The Dracula & Grimm Family

Paris's POV (2000+ years ago):

"Straighten up Paris," My mother whispered to me as she held my hand and lead me to a castle's front doors. I awed at the view. "You are going to meet the King of Transylvania, Count Dracula and his family. Tonight they are holding the royal ball for their youngest child's birthday." My mother informed me. The doors had opened then as if they were expecting us to come. We seemed to be the last ones arriving. I didn't mind too much though. I was nervous, I didn't know other children my age. It was just my dad, mom, and I. The three of us forever. I counted my age on my fingers nervously. One through Ten and then back down to One. "Paris! I said straighten up, are you listening?" My mom hissed and patted my butt. I straightened my back up then and stopped stumping my shoulders. 

"Yes mother." I called and looked at her innocently. I heard rushed footsteps coming towards the doors as we entered them. A man, a woman, and two children walked up to us fastly in excitement as we came in. As soon as the older child saw me, he paused in his steps but then continued, putting his hands behind his back and putting out his chest proudly, like he was very important. The smaller one laughed happily as he saw me and started to run, but the woman tsked. 

"Walk, don't run," she hissed out to him. He shrinked back and stopped before walking towards us. I gave a small smile to the younger boy then me but I was more interested in the older one. I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he seemed very... important. I felt like I had to be on his good side, I wanted to be important to him. I got nervous then at my silliness and looked towards my mom. 

"Our apologies for being late." My father spoke up to the other man. Was that Dracula? I tilted my head towards the Dracula possibility figure. 

"It's great to see that nothing terrible befell you.... Just don't do it again. Our son has been waiting eagerly for a prince he may talk to tonight. This must be the young Paris you've told me about," he said and looked down at me. The older boy glanced at who must have been his dad then looked at me with a subtle smirk. 

"Father, now that brother has a playmate.... I'm going to the music room to practice for tonight. After all, mother says that my studies are very important," he said. His father glanced at him then waved him off.

"Yes, yes.... Go ahead." The boy nodded then spun on his heel, walking off as he brushed some of his hair behind his ear. The younger son held out his hand with a grin. 

"I'm Prince Vlad! Welcome to my birthday party!" My mother pushed me towards the younger prince and gave me an encouraging smile. 

"P-Paris, I am Prince Paris." I looked his hand over and then gently shook it before pulling back and holding my hand to my chest. I heard my mother go to tsk at me so I put my hand to my side and looked back at her then at the Prince Vlad. "It's a pleasure to meet you on your special day... Happy birthday." I said softly, trying to keep my voice from not cracking. His grin widened and he gave me a toothy smile before leaning in. 

"We should go check out some of the other rooms.... It'll probably be boring with the adults here," he whispered then pulled back like nothing happened, walking off with a proper posture as his mom looked him over approvingly. "Come on, let me show you around," he said, having an air of authority in it. I looked back at my mom who looked approvingly at me to follow him, then glared as if saying, Don't screw this up Paris, you better not upset him and keep your posture. Or else no sweets after supper. I gulped and then hesitantly went after the young prince with a swift- proper posturing step. I felt like I was dancing as I followed with grace. Prince Vlad led me around for a bit before opening a door and gesturing me inside with a smile. "This is my own room that I use for my things. We could play a game if you'd like," he told me. 

"Would you like to play a game Prince Vlad?" I asked politely as I stopped at the entrance of the bedroom. My mother told me it was rude to go into someone else's bedroom so I stayed out of it and kept my head up proudly. He nodded then and walked in.

"Don't be shy. Its not like they are here to tell you how to be prim and proper," he told me, walking over to a shelf where he pulled down a chess board. 

"I am not allowed to enter other's bedrooms... I don't want to get caught and punished." I whispered softly, talking more to myself. I don't want to upset him though. He glanced back at me and smiled again, coming out with the game. 

"We can always go to my father's study if you are uncomfortable with coming in my room." I tried to remember then if that was something my parents would be okay will. They never said I couldn't. I gave him a nod then. 

"That would be fine." I put my hands behind my back then and waited for him to lead me off to the study so we could play whatever he wanted to play. I couldn't help but think about what the elder boy could be doing... What instrument was he playing? He laughed and started to lead me off down the hall, talking about how he had been going for a walk the other day and so on and so forth. I had gotten lost after the first ten minutes of him trying to tell me about it and had no clue what he was talking about anymore. Half way through the walk, I heard a faint piano playing down another hall to my left, but Prince Vlad kept walking like it was a normal thing, not really looking back to see if I was following or not. I stopped walking then as I looked down the hall to my left and watched to see if Vlad would notice if I quit following him. I looked down the hall curiously in the direction the music was coming from. He kept walking, still talking about the garden from his walk. He eventually was very far down the hall and was still not noticing I wasn't following. I waited for him to be lost out of my sight before taking a step cautiously towards the hall of the music- thinking if I took a step towards it... I would be gobbled up by something like the mythical three headed dog. I looked around me to check for my safety then walked off down the hall in relief that I was still breathing. I walked up to the door- where I knew the music was coming from and leaned up against it to get a better hearing of what was being played. 

It was something I hadn't heard before...something dark and mysterious that made me even more curious about it. It went into a crescendo and was then sounding gorgeous and pretty- almost sad. I felt the door push open against me then and I fell over, hitting my face against the floor in an instant. How did the door come open! I panicked and sworn I heard a giggle somewhere down the hall. I looked up then to scurry out of the room before I could be seen. The piano stopped then and I heard someone get to his feet. "No, its alright Paris. You may stay in here if you'd like.....After all, you are my brother's guest," I heard the older prince from earlier say. He gave me a look but wasn't quick to smile like his sibling. I blushed a bright red in humiliation for getting caught.

"My apologies for interrupting you- I-I was- I... I heard music and was curious." I shuffled to my feet. "I wasn't- didn't..." I stopped myself as I motioned to what just happened. "Don't tell on me?" I begged. He raised an eyebrow at me and glanced me over.

"Hmm...I'll think about it," he told me and sat back down. "Since how you are here....want to sit down and listen? You seem to have good taste in music." He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes then, the look sending a chill down my spine. I held up my finger as I remembered the giggle from down the hall that I heard earlier. I looked out into the hall both ways then, seeing it empty then shut the door. I walked over to one of the chairs near the piano and took a seat. I didn't plan on telling him why I done that... He would think I was being silly. I truly thought that door was shut all the way though... and I did hear a giggle.. I swear it.

"I'll listen." I said softly as I looked him over and waited to hear more of the music he was previously playing before I rudely interrupted. He nodded and looked down at the piano then and started playing from the beginning, starting soft and hauntingly. I noticed then that he wasn't even using sheet music! I looked at him longingly then as I watched his fingers gliding across the keys. I have to learn the piano for him now! I have to catch his attention with it... I want to make him a friend of mine... He seems like he doesn't let people be his friend so quickly. I'll impress him so much with my playing skills and then he will want to be my friend. I nodded to myself as I thought through how I would get him to warm up to me and be my friend. He glanced over at me as his hands hit a dramatic chord that made me shiver then smirked softly as he continued the song, hitting more bone chilling chords. This piece really was dark sounding....mysterious like. 

"This..." he said softly as he kept playing, "is one of my favorite pieces that I've been working on. I see that you are very attentive...maybe you'd like to see this from a closer perspective? Come...sit next to me so that you can see the notes better." He looked back down at the piano keys as he made room on the piano bench. "I really don't mind." I nodded then as I moved from the chair to the bench and made sure to keep a bit of room between us if his parents came in or his brother. I looked over the keys then in awe. The piano really was amazing up close. I looked towards his face then back to his fingers. I wasn't going to learn from a distance after all. I stayed quiet so I didn't distract or interrupt him. After a bit, he started to play what sounded dark and then forgiving as he ended it on a high note, leaving it hanging. He moved his hands back and lightly touched one of the piano keys, an interesting look in his eyes. He glanced up at me. "Do you have any favorites?" I never had much time to listen to music... not that I would know the names anyways... My mother kept me busy like she wanted to keep me from making my own decisions and choices in life. I really couldn't think around her. It was like she was hiding more then just the fact that I was engaged to some princess I forgot the name of. I shook my head as I remembered I never caught his name. 

"Wh-what's your name?" I asked softly. He turned towards me then.

"Prince Richardo....or Richard for short," he told me, blinking slowly. "So Paris.... do you have any musical knowledge, or are you just amazed by it?" I felt a blush cross my face. 

"I haven't any knowledge." I admitted to him. "Maybe I will ask my mom if I can learn piano." I suggested. He nodded then and played a few notes in order on the piano before reaching over and grabbing my hand, placing it where his had been moments before. 

"I could always teach you...a scale or two," he said, not looking at all fazed that he was touching me. I tensed up at his touch though and took in a sharp breath. 

"What's a scale?" I asked curiously to distract myself from the fact that he was touching me. Does this mean that we are friends now? 

"A scale is a musical pattern that is the basics in learning any instrument. If you want to learn the proper way, you need to learn your scales." He pressed down a few keys under my hand and looked at me. "Play it back to me." I looked at the keys he had just made me play then played it back to him. I perked up as I made the piano come to life. He smiled softly at that and nodded. "Good...." He played a few more notes and glanced up at me expectantly. I was able to learn quickly at math so this seemed to come naturally to me. I played the notes back to him and memorized their sounds for future references. His lips curled up into a small smirk as he looked up at me. "You are a fast learner, aren't you Paris? I wonder how fast...." He glanced me over and then got up, going to a shelf and getting down a book. He came back with it and sat it down on the piano's music shelf and looked at me as he opened it to the first page. He reached around me from behind to point to a note. "This is a D... It's this one right here," he hit a note on a piano as he looked down from over my shoulder, really close to me. I nodded as I became more interested in learning. I had grabbed his attention and possibly impressed him for learning quickly! I pressed the D note. He nodded and leaned down closer to me, looking at me from beside me. "Can you guess the next?" I looked over the keys and thought it over carefully. Considering the direction he was wanting to probably go in and considering the Alphabet I have learned that he seems to be referencing to in some way... 

"The next note is a C." I said quickly. His eyes lit up momentarily in what looked like slight pride.

"Good...very good." He sat down next to me again and glanced towards the door as he fell silent for a moment. "My parents never come back here....Neither does my brother. They aren't that interested in music as I am....It isn't very often there is any one else back here with me." So that must be why he looked so... awkward around others earlier. I bet he spends most of his time here... alone. Is he trying to tell me something very important? He's trusting me. I looked at him eagerly. He smirked as he saw it then leaned in towards my ear. "Want to hear a secret?" He's trusting me... I bit my bottom lip. I have a friend... a new friend. 

"S-sure." I replied simply, trying not to scare him off or something. I tried to act proper then as I sat up straight and tried to impress him further. 

"It's improper for you to be left alone with me....Want to know why?" He smirked as he didn't move an inch away from me. If it was improper then why was he allowing me to do it... I frowned in confusion. My mom is going to be angry at me now. He's going to tell on me. It's because of our age difference! I should have realized that. I should have stayed with his brother and ignored this hall. I wondered about the giggle in the hall again and panicked. What if my mom already knows and is coming this way! I looked towards the door as if she would come in at any moment. I felt him wrap his arms around my lower back then and pulled me closer to him on the bench, leaning his face into my neck. "Because you're mine....that's why. They just don't know it yet." I felt something sharp graze my neck then as his lips touched my skin. I felt my chest swell up as I was flooded with emotions of confusion. 

"W-what do you mean by that?" I asked and tried to pull back from his hold on me. I knew it was wrong to allow him to get this close to me, it was kind of scary. It was like he was planning to kill me or something. I remembered my mother telling me that if someone ever got this close to my neck I was supposed to tell her immediately. That would get him in trouble though.. wouldn't it... I don't want my new friend to get in trouble. Was he meaning mine by the fact that I was his friend and that he is just awkwardly hugging me because he seriously does not know what a hug is? 

"One day you'll know...but until then, I will just leave it at this," he whispered and I felt his fangs pierce my neck then, biting down into my flesh. I screamed out in pain and widened my eyes in shock. I felt my eyes flood with tears from the pain. Why did he bite me? Isn't this against the law? He knows better then to do this... right? Mommy said it was wrong. Your a disgrace, your not my son anymore. I could piratically hear the words she would tell me once she found out. 

"Richard- Stop! Please!" I didn't want him to get punished for doing this- I would get punished as well. "Your going to get us in trouble." He laughed darkly as he pulled back an inch. 

"So what? Their rules are ridiculous. Sit still, stand up straight, that music is too passionate, don't talk about your feelings, stop crying, you can't keep a pet, you can't love another vampire you are not betrothed to? Sound familiar?" He pulled back further then to look at me. "They have all these crazy rules that don't allow us to truly live. Wouldn't you much rather be yourself...Paris?" He raised an eyebrow at me as he licked his lips clean of my blood, keeping his fangs exposed. I thought over what he was saying. Mother did order me around too much... I didn't understand most of her rules. I looked him over and touched my neck, feeling the wound that was closing. 

"You bit me Richard." I mumbled and looked into my lap and started to cry. My parents are going to shame me three ways til Sunday! I trembled as I felt guilty. Your a disappointment to me. You will never be what I expect of you if you keep breaking my rules! I remembered the words my mother told me yesterday when I accidentally broke a vase. "I thought we was really getting somewhere... I thought we was friends." Loved ones will never harm you Paris. I remembered my mother telling me one night as she put me to bed. Biting someone is a sin. It is breaking the laws. "You broke one of the most sacred laws of our kind." He shook his head sadly at me. 

"You just don't get it yet.... I really hope you do. I'd hate for you to be brainwashed like my brother is becoming..... Why else do we have fangs? They are meant to take what is ours, not just be there for show." He got up then, picking up the book and taking it back to the shelf. "Speak a word to anyone about it, and you will know what happens to victims of bites. I've seen plenty of my enemies shunned because I bit them. Of course, you aren't my enemy though," he told me and glanced back over at me, a look of faint interest in his eyes. "You are just....simply mine." I couldn't comprehend what he meant by mine. I was a pure blood. I was my own being. I wasn't anyone's mine. I wasn't going to tell on him either. He looked like he really meant what he said about what happens to who he bites if they... I shook that out of my head. I don't tattle tell anyways. I noticed him putting up the music and frowned. He was just using me... He didn't want to be friends. He just wanted to break the law with me as his victim. I felt more tears swelling up in my eyes. I wish I could comprehend what he was meaning.... It was so unfair that he was older... Was he going into a rebellious stage or something? Not enough love and nourishment? Too many kids under one roof? What was there to get! I'm not brainwashed! I am perfectly fine... It must be him... Fangs were meant for us to feed off of our prey... which is humans only. Not each other... Prey is what is ours.

"How could you say something like that? I'm a pure blood... not your prey." I looked up at him then from my confusion. He thought I was food! 

"No....You're not my prey. You are right there," he said and smirked, leaning up against the wall. "Come here.... I've decided that I like you. You've got dignity and pride.... I'm going to let you in on something else.... Something that you will find quite enjoyable." He gestured me to come over to him. "You'll see what I'm talking about afterwards.... I'm almost sure of it." I shook my head then at him. There was no way I was going over there to him. He's mental. He thinks everything around him is his prey, he just doesn't want to admit it when he is asked straight up. I raised my chin high at him then. Besides! I'm not going to obey him like the innocent little prey I seemed to be. I'm going to keep my ground here. He narrowed his eyes and walked over, rolling the cuff of his sleeve up on his right arm. "You really are stuck in their ways....aren't you? Don't you want to learn what I've discovered? What the others fail to grasp at this moment in history?" He raised his wrist up to his lips and exposed his fangs again, biting down deep. I saw his rich red blood start dripping down his arm then and when he pulled back, he licked his lips clean with a smile. He sat down in front of me and pushed his wrist against my lips. I flinched away from his wrist as I completely freaked out and gasped. 

"Richard stop! Not me too!" I begged as I tried to clean off my lips. How could he pass this sin off on me too! He growled in irritation and stood up, using his other hand to tilt my chin up and then gripped the sides of my face, holding my mouth open as he let his blood drip into my mouth. 

"It's not that bad, and it's not a sin.... They've been lying to us," he hissed out then pulled back just as I had gotten a taste. He licked at his blood then and watched as it healed up soon after being cleaned up on his wrist. I couldn't find it in me to spit it out as the taste wasn't something I had ever tasted before... It was unnaturally delightful. The taste confused me as it was too good. Why would the elders outlaw this taste? I licked my lips as I looked up into Richard's eyes. I exposed my fangs as I looked towards his neck, wanting more. Just another taste and maybe I can come up with a reason... Something... Anything. I blushed as I thought over the situation... I just broke about a billion laws. I knew then what my feeling for Richard was... It wasn't me wanting him as a friend.... no it was stronger then that. I didn't quite understand how I could be anymore then a friend to him.. I stood up then as I grabbed his wrist. Why would the elders outlaw any of this?! Richard was someone I wanted to be with- by my side forever. Everything about us and what we done would be quickly frowned upon on.. especially what I wanted for us. It was all against the laws and sins. I was born for this... This is my purpose and my cruel reality... To be shunned, to break the laws and be a sinner. Something told me that I had a destiny with Richard. It was like destiny threw me into the room- it was the force that opened that door and made that laugh at the end of the hall. He gave a real smile for the first time tonight, and it was something I had never seen anything quite like as if he was an angel right then. "Yes Paris?" He glanced down at me holding his wrist and let his eyes travel to my exposed fangs then to my eyes. "Do you understand what I was talking about now?" 

"What's wrong with us Richard? How come no one wants any of this but yet here we are doing everything that isn't supposed to be right?" I asked him, still not sure if I wondered that right. I was after all limited on my vocabulary. I pulled his wrist to my lips and kissed it gently then rubbed it against my cheek as I tried to control my urges to bite him. 

"They believe that it is wrong to bite another because they believe it is something beasts do....but it can mean many things in my opinion. There is nothing wrong with loving another person just because....which is something else that is considered wrong. Its ridiculous for them to take this away from us.... Its not wrong....they just want to keep us under their rule and keep us from wondering things, to not think for ourselves." He looked me considerately in the eyes then pulled his wrist back, sitting down on the piano bench and tilted his head towards me, watching me curiously. I looked at his neck and licked my lips with anticipation. I wanted more of his favorable blood. 

"How come I can't resist you?" I asked then, remembering how badly I wanted his attention, to be his friend... to be something to him. I wanted to be important to him. He smiled then and nodded.

"Have you ever heard of true love? Or rather, maybe you've heard of destiny? The werewolves have their own little term for what you feel.... They would call us mates which are two individuals who were born to be together and are destined by fate." He flashed his fangs at me then with a smirk. "As soon as you walked in, I knew you would probably find your way back here.... You were different from all the others I've seen, and I knew I already liked you before you even uttered a word." I went to reply back to him but the door to the music room flung open and a boy stood in the door way just a few years older then Richard. He had the curliest white hair I ever seen that stretched to his shoulders. He looked us over like he knew exactly what we was up to and exposed his fangs as he shut the door behind us and locked it. I took a couple of steps away from Richard then and acted innocent as I took a step towards the chair I was previously sitting in. I had no clue who this fourteen- fifteenish looking male was and I didn't know if he... was the worst thing I could imagine that he was. 

"Oh don't shy from me!" The stranger cried out and looked pained to see I was about to get behind the chair from fear of him. Richard looked over at him in curiosity. 

" came into my music room," he murmured to himself. 

"Little Paris~ Richard.... Come now... I am your destined friend." The strange fellow gave me a warming smile and walked into the center of the room then like he owned it. I didn't like how he seemed so much... wiser then me... Then Richard? Destined friend? "Maybe I should make proper introductions... I am the Prince of England, my name is Laurence." He purred out and waved at me. Richard fell silent immediately, on edge with a look of suspicion in his eyes. He turned to his piano then and touched a few of the keys, not making a noise but lightly touching them as he seemed to be practicing the keys for a song. Laurence walked towards Richard then and knelt down to him. "When the time comes... which it will... You two will need me when everything starts to fall. Come find me and I will give you an army and shelter.. I will help you as a friend should. You can trust me. Remember, England... Laurence. We will be great friends one day." Laurence started to leave the room again and gave me a small wave before reaching for the door handle. What did he mean!? Richard paused and watched him as he walked away. 

"Are you here for my brother's birthday party?" He asked, sounding cautious. 

"Oh that's today isn't it?" Laurence asked and turned to Richard. "Give him my best wishes. I have to get back home before they start missing me." 

"I will," he said softly and looked him over. "Nice you...Laurence." 

"The pleasure is all mine!" Laurence exposed his fangs to us. "Spend these wisely." He pointed to his fangs and then left without another word spoken to us. I eased out from by the chair and went slowly towards Richard. He turned back on the piano bench to look at me then. 

"He's a strange one...but we should probably remember his name just in case we need it one day." He smirked at me then as he got less serious and looked me over. "So...what'd you think?" 

"About what?" I asked as I took a seat next to him on the bench and leaned my head against his shoulder for comfort. 

"Well... I bet you've never tasted anything quite like my blood," he whispered in my ear. "Even if it was just a drop." 

"Your right... It's undescribable. I don't want to leave your side anymore then I had just done..." I shook my head in confusion. I'm just a boy and I am feeling something I know I shouldn't feel at least for a couple more years. I wanted him to be mine. If I am his then he should be mine too. 

"You know..." He glanced over at me then and leaned in towards my neck again, pausing right above where he had bitten me earlier. However, this time he didn't bite me. He just gave me a kiss right over it and then moved back an inch to look me in the eyes. 

"Know what?" I husked out nervously. I didn't like finding out new things from him anymore. Everything I was learning was breaking the law to find out. It was getting slightly out of my reach of comprehension too. 

"Since how you belong to me....You deserve the best treatment and spoiling from me," he whispered then moved back and turned to the piano. He started playing his song from earlier again, glancing over at me every once in awhile as he didn't say another word. I started to kick my legs as I listened to him playing, my legs was silly enough- just a inch off the floor from the bench seat being so high... I was also short for my age. I watched his fingers moving against the keys and making the piano come to life and play the song I was beginning to love the most. He smiled as he saw me enjoying it and at the end he got up and stretched his fingers, looking down at me. "I'm going to be playing a birthday ballad for my brother Vlad later tonight....Is your family staying till tomorrow? There are a few families who traveled quite far for Vlad... Where are you from?" He tilted his head down at me, exposing his neck ever so slightly. I remembered that my parents had packed for what looks like a planned weeks stay. 

"I think we are staying for a couple of days actually. I am from France." I told him sweetly. "I think our fathers seem to like each other as well. "I didn't quite grasp that until you just asked me but- We get about a week together I am assuming!" I cheered up and looked at his neck. He smiled faintly. 

"France huh?" He noticed my line of sight and shifted uneasily as he seemed to be thinking. His eyes studied me and then he sat back down beside me and moved some of his hair aside. "If you are wanting more than that little drop, I won't deny you some of my blood...." 

"No... I don't think I should risk biting you tonight. You are going to be the star of attention in a little bit after all when you play for your brother." I looked down at my feet as I denied myself a sip, there was no way I was going to let myself become addicted so quickly. 

"It'll heal up before then and I drink so much from humans daily that I will hardly notice the loss," he reassured me, looking me over as he loosened his grip on his hair and let some of it fall back into place. I kept my eyes off of him and avoided him. I looked to the piano keys to keep myself distracted visually. 

"Will you come see me tonight?" I asked softly. "In my room that is..." If I broke some rules I might as well break the others as well. He glanced at me as he let go of his hair then. 

"Sure... I don't see why not. I will see about it," he told me and then stood up. "You best go find my brother before he starts to wonder where you disappeared to and gets suspicious. You aren't the first I've bitten after all.... Just say that you saw the library. It's on the way to where he was taking you." 

"How do you know where he was taking me?" I asked curiously. He laughed softly then.

"He's a fan of games, but no one will come into his room to play them with him, so he takes them to our father's study. That's how he has lost some of his friends to me before.... See, he's predictable." He shook his head with a faint smile then walked over to the door. "Go down this hall back the way you came then go left and continue till after five halls and take the first door on the right after the fifth hall. That's the library. He'll find you in there eventually. I hope you know how to lie well enough." He glanced back at me. "If you can't tell him you've been in there the whole time, then you will probably be questioned by my parents and then you will be watched and you won't see me again." I nodded quickly. I never lied before... I had no reason to do it. I gulped and looked at him worriedly. 

"I... I haven't lied before." I whispered. He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Never huh? Well...try it on me.... Anything. Say four truths and one lie, and I will try to guess which one is the lie." He leaned against the door and watched me. "Don't make it obvious."

"My original name was supposed to be Louis. I like to eat sweets. I have a family demon who is a secret. I have a living twin. I like the piano." I said them all a few seconds apart as I had to think about them for a minute. I blushed as I waited for him to see which one was the lie. He studied me for a few minutes then and nodded.

"You don't have a living twin then. I was only able to tell because of logic....That's another one of my favorite things. I love strategy.... Your family would have brought your twin if you had one instead of leaving him at home unless he was a shame to the family, which I highly doubt. Besides, you are shy, which suggests that you don't really have much to do with other children our age. You will be able to lie to him just fine.... Don't worry about it and pretend that you are just telling a story or something. You have to be able to not really think about it as you do it, like it's the truth." He turned and opened the door then. "On your way then."  I frowned as he tried to rush me away... I didn't want to leave him so quickly especially after discovering something new. I didn't want to have to lie either... I'd have to do it for him, he was asking me to lie. I have to lie though to keep us a secret. I took a step towards the door then, trying to obey him. How is it he got my lie so quickly anyways? Those other truths were pretty good compared to that lie... I thought it was going to trick him up! As I got close to him, he paused looking like he was hesitating before he reached out and wrapped me up close to him. He laughed lowly in my ear then and kissed my cheek. "Don't be so nervous." 

"Lying might be natural and easy for you... but for me..." I shook my head. "Richard... I don't want to, I don't think I can." I took in a deep breath. "I'll be noticed." I looked up at his eyes. "What if I get caught? What will happen to us?" He looked a bit sad as he looked down into my eyes and shook his head. 

"I...don't know. You will probably never see me again.... We'd have to run to be together I guess. That's asking a lot though, and compared to just asking you to lie...." He sighed, his sweet breath tickling my face. He glanced off into the hall then shut the door with his foot. "I think that maybe you could get away with a few more minutes in here. Want to sit back down? I can play you another song if you'd like." I nodded then and smiled. 

"I'd enjoy more time with you..." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the piano. "I'd run away with you if we had to. I think... I think I love you." I told him as I sat down on the bench and looked up at him with fascination. His eyes were wide with surprise, but his lips slowly curved up into a real smile- a broad one that made my heart stop. He got down on his knees to be level with me and leaned in, giving me a quick kiss before pulling back and going towards my neck again. 

"I think I love you too...." He murmured softly in my ear as he nuzzled his face into me. I blushed and touched my lips slowly. He kissed me without any warning! He stole my first kiss... I bit my bottom lip hard then and accidentally cut my lip, causing myself to bleed. 

"You kissed me!" I gasped out and blushed softly. Just an hour ago I had no clue what other kids my age- or around my age was like and then now... I found out I was destined to be with a male kid and then he stole my first kiss from me and on top of that he bit me... While breaking at least... well over ten rules! I couldn't exactly remember past ten yet since I never payed much attention to math... but I knew we broke a bunch of rules... He murmured something I couldn't quite catch, but I shivered as I felt his fangs touch my neck again in almost the same spot as last time. I squirmed back from him then as I remembered what the first bite was like and I didn't want a second one just yet. With a disappointed frown, he let me pull away and looked up at me, his fangs showing as he had his mouth slightly open. 

"What's the matter?" 

"I don't want to get bit again, it hurt me last time." I said stubbornly. I widened my mouth slightly then as I leaned off of the piano and looked him over. What if I bit him instead? I smirked slightly as I went to lean into his neck. He saw the look in my eyes and seemed a bit afraid, but he didn't get up and run. 

"So you're gonna bite me instead?" He whispered softly, watching me closely. 

"You let me have a sip of your blood before, what do you think would happen eventually? Of course I am going to want more." I husked out a breath against his neck. "I doubt you will mind if I take a bite." I went to bite down then. What do you think you are doing Paris Grimm! Back away from him and retract your fangs. It was like my mother was actually in the room as she went off in my head about how wrong it was for me to bite Richard. 

"PARIS!" I heard a scream as the door to the music room was shoved open and my eyes widened. Am I having illusions? Richard shot up quickly and put his hands behind his back as he straightened up his posture, looking towards my mother who had just come in. 

"Is everything alright my queen?" He asked, making it seem like the last few moments had been completely fake and that he was the perfect, proper prince. "I was just telling Prince Paris about the piano.... He seems really interested in it, and I believe that it would be beneficial to teach him sometime. He is a very fast learner as you may already know..." He gave a small, fake smile towards her. I retracted my fangs before she could notice and straightened up my shirt. 

"Hi mommy!" I said innocently. My mother relaxed and it seemed like she didn't see what just happened between Richard and I. I blushed lightly. "Can I learn how to play the piano? I think it will impress the princesses." I said confidentially. 

"I- I guess you can learn how to play the piano. I don't mind. I think you two should come with me to the ball room. I don't approve of the two of you here by yourself and I am sure your fathers wouldn't approve either." She reached out for our hands. Richard sent a longing glance towards the piano before moving towards her obediently, taking her hand gently in his and giving it a small, respectful kiss. I walked over to my mom and grabbed her hand then rubbed it against my cheek. I took a glance up at her face, realizing how much I had missed being near her. She was my only friend before I met Richard. Does he even count as a friend? Does my mother count as one? She pulled us off to a ball room then, telling us about a special dessert that was made for Richard's brother... what was his name again? I tried to remember his name and then suddenly grasped it... Vlad, named after his father. When we entered the ball room, Richard let go of her hand and bowed. 

"It was nice talking with you, but may I be excused? I have to set up for my brother.....I'm providing all the music tonight," he told her respectfully, not at all giving any kinds of hints to how he acted with me when he was alone. It made me wonder if it even happened with how great an actor he was with this. My mother gave him a nod. 

"Go right along, I don't mind. You are excused." My mother waved Richard away. She turned to me when Richard was on his way. "I had a feeling you was going to end up finding him in that music room. You two looked like you would end up friends. So are you two friends? The best of friends? What song did you learn?" She asked me curiously. 

"W-well mommy... I haven't exactly received a yes from him about being my friend. I think he is coming around though. I can't remember the songs name, he never told me... I think." I frowned. My memory is fuzzy when it comes to Richard. "Mommy? Might I ask you something?" 

"What is it, Paris?" She knelt down then. 

"Do you think Richard and I are friends?" I asked, backing down on my first question, about soul mates.

"I think so." She kissed the top of my head then and pointed to Vlad, who was across the room- surrounded by people. "Go see if Vlad is too busy to hang out with you or not." She teased. She gave me a push then and left my side. I looked towards Vlad and took in a deep breath... He was surrounded by a bunch of strangers to me. I cautiously walked towards him, not sure of what kind of treatment I was going to get from him for ditching him earlier. As soon as I got close, his eyes brightened up, and he walked away from the group of people who were wishing him happy birthday. He grinned big time and reached out, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the group. 

"Everyone! This is Paris, my new friend! I want you all to treat him with the respect owed a Prince, got it?" He chuckled and let go of my hand. A few of them glanced towards me curiously, but the rest welcomed me immediately. 

"A friend of Vlad's is a friend of mine!" One of them said, shaking my hand. I pulled my hand back quickly and shied away. 

"Hello, Uh-mmm... Vlad? I wanted to see if-" I had no idea where I was going with this so I glanced around.. anywhere to get away from the others. "If you wanted something to drink- eat?" I was glancing at the food bar then. "I was thinking about getting something." I said thoughtfully. He glanced at it and eyed one of the cakes for a moment then glanced at his friends.

"I'll be back later. Please excuse us," he said and then grabbed my hand, walking me to the table with a smile on his face. His father was over by it with mine, and when they saw us, his father smiled softly. 

"I knew you'd be coming for cake soon.... You have such a sweet tooth that you are going to get sick if you don't watch out," he told him, but Vlad simply shrugged it off. 

"I'll be fine, I swear!" He gave the sweetest smile and walked past his father, taking a plate of the cake and grabbing a fork. He moaned in happiness as he took a bite of the cake and looked at me. "You gotta try this-"

"You have to try this...not gotta," his father corrected immediately, looking down at him. I blushed as I watched them. I should remember to talk properly around him. I straightened my back out before he could notice I was slouching and then took a plate of cake and went to take a bite of it. It tasted amazing- the best chocolate cake I ever had. I stopped as I heard a soft murmur through the crowd.

"Who's that?" Someone nearby whispered. 

"That's Prince Richardo.... He's supposedly a musical genius," another whispered. 

"He's going to be playing tonight. How exciting," a nearby girl giggled out. 

"He looks so poised and if he's got a bright future ahead of him."

"That outfit suits him perfectly!" Vlad glanced at the ones who were talking nearby then glanced over towards a small platform in the corner with a grand piano on it. I saw Richard walking over to it through the crowd, dressed in a different- fancier outfit. His hair was combed back perfectly and he had a soft smirk on his face. I awed at his look and smiled softly. He was marvelously impressive for a mate. I felt someone wrap an arm around my shoulders lazily and laugh. 

"I know right..." I heard the guy from earlier say. Laurence, wasn't it? I blushed, he was being inappropriate in public! "Relax, everyone is busy looking at Richard." Laurence whispered in my ear. "So how's it coming along?" I tried to wiggle my way out from his arms but he locked my head in his arms. "Ah-ah ah... not so fast." He hissed. A girl swooned as he passed by her, shooting her a glance and moving his head so that his hair kinda flipped. He grinned then, a somewhat mischievous look to it. Her nearby friend caught her and whispered something in her ear. They both soon went down to their knees as they sighed, catching him looking at them. He gave the two a wink and then started back on his way to the piano, getting closer. "Isn't that just... irresistible?" Laurence asked me teasingly. "After all, he is the most-" Laurence glanced around us. "Unique person here besides us. I can't wait for our future friendship." I tired to escape him again but he just held on tighter. 

"Let me go! I don't want to be held by a stranger." I hissed out. He laughed and grabbed my nose, pretending he got it and pulled his hand back. 

"Relax, I don't bite... hard." He winked towards me then waved the hand around that 'had' my nose. I relaxed slightly as he was starting to make me laugh at his silliness. How is it this is making me laugh! I covered my mouth then. He let my neck go and gave me my nose back. "Got to go, be back in five. Have fun with the show." He winked then seemed to just melt into the floor as shadows took him away. I widened my eyes. I never seen a vampire use their powers before... It was said that we can't use them unless we are training or in war. A girl nearby giggled as another vampire whispered in her ear. Vlad smiled softly as he watched his brother walk up the steps to the piano then move back a small purple cape he had on with his outfit, sitting down on the bench. He placed his fingers on the piano delicately and sent a glance out around the crowd. His eyes landed on Vlad, and I swore I could have seen him smirk before I suddenly heard the familiar "Happy Birthday" ballad with a more classical take on it. I looked towards Vlad to see his reaction at the music being played for him, he should be happy! A song is being played just for him. He was smiling from ear to ear and set his cake down, walking off quickly towards his brother. The crowd parted for him as they saw him coming. 

"Richard, I love it," I heard him say as he got up there and put a hand on his brother's shoulder, grinning in happiness. I smiled in delight at the two of them getting along. That was good, wasn't it? They are both happy. Vlad is beyond joyed at his brother's choice in music for him. I couldn't help myself as I imagined that one day- just maybe Richard could play for me in front of others and I could feel just as happy as Vlad is now. Maybe even more... If I want to be with Richard though- which I do- that is something I should start thinking on... After all... now that I know that he is mine... I should claim his as mine.. I don't think I could see him with someone else... No.. that would be awful! I'll make things different for our future... where we will be accepted. I nodded to myself as I was starting to comprehend Laurence and Richard now. Things have to change for the better of my generation and further ones! We should be able to be with who we want- and whoever is our mate. I pondered over ideas of how I could go about changing our future. Richard looked up at his brother then and then started playing a waltz for the older vampires in the room. Their father walked off then towards their mom with a small smile. I seen as my parents went to the middle of the floor to start dancing with the waltz. I looked them over curiously. Did they even think about the same stuff I do now as a child? I looked my father over... he looked hardly like me. I wondered then if he was my father... I couldn't even see a inch of similarity between us... Of course... I don't even remember what I look like.. I haven't been near a mirror in a while. I think they don't want me to look in one because they no that I get curious about what my could-have-been twin might look like. I rubbed off the thought in my head as I looked around me to see if I could see any wall standers.

There was a few girls standing around and a few guys in the corner. One of them was looking over at me with interest as his eyes looked me up and down before turning to his friends. "There's a pipsqueak over there...didn't know they were inviting them this time," he whispered and then laughed meanly. I pouted and backed down at the thought of asking a girl to dance with me. Suddenly my hand was pulled on and I was spun around to meet a blonde haired girl with bright red eyes. She was a couple of years younger then me- not by much. Four boys stood a little bit away from her, watching... like they was betting on something. 

"Well aren't you going to ask me to dance?" The girl spoke up then as she batted her eyes and giggled. She was in a odd red dress and she looked like she was dressed by boys or something since how her hair was in messy curls and her dress was wrinkled. I stopped then taking notes on her and smiled. "My name is Valerian." She said as she bowed and gave me her hand. I kissed the top of it and then bowed slightly. 

"My name is Paris-" Her eyes brightened up as she shot up and looked me over with interest. 

"You don't say! You are the Prince of France! Your kind of cute too." She grabbed her mouth and blushed. I shook my head, not minding that her mouth got away with her. She put it down then. "So let's dance, you do know how to dance... right?" I nodded shyly, but I seemed comforted by her being here. She wasn't as bad as the other strangers. I took her inwards of the room and began to dance with her. I glanced towards the loud mouthed male from earlier. Ha, I got a dance partner! He was holding a glass in his hands and it shattered as he saw it. He spun around to face us then. 

"Go check the hall," he muttered to one of his friends who glanced at me, smirked and left. He started towards us then and came over, tapping me on the shoulder. "So...You're Paris huh? You know what that makes us, don't you?" He hissed lowly in my ear. "We're sworn enemies from birth....Germany...France....They don't get along." I shrugged. 

"Just because our countries are fighting off and on doesn't mean we have to, we should be higher then the humans and not fight like monsters." I said calmly to him. I wasn't much into wars. "I think we could be friends, if you try to be of course." I stopped dancing and stood beside Val. 

"Hmph, you two.... we should be celebrating a birthday... not spitting at each other over why we should be friends or not because of what country we rein over. Paris come get something to drink with me then meet my brothers?" Val asked me sweetly. I couldn't resist her... she was sweet to me. The boy narrowed his eyes threateningly towards me, warning me against saying yes to her. 

"You best not if you know what's good for you," he muttered low enough for me to hear without her catching it. Suddenly Val was pulled from my arms.

"There you are, betrothed! Thank you Paris for looking over her." I was handed a glass to drink as Laurence gave Val the other. He gave me a huge grin and I arched an eyebrow in wonder. Was he betrothed to Val? Val smiled sweetly at Laurence and started to drink the liquid from her glass. Laurence looked towards the mean- egotistical male and showed his fangs then. 

"Oh, look at what the Nazies brought in." I didn't understand what he was talking about... I never heard of Nazies. The boy growled, narrowing his eyes. 

"Look at the tea addict why don't we?" He shot back, stepping towards him as he momentarily forgot me. "You think you're soooo great." 

"I am great, it's going to be a part of my name one day... The Great Laurence." I heard a hint of joke in his voice as he smart mouthed the other boy. "How about you go pick on someone else, scum. Go ruin someone else's day and leave Paris alone. He's done nothing to you." Laurence waved off the other boy and I shuffled from one foot to the other. He raised his chin defiantly towards Laurence, looking him straight in the eyes challengingly.

"One day Laurence...when you finally aren't watching your back....I'll be there....with a knife ready for you," he hissed out, spinning around on his heels and walking away. 

"I'll be there to protect him too, so watch out." I hissed towards the male walking off. I wasn't sure as to why I was already wanting to help Laurence... maybe it was because he saved me then in some sense. I looked towards Laurence to thank him but he held up a hand and walked away with Val. I dropped my jaw as I was left alone. I looked around for Vlad then, not wanting to be by myself and become victimized. Vlad was waltzing with another girl who was trying her best not to giggle in delight as he spun her around. His father looked at him approvingly, very proud of him. I noticed then that I had to urinate so I walked out of the ball room to go find a place- outside possible. I swear... one day.... I won't have to go on a ridiculous hunt to find a place to go, it will be inside. I walked down the empty hall, trying to find a door that leads outside... Maybe I should just use a window. A maid was peeking inside a room just a few feet down and jumped when she heard me, turning towards me. 

"S-sir! W-what are you doing away from the ball?" A huge blush spread across her face as she fiddled with the end of her dress. 

"I am trying to find an outside door, what are you doing?" I asked curiously as I walked up to her and looked towards the door she was peeking into. She widened her eyes and slammed the door shut quickly. 

"T-there's an outside door...over there," she said, pointing to the end of the hall as she turned her head to look down it. I noticed then faint silvery marks on her neck as if she had been bitten multiple times. I looked back at the door, dismissing it entirely as I felt the urge again and walked quickly towards the door. 

"Thanks!" I yelled over my shoulder and practically sprinted to the door. I walked outside and shut the door behind me with ease. I look a glace around to see if there would be any witnesses. I took in a deep breath and headed for behind a tree. When I had finished going to the bathroom, I heard the back door open. 

"You play so beautifully!" I heard a girl giggle then. 

"It's nothing.... I've been playing since I was two. Elise, did you have fun?" I heard a familiar voice ask- Richard! 

"I did. How could I not when your music sounded like heaven itself," she teased then. I spotted the two of them walking through the garden as he had her on his arm. He wasn't smiling or smirking this time...just looking around with a blank look like he was above all this. 

"I think that you are an angel from heaven then," he told her, glancing her in the eyes before trailing his hand over a rose bush. He winced as a thorn cut him and quickly pulled his hand up to his lips, placing his finger against them as he kept from making a noise of pain. He started to suck on it gently as she stopped and looked at him worriedly. 

"Are you ok? Do I need to go get someone?!" She pulled his hand back then and looked at his wound. The smell of his sweet blood reached me as I caught sight of it then. I squeezed my side to try not to let my urges get to me and kept quiet. I didn't want to get caught... This would be close enough to spying! I blushed as I leaned closer up against the tree. He must be betrothed to her. Of course he is, this is screaming he is. He's taking her out on a romantic walk. I felt a bit jealous at the thought of him taking someone else out on a walk... I'm definitely going to have to change our future. I should talk to Laurence about it... Wait! Why would I talk to him about it? He's a stranger! I almost groaned but covered my mouth to stop myself and pressed up against the tree. I saw Richard tense up as she grabbed his hand and pull back quickly. 

"No... I'm fine. Don't worry about it....After all," he said softly and then glanced around then looked her in the eyes. "You don't want anyone to know that you were out here alone with do you?" She widened her eyes and shook her head slowly. He nodded and licked his bleeding finger, watching as it started to heal. He pulled the thorn out and tossed it before taking her back on his arm and leading her again. I watched them walking further away, into the garden. I took this chance to sneak my way back to the door so I wouldn't have to witness anymore of this. I might end up snapping after all. I heard a gasp behind me softly. 

"R-Richard," I heard her murmur quietly as if he had done something. I glanced over my shoulder to take a look out of curiosity. He had stopped them and was leaning against her neck as he gave her a small kiss.

"Hmm? Princess?" He hummed to her, making her knees weaken. I tensed up as I felt a range of jealousy swelling up in me. I bit my inner cheek and drew a bit of blood as I glared them down. I walked over to the door then- trying to get away from all of this. How is it out of all things... He ended up coming out here with her!? He should have just took her to the darn music  room. I slipped into the door quietly and then stomped off down the hall once the door was shut. I hope he gets eaten by werewolves. I saw the maid from before then, trembling as she hid in the shadows. 

"The young master....caught another victim.... That poor girl..." I suddenly heard a scream then from outside, but I knew that no one inside the ballroom would be able to hear it. The maid covered her ears, shaking her head as her trembling worsened. 

"You'll be next." I teased as I walked past her and towards the ball room. I was taking out my anger on her.. which was another sin.. I seem to be a huge sinner now. I should have stayed home in France. I could be playing chess with my imaginary friend named Demon. I balled my hands up into fists. I heard the door to the outside slam then just as I was turning the corner. 

"She didn't even taste that good.... I swear, I can't believe my parents wanted me to marry her," I heard Richard muttering. I widened my eyes. I don't want to get caught and end up like her... I slipped into a nearby room- keeping quiet as I shut the door. I looked around the room I had walked into, to find a better spot to hide in. I slipped behind a curtain and started to count to my age and back down. The door opened then and Richard came in. A lantern was lit then and I heard Richard shut the door then go over to a water basin where he washed his face clean of the blood. It then occured to me that I had gone into a bedroom....and not just anyone's. It smelled like Richard everywhere. He wiped his face off and then went over to his bed, unbuttoning his coat and pulling it off, slipping his shirt over his head and left himself half naked, his chest showing. He sighed and ruffled up his hair, making it into a mess. "Better...." I put a hand over my mouth before I could accidentally shriek from witnessing this. I should have just took off running down the hall to a window and took a curtain there! He shot a glance over to the curtain I was behind then, sniffing the air. "Who's there?" He asked suspiciously. I stayed stiff, not going to give myself up so easily. I quietly started to unlatch the window to escape before I could get caught and slaughtered like that girl. He narrowed his eyes then, but he froze after a second. "Paris?" He called softly out to me as his face became less upset looking. He glanced around the room curiously and frowned a bit. "Is that you?" I had the window unlatched now and I started to open it slowly, hoping it wont give my position up just yet. He glanced towards the window just as I had started to move it and froze. "Oh," he murmured then shook his head, grabbing his shirt and putting it on before heading towards the door. He went out of the room, shutting the door behind him as he left me alone in his room then. I sighed in relief and let the window fall open. I looked behind me, not going to go out his way. I'm not that dumb. I looked around and then upwards, seeing it would be easier to go up then down. I could crawl up to the open window just above this one. I took a step up onto the edge of the window and reached up for one of the bricks to grab. I got one and then started to crawl up the side of the building. I got to the window. "Paris, what the hell do you think you're doing?! You could get hurt up there!" I heard Richard hiss from below. He must have gone back into his room and found the window open. He glared up at me. "You best just come down from there.... Its more dangerous up there than it is down here..... You could fall...." I shrieked and lost a hand as a panic rose in my chest as well as fear. I grabbed back onto the wall and looked towards him. 

"Nope, don't mind me.. just rock climbing and enjoying the view." I said innocently and started to climb up higher. 

"Paris, get down here and talk to me. What do you think you are doing?" He growled, sitting on the window seat as he situated himself to try to get me. "If you think something is wrong, then why don't you go ahead and just tell me? You don't need to climb the side of my castle!" 

"W-who said that there is something wrong?" I asked, getting scared that he knew everything. "I'm just having a bit of a thrill." I tried to convince myself of that. I was lying! Actually lying... Oh what's wrong with me? I am corrupted. I felt my grip loosen as I started to cry over it. He caught me quickly as I started to fall and pulled me into his room and into his arms. 

"Shhhhh," he murmured in my ear as he reached behind me and closed the window. "It's alright.... You'll be fine.... There isn't anything to fear except fear itself Paris, remember that." I whimpered. There is something to be scared of! He's going to eat me now. I closed my eyes tightly and hid my face into his shirt. I'm going to die, knowing that I sinned and when my mother finds out... I will be disowned and unloved and I will have an unmarked grave! No one will know who I am... I won't live up to the expectations of my father... I won't be a king... or anything. I won't learn what comes after ten... I won't grow up and become ten plus one. I shook my head. He rubbed my back soothingly. "What're so afraid of? Is it me? I'm not going to kill or eat you if that's what you're afraid of.... I'll even prove it." I sniffled. The words of a killer... Telling me he won't and then does! I looked up into his eyes and then tried to get down from his grasps. 

"Let me go! I was doing well until you came back in and scared me! I could have gotten away." I shook my head as my vision blurred. He's going to eat me! His eyes widened.

"So it is that.... You really think I would eat you? My mate?" His grip on me loosened as his eyes were filled with hurt. After glancing me over, he let me go entirely and backed away. "Seems I can't really trust you either....can I?" He shook his head sadly and started to walk off, grabbing his jacket off his bed as he headed towards the door. I shook my head. 

"You think that you can't trust me? I haven't done anything! Your the one sinking fangs into others." I hissed out coldly as I trembled on my feet. I could feel my hands stinging for some reason so I looked them over and seen I had scratched them up. He spun around then, furious looking as he threw his jacket down. 

"Oh? You think so? How can I trust you if you can't trust me huh? Ever thought about that?! Why would I eat you? Haven't done anything! If you can't even trust me enough to be in the same room with me, then why the hell did I bother with anything?!" He seemed on the verge of tears as he glared me down. I sniffled as I didn't understand what I was doing wrong. It's not my fault he scared me. What else would a ten year old do after seeing their practical idol feast upon a girl!? He shook his head then and looked down at his feet. "It's not your fault...You don't understand..." He sighed and rubbed at his eyes, bending down and picking up his jacket. He dusted it off and then draped it over his shoulder, moving towards the door. "It's ok.... Just enjoy the party, ok Paris?" He said softly, glancing over his shoulder at me before opening the door. I whimpered as I watched him leaving me. It's worse then being eaten... he's disappointed! I sniffled as I watched he open the door. Why'd he even come back in the room if he was going to act this way? I looked down at my feet as I felt a wave of hurt rejection rushing over me. He stopped as soon as he saw me looking down at his feet and shut the door, coming over to me quickly. "Hey...Cheer up," he said and tilted my head up to look at him as he examined me closely. "I-I'm not....mad at you...or upset anymore.... I promise, even if you are afraid of me," he whispered and then pulled me into a hug. "If you want, I can try to help you to not be afraid of me. If you don't want this...want me.... you can just tell me.... I'll let you go if it's too much," he promised to me as he held me tight. 

"Y-your not going to eat me right? You promise? You ate that girl~" I fell off on that as I grabbed his shirt and laid my head against his chest. "I don't want to go.... I just want to know I won't end up like her..." I shook my head as I trembled. He shook his head quickly.

"No, never. I'll never eat you like that, I swear it to you right now! She only was killed because I knew that if I hadn't have done it... I would eventually have been forced to mate with her, and I don't want that. I did it for you," he whispered in my ear. "I won't do it to you, not like that. I won't eat you." I sniffled as he cleared it up for me. 

"You mean... you... done it for me?" I whispered. That changes everything. I whipped off the tears and leaned up to his cheek and kissed it. "You done it for me." I giggled girlishly and then covered my mouth. He smiled as he saw me brighten up and brushed my hair out of my face with his fingers, running them back through my hair. 

"Of course I did it for you.... Why else would I kill her?" He leaned in and stole a kiss. "Besides, I already told you that I would let you bite me if you wanted. Would a stone hearted killer planning on murdering you tell you that?" He laughed softly as he looked me in the eyes. I shook my head. I wouldn't know the difference either way. Except for one thing... I could tell that that German prince was going to be very... very... VERY hard to deal with in the future. "Exactly, they wouldn't." He smirked then and pulled away, going over towards his bed and setting his jacket down on it. I confusingly watched his every movement then looked towards the bed and back at Richard. 

"We need to get back to the ball before our parents get worried." I whispered, not wanting to hear the words I spoke. The idea of going back in there upset me fully. I wouldn't get time with him, he would be pulled off to the older group of children and I won't get to see him. 

"Hmm...About that.... My parents aren't expecting me back for another thirty minutes. They had encouraged me to take her out there...." He sighed and crawled onto the bed, curling up to the bed sheets. "So it's up to you whether or not you go back. I'm not going back until I have to.... I can't play the songs I want to play." I walked over to his side and watched him with my hands to my sides. 

"Do you want me to leave?" I asked, trying to give no hint to my emotions. He was laying down after all. 

"No, not really..." He looked up at me as he rolled over onto his back to watch me. "You know.... I don't mind if you sit down." I looked around the room for a spot to sit at and went towards a chair that was close by. I took a seat on it and started to kick my feet as I watched him, feeling a bit shy again. "So what do you normally do?" He asked softly as he played with his blanket. 

"I usually play chess with my imaginary friend... Or I am with my mother, leaning the proper ways and such.... Or I am with my father.... Learning how to be a prince for my kingdom." I told him casually. I sounded normal... I frowned. I should have told him something more fascinating. He's going to think I am lame. 

"Cool...sounds like your parents like you," he whispered, staring up at the ceiling. 

"I don't think they do." I whispered, low.... So low I doubted he could hear me. He made a small noise like he did, but he didn't say anything to me about it. I bit my bottom lips as I watched him curiously. He must feel somewhat similar to how I feel about my parents. 

"I'm sorry," he murmured. "Parents suck." I got up then as I shook my head. I looked around his bedroom then as it dawned on me. Another sin, entering someone's room uninvited! Plus I went in just in general. I looked at my shoes for a second. Definitely carrying over ten sins now. I walked over to him then as I crawled onto his bed and laid down on my stomach, watching him. If I'm going to keep sinning then I might as well not hold myself back. He glanced over at me and smiled softly as he reached over and ruffled my hair. "See you got a bit braver." 

"I'm breaking all the rules now anyways." I mumbled and tried to pull back from him messing with my hair. "I might as well not care about the rules... laws... culture of our parents." I whispered the last part. He looked a bit saddened, but he cheered up after a second and leaned in, stealing a kiss. I blushed a bright red and touched my lips. "Richard... What are we going to do about us?" I asked softly. "We can't keep this a secret forever." I rolled over onto my back and looked up. 

"Laurence," he whispered to me then. "We'll have to trust him... He's a nice guy. I've heard aout him before. He sees the future and knows everything that was, is, and to be." I looked over at Richard. That explains everything, the way he was acting. 

"So he seen something he liked about the future and that's why he came to us, to warn or tell us." I shook my head as I found it impossible. How is it he can know everything? That's amazing.. A gift from the devil himself or something. 

"Probably.... You could always ask him. It seems like he likes you," Richard murmured. "He probably knows that we are curious about him." 

"He came to us first." I grumbled. He's very impatient, he should have waited or something~ He's a huge spoiler alert. I don't see how his parents haven't put him down a dark hole. I giggled. Maybe they have before... I played it out in my head, his parents getting angry at him always spoiling the future then one day.... straight down the rabbit hole. I shook my head. 

"To interest us obviously.... I will send him letters, keep in good terms with him in case we do need him one day.... You never know." He laughed then and propped himself up, looking down at me. 

"I'll write to him as well." I decided right then and there. I did like Laurence, he seemed like an idealistic friend. I could see myself trusting him and becoming very close with him in friendship. He might save my back again one day. 

"Then it's decided." Richard leaned down and kissed my cheek. "So what do you want to do?" He titled his head then and smirked faintly as he looked at my neck consideringly and then up to my eyes. 

"You want to... bite me?" I asked him as I sat up on my elbow. "Or are you going to just stare at it longingly until we have to go?" That's when I saw him blush for the first time since I'd seen him because I'd called him out on it. 

"N-no..." He glanced at my neck again then up to my eyes. I sat up then, Indian style. 

"You do, don't you?" I teased him and exposed my fangs. "Maybe I will bite you, since I didn't get the chance earlier." He bit the inside of his lower lip as he saw my fangs and sat up more then, watching me closer as his blush deepened. "Your blushing," I teased him once again then crawled closer to him and licked my fangs. "Poor thing." His eyes widened and he started to back up, falling onto his back accidentally as he was scooting away. I stopped then and laid down on my back, watching him. "What's wrong Richard?" I purred. 

"N-nothing..... I...just um...never been bitten before.... I don't know if it hurts or not," he whispered, sounding kind of embarrassed as he laid there. 

"Oh well.. let me describe it for you... It's thrilling." I touched my fangs and accidentally pricked my finger. "Owe!" I pulled back and pouted. He sat up quickly and took my hand in his, examining it. 

"Are you ok?" He asked worriedly, looking from my wound to my eyes. He leaned down and gave it a small kiss. 

"I'm fine, just pricked my finger on my sharpies." I pointed to my fangs and smiled sweetly. He glanced at my fangs then and tilted his head, getting an interestingly curious look on his face. He reached over hesitantly and touched the tip of one of my fangs gently. I watched him and bit my bottom lip, waiting for him to react to my sharpies as well. He moved his hand away from my mouth then and looked me in the eyes. 

"Do you... want a better taste?" He asked softly, looking like he wasn't as afraid now that he had touched my fangs. He still looked a bit nervous. I shrugged and grabbed his hand, pulling it back towards my lips. I kissed the top of it, then rubbed it against my face. I ran my lips against his skin then and came across his wrist. I scrapped my fangs against it, waiting for his reaction before I bit down. He shivered as he felt my fangs against him and shifted uncomfortably before laying down beside me and looking over at me. He didn't take his hand back though. I bit down into his skin and shivered as my fangs had sunk into his flesh. I had never bit anyone before... This feeling was most sensational. I looked at his face, to make sure he was still okay. His eyes were wide as his other hand clutched the bed sheet, but after a few minutes, he let go of it and relaxed, blinking slowly. I relaxed and retracted my fangs, drinking the blood that poured out of the bite. He made a small noise as he looked at me, biting the inside of his lip again as he blushed a little. I pulled back after a few minutes, as I was getting full of his blood. I licked my lips and leaned up towards his cheek, kissing it. He quickly kissed me back on the lips before I could move away. I blushed a bright red and kissed him back. I pulled away and looked over to the window to hide my blush. "Sorry... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I shook my head then. 

"I'm not uncomfortable... I just am... happy." I nodded then as I looked back to Richard. "Tonight, your going to come see me in my room.... right? We still are doing that?" 

"If you still want me to.... I need to be getting back to the party before my parents suspect." He smiled at me and sat up, grabbing his coat and putting it on. He rolled out of bed then and stretched. "I'll see you later." I nodded then. 

"I'll be a few minutes behind you so they don't suspect a thing." I suggested. 

~After le boring party where I was practically picked on by the German guy (Dante) and was alone...watching Richard acting like a proper Prince~ 

I watched my mom walk out of my room after tucking me in for the night, she had took my candle with her... I was in the dark now. I closed my eyes, trying not to think too hard on the things that previously happened. I knew Richard would be in soon and make everything better. I was sort of getting addicted to his company now. I waited, longingly in the bed. I sat up after a few minutes as I felt nervous. I got out of bed then and started to walk back and forth- from wall to bed. I was anxious. How long would it take before he comes? What if he doesn't come? I will have to lay back down in bed and try to sleep. Should I go to him? I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled on it for a second then went to scratch my shoulder. I took a seat on the edge of the bed and started to kick my feet to give me something to do. 

After what felt like forever, my door slowly creaked open and he walked in quietly, shutting the door softly behind him after peaking out into the hall to make sure no one saw him. "Are you awake Paris?" He whispered as he started to come away from the door. I jumped off of the bed and ran towards him, slinging my body into him and knocking the wind out of his chest. I buried my face into him and smiled, feeling relieved. He finally came! I sniffed him to see what he smelt like out of curiosity. He smelled like what I would imagine midnight to smell like, with roses mixed in. It was an interesting combination that was hauntingly addicting. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, you ok? You seem a bit excited to see me...." I shook my head and blushed, remembering I was in my night gown. I pulled back quickly and grabbed his hand. 

"Just happy." I whispered. I pulled him to my bed and got in it- which was tall and difficult for me to do. Once I got on I made him get in as I got under the covers and slid over to make room for him. "I felt like I was waiting forever." I whispered. I blushed as I remembered the difficulty in keeping myself occupied. I had ever scratched my shoulders- mostly because it was the clothes that was bugging me, it was well enough to keep me occupied. I felt something wet on my fingers so I brought them to my nose and smelt my blood on them. Ops. Mom's going to be mad.... I shook my head and rubbed it off onto the bed. 

"You really shouldn't do that...." He murmured, resting his head into the crook of my shoulder. "I'm guessing you want me to stay with you...long enough for you to go to sleep that is." I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Of course I do! What shouldn't I do?" I tilted my head in curiosity. He laughed softly. 

"Alright...but you better hurry up and go to sleep.... before I fall asleep next to you," he whispered in my ear teasingly. 

"I wouldn't mind so much." I whispered and felt myself already drifting off beside him. I liked the feeling of this... It was going to be hell when I had to leave for France. I'd never get to feel this after I leave. I buried my face into his hair and then closed my eyes tightly. "I wish we could do everything together... I want to run away with you." I whispered the last part under my breath. 

"I'd do it for you if I didn't believe it would be selfish...." He kissed my cheek then. "Just wait and we'll see what happens. Let's trust that Laurence knows what he's doing. He said we'd ask him for help one day and he'd provide it." What kind of help did Laurence mean though!? He could have meant anything. There were a million possibilities. "But for now..." He yawned softly and brought me closer to him. "Sleep..." 


It hadn't taken long for them to find out about us. My mother had caught me on the last day with Richard in the study. Outraged, she had torn me away from him and had him punished- to go through insane prince courses that were for the troubled and if he still had problems, he was to be killed for biting others. They'd found out about Elise and they almost did it straight off, but his parents had managed to save him and promised they would do it themselves if they had to. After awhile, he ran away and disappeared from his home and then showed up outside my window one night, asking me to come away with him. We would go ask for protection with Laurence which Laurence generously did. He supplied us with an army and helped get us teammates- including Dante which only took showing him he wasn't as strong as he thought. We soon had a revolution on our hands, and Richard and I fought side by side for each other. Which brings us to the present day.....