Vampire Pet

Charlie's POV:

I pulled up at the café and got out, smiling softly as I looked it over. I had a strange taste for coffee all morning, so I decided to come here alone. I wanted to show Riley and Dylan that they couldn't rule me either. I sort of sneaked out. I walked into the café and walked over to a booth, taking a seat. A waitress walked up, handing me a menu. "Well hello Mr. Ainsworth. Coffee? Let me guess which twin you are... Charlie?" She gave me a warming smile and I noticed it was Rose, she waited on Riley and I all the time here.

"Rose!" I smirked. Her name reminded me of the vampire Rose, Paris's little sister. Though they looked nothing alike they had the same name. "Morning-ish. I'd love some coffee and you guessed right." I told her. She giggled and wrote down my special order, I always ordered. "How about a cake to go with it, surprise me." She nodded and walked off to get me it. I watched her leave then looked out the window. I watched a few kids running around on the sidewalk outside the window and laughing as they played tag. I shook my head and looked down at the menu in my hands then sat it down on the table. Someone came up and sat down in front of me with a smirk.

"Hello Charlie," he purred as he looked me over. His dark eyes seemed to be plotting something as he smirked, running his fingers through his black hair. I looked him over and felt a strange feeling that I knew him. Why does he know my name...

"Hi..." I trailed off as I looked him over, trying to figure out where or how I knew him. Who just sits down in front of someone anyways? Rose came back with a step in her feet, giving me my coffee.

"There you go Charlie." She poked my cheek then giggled. "Cakes coming up in a minute."

"Thanks Rose." I gave her a small smile. She glanced over at the guy across from me.

"Can I get you something?" She asked and placed a hand on her hip. He glanced up at her and nodded.

"Sure....A cup of....Uh... I would like some tea please," he said and gave her a smile. He looked back towards me and studied me. "So Charlie.... It seems that you got the information I wanted." He smirked and leaned in towards my ear. "I order you to remember every ounce of what happened that I made you forget," he whispered then pulled back, looking out the window. My eyes blurred over a bit as I started to get memories of knowing him and us making our deal. I widened my eyes as I realized who he was. Rose had walked off by then.

"I have the information." I mumbled softly. He's not going to like it either. He nodded and looked towards me.

"Then spill," he said simply, waiting. "I'm sure that whatever you have to say about it is not going to affect things." I sighed and took a sip of my coffee.

"The girl your after lives with Paris." I mumbled into my cup of coffee. His eyes widened and then he hissed under his breath, clearly pissed.

"Paris.... Oh, I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance earlier," he muttered. He glanced up at me then stood up. "As I promised, I won't harm you. Enjoy your coffee." He tossed money down onto the table to pay for his tea and tip Rose before starting to walk off. I watched him and widened my eyes. Kill Paris?! I sat my coffee down and took out my phone to call Paris and inform him that he'd need to watch his back. There was no way I was going to let this slip. He saw me just as he had gotten to the door and narrowed his eyes. "Oh...that's right, you're a loose end.... I need to take care of that before you spoil any of my plans here." He turned to me and looked me in the eyes. "Charlie Ainsworth, I command you to-" I screamed and got to my feet, taking off to the back of the café where the chief's were cooking- knowing there was a back door. I ran through it, dodging the pans and pots and ran out the back door. I need to get something in me to make sure I survive the next two weeks. He appeared in front of me and snatched me up, searching my pockets cautiously. He pulled out my knives, guns, wallet, and phone and tossed it to the side. "Now, now... Where do you think you are going little vampire hunter?" He mumbled lowly in my ear as he brought me close. "I still have business with you." I shrieked as he took my knives away and tossed them.

"Not my knives." I mumbled weakly, trying to distract him. I kneed him between his legs then, to send him into pain and loose his dignity for a few minutes so I could get my knives and run. He let go for a second and then doubled over in pain.

"I command you to forget," he hissed out as he fell over onto the ground. I held my head as it all started to get swiped from my memories. I fell to the ground as it ended and looked at him in confusion, not knowing where I was.

"Sorry?" I asked in confusion. I looked him over in worry as he looked like he was in pain. "Are you okay sir?" I wondered, reaching out to him. He looked up at me and sat up slowly.

"No... I'm fine.... Thank you for your concern... What's your name?" He asked curiously as he stood up and dusted himself off. I shrugged, not remembering a thing.

"I don't know..." I shrugged again. "Is... is that normal?" I wondered. I started to feel panicked and looked at the weapons, wallet, and phone by me. "Is this mine..." I wondered curiously and started for the wallet.

"No...I dropped it," he said and started to pick it up, putting everything back in his pockets. He smiled at me and sighed. "You know... It's not everyday you meet someone nice enough to help you... How about you allow me to do the same? Maybe you might remember some things if I helped you out? Would you like to come with me?" He reached out and touched my shoulder then tilted my chin up to look at him. "You should come with me...." he said, making me want to. There was something about his eyes that drew my attention, something great- as if he knew more than I would ever know. They were beautiful. I nodded then and blushed, feeling bad for thinking his eyes were beautiful. I pulled away from him before it became obvious that I thought they were.

"S-sure... I'll come with you." I shuffled to my feet then and dusted myself off. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously. I looked around us, seeing we was behind a building. What an odd place to be at. "How'd we get out here?" I wondered.

"You ran back here and hit your head.... I came out here to check on you, but I got hurt in the process," he said and took my arm, starting to lead me away from it. "We are going to go to my place.... There are some things I need from it. My name is Dante by the way.... I'm going to call you Charlie... You look like a Charlie," he said and gave me a smirk. I nodded then. Dante was a nice name... He seemed like a Dante type. I smiled as I watched him pulling me. I couldn't help but watch his hand on me.

"What do you have to get at your place?" I asked to make conversation.

"Well for starters... I need to make a few phone calls, and then I need to make up a room for you to stay in...and then I need to get my shopping list for groceries. I left it at home on accident," he said and gave me a quick look.

"Oh... okay, can I come with you grocery shopping?" I wondered, assuming he was going to do that afterwards. "I'd like to."

"Uh....sure? I guess you can... I'm going out after shopping....if you are wanting to accompany me," he said and looked at me with a curious look in his eyes. He tilted his head and frowned slightly. I held my breath as I looked into his eyes. Did he catch me staring at his hand? I blushed and tried to look away from him so he wouldn't notice.

"I wouldn't mind accompanying you." I mumbled, trying to sound cool.

"Alright then... I'm not going anywhere too fancy.... Just going to go to the movies," he said and smirked playfully as he looked ahead. He took us over to a red sports car and opened the passenger door for me, letting me in. When I was in, he shut the door and got in the driver's seat, driving off from what appeared to be a coffee shop. "You can turn on the radio after I make this call real quick." He pulled out his phone and dialed a number and smiled when it picked up. "Val! I need to talk to you," he started. I looked at him curiously. I could hear a girl voice on the other end wondering why Dante wanted to talk to her. I buckled up, remembering that it was important to do so in a car. "Because I need you for my plans...and you don't want to tell me no, now do you?" He purred out and made a turn, speeding up past the speed limit. I widened my eyes as I noticed he was speeding when we passed a speed limit sign. I gripped his arm then and tensed up. The lady on the other end puffed out a frustrated sound, telling him she's listen to what he wanted first before agreeing to it. "I need you to help me get what's mine...and then I want a bit of fun and revenge before I go back to Germany....You know you want to," he said and laughed as he came to a fast stop at a light. The lady, Val- I guessed was her name gave a small laugh, asking what it was to her if she helped him. Looks like she'd want her share out of helping him. What was his? "Hmm...You'd get a favor from me...and...I'd help you finally obtain Las Vegas for your very own," he said softly into the phone. "That's what you'd get from me for this tiny favor.... Of course, only if I get what's mine in the end. It will be hard. After all, Paris has it right now." Val stopped giggling on her end and got serious at the mention of Paris. That's when she asked what I was wanting to know, what was it Dante was wanting. "Just something from the past that got away from me.... I've been looking for it for over a century and it turned up here." A century? He was a bit dramatic... Val was staring to sound not as much interested now. She told him then that she wasn't interested in crossing Paris, for whatever Dante was wanting then hung up on him. He growled in irritation and set the phone down. "Well... Guess using Val is out the window... I don't have anyone else close to... to..." He looked over at me and shook his head. "No, I'm having too much fun for that right now. It can wait." He looked up as the stoplight turned green and sped up. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked and tried to work out what was going on with him. So someone has something he wants and he is trying to get it back? Why doesn't he just get a new one? I mean really... What's the big deal? I'd just get a new one if that other person really wanted my thing so bad as to take it. It's not like you can't get a new one. It must be a painting or something... Something one of a kind. I nodded to myself in agreement that it wasn't easily replaced.

"No, not at all..." He muttered and then stopped outside a large house. He got out and went around to my side, opening the door with a smile. "Don't worry about it Charlie.... It's not that important that it has to drag me away this instant." I nodded then and got out, looking at the house.

"So this is your house?" I asked curiously. It was a big house... I was a little jealous. I didn't even have a house... that I knew of.

"Well....If you'd like, it could be your home too.... It's a bit big for just me, and I don't mind if someone was to stay here, especially someone like you who can't remember a thing. I'd like to help you as much as I can," he told me and shut the door to the car, grabbing my arm. I looked back at his hand. Why does he keep a hold on me every time he's going to take me somewhere? I can just follow him without him touching me. I'm not blind. I pulled away from his arm and nervously looked him over.

"Just because I can't remember anything doesn't mean you have to pull me places by my arm. I can follow with my feet, I'm not broken." I told him and crossed my arms. He's not going to be around me for much longer if he keeps it up. He looked at me with wide eyes then nodded.

"Uh huh....yeah," he mumbled and then bit his bottom lip, his eyes clearly showing that he didn't expect that. He started to walk to the house then, putting his hands in his pockets. "Try not to...wander then." I thought about leaving him then, but felt a pull to him so I followed him to the house. I made sure to keep my distance though. He glanced back at me. "Is something wrong Charlie? If I'm being too familiar with you or friendly, you can just tell me.... I will back off as much as you need me to. I just don't want you to get hurt out there because you can't remember anything," he said softly, giving me a smile that made my heart speed up in my chest.

"No- nothing is wrong." I assured him and gave a smile. "I know your trying to help me out as much as you can and I appreciate it." I told him. "I just don't want to be treated like a small child, or someone that is disabled or something. I can take care of myself with following you." I bit my bottom lip, trying not to snap at him, I didn't need to be lost on the streets right now. He nodded and stepped up onto the porch as he pulled out his house keys.

"Of course... I understand that," he muttered and then opened the door to the house, gesturing me in. "After you." I walked into his house with caution, not knowing what to expect then looked behind me after getting a few feet in. He stepped in and shut the door, turning on the light. A German Shepard- I somehow recognized the breed instantly- came bounding up to us, wagging her tail. She was a young puppy, not really big yet, but still large enough to catch my attention. "Hey there!" He laughed and bent down, petting her as she put her paws on him. She gave an excited bark and then went up to me, sniffing my feet and looking up at me as she wagged her tail. "This is my dog, Eve." I smiled at her and bent down to pet her head.

"Hi Eve." I said softly then pulled away from her. I looked over at Dante. "So, you live here alone with Eve?" I asked him.

"Pretty much," he said, looking down at her with a smile. "She's the one who keeps me from staying away for too long. Oh, your room!" He brightened up and started for the stairs. "If you follow me, I'll show you rooms you can pick from. I don't mind which ever one you want." I nodded then, not really caring about the room- just glad that I was getting one. I followed him towards the stairs then frowned as I got to the first step, looking up them. I got a bit dizzy as I seen how high they went up. I took in a deep breath then started up them slowly. He glanced back at me as he got to the top. "You alright there Charlie?" He called, smirking a bit. "First step is always a doozy."

"I'm f-fine." I told him, trying not to look like I was having trouble going up them. My stomach began to curl on me and I sat down on a step, looking down and widened my eyes. It was so far down! I was already a third of the way up. I looked up at him then smiled innocently, like I was okay.

"Need me to come get you?" He asked, looking at me curiously. His dark mysterious eyes looked me over, flitting up to my face and locking with my own eyes. I shook my head, trying not to look weak. I could make it up the rest of the stairs... eventually. I laughed nervously.

"I got it..." I told him. Oh just leave me here. He sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Alright...." He pulled out his phone and started up another phone call. "Val, please? I need you for this.... You're the only one who can get in and out of there without being questioned," he pleaded. Val had hung up on him in mid-sentence. He narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me a moment Charlie.... I need to go check on something up here. It'll only be a minute." He walked off out of my sight then.

Dante's POV:

I teleported to Val's place and looked around as I stood in her living room. "VAL!" I shouted, getting pissed. She hung up on me twice now... After a couple of seconds I watched as she walked out of a hall, pissed.

"WHAT!?" Val asked me, crossing her arms. She was in a robe. "I'm sort of busy Dante." She hissed. I saw Alexander the Great sneak up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Raising an eyebrow, I took a breath to calm down.

"Don't hang up on me mid-sentence.... Oh, and I couldn't tell you what it was because I had company....and that company just happened to be an Ainsworth with amnesia," I told her and smirked. Charlie is going to be so much fun... I just have to play keep away with his memories and act nice to keep him around. Well... he is kind of cute. I could keep him as a pet. Val looked at me with interest at the mention of an Ainsworth.

"Amnesia?" Val asked me. "Do you realize what a rare treat that is? You just happened to come across an Ainsworth- one of the most respected vampire hunters in Maine... and he has amnesia?" Her interest was peaked now. "So what's your thing that Paris has?" Val pulled away from Alex and went to a couch, sitting down and crossing her legs. I turned to look at her and shrugged.

"A certain girl that belongs to me.... I found her about a week ago in Maine and found out that she is under his protection now." I decided to keep what I did to Charlie a secret and smirked at that. Of course it was unintentional to wipe all his memories...but look at the turn out.

"Would her name be Raven?" Val asked, looking at her nails now. "I hate to tell you but Paris is a few steps ahead of you. With Laurence on his side and all. Plus he's smart. Raven doesn't want to be yours anyways, she has a newborn mate on her hands... let's not mention the new treaty between twins and his new security system he's installing." Her eyes flashed up to me. Newborn....mate. I blinked slowly, pressing down a fit of rage.

"Uh" I asked and shrugged. "That doesn't matter to me at all if she has now claimed a mate or not. Things like that do not rule our lives- Fate does not rule our lives." Val glanced over at Alex and then nodded.

"I do agree with you, fate doesn't rule anything." Val stood up then and curled her hair around her fingers. "Though love does rule us. People will do anything over love. Your a hurt ancient vampire that needs to get over her. Why care about her? Go be the biggest player you can ever be! Live. Don't dwell over her, you'll only find trouble." She walked towards me, and stood a few feet away. "Why not snatch up that Ainsworth and play." She exposed her fangs. "For an Ainsworth is a rare treat I heard." I smirked and gave a small nod.

"Very true.... You have a valid point....but why not both?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "After all, I don't like to let my things go easily.... I could always keep tabs on her and snatch her up at the most vulnerable time. It shouldn't be too hard, now should it? I bet you'd love to get your hands on my new pet," I whispered the last part, looking her over. Rare treat huh? Alex walked over to her and nibbled at her ear.

"C'mon... let's go back....I was just getting started," he whispered seductively in her ear. I laughed a bit and shook my head.

"I should give you two some time...shouldn't I?" Val widened her eyes and shook her head at me.

"No, you need to think about your life choices Dante." Val warned me. "You might end up waking up in a coffin a few centuries down the road and never getting the chance to bite an Ainsworth." She gave me a smile. "I'd take this time seriously. I'd be playing with him like a cat with a mouse." She nudged Alexander away. "Now, give life a huge thought. Is that girl really worth it? She's going to be too much trouble to get and you know it. Once you get her your going to have several royal's pissed." She shrugged. "I'd go after a country before I went after her." I shrugged.

"The only three royals that would be pissed are Paris, his mate Richard, and Laurence their friend. I think that I can handle that....besides, you're right about playing with my Ainsworth I caught. I should spend that time wisely.... I'll go for Raven later when there is a better opening. I can get someone to trail her- one of my newborns or something." I smirked at the thought of playing with Charlie. He already seemed to have developed a small crush on me. Val smirked.

"There you go, now your thinking with the right head." Val pointed me over then tapped her head. "Have fun-" She tapped on her teeth. "With that tasty treat of yours. Let me know how it tastes... I might be interested in the other twin." She giggled as she looked at Alex.

"You don't need the other twin.... You have me," he whined and grabbed her up, bringing her close. "And you made me wait centuries after you turned me. Everyone thinks I died because of a fever! A lowly fever!" I laughed and shook my head.

"Got to go back. He might have made it to the top of the stairs now." I teleported away before I could see what happened next, then walked to the top of the stairs to look for him. Charlie was still stuck on the stairs, didn't even move up one. He looked bored and smiled when he seen me approach the top of the stairs. "I'm coming to help you," I mumbled and shook my head, slightly disappointed in my pet. I walked down and grabbed his hand gently, pulling him closer until I could pick him up. I did so and carried him up bridal style. He held onto me tightly and was blushing a bright red.

"You didn't have to pick me up." Charlie complained. "I was going to reach the top eventually... I swear."

"Yes, but you're slow," I told him and set him down on the top step, looking up at him from a few steps down. It made us on level because I was taller than him. Interesting... I looked at him curiously in the eyes as I noticed he had been blushing. He looked past me and towards the stairs then started to fall forwards as his eyes widened from the sight of how high up he was.

"U-huh..." Charlie mumbled as he caught himself leaning and stopped. I frowned as I felt slightly disappointed. I could have caught him...and made him blush more. I looked him over and then smirked.

"Afraid of heights?" I asked as I glanced over my shoulder at the bottom of the stairs and then back up to him.

"Very." He admitted then covered his mouth and looked away, embarrassed. "You didn't hear that!" He said through his hand.

"It's alright.... Everyone is afraid of something," I mumbled softly as I glanced at his hand and then his eyes. "It's only just being normal." I got onto the top step and started to walk off towards the bedrooms. "Bedrooms are this way!" I heard him start to follow me shortly after.

"Which one is yours?" He asked me curiously. I stopped outside mine and pointed to it.

"This one is mine. It's the master bedroom of the house and has it's own private bath. You may choose any of the bedrooms except that one," I told him and gestured to four other doors, one right next to mine and two across the hall. Charlie nodded and walked towards the nearest door to mine.

"This one." He said simply and opened the door to go in. I frowned. He didn't even go in any of them....

"If that's what you want," I whispered and leaned against the wall as I watched him. That one was the biggest of the three anyways.... and it was well furnished. The other two were smaller and more for children...though I used them for other purposes such as guest rooms. He walked back out and shut the door.

"I'll use it." He told me as he walked up and put his hands behind his back. "So, let's find that list?" He asked. I widened my eyes. I don't actually have... a list. I was just thinking of the most mundane thing out there.... Well, guess I need to get things in the house to feed Charlie with...and I need to hide the evidence of being a vampire. I nodded and walked into my room, shutting the door behind me as I walked over to my nightstand and got out a pad. I got a pen and started a shopping list for all the things he might want to eat like stuff for sandwiches and things. When I finished with everything I could think of, I ripped out the paper and folded it up, stuffing it into my pocket and then walked back out to Charlie.

"Found it! I left it on my dresser," I said and laughed, rubbing the back of my neck to feign embarrassment. Charlie smiled at me then nodded.

"Good thing you found it, huh? You'd have to write up a new one." Charlie said thoughtfully. "That'd take some time. Let's go." He placed his hands to his sides. I nodded and walked towards the stairs then.

"Oh, and I need to take you clothes shopping," I said as an afterthought. Something more appealing to me that I can get him to wear. I smirked as I pictured him in something handsome and showed off his neck. That'd be interesting. Charlie adjusted the coat collar and blushed.

"I like what I have on. It tells me I was someone." He whispered the last part.

"Oh don't worry Charlie... You can keep that outfit. I just want you to have more options, and I don't think that my clothes will fit you too well since how I'm taller than you."

"I don't want to wear your clothes..." He frowned at the thought. "It would be weird. I also don't want you to buy me clothes, It doesn't feel right." He rubbed his left arm.

"It'd just be a few shirts and pants. I don't want you wearing the same thing all the time, and if you are going to get a job- if you'd like- then you'll need something for an interview," I pointed out and got to the stairs. I looked back at him and picked him up, carrying him down it.

"Am I old enough for a job?" I heard him ask himself. He looked himself over curiously. He gripped me tightly when he noticed we was going down the stairs. "Don't drop me." I smirked and loosened my grip on him playfully to see his reaction. He screamed and clenched onto me, placing his face into my shirt. "That's not funny!" He cried out. I laughed and came to a stop at the bottom of the steps and then looked at him.

"You know...if you keep it up, you'll have me thinking that you're cute when you are acting like that," I whispered teasingly and then set him down. He pulled away from me and blushed.

"Cute?" He asked me. "You'd think I was cute?" He backed up then. "I think I'll sleep down here tonight before I have you carry me up the stairs again." He looked at his feet.

"Relax kiddo.. I was kidding," I said and laughed as I ruffled his hair. "You're safe." He avoided me ruffling his hair and walked towards the door.

"I'd like to try to search for someone that knows me." He stated. "I don't want to live off of you forever after all." He looked back to me. "If I meet someone I know it might help with my memories." I sighed and leaned up against the wall as I pulled out his wallet and got out his driver's license.

"Charlie... I found this," I said softly, watching him curiously. If this totally messed up, I could use my blood in him to make him forget it. Charlie looked towards me then and walked up to me, looking at it curiously.

"What is it?" He asked me, looking it over. I held it out towards him.

"Your driver's license," I said simply, waiting.

"What's that?" He asked me as he took it and looked it over. "So... I can drive?" He asked as he glanced up from it towards me. "It says my name is Charlie... How'd you guess?" He asked me.

"I'm a great guesser with names.... you could call it intuition," I said with a smirk as I watched on. "I'd prefer you to not drive though....because you can't remember how. I'll show you how later, but not today." He nodded as he looked over his licenese then put it in his pocket.

"Let's go then, I want to- heh.... If you drive with me you better drive the speed limit Mr." He snapped suddenly. I laughed at him.

"Yeah like I'd do that... I'm a va-" I stopped and widened my eyes. "Fan of driving the speed limit and setting an example for people like you," I covered up and smiled innocently. He looked towards me and raised an eyebrow.

"You? Driving the speed limit? Heh." He walked out the door then. I frowned and followed after him.

"I could follow the speed limit if I wanted to!" I shouted, upset now. How dare he.... I don't care if he is my pet or not. "Get over here!" Charlie looked at me then took off running towards the car.

"Nope!" He called and laughed. "Just go ahead and admit it!"

"CHARLIE!" I shouted, running after him. I got right in front of him and put my hands on either side of the car, blocking him against it as I stared him down. "Now what did you say about me?" I hissed lowly looking him over.

"I said you couldn't drive the speed limit." He whispered as he looked me over, his heart was starting to race. "How'd you catch up to me so fast?" I narrowed my eyes. I should teach him a lesson.... I exposed my fangs and leaned in towards his neck.

"I can drive the speed limit, I choose not to," I muttered. "You need to learn to listen to me...." He widened his eyes as he seen my fangs and pressed up against the car.

"What are those?" He asked me innocently, trying to distant his neck far from them. "I was just.... kidding Dante." He said as his breath caught. I paused and looked up into his eyes. Kidding huh?

"These are fangs... I'm different from other humans Charlie... I'm what is known as a vampire, and our source of food is blood. These are used to get what we need and to sometimes be used when someone likes another very much," I informed him as I moved back a bit, watching for his reaction. I could always erase this from his memory if it proved to be a bad turn out.

"What do you mean by sometimes used for when you like another?" He asked as he looked me over and tried to keep us as distant as possible now. "Your not going to bite me right? That would hurt..." I laughed as I remembered that wound on his shoulder.

"Oh, you'd be fine," I told him and glanced at his neck, not really interested in it right now anymore. "Besides.... You've pretty much made me bored with the idea of biting you right now." He pushed on my chest to get me to move back more and started to move off of the car. I didn't budge though and wrapped my arms around him as I unsharpened my fangs. "Do I scare you now that I showed you?" I asked softly, looking down at him. If I do....then bye bye memories of me being a vampire. We'll just play that scene out differently.

"If your not going to bite me then what's there to be afraid of?" He asked softly and blushed as I wrapped my arms around him. "Are we going to go food shopping now?" He asked me, trying to get away. I sighed and let go. I can't be too sudden when he just barely has any memories.... If he's going to be my permenant pet that is.

"Yeah, we are. You need food in the house, and you need more clothes to wear." I started for the other side of the car to drive us. He hesitantly got into the car and buckled up.

"You knew me before, didn't you?" He asked as I got in. I widened my eyes and looked over at him as I shut the door.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes." Charlie whispered softly. I sighed and started up the car.

"I knew you briefly before you lost your memories, yes.... In fact, you were meeting me at that coffee shop earlier." I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye as I started to drive. Why am I being so nice to him? He was looked out the window now.

"Why were we meeting?" He asked, getting deeper into the subject.

"I had asked you to get me some information in exchange for a favor which I had provided already. You were delivering it, but things got a little....How should I put this? Out of hand? No...but close to it. You pretty much freaked out and ran, so I had to track you down outside and- well, one thing led to another and you injured me and lost your memories," I said, trying to be as simple and blunt about it as possible. He looked towards me and frowned.

"Your not telling me the whole truth." He dared to say and clenched his jaw. I shook my head as I made sure to keep the speed limit this time. I wasn't in the mood to argue with him over something like that.

"No, no I'm not," I admitted. He sighed and sunk in his seat.

"Your a bummer." He grumbled.

"If I told you the whole truth, you wouldn't believe me- or if you did, you wouldn't like me anymore," I told him quietly, glancing at him. He looked towards me.

"You know who I am, and you know more. Obviously, otherwise I'd like you after you told me." He sat up then. I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm the reason you can't remember. I accidentally erased all your memories when I meant to just erase me from your life- for both of our safeties. You see, you were running from me because you learned that I posed a threat to one of your friends and that I was going to erase your memories of it to keep you from telling them that I was snooping around. That's when you ran behind that coffee shop and tried to fight me off which caused me to accidentally erase all of them," I told him, trying to comfort him with a smile. Of course I am perfectly fine with this. I got a new pet out of it. He bit his bottom lip and shook his head.

"I don't want to live with you then." He said instantly. "Not knowing this. Your not right." He unbuckled in his seat then and tried to open the door.

"The car is moving.... I wouldn't do that if I were you. You know what, I command you to stay with me," I said, getting the bright idea on how to keep him from running off no matter what happened. He tried to leave but was stopped.

"Oh no...." He mumbled to himself then looked at me. "Dante..." He mumbled weakly. "Where am I going to go anyways if I jump out? You erased all my memories." He crossed his arms and sat back in his seat. "This is not fair." I took a deep breath and pulled over at a Wendy's, going through the drive through.

"Hello! What would you like today?" I smiled.

"Two Frosties please!" She told me to move up and I did then got and paid for it. I handed one over to him and parked in the parking lot, locking the doors. I looked over at him and sipped on mine. "If you promise that you won't be upset with me, I will restore most of your memories if not all," I told him as I glanced him over curiously, wondering how he would take remembering it all again. He wouldn't be near as sweet and loving towards me. Charlie stared me down as he sat the frostie in his lap and looked out the window, begining to ignore me. "FINE!" I shook my head and reached over, forcing him to look at me. "You want your memories, then you can have them back- every single one of them that brought you tragedy and pain! If that's what you want, then so be it. You can't enjoy a single moment of something fun, can you?" I let out a breath and looked him in the eyes as I was coining the words on the tip of my tongue to give him his memories back. He pulled away from me quickly.

"Don't touch me Dante." He hissed. "You don't want to touch me." He grumbled in anger.

"Oh? And why not? I was starting to think I liked you enough to let some things go for a bit," I told him, keeping down my own anger with him. He just has to ruin this.... He looked down at his frostie then looked back up at me.

"I don't know the truth." He mumbled. "So I don't know about you, don't touch me." He moved away from me in his seat. I sighed. If he decides to be this way, I can let him remember, see what he does, and then erase it if it's not to my liking. That's a plus....

"I order you to remember," I whispered as I sat back in my seat, watching him closely to see if his little crush would carry over or not. His eyes blurred over for a few minutes then he looked me over and tensed up.

"Dante...." He mumbled then threw the frostie at me, spilling it on me. "That's what you get." He grumbled and went to the back seats.

"I will make you forget everything again if you make me regret this," I sung out as I looked down at my shirt in irritation. He ruined one of my favorites.... He curled up in the back seat and placed his hands over his ears begining to hum. "That's going to help you a lot when it's my blood that responds, not your ears," I muttered and started drinking my Frosty. "Want another or no?"

"Go to hell." He muttered coldly.

"I am Hell."

"You are not." He fired back and looked towards me. "Accident hell. You wanted it."

"You know what....." I trailed off and then looked out the window, deciding not to go on and make it worse as I sipped on my drink.

"What?" Charie asked and sat up a bit. "Hand me my stuff back."

"No, I think that you'll kill me with it," I said simply.

"If I was going to kill you, I would reach into your chest and crush your little sore heart and then your stone." Charlie husked out as he leaned in towards my ear. I sighed, deciding to ignore that comment as I dug into my inside coat pocket and pulled out only one of his knives, dangling it towards him.

"You may have this back... The rest I'm keeping until further notice," I told him and looked back towards him. He grabbed it then put it inside he pocket.

"You have to be the worst vampire I've ever met." He mumbled and got back into the passengers seat. I hissed towards him.

"I could erase your memories anytime I want to," I warned. "I liked you better when you had a little high school boy crush on me."

"I did not." Charlie said way too quickly. "That was not a crush." He muttered, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more then me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, guess I should catch you up on the latest news. I'm letting Raven go for the next century possibly. It all depends on my personal endevours right now.... And you are now my own little vampire hunter pet," I said cheerily towards him, giving him a smirk. "I can force you to drink my blood for the rest of your life." I took a sip of my Frosty then as I watched him. He shook his head and slid away from me.

"I can only live for so long." He whispered to himself. "You'd get tired of me when I get old." I shook my head as my smirk widened.

"Well, that's the thing... I'm going to turn you when you are a few years older," I informed him as I decided on it right then. I was going to keep him as my pet for good.... He laughed then, not taking me seriously.

"No you won't. Dylan promised me for my eighteenth birthday. He'll come for me." Charie smirked. "He's going to murder you."

"I'm not afraid of your siblings," I told him in all seriousness. I sighed and leaned back in my seat as I looked out the windshield towards a few birds on the ground outside. "Besides, you can't enjoy anything, can you little high school boy crush?" I teased.

"What's there to enjoy?" He sighed out and looked away from me and out the window.

"Lots.... You are the second pet to the Prince of Germany. That's something considering my only other pet is Raven. I'm actually pretty powerful," I said softly. "You just don't seem to like me though when you remember everything....which is interesting because you find me attractive on a certain level- don't even deny it. I know because of how you acted when you had no memories," I said and smirked just a bit. He glared me down then.

"I don't! You need to get off your high horse. I wouldn't like you even if I was five without a memory." He crossed his arms. "So that's that. Get over yourself." I looked over at him and glared at him.

"Charlie....If I wanted, I could bite you right now, and you wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. I only stopped earlier because I was being nice to you. Maybe you should take a page out of your side without any memories and learn to live a little. He was pretty fun and more innocent then you...but that's to be expected," I said and finished my Frosty. I got out of the car before he could say anything and threw it in the trash before getting back in and shutting the door.

"I'm like this because of what I've been through in my life and then you in it makes me even more... like this." Charlie explained himself. "If I wanted, I could kill you. If I truly wanted." I looked over at him. Oh really? Well.... he could try.

"Then go ahead," I said and looked at him blankly. "If you want to kill me and make your escape, then try it." He shook his head.

"I'm not going to attempt killing you." He pulled his knees to his chest and looked out the window. "You said I couldn't leave." I shrugged that off.

"If you kill me, any command I've given you will go away. If you kill me for good that is," I told him and then turned towards him, unbuttoning my shirt down and then looked at him as I lifted my head a bit. "Look, I'll even make it really easy...." I reached into my jacket pocket and got out one of his knives then leveled it to my stone and held it there. I watched him. "Go ahead." He watched me carefully.

"Why are you doing that? Your making yourself look stupid." He reached over and took the knife from me and tossed it to the back. I looked him in the eyes then.

"Am I making myself look stupid?" He looked me in the eyes then blushed.

"Yes, you are." He whispered softy. I smirked and stayed where I was.

"Any other vampire hunter would have killed me instantly," I told him softly.

"I'm not the regular vampire hunter though." He said quietly. "You know that already."

"Oh do I? All I know is that you are Charlie Ainsworth, a reknowned vampire hunter who should have taken his shot to kill me. You didn't kill me because you have a little crush on me, even if you do say you hate me." I laughed a bit. He got in my lap then, pulling out the knife from his pocket and held it up to my throat.

"I don't, I'm just a very odd hunter. I never miss either Dante so shut it." He grumbled, cutting me a bit. I tensed up as I felt my blood start to trickle down my neck and I tilted my head up.

"Then fine," I said softly. "I already told you that if you want to be free, the only way you are getting it is if you kill me now."

"Why are you doing this? Why aren't you going to stop me?" He pulled the knife back. "A vampire wouldn't just let a hunter kill them unless the vampire was insane." I shrugged.

"I'm bored, and no I'm not insane," I told him as I watched him calmly. He got out of my lap then and sighed.

"I'm not going to kill you." He mumbled. "Your going to let me go though eventually, because I know you won't be able to handle me at night when I don't have Riley asleep by me." He laughed then. I sighed and started up the car.

"I think I can handle you.... Are you dead yet? No, no you're not." I smirked and took my shirt off, throwing it in the backseat as I started to drive. He widened his eyes and looked at the shirt.

"What the heck?! Put that back on." He sheilded his eyes. "Darn it Dante."

"Shouldn't have thrown your little temper tantrum and threw your Frosty and ruined it," I told him simply as I stopped and waited for traffic. I was nice enough to reach back and grab my jacket, slipping it on. It was the only thing I could put on right now that didn't have Frosty on it. He ran his fingers through his hair and slid down in his seat.

"You should just erase my memory, because this is killing me." He grumbled. "At least, I would be interested." I shook my head.

"No, I'm not going to erase your memory again- hopefully won't have to at least," I said and smiled over at him as I got into traffic and sped up past the speed limit, now not trying to keep out of an argument about driving habits.

"Slow down! Jeeze! You drive like Riley." Charile complained and sat up then. "I'm serious- or I will make us wreck."

"And you'll be the only one to get hurt," I pointed out to him as I hit the gas, punching it all the way to the floor to mess with him. He tensed up in his seat.

"Dante." He hissed. "Stop driving so fast." He looked towards me and I heard his heart speeding up from fear. I smirked as I decided to use this moment.

"Admit it," I said simply, not slowing down as I managed to pass the person in front of me easily.

"Admit what?" He asked innocently.

"Admit that you like me, even just a little," I said and laughed. He looked towards the road.

"Your crazy, slow down." He insisted. "Where are we even going?" He looked behind us then.

"To the store to get you food that I can stock the kitchen with. I can't let you starve," I pointed out as I pressed the car to it's limit. He looked at how fast we was going and widened his eyes, panic setting in.

"Slow down!" He yelled and smacked my arm. I yelped out in shock and looked over at him.

"Charlie! Don't hit the driver! Now admit it and I will slow down to the speed limit!" I laughed at hm and watched him for a second before looking to the road. He shook his head.

"This isn't funny Dante, I don't like you and this is rediculous. If we wreck, I will die!"

"And I'll bring you back as my precious little newborn," I said, pointing that out to him. He shook his head quickly in realization.

"Dante..." He trailed off and then buckled up.

"Oh did I tell you about my special ability of necromancy? I don't have to turn you to bring you back from the dead," I said and smirked. "How'd you like to be a real live zombie?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He shook his head. "If you bring be back as a zombie... I'll eat your brains." He warned me. I laughed softly and looked over at him.

"So are you going to admit it?" I asked as I purposely served in the road. He screamed and grabbed onto the seat.

"No! I don't lke you, you idiot!" He screamed and closed his eyes tightly.

"Not even a little?" I asked and gave him a small frown. "Then I might as well crash us." He widened his eyes then and looked towards me.

"You wouldn't dare. The car is too good looking." I shrugged.

"I can get another one." I do like this car though..... I glanced at my customs on the interior and sighed. The seats were picked by me....and they're so nice and comfortable... He looked at me worriedly.

"I won't admit to anything that isn't true." He said calmly, but I could tell he was scared. I smirked and swerved again, earning a honk from oncoming traffic. He shook his head and reached over, trying to mess with me and get me to slow down.

"DANTE! I SWEAR IF YOU KILL ME. YOU BET TER SLOW DOWN RIGHT NOW." Charlie threatened and glared me down. I raised an eyebrow and shoved him away with one hand.

"How about this, you admit to possibly being able to like me in the future when I'm not threatening your life," I said, moving down a knotch from flat out liking.

"In your dreams Dante." Charlie hissed. "I don't, and I won't." He crossed his arms. "Now, slow down." I shook my head stubbornly.

"I can see the headlines now... Famous Ainsworth twin killed in car crash going 150 mph down highway." I smirked over at him. "Wanna see it for real?"

"NO!" He screamed. "Fine, you happy. I admit it now slow down!"

"For real?" I asked cautiously as I slowed down just a bit, going down to 100.

"Yes..." He barely whispered.

"Thank you for your honesty," I said and smiled as I gently applied the brakes and came back down to the speed limit after a few minutes.

"Whatever." He grunted and looked away from me. I sighed.

"You know... I'm trying to be nice to you, but you make it really hard for me to be nice."

"You know, if you didn't threaten my life every time I turn around, I might stop trying to run from you. Then again I'm on your enemies side. Paris is like an uncle to me." Charlie told me. "I'm not going to easily become pals with his enemy." I tsked and shook my head.

"Charlie, I already told you that I had given up on the whole get my first pet back for now. I'm waiting a century or two to get her back....when she's bored of her own pet. She'll eventually leave Paris and then I'll get her when she's not under his protection. Does that make me an enemy of Paris? Besides the whole fact that we don't get along? Well... I guess I am his enemy," I laughed as I remembered the first time I met him. He had danced with Val and I was preparing to beat him up for it. "Anyways Charlie.... I'm not going to kill you if I don't have to, so you can sleep easy at night knowing I'm not activelly out to kill you...or Paris at the moment," I tagged on, glancing over at him. He softened his expression then.

"Your... not going to fight Paris or anything? That makes a difference I suppose." He looked away. "I'm still your pet though. That's something." He shook his head. "Paris would be upset over it." I shrugged slightly.

"Don't take it too seriously. Being a pet is not that hard....and Paris will just have to get over it if he finds out. It's not like I'm going to tell you that you can't go see him or your family. You just belong to me before any other vampire or werewolf or what have you," I said and smiled over at him.

"You mean, I can go home?" He asked cautiously.

"Let's cross that bridge tomorrow," I told him and reached over, ruffling his hair. He pulled away from me, to avois it.

"Stop that! You r messing up my hair." He said disaprovingly. "Pick on someone your own size!" He looked out the window. "Why can't I go home now?"

"Because I want you to get used to the idea of being my pet," I said simply. "Plus I'm buying you food for while you are at my place....because you know that I can decide to command you to come to me at anytime," I pointed out and then pulled into a grocery store parking lot.

"Okay, what happens if I drunk from another vampire? Would I stop being your pet?" He asked me curiously. I shook my head.

"My blood would still have it's effect on you. You're mine until the end of this week or the next, and then when it gets close to time, I'm going to order you to drink from me again so that way I don't lose you so easily. Oh, and if you become a vampire, I guess...." I frowned. "Well, since how your maker would have to drain every ounce of blood in you....You would be free, but your maker would end up with my blood, so essentially, you wouldn't be free in the end because I could easily command them to command you to drink from me again." I smiled over at him and then took the keys out of the ignition and got out, shutting the door. He watched me and raised an eyebrow, motioning towards himself. I glanced him over and frowned. "What? Want me to get the door for you or something?"

"You forgot that I can't get out of here." He whispered. I frowned. I could have sworn I ordered him not to leave me specifically...not the car.

"I dismiss the previous order," I said and watched. "However, I'm giving you a new one, you are not to leave me unless I say you may." He got out of the car then and walked up to me.

"You know I really am starting to despise you." He whispered. "You may think you have the upper hand in this but one day.... Your going to roll out of bed and fall into a pit of needles." He smirked evilly. Not the worst thing I've woken up and found.... There used to be this newborn of mine that would attempt to smother me with a pillow while I slept and then she would try to poison me with breakfast. I smiled at him.

"You know what.... I'll give you a bit more of the leash. How about that? You may explore in a five mile radius from me," I told him and started to walk off. "Be back here in an hour." He took off running then, away from me. I could tell he wasn't paying much attention as to where he was going. I smirked as I stopped to watch him take off. He really hates my guts, doesn't he? I should do something about that to attempt to make him like me better....besides release him. There'd be no point then. He stopped running when he got out of the parking lot and looked over his shoulder at me and then kept walking. "ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN!" I shouted after him and laughed. Now...what should I do? Maybe if I give him a ton of options of fun things he can do, such as R rated movies or going on a vacation to somewhere he wants.... like maybe Hawaii. I started to taste sand then in the air. I stopped and looked around. Crap... It's them. I quickly glanced for them. I had sent them the tickets anonymously to try to see if they would come and maybe do something about Paris to create an opening for attacks, not necessarily for Raven, but just attacks. I could use it to get her back though...but not if I'm dead! I looked for Charlie starting to get worried for him. "Charlie, I command you back to me," I muttered. I'm going to teleport him out of here..... Chalie paused and turned to me, walking back with a hurt expression. That's when I spotted their wizard eyeing me down with curiosity from on top of a car's hood. Crap. I shook my head and looked over at Charlie. Too dangerous for him to come here if I've already been noticed. "Charlie, run away as fast as you can and get out of here... Go home," I whispered. Charlie paused before he took off running away. The wizard's eyes had followed mine to him and smirked. He looked back at me then got up onto the hood and jumped off onto the ground. He started to walk towards me. I stood my ground as I studied him closely. Depending on how powerful he is.... I might need to run too.... I felt ashamed at the thought of running now that Charlie was out of the equation.

"Howdy." The wizard kid said as he walked up to me and stopped at a good distance away. "You look like you are familiar with this land. I want to find someone. You'll help me." I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"And why should I help you with anything?" I asked, pretending I didn't know who he already was. Besides, I have a point. I have no reason to help him yet. He smiled innocently.

"If you don't then your little boy toy will be cut up into little bits and then I will eat him up... OR I might stitch him back up." He shrugged. "Either way..." He tsked. "Your helping me." I raised an eyebrow.

"Boy toy? Since when do I have a boy toy?" I asked innocently. Does Charlie even count as a boy toy? I call it pet.

"You want to suffer?" He purred in amusment, his eyes were swirling with different colors like galaxies were trapped inside them. He was giving me a crazy look as well. I shrugged.

"I'm not afraid of you, little wizard. In fact....if you want me to help you, you best make a deal with me." I said and leaned against the wall of the store.

"A deal? I never done a deal before." He said in amusement. "What do you want then?"

"How tell me who it is you are looking for first and then we will discuss the terms of the deal?" I suggested as I looked him over. Where are the two vampires that accompany him?

"I'm looking for a white haired male. His name is Paris." He said sweetly. "Do you know where I can find him? I'm taking him back with me." Oh? I smirked slowly. So he did find him then....

"Hmmm.... He's the vampire that pretty much owns this place. I know him quite well...both him and his twin," I said, emphasizing twin. If Louis is here, then maybe I can get my revenge by setting the wizard on them both. The wizard's eyes light up in delight.

"He's got a twin too!" He clasped his hands together. "That's a rare treat. Where will I find them?" I laughed.

"Slow down now.... I can help you, but I don't help out for free....You'll owe me a small favor," I said and winked at him.

"Would you like it paid off now?" He asked me and bit his bottom lip. "I could give you anything you ever wanted. Potions, magics, anything." I mulled it over and decided that I wanted to have him owe me for the future.

"How about owe me one and I get to call you one time to get you to do me a favor in the future?" I asked and looked him in the eyes. "I will personally take you to Paris if you say yes..."

"Sure." He shrugged. "My name is Hachi, you'll need to know that. Just call for me when you are ready." He reached out a hand to shake mine. I nodded and took his hand, shaking it.

"Then we have a deal," I murmured and teleported us without warning to the inside of Paris's manor. "Paris lives here. Watch out... He's got werewolves guarding the outside and they will protect him to the death. His twin may be here, but in case if he's not, here's my number." I put my card with my number on it in his hand and smirked. "Have fun Hachi." Hachi nodded my way and waved me off as he tucked the card away in his coat pocket.

"Bye Sir, I hope you have a good day grocery shopping. Watch the dates on the milk." He warned me and danced off towards a door. I smirked and teleported out before Paris could register I was here and appeared back in front of the grocery store. I wonder which home Charlie went to... I frowned a bit. I left that open to interpretation....