Situation 123

Dylan's POV:

I looked at the time on my watch, there's no way Charlie was coming home at this hour- I knew him better then that. It was midnight now... which means he's staying somewhere. He hasn't even called me to let me know he is okay. Then he wonders why I ground him when he gets home. I frowned. I pulled out my phone, deciding to let Paris know Charlie was at it again... I got an answer after a few rings.

"Paris speaking." I heard Paris say on the other end.

"Hey, it's like midnight... Charlie ran off and hasn't been back in a couple of hours... Every since... I can't remember when time to be exact... around morning though." I informed him. I heard him shuffle around the phone then get out of bed.

"He usually doesn't stay out that long..." Paris told me. I made a sound of agreement. Charlie was a good kid. Different from his twin... but good. "Your worried about him?" Paris asked me.

"Of course I am... What'll I tell Riley? He's worried too." I whispered into the phone.

"If he's not home in the morning then I will personally go looking for him. Try not to worry... He might be with Jacob for the night." I took in a deep breath.

"There was some complications this morning though..." I trailed off.

"What kind of complications?"

"Some vampire- I think it was the Prince of Germany was with Charlie this morning and then there was an infected girl with them. Charlie claimed that the vampire was bringing Charlie home faster for the girl but... It certainly didn't seem like that was all of the story." I told Paris. I had a long time of thinking about this morning too.

"What!? THE PRINCE OF GERMANY! WITH MY CHARLIE!" I heard Paris outraged. "What about this infected girl- what do you mean by that?"

"Well, I shot the girl because she looked like a vampire about to bite Charlie and I killed her, turns out she was just infected. Now she's down in my basement, I'm trying to heal her up. The good thing is she was turning so she has a fighting chance." I told him about the girl.

"Oh." Paris muttered. "Must be one of Dante's newborns then... I would assume and that's how Dante got involved with taking Charlie to his manor... but even then... Dante is the type to kill Charlie... not take him to his manor with one of his newborns... It's not adding up." I heard Paris start to mutter to himself conspiracies. I shook my head then decided to hang up on him since I told him what I needed to tell him. Hopefully he'll keep an eye open. I'll need to go check his friend's houses.

"I have to go Paris." I told him then hung up. I started for the basement to check in on the newborn, to see if she made any progress. I saw Tommy near the basement door, looking at it curiously. He spotted me and quickly started to scamper off, still wary of me. "Hi Tommy, don't go down there no matter what okay?" I asked him as I walked towards the door. "You don't need to see what's down there. Your too young." He stopped then, looking at me.

"I-is there another vampire down there?" He asked cautiously, walking over slowly.

"A newborn." I told him. "She's healing from a wound." I smiled sweetly towards him, trying to accept that he's part of the family now. He gave a small nod and stopped a few feet away.

"Where's Charlie?" He asked softly.

"I'd assume he went out with Jacob." I told him. I stopped a few feet from the door to talk with him. "He'll be back tomorrow." He gave another nod.

"A-alright....Is there anything I can do for you? I can't really sleep," he mumbled, shifting nervously.

"I tell you what... We have a little girl named Savannah, she's really shy and keeps to herself but you can go visit her. She's a Halfling." I informed him. "She's up at this hour in her room. Would you like to meet her? She's around... ten." He widened his eyes and gave a small nod.

"If it's no problem," he said. I smiled, knowing he'd like to see Savannah. I usually didn't let others see her.

"Upstairs down the family hall and it will be the last door on the left." I pointed towards the grand stairs. "Knock before you enter, the code is three knocks and a slight pause then two more knocks. Tell her I sent you up for a visit." I laughed. "Have fun, she's shy though... so try not to be too out there. It scares her."

"I don't think I would be," he said and waved to me goodbye, starting to head for the stairs quietly. I watched him leaving. I would have sent him to see Riley but I'm afraid Riley would have bit him in half. I shook my head then walked the rest of the way to the door and opened it to go in. As soon as I had it opened, it was shoved the rest of the way and I was pushed into the wall a few feet away, a gush of wind hit me as my breath was knocked out of me. I gasped, holding my ribs as two cracked. The girl stood at the door, looking like a zombie as her eyes scanned the area around us. I froze up and took out the gun from my pocket. She hissed at my movement then rushed towards me, snatching it from my hands and before I knew it she had kneed me between my legs. I fell over and screamed as the pain shocked me. I reached towards her feet then to pull her down but she held the gun towards my head and laughed evilly. I heard the gun click but the bullet jammed up in the gun and made it expode, causing medal shards to fly everywhere. Her hand was gone as the smoke cleared up and I pulled out a shard in my head. I laughed. Lucky I didn't pull the trigger. I started for my feet to go after her then.

"Your going to get it now!" I told her. She laughed and dodged me, I could see her hand starting to grow back. She looked at it and widened her eyes.

"Marvelous...." She extended her fangs and looked towards me then tried some of her blood. I felt my stomach curl. I turned towards her, pulling out a knife. I flipped it around once, getting a good grip on it. She looked towards me then and grinned. "You want to dance?" She asked me. "Let's dance." She laughed and started for me. I slung the knife towards her, hitting her dead in the shoulder. She looked at it without flinching then took the knife out. She started for me with the knife then not giving me much reaction timing. I took out my knife from my boot- making sure to bend over so she missed me. I went up fast as she was swinging the knife over me with her arm and grabbed her. I broke her arm at her elbow as I came back up then knifed her in the back.

"Not so marvelous anymore, now is it?" I asked her. I felt a shiver grow up her spine before she erupted with laugher and returned the knife in the back with hers. I widened my eyes, forgetting about her knife and let go of the one in her back. "FU-"

"Ah, let me know what it's like in hell." She sung out in a high pitch then drug the knife down my back creating a huge wound that started to bleed out rapidly.

"DYLAN!" I heard Riley say from the stairs in panic. I heard a gunshot go off and the girl flipped us around to where I got shot in the chest with the bullet. I let out a hiss of pain as she pulled out the knife and licked up the blood from it.

"MMMMMMM.... You taste good." I heard her whisper into my ear and then slung the knife towards Riley, hitting him directly in the knee cap. He fell down the stairs as the pain got to him. In the exact same time he hit the last stair the girl bit into my neck and started to drink my blood. I heard a hiss from the top of the stairs then and then a gunshot, the bullet hitting her in the arm. She pulled back from me and looked at the top of the stairs, she reached into my wound then and broke my spine, making sure I couldn't get back up and shoved me to the floor. She started towards the nearest window and was gone through it before I could hit the ground. Tommy came down the stairs quickly, the pistol at eye level as he watched the window closely. He glanced down at me and widened his eyes.

"D-Dylan?!" He quickly knelt down and lowered the gun, looking me over frantically. He glanced over at Rylie and stiffened a gasp. "Who was that?!"

"The vampire that was in the basement." I managed to say. I was glad my brain could still get my lips and voice to work. "I need you to get us blood." I told him. "Hurry back." He got up quickly and sprinted for the stairs. He disappeared up them and then returned in a few moments with about ten bottles of blood, trying not to drop any of them as his arms were loaded with them. He quickly set them down beside me and got to his knees, opening one up. He held it to my lips and started to let me drink it. I pulled back after a second.

"Don't worry about me, go get Riley and feed him some of your blood... He can't heal but I can." I reminded Tommy. "Hurry now, he took a bad fall." He nodded hesitantly then grabbed a knife from the inside of my jacket, crawling over to Riley and slitting his wrist enough to allow blood to flow. He held it over his lips and waited, wincing in pain. Riley had knocked up his head from the fall, I noticed because of the gash on his head, I knew for a fact his knee had been injured and one foot looked slightly dislocated. I was just mainly worried about his main organs especially his neck. He had been at least halfway up the stairs. Not to mention he was unconscious. I waited to see how'd he do with taking the blood. He coughed after a minute of the blood flowing steadily into his mouth and he began to groan. His eyes flashed open and he pulled Tommy's wrist to his mouth to get more blood. "Riley, your foot is slightly dislocated, you'll need to pop it back in." I informed him. He gave me an agreeing moan. He pulled back from Tommy seconds later and pushed his wrist away.

"That's enough, thanks Tommy." I watched as my little trained Riley hadn't been greedy about the blood and had started to focus on popping his foot back into place.

"Alright Tommy." I told him, needing him to come back to me. I didn't feel much healing in my body from the little bit of blood I took. I'd need more.

"What the hell happened?" Riley asked. Tommy crawled back over and picked up the bottle of blood again. He gave me a weak smile and then glanced at my injuries before letting me sip on it.

"The vampire in the basement got loose," Tommy told him, glancing back at Riley. "She went out the window when I shot her." He gestured to the window with his eyes. "Oh, here's your gun back," he said quickly, holding it out to Riley. Riley stood up slowly and walked over making sure to take it easy for now. He grabbed the gun then put it in his pocket.

"What damn vampire?" Riley asked. That's right, he didn't know. I was going to tell him once she was healed up and just fine. I made sure to keep drinking the blood. "Do I need to go after her Dylan?" I glared him down, giving him a no with my eyes. There was no way I'd let him go by himself without help. He couldn't hit a moving target with his eyes. "Where's Charlie then? Shouldn't he be in the study...." He trailed off. "That's where he went...." He widened his eyes in realization that Charlie had left us once again. "I should have went with him!" He groaned. Tommy glanced up at him and frowned but then went back to focusing on me. I finished the bottle then, so he set it aside and grabbed the next one, looking at me uncertainly. I felt my spine snap back together and heal up as the blood was beginning to heal me. I flexed my toes then my fingers.

"There was a vampire in the basement, I was going to tell you." I told him then reached out for the bottle of blood and tried to sit up, my bones aching. I winced and popped open the bottle then started to drink from it.

"What vampire!" Riley panicked.

"Long story short, a vampire got shot in the head(because of me) and so I took it down to the basement to heal her up but then things went bad and here we are." I told him.

"What!? Why'd you- is that what the gunshot was all about this morning!?" Riley asked me.

"Mhhh." I nodded as I finished off the bottle.

"So are we going after her?"

"We have to." I reached out for them to help me up. "Call Paris. Tommy stay here with Savannah." I told them as Riley helped me to my feet and handed me another bottle of blood. I took it and started to drink it. Tommy frowned, looking like he was torn, but he gave a nod after a few seconds.

"If you think that I wouldn't be able to help," he mumbled and then started for the stairs.

"No it's just the fact that Savannah is a young girl and she shouldn't be left here alone. Blade is gone for a HQ meeting and so well... one of us has to stay with her." I told Tommy. He gave a nod and glanced around the basement before leaving it quickly, the nervousness about being back in it setting in for him.

"Stay safe!" He called down to us as I heard him going for the stairs to go to Savannah.

"Thanks for staying here with her." I told him and then motioned for Riley to go get the weapons. He took off running and was out of sight in seconds. I picked up the rest of the bottles of blood then headed towards the garage. I grabbed my keys from off a hook then popped open the trunk of my car. I went around to the drivers side and put the keys in the ignition to start up the car, slinging the bottles of blood into the back seat and left two up front. I went around to the passengers side and got in the waited for Riley. I decided to let him drive us. Riley came running down within seconds with a bag of weapons and a phone at his ear. He put the weapons in the trunk and closed it. He got into the drivers side then handed me the phone as he opened the garage door by clicking a button in the car. He sped out of the garage before the door was fully open and looked towards me.

"Paris is on the phone." He informed.

"What's going on?!" I heard Paris yelling into the phone. I put the phone to my ear then cleared my throat as I began to drink my next bottle of blood.

"We have a situation 123 on our hands Paris." I told him. Already turning the Hunter radio on in the car to broadcast it out to the nearby Hunters.

"Ah hell, where are you at? I'm coming." Paris said. I looked around.

"In my car Paris.- Hold on." I hit the button to turn on my speaker and pulled it to my lips.

"Calling all nearby Hunters, calling all nearby hunters... We have a situation 123 on our hands, I repeat a 123. Be on the look out near Ainsworth manor." I heard the radio repeating it back to me. A few hunters were already starting to respond. I lifted off of the button and smirked. "Uh Paris, I think we got this."

"Got this hell." I heard Paris say from behind me. I hung up and looked towards him, using my memories to tell him what happened. He pulled out a gun and smirked. "Let's go bag us a newborn!" He laughed then. I saw the purple haired girl from before- Raven- appear next to him.

"Are we hunting a newborn?" She asked excitedly.

"Oh yeah!" Riley yelled. "That little b-vampire got me in the knee." I had glared at him when he was about to say a curse word. I smirked and looked out the window looking for signs of death. Already I seen a male bleeding out on the sidewalk.

"Attention all listeners, I have 123 dead in my signs." I heard a girl say through the radio.

"Uh copy- I have 123 in my signs as well. Permission to approach D.A.1?" I picked up the speaker and pressed the button.

"Do not approach, I repeat do not approach. 123 is highly dangerous. Aim her down and wait for my signal." I told them and let up off of the button. Riley started to slow down then as we came up in the area I heard the radio repeating to me for the third time on where 123 was located.

"Highly dangerous? Just the way I like it," Raven said with a smirk. "I'd like to see this newborn try.... I've been voted highly dangerous I don't know how many times."

"She's lost her humanity though." Paris informed Raven. "She doesn't have a conscience nor does she have any human memories- she's dangerous because she is a killer that doesn't understand anything but how to eat and kill. It's like a dinosaur for instance. Like a T-rex. If we can get her captured then we might be able to share some type of humanity with her and get her settled down like Perry done with you. Remember how he offered a hand to you to give you friendship and a way back into our society?" Paris asked Raven. I nodded in agreement with Paris. If we could get her settled then we might be able to do something with her and she won't be such a huge waste. Raven sighed and looked at him.

"Fine....just because you put it that way," she told him and then mumbled, "but I'm still highly dangerous."

"Yes you are." Paris agreed with her. "Your one of the best of the best in my manor. I'm proud of you."

"123 is on the run, I repeat 123 is on the run. D.A.1 what's the orders?" I hit my button and spoke up.

"Which way?" I asked.

"Attention D.A.1, 123 is coming your way." I pulled out my gun on me quickly and Paris went for the weapons in the back, going through the seats to get them out for us. Raven raised an eyebrow and pulled out the knife she had gotten from me for the war.

"I can take care of this, if you want," she said and smirked as she looked at me. "I could bring her to you...on her knees."

"Sit back. This is Dylan's mission and we will wait on his orders." Paris told her.

"H.D.2 down."

"R.H.2. Down, coming towards you A.D.1"

"Down, down- don't let her get your weapons." I looked back towards the front window and Riley started to back us up and slung us side ways.

"Get down!" Riley ordered us as I heard a gun going off and the windows started to break as bullets went through them. I need to switch the windows out to be bullet proof- guess it's a good time to since I will need to get them replaced. I felt Riley tug my head downwards as I was distracted by my thoughts. Paris had gotten Raven down in time with him as well.

"Alright, Raven. Go dance." I told her as I unlocked the backdoors for them. Paris smirked as he let her go.

"Hey Raven! Try not to kill her. Remember we want her alive." Paris told her. She smirked then and disappeared after grabbing a gun out of the back.

Raven's POV:

I teleported to the back of her and quickly stabbed her in the back, ripping out the knife before she could register it and then kicked her in the butt to send her to the ground. I noticed she didn't even flinch as the knife had got her. Definitely doesn't know pain. I'll make her know pain. I smirked. She flipped onto her back and pointed the gun up towards me, laughing and started to shoot at me. I widened my eyes and teleported a few feet behind her. How'd she get a gun....Oh... Those idiots. I narrowed my eyes and leveled my own gun I had taken, shooting her down. I giggled as I realized it was a semiautomatic. She widened her eyes and got off the ground within an eyeblink and began to dodge the bullets. She started to shoot at me again- dropping the gun when she ran out of bullets. She pulled out a handset of knives and started to throw them at me, getting two in my left foot. I narrowed my eyes and caught the last one she threw, throwing it back at her as I aimed for her head. "Now that's not very nice, is it?" I asked as I started to pull the two knives out of my foot. I dropped them and smiled as I heard the sweet sound of them hitting the pavement. I laughed and held up a hand, gesturing for her to come closer. "Now how about you bring your little smart self over here before I come over there?" She raised an eyebrow then as she leaned back to where the one coming at her head missed. She caught it though as it was passing over her and she came back up.

"No." She said and then exposed her fangs. "Come to me." She motioned for me to come as she pulled out another gun and looked it over before aiming me down. I giggled and shook my head.

"You don't want me to come to you sweetie...." I warned her then teleported behind her, yanking the gun from her hands. I hit her in the back of the head with it hard before shooting her leg and then tossing it far away. I laughed cruelly and then spun her around as I exposed my fangs, putting the knife in her stomach and cutting her enough to make her wince. I pulled it out and licked it. "Hmm...Tasty. I see why you wer- Dante." I narrowed my eyes as I tasted a bit of his blood mixed in. "I'll be visiting him soon...." She slung a punch into my ribs then while I was distracted by the taste of his blood and snatched out one of my fangs. She shoved me backwards and went to stomp down on my throat. I quickly teleported behind her and snatched her up, hissing in her ear as I felt the pain from losing a fang. How...dare...she... Kill her. I smirked. Kill her slowly.... Oh, I will.... I teleported us to a nearby roof and kicked her off of it, sending her into the wall of the building beside it and then tumbling down, hitting the fire escapes and eventually landing on the sidewalk. I heard a few of her bones crack on the way down. Paris appeared by me and grabbed my arm as he looked over the edge to see that she was knocked unconscious from the fall.

"Remember Raven, we aren't killing her. No matter what she done, she doesn't know better yet." He told me and rubbed my shoulders trying to calm me down. A team of hunters started to close in on her from down bellow. "You okay?" He asked me and opened my mouth to check on my fang that had gotten pulled. "The good news is it will grow back." I tsked and looked down at her. She's lucky Paris showed up. Very lucky indeed... I sighed and shook my head then and looked up towards him.

"Ok..." I whispered and then brought my hand up to my mouth to gently touch the spot where I was missing a fang. "I think I'll be ok...but she won't. That was a nasty fall," I said then giggled a bit. Revenge hurts, doesn't it?

"She'll be fine." Paris said. "Were going to see about getting some kind of memories in her so this doesn't happen again. You want to go find Louis for me and see if she will do it? Any memories is better then none." I gave a nod then and pulled away.

"Ok, I'll go find her... Oh, by the way, she's one of Dante's newborns. Do not let anyone consume any of her blood... It's not safe to even taste," I told him as I started to walk off to go get my weapons back.

"Raven, we are taking her to Ainsworth manor." Paris informed me where to find them once I got Louis. He jumped off of the building then like a pro. I watched for a second then teleported to Louis's place. Isabelle appeared in front of me then, narrowing her eyes.

"Raven, what are you doing here?" I smiled at her.

"We need Louis... Paris's orders," I told her and started to walk past her. She raised an eyebrow and then opened the door for me, allowing me inside.

"You'll find her in the study.... What happened? You have blood on you," she whispered as she saw it.

"Don't worry. It's not all mine," I told her and then walked towards the study. "Want to come with when I tell Louis?" I asked her sweetly, looking over my shoulder. She studied me for a moment then nodded.

"Why does Paris need her?" I laughed a bit and shook my head.

"Because there was a newborn that screwed up....and Louis needs to come fix it," I said and then threw open the study doors. She looked up at me then and smiled.

"Hey Raven, Isabelle.... What's with the blood?" She asked as she moved the chair back from the computer to look at us better. I giggled and came over.

"Nothing much, just kicked some newborn's butt. Paris wants you to go and give her a memory or two to help calm her down. She's got amnesia and woke up as a newborn- a bloodthirsty one." Louis raised an eyebrow at me then.

"And I take it that you were the one that fought the newborn then?" I gave a nod.

"Threw her off a roof," I told him and reached out. "Come on, I'll take you both." I smiled at them encouragingly. Louis sighed and took my hand then and I teleported both her and Isabelle to the Ainsworth manor. I walked up to the door and rang the bell, knowing better than to teleport inside after that time I almost got electrocuted. Louis came up beside me with Isabelle and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Paris is lucky to have you on his side," she whispered to me. I smiled at her and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Well.... If you look at it a certain way, Paris managed to help tame me down," I told her. She gave a nod and looked towards the door as it opened. A small teenage vampire stood there and widened his eyes at the sight of us.

"Y-you're here for Paris, right?" I gave a nod and smiled at him sweetly. He nodded then and handed us each a metal rod. "I'm Thomas...or Tommy."

"They're downstairs." Riley said as he came up to the door and motioned for us to come in. "Come in, Raven told you what's happened... Yes?" He asked. Louis nodded.

"Newborn vampire, bloodthirsty, lots of fun, and I'm needed to help," Louis said and pulled us both inside with a smile. "Oh Paris!" He called out and started for the basement. Isabelle and I followed him downstairs into basement where she was being held. I narrowed my eyes as I saw her and hissed as I felt a bubble of rage come back up again. Louis glanced back at me and then at her. "You really tore her up...didn't you Raven?" She asked and then walked over towards the vampire. She gently touched the top of her head, tilting her face up to look at Louis. The vampire girl, wasn't fully awake yet and was still recovering from the fall.

"Hi Louis, can you give her some memories?" Paris asked as he was sitting down a few feet away from her. I noticed they had her tied to the chair that was bolted to the floor. Dylan was leaned up against a wall, watching. Louis glanced over at Paris and smiled.

"I can...but which ones is the question," she said sweetly and walked over towards Paris, sitting down in his lap as she wrapped her arms around him. "I have so many I could let her have."

"Give her something of us meeting for the first time then- or maybe of when you found out what you are... Or a happy memory." Paris suggested. Louis thought on it for a moment and looked at Paris.

"Well... I'd like to keep our first meeting to myself... just because I like that one...and I feel it is more private.... How about...." She frowned and rested her head against Paris's chest. "The time I met August? Or the time that we ended the war? Or maybe even the time I tried ice cream for the first time? Or maybe the time when I was collecting my four pets?"

"No, no.... How about you give her a memory of when you two was building the manor." Dylan suggested. "I like that story." Louis perked up at that and looked over at her then at Dylan.

"You know... you're right. That's a great memory... I should throw some humanity in there too...besides the fun I had. Maybe the time I met Ellie- Benjamin's little girl?" Louis stood up then and walked over to the girl, kneeling down to be on her level. "Hey sweetie....can you tilt your head up? Or are you still coming back from your fall? Your arm is broken...and I can tell a few ribs are as well.... maybe your leg," Louis said, observing her. She lifted her head back up from when she had left it drop and looked towards him. Paris stood up then and walked over. She glared Louis down then and tried to get up but screamed out in pain. I started to giggle then and walked over.

"Hey there smart one," I whispered in her ear then. "Remember me?"

"Raven knock it off, we are trying to help her." Paris scolded as the girl started to struggle to get free. I giggled at her and then walked towards Paris, knowing better than to keep it up if he told me not to. He could easily restrain me...and I don't want that. Louis glanced at me and then at her.

"Now hold still," she whispered to her. "I'm going to help you, and if you behave, you'll be released sooner." She hissed towards us then. I heard Riley laugh.

"You should just turn her human and get this over with. Send her to an institution for the insane. She's better off there or dead. This isn't going to work." Riley told us as he walked over.

"You don't know that Riley." Dylan spoke up. "We need to have hope for her." He tossed Paris something from inside his coat, a wallet. "It was on her when Charlie brought her in." Paris caught it then pulled it open to look through it. Louis stood up then and moved behind her, gently touching her shoulders and smiled. She closed her eyes then and seemed to be concentrating. The girl tried to shake her off of her shoulders.

"Get off of me!" She hissed. Louis frowned and let go then grabbed her head, pulling it back to look up at her as she narrowed her eyes.

"How about you stay still for the next five minutes," Louis suggested and started again. She went to try to bite Louis then, letting out a growl. Paris put the wallet into his pocket and walked over standing by Louis. He grabbed her chin and tilted her head to where she was looking at him.

"Stop moving." Paris ordered and she grew still. I bit my bottom lip as I watched. That's Paris's compulsion....that doesn't work on me. I shifted as I watched with interest as her eyes glazed over from Louis starting to share memories with her. Paris smiled as he pulled back and looked towards Louis like he knew what memories were being shared.... He probably could hear them. After a few moments, Louis pulled back and hugged Paris as she blinked, readjusting to her surroundings.

"Is it done?" I asked curiously as I looked from Louis to the girl. Because if it doesn't work then I get to have my fun possibly. Riley stepped closer with interest as he pulled out a gun. Dylan tensed up on the wall then. The girl looked at her hands in confusion and then tried to get out of the chair. Paris laughed then and held onto his mouth trying to smoother out his laughter. I looked at him then in shock. "What is it?" I asked quickly.

"Oh nothing.... Just her thought progress." Paris mumbled as he let his mouth go and walked up to her. "Your good now right?" He asked her and touched her shoulders, rubbing them. "You won't harm anyone again." He whispered into her ear. She nodded as she looked towards him. "Riley, you lost." Paris said and turned towards him. Riley groaned.

"You mean I don't get to shoot her down like a mut?" Riley asked. I narrowed my eyes and looked over at Riley.

"If anyone was going to kill her, it would've been me," I hissed at him.

"Phfff..." Riley smirked and walked over to the girl and rubbed her head. "Who'd you rather have shoot you down?" He asked. Her eyes widened then.

"Hey, if it was me, it wouldn't have been a simple shot... It would've been lots of fun," I told Riley.

"Aye, knock it off. No one is killing anyone." Dylan said as he got off of the wall. "I shot her first, I get to kill her." He stated. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"She ripped out my fang!" I hissed towards him. "I immediately get dibs if it comes to it."

"Can we not talk about killing her? Honestly... You're going to freak her out." Paris said and then motioned for Dylan to unleash her.

"No way! She broke my spine." Dylan shivered at the thought. I sighed and walked over, ripping the rope off of her and then dropped it on the floor so that way the two little babies wouldn't have to do it themselves.

"There we go," I said and gave her a sweet smile. She got out of the chair quick and got behind Louis looked around at the rest of us. Louis smiled at her and pulled her into a hug.

"I got dibs!" She shouted and teleported away with her. Paris's jaw dropped.

"HEY! I KNOW HER NAME! GET BACK HERE!" Paris yelled. Louis reappeared without her and smiled at Paris innocently.

"Yes Paris?" She asked and wrapped her arms around him. "Are you jealous? I could always claim you too."

"Just because you are older..." Paris trailed off and kissed Louis's cheek. "Does not give you rights to claim me." She smirked and leaned up, kissing Paris's neck before biting down. I widened my eyes at them. Wait... what's going on? Paris shrieked and tried to pull away from Louis. She didn't let go though and then licked her lips, kissing Paris's cheek. She licked his neck to clean it up and smiled sweetly. Paris glared her down then wrapped her up in his arms. "You know you want to give me Dante's newborn." Paris purred.

"Hmm...Dante's newborn huh? Interesting... What's her name?" Louis asked giving him a loving look before giving him another kiss on the cheek. "I'll think about it."

"I'll give you a hint... She is named after a city." Paris informed Louis. She sighed and looked up at Paris. Paris's eyes glazed over then as Louis began to share another memory, this time with him. Paris smiled and seemed to melt into Louis's arms. Riley crossed his arms then.

"They say Charlie and I have twincest... look at this." I heard him mutter. I giggled then and looked over at Riley.

"Twincest like Ouran High School Host Club huh? Must be adorable... Yeah, these two got it bad," I said, looking back to the Grimm twins. Paris pulled back after a second.

"Come on~ Let me have her?" Paris asked. Louis looked at him consideringly and then sighed.

" an early birthday present," Louis whispered. "She'll be at your manor tonight."

"She better be." Paris whispered then smirked. "I'll come for her if she's not."

"I'll look forward to it," Louis teased and leaned up, giving Paris a kiss on the cheek. "But no...really, she'll be at your manor tonight."

"What are you doing with her then?" Paris asked curiously.

"I'm going to get her some cute clothes to change into and then I'm going to have Isabelle set her bones back into place," Louis said and glanced over at Isabelle who had been watching this all quietly.

"I have her identification right here, you could go get her some of her clothes." Paris suggested. "That's if I give you it." He smirked. Louis pouted and looked at his pant's pocket and then went to go for it. Paris teleported across the room then. "Ohhh, grabby." Louis narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Tell you what... You give me the wallet...and I'll see about giving you a nephew or niece soon instead of next year."

"Oh yeah? Your going to pull that on me?" He smirked and pulled out the wallet, dangling it in the air. "You know... I kind of want to take a tour into her life." He started to open up the wallet. Louis blushed fifty shades of pink then.

"If you give me the wallet now... I'll...." She stopped and put a hand over her mouth as she trembled slightly. "I'll seduce him tonight," she whispered.

"Everyone hear that?" Paris asked us. "You have a deal." He tossed the wallet towards Louis. She caught it and looked at it.

"Not worth it," she mumbled and shook her head as she was still shaking slightly with fear at the deal she made.

"Not at all. I expect news about it tomorrow." Paris said as he looked towards Isabelle. Isabelle gave him a thumbs up and then pulled out a bracelet with a smirk.

"Come here Louis, time for you to get some accessories again," she sung out and walked over, clipping it onto Louis's wrist. She widened her eyes at it and then looked up at Isabelle and Paris.

Louis's POV:

WHAT DID I JUST AGREE TO?! Lord help me.... I'm going to die.... Paris is going to kill me if I don't... and August will kill me if I do.... I felt nauseated and leaned up against Isabelle as I felt weak.

"Love you twin." Paris said then looked towards Dylan.

"I have a good idea where Charlie is. I'm going to go search for Dante... better yet... I'll call him." Paris said and pulled out his phone. Raven widened her eyes and went over to him, wrapping her arms around him.

"I'm coming too," she said quickly.

"Do you want to be enslaved? You drunk some of her blood." Paris pointed out. She shook her head and buried her face into his chest.

"But.... I hate his power.... I really do... Do you think he would sense it?" She whispered then shook her head again. "He would. I know he would.... He probably already knows."

"Yes, he'd know most likely as soon as you was around him. Go to my manor where it is safe. Who knows what will happen if he finds out you have his blood in you again." Paris mumbled. She gave a small nod then and pulled back, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry...." She mumbled and then teleported away. I looked at Paris and then up at Isabelle.

"Izzy...take me home... I have to take a bath," I whispered. I don't want to get killed by Paris, Dylan, and the rest. They all heard me make the deal. I can't back out.

"I'll go with you Paris, you will need extra." Dylan insisted and walked up to Paris. Paris gave me a small smile as he called up Dante. Isabelle teleported us back to my place and kissed the top of my head.

"Go get ready... I'll see about getting perfume from Tawnya," she whispered to me. I sighed and started trudging to the bathroom. I can't believe I'm doing this... How does one even seduce their mate? When they have lots of morals? Well... I could suggest a session with his inner wolf like I was talking about earlier...but I don't want to let him touch me... I'd prefer August himself. I went into the bathroom and took a long bubble bath then got out and found that Isabelle had set a red dress on the counter with a small moon pendent on top. I blushed and dried off, getting dressed and then putting on the necklace. Isabelle appeared behind me then and grabbed the hairbrush. "Tawyna said you may use it.... I'll put your hair up again," she told me and started brushing my hair out and blowdrying it.

~After being dressed up~

I glanced at myself in the mirror and saw my white hair in a cute braid over my shoulder again, my makeup was done to accent my features yet again and draw attention to my eyes and lips. The dress showed off my figure and ruffled out a bit in a simple way, the color a beautiful passionate looking red. The pendent was gorgeous on me, making me look like a moon goddess with my white hair. I blushed and looked back at Isabelle who spritzed me with the perfume. "You're ready.... Now go sit somewhere. August will be back soon." She opened the door for me and nudged me out.

"Do I have to?" I whined as I reached back, snatching my ring off of the counter and slipping it on.

"Yes, you have to," she told me and then disappeared to go do something. I sighed and went to the living room, sitting down on it as I grabbed the remote. I watched TV for a bit, nervously fidgeting the whole time. I was going to have to seduce August. The girl walked into the livingroom then and took a seat next to me.

"Hi..." She managed to whisper. I smiled over at her.

"Hey sweetie... I got your wallet from my brother. Here you go," I told her and handed it over to her. "Your name is in there if you don't remember it.... I paid a good price for it, so I hope that you are happy with it back," I whispered towards her and gave her an encouraging smile. "Hence the dress." I gestured to myself. "August is going to come back and be mad." Shaking my head, I glanced towards the TV. She took a minute to figure out how to open her wallet then once she got it open she started to go through it curiously.

"I look like that...." She trailed off. I laughed and looked over at her.

"You're a real cutie in today's standards," I informed her and rubbed her head then sighed. "I'm going to let you stay with Paris alright? He will be able to take care of you, feed and protect you. I will come to visit often, ok?" I pulled her into a hug, already feeling an attachment. If it was up to me, she'd become one of my pets.

"I don't... want to... go... I don't know them." She whispered and curled up towards me. "I only know you." I smiled at her and kissed the top of her head.

"I know sweetie... I know... Maybe I can get Paris to lose interest, but I can share something with you about him," I whispered in her ear and then started to give her another memory, this time of Paris when he was happy and had a child with Richard. She blushed and pulled away from me.

"Do I have to go?" She asked. I sighed then and pulled her closer.

"I'll talk to Paris...and try to get him to want something else. No promises though," I whispered and then rested my head against hers.

"I don't want to go..." She buried her face into my shoulder. I heard the door open and a bunch of laughter as August walked in with Rick and the rest of the pack. I tensed up immediately and slowly slid down into the couch seat with her, holding her close.

"That's August and his pack," I whispered. As soon as I spoke up August looked my way and smiled then it faded.

"What ARE you wearing?" He asked and smirked. "Let me guess... Isabelle?" He walked towards us. "Who's the girl?" He motioned for the rest to follow. I made a motion over my throat telling them not to. They followed him anyways, giggling.

"This of my new best friends," I said and narrowed my eyes at his pack. Alice raised an eyebrow at me and looked at Cassy who exchanged a look with Alice. They busted out laughing and then came up to August.

"Have fun Alpha August. They dressed her up just for you," they whispered into his ears and then started to pull the rest of the pack down the hall. August blushed and made sure Rick stayed with him. He was holding on tight to his arm. The girl curled up closer to me.

"They smell like wet dogs." She whispered into my ear, earning a growl from August.

"Do not!" August said too quickly.

"Do too," I agreed with her and looked up at them. Rick was squirming, trying to get to the rest of the pack.

"I want to play with Cassy," he complained. "This is your problem Alpha!"

"Don't leave me alone with them." August ordered.

"But I don't want to see anything disturbing," Rick whined and stopped squirming as he looked back at August, lowering his head respectfully.

"You think I do?" The girl complained. August walked up to her then as he caught her scent.

"Louis~ She smell's like Dante... your not hanging out with him again... are you?" I shook my head quickly.

"No, I just got one of his newborns because she was causing trouble, and now she's mine," I told him and hugged her tightly. "She's adorable." She blushed a bright red and hid her face against me. I smiled and rubbed her head. "Alright cutie, go bother Isabelle... I've got to have a serious talk with August now," I told her and kissed the top of her head. "Rick, you better run along," I said, looking up at him sharply.

"Alpha August, may I be dismissed PLEASE?!" He said and started to tug away from him again. "I didn't sign up to play love councilor for you!"

"You may go, take the newborn with you." August said, already pulling her from me and placing her in Rick's arms. I widened my eyes and reached out for her then, deciding against it immediately. She reached out to me as she was pulled away but August won and replaced her. I whimpered and watched as Rick started whispering soothing things in her ear, moving her towards the hall. I looked from Rick to August and blushed, curling up on the couch. I can't do it.... August looked at me then and kissed my cheek. "So what did you need to tell me?" August asked. I sighed and looked over at him as I tried to calm down.

"W-well... I was wondering if you wanted to try letting me get your inner wolf's respect for the next thirty minutes?" I asked, making up an excuse that would sound plausible to what I really needed to tell him. I would put that off until later.... It's still slightly daylight out.

"Not in that outfit." August told me and looked me over. "You better wear more then that. Like five layers of clothes." He grabbed my arm and tapped the bracelet. I winced and felt sick again.

"I'll go change before Isabelle finds out," I told him and got up, going towards my room. I went in and stripped, going for the closet and then grabbing out a plain t-shirt that would be a bit big on me and slipped it on over my head, noticing that it hid my curves. I smiled in satisfaction and grabbed a pair of pants, putting them on and rolling them up to my ankles and then grabbed a belt to hold them up. My male clothes were a bit big...but I bet that I didn't look near as well... I blushed and started back for the living room. "How's this?" I asked as I sat down on the couch beside him. He nodded approvingly.

"Better." He admitted and kissed my cheek. "If it gets bad, knock me out. I don't care, just do it." He told me. I gave a small nod towards him.

"I'm hoping the ring will work somewhat," I whispered and kissed his cheek. He nodded then took a scoot away then closed his eyes to concentrate. After a minute he opened his eyes and I noticed they were dilated. I bit my bottom lip and scooted away a bit, not liking how close I was to him anymore. He watched my every movement and curled his lip up into a smile.

"Hello." He purred and started to slide his body towards me. I took a deep breath and narrowed my eyes.

"I take it you know why August let you out?" I asked, to make sure. If he didn't know, he was about to find out that it wasn't for what he wants.

"I do." He smirked. "Your brave." He pulled me into his arms then. I stiffened and looked at him.

"Oh, I'm braver than you think because if you make one wrong move, I'm going to hit you so won't be able to think straight for a week," I warned him. "Now you've got a choice.. either you are going to be stuck in a room next full moon, or you are going to learn to respect me."

"Respect you? You should respect me." He kissed my cheek then. "I'm your mate." I looked at him then and smirked.

"I do respect you.... enough to know that I had to have a few tricks up my sleeve this time. I respect and love August more than I do for you."

"That's why you'll never ever get respect from me. I'm the inner wolf." He ran his fingers through my hair. I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh? And why not? What exactly will it take to get you to respect me?" I asked as I didn't move away.

"Maybe a child." He smirked. I took a deep breath and looked away.

"Well...August is getting one anyways because of my deal with my twin," I mumbled. "So you should respect me then."

"Not until you have it in your belly." He said stubbornly. I looked back at him then.

" least you've improved," I whispered softly. "You so far haven't threatened me." I smiled slowly then. Aww does the little wolf respect his luna a bit more than last time because he got hurt?

"It's not the full moon. I don't have a itch to scratch." He smirked. "I can be anyway to you." I laughed at that. No he can't. I smirked back at him. Because if he tries anything funny, I have the ring and I have permission from August to knock them out. "What?" He growled. I shrugged quickly then went to move away from him. He kept me in his arms. "Where are you going?"

"To get a frying pan for later," I teased.

"You plan to cook me something? How sweet." He smirked. I looked back at him, considering it. I could do it...and maybe he'd be nice to me.

"Will you behave next full moon?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No." He shook his head. "I never behave on a full moon."

"Then no, I'm not making you food. I'm going to get it to maybe knock you out with," I said, narrowing my eyes at him. "And it'll be there next full moon."

"I'll eat you alive if you keep this up." He threatened. I looked at him and then decided on another tactic. I sighed, trying to act like I was giving up for now. I snuggled up close to him, getting my head up under his chin and rested my ear above his heart.

"Alright... I'll leave the frying pan in the kitchen," I said resignedly. I wonder how he'll take this. He tensed up as I done so and then relaxed.

"Now this is better." He whispered and kissed the top of my head. "It's about time."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled and closed my eyes as I let out a small hum and kissed his chest. He laid down on the couch then and pulled me on top.

"Good little mate." He whispered into my ear. I blushed. Am I letting this go to far? I looked up into his eyes then, studying him. He had his eyes closed and looked pleased. Well...he's still not doing anything to me.... I nodded in satisfaction. Maybe thirty minutes of this every day and I'll have him tamed down.... He looked towards me then. "What are you thinking?"

"About how I should do this everyday and maybe tame down some of that aggressiveness," I told him, deciding to be honest.

"You can't tame it, it's what makes an alpha strong." He informed me.

"Too bad, I'm taming you for the full moons," I whispered and watched him.

"Too bad that once that itch starts your going to fear me again."

"Too bad I'm making you a room," I retorted.

"Too bad your not a guy."

"You know what.... I don't think I will be nice and ask August to allow you out more," I said and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Your still going to have to deal with me eventually." I sighed and shook my head.

"Well...maybe I'll be a guy by then," I told him and sat up on his stomach.

"Oh? You think so? Paris doesn't think so." He smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him, staying silent. "What I thought, now lay back down." He pulled me back down.

"No," I said and then went to get off of him completely. He let me go and watched me. I watched him as I stood a foot away from him. "You're going to learn to respect me....and you already seem to be."

"You don't understand..." He got off the couch then and started to walk towards me. "I can be nice... or I can be mean. Today I am nice, because I don't want to be mean and I just went on a nice relaxing hunt. Don't upset me." I tilted my chin up at him then, watching as he came closer. He's got a point. I should probably stay on his good side and see how well it works out. "Now stop trying to upset me." He walked past me then and towards the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked softly, starting to follow him as I got interested.

"I'm hungry." He told me and looked behind him to see me. "I eat a bunch." I gave a nod.

"Want me to call Isabelle to fix you something?" I asked as I walked beside him with a smile.

"I know how to cook." He informed me. "I'm actually a great cook." I nodded then.

"Alright...just trying to offer you something," I mumbled and followed him into the kitchen. He looked around the kitchen once he entered it and started to collect things to cook, I noticed he was making some kind of pasta. I raised an eyebrow and sat down at the counter. "Can I ask you something?" I whispered as I watched him. He nodded as he looked towards me.


"Do you honestly like me?" I asked softly, watching his expression. "Not just because I'm the pack's Luna and because August might get a kid one day?"

"Well, since you ask.... No." He smirked as he watched my expression. "See your not my mate but you are his. So I have to put up with you. See if you was born a wolf, my mate would have been placed in you and then we would be absolutely happy... but..." He trailed off. I kept my expression blank then stood up, walking over to the pots and pans. I grabbed the heaviest and turned to him, lifting it up as I started for him. "It's not my fault your a vampire. My mate runs with the moon goddess." He smirked. "Blame it on fate." He held up his pot to block off a hit. I narrowed my eyes and lifted the pan up as high as I could.

"Oh...but I can't take it out on fate, so I'll take it out on the next best thing- the dirty little fleabag stuck in my mate who tried to rape me last full moon."

"That was my hormones... It's not like I wanted to." He backed up slowly. "I just get an itch. Hey~ I would never cheat on my mate. You should have been born with her in you."

"Well you know what.... Life just hates you," I hissed out, keeping after him. He stopped backing up and grabbed my hand with the pan.

"And I hate being stuck in this body. So do we have to keep fighting? You just need to get more cleaver or I'll get you next full moon." I can't believe it.... I'm stuck with a two timing little wolf who believes that I was born wrong....I felt the pan drop from my hand and I started to cry. And the worst part is, he doesn't even like me because I was born wrong and he doesn't love me.... My own mate has an inner wolf who doesn't like me and was after me because it was his job, not because he wanted to.... He raised an eyebrow as he watched me. "This is why I prefer you as a guy." He shook his head. "Your so whiney... I bet you would be all over me right now if you was a guy." I shook my head too and went to pull away from him, going towards the door.

"If I was a wouldn't even be here," I whispered as I wiped at my face. "I'd have kicked your butt last full moon and would be planning to do it again."

"Oh come and get me then!" He laughed. I looked back at him.

"You don't want me angry at you," I told him and stiffened another cry. "Trust me... I'm so upset right now...I'd probably send you through a wall in my weakened condition." He rolled his eyes and went back to fixing something to eat. I shook my head.

"Enjoy August's spaghetti," I hissed out and slammed the door behind me, walking down the hall. I spotted Rick near the living room, eyes wide as he saw me.

"Hey...what's the matter?" He asked, pulling me into a hug. "Did August do something to upset you?" He whispered and brushed my hair out of my face. I shook my head then.

"No... I'm just-" I started crying again and buried my face into his chest. "I'm an idiot.... I asked August to let out his inner wolf for a bit so that maybe I could get him to respect me better to try to make the whole thing easier....but he'll never...ever... respect me. He'll never actually love me. It'll just be duty to him because I was born a vampire....because I'm not a werewolf," I whispered out. He sighed and started to pull me to the living room.

"I'm sorry sweetie... You know August loves you. His inner wolf... well- I don't know what to tell you there. How about you just stay away from him from now on, ok? He obviously does not deserve you, our luna," he told me and turned on the TV. "Here, watch a movie. I'm going to go get us some popcorn and maybe some candy, ok? You stay here, and I'll be right back." He smiled at me and wiped away my tears, kissing the top of my head and then going towards the kitchen. He came back after a minute and sat down beside me, putting the bowl of popcorn down between us and a box of candy. "Here we go.... You enjoy this, and I'll start thinking about ways to get August back so that way you will be happier, yes?" I shook my head then.

"I don't even want August right now," I mumbled. "I'm not sure anymore."

"Aww, don't be like that. You love August, and he loves you back. He was trying to protect you from that...because he knew that you'd end up hurt. Now, isn't that what we all love about him? He's a good mate....and it's not your fault sweetie. I know they keep telling you that they wish you were a guy, but that's only because they have to tiptoe around your emotions to try to not hurt you because a girl's heart is precious. It's fragile and should be handled with care. His inner wolf doesn't know how to do that....and August still loves you no matter what." I gave a small nod. "Now come here," he told me, holding out his arms for a hug. I hugged him quickly and felt a little bit better. "It's not your fault at all... not at all, so don't believe it for a second. Things will work out the way they were meant to." I gave a small nod and watched as a movie came on- Twilight. I giggled and shook my head.

"This movie is terrible," I told him.

"Agreed," he said quickly, changing the channel. It turned to Once Upon a Time on the pilot episode. "This should be interesting...." I gave a nod and then pulled off the ring as I curled up on the couch, watching the movie as I played with it.

~After the movie~

Rick had passed out on the couch halfway through it, leaving me to watch about half the season. I got up then, going towards the kitchen to see if he was still in there, wanting to keep tabs on him. I opened the door and looked in, slipping the ring back on my finger. He wasn't in the kitchen though and it looked spotless. I smiled at it and shook my head. "At least he cleaned up," I mumbled and then went to look for him, smelling the air. His scent went towards my bedroom. I walked in without hesitation and went in, looking towards the bed to see if he'd fallen asleep or not. He was curled up asleep in the bed surrounded by the blankets. I smiled and walked over towards him. "August?" I called out softly, sitting down on the bed beside him. "Sweetie?"

"Mhmmm?" He asked and pulled the covers over his head.

"Is it you or Mr. Inner Wolf?" I asked as I touched the top of his head through the blanket.

"Me...." He mumbled. "I'm tired..." He whispered.

"I'm sorry about earlier... I'll never ask you again to let him take over," I whispered to him. "I'd much rather have spent that time with you rather than trying to earn his respect."

"Told you..." He grumbled.

"He...told me the truth," I whispered then as I brought my knees to my chest. "That it'll never be truly right because I was born a vampire.... I've calmed down though with Rick."

"He shouldn't had said that to you..." He whispered then sat up to look at me. "He didn't mean it. He's just upset. You shouldn't listen to him about that." I shook my head and smiled at him, pulling him into a hug.

"It's alright August. I know that it's nothing we can really do about it, and I'd rather... be your mate than his," I told him. "I love you August, and that's what matters....not some silly little thing about me not having an inner wolf for him to connect to.... because he's not my mate." I kissed him then and smiled at him sweetly. "You're mine."

"Right, so don't listen to him." August told me and rubbed my head. I gave a nod and kissed him again.

"He can go die in a little lonely hole," I told him and brought him closer. I took the ring off then and placed it on the nightstand then looked at August lovingly. "And I want you to know that just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that I'm still not Louis- because I will always be Louis....And if you want me to be less emotional towards the girl side, I'll try not to while I'm stuck like this." He shrugged.

"I want you as who you really are. Of course I can't have that until we have a child. Paris made that clear." He muttered. I blushed then and glanced down at the bed.

"About that.... I was wondering..." I trailed off, not knowing how to tell him. I glanced up at him and kissed him then passionately, deciding maybe I could just get him to want to. "If you wanted to tonight," I whispered in his ear, feeling my heart start to beat. What am I doing..... He blushed.

"L-Louis?" He stuttered. I squeezed my eyes shut, working up the nerve to try to seduce him as a girl. It'd be easier as a guy because I'd be in charge and I wouldn't be getting pregnant! I pulled back an inch to look him in the eyes with a sweet smile.

"Yes my love?" I whispered to him and kissed him on the lips again. He gripped my sides and bit his bottom lip.

"Your not.... seriously... considering it... Are you?" He asked me. I blushed then and glanced away before giving him a small nod.

"I am.... I wouldn't mess around with something like this," I said, barely getting it out as a whisper. He nodded then and blushed a deeper shade.

"If you want then..." He kissed my lips softly and started to wrap his arms around me. I let him and wrapped my arms around his neck then, kissing him back as I started to lower him onto his back and putting me on top. He watched me and then tensed up. "Now?" I gave a small nod, watching his expression as I started to feel really nervous. I kissed his neck to hide it though. He nodded and laughed nervously. "Okay..." He ran his fingers through my hair and leaned in towards my lips, beginning to kiss me. I blushed and kissed him back, tilting my head to deepen it. I licked his bottom lip to tease him just a little, hoping to encourage him. He grabbed my tongue with his lips and began to suck on my tongue as he pulled it in. I let a moan slip and then moved my hands up under his shirt, running them along his sides. I started to slide his shirt up a little bit, unsure whether or not that was too fast for him. He let me though and ran his fingers down to the bottom of my shirt as he deepened our kiss. I blushed as I sat up on top of him then, pulling his shirt up over his head before he could grab mine. I leaned down as I straddled his stomach, kissing his lips and then starting a trail of kisses down to his chest. He gasped as he watched me. "Louis?" He raised an eyebrow. I blushed and stopped as I looked down into his eyes then.

"Yes August?" I whispered. He blushed.

"Are you positive?" He asked curiously. I thought it over for a moment. Well... If I don't tonight, Paris kills me in the morning...and I'll end up having to on less pleasant conditions more than likely considering when the next full moon is. I'd rather avoid that to the best of my ability....and if we wait till the honeymoon, I don't know how that will go. I gave a small nod and a reassuring smile as I kissed him again. He nodded and gave me a smile before kissing me back. "Okay Louis." I went back to his neck, giving him a love bite to try to get him into it...trying to make him less nervous like I already was. We both don't need to be... He moaned and grabbed my sides tightly. "Uh~ Louis..." He mumbled and then flipped us looking down at me. "I'll be on top then." I blushed as I looked at him. Wait...what? I don't get to be.... I bit my bottom lip then. He leaned in towards me and kissed me softly. He pulled my body closer and ran his fingers up my spine to tickle me. I giggled a bit and went to stop him.

"August!" I called, giggling a bit more as I caught his hand and then kissed it. I stopped being as nervous and kissed him then. He smiled and leaned in towards my neck, beginning to trail love bites down it. I bit my bottom lip to keep a moan in as I gripped his hair in my hands. He slipped off my shirt quickly, then started to trail them fast my shoulders and down towards my stomach. I widened my eyes and went to kiss him on the top of his head, wanting to distract him from it as I let out a small moan of pleasure. He stopped at my stomach and looked up at me then started to pull off my belt.

"Yes?" He asked and smirked. I felt my face heat up then and I watched him carefully. I sat up and then went to tug on his pants. He blushed as he got my belt off. He stood up then. "Together?" He asked me. I blushed, and then gave a small nod. If it made him feel better about this. I reached down to my pants and started to unbutton it for him, hiding my face as I started to get nervous again. He started to unbutton his pants and together we took ours off. I glanced up at him and laid back down as I waited for him.

"Be gentle with me?" I asked softly, blushing again.

"I'll try to." He blushed and kissed my cheek. I gave a small nod and kissed him on the lips then, slipping my tongue into his mouth and catching his before he could mine. I started to suck on it as I let him in between my legs....

Isabelle's POV:

I shook my head softly as I pulled out my phone to call Paris and let him know. I could hear them from the living room.... Louis was definitely going to be pregnant. I dialed up his number as I teleported outside to get away from the noise. Paris answered with his famous words.

"Paris." I heard him say quickly. "Sooooooo how's that newborn?" I giggled.

"That might have to wait Paris.... I think you are getting that nephew or niece you wanted," I told him.

"Oh!? So they are doing it? I can't wait to hear all about it in the morning." I head him laughing and sharing the news with Richard.

"If you really want, I could bring over the newborn personally," I suggested, "but if you are wanting Louis to do it, you might as well wait for awhile....because it won't be tonight or possibly tomorrow." I giggled at the thought of how cranky she might be later.

"You can take her over here." Paris suggested. "I know how tough it was for me to walk after my first time.... So bring her over." I hung up then and teleported to the newborn's room, picking her up out of the bed and then teleporting outside the manor. I wasn't going in until I got something to protect me from getting hurt by that new system. Hachi stepped out onto the porch and waved towards me, holding up two medal rods.

"Hiya!" He called. I walked over with a smile and took them from him, sticking one on the newborn and the other in my pocket.

"Hey Hachi," I said sweetly and started to go inside with her. "Paris! I got her!" She curled up in my arms and looked around, waking up a bit.

"Isabelle...." She mumbled. Hachi shut the door for us like a gentleman and smirked as he looked towards the hall. Paris walked out of it and smirked.

"Thank you Isabelle for bringing her." He laughed. "I'll take care of her now." He reached out for her. I didn't let him take her just yet though and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Louis still gets to see her...whenever she wants to see her....and if Louis wants her back, she gets her back, deal?" I asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"Louis and I can talk over that last part but the rest is a deal." Paris said and waited for me to hand her over. She tightened her arms around my neck. I looked down at her in surprise.

"What's the matter?" I asked softly as I held her closer. "Paris is a nice guy...and you'll be able to come over to see Louis, and Louis will most definitely come see you probably daily."

"Come on, you'll be just as fine and dandy here." Paris promised her. She loosened up a bit.

"She's so pretty!" Hachi said and giggled. "I want her!" He reached out towards her and Paris tackled him to the floor. I quickly backed away with her.

"No!" I shrieked, remembering what happened with Louis. Paris narrowed his eyes at Hachi.

"Behave, or I will put you in timeout." Paris told him. Hachi frowned and nodded.

"F-fine." He mumbled. "So what's wrong with her? Vampires don't act like that." Hachi mumbled as Paris got off him and stood up then helped him to his feet. I narrowed my eyes.

"Nothing is wrong with her. She's just shy," I told him and then walked over towards Paris slowly, giving the newborn a kiss on the forehead before I went to hand her over. She tensed up in his arms but then relaxed, probably noticing the similarities in Louis and Paris's scent. She wrapped her arms around him and hid her face into his chest.

"Shy?" Hachi asked and raised an eyebrow. "What's her name?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. Ask her or Paris," I said and looked at her. Louis will definitely be trying to get to her. I saw her snuggling up to that newborn like she does with us sometimes. I shook my head slightly. Louis almost put a new addition to his little pet collection. There would have been five of us.

"Oh this is Brooklyn." Paris informed us. "You can tell Louis her name if he didn't see it earlier." Paris told us. Brooklyn curled up tighter. I gave a small nod and went to tell her bye, but Richard came out of nowhere and tackled me into a hug.

"TELL LOUIS I'M SO PROUD!" She giggled and snuggled up to me then as she had me in a death squeeze. I widened my eyes and looked at her.

"Oh come on Richard, let her go." Paris said and shook his head.

"Proud of what?" Hachi asked curiously. "What'd Louis do?" Richard didn't let go and held on tight.

"Nothing my sweet innocent Hachi," Richard told him and looked at me. "I want to see the two lovebirds in the morning!" She giggled again and rested her face into my neck. I tensed up and looked at Paris for help. Paris laughed.

"Huh?" Hachi looked confused then pulled Richard to him for answers. Richard shook her head and kissed Hachi on his cheek.

"Look, when a mommy and a daddy love each other veeeeery much," Richard began. Paris pulled Richard to him quickly.

"Don't ruin his innocent mind!" Paris hissed. She got quiet then and looked up at Paris with a sweet smile, kissing him on his neck and then biting down gently. Brooklyn looked at the two and pushed Richard away.

"I'm right here!" She mumbled and then smelled the blood and went to bite Paris. He shrieked and almost dropped her but Hachi caught her. Richard took her then quickly.

"Shhhh.... You don't want his blood," she whispered in Brooklyn's ear. "He's shy when it comes to sharing.... You can have some of mine if you're hungry." She giggled and looked at Brooklyn as she moved her hair aside. "Mine is pretty great." She shook her head towards Richard and tried to get out of her arms.

"I'm fine." Brooklyn said too quickly. Richard sighed and lifted her wrist up to her mouth and bit down.

"Here sweetie... It's that simple," she told her and held her wrist up to Brooklyn's mouth. "You shouldn't starve."

"Richard she just ate like nine people today." Paris told her. Richard shrugged.

"So? She's a growing newborn... I eat about ten in one day on a good day."

"Then you wonder why we have to cleanse your stone ever so often." Paris muttered. Brooklyn held her lips sealed shut and shook her head. Richard shrugged and let go, walking towards Paris.

"Well if you don't want it sweetie, I know someone who will," she said and held out her wrist towards Paris with a sweet smile. "Besides... you're all I need Paris.... All the others that I eat don't satisfy me." Paris smiled and took a bite of Richard's wrist happily.

"You can always drink from me." Hachi suggested as he was suddenly by Brooklyn and she shrieked, jumping away from him. Richard glanced back at them and frowned.

"Now you two behave," she told them and moved closer to Paris as she moved her hair away from her neck to offer him a better taste. He pulled back and shook his head.

"I can't take too much, your carrying our child." Paris reminded Richard. Hachi stared them down with wonder in trying to understand it and looked towards me.

"I don't see a child." Hachi mumbled.

"Because the baby is inside Richard," I told Hachi. "It's growing up to where it will be able to survive out here with us." Hachi tilted his head.

"In her stomach?" Hachi asked and then walked over to Richard and pressed his ear against her stomach to listen. Richard blushed and started to play with Hachi's hair.

"Give it a few more months and you will be able to hear something.... The baby is too tiny and young to move around," Richard told Hachi.

"How'd it get in there?" Hachi asked. Richard looked at Paris and blushed about fifty shades of red and then looked at Hachi.

"Because girls are magical in their own way and can carry a baby inside of them," she told him, not telling the full truth. Hachi nodded.

"I'm magical too." He said and then rubbed his stomach. Richard shook her head and patted him on the head.

"Yes, but girls have a different kind of magic....boys can't have it." He nodded then and Brooklyn looked towards me and raised an eyebrow.

"Have fun," I said quickly, heading for the door before she could ask to come back with me.


"Brooooooklyn!" Hachi said and walked towards her. "Are you going to have one too?" He asked and she backed up quickly, shaking her head no.

"No, but Louis will after tonight," I told Hachi with a smirk, pausing at the door.

"Louis is having a child?!" Hachi said excitedly. I nodded.

"Louis is going to be just like Richard after tonight. She's going through the magic process right now to be exact," I said and gave him a wink. Hachi tilted his head then shrugged it off.

"So innocently." Paris sighed and rubbed Hachi's head. "What will happen to you when you get your mate?" I shook my head and dropped the rod on the floor, teleporting back to my room in the Louis's mansion and crawled into bed as I pulled the blanket and pillow over me. I hope they won't be too loud or too long.....

Paris's POV:

I showed Brooklyn to her bedroom which was near Raven's and Lauren's rooms on the same hall. I smiled and left her to explore the house then went to my study where Richard was instructed to take Hachi. I sat down at my desk after walking in and looked at the two of them. I tried to call Dante earlier but he didn't answer... so this time he might. I picked up my phone and dialed the number, calling. It picked up after a full minute.

"Go for Dante," he mumbled sleepily. "Who's calling?"

"Paris." I informed him. "I got something of yours. Technically I have two." I told him.

"Paris? Why are you calling so la- What do you have of mine?" He hissed out as it clicked for him.

"That newborn of yours. I want Charlie in exchange." I heard him sigh and then roll off of his bed, getting to his feet.

"No can do Paris," he said after a few seconds.

"Why not?" I asked curiously.

"One, he's staying here of his own free will. Two, he's my mate," he told me. I paled.

"Did... you... just.... Does he know?" I asked looking towards Richard.

"Well, I didn't even know until I got a concussion and he came to check on me because his brother shot me," he said then. "I told him already after I found out myself."

"He's okay with it?" I wondered.

"Yeah, seems to be. He's not leaving, and he's not under my control anymore. I had already released Charlie before his brother shot me and my newborn."

"Have you heard what your newborn recently done?!" I asked him.

"Umm...maybe.... I was wondering if that was my newborn or not. I'm very proud of her too. Sounds like she killed a ton of people," he said and laughed darkly.

"She almost killed Dylan and Riley." I hissed through the phone.

"Oh....I'll come for her in the morning," he told me then. I noticed Richard was staring her down then, blinking a few times and then getting close and sniffing her neck.

"See here's the thing... I am going to keep her and in two weeks she will be my newborn... maybe even sooner then that." I told him. "Don't bite her Richard." She pulled back quickly, looking at me innocently.

"That's not how that works Paris... My blood will wear off of her, but I'll still be her maker. I have to release her first for you to claim her."

"Not if I convince her you already released her." I said and looked at my nails.

"Paris, that's my newborn. I've backed off of getting Raven at the moment, but don't you dare piss me off. I'll end up taking them both from you."

"What's Charlie have to say about that?" I asked him. He sighed.

"To not pick a war with you," he muttered. "We already talked about it."

"That's right, I'm his favorite uncle." I confirmed. "Now... how about you do something for me then."

"I'm not your errand boy. I'm the Prince of Germany," he hissed out towards me.

"It's quite simple. DON'T YOU DARE TURN MY LITTLE CHARLIE!" I hissed through the phone.

"Now why would I go do a thing like that? That's Dylan's job according to him," Dante said and started to laugh.

"Good, the thought never crossed your mind." I smiled happily, relaxing. Dylan would be happy to hear that as well.

"Now, are we done with this stupid call? It's like...the middle of the night. This gorgeous war god doesn't come without sleep," he told me irritably.

"As long as your not sleeping with him either..." I trailed off and smirked. "Good night Dante." I hung up on him then stood up. "Bedtime." Richard pouted and pulled the girl close.

"Not yet... Adults stay up longer than kids and Hachi is still up," Richard complained and then sniffed the girl again curiously. Where do I know her from.... OH MY GOSH! Richard let go of her wide eyed. "You're that girl from the street who got her wallet stolen! I almost ate you!" She ran over to me and then got behind me, looking at her like she came from Hell. "How the hell did you get back to me?! I thought I wouldn't see you again!" Brooklyn looked at Richard in confusion and shrugged.

"I don't know you." Brooklyn told Richard. Richard narrowed her eyes at her.

"Remember? It was outside the Black Lucy and I was a guy then and told you that you had dropped your wallet and told you to be more careful. You were listening to opera and had on a little red coat," Richard said, thinking over the memory. She shook her head. I looked towards Richard.

"Brooklyn here lost her memory. She got shot in her head while she was infected with vampire blood- she was going to turn and then... well... I had to go hunt her down earlier today." Richard gave a small nod and walked back over to her cautiously, sniffing her again.

"Well... I guess that's alright." Richard whispered and then kissed her on the head. "You count as a kid. Off to bed you two," Richard said, starting to lead both Hachi and Brooklyn towards the door.

"I'm not ready for bed though." Hachi complained. Brooklyn just seemed to go with it. Richard pushed them both out of the study and shut the door, turning to me with a smile. I shook my head and walked towards her.

"Us too. I'm tired." I told her and started to direct her towards the door. She pouted but didn't complain as she wrapped her arms around me and let me take her to our bedroom. She stripped out of her pants and shirt, leaving her in her underwear and started for the closet to get PJs. She came back out in my shirt and a pair of shorts and crawled into the bed with a smile. I walked over to the closet and got into something comfortable then joined her in our bed, curling her up into my arms. She yawned and then started to nuzzle her face against my wrist then bit down gently, hungry. I wanted her bite me and smiled softly, pleased with her. I watched her drink my blood and didn't bother with interrupting her. She pulled back after a few minutes and gave a cute yawn before curling up to me.

"I love you Paris," she mumbled in my ear. "If it makes you happy, I'll only drink from you and blood bottles for the rest of the pregnancy.... I know you don't like it when I binge, and you would keep me in check if you were able to monitor how much I take." I nodded.

"It's whatever you want. We are raising a pureblood after all." I told Richard and smiled. I rubbed her head and then closed my eyes so she could fall asleep now.

"If I had it my way.... I'd drink from you only for the rest of eternity," she mumbled and sighed, giving me a small kiss as she started to fall asleep.

"That's unhealthy for us both though..." I sighed out.

"I know...that's why I don't," she told me. I nodded and watched as she fell asleep on me. I smiled as she did and looked up at the ceiling, reflexing over the past few days. I sat up a bit as something started to bother me but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It must be the fact that Laurence wasn't hear today... Or that I didn't get something right with the kitchen... was the floor sloping a bit? I crawled out of bed and started to scratch my shoulders as I thought about it. "Paris?" Richard moved her head up to look at me and frowned as she looked really sleepy. "Paris baby....Don't scratch your shoulders like that. You'll make them bleed.... Come back to bed." She sat up a bit and winced then rubbed at her eyes. She moved her hands over her lips and found a bit of my blood still on her chin and licked it off her hands.

"I'll be back." I told her. "Five minutes tops." I started for the door of the bedroom and creeped out of it, still scratching my shoulders but in a new spot. I walked towards the kitchen trying to figure out what was bothering me. It was like leaving the house but forgetting to turn off a light. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the light looking the kitchen over for anything out of place. I stepped into it and looked around for a few minutes, getting out a tape measurer and measuring the counter tops from the back splash to the edge. I sighed after half an hour of not finding anything. I went back towards the bedroom and looked at all the pictures on my way there. I was missing something... Something was bad.... Badly off. I stopped at a window and looked out into the yard to think harder. There was something off.

"DAD!! PLEASE GO TO BED! I CAN'T THINK WHEN YOU'RE LIKE THIS!" Donnie yelled. He appeared by me and gave me a hug. "You are perfectly fine." He assured me. "Now go get some sleep for hells sakes." He pushed me towards my bedroom and laughed. I nodded and went back to my bedroom, creeping in so I didn't wake up Richard. I froze as Richard was missing. I teleported into my music room and took a seat on the bench then started to play for him. I hummed to the song then froze as I felt a breeze pick up in the room. I looked towards my windows and noticed they were wide open and the curtains were blowing in the wind. I walked over to them and shut the windows, making sure to lock them. I nodded then. That's what it was, the windows. I sighed in relief. Richard came in, shuffling her feet tiredly and gave a small yawn then saw me.

"There you are.... Sorry, I couldn't sleep without you in there so I went to go check on the nursery- make sure nothing was out of place and was picture perfect," she mumbled and walked over towards me, giving me a kiss on the cheek as she rested her head against me.

"Hmm... The windows was open in here." I told Richard and wrapped her up in my arms. "Usually the maids are responsible enough to close them every night... I will need to have a talk with them tomorrow, remind me." I kissed her head.

"I'll remind you... It's not safe for our baby if they are open at night...." She whispered and then wrapped her arms around me as she snuggled up to me, closing her eyes. She relaxed as she smelled my scent and started to fall asleep in my arms. I smiled and picked her up, teleporting us to our bedroom and I laid her down in the bed. I got in with her and rubbed her head. I closed my eyes, trying to rest in peace now. She kissed my cheek then and got right up against me, pressing her face into my chest as she brought the blanket around us closer. "Don't get up and leave me again," she mumbled. "Or I'll punish you." I nodded then, keeping that in mind.

"I won't." I promised and kissed her head. I started to fall asleep then. She gave me another kiss and yawned.

"Goodnight Paris," she mumbled and hugged me as she rested her head against mine then and fell asleep before I could.


I woke up suddenly hearing an alarm going off. I sat up and looked towards my alarm clock (that wasn't going off) seeing it was just now sunrise. I got out of bed and rubbed my head, wondering why the alarm was going off. I locked my door and moved a dresser in front of it then looked towards Richard. "Baby wake up, somethings happening. Don't leave the room until this door starts to get opened from the other side then go to Louis's manor." I instructed. She sat up then and looked at me tiredly.

"Paris, what's going on?" She mumbled and started to get out of bed but got tripped up in the blankets and fell onto the floor.

"The house alarm is going off... It might be going off from a mouse coming in... Nothing major. If it is though... well.. Stay here unless it is." I kissed the top of her head. "I'm going to go see what all the noise is." She sat up on the floor and looked at me.

"Why can't I go help? What if it's an intruder? I'm your best partner when it comes to fighting....and I'm also your second in command when it comes to war."

"Your pregnant." I hissed. "We lost one child before we won't loose another." I pointed towards the floor. "Stay." She pouted and got up, crawling back into bed.

"Fine...but if you get hurt," she trailed off and then curled up to the blankets. I teleported then to the living room to see what was going on.

"PARIS! WATCH OUT!" I was tackled as the sounds of gunshots was going off around me. Oh no, it is an invasion. I looked around seeing HA on all the suits around me. Shizzzz it's the Hunters. I looked to find Hachi ontop of me.

"Hachi." I hissed.

"I was up." He explained. "There are too many of them for me to handle. Get everyone out?" Hachi asked for my orders. I saw Raven teleporting through them in her PJs, fighting them and ripping their throats out, stabbing a few here and there and stealing their guns. She shot across the room, getting their blood on my walls along with some of their brains when she would get headshots. She had about twenty on the floor in half a minute. The weirdest thing to me though was the kitty PJs covered in blood now and that look in her eyes again.

"Go protect the halls incase some slip by." I ordered. I stood up then as he ran off to the hall and I grabbed a gun. There was no way I'd be run out of my own home today. I checked the bullets in my gun then started to shoot down the hunters flooding into the room. "RAVEN! YOU AND I." I told her, getting five down with one bullet. These Ainsworth guns- I checked to see that I was right, are really good guns. She nodded and threw one across the room, knocking about five over as he crashed into them. I started to aim them down and shot them as they flooded in. That's what was bothering me... yesterday there was too many responders when we was hunting Brooklyn. We had too many hunters. I should have seen the foreshadowing. They've restocked the hunters in the area. Raven growled and teleported into the kitchen. I heard her thoughts start turning dark as she was getting tons of alcohol bottles and rags. She teleported outside and I heard explosions then. She was blowing up their cars.... I falled the hunters back to the front door and got new guns as I passed dead bodies. Laurence appeared by me and smiled as he looked like hell in his PJ's. He took a gun and started to help me press the hunters back, using the shadows as shields for us. Lauren appeared by my side as well with a gun and started to help.

"Heard an alarm going off." Lauren yelled over the guns.

"Told you this would happen if you messed with the HQ." Laurence yelled.

"I didn't do it, it was Louis!" I complained.

"Who looks like you and was imposing as you for years." Laurence reminded me. Raven came through them, starting to kill the final one right in front of me as she bit down into his neck. He screamed out and tried to grab at her, but she caught his hands and pressed him up against the wall. I dropped my gun and pulled out my phone, calling Perry.

"Hey, I need a clean up." I told him once I heard him answer the phone.

"This early?" He complained.

"This early." I confirmed.

"I'll send over the cleaners." He hung up on me then and I looked towards Laurence.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"Kidnaped." He told me and yawned. "Mates get angry when you don't show up on a full moon, he doesn't know it but I escaped him this morning." He pointed to the necklace on his neck. Raven dropped the guy as he went limp and licked her lips as she glanced over at us and dropped the gun in her hand. It went off and shot a vampire hunter barely alive on the floor. She smirked and let out an insane giggle as she looked at the bodies. I shook my head and started for the front doors, disgusted. I'm going to need to remodel now.

"Dang it." I hissed and hit the door as I passed it. "WHO THE HELL WOULD BE IN THE RIGHT MIND TO INVADE ME!" I hissed. "They are so going to see me today." I walked towards my bedroom to let Richard know. I teleported into the bedroom and cleaned off my bloody face. "It was an invasion." I informed. She sat up quickly, narrowing her eyes as she started to look protective.

"An invasion?" She hissed out and got up, walking over to me.

"We killed them all, stupid hunters never learn." I informed her. "I'm going to arranged for a little taste of their own medicine."

"Great, I'm going with," she said and started for the closet, her mind set.

"No, you're going to visit Louis today and bond with her." I told her and followed her into the closet. I changed my clothes to a suit and smirked as I looked like I was going someplace nice. Richard glanced over and then smiled, coming over. She kissed my cheek and then went towards my neck.

"Please?" She whispered, referring to biting me. She let the attacking the Vampire Hunters go for the moment.

"Can't. I'm going hunting." I told her and then gave a strong smile for her before I left her like that.