CA’s Hunt Part One

Charlie Ainsworth's POV:

"Charlie, are you listening to me?" I heard my twin, Riley asking me. I raised my head up off of the bed and looked over at him. He was curently tieing his shoes. What did I miss this time? I raised an eyebrow. "Charlie I was telling you that when we go hunting tonight, we are going to do our split mode. Remember it don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I remember. I'm the one that hits the target remember, I am a little concerned about leaving you along tonight though. Did you hear about what happed at HQ the other night? There is a sick vampire out there on the loose." I worried then for his safety. He laughed.

"Come on and let's go get our weapons from the basement." He suggested as he stood up. I groaned.

"How about you go do that... I'll make us coffee." I suggested and rolled off the bed and hit the floor with a thud. I stood up and rubbed my eyes as I walked towards the door. Riley turned off our tv and followed me out the door.

"Knives right? I'm going to get you a gun too, just in case." Riley suggested. We split up at the bottom of the stairs and I walked into the kitchen. I put the coffee on and grabbed our two cups that we drunk coffee in. I grabbed the car keys off the counter as I waited on the coffee. My elder brother Dylan walked in then and gave me a smile..

"Hey Charlie! Where's Riley?" Dylan asked me as he went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of blood.

"Getting our weapons. We have to go hunting tonight." I explained to Dylan.

"Be safe." Dylan told me and walked up to me, rubbing my head. "I don't want to have to kick a vampire's butt for hurting one of my little brothers." He teased then left me alone in the kitchen. I watched the coffee pour into the pot, once it got halfway up I took it off and started pouring the coffee equally into the coffee cups. I added creamer and coffee, topping it off with whipp cream. Riley walked into the kitchen and sat my weapons down on the counter for me and took his cup, taking a sip. I washed up the pot and turned the coffee maker off.

"Let's go." Riley said quickly. I tossed him the keys and put the weapons in my inner coat pockets and followed him out with my cup of coffee. It took thirty minutes to get to where we had to hunt at today, it was around a few alleys near a park. Not too bad, I loved hunting alleys. He parked us outside of an abandoned gas station and left me alone in the car. I waited a few more minutes, sipping on my coffee before I got out to go my own way. Good luck Riley. I hope that nut doesn't get bit. I chuckled as I thought of how bad of a shot he was. I headed down an alley close by with my coffee and took out a knife from my inner pockets and placed it in my front jeans pocket. Tonight was going to be long, I could feel it. I couldn't hear anything going on near me... Which meant I was following an empty alley. I rolled my eyes and turned my head over my shoulder to check behind me. I had already lost the entrance of the alley. Maybe it wouldn't take long to patrol this place and get out. Something wasn't right though about these alleys being quiet. They usually have something going on in them.

I frowned and looked up at the tops of the buildings near me. Man... I should have went to the park. This place is dead. I took a sip of my coffee as I thought about calling it a night down here. I pulled out my phone to see if Riley texted me about anything, finding nothing. I put up my phone and shook my head. I took a seat on a crate and looked around me then started to drink my coffee. Life of a hunter half of the time, sitting on a crate and waiting for the hunted to come to me. Maybe it is the coffee throwing it off. I thought back on my morning and remembered I fogot to take that pill Dylan had me taking that posioned my blood and made vampires fall to their doom. I frowned. Dylan's going to be mad... That pill only lasts a day and then has to be taken once more. What will Riley say when he finds out I forgot. I stood up then and kept walking. I can hear it now... Im so dead. I laughed and finishd off my coffee. I headed into another alley connected to the one I was on and took a look around.

A hooded guy shot his head up to me as he heard me coming and then looked around as if he was searching for something before quickly starting to walk off in the direction he had been going. I watched the guy catiously and shifted my cup around inbetween my hands, ready for anything. I kept walking in the direction I was headed in. "Too quiet." I mumbled.

"Maybe that's because we like it that way," I heard a voice from behind me. I was suddenly pulled off my feet and thrown against the nearest wall, a dark haired vampire grinning evilly up at me. His dark eyes flitted towards the guy who had been walking off. "Just where do you think you are going? We were going to meet here, remember?" He called out. The guy started to walk back slowly then, lowering his hood as he got closer.

"It's just that I didn't want to fight a vampire hunter tonight," he complained as he saw me. The dark haired vampire looked up at me with a smirk then.

"Oh, he's no trouble," he told the other and tightened his grip on me, searching my pockets and taking my weapons away before I could react. I gasped and tried to kick at him then. How dare he take my weapons from me! Darn it! Where's my twin when I need him- even if he misses his targets all the time. I glared the vampire down. I can't believe I am being held like this! I should have went to the park.

"Your going to get trouble." I hissed out. I have connections and people that would be very mad if I disapeared. Maybe I should keep quiet about who I am... I looked towads my weapons that had my family name printed on them. The vampire glanced towards them and tossed them to the hooded one.

"Take care of these.... Do something with them, I don't care what." He waved the guy off who looked at me with pity and seemed a bit sad to see me like this before starting to walk off. The dark haired vampire looked towards me then. "Ainsworth huh? Interesting.... I think that if you weren't so well trained... I'd keep you." He leaned in towards my neck then. "But any good vampire hunter is a dead vampire hunter." I widened my eyes and remembered my training. I knocked my head against his hard then and used my strength to shove him backwards while he was disoriented. I laughed and kicked his leg out from under him then as he fell downwards I kicked him in the head. Double pain. I looked towards the other vampire, needing my weapons... I'll get those back soon. I looked at the vampire at my feet and got over him, putting my weight on him as I stood on his back.

"What's a hunter good for if he is dead?" I asked and laughed then. "I'll let you go, if you promise to be nice." I leaned down towards the back of his head and grabbed a handfull of his hair and pulled on it while he was still confused. "Now, what's your name?" He groaned out in pain then looked up at me angrily as he was coming to.

"Damn it, should have known that it wouldn't be that easy," he muttered and looked me in the eyes before twisting around and managing to kick my legs out from under me. He got on me quickly as the breath was knocked out of my lungs and this time kept his head away from mine as his hands grabbed mine to pin them. He smirked and exposed his fangs to me. "Now why should I tell you my name? You're going to die anyways..."

"I don't plan on it, your dealing with an Ainsworth." I informed him and smirked. I was already figuring ways out of being pinned under him. I gave a laugh and tried to slip my hands out of his grasp, my hands were unatrually sweaty today thanks to the coffee cup. I managed to slip out one from wiggling and went straight for his chest, knowing if I got his heart- or possibly stone... It was like gripping balls. I laughed as I pressed my fingers into his skin and started to dig in. He screamed out in fear and jumped up quickly, puting a hand over his chest. He narrowed his eyes at me then and kicked my side hard.

"Don't you even think about it," he hissed out, getting touchy. That has to be a pureblood... Newborns don't care as much. I let out a hiss of pain from the kick and got to my feet quickly before he could kick me again.

"Oh try me." I hissed back and smirked as I moved towards him. He ran at me then, ducking low to try to get me off my feet. He managed to do so and pinned me up against the wall again, biting down into my shoulder where it would be harder to hit his head again. His hands pinned my arms down by my side and I saw the hooded one stop walking, turning to look slowly as his eyes were consumed by hunger.

"Dante.... Please," he whimpered out and Dante pulled back to look at him.

"You may have some when I'm done making sure he can't kill us," he said with a smirk and looked towards me, licking his lips. I narrowed my eyes at him and started to wrap my legs around one of his to trip him up. I was great at leg fighting. I kneed him between the legs while he was distracted.

"Bite me again," I dared. "You'll be sorry." He managed to laugh as he fell against me from the pain then dug his nails into my arms tightly before biting down on my shoulder, tearing out a huge chunk and throwing it towards the hooded vampire. The other looked at it like it was gross but ended up picking it up and trying the blood on it, wrinkling up his nose from the idea of eating after another vampire. I couldn't help letting a scream out from the pain of the bite. I should have hunted with Riley! I squrirmed against the vampire biting me and tried to make my way out of his grasps... If there is one thing I know.. Vampires hate a squirming victim. If I got away, I could make a run for it to my weapons and have these monsters in my basement in under thirty minutes. He laughed.

"Not so fast little hunter," he muttered lowly in my ear then bit down into my neck just a few inches up from my first shoulder wound. I groaned and stomped down on his foot. If he's going to play that game... so can I! I ducked downwards, trying to dodge him as I went and bit his throat. He groaned and let go, stumbling back as he held his wound. "Bitey....aren't we? I should make you one of my newborns... We'd have the best of times together," he teased and looked towards the other vampire. "Get those weapons out of here!" He took off running then, putting his hood back up. Dante narrowed his eyes at me, watching me closely. "So...." he started, studying me closely as he laughed to himself. He seemed to be planning ways to take me on without getting hurt. I moved off of the wall, feeling I had the upper hand now. I have him scared, I bet he never got bit by a hunter before. I grinned his way.

"Not so fast, I don't want to be your newborn, I have plans of my own." I shook a finger his way. I spit out his blood towards him and laughed. His blood was also giving me the upper hand, healing the wounds I just got from him. Vampire blood truly is amazing. "Your going to have a fun time keeping me from not killing you." I joked as I looked him over, deciding on my next move. I pulled out a pen from my pocket. He looked at the pen and raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously?" He laughed then and shook his head. "How is a pen going to help you against me- the Prince of Germany," he said and watched me with a smirk.

"Pens are good weapons." I told him. "You're dealing with a knife specialist... Pens are similar to them you know." I went to step towards him. So I am dealing with a prince and still managed to survive? I'm not that bad of a hunter after all. He sighed and leaned against the wall a few feet away from me, watching me. The pen suddenly heated up in my hand, burning me and making me drop it. I hissed out in pain and looked towards my hand... What the heck is that all about? I paled. Oh no.... Not one with those kind of powers. I looked back at the princey vampire. "You know... we don't have to do this." I mumbled. I was already planning out another way to get him.

"Hmm.... No, I don't let my prey go once I've set sights on them," he told me simply and ran his fingers through his hair as he watched me. "Now how about you be a good little hunter and offer yourself to me?" I could tell he was testing how much training I had as he was using a type of compulsion on me. I chuckled, thanking that I learned what I could and knew better then to listen to him. I kicked the pen then, sending it straight to his eye, seeing how well he could keep up with me. He teleported away from it and narrowed his eyes a few feet down. He paused and then smirked as he pulled his hand away from the wound on his neck and looked at it, studying me. "So... How much did you like it?" He asked, referring to his blood. He suddenly seemed really cocky as he looked me over. I raised an eyebrow. What did he mean by that? His blood isn't contageous, is it? 

"Tasted like mud." I lied out... although his blood was very delicious, like most vampires. He smirked at me and walked straight towards me, not the least bit afraid of me anymore.

"Mhmm... You know, there's a reason why most stay away from biting me. I have a reputation for being the worst come back when I've been bitten...those who survived it anyways," he purred to me and leaned in towards my ear. "I think you will enjoy it." What have I done biting him? I went to take a step back from him then, scared. I shouldn't have tasted his blood and drunk some of it! I panicked then, loosing my calm state.

"Enjoy what?" I asked quickly. "What'd you do." I growled towards him in anger.

"I didn't do anything yet," he told me and smiled, brushing some of the hair out of my face. "I got a new toy though...." He laughed darkly as he inspected me. "I shouldn't damage you anymore than I have if I now have the upper advantage of this whole fight...." I narrowed my eyes... How quick does vampire blood leave someone's system? A day? A week? That's if I live that long. I grabbed the colar of his shirt.

"Don't you even dare." I hissed out. Whatever he is going to do- I'll kill him. He laughed.

"Let go of me," he ordered, his eyes flashing a red color. My body immediately tensed up and let go of him, taking over and going against my will. I widened my eyes. Oh man... This is like Paris all over again. I looked him over.

"No." I hissed out, trying to fight back as I went to shove him away. He laughed as my body stayed frozen, his eyes still red.

"You can't do anything against what I want you to...for the next one to two weeks," he told me. "That's what happens to those who bite me.... Though there are special cases where it doesn't work," he growled that last part out and seemed irritated about it as he looked off. "Anyways, come with me," he ordered and started to walk off, by body following him without hesitation.

"You don't want me to follow you!" I complained. "My family will have your head on a siver platter for this." I grumbled. He's so dead when I get free of this. "You aught to just send me on my way." He paused then and looked at me curiously. My body stopped walking and stayed still as he circled me. He grabbed a lock of my hair and pulled me to him.

"You do have a point.... Tell you what. You will not tell anyone about this, and you will forget you ever saw us tonight," he told me and I felt my memory starting to get fuzzy already. "On top of that, you will go find your twin who's in the park, and you will take him home, telling him that you recieved new orders that there would be someone else patroling the it?" He smirked and let go, starting to walk away. "And if we ever cross each other again, I won't be as lenient," he told me, disappearing from sight. I rubbed my head as I couldn't remember what just happened in the past couple of minutes. I looked around me then started for the park, wanting to take my twin home. There was something wrong about this... I never leave an alley this early. I kept pushing on remembering the last couple of minutes and rubbed the back of my head. I forgot about remembering it as I walked out of the alley and seen my twin waiting by the car on his phone. I walked up to him and smiled.

"Hey-" I went to tell him we should go home but he leaned in and sniffed my shirt.

"What's that smell on you?" Riley complained and then started to examine me and frowned. "Where are your weapons- WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE BITE MARKS DOING HERE!? OH MY HUNTERS! WHAT THE HECK CHARLIE! You got lucky on finding some vampires and didn't call for me." He narrowed his eyes. I shrugged.

"Guess so." I said as I went to get in the car.

"You guess so! Did you almost die!?" He panicked as he got in on the drivers side. I curled up in my seat, getting a bit tired.

"Not that I remember," I told him.

"We're getting your system pumped when we get home, I don't like this." Riley grumbled. He drove us back home to the manor, and I started to feel a bit sick. "You seriously don't remember anything?" He asked me.

"Not a thing." I grumbled.

"Bet you ran into a pureblood then," Riley whispered. I shook my head and curled up into a ball. "Want to stop and get something to eat? How about chinese? We can eat noodles with chop sticks together." He tried to cheer me up as he noticed I looked sick.

"Chinese sounds delicious," I agreed with him and he parked us outside a chinese restaraunt. He looked me over then frowned.

"You need to get washed up..." He mumbled. "Stay, we got some stuff in the trunk." He popped the trunk and went around to it. He came back to me with a fresh change of clothes and a towel and water bottle. "Five minutes." He shut the car door and turned around to give me privacy. I poored the water on the towel and started to clean up the blood on me then changed into a new shirt and pants before getting out and running my hand through my hair.

"Ready." I mumbled. Riley turned to look me over then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the restaraunt. We got a booth in the back and he sat on the same side as me, holding me in his arms and kissed the top of my head.

"Whatever happened to you, Charlie... I swear I will kill the bastard." Riley grumbled as he rubbed my head. We ordered our usual meal and ate it before leaving the restraunt. I still was unhappy about not knowing what happened to me. I wasn't going to press myself to remember so soon though. "How about we go to the skate park?" He asked suddenly. "We still have some time to hang out." He suggested. I nodded then. I loved skating.

"Heck yeah! Let's go." I urged and pulled him to the car quicker. I got into the car before he could and watched him as he drove us to the skate park. When we parked at the skate park I got out and went around to the trunk and grabbed my skateboard from the back and waited on Riliey to join me. He locked up the car and grabbed his before shutting the trunk and walked me towards the skatepark.  

"Hey here's an idea! Let's go bag us a vampire and torture him for a few minutes together." Riley suggested. "First one we come across." I nodded as I smirked. I loved doing that with Riley... Riley and I always tested eachother about our aim.

"Oh okay, let's do it." I suggested as we headed towards a ramp. After a bit of skating, I spotted a suspicous guy watching this skater girl as he sat on a bench, his phone in his hand. I suddenly saw a hungry look in his eyes as he struggled to keep himself under control, looking back to his phone as he put a hand over his mouth. "Hey, Riley. Found one." I whispered to Riley as I came to a stop by him. "Check out the phone dork." I pointed with my eyes to him. Riley chuckled.

"Oh he's going to be fun. Let's take him for a ride."  Riley suggested and skated towards the guy I pointed to and I followed Riley. I could feel a small smile spreading across my face. The vampire managed to get himself under control after a few minutes and shoved his phone into his pocket, standing up as he started to walk off. He ran his fingers through his hair and stretched, bringing his jacket closer to his body as he walked away towards the entrance of the park. Riley caught up to him quick and slapped him on the back. "How'd you like to go to a party tonight?" Riley asked him as he got off his board and kicked it up into his hands, beginning to walk with the guy. I followed them on my skateboard. The vampire looked at him in alarm then relaxed.

"N-no... I'm good. I'd rather not go to a party where I don't know anyone.... Besides, I have my own thing to do tonight," he said and walked a little ways away from my twin, putting space between them.

"Too bad." Riley grumbled. "There was going to be some hot girls there." He sighed out, loud enough for the vampire to hear.

"I'm not interested in girls," the vampire said stubbornly, clearly lying as he put an earbud in his ear to start listening to music. He walked faster and was out of the park in minutes. Riley kept following him and I got beside him quickly.

"Shocking time?" I asked softly to Riley.

"You do the honors." Riley insisted and tossed me the taser. I smirked and went to go after the vampire. He glanced behind him then and saw me, narrowing his eyes slightly as he started to walk off towards a group of teenagers. They glanced at him and shrugged, letting him stay as he turned up his music while he kept an eye on us. He was suspicious now. It wouldn't be easy to get him alone.

"Riley, think we aught to leave this one alone." I whispered to him. We stood a couple of feet from the group and watched them.

"Maybe... Let's go." Riley said as he lost interest. He knew as well as I that if a vampire was smart enough to flock towards a group then it was time to give up on the chase. He pulled me towards our car. I took a gance back towards the vampire. He tilted his chin up as he saw us leaving then smirked, starting to walk off from the others again as he shoved his hands into his pockets. Riley followed my eyesight and bit his bottom lip. He took out a gun then and aimed down the vampire, I noticed the gun was a tranqulizer one. I smirked. Now I hope he gets his aim right.

"Little to the left.." I teased him as he shifted to the left, and pulled the trigger. The vampire dropped as it hit him and twitched as he started to pass out, trying to crawl away with a wince. I noticed one of the girls in the group had seen it and widened her eyes, starting to walk away quickly as she put her hood up.

"That one too." I whispered to Riley. He snapped his eyesight to the girl and waited for her to get a little away from the group before shooting her down as well. "Perfect. See why we make a good team?" I teased. She fell to the ground then and didn't move, keeping her head down. The boy had managed to get a few feet away before passing out. I headed for the boy as Riley went for the girl. I walked up to the guy and gave him a good kick to make sure he was down. Riley- done the same to the girl. She screamed out in pain and then grabbed his foot, yanking him off his feet as she jumped to hers and started to make a break for it. Apparently he hadn't gotten her. I laughed, that's why he needs either some glasses or something. He always misses when I don't correct him. I picked up the male and started to carry him back to the car as Riley let her go. The vampire woke up for a minute and weakly gripped my shirt.

"You'll...regret this," he muttered, his dazed eyes glassing over as he stared up at me then blinked a few times. He seemed to be fighting it. I smirked.

"No I won't. Your going to have a hell of a time when you wake up again." I told him as I shoved him into the back seat of the car. I could hear Riley walked up to me. The vampire glared at me.

"It's a crime to live then? I hate you vampire hunters....thinking you're better than us," he muttered as the tranq started to make him go back to sleep then. I blinked a few times. I didn't think that.. I  was just doing this for fun and for money before Dylan turns me into one.

"I'm going to be one of you soon." I whispered and rubbed his cheek. "Just wait, I'm going to be top of the food chain." I laughed.

"I'm gonna...kill sick...bastard," he hissed out and licked my hand to get me to stop touching him as he was so tired that he couldn't even bite down. I took out the dart in him and threw it into the floor board then kissed his head.

"Sweet dreams." I mumbled as I went to shut the door. The vampire blinked a few more times as he lost control over his body and passed out again. I got into the passengers seat and watched as Riley got in and drove us back to the manor. "I think that was a good days catch." I suggested. He gave me a nod. The vampire started murmuring in his sleep- something about a college report that was due soon. I chuckled and shook my head. He's not going to get that turned in any time soon. We pulled up at the manor and parked in the garage. I dragged out the unconcious vampire and started to take him towards manor and to the basement. I put one of the medal rods in his pocket so he could enter the house. Riley followed me and laughed, getting the doors for me. When we got to the basement, I shoved him into a wooden chair and took off his shirt then tied him up to the chair. Torture time. I smacked him across the face to wake him up. He opened his eyes slowly and went to move his hand to his face but was held back by the rope.

"Ugh....W-where am I?" He looked around and then widened his eyes as they landed on me, all the sleep leaving his eyes as he suddenly started thrashing, trying to get free. He grunted as he noticed the floor was bolted to the chair. He exposed his fangs and started to try tearing at the rope around him with his sharp teeth. I laughed as the rope started to give him splinters. I looked towards Riley.

"Welcome to the Ainsworth basement, also known as hell to a vampire." I told the vampire as I looked back to him. He froze as he heard my family name and looked up at me in fear.

"W-what do you want? I swear I didn't do anything!" He kept struggling to get free. I got into his lap then and smirked as I nipped at his throat playfully.

"Oh yeah? Are you innocent?" I asked him as I looked into his eyes. He nodded quickly.

"Anything I do is purely for survival," he told me and looked at me pleadingly. I nodded then.

"You swear your a good vampire?" I asked him. He nodded again and bit his bottom lip.

"Please," he whispered hopefully. "I don't know what I did if I did something at all." He stopped struggling and looked at me. "Please...." I nodded then as I thought it over.

"Fine." I got off him then and grabbed Riley's hand then laid my head against him.

"They never showed mercy on our parents, why should we to them?" Riley asked softly and then pulled out a gun and I took a step away from him. He aimed down the vampire. He shrunk back in the chair and squeezed his eyes shut.

"I didn't do anything! I swear.... I didn't ask to be made into a vampire! He just attacked me and then left me in the alley! Please, I don't know why you are doing this!" He started to struggle again as fear kicked in. I grabbed the gun in Riley's hands.

"We should keep him, Dylan might be interested." I suggested. "He was forced too." I pointed out. Riley rolled his eyes then gave me the gun and left us alone, mad. I pouted as I watched him leave. Heh. The vampire was trembling as he stayed curled up the best he could in his defensive position, looking up at me as my twin left. He started mumbling prayers under his breath as he sat there, closing his eyes as he tried to stop trembling. I sighed and untied him then. "You have to stay here, and help my older brother Dylan. Okay?" I asked him and patted the top of his head. "He'll teach you the best ways about surviving as a vampire." He looked up at me in alarm and then managed to relax a bit as he untensed.

"D-Dylan?" He glanced towards the door and then up to me. "You're not going to hurt me?"

"No, of course not. You said you wasn't bad. As a hunter, I personally cannot hurt you because you are good." I told him and shrugged. "It wouldn't be right." He sighed in relief and collapsed into the chair, exhausted from the fright we gave him.

"Thank you, thank you so much," he murmured.

"Whatever." I shrugged. "Hungry? Dylan keeps some bottles of blood in the fridge upstairs." I told him kindly. His eyes widened and he looked up at me in surprise.

"They do that? Bottle blood I mean?" He seriously didn't know anything. I laughed.

"Mhmm." I nodded. "It's what... the twenty first century or so... Of course they do." I reached out for his hand. "Come on, let's go get you a bottle." He hesitantly took my hand and stood up. I noticed then that he was actually younger looking than me- about fifteen. He was a few inches shorter as well and didn't look that strong compared to most vampires I've seen before. I pulled him out of the basement and to the kitchen without hesitation. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and gave it to him as I took a bottle of water. "There you go." I let his hand go and took a seat in the floor. He looked at the bottle curiously and took the top off, sniffing it cautiously. When he deemed it safe, he took a sip and about chugged it in less than a minute. I watched him in curiosity and smirked. We did need new recruits... since an idiot cleaned out the HQ a couple of days back. "How'd you like to be a hunter?" I asked then. He pouted and looked at the bottle as he finished it. He then noticed that I asked him something and looked towards me, getting down on the ground in front of me.

"Hm?" He frowned a bit as he tilted his head and then widened his eyes. "I never told you my name, did I? My name is Thomas, Thomas Evangelist." He gave me a friendly, trusting smile.

"I'm Charlie Ainsworth." I told him and shook his hand. "One of the Ainsworth twins." I raised my chin high with pride. He looked like he recognized that name, but he didn't say anything as he set the empty bottle beside him. "I'm one of the very best- highly trained vampire hunters in this town." I told him. "My family name runs through these streets like the mafia." I giggled. "Want me to tell you how we got such high reputation?" He gave a small nod towards me, looking a bit curious. "Back in the day, Dylan- was human. Our parents use to make vampire hunting weapons and well... that didn't go to well. One night we got attacked, and that's when we lost our parents. My brother disapeared that night and Riley and I was orphaned. Dylan, was turned into a vampire on that night. It took him a few years, but then he slaughtered every single one of those vampires that murderd my parents and that's why everyone fears the Ainsworth name." I briefed him. He bit his bottom lip and looked down to his hands.

"I'm sorry....that sounds terrible to have to live through... No wonder why your brother almost shot me," he mumbled, sounding like he was upset for us.

"We lost our parents but gained imortality. Dylan plans to turn Riley and I when we are eighteen." I told him. "At least we will have eachother." He nodded and looked up at me.

"Aren't you afraid though? It....really hurt," he told me, wincing as he rubbed at a scar on his neck.

"I don't have a choice." I whispered. "It's set in stone, he wants it." I told him and shrugged. "Not too worried about it. All my friends are dead." He looked sad, but he didn't say anything against it.

"That sounds terrible," he murmured and picked up the bottle, turning it in his hands.

"Not at all. Want another bottle?" I asked. He looked up at me quickly then and nodded before it even became a thought in his head. I got up and got him another bottle out of the fridge, handing it over to him and took a seat back down. He gave me a smile as he opened it and sipped on it, not being as fast with it this time.

"Thanks," he told me as he set the empty bottle to his left.

"So, do you know who your maker is?" I asked curiously. He frowned in thought then and shook his head.

"No, I never got a name. He just attacked me and devoured me mercilessly then brought me back as a vampire, ditching me the minute I was born into this," he said, gesturing to himself as he took another sip of his drink. "He never did anything for me besides bring me back. I ended up having to figure out most of what I know now...."  I nodded then.

"How long ago was that?" I asked curiously. Who would be a heartless maker and leave the poor guy alone on his own? What a major jerk. He frowned, starting to count on his fingers.

"About....two...and a half weeks ago I think...No, it was a month ago," he said, quickly correcting himself and looked at me then.

"Your a fresh out of the batch newborn! Wow! I can't believe this... You must have been made for the war that didn't happen." I mumbled. He shrugged.

"I don't know anything about a war that was supposed to happen, but I do know that if I ever saw him again, I'd be able to recognize him immediately. I made sure to remember him so that way I could give him a piece of my mind the next time I see him," he muttered and took another sip of the drink.

"What does he look like then?" I wondered as I smiled at him, he was so cute. I thought over nickname ideas for him. Tommy would be adorable.

"Um....Red hair- kinda styled in a messy way- green eyes....grin that makes you want to die on the spot to get away from him....uhh....tall... He doesn't seem to be more than a young adult, but he's messed up after you get him alone.... He's a bit pale with a few freckles on the bridge of his nose and has a birthmark on his arm in the shape of a swirly kind of thing...." He trailed off then as he tried to remember other details and shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. "He better hope he never sees me again." I shook my head, wanting to get back in the streets and find him just to give him my own piece of mind. Tommy was too young to be a made vampire... it was unfair. That monster. Tommy is going to be stuck like this too... Unless.... I persuade a witch to help him out. I shook that thought out of my head. "Doesn't matter though. I think he's long gone.... Probably one of those who doesn't care what he does." Tommy set down the now empty bottle and looked a bit healthier already, more alert. I nodded.

"I'll find and punish him." I mumbled. I stood up then and threw away the empty bottles. "Let's get you a room for now though." I held out a hand for him. He took it and stood up, nodding just a bit as he gave a trusting smile.

"Thank you so much," he murmured quietly as he glanced around curiosity. I pulled him up the stairs and towards the bedroom I had in mind for him. I stopped at the bedroom across from Riley's and mine and opened the door for Tommy.

"There you go Tommy." I said sweetly as I walked him into it. He looked around wide eyed and then at me.

"A-are you sure?" He asked cautiously as he stepped in. I nodded, realizing I put him in a suit.

"You'll like this." I told him. "You have a bed, and everything. Connected bathroom. If you need anything I am right across the hall with Riley. We share a room." He nodded softly then and bit his bottom lip.

"Is there...anything that I can do to make this up to you then? I don't feel right about not helping somehow around here...." He looked at me nervously.

"You just train and become the best vampire hunter ever, like us and earn a name." I told him. "One day you will be respected like I am." I patted his head. "That's all." He looked alarmed at that.

"Vampire...hunter.... I'm not going to have to hurt vampires that don't do anything, right?" He bit his bottom lip then and started playing with this silver cross around his neck, rubbing it. It must be a habit of his when he's nervous. I shook my head.

"That's what the scum of the HQ do. No. You will get assignments and you will carry them out after you complete the TS." I told him and smiled. "There should be clothes in the closet." I pointed to the closet door. He glanced towards it and nodded.

"O-okay.... I can't fight too well," he mumbled, blushing a bit. "The only thing I'm good at is avoiding trouble usually. I'm not sure how much help I'd be with hunting the bad vampires."

"Don't worry, I am going to put you in a training school for that. I'll sign you up tomorrow, maybe Dylan will train you." I thought it over. "I hope you don't mind." He shook his head then.

"N-no....If you are willing to have me trained, then I guess I don't mind...learning. As long as it's only the bad vampires like the one who turned me," he added on and nodded in confirment to himself.

"You'll be trained up right, don't worry." I shrugged. "If I was like the others you would be dead." I started for the door then. "Goodnight Tommy."

"G-goodnight," he called after me then. I walked out and went downstairs then, determined to go out and find that vampire he described. I grabbed a hidden gun from a hallway vase and walked out to my car, parked in the garage. I drove off towards town, where I found Tommy at. I'm going to hunt that vampire down- and kill him if it is the last thing I do. I parked outside of the skatepark after a half hour of driving there and got out. I looked around for a good place to start looking at. I walked off down the road, keeping a fast pace. I was going to find that monster... and destroy it. After about an hour, I spotted a vampire sitting next to a streetlamp, sipping on her bottle of blood. No one was around her, so she could be herself. She smiled and leaned against the wall of the building behind her, not taking any notice to me as she downed the last bit and tossed the bottle to a trashcan a few feet away, getting it right on target.

"Score!" She giggled and stood up, wiping her lips then and stretched. I rolled my eyes as I recogized her from her file. Gossip queen. I walked towards her then and smirked.

"Hello." I said as I stopped a few feet from her. "I need some information." I told her calmly. She looked towards me and smiled at me.

"Hmm...How interesting, a vampire hunter- and not just any but Charlie Ainsworth." She leaned against the wall then and looked around. "You want information, do you?" She smiled sweetly towards me and held out a hand. "How about we go to my office hmm?" I walked over to her then and grabbed her hand.

"How do you know I am Charlie and not Riley?" I asked softly. My twin and I are identical- except for our eyes. She's good. I smirked at her. "Clever vampire." She laughed softly and suddenly we were in an empty room dimmly lit. She sat down on a couch and patted the seat next to her then.

"Mhmm... I know pretty much anything that happens around here, and sometimes even international secrets. Those are extra," she said and winked to me. "Oh, and if you were Riley, you would have shot me on sight." I nodded, she was right about that. Though... Riley would have missed. I chuckled.

"He'd miss you." I whispered and sat down by her. "So what information do you have for me? I'll pay you anything, name your price... then I want to know about the red headed male vampire stomping around here." She laughed then and picked up a glass that was on a table nearby, handing it to me.

"Here, I'm sure you would like something to drink, yes? It's just Cherry coke," she told me, giving me an innocent smile as she reached for a glass of wine that had been set out beside it. She sipped on her wine and looked towards me. "So you're looking for him, huh? I knew he'd be attracting attention soon. I met him once....and I have connections with his sister," she whispered the last part and grinned. I took a sip of the liquid she gave me, to taste it.

"Mh- I am looking for him. Where is he?" I asked quickly. I was glad we was on the same page. She nodded to me.

"I know his current whereabouts, yes....but as you already know, I don't give out information for free. As gossip queen of Maine, I trade secrets for secrets," she said and set her drink down on the table and smirked, showing me her fangs slightly but not in a threatening way. I smirked then.

"Secrets for secrets? Can I offer you other..." I moved closer towards her. "things." I asked and smirked. "Perhaps my blood? It's a rare treat, to get a bite of an Ainsworth." She looked tempted for a few moments but shook her head.

"I'd rather not. After all, I heard that vampires are dropping dead from biting vampire hunters....and I'd rather stay neutral to the Ainsworths as much as possible. I don't need to incur any wrath from your twin or brother because you offered me yourself as payment.... No, but you may attempt to persuade me with something else if you are unwilling to share any information I am interested in." She shrugged and picked up her wine glass again, sipping on it. I nodded then and smirked as I slid away from her.

"You want to know why they are dropping so quickly?" I asked then. I laughed, knowing she'd be interested. She paused as she stared at her drink then looked at me.

"Yes....that would be satisfactory as payment...." She nodded then as she thought about it some more and smiled. "No one so far has lived to tell what's wrong with the vampire hunters' blood that I know of..."

"Hmmm... well it's a new weapon. Vampire hunters are starting to posion their blood to protect themselves. If you smell one- beyond sweet then they are most likely posioned. It won't hurt a human... but a vampire will drop dead in a mere half hour." I told her what I knew about it from Dylan. She raised an eyebrow and set her drink down.

"Interesting....True to my word, I'll tell you what I know. His name is Parker. If you are wanting to find him...." She trailed off for a second as she thought to herself then looked me in the eyes, "you'll probably find him in these three places: a nearby vampire bar called Dark Fantasy....the animal clinic where he works.... or you'll find him stalking an alley somewhere," she told me. "He doesn't really have his own place and lives with his sister who has nothing to do with his activities. For that reason, I will not tell you where that is to protect her." She nodded and took another sip of her drink. "Yumi will give you directions to the two specific places I named." She pointed to a girl who came in while she was talking with another bottle of wine. The girl smiled at me and refilled the gossip queen's glass.

"I'll be back, for more information." I promised her as I stood up. "I'm interested in what you know about Maine." I walked towards the door then, waiting for Yumi. Yumi set the bottle down and followed me.

"Yumi, assist him to the places, will you? Oh, don't get involved in any of the fighting if he runs into him. I don't want you to get injured." Yumi nodded and took my hand in hers, leading me out of the room and down a stairwell. I followed the girl and smiled.

"Thank you Yumi." I whisperd to her. I wondered who this Parker fellow was. What would he be like when I met him. Would I decide not to kill him? Would he have a good reason as to why he turned Tommy and left him? I missed a stair and fell down, yelping. "AHHHH!" Yumi screamed as she fell with me and then ended up landing on top of me as we hit the last stair and landed on the floor. She sat up on top of me after a moment, wincing in pain.

"Clumsy," she hissed out to me, her blond hair falling over her shoulder. Her blue eyes looked me over cautiously as if she was searching to see if I had been injured or not. I groaned and held my head. I noticed that I had hit it hard enough to leave a gash on the top of my forehead. I pressed down on it and sighed.

"I am not clumsy, I swear. This usually doesn't happen." I told her and bit my bottom lip. She smiled at me, not at all fazed by the fact that I was bleeding. She didn't even react to it. She got up off of me and held out a hand to me, helping me up.

"You'll want to get that covered up," she informed me, giving me a bright smile. She held up a finger. "Stay right here and I'll be back with the first aid kit upstairs." She started to leave then. I let her go and held my head as I watched her go. She's nice. I looked around in case I didn't fall because somehow it was a set up or something and there was monsters coming to get me. I laughed nervously at my paranoid thoughts. There wasn't anyone though, and she was back in a moment, a bounce to her steps. She set the first aid kit down on a nearby table with a vase on it. She opened it up and turned to me. "Come here and I'll take care of you," she said and gave me one of the sweetest smiles I've ever seen. I walked up to her and stood by her, taking my hand away from my head so she could get it covered up.

"Thanks for this." I whispered. "I'm sorry that I delayed us."

"No, it's quite alright! I'm happy to be able to help someone!" She giggled and started to clean my wound, wiping the blood off of my head and setting the waste into a bowl. She put something on my wound and then covered it up with a band aid. She closed the box and then took out a match, lighting it and setting the stuff she used to clean up my blood on fire. She watched it burn, making sure that all of it was ashes before she tossed them into a trash can nearby. She must be trying to cover up that I fell here....for anyone that comes by. She did it to protect my honor.... I blushed. She was quite alright... She didn't have to protect my honor though. I'd kill anyone that dares to laugh at my small mistake. At least I hit targets. I puffed out my cheeks and then looked her over.

"Let's get going then?" I asked. She nodded and grabbed my hand then, skipping over towards the door that lead out to the streets. She glanced around and brushed her hair over her ear then started walking with a big smile.

"So what do you normally do? Anything fun? Or is your job your life?" She looked to me then curiously.

"My job is my life, I have nothing more then it for now." I told her calmly as we walked together. "You see, every since my parents were slaughtered... I never got a normal life." I whispered. She frowned for the first time then and squeezed my hand.

"I'm sure it'll get better.... After all, you have your whole life ahead of you. You should do something fun with it. That's what I do!" She giggled then. "I may serve the gossip queen of Maine, but I still take a break every now and then to have fun. Sometimes I volunteer at the human hospitals to help out as well!" I smiled. There was an idea, I could help out there. I had no other ideas about what to do with my spare time.

"Maybe I should start doing that." I whispered. I could totally do it! She smiled at me then.

"Maybe we'll see each other there sometime then," she told me and seemed overjoyed at the idea. I nodded and kept quiet as I let her lead me to where I needed to go. Soon enough, we were outside a bar where she stopped, sniffing the air. She let go of my hand and looked around before going towards the doors where she stopped. "I think he's here....I'm sure I smell him," she whispered and closed her eyes as she took a deeper smell. "I'm certain of it.... He's inside," she told me, turning to look at my eyes.

"Go back home, you don't need to witness this." I told her as I looked at the door. "It could get messy." She nodded and walked towards me.

"Word of advice, if you go in there... don't let them know you are a vampire hunter. Here, I have an ability that will work like a charm. They'll think you are another vampire and it lasts for about four hours," she told me, leaning in towards my cheek and giving me a kiss before pulling back with a smile. "They shouldn't notice you too much now...." I nodded and blushed.

"Thanks. Well wish me luck, I might have to kill all of them in there to get out." I joked and gave her a small hug before pulling away. She looked at me then and sighed.

"When I met him before, I learned very quickly that he's gets very curious. If you can get his interest, he'll probably follow you anywhere you want him to go.... Be careful, please?" She looked me over and then glanced towards the doors. "He's not nice when he's hungry.... He's very cranky." She looked back at me and nodded before starting to walk off. "I hope to see you again! Please don't get killed!" I waved as she walked away.

"Thanks for the help." I called and then walked towards the building and went in without hesitation, like I owned the place...