Experiment 235

Richard's POV:

I pouted as Paris left us and looked down at the vampires below, wondering which one was taking me. He wouldn't have me go alone since how I'm carrying his child and he's been over protective lately. I wrinkled up my nose at the smell of flesh and blood everywhere and felt sick as bile rose up in my throat. I leaned up against the railing of the staircase, squeezing my eyes shut as I fought it back. The smell was revolting.... and it made me want to not eat for a long time. The nausea came in waves, almost making me puke as I sunk to the ground slowly, clamping a hand over my mouth as I held my stomach with the other.

"Are you okay Richard?" Laurence asked and got to his knees beside me. He rubbed my back and looked around, understanding. He looked at the others. "I'm going to take her now, he's just uneasy. See you guys later, Perry will come by with a clean up crew so keep watch for them." Laurence informed and then teleported us to Louis's manor and sat me down on the couch in the livingroom. Isabelle appeared quickly and hissed our way, her phone going off with an alarm. She noticed it was us and then relaxed, turning off the alarm on her phone.

"I'm going to guess no one told you about the alarm system Louis had us set up.... Next time don't teleport directly into the house," she told Laurence and then looked at me. "Hey Richard! Louis will be out here soon.... She just got up and is recovering in the bathroom right now." I gave a small nod as the nausea started to fade. I curled up on the couch and pulled Laurence close, cuddling him to me. I breathed in his scent to comfort me as I started to worry about Paris.

"Paris will be fine," Laurence whispered in my ear. "Don't worry." He rubbed my stomach to comfort me. "Your baby won't be fatherless, I promise." I gave a small nod and relaxed.

"He'll come home soon...right? It won't be another incident where he's locked up?" I asked quickly, going through everything I could do about it in my head.

"No, he's going to make it through, I can see it as clear as day. He's sending them a message." Laurence laid his head against my shoulder. August walked into the room with messy hair and was just in shorts. He blushed when he seen us and tensed up.

"Hi... What's wrong?" August asked, noticing something was up right away. I looked over at him and bit my bottom lip.

"We got invaded this morning... so Paris is attacking their headquarters," I whispered. "He told me to come visit Louis for the day."

"Oh gosh.... That's... is everyone okay?" August asked and walked over, taking a seat on the couch. "Paris will be fine too right?"

"That's what I'm hoping," I whispered and looked at him. "After all...he's got a baby to raise with me.... and I don't want to be mateless." Louis came out then, stretching as she smiled sweetly towards August.

"Hey sweetie... what do you want for breakfast? I'll make it myself," she said and kissed August's cheek then saw us. "Hey Richard... Laurence.... Dropping by for a friendly visit or are you here for something else?" I nodded and smiled at Louis, remembering that she was now going to be carrying August's baby. I wouldn't be going through pregnancy alone.

"Paris is attacking because they invaded our manor this morning," I told her.

"The hunters decided to pay Paris a visit this morning, now he's paying them one." Laurence said and looked towards Louis. August looked towards Louis then.

"He went by himself." August whispered. Louis clenched her jaw then and blinked slowly then started walking over to a chest in the corner, unlocking it. She pulled out a few guns, extra ammo, knives, and some gear and started walking towards her room to get some other things, not saying a word. August got to his feet quickly and grabbed Louis. "Baby you can't go!" August yelled into his ear. "You can't risk our baby's life." He rubbed her stomach then, trying to calm her. "Please. Think about the child, one shot is all it takes." She stopped and bit her bottom lip as she looked down at her stomach.

"F-fine..... ISABELLE! YOU GET TO GO TEAR SOME VAMPIRE HUNTERS APART! ALL FOUR OF YOU!" She screamed out. Isabelle and three other girls appeared in front of him, looking towards us and then at Louis.

"Vampire hunters?" Isabelle ask.

"You're going to go help my twin.... I can't go because I have to protect August's child as well, and I'm reckless when it comes to fighting." They nodded and disappeared then. August wrapped Louis up in his arms.

"I know you wanted to go, but next time you will be able to." August whispered into Louis's ear then brought her to the couch. "All we can do is wait right now." She gave a small nod and curled up then, reaching out for my hand. I took it and snuggled up to Laurence, feeling sleepy again. I buried my face into his neck and kissed his cheek. Laurence held me tightly and August put a movie on for us. "To help pass the time." I nodded and glanced over at Louis, noting how long her hair was. I'm going to play with that later.... all throughout the pregnancy.... I smiled and started to pass out.

Paris's POV:

I teleported outside of the gates to HAHQ. After what they done to my manor, I was absolutely furious. I held the guns to my side as I started to walk towards the gates, not stopping. I didn't slow down either. As I got into the correct distance I kicked the gates open with my powerful leg force. You will show no mercy. I smirked in agreement. I looked towards the security guards and shot the three on duty- one bullet, each in the head. I smirked as a siren started to go off while I approached the doors of the HQ. I was taking my time, knowing I was going to win. I approached the doors, stomping hard on the censored ground to where it opened the doors for me and I headed in. This is the part of a scary movie where the killer screams his name real loud after saying 'here'. "I'M HERE." I announced my arrival as I heard the guards coming towards the door in their heavy suits and ammunition.

"ATTENTION ALL HAL1'S REPORT TO MAIN ENTRANCE, REPEAT ALL HAL1'S TO MAIN ENTRANCE. We have a code red. We have a code red." I heard an announcement over the entercon. I laughed and raised my guns up, aiming down the hunters. They aimed me down, the red dots hitting right over my chest. Oh they are so screwed. I teleported beside them so I could get a clear shot on them since they were all leveled and and lined. I shot the first row of heads then taking out ten of them and the wall. I shot the rest of them down on that row and the rest of the rows began to scatter and panic.

"MY NAME. IS. PARIS. GRIMM. SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRY TO AMBUSH ME!?" I yelled towards one camera. "PUT THAT IN YOUR PRESS." I hissed and grabbed a two knives off of a dead corpse and started to go crazy with the hunters, teleporting in front of them and slicing their throats open, beginning to dodge bullets left and right. I slung a knife at one dude while grabbed another from a dead corpse. I took off running down the hall, taking out everyone that was in sight. That's when I spotted four guys fall over without me touching them. I saw Isabelle's familiar blond hair and the three other girls of Louis's favorites. They tore their throats out and started to move on. "You didn't have to come." I yelled to them. "It's not your battle to fight." I kept advancing and pushing the Hunter's back, taking their weapons.

"Louis asked us to come for her since how August said it was too dangerous for her to fight with a baby to protect," Isabelle shouted back to me and bounced up, holding two knives as she went towards another hunter. I nodded, deciding to let them stay and fight.

"Your welcome to stay then." I told them as I ran out of bullets. I threw my gun aside and ran up towards a ground of hunters behind a counter and started to fight them to their deaths. I took all six of them on with my knife, stabbing the first one in the back and then using him as a shield as I made him shoot his friends in the head. I broke his neck then took the gun and knife with me to the next group, shooting them down with the gun. Isabelle and the other three had the hallway cleared in about a minute and wiped their faces clean, looking disgusted as Tawyna kicked a body. I finished the group off and stole of of the guns, tossing the old one to the side. I smirked at the girls. "Fourteen more floors to clear, and that's going down. Then we have to come back up, and I bet you more then anything they will be pouring in when we try to get back out." I smirked. Isabelle nodded, getting a fierce gleam in her eyes, but the other three looked at the bodies and then at me in disgust.

"How many floors?" Tawnya asked and then looked at Isabelle. "Izzy, how about you go with him....and we'll cover the floor up here?"

"fourteen girls. That's a good idea, you three stay up here. Isabelle you are with me." I motioned for her to follow as I moved towards the stairwell and headed down it without hesitation. Of course there was Hunters there waiting for me to enter, I began shooting them down like cattle, throwing some over the edge and making them fall to their deaths. Isabelle followed after me and started teleporting through them, killing them easily. I followed her, taking my own teleportation path down the stairs and towards the next floor doors, shoving them open with my foot and started to shoot everyone down in sight. "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! NO ONE WILL SURVIVE." I told them as I went through, whipping the floor clean. The floor was cleared with two minutes. Isabelle looked like a bloody mess, covered in it. Her blond hair was already stained. She smirked and wiped at her face, starting for the next floor as she cleaned off her knives. I slung my gun to the side, picking up a new one and a few extra knives to take with me before going towards the stairs and starting for the next floor bellow. I heard a giggle from behind the doors to the next level, causing me to push the doors open slowly. A guy rushed towards me then with a scalpel and made me back up towards the railing of the stairs. He laughed and looked like a mad scientist as he came towards me and I felt the railing break off causing me to fall with it. I laughed as he started to fall with me. He looked crazed as he tried to fall faster to cut me. I teleported before we hit and was right next to Isabelle, hearing the man scream- and then silence from him. Isabelle raised an eyebrow and then continued to move, being cautious in her steps.

~Time Skip~

Isabelle looked over at me and smiled as we had finished all the floors. "Ready?" She started back for the doors to go up again. We had killed thousands.... in about an hour. I shook my head. The last floor we was on was some kind of lab. They had been cloning something in here. I started to walk through the clones trying to figure out what they were cloning. I paused in front of some classified papers and flipped through them...

"Strange." I whispered. I walked throw the failed clones that were deformed and almost felt like puking at the sight of them. I tried to make it out on what they were cloning. "Isabelle go ahead." I told her, wanting to continue going through them. She frowned and glanced at me then nodded.

"Alright...but curiosity killed the cat," she told me then started up the stairs. I watched her leave before heading towards a locked door that was bolted. I looked at it and then kicked it down with all of my strength. I stepped onto the door and stepped off, looking around. I felt my stomach turn then as a familiar scent hit my nostrils.

"Donnie?" I asked and looked around, seeing a curtain and a figure sitting behind it. The scent was contaminated though with another scent I could not place due to the smell of blood in the air. I stepped towards the curtain, setting the figure moving behind it.

"Well well well... So the cat did die from curiosity." I heard a familiar voice say from me and the bolted door was placed back. I turned then and froze at the sighs of the foul monster. Dr. Cross.

"Cross?" I asked. He died... right in front of me. This isn't the Cross from this month though... No this is the Cross from centuries ago... The one that hunted my family down while I was pregnant with Donnie. Richard and I made sure to end him... How is he here though?

"Your probably wondering.. How am I alive?" Cross started.

"Dad? Who's there." I heard a small voice from behind the curtains asking. I turned towards it then, it sounded like Donnie.

"Just a second." Cross said sweetly to the voice. He exposed sharp fangs then to me, explaining it all. He was a vampire.

"Your a vampire!" I gasped.

"I didn't expect you to come here so soon." Cross admitted. "I have been working so hard..." He began and started to walk towards the curtain. I felt frozen in place as my eyes followed him. "You see.... I died with your little baby's blood in me. Oh he tasted so delicious." I hissed at him. Cross slid the curtain back then and revealed a small little boy on a bed. "I had been cloning... and I finally got the right- well... You see." He laughed then. The boy on the bed looked like a younger version of Donnie... except one noticeable difference. He had wolf ears. I took a step back.

"What have you done Cross?" I asked. He laughed and then started walking towards the clone and picked him up, rocking him in his arms.

"I created my newest pet, of course. He's going to be used for more clones... for more... weapons. We are going to swipe his memory clean- as well as yours and it will be the next army for the HA." He laughed then. The clone curled his head up under Cross's neck and smiled happily. He looked towards me then, curiously.

"Who's that?" He asked innocently. I smirked then, noticing that Cross was well distracted. I'd get the final blow this time. I teleported behind him and slid my hand into his body and grabbed a hold of his heart.

"NO!" The clone screamed as he panicked, seeing what I was doing. Cross went to teleport from me but I got his heart and crushed it.

"Monster." I hissed. He started to fade away into dust, and the clone fell to his knees, crying. You are too late Paris, the cloning samples have been sent out to other labs across the world. It's all thanks to you. Of course that poor werewolf we had those many years ago.... but it's all because of you. I took in a sharp breath as his voice faded in my mind. I looked towards the clone then.

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!" He screamed, his ears falling back. I scooped him up into my arms then.

"Shush." I soothed him and kissed his cheek. "Your mine, your DNA is mine. You'll obey me little boy. What do they call you?"

"Experiment 235..." He whispered softly. I rubbed behind his ear.

"We will call you Dannie." I laughed and rubbed his head. I kissed his cheek and he already started to melt in my arms, forgetting what happened to Cross. "I'm taking you home. I saved you." I promised him. He coughed then and laid his head against me.

"I need... my inhaler..." He whispered. I looked around then and grabbed it from the bedside table as well as a little stuffed rabbit. I handed them to him and watched as he took both and relaxed against me. "You look like me..." He whispered. "I see similarities."

"You're my son." I told him, deciding not to tell him he was actually a clone of my son's DNA. At least... that's what I confirmed from Cross. I teleported us outside of the room then started a fire to burn the lab down with the deformed clones in the funny liquid containers. Once it started I teleported us out of the building and kissed his head. "GIRLS!" I called. They appeared by my side and squeeled in delight at the sight of him.

"Oh my gosh, he's so cute!" Tawyna said and ran over, rubbing his head. They all giggled and started petting him. Isabelle kissed the top of his head and looked up at me.

"Seems the cat got away," she whispered.

"No... In the end I wasn't the cat." I whispered. Dannie looked up at the girls and then blushed.. He waved at them with his fingers then hid his face back into my chest. I rubbed behind his ear to calm his nerves. "Let's go home. I have new news." I suggested then teleported into the living room of Louis's manor. "Look at what I found." I announced, going towards Richard. "Meet, a decedent of our dead boy, he's part of his DNA." I told Richard, hoping Dannie wouldn't have a clue about what I just said. Richard looked up at me then quickly sat up, taking Dannie from me and holding him close.

"Shhhh.....Mommy's got you," she whispered and kissed the top of Dannie's head, her mother instincts already kicking in. Dannie- who looked around five years old took a lock of her hair in his hands and matched it with his fuzzy hair, seeing it matched up. He smiled then, a few of his front teeth was missing, probably growing his adult teeth in. I took a seat in front of them on the floor.

"Mommy?" Dannie asked. Laurence sat up then, looking amazed as he looked at Dannie. He reached out and touched one of his ears. August looked over as well with interest.

"Is that a neko?" August asked and widened his eyes. Richard hissed and brought Dannie closer.

"No, it's my baby," she told him and looked protective. Louis frowned and glanced at Dannie.

"Hey... wasn't that the baby that you...." she trailed off and looked at me, understanding what happened. "How in the world did they manage that?" She hissed out.

"Cross was alive all this time, trying to recreate my child and mix it with a wolf. He was going to make clones and an mindless army with them. He was the first that came out positive. He claimed other labs has samples of him but... I made sure to destroy the lab before I left. He's dead now. I crushed his heart. He survived from my child's blood in his system." I tried to explain it. Louis hissed and watched as his girls appeared.

"Girls, I want you to go feed yourselves properly. You four are going to take my army and then you are going to go bomb every... single... lab of those hunters," she told them. Isabelle sighed and gave a nod, taking the girls down the hall. She looked at me and stood up. "I'll make sure that they don't do that.... We can't have millions of....well, your cloned children brainwashed and part wolf running around. It'd be a disaster," Louis mumbled and then started for the study, in business mode. "I'll call in some favors." I nodded then and Dannie looked towards me, reaching out for me.

"Commer." He said and I laughed as he couldn't speak right just yet.

"Come here?" I asked him and he grabbed a lock full of my hair and pulled me closer, kissing my cheek. I smiled and kissed him back. "Want to meet your twin?" I asked. Not sure if Donnie would take it well or not. After all it is just a clone... but an innocent clone that didn't ask to be made in a lab but was. Rather he likes it or not it is his twin somewhere in there.

"Hmm?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Don't worry about it sweetie.... Daddy is just rambling... You're staying with me," Richard purred out and laid down with Dannie, keeping him close as she snuggled up to him with a smile. I sighed in relief. Laurence got to his feet and looked me over.

"Paris, Donnie might freak out over this." Laurence told me. "I mean... How would you react if you met a clone of Louis?" I nodded then.... I'd have to come up with a lie... or something. I don't want to lie to Donnie though. Richard smiled and kissed Dannie's cheek.

"Just don't tell Donnie... He doesn't need to know yet," she mumbled and brought Dannie close. "Besides, I'm not handing him back to you willingly.... not for a loooong time," she said with a small giggle. I got to my feet then and kissed the top of Dannie's head. He reached out for me eagerly and outstretched his fingers as he kept his stuffed bunny in an arm.

"Daddy!" He called. I laughed and went to pick him up. Richard hissed at me, exposing her fangs. I hissed back protectively.

"I had him." I hissed. "Now let me enjoy my reunion." Richard considered me for a few moments and looked at Dannie with a sigh, loosening her grip on him. I got Dannie in my arms and kissed his cheek a billion times really fast, making him giggle and squeal with delight. I quit and carried him towards the kitchen. "Let's get you something good to eat." I suggested. I wonder if he will have the wonderful gift of telepathy like I do. I smiled down at my little Dannie. Dannie giggled and reached out, grabbing an apple off the counter and made it disappear then reappear. He placed it in my hand then. I smiled and rubbed his head. So he has Richard's power in a way. I shook my head in awe. "I love you." I whispered in his ear.

"Paris! I'm heading home!" I heard Richard call from the living room. "I'll set up a room for Dannie!"

"Okay!" I yelled back to her and then placed Dannie on a counter top and started to fix him something to eat. I gave him carrots and ranch for a side snack then made him a peanut butter sandwich without the crust because Donnie never liked the crust. I showed him how to eat them and watched as he copied me and took his time. I fixed him a glass of blood and a back up glass of orange juice incase he didn't drink blood. I watched him sip of the blood for a half minute before handed it back to be and shook his head.

"That's gross," He howled and went for the cup of orange juice. I laughed and drunk the rest of the blood for him.

"It's tasty." I told him and rubbed his fuzzy black hair. "You'll get use to it though." I kissed his cheek and stole one of his carrots playfully to mess with him then ate it, watching his face as it grew with horror.

"That's mine!" He growled and reached out towards my mouth. I smirked, loving getting to mess with him. Louis came in and smiled at us.

"I'll be happy to report that I have at least ten labs being destroyed currently....and I managed to get Val to help....along with some of the other royal court members," She coughed and said, "Russia."

"Wow, you got Russia in on it??" I asked in amazement. I'd have to thank him.

"Currently working on getting Dante again.... He's got an army that I'd hate to not have at my disposal," she said and walked over, looking at Dannie. I nodded and called Dante myself. Dannie reached out towards Louis and touched her curly hair.

"Your hair is pretty." Dannie mumbled. Louis giggled and touched him on the nose playfully.

"Well so is yours you cute little furball- nephew of mine," she said and kissed the top of his head. "I'm surprised Richard didn't stay.... I think you made her jealous Paris...." Louis smirked over at me and then watched.

"Dante here.... Paris, I swear if that is you...."

"Don't hang up, I need you. Ever heard of cloning?" I asked him and walked away from Dannie so he wouldn't pay much attention to the conversation. He got silent then and took a moment.

"Cloning.... why do I feel like something was cloned that I don't want to deal with any time soon?" He muttered.

"Look a few centuries back I had twins, yes? You heard of that? One died from hunters and so it outraged Richard and I and we pissed off the HA really bad by wiping over half of them out in a single night?"

"No," he said simply, in denial. "You're telling me that they took your dead child... and cloned it. This is my worst nightmare," he muttered and sighed. "I'm guessing you want me to eradicate a few hunter labs here and there that are cloning this baby of yours?" I smirked.

"Glad we are on the same topic, because if you don't then you will be dealing with mindless cloned halfbreeds running around and acting for the HA. We both don't want to see that, now do we?" I asked. He groaned.

"Fine, I'll help clean up your little breeding problem. Stop having so many damn children and start watching them closer after this.... I don't want a hundred of your family running around.... Just you and your twin is enough," he growled out and hung up. I looked towards Louis.

"I think he's going to do it for us." I said and walked back to them. Dannie grabbed my tie and started to pull me closer and kissed my cheek then giggled. I laughed and picked him up, seeing he was done eating. He kept his rabbit with him and I looked towards Louis. "We're going home."

"Awww... so soon?" Louis complained, wrapping me up into a hug. "But you didn't even stay long... and you took August's food.... Or Alice's... I can't remember which one liked the carrots.... I think it was Alice." She trailed off then let go, kissing my cheek. "Good luck!"

"We will come visit of course, right Dannie?" I asked and Dannie nodded happily.

"To eat jor carrots." He said and let out a soft rawr. Louis busted out laughing and kissed the top of his head.

"Awlrighty lil cutie," she said and then ruffled his hair. "Keep your dad in check for me."

"Yess." Dannie nodded and hid his face against me again. I kissed Louis on the cheek.

"Take care." I told her then teleported to my manor, accidentally landing in front of Donnie who was going towards the kitchen.

"Dad?" Donnie asked and looked towards the little bundle of joy in my arms. "Did dad already have- those are ears..." He walked up to us and sniffled Dannie. Dannie looked towards Donnie and they froze up, locked in a daze.

"PARIS!" Hachi said as he ran into the room. "I GOT YOU FLOWERS! OH! WHAT A CUTIE!" Hachi ran up and went to grab Dannie from my arms. Donnie managed to get Dannie first and hugged him tightly.

"What's his name?" Donnie asked me as he rubbed his face against Dannie.

"Dannie." I informed an smiled, happy he wasn't freaking out. He laughed and got to his knees, starting to cry.

"Dannie~ Your so beautiful!" He said breathlessly. "How is this possible?"

"Long story." I told Donnie, letting my mind slip away into what had happened and how I came across Dannie. Donnie grew a bit angry then as he heard.

"I hate a Cross." He growled. "They cross you too much." He buried his face into Dannie's hair. "I'll protect you forever." He promised. I smiled and watched as Hachi tilted his head in confusion.

"Did the baby come early?" Hachi asked. Richard came up to us then and smiled.

"No, I'm still having another baby Hachi.... There will be two children in the house soon," she said and hugged him to her.

"Ohhhh." Hachi hugged Richard back. "So exciting!" Laurence appeared then and froze up when he seen Hachi. He started to get closer towards me and glared him down slightly. I laughed. "LAURENCE! THERE YOU ARE!" Hachi ran up to him and handed him a flower and then a flower to me. Laurence raised an eyebrow and cautiously smelled it. Hachi giggled as Laurence sighed in relief and looked up from the flower.

"Smells good, thanks." Laurence kept it short. Richard sighed and shook her head.

"You two will eventually get along I hope...." She mumbled then looked towards me with a smile. "I think it's over," she said and walked over. "For now at least.... Louis will take care of everything for us...."

"I think this is our good time now. No more bad... for now." I said in agreeance. I watched as Hachi bent down and gave a flower to Dannie and Donnie.

"Think chu!" Dannie said making me laugh. Hachi grinned from ear to ear.

"Your welcome!" He kissed Dannie's cheek and Dannie grabbed his ears and giggled.

"Big smiles." Dannie said and poked his nose as he pulled away. He went back to hugging Donnie. Richard smiled and wrapped an arm around me, giving me a kiss.