
It has been three years later- three years of peace. Louis had gotten the labs destroyed before they were able to produce any more of Dannie. Richard and Louis ended up having their kids around the same time... Louis got a little more than she asked for and had twins, one boy and one girl. Richard ended up giving Paris a girl. Raven had calmed down by a lot, having a few insanity fits here and there, but there was always something to calm her. Benjamin got control of his newfound breaking things power and ended up developing telekinesis as well. He took great care of Lauren and Ellie, sending her to a nice little school and privately tutoring her. August's pack only grew...ending with Louis breaking down and buying him his own pack house nearby. Laurence and Ashton finally made a better deal where Ashton would come visit one week and Laurence would visit the other- with the reserved right to go back if something major was going on. Charlie got back in contact with his family and they managed to work something out with Dante. Charlie still got turned on his birthday after Riley (you should have seen it... It was terrifying.) Dante is completely pleased with the turn out and took Charlie to see his kingdom on vacation once. Hachi and Laurence were still a bit rocky for a bit, but Laurence finally was able to accept the fact that he can't see everything like he thought he could. Hachi grew into a very powerful wizard- even more powerful than he was already and became a legend. Brooklyn got her memories back and still resents Dante even though he has attempted to apologize to her formally. Richard reached out to William and managed to earn his love and respect after lots of hard work. They finally found a common ground with each other which took a bit. Perry got his bar shut down, so he moved and built himself a manor. Raven became the recognized goddess of Seattle, Atlanta, and Savannah, starting her own little army. Dante's interest renewed in her for a bit, but Charlie dissuaded him again about going for her. The army that Louis destroyed in the war was replaced easily, but it didn't happen overnight. Richard almost binged again but managed to stop before the consequences got dire. And so our story picks back up after three years....