Alpha Duties

Louis's POV:

"LAURENCE! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?!" I heard a guy scream as I was awoken from sleep by it. I groaned and brought Laurence closer, cuddling up to him sweetly as I buried my face into his neck. I took a deep breath of his comforting scent and smiled, starting to dismiss the angry male in the corner coming towards us. Laurence groaned and curled up closer to me, dismissing the male as well. He smiled softly, smelling me. I rested my head then in the crook of his neck, but he was suddenly ripped from me. "You're so not coming back for a full week! We had a deal!" He screamed out to Laurence. Laurence groaned, trying to get back to the bed.

"Go away... I'm still sleeping!" He complained. He started to struggle in his arms before realizing who he was being held by.. "Oh- Hi Ashieeee...."

"You're coming," this guy hissed in his ear. I sat up then, rubbing at my eyes.

"Laurence, who is he?" I mumbled as I started to crawl out of bed. I glanced down at what I was wearing and smiled, seeing it was one of my favorite pairs of shorts and a nice button up shirt. I glanced over at the two and narrowed my eyes. "I think you should go," I told the male.

"This is my mate Ashton, he's a king. Shadow king to be exact. Ever heard of the goblin king?" Laurence informed me. "Well... I got him as a mate. Ashton baby I didn't visit you because it was a full moon and I wanted to save my purity. Can you blame me?" Laurence said innocently. "Please don't be mad at me..." He trailed off. Ashton sighed and looked at him, then kissed the top of his head.

"I'll lessen your punishment to where you only have to stay the whole day and night with me," he whispered, slipping the necklace that Laurence was wearing off his neck and pocketing it. "You can have it back when your punishment is finished." Laurence gasped then got out of the other's arms fast and disappeared through the shadows, leaving us quickly. Ashton groaned. "You know that I can follow you wherever you run. You aren't getting away." He disappeared then, using the shadows as well. What just happened.... I shook my head and started for the door.

"Love you Laurence! Thanks for saving me, but I need to be getting back! I'll call Paris to come get me so don't worry!" I shouted, wondering if he was close by or not. I went to where I knew there was a phone and dialed up Paris's number. Hopefully he'd come get me and not be mad.... I heard a scream a couple of feet down the hall, probably from Laurence. I shook my head. Guess this Ashton fellow really can catch Laurence. Poor him.... I winced and then heard the phone start to ring as I waited for Paris to pick up. Paris picked up almost instantly.

"Paris speaking," I heard him yawn out. "How may I be of service to you?"

"Paris, can you come get me? I'm kinda trapped...and Laurence has his own problems because Ashton showed up and is upset," I said and glanced over my shoulder. "I'm at his castle right now...with no way to teleport because Isabelle put that bracelet on me yesterday."

"Why are you at his castle? I thought you'd be sleeping next to August and be happily pregnant by now." Paris mumbled through the phone. "I don't want to come get you, I just signed off papers by the way to make it official that your pup- mate can have his territory here in Maine- so thank me." He teleported in front of me then and looked me over. "Your not pregnant." He said and hung up the phone. I blushed and looked over at him.

"W-well...he caught me last night...but he got really hurt and Laurence picked me up before he could get revenge on me," I told him as I set the phone back down. "Thanks for helping him out though," I said, giving him an unsure smile. Is he going to blow up at me? I really hope he doesn't.... He rolled his eyes.

"You better be pregnant a week after his birthday and marriage." He mumbled then took my hand, teleporting us to his manor. "I need a nephew, remember?" He let me go and I heard rushed feet coming at me and then Hachi appeared in front of me, wrapping me up in a hug..

"Hi Louis!" Hachi said and smiled sweetly towards me. I giggled as I saw him and hugged him back.

"Hey Hachi! Did you sleep well?" I asked and kissed the top of his head before pulling away and grabbing Paris's hand comfortingly. I glanced over at him and smiled sweetly. "Tell you what Paris, when I get his inner wolf to respect me, then I will see about giving you a nephew or niece. I practically almost got raped last night, and he needs to learn to listen when I tell him no." I shook my head and then kissed Paris's cheek.

"What's that mean?" Hachi asked innocently. "Should I take care of this pest for you?" He asked me curiously.

"-No Hachi! He's a good kid. You behave." Paris told Hachi. Hachi let me go and looked at Paris with interest.

"I think we should." Hachi said softly. Paris smirked and looked towards me.

"I just want a nephew, so do what you have to do." He told me. I sighed and shook my head.

"Fine.... I'll talk to August about it... I don't want another incident where his inner wolf hunts and throws me in the back seat of a car after having his pack rip me out from in the trunk where I was hiding," I muttered. "Actually...I need to go find my car." I widened my eyes and then started for the door. "I'll see you later Paris! Love you!" I went outside before he could stop me and then left the manor, running down the street. Where did I leave my car anyways? I frowned and stopped, looking around the street and then walked. I'll have to go back to my own place and get Isabelle to take this off so I can just teleport to it.

After I finally stumbled down my driveway, I went up to the door and went in, practically falling on the floor. My feet were sore from walking all that way barefoot, even running some of it. I took a deep breath, trying to ease myself into a sitting position. August was on the couch in the living room, taking a nap. I quickly stopped, looking towards him and slowly shut the door behind me, starting to crawl down the hall. That's right... I need to avoid him for right now in case his inner wolf is pissed and takes over. I can't get caught by his pack either. "Hello Luna," I heard Rick say from behind me. I shrieked in fear, jumping to my feet and looking back at him as I was on edge. He smirked as he was leaning against the wall, watching me. I heard August start to wake up in the living room as he rolled off the couch. I widened my eyes and looked at Rick then.

"You did that on purpose!" I said and then looked towards August before taking off down the hall, but I fell as pain shot through my leg from the bottom of my foot. I whimpered and curled up onto the floor. Rick was by me in seconds and was examining my feet.

"What did you do? You tore your feet up really bad.... Did you walk all the way here?" He asked quickly, looking up at me in alarm. I felt like crying and went to take my foot back from him. I heard August start to walk my way then.

"Louis? Rick!" I heard August mumbled as he headed our way. "Is that you two?"

"Yes Alpha August," Rick said and turned to look at him as he released my foot. "Our Luna came back.... but her feet are really torn up." August walked up to me then and looked me over, then knelt down... scooping me up into his arms and snuggled his face into the crook of my neck.

"Louis! What did you do to your feet?" He asked and shook his head towards me. "Your going on bed rest." I blushed and tensed up, remembering last night.

"N-no... I'm fine," I said quickly. "I don't need bed rest."

"You just fell....walking down the hall," Rick said, staring at me like I was insane. "You should listen to the Alpha a bit more since how he's looking out for your own safety." I shook my head then.

"No, it's fine....really... I just ended up walking all the way here from Paris's manor," I said as I wrapped my arms around August hesitantly. "I'll be fine soon...." He growled lightly in my ear then carried me towards our bedroom.

"Sure..." He grumbled. "Next time borrow some shoes!" He laid me down in bed when we entered the bedroom and he got in by me.

"Paris was already upset with me because I didn't let your inner wolf impregnate me," I mumbled, curling up. "He said that I better be pregnant a week after your birthday and our marriage....and Laurence got in trouble with his mate because he wasn't with him last night. He rescued me instead." I shook my head and then looked at him. "I'm sorry.... I won't walk barefoot down the street like that again.... I learned my lesson."

"We should talk about that..." August blushed. "About having a child. I was thinking..." He mumbled and trailed off. I blushed then. Did last night make him want a kid? I bit my bottom lip.

"What about it?" I whispered.

"I want your opinion on it... do you want a child?" He asked me and looked at me with a serious expression on his face. I thought about it for a second and then gave a small nod.

"Maybe someday...but not if your inner wolf rapes me to do it. I'll kick you between the legs again without a second thought," I warned. "I don't mind the idea of having a child, but I haven't really thought about it before....seriously anyways." August nodded then.

"If you want a child~ Just tell me... We can work something out." He kissed the top of my head and smiled sweetly. "I'm scared to be a father... I admit it..." I smiled softly at him and gave him a small kiss.

"Well....when you are more sure about having a kid...then we should-" I stopped as I remembered something. I know nothing about pregnancies, and Richard was supposed to be my helping hand by going through it with me. Paris won't be nice if we wait too long, and neither will Richard.... plus my child will grow up when the cousin is already old. There won't be a playmate.... August watched me curiously.

"Do you think I would be a good father?" He asked me. "Right now... that is?" He pulled me out of my thoughts, and I looked at him then. Would August be a good father? There was that time when he was drunk driving...that'd have to go. There was also that time when he ripped a ch- well that was his inner wolf... about the only complaint is the drunk driving I guess then. I smiled at him and touched his nose playfully.

"I think you would.... Your inner wolf on the other hand needs to learn some manners."

August's POV:

She smiled at me sweetly as she said it, kissing my cheek. "But other than your inner wolf learning manners, the only thing I can think of for you is that you don't drink and drive again like when we first met." I nodded in agreement. I wouldn't risk my life or the babies life by drunk driving.

"I wouldn't do that." I mumbled softly. She giggled then.

"You'd be a great father to any kids we might have then," she told me and leaned in, kissing me. I kissed her back and then got on top of her, deepening the kiss. If she thought I would be a good father then that's all that should matter. She pulled back then, pressing her head down into the pillow to look up at me. She blushed and then leaned up, kissing my cheek and then trailed kisses down to my neck. Her fangs exposed themselves, and she made a small noise before I felt her bite down gently, remarking me as her venom flowed into my veins. I gasped and let out a softly growl. I can't believe Louis bit me! I told him not to but she did it anyways. I pouted and pulled back.

"Your going to get it for doing that." I mumbled and leaned in towards her neck, digging my k9's in and smirked as I bit her back. She yelped and gripped my sides.

"A-August," she whimpered out and then went to pull my head away from her neck. "Please? That hurts." I pulled back then and licked my teeth.

"Then don't bite me." I whispered and laughed. "Then you won't get bit back." She pouted but gave a small nod.

"Fine... I won't bite you unless I have a good reason," she whispered, leaning up and giving me a kiss. She then smirked and reached down, grabbing my hands and then tried to flip us. I overpowered her though and didn't let her flip us.

"Nope. Not today." I mumbled. She looked up at me with wide eyes and then watched me carefully.

"Why not?" She asked after a few seconds.

"I want to be on top." I told her and leaned in towards her neck, kissing where I bit her. She exposed her neck better and wrapped her arms around me as she began to play with my hair.

"Alright....just because you hardly get to be on top when I'm a guy. Don't get too used to it," she teased and kissed the top of my head as she giggled. I nodded and rested my head against her neck.

"I won't... I miss you as a guy though.... your less hormonal and more... of a guy." I mumbled softly.

"I'm not horm- Well," she stopped herself and giggled. "I guess I am a bit...but you can't blame me," she whispered in my ear and then kissed me. She giggled and then tried to flip us again. I pinned her down though with my new found strength. Everyday I seemed to be getting stronger, I assumed it was an alpha thing.

"No, I can't blame you." I whispered in her ear. "But if you want..." I trailed off. I was considering it for her, knowing that she was much older then me and had waited longer for me and then would have to wait longer for a baby- I didn't want to be so selfish. "A baby, I will be fine with it." I mumbled. She blushed and looked up at me.

"W-well..." She bit her bottom lip and then went to flip us again, trying with all her diminished strength. I let her get on top then, looking her over with curiosity.

"Yes?" I asked her and blushed. She widened her eyes and looked at us then smirked. She leaned in and stole a kiss then started trailing kisses to my neck, taking control like she would've as a guy. I let a moan slip and arched my back. "Louis..." I mumbled, wanting to know her answer. Did this mean that it was going to happen now?

"August?" She paused to look at me and tilted her head. "What's the matter? Is my little alpha upset?"

"No, I was just curious..." I whispered, it was nearly able to hear. "Are we? Tonight... Right now?" She gave me another kiss on my neck and then rested her weight on top of me.

"What do you want?" She asked softly, her cheeks slightly pink as she studied me. She placed her head on my chest then. "Because.... I...guess I don't mind....just a little scared after all... but if you wanted a baby.... I would let you- as long as it wasn't your inner wolf trying because he's rude and doesn't let me tell him no." She narrowed her eyes at the thought.

"No, it's what you want... You have been waiting for centuries for this moment." I reminded Louis. "So rather you want one now or in a few years... I will be there to support your decision... No matter my age or uncertainty." I smiled sweetly towards Louis. She shook her head then.

"You're the one with the shorter lifespan. Besides, I told you that having kids never occurred to me until recently," she said stubbornly. "I don't want you to do something that you don't want to do just because I'm older."

"You are my mate, I'm only happy if you are." I whispered and closed my eyes. "So think about it if you have to. Just remember I won't live forever." She gave a small nod and took a second before she kissed me again. She wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled her face into my neck, giving me another kiss there. I blushed and wrapped my arms around her body to comfort her then rolled us over so she was laying by me, wrapped up in my arms. She gave me another kiss then as she snuggled up to me.

"Then... I guess I could give us a child soon...or later.... I don't know," she whispered and blushed. "I really don't mind if you want to wait August.... It's Paris that will be upset with us, not me. Richard is supposed to help me if we do have a baby soon because she'll walk me through pregnancy because I've never done it before and she has." I nodded.

"Richard can help you at any time." I said and rubbed her head. "I'm surprised you didn't make Paris have the baby instead of Richard."

"Richard was the one who was getting her stone taken out at the moment...and Paris has had multiple children before....and lost one." She shook her head. "It was really sad...and he doesn't want to go through that again. Richard is the one that will be having their kids until Paris speaks up and says that he wants to play mommy again.'s not only the fact that Richard is supposed to help me. Our baby wouldn't have a play mate if we waited a few years because Paris and Richard won't have another kid for awhile again."

"You never know about them two." I whispered and rubbed her head. "It would be nice to have children around the same age instead of a few centuries apart." I suggested for Louis to tell them.

"Well...that was Paris's thinking when we made the deal because he doesn't think that I'd willingly have children. I'm so used to being a guy..... He's going to get mad and eventually lock me in a room with you on a full moon if he has to. He really wants that nephew...or niece. He keeps specifying nephew," she giggled nervously. "I'd like to see the look on his face if we had a girl. It'd be hilarious."

"I think he assumes you'd have a boy because your both boys. You might have twins." I shook my head. It was a good possibility Louis would have twins. She nodded.

"That'd be interesting...and difficult...and painful...and stressful...." She sighed and then looked up at me. "Do you want to wait until you marry me so that way your conscience is clear?" I nodded then, it would be better for me if I married Louis first. It was a traditional way of doing things and I liked tradition. She nodded then and gave me a kiss. "Then we'll do that....because I want to make you happy," she whispered and closed her eyes. "You know, you don't have to lay here with me. You can go to your pack, and I'll go bother Isabelle till she takes the bracelet off."

"Does this mean you don't want to see me today? I could go to my parents today~" I mumbled and started to get up. "Rick can handle the pack." She quickly grabbed me by my shirt and stopped me from leaving as she tugged on it.

"That's not what I meant," she said quickly, her eyes wide as she sat up. "You don't have to go... I'd love to see you. I don't want you to leave...." I nodded and relaxed back onto the bed.

"I won't go then." I promised her. She nodded and laid her head on my chest.

"Why can't I bite you anymore?" She asked quietly. "Is there something wrong about it?"

"Alpha instincts I think." I told her and rested my head against her chest. "I'll bite back." I assured her.

"But that's no fair.... A vampire's way of showing love is sometimes through biting," she mumbled and started to play with my hair. "It's our natural instinct to bite others....and some of us used to suppress it, but we had a revolution that stopped that mess. Paris made it to where we can love who we want and bite who we want.... He killed our parents to do it. Our parents who hid me from him."

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, not realizing that they really did- especially Louis appreciate biting others and expressing love that way. It was romantic in a way. Werewolves bite others to express dominance, authority, and of course to eat. I heard my inner wolf tell me. "Werewolves have different views on it." I told him. She frowned and looked at me.

"Oh? They do, do they? Like what?" She asked curiously, curling a lock of my hair around her fingers.

"Authority for instance." I suggested. "Pack stuff." I shrugged and kissed her cheek. "Not much on romance. That's why our marks are different from yours." She frowned.

"Well.... That's no fun," she mumbled and then kissed me on the lips softly. "How do you guys express love then besides the normal hugging and stuff?" I laughed and licked her cheek.

"Like that." I joked and started to lick down to her neck. She gasped and gripped my hair tighter.

"Eek! That's all wet!" She giggled and went to curl up to me. I nodded and stopped kissing her.

"You know, I don't really know." I mumbled. Because Louis isn't a wolf. So he doesn't get to experience the amazing feeling of running- hunting with your mate... Wolves express love in their wolf forms. Love if more powerful then and it can be felt easily. You won't get to know that either. Perhaps you will when you see your pack getting mates. "When we are wolves." I whispered softly. She gave a small nod as she started to relax.

"Sorry...If it was up to me, I'd make us the same thing, but I can't," she mumbled as she rested her face into the crook of my neck, smelling me. "Oh, I started thinking about getting you a special room lately....One for full moons...." I shook my head quickly. Not that talk again! I like my hunt! I only get to take over you every so often! I growled then.

"I don't want to spend once a month trapped in a room." I sat up then. You think I do! That just means I can't hunt. NO! She frowned at me and brought the blanket closer to her.

"It wouldn't be you trapped...just him," she mumbled. "I'd let you out in the morning...and it'd be a really great room, lots to do in there. I'd even put some of your pack in there with you if they wanted to be with you." I shook my head no quickly. There was no way I would freely sit in a room all day! I don't care how great it was.

"No." I muttered. "I don't want that." She sighed and looked a bit sad.

"Well.... I guess I'll come up with something maybe learning how to fight like this," she told me and gestured to herself. "Being a girl made me weak. I need to get back on the ball again and learn how to use being a girl. Isabelle learned...and she's one of the toughest people I know- though she learned from me."

"I'm stronger then you think Louis. After all I am a growing alpha." I rubbed her head. "Tough luck trying to get stronger then me." She shook her head.

"That's what the room was for...but I'll brush up on werewolf stuff- maybe go talk to Alpha Hunter. Next full moon should be a bit easier for me to kick your inner wolf's butt if he comes around again." She giggled at the thought and kissed me on the cheek. "Next time I won't just hide in the trunk." I'll be ready.

"You hid in the trunk?" I asked and shook my head. That wasn't very smart.... She raised an eyebrow at me.

"You knocked my car off the road and put it upside down. There was no way I was going outside, so I went to the trunk to stall," she told me.

"You should've went to Paris's manor." I laughed at the thought of her going to Paris for help.

"He would've offered me to you as a gift," she muttered. "He was betting on you getting me pregnant last night and was upset this morning to find out that I had gotten away from you. Anyways, I'll talk to Alpha Hunter, learn some things, maybe get Isabelle to help me train, go take a martial arts class or something, and get some distractions for you....maybe some scent away. Would that work?" She frowned as she thought about it. I'll find him! I'm an alpha! I always find my mate.

"You should do something." I laughed. If only my poor little mate could hear my inner wolf. She nodded.

"Oh, I will do something. I'm going to make sure that you can't get to me easily. In fact, I'm going to Russia for the full moon. I'll even buy plane tickets so that way I can still get away if this bracelet is on. You won't even be able to see me," she teased and kissed my cheek. "On top of that, I'm going to learn how to fight in this body so that way you don't get me in case our dear sweet Izzy takes the tickets from me...or Paris."

"You better hope they don't find out." I pointed out. They'd tie Louis to the bed just for a good laugh... She shook her head.

"I'll keep my thoughts clean around Paris...and Isabelle won't be able to see it." She gave me another kiss and smiled sweetly. "You have fun hunting deer on the full moon, ok?" I nodded.

"I won't remember any of it." I told her and shrugged. "Unless he shares with me what happened." I wonder if it was possible to get another inner wolf... mine's too aggressive for my liking. Am not. Well is it possible big shot? I wouldn't tell you if it was possible.

"Well...tell him that he should go hunt deer on the next full moon," she whispered and wrapped her arms around me. "Maybe the deer will like him better." You hear her. I'll be hunting her, she's going to have our child rather she likes it or not. I shook my head and laughed.

"He said he's going to enjoy hunting for you." I told her. I DID NOT SAY THAT. Her eyes widened.

" tell him he just better hunt deer because he won't be able to get me. I'll be on another continent this time," she whispered. She reached over to her nightstand and pulled out an extra phone she had there and started looking at flights for the next full moon. I laughed and shook my head, taking her phone. I placed it on the other night stand and wrapped her up tightly in my arms.

"Your going to be mine this full moon." I teased. She blushed at least fifty shades of pink and started struggling, trying to get her phone.

"I'm not letting your inner wolf touch me again!"

"Who said he is?" I asked and kissed her lips softly. "He's just going to have to deal with the fact that you are mine." She relaxed and slowly moved her hands back to me, giving me another kiss.

"Well... I don't know how that would work.... but ok." She giggled and wrapped her arms around me into a hug.

"Next time he gets to you on a full moon start telling him the moon goddess wouldn't like it if he touched you." I told her. You can't just be giving this information out to anyone! How dare you tell Louis to use that against me... I aught to take you over right now.

"Alright," she said and nodded. "I'll tell him that as meanly as possible."

"ISABELLE!" I called then. "I NEED YOU! I'M HUNGRY AGAIN!" I laughed, deciding to mess with her about fixing me food. Isabelle appeared beside us and narrowed her eyes at Louis.

"You got away last night...didn't you?" Louis smirked and gave a nod.

"Curtesy of Laurence...." She sighed and looked to me then.

"Do you have anything in mind August?" She asked sweetly and then grabbed Louis's arm, unclipping the bracelet and sticking it in her pocket. Louis widened her eyes and looked at her wrist, slowly smiling.

"Nope, anything will do." I told her. I kissed Louis on the cheek then started to crawl out of bed. Isabelle disappeared then and Louis reached out, grabbing my hand. I got a flash of what happened last night- all of it from the moment the car was sent off the road to the moment where Louis took sanctuary with Laurence. I pulled away from Louis and frowned.

"I'm glad Laurence showed up." I grumbled. "Let's go see Paris, okay?" I asked... I was going to search his library and see what I can find about werewolves. If my inner wolf wants to keep silent about most things then I'll find out on my own. She sighed.

"I just got back from there...." She sat up and reached out for my hand. "I'll take you to him though."

"I want to ask him if I can use his library to look up werewolves... and learn more about them. Oh and by the way..." I pulled out the document in my pocket and handed it to Louis. She frowned and looked it over then smiled excitedly.

"This is great! I don't have to move! Oh, by the way, do you guys want your own pack house, or do you want to continue staying here?" She asked, looking up at me and gave me the sweetest smile. "I can do both."

"I'll ask Rick and see what he thinks." I suggested. I didn't mind at all having my pack around werewolves. She nodded and grabbed my hand, teleporting us to Paris's study.

"Paris! August wants to use the library for a project," Louis said and smiled towards him as she walked over. She got into his lap and hugged him around the neck. "And I need to talk to you."

"Sure, you can go into the library whenever you want August." Paris told me then looked at his twin. "What about?" I decided to wait to see what the conversation was going to be about. I was hugged suddenly by Hachi and he smiled at me.

"Hi!" Hachi said and started to tug on my shirt's collar. "Whatcha wanting to look up?" He asked me curiously.

"About the deal of course," Louis said softly. "We've come to a decision on our part."

"What have you come to?" Paris asked.

"Werewolves." I told Hachi. He nodded and then looked towards Paris.

"That you're not getting a nephew or niece," Louis said with a smile, letting it hang for a minute. "Not until August is married to me so that way he will have a clear conscience... Oh, and I need to figure out how to fight August's inner wolf. Will you help me? I don't have the strength to do it as a least right now I don't." She sighed and rested her head on Paris's chest. "He says I won't be able to...but I think I could if I really tried." Paris frowned.

"I really want you to have a child though!" Paris complained. "Richard's going to be alone." He frowned. "You were supposed to be pregnant with her." He wrapped Louis up in his arms. "I won't help you. I love you though." He patted Louis on the top of her head. I felt Hachi tug on my hand.

"I'll help you look!" Hachi suggested and started to tug me out the room.

"But I don't want to get pregnant on a full moon! I'll give you a nephew on our honeymoon," Louis said as I was leaving.

"Hah." Paris let out a laugh. "Sure you will." He didn't believe Louis? I shook my head and followed Hachi out of the room.

"So August, why do you want to know about werewolves?" Hachi asked, he sure is nosy...

"My inner wolf is hiding stuff from me." I told Hachi. Am not. You are and you know it as well as I know it.

"Oh! You have one of those." Hachi laughed and pulled me into the library. "I know a good bit about werewolves." He told me.

"How much do you know?"

"Enough to get to the next subject." Hachi said and smirked my way. "I went to school before I was kicked out. There was a whole section of shelves dedicated to werewolves." He told me. I raised an eyebrow. He pulled me towards a bookcase then in the library and stopped me in front of it. "Here you go." He pulled out three books and handed them to me. "That's the main things." He skipped off towards a couch and took a seat on it, patting beside him. I followed him and took a seat by him cautiously then opened up the first book on top.

Louis's POV:

"But Paris... please?" I asked sweetly, looking up at him. I shared my memory from last night with him, hoping it would convince him that I needed to learn how to use self defense in this body.

"I don't want to get between you and your mate." Paris insisted. "You're a smart pureblood, use your head." He told me, patting the top of my head. "Now, go see Richard." I frowned at him. You're so mean...not wanting to help me out. His inner wolf could seriously hurt me. I sighed and crawled out of his lap to go find Richard. I found her in the kitchen, drinking a bottle of blood as she was starting to sit down at the island.

"Paris told me to come find you," I said softly and sat down beside her.

"Oh, did he now? What's the matter? You sound resigned and that's normally not like you," Richard told me, poking me with the bottle. I shook my head.

"He won't help me out." She gave a small nod and took another sip of it.

"Well... He's been waiting for a long time for you to find your mate, and you still are having trouble giving him a nephew. He's wanted one for awhile, and I don't want to be pregnant all by myself.... If you want help with your first pregnancy, you better hurry it up before it's too late," Richard told me and set the bottle down to look at me seriously.

"But I don't want to be caught by his inner wolf the next full moon. He's mean, and rude, and he's got no respect-"

"Then you need to teach him some respect, don't you? You see, he's your problem for the rest of August's short life. You shouldn't run from your problems, now should you? Besides, you should enjoy every second that you can with August since how he won't live forever like us. My suggestion is that you ask August to let him out for an hour or so when you feel like you will be able to handle him and get his inner wolf to respect it every once in awhile before the next full moon so that maybe he won't be so aggressive. Now, I'm not telling you to go offer yourself up on a plate. Get Hachi to make you a charm or something to ward off wolves or something." She smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "This is something that you need to be discussing with August as well." I gave a small nod as I thought it over. I guess sticking August in a room is cruel...and unnecessary if I can make his inner wolf respect me. It would be better to do that instead.

"I'll talk to him." She nodded and picked up her bottle, taking a sip.

"Want to see the nursery?" She asked excitedly. I nodded quickly, getting up. She grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the door and then down the hall, leading me through the manor till we got to a room next to hers. She opened it up and pushed me in, coming in behind me. It was gorgeous. The walls were a nice creamy white and there was a wall mural of spider lilies, adding color to it. The crib was in the middle with a cute little mobile over it, dangling a solar system. There were shelves of baby books and a rocking chair, and Richard just had the place decked out for anything she or the baby could want. I smiled softly and looked at her.

"You really put a lot of thought into this, didn't you?" She gave a nod and walked over to the crib.

"I even picked out the baby blanket already. Paris thinks I'm too excited about all this....but I missed having a baby around." She smiled and then looked over at me. "Babies are the best thing that a person can ever have. It's the reason why mothers are so well respected.... You'll understand that when you have your first. You already have a couple of nephews and nieces, but you don't have your own kid." Paris appeared by us then and looked around the room before scooping Richard up off her feet and kissing her.

"It looks good." Paris told her then looked towards me. "Richard is right you know. Plus look at it like this... some mates can't have babies... but you and August have been blessed with the opportunity of having a few so you should take it." He sat Richard back down on her feet. I gave a small nod as I looked down at my feet.

"But it doesn't have to be a full moon," I mumbled. Richard walked over and gave me a hug.

"You know what.... if it does wait to the next full moon, try being nice and not giving him a reason to be mean to you," she whispered in my ear. "Go tell August about what I told you to start that wolf into an obedient little puppy." She giggled and kissed my cheek, spinning me around and walking me to the door. I blushed at the idea. What if that goes horribly wrong?!

"I want you and Paris to be there if he does agree," I said quickly. Paris laughed.

"I have things to do today. Bye girls." Paris disappeared with that being said then appeared. "How about you two go shopping?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Why would I go shop-"

"I love the idea! We should take you to get better clothes than that. You are a girl now, not a guy....and I want to also help you plan out things for your cute little future bundle of joy that you are going to have or else you'll be in a lot of trouble with me! I could make you want a kid more!" She giggled and wrapped me up in a hug then. Paris nodded approvingly.

"Have fun you two." He smiled towards us like he was up to something. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Paris, what are you doing?" I asked quickly. Richard frowned as she looked over at him. Paris smiled innocently then.

"Nothing to be concerned with." He said and started for the door. "Just make sure you go out shopping today." I clenched my jaw and looked over at Richard who gave a small nod towards me. I glanced over at Paris and started to follow him with Richard. Paris started to walk away from us quickly. "I swear! It's nothing!" He said over his shoulder.

"Uh huh, why are you being so defensive?" I said and smirked as I got right behind him. "Whatcha gotta do huh Parie?" Paris turned to us then.

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise." He told us and smiled sweetly. "Now go have girl time."

"Not until you tell us Paris," Richard said and hugged him around the waist. I followed suit so that we were both holding him down. Paris laughed and rubbed our heads.

"It's nothing big. Just some remodeling. Now go have some fun." He told us, trying to play it cool.

"What kind of remodeling?" Richard asked curiously as we didn't let go.

"You'll see." Paris said and shrugged. "For instance I am installing my security system that the Ainsworth's are giving me." I gave a small nod and tightened my grip.

"Was that all you were going to do?" I asked, making sure.

"Nope." Paris admitted. "I'm going to get more stuff fixed up around here." He pulled away from us. "Take Raven and Lauren with you." Richard nodded and let go, satisfied with his answer and then started to pull me away from him.

"C'mon before he changes his mind. Oh, I got your card by the way...hope you don't mind," Richard said with a sweet smile and kissed his cheek.

"You have your own card." Paris grumbled. "Now you need to learn how to use it. Your a prince, you have money as well." He crossed his arms.

"But you're the one who is sending me out to go shopping," Richard pointed out. "Besides, I'm not going to go overboard...." She bit her bottom lip as she watched him. "And I will pay you back for it...." He shook his head.

"You will tonight." He kissed Richard on the lips then started off for the kitchen. Richard pouted and started after him.

"Paris, can I be fed before I go? So that I know you aren't upset with me? And because I don't like the bottled blood and I crave you more?" Richard asked as I started to follow, curious just a bit. I'd go talk to August before we go though. The other two still have to get ready.

"Sure, I'm not mad. My newborns take my money all the time." Paris said and shrugged it off. He stopped in the hall and waited for Richard to catch up to him. "As long as your not binging on blood or putting the child's life in danger... I don't mind what you do." She nodded and walked up to Paris then, giving him a sweet look.

"Now why would I put our child's life at risk?" She smiled and wrapped her arms around Paris, exposing her fangs. I wrinkled up my nose and disappeared before I could watch Richard eat my twin up and went to the library.

"Auggie? I need to talk to you before I go somewhere with Richard. I was given a suggestion and I wanted to see what you think," I said softly, glancing for him. I spotted him on the couch next to Hachi. Hachi smiled and waved towards me.

"HIIIIIIII Louis!" Hachi called and got off the couch to walk up to me. August looked up towards us and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" He asked. I smiled at him and hugged Hachi before I sat down beside August, kissing his cheek.

"Well.... Since how you don't want to be locked up and I shouldn't run away from my problems.... Richard suggested that I get your inner wolf to respect and listen to me by maybe putting us into a controlled situation where you let him out for thirty minutes to an hour every once in awhile and I do my best to get him to respect me in that time frame....That way I don't have to lock you up every full moon and I don't have to worry about you chasing me down," I explained, looking at him cautiously. August shook his head.

"That'd be a bad idea, he doesn't really want to respect you. He's all... alpha ego. You might want to think about something else." August suggested. Hachi grabbed my hand and started to swing it back and forth. I frowned slightly.

"It's the best idea I have besides running every full moon...or sticking you into that room.... It's worth a shot, isn't it? I could have my pets help keep you from doing anything bad, and I could make him respect me by using the fact that I'm your luna and that the moon goddess would be upset, right? It's either that or your going to be hospitalized next full moon if you catch me," I told him. He frowned and shook his head.

"I don't like it, what if I can't control him and he ends up taking over me for more than an hour and you end up hurt?" I glanced over at Hachi then.

"Got any bright ideas Hachi? Any charms or anything I can use to make his inner wolf obey?" I asked curiously. Hachi smiled and me and showed his teeth.

"I might." He looked down and blushed. "Depending on what you will give me for it."

"Well...How about I take you out sometime to go have fun and I get you an ice cream? I could also get my hands on any ingredients you might want or need to restock your supplies and I could get you some books...some magic ones. Oh, and I could get you a kitty to go with it," I told him, giving him a smile. "Or anything else you might want." Hachi nodded and started to think about it.

"I want to go to a vampire bar." He suggested, then nodded. "That's what I want." He looked over at August. "I will need a piece of his hair and some jewelry... anything you'd feel comfortable with wearing... like a ring." He told me then as he looked towards me. "That's all." I gave a nod and reached over to August, pulling out a few strands of his hair before he could protest. I handed it to Hachi and then teleported back to my place, grabbing a ring I had crafted for me long ago. I brought it back to him and placed it in his hand.

"That should do it, right?" I asked as I looked down at the ring and hair. Hachi nodded then looked at the two items and clasped them together in both hands then squeezed them tightly together as he closed his eyes and started to mumble a chant. His hands light up purple before he let go and tossed me the ring- I noticed the hair was gone.

"There you go." Hachi told me and went over to August, sitting down by him. I bit my bottom lip and placed it in my pocket for safekeeping and looked towards August.

"Well... we could give it a try," I mumbled as I went over, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "I'll stop bothering you so that way you can study like you wanted to."

"Are you going somewhere? Can I go?" Hachi asked and watched me curiously. I smiled over at him and nodded.

"Sure, we are going shopping," I told him as I reached out for his hand with a sweet smile. "You can come if you'd like." He grabbed my hand and got to his feet.

"Bye-bye August, I hope you find what you are searching for." Hachi said sweetly then pulled me out the door before August could get a word in.

August's POV:

The two left me there in the library, practically abandoning me to go shopping. I frowned as I started back into my research on werewolves, I had stopped communicating with my inner wolf so he wouldn't interrupt me while I was reading. I didn't think much on what Louis was running off to do... hopefully not build that room. I frowned at the thought of being put in a room all day... that'd be torture. Even if it was for an hour before I changed. My wolf wouldn't like it either, I wouldn't be able to stretch my legs. That's what a full moon is all about anyways... The hunt. I laid down on my back about two hours after Louis left, beginning to read that way. Paris walked into the library after a bit, bringing me a sandwich, chips, and drink.

"Hi August! Brought you this, thought you might want some." Paris suggested. I nodded as I put the books aside and sat up to eat it.

"Thanks Paris." I mumbled as I started on the sandwich.

"No problem, I'm getting a security system installed right now so don't go walking off." He laughed. "Don't worry, it won't effect you but it does effect vampires so we will have to start carrying a rod- like this." He showed me a medal rod. "Around with us, otherwise we will get electrocuted." He put the rod in his jacket. I nodded at the information he gave me. "This will help protect us from the next war- incase we get ambushed here by a stupid vampire or something."

"Paris! I need you real quick! Where'd you go!" I heard a guy yell.

"I have to go-" Paris told me and started for the door. "COMING! BE THERE IN A SECOND." Paris disappeared out the door, making sure to shut it. I raised an eyebrow then finished eating what he brought me. I went back to the books to get more information out of them.

After several hours of reading things I already knew about werewolves, I threw the book to the side and figured I would try again tomorrow. I slid the books aside then took my plate and cup off to the kitchen- when I entered the kitchen I found Donnie making something to eat for his little mate. I gave them both a friendly smile as I sat the dishes in the sink.

"August right?" Donnie asked me. I nodded towards him. "You look troubled." He walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just haven't found much about werewolves, I've been looking for some answers." Donnie's eyes lit up with joy.

"You should ask Alpha Hunter then." Donnie suggested. I nodded in agreement.

"I will if I don't find what I am looking for." I started for the door then and stopped, noticing there was something off about the kitchen... I widened my eyes as I noticed the tile floor was now a mahogany wooden floor. The counters weren't white anymore with an odd colored back splash- they were now off white with garnet countertops and a back splash that matched the floor but with a different pattern design. There was two fridges, more counter space, more cabinets, a new pantry door, and two ovens stacked on op of each other. There was now an island in the middle with the stove on it and then a bar across from it for sitting. The sink was in the same spot as last time but had a new design and color to it to match the rest of the kitchen. There was a hidden dishwasher right by it.

"I think I did well." Paris said from beside me. I jumped as I noticed he was there. "I worked on it as I got the security system installed." He looked down at his watch. "The girls should be getting back right about now." His phone rang then, probably them. He answered it, putting it on speaker phone. "Paris." He said.

"You always sound so business like when you answer the phone," I heard Richard say, giggling.

"I have to, I am the Prince of France." Paris said and laughed.

"Well... guess what? We went to a vampire bar, and we got a magazine subscription for us.... You're on the front cover of this month's issue!" Richard giggled again and I heard Louis in the background, her speech slightly off.

"What does it say?" Paris asked curiously. Donnie looked at us with interest.

"Stuff about the war, things like that...How you basically won single handedly. The news got it slightly wrong, but it's interesting.... They got some of it right, and they are looking to do an interview with you eventually- telling the subscribers that they will be getting in touch with you," Richard said and then giggled. "Louis- stop! That tickles!"

"Oh, I don't do interviews. You better not be drunk Richard." Paris warned.

"I'm not, but Louis is!" Richard giggled again and I heard a thud. "That's what you get," she said as I heard Louis yelp. Two girls in the background giggled. "I'm calmly drinking cranberry juice," Richard said casually.

"Hachi better be sober too." Paris hissed through the phone. I heard Hachi giggle at that.

"Uhhh....." Richard trailed off then and got quiet.

"He's like- fifteen Richard." Paris growled. "Don't be irresponsible."

"Dad." Donnie said and raised an eyebrow. "You know how dad is, look at the way he treats Laurence."

"Louis was the one who slid the drink over to him.... How was I supposed to know what it was? He's not that drunk...just a bit tipsy," Richard mumbled. "Don't be mad at me... He hasn't gotten another drink since then because I've been watching."

"Tell Louis no more, I'm cutting you five off. Come home soon cuties. Donnie is back home." Paris informed Richard.

"Awlright," Richard said cutely. They appeared after a few more minutes, and I saw that Louis and Raven were both giggling messes.

"And then she said to him-" Raven started, but Louis put a hand over her mouth.

"Shhhh, you tell me anymore and I might laugh myself to death," she said, trying to hold back a giggle. Lauren shook her head as she watched them, seeming to be sober. She must still be on that- no drink or eat anything unless it is blood- stage I heard about. Paris walked up to Richard and kissed her. I waited for them to notice the Kitchen like I did. Paris slipped them all rods. Richard looked at it curiously then nodded and wrapped her arms around Paris. She pulled out the magazine she was talking about and put in Paris's hand.

"See, front cover," she whispered and looked at the picture of Paris all dressed up on the cover. "They somehow got your picture." Paris frowned and looked uncomforted by the fact they got his picture.

"Stupid- who the heck does these monthly magazines! It's an abomination to our society I swear... We don't need this... What if a human got a hold of one?" Paris grumbled. Richard sighed.

"Well... you can complain to the court about it to try to get these shut down but about half of them read it," she whispered and kissed Paris's cheek. "I had to prove I was a vampire before I could get a subscription."

"Still... How'd they even get my picture? Who made paparazzi vampires?!" Paris shrieked. I think he's going to become paranoid now.... I laughed and he sent me a glare. "It's not funny."

"Hmm, I don't know," Richard mumbled and then opened up the magazine and widened her eyes. "Paris, they got about half of your family tree in here on the article about you." Paris snatched the magazine then and read through it.

"WHAT THE HELL THIS IS PRIVATE!" Paris shouted. Louis frowned, walking over and taking it then narrowed her eyes.

"I gotta go eat some publishers," she mumbled and then handed it back to Paris. "I don't know how they got that much information.... They didn't talk to either of us."

"I didn't think anyone knew that much about us." Paris growled. "I swear if our cousins and uncles bled through the information, we will have a funeral to attend to next week." Louis started giggling.

"Bled," she snickered and leaned against the counter. I could practically smell the alcohol on her from here. I frowned. Why'd she drink so much?

"No one needs to know who we are related to, it puts our family in danger." Paris hissed. Donnie wrapped his mate up into his arms then protectively. Louis looked at him and narrowed his eyes.

"You're right...It does," she muttered and then walked over to me, pulling me into her arms as she moved her face into the crook of my neck. "I won't let annnnyone touch you," she whispered to me.

"You don't have to worry about me." I promised and hugged her. "We should get you home." Lauren walked out of the room then, leaving us. Raven frowned at her and went to follow as I felt Louis's fangs brush against my neck then. I pushed Louis away and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of blood. I handed it to Louis and smirked. "There." I heard Hachi jump up onto the counter top.

"Whoa! These feel higher-" Hachi paused and dropped his jaw as he noticed. "They are higher up... This kitchen was remodeled!" Louis glanced at it and smiled before looking at me and putting the blood on the counter. She crossed her arms at me, glaring me down. I smiled innocently towards her then walked over to Hachi.

"Paris recently remodeled them." I explained. I felt arms wrap around my waist then and Louis giggled.

"Gotcha," she said and then went to my neck. I leaned my neck away and got up onto the counter.

"No you don't." I told her and laughed. She pouted and leaned against the counter as she got inbetween my legs.

"But Auuggie," she whined, wrapping her arms around my neck and twirling some of my hair around her fingers. I shook my head.

"We had this discussion before." I reminded her. "Now drink your bottle of blood." She glanced at it then looked at me longingly. I shook my head. "My blood isn't healthy for you."

"Says who?" She asked stubbornly as she kissed me quickly.

"Every book ever written." I told her. She frowned.

"I don't care about that," she whispered and then pulled me closer. I shook my head and then grabbed a fruit off the counter near me and pushed it into her mouth. She pulled back quickly and spat it out. "August!" She narrowed her eyes at me and then exposed her fangs, clearly upset with me now.

"Your not going to drink from me." I said stubbornly. She crossed her arms.

"Then you're getting that lovely room we were talking about," she said, sticking her chin up in the air and then started walking towards Paris. I shrugged.

"Your drunk. Your making empty threats." I claimed.

"Try me," she said and glanced over her shoulder at me. "Paris, do you think I'm making an empty threat?" She asked, looking towards Paris. Paris nodded then.

"Your making empty threats." Paris told her, agreeing with me. She narrowed her eyes at him then.

"No nephews for you," she said.

"Hah." Paris picked up Richard and started to carry her off. "I'll ask you in the morning about that." He shouted over his shoulder. I frowned and looked towards Hachi.

"You okay Hach?" I asked him as he looked zoned out. "Hachi?" I waved a hand in front of his face. Louis looked over and sighed.

"He does that from time to time.... He'll be ok soon." She walked over to me and grabbed my hand, giving it a kiss. "I'm sowwie for trying to bite you," she whispered and giggled a bit as she looked up at me. I nodded and pulled her to me, wrapping her up in my arms.

"It's okay." I mumbled in her ear. "Your drunk." I noticed Donnie had left with his mate then. Just leaving us three in the room now. She gave a small nod and kissed me on the lips, teleporting us back home to the living room.

"Love you," she whispered to me and then backed me up to the couch, making me trip and her land on top of me. She gave me another kiss and tilted her head as she started to trail them down my chin and to my neck. She giggled and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a love bite right above the collar of my shirt. I blushed and pushed up on her chest.

"Louis.." I trialed as I looked into her eyes. "Easy, I think you should take a nap." I ran my fingers through her hair to encourage her. She frowned and kissed my cheek then.

"You're not supposed to tell a drunk person to go take a nap," she mumbled and then kissed me on the other side of my face. She smiled then and kissed my lips. "Besides... I'm having fun." She giggled again and went back to giving me another love bite on my neck, making me moan in pleasure. I blushed and tried to flip us.

"Louis~!" I groaned. "Your drunk and you don't know what you are doing." I mumbled and started to get worried, she might try to eat me again.

"Shhh," she mumbled and gave me another one. Isabelle appeared then and pulled Louis off of me.

"Louis, you got drunk again, didn't you? Come on, leave the poor werewolf alone. I'll get you something to eat before you start feeling hungry. Maybe you'll sober up some," she said with a sigh and started to pull her away from the living room with her struggling and crying.

"No! Lemme go back to Auggie!" She cried out. Rick walked in then and looked at Louis curiously.

"Is she alright?" Rick asked. Isabelle shook her head.

"Drunk...." She whispered and wrapped her arms around Louis to quiet her. I sat up then watching Louis get pulled away. Good, I won't have to get eaten this time. I got to my feet and walked up to Rick.

"Want to go for a hunt?" I asked him. He nodded with a smile then.

"I'll go get the rest of the pack," he said, quickly disappearing. I nodded then and started walked towards the front door and went out it, changing into my wolf form. I waited for the rest to come outside to hunt with me. They came out after a few minutes and shifted, coming up and sniffing me in greeting. Cassy playfully nipped at my ear, letting out a soft growl. I shook my tail then let out a howl to tell them to go. I took off towards the woods as fast as my legs could carry me. They all raced up to me trying to get past, but they couldn't this time. Rick let out a small howl as he managed to keep by my flank, the rest trying their bests to keep up. I'd gotten stronger. I laughed as I dodged a tree.

"Getting a bit slow!" I called over my shoulder to them, teasing them. I jumped over a tree and wagged my tail with excitement. Alpha Hunter was right, without a pack I wouldn't be as strong as I am now. One of my new pack members, Nicholas, tripped and fell into the dirt. He let out a yelp and whimpered as he went to stand back up, his legs shaking. Rick slowed to a stop and looked at him then went back and nudged him gently to help him up. I came to a stop then walked over to Nicholas and nudged him with my snout as well. "Come on Nicholas, you can do it. We are one." I told him and licked behind his ear. Today I was going to show them our boundaries... I didn't need a hurt wolf this early into the hunt. We had a lot of ground to cover today. Nicholas shakily started to walk and managed to keep going after a moment. Alice walked closer to him.

"I'll watch him," she volunteered and started to wag her tail. Rick gave her an approving nod and looked towards me.

"Ready Alpha August?" He asked and shifted his weight to each paw, picking them up as he was ready to run again.

"Listen up! I'm going to take you guys through our pack boundaries today. When our pack gets bigger I am going to assign wolves to watch them. You will need to remember where they are to mark them and protect them." I told them, making sure they all heard me. "Now...Jasper is ours and Alpha Hunter's pack land. Then we have two other counties that are ours to protect." I made sure they got the info that this land was shared. "Let's get going." I let out a howl and took off deeper into the forest.