The Black Lucy Pub

Louis's POV:

The witch came back after about two hours and smirked as she saw me. "Hello Louis....Bet you'd like to walk again...wouldn't you?" She glanced to the two guards and nodded. Grabbing me roughly, they hauled me to my feet as one gripped my hair, pulling my head up to look her in the eyes. "I'll let you walk again...but I don't think you'll want to after a few minutes." I suddenly felt my strength flood back through me, and relief washed over my brain. I stood up then and looked to her. What does that mean though?

"You're a very strange witch," I grumbled and watched as the door opened. A vampire walked in and looked to the witch.

"They want the prisoner back." Prisoner? Since when did I get demoted to prisoner? Nodding, she started to walk to the door as the two guards pulled me with her. Soon enough, I was back in that retched room where the Court was sitting. The doors shut with a thud behind me as the men let me go, shoving me forward. Almost immediately, I spotted Richard and Paris but didn't say anything. They were going to have to deliver the verdict and sentence...which if Dante got his way... I was pretty much screwed. Richard nodded to the witch then who flicked her wrist- my powers suddenly disappearing. I felt handicapped without them and widened my eyes. I wouldn't be able teleport away....Uh oh..

"Louis, on behalf of the Royal Court and on all the vampires you are hereby sentenced to three days of torture and controlled isolation which will end on the fourth day with your non-permanent death. You will be torn apart by werewolves publicly, and your stone will be presented to Paris whom will decide your fate from there," Richard said, looking a bit saddened as he saw me. What....Werewolves? I tensed up. If they think I'm just going to willingly let them tear me apart, they have another thought coming! I shivered as I envisioned two giant werewolves growling and snarling, coming towards me with their teeth bared then leaping and tearing my throat out.

"," the witch whispered in my ears. "I'm going to watch you run and scream little vampire prince." I looked at her and jumped back quickly, seeing she was not even an inch away from me.

"You stay away from me," I hissed out to her, narrowing my eyes. After taking away my ability to move and then my powers....I don't want her anywhere near me. I growled as I saw her smirk.

"See? You're afraid of me already! Good, because I'm not done with you yet," she sung out and waved her hand in the air to spook me. "You and I are going to have the best of times for the next four days~!" Her giggle surrounded us as she saw the look of terror on my face. W-what exactly happened in here?! Torture? Werewolves?! I bit the inside of my lip and winced as pain flashed through me. I tasted blood in my mouth instantly, so I touched my lip and looked at my fingers, blood on it. Darn it! I narrowed my eyes angrily. Dante laughed then from beside me and that's when I noticed he had gotten up to walk towards me. He grabbed me by my shoulders and leaned in to my ear.

"This is what you get for flaking Louis.... Enjoy it while you can, because I'm going to be visiting you very soon.... Bet you can't wait to see me, can you?" He laughed lowly in my ear and then spun me around to face him, looking at my lip. "'re going to want that later too. After aren't going to be getting any kind of food for the next four days...which means that your regeneration will be slowed down enough so that you feel all the pain, and it won't go away till the final day." He smirked at me and touched my lip, bringing his hand back and licking my blood off of it. "Enjoy your punishment.... Richard was able to get it lightened up from what I wanted." He chuckled and started to walk off then towards the door. "Nice seeing you all! I look forward to New Years with you," he said then cheerily towards the rest of the Court. That jerk! I narrowed my eyes, preparing to go after him. I seen Paris staring Dante down, like he was plotting against him already. His eyes told it all, it gave me a shiver down my spine. Once Dante was out of the room, Paris glanced me over with pity... something told me I had hell coming down on my for the next four days... He stood up then and walked towards me. He stopped a few inches from me and leaned in, kissing the top of my head.

"When this is over...." Paris whispered and trailed off, giving a slight growl. "We are going to have tons of fun." He pulled away from my head then and looked at his feet. "I'm not staying to watch though... I don't think that I could take a second of it. I pray nothing goes out of order." He looked up into my eyes. "Or the witch will get it for sure." He exposed his fangs and hissed her way, threateningly. "Remember, I have connections higher then you." He snarled. He clearly didn't like her. He turned to Richard and held out a hand. Laurence stood up then and stretched. He gave a slight yawn then looked my way.

"Try counting back from 1000. Before you know it, it will be all over with. I done it in hell." He gave me a nod and cute smile before looking towards Val. "Let's go to Paris's manor and party." He grabbed her hand and disappeared. I balled my hands up into fists, ignoring my fingernails cutting into my skin as I stared at the witch. She's going to torture me herself as well... Isn't she? Along with that, I'm going to be killed by werewolves- one of my worst fears. I shuddered inwardly and then looked down at my feet as I heard the rest of the Court starting to leave. I will get Dante back for this.... Narrowing my eyes, I exposed my fangs as soon as I felt one of the guards touch me. I wasn't going down without a fight- that's for sure. Hissing, I looked up at him and grabbed his wrist, pulling him closer as I savagely bit down into his neck, tearing out a chunk of his flesh and spitting it down at his feet. The witch giggled as she saw it and bounced over, ignoring Paris who was still momentarily here.

"I like it when my victims are savage.... It means I get to break you~! We are going to be the best of friends Louis! Of course, we can't have those nasty little things getting in the way, now can we?" She gripped my shoulder, sending an icy cold feeling through my body. It made me retract my fangs as I groaned out in pain. "That's more like it. Brutus, clean that up," she ordered to the one I had taken a chunk out of. "Michael, get the pliers. We are going to defang this one to start with." I widened my eyes and pulled away from her quickly.

"Like hell you are-"

"Hell? What a nasty word to use in the presence of a lady.... You know nothing about it." She narrowed her eyes at me then and flicked her wrist towards me. I suddenly felt my voice go away. I tried screaming, but that didn't do anything. That witch! I ran towards her then, but my limbs went numb again, making me fall over. "Uh-uh-uh~! Not today Louis... Maybe tomorrow."

"Just a few days, remember that. A few days goes by quickly for a vampire." Paris told me as he looked at Richard, eager to leave. Richard got up and came over, seeing that Paris was getting upset.

"Louis, just hang in there long enough, ok? Before you know it, you'll be back home," he said soothingly as he looked down at me. I glared up at them as I felt the two guards grab me and haul me to my feet. The witch giggled and came over, running a finger along my jawline and then under it to my neck where she dug her nails in. I silently screamed out as I tried to kick but was powerless to do anything. Richard winced and quickly went over to Paris, burying his face into his chest. Rose walked over to Paris as she glanced my way in pity then grabbed a hold of his arm. Paris looked back at me and clenched a jaw then lead them out the door.

"Ta ta~!" The witch called out to them as the door shut. She smirked evilly as soon as it shut and looked me in the eyes. "Are you ready for the most fun you've had in your life? I'm a natural when it comes to these kinds of things." If I could have moved, I would have taken her out right then and there, but she knew it and was hiding behind her magic.....coward.

Paris's POV:

I shut the door to my Uncle's manor- where the meeting had been held at and lead the other two to my car. I was surprised to find Laurence sitting in it with Val. They gave us weak smiles. "I figured that we all should go out somewhere and have a bit of fun to forget about what just happened. How about drinks? We could go to a human bar and have some fun, pick up a few humans or something." Laurence suggested. "I don't know about you guys but I don't think I can just sit around dwelling on what is happening in there." He shook his head. "We are going to need a good distraction for the next three days." Richard nodded quickly.

"Yes.... Let's go get drinks and some humans. That sounds heavenly," he said and walked over to my car and got in next to Laurence. "I'll even sneak you drinks since how they aren't going to serve you with you looking like a child Laurence."

"I can use my own powers of persuasion thank you very much-" Laurence snapped towards R I had gotten in and cut him off.

"If we go to Perry's human bar..." I trailed.

"I want to go somewhere new though." Rose said as she got in with us. "We always go see Perry when we want to party." She pointed out.

"I know this place called the 'Black Lucy.' The owner is around 19, he serves anyone- as long as he gets paid good." Val spoke up and shrugged. "It's a good pub."

"Black Lucy it is," Richard murmured. He got really silent as he stared down at his hands, curling and uncurling his fingers slowly. I looked towards Val then, finding out where this pub was located and drove us there. I parked out front, the bar seemed to be loaded today and there was no police cars parked nearby so that was good. I looked around at my gloomy friends and frowned.

"I know- it is tough... Three days is nothing though, remember that we have endured much worse then that. So lets go have some drinks." I suggested. Val and Rose got out together and linked arms. Laurence looked from Richard to I then got out. I looked at Richard and took his hand in mine, rubbing it gently before climbing out of the car. I just shouldn't think too hard about whats happening to my dear twin. It will be over soon and then vengeance is going to be mine. I could tell what Dante was thinking... That prick thinks he can just get away with what he's done... He has another thing coming for him. I should have killed him off in the revolution. Richard got out after a few seconds and shut the door, wrapping an arm around my waist and trying for a smile before leaning in and kissing my cheek.

"We did good today....considering it was a tough audience. He could have gotten much worse," he whispered and nodded as if he was reassuring himself.

"He's not getting a life sentence or something worse, so that is good." I agreed with Richard. Eternity can be a long time for a vampire. I gave Richard an assuring smile. If my twin is anything like me then what is going to happen to him in these next few days will be nothing. After all... we know hell. I pulled Richard after the other three and when we walked into the Black Lucy, nice rock n roll music was playing in the background. The pub was crowded and there was a good vibe coming from every corner of it. There was a man walking around with a black pug following after him. He had a nice suit on and a name tag, William. He had on glasses- making him look even more attractive and his hair was a nice cut- a dark browish- almost black. He kept a smile on as everyone in the place seemed to call out to him. He walked up to us then and clasped his hands together.

"Hello! I am William, I own the Black Lucy and this is my girl Lucy." The male pointed to the pug at his feet who ran up to Laurence and started to jump up at him. Laurence knelt down and started to pet her. "May I help you to any drinks?" He asked as he looked at Val, trying to remember if he knew her or not. "Perhaps a booth?" He glanced towards Laurence then and raised an eyebrow. "Lucy~" He grabbed his pug and kissed her head. "Go see Lexi." He ordered. He sat her back on the ground and Lucy took off to the waitress near us and started to follow her around. He looked back at us. "Or would you like more privacy?" He winked towards Laurence. Richard smirked then.

"Hmmm.... A booth sounds intriguing, but privacy would be amazing," he murmured then walked over to William. "Privacy please. My date is a little shy after all," he told him, glancing back at me. I gave a soft blush to play along. William gave a nod.

"I have some private rooms in the back, I will personally be your waiter. What kind of drinks should I start you off with?" William asked as he looked towards me and adjusted his glasses.

"The strongest you have.... I'm going to need about ten full glasses of it," Richard said thoughtfully. He must be planning on getting hammered and drinking it off then.... I gave a nod in agreeance. ,

"Mind the price?" William asked then as he was already snapping his fingers towards a bartender near by as he was leading us to a door behind the bar.

"Not at all, more expensive- the better." I told him.

"Kelly, get the best we have and don't be cheep." William snapped towards the bartender.

"Right away Will!" She called to him as she started to trace her fingers on the bottles, deciding on which one to pull off.

"For you?" William asked Laurence.

"Surprise me." Laurence purred out. William raised an eyebrow then grabbed a bottle from a shelf as we disappeared into the back of the bar, into a long half with a bunch of doors. "Have you ever noticed how nowadays there is always private rooms?" Will asked us and tossed Laurence the bottle. "I'm charging you extra for this~" William whispered to me.

"I don't mind, send some girls in too." I suggested.

"First group that comes in." Will added on. "I don't think you want them to be too drunk." He joked. Richard smirked at that, now eyeing Will. His thoughts were going a little dark as he started to think about turning him before we left. "If there is a mess, I will personally make you clean it up." I could feel the joke in his voice. I laughed and it started him up. He stopped at a door. "Soundproof walls." He opened the door and then tossed us a key and a bill that was suddenly drawn up. "I will be back with drinks and girls in five." William promised. Laurence took a glance from Will to Richard and then raised an eyebrow- like he was expecting. Richard glanced at him and his smirk widened before he went into the room and sat down on a couch.

"By all means, come in. We are going to have the best time of our lives tonight," Richard told us. He was definitely thinking about it now. Laurence danced his way in and took a seat on an arm chair and crossed his legs. William walked in and went over to a radio and turned it on for us.

"I hope you five enjoy this." William told us sweetly. I followed the girls in then and thought about closing the door but... we should get drinks first and other victims.

"Oh we will, William." I laughed as I took a seat by Richard. William smirked as he looked us over. The girls took a seat on the other couch and giggled as they looked William over. Richard watched him closely as he started to leave to get our drinks. As the door shut, Richard looked over and leaned against me, running his fingers up to the top of my shirt and playfully touching my chin.

"I...claim him," he murmured softly with a smirk.

"Oh but I thought I would have a little fun." Laurence joked and laughed.

"Oh so we all know what was happening here? Good!" Val chimed out.

"I haven't seen a good turning in a while." Rose joked and leaned against Val's shoulder.

"You really want to turn him?" I asked Richard then. I was curious as to how badly he was willing to go to get this... William.

"Free drinks," Richard told me and shrugged. "Besides, I only want a little fun with him.... It's not like I'm going to show him lots of attention and loving care after this. All that's for you and you alone," he teased and gave me a kiss. I nodded. I should have read William's thoughts to see what he thought of us... I bet that would have been entertaining. Laurence opened up his bottle of Jack Daniels and took a sip of it.

"Here's to Louis." Laurence said and sunk in the chair. Richard tensed up and looked over at him as he was reminded again, but he managed to shake it off when William came back in. He perked up and watched as he was handing out the drinks. He got up and went over to the door, shutting it behind the three girls that came in and locked it without any of the humans noticing.

"So William....ever thought about a trip to the wild side?" Richard joked and started to walk towards him as he handed me my drink.

"Oh I've had my fair share of a wild side." William said and laughed. "I don't do it to much anymore though, I most take trips out of town now- that's the closest I get to a wild side. I most take care of my customers here." William finished handing out the drinks and put the tray to his side. "Would you like me to keep the drinks coming?" He asked and chuckled.

"Yes, that would be..." Richard moved closer then and stood an inch away from him, wrapping an arm around his waist, "excellent." He laughed darkly and leaned in to his neck, exposing his fangs. William leaned back from Richard then.

"Dude...." William hissed out, obviously not okay with Richard being that close. He shoved him away then with a powerful force and hit him with the tray over the head. He stomped off towards the door. Richard rubbed his head, tears in his eyes from the pain.

"Owie.... GET BACK HERE!" He ran after him then, wanting revenge. William yelped and went to open the door- noticing it was locked and looked back behind him at Richard and laughed nervously as he held up his hands in defeat.

"Hey now- lets talk about this.... Free drinks?" He asked. Richard stopped a foot away and smirked, starting to walk towards him now.

"Well....considering you hit me, that's the least you could do." One of the girls looked over at Laurence and smiled, walking over to him, sitting down on the floor in front of him.

"Hey cutie, what is someone so young like you doing here in this adults' playpen?" Laurence leaned up towards her then as he downed the bottle.

"You see- the thing is... I am actually wayyyyyy older then you. Infact... I am the oldest one in this room." Laurence told her with a straight face.

"Oh good. Now unlock my door..." William stepped aside from the door and motioned to the door handle. "Or I am going to call the cops." He pulled out his phone. Richard raised an eyebrow at him.

"You won't do that because if you do....They'll shut this place down. You aren't supposed to serve someone under twenty one years of age, and there we have a child drinking. They'll arrest you as well." He then snatched the phone from him and crushed it in his hand, letting the pieces fall onto the floor. He smirked and grabbed him, throwing him up against the door and leaning into him as he trapped him. "Now...that wouldn't be a smart move for a bar owner, now would it?" He laughed darkly and exposed his fangs. William widened his eyes as he looked at Richard's fangs and gulped.

"Nice- uh.... teeth..." William whispered and went to push up his glasses on his nose. "How about we make a deal? Obviously I can't call the cops." He tried to keep this calm- even his thoughts were calmly trying to get him out of this situation. He was scared out of his wits though. His thoughts thought back to Lucy and concerned for her life if this was to end badly. I concluded that he mustn't have a family because his thoughts never flickered to one. It was sort of odd. I smirked as I watched. Good, no one will care. Richard paused then and looked him over.

"Oh? My dinner is proposing a deal with me? Interesting... I'd like to see this play out," he murmured but didn't back away from him as he stared him in the eyes.

"You don't want to- eat me... I would taste funny. How about I just not bill you for any of this and we go our separate ways?" William asked, that was the best his thoughts could come up with at the time. Richard frowned just a bit and then looked towards me, giving me a little pout, a cute one.

"Paris...what do you think?"

"Our dearest friend William here has no family." I stated. He's going to be valuable Paris. I heard Laurence telling me. I smirked widely at Richard. Whatever he wants, I don't mind. Richard smirked back at me then turned to look at William.

"Hmm... No family huh? The walls are soundproof as well.... I can be as viscous as I want with you." He laughed then and pulled him away from the door, keeping him close. "How about I take a sip of this first?" He picked up my drink and chugged it.

"That's not a sip." William complained and tried to pull away from Richard. I laughed as I heard William calling us all maniacs in his head.

"I'm going to like this one." I mumbled and then grabbed one of the girls and made her sit by me. I exposed my fangs and leaned in towards her neck. "What about you dear? Want to be a vampire?" I asked and laughed. This sent the girl into a fit of screams. Richard glanced over at her in pure jealousy before looking at William, thinking about taking it out on him. He grabbed his wrist and pulled it up to his lips, grazing his fangs against it before biting down hard. William widened his eyes and tried to tug his wrist away from Richard.

"Oh- no stop! They feel like needles!" William shrieked out and managed to get his wrist away from Richard. He stumbled backwards and blood started to gush out. William started to get a faint dizzy from the smell of it and dropped it his knees- about to puke. This made me only too interested as I pulled away from the girl to watch. He gets squeamish at the sight of blood and smell huh? Richard growled and got down onto his knees.

"Just what do you think you are doing huh?" He hissed out and then grabbed his wrist, pulling it back to him as he licked at the blood. He ignored William's aversion for blood as he bit down again and then ripped out a piece of flesh from his wrist, spitting it towards Laurence. Laurence looked up from the girl in front of him and towards the flesh and smirked.

"Oh take it easy on him Richard." Rose hissed out as Val and her had the other girl between them.

"Please~" William merely whispered. I could feel the sick waves flowing off of him. I wonder if he will still be like this as a vampire... Richard stopped for a moment to look up at him then and sighed.

"Fine, I guess I can help you out. How would you like to play a game of blind tag huh? You get to be blind, and I'll be the tagger!" He laughed cruelly as he pulled his shirt up and over his head and went to tie it around William's head, taking his glasses away from him. I laughed as I watched Richard having his fun. William freaked out then as he tried to pull off the shirt.

"Stop! I don't want this." William begged. I could still feel his stomach was upset from the smell of the blood. I looked towards the girl by me then and went back to where I was. I pushed her hair aside and tilted her head back so her neck was fully exposed to me and went in for a bite. She screamed and went to push me away then but stopped wide eyed as she saw Richard bite William on the neck, tearing out another chunk of flesh and then spitting it towards us. She shrieked as it landed in her lap. I laughed in amusement. I pulled from her neck to look her in the eyes.

"You don't have to sleep with him for all eternity." I whispered and nipped at her playfully to frighten her. "Imagine him in bed." I teased. "He's really dominant. Territorial too."

"You know you like it~!" Richard shouted over to me as he was eavesdropping. He gave me a wink before licking his lips and looking back to William, pushing him down onto his back and getting on top of him. I laughed and went back to feasting on the girl. I could hear William struggling to get away and stop his neck from bleeding. The girls on the couch began to have their fun too with their victim. Richard suddenly stopped, looking down at William. "Hey William, what did the dead bartender say to the next?"

"Don't invite vampires into their bar." William hissed out as he tried to kick Richard between the legs. Richard was too quick for him though and bit him in the thigh as a lesson.

"He said nothing of course," Richard told him. "He's dead." William hissed and tried to crawl away from Richard. Poor Richard had a crawler. He sighed and yanked him back to him, biting down into his neck again. "If you keep running away, I'll make it worse for you. I have been gentle so far," he murmured into William's ear. "I could tear you apart instead."

"Please don't kill me." William begged. "I know my life is worthless- and I have no one in it besides Lucy.... but I do have a life!" William cried out. "What will happen to her?" He pleaded with his predator. I was starting to feel a bit sorry for him. At least he will get a good maker.

"Oh, but I'm going to give you so much more... I'm not going to actually...kill you technically. I'm going to make you into a cute little bartender vampire!" He laughed. "See? Not so bad. You just have to die first! Now stay still." He bit down again as he wrapped his arms around him. William whimpered but started to obey Richard.

"I don't want that though... Eternity as a bartender?" He whimpered once more. "Please sir..." He begged once more. "Let me go, I won't tell anyone."

"But that's not fair to me. I'm hungry after having to deal with a bunch of royals who all have sticks up their-" he stopped himself and shook his head as he looked down at him. "Besides, if you don't want to be a bartender, you can always change that. I'm just giving you a gift! It's just going to hurt for a bit, but then you will experience great joy as a vampire like me!" He smiled down at William sweetly as he rubbed his cheek. "Tell you what. If you don't like being a vampire after a few hundred years, I'll kill you."

"A few hundred years?" William's voice hit three octaves. He tried to overpower Richard then and get away. Richard was done playing now though- poor unlucky William- and pinned him down, biting down as hard as he could to bleed him out. He drank his blood quickly and greedily all the way until William stopped struggling and his heart gave out. He sat up then and bit down into his wrist, pulling his shirt off Will's head as he dribbled his blood over his lips. I pulled back as the girl under my lips heart fell silent and rolled my eyes. Weakling. Not even worth immortality. I rolled her off the couch and laid back on it, looking at the ceiling as I heard William coming back alive from across the room.

"There we go!" Richard said with a smile and watched William closely. The only girl who hadn't been bitten yet- Laurence's- was staring wide eyed at William. She glanced over at me and saw her friend dead then jumped up quickly, shrieking as it dawned on her. William started to sit up then as the yelling was annoying him. I laughed as I heard his thoughts mixing from hatred at the vampires in the room- to at the girl screaming, then finally at Richard for turning him. He started to move away from Richard then as he was gaining his newborn strength. I could feel the taste for blood stirring inside him, causing him confusion and more hatred for Richard. Laurence grabbed the girl in front of him and shushed her.

"Don't scream, if you be good... I won't take much." Laurence promised her. widened her eyes as she looked at him and bit her bottom lip as she quieted down. Amazingly, she still thought he was adorable. He pulled her into his lap and bit down on her wrist, not giving a warning. She yelped and winced as she started to tremble, but she didn't scream as she gently tugged on her wrist, trying to get it back. Laurence glanced up at her and smirked against her skin. Suddenly shadows held her in place so he wouldn't have to constantly play with his food. She widened her eyes and started to cry softly as she closed her eyes, not wanting to see him drinking her blood. He pulled back after a few minutes, and the shadows let her go. "See, that wasn't so hard." Laurence whispered and whipped her tears away with his fingers. "You survived a vampire's bite. Haha." He waited for her, expecting her to run to the door or something. She didn't though. She just wiped at her eyes and put a hand over her bleeding wrist as she whimpered from the pain. He widened his eyes in realization and grabbed her wrist, licking it so it would heal up. He let her go then and took a sip of his alcohol. She looked at her wrist in shock and then up at him.

"W-what did you...." She trailed off as she looked at him, losing her train of thought.

"I healed your wound." Laurence admitted. "Quite simple. My saliva has healing powers." She blushed and wiped her bloody hand off on her dress then before crawling out of his lap and onto the floor where she stayed silent, not sure what to do.

"You can leave when we do, I trust you won't say anything to anyone about this?" Laurence asked her. "Or I will find you and you will end up like your friend on the floor." His eyes glanced to my victim. She widened her eyes and nodded quickly.

"I promise I won't tell," she told him, looking back up at him as she bit her lower lip. Laurence smiled and put his legs on one of the arms of the chair and started to move his body downwards and shirted to where his head was dangling over the edge of the seat.

"Good girl." Laurence whispered to her. His long white hair fell to the floor and just barely missed it. William on the other hand started to stand up, finally. He was consumed with anger towards Richard but kept his face calm. I laughed, wondering how he was doing that. Richard smiled innocently up at him and stood up, ruffling his hair.

"I think I'm going to take you back with us....You can bring your cute little pug, and I will give you a decent allowance! What do you say hmm? Sound good?" He was trying to be nice, knowing that William was probably mad at him. He glanced over at Laurence and the girl then. "Hey Laurence, if you want to make sure she never tells, you can always keep her as a pet. After all, your last one died a long time ago and keeps following you around."

"I do not want another Baleen." Laurence grumbled. "He's becoming annoying... always following me around. I never get any privacy- I even made it to where he'd die... and what happened!? He's still tucking me in and reading me bedtime store-" He blushed. "Anyways... no. She won't talk, will you sugar?" He asked her and poked her cheek. "Cause... I don't keep pets."

"I'm not anyone's sugar," she said in a sassy tone and pouted, looking away. Richard raised an eyebrow.

"That's a keeper right there Laurence. She won't follow you around like Baleen. You'd have to work to keep her around....unless you bribed her or something. You should get a pet. After all, you wouldn't have to hunt as much," Richard pointed out to him as he sat down next to the girl in front of Laurence and poked her side curiously. "She seems nice." William walked over to another arm chair and took a seat on it.

"I'm going to stay here with Lucy." William decided, as if it was really his choice. Laurence looked to be thinking over, keeping the girl as a pet or not. He shook his head finally.

"I rather not. I can just drink bottled blood." Laurence put it simple. Richard wrinkled up his nose at that.

"One, that's not healthy for you. Two, you never know what they'll put in it. Three, what if you get poisoned?" Richard crossed his arms then and stared down Laurence. "I'd feel better if you took a pet...even if it was just to keep you interested half the time or not. Who knows, she might be fun. What if you want to tease Baleen enough to make him mad and go away for a month?"

"We both know Baleen is locked to me. He doesn't want it as much as I do. He's ready for heaven, but we all know that is impossible for him. I don't want another one to end up like him." Laurence gestured to her. "Plus I don't even like girls. Look at her... She's a mess." He pointed out and laughed as he looked at her upside down. "Leave me alone Richard, I am older and I know what is good and what isn't good for me." The girl narrowed her eyes and stood up, pissed.

"I am not a mess! You are! What the hell is up with your hair huh?! It's almost as long as you are! What are you, a girl?! Besides, you look like a freakin eight year old! I bet you can't get anything! Besides, don't you know white usually signifies insanity or something bad?! Your hair looks like it could use a good brushing and then a trim! Plus you look like a deranged child who has no friends! Pfft, you even have some guy named Baleen tucking you in at night, yet you claim to be the oldest in the room! Obviously you aren't near as mature as some of the others in here! I bet you couldn't even get a girl to spend one night with you!" She crossed her arms then and stared at him, narrowing her eyes angrily. Laurence narrowed his eyes at her and sat up then, spinning around to face her and got off the chair.


"Fine," she muttered and started to storm off. "Like I care."

"Don't take it the wrong way, he's trapped in a kid's body. It's a curse. He's going to blow up and have his temper tantrums. You shouldn't let this get to you." I mumbled as I watched her stomping away. I noticed Rose and Val was done feeding and the girl was dead, at their feet. She stopped suddenly and looked back with wide eyes at her friends. She slowly looked up at Val and Rose and put her hand over her mouth as tears came to her eyes.

"Oh don't cry. You can join them." Val suggested and then exposed her fangs. Laurence growled at Val.

"No with me watching." Laurence hissed out. The girl- Iris I soon found out- backed away slowly towards the door, not realizing it was locked. Richard looked on in amusement and nudged Laurence.

"You should totally keep her! She had the nerve to tell you off. Not many do that you know?" He smirked over at him and gave a wink. "Besides, aren't you tired of always getting your way? She's not as predictable as normal girls, and you seemed a bit shocked by her which means even she caught you by surprise."

"I don't want to get sassed by her everyday." Laurence hissed out. "I just got a headache from her." He groaned. "I should just kill her and get this over with." He thought about it for a second then decided not to. "No... I'll take her to Perry." Richard raised an eyebrow.

"Perry? That's basically taking her to a slaughter house." Her eyes widened as she heard that and she reached behind her, finding the hinge to the door after realizing the door was locked. She started to work at it, even though it was really tight and it was digging into her skin. She winced in pain as she managed to get the bottom one out and hid it in her hand, watching them closely. She wasn't going to let them take her anywhere.

"Laurence, I think you should consider other options." I chuckled out as I watched her in curiosity. "Your about to loose her." Laurence snapped his head with interest from me to her.

"Oh? Leaving so soon?" Laurence asked and flicked his fingers. Shadows rose up from the floor and grabbed her feet then lifted her up into the hair, having her dangling as they dragged her to him and sat her down in his lap. "Not so fast, I am still deciding your fate. You know I have godly powers, right?"

"More like the devil's gift." I joked. She looked scared of the shadows but didn't say anything as she played it smart and didn't struggle against them. She kept the bolt hidden in her hand tightly though, not wanting him to take it from her.

"Would you like to die, live, get the gift of eternal life, or would you like a life time of slavery to me? How about I just give you to a slave auction, or to Perry- who will make you a wonderful waitress at a vampire bar? What would you like?" Laurence smirked as he leaned his head back against the seat. She gritted her teeth as she stared him down.

"Sell me to a slave auction and I'll come back to haunt you," she threatened. "I will put a curse on you, and you will wish you never met me."

"I already wish I never met you." Laurence grumbled. "Would you like to live your life for me instead?" He asked and curled his fingers around his hair. "I could make you do my laundry." She narrowed her eyes at him then but didn't say anything as she was thinking about how to get away. "Fine, get off of me and go. Let her out, I don't care." He waved it off. "Willlllllllliam! I ran out! I need more Jack Daniels! Try not to kill everyone when you go get me some too." He waved at William as he threw the bottle to him. Iris gasped as she was released from the shadows and shot up quickly, running to the door as she tossed the bolt aside, looking towards Richard expectantly.

"We're just going to let a pretty girl like her go?" Richard said, pouting just a bit. "Laurence, you don't know when you see a keeper, do you?" He looked to Laurence then. "All because she insulted you, isn't it? You were liking her before she did that."

"If you want her Richard, then have her. Give her to William for entertainment, I really don't care what happens to her, she needs to learn how to respect her elders." Laurence hissed out. Richard sighed then, and I caught him glancing towards me. We could make her into a newborn and train her to respect princes and princesses then give her to him for his next birthday. What do you think? Nice surprise right? Might get him off of the bottles. He smirked as he thought about it and looked towards Iris who was pretty much hanging on the door handle by now, really wanting out. I looked at Iris then towards Laurence. Someone is going to have to buckle down on him and make him start feeding on humans again, he can't live off bottles forever. I sat up then and stared Laurence down. He glanced my way then and widened his eyes, like he knew what I was going to say.

"NO." Laurence gasped out.

"Oh yes Laurence." I ordered.

"Yes what?" Val wondered.

"Keep her Laurence." I ordered so the others could know what was happening.

"Why should I!?" He got to his feet then. William raised an eyebrow. "She's mean!" Iris froze as she heard us talking and glanced back at us, first me, then Laurence, then Richard. She quickly scrambled for the top hinge, her heart speeding up as it was dawning on her that Richard wasn't going to let her out.

"Laurence, we both know that just because she is mean... doesn't mean we shouldn't keep her. Now you will keep her or I am going to personally drain the life from her- turn her- and give her to you as an early birthday gift. I'll do this in front of your eyes too." I hissed out threateningly. He rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He looked towards William. "MY REFILL!" He hissed out to poor William. William crossed his arms.

"No way, I refuse to give you anymore when you are like this." William spat out. Richard laughed softly.

"William, please be a dear and get little Laurence another drink?" He asked- well, not really even asked- ordered. William looked towards Richard then, staring daggers into him then got up and walked towards the door. He moved Iris out of the way then unlocked the door and went out of it. Iris, seeing her chance, went to dart out the door, but she was stopped by Richard quickly who scooped her up and carried her over to me, sitting her in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and smirked.

"Richard, you should make sure your newborn keeps his cool." I told him as I was worried he might go on a killing spree out there. He nodded and left, locking the door behind him. Iris looked up at me in fear and started to tremble, her thoughts immediately turning apologetic to everything she said. She wasn't mean normally, I noticed then. She had done it just because he insulted her.

"Your not a mess, he was just saying that because it was the only thing he could come up with to argue about with Richard." I told her sweetly. "Laurence is an adorable little boy, you will see that soon... especially when he gets tired." I pushed her hair away from her face and gave her a smile. "Plus I think he was just trying to protect your soul. Humans that tend to live their lives with him end up being bonded to him in the afterlife. So I hope you don't take a liking to him." I poked her nose to try to cheer her up. She blushed and looked up at me curiously as she tilted her head. Her fear had pretty much melted away when I started to be nice to her. "You shouldn't talk about his appearance either, he dwells on the fact he is cursed to look like a child forever.... It's not easy for him. He fears rejection when he meets his soul mate." She widened her eyes and nodded slowly.

"Cursed? That's so sad.... I'm sorry," she said sweetly towards Laurence as she glanced over at him. "I just didn't like you calling me a mess...." Laurence just glared her down and I laughed.

"He's a bit upset. Remember he has a temper." I warmed her. William came back in with drinks and passed them around. Richard came back in and locked the door again, smiling over at me.

"So how are things?" He asked as he came over and sat down next to us, looking at Iris. "Has she calmed down any or is she still upset?" He brushed some of her hair out of her face and looked her over. She frowned a bit as she looked up at him and reached out, gently touching his still exposed fangs. He blushed and watched her closely as she curiously studied them. Laurence started to chug another Jack Daniels down and I watched him, shaking my head. William took a seat in his arm chair as he stared us down.

"When are you leaving?" William asked us.

"When we feel like it... Oh!" Richard pulled away from her then to look at William. "If you are going to stay here, I have some rules. You have to hunt at least twice a week and eat- killing or not, your choice- and you have to send me a report every Friday. I will come back if I don't get a report by midnight.....or I will order you to me, whichever I feel like at the moment," Richard told him, giving him a smile. "I will send you a generous allowance to help you live. You may spend it either on your bar, things you need, or to get vampire things....or you can save it. I don't really care what you do with it, just don't burn it or get rid of it. I want you to actually use it."

"You just stay away from here." William hissed out. "I don't want to see you ever again." I laughed as I could tell he was still angry at Richard. "I'll burn anything I get from you." I shook my head.

"Your going to get it talking to Richard like that." I whispered. Seems Iris isn't the only feisty one here tonight. Richard raised an eyebrow at William.

"I order you then not to burn anything I send you, or destroy it. If I find anything not to my liking, I will strip you of your bar and uproot you from your lifestyle and take you home with me for the next few hundred years. Your pug will not live that long either, so it will be a loooong time with me because I won't let you get another pet," Richard threatened, flashing his exposed fangs to him. I watched as William tensed up then went for the door and was out the room in seconds, closing it swiftly. I bit my bottom lip and rubbed Iris's head. "WILLIAAAAM!" Richard shouted, standing up and going after him as he shut the door and locked it. He was in for a world of trouble now... Iris innocently looked up at me and bit her bottom lip as she searched my eyes for something. I gave her a generous smile.

"You should go sit with Laurence while I go make sure Richard doesn't rip up William to pieces." I put her beside me then teleported out into the hall and looked around for the two of them. Richard had him pinned up against the wall a few feet away and was narrowing his eyes as he seemed to be saying something to him. He leaned in then and grazed his neck with his fangs threateningly and pulled back an inch with a smirk as he dug his nails into William's wrists. William let out a cry of pain and exposed his fangs defiantly. I walked up to them and watched them closely. "Richard... William. Please." I insisted. Richard immediately let go and stepped back, hiding his fangs as he looked towards me then back at William.

"I'm not that bad as some makers," he told him, tilting his chin up. "Most would have done killed you by now for simply thinking about opposing them."

"Your the worst to me." William hissed out. "You didn't have to turn me, now you'll have to put up with me for all eternity." He grumbled and looked towards me. He loosened his tie and went to walk off. He obviously didn't want to stick around. Richard sighed.

"I'll come back to check on you after a week, okay?" He called out towards him. Richard walked over to me then and gave me a kiss before pulling me back into the room where we both saw Iris curled up on the couch, fast asleep already. Richard laughed and walked over to her, picking her up and walking over to Laurence where he placed her in his lap. "Happy early birthday Laurence.... She won't be too much trouble, and I bet she'll be lots of fun. If you still aren't happy with how she acts, I will personally train her to be the best human she can be, or I'll turn her and train her- either one." He smiled down at Laurence and bent down, kissing the top of his head. "It's for you.... Please understand that and be nice to her." Laurence grumbled.

"Why'd you have to put her in my lap, now my legs will fall asleep." Laurence complained.

"I think our party here is done." I suggested. Rose was already asleep against Val's shoulder. Richard nodded and looked down at Laurence.

"Treat her nicely- like you would a lady, got it? She is one, even if she did sass you earlier." He bent down and picked her up, carrying her close as she snuggled up instinctively to him and held on to his neck as he started to carry her towards the door. "Paris will use his compulsion to where she won't be able to run away from you too far, ok? I'm sure she won't say another word about" Richard paused and shook his head, holding in a laugh as he went through the door. Val woke up Rose and they got up, going out the door. I looked at Laurence and gave him a light smile. He stood up then and threw the bottle aside then walked out the door. I followed them out of the Black Lucy and towards the car. I got into the drivers seat and waited for the rest to get back in.

"So Laurence, I sort of don't need you hear anymore after Louis gets out in three days. You can go back to England whenever you want." I told him. "Rose too."

"I NEED YOU!" Richard shouted suddenly, looking over at Laurence as he reached over, hugging him close. He had placed Iris in the seat next to him to keep her from getting in the way of being Richard.

"For what?" Laurence asked in confusion.

"Val can go too. I never needed you, Val." I teased her. She glared me down and smacked my shoulder.

"You know you want me around Paris." I shook my head and laughed.

"Your always welcomed to stay in my manor." I ensured them.

"I need you because I miss you every time you go home," Richard murmured in Laurence's ear quietly.

"I have to go check in on my kingdom." Laurence whispered back. "Though.... I might come stay awhile with you two. I like your company." He gave Richard a kiss on the cheek.

"Aww, I love you too Laurence," Richard said and let go, leaning back in his seat as he closed his eyes.

"I'm going to stay too. I heard Donnie home, he never comes to see me." Rose spoke up. Oh right, Donnie should be home now. I smiled. Richard mumbled something I couldn't hear, but he soon dozed off back there next to Iris. It didn't take long for me to drive up to the gates of the manor and enter them. As soon as I parked in the garage, I could hear him before I seen him. I got out of the car and smiled widely.

"DONNIE!" I yelled. He tackled me and pinned me against the car. He gave me a hug and sniffed my chest.

"DAD!" He yelled happily. He glanced up at me and I relaxed. Donnie was definitely a cross between Richard and I. He had a hyper ego too. He never knew when to stop and went for days on a natural happy high... like he drunk coffee, sugar water, and monsters all at once. He had my white hair, ears, nose, and height but everything else was from Richard's gene pool. I laughed and ran my fingers through his long hair, he grew it out to his shoulders. He still looked as handsome as ever. I sniffed him then and frowned as I smelt wolf.

"Donnie." I purred. "Why do you smell like wolf- did you get into a fight with Cage or something?" I joked. Probably August if anything.

"Mhhh.... Uh... I- ah... Actually... Dad... I.." I paused as I heard his thoughts. Richard suddenly bolted out of the car and wrapped him up in a hug.

"Donnie!" He laughed and spun him around before setting him back down. "Did you get a werewolf for a mate? You smell like you messed around with one," he said suspiciously as he smirked, looking our son over.

"You don't know the half of it." I whispered weakly. My son had also brought his werewolf mate here! I was worried for it's safety.

"Actually- Hi dad.... I- Little help here?" Donnie asked me.

"HE'S MATED TO A WEREWOLF AND IT'S HERE!" I fell to my knees. Richard laughed then and started to walk off with a bounce to his step.

"I can't wait to meet your mate!" He seemed like on over-ecstatic mom.

"Oh?! Donnie is growing up, huh?" Laurence asked from on top of the car's roof. Rose and Val was climbing out and Rose hugged Donnie then.

"So happy for you! Why haven't you come to see me?" Rose asked and rubbed his head.

"I have a mate, duh." Donnie hissed out and pulled back. "Dads I want to ask you two something, if you don't mind." Donnie looked at us. Richard stopped wandering off to go find his mate and came back curiously.

"What is it sweetie? You know you can ask me anything.... Your father Paris on the other hand.... He's a little sensitive. Best come to the study my darling dear," Richard said and wrapped an arm around Donnie's waist, pulling him off. I followed them then, gaining my strength to walk.

"I was wondering about witches powers. You see... I don't have much time with my mate..... Since werewolves don't live as long as vampires do. I... don't want to loose my mate." Donnie was nervous. "So-"

"You want to grand your mate immortality." I said as I wondered if it was possible. I'd have to ask around...  someone should know. "I will have to ask around Donnie."

"If its possible.... I will do my best to help you," Richard told Donnie as he led him out of the garage and to my study where Richard then took a seat in my chair, propping his feet up on my desk. He sent a smirk towards me then looked at Donnie. "So how have you been?"

"Wonderful, took residency in Alaska. The polar bears up there are fun." Donnie joked. "So you two are probably wondering about my mate... correct?" Donnie asked. He looked between us and I took a seat in front of my desk, Donnie sat by me. "I think... You two.... Should guess." He said calmly. I was curious now.

"I bet its a guy! You take after me more," Richard teased and sat up more.

"It makes since for your mate to be male, in my family the males are gay, look at Louis for instance." I suggested. "Plus there is us, oh and my cousin is showing a bit of a sign to." I pointed out.

"Heh." Donnie blushed. Richard got up quickly then.

"You two chat. I'm going to go find this mysterious mate of yours Donnie! I want to meet him...or her." Richard started to run off then towards the door, excited.

"DAD! DON'T! HE'S ASLEEP!" Donnie shouted. Oh... so his mate is a male. Typical. I knew he'd be gay the moment I gave birth to him. I shook my head. Richard stopped and came over, wrapping Donnie up into a bear hug.


"I take after both of you." Donnie grumbled. "Dad is gay too." He pointed to me. I shook my head and laughed.

"You know... I wasn't always. He tricked me into it at the age of ten." I teased Richard.

"You know you enjoyed eeeevery second of it. You could barely stand to be away from me." He smirked at me and let go of Donnie, coming over and stealing a kiss as he sat down in my lap. "Now you have me all to yourself, and you don't know what to do."

"I do know what to do, make babies, wars, love, and tons of newborns with you. I plan to spend all of eternity with you after all Richard." I whispered in his ear then bit it playfully. Donnie made a face then.

"I need to get back to him before he wakes up and starts to miss me-"

"I'll make a big breakfast for you in the morning then." I suggested to him as he was getting up to leave.

"Dad! You don't have to do that." Donnie blushed. Richard laughed and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Donnie, if you don't want to see me bite your dad in front of you, I'd hurry on back to your mate," he teased Donnie, knowing it would gross him out like all kids. Donnie got up then and gave us both a kiss on the head then left, before things got too hot in here. I laughed as he left and looked back to Richard.

"Your too good." I teased and picked him up as I went to stand. "Let's go to our room." I teleported us there and laid him down in the bed. He smiled up at me and patted the space next to him.

"You time we want another kid.... It's your turn to be mommy again," he joked, smirking just a bit. I laid down by him and smirked.

"Oh no... I'm not doing that again. I'm not good at birthing. We lost one." I frowned as I tried not to think too had on Donnie's twin. I curled up to Richard and sighed. "It'll be you."

"F-fine...." I heard him. He blushed a bit and then kissed the top of my head. "Just because I love you and I know how bad that was for both of us...." I nodded and closed my eyes.

"I think you should try to bond with William, he has nobody... Now he has an eternity of loneliness to look forward to. You should give him a friend- you I mean. He's just a nineteen year old who only had death to look forward to and a dog to raise." I shook my head. "Least give him something. Make him come live here if you have to and I can make Lauren or Raven look after him." I suggested. Richard laughed.

"I'm sure that would go over great," he said sarcastically. "They are sweet, but I don't know if they would be able to tolerate him long enough.... I will try with him though.... and maybe I'll turn a friend for him to be with. I can try to find him a nice girl or something....take him out hunting maybe." Richard shook his head and snuggled up close to me. "I'll figure something out." He closed his eyes then as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You should." I whispered as I closed my eyes. I smiled softly, glad I was finally at peace with everything around me. In three days... Louis will be out. I will think of something to do with Dante, maybe I will end him gently. Get my demon to do it. I laughed softly. That would be easy. I started to drift off asleep then.