
Louis's POV:

I stared up at the ceiling blankly as I couldn't even feel the pain anymore. I knew they were cutting me up on my arms, bleeding me out. The guards kicked my side, trying to get me to scream, but I just laid there. They had used compulsion to make me walk over coals and had cut off my toes a few times along with ripping my throat out. I was at my limit. I was weak....too weak to really find the strength to even move. The other guard smirked down at me as he forced my mouth open and peered in, seeing my fangs had started to come in again. "Get the pliers.... It's time to add another set to our collection!" He kept my mouth open as I tried to close it, not wanting to lose my fangs again. I felt tears come to my eyes as the other guard produced a pair of pliers, sticking them in my mouth and ripping my teeth out as hard as he could. I whimpered and balled up as my mouth was still sensitive.

"Open your mouth back up. We weren't done," he growled in my ear, forcing my mouth open again. They ripped out my other fang and stuck them in a jar, letting me hear the clink of it as it hit the glass. I kept tears back as I closed my eyes, clenching my fists as I buried my face into the floor. They kicked me back to my original position and held me down as they went back to cutting my arm with a razer. Suddenly the door was knocked open and I heard a couple of footsteps coming towards me.

"Take a break." I heard a deep voice order. "I'll watch over him." I looked over blankly. Great....another one. What are they going to do to me now? Make me do something to myself again? I let out a shaky breath as the other two guards got up, walking towards the door.

"Try to get him to scream. The witch said to do so," one of them said as they shut the door behind them. I looked up at the ceiling and laid still. The new guy walked towards me then, with heavy footsteps and chuckled. He bent down over me and examined me.

"Oh I'll make you scream all right... scream for your mommy." He informed me, cracking his knuckles. I was lifted to my feet then and shoved down into a chair. He tied me down with some rope then smirked, looking me over. "You know what happened to criminals back in the old days when they done something wrong and got caught? I'll give you a hint." I felt him grab my wrist and burry his nails into my skin then I felt like I was shocked my lightening as I was electricuted from his nails. Who the heck is this?! I groaned out in pain and dipped my head, letting my hair fall down into my face. This...isn't near as bad as them ripping my fangs out repeatedly...and cutting me while starving me half to death. I looked up at him then giving him my best blank look. He pulled his hand from me then and the pain faded. He walked around to stand behind me then and placed his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them. "You talk boy?" I glanced at him over my shoulder. Should I answer that? He leaned in towards my ear then and laughed in it. "Want to feel a centipead in your ear? Would that make you hear me better? I asked you a question, I expect you to answer." I laughed a bit. Centipede? That the best he has?

"You remind me of a war general," I muttered. "I'm no boy, so get your facts straight. What's your name?" I asked, deciding I would talk to this one. I could hear his jaw cleching before he pulled his head away from mine and then his hands started to run up my body towards my neck, and to my head, rubbing me.

"Your not going to back talk me again in a minute." He purred. "All I wanted was a simple answer." He laughed then and rubbed my temples. Is he trying to massage me to make me taste better for the werewolves....How long have I been here? I glanced at the door curiously. They never told me the time....or date.... I could have been in here for a month and not have known it.

"Can you quit?" I asked irritably as I jerked my head away from him. He laughed and zapped my neck then with his electric waves. I squeezed my eyes shut and kicked to get away from him, making the chair fall over. Groaning in pain, I felt that I landed on my arm the wrong way and felt like it had broken. Maybe I shouldn't have done that.... I opened my eyes and looked up at him, narrowing them as I hissed threateningly. He laughed and flipped the chair to where I was on my back then sat down on my legs- his weight felt heavier then an average vampire... It was- undescribable.. Like gravity pulled harder on him then the rest of us. He leaned towards me then and grabbed my chin.

"Not just yet." He told me, exposing his fangs. I widened my eyes. He better not bite me.... My blood is too precious for the likes of him! I don't let anyone drink from me without good reason. If I had my fangs... I'd kill him just for that. I leaned up as far as I could and managed to bite his nose really hard, pulling away with a smirk.

"Don't ever show me your fangs again. I'm still the Prince of Wales," I said wickedly, giving him a threatening look. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Your going to loose your teeth now." He hit me dead in the jaw, dislocating it. He pulled out a pocket knife and forced my mouth open, begining to smash my teeth out with it. I screamed and thrashed, trying to get away from him but the rope was too tight. WHO THE HECK MAKES THE TORTURE METHODS! When I get out of here....I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on trying to calm myself, trying to stop thrashing so that he would lose interest hopefully. He didn't stop though until every last one of my teeth was either halfway gone or gone for good. He tossed the knife to the side and laughed. He pressed his hands to the sides of my head and suddenly he electricuted me. I clenched my hands shut and dug my nails into my palms to keep from rewarding him by showing any signs of pain besides that and closing my eyes. It felt like forever before he pulled back, as the doors were thrown open.

"I'll be taking it from here, thank you very much. It's midnight. He's rightfully mine." A familiar voice rung through the room, and a small growl unleashed from it. Paris. The guy on me turned to him then, confused. Paris? I looked over as I blinked slowly, not able to focus on him.

"Heeeey! No, you can't have him yet vampire prince," the witch said as she came in, slurping down a milkshake. "The rules clearly stated that he isn't yours until he has been torn apart by werewolves, annnnd he still doesn't look like werewolves have devoured him yet." Paris gave me a small smile then looked towards the witch.

"Correction, we had decided that he would have to suffer a painful death. Werewolves was the first thing that came to mind. Now I have a new idea, and Richard agrees with me." Paris looekd over his shoulder at Richard then Paris snapped his fingers. "Now. Get out of my sight."

"Um....No, you see.... When he was read his punishment.... That one clearly said it would be werewolves," the witch pointed out then flicked her wrist, making Paris lose his voice. "Now, you better listen good...because he's not yours till after he is publically executed by the Court's werewolves. You best leave....and not come back until we call you with the time of when it will happen. We still have him for a few more hours!" She giggled and bounced over, getting down on her knees as she picked my face up in her hands. "Isn't that right little Louie?" I tried to jerk back, but she made my body go numb to where I couldn't move. Paris crossed his arms then and smirked, like he had a wonderful plan. The room started to drop temperature then, getting bellow zero, the lights flickered towards Paris, casting long shadows. From a shadow on the wall, stepped out... my family demon.

"Oh. I'm going to enjoy this, it's not everyday I eat a witch and kill one of my masters." I heard the demon spoke up. I widened my eyes and looked up at her, pleading with my eyes to get her to give me back movement. She frowned and all of her magic quit working as she was distracted by his sudden appearance. I quickly jerked the chair towards the knife a few feet away, knocking the guy off of me as I got it in my mouth. I moved to the ropes and cut myself free quickly, crawling away the best I could with my broken arm and weak body. The witch looked at me with narrowed eyes but decided to ignore me for the moment as she studied the demon cautiously.

"I don't have to eat you, after all... Witches are favorites of hell. You guys are what gave us more little creatures to watch over. I will eat you though, and I will enjoy it if you don't leave for another slushie break." He pointed towards the door. She widened her eyes and threw her milkshake against the wall, giggling as she took off for the door.

"Thomas! You're buying me another milkshake right?!" She called as she threw the door open, looking like a child on christmas morning. Paris smirked as he kicked her out and shut the door behind her. He locked it then looked towards me. His eyes wondered towards the demon. The demon walked towards me and laughed.

"Ready?" The demon asked me and started to get on his knees in front of me, looking towards my chest. "I'll make it quick." I widened my eyes and went to stand to run or limp or something, but I fell over onto my butt, so I made the best of it and started crawling away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He grabbed my foot and pulled me back to him.

"Oh but I must, it's an order." The demon told me as he was over me in an instant and licked my face with a serpant- like tongue that stretched to meet me. I screamed and went to throw him off of me, but I could barely push him up an inch in my state.

"NEW ORDERS! Get off!" I shouted quickly, starting to freak out. No way am I letting him get anywhere close to me! THAT EVIL LITTLE WITCH! He didn't budge though, a low rumble came from his chest as he laughed.

"Not going to work." He purred and then pressed his fingers over my chest. As he done so he pinned my hands over my head. His fingers trailed down to my stomach and rubbed against it, tickling me. I struggled to get aw rom him as I tried to keep down a laugh but failed.

"Get off!" I complained through the giggles and tried kicking at him. This isn't fair! He's going to do something to me... I know it... When he shows up, nothing good happens... He smirked and ran his fingers back to my chest and pressed down hard, pushing through my skin. I yelped and hissed up at him, jerking away as I turned over onto my stomach. "Don't touch me!" He sighed and turned me back onto my back.

"I've got to take your stone Louis. You need to calm down, and let me. It will be over soon." I shook my head quickly.

"Nuh uh! I don't trust you....and I don't like it when people handle my stone," I told him as I moved my hands over my chest to keep him away from it. He got to his feet then and pulled me by my toes towards the cuffs chained to the wall, putting me in them, to where I was dangling upside down on the wall, not able to touch the floor.

"You'll never trust me after this." He purred in my ear as he got to my level. I widened my eyes as I watched him helplessly. I closed them, not wanting to see this, any of this.

"Please," I whimpered out before I could stop myself. He pressed his hand into my chest then, and the last thing I felt was his hand squeezing my stone and pulling it out of me.

Paris's POV:

I watched as the demon took Louis's stone out and brought it to me. He dropped it into my hand and gave me a small smile. "It's over." I said softly and looked over at Richard. The demon disappeared then from our view. He sighed and walked over, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You alright?" He asked sweetly, looking a bit worried for me.

"I'm not the one who was tortured." I said softly as I put Louis inside my pocket for safe keeping. "Did you record it all so we can send it to the royals and announce that it's all over?" I asked him. He gave a small nod and showed me the play button for the video on his phone.

"I made sure to catch how messed up he was and how he was practically begging at the end to be let go," he said, giving me a smile. "They'll have to accept it as a replacement for the wolves after seeing all of it." I nodded then, not wanting to remember what I just put Louis through. He's going to have a stone attack the next time he sees the demon. I shook my head.

"Let's go home." I suggested, wanting to get Louis there safely before I wake him back up. He brightened up and kissed my cheek.

"Let's have a victory celebration before- can we play a prank on him again? It was so fun the last time," he said, looking up at me with a pout. "Pleeaaaaase?"

"No way, I don't want to wake him up as a girl." I frowned. "That's so much trouble. I'm going to place him in his rightful body and then everything is going to be fine. We can celebrate though." I kissed Richard on the cheek and started to walk out of my Uncle's manor. Richard followed after me with a grin.

"The kind of celebration where we have too much fun, or the kind where we throw a party?" He asked eagerly, bouncing up to my side as he walked.

"We will have too much fun, of course." I told him, holding his hand then. "Where would you prefer to go? If we do have too much fun?" I asked him. He frowned, looking forward thoughtfully.

"I'll leave that to you... It's your victory after all," he whispered as he glanced up at me. I nodded then. It was my victory, I won the war at last. I didn't even have to smash him to pieces. I walked towards the car, and got into the drivers seat. I could take the family somewhere nice, a vacation perhaps... but where exactly... I could take them all to Vegas. He got into the car and pulled out his phone, connecting it up to Bluetooth speakers and started to play FunHouse by Pink! He grinned over at me, leaning over and stealing a kiss. "But don't take too long to decide," he warned, giving me a teasing look before moving back to his own seat. I nodded then.

"I think just for tonight.." I purred and looked at him romantically. "I'm going to take you out to eat at a fancy place. We can celebrate our victory that way." I told him, having a place already in mind. He smiled then and glanced at the steering wheel before moving it up and crawling into my lap.

"That sounds great," he whispered in my ear before kissing my neck. I laughed softly and looked him over.

"That's not a very good position for you to be in when I am driving." I told him as I sped up then, making the car rumble. He glanced outside the window and shrugged.

"You're a good driver," he teased as he laid his head down on my chest, relaxing. "Besides, we won't be killed in a car crash... It's not like I'm keeping you from driving." He gave a small laugh as he closed his eyes. I nodded in agreement and wrapped an arm around him, keeping the other hand low on the wheel.

"You know I am, I've only wrecked- I lost track of how many times... But we will survive if I do wreck us." I noticed there wasn't any cars out on the other side of the road so I coasted in the middle, right on the line. He glanced out the window then and smirked, looking up at me.

"Crash us...and I'll have to punish you for it." I smirked then, tempted to do it.

"I never said I was a safe driver." I told him and laughed. We are so going to wreck. I speed up into the 100's mph. He looked at the speedometer and then up at me, narrowing his eyes.

"You want to crash us then? Maybe I should skip the reason and punish you now," he teased as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and kissed the top of his head, taking my eyes off the road to look at him.

"Your the one in my lap." I told him and brought my eyes back to the road. He started thinking about biting me as he was looking me over.

"Well....we both know who has seniority here," he joked, knowing it'd mess with me bad.

"Just because you are older." I said softly and shook my head. "Gives you no rights to claim dominance or anything over me." I hissed into his ear.

"It plays a big factor," he said back, touching my chest and running his fingers up them towards my shoulders. He stopped at the collar of my shirt and pulled it aside as he moved his face into the crook of my shoulder. "I love your smell," he whispered as he tightened his grip on me.

"I love you." I whispered as I stomped on the break a bit to send him into the wheel, making the horn go off. "Now, don't bite me while I am driving." He yelped as his shoulder his the wheel and about fell off of me.

"PARIS! Don't interrupt me like that," he said and crawled back into his original position.

"Don't mess with me while I am driving." I purred, looking at him as I speed back up.

"I'll mess with you all I want," he teased, moving towards my neck. He kissed it and then moved up to my jaw, giving me another kiss. "Because you're mine," he whispered seductively in my ear, sending a chill down my spine. I looked from him to the road and back to him.

"You're mine." I pointed out and looked back towards the road. "You're going to cause us to wreck."

"I told you that you would be punished if you wrecked," he told me as he buried his face into my neck, resting. I nodded in agreement.

"As long as you don't punish me now." I mumbled. He said something that I couldn't quite catch, but I knew it was supposed to tease me because of his thoughts. I should hit this break and send him flying, I should punish him for his behavior... little tease. I switched out my hands, causing the car to swerve a bit then got back onto my side of the road as I spotted car. I decreased the speed as we came into town, almost near the restaurant. He glanced out the window and sighed, moving to crawl back into his own seat. I smirked and parked, almost as quickly as I had decreased the speed from coming into town.

"We are here." I told him as I climbed out at the gas station, needing to get some gas first. I looked at my pump number then looked back at Richard. "I have to run in and pay... Don't move." I ordered him and jogged off towards the store and walked in casually. I looked around the store as I noticed there was a line, so I would have to wait to buy my gas. I got in the line then looked up at the ceiling, sighing. I looked out the windows towards my car to check in on Richard. He had started to get out of the car just when I had looked. I frowned and felt eyes looking me over. I looked around me then. His hair is so white... like snow on the ground outside... Snow, I'd like to take it back with me... but it would melt. His hair though... would never melt. Someone grabbed my elbow then.

"Mr.?" I heard a boyish voice ask me. I looked towards the hand and then looked up at the face. There was a boy with black- long curly hair and green eyes staring deep into my soul. He was a bit tan- to be from Maine- so he wasn't. He was from somewhere else and I couldn't place his accent. "What's your name?" He asked me. He seemed to be human. He was quite cute, actually. He reminded me of Laurence, he was around the same height and age appearance.

"My name is Paris." I informed him, wondering why he asked me. Like the country France's capital~ I think that's it's capital...His face lit up then and gave me a smirk.

"Hi Paris! I'm Hachi! You're going to come with me." He grabbed my shirt and started to pull me towards the door. That's when I noticed his outfit was throwing him way off! He was definitely a foreigner. He had on cargo shorts and a ripped up shirt and hoodie. It had a bunch of patches and stitches on it, making me weirded out. I raised an eyebrow then felt my voice become lost. "Act normal okay, and I won't kill you and make you into my zombie." He said and waved his hands around in front of my face to creep me out. I looked towards Richard then, come on! Notice me. He had glanced off across the street to the pet store in interest, starting to think about coming home with a puppy or a kitten. I went to wave towards him for his attention then but Hachi grabbed my other hand and placed it in my other one and I felt them get stuck together from some unknown glue. I heard Richard's thoughts spike up in alarm as he saw me and I heard him starting to run after us.

"HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" He shouted, sounding pissed that someone had me besides him. Hachi turned towards Richard then and waved a hand his way and Richard stepped into a knee deep puddle. He screamed and went to crawl out of it. "YOU BETTER LET GO OF HIM THIS INSTANT! I'LL TEAR YOUR THROAT OUT!" He screamed as he got out and started coming again, getting closer. He exposed his fangs as soon as he was close enough for them to be seen. Hachi widened his eyes and stepped back from Richard then lifted his chin and my love was suddenly stuck to the ground. He widened his eyes and looked down at his feet as he tried to budge them. I could hear his heart start to thud in his chest as he was practically trying to rip his feet up. "I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" He looked up at Hachi angrily and looked to me in fear of losing me. "Let. Him. Go."

"No, I'm taking him with me home. TaTa." Hachi waved at Richard then grabbed my hand and pulled me with an unnatural strength towards a car where there was two shadows inside.

"WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU'LL WISH YOU'D NEVER BEEN BORN! I'M GOING TO OLD SCHOOL YOU WITH FIRE!" He screamed out, trying to latch onto anything to get him to let me go. Hachi stepped past Richard, just out of arms reach and made sure I didn't get near him.

"Fire huh? You want to play with fire?" Hachi asked and then a spark of fire went off near Richard's feet. He screamed out and tried to run off. He yanked his phone out of his pocket then and started texting Laurence for help. I tried to pull away from him then as I realized how serious this child was.

"MMMHMHHMHMMMMM." I grumbled and then gave up trying to pull away. I tackled him to the ground then, feeling his spells get broken as his concentration was lost.

"EEEEK!" Hachi yelped. Richard was by me in seconds, snatching me up like I was a precious diamond of his. He ran with me as fast as he could, throwing a granola bar at the kid to hit him in the head and distract him. "AH!" Hachi yelped as the granola bar hit him. "GET BACK HERE! I CLAIM HIM!" He yelled in outrage and I felt Richard get tripped up, causing us to fall to the ground.

"Richard- he's powerful." I mumbled. He groaned in pain and looked at me.

"It's you he wants dummy. Teleport away and he'll probably lose interest," he whispered to me, gently pushing on me to encourage my leaving.

"I'm not leaving you." I hissed and wrapped my arms around him lovingly. I heard a couple of footsteps coming towards us then. A couple of love birds, I wonder what would happen if one was taken away from the other. I heard a thought as clear as day and widened my eyes.

"If you don't leave, I'll eat you without a second thought," he threatened me, his thoughts not serious about it. "Go." I teleported us to our feet and pushed Richard behind me protectively as I faced the two coming towards us. I couldn't seem to grasp what they looked like as they appeared blurry to me, like I was in a sand storm and I couldn't see an inch in front of me. Except, everything else was clear besides them. "Paris." Richard sounded completely freaked as he wrapped his arms around me. "Leave....please. You can go back to the manor. I'll be there soon, promise," he whispered. "They like you more." I considered teleporting away then, as this was just too creepy. I grabbed a hold of Richard's arm and teleported us into the manor. As soon as we arrived we was in my music room. I dropped to my knees and gasped, this teleportation wasn't like the others. I was in pain, even though I knew I was healthy. Richard quickly started inspecting me and was hugging me. "You shouldn't have taken me... I would have been fine... You big idiot," he hissed out but sounded relieved that we were away. He pulled back and then bit his wrist. "Here... You don't look alright..." I leaned in then and bit down on his wrist, beginning to drink his blood. I tasted a bit of sand though and pulled back.

"Ewwwww-" I cut off then and looked him over. "I mean- I love the taste sweetie." I tried to give him a smile. "You just need to be cleansed." He narrowed his eyes and hugged his wrist to his chest as he tilted his chin up and away from me.

"Fine, no more for you for a full week," he said irritably.

"You just taste like sand." I explained softly and moved over to him, getting into his arms. He sighed and gave me a smile, kissing my cheek.

"I can't stay mad at you," he whispered and rested his head on top of mine. "I'll take a bath soon so that you can have all the blood you want from me without any sand mixing in." I nodded then, wondering why he tasted like sand. Was it from what just happened? Was there actually a storm? He got up then, letting go as he started to walk off. I grabbed his foot then and curled up to it.

"Don't leave me!" I hissed. "We still need to celebrate!" I rubbed my head against his leg like a cat. He laughed as he bent down, picking me up bridal style.

"Then I'll let you join me. I don't want to ruin any celebrating by tasting like sand," he said in a teasing tone as he gave me a kiss, starting to walk with me. I nodded then, knowing what we was about to do and smirked. This was going to be fun! A special bath with Richard.. I haven't had one in a while.

"Okay, love." I mumbled and leaned my head against his chest. "What do you think we should do about those intruders that tried to kidnap me? They are foreign."

"Let's not worry about them right now.... Bring Louis back first and then we'll decide. He might be useful in that business," he whispered as he leaned his head against mine. He took us to our room and opened the door, taking me in and then over to the slightly open bathroom door. He kicked it open the rest of the way and set me down on the tiles as he shut the door behind him. After it was fully shut, he walked over to the shower and turned it on for us. I moved out of his hands and started to pull off my shirt. I put Louis's stone on the bathroom counter and took off the rest of my clothes, not too worried about his stone being out, he's sleeping after all in there. Richard slipped his shirt over his head and smirked at me as he leaned in, stealing a kiss. I walked over towards the shower and climbed in before he could, letting the water run over my head and waited for him to get in with me. He took a moment before he got in and started to rinse his hair.

Laurence's POV:

Ashton sat down on his bed and yawned. "We got a new one a few hours ago.... Her name is Faith," he whispered. "Her brother is currently running my maze because he didn't believe it was true that I would take the children offered to me.... She'll be turned into a vampire tomorrow." I nodded as I walked over to his bed and took a seat by him.

"What will you do if he beats the maze?" I asked softly. "You won't get to have her."

"Then I will return her. It's the game's rules.... I might play a trick or two here and there," he admitted as he looked up at me. I nodded then.

"Why? Why do it? What's the point?" I wondered curiously. "You don't need anymore, you have enough little... vampire children." I shivered at the thought of them.

"Bec-" He stopped and frowned. "You're right... I don't need another vampire child.... I have you now...but I like winning...and I have a reputation to uphold," he muttered. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"It's not right, they don't want this. Why is it they have to be trapped here because of their older whoever doomed them here? Who came up with these rules!?" I wondered and laid back on the bed, looking up in disbelief. It was ridiculous they should sue.

"'s been like this for as long as I can remember. I made a deal with mankind that I would take their unwanted and make them loved. Now they treat it as a joke and they pay the price by having to solve my maze or else be lost forever," he whispered. "So I kinda made the rules." I puffed out my cheeks then.

"I'm not unwanted." I grumbled. "It's a good thing too."

"No, you aren't. Like I said, they treat it like a joke," he told me as he propped himself up on his elbow, looking down at me. "I've wanted you all my life." He kissed my forehead then brightened up. "Want to go see something cool?" I nodded then.

"I'd like to see something cool, but don't keep me out too late. I have to sleep at some point." I reminded him and sat up. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously. He pulled me to him and we disappeared into the shadows. I saw a pinprick of light a little ways away and he started to walk towards it.

"I'm going to show you something...and depending on what happens, you may be able to use your powers here.... It all depends," he said softly. "It's pretty too....this place I'm taking you to." He smiled at me and then we were outside in an enclosed courtyard with no way in or out. Pretty flowering trees grew along the sides and he smiled as he inspected the rose bushes from a distance. There was a large fountain in the middle of it all that was absolutely gorgeous. He glanced at it then at me. I walked towards the fountain with interest and smiled as I looked around the courtyard.

"This is... marvelous Ashton." I told him as I giggled and looked his way. "So you aren't just all shadows and darkness?"

"No....not always," he said, giving me a grin. His attention was drawn away as a few purple butterflies fluttered across the path in front of him to the other side to get the rose bushes. "Hm... That's a good sign...." Fireflies lit up the area faintly, flickering as one came close to me and landed on my arm, crawling around. "Seems that everything is doing great here... I haven't been in awhile." He walked over and looked down into the water fountain that shimmered in the moonlight, sparkling white. I shook off the firefly and then walked over towards him.

"You haven't been here in a while? What could possibly keep you away from here?" I asked sweetly then looked down at the water in the water fountain. I thought about splashing him with it, to see if he would melt away or something.

"I have the rest of the kingdom to upkeep. This is my special little corner of it that can only be accessed by someone with similar powers to mine. You can only get in here by teleporting or by being friends with the shadows...." He smiled and then gently touched the water. "If you want to be able to use your powers'll have to drink a little bit of this mixed with a few drops of my blood. That's how it works unless you are apart of my kingdom." I shook my head then.

"Oh noo... I read somewhere that if you done something like that... you'd get trapped forever. I'm not going to fall for that." I wrapped my arms around myself. He grinned at me then and shook his head.

"That's for the Greek's hell and for the orchard of damnation," he told me. "As long as you don't eat from any trees or bushes around here in that orchard, you will be fine." I nodded then. As long as I just drink from him and this fountain then I should be fine. I scooped up a handful of the water and looked at it. What if it is contagious? I mean... after all it is in a fountain. I wrinkled up my nose. It can't kill me though because I am a vampire. I sipped it then looked towards him, exposing my fangs. I waiting for him to give me his blood. He smiled and rolled up his sleeve on one of his arms. He held out his wrist to me. "I hope this works for you.... You were so upset earlier when the shadows wouldn't listen to you." I nodded. I don't like the shadows being unfriendly towards me. I leaned in towards his wrist and pulled it towards me before biting down to taste the blood, curious about it. It was sweet with a hint of what I would expect darkness to taste like. It tasted like it was forbidden, but it made me want more. Faintly, I could detect the flavor of vanilla and roses along with tea. I pulled back and laughed.

"You taste like tea." I mumbled and cleaned off my lips with my sleeve. "That's... funny." I remembered how Lauren smelled like tea. He blushed a bit as he looked me over.

"You aren't like what the stereotype of Englishmen are...right? I heard they drink tea constantly." I shook my head.

"I do like my tea." I whispered and then placed my hands behind my back, waiting for a sign that I got my powers back for this realm. I outstretched a hand and waited for a shadow to grab it. It did after a few moments, almost reluctantly, but soon after the first one, the rest of them got really friendly to me. I smiled and looked towards him. "Oh your going to enjoy me now." I whispered and held back a laugh. I had power now. He frowned, not understanding as he leaned against the fountain, watching me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I flicked my hand and had a shadow push him into the fountain. I giggled and watched as he got soaked. He crawled out of it quickly, screaming as he was freaked out about being wet. He fell down, tripping as he got out and hit the ground hard. I could smell him scraped up from it.

"What's wrong? Never had a bath before?" I asked him and knelt down to his level. "You cut yourself." I pointed out. He hissed and looked up at me.

"Don't push me into fountains like that... I know that I got scratched up," he mumbled the last part as he looked at his hands, seeing them bleeding. I shrugged.

"You asked for it, sitting on the edge. Guess who's got power now though. You won't easily mark me again." I crossed my arms and held my chin high. "You'll need to think harder about getting a bite out of me." He looked up at me through narrowed slits.

"You best behave in my kingdom.... Or I'll get a witch to revoke what I've done for you," he threatened as he stood up, licking his hands clean. I nodded in agreement.

"Oh I'll behave, I promise." I looked around then and walked towards the rose bushes, deciding to take one and put it in his hair. I picked one randomly and walked back to him, putting it in his hair and smiled. He grabbed my hands before I could take them away and kissed the palm of one, inching towards my wrist with a look in his eyes. I widened my eyes and tugged my hands back from him before he could bite me.

"Not so fast." I tsked. "I said you would have to try harder to get a bite out of me." I told him firmly. Not even the fact we are mates will help him, or the fact that he marked me already. Without my permission too!

"Fine... I will get you to let me eventually," he mumbled, looking at me sweetly. "You can't resist my dark charms forever," he teased with a smirk, kissing the top of my head. I shook my head no.

"I'll resist them for as long as I shall exist and then some." I grumbled. "You should have waited to mark me. Now you won't ever get to sink your fangs into my flesh again." He laughed and stole a kiss from my lips this time.

"Oh really?" He gave me a challenging look. I touched my lips and blushed.

"Y-yes really." I mumbled and backed away from him before something else could happen.

"You'll be wanting me to bite you eventually...." He chuckled as he saw my reaction, studying me as I went to get away.

"Why do you say that?" I asked in confusion. Was it some mate thing? I nervously grabbed the end of my shirt and started to pick at it. I heard him walking towards me then and he bent down to look me in the eyes.

"Because I know that you will..." He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up gently, burying his face into my neck as he held me up. "But we will discuss that later....on a day when you seem to be happier than you are right now." I frowned. I'm happy though... Sort of... I'm not too happy about giving up my nights to be in his world.

"I'm not cranky if that's what your saying." I grumbled in his ear.

"Hmm... but you aren't necessarily too happy that you're here either. Tell you what.... I will see what I can do about visiting you at nights next week. We could move from one week you come here and the next I'll come to" He asked, purring the word deal in my ear. I nodded then eagerly.

"That would be amazing! I'd enjoy that... I know so much about my own world... It's safer and more promising." I mumbled and wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning my head into his chest.

"Hey, don't diss my kingdom.... You've only seen a little of it so far," he muttered lowly in my ear. "I worked hard to establish it." He took us back to his room then and sat me down on the bed, undoing a few buttons on his shirt and taking the rose out of his hair. He set it on the nightstand and then crawled onto the bed beside me. I looked at his undone buttons then pulled the covers over me and curled up into them. I thoughtfully put a pillow between us and smirked. He didn't say anything as he let out a deep breath, turning over onto his side as he got underneath the covers.

"Don't cross this pillow." I ordered him and closed my eyes, rolling over to face away from him. "I mean it, I'm old fashioned. I'll cut whatever crosses over off." I told him, to make sure he got the point down.

"Uh huh... Whatever," he whispered back. "I'm sure that I'll probably have to ask you to marry me before you ever let me anywhere near you at night in here....though that is a human contract."

"I'm never getting married." I said stubbornly. "I'm already marked." I grumbled. "I don't need a cup of marriage to go with it."

"So pessimistic," he teased lightly. "Almost like you belong at a funeral...reading the final goodbye words of the deceased." I took the pillow then and hit him with it.

"I'm not pessimistic. I just rather read a good book." I sat the pillow back down and looked towards him.

"You've been waiting....I don't know how long to finally have a mate- thinking you'd wind up alone forever....and you aren't even enjoying it just a little," he pointed out to me as he turned to face me.

"What's there to enjoy about it?" I asked curiously. "Your physically way older then me." I made a pouting face. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"True.... though I'm sure that it wouldn't matter to others. You probably don't understand it all yet...the concept of a mate....even if you are really older than you look. You didn't experience what others experienced...." He yawned and snuggled up to the pillow. "I'm sure you'd understand a little more about it after a week of being alone without me." I raised an eyebrow and looked towards the pillow then.

"A week without you?" I mumbled the closed my eyes. "You just need to understand that I'm me. I am old fashioned and I don't like not knowing anything about you. It's not fair. I got hit with the knowledge of you with a hard book... and it hurt." I pulled the covers over my head. "Now I'm in the same bed as you." He got up after a minute and stumbled over to the couch, laying down on it.

"Now stop complaining," he muttered as he rolled over onto the couch to face the back of it, stretching out as he unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and dropped it on the floor to get comfortable. I sat up then, watching him.

"I wasn't complaining!" I hissed. Now he left me alone in his bed. I fell back against it and looked towards the ceiling. "Just trying to show you that I am a very complicated little male with a curse on his hands might I add and now a mate- he didn't even see coming."

"Most people don't see what's coming...and they enjoy being surprised by life. It makes them enjoy everything so much more because every little unknown moment is precious to them. They don't know when it will end, so they hold onto it," he mumbled and then curled up on the couch, pulling his legs close to him as he started to trail off. I curled up to the pillow by me and closed my eyes. Maybe I should start enjoying them too, instead of playing as the all seeing eye and outcast.

"Your right..." I mumbled softly.

"Of course I am," he whispered back as I heard his breathing start to shift. He was falling asleep on me.

"Wake me up in the morning so I can go home." I told him, deciding to get some sleep myself.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up as the light shone in through a window, but Ashton was nowhere to be found. I sat up in the bed and looked around the room... wondering where he could be. "Ashton?!" I called and crawled out of the bed. "You're going to get it for not waking me up." I warned him. He came back with a smile, his chin slightly bloody.

"Yes Laurence? Good morning!" He laughed softly and then started to wipe at his chin to clean it off. "I went for some breakfast- got to keep Faith."

"Lucky you." I mused. "Now, it's time for me to go home." I told him and started to untangle my hair. "It was a lovely evening last night. Now you need to keep your end of the deal." He smiled and walked over, gently taking the pendant around my neck in his hands.

"Like I said... this allows you to enter and leave my kingdom at your own will without trapping you here as one of my little vampires. You just need to concentrate and you can go home easily anytime," he told me, kissing the top of my head as he let go of the pendant.

"You said nothing about it taking me home, you said it would allow me entrance though. Next time tell me the full story." I crossed my arms. "Plus you didn't wake me up!" I tsked and shook my head. "Some mate you are." I took a step towards him then and kissed his cheek. "See you tonight then."

"When did you ask me to wake you up?" He frowned as he looked down at me. "I don't remember you requesting a wake up call...."

"Before I fell asleep." I said and looked towards my feet. "You fell asleep on me... didn't you?" He blushed and glanced away.

"Sorry.... I was pretty tired."

"Your forgiven." I told him and nodded slightly. "I have to go now. Until tonight." He gave a sweet smile towards me, making the thought of staying for a few more minutes become a subconscious thought.

"Alright... I will see you tonight then Laurence. Be safe," he whispered as he kissed the top of my head. "Don't be a minute late back to see me...." He looked a bit anxious as he said it, looking me over. He really didn't like the idea of me leaving him so soon. "Or else I'll come steal you away forever. Don't think that I won't do it either! I'll steal you with less than a second's thought." He reached down and grabbed my hand gently, pulling it up to his lips as he closed his eyes. Just when I was sure he was going to bite me, he kissed the top of my hand and rubbed his face against it softly. "So...don't even think about leaving me forever," he muttered. "I won't ever let you leave again if you do...." I nodded.

"I'll come back, don't worry. I promised you- and made a deal with you about this and I keep my deals." I told him, taking his face in my hands. "I can't stay here forever though, that's why we made this arrangement. I'm needed in the real world." I took my hands away and took a step back, to give us distance. "Now don't miss me too much." He gave a little smirk and nodded.

"That shouldn't be too hard.... After all, this was only your first night here," he pointed out before starting to walk for the door. "Have fun today~!" He waved over his shoulder as he opened it and started to leave the room. I closed my eyes, thinking of Paris's manor and then opened them to find myself standing in the main living room.

"PARIS! I'M HOME!" I called and then smiled as I seen a maid staring me down with wide eyes. "Oh- hello." I smirked and started for her. "Have you ever been bitten?" I asked curiously. Richard came in, yawning then saw me and the maid.

"Oh...You aren't about to eat one of my servants....are you Laurence?" He raised an eyebrow and exposed his fangs as he glanced at the girl. She shrieked and took off running. "Haha, they all know that I won't hesitate with them...."

"Oh there goes breakfast..." I mumbled then looked over at Richard. "Fang blocker." I hissed and walked towards him. I changed my expression to happy. "So what's on today's agenda?" I asked curiously. "Or are you going out with Paris today and I have to do something by myself- or with Baleen? Oh- I might go visit Val... or Rose."

"No, you can come with me.... Paris is going to stay home today because of yesterday's little incident. I'm thinking about getting some newborns around again. I like to keep a great army...and they need more recruits. Want to go hunting hmm?" He smiled at me as he wrapped me up into a hug. I thought then about what happened to my kingdom recently.

"Actually I need to go to England." I told him quickly. "Louis- just had to clear out my castle. So- I need to go fix up the mess he made." Louis appeared beside me and smiled broadly.

"LAUREEENCE! There you are!" He pulled me away from Richard and into a hug. "So.... I decided to send a few of my newborns over to your castle to help repair the damage I did. I hope you don't mind." He watched me cautiously before letting go.

"By the way, he didn't come back unscathed," Richard murmured lowly for me to hear. "They tore his fangs out repeatedly and still hasn't had them come back.....Just FYI." I looked from Richard to Louis.

"I know-" I stopped as I got a vision of a sandy dessert, sandstorm blowing and two figures walking towards me. I blinked it away and looked at Louis. "Louis..." I looked at him curiously and touched his hand. I could feel a breeze flow through the room and breathed in deeply, getting the taste of sand. "Odd." I said and pulled back from him. "A sandstorm is coming." I warned, not really meaning to say it.

"Here? In Maine?" He laughed a bit and shook his head. "If you say so... I think you are a little rusty." He ruffled my hair and turned to Richard. "Tell Paris I'm still upset about the demon.... I need to go back to my place to check up on them before they throw a fit." He started to walk off from us then towards the door. I watched him walking off. Maybe it was a vision from his past, when he didn't know anything about Paris and was visiting an island off of Africa. I nodded then, not wanting to dwell on it but I could still taste the sand. I looked over at Richard then. Unless it was about Richard? Though it happened after Louis touched me. I felt uneasy then.

"No, no, Louis.... Paris might want to talk to you before you go.... Stay longer. They can wait a few more hours if they waited three days," Richard said, watching him. He paused at the door and glanced over his shoulder.

"Yeah...but what if his talk isn't a nice one? I should hightail it before he gets up," he pointed out. Paris appeared by Louis then, his hair was a mess and he looked like he just woke up. He was still in his night clothing. I smirked.

"Let's go out together." Paris suggested to Louis. I frowned as I looked at them. "We need a brother's night out." Shocked, Louis froze up.

"But Paris... What about those foreigners.... and the sand?" Richard hissed out as he walked over. "You two stay here.... It's too dangerous for you to go out Paris. If they see you... that witch will take you for sure.....and I'll be lonely and have to find you somehow... I'm not like Laurence where I know everything, and it would take forever, and then I'd have to fight a witch when our armies are already weakened." He shot a glare at Louis and then softened it as he looked between the two of them. "Please? For me? Just go hang out in the music room or the bar here...." What? Foreigners?! Why didn't Richard tell me this? What about the sand! I looked them over curiously and walked up to them, taking Richard's hand in mine and gasped as I seen what happened to them yesterday. That explains my visions now. I was about to speak up but Paris beat me to it.

"Richard, honestly. Foreigners will stand no chance against Louis and I. Don't worry... I won't take him to that part of town. We are going to Jasper. Far away from town. We will be back tomorrow morning." Paris took Louis's hand then and they were gone.

"PARIS!" I shouted, getting worried.

"YOU ARE SO GROUNDED WHEN YOU GET BACK!" Richard shouted angrily then turned away, crossing his arms. "He's in soooo much trouble....and it's made me hungry." He stalked off out of the room then and I heard a scream outside in the hall as he probably found a poor maid. I bit my bottom lip, trying to figure out what my vision meant. If Paris was about to get kidnapped yesterday... and then I seen something was going to happen with Louis... I need to seriously warn Louis. Sand is equaling up in both equations and it has something to do with Paris's 'friend's' from yesterday. I shook my head and went after Richard, I'll tell him to warn them when they come home and then I can leave for England. If something goes wrong, then I will come back.

"Richard, I'm worried." I began as I walked up to him. I saw a dead servant at his feet and he had already pinned another against the wall, mercilessly biting down. He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and then pulled back an inch from her.

"You're worried? Imagine how I feel.... My mate just disappeared when there was this witch boy claiming that Paris was his yesterday at the gas station! I was glued to the ground by him! Then I ended up tasting like sand so Paris didn't even want to feed off of me after he managed to teleport us home from all that!" He shook his head and looked at the girl. "I'm sorry dear... This will be over soon, and I'll reward you with eternal life." He bit down on her again, making her yelp.

"Richard, I touched Louis- correct? Then afterwards I got this vision of a dessert storm and two blurry figures coming closer. Something is going to happen to Louis. Paris will probably get involved with it as well. I know it must have something to do with the foreigners... and that wizard. That wasn't a witch- no... it was a wizard boy." I shook my head. "I don't think we should let those twins out of our sight!" The girl dropped dead after another second and Richard pulled back, wiping his mouth off.

"Then... I propose that you help me figure out where he took him exactly and take me to him so I can rip their throats out and drag their corpses home." He looked over at me then and gave me a once over, studying me.

"I absolutely agree with you." I told him, closing my eyes so I can concentrate on tracking them down. I let out a sigh, trying to figure out where they went. After a few minutes, I smirked as I could tell where they went and opened up my eyes. "You'd never guess." I told him. "He's at the Black Lucy." I reached out for his hand so I could get us there. He took my hand and smirked.

"I wasn't kidding about ripping their throats out...wanna help?" He asked as he seemed to be going to a dark place in his mind. I widened my eyes, recognizing this side of him.

"You should cut back on the blood." I whispered softly, knowing this was a touchy subject. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"Fine....after I rip their throats out... I will set a limit.... Just because I want to avoid what happened last time," he said, referring to the time he went demonic and ended up getting into this huge war with Paris. "I didn't like that jar one bit."

"You practically asked for it." I pointed out. "That witch- that you went to see for answers about how to build your army and defeat your parents, told you that binging on blood had its consequences." I pointed out. "She told you both, and you ignored her. Paris got out of it due to his blood line, but you wasn't so lucky. It made Paris worried. He was close to loosing you! You even mated with someone else. Don't let that happen again Richard." I shook my head. "Paris doesn't need to see you like that again."

"I-I won't.... I promise.... I will cut down on the amount I eat for all of you. I don't want to send him through that again, and I don't want to be that way.... So you can be sure that I will be more careful," Richard whispered as he looked down at the ground. "Just....don't mention the two servants to Paris. I don't want him to get upset..... I'm still ripping out his throat though," he hissed out and snapped his eyes back to me. I froze up as I got a bad taste in my mouth, it tasted like it was from hell. It made my eyes water up and I gasped for air.

"Richard-" I hissed and licked my hand, trying to get the taste off my tongue. "You really need to watch your eating habits." I warned again.

"Fine-fine.... Can we hurry up before he leaves the Black Lucy.... He has a date to keep....and then I'll be clean, I swear." I nodded and we moved through the shadows then, appearing in the back of the Black Lucy. They are in his apartment upstairs. The shadows told me, and I nodded. I pulled Richard with me towards an elevator that would take us up to where William had his apartment. I stepped onto it and pressed a button that would take us to the above floor.

"They are in William's apartment." I explained to Richard. He nodded and narrowed his eyes, preparing to go in and get them.

"Thank you Laurence....." He whispered as he glanced at me. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm sorry for scaring you earlier if I did."

"You didn't scare me, I was just warning you. You know I know everything. When I get these feelings, visions, tastes, or anything... they should be taken seriously. I don't want something else to happen, after all... we just got onto a good path, all of us." I heard the doors open up as we reached the floor to his apartment, the elevator just opened up to a living room area.

Richard's POV:

I snapped my attention to the doors as it opened and rushed into the room, looking around angrily. "Paris, you get your butt over here right now. We are going home! Laurence saw something!" I hissed out as I spotted him over in the corner at a small bar with Louis. "Both of you!" William came out of his kitchen with a few wine glasses and widened his eyes as he seen me. He dropped the glasses.

"Richard." William said quietly, in a whisper. Paris turned to face me and smiled.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere! I'm not in danger Richard. This isn't fair at all. Louis and I need bonding time." He wrapped his arms around Louis and pouted. Louis leaned his head against Paris and closed his eyes in happiness.

"You can bond.... at home." I walked over and exposed my fangs. "Now you two can come back willingly.... or I will tear out your throats," I hissed, giving them both warning looks. Paris narrowed his eyes.

"You don't tell me when I can and can't go out, Richard. I'm not a child. I'm a grown man and I can make my own decisions. So suck it up. I'm going to take time to hang out with Louis wherever I feel like hanging out with him at. You can't stop me either. Now go home and watch your soap operas." Paris said as he waved me off and teleported with Louis over to the couch and sat down on it with him. I turned to face him and tilted my chin up defiantly.

"Paris.... I respect the fact that you want to hang out with your brother.... but for your safety- both of your safeties- please come home. Laurence saw the two when he touched Louis.... You both aren't safe outside. Wait a week or two so that they go home," I said and gave him a pleading look as I softened my attitude towards him. I love him, and I'll do anything for him- except let him get hurt. "Come back home with me....please? Don't make me fight you."

"How am I in danger here?!" Paris asked and pouted. "It's not like I'm outside and dancing around in the street, trying to attract people's attention. I'm safe chilling out at the Black Lucy with William and Louis. They'd never find me here, especially since I am in his apartment. Right William?" Paris looked at William Who was trying to stay out of this.

"Uh-huh." William said softly as he cleaned up the glass in the floor.

"See! Go home." Paris told me. I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes.

"Their nosy little wizard could easily come up that elevator," I hissed out and started for him. "You know what I will do to you both if you don't come home right this instant." Paris wrapped his arms tightly around his twin, as if to protect him.

"Don't separate us." Paris whispered, innocently.

"Oh... I don't plan to separate you too... I plan to drag your corpses back home," I warned, stopping right in front of him as I looked down.

"Richard, your being a party killer. I'm sick of the manor right now. I'm in it too much. I want to see the world, not be locked up like Rapunzel." I glanced over at Laurence to see if he had anything to say- any kind of warning against injuring them both at this point. Laurence was busy looking at a paining on a wall. He wasn't too interested in us at the moment. Paris widened his eyes and then they were gone. I looked around quickly and groaned as I saw he disappeared. I pulled out my phone and called him. When he didn't answer, I threw my phone and heard it hit the wall- shattering. I stormed over to the elevator, practically not even knowing what I was going to do or where I was going. I just knew I had to go somewhere....anywhere but here.

"Laurence," I called out as I hit the button for the elevator, "thank you for bringing me.... You may go back to England to take care of your kingdom if you still wish to." Laurence looked towards me then, frowning.

"Don't let Paris turn you into a monster just because he is rebelling. He'll be home as promised. I'll see you tomorrow." Laurence disappeared through the shadows. I glanced over at William as I heard the elevator ding.

"William," I greeted and said bye all at the same time as I stepped into the elevator.

"Richard." William muttered and looked towards me, from the glass. He cut his finger then from looking away from what he was doing. "Owe!" He looked back at his hand. I widened my eyes as I felt a burning desire and shook my head, holding myself back.

"I-I'll..see you later," I mumbled and then closed the elevator door before I could attack him like I wanted to. I went downstairs and widened my eyes as I saw lots of people everywhere. Crap.... I quickly started walking, keeping my eyes down at my feet to avoid seeing them. I was starting to starve...and I just ate like five minutes ago.... Laurence was right... I was eating entirely too much. I managed to get outside before I could try to get one of William's costumers. There was a couple of people coming towards the entrance of the Black Lucy and then others walking down the streets casually. There was one that stood out most to me though. A girl, around nineteen walking alone. She didn't want to be noticed by anyone, I could tell with the way she dressed and his her face with her hair. Her hair was a mahogany brown, and straight- like it had been straightened. She had on a long coat that reached her knees, I guessed she had on a dress. I could hear her listening to opera music and she danced with her walk gracefully in high heels. She was- interesting. She glanced up for a split second as a guy ran into her from rushing and started to apologize to her, taking her wallet without her noticing and left her there. She was beyond confused but continued to walk away without a care in the world. I narrowed my eyes as I saw him and started for him out of anger. How could someone so despicable take a young girl's wallet like that! I shoved my hands into my pockets as I felt my fangs start to instinctively sharpen- longing for a bite. The thief ducked into an alley and I could hear him shuffling through her wallet and muttering about the lack of cash in it.

"I should have picked someone else, this is light. Poor girl, hope she didn't need this as much as I do." The thief was mumbling as he walked down the alley. I felt the burning desire practically go scathing as I followed, smelling his scent from a distance. He would make a great meal...and not to mention I could return that wallet he stole from her.

"You aren't going to need it in a second," I hissed as I got up right behind him, grabbing his arm and spinning him around. I quickly bit down into his neck, tearing his skin as cruelly as I could. I pressed him up against the wall roughly and moaned as the scathing feeling started to weaken, being somewhat quenched. He struggled against me, dropping the wallet.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" The thief flipped out as he tried to get me off of him. He screamed out in pain, panic swelling up in his chest. "Get off, freak!" I laughed as I instinctively closed any gaps between us and pressed up against him, digging my nails into his sides as I moved to the other side of his neck.

"I'm the Prince of Transylvania, that's who I am," I hissed out lowly and bit down hard. "Now be a good little prey and stay still." He yelped as I dug my nails in.

"Prince of what?!" He cried out. "Are you Dracula?" He wondered as he started to get flustered. "Please don't kill me- I swear I won't steal from a girl again!" I laughed, not even caring about that anymore. I was purely going by instinct now and tore a chunk out of his neck, devouring him mercilessly. In a few seconds he fell limp against me, breathing out his last breath. I dropped him in disgust and pulled away, licking my lips clean and then groaning as the burning sharpened back up again. I leaned against the wall for support and slid down it as I looked at the dead thief. Why didn't it go away? I ate.....I ate more today then I usually eat.... That's three dead humans.... I squeezed my eyes shut as I whimpered. Stupid William....had to get cut. He started this burning feeling!

After a few minutes, I found myself standing back up, my body taking over as I stumbled out of the alley and looked around. I took a deep breath as I sniffed for any more prey and smiled as I smelled someone sweet nearby. My eyes locked onto this teenage boy across the street who was on his phone, walking towards a park. I practically felt my mouth watering and glanced around to make sure no one was watching before I crossed the street to get near and follow him in. As I reached the other side, I heard a small laugh.

"Richard, what are you doing?" I heard near by from the same one that had laughed. It was familiar, Charlie. I widened my eyes and stopped immediately, freezing in my tracks. Crap... I didn't expect to run into one of them today... It didn't even cross my mind that there might be a vampire hunter out.

"Hey Charlie!" I said nervously as I turned to look at him, wiping any clue that I was practically starving off my face. He'd either shoot me, take me into custody, or call Paris. Then I'd lose any supper I was about to get.

"Your not hunting now, are you?" Charlie teased, obviously knowing what I was up to. He was alone I noticed, he walked up to me and smirked. "You know I should be reporting this." He stated. "If I was Riley..." He shrugged. "You'd be already shot- after he missed the first two times of course." He crossed his arms over his chest. I looked him over and shook my head, giving him an endearing smile.

"You wouldn't want to shoot your favorite uncle, now would you Charlie?" I made sure to keep my hunger down and swallowed, letting out a sigh.

"You look starved." Charlie pointed out. "Want me to take you to Perry's?" He asked curiously. "I have to drive past there on my way to the coffee shop." He motioned to his car that was running near him. I found myself nodding before I even knew what I was doing. Wait...that means that the other one gets away...and I drink from humans that are constantly letting vampires feed off of them. I wrinkled my nose at the idea. What did I just sign myself up for?! I found myself looking beyond Charlie to the other side of the street where the girl from earlier was retracing her steps, probably looking for her wallet.

"Excuse me for one moment....just one," I whispered as I started to go for her, wanting to at least do my original plan of returning it. I'd just go down the alley and pick it up...then give it to her.

"Richard, what are you doing?" Charlie asked me in a hushed voice, his eyes followed me. I ignored him as I jogged across the street, ignoring the starved feeling as I went back into the alley and came back with her wallet. I snuck a twenty into it for her before I tracked her down and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Miss? Is this yours? I found it lying in an alley..... You need to be more careful with your belongings," I said and put it in her hand, giving her a smile. She blushed as she looked me over then looked at her wallet.

"Thank you, in an alley?" She opened her wallet then to take a look in it for her money and was relief to see something inside but didn't count it. She closed it and looked me over. "Can I get you something? To show my thanks?" She asked me sweetly. "You have no idea what this means to me." She suggested as she looked around for an ideal place. She looked back to me and put her wallet into her pocket. "Thank you." She held out her hand to me. I took it, shaking her hand and then pulled back

"You're welcome miss.... Just be more careful next time, ok?" I smiled at her and glanced over towards Charlie. If I went anywhere with her with him watching....he'd hunt me down because of the state he has seen me in just a few minutes ago. Of course I'm still starving. I squeezed my eyes shut as the feeling spiked up again and shook my head, starting to walk away from her before I made a bad decision.

"Thanks again," I heard her whisper as she started to walk away, cutting her music back on. Charlie gave me a smile as he was eyeing the girl down.

"Your not planning on hunting her down anytime soon are you? She's a good catch." Charlie said loud enough for me to hear. I sighed as I looked over at him.

"If you like her so much, go after her." I called out. Maybe he'll leave me alone and I can go get the guy from before in the park.... I felt my mouth water again as I thought about how he'd taste.

"No thanks, I'm not that interested in her. Maybe when I have fangs." Charlie motioned for me to get in his car as he went to the drivers side. Great.... I didn't get out of it. I walked over and got in the passenger's seat, leaning my head against the window as I didn't even bother buckling up. I closed my eyes and brought my hand to my throat, lightly touching it as I tried to take my mind off of eating. Paris shouldn't have left me while I was upset.... William shouldn't have cut his finger..... "Richard, are you okay?" Charlie asked me as he got in and shut the door. "Do you want a bit of my blood? I wouldn't mind feeding you." I shook my head as I opened my eyes wide, looking at him.

"Charlie, don't offer yourself to me....not when I'm like this.... Please don't... I wouldn't be able to live with myself," I whispered as I was tempted. I quickly looked away from him. "I wouldn't be able to stop...."

"I can get out of it, I'm trained. If you tried to take too much, I could get you off." Charlie promised me. "Don't worry, Dylan trained me... remember?" I shook my head, knowing better. He wouldn't be able to stop me...even with training.

"No.... Just take me to Perry's, please..... If you don't want me prowling the streets...." Charlie nodded and started to drive us to Perry's. Charlie was a safe driver, I noticed. He didn't go over the speed limit and paid attention to his surrounding as well as the road. He parked us outside of Perry's and smirked at me.

"Have fun in there, I heard about what goes on underground. Try not to get too carried away." Charlie warned me. "Tell Perry I said hey and that he's getting raided next Thursday. He needs to make sure he's not in then." Charlie smirked. I nodded and got out of the car, walking over to the door.

"Have fun Charlie," I called over my shoulder as I went up and knocked. Please....please....please drive off. Charlie didn't drive off before the door opened though, interested. The door opened and Perry poked his head out the door.

"RICHARD! How delightful." That's when Charlie drove off. Perry's attention went to the car then to me. "Taking a ride with an Ainsworth? Your asking for death, huh?" He stepped aside to let me in. I walked in quickly, not wanting to be caught outside.

"He doesn't mind me.... In fact, he was getting me off of the streets before I could get caught by someone else," I whispered and then turned to look at him. "You're going to be raided next Thursday Perry.... You need to clear out before then. Can you feed me? Please?" I asked quickly, feeling like I was ready to practically attack anyone or fall over from the pain in my throat. I whimpered as it spiked up again. "It hurts...." Perry nodded as he looked me over.

"Take anyone of the girls- or guys downstairs, you can hit the cellar for fresher victims if you'd like." Perry shrugged. "Tell them to put it on your tab. I'll make Paris pay it off when he visits me. Take whatever you want and how much you want." Perry was the type that didn't really care, as long as he got something out of it. He didn't care if I binged. I nodded.

"I'm going to take one of the private rooms as well," I informed as I started to head for the way down. "Thank you Perry.... Oh, and I'm not here if anyone is looking." I hurried up as I was getting desperate.

"Right." Perry called and laughed. He was walking off from me as well. I went downstairs and managed to get a private room secured and about three girls and two guys to myself, about two girls and one boy from the cellar. I shut the door behind me and locked it, going over to the couch where I sat down and gestured for one to come over, practically not caring anymore what they tasted like. It was like there was a fire in my throat now...and I needed it to stop. I smirked softly as they looked at me like deer before a tiger. This should be good....if not only satisfying.