Arriving Revenge

Raven's POV:

I looked around the bar then and smirked, eyeing a few humans before deciding on one that reminded me of someone. I downed my drink and paid for it before walking over and smiling at him. He glanced at me and gave me a smile.

"Hey pretty lady.... That's an unusual hair color," he told me. I giggled and gave a nod.

"Yeah, but I like it.... My name is Raven, what's yours?" I asked. He laughed and set his drink down, looking me over.

"Johnathan," he said simply. I gave a small smirk.

"Mind if I call you Johnny then?" He shook his head then.

"No, I don't mind. My friends call me that," he told me and then took another sip of his drink. I gave a nod and started up a conversation, getting to the point where I mentioned this movie I had heard come out in the movie theaters recently. He frowned and looked at me. "I was wanting to see that actually..... Since how you want to, we could go see it tonight." I smiled and acted like I was thinking it over before giving a nod, not wanting to seem to eager. He smirked and paid for his drink before wrapping an arm around my waist and starting to lead me out of the bar and down the street. I glanced around for that alley where I had almost killed Austin and smirked as I saw it.

"I know a short cut," I whispered in his ear and tugged him towards it. He frowned and looked at it.

"That seems unsafe... I've heard stories about getting robbed in alleys." I giggled and shook my head.

"But I have you to protect me," I said sweetly and pulled him into it. He laughed and shook his head.

"You're a bit strange Raven. Most girls would be more wary of alleys and strangers." I gave a nod and glanced around before pinning him up against the wall and biting down. He shrieked and tried to push me off as I bit down harder, moaning from the taste. He was excellent, but not near as great as Austin. I grabbed his hands and pinned them to his side and then tore a chunk out of his neck, drinking greedily. He started to fall against the wall, losing strength.

"Raven?" I heard someone ask from behind me, a girl. "I haven't seen you in a while." It was that girl Brooklyn. I widened my eyes and stopped feeding, licking my lips clean before looking at her.

"Hey Brooklyn! How are you?" I asked sweetly, hiding the boy behind me. I'll finish him in a minute. She smiled.

"Oh I got my memories back, people call me Brook." She informed and walked up, getting closer to me. "You caught something?" She asked and looked behind me at the male. "Tasty?" I took a deep breath and moved so she could see him.

"Yes I did... Would you like some?" I asked, trying to be polite. After all... she was a sweet girl after Louis helped her. Not so much before...and I had fun throwing her off that building, but I liked her.

"No, thank you. I've been staying healthy." Brook told me and placed her hands behind her back. "Nice seeing you again Raven~ I'm guessing you are staying in town for a while?" She asked. "Last I heard you was in- Seattle." I shook my head.

"No, I was actually in Savannah a few hours ago... I am going to be staying in town for a bit. Are you still living with Paris?" I asked, giving her a sweet smile.

"Not since I got my memories back." Brook admitted. I frowned then.

"Why not? Did you have to deal with things in your past life?" I asked, losing interest in my prey.

"I did actually. I had... Haha. Complications to deal with." She smirked. "He was ravishing."

"A boyfriend?" I giggled and gave her a look. "Did ya eat him up?"

"Something like that." Brook smirked. "Well... I have to go, I was doing something before I smelled you. Bye Raven."

"B-bye," I whispered, watching her. I wonder what she was doing.... I don't know... I need to finish Johnny off. I gave her a smile and then looked back at his slumped form on the wall. He looked at me dazed and frowned as I started to go back to him. I bit down into his neck again, making him yelp. I heard Brook leave the alley, her heels clicking against the pavement. I glanced at her and smirked. "Hey Brook, I heard there were people disappearing lately- watch out," I told her and then looked back at my prey, licking his neck.

"I will!" Brook called back over her shoulder, then she was gone. I nodded and then looked at Johnny.

"It's your lucky day Johnny," I whispered in his ear and then went to the other side of his neck and bit down, tearing out another chunk to improve his bleeding out. I giggled as I tasted it again and licked him, making him shiver.

"P-please, you don't have to-" I put a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet and moved to his shoulder, biting down again. He shrieked and started to try to throw me off, but I held him down. He gripped my shirt as his knees buckled and then he started to fall against the wall, taking us both to the ground. I knelt down in front of him and drained him quickly, pulling back and wiping off my lips. I pulled back and stood up, glancing down at the blood on my dress.

"Hmmm.... Did you get enough to eat?" I heard from behind me and a soft laugh. It was from Austin. "Why are you hunting in our ally? Of all places..." He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I blushed and turned around in his arms to look up at him.

"Because I got hungry...and I was going to go get you right after," I said and giggled, kissing his neck. "Missed you," I purred. He purred back into my ear.

"I missed you too. So, are we going to see Paris now or can we go get a drink at Williams?" He asked me then looked down at the corpse. I glanced at it and wrinkled up my nose before looking up at him and resting my head against his chest.

"There's always time to get a drink together Austin...." I told him and kissed his lips. "There you go," I giggled and looked up into his eyes. He leaned in and stole a kiss from me.

"Oh yeah?" He asked and started to pull me out of the ally. "Let's go then." I smirked and then pinned him up against the wall.

"Just a minute, it's the anniversary," I told him and then exposed my fangs, leaning in towards his neck.

"Here?" He asked in surprise. "I didn't realize."

"Well... It's our alley, isn't it?" I giggled and bit down hard, wrapping my arms around him. He groaned and exposed his neck more.

"I should have guessed." He mumbled. "Your always so cheesy." He laughed.

"Next time I bite you will be spontaneous," I teased and licked his wound and then bit down again. He gasped then smirked.

"Oh yeah?" He asked me. "Two can play at that game little Raven." A gush of wind picked up and I was blown into the wall across from him. He smirked. I blushed and watched him as I licked my lips.

"Now, that's no fair," I told him and teleported in front of him again, kissing him and starting a trail down to his bite marks and then licking them clean.

"It's fair enough miss teleporter." He teased and kissed my cheek. He wrapped me up in his arms then leaned in towards my neck. I widened my eyes and tensed up, watching him closely.

"Austin?" I whispered.

"Yes?" He asked me and pulled back from my neck. "Are you ready to go visit William?"

"Nope, one more bite," I teased and went for his neck again, pinning him up against the wall. He exposed his neck obediently.

"As you wish." He mumbled. I frowned then. No fun.... I pulled back then and started for the alley entrance.

"Changed my mind," I said simply. I smirked a bit and glanced back for him. He caught up to me quickly and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Tease." He hissed into my ear. I giggled and looked at him.

"I'll bite you later, don't worry," I whispered to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. He nodded as he looked at me then wrapped an arm around my neck. I heard a howl off in the distance and Austin looked towards the direction it came from. Another howl followed shortly after.

"Looks like they are on to something, deer perhaps." Austin said and laughed. I shook my head and giggled.

"Well... they left to go investigate the disappearances around here. This city is being plagued with missing high schoolers. They probably found a lead- or a deer, you could be right," I informed him.

"Disappearances?" Austin asked me and looked interested. "Sounds like a good thing to look into."

"Yes, that's why they are looking into it. It could be a serial killer," I said and made a scary face then giggled. "Poor teenagers."

"Teenage graduates actually." I heard a voice say from onto of a car that we was beginning to pass by. It was Riley, laid out on his phone with a gun in his hand. "Hunters are going shitz crazy about it. Hello Raven, back in town?" I widened my eyes and looked at him. He's not he?

"Austin, go home," I whispered to him, not wanting him to get shot if Riley was being unfriendly today. Austin nodded and disappeared as ordered.

"Well, you didn't have to send him away unless you ARE the one killing everything around here and making teenage graduates disappear." Riley said as he adjusted himself on the hood. I frowned. I just got here.... How could I have done it? Besides why would I- Well, it does sound like something I would have done about three years ago. I smirked at the thought of it.

"No, it wasn't me. The only one that I've killed is the one in that alley back there," I told him and watched. He smirked.

"Killed a human and is admitting it to a hunter...." Riley mumbled and shook his head. "Good thing I'm on your side." He got off the hood then and put his things in his coat. I giggled.

"Well, I didn't want you to add that one to the list of ones that belong to the killer or kidnapper or whatever is making them disappear. It would hinder your investigation in connecting them," I said and smiled at him sweetly. I smelled him then and tilted my head. He's a vampire now....

"Well if I found that body dead I would know it wasn't from the missing case because he would be found." Riley said and shrugged. He looked me over as he noticed he was smelled. "Yes... I'm a vampire now." I raised an eyebrow at him and teleported beside him, smelling him better.

"Your brother did it," I murmured. "Is Charlie a vampire too?"

"He was." Riley told me and smirked. "He ran off."

"Ran off?" I frowned and moved back a bit to give him space, knowing not to crowd a vampire hunter if they haven't shot you yet. "Let me guess....Dante?"

"Well, a year after Dylan turned us Charlie went missing and Dante came to us telling us... Don't know where he is and he's not a vampire anymore because Dylan can feel it." Riley told me. "He's missing." I widened my eyes. Not a vampire anymore? I didn't think that was possible....

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. I can't believe I didn't hear about this from Paris... I'll have to start my own investigation into Charlie's whereabouts. "Have you given up looking?"

"No, why do you think I am out here?" Riley asked. "Oh and don't say anything to Paris just yet. Dylan doesn't want to stress him out because of the kids. It's more of our problem. Who knows where that boy might be." He rolled his eyes. I gave a nod and looked at my feet.

"Well... I'll keep an ear out for any information Riley... I will help you both to the best of my ability since how you ask me not to tell Paris," I told him and looked at him closely. Riley nodded, then pulled out his phone right before it rang and answered it.

"Yeah?" He asked. "Well I will come in then." He hung up and looked towards me. "Got to go do hunter things. Nice to see you back in town Raven. Do yourself a favor and don't go visiting Dante anytime soon. He doesn't have Charlie so he's a bit.... well." He laughed. I widened my eyes and nodded quickly. Charlie had been keeping him from taking me back.

"Thanks for the heads up," I whispered. "Bye..." Riley nodded and gave me a small smile before getting into his car and driving off towards the HAHQ. I teleported back home and looked around.

"AUSTIN! ARE WE GOING OUT OR WHAT?" I shouted and giggled, waiting for him. Austin appeared in front of me and smiled.

"So what happened?" Austin asked me curiously.

"Nothing much... He just told me that he was looking for the one behind the missing people and that I wasn't in trouble. Dante apparently might be looking for me again, who knows," I said and shrugged, reaching out a hand for him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Well I hope not..." He purred. "I don't want to have to fight for you just yet. After all three years of peace..." He shook his head.

"I can fight my own battles sweetie," I told him with a smile and leaned in, kissing him. "I may have relaxed a bit from my former self, but it's still there...under the surface."

"Oh I know." He nodded in agreement. "You are my mate after all." He purred and then teleported us into William's bar in the back so no one would notice. William was currently walking away from us with a tray of empty glasses. His little pug was following him for a second then turned to look at us and started to bark. William turned around then and smiled as he seen us.

"Oh hi!" William said sweetly and waved our way. I giggled.

"Hey William, mind if we use one of the rooms and if you get us something to drink?" I asked, wanting to keep privacy. After all, I still had a little bit of blood on my dress. He looked me over then nodded.

"Sure, take that one on your left and I will be right in with something to drink." William told us as he whistled to get Lucy's attention then started off down the hall with her. I smiled at Austin sweetly and then went into the room, sitting down on the couch and stretched out as I waited for him to join me. Austin walked in, shutting the door behind him then walked over towards me and took a seat by me.

"William's got a nice place here." Austin said softly.

"Yes he does," I whispered and looked at him before wrapping my arms around him and leaning against him. "We should go out more... I feel like I've been neglecting you lately what with building a small army for myself."

"You have been ignoring me." He agreed and smirked. "That's okay though... It just gave me time to get some knowledge of vampires without you breathing down my neck." He stuck out his tongue. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh? Do you think you are a big bad vampire like the one you said you would be if our roles had been reversed? The vampire that would have locked me in a tower?" I teased, leaning in towards his lips slowly. He leaned away from the kiss.

"I might." He teased and gave me a small smirk. "What do you think Raven?" I looked him over a bit and studied him. He did look stronger, more sure of himself, more like a male vampire would act like.... Maybe he is getting there...but not quite because he still obeys me without question.

"You're getting there," I whispered sweetly, looking up into his eyes. "But not quite yet."

"I don't want to be like that." He admitted. "I like us the way we are." He ran his fingers through my hair as he leaned in to kiss me. I blushed and let him, melting against him as I pulled back and rested my head against his chest.

"I'd prefer you not to be the big bad vampire.... You know, if you ever have any questions, you can ask me about them. I know I've been slacking with teaching you vampire things." He nodded and gave me a kiss on the top of the head.

"Oh I know." He told me. "I just rather not ask you everything." He teased. I frowned and looked at him.

"But that's my tell you what you need to know," I whispered and then leaned in to give him a kiss and then started a trail down to his neck, instinctively exposing my fangs. I bit down into his neck then and let out a moan of happiness at the taste of his blood. I released a dosage of my venom into him, renewing the mark. He let out a moan right as the door opened and William walked in. He froze up then took a step back.

"Should I come back later?" William asked. I glanced up at him and blushed. Uh caught. I glanced at Austin to see what he wanted. Austin blushed a light shade of pink as he looked at William.

"No, come in." He told William and so William shut the door as he stepped in with the drinks. I smiled at him as I moved away a few inches nervously.

"Thank you William...for bringing the drinks," I told him and watched as he set them down.

"Fruity drinks for the lady and hard core for the male." William said as he sat the tray down on the table and looked at us. "Call if you need more?" He asked as he smiled. His glasses fell off his nose causing him to react quickly to grab them. I giggled.

"We will," I promised. "How have you been?" I asked, remembering that he was Richard's newborn.

"Fine, thank you." William said as he put his glasses back on. "Your in town again?" He asked and smirked. "Have you visited Richard and Paris?" I gave a nod.

"We have. We are going to be staying with them again for awhile," I told him and smiled sweetly. He nodded quickly.

"Hear about the missing people?" William asked. I gave another nod.

"Yes I have, very interesting indeed.... Does it worry you?" I asked as I reached out for my drink. "So far I've heard that it's only high school graduates- teenagers."

"I'm not worried. I've graduated well over three years ago." He laughed. "Nothing is going to come get me. I'm a vampire, I bite." He took a seat then since we was talking. I giggled.

"That's what I was thinking... It's probably just a serial killer or sick kidnapper because there hasn't been supernatural disappearances.... It'll be over eventually," I said, not really worried about it.

"In this town though? There's usually nothing like that around here unless it is from a vampire or a rogue... Maybe even a witch." William said and laughed at the thought of a witch kidnapping people. I thought it over. I did live here a long time except for the brief time when I left to go take over territories for myself. I nodded in thought. He was right...there hadn't been.

"Well... times change I guess," I mumbled as I took another sip of my drink. "It could be supernatural taking them for dark reasons or maybe it's just a vampire feeding." I shrugged. "It still hasn't touched other supernaturals yet, so I doubt it's a rogue."

"I doubt it's something we should put off... Obviously it's a supernatural being messy. Not messy enough to leave it's victims walking around... but close enough." William said as he leaned back in his chair.

"But it could still be a serial killer," I pointed out, wanting to cling to the fact that it was just messy humans...sick messy humans. If it was a supernatural, we'd have to deal with it. William nodded as he took off his glasses and cleaned them.

"You could be right about that." William agreed. I gave a nod.

"Either way.... They'll need to find more before one can make a good guess," I said softly and looked at him. "August and Cage are out hunting for clues."

"Those two?" William raised an eyebrow. "They are looking for trouble." He shook his head.

"Why do you say that?" I asked and leaned forward, setting my glass on the table as I got interested. Does he know more than I've been told?

"Well they are werewolves after all. Werewolves are always getting into trouble. It's in their nature." William told me. I giggled, thinking that over. He has a point.

"True...they do have a tendency to get in trouble," I whispered and then leaned against Austin as I watched William. "Have you gone to see Richard lately?"

"No, I just got in from taking a vacation. I went to China. It was fun." William told me. I nodded and smiled at him.

"That sounds nice.... You should go try to see Italy next time. It's beautiful," I said sweetly. William nodded as he put his glasses back on.

"I agree. I've been there." He told me. "In my human years I traveled a lot." Did he now? I gave a nod.

"You sound like you used to have a lot of fun.... But it shouldn't just be limited to your human years. Eternity is a long time to be all business." I gave him a smile and reached for my drink, taking a sip of it and giggling.

"I know that, I'm not going to run the Black Lucy forever. Lucy can't live forever after all and I won't want to spend eternity in something that would remind me of her death." William told me. "I think I might leave Maine once she dies." I frowned.

"You shouldn't be thinking about that... You should be enjoying every moment you have with her if you love your pet that much," I said sweetly and stood up, walking towards him. He tensed up as he watched me.

"I am." He told me. I got close to him and then leaned down, kissing the top of his head and made him look up at me.

"Good," I whispered and smiled at him before going back to Austin. Austin wrapped me up in his arms.

"William, one day you will find a mate." Austin promised him.

"And after you find your mate," I trailed off and looked at Austin with a smirk. I leaned in and bit him again right over where his new mark was. William got to his feet then.

"I'll leave you two alone." William said and walked off towards the door. I glanced over at him and smirked. Alone time.... I giggled and got into Austin's lap, kissing him passionately and then starting a trail down his neck to his collarbone where I gave him a love bite. He groaned and flipped us quickly. William left the room then.

"You ran William off." Austin informed me. I blushed and looked up at him.

"He'll come back eventually," I said softly and then kissed him above the collar of his shirt.

"Uh-huh?" Austin asked me then kissed my cheek. "Drink your drink." He told me then grabbed his and started to drink it as he moved off of me and into the floor. Aw, am I too dangerous to even sit beside? I giggled and grabbed my drink before sipping it. I glanced down at him and watched as I slowly drank my drink. He looked towards me and smiled.

"You left me," I said simply, staring him down. I took another sip of my drink.

"I know it." He said as he drunk his down. "Mad?" I giggled and laid down on my back, finishing mine and setting it on the table.

"Nope," I teased. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes and smirked. "" He nodded then and raised his glass to me.

"Cheers to that then." I giggled. Oh, he's not getting away so easily later.

"Cheers," I murmured and turned over onto my side to watch him. He watched me as he drunk his alcohol.

Dante's POV:

I sat in my desk chair, back in my castle in Germany. I balled up a piece of paper and threw it into my trash can across the room, looking at it blankly as it landed in the center of it. There was about twenty in there already. I reached for another and threw it again, getting it inside again. My mate had disappeared....awhile ago. He hadn't been back. I hadn't heard a thing from him. Neither had his family. They said he wasn't even a vampire anymore. I blinked and threw another paper ball as I felt my chest heat up because of my stone. It hurt, but I had grown used to it over the two years. I threw another one and clenched my jaw as I started to feel angry. He wouldn't disappear on his own. Not like this. He would have come back to me by now. Someone took him. I growled and stood up, throwing everything off my desk in frustration. And I can't find him! I glared at everything around me, hating it and loving it all at the same time. He had come here...visited my castle with me and loved it....but he's not here to enjoy it with me. I was angry with him for letting himself get kidnapped, for not calling me, for not sending me a sign. I stormed off then, needing to find something else to do. One of my servants appeared by me. "Master Dante, you need to calm do-" I stopped and whirled to look at her, narrowing my eyes.

"I need to what?" I hissed out. "Calm down? You think I need to calm down?!" I grabbed her and threw her up against the wall. "I don't need to calm down! He's left me!" I shouted at her. She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut. I let go then and started to walk off. "Don't tell me what to do.... Don't you dare tell me what to do." I stopped then and glanced back at her, remembering something. My head clicked and I laughed. "Oh, that's brilliant.... That's truly brilliant. If I can't have Charlie... then I'll just take Raven back. I'll make her come back and then when I get Charlie back, I'll have them both." She shook her head at me and started to cry.

"Master Dante, that's not what Charlie wanted," she told me. I shook my head.

"What other option do I have?" I said and then started back for my study, knowing that I had something in there about what was currently going on in the vampire world. She'd be in there. I remember there being something about her in the news. I looked it up then and smirked. Goddess of Seattle, Atlanta, and Savannah? Seems she is only more valuable now. I sat down in my desk chair and smirked, looking at the page. Right on my desk was a small slip of paper I didn't notice before with a small address written on it. I frowned and set the paper aside, reaching out and picking it up. I glanced it over and then narrowed my eyes. When did this get here? Where does it lead to? I opened up my laptop and searched the address. The address lead me to Russia, a small home. I tsked. Well... It's worth checking out. I teleported there and glanced around the lawn. It has to be a supernatural that lives here.... No one else would be walking into my castle and slipping addresses on my desk...someone desperate? I spotted Charlie sitting on the porch in a rocking chair reading a book. Another man was sitting by him, and smirked as he seen me appear. As soon as I had appeared I was hit with a gush of sand and then started to sink into the ground. He stood up and walked towards me.

"Hello Dante. Glad you could make it." He waved, Charlie looked up at us then went back to the book... Not even noticing that I was here- he looked right through me. "I have plans for you." I widened my eyes as I looked up at the guy.

"What did you do to him?!" I yelled, getting angry. I hissed at him and started to struggle, trying to get free.

"Oh nothing... Just turned him human and played with his memories. My name is Oz." He knelt to my level. My struggles only sunk me faster. "If you want him back.. I need you to do something for me." I stopped and looked at him, remembering the rule about quick sand.

"What the hell do you want?" I hissed and exposed my fangs at him. "You took my mate...and erased his memories all for what? My help?!" I laughed darkly. "Oh, you're so screwed."

"I'm not the one running out of time." He told me as he watched me sinking. "Now... You are going to find me a wizard." He smirked evilly. "Or your little mate there~ Is going to sea." I clenched my jaw.

"What do you want with a wizard?" I spat out and glanced down at the quick sand and then looked up at him. "How did you get into my castle?"

"Easy. I simply walked in. Now... What I want with a wizard is none of your concern... for now. Just get me one, you know Charlie is submissive in bed." He laughed evilly. I widened my eyes and tried to grab him.

"I'LL KILL YOU! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM! I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU AND DRIP YOUR BLOOD TO MY HOUNDS AND GRIND UP YOUR BONES TO USE AS DUST IN THE MORTAR BETWEEN THE BRICKS OF MY NEXT CASTLE!" I hissed and reached for him, managing to grab his shirt. He stared me down and suddenly sand started to leak out of my mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.

"Let me go." He ordered. "Or I will touch him." I let go quickly and blinked, trying to get the sand out of my eyes. I spat the sand out and winced. The sand began to stop. "So you will get me a Wizard. That is the first thing on your list." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"First thing? No, if you want my help, you tell me everything. I don't blindly follow orders. I give them," I said, giving him a death glare. "I'm the Prince of Germany, a war god....and you should know that already if you did your homework." He nodded.

"I chose you because deep down you want the same thing I do." Oz said as he smirked. "I'm after the Grimm twins. I'm going to ruin them. They took something from me. No one takes something from me and gets away with it." Oz told me. "You get me that wizard." I tilted my chin up as I studied him. He reminds me of me.... not letting his things go easily.

"How about we make a new deal?" I asked and smirked. "You let me out of the ground.... I don't kill you...and we work together where I know the whole plan and am not running around in the dark because I don't take orders, so we have to be partners...and you give me back Charlie- memories restored and unharmed."

"I can't turn him back vampire.I can give him back to you with his memories restored." Oz told me. "Now what tells me I can trust you enough to let you be my partner? You might do something to stop me." Oz said as he sat down, I was now up to my shoulders in sand. I gave him a blank look.

"You didn't do your homework well enough," I said and glanced him over as I tried not to panic. "You would've seen that I tried to have Louis torn apart by werewolves for betraying me in war.... You also would have seen that I've fought many wars against Paris, purposely choosing the side against him almost everytime... You would have also seen that I also have something under his protection. I need him gone to get it for good," I told him and stared him down. " enough to trust me." He smirked and then waved his hand. I was out of the quicksand and standing above ground. He stood up quickly.

"Charlie! Come here." Oz called. Charlie looked up from his book and then obeyed Oz. He walked up and wrapped his arms around Oz's arm.

"Yes Oz?" Charlie asked him sweetly. Oz glanced him over then smirked.

"You'll remember," Oz told him. Charlie's eyes gazed over and then after a minute he pulled back and shook his head. I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the look he had given Oz before he said that. He did something to Charlie...made him into a pet somehow like I once did. I felt my stone heat up with anger, but I quickly choked it down, not wanting to ruin it. All in good time Dante...all in good time... Charlie looked towards me then and reached out for me.

"DANTE!?" He said happily and went towards me but Oz grabbed his arm.

"Now remember Dante that if you cross me... Charlie-" He made Charlie look into his eyes. "Will kill himself." Charlie's breath caught as he took the orders. He let Charlie go then and smirked. I clenched my jaw.

"Well... If that's all.... I'd like to extend an invitation to my castle to discuss plans," I told him, trying to take the anger out of my voice at the fact that he was still ordering Charlie. Charlie moved over to me swiftly and wrapped his arms around my waist lovingly.

"Of course. I will take that invitation." Oz said and smirked. "Let's go." Sand surrounded us and suddenly all three of us was back in my study. I looked at Charlie and sat down in my desk chair then pulled him down into my lap, holding him to me tightly.

"Please... sit," I said and crossed my legs. Oz took a seat then in front of the desk and smirked.

"Happy to have your mate? I can easily take him back." Oz told me. I let out a soft warning growl and watched him.

"Let's keep Charlie off the table.... Now tell me the plan you have so far," I hissed out.

"I have a little vampire in Maine right now building an army right under their nose, first off. I've got a pack invading his territory and stirring up trouble with the current packs in the area- to distract them. I need a Wizard so I can get the next best thing out of the way... Laurence. I need to trap him in another realm. I'll be kind enough to place him with the Shadow King. Then once I do that I am going to go after Hachi. That little twit is coming home to daddy." I gave a nod, looking at him. Sounds like he's got most of it laid out already. I see why he asked me to find him a wizard.

"You'll have to trap Laurence away from Paris, and you'll have to make sure he can't see it coming otherwise you won't be able to banish him," I told him, glancing at Charlie. He'll have a hissy fit after Oz leaves.

"Oh... that's the thing. I know Wizard's powers. I know that Laurence can't see Hachi so that means he can't see wizards. Which is why I need one bad. Hachi wouldn't do this to them so I can't use him. You need to find me one. They are hard to find though, they are going extinct." I smirked then as I figured out a possible way to do this.

"Well...How about I get you the best wizard...and knock out two goals in one? My blood has the power to control those for up to two weeks. If Hachi drinks it, I can order him to banish Laurence and then give him to you," I suggested, watching his reaction. He nodded then and adjusted in his seat.

"I like the way you think. When we get those goals out of the way you can go in and take Raven right out from under his nose and I don't care what you do with her. Just remove her from the situation." Oz told me. I frowned. Why's he worried about her?

"Raven? Now why should we remove her from the situation?" I asked and shifted in my seat. She managed to attract his attention as well?

"I don't want her getting in the way. Then we are going to kidnap the kids~ then go after Richard... and last but no least we will take our revenge on the Grimm twins." He smirked. "Afterwards I will release Charlie and give you their territory as a reward." I gave a nod. So Raven might get in the way? I smirked a bit.

"Sounds great.... I will get started on it tomorrow," I said and watched him. "If that's all...then you may leave. I will contact you when I have Hachi."

"Don't let them know you are on my side Dante." Oz said and smirked. "You might get put to rest earlier then expected." Did he just threaten me? I nodded and gave him a smile.

"Alright then..." I said. "Temara! I need a thing of rum!" I shouted. Temara, one of my servants, came in after a few minutes with a bottle and set it down on the desk. I picked it up and opened it, taking a swig. Oz watched me closely.

"I hope I can trust you. I would hate to see Charlie spill his blood so quickly in his life." Oz said then stood up. "I'll be back." He disappeared through a small sandstorm. I took a deep breath and set the bottle down as I stared at it, trying to control my anger. This is why...mates shouldn't matter.... Charlie curled up to me and looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry... He came out of nowhere and snatched me up! The next thing I knew I was waking up as a human and then he whipped my memories away from me." Charlie told me. I nodded as my head cleared from the rage and smiled at him.

"It's alright....Did he hurt you? Or sleep with you? Or kiss you? Anything like that?" I asked quickly.

"You.. don't need to know." Charlie whispered softly. He's dead. Oh, he's so dead. I pulled my wrist up to my lips then and glanced at him.

"You still love me?"

"Of course I love you." Charlie told me and leaned up kissed my cheek. "I always will. Your my soul mate." He wrapped his arms around my neck. I smiled. I can forgive Charlie...but I can't forgive Oz. Submissive in bed like hell.... I shook my head and bit down into my wrist deeply before pulling back and holding it out to Charlie.

"You should drink it," I whispered. "Please...." He looked at the blood then sat up straight on me.

"If I drink it I will become a vampire again." Charlie whispered. I smirked.

"Exactly, that's the reason why I bit myself instead of letting you bite me for it." I watched him. He better.... because this is the only thing I can think of at the moment. He tilted his head then pouted.

"You want me to be a vampire?" Charlie asked and smiled.

"For your safety," I told him quickly and then moved my face into the crook of his neck. "Please be my newborn?" I purred towards Charlie. Charlie tensed up and blushed.

"I might be." Charlie purred. "I might not do it." I heard the smirk in his voice.

"Don't make me force you," I whispered as I exposed my fangs and dragged them against his soft skin on his neck. I can't get over the fact that Oz slept with my mate..... I felt a rise of anger again and growled. Charlie pulled back then and looked towards me.

"Are you mad?" Charlie asked softly.

"About Oz sleeping with you? Yes, I'm pissed- beyond pissed. Not at you though... You couldn't help it with no memory. It's his fault," I hissed out and looked at him, keeping my fangs exposed. "Charlie, drink my blood...please. I don't want to have to drain you and then bring you back against your will." Charlie blushed and moved out of my lap.

"Maybe I don't want to be a vampire." He said and crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Well, I'm trying to protect you. If you are my newborn or you drink my blood, I can order you to not listen to anyone else and to never be compelled." I kept my mouth shut about my plan to order him to not kill himself ever. It would probably make him go kill himself now. "Do it for me?" I gave him a sweet look, trying to convince him to do it. He shook his head then.

"You'd be able to compel me though. I'm not sure I would like that... Your scary when you are mad." Charlie told me.

"I won't compel you into something crazy... Just to help you against future problems," I said and held out my wrist to him. "Spend eternity with me," I said and smiled at him, giving him a come hither look. He bit his bottom lip and then smirked.

"You'll have to force me." Charlie said then took off running for the door. I laughed darkly and teleported in front of him.

"Then I'll do it with passion. Are you ready? To be devoured by the Prince of Germany?" I asked with a smirk and took a step towards him, staring him down. I laughed wickedly and snatched him up, spinning us around and then throwing him against the wall. I pressed my body against him and kissed him roughly before moving my lips down and starting a trail of love bites down his neck, exposing my fangs on the last one so that he felt them against him. Charlie gasped as his breath was knocked out of him. He wrapped his arms around me and giggled.

"Oh... I'm more then ready." Charlie purred in my ear and then tried to shove me away but his strength that he had three years ago wasn't there. He widened his eyes. "Oh... No..." He mumbled. I smirked. He's all mine....

"How about... we take this somewhere more..." I leaned in towards his ear, "private?" I whispered and picked him up, wrapping his legs around me. He blushed and nodded.

"Dante.. Your not seriously going to devour me... are you?" Charlie asked sweetly.

"I am now," I laughed darkly again and pulled back from the wall, teleporting us to my royal bed chambers. I laid him down on the red velvet blanket and got on top of him, taking his shirt off and dropping it on the floor as I stayed in between his legs. I leaned down and kissed him passionately then went towards his neck, giving him another love bite. He let out a soft moan and gripped the sheets.

"Dante..." Charlie trailed off. "Dylan will be upset." He insisted.

"Dylan couldn't even find you," I murmured and then kissed his chest, looking up into his eyes.

"Neither could you." Charlie hissed in my ear. He reached up and grabbed my ear, holding it. "Now promise me I will still be human after tonight?" He asked and tugged on my ear.

"No can do buckaroo," I said and smirked. I licked his hand to get him to let go and then bit down into his neck. He let out a yelp and arched his back and pressed up against me.

"Owe!" Charlie hissed and struggled under me. "Don't do this!" I laughed and bit down harder before pulling back and looking him in the eyes.

"I asked if you were ready...and now you get to be my prey," I teased then went back to the bite mark and licked it, sending a shiver through him.

"I decided I am not ready." Charlie said quickly. "Dante?" I didn't respond, knowing better than to respond to that, and I continued, acting like I was lost in the bite. I bit down on him again and ran my fingers under him, pulling him closer to me and pressing his body against me. He grabbed on of the pillows then hit it with me as hard as he could. "Dante!" I growled and pulled back, looking at him.

"What?" I asked irritably. He's lucky I love him... I would have tore a piece out of him for that. He looked into my eyes innocently.

"Please?" He asked me softly. "I like being human." I shook my head and kissed his lips.

"I'm saving you," I whispered to him and then went back to his neck and bit down again. He groaned and tried to get me off of him, bringing one leg between my legs and kicked me there. I yelped and then straddled his stomach, sitting up on top of him. "You don't want to make me angry..... This can go full of passion and being reunited...or this can go terribly where I devour you mercilessly." His eyes widened as he looked up at me.

"You know... I was just messing with you about forcing me! You don't have to turn me Dante." He reached up towards my face. "You really don't!" He pouted. I softened my expression and let him touch me, leaning my head against his hands. I let out a purr and then laid back down on top of him, curling up on him as I felt my stone warm up into a comforting glow of happiness. He leaned into my face and kissed me softly as his heart started to slow down from him being scared. I smiled and then nudged my face back into the crook of his neck, humming softly to comfort him as I planned to go through with it all anyways. He ran his fingers through my hair as he calmed down. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back and then bit down again, this time more gently. He whimpered and pushed up on my chest.

"Your not going through with it still are you?" Charlie asked me. I didn't answer him as I deepened the bite in response. He arched his back and his heart started to race again. "DANTE!" He tried to get out from under me as he slid downwards. I gripped his sides to keep from it and tore into his skin as a warning. He whimpered and grew still. "Please don't?" He asked me sweetly. "Not tonight at least?" I sighed and pulled back, kissing his cheek.

"But I'm helping you... I'm trying to save you," I whispered to him and looked at him sadly. "And you need remarking."

"Maybe so..." Charlie whispered. "But I don't want it tonight." He looked into my eyes begingly. I considered him and then gave him a kiss.

"Alright...but you will have to be turned by tomorrow night," I whispered and then tilted my head, exposing my neck. "You need to drink my blood, however." He pouted.

"No way... I know what your blood does. I want to be as free as I can be." Charlie hissed under me.

"Then we'll not put off turning you," I hissed back, narrowing my eyes. "One or the other Charlie, pick one." He showed me his teeth like he had fangs.

"Not if I have something to say about it!" Charlie said and tried to sit up. I pinned him down.

"This is serious Charlie.... I don't want Oz touching you again," I told him and looked him in the eyes. He stuck out his tongue at me.

"Well what if turning me would be crossing Oz?" Charlie asked me seriously.

"Then...." I closed my mouth, knowing I had a way to counter it, but I didn't want to tell him and make him kill himself already. I gave him a look to tell him not to argue and to trust me. "It's not crossing Oz....exactly." He looked into my eyes and got quiet as he seen my look.

"But... Dante..." He whispered softly.

"Look, he never said that you couldn't drink my blood or that I couldn't turn you," I told him and then gestured to my neck. "If I were you...I'd pick taking my blood willingly instead of me turning you since how you want to be human a bit longer." He sighed and leaned up towards my neck and bit down into me hard enough to break my skin then started to drink my blood. He pulled back after a few seconds and whipped off his lips. I rolled off of him then and pulled him into my arms. "I love know that right? Charlie.... Now that my blood is in you again, I command you to controlled by another's compulsion besides my own.... I command you to not obey any previous compulsions done by Oz...and I command you to never ever kill yourself- ever," I told him and smiled, hoping it would work. Charlie looked into my eyes then frowned and nodded.

"You do realize he's going to be upset." Charlie whispered to me and then curled up into my body. He hid his face into my chest and started to cry. I widened my eyes and rubbed between his shoulder blades.

"Why are you crying? You're safe! Charlie, I don't plan on betraying him, so he won't ever have to know what I did to save you." I kissed the top of his head and buried my face into his hair, finding comfort in his smell. He was back with me again....and I'm never letting you go.

"Because... I lost a couple of years because of him." Charlie mumbled. "Now he's going after my family."

"I-I... Do you want save them?" I asked and pulled back to look at him. "I can manipulate what happens next... but I have to appear like I'm still on his side. He'll take you and hurt you to get back at me if he catches on early into the game. I have an ace card that I could play...a card that doesn't know it's in the game."

"I don't want anyone to be hurt... they are your family too now rather you like it or not." Charlie told me and looked up at my face. "So yes... do what you have to, to ensure they live." He leaned in to kiss my cheek. I gave a nod. I'll need Raven then.

"I will try my best.... but whatever happens, know that I have a plan. It may appear like I don't, but I do. I will save them," I whispered to him. "It will require a lot of work to set it up, but I can do it. I will start first thing in the morning." Charlie nodded then as he rested his head against my chest and started to fall asleep against me.

"I love you..." He mumbled. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too," I whispered.