Vampire Temptations

Raven's POV:

I smiled brightly as we pulled back up to the apartment building where Austin lived. It had been a great vacation! I actually got along with Akane! I hopped out of the car and waited for Austin with a sweet smile. I was thinking about turning him tonight.... for real this time. I wasn't sure yet, but I was thinking about it. Austin was tired, he had done most of the driving- no more like all of the driving and he looked ready for his bed. He gave me a small smile when he parked and got out. He grabbed the bags from the back of the vehicle and then the cooler. "So glad to be back!" He yawned out. I giggled and walked over to him, grabbing him by the arm and teleporting us up to his living room.

"Me too! Now I can hunt! It's been awhile, and I normally don't go this long," I told him and grinned as I leaned against the wall, watching him. I'll be hunting you. He nodded as he set the bags and stuff down then went towards his bedroom.

"I'm going to get some sleep, wake me up when you get back from your hunt Raven." He called over his shoulder. I heard him lay down on his bed and groan in relaxation. I raised an eyebrow. Should I give up on that tonight. No, you shouldn't back down. He's yours completely! I smirked and teleported into his room, sitting criss cross on his bed and looked down at him. I poked his cheek.

"Auuustin," I called as I held in a giggle. He looked up at me then out of one eye.

"Yes Rave?" He asked me and raised his head. "You okay?" He wondered. I nodded as I laid down beside him.

"Yeah, I'm fine...." I trailed off, watching him as I debated some more. He closed his eyes, not too worried and started to drift on me. I narrowed my eyes. I'm deciding his fate, and he goes to sleep on me. Bite him. I nodded. I will. I leaned over, exposing my fangs as I inched my way closer to him. When he didn't notice, I gently took him in my arms and bit down on his neck. He jittered then and opened his eyes, startled.

"Raven?" Austin asked me as he relaxed a bit as he realized it was just me. "If you was that hungry...." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me and rubbed the back of my head. "Do you want me to go hunting with you or what?" He joked.

"You can later if you want," I murmured, having double meaning to what I was saying. I held in a giggle as I pulled back a bit to look at him, licking my lips clean.

"I rather not." He stuck out his tongue at me and went to fall back asleep. "Goodnight Raven." I pouted then and glanced him over. No fun.... I went in and bit him again, this time harder. "Owe." He grabbed my sides and groaned. "Not so hard, or I will get you defanged." I narrowed my eyes and pulled back. He did not. Did too.

"You wouldn't declaw a cat, you wouldn't defang a vampire," I hissed out and bit him again as punishment.

"You keep biting me like this... I'll do it in your sleep. I'm sure they'll grow back." He went to overpower me. I widened my eyes as he managed to and looked at him. Oops.... He smirked as he looked me over. "Now... What's all this about you biting me? Why don't you go hunt so I can get some sleep. I've been on the road for a bit." He kissed my cheek and sat up on me. "Right? I deserve so rest." I considered him for a moment, watching him. We'd have more fun if he was more awaaaake.... True.... Just don't hunt tonight so that you have more fun with him when you eat him tomorrow morning. After all, we are going to turn him, aren't we? Yes, we are. I smirked and closed my eyes, ignoring him then. I licked my lips clean as I stretched out.

"Mhmm...." He laid down by me then and wrapped me up in his arms as he started to drift back to sleep.

"Tomorrow... I will take you out somewhere nice." He promised me. I widened my eyes then. If he's going to take me out tomorrow...maybe I shouldn't. Yes you should....How long are you going to let him put it off.... You've already asked him. Y-yeah....but he'll be upset if I do it without asking again. To hell with it. Whatever you say then.... I gulped and tried to fall asleep as the voice kept nagging me about it.

~The Next Morning~

I laid there wide awake, staring up at the ceiling as hunger was starting to eat at me. Last night's attempts had left me realizing just how hungry I was. I looked over at him and bit my bottom lip, feeling my fangs were still sharpened. I bet I looked like a train wreck by now..... Austin started to wake up by me and pulled the covers over his head. "Mhhhhh-" He complained about the light coming into his room by the open curtains. He sighed then sat up and looked towards me. "Morning Rave- You... look... dangerous. You didn't eat last night." He narrowed his eyes. "Raven, that's unhealthy and I don't approve of it." I pulled the blanket over my head as I thought about my options. Option one: eat Austin and turn him....Option two: attack an unsuspecting stranger in the street.... Option three: go cry to Paris. I squeezed my eyes shut as I rolled over in the bed. Option one could get me into a lot of trouble with him....Option three might get me laughed at.... Option two could end with me getting shot by a vampire hunter.... I buried my face in the pillow then. "Raven..." He rubbed my head. "Come on... You can have a bit of my blood." He suggested.

"One drop of your blood and I might lose it," I whispered softly as I thought it over. I'd probably lose myself to the hunger and eat him mercilessly.

"Your hopeless. I'll go get a knife." Austin rolled off the bed and went towards the kitchen. I widened my eyes. Wait what?! I shot up out of bed quickly, starting to go after him. He better not cut himself to try to get me to eat! I heard him fiddling around in the kitchen and then heard him coming back to me. He went through the door and cut his arm, coming towards me with it bleeding. I widened my eyes as I saw it and looked up at him.

"Austin.... You don't want me to feed off of you when I'm like this...." I muttered, my mind slowly being pulled towards the fact that he was basically offering himself up to me.

"Shame... all this blood..." He shook his head as he watched it drip down his arm. "Is going to waist." He whispered as he was still coming closer to me. "Raven, I don't care honestly if I have to give my last drop to save you... I will." He looked into my eyes. I bit my lower lip then as I felt my heart beat then looked down to his arm as I watched a bit drop onto the floor. I sighed and gently took his arm.

"F-fine....if I get too least try to stop me," I murmured before licking up the blood on his arm.

"I will, instinctively." Austin laughed and sat by me, watching me carefully. I finished getting the excess blood off of his arm and moved to his wound, biting down as I felt my instincts and hunger take over. I gripped his arm tighter and pushed him down, getting on top of him. I then moved from his arm to his neck and bit down again, gripping his sides as I tried to get a better angle to get more blood from him. I bit deeper and closed my eyes as I let most of my rational thoughts go and focused on what was right in front of me. His blood was so perfect. I let out a small moan of ecstasy as I went to the other side of his neck and bit down hard. He groaned and arched his back. "Raven... I think you had enough of me." Austin whispered. He pushed up on my chest and I could feel his heart start to race. I growled lightly as I pulled back enough to look down at him, licking my lips before grabbing his hands and pinning them at his sides. I went back to his neck and licked at it. "R-raven?" Austin asked cautiously. "We- agreed that we wouldn't do this..." He whispered and trailed. I blinked and pulled back enough to look at him, his face bringing me back to reality for a moment.

"Do what?" I asked innocently.

"You know what, until I say so... not today." He nodded towards me. "Right?" I frowned just a bit, glancing back towards the bite marks on his throat longingly. It wouldn't be too hard....Just a few more nips...some struggles....and then eternity. "Raven?" He asked softly. I glanced back towards his eyes again and offered him a sweet smile.


"Breakfast?" He suggested.

"You don't eat breakfast," I said, smirking down at him.'re mine. He blushed.

"For you? How about... waffles?" He bit his bottom lip, trying to get out of this. He was scared, I could tell. I could let this go on for a few more minutes.... Or just TURN HIM! I rolled my eyes at that.

"But what if I like the breakfast I have right now?" I teased, lightly touching his nose playfully.

"I think your eyes are bigger then your stomach." He teased me back.

"Maybe they are....but you know I like to eat daily," I said, winking at him. " said when we get back, and I haven't even told you how it happens yet. How careless of me....." I trailed off as I looked down at him. I should tell him..... "Well.... it starts with an innocent little bite, like this," I told him as I leaned down and bit him again. He gasped and tensed up under me.

"I didn't think we would do it now~" Austin whispered. "I haven't even..." He trailed as he let out a groan from the bite. I smirked as I pulled back a bit.

"Then it gets a bit more....well...depending on the can either get really painful and not fun at all...or it can become really fun and full of love," I told him as I leaned back down to his neck. "Either way....the next bite is always more savage and less comfortable than the first one." I bit down really hard then to tease him. His heart started to pound in his chest.

"Raven~ I- I'm not ready." He whispered. "How about tomorrow?" He asked me quickly. I smirked. Tomorrow he'll make an excuse... Do him in now....while you can have your fun. I laughed then and pulled back to look at him.

"Here's the real scary part...the moment of trust and truth," I told him as I leaned in, licking my lips. I stole a kiss and looked him in the eyes. "You have to be drained of all your blood.....and then after your heart stops, I have to feed you some of my own to bring you back as a vampire," I whispered in his ear.

"That sounds bad..." Austin whispered as he blushed. "How about we try next week? A year from now? How about after I finish college?" He asked me quickly. I giggled and kissed him again.

"It's not that bad.... You just have to fight your survival instincts....but you know, if you do fight me, I wouldn't blame you....Most do fight.... Though I've never turned a human before," I pondered on that for a moment before shrugging and leaning down to his neck, biting down again. "You'll be ok, I promise," I whispered as I licked at his blood again.

"Raven... Your scaring me." He tried to get his hands free. "I might even eat breakfast to get out of this." I giggled and shook my head.

"Nope, because now that I've told won't ever let me close to you again until I get this done," I murmured, biting down as hard as I could. He groaned and tried to overpower me.

"Raven, you don't know what you are doing. Let's think and talk this through." He was panicking now. "How about we delay this." He suggested. I shook my head stubbornly, tired of waiting for him to finally give me a date. He told me when we get back, and we are back. I kissed his cheek.

"This will only hurt for a few moments," I told him sweetly, thinking about tearing into him to make it faster for him.

"Raven this is not fair. You don't know how bad this will hurt~" He complained. "It's terrifying me." He shook his head. He's right... I won't really know because I haven't ever really been bitten except for a few times here and there. I smiled softly.

"When you are a vampire, you can have three minutes to yell at me all you want," I teased him and licked his neck comfortingly as I went to tear out a chunk of it. I spat it a few feet away and licked at the blood that started flowing, using my saliva to try to make it feel better as I got some of his blood. He let of a shriek and tried to get away from me as he struggled to get his hands free. He started to cry, as he managed to get his hands free and started to cover his neck.

"Stop Raven- please." He begged. I bit my bottom lip as I pulled back, unable to access the wound anymore. I glanced up into his eyes as I heard him and felt torn. I wanted to stop, but the other half of me wanted to finish it and get it over with, knowing he would feel better as soon as he was like me- a vampire.

"Please....let me finish," I whispered, kissing his cheek. "You'll feel better as soon as it's done, I promise."

"It hurts Raven.... Don't make me do this." He whispered and closed his eyes tightly. He looked away from me as he whimpered from the pain.

"Austin, let me finish.... You have to trust me because that's the fastest way for you to feel better," I told him as I touched his hand gently. "I won't tear out another piece from you.... I was hoping to finish it faster so that way you wouldn't have to be afraid for too long.... You are going to bleed out soon, but it will take longer if you don't let me take care of it...." I bit my bottom lip as I looked him over. If he doesn't move his hand.... You can always go for his arm.... I widened my eyes as I glanced at it. There was a major artery in it.... He looked towards me and then shook his head.

"No." He stated and tried to sit up. "Stay back. Now, Raven." He hissed. "Your not going to do that." He was trembling from the pain. Heartbroken, I moved back just a bit and looked him over.

"Austin, let me help you....please," I whispered. "I can make it better.... You won't have to take another bite like that again!" He shook his head, already starting to loose consciousness.

"No." He whispered. "Raven..." I sighed. He'll be gone in a few moments.... Just wait for him.... Listen for his heart to stop. I nodded and laid down on top of him, placing my ear over his chest. "Save me..." He begged. I sat up quickly and looked at him. I could take that two ways..... I'll take it the way that will make this faster then.

"I will," I murmured and leaned in towards his arm which was the only thing he hadn't managed to cover up to well and bit down, helping him along faster.

"Please Raven..." Austin whispered, his famous last words before his heart gave up on him. I pulled back as I felt his heart stop and looked at him, removing his hand from his wound. I shook my head. No turning back now.... I bit my bottom lip nervously and ended up drawing blood, and deciding not to waste it, I leaned down and kissed him to let him have it. He'd wake up hungry more than likely and probably bite me.... It took him a few minutes- being as stubborn as he is- to come to and bit down on my bottom lip, pulling my body closer to his. I could feel his muscles building a bit as he was transforming. I blushed and pulled back a bit to look down at him.

"Austin?" I watched him closely. He leaned in towards my neck before I could react and bit down hard, sinking his newly formed fangs in.

"Hm." He mumbled against my skin as he started to drink my blood. I winced from the slight pain but didn't dare complain. After all... I did take a chunk of his neck....and kinda turn him without his permission. I kissed his cheek and titled my head to let him have more, trying to not freak out that I was being bit. He pulled back after a few minutes and pushed me off of him and sat up. He glanced towards me before walking off towards the bathroom, I could feel him fuming with anger.

"I'm gonna....go...hunt," I said nervously, quickly getting up. I'd come back when he's in a better mood! I grimaced and went to take off. I teleported back to the mansion and took a few deep breaths as panic set in and fell against the wall as I sunk down to the floor. WHAT IF HE TOTALLY HATES ME?! So? He'll get over it, and if he doesn't....well...he's your newborn. That's not fair. I brought my knees to my chest then and sat there, freaking out before getting up and taking off to the kitchen. "I NEED A BOWL OF ICE CREAM!" I said quickly, knowing the chief was in there. He smiled as he saw me.

"Hey there.... Nice to see you again! I'll get you some." I walked in and waited, tapping my foot nervously.

"Hey Raven. Nice to see you again," Richard said from beside me with a yawn. "Just woke up.... How are- Is that blood all over you? Raven, what'd you do?" I widened my eyes and looked down at my blood stained t-shirt.

"Oops.... I WILL BE BACK!" I teleported to my room and quickly started to change, going to the bathroom and scrubbing all the blood off of me and then teleporting back to the kitchen.

"Good morning Dad, is Paris up yet?" I heard someone ask as a male walked in. I found him strangely crossed between the looks of Paris and Richard. He gave me a smile and then tilted his head to the side. "Still housing other vampires, I see." He laughed. "I'm Donnie, Richard and Paris's son." He gave me a wave as he looked towards the chief with interest then quickly wiped it off his face as he turned towards the hall he just came from. "-Seriously.. I told you to stay in bed." He groaned out. I heard a grumble from in the hall, coming our way. I widened my eyes. THEY HAVE A CHILD?! I stared at him in surprise as Richard quickly went out into the hall, a look of joy on his face. Uh oh....Who's out there....

"My mate." Donnie informed me. He looked my way. "Oh, you look troubled... What's on your mind?" He wondered.


"Told you to stay in bed." Donnie hissed out towards the hall. He flashed me a smile. "Mates are complicated." I giggled at that. Yeah... they are. I shook my head. He's going to kill me.... I looked over as the chief slid me a bowl of chocolate ice cream. I picked it up and started to eat it. Comfort food..... I heard rushed footsteps then as a male ran into the room and tackled Donnie into a hug for safety.

"Donnie! I smell other werewolves. Stay with me at all times," he asked and snuggled into Donnie's chest. The two had a couple of years in age difference. Donnie looked like he was about... twenty one or so and his mate... was about sixteen, not even that. It was cute. Donnie held his mate closer and smiled.

"Okay, cutie." He whispered into his ear. "Next time- you stay in bed like I told you." He raised his head up and kissed him on the forehead. He looked towards the doorway as Richard started to come in.

"PARIS I FOUND THE MATE!" Richard shouted suddenly when he was in the door. I widened my eyes and quickly started to eat my ice cream in case he came down here. I didn't want him to question me after I told him I might end up turning him! Paris appeared beside me.

"So how did that go?" Paris asked me. He took a glance over to Donnie and dropped his jaw in admiration.

"Oh Donnie... he's adorable! You thought young... but I didn't realize this young." Paris giggled. "Cradle robber." He joked. Donnie's mate hid his face deeper into Donnie's chest. Richard smirked and ruffled Donnie's hair.

"He's cute... Good job Donnie. Keep him close and never let him go," Richard advised. "Treat your mate with respect and make sure to show him plenty of love like I do your dad." He sent a meaningful glance towards Paris and winked. Why am I caught up in all this?! I stuck another spoonful of my ice cream into my mouth then, looking down at it. Donnie nodded and blushed.

"You guys... Stop embarrassing my mate. Oh, introductions... Right. This is Chance. Chance, this is Richard and Paris... my fathers. That over there is a cook... and that girl right there... is Raven. Stay clear of Raven, she bites mates. She's scary." Donnie teased his mate and Chance widened his eyes.

"HEY! I DIDN'T TELL YOU MY NAME, SO DON'T GIVE IT OUT! Besides, I don't bite mates....others....I don't know anymore," I trailed off and blushed as I started to eat my ice cream again. Darn mind readers..... Paris laughed and ruffled up my hair.

"So you done it huh?" Paris asked me. "Want to stay for waffles?" He waved the chief out of the room and started getting down to business at making breakfast. Laurence teleported in then and widened his eyes when he seen Donnie and his mate.

"YES! I'M NOT THE ONLY KID LOOKING ONE IN THE ROOM!" Laurence screamed out and jumped for joy. "Pleasure meeting you Chance." He walked up and tugged Chance away from Donnie and hugged him. Rose teleported in then with Val.

"Oh hi Donnie- Aweeeeee is this him?" Rose asked and ruffled Chance's hair up making him tense even more.

"Did I hear breakfast?" I heard as someone walked in, it was a teenage looking boy, around seventeen. He gave a glance around and smirked at Chance. "Oh?-"

"Play nice, he's family." Donnie snapped at the newcomer. "Cage- Chance, Chance- Cage." Chance shot a glare at Cage and in exchange Cage growled. Wait a minute... Is that a... I sniffed towards Cage then and widened my eyes. Werewolf. I started edging over towards Paris, not liking the fact that there were two teenage werewolves in the room with me. What if they suddenly transformed?! Suddenly, two other people- a boy and a lady- appeared in the room.

"WHERE'S LOUIS?!" The girl shouted, letting go of the boy. She glanced around and smirked as her eyes landed on Cage. "Ooooh, the guard dog. Strikes fear in the hearts of many." Does she have a death wish?! Who is she?! I went to the corner and sat down in it, curling up with my bowl of ice cream to be safe.

"That would be August." Paris informed several of the ones like me that didn't know. "Mated to Louis, so say hello to Uncle August, Donnie."

"He's younger then me." Donnie complained.

"August." Cage grumbled, and Paris tapped him on the nose.

"Be nice." Paris warned. "Or go back to bed." Cage nodded and smiled towards August.

"Hi CAGE!" August ran up to Cage and pulled him into a hug. "So where is my mate?" August asked us.

"Getting punished." Rose informed.

"He will be back in a day or two." Laurence assured. What exactly happened while I was gone?!

"After, you know, he's tortured and killed by werewolves," Richard muttered darkly, moving towards the refrigerator with a haunted look. Paris went back to working on fixing breakfast.

"What!?" August yelped. "WHERE IS HE!" He cried out frantically.

"Someplace you'd never be able to track down or guess." Paris teased.

"Paris, where is my master," the girl said with a tone of warning. She narrowed her eyes. "If they are torturing him and then going to have him torn apart by werewolves...."

"He'll be fine," Richard said to her. "It could have been much worse if it wasn't for me and Laurence.... Dante wanted to have his stone crushed."

"Dante....that traitorous scum," she muttered and looked at August. "Come here. You and I have a date to go take care of." She held out her hand. "Let's go get your pack." August turned to her then.

"Babababaaaa. You two stay right here. No one is declaring war on anyone right now. Got that? Not until we have Louis back in our arms." Paris snapped with authority.

"Then we can unleash the fury." Laurence snapped happily and got up on a counter to sit.

"We are going to send that gerbil to hell, in a gift basket." Rose commented and Val gave a nod before waving towards me.

"Paris is cooking up a steamy plan in that head of his." Laurence informed us. Paris smirked wickedly towards us.

"Well I want in." Donnie snapped. "No one crosses family." He wrapped his arms around his mate protectively. I sat there for a few minutes numbly as I stared at them each. It took me a while to get who they were talking about..... Dante. I widened my eyes and stood up. If Dante supposedly is a traitor to Louis...then that means that he was here...right?! Was that him outside the movie theater?! H-he....I shook my head as I remembered the time I was with Dante- like with him with him. I used to be his lover for a few centuries.... I felt my bowl slip in my hands and quickly caught it, shoving another spoonful into my mouth as I started to walk out of the room nervously. Dante is up to his old tricks again! That idiot! Paris was in front of me then and took the bowl out of my hands.

"You. Know. The Prince of Germany, Dante?" Paris asked me as he studied my eyes. Uh oh.... I bit my bottom lip as I debated on whether or not to take my ice cream back.

"M-maybe? Can I have my ice cream back? It's my comfort food," I said and started to reach for it. He gave it back to me.

"With this news... I want you to bring your mate here. Right away, if he knows your in town... I fear the worst." He looked like he was thinking over what he had missed. "How could I have missed this knowledge about you two?" He groaned. "Go get Austin- no matter how angry he is and bring him here. I don't want you two leaving here." He ordered me. I widened my eyes then. But it's not like I'm with Dante anymore... I left him....centuries ago. I didn't disobey Paris though and teleported back to the apartment with my bowl of ice cream.

"Austin! I need you to pack a bag, now. You have to leave," I shouted, looking around for him as I stuck another spoonful in my mouth. If Paris is freaking out like that....something might be going on that I don't realize. I walked into his bedroom to see if he was there. He was curled up in the covers, taking a nap.

"Hmmm?" Austin asked me. "NO." He snapped. "I'm going to sleep." I walked over to him.

"Paris wants to see you, immediately. You are staying at the manor from now on until he says so. It's for your safety...." I told him, nervously taking another bite of ice cream as I went to go find his suitcase. I found it in his closet and started to pack his clothes and bath room products. He sat up then, watching me.

"What's for my safety? What's going on?" He wondered. "Is it another war? Did I just get sucked into a war?" He got out of bed then. "Raven, I don't want to fight in a war!" I shook my head.

"No, you won't have to fight in a war. No one is asking you to. I think Paris is trying to protect you...because of something that happened recently," I told him reassuringly. And maybe because of me. I'm not sure what he's thinking right now.... but Dante is unpredictable sometimes...maybe Paris figured something out and it scares him enough to pull in Austin who was just recently made. I shook my head and handed him his suitcase- all packed. "Come on, let's go," I told him and grabbed his arm. He nodded, not wanting to fight this one out.

"Am I going to be sleeping in your room there?" Austin asked me curiously. I blushed then. I hadn't even thought that far.

"Uhhh....You can pick," I said quickly, teleporting us back to the kitchen. "Got him Paris," I said as I nervously took another bite of my ice cream. I glanced at it and saw I only had a few more bites left....disappointing..

"Perfect." Paris told me. He was on the phone though as well as cooking. "Yes, I want it installed by tomorrow evening. Thanks Dylan. Bye." He hung up and flung the phone onto the counter. He glanced at me. "Hi you two. Share a room will you? I have t- Oh you look handsome as a vampire... I knew you would." Paris smiled towards Austin. "Don't be mad at her forever though, she's your soul mate. Raven, introduce him to everyone." I widened my eyes and finished up my ice cream. Well... I guess that Austin doesn't get a choice. I blushed as I set my bowl in the sink.

"Ummm....Well Austin, you already know Paris and Richard, right? Right..."I glanced towards the others. "That's Rose, Paris's sister, and that's Val, Princess of Italy, that's Donnie, Paris and Richard's son and his mate, Chance....That's Cage... August....Some lady I don't know.... Laurence...annnd....stay away from Chance, Cage, and August." I told him and nodded to myself as I had introduced him to everyone. "If they don't smell like us, just avoid them to the best of your ability. In fact, go take a big whiff of Chance and memorize that smell. You stay away from that smell," I informed him and pointed towards Chance.

"Yeah, you stay far away from my mate." Donnie teased as he held Chance tighter to him. Austin raised an eyebrow and looked towards me, not sure if I was being literal to him or not.

"Here-" Laurence reached into the fridge then tossed us both a bottle of blood. "You two need this." I wrinkled up my nose as I caught it and held it with the tips of my fingers.

"Ewwww....Why do I need this?" I asked. I can go hunting if I get hungry. There is no way in Hell I'm drinking this. This stuff is gross compared to the real stuff that you can get from anyone. It's all dead.... or close to it. Tastes like refrigerator! I set it down on the counter then and moved closer to Austin. Should I take it from him as well.... What if he actually likes that stuff? I decided not to take it and let him taste it himself. He looked towards the bottle then at me.

"Should I place it aside?" He asked me. I held back a nod and winced.

"You it... I guess. Who knows... you might like it. I think it's terrible," I told him and slid the bottle back towards Laurence slowly. Laurence shrugged and placed it back in the fridge and then Austin placed his aside.

"I'm going to put up a better system for the house." Paris told us then. "To protect us until Dante is gone for good. I'm not going to leave any gaps now." I looked over at him confused.

"W-what's going on?" I asked softly as I started to walk towards him. "You freaked out earlier...." That's not normally like Paris who is usually cool and collected.

"I'm taking more cautions. Your something Dante likes and possibly might want back. With you here... I can provide you protection. So I am putting up more security systems. I am having the Ainsworths install a new system in the house, this is only temporary. Just until Dante is gone. I can't be cool and collected if I don't take all percautious. I need to get Lauren here too with Benjamin, Isabelle. You can get them here right? Then I need you to go to Louis's manor and start taking drastic measures as well. It would be just like him to strike us when we are all worried about Louis. I'm not go to turn a blind eye though. Rose, Laurence. You two go back to your counties and- well you get the idea. Come back tomorrow, with it done. Let's see... August... stay here. Uh.... am I missing- Val. Yes, Val. If I was you... I would be making sure your territories are still yours." Paris smirked and Val exposed her fangs. I watched as Isabelle disappeared and came back with Lauren and I'm guessing Benjamin. He held Lauren's hand tightly and looked around. Isabelle disappeared again to probably do what Paris suggested. What in the world could Dante be planning? I shook my head sadly and grabbed Austin's hand.

"Let's get you settled in. I'm sure you're still upset," I told him softly and started to lead him out of the room and towards my room. Austin smiled as he walked with me.

"So, something bad is going to happen, isn't it? Or Paris is just becoming way over protective." Austin suggested.

"I don't know Austin.... I think I saw Dante earlier... before we went camping..... When we went to the movie theater," I whispered softly. "I....did...I was his love once. I was his princess that he spoiled when he found me... We did almost everything together. He...was able to take care of me even with everything.... Anyways, I ran away from him centuries ago and came here, living in secret. I didn't come back into vampire society until recently when I was found by Perry and sent to Lauren and Paris. I didn't think he was know.... But I think that was him... How else could I explain the feeling that I'd seen him before and the way he glared at me as if I had betrayed him.... He looked almost exactly the same way he did....just somewhat different, and if it was him Austin...." I shook my head at the thought of it. If he was still upset and had been searching for me all this time... he'd come. He doesn't like to give his things up easily....

"Hey Austin, wait up! I'm going to show you around and have a talk with you," Richard said, suddenly coming out of the kitchen and running towards us. "Just us guy vampires!" He smirked as he saw me then wrapped an arm around Austin's shoulder. "She can get you settled in as I show you around, deal?" Wait a minute... I widened my eyes at him. I was going to spend time with Austin! No fair! Richard laughed as he saw my face and started to steer Austin away. "It's time you learned where to find your alcohol around here...."

Richard's POV:

I laughed lowly as I saw Raven about to protest, but I quickly moved Austin away and down the hall. "After all.... You're going to want to be knowing things that she won't tell you.... As a newborn, you'll have to adjust to a vampire lifestyle, and as a guy.... well... sometimes it is a bit different than it would be for a girl. Hunting techniques and what not.... Especially since how you are her first newborn, you'll be wanting as much help as you can get, and I'm more than willing to teach you the secrets of the trade." I winked at Austin as I squeezed his shoulder then let go. Of course Raven wouldn't tell him the things that could make him more confident.... She'd want to keep control in this relationship. Smirking, I started to lead him. Austin cautiously went with me.

"Is this going to take long? Didn't Paris just say he wants us to stay here?" Austin asked me and was trying to pause in his steps. I laughed at that and looked at him.

"Ok, we aren't going to go out until later. I want to teach you around the house first then sneak you out. Paris will never know... Just watch your thoughts," I told him, knowing that it would be pretty much impossible. Paris probably already knew and the fact that he hadn't appeared yet meant he was fine with it. Paris appeared then with a pan in his hands.

"You two." He growled. "Are not going out without Laurence or I with you." Paris informed us. "Understand?" He exposed his fangs. Oops. I smiled innocently and walked over to him, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"Awww, but I bet he's hungry. We can't let him just starve to death..... Besides, there are things only guys can learn from guys. You can come with me," I sung out and looked up into his eyes. "I'm going later and not right now, so you'd have time to get ready."

"I'll come with you two, but you better not leave without me or I am going to put you in my dungeon." Paris pointed then pan towards me. "Then I will dominate you all night, until you learn who's the male of this relationship." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked up at him.

"The male huh? Who bit who first?" I teased lovingly as I kissed his lips.

"You were older back then and knew more! I didn't get much company... not as much as you did." He grumbled. "So that doesn't count." I raised an eyebrow and almost brought the fact that he had been a very good female once but didn't.

"I won't leave without you. Besides, it won't be as fun if we don't make it a complete guys night. Go tell Laurence that we are going out later to teach the rookie," I told him and kissed him on the cheek as I pulled away. Paris nodded then.

"I'll go tell him. You two have fun around the manor." Paris disappeared then, probably going back to cooking. I smirked and looked towards Austin then.

"See, what'd I tell you?" I walked back towards him. "Anyways, from where we left off, let's start by asking questions. Do you have any yet?" I linked arms with him and started to pull him down the hall towards where my secret stash was.

"I'm not sure if I should have any questions by now." Austin admitted and blushed. I nodded then and glanced around.

" aren't curious about anything? Anything about vampires, hunting, mates even?" I looked towards Austin then, studying him. He shook his head.

"No. No questions." He smiled innocently towards me. Oh...this is going to be fun! He's so.... I smirked at him.

"Alright then. Let's start with general vampire stuff.... You'll be receiving a power soon. All vampires do and it can range from anything. The most common is teleportation though, and since how Raven is your maker, you have a good chance of getting it," I told him as I steered him into the bar room. I walked over to the shelves and pulled down my favorites, getting down glasses. I sat them down on the bar and started pouring us some, setting aside the bottle when I was done. I picked my drink up and sipped it, watching him to see if he had any questions yet.

"So I get a power soon?" Austin asked and watched me. "What else is a surprise?" He wondered, not really sounding enthusiastic about it.

"Awww don't be so upset. Being a vampire is great. You get to be really strong and you live forever unless you're killed! Besides, you get to see your children, then your children's children, and so on and so forth!" I smiled at him, trying to cheer him up. "You can become a total punk and rule the streets or you can relax and be like the lesser known vampires. There are so many possibilities!" I took another sip of my drink as I sat down beside him at the bar, nudging his drink towards him. "Oh, and you don't have to worry about your organs failing on you."

"Can I got back to Raven now?" He asked as he pushed the drink away from him. "Your kind of weird."

"I'm no weirder than her. In fact... I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet. She must be really behaved around you...." I sighed, thinking back on that feeling I get around Raven sometimes- that she's not exactly what we would call normal. She sometimes acts kind of crazy, though I don't see it too often lately. He cautiously took a step away from me.

"Okay... I'm going to go now." He started to walk away from me to the door. I raised an eyebrow.

"Alright then, if you want to be under her control forever where she will keep the vampire male secrets from you to protect herself," I said and took another sip of my drink, watching him. "You are going hunting with us tonight though."

"No I'm not, I'll stick to Raven." He said over his shoulder as he disappeared through the door.

"Hmm..." I looked to my drink then with a smirk. "He'll come asking eventually.... If he thinks I'm strange, wait till he meets the others. Paris and I will make him come tonight though," I murmured as I finished up my drink then grabbed his.

Raven's POV:

I finished putting his things away and went out of the room, teleporting back to the kitchen where I tackled Lauren into a hug. "IT'S BEEN FOREVER!" I giggled and let go of her after a second, looking her over. "Don't ever go off with Val again."

"You'll have to tell Val not to kidnap me anymore." Lauren told me and giggled. She didn't let Benjamin go though. "Guess what?" She asked me, sounding excited.

"What?" I held back a grin as I glanced at their hands. Seems that she has accepted things perhaps?

"I got a new power!" Lauren told me and blushed. "I can't control it too well though."

"You did?! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you!" I giggled and threw my arms around her. "When you get better control of it that is...." I pulled back to look at her in excitement. This is so cool! I bet she's really happy!

"It's crazy, it's like I hear everything- like... signals from phones... tvs.... it's sort of cool." She shrugged. "It hurts hearing it all though, but when I am attached to Benjamin, it disappears. Paris and Louis are looking for ways for me to control it." Benjamin glanced around and ran his fingers through his hair then froze up.

"Hey Paris, would maybe giving her a lock of my hair help her be able to go places without me?" He suggested, glancing towards Lauren. Hmm? I frowned. She can't go places without touching him? That's...kind of sad.

"I don't thing that would work, but it doesn't hurt to try." Paris suggested. Lauren glared Paris down.

"Oh no... no no no... I am not taking the chances." Benjamin sighed and walked her over to the counter where there was a knife. He picked it up and managed to get a lock of his hair cut, putting it in Lauren's free hand.

"If it hurts, don't be mad at me... I'm just trying to help you," Benjamin said and let go of her hand then, moving back a few inches with a worried look on his face as he studied her. Lauren dropped to her knees and started to cry as she looked like she was being tortured by the second. Paris frowned as Lauren let out a scream. Oh my gosh.... I widened my eyes as I saw it, but Benjamin acted quickly, wrapping her up into his arms as he got down onto his knees for her. "Sorry, sorry.... We won't try it again," he told her quickly. He brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek. She whimpered and buried her face into his chest.

"At least you have a mate, think about the poor soul that didn't and went through what you are going through Lauren." Val suggested as she got down on her knees beside Lauren and rubbed her head. Val looked like she was in pain seeing Lauren like that.

"Don't you ever." Lauren hissed out at Benjamin. "Do that again." She growled.

"I won't," he promised her immediately and nuzzled his face into her neck. "I won't do anything like that again unless you ask me to. I'll never let you go...." She nodded and sniffled.

"Okay! Breakfast is ready!" Paris yelled as he tried to lighten the mood. Donnie was by Paris instantly and was fixing himself a plate with Chance right by him. Richard walked in then by himself and stretched.

"Breakfast huh? Good! I'm starving," he said and walked over, leaning against Paris as he exposed his fangs playfully. "I've got a taste for something....a bit...more than waffles though." I widened my eyes. Where's Austin? I looked to the door worriedly as he didn't come in then.

"Someone needs to go get Ellie if we are staying here," I heard Benjamin murmur behind me, but I ignored it as I walked towards the door, poking my head out into the hall. Austin wasn't anywhere in the hall, he could be lost in the manor most likely.

"I'll go get her." August suggested.

"You don't even know her....but if you want to try to get her, then I guess you can. I'll call her in about an hour and tell her that you are coming to get her," Benjamin said behind me. I shook my head and disappeared out into the hall to go find him, sniffing around to see where he might be. I eventually found him down a random hall and I waved.

"Hey! Breakfast is served! You should go eat it since how you were turned this morning!" I suggested, teleporting in front of him after a second and wrapping my arms around him. "Unless you don't want that kind of breakfast," I murmured, looking up at him.

"I don't eat breakfast anyways." Austin told me as he wrapped me up in his arms. "Do we have to stay here?" I thought about it for a moment. If Dante was after me just a bit...and he saw Austin.... then yes. The safest place for him would be where there are a ton of purebloods that aren't going to let Dante do what he wants. I nodded.

"Yes, it's safer here. Dante doesn't play fair, and if he saw you and got upset....then you are on his list to go after later," I told him. "He doesn't like losing things, and I used to be one of the things he didn't want to let go." I kissed his cheek. "Here, you are safe."

"Richard's wanting to teach me something about guy things? I'm not too sure about that..." Austin whispered to me. "He's having me go hunting with him tonight apparently." I widened my eyes and looked up at him.

"You don't want to learn that...." I told him softly as panic set in. Guy vampires have the biggest ego and they are so hard to have any kind of say in what they do. They don't let their mates just run off and do whatever... If Richard was going to teach him anything, that's probably something that would make Austin more confident and more like the vampire he said he would have been that would have locked me up in a room.

"Why not?" Austin asked curiously. "Is it bad or something?"

"N-no...not necessarily... Just that um...." I blushed and glanced away. "Most guy vampires are pretty territorial, and he was probably going to tell you things that would have made you more confident- guy things when it comes to being a vampire....things like marking," I trailed off and looked up at him, biting my lower lip.

"Oh... so what's the big deal?" Austin asked and shrugged. "I wouldn't do it unless you wanted me to." I felt my blush deepen so I buried my face in his chest to hide it.

"Uh huh...." I hummed out and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I-it's...supposedly not bad at all.... I've heard that it's actually really...enjoyable.... I'm not sure though.... After all.... How the mark goes depends on the vampire doing it.... It's a special type of bite," I murmured as I looked up at him from where I was hugging him.

"It's up to you, if you want things like that or not. You created me after all." He mumbled and pulled me back. "So let's go get you breakfast." He suggested. I nodded then. Hah, Richard doesn't win this round then! I smiled sweetly up at him and started to lead him back towards the kitchen.

"I don't think I'd mind.... It's just that I would probably end up doing it to you first," I teased him lightly and glanced over at him. "You never know when I might do it...." I giggled then and laced my fingers with his as we walked.

"Hmm... I will be waiting then." He whispered to me and bit his bottom lip. "I'll just copy whatever you do to me too." He teased. I blushed and glanced away. Note to self: don't exhibit any kind of rough biting behavior from this point forward....