First Full Moon

Louis's POV:

I yawned and rolled out of bed as I put my feet to the ground then stretched. "Isabelle!" I shouted and crossed my arms. She appeared in front of me and smiled. "I'm hungry," I said sweetly. She nodded and moved closer for me as I exposed my fangs then bit down on her. When I had my fill, I asked her to get me a fresh change of clothes so that I could take a nice warm bath before August could wake up. I ended up having her blow dry my hair and put it in a cute little braid over my shoulder. She took me out to the living room and had me sit down, smiling about something.

"Wait right here... You'll enjoy it," she said and then disappeared and came back with a box of nail polish. "Pick a color!" I widened my eyes and watched as she started to go through them. "Red... You should do red. It would contrast with your white hair and porcelain skin along with draw attention, plus it's a romantic shade." She giggled and grabbed my hand before I could protest and started shaping my nails with a file. She set to painting all my nails when she was done and then laughed as she was down. "Now let that dry. Don't touch anything.... Hey, it goes great with that dress I made you wear." I blushed and watched as she disappeared with the things and then came back, sitting beside me. "Today is the full moon.... You're going to have to manage to play keep away from Mr. Alpha in there.... He'll probably come looking for you, but to make it fair." She slipped that bracelet I gave her onto my wrist and smirked. "No teleportation to random continents." I widened my eyes.

"Isabelle! Take it off!" I said, starting to freak out.

"Your nails are done drying," she pointed out as she touched one gently. I blushed as stood up. How am I supposed to get around now?! I am powerless until she takes this off of me! "Oh, and August is at school, so you have all the precious time in the world to prepare yourself in case he doesn't get tired after the hunt." I shook my head and took off running down the hall quickly towards my study, shutting myself in it for hours.

Isabelle came in around the time August was going to come home and smirked. "We should do your make up Louis.... I think that August will enjoy it," she said and started to come towards me with a bag.

"Isabelle! No! We aren't going to make him interested!" I hissed out and looked back at my goldfish game. She sighed and came over, sitting on top of my desk and then pulling out a thing of ruby red lip gloss and pulled me to her by my arm. I screamed out as she pinned me down and put it on me then told me to hold still as she did the rest of my makeup, doing things to highlight my eyes but not make it too obvious I was wearing makeup- all except the red lip gloss. I pulled away from her quickly as she finally let go, watching her smirk. "Sometimes I wonder if Hell sent you to me as a punishment Isabelle....Sometimes I wonder," I muttered. She giggled and got up, disappearing with everything. August better not come in here... I shook my head and played with my braid I still had in my hair and looked back at my game.

Tawnya came in and smirked at me. "We were talking Louis...and we decided that we are going to spray you with perfume that boys his age like." I widened my eyes as she came over and lightly spritzed me with it before I could do anything.

"You need to stop, and you all need to go on vacation! You are getting way to much fun out of this. Nothing is going to happen tonight. How many times do I have to tell you?" I asked her, watching as she shrugged.

"As many times as it takes us to actually listen to you I guess," she teased and then disappeared. I sighed and shook my head then widened my eyes as a necklace with a red pendant was brought over my head and clipped around my neck, dangling on my bare chest from the slight low necked spaghetti strapped dress.

"Just to draw a bit of attention," Penny murmured in my ear then disappeared. I shook my head. I look like they got me ready for a date.... August is going to laugh, and I don't want him to say a word. I got up quickly, heading for the door. I heard August walking through the front door then and walking towards our study.

"Louis!?" I heard August call for me. I widened my eyes and quickly ran back to my desk, getting under it. I can't teleport out of here! He'll see me if I'm out in the open! He walked into the study and looked around, coming in slowly. He shut the door behind him and laughed. "Louis are you avoiding me?" He asked. I shook my head and closed my eyes, praying he wouldn't come over here. He walked over to the desk anyways and sat down on my chair. I backed up under the desk more before he could see me and bit my bottom lip, twirling the strands of my free hair that escaped the braid around my fingers nervously. He leaned down then and looked directly at me and smirked. "Are you hiding from me?" He asked then scooped me up, putting me in his lap. He looked me over then laughed. "Did the girls get to you." He asked me and sniffed my neck. "You smell nice." He complimented. "I like the new do." He motioned to the rest of me. I blushed and looked at him as I then buried my face into his shoulder, giving a small nod.

"Isabelle and the rest did this to me....and Izzy took away my powers so that I couldn't run from her while she did it," I whispered, trying not to freak out. August nodded and looked at the bracelet I had on.

"Your going to have fun running from me tonight." August purred and laughed softly in my ear. I widened my eyes and slowly moved my head away from his shoulder to look at him. He didn't just say that...did he? I thought that he was going hunting tonight! I don't want to be chased! I want to have a relaxing night, not one full of fear..... I bit my bottom lip as I glanced over my shoulder at the door, wondering what my chances were for making it down the hall and locking the bathroom door to stay in all night. I don't know what he has planned to do to me...but he said he wasn't going to make me hold up the deal until he was older, so he can't be thinking about anything like that.... Maybe he's going to eat me! I took a sharp breath at the thought and about went to make a break for it, but I stayed still for the moment to see if maybe he'd tell me more. I glanced back at him as I fidgeted in his lap. Why am I in his lap anyways? He just stole me out from my hidey hole....and now has seen me all girly looking.... He watched me with pure interest. "Cage told me that durring the full moon our inner wolf takes over and we have no control." August explained. "I could go either hunting and ignore you or I could end up hunting you." He explained to me. He then laughed and held his mouth. I frowned and then got up quickly.

"I think you should go hunting tonight...for deer. After all, if you want to keep the freezer stocked for your pack when you are at school, you might want to go replenish the supplies," I whispered as I felt my heart start beating, already pounding from the fear of him actually hunting me instead of wild animals. I bit my bottom lip and then started to go around my desk to get to the door, walking quickly.

"Don't worry, my inner wolf loves you- in ways you don't quite understand. If he hunts for you he will just want to get you in bed, not actually kill you. He may just take the pack hunting tonight though, he's excited about having a pack finally. Most alpha inner wolves are born into packs, he- not so much of course. He ended up in me. So, it's a fifty fifty chance miss Luna." August said as he stood up. "If we don't go hunting tonight, I will take them out tomorrow and get some more deer. Apparently werewolves eat, a lot." He laughed. "Oh and we have three new recruits by the way." He said as he walked towards me. "Want to go do something before the full moon?" I blushed and reached for the door handle.

"I....How many hours until dusk?" I asked quickly. He's so not getting me in the bedroom tonight if that's what he was laughing about earlier.... I don't want to do that! Plus his inner wolf is really scary! He tore out a piece of my throat before! I shivered at the thought and then glanced at him over my shoulder. I'd run away before I'd let his inner wolf touch me... he probably doesn't have the same morals as August.... and I'm afraid of him. I blushed at the thought and then opened the door quickly, shutting it behind me before he could see it. I took off running for the bathroom and shut the door, locking it as I went to turn on the bath water. I'll just stay in here all that way the two of them don't get any ideas and go hunting instead. If I stay in here and make them bored enough to go hunting.... I shook my head as I sat down on the floor, looking at my perfect red nails. Those girls are in so much trouble... they want August to get me, don't they? I felt my face heat up again and I bit my bottom lip nervously. I heard a knock on my door after a few minutes.

"Come on sweetie, what's wrong? We have a few more hours until dusk. Let's go do something fun." I heard August say as he leaned against the door. "We won't see each other again until morning." He whispered and rubbed his head against the door. "Come out. I want to be with you until the moon comes out." I felt bad and sighed, turning off the water and crawling over to the door.

"What do you want to go do?" I asked softly as I leaned up against the door. "We have to be back home before dusk because I'm not taking my chances with your inner wolf...He tore out my throat before, and he was only slightly grouchy then and seemed to be in a better mood than he's been in lately."

"Oh I've been ignoring him lately. He's a bit mad at me." August said through the door and twisted the door handle, rattling it. "We could go to one of my friend's house and chill out with him, he's got a nice place. Right on a lake, he always has tons of people over. We might have fun." He suggested. I shook my head at that. That sounds way too secluded for my likings.... If we didn't get back in time... his inner wolf might snatch me up before I can make a break for it. I reached up and unlocked the door, opening it to look up at him.

"How about I take you to dinner at a supernatural bar?" I suggested and stood up, smoothing out my knee length dress that Isabelle had put me in.

"Whatever you want, I was just trying something different." August mumbled and grabbed my hands. "Your supernatural bar might be fun though." I smiled at him, leaning in and giving him a kiss.

"It should be... Not many werewolves will be there tonight because they'll be with their packs, preparing for their night. It'll mostly be other vampires and witches.... maybe a cat or two," I whispered to him, hovering by his neck as I looked at it curiously. I sighed as I pulled back. I shouldn't upset his inner wolf right now... considering I might be driving back with him if we lose track of time. I looked up into his eyes as I started to consider ways to get away from him by dusk and frowned, looking down at Isabelle's bracelet I had given her a long time ago. I knew that if I tried to take it off, it would hurt me and not allow me to open the clasp. It was stuck on until Isabelle decided to take it from me. Maybe I could score pity points? August nodded then.

"Let's go to the bar- wait.... I'm seventeen." He looked me over. "I don't think we should go to a bar, with me being so young." He pouted. Well... they might serve him. He's a werewolf, not a human.

"Well... if you think it would be best to not go, then let's go somewhere closer to home.... We could make Isabelle prepare us a nice little meal and take it outside on a picnic... so I can run away from you to get to the house faster and lock... you... out," I added on, smirking playfully as I watched him for a reaction. You so aren't getting me tonight.... at all....

"A picnic sounds romantic." August purred. "A cute little blanket, a basket of food, a book to read to you, and a wolf to eat you up... We might want to dress you with a red hood tonight." August joked. I narrowed my eyes at him after processing it and wrapped my arms around him, leaning in towards his neck and gave it a kiss.

"What if I eat you first?" I asked lowly, sounding seductive a bit.

"Your a female." August hissed. "You don't scare me anymore." He laughed and picked me up bridal style then carried me towards the living room. "ISABELLE!" He called. She appeared in front of us with a huge smile.

"Yes August?" She giggled as she saw me flustered about being held. What does he mean I don't scare him anymore?! I looked up at him with wide eyes then smirked, leaning up and biting him to put him in his place before he could tell her to make us a picnic.

"Could you make us a picnic and find us a good book to read?" August asked her calmly then looked towards me. "Stop biting me or I will bite you back and we will go to the bedroom early tonight." He threatened and started to change course to the bedroom. I narrowed my eyes as I moved back from his neck a bit and looked at him. I licked my lips and looked over at Isabelle, holding up the wrist with the bracelet on.

"Izzy...could you take this off of me now?" I asked sweetly, but she shook her head and giggled.

"Nope, I think that August appreciates the fact that you aren't able to teleport at this moment.... and I want to see this play out...because you need to learn how to function without your powers all the time. Plus it's funny," she pointed out to me and laughed as she started to walk off.

"ISABELLE!" I shouted, not at all amused. She disappeared then before I could order her to take it off. August sat me down on my feet and glared me down.

"Don't bite me as a girl." August said quickly. I turned to look at him then and frowned.

"Why not? I'm still me... Just trapped like this," I said and looked down at myself. "I knew you were gay.... You are upset because my bites just aren't as fun to you because you keep focusing on the fact that I've had a recent gender swap." I giggled a bit and looked up at him. He can't deny he's not gay.... He only seems to like me better when I'm a guy.

"I'M NOT GAY! I just don't think I find you attractive biting me as a girl." August said and blushed. "I'm the male after all, I should be the one biting." He pulled me close and nipped at my nose. "So don't bite me." I blushed and looked down at our feet.

"I can't help it... It's a defense thing...and I like the taste of your blood...Plus I had my fangs ripped out for the past four days. I only recently had them come back in," I murmured and leaned my head up against his chest, pouting as I realized he was taller than me now that I was stuck as a girl.

"We need to get you a chew toy in other words." He joked and rubbed my head. "I think we should turn you back into a male before tonight... otherwise you might end up pregnant." He frowned at the thought. I widened my eyes and pulled back quickly.

"We can't... Paris is the only one around here who can do it that I trust enough to take my stone. It takes another pureblood to do it, and he wouldn't because of the deal. He'd laugh at me and send me back home without a second thought.... We need to get Isabelle to take the bracelet off so I can teleport to another continent tonight," I whispered the last part and looked down at the bracelet as I realized that my running skills would be the only thing I would have in my favor if this bracelet doesn't come off soon.

"Well we should persuade a pureblood or something!" August panicked. "Issy isn't going to take that off of you, trust me. I think she is on their side." He shivered at the thought. I shook my head as it dawned on me that no one around here would help me besides August himself.

"I'm go somewhere else then...try to get as far as I can tonight," I whispered and turned on my heels quickly, rushing for the front door as I grabbed the keys to my car out of the bowl. I heard a soft growl from the living room and froze, glancing over to see his pack watching me. I quickly glanced out the window and saw that the sun was starting to set. That's right... he has a pack who also all have inner wolves that serve his inner wolf. I'm screwed if they listen to theirs. August followed me and wrapped me up in his arms, giving me a kiss.

"I'll see you in the morning." He whispered in my ear. "Now go as far away as you can, if your lucky, you will out run us. Just out run my pack and my inner wolf all night and then you will be fine." He told me, looking a bit hurt. I felt torn, but ultimately, I decided on my safety over making August happy at the moment. I could always get Isabelle to make him a cake in the morning..... I opened the door and pulled myself from his arms as his pack were getting to their feet to come towards us then ran for my car and got in, starting it up. I backed out of my driveway and took off past the speed limit down the road, trying to beat the sun as I wanted to get out of town before the moon would rise.

I was listening to music as the moon was above me, my headlights illuminating the empty street as I drove as fast as I could, not even knowing where I was or what state I was in. I wasn't sure anymore. I stopped paying attention as I started driving aimlessly, taking as many complicated roads as I could. Suddenly I heard a howl break out off in the distance and more howls broke out rapidly around me. It was like I was surrounded by them. The were off in the distance though, so I was safe about that. I shivered in fear and started to pick up my phone. "Siri... are there wolves in this state?" I asked, knowing that my phone had a GPA system.

"No, there are no wolves that belong to this state," she replied after a second. I about floored the gas then, tossing my phone into the passenger seat as fear kicked in. That's August already.... I winced at the thought of them actually catching up. Suddenly something hit the car on the passenger's side and my car was flipped over- sending my head up against the ceiling three times, and stayed on the third, as my car landed upside down. I widened my eyes and kept in a shriek as I quickly unbuckled and took the key out of the ignition, sharpening my fangs for anything as I crawled towards the back of the car. I looked around frantically as adrenaline started to kick in and started shuffling through all the papers, hoping I had something in here to distract them. There was no way this car would be able to go anywhere.... and I'm not getting out with them out there. I glanced at the locks and let out a breath I'd been holding when I saw that the car was locked. It'd be harder for them to get me then.... That'd give me enough time to do something.... I glanced at the seats and wondered if there was a way I could hide in the trunk and started pulling at the middle seat, exclaiming in joy when it came forward and offered me a way. I crawled through the opening, hoping it was dark enough so that they wouldn't see and shut the seat behind me as I stopped moving to listen for them. I heard shuffled feet around the car as they were figuring out how to get inside and a few growls, snapping at one another. I heard one jump up on the car then and start to paw at the bottom, growing and the rest started to attack the car, slamming their bodies into it sometimes. I bit my bottom lip and whimpered as they started to scare me again. What if they actually manage to get in and they find me? I felt tears pricking at my eyes as I curled up, hoping they'd lose interest and wait it out. I could stay in here for a long time if they didn't keep this up. I found myself begging for them to go away under my breath as my heart started pounding in my chest again. August wouldn't be himself if I see him tonight...and his inner wolf was terrifying for the five minutes where I met him. He had ripped out my throat! What kind of wolf does that to his mate?! I heard more exchanged growls before I felt the car start to be dragged and shuffled a bit, spinning.

Suddenly the car started to flip over as the wolf on top jumped off. I shrieked accidentally as I banged my head on the trunk and widened my eyes as I clamped a hand on my mouth and curled up into a ball, squeezing my eyes shut as pain lanced through my body. Ow! Stupid wolves! They howled then, and started to sniff around as they managed to flip it. I heard a few howls quiet down and then a window got smashed.

"Think you can hide from me forever Louis?" I heard August ask me and then one of the car doors was opened. I widened my eyes and slowly started scooting back into a corner of the trunk, wrapping my arms around my legs as I brought them close. They'll know that the car belongs to me. They've seen it before, and they can smell my scent in it. Unless they think I bailed while they weren't paying attention, they'll eventually figure out where I went. I bit my bottom lip as I felt like I was going to be sick with terror. I don't want to meet his inner wolf again.... not when he's in control. His pack will all be obeying him and they'll all be inner wolves as well, not kind hearted ex-humans. I heard him shuffling around in the front of the car and then the trunk popped open and I was snatched from the trunk as soon as it flung open. "Got you." I heard him say as he started my way. I widened my eyes and looked back at his pack mate, seeing it was Alice. I was at a loss for words. I really thought I had longer in that trunk...but August isn't stupid. I showed her my fangs, but she only laughed and showed me her sharpened canines.

"We found you Luna," she whispered in my ear and looked up at August with a look of pure joy on her face. I felt a scream building up in my throat and started to squirm, kicking out as I tried to knock us over before August could get close, but her grip on me was like iron and she didn't budge even as I kicked off of the bumper of my car to send us down.

"Put me down!" I shrieked as I started to get really afraid. You're not getting out of here, a small voice said in my head. I shook my head quickly and squeezed my eyes shut. Yes I am... I'm Louis Grimm! I went to bite down on her hand, but she moved it over my mouth and put her thumb under my chin to keep me from opening my mouth up to do it. I let out a muffled scream and tried kicking us over again. I was pulled out of her arms and into August's arms where he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and breathed in my scent. Right after he bit down and sent a chill running down my spine as his venom started to spread like wild fire. He looked towards his pack.

"Your released for the night." He ordered, I noticed he sounded different, like an alpha aught to sound like- the way Alpha Hunter sounded. He had authority behind his words. He opened the back seat to the car and smirked down at me as he got in with me and sat me down in his lap, running his fingers through my hair. "Hello Luna." I shook my head quickly as a spark of fear made me shiver.

"I'm not your luna," I said quickly, going to crawl out of his lap and get out before he could trap me. He shut us in and locked the door then started to shift us to where he we was laying down and he was on top of me.

"Your marked by me, you smell like me, you are mine." He rumbled and kissed my cheek. "Your the pack Luna." I shook my head again, not liking where he was going with this.

"Let me up," I said, trying to be as strict sounding as possible. He laughed and shook his head.

"No." He eyed my throat down then, and then looked over my body. "Your a girl." He smirked. I blushed and narrowed my eyes.

"So what? I can still kick your butt easily," I hissed out and exposed my fangs to him as I pushed up on his chest. He didn't move an inch though as I tried to shove him off.

"That just makes this more interesting with you being a girl. Gus is going to be mad." He laughed and then started to pull up on the bottom of my dress, making it reach my mid-thigh before I could react. I widened my eyes and leaned up, biting him on the neck hard and then pulled back, looking at him in the eyes.

"You don't know our customs wolf... and if you want anything from me, you are going to have to learn fast because you aren't getting anything unless you follow them," I hissed out, coming up with excuses. I was going to come up with this on the fly to distract him. "Before you even think about it, you're supposed to offer me prey so that I don't eat you," I lied easily, glaring at him to be effective. He laughed then and kissed my cheek.

"Your customs aren't mine." He whispered and then licked the side of my face. "Now you be a good luna and take what I am about to bless you with." He went back to the edge of my dress. I narrowed my eyes and gripped the bottom of my skirt, pushing it down quickly and then bit his neck again.

"You know what, I find myself really hungry...." I threatened in his ear. "Vampire girls can get really cranky, and I don't think you want to experience an angry Luna," I muttered lowly as I licked his blood up to make it seem like I wasn't kidding. He grabbed my arms then and glared me down.

"Don't bite me again." He warned and exposed his k-9's. "I'll bite back harder." I hissed up at him, glaring back up at him.

"Then go fetch me something to eat or else I won't care if you don't want another bite," I told him and didn't look away from him for a second. He glared me down.

"No." He hissed. "You can eat afterwards." He got between my legs then and wrapped mine around him. I widened my eyes then as I started thinking of ways to get him off, the most obvious coming up after a second. I slipped one of my legs between his and brought it up quickly, kneeing him where the sun don't shine and going to push him off as he was registering the pain. He curled up on top of me and fell off into the car floor, groaning as he tried to find his dignity. "Owe!" He groaned and looked over at me with hatred. "I'M GONNA EAT YOU!" He roared.

"No, you're not," I said with a smirk and unlocked the car door, getting out quickly and taking off running as I started to pull my flats off, throwing them back to get them out of the way. I took off towards the woods lining the road and focused on my surroundings. I'm a vampire prince...Running from a werewolf shouldn't be too hard. After a few minutes of running I heard a howl from where the car was, he had turned into a wolf. As I got distracted from the howl, I ran into something hard and fell backwards, getting confused.

"Having trouble?" Laurence asked me with amusement. "You can come with me for the night. I'm hiding from Ashton, mates are weird on a full moons." He whispered to me. I looked up at him with wide eyes and stood up quickly, hugging him as I broke out into tears from relief of seeing him. He's not a wolf!

"Please," I whimpered out in fear, hoping he wasn't here to mess with me. That'd be the perfect payback for what I did earlier.... He wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head then teleported us out of the woods and into his castle's throne room.

"There we go." He said happily. I took a few deep breaths as my heart slowed down and finally stopped beating again.

"T-thank you," I murmured as I pulled back and looked at him. "Thank you so much.... Um," I blushed and looked down at what I was wearing. "Can I have something...a bit more covering than this?" I whispered as I awkwardly rubbed my arm as I felt exposed. He looked me over and nodded.

"You have clothes in the room you normally stay in when you are here. They might fit you." Laurence suggested. "If they don't take some from my room." I nodded and gave a weak smile.

"Thank you for rescuing me," I whispered and then started for my room eagerly. "Don't tell Paris! He'll get upset."

"I'm hiding from my own mate, do you really think I am going to go tell Paris at this hour? My mate knows I hang out with him. He'd be searching for me there." Laurence told me then got in his throne chair and curled up in it. I nodded as I glanced at him then disappeared to my room, going through the dresser and pulling out a white button up shirt then a pair of cargo shorts. I slipped into them and found my belt to keep them up and sighed as I felt better. I looked at the dress and kicked it away quickly then went back to Laurence and smiled as I walked over.

"When was the last time I told you just how much you mean to me?" I asked sweetly as I curled a strand of his hair around my finger.

"A very long time," Laurence said and reached out for me. "I thought you'd be in trouble this full moon. Someone needs to do something about that inner wolf of August's. He has no respect at all for Luna's." I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"No he doesn' respect for other's customs either, even if they aren't real," I said and giggled, still joyed at the fact that I escaped his wolf. That was close...too close. I shook my head as I felt a tear roll down my cheek from nerves. I quickly wiped at it and smiled, laughing breathlessly. "I don't even want to think about what would have happened if you hadn't rescued me," I whispered.

"Bad things." Laurence said and closed his eyes, leaning his head against my chest and yawned. "Will you sleep with me tonight Louis?" He asked softly. I nodded before I thought about it and smiled at him.

"Of course," I mumbled and kissed the top of his head. Then paused as I registered the bad things he had said earlier.

"I was going to end up pregnant, wasn't I? Or dead...." I tensed up as I waited for the answer.

"Pregnant. Werewolves don't kill their mates, it would be suicidal." He explained. "Especially for an Alpha. Without a Luna and a pack they wouldn't be able to function right up in the noggin." He told me.

" matter what he says when he threatens to eat me... he won't?" I asked cautiously as I started to get a better feeling about my chances now. I'd be willing to hospitalize him if he tried that again without my consent.

"Oh he'd eat you, because your a pure blood and he could just rip you apart and leave your stone. It's not like he'd kill you. Your not human after all." Laurence said. "He's not afraid to bite into you and eat." I widened my eyes then and looked at Laurence.

"Do I have to go back?" I whispered, not wanting to go back in the morning and have his inner wolf so upset that he would still be in control in the morning. "I don't wanna play mommy to a pack.... He's scary....and he doesn't respect me enough."

"You don't have to go back tomorrow. I'm going to the manor though- Paris's manor, so if you want you can come with me." Laurence suggested as he started to lead me away, to his bedroom. I nodded and blushed, knowing that Paris would be slightly upset when he sees the fact that I was with Laurence.

"Is Isabelle going to take this off me tomorrow," I asked, hoping he'd know or tell me. I glanced down at the bracelet that kept me grounded. I was practically rendered human with fangs. Laurence looked at the bracelet and smiled.

"Nope, but I bet you more then anything that Hachi could get it off." He sounded a bit sarcastic- maybe even jealous with the mention of Hachi.

"That sucks... How much longer am I going to be stuck as a girl?" I pouted as I glanced down at my weakened form. "I'm not sleeping with that mangy mutt after what he pulled...."

"Don't take it out on August, he can't handle his inner wolf yet, he's only a month old- almost. I don't know how long you will be a girl Louis. The future is based off of decisions and no one has decided when yet." He informed me. I sighed and shook my head.

"Well.... do you think that I would go back to being a male quicker if I went back to August's inner wolf tonight? I don't think Paris is letting me off the hook, and there are lots of full moons between now and the time August will marry me for himself. I don't want to make next full moon worse, especially if this doesn't come off, and his wolf has proven to be able to take August over even when its not a full moon." I shook my head at the idea of his inner wolf trapping me back home tomorrow. He'd do it too if he could get ahold of August long enough. I need to work on teaching him respect soon.... I winced as I looked down towards my feet. I need to start tonight... and I can start with a phone call I guess.

"Think about it this way... if you go back tonight then you will end up most likely pregnant... if you don't go back then you will end up facing him for a couple of more months until you get married to him and then end up pregnant- so.. you decide." Laurence smirked as he waited for my decision. I blushed. I get pregnant in every possible path I can take at the moment? I bit my bottom lip.

"Can you lend me a phone so I can call him? I want to talk to him first before I make a decision," I whispered quietly, barely getting the words out loud enough for him.

"He's out hunting, he doesn't have a phone on him." Laurence told me and raised an eyebrow. I frowned as I thought it over. My phone was still in my abandoned car... If he was smart, he would have started stalking the car, knowing that I would come back to it eventually if I was still in the area.

"My phone is in my car.... He'll probably be hanging out in the area because he would have lost my scent. He'll probably think that I have to come back at some point for the car." I looked Laurence in the eyes, almost sure that he would be in the hearing range of the phone. Laurence shook his head.

"He's not, I told you he was out hunting, I see it. He lost interest when you left the continent and so he went hunting with his pack to occupy himself while it's the full moon." Laurence told me. I raised an eyebrow then smiled a little.

"So... he's not near my car? If I went back, he wouldn't know?" I could totally retrieve my car and take it home before some random stranger finds it.

"If you go back into his territory he will know and start the hunt for you again. You better stay here tonight, UNLESS you want to have that psycho's baby." He suggested and winked. "Then Paris would be happy and August would be shocked out of his mind at dawn." I sighed and started considering my options. From what Laurence says... I'm going to be giving August a child in the matter what... whether it's his inner wolf or August in his sane moments. I could try to outrun them with the car. I don't think they would notice right away....and I can always call Isabelle and force her to teleport me elsewhere if all else fails.

"I'm not going to have his baby any time soon...but I think I will go back for the car. I can always summon Isabelle to get me to safety if August catches up with me again. I never released her, so she still has to listen to me," I whispered. "Unless you have any other reason for me not to go back tonight to get my car before someone steals it."

"You can't trust Isabelle to get you to safety! She's on his Side." Laurence complained. "Stay here with me! Please. If your car get's stolen then I will buy you a new one." He promised me. "Trust me you don't want to go back." I looked at him then and thought it over again. Well... He'd practically rape me if I went back.... or possibly eat me...and he needs to learn a lesson.

"Alright Laurence.... I won't make you buy me a new car though," I told him and gave him a sweet smile as I pulled him into a hug and then let go, running off to his room as I giggled. I went in and crawled into his bed, curling up to the pillows and getting under his blankets. It smelled like him, a sweet scent that I loved usually. Laurence followed me to his room then crawled into bed, getting beside me and curled up into my chest with a soft smile upon his lips.

"Goodnight, Louis. Welcome back by the way to the family." He said sleepily. I smiled at him sweetly and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you Laurence....Sweet dreams," I whispered in his ear as I rested my head close to his and closed my eyes, feeling safer than I had in a long time. Giving a small yawn, I pulled him close and wrapped my arms around him in a hug, snuggling up to him.

August's POV:

I woke up from being lightly kicked in the back by my beta. He rolled over in his sleep and yawned, rustling the leaves next to me. My pack was all laying beside me, sleeping on the forest floor, and I felt good, as if I had lots of energy. My body felt strong, powerful, slightly different, but it made me feel like I had one of the best nights last night. I couldn't remember a thing as I opened my eyes to see the sunlight filtering through the green canopy above us, the light dappled as it came through the leaves and onto the ground below. I felt like I belonged as the birds tweeted to each other, singing good morning as they moved from tree to tree. A squirrel was up, collecting food from the ground nearby as it twitched it's tail. I was seeing the world from a new perspective...something not everyone is blessed with seeing. "It's beautiful," Alice whispered from where she laid next to Cassy. She let out a happy sigh and ran her fingers through her hair as she sat up and looked around, tilting her head to the side. "I hear running water....A waterfall?" She got up as quietly as she could and started sniffing faintly, walking towards whatever she was hearing. I watched her walking off.

"Don't go too far." I ordered her, knowing that Cage would have a heart attack if he caught her out. I still haven't gotten permission to keep a pack here on these lands. I needed to talk to Hunter soon, but for now.. I wasn't going to sweat over that just yet. I looked towards the leaves near my head and closed my eyes. "We are going to visit Alpha Hunter today to see about getting us some territory here. He'll probably share, considering the fact of Louis and Paris being brothers." I told her. She looked back at me and smiled, coming back and laying down beside me.

"Of course Alpha August," she murmured as she picked up a leaf and started to twirl it, reaching over and tickling at Rick's nose, making him smack at the leaf. He groaned and rolled over, making her giggle. "How'd we get here?" She asked as she looked around. "I didn't know places like this existed... I love it." She smiled and rolled over onto her back and frowned. "The last thing I remember is that we were eating dinner together as a pack after our Luna made a break for it.... It's funny, but I swear that I can smell her scent a little ways off as if she was here...but it's so she had been here for only a little, that way," she said and pointed into the woods to where I believed the road was. "I'm not sure because I am only smelling it just a little. She wasn't exactly this deep into the woods, but I know that she was nearby. Did we catch her last night?" She asked me, looking over towards me.

"No we didn't catch her, she got away." I said softly, as my inner wolf was sharing the memory with me. "When full moons come around our inner wolves have control and we can't do anything... So we could end up waking up the next day in any kind of situation. You have to be prepared for that." I informed her. I sat up slight to do a head count. I had my original pack members from the first night, the three recent turned ones, and then two newbies. "Look's like we got new pups." I commented as I looked them over. Alice perked up and looked at them and giggled as she sat up.

"They look like they'll be fun.... I'm hungry Alpha August...Can we go home now?" She asked me as she looked up at me, fidgeting just a bit. "And I want a shower as well...." Cassy stirred and looked up at us sleepily.

"A bath would be great.... We smell like wild dogs and summer boys," she commented helpfully.

"Hah... bet you don't like that Cassy," Rick whispered as he started coming to. "I don't mind the smell....considering how great I feel."

"Wake up the rest of them and we can go home." I told her and started to sit up, running my fingers through my hair. Morning sunshine, your little mate needs to learn respect. I heard my inner wolf growl. I grumbled and shook my head. "I need the names of the new members." I mumbled to Rick. He nodded and stood up, growling softly as he moved towards the new recruits then bent down to wake them. My original members started to wake the rest and were telling them the basics if they didn't already know, covering it for me and giving me time to go do what I wanted. Alice took a liking to one of the new girls and smiled at her as she rubbed between her shoulder blades comfortingly as she whispered something in her ear. Rick started collecting names and was introducing the new members to everyone, getting them all known and ended up playing the name game. Alice suddenly frowned and looked over at me.

"Alpha inner wolf said that we came across the luna last night. Her car is abandoned on the road nearby...How did she get away if we had captured her during our hunt? That doesn't make sense..." She said, starting to wonder about last night again as she looked at a leaf thoughtfully, trying to recall it for herself. A vampire took her away, I believe it was Laurence.

"Bentley knows how to hotwire a car if you'd like to get her car back to the house," Rick suggested, glancing back at me. "His father used to make cars...and Bentley learned a thing or two about it, sometimes using it for his own purposes." Rick smirked over at Bentley who shrugged from where he was sitting and then looked over at me.

"I could if you needed me to. Since how our luna is a vampire, I'm sure she's far away from here by now," Bentley said and stood up. "I'll go check on it while you all sit here." He walked off then in the direction of the road, changing into a wolf and taking off into a run to be quick about it. Cassy smiled and stretched as she glanced over towards Rick. I nodded towards Rick and then stood up to look around, good. There are clothes near by, you don't remember but Cage left us some last night. Cage was here? Alpha Hunter instructed it to be done, he want's to meet with you around lunch, at Paris's manor. I nodded then. How convenient, he must have the same thoughts as I do about territory.

"Rick, names?" I asked him quickly. He glanced over at me and then smiled, looking at the five new werewolves from yesterday.

"This is Angel, Jackie, and Nicole. The two boys are Christian, and Nicholas," he informed me, pointing to each in turn. "This is Alpha August. You will address him as such and be respectful of him. If he asks you to do something, do it immediately and try not to question him too much about the order. If you have any complaints, feel free to voice them." I looked them over swiftly then smirked.

"Hello pups." I teased and then walked towards the box of clothes in a nearby bush. I pulled it out then started to toss everyone some clothes. "Put these on." I ordered them and grabbed a set for myself. They all got dressed and started to playfully mess with one another as we waited for Bentley. He came back after a few seconds and transformed back, smirking.

"The car is still there...and I found our Luna's phone in the passenger seat. I can hotwire it if you'd like." He walked over to the box and pulled out his set of clothes, slipping them on. I slipped into my clothes and then shrugged.

"Why should we clean up after our Luna's mess? We should make her get her own car, to punish her from running from me last night." I said thoughtfully and then laughed, making it a joke. "Bentley you can take the car back, Alice take the rest of the pack back home. I'm going to Paris's manor." I sent out my orders. "Rick, your coming with me." I motioned for him to follow as I started in the direction of the manor. They nodded and started to go to do it, Rick following close behind.

"So.... Alpha August... are you mad at our Luna because she ran last night?" He asked, a cautious tone in his voice as he glanced at me. I shook my head no as I walked with him.

"I don't want to be a dad, so why should I be upset that she ran last night? I told her to. My inner wolf though... is furious." I'll rip out her throat and eat her whole next time. I made a long face of hurt then shook it off, trying not to let him upset me.

"He can't...take over, can he? Like, if he got really upset, he wouldn't be able to take over and force you to do something to her...." He asked curiously.

"I'm strong enough to control him now." I whispered, not certain about it though.

"Would you like me to attempt to locate her later, or are we going to treat her like a cat that will come back when it wants?" He looked forward with a small smile as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Louis will come back." I promised him. "Last night doesn't change anything between us. She understands that I didn't mean last night... I couldn't help it." I told him as I rubbed my messy hair.

"Of course....though I wouldn't honestly mind babysitting for you if your inner wolf got the best of you," he teased and smirked over at me. It would be the second generation of our pack, it would be so cute to have little ones running around. Come on Gussy... you know you want some. I frowned. Everyone seemed to want them but me... Did Louis? I never directly asked. Of course he does. SHUT IT.

"Your a great beta, I knew choosing you would be the best choice." I complimented him. "You'll be the first to babysit the squirts." I laughed and shook my head. He smiled then.

"You know... I used to babysit my nephews when I was a few years younger. Cassy is great with children too...though Bentley shouldn't be left alone with any of them... He'd make some sort of crude joke or teach them something violent about knives," he warned me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he walked next to me. "I think that you would be a great father. I mean, you kind of are already, aren't you? You take care of a pack that are kind of like your children and your brothers and sisters at the same time."

"I don't know much about being a werewolf, it's my inner wolf that's doing most of the job." I laughed awkwardly. "Otherwise... I'd still be wondering how to walk- well... Cage helped me on that. Look, I doubt my werewolf instincts and inner wolf if going to be there when the babies come. I'll be left alone with Louis. I don't know.. I think... I'm just scared to do it." I whispered the last part under my breath. He sighed.

"Well...have a conversation with our Luna about it...see what she thinks because it's ultimately up to her."

"I should talk to her... I don't know though... I never.. done it with a girl before." I whispered the last part and blushed. All in all... I was actually a virgin, I never slept with anyone... definitely not a guy. Rick laughed a bit and shook his head.

"That's how it is for everyone at first. If you are going to be shy about it, you could always drink a little beforehand.... Slip our Luna some strong wine... Alcohol makes women loose, or so I've heard," he told me and then stopped for a second, sniffing the air before continuing.

"Tequila." I mumbled, it makes clothes fall off, so I heard. I remember partying with my friends at the big-shot's parties. They always had wild drinks being handed out. I stuck with whiskey and stuff like it though... I never touched tequila. Paris's manor started to come into view through the trees, making me slow down in walking. What was I going to say to Alpha Hunter? Rick let out a soft growl as he smelled the vampires inside and looked over at me.

"Here again?" He narrowed his eyes, remembering Cage. "He's not here, is he? We don't have the pack with us."

"Cage is most likely going to be here, he's a pre-alpha. His father is passing down the title to him, so it's only proper to have him near when we meet Alpha Hunter. Of course we will see his beta and wife as well. Formal and all. I should have Louis with me, but she's off doing her own thing." I smirked. "So it's just us." He gave a small nod and looked ahead.

"What do you think? Do you think this will go well? Last time they tried to jump us," he said and looked around warily.

"He want's to meet us here. Paris won't let anything happen to me, because I am Louis's mate. So we have nothing to worry about, meeting here must mean a treaty of some sort. He's probably going to give us land." I told Rick. He gave a small nod and got quiet as we came up to the gates. I saw Richard walking around with a bounce in her step, carrying an armful of flowers from the garden towards the house. She stopped though and glanced over and smiled sweetly.

"Hey August! Wanna come in? They're expecting you....Oh, and is Louis alright? You didn't eat her, did you?" She teased as she walked over to the gate, opening it.

"Louis got away, I'd like to come in... Alpha Hunter wanted to talk to me-" I was cut off as soon as I got the last bit out. Paris had appeared in front of me.

"Hello August, Alpha Hunter is in my study. I told him- You'll find out." Paris motioned for me to come inside.

"Oh, thanks." I mumbled and then motioned to Rick to follow as I walked into the manor. Richard wrapped her arms around Paris's waist and started to pull him after us, sticking a flower in his hair.

"Guess what love? I started redecorating some of the rooms, and it looks perfect! Oh, and the nursery is almost done! You should go see it tomorrow!" She giggled and nuzzled her head up under Paris's chin, kissing his neck. "You're going to be disappointed, but Louis somehow snuck off last night and got out of the way before August could take her like you thought would happen."

"I heard." Paris told Richard and I lowed my head a bit. That little fang read our thoughts. I quieted him so Paris didn't hear anything else my inner wolf had to say. I walked into the study and looked straight at Alpha Hunter, Cage, and the beta. Alpha Hunter gave me a warming smile then reached out for a hug. I paused as I watched him opening out his arms for me. He wasn't mad at all? What did Paris tell him? He's faking it, don't fall for that! Alphas can never get along. One alpha per pack. SILENCE.

"Alpha August." Alpha Hunter called out to me and then suddenly he pulled me into a hug before I had the chance to dodge it. I heard a growl erupt from Rick behind me, warning Alpha Hunter off. Hunter didn't budge though. "We have news to talk over." He whispered into my ear. I nodded then, relaxing into his arms.

"We do." I agreed. He pulled back from me. Cage gave me a friendly smile.

"Before anything happens, I'd like to tell you sorry." Cage told me sweetly. "I was just acting for my pack." I nodded towards him, understandingly.

"I know it." I whispered softly. Rick's growl softened to a quieter one as he heard us and then he stopped all together, walking over to the couch and laying down on it to wait.

"Get this over with, we have to start up with the-" Paris said from behind me.

"I know it, shut your trap." Alpha Hunter growled.

"Fine." Paris grumbled and got quiet.

"August, I want to give you some land for your pack." Hunter flat out told me. "I can't just have you walking around on my territory so freely. It makes me look weak. It's bad enough this was given to me by Paris. Arrangements and agreements after all from the ancestors of mine and then him. Paris wants to have two packs on his land, so I'm giving you a portion." He tried to explain it but it was starting to get confusing.

"What he means to say is, because Louis and I are on friendly terms, I am going to give your pack some land here too, and Alpha Hunter and you will have to come up with territory arrangements." I nodded as it made since now. Territories within a territory.

"How much land am I getting?" I asked Hunter then.

"My pack house is in Jasper, that's the thing. I understand you live there with Louis..." Hunter trailed off. "So Jasper is going to be ours and then you'll also get Washington and Penobscot. The rest of Maine will be mine." He told me. I was surprised to get that much land, it was a miracle.

"Thank you Hunter." I whispered, knowing I looked surprised.

"Thank Paris." He grumbled. I looked towards him and nodded.

"I've got the papers right here." Paris said and walked over to the desk, pointing at them. "Sign them up. I'll make more copies and then we all get one. The original will go in a box in a hole far away." He smirked and handed us both pens. I walked up to the desk with Hunter and we read over the document before signing it off. "Excellent. Two packs, should be interesting." He mumbled then disappeared.

"Oh and... because of where we are, you can come into my territory to visit Paris anytime you want." Hunter spoke up loud enough so we all heard.

"Sounds good." I agreed. Richard smiled at us all and started to walk off towards the door.

"Now you two alphas better behave....Momma's going hunting," she said and went out the door. Rick looked after her curiously then to me, stretching out.

" it over now?" Rick whispered, rolling over onto his stomach to look at us. Paris appeared in front of us and handed over copies of the document, I shoved it into my jeans sloppily. Paris laughed as he watched me.

"I'll give one to Louis." Paris promised me then nodded. "It's over." I shook Hunter's hand then and Cage's.

"Pleasure doing business with you." I told them and saved the last handshake for Paris. "Thanks again."

"No problem, I love doing these kinds of things. Now cut loose." He waved us off and sat down at his desk. I looked towards Rick.

"Let's get going." I told him. He got to his feet quickly and walked over to the door excitedly.

"Hey, since how we don't have this to worry about anymore, we should totally take the newbies on a pack run," he suggested, opening the door for me. I nodded in agreement.

"That sounds like a good idea. I do want to stretch my legs." I told him as we left the manor. When we got outside, he transformed into a wolf and wagged his tail, taking off into the woods happily. I shook my head before following him on foot with a nice little jog. I didn't want to loose the document so quickly. He ran back to me and knelt down on the ground, wagging his tail expectantly.

"You want a ride back?" He panted and pulled his lips back into what looked like a smile. I got on him then, remembering we was a little bit away from Jasper.

"Thanks Rick." I whispered into his ear. He got up and took off at a run, making sure not to let me fall off as he was easily able to carry me.