True Pet

Paris's POV:

I finished playing Nevermore for Louis and smiled at him. "That's one of my personal favorites," I told him as I stood up from the piano and walked over to him with my glass of vodka. "So, what should we do now?" I asked and took a seat in his lap. "We could watch movies, since I'm grounded." I laughed. He smiled at me and wrapped an arm around me as he took a sip of his drink.

"I don't know... What-"

"Paris, have you seen Richard?" I heard a familar voice ask, Raven. She crossed her arms nervously. "I heard that there was something going on in town lately... and it sounds pretty bad. I hope he's not out there...."

"Last time I seen him..." I trailed. I couldn't exactly remember. I laughed. "I think... it was sometime ago." I waved it off and took another sip- that's when I tasted sand. I spit it out and got off of Louis."Something's wrong!" I said quickly. I could hear humming nearby, coming this way. I widened my eyes as I recognized Heathens. I backed up into Louis's lap and whimpered, "Oh man, in my own home too." Louis frowned.

"What's got you scared?" He asked and then tasted his drink and dropped it. "EW! Tastes terrible... like sand.... It's all gritty and nasty...." He trailed off and heard the humming. "Did you recently get a new friend?" Raven frowned and looked towards the door in confusion.

"Paris...he doesn't smell familiar...." She pulled out one of special fighting knives I had gotten her and narrowed her eyes. "Oh, and about the town thing, apparently there has been a vampire binging on blood out there. There's about six bodies in the street total now....last time I was updated," she informed me. I gripped onto Louis as I heard the humming stop and the doors flew open, a wave of sand flung in and Hachi was there smiling at me.

"There you are!" Hachi giggled. His eyes shinned as he grinned. He took off his coat then, reavealing he was in a tank top. I could see where he had inserted stitches into his own skin- running it up his arms and neck. Something about the stitchs stood out bad like a sore thumb. He laughed at me. "I'm going to give you two stitches just like me- Wow, I have twins now." He looked towards Raven and waved. Suddenly she was flung to the wall and pinned. "Come here pets." He called and walked towards Louis and I. I shrieked as he eyed us down. "Which one of you is Paris?"

"Easy the one in the lap," Raven grunted and then narrowed her eyes at him. "Let. Me. Down....Or I'll rip you apart without a second thought...." She glared at him and I noticed that insane look going back in her eyes like the first time I saw her.

"You'll have to get down first," Hachi told her and giggled. He turned his attention to me. "You got away once Paris- good thing because it lead me straight to your twin. I get to have two of you." He walked towards me then. I heard Louis thinking about teleporting us as he tensed up and then attempted it, but it completely failed. Raven appeared behind him and smirked evilly as she went to stab him in the back, exposing her fangs and looking like she was the angel of death herself. Hachi gasped and his whole body evaportaed starting from where he was about to be stabbed at to his toes. He appaeared beside Louis and I then turned towards Raven.

"You almost stabbed me! Now I will show no mercy." Hachi growled. I widened my eyes and got up, putting myself between them.

"Not without going through me!" I hissed. "You can hurt me, but don't hurt her." I said strictly. Hachi widened his eyes.

"Paris....move," she hissed out from behind me. Louis narrowed his eyes at Hachi and threw his drink at him, getting him wet.

"Who do you think you are?" He hissed out towards him. I heard his thoughts get really sad and depressed as he wanted to expose his fangs but they hadn't grown back in yet.

"I'm Hachi the wizard. I claim the both of you." Hachi said quickly. "You two will come with me." The drink started to dry up as quickly as it was thrown at him. "Did I mention I am powerful?" As he said that I felt my feet get stuck to the floor. Hachi looked towards me then looked past me. "Want to know what it's like to be stuck in quick sand?" He asked Raven.

"Wanna know what it's like to have your whole body being torn to shreds and then being sauteed?" She asked with an insane giggle from behind me. I could tell she was grinning. No more late nights for her, she's going to bed early. Hachi pouted and tilted his head to the side.

"What's wrong with you?" He wondered then looked towards Louis. "You'll go first. You will be soul bound to me."

"Hell no... I already belong to a werewolf- I'M A FREAKING LUNA!" He hissed out and went to attack Hachi in his drunkeness. Hachi laughed and as soon as Louis lept he was pulled to the ground with a heavy thud and stitches started to appear running up his arm like Hachi's.

"Now you are chained to me." Hachi said sweetly. He screamed out in pain and dug his nails into his skin as he tried to stop screaming.

"Please," he whimpered out. "Please stop...." I saw Raven sneaking past me, using Louis's time to be in pain to get closer and get him. She obviously lost the ability to teleport for now...and this was the best she could come up with. I saw that any trace of the sweet Raven we all know and love was gone at the moment, leaving only an insane girl with an objective. Hachi shook his head at my dear twin.

"You'll grow into it." Hachi eased then looked at me and smirked. "Your turn." Raven managed to tackle him to the ground from behind the sofa and hissed, sinking her teeth into his skin before he could react. He screamed and then she was shoved off of him and onto the ceiling in a heartbeat. She narrowed her eyes and threw her knife at him, her aim perfect and going to hit his head. He stared at the knife and it started to slow down, giving him time to move. He rolled over and got up. "Bad girl." He hissed towards Raven, as the knife hit the floor. She smirked at him and watched him closely.

"You're gonna die next time I get you," she warned and giggled again.

"No I won't." Hachi told her then looked at me and I screamed out in pain as I started to experience what he put Louis through. I felt pain being ingraved up my arm, making me drop to the ground. It stung like a bee, a billion bee's all at once. I could see the sitches settling into my skin. "Let's go boys." Hachi spoke up and I felt a will to obey him. Raven narrowed her eyes.

"You better not move them an inch out of this house," she hissed. "I'll hunt you down... and I'll kill you when you least expect it. I know over five other vampires that will be coming for you as well." She growled and watched him. "I wouldn't do it if I were you."

"I'm taking him, for my masters benifits." Hachi giggled. "They will be the perfect gifts. Pureblood twins." He snapped his fingers and I felt the pain subside so I could walk. I got to my feet slowly, looking towards Louis. He got up with an angry look in his eyes and glared at Hachi, clearly not happy with this new collar on him.

"I'm going to kill you for this," she muttered. "I will... I swear I will... I'll kill you just like I killed all the rest.... Just like when I was feared by most," she hissed out. She glanced at me and then at Louis before resting her glare on Hachi.

"You don't frighten me." Hachi said sweetly. "Nothing does. I more then you could imagin. I seen my family become curropted for power and kill eachother off. You don't understand. My name is Hachi, I'm a wizard- One of the lasts. Your going to have to work hard to kill me."

"Oh, you'll be seeing me soon," she whispered and giggled. I sensed her thoughts going towards Akane the witch and then they flickered back to their insanity filled thoughts. "I'm going to fillet you and then put you in a pan and serve you up to your masters."

"You wish." Hachi purred then nodded towards Louis and I. "Time to go boys." Raven stayed silent this time as she watched him, studying his moves as if she was already preparing for the next time she saw him. She was thinking about all the ways she could kill him if she was free. Hachi picked up his coat and put it on then walked towars the windows and opened one up. He looked out it then shrugged. "Good enough, come here boys and jump."

"WHAT!?" I cried out and felt my feet carring me to him. "Hachi- I could drive us- what are you doing!?"

"We are traveling by wind of course." Hachi said cooly. "Jump out."

"Can I say goodbye to Raven?" Louis asked, looking up at her as I could sense his fear about jumping out of the window. "I want to give her a goodbye hug....and she needs to be down for that."

"No good byes, for it isn't goodbye forever. I'll let you visist." Hachi purred.

"How about a see you later alligator hug?" Louis whined, giving his best cute look- which was pretty funny. Hachi giggled.

"No silly, I can't let her down. She's trying to kill me." He practically started to beg with his eyes.

"Pretty please? She's really fun once you get to know her," he told him and tilted his head to make the look even cuter.

"Come here real quick." Hachi ordered him. He walked over unwillingly and frowned, looking sad and upset. Hachi made him face the window then kicked him out of it. I screamed and went after him as he plumeted out of it. The wind picked up though and carried him up into the air. Hachi giggled then kicked me out as well. I screamed as I fell downwards, before the wind picked up and carried me. Hachi was by me instantly and Louis was carried to us. "How's the weather boys?" He asked.

"LET ME GO!" Louis shouted, showing what little fangs he had gotten back. They were a child's.

"Uh- no." Hachi pouted. "Your hair reminds me of snow."


"No it's not wrong at all. Be happy, you get a wizard for a friend. Oh- I'm Hachi." He waved at Louis.

"YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND IF YOU'RE KIDNAPPING ME!" He screamed and looked like he would tackle Hachi if he could but he couldn't. Hachi pouted.

"You want down?" Hachi asked him quickly.

"Will you put me down nicely?" Louis asked consideringly.

"Define nicely." Hachi smirked and dropped Louis for a split second then he was back with us. He was pale with fright and practically speechless after that drop and looked about ready to curl up and go into a hidey hole in his head. "Now be a good boy. I understand that if you drop from this altitude.. Your stone will be crushed instantly from the impact. You'll go to hell."

"I've been to Hell," Louis mumbled shakily then glanced over at me.

"Then you shouldn't want to go back."

"Who's your masters Hachi?" I asked him quickly.

"They are a god and goddess of south america." Hachi told me sweetly.

"Oh? God and Goddess?" Louis spoke up, coming back from being frightened. "Maybe I will be long as I get to see them soon." He smirked and closed his eyes. It took a few minutes before we was set down in a lovely field. A car was parked nearby us and the two figures from before was in the car. Louis glanced over towards it and then at Hachi. "What now great master of mine?" He asked, sounding slightly sarcastic. Hachi smirked at him.

"Offer yourselves to my masters." Hachi ordered. I felt my feet pick up and go towards the car. The two figures in the car got out and I shrieked as I recognized them from before. Louis frowned and looked them over as he got to his knees in front of the male. He gave me a help look and then looked towards the two in front of us.

"Hachi." The male began, sounding angered.

"What'd I do?" Hachi asked innocently.

"Your bad luck! Do you know who you brought to us!?" The woman spoke up and looked hurt at him. Hachi looked at his feelt innocently and I got on my knees by Louis. "YOU BROUGHT US PUREBLOODS! Not just any purebloods either." Her voice softened. "I suppose I can't complain." She said sweetly. Louis looked at her curiously and tilted his head.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before, so you aren't a prince and princess," he said more to himself than them.

"My name is Oz and this is my sister Zehara. We are from South America." Oz explained.

"Oooh.... Then you probably don't understand. You need to let us go. Tell your crazy wizard to release us both," Louis hissed out. Oz just smirked.

"There is no letting go."Oz told us. "Your Hachi's forever. He never let's go." He lifted Louis's chin up to expect him then ripped off his shirt. Louis's eyes widened and he narrowed them after a second.

"That was one of my favorites!" He screamed and went to snatch the remnants of it back. "I'M GOING TO DYE MY HAIR AS SOON AS YOU TURN YOUR BACKS!" He looked over at me. "Brown, black, blue, or pink Paris? I'm dying yours too."

"Silence." Oz ordered. "There is no need in you two discussing hair dyes." He grabbed a hold of Louis's hair and pulled slightly on it to make him look up. He looked up angry.

"You owe me a new shirt," he hissed out defiantly. "If my mate finds you, he's going to tear you all apart for looking at me shirtless." Oz ran his fingers down Louis's neck and smirked.

"A mate huh?" Oz asked as he ran his fingers around Louis's collarbone then ran it down to his mark on his arm. "Werewolf." He hissed out and glared at Oz.

"Take your hands off of me. Only Paris and August get to touch me like that....and maybe Isabelle." I exposed my fangs then, glaring Oz down. I can't believe he touched Louis!

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" I ordered. Oz snapped his eyes to me and then walked over to me, back handing me across the face and made my cheek sting. I hissed out in pain then. Louis was pissed within seconds and glared at Oz.

"Don't touch my twin," he said dangerously. Oz ran his fingers up the side of my face for a second then turned to Louis.

"Why not?" Oz asked. "Watch closely." Oz walked behind me then and I tensed up as he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me back a bit then forced my head aside and went to bite me. I screamed. Louis was on him in seconds and pinned him down, glaring at him as he dug his nails in.

"I told you not to touch him, didn't I? Now keep your filthy hands off my twin," he hissed out and went to bite down with the little bit of fangs he had. Oz laughed, and sand started to fall out of Louis's mouth, ears, nose, and eyes.

"Don't threaten me boy." Oz whispered. The sand seemed to evaporate before it touched Oz. Louis shrieked out and buried his face into Oz's shirt.

"Stop, please," he pleaded. "I'll be good... Just don't touch him...." He sounded like he was broken just a little inside already. The sand stopped falling out and Oz rubbed his head.

"Good, your breaking to my will." Oz whispered then smirked towards me. "What about you?" I shook my head.

"You'll have fun with him, he doesn't put up a fight." Hachi spoke up.

"Didn't ask you Hachi." Oz hissed. Louis whimpered and curled up ontop of Oz.

"Please leave him alone....please," he begged, not knowing what else to do. Oz laughed and then flipped over, putting Louis on the bottom.

"Why should I?" Oz asked. Louis looked up at him pleadingly and bit his bottom lip.

"B-because... I promise to obey and behave if you leave my twin alone...." Louis said, thinking hard on anything he could offer to Oz in exchange. "You'll have my obedience for as long as you don't touch him...." Oz laughed then and looked at his sister.

"Hold him." Oz ordered. I felt Zehara grab my arms and pressed her nails into me. I got worried then for Louis.

"Louis!" I cried out and watched as Oz started to reach into Louis's chest for his stone. Louis screamed out and grabbed his hand, pushing it away. He looked scared out of his wits again just like when the family demon was taking his stone. He grabbed Oz's hands and held on to them as he looked up at him and then leaned up, kissing his cheek as sweetly and respectfully as he could.

"Please don't do that," he murmured as he looked up at Oz in fear. Oz cuffed his face into his hands and smirked.

"Oh but I must dear Louis." He insisted. "Your going to be mine forever." He laughed wickedly. Louis shook his head quickly and looked up at him.

"No, you don't want to take my stone.... If you are thinking about eating it, I won't taste good, and I'm more fun like this.... You could practically do whatever you wanted to me when I am not a stone," Louis pointed out quickly and kept a tight grip on Oz's hands. "Please don't...." Oz rolled his eyes.

"I do want to eat you both." Oz said and licked his lips. I widened my eyes. Oh my fangs.. Laurence get us out of this!

"T-then.... drink my blood, not eat my stone. If you kept me alive, you could drink my blood and have it as a treat now and then.... I've heard that my blood is really sweet to vampires. It would be worth keeping us alive.... Because I won't obey you if Paris isn't alive or unharmed. I've only been bitten a few times, so it's not like many people have tasted my blood. It's rare," Louis told him, trying to get out of having our stones eaten. "Isn't my obediance and blood enough? Hachi even went through all that trouble to fetch us both to be presents and pets." He looked up at Oz pleadingly and tried his best cute and innocent look. Oz started thinking it over and shook his head.

"No. See if I eat you both I gain new powers."Oz said as he ran a finger down Louis's neck. "Now suck it up."

"You don't want new powers from us... Ours suck and would give you headaches. We both have powers that deal with our heads....and you don't know how long it took to get used to them," Louis warned as he gripped Oz's finger. He brought one of his wrists close to him and went to bite down on it to distract Oz from his stone. Oz hissed and sat up straight on Louis.

"Your rather dificult. I'll go after Paris first." He went to get off of Louis then. However, Louis had better ideas and gripped him, flipping them over. Louis smirked down at Oz and bit down into his wrist, dripping his blood down onto Oz's lips. Oz licked his lips as the blood dripped down onto it and he smirked. "Your right Louis, you do taste good." He reached out for his wrist. Louis looked hesitant but let him take his wrist. He bit down on it then, that's when Hachi's attention was caught.

"Oz!" Hachi hissed. "Don't bite my pets." He hissed and suddenly the two were seperated. Louis widened his eyes and looked to Hachi then he bit his bottom lip and pouted.

"Hachi, they want to eat my brother...." He whimpered (faking) to Hachi. Hachi walked up then and grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me from Zehara and then took Louis by his arm and started to drag us away from Oz and his sister.

"Don't bite them! You guys ate my last pets and I won't stand for these to be ate as well." Hachi hissed out angerly. Louis's eyes lit up in happiness and he hugged Hachi around the waist for safety and pity points from him.

"Hachi, you offerered them to us." Oz complained on the ground.

"I didn't want them to die." Hachi objected. "I just wanted you to see what I brought in. Now. I am going to take them home, you two thing long and hard about what you just done- Oz. See you home." He started to pull us away. Louis smiled at him and kept a tight grip on Hachi.

"Change of plans Oz! I'm obeying Hachi only! You lost your chance!" Louis shouted over at him and gave an innocent looking smile. Oz snarled and looked away, mad. He held back from taking us though from Hachi... probably knowing what Hachi was capable of.

"Don't be so upset." Zehara tried to comfort her brother. Oz grumbled. Hachi giggled and looked from Louis to I.

"So where is home?" Louis asked curiously as he sent me a look, telling me that we were going to keep close to Hachi to avoid Oz and Zehara.

"In Maine, we are staying in a small little appartment. We rented it out for our stay here. You will have to bunk with me in my room unfortunatly unless you want to sleep with Oz and Zehara." He smirked slightly. "I wouldn't want to." Louis shook his head quickly and tightened his grip on Hachi then reached his other hand over to me, grabbing my hand.

"No, I think we'll stay with you....and follow you everywhere," Louis mumbled. Hachi nodded then.

"Good boys." Hachi said quickly. I squeezed Louis's hand and smiled towards him. I'll get us out of here Louis... I rubbed his hand sweetly. He smiled back at me and closed his eyes as he walked with us. August will come...and so will Isabelle. They'll find Richard and Laurence. They're smart. Louis nodded to himself and opened his eyes, looking ahead. I nodded his way, to let him know I heard him. Hachi didn't notice at all. Suddently a sandstorm picked up around us and we was in a small apparment. I could see from wall to wall. It was like a box. Two bedrooms, one bath. A small kitchen and a small livingroom. Hachi let us go and took a seat on the couch. Louis smiled at him and sat down on the floor a few feet away, leaning up against the wall as he looked at me. I took a seat by Louis and laid my head down on his shoulder, lovingly. Hachi looked at us then with envy. "How are you so close?" He asked curiously. Louis smiled and leaned up against me.

"We were born together and seperated from each other...only to find each other and be overjoyed that the other was still alive.... He had been told that I had died after being born...and I thought I was just an only child to someone who wasn't my real parents....Of course we had our sibling rivalries, but we've gotten over it," Louis whispered and then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "I'd do anything for him." Hachi got up then and got on his knees in front of us.

"Anything huh? I adore that." He rubbed my cheek then. "I had a few siblings... they died." He shrugged it off. Louis frowned.

"I'm sorry Hachi," he said softly and looked him over before resting his head against mine.

"I'm sorry too." Hachi whispered. "You two must think I am evil. I just want company. Oz and Zehara aren't the best company." He frowned. "You two will be though." He smiled then. Louis looked at him curiously.

"You only took us because you were lonely?" He asked and sat up a bit. "You know... if you really wanted Hachi, we would have been your friends without all of this. We would have let you stay with us and kept you happy....You didn't have to bind us to you and take us out of our homes to vampires that want to eat us. We would have been glad to welcome you to our lives," he whispered to Hachi and smiled. "You're actually really nice compared to them...." Hachi looked at us curiously.

"Oz won't let me leave him and Zehara. You two are bound to me and I am bound to them." Hachi told us and then laid down on his back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Hachi... you are a powerful wizard! You fought an insane vampire at her height and somehow came out mostly unscathed....and you managed to take us.... How are you bound to them? They seem to rely on you, not the other way around. Ditch them," Louis told him and nudged him with his foot. "Ditch them and come live with us...."

"I'd miss South America..." He complained. "This is the longest I have been away for a very long time. Oz is a lot more then what you think anyways. He's got a few tricks of his own. I don't want to anger him. He'd be mad if I left."

"I'd protect you Hachi...and I'd take you to South America once a week," Louis promised. "I'd also take you every full moon to go see parts of Europe."

"Europe... I don't want to go to Europe. I have bad history there." Hachi shook his head.

"Then I'd take you to remote islands," Louis suggested. "Every single full moon."

"Why on a remote island and on a full moon?" Hachi asked as he sat up to look at us. Louis blushed.

"W-well... let's just say that I have to hide somewhere every full moon and I'd take you with me. I think one is coming up," he murmured softly, hiding his face in my hair then as he thought about when the next one was. Hachi widened his eyes.

"Oh is it because of your werewolf mate?" He asked and pointed to the mark on Louis. He tensed up and slowly looked at Hachi.

"Noooo.... I'm not afraid of him...." He said, lying. I rubbed his head then.

"Oh- sureeee." I teased.

"I'd be scared too." Hachi said and giggled. He sat up all the way.

"Let's just say I need to do something every full moon and it needs to be on a different continent," Louis said quickly. "It's not about August."

"Oh it's so about him." I mumbled.

"It's okay to admit it." Hachi said sweetly. "I'd be frightened of a giant wolf mate too."

"W-well... he's not just a giant wolf... He's an alpha of his own pack he started recently...and I became a luna to a bunch of wolves," Louis mumbled, almost too quite for us to hear. Hachi was starting to zone out now. I shook Louis as I looked Hachi over. When he zones out we could do anything and he wouldn't notice. Louis widened his eyes and looked at me. "Do you have your phone maybe? I think I still have mine...." He then glanced down at himself and blushed as he got up. "I'm stealing a shirt from them..." He took off quickly towards where the laundry was sitting and grabbed a white shirt then slipped it on and came back to me. I got to my feet then and stepped around Hachi, laughing slightly. I decided to play a prank on him so I grabbed a stack of magazines off of a nearby table and placed them on his head, balencing them out. I pulled out my phone then tossed it to Louis. He caught it and started to make a phone call quickly. "Hello? Isabelle! I need you to get August! It's very important....." he paused and waited for a moment, looking at me with a huge thank you.

Louis's POV:

"Hey- Louis?" I heard August ask sleepily. "Where are you? You haven't been home in days... I'm worried...." He complained. I laughed softly.

"Well, I was being tortured and held captive by the royal court because of the whole war thing and they were going to have me torn apart by werewolves, but Paris rescued me before they could.... Anyways, he brought me back because he took my stone again and I'm kinda....kidnapped by a wizard with him right now. I don't know when I will be back," I said the last sentence softly as I waited for him to do something, anything.

"A wizard? You mean... there are actual wizards!? Where are you? I'll send your army to get you." I heard him shuffling to get out of bed.

"Well...that's the thing August.. I'm not sure where we are being held. It's an apartment in Maine somewhere.... a small one. I about was eaten by another vampire earlier..." I said. "I need you to find Richard who will be at Paris's manor. Get Isabelle to take you and tell him what's happened. Raven- the purple haired vampire- should be able to provide some information. Richard will get Laurence and Laurence will be able to find us." August repeated what I told him.

"Wait- so you seriously can't escape this Wizard? This is funny. I'll go see what I can do. I think they will believe me though. I wouldn't make up this kind of story for no reason. ISABELLE!" He called and then hung up on me. I narrowed my eyes and decided to tease him.

Me: You're spending your first full moon by yourself, just FYI.

August: No I won't! Your going to be in a dugeon with me, next time think twice before you leave for almost a week.

Me: When is the next full moon? I have to make trip plans.

August: Bend over and look in the mirror sweetie.

Me: You are in so much trouble... Go get a calender and tell me for real.

August: I predict in a couple of days.

Me: Like two or four? If you don't get me out soon, I won't have to make a trip plan.

August: Don't worry, we will have you out in time to see me on the full moon.

Me: Take your time.... Saves me a trip... I just have to fend off this guy who wants to kill and eat me.

August: I'll eat him up like the big bad wolf I am.

Me: Oh, he touched your mark by the way. Practically ripped my shirt off and everything.

August: Definitly save him for me.

Me: Well.... I might eat him before you get here... He tried to take my stone and I'm touchy about that.

August: Save some for me!

Me: He'll be all gone in about two hours.

August: Oh yeah? I'll eat you then.

Me: Good, gets me out of the full moon.

August: On the full moon.

Me: I'm going to be in Switzerland on the full moon lol. Good luck.

August: In my stomach maybe.

Me: I'll leave the night before so that way you don't see me alllll day.

August: That's it, your getting gobbled up when I see you.

Me: Good luck telling Paris and I apart lol. Besides, you wouldn't eat me. You'd just lock me up and ask Isabelle for that bracelet that would restrict my powers.

August: That's what you think.

Me: I don't think. I know so. You would miss me if you ate me.

August: I'd puke you up the next day.

Me: Ew, what are you going to do? Eat me whole? How about you just come get me and not eat me. It's not my fault I've gone from being captive to being captive within hours... I would have come home if I could.

August: Tell your brother no next time he wants family time.

Me: How'd you know that's how I got imprisoned a second time? You have good guesses.... Next time I'll turn him down just to come see you if you promise not to eat me.

August: Alright, I won't eat you this full moon.

Me: Still going to another continent you hormonal teenage werewolf. I don't think you'd be able to handle me on a full moon.

August: If you leave me on a full moon, you will be sorry.

Me: What are you going to do about it Mr. Alpha?

August: That's a secret. It involves us and a bed though.

Me: Sleeping? That's about all I'd let you do if you are mad at me for leaving on a full moon.

August: I'd make it to where you'd never run away from me again. Hahah.

Me: You already tore a chunk out of me... What's next? Laying on me in your wolf form and squishing me to death?

August: Here I thought I was the innocent one in our relationship. You know what I'll do to you.

Me: You'd have to get me first... Anyways, hurry up and come get me before I get bitten again. I don't want anyone else but you and Paris being able to bite me, and not even then.

I went through and deleted all the messages before tossing it back to Paris. "Thanks."

"No problem. So you two and a full moon... Sounds romantic." Paris said and winked at me. I shivered and shook my head at him.

"Nope, running away to China.... There's no way I'm letting his hormonal teenage alpha self around me during a full moon," I told him and walked over, wrapping my arms around him. "You should come with me to China... We'd have fun for a whole day and it'd be soon because the next full moon is right around the corner."

"I'd love to go visit China. I love shushi and noodles... and the great wall.... Sounds like a fun adventure." Paris said as he wrapped his arms around me. I smirked.

"Exactly.... We can run from both of our mates and skip town." I looked up at him and kissed his cheek.

"Oh yeah... Richard is a little cranky isn't he?" Paris smirked, then it faded. "He might be a little toooooo mad. Raven mentioned there was a vampire running around town and binging on blood. Richard...." He trailed. I frowned at that and looked at him. He's right. Richard is the only one I can think of that would do that here....

"Something must have happened that made him upset.... He must have started to starve a bit even though he eats a lot more than us. You defying him would drive him over the edge again... I'm surprised Laurence has not stepped in on that yet." I looked down at our feet. "Laurence loves you and Richard and should have gotten him to stop."

"If Laurence seen it coming he probably tried to warn Richard." Paris thoughtful mentioned. "He's not always going to interfer with the future, he usually hints to us and tells us things that way. He want's to make sure we have free will in our futures and can choose our own path. He just sometimes gives us other options to look for." Paris said softly. I nodded and glanced up towards him.

"Well... It would seem that Richard's instincts is getting the better of him. If we want to prevent him from going demon again, we should probably attempt to get out of here while Hachi is zoned out." I glanced over at him... He had been nice to us for the most part...and he's not happy here. Maybe if we took him with us? I glanced at Paris and stepped towards him. Paris grabbed my arm softly and pulled me to the couch quickly, sitting me down by him. Right as we sat the magazines fell off of Hachi and he rubbed his head.

"What.... the..." Hachi looked confused and picked up the magazines near him. I laughed softly and leaned against Paris, buring my face in his chest. One second later and we would have been toast. Glancing towards Hachi, I gave him a smile.

"Hachi... we want to see our mates.... They might be in trouble without us... Can we?" I asked sweetly. Hachi looked over at us and stood up, stretching.

"If you'd like. I have to come with you of course." He smiled. "We have to be back here before dusk." I got up quickly and looked at Paris.

"Let's go find Richard," I said softly, looking him over as I started to worry more. He had been so torn up over him the last time this happened... Paris nodded and got to his feet. He walked up to Hachi and knelt down in front of him.

"Hachi, can I teleport us to my manor?" Paris asked him sweetly. Hachi thought hard on it then nodded.

"You may," Hachi confirmed. Paris stood up then and looked at me. I walked over quickly and grabbed his hand, ready to go get Richard to calm down. We could get Raven to help us find him easier. Paris grabbed Hachi's hand and teleported us back to the manor. He pulled away once we appeared and Hachi looked around in awe.

"Still never gets old." Hachi whispered to himself.

"You should come live with us instead of with them... We could take you anywhere you wanted Hachi," I whispered to him and started to walk off. "Paris, we should find Raven. She told us about it after all.... She'll probably know more."

"RAVEN!" Paris called. "I'M HOME!" He took out his phone then and tried to call Richard. He didn't get an answer from him though and Raven appeared right beside him, wrapping him up into a hug.

"PARIS!" She squealed in delight and looked up at him. "You're alright!" She looked relieved and wiped at her cheeks to get rid of the tears on them. Paris put himself between her and Hachi then.

"I'm fine, I need to know about Richard." Paris insisted. She frowned and looked up at him.

"Richard? I haven't seen him come home.... He hasn't been home all day. There is that vampire in town though that is eating lots of people," she whispered the last part as she started to make the connections in her head. Paris nodded then.

"I'll call Perry, he might know something. He get's a lot of gossip thanks to his bar." She widened her eyes.

"That's right... the vampire had gone to Perry's supposedly... The killings started around there... but there was a dead body found in an alley near the Black Lucy before all that," she told him. "Perry would know." Paris nodded then and called Perry up.