Truth Revealed

Dante's POV:

I sat on top of a roof, looking down at the pedestrians as they walked back and forth in their daily lives. They never really look up, do they? No, they are too focused in their own selves to notice how beautiful today is. I sighed and pulled out my phone, texting Charlie.

Me: Charles, we are going out today. Get ready and go to the outside of the café. Make me come after you, and you'll regret it.

Charlie: My names not Charles, that's my middle name. Why should I? Riley is too cute beside me.

Me: I'll use my power to make you if you don't come willingly.

Charlie: Where are we going?

Me: Idk, I'm bored. You pick.

Charlie: I have to work.

Me: I could always kill you and pick a new toy out of this sad little town.

Charlie: Kill me.

Me: Alright, come outside then.

I teleported to right down the street from his manor and shoved my phone into my pocket. "Charlie Ainsworth, you get your butt outside right now," I hissed out, knowing he'd have to obey. After a few minutes he stepped out onto his manor's porch and walked down his steps, still in his pj's. He looked around and then headed my way. I smirked and watched, waiting until he got close to expose my fangs to him. "Now what was that?"

"I don't want to go out with you, your a-" He cut himself off and looked at my fangs. "Why don't you pick on someone else today? I have to go see a movie with my twin." I frowned and then froze as I got a text. I pulled out my phone to see it was from one of my influential newborns out in the world. It said that Richard was going to have a baby with Paris again. I laughed and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Interesting.... I wonder why now of all times." I shook my head and started to walk off. "Dismissed Charlie," I called over my shoulder, no longer interested.

"What?" Charlie mumbled and started to pout. "Fine." He headed back to the manor without hesitation. I glanced over my shoulder and smirked. Did I just see him pout at me? Seems the crush still is there...even if it's only a little seedling. I shook my head.

"You know, if you really wanted to go somewhere for a few hours in the morning with me, I don't mind cutie," I teased.

"I need to stay away from you Dante, your no good for me." He called over his shoulder. "I'll go see another vampire today instead of you." I snarled then, turning around.

"Charlie, I order you to come with me," I hissed out and put a hand on my hip. Charlie turned to me then and smirked.

"Jealous much? Who likes who?" He asked me and walked up to me. "I'm in my night clothes, I need to change." I raised an eyebrow.

"Should have thought about that before you said something," I told him and leaned in, biting into his neck gently. He gasped and tried to pull away from me.

"Dante! Don't bite me this close to my manor!" He hissed. "If Dylan finds out he will kill me." I wrapped my arms around him and teleported him back to my living room, pushing him down onto the couch and then getting on top of him. I bit down harder and kept my arms around him, pulling him closer to me. He started to squirm under me as I bit down harder. "OWE! Jerk!" He complained and I could hear his heart speeding up. I felt him start to get aroused as well. "DANTE!" I sat up a bit and looked down at him, licking my lips as I straddled his stomach.

"Yes Charlie?" I asked, giving a little smirk. I'm so keeping this one. He puffed out his cheeks as he tried to calm himself, his face a light pink from being embarrassed. He threw me into the floor then, falling with me. I winced as my back hit the floor hard and looked up, seeing he landed on top of me. "Now, why'd you go and do that?" I mumbled and then leaned up, stealing a kiss. He touched his lips and then got off me quickly, running for the stairs at first- then changed his mind and went for the front door. I laughed and sat up. "Charlie, stay here," I ordered, knowing he was going to be pissed in moments. He's just embarrassed right soon as it clicks that I kissed him, he's going to pull his knife on me. He stopped a few feet from the door then turned towards me and narrowed his eyes, watching me as he placed his hands behind his back.

"No." He objected. I stood up and walked over towards him, grabbing his sides and backing him up against the wall behind him.

"I don't like hearing no," I whispered in his ear and licked his neck up to his chin, cleaning the blood off of him. His breath caught as I done so.

"Dante...." He mumbled and closed his eyes. "No means no." I sighed, letting my breath tickle his face as I was an inch away from him.

"You sure? You seemed happy a few minutes ago," I teased. He looked down then at his feet and shook his head.

"I don't know what your talking about." He said innocently. I laughed and kissed the top of his head.

"Well... You're right about one thing. No does mean no." I ruffled his hair and let him go, walking towards the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast cutie?" I called over my shoulder, taking a liking to the nickname already. He followed after me.

"Coffee will do, French vanilla with a ton of sugar and creamer." He told me as he kept his distance. I nodded, not really minding at the moment. I started to make the coffee and smiled as I got out a cup for him, getting a spoon to put sugar in it. I'll make it my way for him. He'll like it. I poured the coffee then went for the creamer in the refrigerator, pouring a good amount in and putting it up. Before I closed the door, I grabbed a bottle of blood and popped the top off, shutting the fridge with my foot. I took a swig as I handed him his cup. He took a sip of his coffee then went towards the living room with it.

"Thanks for the coffee." He mumbled.

"Sure thing.... I had your room stocked with things that you might want later," I informed him, following after. I downed the whole bottle then as I passed the trash can then threw the empty bottle into it, walking into the living room. He took a seat on the edge of the couch and watched as I walked into the room.

"I don't need it."

"You'll want it because you're my pet for life," I said and smirked, sitting on the arm of the couch as I took my jacket off, dropping it on the coffee table. I stretched as I tugged on the edge of my black tank top, pulling it down from where it had come up with my jacket. He watched me and then scooted over to the arm of the couch, curling up now to it and leaned against it. He took a sip of his coffee and watched me carefully. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Charlie, I'm not going to attack and rape you," I said bluntly. The cup slipped out of his hand then and I heard his heart skip a beat before he grabbed the cup just in time before it spilt. He started to cough, choking on the coffee he just drunk. I laughed a bit and shook my head. "Unless that's what you want....but I'm sure that you'd much rather keep yourself away from me like that." He got up then, rushing towards the stairs.

"Good night." He stated as he raced up the stairs. I smirked.

"Don't slip and break your neck~!" I called after him and then moved onto the couch, taking his spot. I heard the door to his bedroom open and close quickly. Well...he didn't have to run off. I wasn't even thinking about it at the moment.... Just trying to lighten the mood because he seemed so tense. I'm pretty sure that's what he was afraid of, staying that distance away from me. He'll come around in time. I sighed and grabbed the remote, turning on the tv as my dog ran up to me, jumping up onto the couch and snuggling up against my stomach. "Good girl," I whispered with a smile, rubbing her head. She whimpered and leaned over, licking my cheek. "I know... I'll get you a playmate soon....maybe a cat. You can chase the kitty whenever you want... Just don't kill it." I smirked and pulled her close, rubbing behind her ears. She wagged her tail and licked under my chin, nudging my head up as she got close to my chest. After a few minutes I heard the window slipping open upstairs. "Charlie, stay here for the rest of the day until dismissed," I muttered, kissing the top of my puppy's head. "Now that's a bad boy up there... Don't ever copy his example. If you run away, I'd be really upset with you." Charlie let out a groan of frustration and then the window closed.

"NO!" He called down to me. Like he had a choice.

"OH YES!" I shouted up to him. "You are staying here until I'm happy! Oh, and if you stay up there forever, you'll starve! I'm not bringing your meals to you, you ungrateful-" My dog licked me, making me stop. I laughed and rubbed her head again. "You're so sweet!" I moved onto my back and pulled her on top of me. "Who's a good girl huh?" I chuckled and rubbed all down her sides, making her wag her tail really hard, her whole body shaking with the movement. I heard him walk down to me slowly then, pausing at the foot of the stairs.

"May I go home now?" He mumbled. I ignored him and kept petting her, laughing as she started licking me all over. "Dante! I have to work, go see another vampire, and of course... take a girl out on a date." I stopped then, looking over.

"You're right... I should go get Raven back," I said, knowing he'd remember that I'd have to go fight Paris in order to do it if he was guarding her. He tensed up.

"I didn't say that, you shouldn't!" He frowned and crossed his arms. "I'll tell Paris."

"Then don't tell me what to do," I said simply and started petting her again. "I don't need to take a girl out."

"I said I needed to." He smirked. "Not you." I looked over in interest.

"Oh? You got a girlfriend? Run along then," I said and waved him off.

"Not a girlfriend." He mumbled and then went for the door. "Just a friend. I promised her I would take her out to go to an amusement park." He opened the door and went to walk out. "Bye Dante. Go hunt."

"I'm not hungry. I had a good bite earlier," I said, smirking as I remembered the sweet taste of his blood on my tongue. He froze up then and shut the door as he walked back towards me.

"Yeah I bet that was a good bite." He grumbled, coming towards me. I looked up at him curiously. Why's he coming towards me? I thought he wanted to go take that girl out.... Is he mad at me for something? I narrowed my eyes and stayed still, keeping my ground. He stopped in front of me and then pushed my shoulders into the couch. "I need you to take me back home." He hissed. I laughed. He's funny....

"No, you don't need me to walk you home." He raised an eyebrow then looked down at his outfit and then back at me.

"Do I have to tell you again? I am a innocent looking teenager that is very vulnerable right now. I am not walking ALL the way back home looking like this." He pushed harder on my shoulders. Well... he's got a point. I'll walk him back after I play with him a bit more. I smirked.

"Oh? Innocent little teenager? We both know that isn't true...Now run along," I said, petting my dog as I looked up into his eyes. He showed his teeth then, pretending to have fangs.

"Dante." He hissed. "Now." I laughed. He's going to make a good vampire one day.

"You wish," I said teasingly. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me closer to his face.

"Please Dante?" He asked sweetly, his breath lingering upon my lips. How far is he actually going to go? I glanced at his lips and then up into his eyes as I felt my dog jump off of me, agitated at the movement. He sat down in my lap then, looking into my eyes. "Take me home? Little young me? I'm just a teenager, in his pj's without weapons. I could get kidnaped and sold in an auction house." He gave me a pouty face then, melting my heart. I sighed and relaxed under him.

"Fine... I was actually going to take you home after you pointed out that you were in your pjs the first time. I can't let anyone else harm you after all," I said. "I was wondering how far you'd go, so rest your cute little head and don't worry about it. I'll teleport you outside the gates."

"Your despicable." He grumbled and his cute face was replaced with a glare, his whole body tensing up again. I sighed.

"I need to learn to keep my mouth shut, don't I?" I asked as I sat up, grabbing his hand to teleport him back. I waited a moment, looking at him. "Are you ever going to not look at me like that?"

"When you stop waking me up so early in the morning while I am sleeping with Riley... I might consider liking you." He held my hand and stood up. I got up then, teleporting us in front of his gates.

"Well....I'll take it into consideration and next time summon you around....two in the afternoon." I let go of his hand, expecting him to take off running. "You know... You're actually one of the only reasons why I haven't gone for Raven yet," I whispered and then ruffled his hair as I shook my head quickly. "See ya kiddo." I turned on my heels to walk off then, not wanting him to question me. He grabbed my hand as I went to turn and gave my arm a quick hug.

"Bye master," He teased as he started for his manor. "See you in two weeks." I blushed as I was frozen to the spot. Did he just... I bit my bottom lip and then rubbed my arm where he hugged it.

"Don't call me master! You make me sound like a slave driver and really messed up!" I shouted after him, then quickly started walking off.

"Fine, bye bye Sante!" He purposely messed up my name. I narrowed my eyes. I'm so getting him back for that later. I shook my head. I think I should make things a bit more interesting around here....Maybe send the Ainsworths on a vacation. After a couple of minutes aimlessly walking away from Ainsworth manor I was bumped into by a girl as she ran down the street, in the same direction I was going in. She was busy talking on the phone, giving me a quick apologize. Her scent was intoxicating with flavor. The girl was wearing high heels, and a red trench coat. Her hair was a mahogany color and flew around her while she ran. She had a duffle bag on one shoulder. Looks like she was late to something, and seemed to be an expert at running in heels. I felt my mouth start to water and my fangs exposed themselves instinctively. Before I knew it, I had her pushed up against the wall of a building, biting into her neck without hesitation. I froze, not realizing I had grabbed her, but I shrugged it off and bit down harder, pressing my body up against her. She screamed, dropping the phone in her hands- making it hit the ground.

"AH!" She screamed and panic started to overpower her. "LET ME GO! I'M LATE AS IT IS!" She whimpered and pulled out a knife, trying to stab my side. "You freak!" She hissed, shoving me away before I could react. She took off running, making sure to grab her phone before going. "Yes- I'm fine!" She yelled into the phone. "I'll be there soon, promise. Occupy him!" She hung up as she didn't bother to look back at me, clasping a hand over her neck. I groaned out in pain and leaned against the wall as I gripped the knife.

"Dammit," I cursed, attempting to pull it out, but the pain lanced up my side, making me yelp and let go quickly. It was lodged in deep, all the way to the hilt. I pressed my head up against the wall as her blood dripped down my chin. I licked at it and let out a small noise as the knife wound pulsed, my knees getting weak. I fell to the ground out of a combination of despair because she got away and throbbing pain.

"D-Dante? Is" I heard a small voice ask from behind me, a familiar one. I glanced up and saw her trademark natural purple hair and smiled before I knew it. Her breath caught in her throat and she looked me over. "What happened?"

"I got stabbed. What does it look like?" I asked, gesturing to the knife in my side. "Pull it out?" She sighed and walked over cautiously, bending over and ripping the knife out without mercy and threw it.

"Dante, you need to leave. Paris is going to kill you," she hissed out in my ear as she straightened up.

"I had to get you," I whispered as I looked her over longingly. "You're my pet, my love," I said softly. She shook her head.

"Dante, I left you...and I have a mate now." I narrowed my eyes as I stood up.

"You know that I think that mates are overrated. You should just come back to me... I'll forgive you if you come willingly." She shook her head at me and smiled softly.

"Sorry, but I can't." I frowned and looked into her eyes, narrowing mine as I saw that the insane spark that used to be there was gone. It was always there...hiding behind the light in her eyes. Where'd it go? Did someone else tame her down? I hissed out and grabbed her arm, pulling her closer.

"Raven, you're coming back with me." She exposed her fangs and hissed up at me threateningly.

"Let go," she ordered, but I only tightened my grip.

"No, why should I?" I felt her shove me backwards against the wall and she grabbed my hands, pinning them.

"I'll tear your throat out Dante.... Go back to Europe, where you belong." She leaned in towards my neck threateningly, making me smirk a bit. Did she really forget?

"Then you'll have to tear my throat out Raven...because I'm not going back without you. I finally found you, and I refuse to let you go." She growled and dug her nails into my wrists.

"I swear Dante, I will kill you," she warned. I nodded.

"What else do I have to live for?" I asked, trying to play the cards right. If she bit me and consumed any of my blood, she'd be stuck obeying me. She'd have to come back to me. She pulled back suddenly, eyes wide.

"," she blushed and let go quickly. "You little trick! You wanted me to bite you so you could make me obey!" She screamed, smacking my chest. I laughed as I grabbed her hand, putting it over my heart.

"Took you long enough, didn't it? I can't believe you almost forgot!" She narrowed her eyes at me and pulled back.

"I'm going to go now, but if I see you around here again Dante, I will hurt you really bad...and you won't get anything out of it either!" She took a step back from me and teleported away before I could reach out and grab her. I narrowed my eyes. The next time I see you.... I'll force you to drink my blood then. I started to walk off then aimlessly and saw the girl again. I smirked and teleported in front of her.

"Now where do you think you were going?" I said and gripped her sides, going towards her neck again as I smelled her blood still on her. She screamed and leaned her neck away from me.

"What the hell- are you?" She trembled and then stomped on my foot with her heel. "Move out of my way! I'm late." She said, I could tell she was dizzy from the lack of blood running through her system. I frowned at that. I can't let a treat like her die.... She needs to live. I sighed and wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her here and then bit into my wrist, pressing it against her lips.

"Drink this. You'll feel better. If you don't, I'll force it down," I warned, growling in her ear to make her scared. She shoved my wrist away from her lips and kneed me where it counts most.

"Freak." She hissed out, and cleaned off her lips. "I'm not drinking your blood." I narrowed my eyes as I managed to stay standing and then brought her closer, forcing her mouth open and dripping my blood into her mouth.

"Oh yes you will....and if you're lucky, I'll leave you alone after this." She shoved me away and spit out the blood as quick as possible.

"What's wrong with you!" She shrieked and started to clean off her tongue with her sleeve. "Oh gross." I exposed my fangs and pressed her up against the wall hard, knocking the breath out of her and then dripping a good amount into her gaping mouth and closed her mouth shut, holding it as tight as I could to keep her from spitting it out. She glared me down, being stubborn. She wasn't going to willingly swallow. I sighed. The spit will build up in her mouth and she'll be forced to swallow. I dug my nails into her side, wanting to speed up the process. Maybe she'll swallow just to get me to let go. She groaned and started to squirm to get away from me. "MHHHH!!" She mumbled.

"Swallow... and I'll let go," I told her, giving her a serious look. "I'm trying to help you out. I don't have to, you know. I could let you die from the bite wound on your neck. It'll happen with the way you've been going." I seen her eyes dilate as she tried to focus. She tried to spit the blood out then. I didn't let her open her mouth and leaned in towards her ear. "Swallow...You'll feel better, I promise." She shook her head as tears started to run down her face. I sighed and removed my hand, pressing my wrist against her lips and forced a whole mouthful into her mouth, knowing she'd have to swallow. I kept my wrist against her lips to keep her from spitting and tensed up, not allowing her to throw me off either. She struggled for a few more seconds before starting to swallow the blood. I smiled at her encouragingly as I watched. Good... She whimpered and tried to push away my wrist. She looked into my eyes pleadingly. Well...she did swallow. I let her and backed up, unsharpening my fangs as I gave her a friendly smile. "You'll be fine. I promise." She groaned and started to fall to her knees.

"You're a monster!" She yelled out the obvious. I smirked at that.

"Why thank you," I said, then started to walk off, whistling. All in a day's work. I laughed and put my hands in my pockets. I felt a knife get thrown by my hair.

"What the hell did you just do DANTE!" I heard Charlie say from behind me as he walked up towards the girl to check on her. I froze and looked over my shoulder at him then came over after picking up his knife to take it back to him.

"Nothing.... I was saving her," I whispered. Am I in trouble? I frowned a bit and kneeled down beside Charlie, placing the knife in his hand. Charlie examined her neck and then pulled out his phone- turning on the flashlight app and looked at her eyes then turned towards me, smacking me across the face.

"Nothing huh!?" He hissed. "How dare you hunt so close to my house!" I whimpered out in pain as I touched my cheek. He really knows how to hit...

"She bumped into me, and I couldn't help it.... I lost control over myself and bit her because she smelled so good," I whined and looked at her. "I helped her afterwards!" I said and then looked back at him. "Don't be mad at me.... I won't do anything more to her...." He hissed my way.

"Yeah right!" He tucked his phone away and then helped her to her feet, letting her lean on him. "I told you what happens once you feed someone your blood from your fangs. I seen the whole thing Dante." He started to walk her towards his manor. "Evil little vampire." He grumbled under his breath. I frowned at that. What's he talking ab- Oh....

"I WASN'T TRYING TO TURN HER!" I screamed out after him. "I swear that I didn't think about it! If she's going to be my newborn then give her back!"

"No. I'm going to take her home and call up a friend to see what I can do about getting her taking good care of. We have way too many vampires as it is." Charlie hissed towards me. I narrowed my eyes.

"Charlie, bring her back," I ordered. "Now listen here, if she's my newborn, then I need to be responsible for her. In fact, a ton of vampires were killed recently- curtesy of Louis- so there are not too many vampires in the world right now. She'll be taken good care of back at my castle where the others will help her and keep her safe. She'll be treated well, and she'll be fine," I told him, watching him closely.

"No." He said calmly as he looked towards me. "As a vampire hunter... I cannot allow it. She's going home with me. You see careless makers like yourself is the reason why we end up having to hunt, because vampires like this get created and end up trashing the town with corpses because they know nothing. She's going to have the transformation stopped and her memories erased before something bad happens." Wait...can he actually get the transformation stopped?

"You can actually do that now?" I asked, looking at him curiously.

"It's like curing a flu. I can reverse it too." He smirked towards me.

"You're not lying....right?" I asked, getting to my feet and walking towards him. "Because if you aren't then I will teleport you back myself. I was only giving her my blood in the best intentions to try to reverse what I did to her on accident."

"I'm not letting you come along for the show. It's a trade secret." Charlie frowned as he looked me over.

"I'd just drop you outside the gate....However, if I find out you lied to me," I said, narrowing my eyes as I reached out, grabbing the two of them and teleporting outside the Ainsworth manor's gate.

"You won't." Charlie snapped. "I don't lie about something so serious." He explained. I nodded and leaned in towards his ear.

"Forgive me?" I whispered sweetly.

"Never." He hissed. "I'm having to clean up YOUR mess. I don't appreciate it at all. If I find you doing this again... Your going to wish I wasn't a guy." He stuck out his tongue at me. I widened my eyes. He doesn't mean the sexual meaning behind that, does he? The girl started to fall towards his knees so he grabbed her and started to drag her into the gates. "Don't call on me for at least three hours, so I can make sure this is done." I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat as I watched him go. I don't like him mad at all.... I'm going to have to do something to make him happy again. I looked down at my feet and sighed, looking up at him.

"Charlie...wait." I walked up close to the gate and looked at him sadly. He turned them around to look at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes Dante?" He asked me. I bit my bottom lip as I tried to find words for what I was about to do. I shook my head and just decided to speak instead of think about it.

"It's not right.... me having control over you.... Charlie, you could have killed me with that knife, but you didn't, and now you're even cleaning up my mistakes. I don't want to make another one- especially if you are involved. You're a good kid...and you'll make a splendid vampire. You already make a spectacular vampire hunter after all.... I'm releasing you," I whispered the last part and looked him in the eyes. He widened his eyes.

"Why would you release me?" He asked softly. "You can't trust that I won't go tell Paris." He took a step back and the girl leaned her head into the crook of his neck, smiling faintly. I shook my head.

"You're right... I can't, but Charlie, I release you," I said stronger, making the power of my current blood in his body powerless and null. I felt my ability to command him fall away and felt a lump in my throat. He's not going to come back either. He stared me down with a blank expression then confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Why?" He asked softly and started to take a step towards me but hesitated. A gun shot went off from the porch.

"CHARLIE AINSWORTH STEP AWAY FROM THE VAMPIRES." I heard an irritated but strictt guy order him. Right as he got in vampire, a clear bullet hit the girl Charlie was holding up right between the head, and hit me in the shoulder. I screamed out and fell over, the bullet both becoming embedded under my skin and shocking the living daylights out of me. I gripped the ground, scratching at the cement and causing my fingernails to bleed. It stopped after a few seconds, but I was too wound up from the bullet and still processing what happened. I laid there wide eyed as my fangs exposed themselves, my instincts kicking in to fight back. I reached over to my shoulder wound and started digging into it, trying to pull the bullet out. Vampire hunters are so troublesome! I felt my head get placed in a soft lap.

"Oh my gosh! Don't touch it- let me help." Charlie begged.

"CHARLIE! What ARE you doing! I said get away!" I heard the voice coming closer to us. "I'll kill him- get back!" Charlie looked at me with worry and helped me pull out the bullet then threw it a few feet away.

"Go!" Charlie hissed in my ear. I looked up at him with wide eyes. Did he just help me...again? I reached up, touching his cheek before I teleported out of there, not wanting to get him in anymore trouble. I need to go back to Europe.... I fell down on my living room couch and groaned in pain, putting a hand over the wound. I hope he'll be alright. THAT GUY KILLED MY NEWBORN! I hissed and looked over, seeing my dog crouching low to the floor.

"I'm not mad at you," I said quickly.

Charlie's POV:

I looked towards my brother, Dylan as he walked up to the girl and kicked her with his foot, then knelt down, sticking the gun into her mouth to open it then took it out. He hissed out a cursed word then looked towards me. "Human, turning human in fact. What exactly is going on Charlie? Your hanging out with vampires now?" He questioned me. I frowned and looked away. What's the big deal? He's a vampire and so is Louis and Paris... So why can't I hang out with Dante? Even Jacob is a vampire now.. let's not forget the small fact that I will be on the night of my birthday.

"Nothing, I was taking her to you so we could help her.... He was simply just giving me the extra hand." I told him, trying not to lie. I hated lying to him because he seemed to know when I did.

"Get. Inside." He growled and picked up the girl, placing his gun in his pocket. "Your not a hunter anymore, I don't like that your starting to stray from the hunter code. You should know better then to get messed up into something like this." He mumbled as he lead me towards the house. "Your not allowed to leave the manor anymore. I don't care if it is to hunt or not. You can't leave until your birthday, I don't want to take anymore chances, obviously your freedom to go places isn't a good idea. This is the second vampire you brought home this week- no third. Plus that one that turned up and left a minute ago. Four! Your like a magnet." I frowned as he continued talking and lecturing me but I couldn't help but to worry about Dante. Riley ran into me as I started to walk through the door, he wrapped me up into a warming hug and kissed my neck.

"What'd you do? Dylan looks upset and I heard a gun shot- and who's this?" Riley asked as he pointed towards the girl. "By the way- that little vampire staying across from us is awake."

"She was someone I found on the street, turning. So I brought her here and then our protective older brother shot her down like she was a mut. He also shot this guy I was quite friendly with~ Oh and I didn't do anything. Now he's taking my freedom from me." I pouted.

"Well that is the four vampire you brought here. We can't just let vampires come walking up here freely, otherwise we will get disrespected and ambushed and ran out of town. You don't want that, do you?" He asked me and then started to drag me towards the stairs. "Come on, I want to watch that movie with you we recorded last night."

"I'll take her downstairs and get her cleaned up boys, I'll let you know how this goes." Dylan told us, heading towards the basement doors. I frowned, hoping she'd be okay after getting shot in the head during her half life between human to vampire. I pulled away from Riley and shook my head.

"I actually need to go to the library really quick." I told him and took off towards the library in the manor. I ran into it the shut the door- locking it. I walked over towards the window and opened it, looking down towards the ground. I have to make sure he is okay... I can jump down from here. I stepped up onto the edge of the window and looked at the side of the building, seeing plants growing up the side, and a healthy vein. I tugged on it twice to test it then used it to climb down the side of the manor. Once I reached the ground I took off towards the garage and slipped in quietly, so Dylan couldn't hear me. I grabbed my car keys and then opened the garage door. I slipped into my car, starting the ignition. I drove off towards the gates at a fast speed, pressing a button in my car so the gates would open up for me. I looked around my car for one of the spare phones I kept in it and grabbed it. I dialed up his number, remembering it. The phone went to voice mail after a few minutes of it ringing.

"Hey, this is Dante. I can't get to the phone right now, so leave your name and number and I'll think about getting back in touch with you. No promises," his prerecorded voice said and then I heard his laugh. The phone beeped for me to leave a message. I groaned and hung up. I knew where his house was, so most likely he went there to recover from the bullet. I slowed down as I recognized I was driving above the speed limit and blushed. He's not that important to risk my life over to get to him. After all... he's the immortal one. It took me twenty minutes to reach his house, I pulled up by his car and got out, leaving the car running. I ran towards the door and knocked on it. His dog started barking and ran over towards the door, letting out a cute little howl.

"I'm up!" He screamed out and then I heard a huge thud from the living room and a yelp. His dog whimpered and I heard her start running back to her master. I tried to open the door then, surprised it was open. I rushed in, without taking the time to shut it back.

"Dante- are you okay?" I asked, trying not to sound like I was worried. I stopped rushing as I reached the livingroom and gave a innocent smile. He was sprawled out on the floor, laying on his hurt arm awkwardly as he groaned. He rolled off of it and looked over at me.

"W-what are you...doing here?" He asked, and I noticed a dazed look in his eyes. There was this huge red mark across his face about the shape of the edge of his coffee table. He must have fallen and hit his head on it.

"Dante- you hit your head?" I asked and walked over, trying not to rush to him. I got on my knees by him and went to examine the wound on his shoulder. "Let me have a look at that wound." He shook his head and put his hand over it.

"It's fine- I'm fine," he said quickly, too quickly. He let out a soft grunt as he tried to lift his head. I shoved him onto his back and smirked.

"Your fine? So I came here all for nothing? I'm going to get my butt kicked and handed to me when I get home all for nothing!" I said and shook my head. "You better start faking it real good." I narrowed my eyes. He sighed and removed his hand, revealing his shoulder wound to me. It looked pretty bad actually- like it hurt a lot. His shirt was soaked around it, wet with his blood. I noticed that the ends of his fingernails were destroyed and were bleeding as well as if he had scratched at something hard like cement. Not to mention his eyes were dilated like he had a concussion from hitting his head. He was holding back a pained expression as he shifted uncomfortably. I sat him up then, putting his back against the couch and got on his lap. "You should drink my blood, it will help you heal faster." I told him. He looked like he wanted to, but he held back- hesitating. He glanced at my neck and then up to my eyes, shaking his head. "Why not?" I asked and narrowed my eyes.

"I don't want to drink from you.... I don't want you to get hurt, and I know that if I did right now, you'd be really weak by the time I would have the strength to pull back," he whispered and looked down towards his shoulder wound that wasn't healing. "If you want to help, can you go get a bottle of blood out of the fridge? Please?" I wrinkled up my nose and then pulled out a knife from my pocket, cutting my neck right near by collar bone.

"Drink up, I will stab you to get you off if I need to." I told him. He smelled my blood and looked at it hungrily before leaning in after a moment. He licked at it hesitantly and then wrapped his arms around me, not biting down as he was settling for what came from the knife wound. I sat the knife down by us, keeping it in my reach then wrapped my arms around him, closing my eyes. I exposed my neck more for his satisfaction. He moved his head closer in, his breath tickling my skin and making me shiver. His fangs grazed my neck as he finally exposed them, thinking about biting me. "You can bite me." I told him softly, hoping he wouldn't shy away. His grip tightened on me after a second and he bit me as gently as he could, piercing my skin almost perfectly. I gasped and gripped his shirt. The bite hurt for only a minute, before turning into a bit of pleasure. I held back a moan as I waited for him to get enough. After about a few minutes later, he licked at my neck and gave my new bite mark a small kiss.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered and buried his face into my neck.

"For what?" I asked him sweetly, running a hand up to his hair and I started to curl it around my fingers.

"For getting you in trouble, for being careless and getting shot, for feeding off of you again and biting you," he mumbled, sounding really upset as he kept talking.

"Oh no problem. I'm an Ainsworth. I live for these kinds of things. I've been doomed since day one." I laughed softly. He chuckled a little and moved his head back a bit to look me in the eyes.

"You didn't have to come, you know? I released you after all Charlie," he said, studying me. I knew I didn't have to come, but I had to make sure he was okay. The bullets my brother crafted together is like... I wouldn't exactly know. I blushed.

"I know, I just felt responsible." I told him, trying to keep my cool. He frowned then and looked at me closer then took his arms back from around me and rubbed at his eyes before looking at me again.

"Wow... I think I hit my head really....really hard," he said and laughed. "I could've sworn...." he trailed off and narrowed his eyes, looking at me closer then leaning in and sniffing me. I slid off his lap then, taking the knife.

"You okay Dante?" I asked him cautiously. "I don't need to carve out your stone do I?" I wondered.

"No!" He said quickly, scooting away a few inches. "Don't touch my stone."

"Always works." I whispered to myself and smirked. "I'm going to go clean up then." I told him and put the knife up into my pocket. I was still in my night clothes. He nodded after looking at me curiously for a few seconds.

"The upstairs.... You have clothes up there if you'd like to change," he whispered, wide eyed.

"Why are you looking at me like that!?" I hissed and started towards the stairs, feeling my heart race a bit as I neared them. No matter how much I tried to push the idea away I was always scared of the stairs, but Riley had helped me push the feelings aside so I could walk up the stairs in the manor and down them. The harder part was down the stairs. He appeared beside me.

"Do you want some help?" He asked sweetly, glancing up at the top of the stairs and then to me. "I can get you up there...." He smiled at me with something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"No, I got it." I told him. "Riley helped me with the fear when I was young." I covered my mouth then, I need to quit admitting that I was scared of the stairs. I started up them then. What's up with him?

"Alright then," he whispered softly, sounding like he didn't want to argue with me. I hurried up the stairs, trying to push the fear down and sighed in relief as I got to the top. I walked towards my bedroom then and turned around to see if he was following me. He hadn't this time, giving me space. I narrowed my eyes at the empty area and then walked off towards my room. I swear if he appeared in the bathroom while I am cleaning up... I'll gut him. I laughed at the thought then found myself already in my room and walking towards the closet. I pulled open the closet doors to see what he picked out for me to wear. There were some jeans, a few button up long sleeved shirts, some plain tank tops and black t-shirts, a few boxes of shoes at the top of the closet, and shorts. I looked the clothes over then grabbed a pair of pants and one of the button- ups. I never wear them after all so it was something new. I decided to skip over the shoes- that's when I remembered about my car.

"DANTE!" I called. I heard a footstep behind me then as he appeared a few feet away.

"Yes Charlie?" He asked softly, watching me.

"I left my car running, could you go lock it up and turn the ignition off... oh and your front door is open." I informed him. He nodded and disappeared quickly. He came back after a second and held out my car keys towards me.

"Here you go cutie," he said and smirked. I grabbed them, tossing them to the bed.

"Thanks." I smiled sweetly towards him then started for the bathroom with the clothes in my hands. I slipped into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I took out the knife, my phone- two phones... Oh look... I had one on me. I shook my head. I dropped my wallet as well as three knives, a pepper spray bottle, and a needle. I laughed at how well prepared I was. I turned on the water to the shower then stripped off my clothes. I took a quick shower, making sure to be easy with my neck since it was still sore from the bite marks. I got out once I started to feel light headed and grabbed a clean towel off a rack, drying myself off. I got dressed into the clothes I chose for me, blue and black being the coordinating colors. I laid my towel out to dry on the shower rod then grabbed my dirty clothes, and the pocket accessories then took them to my bedroom. I placed them on my bed for safe keeping then headed for the stairs. I looked down them and laughed softly- getting nervous about walking down them. I hated going down stairs. I took in a deep breath then went to step- put felt my head start to throb. I reached up towards my temple and hissed out in pain. Dante appeared at the bottom of the stairs with a smile then froze as he saw my pained expression.

"Charlie? Are you ok?" He asked, starting up the stairs quickly. He got up to me and wrapped his arms around me, teleporting us to the living room and setting me down on the couch. "I'll get you some water. You stay here," he said worriedly, running towards the kitchen. I blushed and curled up to myself on the couch, waiting for him to come back. The pain was most likely caused from pushing myself right after being fed from... I just needed some rest. He came back quick and held out the glass, kneeling down in front of the couch to look me in the eyes. I noticed that his eyes were still slightly dilated from hitting his head, but he was ignoring his concussion to help me.

"Dante, I think you should take it easy. Your starting to worry me." I mumbled to him as I took a sip of the glass of water. "Your eyes are still dilated."

"I don't care about that," he said softly. "I care about you more than I care about some stupid concussion. I'll be fine."

"You should have healed up from it though." I told him, giving him back the glass then closed my eyes. I heard my glass being set on the coffee table.

"It'll be long as I don't fall asleep for a few hours, I don't have much to worry about." He sat down on the couch beside me and moved my head into his lap, brushing some of my hair aside. I looked up at him then and smiled.

"I just need to rest up." I told him and laughed. "If your still hungry your welcome to have more." His cheeks tinted to a light shade of pink then and he shook his head.

"I wouldn't be able to bring myself to that....not when I already have bottled blood in the fridge. You're safe from me," he told me as he leaned down, kissing the top of my head. I nodded then.

"If your certain..." I trailed. "Why was you going up the stairs?" I asked him, remembering he showed up so quickly. He blushed then and he looked away.

"I...heard you coming and wanted to make sure you were alright," he whispered and glanced down at me out of the corner of his eyes. "That's a really lame reason, but it's the truth."

"Oh it's not that lame. It's sweet actually. Thank you." I leaned up, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He looked down at me then and smiled, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"You're sweet," he said in return.

"Now your being lame." I laughed and looked away from him. "My brothers are going to murder me."

"Then why are you here? You shouldn't do something that is going to get you in trouble with them even more. You seem to be in enough," he whispered.

"I had to make sure you was okay." I told him and looked up at him. "After all, I shouldn't had been so careless about having you standing near the gate like that. Oh and don't worry about the girl, she'll be okay." His eyes widened and he looked shocked.

"She's...alive? I thought she was dead!" He winced. "She must be in a lot of pain....that shoulder wound your brother gave me really hurt. I thought I might die."

"I'm assuming she is alive. Dylan took her down and told me not to worry, that she would be just fine. I don't think I will be going home any time soon though.. I'll end up a vampire earlier then expected for sure." I laughed nervously. He frowned then.

"Well....if you need do have a bedroom here." He bit his bottom lip. "I'm not going to make you stay, but you have the option to." I nodded then.

"I'll stay here, but you have to promise me something." I told him and looked towards him. He nodded then, getting serious.

"What is it?"

"If I do any funny things in my sleep- which I am very active in my sleep- You have to promise that you will not laugh for starters, you won't let me leave this house, you won't wake me up, and if you hear me talking you won't listen to a word I say." He thought it over then nodded.

"I will try my best not to listen...I think the rest will be ok for me to promise on," he told me and then looked at me funny. "So you are like a sleepwalker and a talker?"

"I sleep with my eyes open, I talk, I have nightmares, I walk, run, anything you name it... I just about do it." I told him and blushed. He nodded after a second.

"Just don't sleep kill me, alright?" He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'll make sure that you don't get hurt though...." He looked like he knew something I didn't, but he didn't go on and sat up, reaching for the TV remote.

"What's the matter? Do you know something I don't?" I asked him. He blushed and looked down at me as he turned the remote over in his hand.

"W-well... it's nothing really... I just- I could have sworn after I hit my head and drank your blood that were my mate...but that can't be," he whispered and looked at the remote in his hands. "I don't know.... It's nothing. Don't worry about it." He gave me an innocent smile and turned the TV on, keeping the volume low. I sat up then, remembering Dylan talking to me a few years back about the concept of mates.

"You what?" I asked him, using a tone that told him I knew what exactly mate meant. He shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. I hit my head really hard. That must have been it," he whispered and then looked towards the TV to avoid looking at me. I frowned and got in front of the TV so he was looked directly at me.

"No, I should worry about it. Dylan told me that you can't just let these precious moments slip up if we are." I told him. "WELL." I raised an eyebrow. Being a human, I had no way of knowing... but supernaturals could tell. It was a gift from the witches, which is a good story actually. He blushed and looked at me then, studying me.

"What if I am wrong and it's just because I hit my head really bad and the fact that you offered me your blood?" He whispered softly, biting the inside of his lip nervously. I looked down then, disappointed. I always wanted a mate, it was something I dreamt of my whole life, a soul mate... someone that got me.

"Oh..." I mumbled.

"But..." he tilted my head up and looked me in the eyes curiously, "I will admit something.... You are different from every single person I've met, that's for sure. You somehow made me miss you when I've only known you for a little while. You walking back towards your manor about killed me, and when I released you, I was finding it hard to breath," he said softly. "I don't want to see you get hurt, and I could care less about getting back Raven if you were to stay. I feel really bad when you act like you hate my maybe you are, and it took a conk on the noggin to realize it." He laughed softly as he shook his head. "What do you think?"

"I never hated you... I think you should remember that I am not your average vampire hunter. I'm actually fascinated with you kind. I'm not too sure about being a vampire but I know I won't waste my eternity once it is given to me. I dont have a reason to hate you, you are being very kond to me. With the whole mate thing well... I don't want to end up with the wrong person. Fate chooses certain people to be mates for a reason and we should pay attention to who the right one is. As a human, I don't get a chance to instantly know who I belong with, its like I'm blind to the light that you are viewing. Except in this case it has to do with smell... Not sight. I would want to know though. I will when I am a vampire- thats the best thing to look forward to." I kissed his cheek before going to lay my head bad down into his lap. I saw him blush as he looked down at me.

"W-well... I'm actually...very certain...99.9% certain that you are my mate. I can't believe I didn't notice before...sometimes I'm so hard headed," he whispered as his blush deepened and then looked up at the TV, putting on Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass. "I'm glad you came to check on me. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't," he said, aiming to get off of the mate subject. "You're okay with this movie choice, right?" I shrugged.

"The movie is fine." I mumbled then looked him over. So he is my mate? Then everything that happened before doesn't matter, and this changes everything. I grabbed the remote then muted the tv, tossing the remote to the side. I leaned in towards his ear and kissed right below it.. "I won't be watching it anyways." He widened his eyes and looked towards me.

"It's a good movie. You should watch it," he said, sounding slightly nervous about me being so close.

"That it is." I agreed, although I never seen it before. I kissed his cheek then. "Your more entertaining." He blushed and looked at the TV to ignore me.

"Am not," he mumbled. I dropped my jaw slightly and started to move off of him.... he wants to play that game huh? Two can play it.

"Fine then." I whispered. He looked over at me and frowned.

"Charlie?" He called out, reaching for me. "If you are mad because of the movie, I can always watch it later. I have eternity after all." I curled up to my side of the couch and shrugged.

"Watch your movie." I mumbled, closing my eyes.

"Alright, I will," he said then laid down on the couch, resting his head up against my stomach. I rubbed his head and gave him the remote back. So Dante is my mate? I thought all along that I was going to be cursed with a girl or something. He stretched out and then sat up, shaking his head and pulling me into his lap. "I can't get comfortable, so you are just going to have to sit with me so that you aren't too far away," he said and kissed my cheek. I blushed and remembered I didn't eat anything yet.. I should go get something and ditch him on the couch... I smirked at my clever plan. I slid off of his lap then and started for the kitchen. I heard him sigh and then the dog jumped up, taking my place. I looked back towards the two before entering the kitchen. I looked around for a few minutes before feeling the dizziness start back up. I sighed, leaning against a counter for support... I don't even know what I want to eat. I should just ask Dante to suggest something....

"DANTE!" He appeared beside me and smirked.

"Yes cutie?" He asked, leaning over and kissing my neck. "Want me to make you something?"

"Even better then what I had in mind." I mumbled and gave him a innocent smile. "I don't know what I want either, so have fun." I told him and hopped up onto the counter to watch him cook. He nodded and went over to the fridge, going through it before pulling out a thing sausages and biscuits.

"This good enough? Or do you want some ham and eggs with it?" He asked as he glanced back into the open fridge, setting the food down on the counter. "You'll need a fruit of sorts..." He grabbed a carton of orange juice and set it on the counter as well. "To help replenish the blood I took after all...."

"I rather have tea." I mumbled and smiled. "I don't need eggs and ham either." I shook my head, I didn't care much about feeding my body healthily, after all I was going to be a vampire in the end. "Make me something sweet."

"A-alright.... Want a German Chocolate Cake then?" He laughed and started to put the biscuits and sausages into the fridge along with the orange juice. He pulled out a cartoon of eggs and milk. He grabbed a jug of tea and then put it on the counter. Shutting the fridge door with his foot, he went over to a cabinet and got a bowl down. "I need to make it first before the biscuits because it takes a hold on." He laughed and got me a cup, filling it with the cold tea and set it beside me as he went back to the cake preparations. I took a sip of the tea as I watched him, giving him a smile.

"If we are mates can I live with you? Instead of just stay here off and on? Oh and we should get a gaming console so I can kick your butt at call of duty." I laughed at him, giving him a smile. I took another sip of my tea and relaxed. Cake sounded marvelous right about now, I was wanting something sweet.

"I can get one by tonight, don't worry.... I'll even have it set up before tomorrow. You may live where you choose Charlie... I don't mind if you go back to your family or if you stay here with me. If you want to stay here with me and they don't like it, well... they'll have to go through an entire army. They won't be harmed- just it will be hard for them to force you back," he told me with a small laugh as he started mixing the ingredients. I nodded and brought my knees to my chest.

"I want to see Jacob later today." I told him, missing Jacob. He hadn't been around in a couple of days. I wanted to know how he was doing.

"I will find him for you then...Would you like it if he stayed here? It'd be easier for you to find him, and he'd be out of that little termite hovel he calls home." He shook his head at the thought of it and glanced over at me as he finished mixing. He put it in a cake dish and then turned on the oven, sticking it in. I nodded then eagerly.

"If you don't mind and won't get jealous." I said sweetly.. "Jacob and I play flirt." I warned. "He's a good friend of mine." He nodded then and looked over, coming up to me and then leaning against the counter. He leaned in and stole a kiss from me as he placed his hands on my waist. I blushed as I looked into his eyes. "Your the best Dante." I mumbled and leaned in towards his cheek, giving him a kiss. He smirked softly and then kissed my neck, hovering by my ear.

"As long as it's just play flirting," he murmured, his breath tickling my ear as he sighed gently. He pulled back with a look in his eyes that made me want to melt and ran his fingers through his hair, looking me dead in the eyes. I nodded and leaned in towards him, hesitating as I debated about kissing him... then closed the space between our lips. He moved his hand back to my waist then slid it behind me, pulling me closer and onto the edge of the counter as he got in between my legs. He kissed me passionately, tilting his head. I pulled back after a second and bit my bottom lip.

"I could get use to this." I mumbled happily. I was excited, to finally have a mate. I truly never guessed that I would get one this early. He smirked and leaned in, kissing me again.

"You're going to," he murmured, his breath tickling my face. It smelled sweet, but not too sweet, tempting me into another kiss. I kissed him back, this time pressing my tongue into his mouth to get a kiss... I seen Dylan kiss a girl like this once~ I was very interested in it. Plus Paris and Richard tend to do it around me here and there. He gripped me tighter, pulling me almost off the counter as he kissed me harder. He smirked against my lips and then started to suck on my tongue before I knew what he was doing. I gasped, the feeling was completely new to me. I tensed up and tried to pull away as my heart sped up. He didn't let me and pressed into me as he let go of my tongue to move his into my mouth. He explored it, tickling the roof of my mouth. I blushed and caught his tongue with mine, beginning to suck on his like he done to mine, tugging his into my mouth further. He moaned and then picked me up off of the counter, moving a hand under my butt to help support me as he wrapped my legs around him. I pulled away from the kiss quickly.

"Come on Dante, you still a have to make my cake." I reminded him. "As well as my breakfast." I blushed, hating to interrupt our session. "Then we can have a bit of fun once I ate something." He sighed and set me back on the counter then kissed my cheek.

"Alright," he whispered, looking me in the eyes and then went to the fridge, pulling my breakfast back out. He started to prepare it, cooking them and then making me a sausage biscuit and putting it on a plate. He slid it over to me and smiled. "The cake will be done in fifteen minutes."

"I like to eat jelly on my biscuits." I informed him.. I shoved the plate back, waiting for the jelly. I took a sip of my tea and smirked. He sighed and got out the jelly, putting it on and then sliding it to me again. I nodded, approvingly then started to eat my breakfast.

"Thank you Dante." I purred to him and ate the biscuits quicker then I usually do. I took a sip then and sighed, happily. He smiled and then looked into the oven, pulling out a gorgeous looking cake. I leaned back against the wall as I watched the cake coming out. My mouth began to water at the idea of something sugary. He set it down on the counter and then flipped it out onto a plate.

"It'll have to cool maybe an hour before I can frost it." He smiled at me and then turned to look at me. "In the mean time, is there anything else I can get you while you wait?" I shook my head no, walking off towards the living room with my tea. One more hour. He was on the couch before I had entered the room and smiled at me innocently, laying down on it. "Well...You can pick a movie then or do whatever until its time to eat the cake." I nodded, taking a seat at his feet- sitting on them. I placed my tea on a nearby side table. I curled up towards him, beginning to tickle his feet. I laughed as I waited for his reaction. He jerked his feet and laughed a bit involuntarily as he sat up, reaching out to grab my hands. "That's not funny," he said through his laughter. I managed to get out of the way before he got my hands, then jumped to my feet.

"Too slow." I told him, smirking at my hunter skills. I was proud of myself. Too bad I left my goodies upstairs on my bed.... otherwise I would be having him trembling. It was amazing how quickly I managed to change Dante from a heartless vampire to one that wouldn't dare harm me. I had him by his stone now, there was no way he would ever cross me. He disappeared from in front of me and then I felt arms wrap around my waist, a familiar breath on my neck as he kissed me there.

"Who's slow now?" He murmured, a seductive tone to his voice as he nibbled on my ear. I blushed and turned around in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck.

"I'm only an innocent hunter." I whispered back to him then wrapped a leg around one of his, beginning to trip him up, making him fall down- taking me with him. I managed to pin him as he was confused by the fall. "Note... I'm a hunter." He blushed and looked up at me.

"So what are you going to do now that you caught me Mr. Hunter?" He smirked then and stole a kiss, trying to free his hands. I held onto his arms tightly.

"I'm going to-" I scanned his body with my eyes then leaned in towards his neck, biting down like a vampire. "Bite you." I whispered into his ear and laughed. He tensed up and then shivered as he stopped fighting me, not wanting to make me bite him harder. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and then went limp under me. I removed my arms and started to tickle his sides, giggling as I messed with him. He laughed as he started to push up on my chest.

"Stop it," he laughed out breathlessly, going for my hands as he couldn't push me off. I shook my head no.

"Say I rule!" I said and laughed as I started to tickle downwards. He laughed and tried to grab my hands.

"Of course I rule," he said and leaned up, stealing a kiss as he held back a fit of laughter. He's highly ticklish.... I kept tickling him, beginning to get his stomach as I got off him to do so.

"NO- SAY I RULE!" I laughed as I kept getting him.

"I rule!" He laughed and went to sit up and started to crawl away from me before I could get him any worse. I grabbed his foot and pulled him back to me, starting to tickle his feet.

"Say you win then!" I smirked as I waited for the right answer. He tried to jerk his feet back as he was laughing too much and then gave up.

"Fine! You win the battle, but I'll win the war cutie," he said and laughed as he reached for my hands. I let his feet go and smirked.

"You wish." I told him. "I'm the hunter here." I informed him. "You can't win a war when your running away." He smirked back, crawling closer and then pushing me down onto my back. He got on top of me and leaned in, kissing me passionately.

"Then...I'll just have to hunt you," he murmured, kissing me again. I tried to overpower him then, getting concerned for myself.

"You can't.... Your just a vampire." I mumbled. He laughed as he grabbed my hands, pinning them above my head.

"And vampires hunt humans," he told me before kissing underneath my chin and then trailing kisses down to my collarbone.

"Too bad I'm not human, I'm a hunter." I told him, then arched my back, trying to get him to loosen up a bit. He shoved me back down with his weight, kissing right above the top button on my shirt and then taking one of his hands back to move it under my shirt, running it up my spine. In the process, he had freed one of my hands, giving me back something. I smirked and used my hand to my advantage, going for his stone to make him surrender. He wasn't paying me any attention as he was focused on kissing me. He gave me a love bite in the center of my collarbones and tickled my back gently while running his hand back down it, sending a shiver through me. I gasped, pulling my hand away from my plan and blushed a light pink. "Dante?" He hummed in response and then moved up an inch, starting another one. I accidentally let a moan slip. "Time to frost the cake." I mumbled, trying to get out of being hunted. He sat up on top of me and smirked.

"Not for another thirty minutes, no," he said and then let go of my other hand before leaning back down and kissing my cheek. "Being hunted by me isn't so bad....especially if I like you enough not to eat you." I looked away and blushed.

"You better watch your Alice in Wonderland and behave." I mumbled softly. He laughed softly and then nipped my earlobe.

"I don't want to watch a movie," he said stubbornly and then kissed my lips before I could say something. I gasped, he's gotten to kiss me too many times. Even before we acknowledged we was mates... It's unfair.

"Kiss me again." I dared him. I went in to bite his nose, missing by an inch. "I mean it Mr. Dante." He laughed and kissed me, sucking on my lower lip to send a thrill throughout my body. I gasped and tensed up. He kissed me once again! I tried to overpower him then, succeeding in doing so. I smirked as I had flipped us then left him there clueless. I went for the couch, grabbing my tea. He can't risk me spilling tea everywhere. He pouted towards me as he sat up.

"But Charlie," he tried, looking me over. "I wasn't done."

"Too bad." I told him as I took a sip of my tea. "Hunter got away from the vampire.. what a clever hunter." He frowned and stood up, going towards the kitchen.

"Hunter gonna get it later," he muttered as he passed right in front of me.

"Awe, is the vampy upset?" I asked and giggled. "Too bad the hunter won the war this time."

"The war is never over," he remarked as he went into the kitchen. He came back after about five minutes with two plates of German Chocolate cake. He set it in my lap then sat beside me, taking a bite of his. "I love this kind of cake." I nodded, sitting my tea aside and picked up my plate, starting to eat the cake. I moaned as the first bite melted almost in my mouth from it being so moist and fresh.

"So good!" I groaned out and started to eat the rest of it. He smiled over at me and then looked towards the TV.

"I'm glad you like it," he whispered.