parents actually meant something to her." He walked up to stand a couple of inches from me. He bent down and then pressed his fingertips against my chest, right over my stone. I bit my bottom lip. If it wasn't for the demon, I'd be able to take out the Vampire Hunters with me.... I glanced over at Laurence then and then up at Paris as I remembered the woman who had pulled Haley from me. That must have been her mother....

"You're right," I mumbled, looking away. "Our parents were nothing like her parents...." He pressed his nails into my skin then, earning a yelp from me. "P-Paris, don't," I said, wincing just a bit. "I'll try to get her parents back for her." He showed no phase. His eyes were black. He pressed into my skin and broke it. Desperately, I managed to lift my head and bit down into his wrist quickly, making him stop. This isn't fair at all! If he wants to kill me, he should fight me like the Prince he is and not when I'm being restrained. Paris pulled his wrist back and stared me in the eyes.

"Get out of my countries and stay out of it. Or I will bring hell into our war." He showed no hint of bluff. "If you want my land, you will have to end us all before you get it. Rose, Laurence, Richard, the rest of them, and I." Paris leaned in towards my face and exposed his fangs. I flinched and squeezed my eyes shut. Seeing him like this.... I was actually feeling really bad about what I did.... I can't take it back.... I can't change it.... All I can do is try to make it right to Haley and then fight the war- possibly even lose in the process. I can't back out of it..... I felt the shadows let go of my body and I heard Paris walk a few feet away and then he was gone. Damn it. I opened my eyes and glanced around, seeing I was now alone. I stood up and teleported away immediately, going outside of the Vampire Hunter HQ. I saw Dante looking around with about ten other vampires who were completely geared up and ready to go.

"Dante, not tonight. We can't do it tonight," I said quickly. It would enrage Paris more...and he almost took my stone.... He looked like he was ready to kill me without a second thought.

"Why not? Afraid?" Dante smirked, showing me his fangs. I shook my head.

"No, I'm not afraid of them. I just can't tonight. I have other plans now....Something came up."

"Yeah, I saw what you did to France and England, job well done." He laughed and looked me over. "I bet you are running with your tail inbetween your legs because your twin just got his hands on you. You don't want to make him anymore mad, do you? You're afraid of your own brother who you claimed war on. If you're this afraid of him, why'd you even declare war if you don't have the guts to own up to what you do in the name of war? If we don't do this now, I'll leave your side, and I won't come help you in the war," he threatened. I bit my bottom lip, feeling trapped. Damn it all to hell. I hope I die in there. At least it won't be Paris killing me.... Shaking my head, I pulled out my gun.

"Better make this quick then because after this I have to go do something for someone," I told him and ran in, guns blazing.

~After killing every single Vampire Hunter inside~

Dante looked over at me with a satisfied smirk. "Feel better?" He asked, walking past me. "Now if he asks, you own up to it. It'll make you feel like a bad ass."

"Dante, this is not the time for jokes." I took a shaky breath. I really hope he doesn't find out about this until tomorrow.... I need some time to go do everything I need to before I die.... He's going to murder me after this. I teleported away quickly, going to the middle of the woods somewhere in Tennessee. I glanced around and turned off my phone then before summoning the family demon. I was going to go get her parents back before I would be murdered. At least the little girl would get some kind of life with them. Something good out of my death right there. The demon appeared by me with a tired look.

"Yes Louis?" He asked me. He seemed calm to see me. He must not be too phased about what I done.

"Take me to hell. I'm stealing the girl's parents back," I said, giving him a look that told him to not question me.

"Do you understand the consequences?" He asked me then. "Your brother went to hell once. Came back~" He shook his head. "Richard hardly recognized him." I took a deep breath, remembering what he was talking about. Paris came back not untouched by hell. He became demonic and had to have an exorcism done to him.

"Give me a moment to warn someone," I whispered and turned my phone back on, turning away from him. I called up Isabelle then.

"Louis, where are you at? The Vampire Hu-"

"Isabelle, I need you to make a decision that is entirely up to you."


"I need you to either get a lot of priests and maybe some help from some vampires, or I need you to kill me when I get back," I told her, wincing when I gave her the other option. Either way I looked at it, I was going to be killed anyways. I might not even survive Hell.

"Priests? Louis, what are you planning to do?"

"I'm going to hell to make something right, and I need you to pick one because when I get back.... I won't be the same exactly. You'll have to make the decision."

"I'd chose priests no matter what you've done," she told me quickly. I smiled at that. Loyal Isabelle...always there for me.

"Good. Get them to the house." I hung up then and turned to the family demon. "Are there anymore consequences that I don't know about?"

"When we travel into hell... Don't listen to the demons. They will tell you lies. Just keep walking, don't let me go. Ignore the pain. If you don't you will fall and will never be able to get back out of hell, even if you try to teleport. When you come back your stone will need to be soaked in the holly water for a few days in the sunlight. When you wake up, when you are ready for the vampires you are saving to wake up- you have to know that they will need new bodies to be placed in." He told me. I nodded, texting Isabelle details about what to do when I got back. I could manage that. I turned off my phone then and looked up at him.

"If that's all....then let's go," I told him, getting ready mentally.

"Leave the phone and any other electronics. Oh.. and in order to get to them... We have to travel through the land of the seven deadly dins." He smirked.

"Oh no, do I have to go through a trial other than pain?" I asked, feeling like I was about to have to face the biggest of my sins in those seven categories. I've done some messed up stuff before... I tossed my phone to the ground then my headphones, my guns, knives, and anything else I had on me. I'd come back for it.

"Anything hell seeks out in you for weakness." He shrugged. "Hope we don't get caught by the devil. We also have to do this under an hour... Or you will get trapped." I nodded and walked over to him.

"Anything else?"

"Your parents are there. Illusions of course, for they are trapped in their stones... but when you see the illusions you must ignore them. Anything down there can be an illusion you must ignore."

"So ignore everything?" I asked to be sure.

"I know it is difficult. Paris was almost lost." He sighed. "You need to prepare for the chances. The risks..." I nodded and looked back at my phone then.

"Well, since how I might not come back, I might as well tell the important people that I might not ever be back." August would eventually have to come home, and he'd be mad if I didn't leave him a note or something. I picked up my phone, turning it back on. I then texted August's phone.

Me: August my love... I am not sure where you are, but I want you to know that I love you. I did some things that I need to fix, and I might not be able to come back forever in order to fix them. Isabelle can fill you in on anything you want to know. They'll take care of you as well. They'll do it out of respect for me.

I smiled softly as I sent it then went to go send each of my pets a message that I might not be back and then sent Benjamin one as well. I paused when I came across Paris's name. Shaking my head, I dropped my phone back to the ground. I'm not telling him. Looking back at the demon, I nodded. "Ready. I'm ready for anything, even death." He grabbed my hand then and held my arm out to get a good look at me then nodded slightly to himself.

"You two look so similar. Yet... You two are nothing alike. Fire and Ice." He mumbled then we teleported. Darkness filled around us and suddenly screams broke out all around us. It was agonizing. I felt him pulling me, but as I took a step I could feel we was walking in a liquid. I felt something pulling on my legs then... trying to take me under. I pulled my leg back and kept walking after him, ignoring everything the best I could as I repeated song lyrics in my head, August's interesting name, and all the jokes I'd come across in life.

"Louis!?" I heard Paris calling for me frantically. "Louis where are you?!" I could hear running off in the distance as I was pulled along. I almost got distracted, but I looked at the demon and remembered what he said about paying attention to illusions. It couldn't be Paris because the demon was with me. Paris wouldn't be in Hell. "Louis!" Paris's voice rung in my ears. "I missed you, come home to me." I shook my head. As much as I wish that to be true at this moment with him pissed at me, I started to repeat stories from my childhood to myself.

"What big ears you have grandma," I muttered. "The better to hear you with my dear....What a big nose you have grammy....The better to smell you with my dear....Finally Little Red Riding Hood said, 'what big teeth you have grandma'.....The wolf then smirked devilishly. The better to eat you dear. Then she was gobbled up whole, the end." We started to head towards a light, I noticed and suddenly we was in the old castle in Paris. I seen Paris sitting on a bench, writing in his diary. He seemed younger to me. He hummed to himself and suddenly I seen my younger self running towards him and pushing him off the bench, accidentally into the rose bush as I took the diary to read myself. Paris had began to cry and that is when I had dropped the diary to help him out of it, feeling guilty for my selfishness to get the diary. I shook my head, tearing my eyes away from it. "You're late for tea, the march hare shouted, throwing a cup at young Alice as she sat down. 'How could I possibly be late when I've just arrived' she wondered to herself." I closed my eyes for a moment, letting the demon lead me as I switched back to songs.

"Louis?" I heard the sweetest voice I ever heard call for me, August.

"Death surrounds, my heartbeats slowing down...." I started, ignoring the voice the best I could. I felt something run through my hair like fingers and breathing went down my neck.

"Look at me, I'm here... Help me." I heard August whispering in my ear.

"I dance around this empty house, tear us down, throw you out. Up and down the halls, spinning around and now we fall," I started singing more forcefully, trying to drown it out. The screaming that was mere background noises started to get louder to drown my voice out. "For spaghetti, put pasta into a pot and fill it up with water. Put a little bit of butter in it and then bring it to a boil. Wait until it is thoroughly cooked, stirring every two or three minutes then drain. Add spaghetti sauce and Parmesan cheese if desired," I muttered, repeating instructions for cooking.

"Louis, Louis, Louis, Oh Louis.." I heard a soft, caring voice calling my name. "Come to momma." I heard the woman say that had raised me. I knew her as my mother at first. She was caring and loved me. I opened my eyes then and glanced around then remembered the rules of survival. Ignore everything. I stared at the back of the demon's head then.

"You don't know you're beautifuuuul! Oh oh-oh that's what makes you beautiful," I sung out quickly. Anything to distract me! Suddenly the demon in front of me faded, being replaced by Paris.

"You murdering beast." Paris hissed to me. His eyes were black and his hair was cut short. It was him though. "I trusted you, to keep our treaty and you go kill innocent vampires.... All for what? For the war?" He shoved me backwards then. "Stand and face me." He growled. I hissed at him then.

"You'll thank me later," I told him.

"YOU SHOVED ME IN A BOX FOR TEN YEARS! YET YOU EXPECT ME TO THANK YOU?" He was outraged. I blinked and looked at him calmly.

"Paris, calm down. I didn't make you go to hell for this, now did I? I'm about to go through a lot just for you and Haley- a girl I don't even really know. Now how about you shut up so I can focus?" I growled at him for effect.

"You think your going to walk out of here so easily?" Paris whispered. "I'm here to make your hour in hell... hell." He laughed evilly.

"Cool, try to keep up then why don't you?" I smirked and looked him in the eyes. "Besides, I don't really care at this point for my safety. You could say anything and I wouldn't even feel a thing right now."

"Oh? How about this..." He stepped in close to me then. "I don't have to say anything..." He exposed his fangs.

"Mhmm, kill me if you feel like it, but you won't find it worth your time because you are just an illusion. You can't do anything to me besides mess with my head. Too bad," I told him and laughed. He leaned in towards my neck then and grabbed my shoulders. Suddenly I was pinned to a bed.

"Think again." He whispered to me and started to scrape his fangs against my neck. Flashes of the years before when we use to feed off of one another flashed into my head. I blinked as I started to hum songs to myself to distract me. It's not real.... Suddenly I was back walking with the demon in front of me.

"Are you still in a trance?" The demon asked.

"N-no," I said, feeling slightly shaken up now that I was away from it.

"Good. You was in that one for ten minutes." He mumbled. I blushed a bit.

"Ten minutes? That's not what it felt like to me," I whispered then went back to humming to myself. The screaming picked up again, calling my name this time. "Once upon a time there was a young girl who's father died after marrying an evil stepmother who had two girls of her own....They called her Cinderella because Ella liked to sleep near the fireplace where it was warm." He lead me into a sea of dead bodies then. He stepped on a head and pulled me with him like it was normal to do. The head flinched and started to scream. What in the? I glanced at it but kept walking, refusing to acknowledge anything. I heard a howl off in the distance and it kept up, getting closer by the second. I shivered but kept walking. "All my friends are heathens, take it slow...Wait for them to ask you who you know....Please don't make any sudden moves, you don't know the half of the abuse..." I muttered to myself.

Paris's POV:

After a few hours of being home, a blond girl appeared in front of me in my study, looking highly upset. "You.....You bastard," she hissed out at me.

"What? What do you think that I done? I haven't done anything." I muttered as I took a sip of the bottle of whiskey in my hands. I was on my fifteenth bottle. She yanked me to my feet and threw me against the wall by my shirt, glaring at me. She took the bottle and threw it.

"You horrid drunk. It's all your fault! I could kill you in a second if I wanted to!" She screamed at me, tears in her eyes. "I should!"

"I don't know you lady." I muttered and then looked at my desk where I had back up bottles. I teleported to my desk then took one of the bottles and popped the cork out. I took a sip of it and went to sit back down. "Go home and leave me to drink away my sorrows."

"Oh, you want something to cry about? I can give you something to cry about! It's your fault, and I'm not going home! You tell me right this instant what you did to him! He wouldn't go and do this if you hadn't have done something to him! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?!" She screamed at me, getting in front of me and snatching one of the bottles, opening it. She took a swig of it as she started to cry. I took a sip of mine, having no earthly idea what she was talking about.

"Look lady... I don't know who you are talking about." I confessed.

"Louis," she hissed out my twin's name to me.

"I don't know where he is." I mumbled and took a swig, I slid down in my chair and propped my feet up on my desk. "Last time I seen my beautiful twin it was when I took him to France and chomped him out for murdering my vampires." I took another sip. "Sick bastard. Why can't he be normal?" She growled in anger.

"So that's what you did....YOU BASTARD! I'll kill you!" She then went to leap across the desk for me. "HE WENT TO HELL BECAUSE OF YOU!" I took another sip of my drink.

"That's not possible. Unless he died or used our family demon... Which he never uses him." I grumbled and watched her coming towards me without any reaction. She paused as she was halfway over my desk.

"Oh? You don't even know, do you? WHAT KIND OF TWIN ARE YOU?! Did he not send you a message? He sent one to each of us about the fact that he might not come back!" She pulled out her phone and unlocked the screen to a message then shoved it in my face. "IF THAT DOESN'T SAY I AM GOING TO HELL THEN MAY I BE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING IN THIS VERY SPOT!" She yelled at me angrily. I watched her then looked towards the phone screen and looked at the last message sent. I skimmed it over and then dropped my bottle and stood up quickly.

"Louis." I started taking my phone out of my pocket and I dropped it on the ground then went for my belt, knife in my pocket, the gun, headphones, gum, keys, another knife, a wallet, another knife, a pen, money, another knife, my guns, the gun belts. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut of my hair so it was short then threw the scissors. I looked my body over and slipped off my shoes and socks then looked at the woman. "Considering the fact that you will be the last person I see, tell them I am in hell."

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" She grabbed me by my hair. "You aren't going anywhere," she hissed in my ear. Just as she said that, three other girls appeared behind her and narrowed their eyes at me. "Rachel, get his knives off the floor. Penny, hold him down. Tawnya, help me." They nodded in unison and then did as she told them. The one that she referred to as Tawnya came up to her and laughed as she saw me.

"Isabelle....did you get him to tell you what he did?"

"Yes, he apparently hurt Louis," she hissed out. The three girls then glared at me like I was the devil himself and they were perfect angels.

"Heh." I motioned for one of the bottles. "If I am going to be forced to stay here... I want to continue drinking myself into a early grave."

"Girls, get rid of all the alcohol. Give me the bracelet." Tawnya handed her a bracelet and started to pick up the bottles, taking them to the fireplace with the other two. Isabelle smirked down at me and put the bracelet on me. It immediately tightened to fit me like it had been enchanted.

"This bracelet was given to me long ago by Louis. It was made by a witch you know? It is completely indestructible and can't be taken off by anyone except for the one who put it on. This restricts all your powers and makes your teleportation completely useless. You will not be able to summon anything, you will not be able to teleport, you will not be able to read minds either." She laughed evilly. "You aren't going anywhere until Louis is back."

"Why'd you throw away my drinks?" I wined. "Oh just go ahead and kill me.." I grumbled. "I will just come back." I waved them off and blinked a few times. I started to get tired from drinking so much and closed my eyes. I suddenly felt a stinging feeling on my cheek and heard a loud smack, waking me up immediately.

"You keep your pathetic eyes open and face what you've done. We're not going to kill you.... yet. You are going to be sober and you are going to have to think about what you've done! You may have killed your brother- our master! OVER A STUPID FEUD! Oh my gosh, my feelings are hurt because I was shoved into a box for ten years! He deserves to die! Well get over it! Sometimes things happen in life that aren't happy and sometimes you get betrayed! The fact is is that Louis has gone to hell because of you, and if he dies, it will be on your head! He hasn't killed you, and he's going to hell to fix what he did! You need to be awake and sober! You need to understand everything, and I want to see you break inside.... I want you to regret everything." She glared at me and shook her head menacingly. This Isabelle was actually pretty scary for a blond....

"You think I don't already regret? You can't change the past." I grumbled. "You can only learn from it." I shoved her away from me. "RICHARD." I yelled.

"Tawnya," she called, and she nodded immediately.

"Yes Isabelle," Tawnya said, smirking evilly. Isabelle then looked down at me.

"You can change the future," she said lowly. "If you don't think that I don't notice him regretting the whole box thing, then you're wrong. He's been somewhat different lately...and it's your fault. No one is going to come to your help." Tawnya then disappeared from our sight.

"He's going to come back. He is in good hands. Now go away. Give me my whiskey." I rubbed my cheek. "I don't know what you expect from me, putting this bracelet on me, like it helps. I was going to go in and get him for you but looks like we will have to wait." I rolled my eyes. "The demon knows what he is doing. Get out of my house."

"No," she said simply and sat down in a chair by my desk. "Girls, get comfortable." Penny and Rachel nodded, sitting down on a couch together and watched me with hatred. "I can't trust you, so that's why I am using the bracelet. After what you've done.... I wouldn't put it past you to kill him yourself. How does it feel... being a monster willing to send his brother to his death?"

"You know nothing about me. I killed my parents, I can kill him too." I took a seat against the wall then. "It doesn't matter." I closed my eyes. I know the demon will bring him back, these girls sure do overreact.

"Oh, I know quite a bit about you Paris Grimm," I heard her say then. "I know that you used to believe that your twin died and that's why you killed them. You found out about him and you killed them because they got in the way for your love for Richard and because they lied to you and kept Louis hidden. I also know that you keep diaries from your memories. I also know that you have a couple of kids here and there. I know that you lost one to a hunter who killed one of the twins you had and that's why you hate the hunters. I know that you were a girl once. You learned the piano for Richard, and you had a lullaby just for Louis. You gave the throne to your sister Rose because you were bored and started over again here in Maine-"

"STOP." I pleaded. "I don't need it repeated back to me." I looked at her. "Just go away, he will be back soon and everything will be fixed. We will continue our war efforts in destroying each other." I picked at the bracelet on me. It sent a little shock through me, making me yelp. I stopped messing with it and then started to scratch my shoulder, getting tired of the wait and craving for another sip of alcohol.

"I'm not going to blame him for a second if he goes through with it and kills you... You are a sad, despicable being who can't even be bothered with anything. You aren't even worried for his safety....when you yourself have been to hell," I heard her mutter. Tawnya came back then and sat down, looking tired.

"I did it Isabelle," she informed

"Good, now we won't have to worry about interruptions," she said and smiled like that was the first piece of good news she has heard in a long time.

"What have you done?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I have the ability to put people into a deep sleep for about 6 hours," Tawnya said, giving an evil grin.

"Can you do it to me?" I asked and leaned foward to watch her in curiosity.

"I could," she said simply and snuggled up next to Penny, yawning as she passed out herself. I looked towards Isabelle.

"He's not going to come back here, you know that right? He wouldn't dare do it." I growled. She raised an eyebrow.

"I have my newborns placed in various locations to keep a lookout for him, and you never know. Apparently you don't even know your own twin since how you said he'd never go to hell."

"He should know better not to, I went there and when I came back... I wasn't sane. That should of scared him away from hell." I whispered. I grew worried then as the time passed. Sometimes an hour in hell can take three days or weeks in reality. I looked at the window. I am going to be sober soon... I need to drink.... I want a drink. I stood up then and walked towards the door. Immediately, I was surrounded by the four girls and they all grabbed me, throwing me away from it. Isabelle stepped forward, narrowing her eyes.

"I don't think so." She walked forward, glaring at me and exposed her fangs.

"I NEED a drink. What the hell do you think I will do? Run?" I laughed. "You don't scare me." I walked back towards the door. She growled and judo flipped me onto the floor, knocking the wind out of me.

"You do not need a drink," she hissed and put a foot on my chest, looking down at me. She then took a step back and blinked.

"What?" I growled. I sat up then and glared her down. "You think I don't need a drink?" I chuckled. "You think.... I DON'T NEED A DRINK?" I stood up then and grabbed her wrist, digging my nails into it. "The only thing keeping me from not exploding with anger is drinking. I WANT A DRINK. I WILL HAVE ONE." I shook with anger as I started to feel again. I definitely need a drink. She narrowed her eyes at me then disappeared. Suddenly, I felt a blow to my lower back and I was sent flying across the room. She pulled out a knife from her pocket and was in front of me in seconds. Her fighting reminded me of Louis's just a bit. He must have trained her himself. I exposed my fangs then and rolled my eyes. "Do it, kill me." I laughed and reached into my chest then, grabbing a hold of my stone. "I'll help you," I suggested.

"NO!" She screamed, dropping the knife immediately and grabbing my hand. She looked worried as she took my hand away from my stone. I watched her in curiosity.

"Why not? Wouldn't that make Louis' life better if I just... poofed." I laughed as I made the hand motions.

"No because he needs you," she blurted out. The girls widened their eyes.

"IZZY!" They all shouted at her. She bit her bottom lip as she realized what she said, a classic whoops on her face.

"Does not." I grumbled. "He lived without me once, he can do it again." I curled my short hair then around my fingers. She sighed and took a step back.

"You're wrapped up in yourself that you can't see the big picture," she muttered and walked away. "Rachel, get him one...only one...bottle of rum." Rachel disappeared then.

"No... I am drunk. There is a difference." I assured her. "If you could only read my diaries...." I trailed off as I looked at my bloody hand. Louis.... Is in danger because of me and these girls are holding me back from saving him. They don't even realize that Louis means the world to me... no matter how many people that are important to me he kills, because there will always be more people. I only have one twin though. I spent my whole life trying to live up to his standards, his expectations, to grab his attention... To impress him. What does he give me back in return? A hole in the ground. I started scratching my shoulders then. Isabelle glanced over at me then.

"Do you love him then?" She whispered softly, her whole demeanor seeming a little softened towards me.

"Love him? How could I?" I said softly. "Who can love a snake in their boot?" I questioned. She narrowed her eyes then and looked off, angry again. I looked around for Rachel to get back with my drink. She finally appeared after another minute, holding one of my favorites.

"Give it to the hateful little sprite," Isabelle spat out. Rachel handed it over and then sat down. I popped it open and then started to drink the rum. I laid back in the floor and looked up at the ceiling. I pursed my lips as I thought about a way to rebuild my army. I should make him build me one just for what he done... If he gets back.. I laughed then. I might wait a few years before I go get him out of hell.

~The next morning~

Isabelle nodded off and then perked up, blinking a few times tiredly. She glanced at her phone for the time and sighed. "Tawnya, go make sure everyone is still asleep...." Tawnya got up then and yawned, disappearing. The other two were asleep on the couch, curled up to each other. Isabelle had been trying to watch me all night, keeping vigilance on the whole situation and talked with a few others on the phone about Louis. They all were exhausted or asleep. It was only a meaning of time before they'd give up on waiting and watching me. Isabelle shook her head when she saw the time. Suddenly, her phone started to ring. She got up quickly, looking more awake and alert and answered. "Yes?....Mhmm.... W-wait....Uh huh.... Stall him." She hung up quickly. "Girls, up and at em!" She shouted, crossing the floor towards me as the two sat up sleepily.

"Is he back?" I asked softly. She narrowed her eyes at me, bending down and grabbing my wrist.

"Not that I care if you care about him anymore, but yes. You are coming with us." She looked over at the girls then as Tawnya came back. "Girls, come here." They nodded and walked over. She whispered something in their ears and they disappeared immediately. She looked at me then and shook her head. "Why am I even bothering with you?" We were suddenly in the middle of the woods somewhere. A newborn vampire was trembling as there was a demon in the middle of the clearing we were standing in. The demon laughed evilly at the poor thing and spread his wings. He wasn't wearing a shirt and had some kind of weird markings on him that glowed faintly. His nails were painted black, and he had a strange look in his pitch black eyes.

"That's my twin alright." I chuckled. "OH LOUIS!" I called. He glanced over at me and smirked. Isabelle took a shaky breath but looked at the other three.

"No matter what happens, make sure that we get his stone. We can fix him if we get it." They all nodded and disappeared to other sides of the clearing.

"Paris.... Isabelle," he greeted, looking us over. I waved at him.

"Tell these kids to take this bracelet off." I begged and pointed to it on my wrist. He raised an eyebrow at it.

"," he said simply. He glanced towards Isabelle who had been slowly moving towards him. He growled and narrowed his eyes towards her. "Don't think I don't see what you're doing."

"Louis, please..." She said and stopped moving, looking like she was scared of him but was willing to do what it took. He laughed at her.

"Isabelle," he tsked and shook his head. "You aren't going to be able to do it. I've seen a lot of things.... I'm not the same as I was before and I'm glad for it." She bit her bottom lip as he glanced her over. "You've been loyal to me this whole time....Come here," he said, giving her a grin and holding his hand out to her. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"WELP..." I started to leave then. He's back, oh well... He is their problem now. I am useless with this thing on. I kept my walk casual as I crept away. He was suddenly in front of me and picked me up by my throat. He glared at me and pulled me close to where his lips were by my lip.

"You...aren't going...anywhere. You threatened me earlier," he growled lowly. Isabelle appeared next to us and grabbed me from him quickly, teleporting us a few feet away. She quickly scrambled for my wrist with the bracelet and looked up at me in hesitation then took it off. Glancing over at Louis, she stood up and curled it around her finger, thinking about using it on him. I teleported to behind him then kicked him foward and laughed.

"Well well well, walking in my shoes are we?" I asked him and giggled. "I knew you admired me." I teased and then looked him over. I grabbed one of his wings and ripped it off, striking him where it hurts, like I done to Richard one day after he blood binged for power and became demonic. I reached in my pants for a knife but remembered I had gotten rid of them. Shoot. I grabbed his other wing and ripped it off then flipped him with my foot. I pressed down into his stomach and leaned down, going for his stone. "You done worse then I done, I threatened... You killed." I hissed. I was suddenly tackled by Tawnya and pinned down. Isabelle was now putting the bracelet on him while he was laying in shock from having his wings torn off. Rachel and Penny were holding him down as Isabelle pulled out a knife and looked down at him, looking torn.

"We're doing this for your own good.... We'll keep you safe," she whispered and then brought the knife down into his chest, making him scream as she begun to extract his stone. He shrieked and started to thrash. I shook my head and laughed.

"One difference between us Louis, it took longer to get my stone." I teased him and watched his stone getting stolen from his body. Suddenly, he stopped after a few more seconds and looked up at Isabelle in pure hatred. He grabbed her hand and pulled her down onto him, biting into her neck. She screamed and dropped her knife.

"Take the bracelet off," he ordered as his chest begun to heal. She shook her head and started to cry. "As your maker, I order you." Bound by his words, she reluctantly reached down and took the bracelet off. He disappeared from sight as soon as it was off. Tawnya got off of me and looked towards Isabelle as they all rushed towards her to inspect her neck. She looked torn up pretty badly from the bite. He hadn't been gentle at all to his favorite pet. I got to my feet then and decided to worry about that bite later. I looked around me and then teleported out of the area and into town before something could happen to me. I headed back to my manor on foot and cautiously watched my surroundings. I walked up to the gate then teleported past it and went to my porch. Why am I heading back here... I shook my head and walked into the manor. I took a look around then headed for my music room. Ha. They have to deal with a demon. I chuckled and walked in the room then over to my piano. I took a seat on the bench and started to play my lullaby for Richard. I heard shuffling upstairs and eventually he was beside me in the room.

"I had the best sleep I've had in a long time....How are you feeling? Are you still drinking?" He asked, glancing me over worriedly.

"Glad you slept. Guess who went to hell? My twin. He came back this morning as a demon." I chuckled darkly. "Now there is a demonic vampire loose... The funny part is... It's not one of us."

"Umm....are you not worried about that? Your twin took out three major places in about an hour....and now he has demonic strength on his side," Richard said, sitting down. I tsked. Richard was right... I hit my head against the piano then.

"Plus I am not his favorite thing in the world.. I might should be worried." I agreed with Richard. "I'm going to have to go help them.. aren't I?" I asked him.

"Help who?" He asked and looked at me confusedly. "You don't have to do anything if you don't want to...." His phone went off then and he looked at it with wide eyes. "Paris, your twin did something last night before he went to hell...something other than hitting up our army."

"What??" I asked and raised my head. I looked towards Richard then. "WHAT DID HE DO?!" I asked.

"He took out the nearest Vampire Hunter Association HQ," he told me and looked up at me, worried I was going to explode. I stood up then and calmly walked out of the music room and down the hall to the elevator. I took it two stories down and walked towards my weapons room then entered it and looked through my categories. I picked up two hand held pistols and started to load it with the special bullets the Ainsworths make. I put them in my pants pockets then grabbed a dagger and three throwing knives. I teleported back to where I left the helpless newborns.

"LOUIS FREAKING GRIMM GET OVER HERE NOW." I hissed out. I was met with complete silence as the girls looked up at me. They had finished fixing her neck, and Isabelle was looking around for clues of where he might have disappeared to.

"He hasn't come back," Tawnya whispered as she saw me. I nodded and then teleported into his bedroom and took a glance around and listened real close.

"I'm going to get you..." I chuckled lowly. I could sense that he had been here recently, but he was gone now. I couldn't hear his thoughts anywhere in the house. I teleported into town to check it for any chaos.

August's POV:

I heard a footstep nearby and a down to the bone chilling laugh. I smelled that it was Louis...but he smelled a little different. If evil had a smell, that's what was under his normal smell. "August," he called out to me. I lifted my head and looked around, seeing my sweet pack sleeping still.

"Louis?" I called out softly. I rubbed my eyes then sat up. I blushed as I realized I was naked. "Did you bring me clothes?" I wondered and watched the dying fire. I saw him then as he smirked, walking over. He had these weird markings all over him and was shirtless for once. He looked like he used to have wings too, but they'd been ripped off or something.

"I've come for you," he whispered as he got closer. His eyes were black, not their normal color.

"Your a couple of hours late," I whispered weakly. What happened to him? Did his twin get to him or something? Was it a vampire thing? Some new phase he was going into. "I... Is this something like a growing phase?" I asked and pointed over his body. He raised an eyebrow at me and laughed.

"No... I've been to hell and back," he told me. The words sent a chill up my spine. His voice wasn't the same either. "Come with me," he whispered, giving a smirk as he held out a hand to me. "It'll be just you and me....."

"I can't... I sort of need to watch over my pack and help them when they wake up..." I whispered as if the words would tick him off. Hell huh? I didn't know it existed... Well... now I know where I will end up at... Oh hell... I stiffened a giggle. Oh hell? You better say oh hell... He glanced at them and narrowed his eyes.

"You don't need them...."

"I do too need them, they will make me strong, my inner wolf told me."

"I'm all you need," he hissed, looking like he was starting to get angry. He reminded me of the legends of demons. I got to my feet then and backed up a bit. Oh now you done it. "I'll give you one last chance....Come with me," he said and looked at me through narrow eyes. I gulped.

"Where are we going my love?" I asked innocently.

"Somewhere safe for you. We can't trust anyone," he told me and smiled, brightening up at the prospect of not having to fight me about it.

"I'm safe here silly." I rubbed the back of my neck and blushed.

"'re not." He took his hand back from holding it out to me and then shoved both of his hands into his pockets.

"Oh yes I am. I have five new baby werewolves sprouting up." I giggled. "I have a pack." I whispered to him. "Your not taking me from them right now." You might want to shift into a wolf now... He's not at his best to disagree with. Shut up. He tightened his jaw and I saw him stiffen in anger.

"Fine....stay," he got out, turning on his heel. He disappeared from in front of me and was gone. I dropped my jaw and then looked around me.

"Louis?" I asked and whimpered. I hope he isn't upset with me... "I'll be home soon.." I looked at the five then to check in on their progress. They were still sleeping.

Louis's POV:

I appeared in front of Paris's mansion then, pissed off to no end. August thought he could tell me that he wasn't going to come with me when I asked so nicely. Well.... if he wants to stay, then so be it! I growled. Now on to more important things. I need to pay my brother a visit.... He needs to be taught a lesson about threatening me. Richard came out of the door then, pulling a gun. "Louis, stand down!" I laughed and teleported behind him, grabbing him and ripping the gun away. I smirked.

"You...shall serve as the perfect payback." I teleported away then, back home. I dropped him on the floor of my bedroom, watching him scramble to his feet.

"Paris is going to get you for this," he hissed, turning to me. "You don't know what you are doing! You need to stop before it gets worse! You'll lose yourself! Trust me, I know. That power will go to your head and you'll become a monster." I laughed and shrugged.

"So what? I'm already a monster, aren't I?" He shook his head sadly.

"You used to be so fun to hang around...."

"Well...that time passed." I smirked then.

"He's going to kill you. He is out hunting for you right now, and he won't be nice this time," he warned. Somehow that doesn't scare me. I brushed it off and disappeared then.

Paris's POV:

I wondered down the street casually with my weapons tucked away. Where the heck could that twin of mine be? I looked around me to keep aware of my surroundings. I needed to be ready for if I see him here. I thought over the obvious spots he could be. A black car- coming from dead in front of me at a high speed started to slow down and came to a complete stop beside me. The window rolled down then and I found myself looking at Cross, the vampire hunter. He pointed a gun towards me. "Get in." He ordered. I raised an eyebrow and walked up to the window.

"Hi Cross, how unfortunate that you are still alive. Have you seen my brother?" I asked, not taking him serious. He shot my shoulder then and I felt a shock of electricity shoot throughout my body. I felt limp against the car then. I heard a door open nearby and I was grabbed from behind and shoved into the car. After a few minutes of us driving, I felt the car get hit by something, jerking it and sending us flying. The door to the driver's seat was torn off and Cross was yanked out.

"There you are, you roach," I heard Louis mutter. "You managed to survive....but not for looong," he sung the last part out under his breath in a teasing manner. I widened my eyes as I realized I was in a bad position here. I tried to speed up my recovery, trying to sit up for one thing. I couldn't move yet though, I was still paralyzed with the electricity from the bullet. I have to have a talk with the HQ... These bullets are too much. I heard Cross shriek and heard a sickening splat. Louis tore off the back seat door as well and pulled out the one guy back here with me, killing him quickly. He saw me and stopped, staring at me. I managed to innocently smile his way... Oh man... I am so fried. I tried to sit up again but only strained myself. I'm going to make sure these guns never get back on the market! He raised an eyebrow as he saw my predicament then smirked. "Hello Paris....Not so tough now, are you?" He just stood there, not making a move to get me or to leave. I closed my eyes for a minute then looked at him. Maybe if I didn't stay up all night.... I might be already recovered! I clenched my jaw. "Cat got your tongue?" He joked, his smirk widening. I rolled my eyes and then winced in pain from the bullet shocking me once again. WHAT THE HECK! AGAIN!? WHO DESIGNED THIS THING!? He reached in and picked me up, setting me down outside on the pavement. He glanced me over and then spotted the wound and glanced at me. "Because I feel generous, I'm going to take it out. Want something to bite down on?" He reached over to one of the now dead vampire hunters and ripped a strip off of it's shirt. He dangled it above my face then and laughed. "Moan once for yes and twice for no." I groaned at his meanest. At least I wasn't dead though. Just get it out of me already so I can shoot you! I should find that gun... He nodded and put the rag in my mouth then turned his attention to the wound. He started to peel away my shirt gently and then started to dig into the wound, pulling the bullet out and tossing it. I felt the wound heal up almost instantly and I took in a deep breath of fresh air. I sat up then, not giving myself much time to recover and stood up before he could stop me. I pulled out my dagger and pointed it at him.

"Louis, you know I have to get your stone and cleanse it." I told him calmly. He narrowed his eyes at me and stood up, looking me in the eyes.

"That's what you think," he muttered and then teleported away.

Louis's POV:

I was back in my room again where Richard was going through my things, using the time wisely. He picked up one of my guns and turned to me. "Put. Me. Back," he spat out. I shrugged. I was planning to now anyways. I had calmed down enough and realized kidnapping Richard wasn't worth it. I grabbed him and teleported us back to the manor, throwing him to the ground. I took the gun back before he could shoot me and checked the chamber, smirking when I saw it was loaded. Good, I might need it. I teleported to Val's apartment in New York. I caught her lying on the couch with a guy snuggled up to her.

"Val, you betrayed me," I hissed out, narrowing my eyes. "You took something and didn't think there would be consequences."

"I let her go." Val said as she opened her eyes and looked at me. She widened her eyes and then panicked. "Louis?! You look like you went to hell." She shook the guy off of her then got over the couch and stood behind it. "I can explain myself."

"Then start explaining." I twirled the pistol around my finger then and watched her. The guy widened his eyes slowly as he saw me.

"Demon," he hissed under his breath. I glanced at him but then lost interest in him quickly, looking back to Val.

"I took her for some family time, she's my newborn. What? I can't kidnap her for a few days to get in some quality time? That isn't exactly going against you Louis. I'm still with you." She said sweetly. I raised an eyebrow. Well, problem solved then.

"Hmm..." I smirked as I decided to play with her. "You never...for a second thought about betraying me?"

"Honestly Louis, what would I get out of betraying you?" Val asked and smiled sweetly towards me. "Not anything good."

"You'd get a bullet to the head," I warned and gave a grin. "Well... I'll see you later. Goodbye Val," I told her and teleported back to the street to collect the bodies I had left behind. I walked over to the car and bent down, picking up Cross and that other guy. I felt something lodge into my back and a pain erupted from in my back and then I was shocked by electricity.

"HA!" I heard Paris laugh from behind me. I heard him walking up. "I knew you would come back, so I prepared myself well." I growled and turned to look at him. Paris.... I felt my fingers twitch as I stared him down.

"You shouldn't have done that," I muttered. He walked straight up to me and shot me again in the chest.

"How many bullets does it take to knock a demon to the ground?" Paris asked me. He smiled and threw the gun to the side. He stepped closer to me and stopped inches away. "Louis, if you're going to play demon... there are some consequences." He tsked. He pulled out a knife then from his pocket. "Let's play." He whispered. "The cleansing game." I narrowed my eyes then teleported behind him, grabbing him from behind. I racked my nails against him, making him bleed then kicked out his knees. He fell to the ground then.

"You can try," I whispered evilly in his ear. He groaned and teleported back onto his feet an inch from me then grabbed my ear and pulled my head downwards and then let my ear go, making me face plant the ground. He laughed and then switched the knife in his hands.

"Let's see... How long should I keep your stone hidden in a dark room, in a jar full of peaches?" He teased. "A century? Your going to end up tasting like peaches when I decide to bring you back. I'll be ruler of this pathetic world by then." He laughed. "Would you prefer coffee? How about holly water?" I hissed in anger and kicked his legs out from under him. I smirked as I heard him thud against the ground.

"Ha," I added for effect. I sat up and looked at him. "You aren't going to put my stone in a jar because I'm not going to let you," I told him and then got on top of him. I pinned his hands down and exposed my fangs to him. He widened his eyes and looked up at me, slightly panicking.

"Louis..." He mumbled and then teleported away from me, he appeared a few feet away, still laying down. He got up quickly and took out one of his guns and aimed me down. "NOT TODAY." I chuckled darkly and teleported from his sight, sitting down on a nearby roof. I leaned against the sign for the store and looked down at him, waiting to see how long it took. He glanced around, noticing me as soon as his eyes crossed me. He pointed the gun towards me then and shot. He dropped the gun an inch as he waited. I groaned as the bullet hit me and gripped my shoulder.

"Bastard," I muttered and then teleported behind him, grabbing him by his hair. "You're going to pay for that...." I took his gun away and shot him in the foot before throwing it a few feet down the street. He screamed and lifted his foot off the ground as his shoe started to fill up with blood.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Paris hissed. "You try to help someone and only get SHOT!" He screamed. "I aught to just let you have your fun... BUT no... I have to get you cleansed." He shook then. I smirked at him. That's what you get for saying you'd put me in a peach jar. He turned on me suddenly and shoved me backwards with all his force. "I'll peach jar you!" He hissed. I stumbled back and fell against a wall, wincing as the hit jostled my wound and knocked the breath out of me. I fell down against the wall and held my shoulder. He laughed at me then and walked over. He knelt down in front of me and went to take out my stone- trying to snatch it out. I bit down on his hand as soon as it came close to me. He pulled back from my bite and growled towards me. He stood up then and took a few steps back, biting into his wound and tried to suck out the venom from my bite. I started to stand up and licked my blood off of my hand that had been holding my shoulder. I stopped when I saw my four girls standing behind Paris.

"Louis, stop fighting," Isabelle told me and stared me down. "He's trying to help you. Do you want to be stuck like that forever? You told me to make sure that you were cleansed as soon as you got home!"

"We need you," Tawnya whispered and Rachel and Penny nodded. I noticed each of them were armed with one gun each and two knives. They'd come prepared to fight. I raised an eyebrow at them.

"I'm not going to die today," I hissed out.

"No... We don't want to kill you.. I don't- want to kill you." Paris whispered to me. "You just need a good bath in holly water." He spat out the venom he sucked out and cleaned off his tongue. Isabelle smiled at me when he said that.

"Come back to us," she said softly and watched me closely. I glanced from her to Paris and sighed, thinking back on everything I'd done as a demon already.... I pretty much started to control those around me and tried to make August come with me.... I bit the inside of my lip as I felt myself wavering. "Louis, please?" I took a deep breath and sighed, laying down on the ground and looking up at Paris.

"You kill me, and I'll haunt you. Isabelle, you kill him if he crushes my stone. I mean it." Paris leaned in towards my cheek and gave it a soft kiss.

"You can be trusted in my hands." Paris whispered and smirked against my skin. He reached into my chest then and started to pull out my stone. "Sweet dreams." He purred, before I started falling asleep as he started to take it out.

Paris's POV:

His eyes slowly closed and he untensed as I pulled the stone out, not giving a fight this time. Isabelle shifted nervously behind me, her eyes studying me closely. I looked down at his stone then looked at the body perishing. I stood up and then turned to the girls. "I won't crush him." I said slowly and then teleported back to my manor. I entered one of my basement doors and walked into a cleansing room. Of course I had one due to Richard and I's temptations in the past. I walked up to a jar of holly water, taking it off the shelf. I teleported to my music room and put him in the jar, watching his corrupted black stone sizzle in the water. I put the jar on top of my piano then opened all the windows. The room lit up as I had opened all the windows. I looked back at his stone and smiled softly. I went to the piano and sat down on the bench then started to play for him. I played his favorite song as I watched him sizzling in the water. The black on his stone started to fade slowly. I smiled and sighed. What will I do when the day comes where I have to kill you? I shook my head. The four girls appeared in the room then, Rachel sprawling out on the couch, Penny sitting in the windowsill, Tawyna laying down on top of the piano next to the jar, and Isabelle sitting in an armchair, crossing her legs.

"We decided that we don't trust you just yet," she spoke up, smirking a little.

"You shouldn't. I am your enemy." I purred. I kept playing, trying to ignore them.

"That's exactly what we were thinking," she told me and rested her head against her hand, looking at the girls then out the window. She was pretty confident, that's for sure. I tsked and switched the song over to a waltz. I looked the girls over and then tensed as someone walked in, it was Alpha Hunter.

"Morning Paris- Uh..." Alpha Hunter glanced around. "We are moved in." He informed me.

"Right on time." I told him. "How about you go find the rest of those rogues?" I suggested for him.

"Just about to tell you I was going to do that... I was going to ask if you rather me stay in here..." His eyes wondered around the girls then back to me. "Or go tell Richard you are here."

"He has ears." I mumbled. "I am fine, go get in a good hunt too." I waved him off. He smiled then headed out the room. Isabelle glanced over as he left and raised an eyebrow.

"Werewolves? Dangerous creatures...." She laughed a bit and then glanced from each of the girls and then to the jar. "How long will it take?"

"A day or more... Depends on how fast he wants to heal up. It could take years... or hours." I informed them. "Richard use to take years." I grumbled. I looked back to his stone then to check on it. I saw that it was about one forth of the way done to being cleansed. He must be wanting to come back fast. I smiled and started to play him his lullaby and hummed it to myself. I faded the smile to not look so suspicious.

"Isabelle, I'm hungry," Rachel whined. Isabelle glanced over at her and then sighed. "When was the last time you three ate."

"Two days ago," Tawnya mumbled.

"Yesterday morning," Penny said.

"Four days ago," Rachel said. Isabelle's eyes widened and she stood up.

"You three know you are supposed to eat daily. You should be eating daily with this war coming! Go hunt....I don't want you to starve." She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at them. Rachel shrunk back but disappeared as the others left as well. She sighed. "What will I do with them? They know this already...." She sunk back down into the chair and closed her eyes.

"If you want, you can go to my kitchen and get a bottle of blood." I suggested to her. I looked towards her then looked back at his stone.

"N-no... I'm not hungry." She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Paris, will you give me your word that you won't harm him?"

"It's my pleasure not to hurt him." I said softly- hoping he wouldn't catch that in the water. She nodded and disappeared from my sight then, leaving me with him. I looked out the window and sighed. What is Richard doing? He is normally here by now. "RICHARD!?" I called for him.

"Yes my love?" He walked in from the door and smiled as he saw me. "You're ba-" He stopped when he saw the stone. "You caught him," he whispered softly and walked over, tapping the side of the jar gently. He watched as the water splashed against the sides of the jar and smiled softly. I could tell he was relieved and was thinking that this would make things better for now.

"Oh he handed himself over to me." I whispered. "Very strange for a demon." I stopped playing and looked at him with a smile. "Please play for me?" I asked. Richard smiled and sat down on the bench beside me. He glanced over and smirked, scooting closer and then nuzzled into my neck.

"What would you like me to play? Something dark? Something....mysterious? Maybe even something soft sounding?" He teased me by brushing his lips against my neck then.

"Something dark and mysterious." I whispered and kissed him on the cheek. He nodded and glanced at them, running his fingers over the keys lightly till he found the right ones. He glanced at me and smirked then started to play a very familiar song to me- the one he was playing when I first heard him play. I perked up and sat up straight by him and looked at the keys lovingly, following his hand movements. "Oh Richard..." I trailed. "It's that song."

"I knew you would be pleased," he murmured, smiling softly as he glanced over at me. I hummed to it and looked over at Louis's stone to check in on it. His stone was slowly but surely brightening up. I looked back to Richard and leaned in, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Want to do something fun?" I asked him. "Let's go get a girl for Louis to inhabit." I giggled. Richard smirked as I said it.

"Revenge is best served cold," he muttered. He finished the song then and got up. "Let's go...." I grabbed his hand then stood up. I looked at his stone and figured it would be safer with me. I grabbed him and then teleported us to Russia. I looked around at the people near us. There was a couple of good looking girls walking towards a mall... Ironically I teleported us here. I shook my head and then looked at Richard.

"Which one?" I asked. He glanced around and then smirked as he saw a teenage girl walking by with her friends. He watched her and raised an eyebrow.

"How old is that mate of his again?" He laughed darkly.

"Seventeen." I informed Richard. He nodded.

"She looks about sixteen to around maybe eighteen." He glanced down at his stone and shook his head as he smiled. "He's going to have a field day with this."

"That mate of his will too... What is he again? A hormonal male werewolf teenager alpha mated with a vampire- not even fully mated." I laughed evilly. "Oh this will so rank higher then him taking down my small armies. Good thing he didn't get my reserves." I laughed and looked down at Louis. Richard started walking.

"I'll get her. You go treat yourself to some ice cream at the food court," he told me and started to follow after her. I walked off to the food court then got some ice cream at a stand. I took a seat in a sitting area and put him by me.

"I hope you learn your lesson after this." I whispered and ate my ice cream. After a bit, I spotted Richard. He had fully integrated himself into their group and was walking around with them, laughing. He put an arm around her shoulders and casually started walking with her. She blushed at that and brushed her hair over her ear. I bit my bottom lips as I watched, getting jealous but tried to calm myself. I looked back to his stone to see if he was ready yet. He was finally pure again and was ready to start the process of coming back. I felt Richard glance at me as his thoughts turned to me lovingly. I smiled and reached into the jar, pulling out my twin's stone. I put it in my pocket then walked towards the group.

"Bonjour." I used my french accent as I approached them. I gave a small wink at the group and took a stand near Richard. One of the girls took an interest in me then and watched me.

"This is my friend Paris....Guess where he's from," he said and laughed, leaning closer to the one he had picked for Louis. They giggled and looked from Richard to me.

"I am from France- Parie." I reached out for all of their hands and kissed the tops of them. I winked at one of them and then turned towards the one Richard had picked. "Know a good place for fun?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow.

"There's this place not too far from here. We are planning to go soon if you two would like to come," she said and looked at Richard hopefully. He nodded.

"We'd love to go!"

"Perfecto." I motioned for her hand and stole her from Richard's side in a teasing manner and smirked at Richard. "How about a good place to eat at?"

"Well....there is a place to eat there," she said and blushed at me as I stole her. Her friends looked a bit jealous. I nodded and gave her back to Richard then went to get in the middle of her friends.

"You girls don't mind, do you?" I purred playfully. They shook their heads quickly.

"No," they all said. One of them took my arm and stuck out her tongue to the other playfully before leading me off.

"We've finished up here already," she said to me and the others followed us.

"So have we." I informed her and leaned in towards her ear, whispering, "So what's new in this town?" I asked.

"Lots," she whispered back.