CA’s Hunt Part Two

Charlie's POV:

There were a lot of vampires that I had seen on the top of the execution lists sitting around. I quickly spotted this Parker guy. He was getting a drink from the bartender and downed it quickly before turning to someone who shouted at him. He raised an eyebrow and threw out his arms to his sides in a come at me gesture. I walked towards the bar then and sat on the other end, far from Parker and ordered something random to drink that I spotted on the shelf. I scanned the bar casually and looked towards Parker once more. He had pinned someone up against the wall and was preparing to rip his throat out but stopped and let him go, shoving him across the room.

"The next time you think about challenging me, you better work out and learn quick," he shouted after him as the guy ran away. He smirked and plopped down onto a couch then watched as a girl crawled over to him and sat down beside him. He kissed her cheek and glanced around the room. He looked at me for a second but seemed to not be suspicious as he kept scanning the room. I was handed my alcohol and smirked as for once I didn't have to give an ID. I took a sip of it, then a swig. I pretended to loose interest in everyone around me as I looked towards the drink in my hand, listening to the room around me. There was a lot of mumbling from the dark corners of the bar and after a bit, Parker stood up and tossed something to the bartender. He caught it with ease and set it in a drawer as he watched Parker heading for the exit. I paid for my drink then, tossing the bartender money and started to drink the rest of my alcohol... not trying to look like I was going to follow Parker out. I wasn't going to make it that obvious. Parker glanced towards me as he walked past me, furrowing his eyebrows as if he couldn't quite get something about me but he shrugged it off and walked out of the bar. I sat the empty glass down and stood up, starting to stretch. I headed for the exit then and walked out, taking a glance around. Parker had started towards a red corvette nearby and was fiddling around with a set of keys. He fit Tommy's description perfectly. All down to the birthmark on his shoulder. I smirked as I walked towards him then, making my steps a bit obvious.

"Hey~ Don't I know you?" I asked him then, pretending to act drunk. He stopped and looked towards me.

"Hmm... Interesting," he murmured and then went back to finding the key to his car on his keychain. He stopped at the driver's side and then found the correct key, unlocking it. I pulled my gun out then and shot the key right out of his hand.

"Very interesting," I purred. He widened his eyes as his keys hit the ground then turned to look at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He hissed out, exposing his fangs. "You drunk.... I should make you pay for that." I smirked.

"Come make me pay," I dared as I shrugged my coat off then and aimed him down. "You'll be on my list, right under that last one I killed." I laughed. "You and I need to talk."

"Just who are you?" He narrowed his eyes and leaned against the car, watching me closely.

"I am an Ainsworth twin." I told him and wickedly smirked. He looked afraid for a split moment but laughed.

"Alright then.... So what should I do with you? You had the nerve to shoot my keys out of my hand....and you smell like a vampire....not a vampire hunter," he told me, narrowing his eyes as he got off of his car and started to walk towards me, studying every inch of me. "How is that? None of the Ainsworth twins are vampires from what I've heard...."

"Recently been made," I joked. I watched him walking up to me and felt like I had been through something like this before today. A vampire walking towards me with a curious look...

"Hmm, you got the bite marks to prove it. Looks like someone took a chunk of your shoulder," he mused and laughed a bit. "I think I know what I will do as punishment." He was inches away from me now with an evil smirk on his face. I backed away then, not realizing how close he had been getting. I blushed and aimed him down.

"We need to talk." I reminded him.

"About what little Ainsworth?" He asked and leaned in, sniffing near my bite mark. "Dante did this huh? I can smell his blood circulating your system," he muttered under his breath. I narrowed my eyes as I remember what Dante did to me earlier today. I clenched my jaw. I'm going to find him next... After two weeks of course.

"He didn't." I whispered. "Look I have a friend named Tommy, he's about fifteen maybe. He was recently made into a vampire." I told him. "I want to know why a vampire would have the nerve to leave him stranded, alone." I hissed out as I took another step away from him. He frowned a bit.

"A Tommy huh? Never heard of em....How would I know why he was stranded?" He shrugged and started to walk off towards his car, no longer interested in me. I shot at his feet then.

"Because his maker matches your description." I hissed. "Now come back here." I ordered. He glanced back at me and narrowed his eyes.

"Did you just shoot at me?" He hissed out, pissed.

"Of course I did. Does Thomas ring a bell? Little fifteen year old a month ago, you sunk your fangs deep into." I walked towards him then. He turned to look at me, exposing his fangs.

"If you don't watch out, you'll be this month's little newborn," he threatened.

"I'm a vampire though." I teased him as I shot at his head, missing by an inch on purpose. He flinched and then hissed at me.

"You're asking for it!" He yelled towards me, starting to come at me. I shot him in the foot and laughed.

"No~ I'm not asking." I told him as I watched him trying to come after me. He let out a shriek and tripped, falling face first into the dirt. I walked up to him then and knelt down holding the gun to his face. "So why'd you leave him?" I asked. "Better be a good reason. Your time is ticking the last tock." He glared up at me then and smacked the gun out of my hand, sending it flying. It went off a few feet away. He grabbed me by the wrist and went to bite me. I widened my eyes and stuck my finger into one of his eyes, pressing down to stop him. "Not today." I growled. He quickly backed down and moved his head away from me, looking away to save his eye.

"You better back up," he growled at me.

"You want loose your fangs?" I hissed. I went to get closer to him. He glared at me and then went to sit up. I stood up then and kicked him in the chest, making him get on his back. "So, why'd you do it boy?" I asked him. He groaned and blinked as he moved his head out of the dirt and winced.

"Why should I answer to you?"

"You'll die if you don't." I told him. "I'll smash your heart like a mirror." I hissed. "You'll be in hell within seconds." He widened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Alright... I'll talk, but you probably won't like it," he warned, not moving an inch as he was now wary of me. I nodded then and sat down by him.

"Good, tell me all about it. He deserves some answers after all." I told him. He sighed and watched me.

"I turned him on a whim," he said simply. "He didn't appear to really have many friends and seemed to be one of the ones that kept to themselves... or at least he wasn't hanging out with anyone at the time. I decided that if I was going to turn anyone, it should be him but he didn't put up much of a fight and was completely worthless to me. I ended up turning him anyways, but I left him there because I saw no point in keeping someone who had almost zero fighting skills... and wasn't interesting." He shrugged and smirked up at me. "So what are you going to do little Ainsworth? Kill me?" I looked him over then stood up and went to my gun, I picked it up then put it in my pocket and walked back to my jacket, putting it on.

"Goodbye." I grumbled. "Your not worth killing. You lost a good newborn to me, thank you. He's going to make a wonderful vampire hunter." I told him and started to walk off. I heard him get to his feet behind me and start walking towards his car.

"If you want the worthless newborn, I don't care. In fact, I'll release him just because I don't want to be tied to him," he told me, picking up his keys. I turned then and took out my gun, shooting a hole into one of his tires and then smirked. He narrowed his eyes and dropped his keys as he turned to me. "Now you've done it," he growled and suddenly he was beside me, pinning me up against the wall of the bar and tearing my gun from my hands. I watched him with a dull look.

"Go ahead, you'll drop dead like the rest of the vampires that bit a vampire hunter." I told him, seeing if he would take the bite. He smirked.

"I don't need to bite you vampire hunter," he hissed and then dug his nails into my side, drawing blood as he ripped my skin through my shirt. I let out a yelp and went to stab into his eyes with one of the pens in my coat.

"BACK OFF!" I yelled as I tried to push him away from me. He quickly backed away as I almost stabbed his eyes. He hissed in anger at me and tried to grab the pen. I pulled the pen away and then kicked him between the legs to send him backwards. "You don't understand who you are dealing with." I tsked. He fell to his knees in pain and then onto his side as he squeezed his eyes shut. I watched him and then took off down the street, remembering how close I was to a vampire bar. I laughed as I ran away from him. I looked over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't following me. Indeed he wasn't. He was trying to find his manhood. I laughed and ducked down into an alley. I leaned up against a wall and tried to catch my breath. I thought back to Dante then. So Dante said for me to forget huh? I can't tell anyone... Well... There is always loopholes around that. I started down the alley then, remembering it was a shortcut to a park, close to where I could find my car. I saw Yumi a little ways away from me after about a few minutes of walking. She widened her eyes as she saw me and ran up to me with a worried look.

"What happened to your stomach?! You're bleeding!" She almost went to touch me but held herself back, respecting my space. I shrugged.

"I think he got me back there." I admitted and put a hand over it, I applied pressure. "I need to talk to her again." I spoke up, wanting to find out about Dante. "Could you take me to her." She nodded and grabbed my free hand, starting to lead me back towards the building.

"Before you go in, you'll have to have that cleaned up. She's normally controlled, but that is a lot of blood," Yumi spoke up after a minute.

"I know, I need to stop getting myself injured." I laughed. "Less talk and more kill." I told her and bit my bottom lip. She bit her bottom lip and then smiled at me after taking a second.

"Well... you do seem to get injured a lot... Maybe if you were a bit more careful, clumsy?" She giggled as she joked with me.

"I'm not clumsy, I think it is just my thing. I don't try to avoid it you know." I shook my head. "I just accept it."

"Uh huh... You go with the flow clumsy?" She tugged me down a street as we came out of the alley. "Oh, I'm going to give you my number since how you seem to be doing a lot of business with milady! You might need to find her later, and sometimes she isn't easy to find," she told me and stuck a piece of folded paper into my pocket, giving me a smile.

"Thanks for that, I really need that for future use. She's very... informative." I followed after her and smirked. "You're sweet too, I might call you up for a date some time." She blushed then and seemed at a loss for words, seeming to not be sure whether or not to take me seriously. "As friends of course." I told her quickly and blushed. She nodded then and gave me a smile.

"Well, if you did, I wouldn't mind," she told me and giggled as we got to the building from earlier. She pulled me inside and then took me upstairs to a different room, walking off with a bounce to her step. "Take off your shirt so that way I can fix it," she told me as she went over to a cabinet over a kitchen counter. This must have been her apartment. I took off my shirt as I followed after her, watching her every step. She had to stand on her toes to be able to get down some antiseptics and gauze along with painkillers. She turned to me with a sweet smile and gestured for me to sit down at the table, moving the things there. She organized them as she waited for me and then pulled out a chair for me, sitting down in the chair next to it. Her eyes glanced me over curiously then landed on my wound. She winced and looked upset. "I can't believe that happened to you... I'm surprised you aren't showing any big signs that it hurts! It's so deep looking," she whispered and put a hand over her mouth as tears came to her eyes. "You need to be more careful...or else you might end up worse than that. I would hate to see you die," she murmured the last part and lowered her eyes to the medical supplies.

"I'm a trained hunter, things like this don't phase me. I'm supposed to ignore my pain and finish the job no matter what." I told her and shook my head. "I also have some vampire blood running in my system so.... it's like pain killers in a way." I shrugged as I watched the blood pouring out of the wound. She glanced back at my wound and shook her head slightly.

"You best come here so I can take care of it before you are smelled by anyone else," she warned. "Any other vampire that might be here is no where near as behaved and trained to resist blood like I am.... even the queen might be tempted to devour you with you bleeding like that." I nodded and took a seat in front of her, waiting for her to get it fixed up.

"So why do you work for her? Why not go off and become a doctor?" I asked curiously. She smiled at me as she started to dab at my wound, cleaning it.

"Well.... She needs me. She made me about...ten years ago I think. I was pursuing a degree in medicine, but she found me outside the hospital and saw use for me I guess. She turned me, and now I help her by running errands and taking care of her guests...especially when they are injured like you. She wouldn't be able to deal with it herself," she told me and finished getting the blood up then started to apply pressure, adding another towel as the first one became soaked. I felt a little light headed then as I noticed how much blood I had lost. I frowned and looked at her.

"Hey, you think I am going to be okay right?" I asked her, concerned for myself. She looked up at me and then to the wound.

"If it comes down to it, I will use another method to help you faster. I'd prefer not too, but since how you are a vampire hunter, it should be fine," she told me and gave me a sweet, reassuring smile. "You probably will be fine. You'll need some rest and probably shouldn't do anything physically exerting for awhile....Oh, and you are going to need stitches when this stops," she added on. "I'm really good though!" I nodded as I watched her, realizing then that she was a vampire. I sat up straighter.

"Wait a minute.... Hahahaaaa.... I thought you was human.. now I feel silly." I blushed. "I didn't realize you was a vampire before... guess it never crossed my mind. I am around so many." I shook my head. "Your doing an amazing job not biting me." I shook my head. "It's unnatural." She blushed then and looked up at me.

"S-sorry... I thought you knew," she told me and smiled sweetly at me. "I practiced to learn to control myself and I've gotten to the point to where smelling blood doesn't bother me.... After all, I hope to be more than just a volunteer at the hospital one day.... For now, that's all I can do until I can go back to school to continue learning where I left off." She pressed down a little harder and then nodded to herself as she noticed that the blood was slowing down. "I'll be able to stitch this for you soon and wrap it up."

"Thanks for this, your helping a vampire hunter. That's funny." I laughed softly and looked her over, getting a small crush on her. It was nothing though, probably just because she was always fixing my wounds now. I bit my bottom lip. She giggled and moved the towels away slowly, taking great care not to injure my wounds. She then started working on disinfecting it and grabbed a sterile packet of stitches and a pair of scissors. Glancing up at me, she opened the packet and then started to prepare it.

"This might hurt a bit.... Would you like to bite down on something?" She asked, glancing at some of the towels she hadn't had to use on me.

"No, I will be fine. I've had stitches before. You just get this over with, okay?" I asked as I watched her, starting to get a little tired as my vision blurred. She nodded, noticing that I was starting to have problems.

"Try not to go to sleep," she told me and then started to work on stitching me up, pain shooting through me as she was closing up my wounds. I groaned and watched her closing up the wounds.

"Of course, keep talking to me, so I can stay awake." She nodded and glanced up at my eyes, shooting me a smile.

"So what's it like? Being a vampire hunter?" She teased and then looked at her work as she was taking great care to not mess up.

"Tough, you never know when your last day will be. Sometimes you're looking death straight in the eyes before you somehow are sliding out of it. It pays off well though. You get some justice out of it in a way." I informed her. "It also depends on your name. If a vampire knows and fears it, then you have the upper hand in anything." She nodded then with a slight smile.

"That makes sense.... You're actually one of the first vampire hunters I've met. You're really nice compared to what I normally hear about them," she whispered and then pulled back, glancing up at me as she cut the string after finishing tying it. She grabbed the gauze then and moved back to my wound to bandage it. "I am glad you didn't freak out when you noticed I was a vampire.... I honestly thought you knew," she told me and giggled. Her eyes darted back up to mine before looking back at my wound.

"I probably am different because I have family that are vampires. It would explain me, right?" I asked her as I thought back to Dylan, and then Paris and his family. Paris was like family to me, he was one of the nicest vampires I knew. I viewed vampires differently from the average vampire hunter. Riley even had different views on the situation of vampires. He despised them while I found them peculiar. She bit her bottom lip then nodded as she glanced towards the door.

"Well... I'll go check on her and see if she'll see you right now. You never know. She might be with someone else already," Yumi said then got up, going towards the door. As she put her hand on the door, she turned to me with a sweet smile. "Stay here, ok?" I nodded towards her.

"I can handle staying here." I promised her. I glanced around as I waited for her to leave me. She gave a small nod and left, shutting the door behind her softly. I stood up then and stretched. I glanced around me then walked around her small apartment to see what kind of being she was. As a hunter, I could tell a lot about someone by just glancing around at their living space. I was trained for it after all. I smirked softly as I didn't hurry, not caring if I got caught snooping. As I walked around, I found a few cute romance mangas that were popular with most girls in her bedroom, a few books on medicine laying in a neat stack on her desk, and inside her bathroom was pretty clean, the walls a light pink. In her kitchen, I found everything put up neatly in a good organized fashion and her refrigerator was stocked with a few bottles of blood- probably all she drank considering live blood didn't interest her. I smiled softly as I walked back towards her apartment door to wait for her patiently. She was practically normal... despite the teeth and the blood in the fridge and the fact she is a decade or two order then me. I took a seat, waiting. My phone buzzed in my pocket then started to go off. I pulled it out and answered. "Charlie Ainsworth." I informed.

"WHERE ARE YOU-" I made a face and pulled my phone back from my ear as Dylan screamed into it. I cut him off then before he could ruin my fun and put my phone back into my pocket. No way was I going home right now. She came in after a second and had an apologetic look on her face.

"She's a bit...occupied right now. She said she wouldn't mind seeing you in a few hours or tomorrow....Whichever you wanted more. I'd like it if you stayed tonight though. I have another room where you can sleep, so I can watch over your injury in case it gets worse....You don't have to stay if you don't want to," she said the last part quickly, putting her hands up in the air defensively as she looked me in the eyes. She gave me a small smile after another second and lowered her hands as she walked up to me. I shook my head then.

"I need to get going anyways, I will be back tomorrow to see her. My brother is getting worried." I gave her a small smile. "If I don't come home tonight he might turn me when I do get home to keep me from ever leaving again." I chuckled. "Thanks for the offer anyways." I told her and walked up to her, holding out a hand for her. She had widened her eyes when I mentioned being turned, but she took my hand and shook it after taking a moment to register it.

"Y-yeah.... Of course," she said then offered me a big smile.

"I'll text you." I assured her as I went to leave. "Tell the sweet gossip queen I will be back for another date for information." I said over my shoulder.

"I will," she said softly from behind me as she followed after me. "I'll walk you down to make sure you don't trip again." She giggled a bit at that, teasing me.

"Am I that hopeless?" I asked her and chuckled.

"Hmmm.... You might be," she told me as she walked up to my side with a bounce in her steps. She opened the door for me and let me out then took my hand in hers as she started to lead me towards the stairs. "Oh, I want to show you this really fun place! You seem like you would like it, but since how you have to go home soon, I guess I won't be able to," she said, a hint of disappointment in her voice. I thought over tomorrow.

"I think after I get my information from the queen... I might be able to spare a few hours with you... Where would you like to go?" I asked her and followed. I gave a slight blush as I noticed she was holding my hand.

"Well... It's this really fun amusement park with rides and games. I was shown it by the gossip queen awhile back, but I haven't been able to go there since then," she told me, giving me another smile as she looked back into my eyes.

"So you want to take me to an amusement park?" I asked her. Does she not realize that it is sort of like a date and we are kind of enemies? I mean.. I am a hunter and she is the prey. I laughed at the thought. "I guess I could take you. What time?" I smirked as I flipped it on her. She didn't seem to notice as she looked ahead.

"Hmm.... I... Don't know. What time do you think you'd be able to go? After all... I'd rather you choose since how I'm taking you there, and you didn't really get a warning." I noticed then that she was grinning. I nodded.

"How about right before dark we will go." I told her. Amusement parks are only fun if it is dark after all. "I'll cut off going hunting tomorrow night as well and do it in the morning so I can get it over with." I noted more to myself. She tensed up slightly as she heard me, but she didn't say anything as she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. She looked to me then and brushed her hair over her ear.

"Guess you aren't entirely hopeless. You didn't trip this time," she teased, changing the topic quickly. She seemed a bit nervous as she glanced me over, her eyes lingering on my wound worriedly. Her blue eyes then glanced up into my eyes before she pulled her gaze away from me, a slight blush on her cheeks. "Anyways...doors over there," she said quietly, pointing towards the door that led to the street. "I'll have your shirt washed before you come back tomorrow...."

"You can keep it." I teased and smiled slightly. "I have plenty. I can also take one from Riley." I brushed it off. "So sleep well." I blushed and walked towards the door she pointed to. "Try not to think too much about me!" I said over my shoulder, messing with her.

"Oh trust me! I won't!" She shouted back to me, messing with me as well before she started for the stairs with a sweet smile. I looked back at her before leaving the building and sniffing the chilly air. I shivered slightly from the cold and started off in the direction I believed where I left my car. I tucked my hands into my pockets and looked around me cautiously, not liking that I didn't have much on. I grabbed onto the gun in my pocket that had maybe three or two bullets left and walked down the street. My phone went off once more giving me a half heart attack. I took it out to answer with annoyance.

"CHARLIE WHERE ARE YOU!?" I heard Riley growling with outrage into the phone.

"Coming home." I said simply.

"How much longer? I'm worried sick about you- Dylan is talking about turning you earlier then planned just to make sure your not corrupted." I heard him hissing. "Get home- if your not back in an hour, I am going to personally chain you up to our bed and make you watched... cartoons for a week. How does Dora the Explorer sound?" I widened my eyes. "Uh-huh. GET HOME!"

"I have to find the car first." I told him innocently.

"You what?!"

"Love you, bye." I hung up then and turned my phone off. I blushed. Man, I am so dead. I looked around me to make sure no one overheard that conversation- like a vampire. I shoved the phone back into my pocket and hurried my pace. I bumped into someone though after a few minutes and was sent stumbling backwards- landing on my butt. The guy looked down at me with a raised eyebrow then smirked. Dante.... I pulled out the gun then, this time ready for him and shot at his chest without hesitation. There was no way, I was going to let him do whatever to me. He disappeared then and was by my shoulder, kneeling down to my height.

"Hey... It's rude to shoot at strangers young vampire hunter," he purred in my ear, reaching for my gun. I pulled the gun away from his reach.

"Too bad." I hummed as I moved away from him. "If only you wasn't a stranger." I smirked at him as I got to my feet. He stood up then and narrowed his eyes.

"How did you....Hm." He took a deep breath. "I hate it when they remember...." I looked at him innocently. I told him he was- right? I aimed him down again.

"Why'd you bump into me?" I asked sweetly. He exposed his fangs to me angrily then.

"You're the one who bumped into me. You should watch where you are-" I saw someone appear in my peripherals and then Dante fell over, holding his foot in pain.

"Don't mess with my customers Dante! There you are little hunter! I understand that you wanted to speak with me, but you decided tomorrow right?" The gossip queen stepped into my sight, making sure to avoid my aim and glared down at Dante. "Go home...before I decide to punish you more than that."

"He was my mark way before he was your customer!" Dante hissed up at her. She raised an eyebrow as Yumi looked down at him with slight fear.

"I don't remember him." I said and smirked, looking at Dante. "Not at all." I teased him. He looked up at me, pissed.

"Brat," he hissed out and sat up, but the gossip queen pushed him back down with her foot, keeping him down by his chest.

"Don't move," she told him as Yumi glanced up at me.

"I'm only doing what you told me to." I told him and bent down to his level. "I should finish you off."

"You wouldn't be able to," he told me then smirked, looking up at the gossip queen. "Mind letting me up? The ground is cold." She narrowed her eyes and stomped down on his chest.

"No, you aren't moving an inch. I know what you can do, and I'd prefer to keep you in my sights," she told him and then looked up at Yumi. "This is Dante, Prince of Germany. If you ever see him again, you have my permission to call me so I can get rid of him. He doesn't belong in Maine because this is Paris's town." Yumi nodded innocently, looking down at him as she memorized his face. He looked up at her and smirked.

"You look like you've been a vampire for a bit....but you still are a tamed little one aren't you? She hasn't released you yet, I can tell," he said, aiming to mess with her. She looked a bit upset but didn't say anything as she moved closer to the queen, grabbing onto her arm.

"I haven't released her because she is mine," the gossip queen hissed out, "and she's perfectly fine with it." I tsked.

"Ladies, how about you two go. I can handle this." I told them as I walked over and kicked Dante's side. "Come on, let's go. I'll buy you a drink if you don't bite me- or kill me." I told him. He winced and curled up in pain as she removed her foot off of his chest.

"A-a vampire hunter's word is not worth anything to a vampire prince," he grumbled as he held his side. Yumi looked at me and gave me a smile.

"I'll see you later then! Come on! We're gonna miss the movie you left on!" Yumi started to pull her maker down the street then before she could say anything against leaving. I watched them leaving.

"Tomorrow then!" I called to them and smiled softly. I looked back down at Dante. "Good thing I'm not entirely a vampire hunter then, huh?" I asked and started to walk away from him. "So want that drink?" I asked over my shoulder. He sat up and teleported next to me.

"What kind of drink?" He asked cautiously. "What do you want? You would've shot me already if you didn't want something from me.... Information? Oh, is that your mate? You two seemed really friendly towards each other for a vampire hunter and vampire," he said, sounding a bit curious as he glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes.

"She's not my mate." I hissed. "I'd know my mate when I found her or him." I informed Dante. "Why do you ask? Are you jealous?" I teased him and put the gun up. "No, I didn't shoot you because I want to know more about you."

"Oh, learning your enemy... Good... You are a smart hunter then," he mused and glanced over his shoulder then at me. "I'm sure that the other Ainsworths would have just attempted to kill me. Then again, I have control over you, don't I?" He smirked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I only have limited bullets left. I'm trying to use them wisely." I shrugged. "Your right though, I won't try to kill you while you have control over me. I'm not that stupid. I've been trained by Dylan Ainsworth himself." I chuckled. I looked him over. He noticed and then adjusted his jacket on him, bringing it closer as he looked ahead.

"Yes... I believe I've heard about him," he muttered. "For a hunter, you aren't being careful."

"Told you, I'm not exactly a hunter. I'm more then that, I live with vampires. That's not exactly normal for a vampire hunter." I pointed out.

"Very true...." He pulled out a cigarette and lifted it to his lips, it suddenly lighting for him. I raised an eyebrow as I watched him.

"Who was that other vampire?" I asked then, referring to the one who was meeting with him early. He shrugged.

"Just some vampire that used to be a vampire hunter at the HQ. He was looking for protection and wanted to join up with me after hearing about the war I may end up in soon. After all, I'm still here for my prize.... Been looking for it for awhile now and finally found it here," he said with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Hmmm... Your prize?" I noted to myself to ask more about that later. "What do you know about a red headed vampire?" I asked and smirked. I liked to know who vampires were buddied up with. He wrinkled up his nose in disgust.

"You mean the one that lives around here? He's terrible- hate his guts. He has no respect for life and pretty much rules the trashy areas around here. If you are hunting him, I could care less if you killed him off.... The world would be better without him trashing everything," he told me and glanced over. I nodded in agreement.

"I don't very much like him either. He's lucky I let him live." I smirked as I remembered how mad he was about the tire. "So your about to start a war? I'm guessing with Paris? He's not going to be too happy to hear." He busted out laughing and tossed his cigarette then.

"That wimp wouldn't be happy- that's for sure! No, I'm just here for what's mine and then I'll leave. If that starts a war, so be it. I think that Louis flaking was pretty stupid of him, and I'm getting my revenge for it right now.... My things have nothing to do with that, and it shouldn't bother anyone around here for me to retrieve it. Though, if Paris thinks that I would back down from a fight, he's wrong. I'm no pipsqueak or scaredy cat." He smirked and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"And this prize? Your mate?" I asked then. Why even get the prize if it isn't your mate? That's just a waist. "Oh and that vampire... What was his name?" I asked, interested in the ex vampire hunter.

"Jacob Cross," he said simply, looking over at me curiously. "No, my prize is not my mate.... I don't believe in that fate rules our lives like that. Mates are overrated." I widened my eyes, recognizing the name. That's Dr. Cross's son! I use to train with him and eat lunch right beside him during the week.

"Jacob." I mumbled. I bit my bottom lip. What happened to him, that turned him into a vampire? He hates vampires! He despises them more then Riley does. What would Cross say or think or do? I crossed my arms over my chest and let out a shaky breath. "Where is he?" I asked then.

"Oh him? He's in hiding...said something about how he refused to show his face back at the HQ. Got quite the shocker when I told him that the HQ had been obliterated recently. He only came out today because I asked him to.... Pretty much has been starving himself since he was turned. The smell of your blood made him really pitiful.... Now he's shut himself in his hidey hole again and refuses to come out." He shook his head. "I've never seen a newborn act that way.... Well, maybe I have, but mine never do." I looked up at his face them.

"And you know where his hole is?" I asked then and stopped dead in my tracks. He nodded and stopped beside me.

"I know where he is. He swore his loyalty to me just a few days ago actually," he told me and titled his head. "Why?"

"You want him better, yes? I can make that happen. Take me to him." I insisted then, not really giving him much of a choice. He raised an eyebrow.

"I don't really care. It's his problem if he wants to hide away from the world. He's lucky he hasn't been driven insane yet. He'll probably eat something soon and be fine. He just needs to come to terms with being a vampire, and it's getting easier for him." He stared me down coldly. "So why should I?"

"I knew him, I want to see him." I said calmly. "I think he needs it." I held my chin high then. "I can handle myself." With two bullets...

"Hmmm.... No," he said simply and smirked at me. "I'm not doing anything for you little hunter." He laughed darkly and started to walk away.

"I'll make a trade then. You want something, anything? I can get it." I insisted. "In exchange for knowing exactly where he is and given permission to visit him." He stopped then and looked over his shoulder at me.

"Anything huh? Well..." He trailed off then turned to me, looking me over suspiciously. "As a vampire hunter, he'll have access to things I otherwise would have trouble getting my hands on," he muttered to himself, looking down at his feet. "There's a certain vampire I am planning on paying a visit to. Get me the location, and I will take you to him." He looked up at me then, completely serious. "I know she's here. I saw her a few days ago, but I don't know where she usually is. She's unpredictable...."

"What's her name? I have my connections." I smirked, glad I peaked his interest. He looked me over consideringly then walked over.

"Raven Sylvia, heard of her?" I nodded then, faking my confidence in being able to find her. I'd just go to Paris and get an idea about where she was at before he could even slip into my brain and figure out what was going on.

"Yeah, I'll find out where she is at. You have to clear my head about who you are though so this will work." I smirked. He frowned then.

"I... guess. If I leave you with the sense of needing to know about her, then you would be compelled to get the information.... I'd just have to find you again and make you tell me," he murmured then glanced around, pulling his hand out of his pocket and holding it out to me. "I don't do this very often, so don't get used to it if you see me again. I'm only allowing you to come with me because you may be of use." I walked over to him then and took his hand.

"I'll tell you my common hang out spots, where I am alone. I swear though if you try to kill me..." I grumbled. He laughed then and pulled me close, sniffing my shoulder wound.

"Oh... We'll talk about that later little hunter... or prey, whichever you prefer," he joked and then suddenly we were in a broken down apartment building- the kind you'd find in the slums and have murder stories surrounding it. It looked like it would be haunted, and there were cobwebs in the corners of the halls and dust practically everywhere, filling the air as well. A little bit of sunlight spilled through the bordered up windows, lighting up the floorboards that I could have sworn were houses to termites. "Here we are!"

"I hope you don't live here..." I whispered as I raised an eyebrow at the cobwebs. "This place looks contagious. In the bad sorts of ways that is." I told him.

"Well this is where Jacob has been hiding... That apartment right there," he told me, pointing to a nearby door. I nodded then.

"Thanks... You want to stay out here and wait? I might not make it out, I only have two shots left." I teased him then walked towards the door without hesitation and tried to open it. It was locked though. Dante came up beside me and moved me out of the way, kicking the door in. A slight yelp sounded from inside.

"Jacob, get your butt out here before I drag you out," he hissed to the hooded vampire who was laying down underneath the door. He looked up at us and widened his eyes when he saw me.

"Get him out of here," he said nervously.

"Awe but Jacob.... At last I found you." I teased him as I put my hands on my hips. "Not get out here and explain yourself! You were listed MIA." I informed him. I started to walk towards the door again, to stumble onto it and mess with him.

"More like TIA," he grumbled and started trying to get out from under the door, but he was slow about it because he was struggling. He seemed really weak compared to how he used to be. He really must be starving himself. I tsked.

"Look at you, what a bad hunter you turned out to be. What's the first rule everyone learns? In order to be the best hunter around, you can't let things like this get you down. You need to get back on top of your game and I am here to put you in hell to bring you back." I said as I got onto the door and jumped on it, to wake him up more. He groaned, gripping the floor and making it splinter underneath his fingernails.

"Get off my door," he hissed out to me. He narrowed his eyes and tried to push the door up but failed due to his lack of strength. Just as he failed, Dante tsked, stepping into the room.

"If you actually ate like you are supposed to, then you would be able to push it off," he told him, walking over to his head and nudging him with his foot. I nodded then in agreement.

"Come on kitten and purr for me." I sung out as I sat down on the board Indian style. "Your not going to be as good as your father was if you keep acting like this. Just because you are what you kill doesn't mean you should mope around all day. Embrace it as a gift. They'll never see you coming. Think of what you could do with this gift." I suggested. He pouted and looked away from me.

"They'd kill me in a second," he mumbled. "I can't even control myself...." Dante sighed.

"IF YOU ATE MORE, you'd have less trouble with that. Try something new instead of sitting here and making it worse," he said and kicked his shoulder, making him yelp. I frowned.

"Stop hitting him, only I get to inflict pain. Play the good cop, there can't be two bad cops." I complained as I looked towards Dante. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Excuse you? You're talking to the king of bad cops. You don't get to play bad cop when I'm here." He narrowed his eyes at me and then looked down to Jacob. "Now get out from under the door."

"I can't," he whispered pitifully.

"Oh yes you can, vampires have backup power. Like... when they have only an drop of blood in them they can still overpower a human to get in a good bite or two to replenish. So hit me with your best shot." I adjusted myself on the door. His eyes widened, and he looked up at me.

"You're not talking about biting you, right? You're just talking about kicking you off the door?" He looked nervous as he wasn't sure what I meant. I was disgusted at the thought.

"Ewe! No! Keep your fangs away from me. I'm just talking about throwing me off the door. If I wanted you to bite me then I would have said so- you know what never mind that. If you bite me I will send you flying into the next floor under us in a heartbeat with this here gun." I told him as I pulled my gun out. "Mind you I only have little to none bullets left so I will use them wisely." He looked relieved and sighed as he relaxed.

"Thank goodness," he muttered. He glanced at the gun thoughtfully as if he was considering something, but Dante nudged him with his boot again.

"No," he told him simply, narrowing his eyes down at Jacob. "That's not an option for you."

"He's right. Now... Let's work on this overpower thing. Lift me up to the heavens big boy." I playfully batted my eyes at him like I done when we was in gym playing sports. A small smile lightly shown on his face as he saw that, probably remembering the gym. He tried to lift the door again and managed to slide himself out from under it after about five minutes of struggling. He laid down on his stomach and started playing with his hair, not looking at us.

"That wasn't too hard, now was it?" Dante said, kicking a dinted can across the room in disgust at his surroundings. I moved off the door and went over to Jacob then and pulled his head into my lap.

"Hey, what happened to you?" I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair. "Your dad didn't even bother to look for you." I shuddered at the thought. Did he even know his dad was dead? Has anyone told him yet?

"Yeah, my dad," he said with a hint of resentment to his voice. "It doesn't matter. I'm stuck like this now." He looked up at me and sighed. "Doomed to a life of being what I used to hunt."

"Well actually..." I trailed off. "Select people know about the reverse potion. Only newborns can take it of course before they turn a century old." I explained slowly. "Of course you also have to be chosen for it." He looked off hopelessly.

"Yeah.... the odds aren't great. I'd rather not get excited over something like that," he told me.

"You know, being a vampire isn't so bad. You get to pretty much do what you want," Dante said, trying to be encouraging. "I know that you got turned during one of your late night hunts, but you don't have to treat this like a curse.... You should be glad you were turned. Being a vampire is glorious and isn't experienced by everyone!"

"He's right!" I said cheerfully. "You got it unexpectedly too. Imagine going for years knowing that on a specific day you are going to be turned and there is nothing you can do about it but accept it." I pointed out to him. "Not such a blessing now is it?" I asked and rubbed his head. He growled up at me and grabbed my hand in his hands, looking up at me as he rolled onto his back.

"Do you know what it's like to be attacked suddenly on a dark night just when you were starting to have fun and have your body torn apart by a vampire then brought back from the dead to be his servant until such time as he releases you? It's terrible to be something that you hate, that you despise!" He shook his head and closed his eyes. I noticed then the dark circles that were under them. I nodded then.

"Your right, I don't know that feeling yet." I whispered. "I've only been described of it. I won't feel anything like it until my birthday..." I looked away then. "You know what though... I won't be spending all of my eternity dreading over it." I hissed. "Because that would be a hell of a way to waist it. I'm going to be the best hunter that ever lived." I sat back then on my elbows. He let go of my hand then and curled up.

"Yeah, you could be that way," he murmured. Dante sat down in front of Jacob then and picked up his head.

"I'm going to make you eat. You are starting to look really bad.... You'll end up attacking people and going on a spree if you don't watch it," he warned, looking him in the eyes. "In fact, I'm going to make you eat tonight."

"I want to come." I said quickly and sat up then. "That sounds fun. Besides, I have to make sure no vampire goes on a rampage here tonight after all." I teased. I honestly just wanted to go to get some experience in. I smirked.

"Watch it, or I'll turn you little hunter- before your birthday," Dante joked, standing up and pulling Jacob to his feet. "Now... let's go get you a nice girl.. or guy... whichever comes first and is easy to pick off."

"You know, I might end up in that scenario when I get home. I'm supposed to be expected home within an hour... and that was a long time ago. They threatened my humanity." I chuckled. "So I am going to spend this wisely. Let's go punks." I got to my feet then.

"One, I'm not a punk- I'm a war god. Two, don't treat me like your buddy- I'll eat you so fast, you won't know what hit you. Three, we are dealing with a starving vampire- let's cut the jokes for now," Dante said, glaring at me as he practically started dragging Jacob who was beginning to protest.

"You're not very fun." I muttered as I followed the two. "So Jacob, want to come home with me?" I asked sweetly. "I can give you bottled blood and a cute little friend named Tommy." I teased. "I know how you like your guys." I joked, like I always did. Jacob was busy squirming, trying to pull away from Dante as he threw him out into the hall. He reached back and grabbed me, pulling me out into the hall then grabbed Jacob before he could run off. We were then standing in the middle of a street, one near my place.

"We can hunt here," Dante whispered after sending a glance around. "Watch him," he ordered, handing me Jacob as he started to walk off. "I'll go get him someone. If they see him, they'll take off running." I nodded and wrapped my arms around Jacob protectively and rubbed his head.

"It's okay Jakie, daddy is going to get you something to eat." I said loud enough for the both of them to hear me.

"Guess that makes you mommy!" Dante shouted over his shoulder with a smirk.

"Only if your precious prize can handle me." I shouted back. I heard him laugh as he disappeared around the corner. Jacob buried his face into my chest, starting to tremble.

"Please don't make me eat," he mumbled.

"You need to." I told him and rubbed the top of his head. "Watch out for my sides though okay, I got stitches down there and I don't want to become the meal." I informed him.

"I don't want to eat you- earlier I did," he admitted. "I don't want to eat at all.... I just want to be left in that place....maybe I'll die soon." I heard a small shriek a few blocks away and Dante appeared in front of us, a trembling girl in his arms.

"Catch of the day!" He grinned and pushed her towards us. "If I need to, I'll force feed you." She yelped as she fell to the pavement, scrapping her knee. Jacob tensed up in my arms and slowly looked towards her. I let him go then and took a few steps back to watch this play out. I always was interfering in things like this. I took a seat on a nearby crate.

"Eat up kitten. I need a tiger to bring back to the HQ not a kit." I teased him. "Remember, your a hunter." He shook his head, but Dante grabbed him, dragging him closer to the girl.

"Don't even think about complaining. Your little hunter friend is right- surprisingly." The girl looked up at Jacob pleadingly and started to cry.

"Please... I don't know what you want.... Please don't hurt me," she whimpered out. Jacob started to pull away then and managed to get out of Dante's grasp. He sighed and looked down at the girl.

"Look, I'll help you Jacob. It's as simple as earlier. You take your prey, and you bite them. If I have to bite her to make you eat her, then so be it," he told him, then picked up the girl, biting into her neck before she could react. She shrieked and pushed him away, starting to run, but Jacob's eyes widened at the scent of her as she ran a few feet in front of him. "There we go..." Dante walked over to me and sat down beside me as Jacob's instincts started to take over and he chased after her.

"He's always making everything so complicated. I would have already bit her and got it over with." I sighed out and watched him chasing after the girl with interest. "I mean honestly... It's either a sip or two and your fine, or you can end up worse then him. What's the better choice? I'd keep myself healthy to make sure it's a win win kind of deal." Dante smirked, looking over at me.

"You have to remember that he used to hunt vampires and was turned against his will. His maker pretty much did it as payback and ditched him.... He hasn't eaten since he was turned. This will be his first meal as a vampire," Dante informed me as he turned his eyes back to Jacob. He had pinned the girl down and had started to feast, not taking any moments to think about it. He was going to kill her in his state....

"Well." I tsked. "I suppose it can't always be one way at looking at things." I shook my head. "He'll come around the more blood he has, especially when he meets... the one." I smirked.

"Pfft, yeah," Dante laughed at me and ruffled my hair. "I'll leave you with him then. You can take care of the fledgling yourself if you think you can handle it. Buuut... Your memories... I need to filter them," he told me then leaned in. "If you want it to be stronger... you'll have to take more of my blood. Otherwise you risk being able to remember easily again. You only got a little bit the first time... A swallow or two and you won't remember a thing when I'm through with you." I frowned.

"How can I trust that you won't do something bad to me? I might not want to drink from you.. after all, I still have to wait two weeks to make sure you are out of my system." I grumbled. I could ask Paris over the phone to make this safe for me. I watched him in suspicion.

"I will not harm you because we have a deal. You are going to get me that information, and in return, you got Jacob all to yourself. Why should I harm you if I am still waiting for you to uphold your end of it? It'll still be two weeks no matter what. It's not like with the more you take the longer it is." He sighed and glanced at his wrist. "Besides... I would have killed you by now if I didn't believe you weren't...useful."

"Oh? So we trust each other... When I finish my deal will you restore my memories of you?" I asked cautiously. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"You want me to restore your memories that I'm going to filter? Fine, I don't see why not." He shrugged. "However, just because I feel like being nice.... I will not kill you after you tell me. I will wait to do anything until two weeks are up. Then if you cross my path again... I won't promise anything," Dante said with a smirk in my direction.

"You know.. last time you said that.. here I am still living." I teased him. "I think I am starting to rub off on you. You know it's bad to trust your predator." I laughed then. "After all... Little red got ate." He laughed at that.

"No, I spared you this time because of the gossip queen showed up...and because you offered me a drink and a deal," he told me and stretched. "Next time probably won't have anything good come out of it."

"I tell you what... Next time we meet... I will take you out for a drink." I looked off towards Jacob to check in on him. He was staring up at the sky blankly as he laid on his back next to the dead girl. I looked back towards Dante.

"I'll drink your blood." I grumbled. "Only because I need to get healed up, I have a date tomorrow after all." I pointed to my war wounds. He held back a laugh.

"So you are dating that little vampire from earlier... Interesting.... I might not kill you after all just because I want to see that play out," he told me.

"She wanted a date, so I said why not. She's kind of cute, stitches me up and things. Bet your prize doesn't do that." I held back a laugh.

"No, but she is really fun...crazy fun. She is worth this trouble...." He trailed off and then shook his head, lifting his wrist up to his mouth and exposed his fangs before biting down. He pulled back after a second and looked at me expectantly. I looked at his wrist then and laughed.

"Uh huh..." I looked up into his eyes then. "Dante, let me ask you a question. Since my brother never bothered telling me." I lifted his wrist to my lips, watching his eyes curiously. He tilted his chin up and watched me.


"This won't turn me will it?" I asked him. He busted out laughing then.

"No! Of course not! Like I would turn you! No, I'd have to drain every last drop of blood out of your puny little body and then feed you my blood in order to do that! It'd be a waste of energy!" He shook his head as he tried to stop laughing. I smirked then and pulled back from his wrist, laughing.

"You might want to check your books then Dante. How stupid do you think I am? Venom from a vampire mixed with their own blood will turn anyone, even if they have a system full of blood." I pushed his wrist away. "You don't have to drain your victim, unless you don't want them to wake up puking their old blood out." He tried to turn me...

"Ewww... No I prefer to drain them first, you idiot. Why would I want to risk getting someone's puked up blood all over my shoes?" He shook his head. "If you are really worried about it, I'll even let you bite me like you did earlier..... Though you might pay for it in two weeks...." I raised an eyebrow then grabbed his other wrist and brought it to my lips.

"I won't take my chances." I told him and went to bite down into his wrist. He tensed up as I did and almost pulled back as I bit down, but he managed to let me. I groaned as his blood entered my mouth at last, it was starting to become an addiction it was so.. delicious.. I had missed this taste without even realizing it. I brought his wrist closer to me as I bit down harder and watched his face expression. He winced and watched me closely, probably judging whether or not I had enough for him to have better control over me. I ran my tongue against his skin to get an reaction out of him, wanting to be as creepy as possible. I smirked against his skin as I earned a shiver. He went to pull back then, but he couldn't get away from me.

"You've had enough," he hissed out as he struggled to pull his wrist back from me. I let him go then and licked my lips with a smile growing.

"Enough for now." I whispered and cleaned off my mouth. I watched him then curiously. He had me at his full power, he didn't even have to erase my memory if he wanted... He could do whatever he wanted... He better keep his word or else I am going to bite him.. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"If you bite me again, I'll make you a slave. There's a reason why my blood is coveted and pretty much is stayed away from by other vampires. They all learned their lessons," he told me then smirked. "If you do bite me again, I can make you bite me until the day you die. You'd never get away from me...."

"It would be worth it." I said under my breath as I leaned back on the crate. "You better watch out, for when I get my own set of fangs." I made the expression all vampires make when they expose their fangs.

"You're not slick," Dante said then stood up, licking his wrists clean. "Anyways, on to business," he grabbed me and looked me over. "How should I go about this.... Clean slate... or filtered memories?"

"Are you asking me or yourself?" I asked. "Or are you talking to star gazer over there." I looked towards Jacob. I heard him laugh softly, sounding a bit dazed.

"Oh... I wonder if that girl..." Dante trailed off. "I bet she was drunk... Have fun with him when I let you two go on your ways," he told me, giving a wink. "Now, are you ready?" I shrugged as I felt a high like feeling from his blood.

"Hit me with your best shot." I reached towards my wound to feel it was almost closed up. Vampire blood is magical. He nodded and stared me down for a moment, debating.

"Charlie.... You will forget about me almost entirely. My name doesn't even exist. You found Jacob with a vampire named Marley who had threatened you earlier. You will retain all your memories that I physically wasn't in, and when I am there, Marley will be what you remember. He's just an ordinary vampire. You won't remember being asked to find Raven Sylvia, but you will look for her soon and then go to....the.... café down the street from here when you find out where she stays and where she normally goes. You will only remember me when you enter the café after the conditions have been met," he ordered, looking me over as he was coming up with it as he went. He then disappeared from in front of me, leaving any trace of him in my memory gone.

I blinked a few times as my head felt slightly warm. I looked around me and fell through the crate, giving me a startle as it had collapsed. I chuckled as it had given me a bit of a startle. I looked towards Jacob then and raised a foot into the air, pointing at him with it. "Jacob, can you help me up?" I asked sweetly.

"Get yourself up," he said teasingly as he rolled over onto his stomach, watching me curiously. I tilted my head then.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" I touched my face then and blushed. "Come on... I'm stuck." I tried to get out of the crate.

"You really don't remember.... Cool." He smiled as if he knew something I didn't and got up, walking towards me. He looked loads better than he did before and more confident- somewhat like his old self. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet then. I smiled and brushed myself off.

"Let's go, Dylan and Riley will be happy to see you." I suggested. I figured that was what we were doing before he went on a fun little hunt. I grabbed his hand and pulled him off. "So! How are you? You look like your back from the dead." I winked towards him. "We should get you a girl... or guy."

"What are you talking about punk?" He knocked me lightly on the head and started walking towards my manor. "I don't need a girl or guy."

"You need something, obviously." I referred back to the stage I found him in. "How about my twin." I held back a laugh.

"I'm going to get you!" He turned around and started to run at me. I screamed and let out a laugh then started to run from him in a circle.

"No you won't! You should be after Riley, not me!" I told him.

"WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" He dove for me, knocking us both to the ground. With a laugh, he sat up on my stomach and grabbed my hands to pin them at my sides. "Now, what were you saying?" He smirked at me.

"I said, you need someone in your eternity." I informed him clearly. "Did you not hear me the first few times?"

"I don't need someone. Others are complicated, especially in a relationship," he told me and let go of my hands, but he didn't get off. I shrugged.

"I'm going to have someone one day for my eternity." I whispered and gave a small smile. "When I find that special someone..."

"Uh huh lover boy," he said and leaned down to my ear. "You're going to be gay, aren't you?"

"Well I was hoping." I joked, not sure what I was. "You want a kiss prince charming? You've been on me for a while." He shrugged and looked down at me.

"If you did, you'd be in trouble with your brothers and me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I mumbled.

"Don't kiss me is what it means," he told me and laughed, getting up and starting to walk off. I got to my feet then and walked after him.

"Oh! I got a new son. His name is Tommy." I told him quickly. He glanced back at me curiously and stopped.


"Thomas somethingsomething. He's an Ainsworth now. He's only like... fifteen and has his own fangs and everything. He's going to be a vampire hunter just like his daddy- which is me." I smirked.

"Who's the lucky mother? Riley?" He laughed then and put his hands on his hips. I gasped then.

"I thought you'd never guess!" I yelped. "Riley is a bit... well Riley though. He's coming around. Hey! Want to sleep between Riley and I tonight?" I asked and chuckled as I kept messing with him.

"If you two don't have any dirty twincest plans," he teased me with a large smirk.

"We are not like the host club." I grumbled. "Not at all!" I crossed my arms. "We just are closer then normal twins."

"You know, if you two ever did actually get a'd be the mom. Riley is more....well, you know," he said and grabbed my hand. "Can we go home now? It's starting to get dark, and it's cold....besides you're shirtless." I looked down at my shirtless body.

"You too attracted to these?" I asked and flexed my muscles. "I understand." I kissed my right shoulder.

"Sometimes I wonder if you were dropped on your head as a baby, and that's why you have better aim then your brother. You got knocked into the right aim," he muttered.

"Actually the reason why he is off is because I am on the dot. No... really... it was that night our parents were slaughtered." I told him one of the deepest secrets I have. "That's why his aim is off. Something happened that night to him." He bit his bottom lip as he stopped joking around and looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry....that must have been terrible...."

"If it wasn't for Dylan proving that Riley is capable... well he would have never got into training school." I touched my eyes then. "It's a horrible secret. Don't mention it." He nodded then.

"CHAAAARLIE!" I heard a familiar voice shouting my name and I was suddenly pulled into a hug. "Your brothers are terrifying when they are mad! Where have you been?" Tommy asked as he pulled back to look at me. Jacob widened his eyes as he saw him.

"Oh... I was off having a bit of fun. Did I come back in time before they make me into a vampire and trap me to the house forever?" I ask Tommy. I heard Dylan and Riley coming my way then, I could feel the fury.

"No," Tommy whispered. "They made plans to tie you up and rip you apart during the transformation....They told me to keep to myself and not interfere..." I paled as I watched Dylan coming towards me. I looked towards Jacob then.

"Hide me?" I asked weakly.

"No, he'll eat me alive," Jacob said quickly, hiding behind me. I gulped as they got closer.

"Get behind me Tommy." I whispered.

"They're going to kill you," he mumbled, sounding conflicted. "You're the first one who was nice to me...."


"YOUR IN BIG TROUBLE LITTLE BROTHER!" Riley hissed out. I blushed and fell back against Jacob.

"Oh no... hold me." I whispered.

"With pleasure," he teased in my ear and wrapped his arms around me, leaning his head against mine. "Good luck," he purred. Tommy tightened his grip on me as well, burying his face into my chest. Dylan marched straight up to us and pulled me away from the two vampires and into his embrace. He gave me a death hug as he didn't let me go and buried his face into my hair.

"What the heck was you thinking? You had me worried?! I thought someone got you. You cut your phone off! Was you out looking for this... this vampire? Who is he?"

"That's Jacob Cross." Riley hissed out. "A newborn." I heard Riley coming closer, keeping a calm step.

"Oh you better have a good reason Charlie! Two vampires in one night- and you..." He sniffed me. "Smell like vampires! Multiple ones. YOU EVEN SMELL LIKE A VAMPIRE!" He hissed out and squeezed the breath out of me.

"WHAT!?" Riley screeched and pulled me from Dylan and made me get on my knees in front of him. "WHO TURNED YOU! I'LL BURN THEM! BURN ALL OF THEM! EVERY LAST ONE!" He furred. I laughed at the thought of him trying to hit someone with his bad aim. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!" Jacob and Tommy came forward, sniffing me cautiously.

"He's not a vampire... I know that for sure," Jacob mumbled.

"But he smells like he is one now," Tommy whispered back.

"Interesting....How did you do that," Jacob asked. "Witch maybe?"

"WITCHES EXIST?!" Tommy shrieked.

"A good magician never tells his secrets." I pointed out. "Don't worry, I'm human." I told them, all four."

"You won't be by tomorrow." Dylan hissed.

"What? I can't, I have to be human for a date tomorrow." I tried to slide my way out of Dylan's wrath.

"Oooooh, someone has a daaaate," Jacob teased, ruffling my hair. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Oh, and if he or she gets close to you and gives you a cute look, steal a kiss." Tommy laughed a bit at that. Riley shook his head.

"Absolutely not." Riley hissed to me. I paled.

"He's right, your grounded." Dylan told me. I rolled my eyes.

"I can't be grounded, I have things to do." I told them. Like find a girl, go date a girl, and talk to a girl. I have girl things to do.

"What things? I'm sure this girl can wait." Riley hissed towards me and grabbed my ear. "You had me thinking this little twit named Thomas got you good in the basement." He hissed in my face. "I swear Charlie." He started to drag me towards the manor. "Your not leaving my sight again! Not even to use the bathroom!" I widened my eyes. Not the wrath of the twin!

"Hahahaha, good luck with that Charlie! Looks like you lost all your privacy. If you aren't like the host club now, you will be in a week," Jacob joked and wrapped an arm around Tommy. "You know what host club is, right kiddo?" Tommy shook his head innocently. Riley's jaw was clenched as he got the reference. Ha! Suffer with me! I smirked up at him.

"WE ARE NOT LIKE THAT!" Riley hissed out.

"I swear, if I didn't plan for Riley to be made first Charlie... you are lucky I am letting this slip because I love my precious plans." Dylan said as he walked beside me. I glared up at him.

"How long am I grounded?"

"For the rest of your life as a human." Dylan snapped at me.

"Hah! That's what you get for hanging out with-" Jacob cut himself off and frowned. "Uh.....Yeah." I looked towards Jacob.

"What?" I asked in confusion. Who did I hang out with that could possibly end me up here in this situation? That Parker dude? Probably him.

"Marley I think?" Jacob asked cautiously. "Is that what he said his name was? The one who helped you find me?"

"Who the heck is Marley? Are you secretly gay or something?" Riley asked me. "Oh I am so kicking you to the floor tonight." I paled. Jacob smirked and sidled up next to my twin, getting really close.

"Twincesssst," he whispered in his ear, laughing as he watched his reaction. Riley let me go then to punch Jacob in the face.

"IT IS NOT LIKE THAT!" Riley shrieked. I gasped as I was free and then took off for the manor.

"FREEDOM!" I yelled. I heard Jacob yelp and a thud as he fell to the ground from the punch. I ran into the manor doors and slid on the slick floors, sliding into a wall. "AHHH!" I cried as I made a picture fall down on me. I was suddenly wrapped up into a hug.

"There you are! You've been making us all worried sick! I thought you got eaten by a wolf or a vampire!" Richard said, running his fingers through my hair as he held onto me protectively. "Now Paris is going to get you for this.... When he finds out you are back. Which will be any second now...."

"Dylan, which rope should we us- CHARLIE!" I heard Paris say as he was walking into the room. I heard him drop several things and rush towards me. I widened my eyes.

"Charlie when I get my hands- Oh good, they got you." I heard Dylan say as the front door slammed open.

"HE'S MINE! I LAY CLAIM!" Richard shouted then and picked me up, taking off running with me. He ducked behind a wall and held me close. "I won't let those mean vampires touch you....You're so cute and darling that you don't deserve what they have planned for you in the basement."

"Richard! I decided not to turn him tonight! Instead I am giving him to his twin." Dylan yelled through the wall. I blushed and tried to get free from Richard.

"Can I get down?" I asked innocently.


"No, you may not. Uncle Richard is mad at you right now," he hissed in my ear and tightened his grip on me. "PARIS, YOU BETTER TAKE THE ROPE HOME!"

"Hey Charlie! I'm going back home!" I heard Jacob shout to me from outside, knowing better than to come in.

"NO JACOB DON'T LEAVE ME! I NEED SOMEONE TO SLEEP WITH ON THE FLOOR TONIGHT!" I begged and tried to squirm my way out of Richard's arms.

"Fine, go see your boyfriend," Richard said, letting go of me as he took off in Paris's direction. I smiled as I had managed to get free then took off towards the front door to get Jacob before he could even think about leaving. He had gotten a few feet away from the door by now, heading towards the gates to the yard with his hands in his pockets. I ran after him then, after taking the short pause at the door to look for him. I tackled him within seconds and knocked the breath out of my lungs as I done so.

"You can't go." I told him. "We just got back in touch." He smiled at me as he caught his own breath from hitting the ground.

"I'll see you later, promise. I won't disappear again like last time," he told me, giving me an innocent smile.

"You swear that if I go looking for you, you are going to be where I found you last?" I asked him and raised an eyebrow. He gave a sigh and shook his head.

"No... I'm thinking about leaving it. It's pretty messed up, and I recently have been looking for jobs around town.... I still have a phone though if you want the number," he said and pulled out a cellphone. I grabbed it then turned on mine. I sat up then on his stomach and waited. After a minute I exchanged our numbers into each other's phones.

"There." I gave him his phone back. "Now I an annoy you into coming over. Since I am grounded.. You are going to be my number one choice in who to call. So don't wait up?" I shrugged as I slid off of him and got to my feet. "Are you sure you don't want to stay here tonight?" I asked and gave him my best pouting face. He looked torn but managed to shake his head.

"I'm sure that your brothers would be somewhat irritated, and I'd find a gun in my face when I wake up....Riley's specifically."

"Riley can go kiss a monkey. Come on, you can bunk with Tommy." I joked and elbowed him in the side. He blushed a bit and pushed me gently to be playful.

"Uh huh... I'll see you later if you call." He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug before walking away again. I pouted as I watched him walking away.

"CHARLIE AND JACOB SITTING IN A TREE!" I heard Riley start to sing from behind me. Jacob whirled around then and started marching back.

"What kind of tree?" He asked as he held back a laugh, being the jokester I knew him to be.

"Cherry blossom." Riley called and laughed. "Come on Charlie, time for bed. I'm tired. Kiss your boy toy goodbye and come to bed." He insisted. I blew Jacob a kiss then.

"Bye boy toy~" I laughed. He acted like he caught it and put it on his chest.

"Nighty night! Oh, and you'd be the boy toy. I'd be the player," he said and smirked before walking off again. I watched him walk off then turned to look at Riley.

"Thought I was sleeping in the floor." I teased him. He smirked.

"You might if you keep that up." He reached out for my hand and I took it, letting him guide me to our bedroom.