Traditional White

August's POV:

Isabelle appeared in front of me just as I was about to go for the front door. "Guess what I heard from a little bird?" She asked, practically a giggle box. I looked at her curiously. What's she up to this time? That giggle can't be of any good.

"Good morning Issy.... Did you hear that Louis is back and is a girl? I beat you to that." I told her as I was reaching for the door handle now. She shook her head and steered me from the door, sitting me on the couch in the living room.

"You may want to stay seated for this August..... You see, it's pretty big...and it has to do with Louis, but it's not what you already know. I can guarantee he didn't tell you this," she whispered and gave me a wink as she sat down beside me.

"What do you mean?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. Louis was keeping a sercret from me? Isabelle knew it? "What's the news?" She smirked and leaned in close to my ear.

"Paris's deal to give him a niece or nephew didn't just stop with Louis spending time with a girl.... You see.... It's a baby for a baby," she whispered in my ear. "Paris turned Louis into a girl and told him that he had to give him a niece or nephew....and Louis is too shy to tell you," she sung the last part lightly in my ear. I blushed a bright red.

"That's... why... he's.... a girl?" I mumbled and sat back against the couch in confusion. I'm not ready to be a father yet... I'm not even an adult yet.... She giggled beside me and hugged me.

"Apparently so Auggie," she said in sweetly. "Told you that you'd want to sit down for this.... I wonder how long Louis would have waited to tell you if I hadn't stole the moment and told you for him." I looked her over.

"Isabelle... I'm not ready to be a dad..." I mumbled. "Don't they realize that?" She smiled at me encouragingly.

"I think Louis recognizes that and that's the reason why Louis didn't tell you yet. Of course, vampires live much longer than werewolves, so having a child is pretty rare for a vampire to do... and they tend to have them when they want after they come of age. Louis has passed that a long time ago and already has several nieces and nephews from Paris and Richard....Of course Louis took you into consideration.... That's why she's being so shy in her study," she said and giggled, kissing my cheek. "If you have a big problem with it, then you should go talk to the one who is going to hold Louis to her side of the deal- Paris and Richard."

"I'll talk to them about it, I can't have kids right now. Maybe when I am older." I said softly and shook my head. "I know I could support them but... still... My maturity level..." I laughed nervously. She shook her head and laughed.

"August, no one expects you to support Louis and her kids she might have." She giggled and tilted my face to look her in the eyes. "Louis is perfectly capable of supporting any kids that she may have. She supports her army of newborns just fine.... You won't have to do much...." She told me and kissed my forehead. "But I will take you to see Paris because Louis is freaking out a little."

"I don't know... about these deals between them..." I shook my head and stood up. "Let's go talk to Paris." She nodded and grabbed my hand as she stood up, teleporting me in to Paris's study. Paris was smoking an old tabacco pipe and smiled as we appeared.

"Hi you two." He waved at us with his pipe and then held up a finger to shush us and pointed to the couch where a younger(than me) male was sleeping. "That's Hachi, our family witch. He's napping." Paris explained. "So, did you do it?" He asked quickly. Isabelle giggled and shook her head.

"Nope, they didn't Louis didn't even tell August last night and I had to tell August because she was being shy this morning," Isabelle spoke up and nudged me forwards. "He wanted to talk to you Paris." I blushed and took a seat in front of the desk. Paris motioned for me to talk with his pipe.

"Paris, I can't have kids." I stated.

"WHAT!? ARE YOU SEEDLESS!? WE COULD GET SOMEONE TO DONATE-" I widened my eyes and shook my head quickly.

"Paris- no that's not what I mean... I mean-... I'm not ready for kids." I took in a deep breath. Paris frowned as he got up and took the chair beside mine and got closer. I heard Hachi roll over and groan.

"Look, here's the thing. I held up my end of the deal August." Paris stated. "I want a nephew." He pointed to my stomach with his pipe. "Now either you are Louis will have it. Your pick." He stated and sat back against the chair. I blushed a deeper shade of red. "It's easy, it's an in and out process that will feel amazing and it will last around five minutes to an hour- depending on-" I cut him off there.

"Paris! I don't need the talk!" I hissed.

"Obviously you do August."

"Paris, can I spend the night?" I heard from behind us. "O-oh... I thought you were...hunting," Louis whispered softly and started to back away. "I'm...gonna go wait outside," she said quickly and ran for the door. Paris smirked then towars me.

"You won't regret it, starting early." Paris urged me. I held up my hands then and shook my head.

"Paris! I don't care what kind of deal you two made!" I hissed.

"Pleasssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee August? Gussie? Gussssss?" Paris begged me. Louis poked her head back into the room then.

"I've decided that I'm going on a vacation to Africa!" She announced quickly. "I'll be back after the week is up!" She came in and kissed Paris on the cheek. "Love you!" She looked at me and smiled then started for the doors again. "Isabelle! We have to pack my bags!" Isabelle widened her eyes and followed after Louis.

"GET BACK HERE LOUIS!" Paris yelled. "You know what-" Paris looked at me then at Louis. "Would you have kids with him if you two were married?" Paris asked me. I blushed and thought it over then nodded. "Makes since you would agree, humans and thier marrial beliefs. I'll pay for the wedding and honey moon. If you two give me a nephew." Paris stated as he stood up.

"I'm seventeen..." I whispered. I can't legally marry anyone.

"Not without parents permission." Paris said suddenly. reading my thoughts. "But I think I can wait until you turn eighteen, it gives us time to plan this all out perfectly. We still have a few more months until your coming of age." Paris said jumping ahead of everything. Louis glanced back and shook her head.

"C'mon Isabelle....we are going to travel the world for a full year," she whispered to her and then started for the door again. "You're coming with me."

"Where are you going?" I asked quickly. "Don't leave me alone with your crazy twin!" I hissed. I heard Hachi roll off the couch then and hit the floor with a thud. Louis yelped and took off running, obviously not wanting to be seen by Hachi. Hachi opened his eyes sleepily and looked around then rubbed his eyes. I walked over to him and smiled, bending down to greet this- wizard. "Hi Hachi, I'm August. I'm Louis's mate." I told him. He glanced me over then smiled.

"Hi! Your the werewolf mate." He touched my neck where my mark was. Louis ran in quickly then.

"On second thought, I better stay," she said quickly and walked over to Paris, hugging him. Paris pulled Louis into his lap and smiled sweetly at her.

"Good news, I had a fun time with Richard last night." I heard Paris whisper to Louis. I looked towards them then at Hachi.

"So your a wizard? What can you do?" I asked him. He got back onto the couch.

"A bunch of things, I went to school until I got kicked out because I ate my brother." Hachi told me and I widened my eyes. Can-canable.... right in front of me.

"F-fun time with Richard last night? Paris, you two should have waited a bit longer.... I'm going to end up holding up my end of the deal alone," she whined and rested her head on her twin's shoulder. "I don't want to do it alone..... Having a kid sounds scary...."

"It's not that bad, I had twins on my first go around. Of course.... heh." He stopped talking then. I raised an eyebrow and took a seat by Hachi.

"You ate your brother?" I asked him.

"Mhhhh. He got in my way." Hachi said and looked into my eyes, I gasped as I seen the multi-colored swirls making up the color of his eyes like a galaxy.

"You have rare eyes..." I mumbled.

"Wizards eyes." Hachi explained. The door burst open and Richard as a girl, wearing a bathrobe.

"Paris, you left me," she whined and then stopped when she saw me. "I need to have a talk with you. Out in the hall," she said and pointed to the door. Paris glanced at her and then and looked at me.

"What would you like to talk about?" I asked sweetly as I got up and went towards the door.

"Just... things that every guy should know." She said and walked behind me, shutting the door as I entered the hall. She smiled at me. "So...." She trailed off expectantly. "You did right? Or am I going to have to actually talk with you?"

"I- didn't..." I mumbled and backed away from her. "Now don't go yelling at me." I started. She giggled.

"Why would I yell at you August? I wouldn't yell at you for something like that... Now, I will talk with you, but I will let you know that I'm really happy this morning, so please don't ruin it," she told me and hugged me.

"What are we talking about? Your not going to give me the- it talk are you? Paris tried that." I told her as I hugged her back. She shook her head and laughed again.

"No, no, no this is a father and future mother talk to a potential father of her nieces and nephews talk," she told me happily and grabbed my hand, starting to walk me down the hall. "We should go see the garden."

"Why are we having this talk?" I asked nervously and followed her.

"Because one day I hope to be blessed with little nephews and nieces running around here...even if some of them are half wolf," she whispered and looked at me with a smile. "I think that you'd make a great father. You already have proven yourself as an alpha and have gotten yourself a pack that you have been taking very good care of might I mention. That's close to what being a father is like- taking care of others and watching out for them, but also having fun." She smiled at me and patted my hand encouragingly as she led me outside and out back to the flower garden.

"I may be able to watch after a pack, but a kid...." I mumbled. "What if it grows up and hates me?" I looked away hurt. "Tells me I was recklass for having him so young or something." I shivered at the thought. My parents didn't even want me, why would my kids even want me? I'm doomed... I shivered at the thought of making one wrong mistake that would set off a lifetime of hate from my child. She smiled and sat me down on a garden bench and at me as she sat beside me.

"August, now be honest. Have you ever truly told your parents- your adopted parents- that you hated them? In my opinion, your biological parents don't count. They didn't raise you.... They just created you. You see.... Your kid will not hate you. Kids love their parents and grow a special bond with them that only a child and a parent can understand- one of trust and love.... If you are trying to do right by your child, your child will be ok. I have heard countless stories of kids who've had their own kids when they were teenagers, and I'll let you in on a little secret.... Women used to have kids at younger ages then they do now," she whispered to me and smiled. "Their kids still loved them. They probably won't even notice because you are so close to being an adult already August. Unless they look really close, it'll look like it happened over your honeymoon," she told me and looked around the garden with a soft smile. "I'm hoping for a girl...but I think Paris wants another son."

"I- I don't know Richard... I just don't think I am really ready." I mumbled and looked at my hands. "I don't even have an impressive- massive pack yet. I haven't done anything great so they would be proud to have my last name." I mumbled. "Maybe in a few years..." I trialed off. She shook her head and smiled softly towards me.

"You know... When I was going to have a child with Paris for my first time, I wasn't sure if I was ready either.... I didn't know until I held my child in my arms that I was ready for it.... Children don't remember hardly anything from their beginning years of life and you've done plently of great things already. You started your own pack at a younger age then most alphas have done... You've actually gone from being the runt of the litter to being one of the fiercest looking alphas I've seen around here. You are somehow balancing what's left of your highschool career with your pack and your relationship with Louis- you'd be out of school by the time Louis has it if you even went ahead and did it anytime soon. You practically fought off a ton of rogues and destroyed their base, and you managed to survive having a vampire as a mate...not to mention your pack is loyal to you and they aren't hateful towards vampires like most are. That takes a lot of training, you know?" Richard said and smiled at me. "You're plently great already August....and I'm sure any kid that you had would be proud to say that you are it's parent." I pouted and looked up at her.

"Richard..." I mumbled weakly and stood up. "I'm done having this talk with you, I'm not going to do it anytime soon." She frowned a bit and stood up, looking up into my eyes.

"Well....if you still have problems with it after I've cleared up the big ones...then I guess I will have to leave you alone about it... I was really hoping not to go through this pregnancy alone though. Guess mine will be a few years older than Louis's," she whispered and then smiled at me softly, gently touching my cheek. "That's alright... You're a good guy August. I'm glad you are with Louis... He needed you." I nodded slowly and walked back to Paris's study before I got talked into having the child- while I didn't want to think about. I walked back into the study and smiled softly. Louis looked over from Paris's lap and shrunk down, nestling up against him. She watched me warily as if she wasn't sure whether or nor Richard had talked me into it. I walked over to her and Paris then took the chair by them.

"Are you going to come home?" I asked Louis. She gave a small nod after a second's thought.

"Yes....I am going to come home," she whispered to me, watching me.

"Good, I didn't want to make Isabelle tie you up and bring you home." I teased. She blushed and looked up at Paris.

"Paris, is it safe?" She asked him softly, seeming a bit nervous.

"Of course it's safe." Paris told her softly and rubbed her head. "Go home and take a long bath." He suggested.

"Why?" She asked cautiously. "Paris you'd tell me if he was convinced by Richard, right?"

"Right." Paris said calmly. "Your safe Louis." He kissed her on the head. "I have things to do though."

"But Paris," she whimpered and then sighed, moving out of his lap and into mine. I rubbed her head and wrapped my amrs around her.

"I won't do it tonight." I whispered to her, messing with her. Her eyes shot wide open and she looked up at me worriedly. I leaned in and kissed her head. "You heard me." I growled and playfully bit her neck. She let out a small yelp and gripped the front of my shirt in fear.

"Please don't eat me," she whispered. "I won't run I said I would."

"Good, I can track well now." I told her and howled softly in her ear.

"You're gonna be the death of me," she whispered and looked at me wide eyed. "So....I can't run away on any full moon now? Because you'll track me? What if I go to an island?"

"I swear, you don't want to meet my inner wolf when he's angry." I warned her. "You'll end up ate for sure." She shook her head quickly and buried her face in my shirt.

"I don't want to be eaten.... I'd rather hang around when you're being unpredictable." She made a small noise and kissed my neck. Paris groaned then.

"Get a room! Come one you two, Louis I know you have a room here. Get lost, don't do that in my study!" Paris complained. "Your going to teach Hachi bad things."

"But its safer in here because he can't eat me or do anything to me," she whispered and leaned against me.

"He's not going to do anything due to the fact that he's a good little boy deep down in him and he won't touch you in that way until your married to him. So, what color will the dress be? Traditional white?" Paris asked. Louis looked over at him and narrowed her eyes.

"Paris.... Does it matter?" She sighed and looked down at the ground. "Hopefully traditional white... we'll see how well I fair on a full moon... There's one coming up soon, isn't there?"

"Tomorrow to be exact," I heard Richard say as she came into the room. She smiled down at us and walked over to Paris, sitting down in his lap and kissing his cheek. Paris kissed Richard then and pulled back to look at me.

"First full moon." Paris said then tried out a howl.

"He's not going to forcefully transform, right?" Louis asked cautiously, looking over at Paris as Richard playfully hit him on the chest. Paris stopped howling and nodded then.

"That's when the predators prowel the night." Paris said and exposed his fangs, messing with Louis.

"You're sleeping outside," she said quickly to me. I dropped my jaw.

"WHAT!?" I growled out. "Your so unfair."

"You won't be doing much sleep anyways." Paris informed me. "You'll be busy, hunting with the pack and then mating at the end of the night." He chuckled and bit Richard's neck playfully, enjoying messing with both girls. She giggled and exposed her fangs.

"Now Paris...Watch out...because I come from a long line of Dracula's....and I'll eat you." She smirked and leaned in towards his neck. Louis bit her bottom lip and looked up at me.

"You're choice then.... In or out when you want to sleep?" She asked softly.

"I come from a demon." Paris whispered back to Richard.

"I want to be with you, I'm not sleeping outside unless I fall asleep by my hunt." I told her. She looked at me consideringly and then nodded.

"Alright... I won't toss you out all night then. You'll come back exhausted," she whispered and kissed my forehead. "Which will work out in my favor."

"Why are you guys making animal nosises over there?" Hachi complained and walked up to us. He carried an hand held nintendo with him and had a game on pause. He looked from Paris to Louis, deciding on which to sit with. He reminded me of Laurence from some reason. Louis looked at me then at Paris and smirked.

"I need to take August home, love you all!" She smiled and teleported us onto the couch back in her living room. She smiled up at me and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back and then grabbed the romote to the TV an put on a random channel.

"You didn't have to take me back here." I smirked as I looked Louis over. She smiled at me innocently and shrugged, wrapping her arms around me as she glanced at the TV.

"Well... I was sure you didn't want to be there where they were pestering you about giving them a nephew or niece," she whispered.

"They really want one, how come you never had childern? You must have had a few girls throughout the years that came across your path." I mumbled. She shook her head.

"Nope, never had kids.... I wasn't interested in that back then... I'm still...." She blushed and rested her head on my shoulder. "Let's not worry about that. You have no reason to be jealous... the closest one you could be jealous of is Isabelle."

"Isabelle is a friend, I could never be jealous." I admitted softly to her. "Besides, we are mates after all." You should mate with him August, have as many children as you can out of him and then when you get up to... about fifteen, think about stopping. Have as many as you can, life is precious after all. Tomorrow... will be a full moon, take him then. He'd never doubt your dominance after that, he'd be linked to you forever... Think of how swell that would be. You could compete with Paris. Show that you have the bigger- I cut off my inner wolf, finially figuring out how to shut him out.

"That's good to know... I wouldn't want you to be jealous," she whispered and kissed my cheek. I nodded then and leaned in, kissing her neck.

"You know, I could just eat you up right now." I teased her and started to trail love bites from the crook of her neck to her lips. She let out a small moan and clutched the front of my shirt.

"I-I won't let you eat me," she said quickly. I laughed and then gripped the bottom of her shirt.

"Who's going to stop me? You?" I laughed and kissed her again. "No one will save you." She blushed and looked up at me.

"I can always get away," she mumbled, sounding like it was more for herself at this point. I laughed and wrapped her up in my amrs then laid down with her on top.

"Sure kitten." I teased. She shook her head at me.

"I could teleport, and you wouldn't be able to stop me," she told me and smirked before kissing my cheek.

"Your just killing the mood." I mumbled and ran my fingers through her hair. "Talk about teleporting away." I laughed. She blushed and got quiet as she looked up into my eyes. I looked away, towards the TV and smirked. She relaxed over me and stretched out as she turned her head towards the TV.

"Love you August," she murmured softly.

"I love you too." I mumbled and glanced her way. "Your cute as a girl." I teased. She blushed and looked back at me.

"You know what... I've decided that I think you are Bisexual," she said teasingly back and kissed my chin.

"I told you what I am." I said softly and looked away from her. "It's not my fault your confused about your gender." I teased. She narrowed her eyes at me then.

"I am perfectly clear cut about what my gender is... Would you like to find out what I consider myself as?" She said threateningly. "I can tell you that you won't like it as much."

"What do you mean by that?" I wondered, trying to figure out what she was threatening to show me. She's trapped as a girl. She smirked and leaned in as she held herself up to keep some of her small weight off of me and then kissed me passionately.

"What I mean by that is... I still have my attitude as a guy, so you better watch it," she told me and then moved to my neck, giving me a love bite. I gasped and watched her.

"I don't think you should show it, your too cute to be bad." I told her and rubbed her back. She raised an eyebrow at me and exposed her fangs, leaning in to my neck and biting down gently where she had given me a love bite. I gasped and pushed her off of my chest, to make her stop biting me. "Now you'll get ate." I teased her. She widened her eyes at me and innocently licked my blood off her lips before going to run off. I watched her take off running. "ISABELLE! I NEED YOU!" I called. She appeared by me and smiled.

"Yes August?" She asked sweetly.

"I'm a bit hungry, can you make me something to eat then wake up my pack and tell them to come see me?" I asked but it wasn't much of a question. She nodded and disappeared again. I frowned as I looked towards the direction that Louis ran off in. "Louis, come back. I won't eat you." I told her. I saw her peek out at me and then slowly walk back, crawling back on top of me.

"Promise?" She asked as she inspected me.

"I'm having food get cooked for me, you can relax." I promised. She smiled at me and nodded, leaning back towards my lips and kissing me. She then leaned down towards my neck and gently bit down again. I frowned and let out a growl. Bite him back! I groaned and flipped us so I was on top of her. "Your upsetting my inner wolf." I whispered. She frowned.

"Your inner wolf complains a lot," she mumbed and then leaned up, licking up my blood. "I remember when it used to be fine to bite you."

"He's grouchy." I explained. Am not. He just needs to be put in his place as luna of our pack. I laughed. She kissed my neck and wrapped her arms around me, gently biting me on the same spot again. Bite that boy back before I make you! Coward. She remarked me, releasing venom through me and giggled against my neck as she bit down harder. I felt myself relaxing and my inner wolf sunk into silence. I grabbed her sides and growled slightly.

"You know... I think you just like growling," she murmured as she pulled back and looked up at me, licking her lips clean and then wiping off her chin. She gave me a smile before leaning up to kiss me. I leaned away as I looked at her lips.

"I don't growl all the time, but it is a wolf thing I have developed. That's what you get for leaving me alone so much." I teased him. "I have to go to school tomorrow, so take good care of the pack for me." I rubbed her cheek.

"I'm enrolling your pack in school," she murmured and leaned up, stealing a kiss before I could move away. "You are going to be so exhausted tomorrow that I won't have to worry about a thing from you," she said and giggled.

"Don't do that, Cage will be even more furious with me if my pack starts attending his school." I shook my head. I can hear it now. Cage is going to be angry, we will have to give him a scar right across his snout to silence him tomorrow, friend or not. He need's to accept there is two packs in Maine now.

"Then I'll enroll all of you in a private school," she suggested and looked up at me, pouting a bit. "You know... You're bigger than me when I'm like this... I should be on top."

"You can't enroll me somewhere else, I like the school I am in... plus it's my last year." I insisted. "Oh and, I thought you liked the bottom." I teased her, giving a small kiss. She gave me a cute look.

"Pweaaaase?" She asked and leaned up, kissing my check and then trailing kisses down it towards my lips. "You know that you want me on top." I rolled us so she was on top and pouted.

"You stay out of my pack's education." I ordered her. "I'll figure something out, like homeschool." She sighed and then shushed me with a kiss. I lauhged against the kiss and kissed her back. She deepened it and then pulled back when it was just getting good and smiled innocently at me as she moved towards my neck, giving me another kiss on the other side of my neck. I looked away from her and payed attention to the TV. She nipped me hard and then moved to my ear, giving me another playful nip. She bit down in the crook of my neck as hard as she could and let out a moan of delight at the taste of my blood. "LOUIS!" I cried out and gripped her sides. "I liked you better as a male, your less bity."

"It's not my fault.... They starved me for three days," she mumbled. "And it gets your attention," she whispered in my ear and licked my neck.

"It's bad for you to drink my blood though." I warned.

"Oh? Why not?" She whispered and paused to look up at me.

"I'm a werewolf." I said as I flipped us, pinning her down. She widened her eyes and hissed at me slightly.

"Being a werewolf has nothing to do with it," she mumbled and licked at my neck again. I leaned away from her.

"I'll bring you back to Paris, if you don't stop." I teased her. She sighed and unsharpened her fangs, looking up at me as she relaxed. I smirked, now that's how you tame a vampire mate. I smirked and kissed her cheek. She gave me another kiss and wrapped her arms around me.

"Fine... I'll stop biting you for now," she mumbled," but I'm not done with you." Isabelle appeared in front of us with a plate of food and set it down on the coffee table.

"Here you go August. I've woken up your pack and served them all breakfast as well. They will be coming to you shortly," she said and then disappeared. I sat up and started to eat the breakfast Isabelle made for me. Louis sat up beside me and watched with a small smile on her face, tracing my arm.

"You know... you think that you aren't all that strong...but you have really gained some muscles since when I first saw you," she whispered.

"I think your just seeing things." I teased her, but she was right. From transforming and getting a bunch of exercise... I was really sizing up. She smirked and kissed my shoulder.

"Uh huh... Have fun hunting today," she whispered. "I'll see you later." She got up and started to walk off as my pack members walked in. Alice was one of the first.

"Hello Alpha August," she greeted warmly and sat down in an armchair. The rest came in, playing with each other.

"We are going for a hunt soon." I told them, but they probably could have guessed that. I finished eating my food as I looked them over. They all perked up and started for the door, racing each other- even Alice.



"I think I might catch something again this time!" They were out the door in a matter of seconds and all transformed once outside. I walked out slowly and watched them, shaking my head. They were too cute. I think they are ready, to help expand my pack. I transformed with them and howled, taking off running into the woods. They followed after quickly and raced beside me, listening.

Paris's POV:

Richard smiled sweetly as she was humming in the hall, fixing up the flower vases. She smiled over at me and then bounced over with a walk in her step. "So what do you think about the name Michael if it's a boy?" She asked eagerly and stuck a flower in my hair. I frowned.

"No." I kissed her cheek and walked down the hall, to go to the kitchen. "Keep thinking!" I called over my shoulder.

"What about Quinton?" She asked as she trailed after me, playing with a flower. "Can I have a drink? I'm a bit thirsty?" She came up beside me and looked up at me hopefully. I nodded then.

"Quinton is a good name," I brought her face to mine then and kissed her lips softly before pulling away and going to the fridge to get a bottle of blood. She frowned as she saw it and shook her head then reached in and grabbed a small wine cooler. I grabbed the wine cooler quickly and shook my head.

"No! No alcohol at all." I told her and put it back in the fridge. I handed her the bottle of blood then and got another one for myself. "Just drink blood and eat here and there." I kissed her cheek. She pouted as she looked at the bottle of blood and looked ready to turn her nose up at it. Laurence appeared then and sat up on the counter top.

"Richard, Paris!" He called, happily. She looked over at him and handed him the bottle of blood.

"What is it Laurence?" She asked, smiling at him sweetly.

"Oh nothing. I was just making sure~" His eyes wondered to the fridge then he smiled. "So- that wizard kid..." He started up on the conversation. Richard frowned at him, wondering what making sure was before she walked over to me and gave me a kiss, gently taking my hand in hers and then lifting it towards her lips. "How powerful is he?" He asked curiously. I looked Laurence over.

"Wouldn't you know by now?" I asked him. Laurence looked at his feet.

"Doesn't come to mind." He admitted. Richard bit down into my wrist then and started drinking from me, ignoring us. I opened up a bottle for myself and took a sip out of the bottle.

"Doesn't?" I asked, my interest getting peaked. "I wouldn't doubt it if it is because of some spell he uses to keep others from seeing him coming or going." I suggested, trying to easy his troubles. Richard let go of my wrist and pushed me up against the refrigerator and bit down into my neck then. I gasped. Laurence frowned as he watched us.

"I'm worried. I don't know what he is... if he is a friend or a foe." Laurence pressed on.

"He's a friend Laurence." I said calmly and took another swig out of the bottle. Richard released his venom into me then as she wrapped her arms around me sweetly. I gasped and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I don't... know." Laurence mumbled and then turned towards the door, right as Hachi walked in and smiled sweetly at us. He stretched then walked over towards Laurence and smirked.

"Want to get stitched up too?" Hachi asked him and Laurence yelped, pulling his knees to his chest and scooted away from the edge of the counter. Richard pulled back to glance at Hachi and then looked up at me with a smile, leaning in and kissing me without licking her lips cleaned. I kissed her back then started to drink the rest of my blood.

"You touch me-" Laurence started a threat. I pulled the drink away from my lips and looked at them.

"Alright, break it up you two. Not in my house." I ordered and then reached into the fridge and grabbed a carton of eggs, some bacon, and closed the fridge. Richard went over to Laurence and picked him up, kissing the top of his head.

"Laurie! How about you and I go pick out a room for the baby...and then remodel it? After that we can play dress up! How does that sound?" She said with the largest smile I've seen her have. Her happy morning after bubble still hadn't popped.

"I don't want to play dress up- that's girls stuff. Ask Val or Rose to help," Laurence complained.

"Awww, but you can help me remodel, right?" She asked and nuzzled her face into his hair. "Please?"

"I could help remodel." Laurence agreed with doing so.

"You two, the baby isn't coming tomorrow, take time on this." I suggested and got out a pan and bread. Soon enough I had to get butter out as I tried to make eggs, bacon, and toast for Hachi.

"But Paris... When I get big, I won't be able to help," she said, pouting. "I'd be lazy and not want to move around too much...and you might actually make me lie down constantly...." She tilted her head as she watched me. I shook my head.

"You can do everything with a click of a button now." I teased. "Then baby will have to be in our room for the first month anyways, so take your time." I told her. I watched as Hachi got onto the coucher where Laurence had been sitting.

"But I wanna be old fashioned this time and have a grand nursery.... And you know that I'm not going to want to move too much when it gets close to time and afterwards.... Of course our baby will be in our room for the first few months.... but I want to do the nursery too," she said and walked over to me, still holding Laurence. I shook my head.

"Whatever you want." I sighed out and turned to look at Richard. "Just choose the right colors for the nursery." I teased.

"I'm going light purple," she said and smirked. "Blue and red make purple.... and that was the color of my nursury." She smiled and started to skip out of the room.

"I rather you not do purple." I mumbled, I asumed the baby would be male, since male was the most domiate trait in my family and his. We already had our girl, it was time for another boy. Laurence just smiled at me and then frowned as he looked towards Hachi- then suddenly Laurence was hit with an egg. She poked her head back in the door.

"Why not purple Paris?" She frowned at me. "What color would you prefer?"

"Purple is too... eh. How about a nice Red." I suggested as I seen Laurence about to go at it with Hachi. I stepped between them as I stirred up a bowel of eggs.

"Ok! I'm running to the store to go get paint supplies! I'll be back soon Paris!" She giggled and left the room. I saw her thoughts flash through my mind then. She was planning on a creamy white with spiderlillies painted on it in a cute little mural. I nodded at the thought then looked between the two.

"How about you go visit Val." I suggested to Laurence.

"I'm not leaving you alone with him!" Laurence hissed out and sat down at the bar, on a bar stooL. I started back to cooking for Hachi. Richard came running back in and came up to me, stealing my phone and dialing up my sister, Rose.

"Rose! Wanna come shopping with me? I'm remodling a room near mine...." She smiled sweetly as she leaned up against me and gave me a kiss. I laughed and watched her.

"Make sure you go get a new phone." I told her and kissed her forehead. I gave her my wallet then and shrugged. "Spend whatever you want." I had plenty of money stashed away, due to my invesments and such back durring the gold rush- and some other things. I knew I had achient artifacts from temples as well, in a hole somewhere. She nodded and then listened to my sister for her answer then brightened up.

"GREAT! I've got something to tell you by the way Rose! I'll tell you when you show up though!" She hung up and slipped the phone into my pocket then hooked her fingers around my belt loops and brought me closer, stealing a kiss. "Now you three behave while I'm gone, ok?" She smiled and started to walk off then.

"Take Laurence with you." I suggested, but Laurence just glared me down. "Nevermind." She turned and smiled at me.

"I think I will be fine... I'm not that fragile," she said and smirked, shooting me a cute peace sign before disappearing out of the kitchen door. I shook my head as I watched her leave us boys. I looked at them to make sure they were okay before going back to cooking.

Raven's POV:

I froze as I woke up next to Austin and looked over at him and blushed. He'd been sleeping here for awhile now, but I still wasn't used to it. I snuck out of bed and frowned. I missed hanging out with Lauren...but she had to hang on Benjamin all the time. I sighed and grabbed a cute dress and walked to the bathroom to change. After I was done, I teleported down to the kitchen and gave a cheery smile as I saw Paris. I walked over and hugged him tightly. "Good morning Paris!" I giggled and then turned to look at Laurence and Hachi, which made me freeze up as I saw him. Nervously, I fidgeted and rubbed my arm. "Morning Laurence....Hachi," I whispered.

"Morning Raven." Laurence said kindly to me. Hachi tensed up and kept his eyes on me, making Laurence amused. "She's not going to kill you, but she will bite." Laurence said and it made Hachi jump a bit. I sighed and nodded in agreement. Hachi is staying with us now... and so I need to be more friendly with him and try to patch up what happened earlier. I pulled out the hidden knives on me and put them on the counter by Paris, about fifteen in all. Paris looked at me as he finished cooking and fixed a plate for Hachi and gave it to him, rubbing his head.

"Good morning Raven." Paris finally said as he turned to me. "You want something?" He asked as his eyes wondered to the knives. I glanced at the knives and smiled at him innocently, completely used to having that many knives on me. I always keep at least five on me at all times. I hugged him and then looked at Hachi, offering him a smile.

"No, just to say good morning....and maybe to ask if you've found anything to help Lauren," I said and looked up at Paris hopefully. Girls night please! Paris frowned.

"I've been so busy..." He said feeling guilty. "Hmmmm... Maybe..." His eyes wondered over to Hachi. I glanced over at Hachi curiously then and walked over slowly, making sure to let him see me. I got close but kept a foot's distance between us to allow him space.

" you think that maybe we could put aside what happened yesterday? I have a friend who needs some help....and maybe you could help her?" I asked, giving him a smile. "I will owe you one...." Hachi had been kicking his legs while he ate, but at the mention of a friend he stopped and watched me. His eyes wondered to Paris and then nodded slightly.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked as he picked up his toast and began to nibble on it. I smiled at him. Maybe this can work out then....

"She can't let go of her mate or else her new power rushes in and immobilizes her as she hears all the transmissions around her and all the radio stations and phone calls... It gives her a bad headache and is really painful, but when she is touching him directly, it goes away momentarily until the next time they stop touching," I informed him and shifted my weight and watched him closely, hoping he'd go to help her. He looked thoughtfully up at the ceiling and then stopped moving, breathing, and eating. He was dead still. Paris let out a sigh.

"He does that." Paris mumbled. I frowned and closed the space between us, poking him.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked softly, starting to worry about him. He didn't flinch as I poked him. I heard Laurence shifting in his seat and leaning over the counter with interest.

"I never seen that before- except with animals." Laurence mumbled. "Odd." I smiled then and sat down beside him as I felt better about him. He's like me then....not entirely right. I think that he would probably be really cool to hang out with...if we weren't trying to kill each other or suspicious of the other. I smiled sweetly and waited patiently, watching him curiously. He snapped out of it after a minute and continued biting into his toast.

"Mhmmm." He said softly then looked up to where I was before and frowned. He looked around the kitchen, landing on me last and screamed, jumping off the counter. I widened my eyes and held up my hands defensively.

"Sorry!" I squeaked out. "I'm not a threat... You can sit back down," I told him softly. He looked at me then calmed down and got back on the counter.

"I do know a way to help her." Hachi told us and then continued eating. I bit my bottom lip and looked at him.

"Will you help her then?" I asked sweetly. "I promise that I won't think about killing you again...." He looked at me then looked towards Paris.

"If Paris wants it." Hachi said softly and finished his toast then went to the bacon.

"It would help." Paris said loud enough to where he could hear. Hachi nodded then.

"I'll need to think for a few minutes on what exactly I need to do, it's been awhile." He admitted. I nodded to Hachi and gave him a sweet smile.

"Thanks...though you appear to be doing it for Paris," I whispered and stood up, walking back over to my knives to gather them up. I started putting them back on and then walked for the door.

"Tell your friend to meet me here in ten minutes." Hachi called to me. I nodded.

"I will!" I teleported up to her room and smiled as I went over to their bedside and gently nudged Lauren. "Lauren, we found you some help! His name is Hachi and he's a wizard... He's going to attempt something to help you out in ten minutes, so let's get ready! It's in the kitchen," I told her as I nudged them both awake. Lauren was already awake of course, reading a book. She glanced at me, from out of her book.

"What? You mean you found something that might work?!" Lauren asked excitedly. She nudged Benjamin then. "Wake up, we have to go." Lauren ordered. He groaned and tightened his grip on her. I sighed and reached over, touching them both and teleporting them to the kitchen in their PJs. I watched as Benjamin stood up, wide eyed and looked at Lauren then at Paris, Laurence, and Hachi. Lauren blushed and put her book on the counter nearby her and then smiled towards Laurence and then Paris. Her eyes landed on Hachi. Hachi was staring at her curiously and finished up eating.

"Time to make a soup." Hachi said and got down from the counter. He walked around the kitchen, moving us out of the way as he hunted down specific ingredients he needed. "Raven, I'll need crow feet." He told me then. "Laurence, I need you to go get me five butterfingers- not the candy either. I will also need garlic, lots of it, tequila, and-" He paused as he searched the last cabinet. "An eye of a witch." He smirked as he turned to us. "Very hard to find, but this soup heals all." He said as he started to boil water. "Now... What's your name?" He looked towards Lauren.

"L-lauren." Lauren said softly, aweing him down.

"My name is Hachi, the wizard." Hachi said and smiled at her as he started to chop up onions. I raised an eyebrow.

"An actual witch's eye?" I asked, checking to make sure.

"Go ask a witch. She'll know what I mean." Hachi said quickly. I nodded.

"I got two witches I can ask," I said and then teleported out to town, pulling out my phone and calling Akane. Akane answered almost immediately.

"Hi Raven." I heard her say sweetly, going camping had actually warmed her up with me. We got to know each other and she stopped being so- tense. "Is there something wrong with Austin?" She asked curiously. I shook my head then.

"No...he's fine... Listen, I have a really big question for you because I'm asking to try to help a friend out.... Do you know what this wizard guy meant by an eye of a Witch? He said to ask one and that they would know what he was talking about. It's for a friend who has been suffering for awhile," I said quickly. "I didn't know who else to ask first."

"Oh yeah, I grow some actually. I tell you what, come over and I will give you some to take to your friend." Akane said sweetly, my phone went off then from a text. "I just sent you my address. Be over soon okay?"

"Alright, thank you Akane," I said and hung up, teleporting to where the text message said. I walked up to the house and knocked on it. Akane and her brother's house was something you would see off of an horror show. It was dark, spooky, and everything was grown up around it. The house was a two story Victorian styled house and looked vacant. Akane was sitting on the porch, swinging in a porch swing.

"Hello Raven." Akane said sweetly. I smiled at her and walked over.

"Hey Akane.. How are you?" I gave her a sweet smile and waved.

"Fine, fine. It's around back." She said. I noticed she had garden cutters and a sack. She was also wearing gloves and tossed me a pair. "You'll need it." She said and got up, taking her items with her. She lead me around back and towards a path leading to a green house. She smiled and lead me inside the green house. "A witch eye isn't exactly a witches' eye. It's actually a herb that was first brought into this world by a dead witches' eye. Thus the name." Akane explained to me. She walked back a couple of plants... They plants in the green house seemed to come alive as I walked by them. Some snapped at me with teeth! While others curled away or towards me. I recognized wolfsbane off in one corner. I smiled a bit and followed her closely.

"That is better than an actual witch's eye.... Oh, do you have some crow feet we can use too?" I asked softly. "I'll pay you back for it." I watched her closely.

"Just got a fresh pair in today." Akane told me. "Your in luck." She said as she stood near a herb that was spotted a normal plant green and then a bright turquoise color. She looked at it, the spots seemed to be sweating a red liquid out. "Here we are, Witches' eye." She said and then cut me up a few pieces, putting it in the sack. While I was watching her cut the herb up, I was suddenly bit by a huge venus fly trap. She hissed at it then as she noticed. "REX PUT HER DOWN." Akane hissed and the plant seemed to while like a dog before letting me go and going back to playing still. "Sorry about that, why I said wear the gloves." She explained. I nodded and got closer to her.

"Well...remind me never to go walking in a witch's garden without supervision," I joked and then smiled at her. "Thanks for helping me out by the way. This means a lot to me... You should meet the wizard that is making the potion, he's quite interesting. His name is Hachi," I told her and gave a smile. She nodded then, giving a long thought about it.

"I heard of him before, he's in the books." Akane told me and then closed up the bag.. She handed it to me and started to lead me out of the garden. I followed her closely and smiled as I was out of her garden.

"If you want, I can take you over there. Austin is there as well..." I bit my bottom lip as I realized I hadn't told her yet.

"No, I have things to do around here. It's just me here today. A witch can't leave her house unsupervised. Usually my father is here, but he is on a business trip. I let my brother out today. We take turns." She told me as she walked me to the house. I nodded. That makes sense. I gave her a smile.

"Well, I can see why a witch can't leave her house unattended... I could've been eaten by a giant plant." I giggled at the thought of it.

"That would have gave the poor thing a belly ache too." Akane said and giggled, messing with me. She lead me into her house and towards an old fashioned kitchen. She opened a cabinet then pulled out the crows feet and handed them to me. "There you go. Your welcome."

"Thank you so much. I owe you one!" I smiled and gave her a hug. "I'd stay longer, but this is really urgent. I'll see you soon!" I teleported out of the room and back to Paris's kitchen, setting the bags down on the counter. "Got them!" I said triumphantly. "The eye of a witch and crows feet!" Hachi nodded, taking the ingredients and threw them into the pot. He started to stir it. "That was the last ingredients needed." He said and then started to chant to himself as he stirred the pot and smirked, watching us. I looked over at the others and pouted. Somehow they all beat me with their ingredients. I frowned and looked at Paris. Darn it...but at least Lauren will be better soon? Lauren walked up to me with Benjamin then hugged me tightly.

"Thanks Raven, your the best." She whispered into my ear. I blushed and looked over at her then hugged her.

"I hope this works for you... I've really been missing taking you out," I whispered back. "You know... without Benjamin."

"It will work." Hachi said as he looked at us then back to the pot and kept chanting. I nodded and then looked over at Paris with a grin.

"Then that means as soon as she's better.... We can go off and disappear together and have fun," I said and wrapped my arms around her tighter. Benjamin made a small noise as he was pulled closer because of it. Lauren giggled and pulled back kissing Benjamin on the cheek.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked and pouted. "Not enough attention for you?" He blushed a bit and shook his head.

"No... I'm fine, though I wouldn't mind a bit more attention," he told her and kissed her before pulling her close. "After all, you are going to be able to run off after this."

"I'm going to run to China first chance I get." Lauren joked.

"Then I'll track you down," he teased and kissed her cheek. I smiled and then teleported to my room upstairs, wondering if Austin woke up yet. I was going to tell him the good news. I walked over to my bed and leaned in, giving him a kiss.

"Austin, guess what? They are helping Lauren right now.... I might not be back for a few hours after she is freed from Benjamin." I smirked a bit and kissed his neck, exposing my fangs to play with him. He grumbled and pulled the covers over his head.

"Okay Raven.... Let me sleep." Austin insisted as he rolled over and adjusted himself. "Tell her that I am happy for her." I smirked.

"Alright... I'll let you sleep...after I get a small bite," I teased and sat down on the bed beside him, leaning in to his neck and then bit down hard. He groaned and gripped the pillows.

"Owe- Your going to wake me up with this bite." He complained. I giggled and got on top of him and bit down harder, deciding I would wake him up with a mark. I released my venom into him and waited to see if he'd like it or not. He arched his back and groaned, giving in quickly. He curled up to me then, pulling me to his side. I giggled as I stopped and licked at the blood on his neck.

"Awake now Austin? I marked you," I teased and kissed his cheek as I laid down beside him. He hissed and pulled me closer.

"I'm awake." I heard him mutter and then flip over once more. I frowned as he flipped away from me.

"I'll bite you again," I teased and leaned against him, resting my head on his shoulder as I looked down at his face, smiling.

"Don't bite me again." He grumbled and started to sit up slowly. I giggled and watched him.

"You that you've been marked, you're technically mated to me now. Other vampires will be able to smell it on you," I told him and giggled as I leaned back into the pillows.

"Raven..." He blushed. "Why are you brining this up?" He asked me. I laughed and watched him.

"Because I want you to know why you might get strange looks from the vampires downstairs," I told him. "So you can know what a mark does." I seen him smirk.

"So your worried that I might get stolen from you?" He tsked and laughed. "I doubt anyone will bite or steal me from you Raven." I shrugged.

"I also did it because it's a way of saying the ultimate I love you for vampires," I whispered and sat up, giving him a kiss. He nodded and got up then, going towards the bathroom.

"I love you as well Raven." He told me and then disappeared into the bathroom. I blushed.

"You should be getting your first power soon," I murmured, wondering what it would be. He shrugged, not too worried about it.

"Either way it will be a power, right?" He asked from in the bathroom, being able to hear me.

"Maybe it'll be me," I wondered out loud. I smirked at the idea of trying to keep up with him. Good thing I marked him then.

"Maybe I will get something awesome and you'll be jealous." He called and laughed.

"Hey, you know what.... If you do make me jealous, I'll just bite you again," I told him and got up, walking towards the bathroom and leaning against the wall right next to the door.

"I'll bite you back." He said feistily. I could hear him getting into the shower now. I frowned a bit.

"I bet you don't even know how to use your fangs," I teased him, smirking a bit as I thought it over. He didn't answer me back then as he got under the water. "So no, you won't be able to bite me," I added on, giving a slight frown. Is he intentionally ignoring me now? He didn't respond back to that either. I went into the bathroom then cautiously. "Austin?" I called softly.

"I'm taking a shower." He said quickly. "Can I get some privacy?" I sighed and headed back for the door.

"Sure thing Austin," I said and shut the door behind me then teleported down to the kitchen to check on them. I walked over to Paris and smiled up at him. Paris smiled back as he sipped on tea.

"Where'd you go?" Paris asked curiously.

"To check on Austin.... I marked him this morning," I said with a giggle and hugged him. "I've officially marked him!" Paris looked at bit confused.

"Though you already did that-" He mumbled then looked around him. "It's hard keeping up with you teenagers." He laughed and patted my head.

"I'm not a teenager," I said and giggled, grabbing his hand and looking up at him. "I'm only a few centuries younger than you Paris."

"So? Your still like a teenager to me." He laughed and rubbed my head. "The soup is almost reads." I nodded and hugged him.

"That's good.... Have you seen Richard?" I asked curiously. Richard was supposed to show me this really cool fighting and strategy move today.... I widened my eyes I saw a female version of Richard come running into the room with things of paint.

"Paris! I got the paint! I'm going to work on it tomorrow though. I came up with another name while I was out! Brianna and Peyton!" She giggled and put the paint cans on the counter then looked at me and widened her eyes. "RAVEN!" She ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, but all of our training work with me will have to be postponed.... I can still instruct you, but I can't show you or fight with you to help you," she whispered to me. "You see.... I'm going to be a mommy." I widened my eyes as I heard the words and looked at Richard.

"Y-you....YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" I exclaimed in shock and then giggled, pulling her close. "That's so great! You are going to love being a mommy Richard! Of course... I don't know how it is personally, but I'm sure it's really fun!" I gave her a smile and looked to Paris. "You must be excited Paris," I said sweetly.

"It's going to be a girl, but he doesn't know that yet," Richard whispered in my ear, making me giggle.

"How do you know?"

"Mother's intuition," she said softly and looked over at Paris. Paris laughed.

"It'll be a boy, we have a strong gene of male in both our lines of blood." Paris said sounding so sure of it.

"You said that about Myra, but she turned out to be a girl." Laurence pointed out.

"Exactly.... Our baby is going to grow up into a gorgeous little pureblood princess," Richard said and waked over to Paris, giving him a kiss.

"Of course- you all was hoping for a girl when Donnie came along." Laurence said and started to smirk towards us. Hachi stopped chanting then.

"It's done." Hachi said and then fixed a glass for Lauren and handed it over to her. She looked at it in disgust and held it up to the light, since it was in a clear glass. "Bottoms up." Hachi said and took a step back. I looked at it and wrinkled up my nose. It doesn't even smell good. I noticed Richard had snuck over to Laurence and was sliding him twenties.

"You know you want to tell us the spoiler about which gender my baby is going to be," she whispered to him and smiled sweetly.

"It's not clear yet." Laurence said casually. He pushed the money away and laughed. Hachi looked at Richard then smiled.

"This soup is good for babies." Hachi said sweetly. Lauren started to drink the liquid in the cup, trying to get it down as quick as possible. Richard widened her eyes at Hachi then looked at Paris, shrinking down to avoid possibly being asked to drink it. I giggled. Poor girls... Paris was busy cleaning up the kitchen. "You know you want some." Hachi said as he walked over with a spoon and tried some himself, not making a face. Lauren finished her glass and put it on the counter then looked at Benjamin. "Don't- give it time to settle in." Hachi warned her quickly before she pulled away. Richard walked over to Paris and put an arm around his waist.

"Thanks for not asking me to drink that..... It looks terrible," she whispered, making me giggle as I walked over towards Hachi.

"Thanks for helping Lauren," I whispered to him and smiled sweetly. "You're not too bad...."

"I know I'm not. You just wasn't giving me much of a chance before." Hachi told me as he looked me over. "Want to try?" He held out a spoon full. I widened my eyes.

"What does it do first?" I asked, not wanting to take something that might mess me up. He coved one of his eyes then.

"The tell about the witch, who died and gave her eyes... was a healer witch. She grew the herbs from her rotting eyes in the afterlife and it exchanged around to get back to your everyday normal witch. It's used often in potions, soups, you name it. It's good. Gives you what you need, like strength for instance. Maybe the ability to take on a new power." He pointed with his eyes to Lauren. "Maybe just to help you remember." He suggested and then took another spoon full to eat. "It's not that bad." I nodded then, guessing I would try it if he was offering to let me.

"If you don't mind...then I guess I'd like to give it a try," I whispered, ignoring the smell. Richard wrinkled her nose as she saw me say that and buried her face into Paris's shirt.

"One of our daughters is about to try that smelly stuff on her own free will," she mumbled, making me blush. Trying new things isn't that bad.... is it? Hachi gave me the spoon and motioned towards Lauren.

"Try pulling away now." Hachi offered. "Should be active now." Lauren hesitantly pulled away and waited for the impact to hurt her- she stayed tense for a few minutes before laughing and looking towards Hachi with joy. "Your welcome." Benjamin smiled and kissed her cheek then took off running out of the room.

"I CALL DIBS ON THE FIRST PRIVATE SHOWER IN A LONG TIME!" He called over his shoulder, leaving Lauren behind. Lauren gasped and crossed her arms.

"THAT'S MY SHOWER MR!" She yelled then took off after him. Hachi laughed softly then got up on the counter.

"I think we found a very useful- powerful little wizard." Paris whispered to Richard. "Glad he's on our side." Richard nodded and then looked up at Paris.

"You know... I'm going to treat you tonight," she whispered and started to tug Paris out of the kitchen. "How does date night sound?"

"Perfect," Paris purred as he followed Richard. I was left alone then with Laurence and Hachi. I smiled at them nervously and tried Hachi's surprisingly bland soup then handed the spoon back to him.

"That was actually better than I thought it would be Hachi," I complimented, giving him a smile. He smiled at me and gave a relieved smile. He put the spoon back into the pot and kept watching me. I frowned a bit as I watched him watching me. Why's he watching me..... He blushed a tint bit and walked the pot over to the sink and put it in before walking over to Laurence.

"Laurence, want to do something?" Hachi asked. Laurence glared him down. I shook my head softly at the two and then screamed as I saw a figure coming out of the shadows. He looked like a punk teen rocker and he walked over with a smirk towards Laurence.

"Hey Laurence! Miss me?" He asked, wrapping him up into a hug and stealing a small kiss. "I want to see more of your world...and I want to see it with you today if you aren't busy," he murmured into his ear. Hachi dropped his jaw and crossed his arms.

"I- don't see why I shouldn't." Laurence said. "I could take you around town." He suggested, looking towards Hachi. The new guy nodded and picked him up starting to carry him off.

"Great! Then after we are done, you can come home with me!" He sounded overjoyed that Laurence said yes. Who is that? I frowned and looked over at Hachi to see if he knew anything. Hachi looked beyond mad and clueless.

"I was going to hang with him..." Hachi grumbled as they disappeared from the room. "Just took him right out from under me..." He shook his head. I sighed and walked over slowly, not wanting to alarm him.

"Well...maybe next time Hachi," I said sweetly and held out my hand for a friendly handshake. Hachi looked at my hand then shook it.

"Maybe," Hachi said softly. I nodded and took my hand back after a second and smiled at him.

"I wouldn't worry too much over it. If you know how to play the piano, there is one in the music room from earlier," I said, suggesting something for him to do. He shook his head, not interested in the piano.

"I'm not much into playing the piano, I like to play the saxophone though. It's fun." He smiled brightly at me. "I think I might go walk around town and snoop out the competition." He said, giving a grin. I nodded.

"Well, have fun with that," I whispered and gave him a smile. "I'll see you later then." I started to walk off towards the door.