
Paris's POV:

I waited for Perry to answer me. "Perry speaking." I smiled, relieved that he answered me.

"Hey Perry, is my mate there, how has he been?" I asked curiously.

"Paris!" Perry said cheerfully. "He was here earlier. I don't know if he still is..." Perry said calmly. "Want me to go ch-"

"YES!" I shouted through the phone and then looked at Louis. He shook his head softly and leaned against the wall. Raven let go of me then and watched me cautiously, giving a nervous smile as she fidgeted.

"Sorry Paris, he's not in right now. He left. You got a bill to pay up by the way."

"I'll send someone to pay it later." I assured him then hung up. "He's not there anymore. I'm going to go around town and see if I can find him. Raven stay here, Louis- Hachi. Your with me." I motioned for them to come with me.

"Why do I gotta stay? AND WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!" She said, looking at Hachi angrily.

"Hachi is my master, and you will respect him." I told her, giving her a look to play along with it. She widened her eyes and nodded.

"Yes sir," she said quickly. "But why do I have to stay? Richard's my friend too...."

"If Richard comes in someone has to be here to get him in the celler downstairs and call me. Plus Benjamin and Lauren can't do that alone." I laughed at the thought of them trying to do it while Lauren was pratically cripled. "So, that is that." She frowned but gave a nod.

"I guess that makes sense.... Be careful Paris," she whispered and sent a glance towards Hachi before giving me a hug. "Call me if you find him." She pulled away and smiled at me before bouncing off towards the living room. I looked over at Louis then grabbed my two partners and teleported us into town. I took a look around to see what I was up against. I heard a shriek nearby, a girl. Richard. I turned towards the sound and started off that way, running. I wasn't going to announce I was here just yet though. After running for a few minutes, I found the girl limp on the ground and a figure standing above it, leaning against the wall as if it was in pain. He hadn't seen or sensed me yet though, and I was a good deal away from him. I kept up the pace, knowing the other two was following me. I stopped as I reached the girl and smirked, stepping over her.

"Richard." I said sweetly. He tensed up as he heard me and slowly looked at me. I walked towards him then and held up my hands. "Honey... I love you." I said slowly. "I'm sorry about earlier... I should have listened to you." He narrowed his eyes at me but then whimpered and touched his throat. He hadn't become a full demon yet, I could see it. However, he was starting to look a bit demonish.

"It hurts," he whined and slid down the wall, curling up into a ball. "Paris...." I got down to my knees in front of him and wrapped him up into my arms.

"Richard... I'll make the pain stop again... I promise." I whispered into his ear. I kissed the top of his head and looked into his eyes. He bit his bottom lip and then buried his face into my chest.

"It burns.. .and I can't get it to stop.... Ever since I got upset with you and William cut his finger..." He let out another whimper and curled up tighter in my arms. I nodded then and looked down at his chest, thinking about taking his stone while he didn't expect it that away I could easily cleanse him.

"I know... I know sweetie." I mumbled.

"It keeps getting worse," he groaned lowly and gripped his throat. "It only cuts back when I'm feeding...but it comes back seconds after I'm done. I want it to stop," he whispered.

"You know what your becoming... What's happening to you." I whispered to him. "Your going to have to give me your stone." He shook his head and clutched the front of my shirt.

"Paris, not that.... Please not that...."

"It's the only less miserable way." I explained. "You remember what happened the last time... I had to sneak up on you to do it and even then... it turned out bad." He nodded as he remembered.

"It's not my fault," he whimpered. "I tried Paris... I really did.... I didn't want to because of last time, but it wouldn't stop...." I nodded and then touched his chest softly, rubbing it.

"I'll make the pain stop sweet heart. It will be just a quick nap for you." He pulled back to look at my hand on his chest and then looked up at me, fear sparking in his eyes. I nodded towards him and kissed his lips softly, trying to comfort him. If I leave this on a bad note... history might repeat itself. He kissed me back and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you," he murmured softly and rested his head in the crook of my neck, his breath tickling me. I smiled softly.

"I love you too." I whispered then dug my nails into his skin, trying to break it and get to his stone. He yelped and went to grip my hand instinctively. I pushed further in then, so he wouldn't stop what little progress I had made.

"Paris," he whimpered and I felt his fangs graze my neck. His hands gripped my shirt and he groaned in pain.

"Yes Richard?" I asked and paused, closing my eyes. I kissed his neck then, trying to comfort him.

"Don't put me in a girl," he managed to joke with me through the pain and managed to keep himself from biting me. Lucky me that he wasn't a full demon yet or else he'd be eating me right now. I nodded slowly, my head getting light headed at the smell of his demonic blood.

"I'll put you in a cat." I joked and reached his stone then, gripping it. He yelped and tightened his grip on me.

"I'd...rather be a girl then a cat," he mumbled and leaned into me, putting his weight against me. I pulled his stone out then and watched as his body started to decay against me.

"Oh that's just gross." Hachi complained.

"Hey, you try pulling out your boy toy's stone when he's already in pain and pretty much begging for it to stop, losing almost all his reason," Louis said and lightly punched Hachi's shoulder playfully. "Last time this ended in a huge war...let's hope Richard wakes up in a good mood." I whimpered at the idea of him waking up mad at me. I looked down at his stone then stood up weakly.

"He's not a boy toy. He's my mate." I snapped at Louis. He laughed and walked over.

"You're right... He's not a boy toy. He's a highly respected prince of Translyvania and a strategist and he's mated to one of the most powerful vampires in all of history," Louis told me and looked down at the stone in my hand as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I'm sure he will wake up just fine.... After all, I didn't hate you after you had the demon come take my stone." I nodded, smiling. Richard would forgive me, he loves me. I just need a bit of faith. I looked over at Hachi then.

"Hachi, come here for a minute." I motioned him over. He stepped over to me catiously. "How powerful are you? Think you can cleanse a stone?" I asked him. He looked at my hand then nodded. "If you cleanse his stone, I will be in debt to you." I promised him. He held out his hand then and smiled.

"Sure Paris, anything for my pet." He agreed sweetly. I dropped Richard into his hand, tensing up as he clasped both of his hands over it. "Step back." He ordered. I stepped back cautiously. Louis frowned and backed up with me.

"Are you sure about letting Hachi handle him? What if he binds Richard to him as well?" Louis pointed out to me. "He'd be stuck like you and me."

"Atleast he will be okay." I whispered to Louis as Hachi started to close his eyes and started to say small verses- prayers? Or was it spells? I couldn't tell, it was in an unfamiliar language. Between his hands started to light up. Louis frowned.

"If I ever go demonic anytime soon....I don't want to be handled by Hachi," he whispered to me. "Remember that in case." I nodded in agreeance. There was no way I would hand Louis over to someone else. Richard- well I would go to hell for him but Louis... isn't that special, he's just going to have to stick to me handleing him. Hachi stopped after a few minutes then smiled as the light died down in his hand. He held out Richard's stone to me then dropped it in my hand. I looked at it and blushed, seeing his precious clear stone in my hand- that was previously a dark gray.

"Cleansed." Hachi said sweetly to me. Louis looked down at him curiously.

"Bring him back as a girl...." He whispered in my ear and then smirked wickedly. "After all, he did try to interupt our bonding time earlier... He may be getting a bit jealous as well, and maybe.... I want another niece or nephew," he teased, gently poking me in the side. I shook my head.

"He'd kill me if I did that to him." I mumbled. "We agreed to wait longer, for him. Besides... He's not ready to have a child." I shrugged. "Why don't you Louis? I want some little nephews to raise up as well!" I poked Louis in the side. He laughed nervously.

"You think I know anything about having kids? Besides, I'll give you a nephew or niece when I get another one from you," he teased, kissing my head. "August doesn't know what to identify himself as. It's quite funny to watch. He told me he wasn't gay and then when I was a girl, he got upset slightly and said he liked me better as a guy and then said that he wasn't gay."

"Oh he's gay, he can't deny it. You two are mates for a reason." I told him sweely. I put Richard's stone in my pocket then looked at Hachi. He seemed to be watching us curiously.

"You two... are talking about having kids?" He asked and shook his face. Louis smirked and looked at Hachi.

"Purebloods can become the opposite gender if the correct conditions are met. I was a girl for about two days I think," he whispered, thinking it over. He glanced at my pocket in thought. "You know Hachi... if you wanted to see it in action... We could just ask Paris to let me handle Richard's stone.. and I'd show you how." He smirked, thinking about revenge on Richard for turning him into a girl. I shook my head.

"We are not doing that to him!" I hissed out.

"Why not? I want to see." Hachi said sweetly.

"Yeah, I want more nieces and nephews," Louis said with a smirk and hugged me. "C'mon... don't you want another baby? He sounded like he was just joking around earlier...." I groaned.

"I don't know Louis... He'd bite my manhood off before I done anything to him..." I whispered softly. "He's set about that." I shook my head.

"Then... do you want another kid? Because we can always blame it on me~! He would believe it because it would make perfect sense that I would get revenge," he told me, starting to inch his hand towards my poket as he hugged me.

"Louis~" I mumbled. "If I have a kid this time then so do you." I told him. "Good luck with August." I smirked. He looked at me considering.

"Fine.... if that's the price to make Richard a girl and get my revenge on him...then so be at. He has to be turned into a girl first though," Louis said and tilted his chin up. I could tell he was slightly afraid of the idea of August when he was a girl. I shook my head. Richard is going to murder me... but for a nephew... I nodded then.

"I'll be back. Keep Hachi occpied while I get us two girls." I smirked and teleported to Canada and snatched up two random girls that had just exisited a parlor. I smirked as I had knocked them out swiftly then teleported them back to Louis. I placed a girl by him then looked at Hachi. "Pay close attention." I told him then laid the girl in my arms down. Louis smirked and kneeled down beside her.

"Revenge is best served cold...or in a girl's form," he said wickedly and put Richard's stone into her. She took on female traits of him and gasped as she rolled over.

"P-Paris.... The ground is cold," she mumbled and wrapped her arms around herself, shivering. She brushed her black hair over her ear then paused and sat up, looking down at herself. "LOUIS! I know Paris wouldn't have done it to me when I asked him not to!" She shrieked and looked over towards Louis who was laughing. I smirked and snuck up behind Louis then wrapped him up in a hug and pressed my fingers into his chest.

"Deals a deal pretty girl." I whispered into Louis's ear and pulled out his stone before he had time to react. I watched as his corpse decayed before me then put his stone inside the other girl. I sat down by Richard then, reaching out for him. "Come here baby, we are going to get some nephews soon." Louis sat up quickly and looked down at herself, silently cursing in her mind then looked towards Hachi then me. She blushed as she remembered the deal and brushed her white now wavey hair over her ear. I pulled Richard into my arms then and nuzzled into her neck. "I made a deal with Louis, kid for kid." Richard's eyes widened and she looked back at me.

"P-Paris.... You should've talked to me," she whispered and then turned, burying her face into my shoulder. "I forgive you though....Just because you are making Louis do it too."

"You know I won't do it." I whispered stubbornly. "Someone has to walk Louis through it, hand in hand. Plus the poor baby will need a cousin to play with."

"S-so are you wanting a kid or was this an elaborate way to get Louis to give us a nephew or niece?" Richard asked, not sure if I was serious or not as she moved towards my neck.

"I sort of want a kid of my own." I whispered and kissed her head. "You'll do fine." I felt her cheeks heat up and she nodded slowly.

"J-just because you want one then....and because you are making Louis as well," she whispered and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry about earlier.... I'll clean up my mess..."

"You don't have to do anything. Except work off the money you owe me." I smirked at him and winked.. "Perry and I had a fun talk."

"Charlie caught me in the street! What else was I supposed to do? Tell you what, I'll give you a kid if you pay it off," she told me and pulled back to look me in the eyes. I nodded then.

"Sure sweetie. When you give me a kid... You won't have to owe me a penny." I rubbed her head. I then wondered what Charlie was up to. "Did you say Charlie? He's supposed to be grounded." Richard frowned at me and nodded.

"Yeah...Charlie... He was going to a coffee shop and dropped me off at Perry's instead of shooting at me." She leaned in and hugged me. "He's going to be in trouble for sneaking out."

"He probably is in trouble already." I shook my head.

"Charlie?" Hachi asked curiously. Richard looked back at Hachi then shrieked, getting behind me.

"IT'S THAT GLUE WITCH!" She screamed and hugged me tightly.

"Glue witch?" Hachi asked, a bit hurt.

"Charlie is a good kid, a hunter, most respected in town. An Ainsworth. He's also like a son to me in a way." I told Hachi. Richard frowned and got up, slowly walking over to Hachi and then poked him lightly.

" aren't trying to take Paris, now are you?" She asked and studied Hachi.

"Paris and Louis are mine now." Hachi informed Richard. "You'll find my signature on their arms." He smirked as he motioned to the stitch patterns. She looked back and frowned big time.

"You aren't taking them," she whispered and then looked back at Hachi. "I'm not raising a kid by myself! That's too hard! And I love Paris too much!"

"If-if...." Hachi trailed, not sure what to say to Richard. His eyes just widened. "Okay."

"Wait...what? You aren't going to fight me like last time?" Richard tilted her head, narrowing her eyes. Hachi looked her up and down then shook his head.

"No." Hachi informed her. He nervously switched from one foot to the other to lean on. Richard giggled in delight and hugged Hachi.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Tell you what! You can come visit anytime as long as you promise not to take them...or my kids...or my possible nephews or nieces...or my guests...." Richard started a list and was about to keep going but stopped herself and kissed Hachi's cheek. Hachi squirmed in her arms and shoved her back.

"Look- easy... I just thought it would be nice for Paris to stay where he is needed most." Hachi mumbled and rubbed his arm. She nodded and looked at him expectantly.

"So are you going to take the stitches off of them both?" She asked cautiously, starting to wonder if there was a catch.

"No. See the thing is, I would have to die in order for them to be removed." Hachi explained. "It's unbreakable."

"But you're not gonna...come back and take them from me...are you?" Richard asked nervously. Hachi nervously looked at me then at Richard and smiled weakly. I wondered then about keeping him as part of the family. I smirked and looked at Louis, deciding to have Louis answer it.

"Hachi....I'm keeping you," Louis said after a moment. "I like you...and I want you to stay. We'd take you on trips wherever you wanted and feed you whatever you wanted...and you could play with the kids as long as you don't hurt them." She stood up and stretched then frowned. "No....I lost most of my strength again!" She looked down at me upset. I frowned.

"Sorry Louis, if only your mate could be a girl." I teased and then looked at Hachi. "So what do you say Hachi? Want to be a part of this crazy family?" I asked him. Louis gave him a hopeful look and Richard did too, probably because she didn't want to have to worry about him later. Hachi nodded then.

"I'll stick around, Oz can miss me for a few years... A couple of centuries." Hachi giggled and I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his head.

"Good, we got a play mate for Laurence now." I said sweetly. Louis hugged Hachi and then pulled back.

"I've got to go before a certain someone eats me on sight," she said quickly and started to walk off with a purpose. Richard laughed and nuzzled up to me.

"Let's go home Paris...finally," she whispered as she got up under my arm and kissed my jaw. I laughed and wrapped her up in my arms then dipped her down in an old fashioned way and kissed her, before lifting her up like we was dancing and spun her out.

"Right, let's go home. I think I will throw a ball- happen- no... party... isn't that the new word for it?" I laughed and shook my head. She laughed and rested her head on my chest.

"I think so.... We should throw a party.... It's been awhile," she whispered and then looked over at Hachi, holding out a hand. "Let's go home Hachi." Hachi walked up to us and grabbed her hand then smiled. I took a hold of Hachie's shoulder then teleported us to the manor.

"Right on time." Laurence said from near by then screamed. "WHO IS THAT!?" He freaked out. Richard glanced at Hachi then let go and rushed for Laurence, scooping him up.

"Guess what Laurence! There is going to be a few changes around here for the next decade!" She giggled and kissed the top of his head. "I'm sorry if I worried you Laurence, but I'm fine now. Paris found me and well....made a deal with Louis to get nephews and nieces from him.... I'm going to be a mommy because of their deal," she whispered to Laurence and set him down in front of her.

"Your having another child?" Laurence asked and widened his eyes in awe. "Louis is too?!" He stopped talking as he got a vison of our future children and smiled- I blushed as I tried not to dig into his mind for it. "They will be beautiful." He whispered softly. He then looked towards Hachi. "You have a witch." He grumbled.

"Wizard." Hachi corrected. Richard smiled and ruffled Laurence's hair.

"So how about it Laurence? Wanna babysit sometime and play with your nieces and nephews? You're practically family...." She smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"I babysat Donnie- that child loved mud wayyyy too much.. no wonder why he ended up with a werewolf." Laurence shook his head. "I'll babysit. You can even make Ashton babysit as well." He teased and I laughed.

"As long as he doesn't steal them away to his labyrinth," Richard said and then looked at me with a smile. "If it's a girl.... I want to name her Willow or Ashley," she said and walked up to me, grabbing my hand before nuzzling up to me and kissing my cheek. I shook my head.

"I swear... I let you pick Donnie's name too..." I sighed out. "You better not doom this child to a mate that is a werewolf." I joked. She frowned as she ignored me, going over baby names in her head as she hugged me. I shook my head as I watched her.

"We have to make the baby first." I whispered into her ear and then looked at Laurence and Hachi. "We are going to bed early, don't kill each other and behave. Don't destroy my house either. Oh and Laurence can you start making a guest list for a party. Set the date as you wish and so on." I swept Richard off her feet then and started for our bedroom.

"N-now?" She widened her eyes and looked up at me, biting her bottom lip as I heard her heart beat in her chest.

"Don't be so worried. We done this before." I teased and walked into our bedroom then shut the door behind us. She blushed and looked behind me at the door and then up at me.

"T-true....It's just...been awhile," she whispered and glanced towards the bed nervously.

"I'll be gentle." I smirked, repeating the words he used on me. Richard's eyes widened as she recognized the words and started struggling.

"Nuh uh! I remember what happened the last time I said those words! You're going to get back at me for it!" She managed to get onto the ground and started taking off for the bathroom. I tsked and went after her, getting on her.

"We don't have to start out on the bed." I smirked as I started to kiss her lips softly. She blushed and looked up at me.

"Can I have a human moment?" She asked quickly.

"Your not even human, you should say girl moment... and yes you may. If I have to kicked that door in though to get you out...." I trailed off as I moved to lay beside her. She got up quickly and went into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her. I shook my head and stood up, taking off my shirt and then my pants, getting ready for her. I smirked as I light up the candles around the room and then laid down on the bed, waiting. She didn't come out for a full ten minutes- definitely not just a moment. She peeked her head out the door and came out slowly, watching me nervously. "Come here miss Prince of Transylvania." I motioned for her to get in the bed by me. She took a hesitant step towards me and then bit her bottom lip before finishing her slow walk and took off her shoes before climbing in the bed next to me. I smiled and pushed the covers to the foot of the bed and rolled over onto her, beginning to trail kisses down her neck. She tilted her head back and made a small noise before kissing my cheek, wrapping her arms around me. I smirked as that was the beginning of our long hour, where we made tense love and eventually fell asleep beside each other.

Louis's POV:

I paused outside my house and then shook my head. I can't believe I agreed to that. August terrifies me! I walked over to it cautiously and sniffed the front door, checking to make sure August wasn't inside. I froze as I caught his scent as plain as day. I bit my bottom lip and teleported into my room, sneaking over to the bed and hoped to goodness gracious that I wouldn't have to explain why I was a girl until the morning. I crawled into it and kicked off my shoes, burying myself in the blankets and made myself into a little burrito blanket. I felt August shift over in bed and wrapped me up into his arms and groaned in happiness. "Finally." He mumbled. I caught his scent, smelling like the woods- he must have just got back from a nightly stroll through the woods.. Probably a hunt... I could smell rabbit on him and his pack. I blushed. At least he's probably too tired to notice? I can't believe I didn't realize he was in my bed! I kissed his cheek and snuggled up to him, closing my eyes tightly. He sniffed me one good time then smiled and fell back into a deep sleep. I'M SAFE! HALLELUHAH! I giggled and stretched out. He's too tired! I smirked and snuggled up into my blanket burrito and closed my eyes, going to sleep beside him.

I woke up quickly, sitting up as I thought that I was still with the Court witch. I widened my eyes as I saw I was home and then froze, seeing I was a girl. Last night came back to me quickly, and I got up out of bed before August could wake up, teleporting to my study. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM! I should hide for a month.... I shook my head as I sunk down into my desk chair. What am I going to do? Just because I wanted to get back at Richard.... I'm now stuck as a girl until I give them a niece or nephew....and my mate is as gay as can be. He's not going to be happy... Especially when he's only seventeen.... I heard the door to my study open and August walked in sleepily.

"Louis..." August mumbled and stretched. "I'm going out hunting in a few minutes. You want me to get you something to eat?" He teased and walked up to me- then paused as he seen me. "Your a girl again..."

"H-hi?" I blushed and sunk down lowly in my chair, trying to give him a sweet smile. "Sorry August.... I didn't want to tell you last night... You were so sleepy...." He walked up to me then and sat on the edge of the desk and looked me over.

"Any specific reason this time?" He asked as he pointed my body over. "Paris is still playing pranks on you?" I bit my bottom lip.

"Not this time... I made a deal to get a nephew or niece from Richard and Paris...and my end of the deal was that I had to be a girl for a bit.... It's kinda my way at getting back at Richard for pranking me earlier," I whispered and looked at my keyboard, clicking a few of them.

"Wait.... So they are going to have a kid? I'm going to be an uncle more then once?" He smirked. "I hope he doesn't age quicker then I will." I blushed. Should I tell him the rest of the deal? He's going to be so mad at me.... I shook my head. We should let that sit for a bit.... "Seems like a silly deal though... I'm surprised they took it so easily." I closed my eyes and pressed down a key slowly, biting the inside of my cheek gently. He's going to be so mad.... He's onto me too.... "Louis? What's wrong?" He asked curiously. I shook my head and looked up at him, giving him a weak smile.

"Nothing sweetie.... Do you want me to get Isabelle to get you breakfast?"

"I'm going hunting." He mumbled and then walked towards the door. "Tell Isabelle I said good morning though when she comes in." I gave a nod, almost sad to see him go.

"I love you!" I called out towards him, wondering if he was upset with me already...

"I love you too!" He called over his should before leaving the room. Isabelle came in seconds after he was gone and raised an eyebrow at me.

"So what are you really not telling your mate Louis?" I shook my head at her. She raised an eyebrow at me as she saw I was a girl again. "Uh huh.... Yeah, you are keeping something from him, aren't you?"

"Isabelle, please...not right now... I made a deal and I need to figure out how I'm going to go about this.... I can't just tell him what the rest of the deal was to get a niece....or nephew." She nodded then and smiled.

"Ohhh... I see what happened... A baby for a baby... They wanted a niece or nephew out of you too... and you're too shy to tell him!" She giggled and ran over to me, wrapping me up into a hug. "Oh you are going to have so much fun Louis! Of course, I don't know first hand...but I bet it's going to be fun...and painful...and well.... your mate is a werewolf." She smirked at me and kissed the top of my head. "I'm going to dress you up the next full moon and serve you up on a silver platter." I blushed and pushed her away.

"Isabelle! This isn't a laughing matter! He won't want to be a father yet....and I... I'm not too sure about being a girl," I whispered softly and then turned on my computer.

"Want me to tell him?" She smirked at me. "He'll march right in here and eat you. I've heard him threaten to eat you before. Oh Auuguuuuust~!" She teleported out of the room, leaving me wide eyed.