A Day of Normality

Richard's POV:

I tried to hold Peyton down as she squirmed in my arms, refusing to be rocked to take a nap. "I wanna play outside with the wolfies!" She cried out. I laughed nervously.

"Oh, you don't want to do that. It's nap time! Best time of the day," I told her. She let out an angry growl at me, but I didn't loosen my grip. "Peyton, mommy loves you, but you need to take a nap." Paris walked up to us then and smiled at Peyton.

"Hey pretty girl! Let's take a nap with Dannie!" Paris suggested as Dannie was running after Paris with his stuffed bunny. He caught onto one of Paris's legs and looked up towards Peyton, giving her a smile. She looked up at Paris and then at Dannie and started to cry.

"But I wanna go outside to play," she insisted. "I'm not tiwred."

"Oh yes you are." Paris said and smirked. "Want me to tell you a story?" He asked. "How about one called, Where The Wild Ones Are?" He smirked, that one was Dannie's favorite. She perked up at the idea of a story and smiled sweetly.

"Story time, story time, story time!" She giggled excitedly. I sighed and stood up with her out of the rocking chair.

"Seems you win again Paris," I whispered towards him as I walked over.

"I'm just a mother." Paris smirked and picked up Dannie then grabbed Peyton and went towards her bed, sitting down on it and laying them down together. "There once was a boy," He began to tell the story. Dannie always interrupted with questions or with adding on to the story. Eventually he got the two to take a nap. I smiled and gestured for Paris to come while he could.

"You know... I'm Peyton's mother," I told him, reminding him that it wasn't because he was a mom.

"So?" Paris asked then wrapped an arm around me and kissed my cheek. "There's nothing wrong with them loving to hear me tell them stories." I sighed and gave him a kiss.

"Yes, but you steal them from me every time," I whispered and then started to pull him towards the door. Paris followed me out the door and shut it behind him quietly.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it." Paris smirked and pinched my cheek.

"You can too.... Peyton caught a lizard today and stuck it in our bed," I told him and laughed. "She was so proud of herself." Paris wrinkled up his nose and shook his head.

"That's gross! You got it out right? I don't want a lizard crawling up my pants legs tonight." Paris laughed at the thought and Hachi appeared in front of us, he was learning how to teleport currently. I smiled at him and then looked to Paris.

"I put the lizard in a jar and gave it to Cage to release outside. Oh, and she asked if she could have a pet," I said, kissing his cheek sweetly.

"She can have a pet when she gets her first power." Paris told me. Hachi smiled and walked up to us.

"I can get her an owl." Hachi suggested. I laughed and pulled Hachi into a hug.

"How about something less predatory?" I kissed the top of his head then. "I think we should get her a doggy. She likes the werewolves so much."

"Bet she's going to have a werewolf as a pet- or a mate when she is older." Paris mumbled. "Following her uncle already." He tsked.

"Hey, I'm not that bad." I widened my eyes as Louis was behind us. "You know you love me Paris," he said and hugged Paris around the waist. Paris turned around and hugged Louis.

"I love you." Paris said sweetly to Louis and kissed the top of his head. "Where's August?" He asked curiously.

"Alpha things I believe. I'm watching the kids today," Louis said and smiled. I saw his twins hiding behind his legs.

"Hey Quinton! Aiyana!" I said and gave a sweet smile as I put my hands on my knees, bending down to their level. Aiyana shied away, but Quinton gave a playful growl, coming out from behind Louis and showing his sharp canines to me as he grabbed my face in a playful tackle. I laughed and picked him up. Paris smiled and kissed Quinton's cheek lovingly then looked down at Aiyana and gave her a cute smile.

"Aiyana, want to give Uncle Paris a hug?" Paris asked her and got down to her level and held his arms open. She blushed and looked at him before shyly stepping away from Louis and walking over to him hesitantly. She was the younger of the twins and wasn't as confident as Quinton with more shy sensibilities. It was cute, but it made me wonder if she would grow out of it or not. Paris snatched her up quickly and started to give her kisses. "Oh Aiyyyyyyyyyyana! I love my little niece, yes I do!" He told her trying to get her to warm up. Hachi tackled Louis into a hug then while he was free from the twins. He laughed and hugged Hachi, getting distracted. I looked at Quinton who let out another playful growl at me.

"You're going to be like your father, aren't you?" I asked him, giving him a huge smile. He giggled and gave a nod.

"Strong like daddy!" He said and curled up to me. I gave a nod and looked over at Paris to see Aiyana giggling at the kisses. She touched his hair then and looked it over.

"Pretty," she whispered. Paris laughed and nodded at Aiyana.

"Runs in the family." Paris told her and looked at Louis. "You know... Rose hasn't had any children nor has she found a mate." He said and I could tell he was planning.

"Give her time....she's still young," Louis said and smiled as he ruffled Hachi's hair. Quinton started squirming in my arms, so I set him down. He growled and went over to Paris, reaching up for his twin. Paris sat Aiyana down so Quinton could have her and then went to Louis and hugged him, putting Hachi in the middle. Quinton snatched her up protectively and held her close, kissing her head. She blushed and hugged him back then looked up at me. I smiled at her and waved.

"Where's Dannie and Peyton?" Quinton asked, giving a grin.

"Taking a nap in Peyton's room." Paris told him. "You two can go wake them up to play. Don't go outside though."

"Why not?" Quinton asked and then let Aiyana go as he walked over towards Paris, pouting.

"If you do you need to have an adult with you, that's why." Paris told him. Quinton grinned then and tugged on Paris.

"Then come outside," he said, starting to try to pull Paris towards Peyton's bedroom.

"Oh alright then." Paris smiled and followed Quinton. "We can play ball then." Quinton giggled and ran over to the door, practically knocking it open as he ran in.

"Wake up!" He shouted to them. Aiyana followed after them quietly, glancing up at Louis for permission. He gave an encouraging nod and smiled. She followed after them as Louis and I went in. Quinton had jumped up on the bed and growled at Dannie as he tackled him into the floor. Dannie gasped and growled back at Quinton, showing him his teeth and then fangs.

"Owe! You knocked me on the floor!" Dannie complained and reached out towards his stuffed bunny that was a foot away now thanks to the fall. Quinton laughed and started to tickle him as he sat up on him.

"Did I get ya? Did I get ya good?" He teased. I held in a laugh and wrapped an arm around Louis's shoulder then.

"We should ditch Paris with the kids and go out for a mommy day." Louis nodded and quickly teleported us away to the Black Lucy.

Paris's POV:

Peyton didn't move as she kept on sleeping. I'd noticed that once she passes out, she's out. She was like Richard in that aspect, able to sleep for as long as she wanted with hardly any side effects. She had slept for a full day once. Aiyana looked up at her and gently grabbed her hand, rubbing it as Quinton was rolling around in the floor with Dannie. I noticed that Louis and Richard had disappeared, leaving me to take care of all four of them, plus Hachi. Hachi's mouth dropped as he realized we was left alone. "No fair." Hachi grumbled, but I knew he would stay with me. He enjoyed being around younger children for some reason. Dannie snapped his jaws towards Quinton and managed to get him off then he fed towards the toy box in the room and got into it, shutting himself inside with his bunny. Quinton let out a growl and started to crawl over towards the box, pretending to be a wolf. I seen Dannie lift the lid a bit as he heard Quinton then blushed and shut the lid quickly. Dannie started to giggle. They were so cute playing together... sometimes they got too wild though. Quinton grinned and then jumped on top of the box, letting out a heart thudding growl as he tried to sound as vicious as he could to scare Dannie. He sat on top of the box then and watched the lid to see if he'd try to get out. Dannie started to kick at the lid to try to open it.

"OFF! Get off!" Dannie shouted in the box. Quinton smiled innocently and laid on top of it.

"Nope! I'm the Alpha wolf, so you gotta listen to me!" He giggled, playing around.

"Nu-uh! I'm the eldest." Dannie complained.

"But I'm Alpha wolf," Quinton countered and giggled again and held onto the box tightly. I heard Dannie rawr from inside the box and stopped kicking the lid.

"GET OFF!" Dannie complained. I took a seat in the rocking chair and pulled Hachi into my lap as I watched the boys. Quinton got off then and ran over to us, tugging on Hachi's sleeves as he got bored with Dannie complaining. Hachi smiled down at Quinton.

"Wanna see something cool?" Hachi asked him. Dannie crawled out of the box with the bunny when he heard Hachi and ran over.

"Yes!" Quinton squealed and jumped up into Hachi's lap, hugging him. "Magic triwk!" Dannie took a seat in the floor and tugged on Hachi's pants eagerly.

"Show us some magic Hachi." Dannie said quickly. Hachi smiled and took out a coin from inside his pocket.

"Want to see this coin disappear?" Hachi asked. Quinton's eyes widened.

"You can make it go bye bye?" He asked and then giggled. "That'd be so cool!"

"I can make it into an ant." Hachi said and smirked as he showed them both sides of the coin then waved it around with one hand and started to wave his hand around it with another then suddenly it disappeared. He showed his hands to them, showing they were empty. Quinton gasped and looked up at Hachi.

"Where'd it go?" He asked quickly.

"Check your ears." Hachi suggested. Dannie started to check his ears- his cute little wolf ears and looked disappointed when he didn't find the coin. Quinton looked at Dannie and bit his bottom lip.

"That's no fair," Quinton said and looked up at Hachi. "The coin wasn't there."

"You just didn't look hard enough." Hachi said then reached over to Dannie and pulled the coin out of his ear. Quinton widened his eyes.

"You're the most powerful magic person I've seen!" He said excitedly.

"I'm a wizard, one of the lasts of my kind." He told him and laid back against me. Quinton let out a playful growl as he saw Hachi leaning back and stood up on us. He tackled Hachi's face and giggled as he nipped at Hachi's nose. Hachi gasped and teleported across the room and held his face in fear.

"Awe Quinton, you know how Hachi is about his face." I told him. Dannie looked curiously at Hachi.

"When'd he learn that?" Dannie asked. "He couldn't do that a week ago!"

"No fair Hach!" Quinton complained and then looked at me with an evil grin. I shook my head and laughed.

"Play nice." I told him. He definitely is an alpha's child. Quinton let out a low growl, letting it rise as he started to reach out towards me, attempting to scare me. I wrapped my arms around him and exposed my fangs. "I bite back too." I told him and Dannie tried to get Quinton from me. Quinton looked at my fangs in wonder as he grew silent. He reached out and gently touched one as he got closer to me.

"Mommy has those too....but daddy doesn't," Quinton said and then looked up into my eyes and nuzzled his face into my neck, smelling me.

"Quinyyyyy." Dannie tried to pull him away. "Let's go play outside!" He urged. "Common!" He urged. He perked up immediately at the mention of outside.

"Let's attack Cage!" He suggested as he started to crawl out of my lap to get to Dannie. He giggled. "The hunt is on!" He let out a little howl and started to run for the door the best he could. Hachi smiled and looked towards me then tilted his head. I laughed and got to my feet to follow them. I looked towards the girls.

"If you need something you can find Rose in my study." I told my little niece. I followed the boys out into the hall with Hachi as Dannie tried to keep up with Quinton. Quinton transformed into a wolf and let out another howl, laying his ears back as he paused to throw his head back. He wagged his tail and started sniffing the hall. He let out a little bark and started to get even more excited. He ran ahead of us and outside, going towards the woods where Cage more than likely would be. Cage was sitting on one of the lawn chairs though by a bond fire with a group of his werewolf friends. They had a boombox playing a CD. He smiled when he seen us and Quinton.

"Quinton, I'm over here!" Cage yelled, knowing Quinton was looking for him. Dannie ran up to him quickly and as I got closer I noticed Donnie was sitting with them with his mate in his arms.

"Hi boys." I said as I walked up. "Girls." I nodded to the three girls that was friends with Cage. I noted the two other boys, making up the group and the bonfire. Quinton stopped as he realized that he was going the wrong way and then sprinted across the lawn towards Cage. When he got close, he let out another howl and playfully pounced up into Cage's lap, letting out a growl and nipping at his nose. Cage laughed and rubbed Quinton on the head.

"What's up little dude? Your getting big." Cage said sweetly. I took a seat in a lawn chair and Hachi sat by me. Dannie ran over to Donnie and sat down by him, trying to look as cool as he did. Quinton let out a bark and wagged his tail as he flattened his ears and nuzzled his face up under Cage's chin as he accidentally scratched him. Cage hissed out in pain and looked down at Quinton. "Mind the nails, you scratched me." Cage told him. Quinton looked at him and growled playfully again before jumping down and starting to chase a grasshopper that caught his attention. Aiyana appeared beside me and got up into my lap, hugging me without a word. Hachi smiled at Aiyana and reached over, a flower appeared in his hand and he gave it to her. She gave a blush and took it, giving Hachi a shy smile.

"Thanks," she mumbled to him and then looked up at me as she twirled it in her hand. "Peyton won't wake up," she whispered.

"She sleeps like Richard." I laughed and rubbed Aiyana's head. "Don't worry about it." Dannie looked towards Quinton then ran up to him and tackled him. He let out a shocked whimper and then quickly growled as he got to his feet, looking at Dannie. He laid his ears back and wagged his tail before beginning to chase him instead of the grasshopper. Aiyana looked over at him and smiled softly before leaning her head against me.

"Mommy says I'll probably be like you," she mumbled.

"Like me, huh?" I asked. "Why do you think that?" I asked her. Dannie giggled as he ran away from Quinton, going in a circle around the bonfire.

"Because I don't smell like a wolfie," she mumbled. "Plus I don't act like my twin...."

"Hmmmm." I sniffed her. "Weird... That's a very weird gene." I shook my head. "You two should both be halfings." She looked at me funny then.

"Mommy said that too...but she said that the only thing she could thiwnk of was that he got all the wolfie and I got all the vampiwre." I shrugged.

"Could be sweetie." I rubbed her head. "Either way you got the good genes." I whispered to her. She giggled then and hugged me tightly. Quinton stopped and perked up his ears and then let out a howl as he saw a squirrel. He started to chase after it then, letting out a growl as it started to run for a tree. Dannie laid down in the grass and looked up at the sky, reaching out towards a cloud as he held his stuffed bunny.

"Looks like you Hopper." Dannie told his bunny. Quinton caught the squirrel and shook it in his teeth, making it chitter and shriek. He bit down on it's neck and then brought it over to Cage, dropping it at his feet and looked proud as he puffed his chest out and held his head up. Cage was looking at his phone at the time and then looked up at Quinton and smirked.

"So your a hunter huh? Has your dad took you out hunting?" Cage asked him and put his phone up and picked up the squirrel. "Anyone want soup tonight? Or want it grilled?" One of the girls giggled and walked over to him, grabbing the squirrel.

"Let's roast it." She husked and started to walk with it to the fire. Quinton looked after her and let out a soft growl, dipping his head and laying his ears back. She looked towards him and then gave it back to Cage. "Okay Quinny, whatever you want." She smiled sweetly at him and then sat down by Cage and ran her fingers through her hair as she looked at Cage. "Want to go out tonight?" Cage looked at her and then raised an eyebrow.

"Not really. I got to hunt." He told her quickly. He pulled out his phone then. She began to pout at him.

"Let's go together then." She begged.

"Maddie, I told you I am not interested." Cage growled her way. "We are only friends." Quinton started to slink away towards Dannie then, getting low to the ground as he flattened his ears and then pounced on him, gently play biting down on his arm.

"Cage. Get real, your going to be alpha in a few days. You know you want to spend some time with me before then." The girl whispered into his ear and I held back a laugh as he leaned away from her and gave her the squirrel.

"No." Cage said and went back to looking at his phone. She rolled her eyes and went back to the other two girls and guys. Dannie gasped and tried to push Quinton off.

"Why're you biting me!" Dannie shrieked. Quinton let out a dominant growl and laid down on top of him, flattening Dannie. Dannie watched him with wide eyes. "Get off me alpha baby." He stuck out his tongue. Quinton wagged his tail and licked him in the face, getting him across the eye. Dannie giggled and covered up his face to get him to stop. Quinton got up and went over to the girl who had his squirrel, taking it from her and then racing over to me. He dropped it in my chair, making Aiyana wrinkle up her nose. She looked at Quinton who wagged his tail happily.

"Quincy, dead squirrels are gross!" She told him and reached out, touching his face. He looked at her protectively and nudged his head into her hand, laying his ears back. Dannie got up with his stuffed rabbit then went back to Donnie and took a seat by him. Cage looked over at us and laughed, taking a picture of us and then smirked.

"August is so going to see this." Cage mumbled.

"What's August even up to?" I asked Cage. He shrugged. "Out getting smoothies with his pack. He's rewarding them." Quinton let out a whine at the mention of his dad and laid down at my feet as Aiyana curled up to me, yawning.

"Tell him to come over then and we will have a barbecue." I pulled out my phone and texted Laurence to get something for a barbecue. Cage nodded as he went to text it to August. Raven appeared beside me and smiled as she saw the kids.

"Hey sweeties! Got you something!" She pulled out two things of candy and handed one to Aiyana and then looked at Quinton. "If you turn back, you can have yours," she sung out. He perked up and turned back immediately, grabbing the candy. He started to eat it and smiled up at her.

"Tink you!" He said through a mouthful of chocolate. Aiyana smiled up at her shyly and then buried her face into my shoulder.

"Well look at what the wind brought in." I said and smirked at Raven. "Where have you been?"

"Hi Rave!" Hachi said and waved at her. She waved back and giggled then looked at me.

"You're looking at the new goddess of Seattle, Atlanta, and Savannah," she said excitedly.

"Your a goddess now!?" Hachi asked and gasped. I smirked.

"Congratulations. Hachi here just learned how to teleport." I pointed to Hachi. She looked at him sweetly.

"That's so cool! Good for you Hachi! Hey Paris, can I stay again?" She asked and bit her bottom lip. "I've really missed you guys since I left last year."

"Your welcome here anytime." I told her and pointed to Cage. "But Cage over there~" I teased as Cage looked up in confusion. "Is going to want to give you his permission too."

"Do what?" Cage asked in confusion.

"He's going to be the next Alpha of this territory." I shook my head. It felt like yesterday when he was graduating with August. Raven raised an eyebrow.

"Well it looks like the pup grew up," she whispered and then walked over to Cage with a smile and hugged him. "I'm moving back in!" She told him and giggled.

"Uh??? Okay..." Cage hugged her back and Raven earned a glare from Maddie. Raven noticed and smirked her way challengingly. "I hope to see you around more, Lauren never comes around either... She's living with that Benjamin guy and is trying finish her last year of school with him... Plus they have Ellie."

"ELLIE!?" Dannie asked and perked up. "Where's Ellie?" He asked and got excited. Raven pouted.

"That's no fun.... I'll have to steal her away," she whispered and then walked back towards me. "The family fell apart while I was gone... I'm going to have to fix it."

"No we just are doing our own things. Don't forget we have all of eternity." I told her. Hachi nodded in agreement.

"We do." Hachi giggled. Raven thought it over and gave a nod.

"Well... I guess they'll eventually come back around." She smiled sweetly and sat down in the chair next to me. "So how is Peyton?" She asked suddenly and looked at me.

"We're going to name her sleeping beauty." I told Raven and laughed. She gave a nod in understanding.

"So she's like Richard then...." She giggled and looked at Aiyana then. "Aww, she's so cute." Aiyana looked at her and blushed then. Louis and Richard appeared by us then and smiled at me innocently. Louis's twins perked up immediately.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" Quinton started, picking up the dead squirrel. Aiyana started to reach for Louis. Dannie ran over to Richard and reached out for him, wanting to be picked up.

"Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Quinton says he's alpha. Tell him I am." Dannie said quickly. Richard laughed and picked up Dannie.

"How about you both share being alpha in your games?" He suggested and kissed Dannie on the top of his head. He started to walk off with Dannie then. Louis picked up Aiyana and looked at Quinton and frowned.

"Quinton, what's that you go- Is that a dead squirrel?" He widened his eyes and went to take it, but Quinton growled.

"My catch," he told Louis. Louis raised an eyebrow then shuffled around for his phone and dialed up August's number.

"Hey sweetie! You won't believe what your son did," he started. I heard August ask about it.

"Hey Quinton, guess who's taking Dannie from you." I whispered to him and pointed Richard down. Quinton let out a possessive growl and transformed, going after my mate who shrieked and took off running.

"He killed a squirrel," Louis stated.

"Hahahahaaaa that's my boy." I heard August say over the phone and announce it to the others around him. "I'll be over in a bit." He promised Louis. Louis looked after Quinton then and frowned.

"Hey, how do you say down boy in wolf? Your son is kinda chasing Richard around the yard...."

"Tell Richard to let go of his bubba." I heard August giggle out.

"Ok, but you better get over here soon," Louis said sweetly and hung up. "HEY RICHARD PUT DANNIE DOWN!" Richard stopped running and set Dannie down quickly, only to get tackled by Quinton anyways. Quinton growled playfully at Richard as he laid down on top of him then, going towards his throat to mess with him. Dannie ran towards us then and screamed as he crawled up into Hachi's lap for protection. I laughed as I watched the scene and it even got Cage to look up from his phone. Quinton got off of Richard then and let out a small howl towards Dannie, running over and jumping up into Hachi's lap as well then showed his teeth towards Dannie. Dannie giggled and growled back at him and showed his teeth.

"Rawr!" Dannie yelled at him. Quinton growled back and then got in his face, nipping at his ears. Dannie yelped and got out of the chair as quick as he could, holding his ears. Quinton started to chase him and pinned him down on the ground, licking him over and over again and then sniffing at his clothes, nosing his shirt up. Dannie giggled and tried to push Quinton away from his shirt as he blushed. "You win! Off!" Quinton didn't stop though and came back as he was shoved and started nosing at his shirt again, growling playfully. He used his teeth to grip the shirt and then started to pull it over his head. "No Quinton!" Dannie blushed and tried to keep his shirt on. "Stop that!" He tired to move away as he put his stuffed bunny between them. Quinton got the shirt off and then stole the bunny as well, taking off running with both to get him to chase him. Dannie frowned and chased after him. "GIVE ME THOSE BACK!" He ordered then had to stop chasing him after five minutes to catch his breath since his lungs was bad. Quinton let out a low whine and started to come back, slinking down low to the ground and then dropped the bunny at his feet but didn't drop the shirt. Dannie grabbed the rabbit then reached out for his shirt in irritation. "GRRRR!" The little wolf imitated his growl and then jumped back out of reach, wagging his tail as he gripped the shirt between his jaws. Dannie fell over as he had lost his balance then narrowed his eyes. "Give me!" He started to crawl after Quinton. Quinton shook the shirt playfully and then ran a little ways away, starting to dig a hole. Dannie gasped and took off after Quinton. "MOM! QUINTON IS TRYING TO BURY MY SHIRT!" He yelled. I heard Richard sigh.

"Quinton, don't be mean," he shouted out as he started to walk over to me. Quinton glanced up and wagged his tail before dropping the shirt in the hole and started to cover it with dirt. Dannie reached him then grabbed his dirty shirt and hissed at Quinton.

"MEANIE!" Dannie shouted then walked off with his shirt. Quinton lowered his head and whimpered, putting his tail between his legs as he walked after Dannie. He nudged his arm and nuzzled his nose up against Dannie's stomach. Dannie jumped back from him and fell down with a hard thump then started to cry. I shook my head as I started to get up to go comfort him. Quinton started to lick his face again, trying to make him stop crying. I sat back down as I seen Dannie start to sniffle. He stopped crying after a minute and began to giggle. Quinton wagged his tail and started to nudge him to his feet as he barked. I looked towards Richard then.

"Hey sweetie, Dannie needs a new shirt." I informed him. Dannie got to his feet slowly as he obeyed Quinton.

"Alright...I'll go get another shirt," Richard murmured and kissed my cheek before walking off. Quinton started to run in circles around Dannie excitedly and then jumped up, letting out a small bark and then putting his paws on Dannie as he licked his chest. Dannie giggled and pushed him down as he stuck out his tongue at him.

"Go bury your hole you dug." Dannie ordered him as he tried to walk away. Quinton didn't let him and licked his face then before letting out a soft growl. He breathed in his face then and looked up at Dannie then. Dannie stuck out his tongue stubbornly as he looked towards his stuffed animal. He threw his shirt at Quinton. He let out a shocked yelp as it landed on his face and then started trying to paw it off. Growling, he bit down into the shirt and started to tear at it. Dannie took off running then to go hide and giggled as he went behind one of the shade trees in my backyard. Quinton looked up after destroying the shirt and paused, freezing up as he saw that Dannie was gone. He let out a hunting howl and then started sniffing around, pausing a few times and then getting closer to the tree. He let out an excited bark and then raced to the tree, looking for him. I seen that Dannie had crawled up the tree like a cat and was perched on a branch. I shook my head.

"He's going to get hurt." Hachi whispered, seeing what I did. Cage even started to get worried as he went to get up. Quinton growled and put his front paws on the tree as he tried to reach up to Dannie and let out another bark as he started to jump up for him. Dannie stuck out his tongue at Quinton and taunted him. Cage walked up to them then.

"Dannie come here before you get hurt." Cage told him as he reached out and got Dannie out of the tree. Dannie pouted and clung onto Cage.

"Don't put me down! He'll eat me!" Dannie yelled. Quinton wagged his tail and lowered his head, giving Dannie a predatory look. Dannie yelped as Cage carried him back to his seat and set down with him. Dannie froze up as he looked around for Quinton. He had started to go after Cage's pack, running up to one of the girls and letting out a growl as he tugged on her sundress. She gasped.

"Louis!" The girl complained. "Tell your kid to behave!" Louis laughed.

"August spoiled him," Louis said, not planning on stopping Quinton as he sat down in a lawn chair near me with Aiyana in his lap.

"I'M HERE!" I heard August yell as a car door shut near the garage. He appeared in our sight, with a grocery bag. "Laurence told me to pick this up on the way over." He said as he walked up and kissed Louis on the top of the head then tossed me the food and looked towards Cage.

"Hey Cage!" He walked over to him and they shared a tight hug.

August's POV:

I heard Quinton growl then as he was pulling on one of Cage's werewolf's dresses. He wagged his tail happily, not noticing I was here yet. I frowned and walked over to him, scooping him up into my arms. "Quinton!" I growled. "You know better then to rip up clothes." He looked up at me then and dropped his ears in shame.

"Sowwie daddy.... but it was too much fun," he complained and then licked my cheek and started sniffing at my chest and scratched at my shirt. I put him down quickly and took the chair by Cage, ruffling his hair as I sat. Quinton jumped up into my lap, letting out a playful growl and got down low as he laid back his ears. "You're gonna get caught by the next alpha!" He jumped towards my chest and then started to pull at my shirt collar with his teeth, his claws accidentally scratching my stomach. I hissed then picked him up, holding him away.

"Calm down or I will put you in a time out pen with chew toys." I told him and gave him a raised eye. He let out another growl and curled up, trying not to be dropped.

"But I don't wanna be in a cage!" He growled out at me. I sat him down in my lap then.

"Maybe try calming down then, wild one." I laughed and looked over at Dannie. "Hi cutie." I pinched his cheek and made him blush and curl up more into Cage. Quinton growled possessively when I touched him and lightly put his teeth on my arm.

"He's mine!" I let go then.

"Which one?" I asked and smirked. He looked over at the two and tilted his head.

"Both! You two," he told me and wagged his tail as he started to lick my face. I laughed.

"Starting your own pack, huh?" I asked him and rubbed his head. He pulled his lips back into a smile and looked up at me innocently.

"Dannie would be my beta if I was starting a pack!" He transformed back and hugged me as he giggled, kissing my cheek.

"I don't know about that, I think he wants to be the alpha." I told him, since I have seen them play before. He pouted and looked over at Dannie.

"Dannie, you're my beta, right?" He asked and gave him a sweet look.

"Nope." Dannie said too quickly. "I'm eldest. ALPHA ALL THE WAY!" Cage laughed and nodded.

"That's right. You never agree to be beta." Cage told him. Quinton frowned and narrowed his eyes.

"I could always make YOU my beta Cage," he said cutely then.

"I'm alpha." Cage told him.

"No, I'm the alpha, you two are just born to be alpha's and Dannie is just himself." I corrected. Quinton pouted and looked at me.

"Daddy, since how they won't be my betas, you get to be my beta....They get demoted to omegas," he told me.

"WHAT!" I heard both of them say, making me laugh.

"Okay, you can be my beta." I told him cutely.

"Nuh uh, I'm your alpha," he told me and wrapped his arms around me. I patted his head.

"One day." I promised him. He let out a playful growl.

"And Yana will be the princess," he said sweetly, looking over at his sleeping sister who was in Louis's arms.

"She already is, your a prince too." I told him and rubbed his head. Paris got up and left for the manor with the bag I gave him. Hachi's eyes watched his every movement.

"She's my princess though," he corrected and nuzzled up under my chin, making me tilt my head up.

"Whatever you say, son." I told him and smiled as I closed my eyes.

"Pstttttt~ August." I heard Cage whisper and nudged me. "Let's go for a run." He begged. Quinton let out a little growl.

"Daddy, you just got here," he complained. "You didn't even see my first catch!" I nodded, remembering he caught a squirrel.

"I'm proud of you too." I told him and looked at Cage, giving him a 'after supper' look. He nodded and smirked. Quinton frowned as he noticed the look, not understanding it.

"Daddy, when are you going to take me with you and Rick?" He whined. I heard Louis start humming Aiyana's lullaby to her from here.

"When you are older." I promised Quinton.

"But you said that when I was two! I'm tree now!" He said and crossed his arms as he sat in my lap.

"Your the size of a bunny. You can come when you are ten." I told him and looked towards Louis for help. Louis glanced up and smirked.

"Naughty wolves that pester their parents get punished by the moon goddess," Louis called out to get him to quiet him down. Quinton froze and grew quiet, knowing not to upset the moon goddess already. I laughed and looked down at him.

"How about you take Dannie over to the tree house and play with him." I suggested, pointing to their tree house at the edge of the woods. Quinton nodded and grabbed Dannie, starting to pull him away, but Richard walked out of the house then with a shirt and an outfit for the boys.

"Dannie, I got you a shirt! Quinton, you need to put some clothes on!" He shouted over to them. Quinton looked at himself and blushed, running over to Richard the best he could and started getting dressed again. Dannie ran over to Richard and put on his new shirt and looked innocently up at Richard.

"Mommy, can I get something to snack on?" Dannie asked. "I'm also thirsty." Richard smiled sweetly and started to walk back to the manor. Quinton quickly started to pull him away towards the tree house. Louis looked up at me from where he was sitting and smiled at me sweetly, kissing Aiyana on the cheek. He got up and walked over, sitting down in my lap with her and kissed me on the lips as she blinked slowly, looking up at me and then widening her eyes. She blushed and hid against Louis's chest.

"Hey baby girl." I kissed Aiyana on the head then Louis. "You two look like you had a long day." I told them and adjusted my seating. Cage smirked at us.

"Well look at you and your mate." Cage howled out. "You two are kind of cute." I heard Dannie following Quinton. Louis looked over at him and raised an eyebrow.

"You seem to be doing a whole lot of nothing," he told him and then kissed me again. Aiyana curled up to Louis and yawned, glancing up at me shyly before reaching out and touching my cheek. I laid my head against the chair as I looked at my girls.

"Heh, you could say that. Dad's got me taking a break today. Said I was working too hard." Cage told us. "So I came here with those kids." His eyes scanned over to his werewolf friends. "Now here we are."

"Well... Breaks are needed every once in awhile," Louis agreed and then rested his head against me.

"Rick's been wanting me to take a break." I told Cage and laughed. I looked towards him.

"Oh hey, remember that guy Peter on the football team?" Cage asked me suddenly. I nodded, remembering the brown headed jock. "He went missing." He spoke up. "Mhmm." He said as I raised an eyebrow. "He's not the only one." I sat up then and leaned over.

"What do you think is happening to them?" I asked.

"Don't know." Cage said and smirked, like he was planning something. Louis shrugged.

"That's not our problem though," he said and kissed my cheek. Aiyana looked up at Louis and made a small whining noise.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," she said and hugged Louis. Louis smiled.

"I'll go get you something to ea- Ow!" Louis yelped and winced. I smelled his blood then and saw Aiyana biting him on the shoulder, fangs exposed. I laughed and watched the two then looked towards Cage.

"Tonight?" I asked him.

"You bet." He said and growled playfully. "First one to solve the mystery gets to dare the other to do something."

"Your on." I growled. Louis gripped my arm then and buried his face into my shoulder as she kept feeding from him.

"When did she get her fangs?" He whispered to himself. "Just yesterday she was eating carrots."

"Carrots?" I asked and laughed. "You know she's a vampire." I shook my head. "You should pay attention to her more often." I teased.

"I pay her attention every day," Louis trailed off. She pulled back then and licked her lips, looking at Louis's blood in wonder and then looking at me as if she was wondering what I tasted like.

"Oh no." I told her quickly. "Wolves taste bad and they are unhealthy to eat." I told her. "So don't try me." She frowned and started coming towards me, her baby fangs still exposed. I looked towards Louis. "Louis." I growled. "Take her to another chair before she bites me." Louis sighed and pulled her close.

"Come here sweetie.... Daddy doesn't like to be bit... I didn't think you'd start drinking blood so early," he said and laughed. She squirmed a bit and looked back at the wound on his shoulder. "If you're still hungry, you may have more, but don't pester daddy for it, ok?" She gave a small nod and then started to drink from Louis again, making him wince as she bit down again.

"Well my blood is possessions to her. I don't want her to get hurt or anything." I mumbled. Cage gave a nod.

"Vampires can't drink our blood." Cage said. Louis rubbed her back comfortingly and started to move her long white hair back, keeping it from getting wet with blood. I watched the two and looked over my shoulder as Paris came out with a pan full of the meat I bought and he walked towards the grill to start it. Louis looked over at him and smirked.

"Paris! You didn't tell me that they get their fangs in this early!" He shouted over to his twin. Aiyana gripped him tighter, slowing down a bit.

"You should remember from when you was a baby!" Paris yelled back sweetly.

"That wasn't fair! I got bit!" Louis told him and then looked down at Aiyana. She glanced up at him and then finished, moving back with an innocent look.

"Don't blame it on me!" Paris said as he got a fire ready and put on the meat, closing the grill. He walked back over and took a seat in his chair and Hachi got into his lap and smirked. Aiyana looked at him curiously and then started to crawl out of our laps, going towards Paris and Hachi with Louis's blood on her chin. Louis laughed and shook his head.

"She'll learn to clean that off." Paris smiled sweetly at her and motioned for Hachi to let her up. Hachi picked up Aiyana and hugged her.

"Hi cutie!" Hachi said and kissed her head. She giggled and kissed his cheek, leaving a bit of blood on him. He rubbed it off and then leaned his head against Paris. She looked at her uncle then and smiled shyly as she hugged him.

Paris's POV:

She hugged me as she curled up against me, thinking about how Louis had tasted and wondering if everyone tasted that way or if others tasted differently. She touched one of her fangs gently and frowned a bit. "We all taste different, twins tend to taste the same though." I informed her. She looked up at me and blushed.

"Uncle Paris.... Does this mean I'm done eating other food?" She asked and buried her face into my chest.

"Well, it depends on what you want. I know a vampire that only drinks blood~ even then she only does it on rare occasions." I told her. I looked at my nails then, seeing I broke one. "Great," I hissed. She frowned and then took my hand in hers and kissed it, getting Louis's blood on me. I smiled and licked the blood off, staring at Louis as I did. His eyes widened and he sunk down onto August, watching me as he blushed a bit. I finished licking it off then leaned up a bit to scratch my shoulders. "What are you two doing on my lap?" I asked them. Hachi smirked and kissed my cheek.

"You're my vampire." Hachi stated. "I have rights to sit here."

"You're going to make Richard jealous." I warned. Aiyana looked at me innocently and kissed my cheek as well. She curled up against me and wiped at her chin then looked at her hand curiously. She licked it and then melted against me as she tasted Louis again. I smiled at her and held them tightly then looked off towards the tree house to check in on the boys. Quinton was on look out, seeming to be playing pirates with Dannie. She looked over at her brother and then started cleaning her hand off all the way. Dannie was steering the ship. I smirked as I watched the two boys then looked away, deciding to rest my eyes as I closed them. Hachi grabbed my hand and stopped me from continuing to scratch.

"Stop that." Hachi ordered. I groaned.

"Uncle Paris, do you taste like mommy?" She asked as she curled up against my chest.

"Mhmmm." I told her. "Louis and I taste the same, smell the same, and look the same." I exposed my fangs as I looked towards Louis. Louis exposed his back to me and watched me closely, wondering what I was thinking. She glanced over at her mommy and then up at me.

"Do vampires expose their fangs a lot or are you two weird?"

"Vampire expose their fangs for different reasons. It's very common." I told her and then licked my fangs, messing with Louis. You're not biting me Paris. He narrowed his eyes at me. Aiyana gave a small nod then at me and blushed, closing her eyes. I laughed towards Louis. "Is that a challenge?" I asked.

"No, its a statement," he told me and watched me. I smirked and looked at Hachi.

"What do you think?" I asked Hachi.

"Think you should stop scratching your shoulders." He hissed at me. I laughed and nodded.

"I won't." I promised. Louis relaxed then and leaned up against August as my niece kissed Hachi on the cheek. Hachi looked down at her and kissed her back.

"Hiya." He purred. She blushed and looked up at him. She gently grabbed his hand and held it to her as she rested her head against me. Hachi watched her curiously and wrapped her up into his arms. She bit her bottom lip and took a moment to relax and then warmed up to him as she snuggled up to him. He kissed the top of her head then curled up into my arms with her. I groaned as he shifted around on me. Why is it every time I turn around good someone is sitting in my lap? I heard her thoughts start to wonder about what Hachi tasted like as she closed her eyes. I wondered it too as I looked towards him, no one has bit him.. Except Raven. I pulled out my phone then and texted her.

Me: Raven, what does Hachi taste like?

She frowned as her phone buzzed and pulled it out, then giggled, starting to text back.

Raven: Pure bliss. If you ever get the chance, you should try him....but don't tell him I told you that. I'm trying to be friends with him.

"Hey Aiyana, how about you go sit with your parents for a minute." I suggested. She frowned and looked up at me, shaking her head.

"I don't want to. They're kissing," she pointed out, looking over at Louis who had pinned August down and was trailing kisses down his throat.

"Go sit with Cage, please?" I asked. Donnie perked up then.

"Hey cutie! Come sit with me cuzzie." Donnie said as he opened his arms wide for her. She looked at him shyly and then got up, walking over to him slowly and then crawling into his lap hesitantly. Donnie wrapped her up in his arms then started to tell her stories about his childhood. I looked towards Hachi then and smirked. Hachi looked up at me then and froze as he seen the look in my eyes. He gasped and went to escape me but I held him to me and leaned in towards his neck, laughing. Aiyana looked over and frowned.

"That's no fair Uncle Paris! I wanted to do that," she told me and pouted. I was hit with a gush of sand before I could bite him and he slipped out of my arms, running over to Cage and got in his lap. Cage raised an eyebrow and looked towards me.

"What?" Cage asked. I got to my feet then and started for Hachi but my walking slowed down as I started to sink in quick sand.

"HACHI!" I yelled.

"Don't struggle or you will sink faster." Hachi teased. Aiyana put all thoughts about trying Hachi out of her mind as she saw what he was doing to me.

"HACHI!" I hissed out. He waved his hand and I was now just stuck waist deep in the ground.

"Don't bite me." He hissed back and then curled up to Cage. Cage had been sneaking his face into Hachi's neck and went to bite but was shocked. He pulled back and smiled innocently at Hachi as he earned a glare.

"Hachi, come play with me," Aiyana said sweetly as she got out of Donnie's lap and ran over to Hachi and Cage. She gave a smile and watched him as Richard finally came out with healthy snacks for the boys. She looked over at him and ran over, grabbing an apple and then running back to Hachi as she bit down into it. Richard smiled softly then frowned as he saw me. He shook his head and started for the tree house. Hachi ran over to Richard and looked at the snacks then grabbed an apple and took off before he could get fussed at and ran back to Aiyana.

"Okay, what would you like to do?" Hachi asked her.

"A little help?" I asked. She giggled and hugged Hachi.

"Let's play hide and go seek!" She said and then started to run off to hide. Richard looked down at me as he passed.

"Did you try something stupid?" He asked as he paused by me.

"I tried to bite Hachi." I admitted and reached out for his help.

"Your going to stay there too until you learn your lesson." Hachi told me then started to count as he closed his eyes. Richard raised an eyebrow at me.

"I agree with Hachi," he told me and started to walk off towards the tree house to feed the boys.

"Louis?" I asked and looked towards him. "Please?" He shook his head.

"You were thinking about biting me earlier....and on top of that, Hachi would put me in the ground too probably," he said and smiled at me. "Just tell Hachi that you apologize." Hachi giggled.

"He's right, I would." Hachi said as he had to start back over with counting for the fifth time. He couldn't get past ten. Louis kissed August and then started to trail kisses down to his collar.

"The full moon is coming up this week," Louis whispered to him softly. Louis had been able to avoid his inner wolf every single full moon so far, going from just evading him to full out knocking him out cold.

"It is..." August agreed. "I'm going out for a hunt too with the pack." He decided.

"Oh come on Hachi...." I begged. "I'm grilling."

"Nope... Now where was I? Oh yes... Zero.... One...." He began to count again. Louis kissed August on the lips then, biting down on his bottom lip to mess with him. August shifted and then growled softly. I tried to get out of the ground, deciding to teleport but I was placed back in quickly.

"AGH!" Serves me right for messing with a wizard.... Raven giggled at me and shook her head. You went about that all wrong Paris..... If you were going to bite him, you'd have to do it quicker- like I did the first time. I looked towards her and then smirked. Oh really? I looked towards Hachi, determined to bite him now. I will get him when he least expects it. Richard walked back over and looked at Hachi and smiled.

"You know that you can go ahead and try to find her right? She's already been long hidden," Richard told him and then knelt down beside me. "Are you hungry sweetie?" Hachi opened his eyes and took off running then to go find her. I stared Richard down.

"I'd like to get out of the ground." I mumbled. He glanced after Hachi and then held out his hand to help me out. I grabbed his hand and waited for him to get me out of the hole. He pulled me out then and kissed my cheek. I sighed with relief and kissed him back then went for the grill to check on the food. I heard Aiyana squeal and she came running from behind the house, trying to get away from Hachi after he found her. Hachi caught up to her quickly and picked her up.

"Gotcha." He told her and kissed her cheek. She giggled and curled up to him, resting her head against his shoulders.

"I love you Hachi," she murmured to him and kissed his cheek.

"Love you too cutie!" Hachi told her then sat her down on the ground and blushed. She smiled up at him and then closed her eyes.

"One...two...." She began to count, expecting him to go hide while he could. Hachi smiled and ran over to a tree, getting behind it. Laurence appeared by me and smirked as he looked around.

"Hi!" He waved at me. "Cooking?" He asked and looked at the meat on the grill.

"Mommy! What comes after three?" Aiyana called out, frowning as she tried to figure it out.

"Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. It keeps going," Louis told her and smiled sweetly. She gave a small nod.

"Tree, Four, Fiwve, sewven....ten!" She giggled and opened her eyes. Laurence looked at the tree then and placed his hands on his sides, watching him.

"Now is he supposed to be hiding?" Laurence asked me.

"Mhmmm. He's playing with Aiyana." I told him and leaned against the top of the grill for a second then pulled away. "Where's Ashton?" I asked.

"Somewhere." Laurence answered. I saw Aiyana start to run off in the opposite direction of the tree, giggling.

"I'm going to catch you Hachi!" She said and then checked behind the lawn chairs and started for some shrubs. She tripped as she ran and looked at her knees before getting up and looking around for him. I smirked and looked towards the boys to see what they were doing in the tree house. They were fighting with wooden swords, saying things like "Arg" and stuff. I laughed. I looked back at the meat then took them off the grill and started towards the house to bring them towards the kitchen.

"KIDS! COME GET SOMETHING TO EAT!" I ordered. Aiyana pouted and then spotted Hachi. She giggled and ran towards him then to get him. Quinton started to come with Dannie, mouth watering at the smell. Hachi appeared by me since he had been spotted and then looked around as he noticed something and then smirked as he seen Laurence.

"LAURENCE!" He yelled and ran up to him, tackling him into a hug. Laurence laughed and shoved him off.

"Come on now Hachi, stop acting like you never see me." Laurence grumbled. The two boys trailed at my feet, Quinton pestering me for a bite already. Aiyana ran over to Laurence and smiled when she got close.

"Uncle Laurie! Guess what!" She said sweetly and hugged him.

"Yes? Let me guess... You got your fangs." Laurence said and then smirked. "Let me see them." He suggested and hugged her back tightly. I could tell Hachi looked jealous. She giggled and opened her mouth as she sharpened her fangs to show him. He looked them over and nodded approvingly. "Your going to have a whole lot of fun with those." He told her and then got to his feet from off the ground and Hachi followed, grabbing his arm.

"Laurence, let's go get something to eat." Hachi suggested.

"Oh- okay." Laurence mumbled and started after me with Hachi following him. Louis scooped up Aiyana and started to carry her inside. When I got halfway to the kitchen, I saw Peyton playing around with dolls with Rose, giggling. I smiled as I seen them.

"Come on Peyton, supper is ready." I called as I started for the kitchen. I heard the rest following me. She got up and set her doll down, running up to me.

"What's for dinner?" She asked with a grin.

"Hot dogs or hamburgers" I told her and smirked. I got into the kitchen and sat them on the counter then got out everything needed for them as well as chips and plates. I started to fix the youngest boys- Quinton and Dannie their plates as well as something to drink for them. I gave it to them and motioned for them to go eat at the dinning room table in the dinning room that was right off of the kitchen. We rarely used it before the kids. I watched as Hachi and Laurence both fixed their own. Louis started to fix the girls something to eat and then made August's for him and his own. Richard smiled and made one, grabbing a bottle of blood out of the fridge. They went into the dining room to join the two boys, taking Aiyana and Peyton with them. Cage fell into the kitchen then with his pack mates and started to fix something. His pack went outside to eat, leaving Cage to eat with us in the dinning room. I smirked and shook my head at them. August walked into the dinning room- taking his time about it and I walked in last, sitting down at the end.

Quinton had already started to dig in, practically wolfing down the hamburger that I'd fixed him while Aiyana calmly picked up a chip to eat it. She looked over at Louis and gave a pout towards him, making him sigh. "I'll be right back," he mumbled and got up, going into the kitchen. He came back with a bowl of cut up apple slices and sat them down next to her food. She giggled happily and started to eat the apple slices first. Louis gave a soft smile and kissed the top of her head before stealing an apple slice and walking back towards his seat. Her jaw dropped and she looked over at him with narrowed eyes.

"That was mine mommy!" She told him and crossed her arms, looking cute instead of fierce. Louis laughed at her and took a bite out of it to tease her. She got up then and started after him, stumbling a bit, but she got over there without falling and started to reach for the rest of the apple slice. He smiled and went to hand it to her, but she exposed her fangs and bit down into his wrist, making him yelp.

"Aiyana!" He winced and went to pull back, but she held on tightly and got against his stomach as she continued to drink his blood. She pulled back after a minute and then ate the apple slice out of his hand.

"That's what you get mommy. Don't take my apple slices," she said and looked up at him with an innocent smile. I laughed as I watched them. Dannie got up from his seat, without finishing his food- he only took a couple of bites and started out of the dinning room. I smirked as I watched him leaving and looked towards Richard to see if he caught it too. Richard frowned and got up to go after him as Quinton shoved the last bite into his mouth and let out a growl, getting out of the seat and going over to August in stealth mode. August looked up from the floor as he was observing the new floor I had just put in here. He smirked as he caught Quinton coming after him. He held out his arms for him to pick. Dannie giggled as he seen Richard coming for him so he took off running out the room. Richard ran after him, saying something about him having to finish his food while Quinton let out another growl and ran over to August, jumping up into his lap and pushing on his face.

"Got ya!" He giggled and then nipped at August's nose.

"NNNNOOOOO!" I heard Dannie yell and his footsteps running down the hall. August laughed and kissed the top of Quinton's head.

"You are going to be a powerful alpha one day." I heard August whispering into his ear as he held him close. He smiled softly and closed his eyes as he started to relax, finally getting tired. I felt a sharp pain on my arm then and saw Aiyana had snuck up on me. I yelped and looked down at my arm.

"Owe!" I hissed towards her and picked her up into my lap. "You shouldn't go around biting people so much or the demon will get you." I told her as I pointed towards her nose. She pouted and then snuggled up to me.

"Sowwie.... I was wondering if you really did taste like mommy," she whispered and gave me a cute look. Peyton came over and crawled into my lap as well, giving me a hug as she looked at Aiyana with a sweet smile. She reached over and touched her white hair and curled it around her finger.

Raven's POV:

I smiled as I saw the kids start quieting down and stepped out of the dining room to call Austin, to see if he was alright. I hadn't seen him in two days, and that was back in Seattle. He picked up after two minutes. "Mmmmhh... Hi Raven," I heard him purr out into the phone. I giggled at him.

"Hey Austin, sorry I haven't been back yet. Listen, I want you to get your things together. We are going back to Paris's side," I told him and leaned up against the wall.

"Now?" Austin asked. "I'm having too much fun here though." He laughed.

"Hmm... Well, if you want to stay in Seattle," I trailed off, wondering if he was just playing hard to get.

"I'll come to Paris's manor~ If- If you give me a kiss." I could hear the smirk in his voice. I giggled again and shook my head.

"If you come to Paris's manor, you'll get multiple kisses," I said teasingly. He laughed.

"Oh I'll come." He told me. "I'll be there in a bit. I've got to finish my hunt. I love you." He hung up on me then. I frowned and put my phone in my pocket. Tease.... I can't believe he hung up on me! We've been so busy lately, I thought he'd jump at the chance to talk to me. I shook my head and started back for the dining room. I teleported next to Paris and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before going back to my seat. Louis looked over at me and smiled before taking a bite out of his burger. Paris laughed and started to get out of his seat, sitting Aiyana down and walked out the room. Richard came back in with Dannie and set him down in his seat then went after Paris quickly. Quinton looked over from August's lap and smirked, letting a growl rise up in his throat to direct towards Dannie. Dannie laid his ears back and rawred towards Quinton. He showed his teeth then took a sip of his apple juice.

"Your alpha is gonna get you," Quinton teased as he started to crawl towards Dannie in his dad's lap. Dannie widened his eyes then took off for the door, but Quinton went to go after him, tackling him into the floor and letting out a playful snarl as he moved towards his neck, lightly putting his teeth on him to make him stop squirming. Dannie growled at Quinton and tried to shove him off.

"Go eat!" Dannie cried out.

"I'll eat you," he told him teasingly and licked up his neck to his chin and then up his face.

"EWE!" Dannie yelped and overpowered Quinton, throwing him off and started to crawl away. Quinton giggled and grabbed his foot, yanking Dannie back to him and pulling him into a hug.

"Mine," he purred in his ear, letting out a soft growl. Dannie growled back.

"Nu-uh." Dannie objected. "I'm not yours."

"Wanna get a scar on your shoulder that says you belong to me?" Quinton teased and buried his face into Dannie's neck, smelling him. Dannie squirmed under him as panic flooded him.

"Who taught Quinton about marking?" August asked then looked towards Cage as he slid down in his seat. Quinton let out another possessive growl and then pushed Dannie down onto the floor, laying on top of him. He giggled and rubbed his face against Dannie's chest as he hugged him. Dannie tried to push him off.

"Let me up! Your a cuddle monster!" Dannie complained.

"I'm only tree!" Quinton complained and whined as he held onto him tightly. I giggled and looked over at Louis who was putting his hand over his mouth to hide his smile. Aiyana looked up at August and tugged on his sleeve.

"Daddy, what's marking?" She asked innocently.

"When two love each other very much~" August began. "They mark eachother so others know that they are in love." August explained simply. "It's a supernatural thing." She frowned, not really understanding it as she crawled into his lap then started to fall asleep. Peyton left the room then to go find her parents, getting bored of everyone in here. Quinton licked Dannie's cheek again and smirked. Dannie groaned and looked away, beginning to stop squirming.

"Yuck." Dannie mumbled. Quinton giggled and looked down at him.

"I win!" He shouted triumphantly when he stopped fighting.

"Booger." Dannie growled in defense.

"Hahahahaha! I'm the alpha for life!" Quinton got off and then ran over to Cage, giggling. Dannie got to his feet and ran over to Hachi and got into his lap for protection and curled up to his stuffed rabbit. Paris walked in with a plate of food and took his seat back. Richard followed with Peyton sleeping in his arms and kissed Paris's head.

"I'm taking her to bed.... I'll be seeing you in a bit," he said in a teasing tone and then walked away with Peyton. Aiyana yawned and watched from August's arms before closing her eyes as well, but Quinton kept tugging on Cage's sleeve.

"Cage, since how daddy won't take me till I'm ten, you should take me now!" He said, trying for a hunt with the big boys.

"Oh no.... August and I are going later, you need to stay here and protect Dannie and the rest." Cage told him and rubbed his head, pulling him into his lap. "Can you do that for us?"

"You mean...." Quinton's eyes went wide and he slowly smiled, "I'm in charge?" He giggled and gave a nod. "I'll prowtect them!"

"Especially Dannie?" Cage asked and pointed to Dannie who looked like he was drifting asleep. Quinton smirked.

"Especially my beta," he said cutely and grinned Dannie's way. Dannie's ears perked a bit and he looked over towards Quinton. "Dannie! We should go take a nap together!" He said and started to crawl out of Cage's lap and walked towards him. "You look sweepy, so I'll lay down with you today." Dannie wrapped his arms around Hachi and snuggled up to him.

"Uh-huh." Dannie growled. "I'm not going with you." He objected. "Hachi will let me sleep here." Quinton gave Hachi a warning growl and reached out for Dannie, starting to pull him away from Hachi.

"C'moooon," he whined in Dannie's ear, making it twitch. Dannie grumbled and followed Quinton.

"Fine... But you are sleeping against the wall." Dannie told him as he followed Quinton out of the room. I glanced over at Louis who had just gotten up, taking Aiyana from August and teleporting away with her.

"Seems all the kids are tuckered out," I commented as I set my burger down. I smirked and looked at each of the adults.

"Time to go." August said as he finished eating his last bite.

"Agreed." Cage said quickly as he huffed down the rest of his food on his way towards the kitchen, August following him.

"Where are you two going?" I asked, giving them a suspicious look. They waited for each of the kids to disappear and then waited for Louis to leave....

"Out for a run." Cage said.

"Oh no..." Paris mumbled as he watched them. "Up to no good, again."

"Paris, should we follow them?" I asked, looking over at him. "Or should we let them go?"

"Let them go." Laurence said and shrugged. "I see nothing wrong with them going out for a run." He smiled sweetly as he watched them disappear through the door.

"I could easily stop them." Hachi said to Paris, but Paris just shook his head no. Well... if they say so. I shrugged and glanced at the remnants of who was in the room. Just us vampires.... and Hachi. Even Richard wasn't in here anymore. I smirked and stood up, stretching.

"Well... I'm going out for a stroll... I'll be back soon," I told them and started for the door, planning on hunting before getting August.

"Oh make sure to watch out~ People are disappearing." Hachi told me, earing an eyebrow raise from Laurence.

"You don't say?" Laurence asked and they started on the topic of the missing high school graduate students Cage had talked about with August earlier. I shrugged. I don't see how that concerns me. It's probably just some deranged killer, and I'm far more dangerous than some human with a homicidal tendency. I walked out of the room then and teleported to town, going to the bar where I first met August and started my hunt after getting a strawberry daiquiri.