The Distance Of Stars

Paris's POV:

It was 1495 and it had been three years since Columbus set sail in the ocean. I watched as Richard's stone still kept the dark black color of darkness and demon written all over his once beautiful clear stone. It had been year of light- holly water- and hope... and still no change. I picked up the stone, from the water and decided to bring him back to see if he'd still love and care for me and try to get better. I laid his stone on the floor and dripped my blood over his body to bring him back. I awaited for him to form and love me once again. "Richard my love?" I asked him as I watched his stone forming a body around it. I got nervous. What if he hated me? I seen the look in his eyes as he was ripped apart by St. Cross, a vampire hunter Rose was friends with. Richard told me that I had betrayed him and he'd never love me again. I felt my stone aching. Richard shot up and then narrowed his eyes at me as he started for me, hissing in anger.

"You....You traitor," he growled out, his eyes glowing a bit from the demonic presence in him. He grabbed me by my throat and pulled me close. "I should kill you right now...." I whimpered and reached for his stone then, maybe a bit longer in the water?

"I'm so sorry!" I cried out in fear, I didn't want him to be angry at me. The worst would be if he rejected me as a mate. I would crumble to pieces. He hissed in my ear and then bit down into my neck, tearing a chunk out and spitting it across the room. He threw me against the wall and watched me.

"You're sorry?!" He shrieked at me and then shook his head. "I hate you... I hate your guts...." He started for the door then. I reached for him and forced myself to teleport to his feet. I grabbed onto his foot and curled around it.

"Richard! Don't leave me!" I cried out. I wanted for so long for him to heal. Why didn't he?! "I did it for you!" He growled at me and kicked me off.

"Don't touch me.... Not after what you did. You betrayed me! You....when I thought you were the only one I could trust! If you think I'm staying, you're wrong! If you want me to make me into more of a demon, then you got it!" He screamed out at me and stalked off towards the door, pissed. "Don't even bother coming around. Not after what you did." I scrambled to get to my feet and go after him.

"No Richard! Wait!" I begged and started to stumble after him, grabbing at things to keep me up and going. I felt my stone pulsing. "Don't leave me." I could hardly whisper. He disappeared from my sight, using his invisibility powers to get away. I couldn't sense him anymore. I fell to the floor and started to cry, curling up to myself. I let him go and I should have waited longer for him... "RICHARD!" I yelled, hoping he was still near me to hear. "RICHARD!" I cried and dug my nails into my shoulders, crying. My stone started to pound in my chest, sending me shocks of pain. I rolled onto my back and let out a cry of pain. "Please...." I begged. "Don't go!" I yelled, knowing my yells would do no good. I looked out the nearest window seeing the Eiffel tower. It began to fade in my vision as everything around me darkened. I felt like I was falling into a dark abyss... With no way of coming back out.

~Time Passes~

"Paris, did you hear me?" I heard Rose speaking beside me. I was sitting at my piano, playing a song. Her question woke me.

"Hear?" I asked.

"It's in the papers!" She flung a paper at me and I watched as it landed on my hands, making me stop playing the piano. I looked at the headlines. My stone pulsed as I read it out.

"African Killer, strikes whole tribe." I mumbled. I read the first few lines, as my stone started to wake me more. "Richardo-" I cut off and grabbed the newspaper, the first sign I have had in years.

"WAKE UP PARIS AND GO GET YOUR MATE!" Rose screamed at me then, startling me. I read the date, seeing it had been five years. I felt her slap me across the face. "WAKE UP!" She ordered. "You both are soul mates and he's in trouble. The European council is wanting his head for exposing our kind like this. GO GET HIM BEFORE YOU LOOSE HIM TO HELL." She smacked me once more and then paused. I nodded then, raising to my feet.

"Your right." I mumbled. She gasped.

"You're back." Rose said and laughed, pulling me into a hug. "You've been in a daze for so long... I was scared I would have to kill you myself just to put you out of your misery.... Now go get your mate." She encouraged in my ear, rubbing my head. I nodded then, rushing towards the nearest window. "WAIT! GET BACK HERE AND FINISH YOUR SERVANT." Rose ordered, pointing to a servant that had been sitting by me the whole time... When did she get there? I walked back and sat the paper down. I walked up to the woman and tilted her head back, leaning over her throat and went to sink my fangs in but paused. I felt different... I touched my neck then... The mark was gone on me. I felt my stomach start to curl.

"Oh Richard... What have you done?" I asked softly. This could only mean one thing... He had mated and marked another. I felt my stone start to darken a bit as hatred filled into the cracks I had. I balled up my fists then bit down harshly into the woman and heard her shriek. I drained her within seconds, pulling away and cleaning off my face.

"Go get your rightfully born mate." Rose encouraged. Oh I was going to do more then that. I felt jealousy consuming me... I'm going to murder him right in front of Richard. I'll show him... I started for the window again. "Does this mean I am in change?"

"Have my throne." I told her, not planning on coming back or living after I finished my plan. Rose's feet started for me but I had jumped out the window before she got to me. I landed in the moat of water surrounding my castle and started to swim towards the other side. I'd walk all the way- swim all the way if I had to. I looked up towards the night sky and looked around at the constellations then smirked as I found the right one to point me in the direction I was looking for. I got out of the moat and took off running towards Africa. To my understanding I had to go through a place called Egypt. I shivered at the idea, I knew a vampire from there.... Never did get over meeting her. She was scary. I took off at a vampiric speed that was fastest known to mankind- besides ships. I stopped then, deciding I'd take a ship there. I changed directions to the nearest port to catch a ship going down to Egypt from the Mediterranean. I arrived just before dawn, seeing multiple ships resting at the port. I stood still, trying to listen in on who was going where. I opened my eyes as a ship name came to mind that would take me there. I walked out onto the docks and looked for the ship's name seeing it was just about to leave. I smirked and climbed on board right as they pulled away from the dock. I held onto the boat until the port was out of sight then climbed up the side to a window- the captain's window. I climbed in and came face to face with a gun. The captain smirked at me and gestured for me to get down on my knees.

"Now I normally just blow the brains out of anyone who has the nerve to be a freeloader on my how about you give me a reason not to send you to sleep with the fishes?" He asked, his blue eyes scanning me. "I'm feeling slightly generous today and am offering second chances." I looked innocently at him and slid my white hair out of my eyes.

"My name is Paris, I'm on a mission to get my ma- lover back. True love in fact." I told him, trying to hide that I was a vampire. He shrugged.

"So? We come from France.... We all are looking for love," he told me and leveled the gun to my head.

"This one is truest of all. I'll pay you." I told him. "I am a prince of sorts." I promised. "I give you my word." He narrowed his eyes at me and slightly lowered his gun.

"Oh really? Paris the prince of sorts," he laughed a bit and shook his head. "I find you entertaining for sure... Tell you what. I'll not kill you and offer you passage if you work on the ship all the way to Africa," he told me. I nodded then in agreement.

"I could handle that." I told him and tried to step away from his aim of fire. "Thank you." He watched me then put his gun in his holster.

"Go find my first mate Perry. Tell him that Iriah told him that you were to receive a bed and orders for first light," he informed, gesturing to the door. I nodded.

"Perry?" I asked to make sure. He gave a nod and waved me off, going over to his desk and picking up a journal.

"Oh, and if you get a disease, we are not responsible," he warned me.

"I have a high immune system." I told him and walked out of his cabin to go find this... Perry. The days to Africa went by in a blur. I didn't remember how many days I was out at sea... I didn't care... When they announced land I had woken up from another shut down. I was mopping the upper desk. I looked out at the land that we approached and thought about jumping ship to get there faster. I walked over to the edge and looked out longingly towards it. "Richard... I'm coming." I whispered softly. I started to reach out towards the land then felt my shoulder start to itch so I began scratching it, causing myself to bleed. I could hear the crew running around from excitement about land. The captain came up beside me then.

"Not long now Paris...not long now and then you may cut loose to your own desires. It should be about half an hour..." I nodded then and stopped scratching my shoulders as I straightened up around him.

"Yes sir." I said and smirked, starting to continue mopping. I had killed a few of his men over the days and he never found out it was me who had drained them of blood and had them laid to rest at sea. After we got to land, the captain gave me some parting advice and told me that I was a good guy and that he hoped all faired well for me. Perry also told me goodbye, saying that he hadn't ever had a great seaman like me before and that it was a pleasure having me on board. I smiled as I waved to them goodbye and once I was out of sight I took off running towards Africa. I had heard about the animals that lived out here... They were dangerous so I had to keep cautious. I kept running, waiting to have any sign of Richard, keeping my feet going even after my shoes broke and gave way on me. I tore up my feet running on the hot ground during the day and froze them at night. My clothing got torn apart by some of the wildlife that I had to dodge and at one point I ran slap into an elephant from running with my eyes closed.... I had been resting them. I stopped midday as I heard a village screaming in terror nearby. "RICHARD!" I said with joy and started towards the village. I ran up to it and was almost barbecued by a native.

"WHITE MAN!" He screamed as he ran from me when I exposed my fangs. "WHITE MAN!" He yelled. I started for him, hungry since I hadn't ate in a little bit... I then remembered that Richard was also raising an army- obviously that was why he was taking out villages at a time. I had to be cautious incase a few newborns was around and spotted me. I was tackled as soon as I realized it and a few newborns laughed triumphantly, talking in their native tongue. They started to drag me away then towards an area and then threw me down onto the ground. I saw shoes and then his scent hit me.

"What....did you bring me?" He hissed out and took a step back. "Where did you find this?!" He shrieked. They poked me with a stick then. I hissed their way and got to my feet then looked towards Richard.

"Your mate." I hissed towards Richard. I heard a laugh break out from nearby as a male- that looked similar to me walked up towards Richard and kissed him. The only difference was the fact that he had several things I wanted AND he was darker toned then me. I went for him then as I noticed he smelled like Richard. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU." I hissed. He grabbed me by my throat before I could get to him and laughed.

"Oh is this him? The traitor?" The look a-like nightmare asked. He leaned in towards my ear and laughed. "I'll kill you." He whispered.

"Good little mate," Richard purred out and then wrapped him up into a hug, pulling him away. "Did you get enough my sweet?" He asked, kissing him on the cheek. He let out a soft growl and then started for his neck, losing interest in me now that he was here. I went to attack him again but a few of the newborns grabbed me and started to pull me away, muttering something about a pit. I struggled to get free- though it didn't work since I was weak from running. I should have ate some of the animals on my way here. Like that elephant I knocked down. I heard the new mate giggling away in Richard's arms. I screamed and thrashed, trying to get free.

"I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!" I yelled in outrage. Richard glanced up at me and released the look alike, glaring me down. He waved at the newborns dragging me off and they released me.

"I'd like to see you try traitor," he hissed towards me. I noticed he looked worse now...more like a demon. I got to my feet then. I wasn't going to back down from this, even if I was at my weak point. I took a step towards him, feeling my stone shocking me with waves of pain. It wanted to send me to sleep again. I fought against it and gathered my strength to stay focused. I teleported behind his impostering mate and had my hand inside him and holding his heart within seconds. If I was going down, so was he. I heard Richard scream at me then, rushing for us to stop me. "DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM!"

"RICHARD!" I heard his little fake mate yelping in pain. I started to squeeze his heart to dust as I glared daggers into Richard. He clenched his jaw as he watched the look alike crumble into dust looked at me, glaring at me. I fell to my knees then and sighed as my mission was now complete. I closed my eyes and waited for my fate.

"Do it." I muttered. I didn't want to wake up to another day of this hell without him again. I rather be in hell. He growled and came up, lifting me to my feet by my hair.

"Oh, you are going to live.... I'll make sure of that. Seeing you like this...desperate...begging for death.... I've decided that to continue your pathetic existence will be your punishment... I'll drop you on a deserted island," he hissed in my ear. "First....You're going to eat so you survive the trip." He started to drag me to one of his human offerings and slit her throat easily. I watched the blood pouring out of her and my mouth began to water. I looked away from the sight and dug my nails into my shoulders to make sure I wouldn't give in. He started to drip her blood onto my lips then, laughing cruelly. "You know you want just give in little traitor. It's all your good in." I glared him down and whipped it off my lips.

"I'm not a traitor. You are, your a cheater." I hissed and went to tackle him as my temper got the best of me and I went to bite him. He narrowed his eyes and went to push me off, but I got to bite him. His blood entered my system within seconds from the bite and melted me away, making me fell whole again and I felt my body start to get alert again. My stone healed slightly but then darkened from the demonic blood of his that started to eat at me. I pulled away from him and coughed up his blood, trying not to drink anymore and curled up by him. Get up. Your pathetic. Get up little vampire demon and drink more! More~ You want more. I reached out towards him then as I exposed my fangs and my vision blurred as I bit him again. He let out a shriek and then kicked me off, smacking me across the face and getting to his feet. He clamped a hand over his neck and narrowed his eyes.

"You don't get that right! You threw that right away when you watched me get torn apart!" He hissed at me. I growled as I stood up and let out a demonic laugh- his blood trying to take me over. I was trying to fight it off but it was getting the better of me. I went after him again and tried to tackle him.

"Who cares?" I asked. "What's done is done!" I held my mouth as I didn't mean to say it and then let out a giggle. There was something evil going on in me. "Richard- I" I couldn't finish as my stone shocked me. He hissed at me and snapped his fingers.

"Cage him. We're taking him to that island," he ordered. His newborns grabbed me then, starting to pull me off. I let them drag me as I started to daze off into another stage of sleep.

"Richard..." I whispered and reached out towards him. He glared at me coldly, watching as they drug me away. His gaze softened for a second, looking at me longingly and lovingly like the old Richard, but he quickly shook his head and turned his back to me, starting to walk off. I wasn't even sure if it was there after he turned his back because that's how short it was. I flinched. It was my eyes tricking me! I let them drag me off, thinking about trying to crush my stone myself... I could take it out... but after that would be hard to figure out what to do. He's just going to leave me on an island anyways. I leaned up towards one of the hands dragging me and bit it hard. One of them groaned and then threw me into a cage. The other started tying my hands behind my back then and slammed the cage shut, tying it closed with rope. Richard came over and glanced it over approvingly then looked at me and smirked, kneeling down to where I could see him better.

"You're going to wish you never betrayed me....." He whispered and smirked as he studied me.

"I already do..." I whispered softly. If I could have done it differently I would have but at the time... that was the only way I could save him. I whimpered as it felt like my breath was knocked out of me this time as my stone reacted to his voice. He watched my reaction and leaned in closer to the cage, getting right up next to the bars.

"I see that," he muttered. "It's going to be a long time on that island for you....if you can ever get off."

"If I want to." I mumbled, not seeing myself wanting to ever leave it. I'd spend the rest of my eternity there alone in a dark abyss. I curled up as much as I could and closed my eyes tightly.

"You're pathetic....not at all how I remember you," he mused. "You look so broken inside that you can't even attempt to get what you want...." I looked towards him as my vision was blurred and then closed my eyes.

"I'm pathetic..." I whispered, it echoed in my head and sent another painful shock through me.

"You know... if you keep at it... you might actually kill yourself," he told me and then shook his head. "Guess it doesn't matter though...." He stood up then to walk away. "Load him up on the ship...Now!"

"Richard..." I whispered watching him leave me. My own mate.... leaving me. I was pathetic. He doesn't deserve me.

~Time Skip~

They kicked my crate off of the ship then onto the beach sand. Richard jumped off of the ship and smirked at me. "Let's release you in your new habitat... see how you like it," he told me and then opened the cage door. He reached in and yanked me out, tossing me down into the sand and laughed at me. I looked up at him and curled up into myself as I watched him. Shhhhh.... Don't do anything anymore... You've done enough. I shivered and then heard a gunfire from down the beach and a horse trotting towards us followed by other horses. Richard glanced up quickly and hissed then looked down at me. "Love to chat...but I best be going. Maybe see you in a few hundred centuries traitor," he spat out at me and then climbed back onto his ship. They started to sail off then, leaving me behind. I watched as they started to sail over the horizon before the horses reached me.

"Aye! Louis! Look at what I found here." I heard a man say as I was nudged with a stick. "IT'S GO THE SAME FEATURES AS YOU! Look at that hair..." I curled further into myself to avoid behind poked. I heard someone dismount and walk up to me.

"Who's this sad little lump on the beach?" I heard a voice that sounded a bit like mine say. The person knelt beside me and turned me over onto my stomach. "Oh...Hey, get him home. Now. Start patrolling the beach more often...." The guy picked me up and put me on a horse, looking up at me. I noticed he looked exactly like me.

"Are you.... god?" I asked weakly. I reached out towards him. He shook his head.

"I wish, but no.... I'm the Prince of Wales, at your service little look alike," he told me and smiled at me. "I kinda crashed week ago. My people will be coming for me soon. We'll take you with us!" He smiled at me again and started to lead the horse down the beach. "You look like you need a good cheering up. I haven't seen a face that sad since my mom died." I closed my eyes then to rest. I must've died... but then again... How would I be seeing him? He looked like me... My twin.... I started to mutter about it to myself.

"Lost... twin..." I whispered to myself, trying to bring myself back and become aware of what was going on around me. I must be dreaming, to see my own twin... It was an illusion.

"Hey...we are going to have to feed him soon. He even smells like me," I heard him mumble. "Well, no better time than now to feed him before we get back." He bit down into his wrist and held it up to me. His blood smelled intoxicating, tempting me. "Here, I don't normally do this often, but you appear to really need it." I felt his blood drip onto my lips and then seeped into my mouth.... His blood light me up and my stone started to fix itself from cracking. The demonic blood in me started to wash away into oblivion and the taste... I let out a soft moan then leaned up and bit his wrist. Hey they found each other... how cute! Guess I can't pick on him anymore... I smiled and pulled back from his wrist and went towards his neck as I exposed my fangs and felt hunger consuming me. I bit down and curled his hair around my fingers, drinking it. He yelped, jumping a bit as I bit into his neck. He gripped me and squeezed his eyes shut, clearly not used to having his neck bitten. I smiled against his neck and took what I needed before pulling away and licking my lips.

"Paris... Prince of France." I informed him. He widened his eyes and gave a nod.

"So you're the famous Prince of France...." He mumbled and then continued to lead the horses back. I looked him over and started to take in his features to realization.

"Louis." I said quickly. Rightfully- I was Louis but my twin died- or I was told he died and that's how I got his name but then~ He's alive so he will have to be named Louis... Wait.... wasn't he just called Louis a moment ago.... I blushed. "Your my long lost twin." He looked up at me confused.

"I don't have a twin though.... I'm an only child." He looked me over then and sighed. "Well, you do look a lot like me."

"I should, I'm your twin." I insisted then. "Your a perfect illusion of him too." I whispered and rubbed his cheek. "I got all the features correct... I have an amazing imagination." I complimented myself. "I wish you was here though Louis." He frowned up at me.

"Did you hit your head or something? I'm not an illusion. I'm perfectly real. You could even pinch me, but you already bit me," he told me. I nodded. I'm even hungry enough to dream up the taste of his blood. I closed my eyes then.

"Kill me off hunger... your just making it worse." I whimpered and curled up towards my stomach.

"You're not going to die drama queen... I'm perfectly real, and so was that meal you just got. You're going to be fine and you're coming home with me," he told me and rubbed my head. "Everything is going to be great." I nodded... Home must be as in death... It will come soon then.

"Thank you..." I whispered. "Make it come easy." He laughed and shook his head. We were back at a camp that looked like it had been put together last minute using the shipwreck he had told me about and the palm leaves on the island. He smiled and led the horses into a makeshift pen and then picked me up off of the horse, setting me on the ground.

"Welcome to the base! We're trying to wait for a ship to come get us.... You're welcome to sleep with me. I have my own private area," he told me and started to lead me away from the horses to the edge of the campsite. He smiled as he saw a certain makeshift house/tent and lead me inside of it. "This is mine. We managed to pull most of the captain's quarters out from the ship and used it for this. After all.... I owned the ship that was destroyed against the rocks. I shouldn't have let them get that close to the island... We'd still be setting sail." He sighed and looked back at me. "I'll see about getting another hammock to put up for you in here, but if I can't, you may use mine to sleep in. I don't really mind." He ruffled my hair and then went to leave. I grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving as I noted how serious and real this has to be... and if it wasn't there was no harm in playing along with my mind tricks. I had eternity after all on this island... maybe I was talking to a bird in reality.

"Wait Louis." I begged and pulled him towards me. "You don't see how similar we are? I have a lost twin who was given up at birth... You have to be him... You even have his name!" He glanced back at me and considered me for a second.

" do look a lot like me, but I was an only child," he whispered. "My mother raised me by herself. I told you this...didn't I?" He frowned as he looked me over.

"Yes of course... You was given up at birth... Our parents told me before I killed them. They told me you lived and they gave you away. They said every twin is doomed~ one to be evil and the other good. That's if they grew up with each other. Something about our demonic blood running in us." I pushed my wrist up towards his face. "Have a taste." He pulled back as soon as it was close to him and looked at it strangely.

"Paris... I think you may have gotten dehydrated being abandoned on the island.... I'll get you some water too," he whispered and then went for the door again. I watched him start to leave and whimpered as I started to feel the pain coming back from the emptiness I felt... My stone pulsed and made me drop to my knees. He stopped as he saw me fall and rushed back, holding me close. "Hey...What's the matter? Are you ok? Is it a stone attack?" He rubbed my back comfortingly as he tried to help me. "I'll get someone else to do it if it really matters to you that I stay in here....or if you're hurt. If you're hurt, I'll stay to make sure that nothing bad happens to you. Give me a sec- EDMUND!" He shouted out. A guy appeared beside him with a smile.

"Yes master Louis?" He asked and knelt down beside him like a tamed pet.

"Go see if you can find an extra hammock...and get our guest some water will you?" He smiled over at this Edmund guy.

"Louis, I'm dying." I exaggerated from the pain of my stone. I started to cry again as I remembered the look Richard had given me. I sniffled and wrapped my arms around him, finding comfort in his arms. "He doesn't love me anymore... My own mate." I whispered and started to tremble. He froze up and then pulled me closer.

"That's not true....That can't be true. Every single thing I've heard about mates says that they can't help but love their true other.... I'm sure you got something wrong. He has to love you...." He rested his head on top of mine.

"He doesn't want me anymore... I betrayed him..." I repeated the words he hissed out to me. "I was only trying to cure him... and it didn't work." I looked off at the tent walls. He frowned and looked at me as he pulled back a bit.

"Tried to cure him? What's the matter with him? How about you tell me the whole story...and I'll see what I can do. No mate should put their mate into this kind of pain. Something has to be wrong....and I'm sure it's not your fault." He gave me an encouraging smile and picked me up, setting me in his hammock and sat beside me on it. I grabbed his hand as I looked into his eyes.

"Richard and I have known each other for a very long time." I began to tell him our story, getting all the way up to the end of the revolution. "The witch had told us that winning the war would come with a price- you see we binged on blood- becoming demonic... Of course I have demon in me so it was easy for me to come back from it... but Richard... he's different. I let him continue, hoping he would come to me and ask to be cured... but he never did. Rose(my sister) decided it was time to force him. So we did... we had a priest come in by the name of St. Cross. We had to rip him apart to get his stone and Richard thought I was betraying him! I was only trying to help. I tried to soak his stone in holly water for a year... His stone never lightened. So I decided to bring him back in hopes that seeing me would help or something... It was a foolish idea... He left me. It took me... three years before I became aware of my surroundings... finding out Richard was in Africa and so I went for him. I hoped that the time had helped him get over his anger for me. He was still binging on blood though and he had marked another. I killed his- mate and he put me on this island... Dooming me here to suffer and destroy myself slowly... Then you came." I touched his cheek and smiled softly. It was the first time I had smiled in the longest time... My cheeks hurt from it, I wasn't even sure if it was a smile. He pushed his head into my hand, closing his eyes.

"Hmm...Tell you what. I'll track him down as soon as we get off of this island. I'll cleanse him for you....or at least help you take his stone," he told me. "It isn't right for him to do this to you. He's in the wrong...whether he's a demon or not. It may just be because he's hurt that you helped that Cross guy...but I'm sure that deep down he still loves you. It sounds like he's destroying himself too...." He looked at me then and leaned down to my face, giving my cheek a kiss and then going towards my neck curiously as he caught my scent. I exposed my neck more for him and waited for him to take a bite, hoping he would take it. I wanted him to see what I was seeing. His fangs grazed my neck and he hesitantly bit down, but he quickly warmed up to the idea. He wrapped his arms around me and bit down harder, holding me to him tightly. I smiled in relief and melted in his arms.

"I don't want to see him again." I whispered to Louis. "This time he's coming to me. He will too... I'll make him want me back." I decided. "For now... I'll stay with you." I ran my fingers through his hair, knowing that if I was to leave him I would be good as dead. He pulled back from the bite and looked at me in the eyes curiously. I could tell he was actually considering the twin thing for real now. He tilted his head and then rested his forehead against mine. I got a flash of all his past then from him sitting lonely at the windowsill, looking down at the courtyard where his castle's gardeners worked, to him studying, and to his mother being killed in the revolution, and then to where he became powerful and happy while he ruled his kingdom up to the very moment where he accidentally crashed his ship on this island. I laughed, seeing he had gifted powers. It was nice to know he had something. I pulled back from him and ran my fingers through his hair. "You got that from our mother." I informed him, glad he was seeing we was twins. "She loved you... truly... It was father who convinced her to give you up." I closed my eyes and tilted my head down. "It should have been me. Your the eldest." He shook his head and then rested his head on my chest.

"It doesn't matter....I have a twin," he said in wonder. "I can't believe it... That's the reason why she never let me take field trips to France...." I laughed.

"You wanted to go to France? Was it because you heard of me?" I smirked at how my name was known through all of Europe. He gave a small nod.

"I wanted to meet you...and see the Eiffel tower because it sounded so impressive....but she told me no and took me to go see the Big Ben tower in England instead," he whispered, looking up at me. I widened my eyes.

"In England, did you meet Laurence?" I asked him curiously. Oh Laurence.... I needed to see him.

"No, I didn't see him. She tried to get me out of there as soon as I had seen it because she said it was safer for me in Wales where I belonged." He frowned. "That's why I decided to explore...because I was getting tired of seeing the same thing everyday of my life. I had a ship built just for my use, and I got it destroyed already...." I nodded and laughed.

"Good thing it did get destroyed. We met because of these events, LOUIS!" I pulled him into a tight hug. He's my cure... My happiness. I'll never let him go. "Come see France with me." I suggested. "Then let's go explore the world together." He laughed and hugged me back.

"That'd be great...but... I have to return to Wales at least twice a year.... and then I hold that annual ball for the vampires of my country....You should come to that!" He looked up at me excitedly, brushing his white hair out of his face.

"I'll come." I promised... I could even do more then just come with him. Rose was of age, it was time she got something special. I'd give her France. "If you promise to build a territory with me to rule." I whispered to him. We could go to America. I knew ships that was sailing there now. He looked at me with wide eyes and then gave a small nod.

"I could do that....If it makes you happy. We have so much to do to make up for lost time!" He grinned and pulled me into a hug. Edmund appeared then with a canteen and a hammock.

"I got what you asked for master Louis," he said with a smile. "Would you like me to set it up as well." Louis gave a nod towards him, so Edmund tossed us the water and got to work setting up the hammock nearby. He handed me the water and smiled at me.

"Paris, this is Edmund- my loyal pet," he said, starting to introduce us. "Edmund, this is Paris, my long lost twin. I want you to treat him with respect." Edmund glanced over and gave a nod, looking at me curiously before going back to work. I curled up in the hammock then and placed the canteen on the ground. I began to slightly rock the hammock as I looked into Louis's eyes. He's everything I need. I smiled at him.

"Thank you..." I whispered to him. He glanced down at me and smiled.

"For what Paris?" He laughed and ruffled my hair. "You're going to go take a bath in the stream by here before you sleep in here though.... You smell like sweat and like you haven't bathed in years...."

"Oh... Well I think I bathed on the ship...." I trailed off as I tried to think about what I done on the ship with that lovely captain and the guy named Perry. "I do know I fed." I moved out of the hammock then deciding to get my bath over with so I could spend time resting. I had traveled a long ways after all just to get put on an island... HE DIDN'T EVEN PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY! I started for the exit. "Where's that stream?" I asked. Louis got up and started to follow me.

"It'd be best if I just showed you.... Can you teleport like me, or are you grounded with no wings?" He asked as he looked at me curiously. "Because if you can teleport, you'll be able to get back to camp just fine." I laughed nervously. I hadn't teleported in a while.

"I'll be able to handle doing it." I promised, noting to myself to take a good look around at my surroundings. I walked beside him and grabbed his hand. "You don't want to bathe with me?" I teased. He blushed at me and looked away quickly.

"That's a private thing...." He said and started to lead me away from the camp.

"We have the same everything." I laughed... At least.... I think we do... I looked him over. He was more built than I... Of course... I'm not exactly healthy. No wonder why Richard doesn't want me. I shook my head trying to forget about him. He glanced lover at me and sighed.

"If we are going to rule a territory together...we are going to have to get you healthy and better looking," he whispered and then pulled me close, nuzzling his face into my neck. "I'll help you."

"Thank you, I'll need you with me." I told him, knowing it was true. I couldn't live with myself if he wasn't going to stay. I kissed his cheek then exposed my fangs. "Send a servant down to the stream."

"One I don't care about?" He asked to be sure.

"Yes." I nodded. "That would be helpful." He gave a nod and started to lead me again.

"You know... I think you'll like Terry. He's never been bitten before....and he won't be missed much. If you need more after that, you can have another servant or you can have some of mine again," he told me with a smile. I laughed as Terry reminded me of Perry. I'd have to find that ship again and visit them. Tell them how much they were really helpful... I licked my lips as I thought more about them. I should have turned that captain, then I would be able to order him to me and we'd be going home quicker. My mouth watered and I started to drool a bit, so I whipped it up before he noticed. He glanced back at me and then came to a stop at a stream. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Get cleaned up. I'll be right back with Terry and something for you to wear." He disappeared from in front of me then. I laughed and started to strip off my clothes, throwing them down on the ground and I walked into the cold stream. I watched as fishes scattered from the sight of me then came back to nibble at my feet once I began to settle into the water. I laughed and sunk in, looking up at the sky from in the water. The stream was as clear as day. It's cold water made my stone pulse warm blood through me. I gasped as a fish nibbled at my butt. I sat up then and shrieked.

"Fishies!" I yelped then started to swim so they wouldn't mess with me. Louis appeared at the bank with a teenage looking boy. His hair was a dark brown and was trimmed up nicely. His skin was a nice tan shade and he had a small spray of freckles across the bridge of his nose. His eyes were a deep mahogany brown that sparkled with youth.

"Terry, this is Paris," Louis told him and smiled at him. I settled in the water, sinking half my face in to look like a predator of the waters. I smirked, waiting for their reaction. Louis looked at me with wide eyes. "Shriek twice if you need help," he whispered to Terry. "I'm going to be just a few feet....that way," he pointed towards a tree then. "Have fun." Terry looked at me in fear and shivered a bit as Louis started to walk off quickly. I motioned with my fingers for Terry to join me in the water. I'll eat him up like the fishes eating my toes. He bit his bottom lip.

"Am I going to die?" He whispered softly as he tried to stop trembling. I shook my head then, still not sure if I was going to keep him alive or not.. He was very cute though. I smirked, thinking about having my fun with him.

"Come here." I ordered. "Join me." His cheeks tinted a light pink from his innocence and he started to unbutton his shirt, not wanting to get his clothes wet. I watched him and rose up in the water a bit so my head was out. "I'm waiting." He glanced up at me and pulled his shirt off, sticking it on a bush and glanced down at his pants with a shy look. He took off his shoes slowly. I started to move in the water his way, growing impatient. He looked up at me with wide eyes and took a step back from the bank in fear.

"I'm coming, I swear," he said quickly, squeezing his eyes shut. I laughed and stopped moving for him. I'm definitely keeping him.

"I think I will keep you." I told him and motioned for him to come to me with a finger. "Come on. I'm starving." He gulped and took off his pants then started to walk towards the water, glancing up at me nervously. He blushed and got into the water then, sinking down low to hide. I pulled him to me as he was finally in and leaned in towards his neck. I thought about marking him for a second to get back at Richard... REALLY considered it. If I did mark him, Richard would know... What if he came back and killed Terry? For his safety... He won't be marked. I leaned in and bit down into his neck, starting to drink his blood as I wrapped my arms around him. He's going to be mine though to fill the hole Richard left. He yelped and whimpered, gripping my arms as he tried not to pull away. Louis was right. Terry had never been bitten before by anyone. I smiled and pulled my fangs out so that they wouldn't cause him anymore pain and I started to suck out his blood from the wound I created. I ran my fingers through his hair to comfort him. He relaxed then and closed his eyes, moving his head back and let out a soft moan. I carried him back to the shore and laid his back down on the ground and hovered over him as I sipped on his blood, trying not to take much. I pulled back after a second and looked him over, giving a small smile. "Your never going to leave me." I told him. He glanced up at me and blushed, pushing up on my chest.

"Don't bite me again, please," he whispered.

"Why not?" I asked and stayed over him, though he did push me slightly. "Your going to be very important to me. I will need your blood." He bit his bottom lip and looked away.

"But isn't this wrong?" He mumbled as he blushed again.

"No... not at all." I told him and rubbed his arms. I licked his neck to heal it for him. "I'll turn you too." I smirked. "That's if you don't obey me." His eyes widened and he went to crawl out from under me, reaching for his shirt. I stopped him and looked into his eyes.. "You won't tell anyone what happened, and you will feed me whenever I get hungry. Your going to start having feeling for me too." I told him, using my compulsion powers on him. "Your feelings for me will keep you close to me, and I won't loose you." I laughed. His eyes glazed over a bit and then cleared. He smiled up at me sweetly and leaned up, kissing me quickly and wrapping his arms around me. I smiled into the kiss and ignored my bad feeling about doing this... It was wrong but I had to move onwards and get strong. Richard won't be the death of me. I got between his legs then and wrapped them around me as I moved us back into the water to have more fun. He blushed but didn't move off of me as he clung to me, moving to my neck and giving me a love bite. I gasped and felt my stone warm up in me and happiness filled me. Maybe I just wanted to be loved... I laughed and kissed Terry's cheek. He was the perfect pet. He moved to the other side of my neck and gave me another love bite as he started to curl my hair around his finger, tugging on it to pull my head back for better access. I moaned and exposed my fangs, considering marking him once more. "Oh little Terry~" I purred. He was definitely a wonderful gift to myself. He paused and looked at me in the eyes and leaned in, kissing me on the lips passionately. I kissed him back and then splashed him with the water playfully. He giggled and pulled back, letting go and swimming a foot away from me. I swam after him and grabbed his foot, pulling him back. "Where you going?" I asked and licked my fangs. "I didn't say you could go." He smiled at me innocently and wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his head up under my chin.

"Love me?" He asked and closed his eyes.

"Of course I do." I told him and picked him up, carrying him out of the stream. "Your my favorite gift to myself." He gave a small nod and curled up to me, a small smile on his face. I smiled back then sat him on his feet and I began to shake off the water. I put on the new clothes then motioned for him to get dressed. He got dressed then and glanced over towards where Louis said he'd be waiting. He blushed and then walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head against my chest. "LOUIS! WE ARE DONE!" I informed and wrapped my arms around my little pet. Louis appeared in front of us and glanced at Terry then at me.

"Well... I can't complain," he whispered and then walked over, grabbing us both. We were suddenly back inside his tent and he smiled at us. "However...he sleeps elsewhere," he told me. I pouted then nodded, I could live with that.

"I'm tired Terry, go play outside." I told him and got out of his arms. I started for my hammock after getting away from him. Terry pouted but went for the door obediently. Louis watched him leave then looked at me.

"You have a mate," he told me as he sat down in his hammock. "Isn't that the exact same thing he did to you? You should be better than him, not repeat his mistakes."

"I'm not repeating his mistake. I don't plan on marking Terry, I am just keeping him for company. I'm not even going to get- well... sexual with him. UNLIKE Richard." I growled softly then collapsed in my hammock. I kept a foot on the ground and swung myself as I looked towards the floor.

"That's not what Terry thinks," he whispered. "I saw that look in his eyes." Louis sighed and shrugged. "Well, it's your life. Tell me one thing though.... If Richard came back, what would you do?"

"Richard doesn't plan on coming back." I whispered softly. "He looked at me like I was the plague."

"BUT if he did," Louis said and looked at me then as he rolled over on his hammock.

"I don't want him." I snapped, deciding on it. "He's purely evil." I told myself. After all... He was the whole reason behind the revolution.. If it wasn't for him I would be accepted still by my parents and I would be happily living with them and learning from them. He took my innocence from me. "He didn't even care that I was crumbling away." Louis sighed.

"Well....If you hate him so much, then you should go kill him," he told me. I could tell he wasn't serious, just trying to get a point across.

"I rather stay far away from him." I smirked. If he did come back though... I'd always pick him over anything... no matter what he done.... but he has to come to me. To prove he loves me.

"This all sounds very familiar," he whispered. "You sound like what you told me Richard sounded like.... Maybe you two are just really hurt...."

"Oh Louis... You should have seen the way he looked at me. Then you would understand my pain." I whispered. He sighed and got up, walking over. He touched my shoulder and showed me how I had looked when I first got here to how angry I looked now.

"I think I'm looking at the same look he gave you," he whispered in my ear and then started back for his hammock. I shook my head.

"Louis I only need you." I said. "Who needs true love? I certainly don't anymore." I told him. "I just need my twin." He laughed.

"Hey, come here.... Did you know...that some people think that a twin's love is the best love of all," he told me and moved over on his hammock for me. I smiled and walked over to him, laying down with him on his hammock.

"I'd never do anything to upset you." I whispered to him and closed my eyes as I rested my head on his chest. I laughed softly as he gave me comfort.

"And I'll protect you," he murmured and closed his eyes. I smiled, falling asleep on his chest. It took about a week for them to come get us, but when we got back, we ended up traveling around together, taking Edmund and Terry with us. About half a century later, we had built the manor in Maine and were living together happily while he managed both his country and our small empire in America. The killings in Africa had stopped as well, and Richard practically disappeared off the face of the Earth. Louis thought he had finally died somehow, but it was quickly disproved when the newspaper came in one morning where a city in Virginia had been whipped out. Louis threw it down on my desk the morning it came in. "I think I know where he disappeared to," he hissed out towards me and gestured for me to look it over. I looked over the paper and frowned.

"He's here. He doesn't know we are though. I took in a deep breath, hoping he didn't. It seemed like he was trying to take all of America now like he did in Africa. The European council has yet to kill him... He's more powerful then I last seen him. "We need a pack to protect us." I decided. I knew a pack in need of land nearby. "I'll go talk to them." I decided. "Just in case he comes to Maine and tries to take on my favorite little Maine." Louis gave a nod.

"That would be a good idea...." Edmund appeared beside Louis then with a frown.

"Master Louis... I spotted a shady looking vampire earlier today. He hasn't been here before or else I would have seen him. I've been keeping tabs on all the vampires in Maine for you, but he's completely new to me. He reminds me of...of a demon," he whispered the last word and shifted nervously. Louis narrowed his eyes.

"You did...huh?" He shook his head and started for the door. "Edmund, go watch him.... Report to me if he kills anyone, and I mean anyone." I got to my feet then. He's going to find out I am here! He'll kill me for leaving that island!

"TERRY!" I yelled out wanting to make sure he was with me so I could protect him. "COME HERE, LOVE!" I ordered. He appeared beside me with a smile, exposing his fangs playfully.

"Yes Paris?" He asked excitedly and walked up to me, hugging me. "I was wondering if you'd call for me this morning...." Edmund glanced at him for a second then disappeared to go spy on Richard. Louis busted out of the study then, looking highly upset. I watched Louis leave then grabbed Terry's hand.

"Terry, a bad vampire is in town so I need you to stay near me at all time." I told him sweetly. "For your safety. You know how important you are to me." I pulled him closer and smiled. "You can do that, can't you? I bet you will enjoy getting to spend more time with me."

"Uh huh!" He giggled and then snuggled up to me, going towards my neck. He bit down gently as he pushed me down into my desk chair. I pulled him into my lap and rubbed his sides to encourage him feeding off of me.

"Oh little Terry." I purred. "Your so good to me." I laughed. He smiled at me and then bit down again. After about two days, Edmund appeared back to us, holding his side and wincing.

"L-Louis....That vampire... he-" he fell over, his shirt soaked in blood. "I wasn't fast enough." Louis got up quickly and ran over to him, pulling Edmund into his lap.

"Shh, you'll be fine Edmund! Here," Louis moved his sleeve up to expose his wrist and pushed it towards him, but when Edmund went to bite down, he trembled and then coughed up Louis's blood, his body rejecting it. Louis started to panic and brought him closer. "Edmund, why didn't you come home as soon as he noticed you! You idiot! You better not die on me!" I put Terry in the floor(since he was in my lap) then rushed over to sit by Louis, feeling his pain for Edmund.

"Edmund! What happened?" I asked him, examining his wound.

"T-the vampire caught me....and he tried to interrogate me for a full day....." He coughed up more blood and clung to Louis. "I didn't tell him anything...and he...tried to kill me." He squeezed his eyes shut as he touched his side. I noticed his blood was starting to stain my floor. He was bleeding rapidly. I nodded then and started to dig my hand into his body and towards his heart to see how it was doing. I bit my bottom lip and cut it, leaning my lips over his to make sure he'd get some blood while I was examining him.

"You didn't drink from him, correct?" I asked. He shook his head and whimpered, gripping my hand.

"'re making it worse," he hissed out in pain and curled up. I pushed in though, feeling for his heart. I knew that vampires could take out a newborn's heart and keep it(without crushing it) and the vampire would be still alive but unable to act out fully as a vampire. Some say a vampire could be controlled that way. Edmund exposed his fangs threateningly and went to bite me to make me stop. "Just kill me," he hissed out and squeezed his eyes shut as he got close to my neck. He wasn't able to bite down on me though. I got to the area where vampire hearts were commonly found at and felt around.

"Sorry Edmund~ I have to know." I whispered into his ear. He whimpered and Louis wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Paris knows what he's doing Edmund...." Edmund shook his head.

"Kill me," he whispered. "Please... I'm going to die anyways.... Don't make me suffer." Louis looked pained at his words and shook his head as he looked at him. I paused as I felt his heart was missing. I pulled my hand out then and stood up, slinging the blood off.

"No heart." I whispered, walking towards a nearby window. He's going to die without his heart. Louis's eyes widened, and he looked at Edmund then.

"I-I can't lose him.... He's the only friend I had those long years," he whispered. Edmund looked at him and managed a weak smile, touching the side of his face.

"Louis, I'll be ok.... Death is not the end.... I want you to live a happy life, and I was glad I met you...." Louis shook his head quickly, burying his face into Edmund's neck. I looked towards my feet then, becoming consumed by anger. I teleported dead in the middle of town and looked around me for a sign of him.

"Richard." I hissed out his name. I could smell him nearby. He smelled worse than the last time I saw him, consumed with demonic powers. I felt my stomach flip then and my stone pulse, pulling my feet towards him. I widened my eyes and thought through this... I should go back to my manor. He's going to kill me. I felt arms wrap around my waist then and a familiar scent enveloped me. He purred in my ear and kissed my cheek.

"Hello Paris," he murmured. I screamed out in fear then and teleported without him back home, in my bedroom. I moved the dresser in front of the door and went towards the window beginning to board it up. I laughed out nervously as I got in my bed and up under the covers. It's just a nightmare.... A horrible nightmare. Why'd I even go out there. I started to scratch my shoulders as I thought through ways to get back home in France. After about an hour, the door was kicked in and my dresser was destroyed from the force. I heard a small growl and then Richard started walking towards the bed to get to me. "You thought you could hide?" I gasped and looked out of the covers and towards him.

"Why?" I begged. "I stayed away from you." I whimpered and started to back up against the headboard. "Don't kill me! I just got a good life." He smirked.

"Oh, I'm not going to kill you," he purred to me as he got on the bed on his knees. He reached out for me then and laughed darkly. "I've come to take what's mine.... I did some thinking.... and I realized that no matter how much you betrayed me, you're still mine.... and I shouldn't have dumped you on that island. I should've kept you and made you pay for your betrayal before allowing you to be with me again. The island was enough, however....and now I've come for you."

"N-no..." I shook my head. "I'm not going anywhere with you looking like that!" I shrieked. "Your going to make my life a living hell." I cried then and put a pillow between us, trying to hit him with it. He growled and ripped it from me then pulled me to him.

"You don't have a choice," he told me and then moved his hand towards my chest for my stone. "Don't worry... I'll bring you back when its safer for you." I panicked and teleported out of his grasps, across the room.

"NO!" I hissed and took off towards the door. "YOUR NOT GOING TO GET MY STONE!" I shrieked and went for Louis. "LOUIS!" I cried out. Richard grabbed me from behind and threw me back towards the bed and locked the door. He smirked over at me and started to walk towards me as he exposed his fangs. Louis appeared in the room, and when he saw Richard, he glared at him.

"YOU KILLED EDMUND!" He shrieked and went to tackle him, but Richard threw him off and into a bookshelf, knocking him out as he hit it wrong and fell. The bookshelf toppled over and buried him under it. His eyes looked back towards me and he disappeared from my sight then was next to me in seconds. He smirked and reached into my chest, digging his nails into me. He gripped my stone, taking no time at all to be sweet about it. He knew it would root me to the spot and keep me from teleporting. I whimpered as I watched him.

"Richard~ Please!" I cried out, grabbing his arm and digging my nails into him. I kept my nails about a inch long and they were sharp. "I don't want to die!" He winced and then rested his head against my shoulder as he tried not to let a groan of pain slip. He paused with his hand, but he didn't let go of my stone.

"I-I'm doing this...for us," he hissed out. "I'm not going to kill you." I shook my head, not able to believe him. I tried to pull out his arm but remembered he had my stone so I stopped and tried to keep his arm in place. He shook his head and started to tug on it, pressing his other hand on my chest to help brace himself. The world started fading as he was getting somewhere with it. I felt my grip start to loosen on his hand.

"Louis..." I whimpered, hoping he'd wake up and save me from my soul mate. He groaned from over there, but Richard ripped my stone out then.


I woke up in a music room, hearing the piano playing with Richard's favorite song that he loved to play. I lifted my head up slowly, beginning to rub over my chest. "Richard... I had a funny dream..." I began. "You was a demon... and ended up hating me... then after I tried to cleanse you- and wake you up you....." I froze up as I felt something was off about my body. I looked down towards my chest as it weighed.... I screamed as I realized I was a girl. Everything was coming back to me then... it was all true... he had taken my stone and "I'M A GIRL!" I cried out and panicked. He glanced down at me from the piano bench and continued playing. He smirked and I noticed he was still demonic looking. I got to my feet then, feeling a bit dizzy and looked around for the nearest way out of here. I ran towards a door then and grabbed at the door knob to try to pull it open. "LOUIS HELP ME!" I begged. He got up then.

"Paris...sweetie," he called out and started walking towards me. "It's alright.... I won't harm you." I shrieked and looked towards him, trying to get the door open.

"No~ Stay away." I begged. He stopped and gave me a sad look.

"I'm about what I did to you," he mumbled and looked down at his feet. He sighed and glanced back up at me. He got down on his knees and watched me. "Look, I won't hurt you again.... I swear, and to prove it, you can have my life." I backed up against the door as I watched him. I fell to the ground and brought my knees to my chest. I buried my face into my knees and started to cry. He took me from Louis! "Paris? What's the matter?" He asked and started to crawl over to me then pulled me into a hug. I tensed up in his arms as he touched me.

"You took me from Louis." I whimpered. He flinched and looked at me.

"Look... I'll let you go back when you forgive me.... I don't want to treat you badly like that again, and it was wrong of me to mark another," he mumbled and then kissed my cheek. "You're the only one for me." I looked towards his face then and sniffled.

"You mean that?" I asked softly. I reached out to touch his face and make sure he was there. He let me touch him and closed his eyes, rubbing his face against my hand lovingly. I tilted my head as I watched him. "Was you looking for me?" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer.

"I started looking for you a few years back," he mumbled. "I finally found a trail of you and latched onto it. I got lucky this time." I blushed and then looked down at my body.

"You stole my stone to do this to me!" I yelled in outrage.

"No, I originally stole your stone so that maybe you'd wake up in calmer conditions...but I got a better idea and made you into a girl," he told me and smirked at me. I shook my head and glared him down.

"You better make me a guy again Richard!" I grabbed him by the throat and tried to tackle him into the floor. "Girls don't have power!" I yelled. "I'm basically useless now!"

"Hey, maybe in a few years girls will be holding the power," he pointed out to me as I had knocked him over. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at me then gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I did it for us."

"Oh no you didn't." I shook my head. "You done this for your own benefits." I hissed, exposing my fangs. "I'd kill you but I need you to make me a male." He flinched at the words and then pushed me off, sitting up.

"Well....if you want to be that way," he murmured and stood up, going over to the piano. "Your bedroom is down the hall. I wouldn't bother even trying to leave. We are surrounded by wilderness, so welcome to Canada."

"CANADA!? WHY ARE WE IN CANADA!? I NEED TO BE IN MAINE!" I cried out and looked towards my nails, seeing they weren't even grown out yet. "Oh I'm furious. I had these babies at the perfect length!" I screamed then went towards the window. "Wilderness hell- I'm leaving." I said quickly. He growled and stopped me, pulling me towards him.

"If you think I'm letting you leave...." he hissed out. He narrowed his eyes and then exposed his fangs, leaning in towards my neck. He bit down before I could stop him and started to remark me, pushing me up against the wall. I yelped as he bit into me and then melted into his arms as he marked me, my vision blurred over and my stone seemed to liquefy with love for him as it heated up. I wrapped my arms around him and my legs buckled, making me need him even more. He held me up, placing a hand in the small of my back as he finished. He looked at me when he pulled away and smiled, kissing me passionately. I kissed him back and started to curl my fingers in his hair, giggling softly.

"Richard..." I whispered in his ear as I pulled back from the kiss. He kissed my cheek then.

"Yes my love?" He mumbled and looked at me sweetly. I exposed my fangs as I was tempted to mark him but hesitated and looked away from his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Nothing..." I whispered softly.

"I'm truly sorry... I am," he told me as he held onto me tightly. "My world was terrible without you...and I ended up binging worse after you brought me back.... You need to take my stone again. I'll let you mark me if you bring me back." I shook my head.

"You'll hate me." I whispered. "You did last time, you refused to heal up in the holly water. I even placed you in the light."

"You had me ripped apart by a Vampire Hunter.... Of course I didn't want to come back. I was despairing," he told me and sounded upset slightly. "Just don't do that again.... I promise I loved you even when I left you. I didn't want to dump you on the island, but I felt it was only fair because you had me ripped apart and you sentenced me to a colorless life.... but I know why you did now."

"I only done it because I thought it would help you." I cried out and started to hide against him. "I'm so sorry but you were refusing to get well. You kept feeding...." I shook my head and whimpered. "You forgive me?" I asked.

"Of course I do.... I hope that you can forgive me too... I'm just glad you're still alive," he whispered and kissed my cheek. "I promise I won't do it again.... I want you to take my stone. I will get better for you." I looked towards his eyes.

"I'm not taking your stone." I said stubbornly. "Your going to heal up the hard way." I crossed my arms. "That away next time- there won't be a next time. You'll stay far away from drinking over one person a day." He bit his bottom lip and looked down at his feet before giving a nod.

"But what if I relapse back into more of a demon.... It was hard for me to get to this point," he whispered.

"I'll leave you." I threatened. "After all, the only thing binding me to you is this mark." I pointed to my neck. He glanced at it and then started to walk off towards the piano.

"I hope that's not the only reason why you haven't jumped out that window yet," he murmured and sat down on the piano bench, sending me a longing glance and then playing a note. I looked towards the window and then at the door before walked over to him and sitting down on the bench. I looked at the piano and remembered the last time I was playing the piano, how the newspaper had landed on my hands and knocked me back to reality. He glanced at me and smiled softly before playing the song I had played for him when he was a stone in a jar of holy water.

"You were listening." I whispered softly and looked towards his face. He gave a small nod and kissed the top of my head.

"Yes I was.... It was the more enjoyable moments," he told me. "I even wrote you a counter melody for it." I smiled and leaned in towards his cheek, kissing it.

"Thank you." I whispered to him. "For being the mate I always wanted as a child and coming back to me." He stopped playing then and wrapped me up in a hug, burying his face into my neck.

"You know I'd do anything for you. I will never be able to hate you.... and it killed me to do what I did to you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Richard.... there's only one thing I can think of that would tie us together for the rest of our eternity and keep us from running the opposite direction." I began. He looked at me then and frowned.

"Besides the fact that we love each other very much?" He asked. I crawled into his lap then and nodded.

"Children." I whispered. He bit his bottom lip and looked at me.

"Are you sure?" He leaned in to kiss me. I nodded eagerly and kissed him back.

"Let's make a baby." I said as I pulled back from the kiss. He considered it and then smiled, leaning in towards my neck and giving me a love bite to tease me.

"If that's what my mate wants," he whispered seductively in my ear and then picked me up, starting to carry me towards the door. I giggled and kissed him back with joy.

"Very much!" I purred as I felt my hormones raging. He just had to put me in a girl's body.

"I'll be gentle," he murmured in my ear and then opened a door on the hall and shut it with his foot. He smirked down at me and then laid me down on the bed, getting on top of me. I blushed as I looked at the little nightgown he had me in. I looked him over and realized that this would be my first time as a girl.... and his gentle wasn't gentle... as I recall from our first time together those many years ago.

"Richard be extra gentle!" I said quickly.

"Suuuure..." he trailed off, giving me a smirk. I widened my eyes and nodded, hoping he was going to be extra gentle for me. I pulled off his poofy shirt and tossed it over the bed's edge.

"Please do~ I don't know what it will feel like as a girl and it was rough for me when we first done it as males." I whispered. He gave a small nod.

"I will try," he told me and then slipped my night gown up my leg a bit as he leaned in towards my lips, kissing me passionately. And the night only escalated from there.....

Seven months later we was invaded by hunters while Louis(with a new pet that was a werewolf boy around thirteen), Rose, and Laurence was visiting. I was in labor earlier then expected as they were raiding us. Rose held onto my hand telling me to push while Louis and his pet stayed near us to protect us. Richard was off with Laurence getting more blood for me. The hunters had managed to kill Louis's favorite pet and pushed past Louis- breaking his spine so he couldn't move to save us. I could hear the hunters thinking bad things as they forced Rose away from me. I screamed out in pain as I was beginning to push out my first born. I was having twins, two healthy males... Until they showed up. Rose's stone was torn out of her and I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead.

"It's your lucky day." A man- the leader purred towards me as he walked towards me with a knife. "You get to witness me cut up your babies before you." He said.

"Cross, just put her out of her misery." A girl said, looking at me with a soft expression, like she felt bad for me. I panicked, knowing I couldn't do anything. Cross~ I heard that name before...

"Cross! DON'T! I KNOW YOU!" I insisted.

"I don't know you." He growled and went to stab me in the stomach.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I heard a familiar voice growl. He was yanked away from me then, and Richard pinned him against the wall, practically snarling. He viciously ripped a chunk out of Cross's neck and he grabbed the knife, dragging it across his stomach. I watched as Laurence appeared by me and rubbed my head, checking my progress. His shadows grabbed the five hunters that had invaded us and was accompanying Cross. The shadows knocked them out against a wall and dropped them without hesitation.

"Your okay Paris," Laurence whispered and kissed my head then went to help pulled out the baby for me. "I'm here... I'll help." Laurence informed me. Cross on the other hand snarled back at Richard like he wasn't affected by nothing. He pulled out a gun within seconds and shot Richard in his side, the bullet glided right through and hit Laurence making him scream and fall down, the bullet continued and hit me right in the stomach. I cried out in pain and reached for the bullet hole.

"Ha, I got three in a row." Cross bragged. Richard looked back at me with wide eyes and then looked at Cross in pure hatred.

"Don't you even dare!" He screamed out and then kicked Cross through the wall. He walked through the hole after him and picked him up by the throat, dangling him off the ground. He squeezed down and then ripped his ears off and grabbed a knife out of Cross's jacket, stabbing him again and then biting down into his shoulder and started to tear him apart in front of us.

"Richard!" I yelled as I seen Laurence got shot and was currently in the floor unable to help me. "Finish him later, I need you!" I told him and started to hyperventilate. Richard glanced over and then looked at Cross.

"Later," he warned and disarmed him completely then started crawling back through the hole in the wall. He stumbled over to me, looking really worried as he surveyed the situation. I saw him look at the bullet wound in my stomach, and he looked about ready to cry, worrying about my safety and the twins. He quickly came over and kissed my forehead before assuming Laurence's position, picking up where he had left off. "Paris, you need to push," he told me, trying to stay calm. I nodded and tried to calm my breathing to keep pushing.

"The babies." I cried out as I grew worried. "Cut them out! What if one got shot!" I panicked again and heard Laurence groaning from the floor as he pulled himself up from the floor and grabbed my hand to comfort me.

"Cut them out?!" Richard laughed hysterically then. "Wouldn't that make this worse?!"

"CUT THEM OUT DAMN IT!" I screamed as a shock of pain went through me. Laurence looked towards Richard then back to me. Richard shook his head quickly.

"What if they get hurt from that?!" He kept shaking his head.

"THEY ARE BEING BORN EARLY AND ONE POSSIBLY COULD BE DYING FROM BEING SHOT RICHARD CUT THEM OUT!" I screamed at him. He took a moment and then reached down, grabbing one of the knives from the dead vampire hunters and then came over to my side, glancing at me before he cut my shirt open.

"Laurence get her something to bite down on," he ordered and then positioned the knife above my womb to cut them out of me. He took a deep breath as he waited. Laurence took off his belt then and put it in my mouth to bite down on then got behind me and held my shoulders down as he nodded towards Richard.

"She's ready." Laurence told him and I closed my eyes tightly. I felt the knife press down into my side and then start cutting into me, sending spasms of pain through me as Richard drug the knife across my stomach, slowly and deeply as he made sure not to puncture my womb yet. I screamed and bit down hard on the belt, my fangs exposed instinctively. I heard Louis standing up shakily and coming over to my side, grabbing my feet and holding them down to keep me from kicking and accidentally injurying them. Richard pulled the knife out and then I felt him press it down slightly above the knife wound to make it bigger as he started to press it down, sending another flash of pain through me to mix in with the pulsing pain I already felt. I tired to keep conscience to make sure they pulled through and to watch them get taken out of me. I opened my eyes as I fought through the pain, telling myself that this wasn't the worst that happened to me and I could cry about it afterwards. After a light cut into my womb, he set the knife aside on the bed next to me and then rolled his sleeves up, reaching into my stomach to lift them out. He laughed breathlessly and smiled happily as he saw his children and then froze up, handing Laurence the first one. He reached in as his eyes turned worried and he pulled out the second one, turning away from me so I couldn't see. I saw his shoulders shaking as he started to tremble and heard him bite back a cry. I panicked as I watched his shoulders then closed my eyes, already knowing something bad happened, it was a motherly instinct. I could hear the twin in Laurence's hands start to cry but I couldn't hear the second one. I had lost a child.. Richard walked over to where the baby blankets were waiting and started wrapping the child in one of them. I saw him crying as he did so, and he shook his head. He picked up the bundle and held it in one arm as he grabbed the other blanket, bringing it over to Laurence. He glanced at me then looked away as he wiped at his tears.

"Paris, I'm sorry," he whispered, barely getting it out. "I'll be right back, I promise." He kissed my cheek as he started to walk off with my stillborn. I watched him walking away and tried to get up to go after him but I felt weak.

"Richard..." I said as I took the belt out of my mouth. "My baby." I mumbled. He glanced over his shoulder at me sadly and looked at Laurence.

"Laurence, you're in charge until I get back," he told him and then walked through the hole, looking vengeful as his grief turned to anger at the sight of Cross in there. I heard him growl and then saw him snatch Cross up to take with him. I sat up then and panicked as my eyes widened.

"Where-" I was silenced as Laurence placed my baby in my arms and kissed the top of my head. I gasped as I laid back again and looked him in the eyes... He was the most gorgeous thing I ever laid my eyes on. He smiled as he looked up at me and I slowly gave him my finger to grip. He had his fangs exposed as he looked into my eyes and stopped crying. He grew quiet as he looked at me. I smiled and started to cry tears of joy at the sight of my little boy. I still had him. "Hi Donnie." I said sweetly and kissed his bloody cheek. I took the towel he was in and started to clean him up. "I love you sweetie." I whispered, watching him closely. I started to grow tired then and closed my eyes as I laid my head back. "Donnie..." I whispered softly, loving the name I had picked for him with Richard. Louis kissed my cheek and then bit down into his wrist, dripping his blood onto my lips.

"You need to eat.... You have to heal up for Donnie. He needs you, and so does Richard," he told me and pressed his wrist against my mouth for me to bite down on. I bit down on his wrist and started to drink his blood, so I could heal up then take time to rest. I heard Laurence walk off.

"I'm going to bring Rose back." Laurence informed as he looked for her stone.

"Good.... Someone needs to go after Richard as well.... There's no telling what he'll do," Louis whispered and wiped the sweat off of my forehead with his other hand. "Hey little Donnie, I'm your uncle Louis," he said sweetly towards my baby. Donnie started to drift asleep in my arms, I could hear his breathing slow. I looked towards Laurence to see him bringing Rose back with his blood and then left to go find Richard. Rose walked up to me, stumbling a bit as she walked over then looked down at Donnie.

"What happened?" Rose asked us softly, noticing there was only one baby and I could hear her thoughts assuming something bad must have happened to the other one. She walked over towards one of the unconscious hunters and took it's gun then killed the rest of them. "Sick bastards! She was pregnant!" Rose hissed out in fury. Louis looked at me as I slowed down with drinking his blood and pulled his wrist back.

"Richard has Cross...and the...stillborn," he whispered the last word as he glanced at me then at Rose.

"Laurence went after Richard." I told him. "Your pet." My eyes flickered to his dead werewolf pet. "Louis I'm so sorry." I whispered weakly. He glanced over and his eyes widened. He cried out and put a hand over his mouth as he rushed over to his dead pet.

"No, no, no, no, no...Not again, this can't be happening. Wake up," he said quickly, gently tapping the side of his pet's face with the palm of his hand, cradling his head as he put it in his lap. "Wake up, please don't do this to me!" He started to cry as he reached down towards the wound in his side and put his hand over it. "You can't leave me- not like Edmund!" Rose walked over to Louis and pulled him into her arms and cradled his head.

"Louis honey... He's not coming back from that." Rose said, breaking the news to Louis and started to rock him in her arms. "Shhhhhh..." She tried to comfort him. He started sobbing and gripped her shirt.

"Can't I bring him back? I-it's not fair," he whimpered and buried his face into her shirt.

"I'm afraid that once you loose someone... You can never get them back." Rose whispered into his ear and rubbed his head. "He wasn't a vampire, just a werewolf... a young werewolf."

"C-can't I make him a vampire?" He whispered and tried to stop shaking. "I don't want him to leave me... I need him. He can't leave me yet."

"He's dead sweetie." Rose whispered. Louis's little pet was dead, died from bleeding out too fast from his wound. "He can't be brought back from death." Louis let out a muffled sob.

"I'm cursed!" He shrieked and then looked to his dead pet. "He wouldn't have died if it weren't for me!" He hugged the corpse and buried his face into his neck, not able to stop crying.

"Oh Lou... Your not cursed, it's just we were all in a bad situation." Rose cried out and tried to help him. "We were all caught up with Paris having her twins too early. We weren't prepared for an invasion." Louis shook his head then and squeezed his eyes shut as he kept his face in the dead werewolf's neck.

"Edmund died! They both died!" He cried and wrapped his arms around him. "He can't die.. He can't leave me, not like Edmund."

"Louis... He's dead. He died because he wasn't strong enough to take on a bullet like that. Sweetie..." Rose shook her head. Louis looked up at her then at the vampire hunters.

"This is their fault," he hissed out as he bit back another sob and then screamed as he grabbed a knife from one of the corpses and stabbed a dead vampire hunter in frustration. "I'll kill them all for this! Every single last one!" I watched Louis and widened my eyes. Rose rushed to his side and pulled him to her.

"Louis listen to me! Not right now. Calm down." Rose said. "We will get them, I promise but right now.... We need to take a deep breath and calm down. Paris just had a baby." Rose threw the knife after getting it from Louis and it hit one of the hunter's eye. "Let's pull through this for Paris." Louis sniffled as he looked up at her and then nodded, curling up to her as he managed to stop crying.

"For Paris," he murmured and then glanced over at his pet, looking broken inside and then looked over at me. He stood up shakily and then stumbled over to my side and kissed my cheek. He wiped at his face quickly. Richard walked back in after a few minutes without the bundle or Cross and took a deep breath before approaching us. I watched Richard.

"What'd you do?" I asked as Laurence followed Richard in. He shook his head at me.

"I killed Cross. What else do you think I did?" He told me and then looked down at Donnie, his eyes lighting up. He smiled then and leaned in, kissing Donnie on the forehead and then giving me a kiss on the lips. I kissed him back and then closed my eyes.

"He's dead..." I whispered softly. Though that went for all three of them that died.

"Cross is dead," he whispered back to me and then looked at Donnie with a smile. "He can't hurt Donnie from where he went." He kissed Donnie again and went to pick him up from my arms, glancing at me for permission. I let him hold Donnie and watched them lovingly.

"Donnie." I whispered softly. "Donnie Grimm. I figured we will give him my name and when you have babies they can have your name." I smiled softly at them.

"Who said I'm going to have babies," he said and smirked at me as he teased me. He nuzzled his face against Donnie's lovingly. Donnie giggled happily and grabbed his face. I smiled softly at them and began to fall asleep as I was consumed by darkness.